r THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , .DECEMBER 27 , 1802 , ON LAND GRANT RAILROADS Kow Order Concerning Army Travel Issned by the War Department , V/ILL / BE OF MUCH PRACTICAL BENEFIT fnlemlnil to diva Officer * Infcinrmtlnn Nut Obtained Ktupwlierc I.lftt of Allied Jtonilnnnil Ttirlrllobt to the Government , WASHINGTON , D. C. , Dec. 20. ( Special to THIS BISK. ] The latest general order now In process of issue by the War department , nnd which has been prepared by the quarter master general of the army , fills a long ex isting want In transi > ortatlon circles and abounds with information of Interest and Imiwrtanco not only to the army , but to the public In general , and all branches of the executive departments of the government. This order Is designed to show to officers charged with the duty of issuing transporta tion for troops and army supplies the loca tion , mllcngo and principal connections of the many land grants and bond-aided rail roads of the country , as well as to Indicate clearly to the Inexperienced the nature of the land grants under which these roads nro operated , together with the points nt which the land grants nnd bonded portions begin nnd terminate , nnd also the points nt which BotthMiient in made of the accounts of each road. All legislation affecting these roads todate , July 1 , 18'J'J , has been classified and arranged , or so referred to in tlio order as to make ref erence to the acts of congress convenient. The Inoperative or obsolete legislation once gwnilng In thcso mattcrn and published as It was passed , in piecemeal form , has been eliminated , nnd thus themistof bygone years In which thesi < matters have been long clouded has been brushed away by the now publication. It Isofl'rncllcnl Vnluc. To further servo the interest sand conven ience of all olllccrs issuing public trans portation or making journeys on public bus iness , a map showing In different colors , the many roads to which the order relates Is published in connection therewith , so that on officer may determine at a glance the routes along which his travel lies and what portions. If any , are covered by bonded or land grant railroads , and Intelli gently determine for -himself the question ot routes to bo used on official Journeys under existing laws and reg ulations , which limit the IHSUO of transporta tion in hind to officers traveling without troops to the bond aided and free land grant railroads nnd to conveyances owned by the United States. Mistakes in these matters made by olllccrs are costly , as the law and t-cgulations , as now existing , forbid reim bursement of the cost of transportation over such roads when erroneously paid by olllccrs from private funds. Thi ! new order and map shows that the bond-aided railroads lie entirely west of the Missouri river and form the great nerve centers of connection between the Pacific slope and the east , and cover 2,41)0 ) miles of territory. This land grant roads , about thirty-five In number , form a network of connections from Chicago , St. T-iOiiIs , St. Paul and Kansas City , with points in the northwest as far as Portland , Ore. , and Tacoma , Wash. , and southward to New Orleans and Shrovesport , TLa. , and Tampa , Fla. , and southwestward by way of the Atchlson , Topeka & Santa Fo road to Albuquerque , N. M. , and via the At lantic & Pacillo to Mojave and Los Angeles , Cal. , and thcso cover MiH8 miles of terri tory. Thus all through travel west of the Missouri and south of the Ohio rivers necessarily involves the use of these land grant and bonded railroads , nnd the Intricacies and inconvenience of sep arate settlements with the-United States for all services performed for the general gov ernment. The all cash roads very properly Insist that their accounts for public trans portation , both passenger and freight , which aggregate over 2.1)00,000 annually for the army alone , shall bo divorced from those of , the subsidized and land Kraut roads , as otherwise the cash roads would have to take up the vexatious question of settlement with these handicapped connections. Sumo Important dinners. The law moreover places the supervision nnd responsibility for settlement of Iho ac counts of these roads controlled by land grant nnd subsidized legislation , exclusively 'under ' the quartermaster general , and charges him with the duty of keeping dis bursing officers of his department in conven ient possession of the necessary references to all laws , mid regulations governing the tnattcr. Over several of the moro Important and extensive of these land grant railroads , such * ns the Northern Pacific , the Atlantic & Pa cific and the Atchlson , Topeka & Santa Fe , congress has , by the terms of the charters granted , reserved the right to regulate rates , from time to time , as it may see fit , nnd their compliance with any such reduc tions us congress may impose is their only security for the rich and extensive grants of public lands , rights of way , etc. , conferred py their acts of incorporation. Under thcso provisions of law the roads mentioned , as also extensive ixirtlons of the Southern Pacillo system , suffered a reduc tion ofJO per cent. In their trafllc rates from March , IS'Jl , to.luly 1 , 18'JJ , and after this date a still further cut to 50 per cent of tariff rates to the general public , on all transportation of troops and supplies for the nnny. Debt fir tint Itimdcil Uiillroails. The forthcoming report of the commis sioner of railroads will show the Indebted ness of the bond-aided railroads to the United States on July 1. lStt ! , to bo as fol lows : AMOUNT Ot 1IONIIS 18S1TEII IS All > OP PACIFIC ) UAH.- UOAIM , Tin : INTKHKST PAID Tlir.Ur.IIN' IIY TUB ITMTKIISTATKH.ANII Till ! AMOII.VTH IIKI'AIH nv T1IK HKVhUAI. CO.MI'ANIEH TO JUNK 'JO , Ib'JZ. n > rjM V OTJ * "a S3 If 2 III SB5 8 I si ? q IB ! Hi & ! sip" : * ft" fl * : I Bo : a Ll .a v" i ! ! .Soo P a 1 S 5t j > a ? ( " ! , " - * \fta ' t u p. P K S1SS M .1 " o b , X 5 9 S 3 ? ii 03- I u s te ss ; an ss The now order hears the impress of much care and labor in Us preiuratlon for which the appreciation in which U will bo huld by the nnny , will doubtless bo amplu satisfac tion to tlio quartermaster Koncral. It is n practical order enturing Into thu dally uxpo- rlbnco and personal Interests of all oflicers of the army and rcplutu with infurmation to all railroad oftlclals and to the traveling public. If you have pllus DoWUt'a Witch Hazel Bolvo will surely euro you. Bet IlUSUtur'n Cluthua on 1'lrc. KI.WOOU , lud. , Doo. 2(1. ( Mrs. .Million , a widow living In the city , loft her three chil dren alone In Iho house for a short tlmo yov tcnlny. During her nhscnco the youngest ton lit n match nnd act his 111116 sister's clothes on flro. Before the mother relumed the llttlo ono had been fn tally burned. The child died after suffering for four hours. An honest pill Is thn noblest work of the apothecary. DoWltt's Llttlo Early Risers euro constipation , biliousness nnd sick head * nchc , ' SHOT IIEll LOVER. Mm. Kmlly WllloiiKlilijr Mrniutntlr I'uno- tiirmlllhini Dlton Dnrlncnn Argument. I ast evening about 5:30 : o'clock there was a little shooting scrape nt 1010 Izanl street , anil had It not been that a very nervous woman held the weapon and flrol the shots , William Dlxon would probable bo winding his way up or down the golden stairway instead of wooing Christmas dreams on n bench In n cell nt the city Jail. 'Mrs , Kmlly Wllloughby , the mistress of Dtxon , handled thorovolver , and now regrets her hasty action. According to the story of both parties the woman thought that her lover was untrue , and us ho spent considera ble of his tlmo away from the Tznnl street house , where the couple had been living as man and wlfu , a suspicion of infidelity arose and grow. \VhCh Dixon ramo in last evening the woman accused him of lavishing his affec tions on other females. This was denied , and then the trouble commenced. Mrs. Wil- loughby started In to tear her lover's eyes out , and ho stood her off with a razor , at the same tlmo threatening to sever her Jugular If she came too near. But Mrs. Willoughby Is ' not the kind of a woman to bo bluffed , and whipping n revolver from her dress pocket ordered a halt , nt tlio same tlmo letting her linger rest a little too heavily on the trig ger , The weapon was discharged and the bullet bcnctratcd Dlxon's left arm near the shoulder , passing clear through It. Ono shot was enough for Dixon and ho Hod. The shooting caused a commotion in the neighborhood and the pollco took the woman in charge and sent her to thcjail. To Matron Ciimmlngs the story of the shooting was told , Mrs , Wllloughliy crying bitterly all the time and bilging the police to forgive her and let her go. After the matron had , by a quiet talk and expressions of sympathy quieted the prisoner she was booked ami taken below to a cell. The charge on the blotter is shooting with intent to kill. letter on Dlxon was found and taken to the Jail where ho is held as complaining witness. His wound was dressed by Dr. Soiners who pronounced it merely a slight flesh wound , Mrs. Wllloughby was arrested last April for shoplifting ami when her apartments on Izard street were searched several hundred dollars worth of stolen property was found which had been stolen from seine of the large down town stores. The goods wcro re turned and the prisoner was allowed to pliud guilty to petit larceny and sent to the anility Jail for thirty days. I'rom .Nuu'iiorjj. C. P. Moore & Co. , prominent druggists ol Newbcrg , Oro. , say : "Since our customers have become acquainted with the good qual itlqp of Chamberlain's Cough Ilumedy wo sell but llttlo of any other kind. Chamber lain's medicines all give good satisfaction. " For sale by druggists. Vonllct ItroliRht In In the On of I ) . AV. r.oiisnru , Onn of thu Strikorx. KxTniiax , Idaho , Dec. 215. The jury In the case of D. W. Leasuro , on trial in tho. su perior court for the murder of Ivory Bean nnd conspiracy in Cour d'Alone mining riots , fast July , has returned a verdict of not guilty. The result of the trial is very im portant , as it virtually decides there was no conspiracy In the Cour d'Alcno trouble and that the acts of the union miners were de fensive and not rebellious. Ieasuro jvas Jointly indicted with forty-two others upon four charges , as follows : Conspiracy , mur der of Ivory Bean , the blowing up of Frisco mill and thu violating of the injunction of thu United States district court. It is believed - lioved the other cases will bo dismissed. For throat diseases and Coughs use Brown's Bronchial Troches. Like all really good things , they are imitated. The genuine are sold only in boxes. Kvcryboily Will Bo Wolrnmcil. SpnixnFinr.il , 111. , Deo. 20. Alfred Oren- tlorf , chairman of the committee on invita tions to the inauguration of state oflloers , issued the following invitation today : . SiMiiNiiKir.r.u , HI. , Dec. 20. The committee on Invitations to the Inauguration of Governor John I' . AllgoUlt and ether stuto nlllcors on January 11) ) , 1803 , bun doturmlnod that no formal Invitations should bo Issued to the citizens of thu stuto of Illinois , hut that all persons , anil politicalcivic , inllllury nnd ether iirRiinlzatloim fuulliiK an Interest In the event uro hereby , through the press of the state , In vited to take part on that occasion , and that notlcoof the Intention of organl/nHoim to bu present hhoiild hosi-iit to lion. M. U. Uldgoly , chairman of tlm local commlttoo of arrunno- inents , Special Invitations will bo given the president and vlco prusUtunt-oIecl and the Kovernorri und governors-elect of the adjoining PEltSOXAL 1'A It.tOIlAl'IlS. M. M. Davison of Crete is at the Arcade. S. T. Mclutyro of ICearnoy , is at the Del- lone. lone.C. C. F. Calhoun of Springfield Is at the Murray. A. B. Clark of Winsldo is at the Mcr chants. D. Kemp of Norfolk is registered at the Arcade. G. G. Bailey of Tccumseh is a guest at the Arcade. U. S. Benne of Burr , is registered nt the Mlllard. TJ. Walkingham of Norfolk Is a guest at the 1'axton. D. D. Clark of David City is registered at the Barker. rJoiiteimnt-Govornor Majors of Peru , is at thu Millard. A. C. Scars of Grand Island is registered nt thu Murray. W. W. Davis of Shcnandoah Is a guest at thu Merchants. T. II. Marnell of Nemalm City , Is a guest nt thu Dellone. If. H. Vandlcar of Grand Island Is regis tered ut the Paxton. U. A. Clark of Crcston , la. , Is in the city , a guest at thu Murray. B. Dixon and wife of Wavcrly , are In the city , stopping nt the Mlllard. AV. B , Walker of Kearney was among last night's arrivals at the Paxton , C. S. Wilson and Miss S , It. Wilson of Hastings - tings are guests at thu Barker. It. S. Smith of Nebraska City , was among last nights arrivals at the Dellono , T. M. Marqtiotto , of Uncom'tho attorney for thu U , & M. , is a guest at the Mlllard. .1 , B. Reynolds , cashier of the Gothenburg bank of Gothenburg , is at the Merchants. D. M. Quackenhush and wife of Green wood uro In the city , stopping at the Paxton. Miss Kstolla M , Bcchur , of 517 North Klghtocnth street , has returned after a month's sojourn with relatives in Columbus. Neb. Xach Taylor , head clerk ut the Paxton , greeted his friends yesterday nftur nn Illness of Hovural weeks , Ho has not completely recovered , but is rapidly on thu inond nnd will .bu from now on in his accustomed pluco behind thu Paxton counter. CIIKUOO , 111 , , Deo. 20 , [ Special Telegram to Tim Bun. ) Thu following Ncbrnskans nro rcgistci-cd hero today : Victoria U. 7-aut- intin , Omaha. Palmer G. N. Cook , Percy B. JA > rd , Omahu. WEIGHTS ON WALL STREET Nation Which Affect Movements of Stocks and Money Adversely , UNDER SEVERAL SINISTER INFLUENCES Unexpected Importation of ( Jolil , Ilia l c- crnnoo of Cotnniprclnl Kvport * . Silver Dl cimlon nnil rrrnch Politic * , All Tend to tlnsoltlo NEW YOHK , Dec. CO. In his weekly letter Mr. Henry Clews says : "Wall street continues to labor under tlio pressure of influences of moro than usual weight. Tlio renewal of gold exports , un easiness nboutthosilversluwtion , stringency In money nnd the dangers threatening tlio French republic these form a combination of unsettling circumstances calculated to severely test the stability of the stock mar ket. "As might have been expected , the mar ket has shojvn symptoms ot yielding at Its weakest point. The 'industrials , ' which have never had much beyond a merely spec ulative support , have been freely discrimi nated against by lenders as collateral for loans , with the result of largo rcalUlngs on them nnd a fall in their prices ; which at llrst produced a general break of the market. Tlicso issue nro the sensitive spot , and as the time approaches when they will l > o exposed to searching trial from a reduction of tariff duties , they can hardly bo expected to resist the pressure that may bo brought to bear upon thorn. Tills Is the moro probable from the fact that many members of the Kxchango tire getting tired of this chronic element ot disturbance nnd would bo glad to sco it eliminated by n better adjustment of these issues to their rcak in trinsic value. CIHISO of ( iolcl Shipment ) ! . "Tho unexpected exports of gold , at a sea son when the movement is usually in the opposlto direction , has an unsettling cfCcct. The movement Is not easily explained , in view of the fact that , for the months of October and November , the exports of merchandise and specie exceed the combined items of Imports , interest duo abroad , 'undervaluation of im ports and freight charges , by some SI 1,000- 000 , which would seem to imply that wo entered December with a good balance in our favor. During the current month , however - over , thcro has'beeu a material lulling oft in seine of our leading ox- ports. For the week ending December 10th , our total shipments of cotton to foreign liorts amounted to only ll'J.TOO ' bales , against i.0y,700 bales for the same week of 1S91 ; and for tlio week preceding wo exported from all seaboard points only 2KW,000 bushels of grain , against 5i.0'J,000 bushels last year. Concurrently -with a decrease of exports , wo nro having an increase of imports , those of Now York for the week ending December U being $4.114,000 in excess of the corresponding figures for 1SUI. Items like these will to seine extent account for tlio outward How of gold , but not fully ; and seine other causes of a less evident nature are probably also at work. It is not easy to say exactly how far the shipments of golil are made in the ordinary course of the exchanges and how far as special opera tions to procure gold for Kuropeai banking purposes. It is understood , how ever , that ono banking house hero received orders this week from Austria for ? l,0l)0,000 to bo used by the Austrian government in preparing for the rcconstitvtion of its cur rency system on the gold basis. From the apprehensive feeling among Euro uoan llnanccrs at the position o' silver exhibited at the Brussel : conference , it is to bo pvpccted that every favorable occasion for drawing gold from the United States will * bo turned to ancount The probababilitles , however , do not favor a prospect of the current export running to any further important lengths. For Eng land is buying somewhat freely o' our gilt-cdgo investments and abou 15,000,000 sterling is understood to havi been loaned by London to Now Yorli through bills issued against deposit of secur ities , which gives us that amount ot relic for sixty days , when the local money markol may bo expected to have reached an oasic : condition. The extreme , case of money a London is an clement in our favor , and it not only makes these borrowing operations so much the cacicr , but also tends to encourage London purchases of our securities. ' Kllcct of tlio t'roiicli Crlsl" ) . "At the moment it is not easy to Judge how far the serious political complications in Franco may become tin element of llnnn- clal disturbance. In the event of revolution , which scums to bo moro than a moro possi bility , a shock to the bourses of Europe would bo inevitable , nnd considering the broad relation between Paris and London , the latter city would be exposed to euffor in sympathy with the former. In that event , whatever might bo the llrst effect on our market , the latter result would bo to encourage the purchase of nmcricnn investments on account of their isolation from the sphere of European poli tics. Nevertheless , the position of France constitutes an important Influence tending to produce caution in the money markets of the world at largo. "Tho exports of gold involve n correspond ing reduction In the legal money resources of the bunks of this city , which Is the main source of the prevailing stringency in the loan market. As the banks will have to stand ready for the largo Interest and dividend disbursements incident to the season , the stringency may bo expected to continue at least Into the now year , when the funds thus distributed among the public at large will have returned to the banks for ro-employ- incnt. Hellof may also bo expected from Influx of money from the interior , which usually sets in soon after January 1. But whilst , for these reasons , the money market may bo trusted to take care of itself for " "Iho next few months , vet thcro is in Wall street a deep conviction that the course of both money and investments must vitally depend upon the the action or non-action of congress relating to silver. On this point. leading men of finance nro in earnest , and regara it as an important factor ruling the future. Could they be sure that purchases of silver by the government will at least bo tomiwrurily suspended , conlldonce would prevail ; but so long as this remains uncer tain , thulr attitude will bo that of caution. "Whilst the foregoing factors surround the financial markets with some uncertainty which is unfavorable to the value of secur ities , yet the general range of conditions In- trinsio to invcrtuwnts Is strong and healthy , which forms a wholesome buttress against other disturbing inlluenccs. ' 'IlBNHV CI.KW8. " - * A Curu fur Cri > ii | > , If your children nro subject to croup l always fceep a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Ucraudy at hand. Ifisu prompt and certain euro. If given as soon as the croupy ci > ugh appuara It will prevent the attack , y jr sulo by druggists. THEY PLAYED A SOCIAL GAME. Kx | > prlunce of a Former Oinuliu Muu In a Tonsil Joint. Clinton E , Williams , son of ox-Mayor > Frank C , Williams of Baltimore , was on his | way homo to Baltimore to pass the Christ mas holidays , but stopped oft nt Now Bruns wick to see n friend and collect u debt. Having accomplished both of these pleasant purposes , says the Now York Dispatch , ho was waiting at the Palmer house for the Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOiJUTELY PURE Hnlllmom train , w Mlchnol Daly by nnmo. .Mifegtsted that there was time for n stroll avur-Jo the Second ward , vrhero they could Ririn a small jwkor gnmo until the BnltlmMH ) oxprcss oAmo nlonff. Williams consentodTind they went tea a saloon on Throop nvonuo , kept by a cripple named John Brotnian ! , a resort for the worst gang of rftuehfl. In the game wcro John , allai "Mutch" Welch , "Sadio" Welch , Dave BarrioDaly and Wil liams. Williams was fonnl-rly train tils- patchernt Omaha of thoP'hlwiRO , Burlington ft Qulncy railroad , nnd had lonrncd to keep his eyes open when ho played poker with strangers. Ho had also learned to play a rather tidy game hlmsMf.1 In Thursday ovenlnc's pnmo ho o ) > cyv l that Mr. "Butch" Welch was frequently so absent minded as to discard'tihd draw twice , but by playing his own hands pretty close to his chin Williams kept ) ahead of the tricks that wcro vaiji. As train time approached preached Williams complained of cold foct , but consented to play a consolation Jackpot. "Butch" Welch dealt and Williams got a pair of queens nnd opened , The dealer came in nnd in the draw Williams saw him help himself to n jack out of the middle of the pack. Williams found that he had caught n third queen. Ho played the hand out and won , much to. the indignation of Welch , who had made n great mistake in tlio de.il. Wil liams rose from the table and asked his fel low players to have a drink. As he turned his back Welch struck him a blow which cut open his scalp nnd knocked him down. Then every ono in the , saloon Williams thinks there wcro at Icast'llftccn Jumped on him , calling to each other , "Kill him I Knock his head off I" ( jThoy came nearly doing Iwth by Industri ous use of boots and soda water bottles. They eut his scalp in two places , brokohls Jaw and bruised nearly every Inch of the flesh ot his face and oody. After robbing him of his money about 10 and his watch , they throw him out into the street. When ho regained consciousness ho managed to got on a street car , where ho made himself known to two secret society brothers. They took him to Dr. Shannon's olllco , where his wounds wcro dressed ; ho then went to Justice Ford's office and swore out a war rant for "Butch" Welch. Officers Heed and Gillcn took the war rant and Williams returned with them to the saloon. While the officers hail their hands busy lighting part of the crowd , which tried to prevent Welch's arrest , an other part of the crowd again attacked Wil liams. Welch was captured and Williams was put to bed in the Phiunlx hotel , where ho was well looked after by committees from the Masonic and Pythian lodges , as ho is a member of both of these societies. AV11- lluins is badly injured , but his physicians say he will recover. IIo belongs to n good Baltimore family , and Is the owner of the Williams hotel in that city. He is 0 years old. The richness , color , and beauty of the hair , the greatest euro is necessary , much liann being done by the u o 01 worthless dressings. To bo sure of having inga first-class article , ask your drug , pist or perfumer for Aycr's llnir Vigor. It is absolutely superior to any other preparation of the kind. It restores the original color nnd fullness to hair which has become thin , faded , or gray. It keeps tlio scalp cool , nioist , and frco from dandruff , it heals itqhing humors , prevents baldness , and imparts tea a silken texture and lasting fragrances. No toilet can bo considered complete without this most popular and elegant of all hair-dressings. ' " | J "My hair began turulng.gray . nnd fall ing out when I wasabout 25 years ot ngo. I have lately boon using Ayer's Hair Vigor , and it Is causing a now growth of hair of the natural color. " R. J. Lcwry , Jones Prairie , Texas. "Over a year ago I had a severe fever , nnd when I recovered , my hair began to fall out , and what little remained turned gray. I tried various remedies , but without success , till at last I begun to Aycr's Hair Vigor , and now my hair is growing rapidly nnd is restored to ita original color. " Mrs. Aunio Collins , Dighton , Mass. "I have used Ayer's llnir Vigor for nearly five years , and my hair is moist , glossy , and in an excellent stntoof pres ervation. I am forty years old , and have ridden the plains for twenty-fivo years. " Wm. Henry Ott , alias "Mus tang Bill , " Newcastle , Wyo. Ayer's Hair Vigor Prepared byDr.J.C. Aycrfc Co. , Lowell , Mais. Sokl by Urugglula K HEALTHFUL , AOREEADLBCLHANSINQ. for Farmers , Minors and Mechanics. A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER , Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Woundi , Burnt , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. ' WHITE RUSSIAN SOAP. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Watet A now nnil ooinpletotro&traonttoonilntlUK of Sup- ponUorlus , Olnimcnt lu Captuloi. nl o In bar anil rilli. A poilllvo euro fpr ICxiernnl , Imornnl , Illlncl or lllouilln ? , Itching. Chronic , lln'oiil or lloruitltikr/ tI'llod. . TliU rumeily IIHI IIOYLT uoen known to fall , 1 per bo , a forllr ent by mall. Why nultor from llils Ivrrlblo illnei o whun u yrrllton vuaranloa li iiunlllToljr Uvoii wllli U IHIKOI or rofuinl the manur fnotuuroil ? Hon.t . etauip for frj'j namuli. ( luar- ntoaUsual b Kuhn it ilo. , ilrmjlm , sola nxoul rner lilU . i , i t tr pt OniVin , Neli. " - W , BAILEY Teelh Flllea With. out Pain by the Latest Inven tion , Tooth Extracted Without Pain or Danger. A Ml Sol of Teefi 01 Kitoirfw. $5.0) $ ) . I'orfcct tit ciiarnrito i | , Tooth oxtractid In tlio innriilng , Konr onc'j luierteU In tln > uvunhu of aain ) 1 r. r.tea tea | ieclmon of llaniorabla HrliUi. fee | ieduipii of Kleilblo Klaitla I'l.tti. All work win-runted ui roiuoiontaJ. Office Third Floor Pn'xton Block , Telephone IDAS , Htb nnd furimm EU , Toke cluyatur.or lalrwmr Jroui ICth St. eolriuoj. Mrs. Lyman Abbott - Wife of the pastor of Plymouth Church , in Brooklyn , und one 'of the most experienced and * ; earnest women identified with American church" work , shows the wisest manner of Conducting a Ladies5 Aid Society * in a special article/full of suggestions for members of Ladies' Aid Societies , in the Christmas LADIES' HOME JOURNAL. Ten Cents on all news-stands One Dollar per Year The Curtis Publishing Company , Philadelphia WOODEN SID K WALK RESOLUTION CONTUUCT1ON. Counoll Ohambor. Omahu. Noli. , ISO. Ho It resolved by the city council of the city of Omithu. the iniiyorconcnrrliu : Thiit wooden slduwulks bo constructor In the olty of Omiiha us deslunntiHi below , within llvo days after the i.ubilcatUm of this ruso'n- tlon , or the personal service thereof , as by or- ( llnunco Is authorized u > ul required ; snrh sluowulks to bo/luld to the u'nulo on ihu streets specified horoln , und to bo constructed of Dine plunk of such width nnd thickness und bo laid uiiort Joists of such dimensions and in snub nitiiinur us Is prescribed by Ihu spoctlicu- tlons on Hie In tlm olllco of the board of public works and under Its supervision , to-wlt : Hast sldo of 2.'ml struot , tu.t It : iti from south line of I'uul street to south line of Hulil tux lot In sool.'i-iri-ll ) , present grudc. 0 foot wide. K.istsldoof a-'mt Btroot.lt 5 blkK \ > / city , proscnt uriide , 15 feet wldo. Kiistsldoof 0tli street , It S blk 5 Swcesy's nildltlon. present uriiilu , 0 feet wlilo. West sldu of 8th street. Its 18 to " 0 Inoluslvo Konntzo'and addition , present grudo,0 foot wldo. North sldo of Valley street. Us 7-14-13 Oicu- hntmu present crude , 4 foot wlilo. North side of Vtilley stroot. oust 101 foct It 7 < Vkuhoinu , present grade. 4 feet wido. \Vostalilo of 2.Hh strour , extending to curb It 1 blk 7 Heed's 1st addition , permanent , gr.-ulu. Gfcot wide. North si Jo of Shlrloystroot , Its land 30 , Burr Oak , present grade , 0 foot wide. South sldu of Webster stroot. Its 1-2-JJ and 14 blkB Uvuii's stibdiv I'urk 1'laco. present gratlo 0 foct wide. South sldo ot Wobitor street , east H ) ft nf It 3) ) bile 2 I'urk I'lneo. prcsont sr.iilo. 0 foot wide. South sldo of Wolmpr struct , oust V > feut of H-Oblk 2 I'urk Place , present griulo , G foot wide. ICastslrto of 21st street. Its -30-28-21-2 blk 4 CnnipbHll'a addition , permanent snide , G feet wide. Kiist slilo of 21st street. Its 22-20-18-1 (1-14 ( bill 4 Campbell's addition , permanent grade , C feet wldo. Kast slilo of 21st street , Us 12-lt ) und Olilk t Campbell's addition , porniuiiQiit Kruilo. G foot wldo. Kast shloof 21st street. It 11 blk 10 Wlloox's 2ml addition , pormunont grade , 1 foot wido. South sldo of Kil OroIETHon trect , Its 2 to G Inclusive , Clark L'lucc , present crude , 4 foot | wldo. West sldo of 50th street , Its 40 anil 41 llurr Oak. prcsont grade , 4 feet wldo. West sldo of IDlh street , south ! J It 31 Olark I'luce. present crude. 4 feet wlilo. South sldu of .Martha street. Us IIS to 51 In clusive Clurk I'luco , present wraile. 4 tout wldo South sloe of Dupont street , Its 1 to 1 Inrlu- slvoblk4 Diiuont i'luco , present Kruno. 4 fei-t wide. North sldo of Dupont iitrect , Its 1 to 11 In- cluslvo blk 3. Uupont I'luec. uresent crado , 4 fuut wldo. North sldo of Dupont street. Us 1 toGInclu- slvo blU2 Duuont Pluco , present grude , 4 feet wldo. North slilo of Duuont street. Its 2 toS Inclu sive blk 1 Dupont IMuuo , present grade , 4 foot South sldo of Dupont street , Its 2 to 0 Inolu slvo blk H Duuont I'lucu , present grmlo , 4 feet wide , South altlo of Onstollnr street. Its 1 to II In clusive blk 7 Dupoiit I'luco , present grudo , 4 feet wldo. North sldo of Custollur street. Us 12 to 22 in clusive blk 4 Dupout 1'laco. present grudo , 4 feet wioo Kiist nlilo of 20t'.i street , north Yt moro or less of It U blk 2 Dupont I'luce , prcsont xru < lo , I feet wido. ICusksldo of 20th strool. south 50 foot moro or loss of It IU Burr Uuk , present Kruilo , 4 feet wide. Ristsldoof 20th street , ItaD llurr Oak , pres ent Krailo , 1 feut wide. West sldu of i.7tli uvonno. Its 1 and 20 blkJ Druku's uilillllon , present Brndo , 0 feut wldu. West side of7th avenue , Its 1 and-M 111K II Druku's uiidlllon , firesunt urade , U foot wldu. Kaslaldo of 41st avenue. Its 11 und I2blk4 Oich ird Illlj. present Kra.le , li fuot wldo. Kiist sldo of 41st nvonno. It 12 blk 3 Orchard Hilt , prusont eruilu , li feet wido. KiiHt sldo of 41st avenue. Us 1-7 and 8 blk n Dennett's sub Orchard Hill , present Kruilo , G West sldo of 8th street. It 0 blk I Forest 111 11 , present uruilo , fl feet wldo. Wudt sldo nf Btb street. Its 1 nnd 20 Kount/.o's 2nd addition , present grade , ( i feut wide. And , bo It Jurlhor ro.solvud : v Tliut the board of public works bo , and Is hereby nuthurl/.ed und directed to cause u copy of this resolution to lie publi.shod In thu olllciiil paper of thu elty for ana week , or bo served on the owners of said lots , und that unless such owners sliull within live days after iho publication or service of such copy construct such sidewalks us herein reijuireJ 3 but the hoard of pnbllu works uunsu thu same to bo dime , the cost of constrnutln' suld tiliiowulks respectively to bo ahsetsod against the real estate , Inl or part ot 101 In front of und iibuttlnt ! such sidewalks , I'ussuil Nov. UJlli , Doo. ( Illi und Kith. IfeO. . rresli'leiitiif thu Council. A O. K1AVAKDH. Actlne Preshluntof the Council , Attest : JOHN UltOVKH , Olty Oliirlr. Approved : GKO. 1' . 11KM1H , Mayor , NOTICE TO CONSTHUOT SIDEWALKS. To tbo owners uf the lots , parts of lots ami rout ustutu described In thu above resolu tion : You and each of you are hereby notlflo.I to construct wooden slduwulks us reijulred \ > y a resolution ot tlio olty council uiiil miiynrof thoolty of Uiniiha.of which the above Is u couv , 1' . W. HlllKIIAlJnKH. Chulrmun Hoard of 1'ubliu Works. Omaha. Nub. , December Will , W > i i jnorplutir flnim t'iirt > < i In to Uuay . ho | , y uu , . „ „ , „ , I l > r. J. Mruliruk. JU.-uuuoii. v. I'ropnxiiU Tor ( iititolliio Light , Scaled bids will bo iitcolvud lit tlio olllco of ( ho city comptroller up toI p. in. , Jtiniiiiiy It , 1H'J3 , for twolvod'J ) candle power light gnso- llno lamps for lighting the suburbs of the clly. HhU may tati > price porlumj ) , uflur moonlight schedule , or prlco pur lamp from sundown to Minrlsu , A ceitilled < ; huck of t'JOU.OO to ac company each bid. The right Is reserved to ruject uny or all bids. Tnio. : OI.SKN , Complioller , Omaha , Neb. , Dec. 22 , 1802. D23dOt Notice. Notlco Is hereby glvon that the annual moot ing of thu htouUhotdurii of the Omaha Union Depot compuny will bo held lit the olllco of the Union Depot company , ut the ht'adijuurU'rrf of Iho Union I'aclllo Hallway company , | u the clly of Oniuliii , on Ihu tlth day of January , IbDil , ut ! i o'clock p , in. , tor the election of di rect ere anil transaction of any other business that may legally como befoio Ihu mooting , T. L , KIMIIAI.I , , I'n-hidcnt Omaha , December 20 , lU'J'J ' , D'Jld'JUt PERMANENT SfDKWALK RESOLU TION4. Council Chamber , Omaha , Neb. , ISD'i llu It resolved bv the elty council ot tbo city of Omaha , thu Mayor concurring : That , purmunuittsliluwulks bo constructed In. . the city of Oniaha as designate I below , within llvo dnys after tbu public itlon of this resolu tion , or the personal sorvli'o ihureof. 111 bv ordinance Is authorl/.oi ! anil ruiiulrcd ; such Rhtowulks to ho laid to thu porinunont tjrulo as established on tiw pavo.l streets speelllod heroin , und to be constructed nf stonu or art.l- lielul stone , according to spoulllcutlons on tlio In theolllcont ihu Hoard of Public. Works , anil under Its supervision , to-wlf Kiist slilo of 2lth street , It 2 blk 1 Capitol Hill addlUoii. pt-rmanont grade , fl feet wldo. East sldo of'Id street , It. ) bill 2J7H clty.por- inanent crnde , 0 feet wldo. West side of 24th street. Its 1C ,1 and s 4 S Kellom's 1st addition , permanent grade , U feut wldo. North side ot Jones street , Its f > und G bill 17 oltv. permanent , unulc , H feet wulo , North nldo of Jones street , Its i > 7 8 blk 173 city , permanent aradu. 8 fuel wldo South sldo ot.Iones street , It 1 blk 10' city , pcrnvincnt gradu , 8 feet whic. x South sldu of Jones street , Its 1 2 , ' ) 4 blk 100 city , permanent crude 8 feet wide. youth sldo of .lonos street , Its 123 4 blk 101 cltv , permanent grade. . 8 feet wlilo. West side of 15th strout. Its 1 unit 8 blk 107 cltv. permanent'.mile. 8 fuct wldu. East side of 1.1th street. Its 4 and fiblk 100 elly , permanent grudo. 8 feet wide , West side of Nth street , Us 1 anil 8 blk I'M ' city , norm inont grailo , 8 feet wldu. An'l. bo It further resolved ; That thn Hoard of t'nblic Works be , und Is hereby authorised und directed to cuuso n cnnv of this resolution to ho published In the oillciM paper of the city for ono week , or bu survoJ on the owners nf s.inl lots , und that unless such owners slrill within llvo days after the publication or sorvlco ot such copy construct said s tlowalks as lieroln required , that the Hoard of I'uhllo Works cuuso the same ( o bu done. Iho co"t of constructing said slduwulus respectively lo bo n sossud ugulnst the real esta1"-lot or part ot lot In front ot mm ubnttlng sueli slduwaius. Pussed Novomlor22.1 and 21)th ) , nnd December llUI' ' ' ! S9" ' A. O. KDWAUDS , Acting President of thu Council. 111' . DAVIS. President of thu Olty Council. Attest : JOHN OltOVIW. Olty Olork. Approved : CJEO. P. IIKMIS. Mayor. NOTICE TO CONSTRUCT SIDKWAl.Ki ? . To tbu owners of the lots , pa-Is of lots nnd ruul ostuto described In the above resolu tion You and each of you uro hereby notified to construct ijormunentslrtowalki us ruijulrcd by i resolution of the city council and mayor of the city of OmulKi , of which tbu above Is a cony. 1' . W. IIIIIKIIAUSKK. Chairman Hoard of I'nbllo Works. Omaha , Noo. . December 271 h. 1H'J2. d2id7t > ale by Huuclvnr. Notlco Is hereby given that , by virtue of an order made by the district court of Douglas county , Nebraska , In the cause ot Hcnjuinln Molqulst , plulntin"nganst ! I'ri'd C. Woymuller , defendant , I will sell on Saturday , Docmnlwr 31 , 1H02 , at public auction , to the highest bid der for cash the following described property and lease-hold interests , to-wlt : One lot of old lumber , slides unit staying ; one lotof buy , suitable for ice packing purposes ; ono wagon scales nnd wagon box ; also a curtain Icaso , de scribed us follows , to-wlt : I'ndci'dato of Do- rumhor'J , IH'Jl , mudu by Thomas Davis to Honjamln Mi'hjulst and 10. . Wuymnllor , run ning llvo yi-uri : from December 1 , Itt'Jl , fur all Iho water sjiauu In the sw 4 of the nw > i In sec I Ion 2 , In township 15 , north range II ) , oust. Alsri a certain lcisc : described as followsto wit : Undur duto of .March 23 , 1HU1I , iimdo by La tham Davis lo Hi-njamln Mcliinlsi , running live yours from Ducoinher 1 , iH'Jl , for the two- story frame house and outbuildings , together with a certain piece nf ground on which said buildings nro Mluulcd , Mild ground being In the sw 'i of the nw ! ( of section 'J , township 15 , rungo lit , Douglascoiiiity , Nebraska , moro pur- llcularly described as follows ; communclng at a point on the oust line of Mild -10 acres -100 feet south of said 40 , running tlnmco west MOD feot.thi'nco north Usl ) feet , tht'iico east 300 fi'Otthenco south 'J80 fi-ut to the place of be ginning , containing about ono and one-half UI'IVH , moro or less. The sale of the foregoing to take pluco at 10 o'clock a. in. on said day ut Urn Ice houses , situate on the premises described In said leases and near Cut Oil' lake. I will also soil certain ollleo .stationery nnd hooks , formerly used by the Outo Ulty Ice company , said sale to luku place at U o'clock p. m. ot said day , ut the olllcoofu. Andrecn , No. 1-103 Kul'iinniMrrol , clly of Omaha , Dated Dec. 10 ! , 1B02. . at Omahu. Nob. JOilNO. COKTKLVOIT. llpcclvorof tint IJutti City lin : Company. John Q. Hergnor , Attorney. M Dec. 120 , lit NOTICKOF ; ASSHSSMKNT ot1 DAM- AGKS FOHGUAUINO , To the owners of ull lots , purls i > f lots nnd reul itsluto uloiu Camuron Htroolfrom2ltlimiuct to the 4U-ncro line or thu center of 27th street produced. You are hereby notified that the uiuior- slgned , thruo dlblntorosto i fruoholdors of the oity of Omalri , nuvo been duly i-.ppolnto'l by the mayor , with the approval of the city coun cil of said olty , to assosi the damages to Iho owners respectively of Iho property iM'enliiil by the grading of Cameron HI root from 2ltli street to the ( Micro Una or the center of tfth h tree | . produced , declared nucossury by ordinance No , iiH.I , nussod December lath , m. ' , uppriived Ducomber 1'Jtli , 1MJ. ' . Vim are further noUlled that huvlnir uu- ceptod sail appointment and ( Inly iiualllled us reijnliod by law , wu will on the 7th cluy ol January. AD. . Ml , at tlio hour of II o'clock In the foronoon. at thoDlllou off. H. .MuCul- looh , room HI2 Now York Llfo building , wlthli thu roiporuto limits of Bald city , moot for tlio liurpoao of considering and muuliig the us * s ( ! > smentof dama''o to t ho owners reipecth fly of Bald | iroperiy ull'octed by tlio grudlng. taking tutu cumildorullon upeclnl bonellts. If anv. You nro notlfleil to bo urosent at Ihu time and plin-u uforoiald nml muko any objection to or Btutemunts ooiiconilng mild a je snii t of daiuugos uu you may consider proper. T. it. .MOfJlJLI.OOlI , WM. ( J. HIlltlVHIl OKO. J. PAUL. Oinuhn. Doo. 23U. 1832. U4dlOt l'roi > u < ul lor tb f > upo lt ill Junil < ol Iho Clly of Omahu , Pca'o'l bids will bo received at the city comptroller's olllco up to 4 o'ulouk i > , m. , Do- comliur27tli , 1 'J- ' , for tlio best rutuof Interest for thoiisuaf fnmU bolon lng to thu city of Oiiiulm fur Iho periods of ono your In uomuli- iincu with bectlon VJ of Churter for Mulropoll. tan Cltloa A curtlfiod chock In the uu a of emu thousand ( lluo ilullniii will bu ruiiiilrcd from bidders us a guarantee of good fultli. Al so an iilllUuvUof p-ilil upciipual utooK. Thu right U risorvud.lo rujout uny or all ± jln. Til BO. OLSIN. ; Cominrolli'r. Ouiahu , Dacouibur 17lh , P13UMAN12NT SIDEWALK ItESO. LUTJON. Council Ohnmber , Omaha. .Nob. , 1SOJ Ho It resolved by thu oltv council of tbo city of Omaha , thu mayor concurring ! That , permtnent.sidowaua bo constructed In Iho cltv of Omaha us cUnlguato.l below , with in llvo days utter the publication of this roso- lutlon , or the person n xorvloo thereof , us bv nrUnunco Is aiithorizod und roqnlroil : suou liH tu bo laid to the permanenl us estabii.shod on the paved strcoti d herein and to ha constructed of sloue , nrtllli-liil stone , br ck or tllint accordIng - Ing to spocllleatUms on II le In the olllco of tin board of public works and under its supervis ion , towlt : South Hide of r.oavonworth street , It 1 blk 1 Koiint/o & Ruth's addition , permanent urde. . li feet wldo. EE.J > ith Hluo of l.oavnnworlh street. It 1 blk 9 uount/e & Hutli'H nddltlon , permanunt grade. o foot wldo. South sl.lo of r.ouvonworth street west 120 foot moro or less U 2 blk S K'liuntv. & Kuth's iidilltlon , permanent grado. C foot \vide. South s.du of Leavenworlh street It 1 nnd east 7S feet more or luss of It 2 blk 0 KoilnUo " & Kulh'.s nildltloii , permanent , grude , 0 fcoc wldo. South sldo of Letivenworth street It land east TS foot moro or loss of It 2 blk 10 Ivountzo & Kuth'd addition , permanent grade , 0 feet wide. South sldo of I.eavcnworth strout. Its 1 and 24 blk 1 Mlllard Place , permanent gr.ido , Ufoot wide. South sldo of Leavonworth street It I blk 3 Mlllard Place , porjunnent r.ido , ( i feet wide. Soiilh sldu of Luiivuti worth street lots 1-3-4-5 b'.k 1 Maish's nddltlon permanunt grade , Ofeot wide. North sldo of Le-ivonworth street w of It 14 blk Kount/.o's % Hiilh's nddltlon , pormi- nont grade , li feut wide. North side of Lcnvonworth street Its 7-0-10 Johnson's addition , por-iinnuat grade , C feet wldo. North snlo of Lnnvonworth street Its ! lj and ilO.I 1 Kc-JIck's iiddlllon , uermunent grace , U foot wide. North s.do ot Itli'J or school It blk . " > Kountzo & Kuth's addition , permanent grade , U feut Will I ! . Norlh sldo ot Lo ivcnwnrtb street west V moro or loss of It 2J blk ft Knunt7.o & Ituth'a iidilltlon , permanent grade. ii feet wldo. North stdo l.e iv-'iiwortb street , lax It 12 , see ' 2-1S-1U. pormnncnt uriiclo , 0 feet wide. North side of l.eavenworlh slroet. Us U nnd ' - ' . Johneon's iittil. poimunoiit grade , 0 foot vldo , North sldo of l.oavonworlh sliout. Us 11-12- : i-14. Jacob's udil , permanent giatle , C foot iv I do. North sldo of Loavenworth street , UP , John- son's add. permanent grudo , II fojt wldo. South sldo of Louvenwurth street , Its l-2-'J-4- ' > , Olaik'-i ndd , poimanoiH grade , U feet Wldo. South sldu of I.fuvouworth street. It 21 , Mo- : 'auillluh Place , permanent , j'rnde , G foot wldo. South sldoot I.oaveiiworth street. It 1-2-3-4-1 ilit'J , .Marsh's ndd , permanent grude , U foot wldo. South sldo of I.oavonworth street. Its 1-3-3-4-5 blk 'J. iMursh's itdd , permanent grade , 0 foot ivldr. South side of llurnoy iitrcot. Its 11 and 12 blk G , Oupltol ndd. pormaiicu' . grade , o foot wide , South sldn of llurnuy street , lots 12 , 13 and 14 , Kellogg's Place , permanent grade 0 foot wldo. North side of Ilnrnoy street. ItsO , 7 , 8 and 0 , bk : U , Capitol add , poriiiiinunt- grade , U feel wide. West slrto 10th street , south part of It 1 , blk C ! . cay. n rmanonl grade. U foot wide. Hast slue of SilJ slrc.et , It 4 blk 2Ui } olty.jior- inuiieiit gr.ide.O feot. wldo. North bldo of Iaar.1. Its 5 nnd 0 , blk 103 > { oitv , normiuiPiit grade , fl feet wldo. Wi'.stuidoof ' 'itlistreut. It 1 blk H olty , permanent - manent gr.ide , li feet wldo. Soiilli Hldeof iJiillfornliiRtroot , Us 1 , 2 , 3 and b.k 17 , city , pormanout grade , ( IfeoHvItlo. South KldoofO.iss hticot , Its 2 , 3 ami 4 blk 40 city , permanent grille , II feet wldo. North Hide of Ouss Htrcet , Its 7 und 8 blk 02 , i-lty , permanent grudo , I ) feet 'vldo. And bo It further resolved : That tbo board of public worsts bo and bore- by isuuthorU.ed and tllruulo.il to oausuiicopy of this rosulut.cn to bo puhllshoJ In thu oiu- clul paper of the oltv for ono week , or bo t-orved on the owners of H ild lots and unless suoli owners shall within llvo duys uftur the pnblleutlon orsorvU'Oof stieli copy construct j\ \ Halil.snhiwulks u huruln rotiulroil , tint the A ! board of public works cause the same to bo jl clone , Uio cost of eonstructliig said sidewalks % \ ruspoutlvoly to bo assessed ii''almt the real estate , lot or part , of lot In front of and abut ting such HidewulliH. Pasiod Wov. 20th anil Deo. Bib , I90A li P , OAVIH. President of thu Council A , ( i , KIMVAUD9. Acting Provident of the Council , ; 1 Att03t : JOHN UKOVR- . 1\ \ OHy Glork , Approvodt OEO. P. IIKMIS , Mayor , NOTICE TO C'ONSTKUOT HIDMWALKS. To the owners of tbo lots , purls of louaim real est ito described In the above rosulu- You nnd each of you nro hereby notified to construct permunontsldowulksus required by . a resolution of the olty ccunull and mayor of the clly of Omaha , of which Ihu above U u C ° Py' P. W. IIIIIKIIAUSKK , ij Ohalrmun llo.irl of I'uhllo Wurka. HI Omaha , Nob. , lurummiri7tli. ! ISO. . tl'J7J7 Nulled. In compliance with thu statutes ut tlio stnta of Neb , Insuchoiibort maihi.ind piovldoil.notloo U hereby glvon ihut sualed [ iroposalH will bo received at , thu olll.-o nf coaimlnslonor of lillb- llolanilHiind buildings until IJ o'clock p. m , , the ; ilst day of December , Ib'J. ' ' , for , ] the furnUhlng of NiipnlloH fur the quarter iiniluu Muivh III , IVJI , for the hoi- : , . - L'npoln. ' " ' pltulsfor iho iiu-iiiout llusllnuiiuiiit .Norfolk , the Industrial achools ut Koarnuy ami Uonuva , thu 'Inalltiito for thu blind at Nuurasku City , the Institute for tlio ( loaf a ml dumb at Omalm , tbo liHtltuto for thu Joob.o minded at Hiatrlcc , Ihu Holdlors' homo at ( irand Island , thu home ( or thu frlondlesH ut Linen- , and the itidusti lul homo at Mllfnrd. ICulmaK.'s e.ni bu procured by upnlyln/ tliiilnotltutiona , Nobhliwlll bo cotiildurod iiulosi In by the time Biiocllie.l . above , 4 The bu.ird recurves Iho right to accept or n reject any or ull bids ? All bun mi. t bu ' " " " ' ' ' 0',10'I Cominlsslonorof Public iundu and lliilldlngs , Llnco.n , Doc. 2) . IB1U d.l'dl.t ' _ ITiipimiU lor Itniilo , ItliinUa unit htutliiimry for lliu Olty of Oinulm for HID Yi-ur IKD.'I. Honlod ( lids will lie received at thu olllco of the /"comptroller ill ) to 4 , m , Uocombor " 7lh , 1 'J. ' , for the furiiUhlng of books , blanks and Btutlonury for tlio city of Omuliu lor ihu yuurisui Hluiki5ur | HUeh b.ds will bo fur- nUliod by the comptroller , und only bids on such blank's will bo coiiBl'lerod , A certified chuck of $3)1 ) to uccompuny ouch bin , Thu right Is reserved to reject uiiy r ull J11. ' ' ' Omaha , Nob. , Deo. Vl t , 1892. ( Jo'mpiroVie'r.