Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Botb "Sides in the Douglas Oonnty Legislative -
tivo Contest Taking Testimony.
KfTorUtn Prrrrnt HIP llcpiilillcin * from Of-
- KUilrnco In tliofrlnt VMI1
1'rotc rrnltlFKs Tlic
of the Ilnj- .
The legislative contest cases arc still on ,
\nd the battle of legal talent was waged
itnew i citcrdny motnlng. The hcarliiR had
been adjourned over Christmas , and the re
publicans wcio in hopes that the contestants
would manifest a gicnter dcgico of activity ,
and with thrco dajs of lost they cer
tainly should have had n supply of
witnesses on hand. Hut they didn't ,
and requested an adjournment , owing
to the absence of Notary Wapplch and pi In-
clpilly because no witnesses were present.
The absence of the notary was n very flimsy
pretext , ns the attorney s for the oontcstccs
had stated Saturday that no objection would
bo mndo to .John D Ware serving Incase
Mr. Wapplch was detained and could not
reach the cltv Mr. Ware served nnd sus
tained the ( ontcstaiits' motion for a contlnu-
unco until o'clock In the aftc'inoon
The contostccs wcic prop nod for thedllly-
dall.vlng contestants , who aio determined to
picvcnt the introduction of testimony by the
republicans. ' 1 he taking of testimony
must bo finished night , and
the icpubllcans , reall/lng this fact , were
picpiied toolTor some evidence in defense
Notice was given the contestants that the
contcstcCs would now proceed with taking
testimony , but the attornc.vs and all othcis
Interested in the success of the contest left
the room and did not rctuin until the after
noon Session. The contcstees then called
their witnesses and proceeded to gather a
lltllo In Ion which may bo of value to
Testimony fur the Dnfpnnc.
A. II. Mm dock , who served ns n cloik on
the election Ixiucl in the second picciuet of
ist w aid , the Ki South Omaha , was the llrst
witness called to the stand. Thoboaid Mas
composed of tin co democrats , two lepfibli-
ciiiis and tivo Independents. The polls
wcio not opened until nc.ulv U
o'clock , owing to a change in location
' HOBIVV Kll Ooud , C. M. limit and Peter
Cockicll , all democrats , in the booth in the
rooming vvith dcmouatic simple billets
'Ihoy icimilncd a few minutes nnd vveio
ordoied to leave by the judges and Chief
Ucckctt. which they did Two demo
cratic judges assisted tlnco or four
voters in picpaihig their billotb
They wcio all nvvoin to their dtsibillly.
No A. P. A. tickets weio peddled in the
booth , although two or Unco were left in the
stalls by votcis , nnd they wcio immediately
Ra timed up and destroyed. The witness
saw nothing done that was it tegular or
Illegal and calculated to affect the icsult ot
the election. A dlspulo arose as to counting
the legislative ticiiets , when moie thin
nine had been voted for. Thcie weie pei-
haps ten of these , and after
wrangling for an hour it was decided to
thiowouttho legislative ticket and count
the remainder ol the ticket voted for. Those
tickets w cio about ex cnl j divided , as icjaids
political complexion.
Mr. C'atr inipilicdof Mr Shecin , the at
torney for the contestants , whether he de
sired to cioss examine the w Itucss.
"Ido not , " icplied Jlr Slice in , "I am not
hero and am supposed to bo in the diotiiet
comt. "
Mr. Murdoc1 : was ngain swoin and 10
peatcd his testimony. The Jhst ovulctuc
offcicd was in the house < ontcst cases and
the Utter in the scnatotial
John J .liinies , a judge in the ilist dlstiict
of the Fifth w aid , tcstilied as to whnt he
saw. Kvcr.vthing was icgiil.uly conductcc
thcic. Ho saw Ilcniy Osthort sticking u )
his c.nds alnuttho booth Mr Cioft , a judge
. xvas delegated to piepiro b.illoti fordlsiblcu1
voters lie knew of ono who was s\\oin
but could not s ly as icgaids the1 othois Hi
saw no tickets peddled in the booth
John II , Clunk was called , and his test !
mouj was ton oborat l\c of Mr James.
V otliiK 111 thu ( ' ( iillllrj.
Dm Ing the .ifteinoon the rontestantscnnu
up smiling with aiouploof witnesses , and tin
faicc went nil , .lohu D. W.uo taking Mi1
AVnppIch's jlnco ) as notaiy ,
John 1) . Mvans vvas a candid ito foi
councilman' fiom the Seventh w.ud. Tin
only-iiieguliuity the witnesssnv vvassccie
sociotv s.implo tickets laving in the booth
W. W. Mi Coombs of Jclfc-i son piccinct wn
put upon the stand to tell how the domu
vrats woio imposed upon in the coiinti ;
picclncts , and it was the same old stoii 01
dhect oxanilnntion
Mr. C.ur took the vNilncss In hand , and 01
cross examination , elicited the follow Ini
stor.v : The election was held at Drimmg
Ion , in the Sn\di > r building. Thowitncsssiv
n few men with simple billet
and ' 1 ho domociatwasoidoiei
to leave the booth , but the legublleans wei
peimitted to leniain Ho knew that tliieeo
thi ) monibcis of the election bo.ud weio ic
publicans and thought the other two wcic
although ho Vi as not positive Ilewaseci
tain that one of tlio judges was a icpubllca
because ho was u "fonn.ido" and dicw
pension , lie f-.nv lepubl leans peddling ticli
ets , and no objection vvas lal'-ed by niembei
of the ho.ud. Ono lupubllian toic up hi
ballot , -vvhon the special policeman attompte
to picp no the ballot for the voter , who wa
unable to do so. The voter loft the boot
in mi angry mood and icfus-'d to vote
"Did jou see anj thing which inon
Judgment would tend to nftei't the icsult o
the leglslitlvo or tickets ! " it
qUiod Mi. Can1.
"I think I did , Ono judge winked ten bi
lots for disabled voters and if thov wanto
tooto for democrats I know the Judg
would not liavo pi cputcd the ballots to bii
the wishes of the voter "
The witness did not know how the vet
stood upon the i-ai.dldatcs for the legibh
tine , but thought put haps the i upubllcai
had a small plm.illty llo was not c-eital
Hint any attempt vvns ni.ido tu i Her c
change the ballots , although a suspK tin
move or two was made , nun ks being mat :
with a lead pencil mum the billets II
could not say what kind of nia.'kb woi
made nor that thi'i wcio made after an
name on thu ticket. Ho could not icuiembi
who inmla the siibpleloim movenientb , IK
whether it was a lepubllean or n demoeia
Ho called no ono's attention to the hidden
On the election bo.udwero tin c-o ic'publlc'a i
vvho wcio candidates tor election as judgi
and clerics.
' Jloro for lliu C'untritcen.
The contcbtantu wcio again slioitonwl
nebs matciial and asked lor a i-ontlnuaiii
until It ) : ! ) this mouilng. The contcstcc"-
Jcctcil and gave notice thatthoy vouldi't
cced to the taking of testimony to bo u
fcied in defense. The contistants SCCUH
thu adjournment and the lontcstccs pi
ci'cdod to take testimony bofoio the not.u
Mr. Day.
C. M , Itlih , n .South Omnhi business mr
who servvil ut > a Judge of election in the Sc
end dlst i let of the Knst waiil , was placi
upon the .stand , Deniocratic h.implo ballo
wciodistilbutcd In the mouilng by dem
c-rats , whowoio lompullcd to destroy tl
ballots nnd u-.ibO pudilling them A jud (
fiom each political paity vvas selected
pH-paio billotb for disabled volet
und no complaint fiom that soun
was heard The witness failed to notice an
thing whh'h would indK'.itu that the clci-tu
\vasnot pixipoili > conducted
few ballots wcno found wluuuton caiulldit <
wcio voted for upon the Icithlatlvo tickc
and thu Icglblatlvu ticket was not countc
The . 'ciiuilndor of the ballot was counted.
O. W C'owan , a cleik of the rhst prec-ln
of the Fifth ward , told of wlnt had con
under his notice' , 'linen doiiiocuits wcio i
I ho board nnd probably fou i , Hosavvjjici
sainplo ballots diMillmted jn the booth. O niiido to this and u stop put to
ho far : ib the \ \ it ncs , s Know the election w
fiinli ronducted and the count was t-oucct
mndo. Anquc.stiun which urobo was amic
bly buttled by the judges.
Mr I'arr askeil for adjouunucnt until
o' < lock this inoi nlnij' , no moio witnesses I
lily present.
Vou don't want a loipM llvorj yomtoi
wftut a bad coiuplcvxlmi , you don't want
bad breath ; yo < i don't waut u head icli
usoUe U'ltl'b WttloKaiiy Hisow , t :
fumous litti-j ullU.
11 -
TIM : MOUSI : miv noons co.
While lllnnkcH , KJ.7A.
< ? 0 pilrs. the Inst of our recent Inrpo
§ i\lo of aUL'htly soiled btnnkols , $5.00.
$0.00. $7.00 und taOO qualities. All In
ono lot tomorrow nt $2.7" ) n , pair.
! ! ( ) , ) ot thorn , nil colors , hist what you
noel for sleighing pnrtfos ; they were
bought to soil for SI. 00 nnd $1,25 ; totnor-
row they will bo 2i5o onch.
Ulnck , lurgo full sires , bolter ones nt
Too and $1.00.
25 plccos nsjorleil colors , double width ,
25o ijrndo , tomorrow loc ft yard.
MIXHO ciinvioT. inc.
All wool li'ilrllno , herringbone nnd
other ofTocts , stylish goods , stroiiffdurtv
bio and warm , worth 6i' ( ) .
An odd lot of inon'o finest woolen
underwear , qualities that \vo hnvo sold
over our countois at $ . > . ( )0 ) and up to
$7.01. Wo put thorn in 0110 lot nnd give
you cholcu at ia.tti a garmont.
MEN'S HObti , i C.
Heavy nil wool , nntur'il and camel's
hnir , nil sl/o'f. vurv win in.
BOYS' SUITS , $3.00.
The suits that hiuo boon W.OO , " { 0.00
nnd $7.00 , doublo-bronsted , ulio slnglo-
breasted , equal to the befit custom mndo
suits , made of line ciissitnero , chuviot
nnd tweeds.
Blp reduction nnd special Inducement
to all buyers of Christinas poods. The
bilanco of our Hluok must go loirntdlcds
of prlco or cost.
Tin : Moitsn DRY GOODS co.
f.ou Itullroiiil Itttfsfor tlin
TlckcU on snlo at ono and one-third
faio for the round trip vl.v the Chicago
& Northwestern uxllwny , Uecoinbor 1M ,
125 , 20 , 'II and January 1 and " , goo I re
turning until January ! J. City ticUot
odlco 1 101 Farnntn slro'ot.
G P. WUST , C. P. & T. A.
R. R. RuoillE. Agent.
Water rents duo Jnmt.iry 1 , payable
atcomp.iny's onice , Bun uulldinpr ; (5 ( per
cent discount nllmvod if paid on or bo-
fete January 1. Olllco opou Wednesdays
and Saturdays till 8 p. in
t >
Real estate.
Bargains onlv.
Mv " word is gooJ.
\V" . G. Albright.
6 1y N. Y. Lifo bid ? .
See the colobiMted Sohmer piano at
Foul & Clinrltoi Mo a ic Co. , 1508 Dodge
If you will call ul our new storowoi
\\ill Dt'csuntyou with a cooy of a beau t
ful pleco of music. Ford & Charlton
1503 Dodge.
Oln the WnlMMh Kniito.
The short line to St. Louis and quick
est route south.
Only ! ! 7 hours to Hot Springs.
Only 30 hours to Now Orleans.
Only 38 } hoius to Atlanta ,
Only 5U hours to Jacksonville.
With corresponding fnbt time to nil
points east nnd south. Round trip
tickets to Hot Springs , Now Orleans ,
Lake Charles , Galvcston , San Antonio ,
City of Mexico , Los Angeles , S m Fran
cisco , MobileJacksonville , Tump.x , Ha
vana nnu all Iho winter rusorts of the
south and weal. Reclining chair cars
fico to St. Louis , Toledo and Dotioit ,
Pullman bullet sleeping cars on nil
tiuins Uaggago checked from hotels
nnd ptivato losidonces to destination.
For tickets , sleeping car accommodations
and further information call at Wabash
tiuket ollico , 1502 Farnam street , or
write , G. N. CFAYTON ,
Agent , Omaha.
1 ! iu Public U 111 T.ilco Not Ira
That the undersigned has lost ono
certain promissory note described as fol
lows : Note given bv Julian Walker ,
dated Juno 1 , IS'JL' , for 81.000 , payable
December 1 , KS'JJ. Given toC. II. West as
oiiglnal piyeo and endorsed in blank on
top of the back of the note i > y C. II.
West. Again under piinted ' 'rubber
stninp" by C. II. West The. nolo ib
printed in purple ink. All persons me
warned against purchasing the same as
it id my pro potty. A liberal lovvaid
vv111 be paid the party leturning the
saiuo to nu > .
T. 13. Cln\v on , South Ornnha , Nob.
Coinplt ti .Ntm stiiLK nt ruriiltiirc.
All goods marked Ion-in plain figures.
CIIAS Siimntic'ic&Co. ,
1200 , 120S and 1210 Farnnm St
CIiurKfil With SU-allng Cnltlo.
ThoCo.Uo family brought to this
eit.v > ebtml.iy and toinouow thoi uillbo.'u-
nimiedon the charge of sto-ilinj ? cattle by
the wholesale ' 1 ho family is foimeily froir
Kentwl\ . but now of Nebraska , and v\as
in the ( 'haitfc of Deputy United States Mar
shal Ik'iilliiper
William , Cm t and Li G. Coylo compose the
ti io of ) > i isonors and tbuy w 01 o an ested no u
.li'iiseii. N'cb. , under liibti notions fiom Texas
\v hi ( li allege that tlioso gentlemen liao been
Siiiltj of torching and disposing ol
stolen e.ittlo 'Jlio men under anosl
have boon for some tlino cngaKcii
In fin pishing for tlio grndois on UK
new cvtcnsiim of tlio Itoclc Island laihoad in
tlio vli Initj of Jmscn 'J'wo yeais ! ipo tho.v
fill nlsliod meat for tlio sune K\\\X \ \ \ of i.iihoul
inMiluibiUmn in the Iiidim Temtoiihcn
the Hook Island Hue \\.is ImlUlinj ; lou.ui !
'I e\as It i I'l.ilnu'cl now that tlirso liutchois
while down in the tunItuiy , disposed of : i
l.njjo < iuintit\uf stolen tittle that ML-
8 ilihon up fiom the lanilus in Texas
8II tlllo\L'S
III Mr William Coj lo , the head of the tb in
S sii'l ' to a lepottcr for Tin : Urn tliai
0 thin bhouM bo .ibuml.intlj able to piovi
0o 0e thuir cntiie iniioiemo of the chaigu
\ Ifflioraiicci ot the inei its of IJoWltt's TJttli
Tl Ulsors is : t inibfoitiino These littli
> l pills leiiuK. to the liver , , t'uio homlacho. tljs
t i .i , bail bicath , constipation anil bilious
I.IS ll > S
3 I'm llio M'orliiiiK U'omrn'H IIiuui ! .
A postponement bus been announced o
the play to luivo been given for the boneJl
of the SVoiUIng Women's homo , Klin Dodg
nil cot The phu will bo given KiMny , Ut
LUinbcrUU. The home Is jt-t in its Infancy
.mil iibks , ns U well dcscno , the suppoit o
4he public.
Tin ee j ago an ofToit made t
foiinil sucli a homo but it failed for lack o
Aiippoit. Again , six months ago , a sctoni
rfToit \ \ > is made anilas successful In stall
hir | .1 homo for poor vvoiUing HOUILMI jiv
d Ulio "Homo" exists , but the cares of th
: ii striifrulliiK union gixiw , for its membeislij
1 N still too small to meet the dallv' expense'
° Therefoio piofcssionals h.i\o decldeil tqlcn
a helping hand by glIng a play for the benc
o tit of tlio Woiklng WOIIICII'H homo Deecn
' , borlill , lit Washington lull , It is a COIIILH !
e fostunm plaj , " 1'aiis in 170.1 , or Delteat
Ciouml. "
nA The Joints and muscles aio so luhilc.ited b
! 3t. Hood's S.iib.ip.ullU that all iheuuutlsiu an
t. stitlne- boon disappear. Try It ,
Captain John Bourke Tells of His Experi
ence in That Section *
Viifrnlinnil * nuil Crlmlnnln I'rnlonilimto In
Tlmt 1'crtlln Country nuil Tlipj- Put In
Mcut cif Tliplr Tlinu Knlslnjj
Troiihlc IntrrcithiK Tncts.
WA-WINOTOV , D. C. , DJO. 2r Of all of the
ofllecrs in the United States army who hive
nn acquilntinco with the tin foi tunato con
dition of affairs on the Hlo Grande , nouo aio
moio familiar with the real conditions than
Captain John Hourko of the Third United
St.itea c.ivalry , and that fact is the icison
\vliy Captain Uourko was summoned to this
city by the secretary of war Intel nation
ally , things aio pretty b.idlj strained on tlic
bolder , and although the State deputment
Is tntlined to make light of such statements ,
It is gcnotally undcistood among the diplo
matic Mexico Is icnll } nggiioved at
the slow ness appirent in the movement of
the United States to stamp out the petty
revolutionary troubles th it h ne their oiigin
on the noitlieiii side of the ti\cr.
C.ipliln 1l < inrk 'i Mmj.
"Whit do 1 think of the situation1 ? said
said Captain Homke , when appioiched by n
repot tor tod.ii " 1 ic.illy liellovo things
cannot help being worse before they mo
better I also believe that the United States
Is going to do its best to in.iko life biudcn-
some lor the liiesponslble and liouble-m.ik-
lug Mexicans who hue for the past
made themseh es conspicuous ! } ills igrce.ible.
Now jou must icmombcr that there are t\\o
kinds of Mexicans on our side of the boun-
ilar } lino. Those who resldo in the towns
such pi tecs as Luedo , Uiownsville , Mita- , Corpus Christ ! and Sin LIege ) aie
lu the main genteel people , and of couiso
have nothing to ilo with these tumbles
the belligerent class is made up of the woist
element ever stood in the \\.i } of tlvili-
/ation. Mexicans in theli oiljin and speech ,
but anti-.Me\kan In sjmpithj , they cause
our southein neighhnis a deal of
tiouble. Incidentall } they won } us a gieat
deal , for thej aie just as much anti-Amer
ican as thov me ami Mexican Their
eliar.ielerisuttcilj devoid of piindple , and
in .ill their utterances theio Is no semblance
of patiiotism When jou siv , they aio
' .igin the goveinmcnt' on both sides of the
liver , > ou have stated their cieed. Then all
together theme cxticmelv undesii.iblo
people to h no .111 } dealings with.
'Iliilr C'lilcl Knipluj incut.
"Most of them aie of the eilmhul class
lofugees fiom bejond the bolder When
theieisan oppoituuitv to do a little smug
gling , or a deal of smuggling , thej cm-
bratc it eageily , nnd if it happens to involve
iv minder or two , thej at o less d is tut bed
about it thinanvone else Some of them
i also a few cattle , which um mound in the
biush , a few goats and a handful of sheep ,
nnd occasionally they take advantage of a
i.iinj season to plant a few- hills of coin and
be.ins Is'one of them ever attempt to iaiso
fruit , although thoj could do so easily , 'i hey
piofer putting in then time in moie or
less success fill endeavpis to talsj tiouble
To hunt them up and secmo icasonably
sound testimony against them is almost im
possible , asvvo hu\e discoveied loom sonow
all thiough this G.ii7i business They
aie not umfoimed. and in sumnici time \erj-
few of them have enough clothing to dust a
fiddle , but the } can shoot just as well ns a
man who has the best coveimg and dignity
of full dress ic lmcntals , and If puisucd at
night can , bj thiowmg cat bines and c.ut-
ndges aside , speedily lesolvo themselves
into the most peiceablo sliepheids. IJvctv-
bodj in that legion , or iie.uly e\crjbodv ,
sympathizes with this lawlessness and in
verjiniiny instances officials , who
swointo uphold the st itutes , have bailed
the waj' so elTectnally that Justice has to
tmn mound to get out the waj she came in
"After much liouble a murdoiousaga -
bond is attested , his cornictlon is b.v no
means ceit.iin If bo has a little mono } or a
few cows with which to p iv a fee , he can
hue somobod } who thinks he is a lawor
ind who is at least able to inlluence the civil
orimlit.uj ofllci ils who caused the attest "
l' rlllo and 1'iodiu tl\e.
'Is the Hio Giandev.illej of any
value ? "
"Well. I should sait is. Us atca is as
licit as that of all New England , and its
oil is extiemolv fei tile vvheiever water can
bo pluccd upon it. Just now it is the home
of the cooto and tlio wild hog , but the day
is coming when this countij- will diavv
l.ugelj foi its sugai supplj and its giapes
fiom that simo vallej Without water ,
agiiciiltuio is possible only m spots , but
wheio wells have been dug and pumps aio
opar.iteil , theio has been a most s itisfactoiy
jielil. Thogieat need of tbo counti } is a
tailioid , and v\hen that is supplied , saj fiom
IJiovvnsvillo to Luedo and up the liver , cot
ton will bo laised in enoimous quantities
The mullbeny glows wild tliioiiirhout the
entile legion , so theie is no icison wh } silk
culture should not bo a gieat success 'Ihe
dav is coming when that will he n
ablj wealthy section of the United Stales ,
but befoio biich u ( leshablo condition is pos
sible , wo must puige oinselves of the detes
table class which now prevents civilization
fiom putting its foot in the valloj of the Uic
Giantle "
boilll'llllllfc < IOIH | .
I have sold and used in my famil } for sev
eral vears ChambciIain's , Colic , Cholera ,
anil Dial thus i luinody , and hive found it
one of the most useful and satisfaetoiy iem-
edies I over handled C H. Lew is , druggist ,
Salt Lake Citj , Utah
Fioscoing nnd intoiior decorating ; do-
giis nnd ostinwte furnished. IJunry
Lehman n , 15US Douglas street.
Ciillliiriil i iirhlini ,
The next Phillips Iloclt Islanil poison-
nlly conducted California exclusion
with through tom-int stooping cuts tc
Sin I'Vnnuioco und Los Angeles will
lonvo Omaha at Ii20 : p in. January 0.
This will bo the giandest ] arty ot the
Boiison nnd passiengors desiring ncconi'
mnd.itioiiB should nako their icborvn
lions at onco. For full particulars cnl
on liny Hook Island atrent or nddrosi
Charles Kennedy , general northues
I > i8songor ngont , IOU Farnnin btroot ,
All inombois of U. P. Lodge. No. 17
A. O , U.V. . tire renuefated to nttoml thi
funeral of the Into Biothor II. C. Field
man from M. C. Mnnl'u undortaldn ;
rooms , Fiftuontli nnd Farnain , U H. m.
Deo. U8. Members of A. O. U. W. in
vltcd. W. W. MoMui.UiX , M. W.
Try "Tea Loaf" or "Tea Blossom1
brand ol tea , kept by nil gioeors. Sat
Isfuctlor. giiiiiantood or money lofunilod
jVcilfiM tfft\eUnt \ ni lea unilti thlslituil.fl/t\ \
mils , CIK/I / Hililltlnntil line ( tu cent *
JU'ltltAV , iiKi'd 70 joins , at I'oi
Uniali.i , Tuisdaj , Docc-nibui 27. I'mieiu
nollct ! latci.
The funeral sorvh'es of .Miss I'mnm HO.IK
liind "III bo held atthu fiiinlly ii'hlilenc-oiit f
o'clock u in Tliui-ihiy Di'i'fiiilii'r'JU 1'rlPiul
1110 lin lied to thu liuusu llurlul prlviuu
inn >
bt. .
o.u Tlic only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum.
U ed in Hillbas of Homes 40. Years the Standard *
To Preserve
The rlclmesvtqlor , nnd bonuty of the
hnlr , tlio Rrmtfst rnro Is necessary ,
much harm Iw ig done by the nso of
worthiest drcsnlpf . To bo sure of hav
ing a llrst-cl jwinrtlrlp , tnk your drug.
RNtorpcrfuinerfor Ajor's Hnlr Vigor.
It In nbiolutoly superior to nny other
.prepiuntlon'of ttio kind. It restorer the
original color mnl fullness to hnlr which
has become Ufiji , faded , or gray. It
keeps tlio scalp cool , tnoUt , nnd free
from dandruff. It heals Itching humors ,
prevents baldness , nnd Imparts tea
a silken tcxturo and lasting frnjjrnnco.
No toilet can bo considered complete
without this most popular and elegant
of all halr-drcsslngs.
" ty hair began turning gray anil fall.
Ing out when I was about 2.1 jears ol
age. I liavo Intuly been using Ajcr's
Hair Vigor , and it is causing a new
growth of hair of the natural color. "
II..I. Lcwry , Jones I'ralric , Texas.
"Over a year ago I had a severe fcv cr ,
and when I recovered , my hair began to
fall out , and whnt little remained turned
gray. I tried various lumedles , but
without success , till at last 1 began to
Aycr's Hair Vigor , and now my hair la
growing rapidly nnd is restored to its
original color. " Mrs. Annie Collins ,
Ulghton , Mass.
"I liavo used Ajer's Hair Vigor for
nearly live years , nnd my hair is moist ,
glosty , and in an excellent statoof pi us-
ervation. 1 am forty jears old , nnd
have ridden the plains for twcntj-livo
jcars. " Win. Iluiirv Ott , alias "Mus
tang Bill , " Newcastle , Wjo.
Prepared byPr J C Ajcrfw Co , LowellMass.
BoM by DruiKl'ls KvtrjLITI ; .
"I have met with much success in the
use of the LONDONDERRV
LITHIA WATER. As a natmal
tcincify it is a reinatkable one. Of its
efficacy in i educing the a mount of nrtc
acid I am positive , and / shall con
tinue ( o nse and teconnnend if. In
fact , I was one of the first in Chicago
to use this water in practice. As a
diinking water for table purposes it has
no supei for. 1 learn it is cxtcnsiv cly
used at the Chicago and Calumet Clubs ,
and it can be found at the homes of the
clubmen at any time. I can only speak
favorably oi it. "
I mm II. 11. Lnckcrslfen , 51. I ) , LL D , F. K. S. C ,
Still or Sparkling LOXDON-
D ERR Y for sale everywhere. Don't
fail to read our pamphlets. Alldcalcis.
Londonderry Lithia Spring Water Co , ,
'lus ' I'prKlus. Sclllni Arts .Mali. Boston
Distributing Agents.
for Fanners , Miners and Mechanics.
Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns ,
Etc. A Delightful Shampoo.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Wate <
wimoui '
ills easy to steal or ring watches from the
pocket. 'Die thief gets the w.iich in one
hand , the chain in the other and gives n
short , quick jerk the ring slips off the
watch stem , nndiaway goes the watch , leaving -
ing the victim only the chain.
This Idea stopped
that little game :
The bow has a groove
on each en J A collar
runs downlnsidcithe
pendant ( item ) and
nts into the grooves ,
Firmly locking the
bow to the pendant ,
so that It cannot be
pulled or
Sold by oil watch dealers , without ,
cost , on Jns. How Filled and other
cases containing this trade mark
Ask your jew cler for pamphlet ,
Keystone Watch Case Co. ,
iiiubTltAINI1 ! ) nnd ltACKI',1
byapoislHtontcongli the ten
urul stiunzlli w istcil tlio
cruel , niorolloss CONSUMl'TlOh
fel'U'll'IU ' UXVOK.N ( inlet
tiiiin'h sadena tuborulus fuud
thonorw's. you IWIATII :
Homo . IT ! Aulail Niirinlinund blo > a
ed rolluf , IMMEIHATFI.V. in thu luinoliAa bulTui
or , H emus REALLY OURES Oolili
Uutltrrh. llrouililtlf , Aulhiuu , Con uinitloi |
" " and Frei
"Oxygen Book" 4 Trys
Suite 510 Shooly i Oiualic
New PuMIontlnn * .
ing Plvo Dollars for a sub
scription to the
North American
Review FOR
Innd mentioning this ntlvcr-
Itlscmcnt , will nlso receive
Itho numbers for October ,
| November nnd December ,
f l892contalnliiK respectively
among other striking and
popular features the great
articles by
( His Latest Utterance )
Jl3-Tlds oiler applies nl o to new
dulncrlptlons for 1803 coming
through new ilrnlcrs and buoK * I
sellers , when tills advertisement I
Is mentioned.
-run unvinw ON THIS UAbis
Christmas or
New Year's Gifts
to yourself or to your
The North American Review ,
3 Cost 14th St. , New York.
Is uiiBiirpnssed iu the
tiuatiiioutof nil
nnil nil Il ousospi |
and DlNurilnrxofMtn
IB years oiperieiico.
\Vnto for nrculars
and ( ] iiehhoii list froo.
1 1th nnd b'nrnnm Hla. ,
Uiualm , Neb
NEW T Last
THEATER. ! . T i in c.
Till- , Wednesday , Kvciiing Dec. 28
Tlic I'morllcs.
Donnelly and Girard
Acconipjiilcd by
anu u btriing Comedy Compuiv In tlio
CoRiilai axiinlnz pnrforiiiaiioo ut f > ,
I'll = 1 lloor fiJc. TJU null il.U'J ' ; Ij ttcuny r > Ju and
75c ! .
No\t Attraction MU < n UlinTrldny
Friday and Saturday , Decembar 30 and 31
Matinee Saturday.
Undui thu inannziiinontor W. I ) . i.Ol'DOII.
Asslsltd by an I xculiriilConi | ) my
Friday Evonlngand Saturday Mat.
lln \ on's Lire it IlUtorlcjl flay ,
Josephine , Empress the French
Saturday Evening ,
Biako ) | ) onru's llrllllatit Com oil V
halo ot stats ojuns Thursday ,
DEC. 29.
Glee , Banjo & Mandolin Clubs ,
cr.S-'Jjc. Mo. 73c , It and J1.51
sulo WtdncsOay , Docnmbor SS , at
I.lko Iluuioalllloadi I.3J < 1 tu III ) lla utoof Succosn
SNliliiT1. comaionelni with CIIIUSTMAS M\T
Siuulny , Doo'25. Mats Monday-Wodncsd ly
Webster & Brady's i TIIK IJOTTO.M
Famous Marino > OF
Spectacle , ) TIIH SKA.
ui PE-TTT rrt oiDTE
Tlio noniler. und an dour of sneolaltlcs.
MATINHK I'UIOJ'.S-aOctoullliarlsorllpuse
EVENING I'KlOEd-JJuluony , 2Ji l'ur4UBtJ3o
We're taking 'count o' stock this week-
sorting counting multiplying adding figur
ing up the profits and tosses getting ready to
say " 'good bye" to prosperous old " 92" to bid
a worm welcome to the bonnie New Year " 93" .
All's confusion throughout the store goods
promiscuously piled aroundstocks disarranged
subhan overhauling. In a business of such
magnitude as ours , some odds and ends will
accumulate in spite of closcstcarc. This is our
week to dispose of them. Whenever , in this
general overturning of stocks a broken line of
any sort or kind of goods is found be it over
coats suits hats shoes or little fixin's it's
marked down at once without regard to what
it's cost to us to such a figure , as to amply re
pay you the discomfort of the musswa're in Co , ( ]
to buy it at "inventory prices. ! * f \
1 \
Out-of-town friemJs-we beg your indulgence
Co ,
gence for the delay in filling some of your
orders in the past few days they came so fast ot
'twas not possible to fill them with our usual
We close at 6:3O : p. m. Saturdays IO p. m. i
Roll ! Roll ! Rolls
Compel your Shoo Dealer to supply you with
Edge kiics ,
Thei GW Jersey Slubber Shoe CoB
the New Jersey SPECIALTIES , They
are line. Notice name ON SOLEF
Dcalcrti can H1-1 1'rice Lists and Ui -
counts on application. 1 carry a b ! ;
stogie and am Western Agent for the
New. Jersey ( ] o.
\VIUioutnionoyninlwltlioiit prloj.
To the
You arc lint neil , nnd luivono
iniiiiuy 01 tlmu to uo idootor.
Unlout tlion inio inlntuil liuro.
uii'ANs CIIIMIOAI : < co , ,
M3\v you ic
I'nstoltoii a poilnl ofird.
\\rlto your own imiimon tlio
oilier al liuif thu u iril ; | iiit It In
the I'o tOlllL-c , and by rut urn
mall you will not uloitor und
Bonio iiimlloliiu that will do yon
t-ool. Try It uail toll ycur
( ilciuU
h'oi- Thirty Diivs only wo will olToi- our ontlro stoalc of Dlunomla mill
C'hnstin.13 Jewelry an I bilvoi Wiii-o'Kt loiJ th in iri'iuuf.ioturer'si uost.
Fourteenth antl Farnam Streets
I \ \ 111 move Jnn J , to N. \ \ Cor IGtli and rain in. SAt'CS KOH SAM :
1816 Sirool , Omaha , Neb.
The unliient p < clull t In lion oui tlironlo priuilo blond , ikln anil urinary illieaiei A rcicular ana
KUlcrt-J wnrtuuiu In ii.ulK-lhi. . . iU Iloina ; * an , . . "rlllUMe , liow. I , Mill tr alln will , the urufloit a o ?
llovk lU-it ( lei IU ( > ioottru > U01caiwJri9ui