Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 26, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMAItA DAILY 1H2E : MOSifi&AY , flEOBMHEU 20 , 1802 ,
Majestic Natural Wonders in Valley and
Oanon in Southern Utah ,
Ulnli I'lurrr I'lrliU anil Itlitlio'n Dliunond
* lpirloitnrilt | III Wyotii"
I -.Summitry ttt North *
Mr. Don Mngulro , chlof of the do-
pnrtincnt of mining and archaeology of
the Utah. World's Fair commission ,
struck a rich load of urohlstorlc won-
flora , grand scenery nnrt border titles
whllo pursuing his explorations In
Boutliorn Utah. The rcplon which drew
from him nn enthusiastic letter pub
lished in the Salt , Lake Tribune , Is
known iw Ilnhblt Valley , through which
courses the Dirty Dovll river , till of
which Ho in Wayne county , with } M\ \
tis the county seat. It is a inountanous
region , weirdly Interesting to the ex
plorer and prospector. Below Habblt
valley anolhor unnamed valley opuna
p , surnasilnir the famous Yosomlto.
{ Twenty mllus further on , the valley nar
rows Into u gorge a mighty crevice In
the face of the 13uck Horn mounlnlns ,
The river descends through rapids , the
mountain walls grow higher and the
. temperature Is decidedly wnrmur. .A
buccofbion of narrow valleys but iv few
liundicd feet wide , wrapped in eternal
summer , are mot until the Dirty Devi !
mingles its waters with the Colorado
Mr. Mnguiro says ho hns visited the
grand canon of the Colorado , anO
Vlowcd the majestic beauties of VolloW'
ptono paric , neither of which equal Ir
k'Uggod grandeur the eoctlon of UlaV
Just visited. Such wonderful en nous
Bueh awful walls of rock , auch narrov
PHBSCB , thrill the beholder and provoke
involuntary admiration for the niighM
Imndlworlc'of naturo. There is a wild
wnird , uncanny bpirit in the re
fjlon. To Iho artist there ii
n. play of colors in those mlchty roclci
that no land can surpass. The sunligh
comes down into these narrow gorge :
with such olTect and Iho torrents of tin
Hges have cut and worn the rod sand-
Btono into pyramids , columns , urchci
Hod caverns" the mo < t etupendoui
feealo. Thuro are hero places where thi
winds Ecotn to gather from all the oartl
to roar and riot , and again are feund lo
calllios whore the god of silence is supreme
promo whore the very htillncss is np
palling. There are leading out from tin
Grand Wush narrow canons whoso sidi
passageways are but ton to thirtv feet
uut who o sldos run up pornenuicula
" , ( 00 feet and two of thefco nurroxv canon
lead into mighty amphitlioators fratnci
out of the sandstone. Those vast am phi
theaters are made Inrgor and large
through the years as the fatorms wasl
down their sides anil carry tlio sam
thus wiishcd away down through tin
narrow gorge into the Dirty Duvil ant
thence down the Colorado and into tin
Bca. A gioat natural bridge lies nortl
of the Grand \Vanh , a stream trlbutar ,
to tlio Dirty Dovil. It shows a chasi :
J,200 fcot a'bovo the lloor of the cano
and forms a perfect arch 70 feet wid
over the gorge. Iii bomo of these can
Cns where opposite w.ills are porpon
dlcuiar echo becomes jorfect , and n she
fired ro-oehooa n score of timos. A mub
ul instrument played within ono
these spots the music is re-echoed si
perfectly us the llrst sound , and the voic
of the wind ns it plays around UICF
lieiglits scorns to give forth notes not (
this world , and the harking of n do
Booms to awnkon to life a thousand cui
Jn the hills around. For the grcatc
part of the year this region is dy. . but i
hildEUininor when at last the olemon :
lire aioubutl the most terrible rainstorn
wash down the sides ot these clitTs an
Bond a b\ood-red \ offering down to tl
In this , almost * unknown region co
talning : ! , OUO square miles , there
plenty of coal , some sulphur and fii
deposits of gypsum.
Two sections of the great west anew
now attracting uncommon attention ai
drawing the usual influx of prospeclc
the diamond Holds of Idaho and tl
placer Holds of soutnorn Utah. T !
rufih to the latter IMS almost depot :
latod mining camps in south-wosto
Colorado and northern Arizonln. T
placora were discovered loss than a ye
npo by a Nuvnjo trader named \V
llama. Ilo intorobted eastern enniti
nnd hydraulic machinery was shipped
the Hlneoiv , under the pretense tluit
was to bo used in the developments
coal Holds , The shipping point w
"Winslow , Am. , and tin old piospect
named French noting the style of t
machinery followed the outlil , and cai
back to Winslow with a report that
milej of rich yellow ground * , runui
from SI lo fO per pan , la.U50 . miles
the north. In Albuquerque , N. M. , nu
goto are on exhibition ranging
weight fiom ono to five ounces ! of coat
gold , and crowds of people are loavii
their vocations and hurrying to Utti
The gold is described us oiinilar to tl :
fllscovorcd in California in 1840.
The location is in a fearfully rou ,
country. It is about 200 miles north
Ilolbrook , A. T. , over a rolling , sun
country , destliuto of timber or wati
There are nearer points in western C
orado , but the country is rough. T
find lies In San Juan county , Utah , t
being on the south side of the Gni
ciinon of the Colorado , is only accw
blu from the Arizona side. It Is abi
thlrty-llvo miles across the Arizona 11
The elevation of the place must bo 6,1
nr 0,000 feet , and the winters there i
cold and long. Water is plenty , I
Ban Juan hoinganoblo stream and , h
Ing a rapid full , will bo easily taken (
tor mining purposes. Old mining n
predict trnublo when the crowd g
there and finds the bent locations tal
up by thosymiicato , and say that ola
jumping will nourish and many a lifo
lost over it.
Reports from the diamond fioldt
Idaho are not all of a favorable oh
actor , and it IB well they should not
I3xnggorailo is thulmnioot now cam
Whllo dispatches and the local PHJI
toll luinlnou stories of the Holds i
the genuineness of the brilliants ,
should ho borne In mind that midwii
In a mountainous region IB not eond
Ivo to iiotlvo work. The trround
rozon to a depth of two feet , Ho
winds prevail nnd anew covers
ground. These facts go to provo t
very little worK has boon done , BO t
reports of discoveries must
taken with considerable e
Ono correspondent hints that
diggings are not what they are orac !
tip to bo. It is alleged that oxi
Ivunz tolla contradictory stories , t
boomer : ) of town loU and claims are
the watch for suckers , and 1
Iho chief boomer Is n To
who has acquired an unonvit
reputation JIB a ropor-ln. Pei
shall presently know wholhur the Id
digging * are a countorpari of the gi |
tlo ( ulf ot California diamond hoax
put rut eel by euhomors in the ' "Os.
If diamonds are found in Idaho
not Imnrobnhlo that the famous Death
valley of Nevada will bo thoroughly
prospected. Dan Do Qulllo Bnvs the
country Miowa the bostydlamond Indica
tions of any on the Pacific coast There
are not only blowouU of lava , but also
flexible imiiditono , beds of Indurated
gravel , ironstone , hills composed of
strata ot rod , blue and yellow material
and other such Indications ni nro found
hi the various diamond fields of the
world. Although prospectors have
noticed Iho flcxlblcsn ndstonos , the hods
of Inva-covorod gravel nnd the curiously
striped hills of this region , no ono has
thought of searching In it for proclous
stones all the prospecting has oeen for
gold and silver.
Wyoming & Ulult Itullroncl.
Incorporation papers of the Wyom
ing & Utah Railroad company were
filed In Cheyenne a few days ago. The
route described Is that surveyed by the
Chicago & Northwestern years betoro
the company stopped construction work
at Caspor. It Is Intended to connect
the present line with the Central I'aclllc
lit Ogden. The route follows the famous
Swcotwator and Green river valleys ,
the Uoir river In Utah , nnd ponotratcs
oil and coal Holds and productive val
leys unsurpassed by any In Wyoming
and Utah.
The tiling of Incorporation papers at
this season of the year is accepted as
evidence of the determination of the
Chicago & Northwestern to construct
the long delayed road into the Salt l.ako
valley next sprintr and summer. The
activity of the Hurlington in northern
Wyoming c.iuplod with the facUhat the
Rock Island and Santa Fo roads have
rail connection with the Utih metrop
olis , are forces that operated in stirring
the Vanderbilt people to action.
A nether factor is the development com
pany recently organized with ex-Gov
ernor Campbell of Ohio at the head , to
work iron , coal , oil and other lands ,
aggregating 100,000 acres , in the
vicinity of the proposed road.
Both'undortakinfjs promise great re
sults for Wyoming and Utah and will
undoubtedly stimulate activity in othoi
industrial lines , not tlio least of which
is to alTord transportation facilities In
Iho dormant oil Holds.
Crrnt Slicrp Drive.
Early next May Frame Pordyco , r
yountr stock baron of Idaho , will at'
tempt to drive from the center of Idahc
to Ogallala , Neb , a band of 45,00 (
The distance to , bo traversed by the
animals is more than 1,000 miles , ani
Foulyco hopes to accomplish the trip in
about hix months. Ho thinks ho will
not whllo onrouto lose over 1 nor cent o
his gig.intic Hock , and ho is cortait
that none will bo stolen from him.
The sheep will have to cross the
llocky mountains in their wildest purl
undjvill have to ford several hundred
small streams.
It will require the services of onlj
ten men to drive the sheep , but thoj
will bo assisted by ten dogs , said to b (
the llncst of their breed tn America.
The long drive will bo made to save
railroad freight charges. From Opal
lain the sheep will bo shipped to tin
Omaha and Chicago markets.
S.llinon Trust rroposrtl.
The Columbia river salmon packori
are still dibcussing the proposed associa ,
lion. Tlio general terms of the agreement
mont have boon adopted , but the packer
have not yet signed the articles blndin ;
them to take a certain amount of stock
The business of all the canneries on tin
Columbia from Astoria to the Willamott
is to bo consolidated and carried on b.
six canneries. The business is to to
managed by a board of nine directors
in which the San Francisco and Porl
land intorobts will bo represented b ,
ono each and the Washington an
Astoria canneries by two and IIv
directors respectively. The pack ma
bo limited to 405,000 oases. Fixe
prices will bo established for all th
A Cabs county farmer has slaughtorc
nintcen wolves this winter.
James G. McBride of Pawnee Git
broke his leg \vhilo coasting.
Dr. Taylor , the Steele City gentlcmn
who attempted to carve his nolghbo
Elmer Campbell , was lined $50.
Harry Hubbard was arrested at Tab
Roc-k by Landlord Forroll and lined i
and coste for beating a board bill.
B-.Tho German Lutherans of Oxford hai
dedicated a now church of their ow
They now possets a substantial house
worship and a mtrsonago.
Mr. N. B. Barber , editorof thoNnn <
County Journal , and D. A. Scovillo
Aurora , are candidates for commandi
of the Soldier's homo at Grand Island.
Peter Blackbird , an Omaha India
who was sentenced at Ponder recent
for assault and battery , tried to comm
suieido by shooting himself in the abu
men. Ills aim was poor and ho was n
dangerously injured.
Inarm Hill , son ot n farmer llvli
three miles west ot Oakland , and wl
is subject , to epileptic Hts , after doir
Boino trading lost his way and it
( eared that in ono of his paroxysms 1
may.havo fro/son to doath.
.Too Campholl and a man known
"Heady , " who tried to skip out fro
Crete tvllhoul paying their board bill
were arrested nnd lined $50 and cos
Whllo on the way to the jail ono ot tl
prisoners managed to m.iko his esca ] :
A man named Tom Wilson got a lea
lit a livery barn In Wilbor recent !
leaving with Iho liveryman anoth
team and wagon. Wilson had been so
by hH employer wlth'J5 logo loWilb
for a load of bricks , but ho failed 10 t
The mooting at the Church of Chr
at Arnpahoo , conducted by Evangel
S. A. Hedges , slid continues with u
abalod interest. The additions to t
church have already amounted
twonty-ono , all heads of famllletj I
At Oxford , Sherman Ynger had a fl
black Inprobo stolen from his bupj :
The previous evening a similar nrtt
wiib H wiped from a vehicle belonging
Thomas SholTroy. A weak or BO n
some thief made away with a brand n
brldlo. .
ra. - John N. Ilasslor of Pawnee City 1
a.i. . sold his inlorost in the Republican pi
i.fa lished nt that city to Hey D. Hnnsl
fad who will tuko possession of the oil
January 1 , noxt. Mr. Ilasslor is ono
the oldest nnd best newspaper men
ar Iho state , uud his retirement on accoi
, of ill health is a , source ol regret to
J * friends.
At a masked ball given nt Hubl
recently a light by bomo drunUen rt
at tins broke out behind the scenery ,
uu which leu or twelve persons part
It. paled. Knlvos were freely used. J ( Hill , Dick May uud several others w
uud olhorwlso brulsoi
id severely cut up
idrt the mnlpo. The city marshal 01
at powered the rullinna nnd pouco was
j , , stored.
at Hoti. Paul bchmlnko , ono of the I
nn known men of Nebraska , and who
ilo bovoral times represented Oleo cou
ilo in the legislature nnd la at pros
hon mayor of Nebraska City , is very a\ \
n- Ills nil mont is a complication of ft
degeneration ot Iho hoarl and Urig
disease , the latter un outgrowth of
furmor. It oanaot bo told how long
honored mayor's lllo may bo spared
under those terrible anitctlons.
flrmlh IMknln.
The Hnrvoy Peak Tin company la a
patron of Wyoming coal.
Denver capitalists have invested $75-
000 in mines in Shceptall gulch.
The newly formed Green Mountain
Mining company will work the mines
near Sundance.
The semi-monthly shipment of cold
from the Hempstead mlno anil the
Golden Reward smelter amounted to
Organlz Ulon is the order ot the * , day.
The Association cf the I'roapcctors of
the Black Hills is the latest. The ob
ject Is mutual bonoflt , advancement and
pecuniary support.
The grade of the Abardcon & Pierre
railroad Is finished. It is reasonably
certain that the rotd will bo pushed to
completion next year : Wealthy eastern
men are now interested in the road.
The legislature will bo asked to make
amends for World's lair neglect by ap
propriating $ -10,000 for the state exhibit.
So far $10,022 , , secured by public sub
scription , hns been expended on the
state building.
\Vjoinliit ; .
The trial of Iho Johnson county raid
ers Is sot for January 2 , at Choyonne.
' The Asbestos Mining company , cap
ita' $800,000 , will o'porato near Caspor.
Out of the thirteen counties in the
state of Wyoming there was not a man
elected to the olllco of county superin
tendent ot schools.
Sheriff Angus Is ready to bet 3100 to
$1 that Jack Bliss , the hor&o llftor and
desperado , Is not dead nor sleoplnu. It
was recently reported that ho was killed
In a fight with ollicors.
During the first half of December the
Union Pacific Coal company Rhlppcd
4,171 cara of coal from Rock Springs ,
and oven then worlc was suspended tot
throe days owing to n shortage in curs.
Frank Case , the young horse thlol
who escaped from tlio Sheridan county
jail at Shnrldan last week , was captured
in the hlllH about twenty miles from the
town. Both his feet and ono hand were
badly frozen.
Thu altitudlnous atmosphere of Lar-
amlo alTectcd the gray matter of Josopli
Costello , a passenger on the Overland ,
Ho was found wandering aimlessly in
the byways of the town , his pockets
tilled with cnsh and checks to the
amount of $3,000.
Bon Blanchard did not work assmootli
a game as did a bogus cripple in Chey
enne. The latter hitched a chunk o
wood to his log , borrowed a crutch nni
worked the charitable. Ilo pecuroe
enough to ride out of town , but donatct
the timber to the depot master.
A 15-year-old boy , while riding horse
back over the prairie in the Sybilli
country the other day , suddenly came
upon a monster wildcat that was crouch
ing amen < ; the bushes along the route ,
Instead of trying to got away from H
the brave young lad got oil his horse
and preceded to pelt the animal wltV
rocks and finally succeeded in killing it
Utah anil Iilnlio.
Tliroo fire engine houses are to b (
built in Salt Lake.
The governor of Idaho rocommondi
a tax on the not product of mine * ) .
The revival of the Northwestern extension
tension provoked Salt Lakers to cheers
The Idaho supreme court declare
that tax collectors nro limited to $3,001
in fees per annum.
Charley Yung , a Chinaman , ploddci
through the Utah desert tor thirty-si :
hours without food or water. lie i
now in a Snlt Lake hospital with badl ;
frozen foot.
A roundup of coyotes waa made in th
sagebrush twenty-five miles southoas
of Idaho's capital. Thirty \voro ca )
turod. The skins of the animals ar
valuable Jor winter coats.
The Boise newspaper war goes o
right merrily. The Mail editor lando
an uppercut the other day by reforrin
to his contemporary on the Statosma
as "tho boiler-bellied bo.iuty up tli
street. "
The Salt Lake Tribune paid an el
quont and touching tribute to the men
ory of James G. Blaino. Editor Gooc
man made no mistake when ho decide
that the obituary was too good to koc
until the Plumed Knight had passe
The official canvass of Montana's vo
gives Ilarribon a plurality of 1,270.
The Moating debt of Great Falls
$80,000 , drawing ? per cent. The boudi
debt amounts to $100,000.
It is reported in Montana that Maji
A. W. Lytnan of the Helena Indopcn
out has boon tendered the position
private secretary by President Clcv
Reports from the northern catl
country represent a bad condition
affairs. The snow is deep and fc
scarce. In the southern range stock
in good condition.
Roporls of the shut down of Anacon
properties are exaggerated. The o1
put is about one-half the usual quantil
but now drifts are being opened , wh
the mills nro running nearly fu
handed on surplus ore.
A Great Falls dispatch states that I'
latest reports from the Fort Bolkn
Indian agency ptato that the log cal :
in which the Indian who killed B
Mouth had barricaded himself wi
some of his Indians , was stormed by tl
Indian police , and in the fight the nu
doror nnd ono of the other Indians wo
killed. Agent Simons ia doincr nlcel
and the trouble is considered at an on
AlmiK thu C'ollHl ,
The returns of the salmon pack
British Columbia for the season of If
show a total of 221,707 cases , as compai
Is It Worth
the Chance'
w .
If you arc sincere in cncou
aging honest manufacturers i
giving you pure preparatior
instead of worthless ones , ;
fair instead of seemingl
cheap price , is it worth tl :
chance to purchase the doze
and one adulterated extrac
on the market instead of D
Price's Delicious Flavorir
in Extracts of Lemon , Orang
rein Vanilla , etc. , that impart tl
ro - natural flavor of the fruit , an
o- are endorsed for their purit
at strength and economy ?
ns A trial of Dr. Price's Delicioi
t.v lit Flavoring Extracts will pro >
K. a great movement towan
K.K good eating , active digestic
1)0 and happy homes.
with ! )12Stl ) cneoB for 1Mb sonaon ot 1801 ,
n dcoronso for 1802 olm-il I case *
Sontllo la putting' t/rt / trcnh tucker *
preliminary to colobriUlng the tulvont
ol the Great Northern./
The Ptiffot sound country nnd Oregon
nro onvelopcd in supw from ono mid n
hnlf to three fcot in donth.
The tnx rolls from nil the counties of
the ntnto show the tulnl rnltio of the
taxable property of tTWbtnto to bo ? 1M- !
000,000 , iiRiiln t $128,009,000 last yonr.
Thu Oregon PnclflcTi'Mlroiuls , stonm-
beaU , etc , nro advertised to ho resold
on Janunry 10 , 1893. JJo ? bid loss thnn
Sl,2iO,000 for the property will bo ro-
Tlio contracts for the extension of the
SpoKane Falls it Northern rnllrond from
Northport to the International boundary
1ms boon awarded and work begun.
This Is the llrst , stui ) in the proposed
connuction of Spokane with the Uann-
dinn Pacific , which will ffivo the city
the bunolll of tlio travel over n fourth
transcontinental lino.
A monster cougar attacked iv rancher
named Nesbltt , living txt Chain Lake ,
Snoliotnlsh county , Wash. Ho would
probably have made a meal for Iho wild
bonflt hud it not been for two travelers )
who hoard his cries for \\o\\i. \ \ \ They hnd
no guns and the boast , though afraid to
attack till three , followed them a dist
ance of two miles alone the trail.
In iv paper road before the Hoard of
Trade of San Francisco , General Chip-
man of Had HlulT showed that so von
southern counties had received 01 pur
cont. of thp ontlro increase in ruril
population , and that the northern coun
ties had remained almost utn standstill
for ten years. This result no attributed
mainly to the fact that in the northern
counties big landholders refused to sub
divide their tract * and soil on easy
terms. Another significant fact was
that two out of throe of the now Bottlers
who have coma lo this state in the last
decade have gone into cities and towns
of over . ' 1,000 inhabitants. One-third of
the whole < tl.'t,4.'iO now settlers may be
found in San Francisco , Oakland and
Los Angeles.
Dnur V'our OHn-CiMifliuloii.
Mr. J. O. D.ivcMiport , manager of Iho Fort
Ur.iKK llcdwooil Co , Ft. Hr.iro , Cal. , 1ms
tilt * to say of Chuiubcrliiin'H Cauih Ucinody :
"I used it for a suvero cold and cough and
obtained immediate relief. In the Fort
Ur.igu Hedwooil Co's store wo have sold
largo quantities of Chamberlain's medi
cines. " For sale by druggists.
Soim'tliliifr Alinut Pirn's Corset * .
Philadelphia Times : The idea of
men wcurlng corsets is not a now ono.
Gorman army olllcers wear them as n ,
matter of courso. English ollieors of
crack regiments which sport a tight-
fitting uniform wear olthor corsets or
have their coats whalebonod to lit
snugly. I am not , hovrovor , alluding to
these pardonable instances where it ia
hardly possible to avoid some such aid
to Imposing grand teuu , but to the fact
that corset wearing n nong fashionable
young men , and some naughty , wicked
old ones , is not on\y \ becoming dally
more popular , but that a well known
Bond street house islmaking n fortune
by Us artificial attenuations of figures ,
whoso" owners disdain the robust , and
well-fed appoarauco of woll-ainod
Britons ,
The man's corset a la mode is bettor
described ns a corselet , ills much longer
in proportion than that alleuted by fem
ininity , and fits well .down to the hips
and under the Bhotfldors. With the
present mode of wearing the frock coat
open there is not much chance to dis
play the skill of the corJsotior to advan-
u , but the fin do stoclo .lohnnlo llkos
to display n inner waist onswnthcd In n
wolMlUlng waistcoat.
The advantage Is much moro marked
In evening dross , where the "camel
band " has almost entirely superseded
waistcoats , the former having n ten
dency to noaumo n patriarchal aspect
when stretched over a civpnoious nbdo-
mon. The late Duke of Clarence was
noted for the tight lacing ho indulged
In. Lacing ia said to have a bonofictnl
oftoetupon men who nro inclined to undue -
duo excesses at the tnblo , ns after
the innnnor of the tightened holt of the
western gentleman , "down on his luctt , "
it puts a certain check on capacity.
An Intiiltmlito ItriiHMly for Ci > ttl < .
Sheriff ; of T.vlor county , West
VMiRlnln , was almost prostrated with a Mid
wlion he began using Chainbcrl.iln'a Cotiib
Kctnotly. In sicaUingof it ho s.xys : "Itgavo
mo almost Instant ruliof I tliul it to bo an
Invaluable remedy for colds" For s.ilo by
Ilitrr of mi Author Who lint Dunn
lur U'diiifii.
Miss Virginia Penny is now living In
oxtretnoly straitened clreunistancoa lit
Now York. She devoted the whole of
her modest foriuno , amounting to per
haps $7,000 , including jewels , toadvanco
the intorcstfl of women , especially in Iho
way of opnnlng up omploytiiiMita for
tli out.
It is moro than thirty years ago when
Mls3 Penny , now 03 years old , begun
her work , says the Hostoa llorald. She
had boon a teacher and she counted
just six employments , which , so
far as her knowledge wont , were open to
women. She thoughtthoro ought to bo
moro nnd accordingly began ti patient
and thorough slimy of Iho problem ,
which extended over four years. She
bought books , searched in the great
libraries of several cities and sent out
circular Inquiries to manufacturers and
merchants. The rcsultof her investiga
tions was a large volume , somewhat
statistical In nature , in which she
showed that there were 500 employ
ments In which women might bo en
gaged. This work , called "Employment
for Women , " was published in 18(53. (
Since that time women have become engaged -
gaged in more than -150 of the employ
ments Mls Penny described. The book
wont through several editions , appear
ing in two cases under changed titles.
Miss Penny published another book
"Think and Act , " in 1S7I ! . It also dealt
with Iho problems which confront wo
men who are dependent upon them
This lady spent all of her money in the
collection and publicalion of tlio fads
which wont into her books , and it is
generally admitted that her work has
been of great value to women. She is
now in gojuiino distress. Her bedstead
consists of four empty trunks. Ill health
prevents her from earning as much with
her pen as she might if her strength
was greater.
For a disordered liver try Bccchum's Pills
A Cow \VltliTcn Ilorim.
There is on exhibition at Paris , Tax , ,
onoot the greatest curiosities over in
America a cow with ion horns , two on
her head and two on each foot. She is
5 years old and has had a line calf. She
was born near Jaclcsboro , Tox. , her
primal owner being a prominent ranch
man named Oliver. She is at. present
in charge of n man named Mauley. She
will bo shown at Chicago during the
World's fair.
When In want of a Rood liniment , buy Sal
v.i lion Oil , which costs onlyiio cents.
Easy As Can Be
washing'with Pearline. Just
'fc ' anc see' N ° nc of the rub ,
rub > rub that made the old washboard
hateful. None of the old washboard , either.
Nothing but common sense washing of
_ clothes , paint , dishes , anything in the house
with something that takes out the clirt , instead of
. making you rub it out. It's a big difference.
There's a saving in the labor but , besides that ,
there's a saving in the wear.
Washing with acids and chemicals is easy , too
but it isn't safe. Washing with Pearline is.
Tcddlcrs and some unscrupulous gro
cers will tell you " this is ns need as"
. * rv - or "the same as Pearline. " IT'S
s FALSE Pearline is ne\er peddled ; if your grocer sends you an imi
d tation , be honest send it back. 313 JAMES 1'YLE , New Yorlc.
1f f
r ,
o Gr-rent JL-iver and Stomach
[ -
Cures all disorders of the Stnmiicli , Liver , Bowels , Kidnevs , Jlhtddc
r. Nervous Diseases , Loss of Appetite , Headache , Constipation , Costiveiics
Indigestion , Biliousness , Fever , Piles , etc. , and renders the system lei
liable to contract disease.
)2 JIADWAV'3 11 MiS uraacuro for this complaint. They tonn up tlio Internal eoorctlons
lioixlthy lu'tlon , restore Btninuth tothoHtomncnuml anittilo It to perform its function * .
3d I'rlco25oiox. [ ) Sold'Oy allUrilKBlsta , or niiilled by KADWAY & UO..3JVarronStroot , Nc
York , on incolnt of prlco''r" '
. . . . . . . . .
Harper s for January
HORII WooLSOMl I Illustrated by T
Ollitr t'taturet of this Xitmttr ate
The Romance In the Ufe of Hefty Burke. The Old Way to Dixie. Fly JULIAN KAI rii
A Story , lly KitriiAKi ) HARDING UAVIS. With Draftings by W. T. SUEULKY
With Illustrations lr > C. 1) . f- ' -
trated by C. S , KEINIJART. Proletarian Paris. lly TiifouoRu CIIILU.
Tennyson. lly Mri JAMES T. FIBUDS. With With Illustrations by 1 * RUNOUAKIJ
Illustrationi by V. V.'Ilu MOND. Pensions , the Law and its Admlnlstra.
The Unexpected Guests. A Farce , lly tlon. lly I'mvARD r WAITB
WILLIAM DBAM HOUKLI.H. With Illustra- The Story ol the Other WUe Man. ty )
tionj anil Frontispiece by W.T SMBUI.BY. llBNitr VAN DIKH
StuJy and Ldittr'i 2)r.rtver , both Illustrated.
HARPER & BROTHERS , Publishers , New York CltyT
Nerve Soocls , "
.BWV . . .v „ V..MHV .fX'is-tta-k A
ten Kimrnnirr to euro all ncrvoui iMieascn , ticli na Wi-nk Mctnurr.
] jO of llialu 1'owcr , ll'adarJie.Yukcfulneo , lx t Munliuod. NlKhtl ? Units.
lans.Norrouiiicii.l/aaiUudo.alldrilni unil loaiuf ponerof IUaUon rntUo
Orfini In ritluirBezcauieil bjrorcr oiertlon , yontbful rrruti.or nscesilrc
uioof totincooopium orMlmumnu vhlcb noon lor.d to Intlrmlty. Cnniunip'
tioimnalnittnlty. I'ut uiiciMncnloijtotarrjrln vest pocket , fel pur part.
nuubrmuiliCfoTtX urerrtlonlorwn rtveaivrttttn gitirant f rururv
t/r nJund the DIOIKV. Circular true. Aildrua fturv u UaeU Co. , tiUlcusd , 111.
For Sale in Omaha by Sherman & McConnell , ID 16 Dodge Street.
frio/u/s ,
\\TG greet you.
We ro conscious
thnt AVG
7mve plcnsed you.
WE voU.
If we please ourselves as well in
" 93 as in ' 92 , we can wish ourselves
no better luck. We have done an
enormous business and feel highly
Corner 13th and Farnam.
Compel your Shoe Dealer to supply you witli
The New Jersey slubber Shoe Go.
the Now Jersey SPECIALTIES , They
tire line. Notice name ON SOLES.
Dealers can get Price Lists and Dis
counts on application. I carry a big
stock and am Western Agent for the
New Jersey Co.
Is remarkable among whiskies for Its
Purity , Rich Quality , Smoothness and
Delicious Bouquet.
Sold only at High-class Drinking
Places and Drug Stores. If yout
"Ocalcr does not keep it in stocltj
* Write to
| For Thirty Days only w < j will ollor ourontlra steak of 01 unanils nnil
Chrlstraaa Jewelry and Silverware at leas tlni muiuf.voturor'd cost.
Fourteenth antl Farnam Streets-
1 \VI11 tnovo .Tan. 1 , to N. W. Cor. lath ami I'arnain. BAl'F.3 I'OU BAfjU.
1816 JJoLiglns Street , Oniahn , Nob.
The ouilnrnt ipoclnllit In norvoiu. chronic , prlrute , blood , tkln nnil urlnury iltiutiu * . A regular and
rPKlitorod vruiluntu In niuilU'luu. uidl plomut iinii aurtltlcutut Hhair , Is Hill tro.itliu ullli Ilia yruutuit SUP *
ce s ciiturrh , lost iitntihouil Htimluat weuknotii , nlifbl lo ioi unit tilt form * of prltMlu ( litjjuv Nu inirou
ry unoU , Now tioa'.ment foi lu uf vlUI nuwur. I'urUoi uuublu to vult nm nu bi troituJ ut hums hj
curreiponilnnci ) . iloJIdno or li lrumiinU > uut by m lluro < pron > oourel > piokuJ , no iinrku t > j Imtlaiita
. . Ountultutloutrui. CorruipjaJu'iaaitrlcllr prlraUt
ooutiiuUoruvndor. Ono puuuimlluturvluw pn.rorrMi
llook ( Mjrsterlo otUfo ) oiitfrou. Oiilcoligurj'Ju.iu to'Jpu. buiUay > lUu.a > . .taUiu.ouj tampfurroplf.