Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 26, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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    "OMAHA DAILY 1WK : X \Y , DUOEMUKU 20 , 1802.
COUNCIL ut.urrs.
Dclltrirtl liy rnrrlcr to any pail nf tlio r > lly
Hii lnp onirc .
TI 1 1 nmtvr I
TI M I'llCKsra f jjjui.i . , | ; , utoi No. ' . ' 3
.l/JMJ/l .VK.W/O.V.
N. V PlmnbltifrCo. p
Council HlnlTs J.tnnwr Co Coal.
Mlsi Jxfllic Botlgo Is siting in PlilUiilol-
Mrs 1" S Pussy is visiting friends in
C I' 1'lntte of Chicago Is visiting friends
In tlio i Ity
Neil Kverctt ictunied lust week ftom a
trip to Kuroiw.
William Arm ! spent-Sunday with fi lends In
Grand Island Neb
Miss Gnlc-c Osboi no Is \ici'ted home fi om
Hchujlor , Neb , today.
t L C 1'atte raon lias gone to Burlington fern
n visit with frlontls.
Miss Uoboits of Oluc-y , HI , is the guest of
her aunt , Mis Ionian
Miss fSatdi of les ) Molnos is the ) curst of
Mis H M Osboi no em riist avenue.
H 1 Pom the and daughter Hoilensc left
last evening fora weeks visit In ri.iidilln ,
Miss Mary Olhen- who has boe'ii stud.ving
music with Gottschalk In Chicago , Is homo
for thei holidays.
Mr and Mis W S. Am'Mitand son Caleb
I S.ituida.v fiom IVnvcr nnd will bo
" Mtis I.atira U.ildwlnthis week.
Mark Smith and Gooigo Uxans haveic -
mined fiom Iowa City , \\lipiethi\\ have been
attending school , to spend tin * bolld.ij vnea-
tlon at home
Miss I.oiton , who \lsiled the Misses
raniswoilh last wce-k , was railed to her
homo hi Nebraska City ba toli' an-
noumliig the' serious Illness of her mothoi
Mrs H T Miller ontoitamed a'paityof
fi lends last Thursdaaftcinoon at he rhoini'
nn Glen avenue in honor of Mis Itiimti of
Di'intM1 Among the invited guests wen-
Mis Kmiyan. Mis I'lmncr , Mis Iviioiipor ,
Mis Hobortson , Mis Hauls. Mis I.efh > rts.
Mis Hill , Mis Stoddnid , Mis Ktistm of
Omaha , Mis Italics of Omaha , Mis Majne ,
Miss Dohauj
Miss Mary Ko.\ entertained the COOK Ing
club last'I'tiesdnj evening at her home , on
Seventh stieot , assisted by Miss Mooic.
Those piesiiiteie Mr anil Mis Sapp. Mr
and Mrs Hint , the Misses Stewart of Cam-
bildgo and Miss Uhl of Cleveland ; the
Misses Urown , Mai tin , Lut7 , Hoekwell ,
Knth , raniswoilh , Jessie r.uiisworth , Koj-
nolds , Dodge , Babcock ; Messis. W. Shop-
hard , We > odbiiry , Wright. D.iwson , How an ,
James C.isaely , jr. , A Mueller , U Pcregoy ,
H Stllhnan , I'.itteison , Badollot , K B. How-
man , ICveiott , Majne.
For wnrmiDcr guest chambers , bath
rooms , etc. , our tjns hentuis arc just
what you wnnt. Look at them. Clean ,
convenient cheap. C. B. Gns nnd 121oo-
trio Light Co.
Brighter limn gnu , cheaper than oloc-
trio light nnd us beautiful lib n urenin
those now nrt lumps nt Lund Bros.
L 1' . Jud8onei\ilonjincor,328B'iv.iy.
No doubt the most complete' stock of
finu holiday novelties in nt Dayis' , the
lending druggist nnd porfumor.
Curl Burhorn. successor to E. Bur-
heirn has the only now jewelry stock in
city. Mitny holiday novelties.
Coining Social Ktcnts.
Tlio fact that came this year on
Sundn.\ put n stop to a many parlies
and other events that would have
othei wise tiilten place , but the devotees of
the giddy whhl propose to make up for their
loss dm ing the coming w eek , The follow ing
shows what may bo expected eluiing the
ptesent weekt
This evening Mr and Mis S Furnsvvorth
K will entei tain the young friends of Miss
Sadie and Master Tom at n dancing p.u ty at
their homo on Eighth sticet.
Tonioriowr evening the Boat club will give
a masimer.ule juity at the Arcamnn
pnrlens. Invitations have been issued to n
lingo number , and it will undoubtedly bo u
brilliant affair.
"Wednesday evening Miss Gcoigia Bennett
vv ill entei tain a largo number of friends at : i
caul party at her homo on Willow avenue , it
honor of Miss Watts of Neole )
MIB W H M 1'usoy and Mis Clmilesll
Pimioy have issued invitations for a leeep
tion Thuisday afternoon from 'J to 5 o'cloc-1
at the homcNof the founer , 5' ' Willow
Invitations have been issued for a rcecp
lion riidaj afteinoon to be1 given by Mis. J
K F McGeoamliMis C. II. I'inney at Mis
McGco's home , coiner of Willow avcnno am
1'e.u 1 street.
Fiidaj evening Mr nnd Mis .1. I * Stewari
will give a p.ntv at the Gi.iml hotel in lionoi
of their son and daughter , Master Dick inn
Miss ICleanor , who aio honvu * fur the boll
Satinday evening ( bo Pil
glims of Ameiic'.i will have one of their In
foinml socials in Scottish liiteh.ill.
- . - - - _ . -----L , _ . _ . . . .
See the line of HOLIDAY GOOD ;
mnrkcd HALF I'HICli
Council Blulls , In.
Drlesbnch's is the only plneo in towi
whoio you etui got gonuliio homoiunilt
Christmas sandy , puio nnd m ulo fresl
every dny. ! ! ! 7 Broadway.
See these oil hontora nt Swulno'a , 731
The snow nnd eotd weather does no' '
diminish the domnnd for ncrongo in the
Kloln trncl , L'j miles cast of the pot
olllcoUOO ; neros yet for snlo in fiom om
to ton ncro tracts , suitable for fruit nne
gnrdon. Day & IIoss , iiKonts , TO 1'onr
slreot ,
lilt llli n I'ltUcr.
\V. C. Foster , n heistler at the Ogfcn llvor
barn , presented himself at thopollco statin
last evening with n nose that envoi eel th
linger part of his face and m : overwhelmln
dcslio for lovengei. Ho boarded an Om.ih
motor train em upper Bioadwny about
o'clock , paid bis f.ue and cm led hln
self up in as comfortable a pos
tion as possible The conductoi
vUinso name wns llutehliison , came 1
nnd thinking that ho was monojiolblng tc
much of the vacant upaco in the can , n
quested him tn go into the smoker Ho eon
plied , but after ho had seated himself tli
coiiduetor und Moloiman Durant came 1
and tried to got him tole.ivo the car. Ho i <
fused to leave , sa.Ing ho had paid his fin
Ud was entitled te > tlio ilde. An altoreatio
eiiBiied , which ie ulted in Durant sei ,
ing u poker from the steve an
la > Ing It against roster's nose with sue
force as to lender it almost unlit for tbo usi
fill and ornamental pm poses for v\hc !
iiatmo had designed It. Ho then decided t
got alt and hunt for n policeman IIu wn
sent to the icsidomo of Justice Hanniio
wlH-ro ho llled an information against tli
two empleijes of the motor company ,
ing them with assault and battery
The mot or man and conductor explain the
notion by saving that Foster was drunk.vei
drunk , nnd i-onduete-d himself In such an o
strepenis manner us to mukei llfo mlserab
for the ) of the peojilo in the ear. 'llie
story bears tliu stamp of tuuii , for win
Foster called at the police station ho had tl
remnants of a very icspevtablo jag aboi
him , after revolving the rough tteatmcnt i
tlio hands of tlio motor men , which might I
supposed to Imvo subeicd him up somowha
Coal und wood ; bcsi nnd cheapo :
Missouri hard wood In the city ; promi
delivery. II , A Cox. Nei.J Mnin.
"Wnntod Cnsh oiler for ton shim
Citizen's State ban It steiok. Must I
cold. Addrces 1C H. Shenfo.
Do you smukoi1 lluvo you tried'
U. King tc Co's PintngasV It's
charmer. Just light ono.
How Christmas Win Observed by tbo
Ohnrchw of tbo Oily ,
.Swlrr * of Sliule nnd * * OMR In Honor nl tin-
tiij--e'iinlMK Kin lul I'.iriiM A
of ( iiiti Ij l'rr cntril
Chilstmasday wnsobscncdiu tin'usual
manner at the churches Sermons wcro
preached by all the pnstors on subjects ap-
piiato to the occasion , and their addiesses
wcro listened to bv good sl/cd alldlpliccs ,
consldtiing thu bad wcatlicr , which kept
many nt homo who pieftiied not to brave
the elements.
' 1 ho srnlcc at St Paul's Kplscnpal church
was csncilally Intpicstlng , an claboiate
mtslal : piogam being icndprcd b.\ the sur-
pllccd choir , vhich was stirngthrnod b.\ the
addition of some \oins besides thoseof the
ipgular i holr The moining scr\ii es Included
tbo "TelJeum" and Jubilate by Small , and
the antliLm "Hark , the Herald Angels
Slnp , " b.\ \4 \ 11 Hall , besides a number of
selections of less magnitude A mogram
baldly le s cl.iliol.iti1 was picscnted in tbo
eM'nlng bin ice , w huh was auangtd with
spei ial icfeunce to the wants of the Sumlaj
At the Fiist Prrsb.\teiIan church the
music was also OMollpnt , Mis J C ) Wads
woith delighting the audience heriPiidi- . -
tluu of "The nirthdafa ICIng , " bNcld
inner , and "Ob , Holv Xlcht , " b.A. . . Adam
At the'I iinil\ , Methodist chmcb tbcexen-
iiij.hei ( > iie wascundiitttM b > the ICpwoith
' 1 bo e\rnlng scnico at the Hioadway
cbuuh was b\ wn.of . piepai.itkm for a
sulcs of i e\ meetings , w bleb Is to coin-
menu ! with a ' 'wauh meeting" nest Satur
day night
Uho seiviirs at HIP Fiist Baptist , Fifth
avonuu Methodist and Temple Baptist weie
\cry Intel csl ing.
A Chiistmasiatitata wns tendered nt the
evening ser\iio at St .Uibu's Knglish laith-
eranchUKh , and aioneeitbthcchlldien ,
ol the Sundaj school at the Second l'iesl > _ \ -
Piof Hughes of Tuboi occupkd the pulpit
moining and evening at HIP Congicgationnl.
Ariiiinil Hie Unrlit.
J A. not/um , a New Yoik newspaper
man , was in the citj last e\ening on his way
back home fiom a tiip aiovmd the woild He
spent some time in the con idols of t be C ! land
hotelwhere be entei tallied a group of loung
ers with an intcrc'-ting scrips , nf anecdotes
about his tia\cls Ho stalled fiom New
Yoik two jp.irs ago tbolib of nest
month , going e.islwaid aciossthe Atlantic ,
tlnongh Fiance , Geimanv , Palestine , India ,
China , Japan and other Hmopean and Asi
atic countries Ho then eiossedtbo Pat ille
lo San Frantisco and walked fiom thcioto
Council lllufls , stojipingat e\cri eitj town
and hamlet that lnin his path. Neatly.ill
his Jouiney , whcio such a thing was possible ,
has been nmdc on foot. H,0H ( ) miles Inning
been covcicd in this manlier He made a
ciitical examination of the customs and
cbaracteiistits of the foiclgneis ho had
happened to inn across .stopping for smoial
weeks or months in the LOimtiics
and interviewing lepcis , jiropiietois and in
mates of haiems , kings , coolies , and every
body else who appealed likely to h.iM1 an
"item" coiueiiled about bis pel son that
might pro\o useful to him , and Judging from
the < iuautitj and quality of the stoiies bo
tells , ho must ha\o had a good deal
of tbo gcnnimj newspaper man's Judgnuit in
picking out his men Ho was attiicd in a
very aiiy costume , but e\en with the mer
cury atlO = below/eio and bustling haul
for still lower legions ho did not seem to
notice the cold until his attention was called
to it. He caiilcs about with him a lot of
photographs illustiathe of the scenes ho
lias passed thiough He le.ues for Chicago
today by the Jhst cast bound railway track
that le.nes tbo city
Paul Schneider , thediiiKfnBl , has the
newest novelties in celluloid and nlnm-
imnn poods for the holiday. No one
clso curries the I'.no , nnd tlioy nio .tho
luimlboniest things , jon o\er saw.
ll.ulKi' ' < > ! Clilcl Mi hoNoii.
Chief Nicholson nnsweied an alarm of the
yesteiday moining that had a suipiiso party
attached to tbo end of it Hj a ] > rcconccrtcd
plan of tbo the bojs the membeis of all the
branches of the dopaitiiieiit weio called to
the upper bioadw.n hose bouse at a bieak-
ncck s | > ccd. 'Ihe chief , who had been de
tained at homo until thopioper time , airi\ei
at the bouse and found all ol bis men drawn
up in line to iccohc him His wonder did
not lust long , for Cluiliman Pace of the
council the committee stepped forwaid and
picscntcd him a line badge , as a token ol
esteem from the membeis of thodcp.ut-
ment The badge is a be.nit.being of gold
wrought in tlio fet in of vinous me emblems
A strip of boso runs aiound the outside ,
while horn the center , liraiiLhing out in all
diicclions , ac a set of mimatuio lliemen's
trumpets The iiamo of tlio recipient , the
date , and the name of the donois aio hand
somely engiatcd
BouRht or nn Block of C. B. Musi
Co. Will sell them cheap. Mnr. Hour-
icing , 11G , Hi Stulsinnn street.
MePliail pianos and Ciown organs ,
cash or iiistallmonth. Mnr. Bouriuiua ,
llOStutsmnn street.
.1 ji.i i en or n n tiit i > i > oit T.S.
bowalls tbo fact that not a singh
Hcd bioko into the ! 'OD bithing list last sum
mer , but ho congiatulatcs himself that om
or two of 'em mnnagi d lo keep out of Jail.
The newspapers h.uo now got .Too Qiiini
limning an undertakini' establishment in :
livery stable No\t tbej'll 13.iiin ;
Ste.uns limning an IcociLam pallor on thl
Buffalo lc\eo.
Piesldent HIg Head Halt of tlio Chicago
stamps the stor.\ that he 1ms signed Horber
Volin of Canton , 111. , as a bald beaded fakr
My I wouldn't it ha\c been Just too awful 1
y ho ically had signed Heibcit ?
o Count Camp.iu one dnj lust week dial
g Icnged anj rnmicr in Now Oilcans to ski
n o\cr tbo ( Indeis v\ lib him lor the distanc
of 100 jaids for lK ( ) cases No ono took hit :
up all'iif'uiid of being double-crossed ,
' "
On the very dav that Chattanooga's leim
n woio accepted , M.inairer Si hmclu iccelvcd
o tolegiam fiom Louisville appiisim ? him tba
> - he was wanted theieOhio State ) Joiniia !
iYes , and If Ills Whiskeis don't hilng bac
o that hoiso , ho'll bo wanted out heio hefoi
n long.
jj Manager Watklns has smoothed eve
„ niiin.v of the diflleultic.'i between Von dor Ah
and his plajeis , Glassioek , Gleason. Hawk
d ' and Cmoks Inning been hiought Into line
h Oloho-Demoeiat NIIH Cbiis will icdpn
3- cate about next March bj smoothing \Vatt > -
311 head with an a\ .
S All during the j car tbo Clm Inmitl crank
I' , wcro kicking about 'Tip" O'Neill's WP.I
o hitting , but tbo flgmcs lather take the win
out of their sails Ho Is ahead of fomtcc
other Hods , and only four who finished th
Ir season with Cincinnati lead him C'lncinjia
Iry cr I thought all the tlmo during th
0' season that 'lip was hitting well , jwigin
lo from some of his lloweiy bleaks in the llcli
The father of young MclCco of the No1
! " Oileans club , II'IIB admltte-d the boy I
a partneiship In , * ! , luci-alixo ship eanlkhi
, j
it business , on condition that ho would icniaj
at home , and McKIu lias promised to leav
10 . proft'sslonal basu ball alone for hoinotlmo 1
como if not foroveer Hiwrting Life. Yo
certainly don't mean Mi'Kiof Goodness , hi
I an glad lo hear that the boy had ratlu
caulk than play ball
, _
10 \Vbou Blgby Dell w as In Huropo last sun
mer , himself , wlfo and Joslo Knapp travek
together thiough England and Ireland. 0
this trip they i.m against ChiuU
Schrocdcr of lioston. Mr. Scliroedcr's fai
resembles a inoou ut itn full. One day , ufti
n pnrtlmlarh nnrd tlme > Dlgbv nnd
Schroedcr retunud to the hotel mielvvcrc
ushered to seats In thn dining mom aeiiT-s
the table from MM Bell nnd Miss Knapp
Mlsi Knnpp lookeil somewhat askanieat
Mr. Se brooder's beaming couutenanee , nnd
Sohrocdor , with n gnlltv consrlrncr was
foircd to sa > Miss Kliapp. do I lenjk like n
drinking mniiP As.livdn stninmeted fern
icplv Sehrocder eontlnned Because if 1
do 1II go out nnd hedge "
Ml s Maud Jeff lies , lending Iml.v in the
Wlhnn Ban let eompanv , Is \ouup netiess
of pi rat piomlse About six .veins ago she
was n tall , angular school girl In Memphis ,
Temi , who won Rome cclelint.v In i-ecitatlons
and amateur tlu'atilcals Shosnoii aiiiuhed
n love for the staee.iind , after some stud.v
in New Yoik. became a member of the U.ilv
tompanv. Ono thu Mr Ban ett saw her in
n minor part , and slciillUd his appreciation
of her effoits by waim applause The
watchful gill saw him and was emboldened
to nsk for a plae o In his company She was
ingaged , and went with tliom to Kngland ,
"walking the stage" for n whole , vcar. as the
phiase Is Fiiiall.v. when Miss liastlako un-
derte > ok her utifoi tunate stai i ing tour. Mr
B.niett was di ivon Into a eoi nei for a lead
ing lad } , and he assigned Miss JefTiIcs to
the Hist place
Finnic MoKrr general manager of llo.\t&
Mhouias1 entei pi Ises , tells one on himself
Itoee'Uiied in New Yoik during the racing
season at long Uiaiich.
A tecont addition tethe ) Ito.vl it 'Ihoimis
folios was Bint liaverlv. foiiiie'ily with
HusHoll's comedians He knew nothing
about raics and did not i.neto leaui One
moiiilni ; he met McKco. who asked him If he
evei "plnvcd the hoises " He leplicel that
he did not
Well.1 said MiKee. "vein had better go
down to 'the Blanch' this afteinoon and , tut
a little mono.v on Roulette 'I hole is smo tei
be a long pi ice about her-lll ) nr-10 to 1-aml
she Is a smo Inner , "
Haverh tbanked him for the "Up" nnd
secretly icsohed to make an attempt to
swell his bank in i omit lie went down lo
Ijiug Blanch in the aft01 noon and wandcied
about hi SCMHh Finally in
despair , ho nppioaehe'd a slianger v\hom he
met on Ocean avenue anil said
"My friend. 1 would like to pla.v roulette. "
The stranger , who happened to bo paid so
much percentage for knowing tbo lopes ,
steeled the guih'lcss H.ivorlj into the gor
geous gambling house kept hi Mr Dal.v ami
saw that ho i cached the loulette table
Thoie Ilaveily puuh.iscd vi < ) woith of chips ,
and luck being stroiiglj In his favor ho iUlt |
at the end of about t.vo bouisa winner to
the extent of 1fiH ( )
Meantime McKce bad gone to the ? lace
track and bet a goodl.v sum on his hoi so
Kouletto at 15 to 1 The animal never made
: i show ing hi the race , and at times Mr. Me-
Koo Intimates that she is running .vet. In
the evening he mot Havoilyand asked him
if ho plajed Koulette
Of couise 1 did. " icplicd Ilaveily.
Well. " said McKce , ' I'm SOHJ she didn't
win Did \ou lose much ? "
"loso ! Why , mini , 1 won $1,500 ; " and
then bo told louletlehe had
pla.v od , whcieupon Mclvee ga/cd at him
thoughtfully and made a few icnmrks ubout
, 'a fool foi luck. "
Joseph Allen of the "Jane" company had
black hair three je.ns ago Now It Is white
as snow , and thereby hangs .1 story
In ISbU Mr Allen was connected with one
of the trawling companies pla.v ing thiough
the sontb The company had taken the tiain
to BO from New Oilcans to Goldsboio I be
stop was irtadeat Montgomery Junction.Ala ,
at 'J o'clock in the moining to make i onnrc-
tion with another tiain Mr Allen left tbo
train to get n cup of coffee When ho came
out of the lestamant he saw u tiam Just
stai ting , and , supposing II was Jumped
ahoud. Ho found out his mistake in a mo
ment and appealed to Utoiomluctoi to stop
the train Tlmtoflkial infoimed him that
the train was at that moment dossing a long
tiestlc spanning n gulch about eigbt.v feet
deep , but he would stop on the other side of
it. 'Ihe tiain slopped and Allen got oft He
was told by the tram bunds that an cxpicss
train was duo in a few moments , and thai ho
would have to hum in older to get aciobs
the trestle ahead of the tiain
It was raining and Mr Allen was m bis
traveling cap and sllppeis with little or no
mono ) in bis pocket , and bo know bo had to
catch his own train bcfoio it left tbo junc
tion The tiesllo was nc.ulj a quarter of a
mllolongbuthe started over it on a inn
When ne.tilv in the center he saw tbo head
light of thu locomotive Hashing aiound the
curve at the other end Thcie was no poss.-
ble chance lor him to get out of the way
Ho had the choice ot two deaths : both wcro
lion ihle. Ho must either be crushed by the
w heels of the fast approaching engineer leap
Into the gulch and bo dashed to pieces. Ho
stepped on the rail to m.iko the leap when a
vole e called " .stand still " The engineer h id
seun him The lever was leversed and the
train had como to a lull stop within a few-
feet , of him. Allen climbed on the cow
catcher and tbo train backed anil he
landed on teira 111 inn again
"God bless jou , old fellow , " exclaimed
Allen to the engineer , "ion have saved my
life "
"Never mind vour life , miitor , " nnswoicd
the engineer "Get out of mj w.ii and let
me pro with this ejo'itss "
Allen le.uhed his own train andoiawled
on lo.n d He had just si length enough left
to open the door of the ear lie lotto ed In
side and l.iinted. When ho left the ti.iin
wenty minutes befoiu his hair was Jet
iilack When ho retmned it was white as
A Tender Sei no Mi < > < Its u Verj Ci.ihlied
IS.ii licloi.
She bad a shrill young voieo tint per
vaded the whole car , and when she
spoUo to the infantile darling nt her
bide , says the Detroit ' Free-Press , bho
slopped over into bnby'talk Unit made
nil the other passengers grit their teeth
nnd clutch the plush backs of the bcntb
in ( tout. Tlio cnr was full , and the fond
jounir guindian of infancy nnd innocence -
conco occupied the Hist sent. Back to
baclt with Unit wns the seat that faced
the btovc , at d on this undoairnblo spot
eat n thin , old mnn with three satchels
nnd elifu vvhiskois.
Theto vviib n lull for a few miles , nnd
the passengers begnn to relnx their
muscles nnd breathe freer , when the
* fusillade suddenly ngain.
I "Keopy , little dlilV Oh.boscojyV"
No response ,
" \Vnb oo innmma's vvlttlo ymn ? Mnnv
ma's vvittlo ynmmy yum ? Look up hoio !
Look nt mo ! Oh. you had. Was oc
inainina'ri naughty baa ? "
Th i ee sin i B.
"Oh , you bad , precious llttlo sing ,
Mamma's Daisy Duckiump , her ownk
totty tints. Kit-sum me ! Do your hour !
a Kissum mo ! "
iThoro were bcadn of penpiintion 01
it the face of the iiiiin with the ohii
whiskers , nnd when the couductoi
opened the car doo.ho gavu a con
vulbivo hhlvor Unit knocked down UK
coal shovol.
"Conductor , " ho whispered , "yni
hnvcn't como too soon. "
u " "
"Why ?
' I'm a desperate mnn. "
"ToohotV'usUed the ccnductor sooth
, oponiiifj the steve door.
Hot ? Mnn , it's Unit woman niu
Imbv back of mo. It's the bnby t
I toll you I can't stand it , I'va
nine yon n u ones myself out in lowny
and I didn't raise 'cm on that. Oit th <
woman anything she wants. Git her i
house nnd lot. I'll chip in , but kcoi
her quiet , If you don't , eonduutor. I'l
brain Unit baby with this yallor uuinpli
ease. Hear ? I'm dofpril ! "
The conductor didn't reply. Hi
loaned over to tlio young1 woman ; im
biiid :
"Mudnin. you must Bond that dog I
tlio baupago unr. "
Xrlinuku I'onls.
The Sons of Votornna of Bontric
elected tbo following olllcersV. : . A
Britloll , captnin ; C'hnrlca Cluypool , Hit
lloutoimnt ; Ricbard Fulton , second lieu
tenant. The romuining olliccs nro filloi
by appointment.
Tbo Tekmnnh Grand Army pos
cloctod the following olllcors : C. K
Barker , couiinundor ; Cburlos Hanoj
, , -
P. . ylco commtindprj KTultio , jr. , vlco
coimnnndcr ; S. S Sklnnor , olllcor of the
tiny ; A. P. Mason , llnhVlermnstor , 1. t' ,
Jones , clmpluln ; L 1 ! , , Colby olllcor of
the pmiril. i ,
The fleet of Lompnnl poit of North
Loup nro : Ooorco B. Hood , conuvmndor ;
.1. H. Bnbcock , senior Vice cotnninndor ;
II. T. insl , junior vice cominnndor ; H.
\V. Kood , qua tormrtstbr ; H. B. Shirley ,
surgeon ; A. Sprin r clmplnin ; II , A.
Clmso , ofllcor of tlfodnj ; S. .1. Swan ,
outside gunrd. ,
Kit Cat on post of Albion Polcclcd tbo
following olllcers : TL 12. Garzco , com-
inandotV. ; . B. Lnpbntn , senior vlco
cominnndor ; . B. Daniels , junior vice
fotninnndor ; .lohn Rowcll. surecon ; I < .
H. Whiting , thailniti ; K. T. Faimor.
qtmrtnrinnslor ; F. McEUlott , olHcer of
the clay ; Willintn lo ? , olllccr ot tbo
guaid ; F. II. Gnlbrnlth. delegate to the
state encampment ; John 1'ctcr ? , ul-
Olllcors elected by Jnmes A. Gnrlleld
Kellof coi'iis ( or the otibttlng year are :
President , Kmtna B. Knight ; bculor
vice iircsident , r.llon Ludlow ; junior
vlc ] ) iu4ldunt , Nancy Turner ; treasurer ,
Kate I'ond ; cbnplnln , Kuto .lud on ; con
ductor , Lonn Turner ; guntdlnud
Knight ; delegate to departmoiU conven
tion , KfUo Judeon ; ulto nate , T ortrudo
Following nro the newly elected of
ficers of the Sons of Veterans -Cedar
Hapids : Captnin , J. B. McClollnn ; llrst
lloutennnt , .1. L. Piob- ; second 1 on-
tonntit , II. H. Boylnn ; camp council , F.
C. Davis , H. K. Cox , II K. Tutlu ; llrst
EOI gontit , W. K Sargent ; quni termnfetor
sorgennt , L 1C. McClollnn ; chaplain , L.
A. HIM 111:111 : ; sergeant of the ctiard , II.
II Tntln ; color toi'peant , B. li Lnruo ;
camp gunidV. . A. Youngs ; principal
musician , J.F. Biird : dolegnto lo an
nual encampment\V. H. Sat gout ; alter
nate , J L. 1'iobst.
Piles of pcoplo have piles , tint DeWltt B
Witch Hard salvo will cmo-them.
I'ce iillarltle-H ipT I'n lull Opera lninii ti'il tei
> e etli-itts. :
Perhaps jou have boon told that If jou
want to see tbo beautj and chivnlrj of New
Oilcans jou must ntttlid the Kiencb oicr.i )
Satmdav night The opera is seemlnglv the
one thing to which the people of the Cres-
e'ont city look foiwaid from the beginning of
one season lo tbo opening night of the ne\t
It is their own impoitallon , diicct fiom
Pans , and while U lives in their midst they
me in a state of delltihte-d excitement They
leceive each comp.inv much as a child ac
cepts a I'aiisdoll. adinliing its hair , I'jcsand
I'lothcs , then eiiliclsiiig , compai Ing mid tin-
nlly embiacing it in n poifect ihupsody of
It Is a most unique sight to notice the people
ple going to the opera. One naturallj looks
for a eiowd of handsome can laces , hoiscs In
shining Inn ness , coachmen ami footmen to
be gatbeied about the enti.inco to the Ihe-
nter I'eihaps a solitary caiiiage will bo
standing there , and miivbo another will bo
appioachhig. but as .1 lulo theieiwill not bo
single carii.ige in sight , and thcivis a pro-
ounccd absence of shining hainoss and liv-
iled to.ichincn It is tbo stieet car , drawn
.y the meek and patient mule , whit h car
ies the opera lovets to tbeopeia , anil it is
he special "theater ear" which waits fur
hem until the opeia is over The car will
' 0 ciovvded bj ladies in piottv evening owns
ml opcta cloiks. while their escoils in full
less suits will be standing clinging to the
trap and making piottj spceihes , which .no
ono the less piottj because del' ' , 'oied in tbo
oprging mule e-ar
For half an hour befoi o the curtain rises
verv iar that passes is a vision of color ,
low 01 s , blight , expectant faces and gallant
lien Theic was one part of thepaiqnctiescrved
'or "distinguished men " In loplv to the
lucstion , "And what do jou mean by 'dis-
Inguishcd men ? ' " theie vvas given the ex-
il.inntion , "O , visitoisof note in the eitj
statesmen , Jouinalists. judges "
The "call" bell for the oiehcstra , and tbo
em tain bell weio two fea tines of the Fiench
opcia at once stailling and unique.
A bell is imig for the membeis of the or-
ehestia to lesume their places , and its tone
suggests an old woui-ont cow bell laid asldo
"rum active set vlco je.ns ago. Indeed , any
ispeetablo , well-hied cow would ic-fuso to
uuo it hung to her neck , but from its
clacked , bo.iiso It calls tlic orchestra
of the Fiench opera. .
Shoitlv after jou hear a gicat pounding
Dehiiul the emlain. It sounds more than
neiclj putting down the eat pet or moving
fuinilnre Some one has a beavj liammer
or mallet and is dcliher.Ucly and maliciously
.winding . the lloor That is the em lam bell.
Yon think the Hist time jou hear It that it is
i mistake , that the little gentle-toned bell
was loin bed , but this accidental pounding
linwncd the sound It is no mistake
Mibaiic bammeimg heralds each act , and it
is something of an elYoi t to iccover from the
shock of being ushcied bj such crude meas-
uies Into ic.ilms of sweet , liquid Fiench and
" "
rav ishing song
An honest pill is the noblest work of tbo
apothecary De\\ill's Little Eaily Hiseis
cure constipation , biliousness and sick head-
A//.ivnn itr.cii'3s.
To nroparo n fillet of llonndor , a sharp
knife is icquired to cut tbo llesb from
tbo bono lengthwise , then cut each
picco into strips an inch wide. Dip
tbcso into beaten egg nnd roll into
cracker crumbs. Fry in hot fat. Any
cook book will furnish n recipe for tar-
In r sauce.
To candy fruit Ono pound of white
sugar nnd as little water as possible ; lot
it boil down nnd skim it until it is poi-
foctly clear nnd thick ; huvo whatever
fruit you dcslro to candy , nnd dip each
pleco'in the hot syrup , then spread
them on n dish and they will soon become -
como bard.
Potato Fritters Take four cold mealy
potatoes , erumblo thorn thiough n sieve
nnd bent up well with two table-spoonfuls
qf cream ; add salt nnd pepper and
chopped pirsloy. Bind the mixture with
an egg well beaten , then nmko into
smnll calces and fry in boiling butter or
laid. Serve very hot , nrnisbcd with
To propaio horseradish for winter In
tlio full , mix the r\itinUty | wanted in the
following proportions : A eolToccup of
grated horsurndiphj two tnblcspoonfuls
of white BUgnr , one-half teaspoonful of
bait , ono and ono-hull pints of cold vino-
gar. Bottle nnd soul. To make horso-
indish snuco , t'iko two ttiblospoonfulH ol
tlio abovo. add ono dosooi lupoonful ol
olive oil { or molted butter or cream )
nnd ono of propiuejJ mustard.
Oatmeal econes m-o-inndo from left-ovoi
porridge , which is often .thioun away
Put a iticcoof buttoi'tbosi/c of a walnnl
into n cupadd n quarter of a teaspoonful
of bicarbonnle ofieoda ; pour over this r
gill of hot water ; stir until the soda it
molted , then quiulcly turn it ov r th c
porridge in the bowl. Mix well , turn il
out on a bnkobonnl , kneed it into n
lound. Hat mi&p ; , just us you would
bread. Hull out the dough to about i
quarter of an inch thick ; divide it ink
tin eo nnd bake it on a hot griddlo. This
iniiht bo bnkod exceedingly slow ; whui :
bnlcod carefully on both "sidoa romovi
them from the lire , and when ready t <
use , them slowly for ton minutes
Constipation cuiod by D Witt's i.ulj
A 'IVniooiui mi htnr > .
At Tennyson's In ulo once there was i
new guefct. Dinner over , the butler
having lllled this guest's glass , placet
the decanter of port before his master
snys the Argonaut. The tall ; was on i
subject which deeply interested Tennyson
son , As bo talked be drank , und no
noticing his Mend's empty glass llllc (
bis own till tlio decanter wns drained
Then no said :
"That was u very good bottle of port
don't \ou think ? Shrill wo have an-
othnr ? "
And , the truest assenting , the butler
brought in a second decanter , which
wont through the snino experience as
the first Mr. Blnuk having ono clues
fiom the butler , nnd Tennyson , entirely
engrossed In talk ns before , consuming
nil tbo rest. Dirly next morning his
guest awoke to Ibid Tennyson standing
by his bed nnd regntdlng him with a
sort of friendly solicitude.
"How nro you this morningV" wns the
host's query.
"All right , thanks. "
"Suto you nro till right ? "
"Quite BUI o. "
"Ah , but priiy , Mr. Blankdo you
always drink tw'o bottles of port nftor
dinner ? "
Mull inil : < of TlmiiRlit.
Xo bird knows what it sings.
Truth should bo tampered by expedi
Hope seems to sit down to rest some
Contentment is the pleasant word for
Some lionrts nro useless until thcya *
One man cannot make a heaven that
will lit any-other man.
The tnoltlcr n. woman is the more she
needs something else.
Tbo horses can t bo successfully
hitched tandem to the matrimonial curt.
Oupld seldom shoots his arrow plumb
thiough the centers of two hniirts.
Love is the tangible unrest , the quint
essence of what should bo but is not , the
nleasuio of pain , thobnpplnobsof heart
ache , the alleged attainment of tbo tin-
attainable , the folly of feeling , the defi
nition of the undellnablo and about ten
thousand million other things wo nro
always spoking and never finding with
any degico of certainty.
.lot kcrft * Sorlts Iti l.liio.
Santa Clans is not n Knight of the
Garter , though he's associated with
nights of the stocking.
Now does the.ghl with cleveiness
TjC.ivojMch admirer when ho knows
What Christmas picsents won't conflict f
With those to come from other beaux.
"Love Is n great lovclor , " snid the
Christmas young mnn as ho gazed nt his
flattened pockotbooh.
The \ouug man may In some cases ho
pardoned for wishing that Chtistmns
found him with meuo cash ami less in
the slipper and suspender line.
Thoio's ninny a monetary conference
those days when the wife abks for funds
to buy Christinas presents.
All's We-ll Tlint I'.niU Wi'll.
Little Amy West , old Mr. Clifford's
granddnughler , just IS that day , luul
trinpou into her giandfather's olllco
with a mcfsago from her mother and
tripped out again. She had met her
Aunt Helen there nnd wns going homo
to tell her mother that Aunt Helen
would bo lound to tea , when she inn
ngninet un elderly gcntlomnn who
bowca nnd apologised and stood looking
after her as she walked away. It was
Mr. Duniiar , nnd in that instant , stnid ,
coinmoiiplnco man that ho was , ho felt
thai ho hnd mot his fate. Twenty min
utes later Tom Hey t , Mr. Clifford's olllco
bov , came back from dinner , and wns
surprised to find Mr. Dunbar standing
ike n sentinel near the oflico eloor.
"Tom , " said Mr. Dunoar , % 'I Imvo not
riven you anything for your trouble
his long time , and you've been very
ibliiring. There's n dollar. "
' Thank jou , sir , " said Tom , ' 'I'm sure
'ou nro very kind. "
"Who was that .voung lady in Mr.
31iffoid's oflico just now ? " ns-ked Mr.
5unbar. "I noticed that she had a
) leaBant look. "
'Oh. " fcaid Tom , "I guess thai was
Miss Helen. I loft her there. Mr.
lilTord'b daughter , sir. "
"She's very clover , isn't shoV
' "Voiy , " s lid Tom. ' 'Last Chrintinas
she gave mo a big plum calco she mnJo
"loiBolf. They say she's a wonderful
louseheopor. nnd she's Ihe only ono that
, gn't married , you know. "
" . Clifford's old ? "
"Tho child of Mr. ago
said Mr. Dunbar.
"Yen , sir , " snid 'loin , agreeing to
"Thank you , Tom ; jou won't mention
I a-ucd ? "
"No , sir , " Paid Tom , as ho made his
bow and went his way.
"Lovely girl.1 faaid Mr. Dunbar , "and
domestic , too. "
Helen Clifford drew the curtains and
iat down before tbo fire. Tea was wait
ing for her father's appearance , which
would be just live minutes nftor 0 o'clock
if nothing unusual occurred. And jusl
then the little maid brought her n let
tor."I wasn't expecting a letter , ' ' sniel
Helen to herself. "Ada vyroto last vvceli
nnd Mattio's baby was fjuito well .yester
day. Aunt Sarah won't write until she
gets ono fiom mo. And it can't bo ' '
Hero it suddenly occurred lo IIolci :
Unit opening the letter would bo the
best Eolntipn of tlio mystery. She took
her penknife fiom her pocket , cut one
side of the envelope nnd drew out the
thick , cronm-tintcd sheet of paper. The
letter ran :
Mv DiivnMissCi.iFfoiiiv I saw jou a feu
days ago as jou came out of jour father's of
llco lam not a joung gentleman , but :
have a heart and 1 have lost it to jou Ian
coining up to tea with jour father tonight
If jou think well of my proposition put suga
In my ten , and if not leave it out Your
sinceiely , Aximnw Dtsiun
Helen could hardly believe that sin
Whoever w a n t s soft
hands , smooth hands , -white
hands , or a clear complex
ion , he and she can have
both ; that is , if the skin is
naturally transparent ; un
less occupation prevents.
The color you want to
avoid comes probably nei
ther of nature or work , but
of habit.
Either you do not wash
effectually , or you wash too
effectually ; you do not get
the skin open and clean , or
you hurt it ,
Remedy. Use Pears'
Soap , no matter how much ;
but a little is enouglUf you
use it often.
All sorts of stores sell it , especially
Jraggists , all sorts of people use it.
More sold than all others combined Do not bo deceived by imitators or T
those claiming to have almost us good a machine. Huy only the SANDWIOH
CORN SHDLLBR , nnd bo protected by direct guarantee from iclliblo nmmtfnc-
turcrs. You can always depend upon our repairs being ko t In stock by all local
dealers Apply for our ngoncy Send for catalogues and prlcas. SANDWIOH
MANUFACTURING OO , Council UlulTs , Iowa.
wns sane , but she hurried up to her
room to change her dress. She was a
tail , dark woman of 80 , nnd she looked
best when nuyl dressed. And there was
> : i nt the door , nnd somebody with him.
Iclen sat down nutl her cheeks crlm-
loiied ,
"Helen , " said her father , and she
arose but did not look un "Helen , this
s Mr. Dunbar. I've hi ought him up to
nko ten with us. This is the only girl
i have loft at home , Mr. Dunbar. "
The lady nnd gentleman bowed.
"Tom was mistaken , " paid Mr. Dun-
bar to himself. "And I'm an idiot , It
ivas somebody else. "
Then they all snt down to the table in
some confusion.
'How modest be is , poor man , "
thought Helen.
' 'She has an amiable look. " thought
Mr. Dunbar. ' 'After nil , bow n.ueh
nero suitable she is for mo than that
young girl. About tbo ptopor ngo ,
really. " Helen was only twenty years
"iis junior.
"He's rather old , " said-Helen to her
self , "but iiis heart must be young to
fall in love lli < o that/ '
"Amy is cominir out tomorrow , " said
Mr. Cliflord. "My granddaughter.
You must lm\o seen her running in nnd
out of my olllce. She's going to bo mar
ried soon going to marry Clayton. You
know young Clayton in Na on's ollice.
Ho'll got on. That is my first married
grnndobild , and I feel old when I think
of it. "
"Married , oh ? Wall , 1 suppose mar
ried life is the hnnpiost , " said tbo old
bachelor. In bis heart ho was thinking
what a 0oso ho wa .
"Your ten , pa. " said Helen
| 'Wby , dear , help Mr. Dunbar first , "
said the old gentleman.
l'l'vo put sugar in this , pa , " returned
Mr. Dunbar looked at her. She looked
nt him.
"I'lonso put biigar in mine , Miss
Helen , " ho said.
And with tiembling fingers she con
Amy West wns much surprised when
she board of her Aunt Helen's engage
"It scorns so queer , " she said to her
mother , ' 'that Aunt Helen is engaged.
1 thought that she wns going to bo an
old maid. Mr. Dunbar scorns to no a
good man , bjt hs is real old. Why ,
mammn , ho is almost as old iis
grandpa. ' '
"Oh , no. Amy , " snl.l the mother
gently. "Ho is ton or twoho years
\oungor than jour grandfather. And
Helen won't leave home. Father will
bo as comfortable as ever. "
And bo all ended well , njid Mr. Dun-
bar is very much in love with his
wife. . .
Jly doctor SAJ-H It ixcta Rcnily on the stomach ,
liver mid KMnov ' .tuul ! sn plo isntit lai.UlM' . 'lliH
drink IH made from licrlx. nnd Is ( ire pared for usu
meislly n3tea Itlirnllt-d
AlldrujclRtflfipllltBtfXic niidjlninclsnco. If you
rnnnotRi t Itxcnil vonrnddrrai IcirufriM' nnmplc.
litnoM Fumlly ftlcdlrlnr 11111 I M ilto linuoln
riirli < li : > . In nrdi r to tic licnltliv lldsli lire u w\ry ,
Address OllATOIl T. WOOUW'AUI ) , I.u llovN.v !
f'Absolutely ' tiiB Best Hade. "
"A Delicious Medicated Con- ? T
I'cctlou" for the relief of Coughs , fl >
Colds , Hoarseness , Sore Throat , n
for clearing the voice. 1'or talc
nil Druggists nnil Confectioners.
I'.ickt-d in full two ounce packages ,
1'iice/j / Cents. If yon nre unable to
procure the Poinon.i Cotisli Tablets n >
from your dealer send tis 8 cents in 3
stamps nnd receive n box by mail.
Miide by the manufacturers of the
celebrated I' o m o 11 a F r u i I Juice
Council Bluffs , la.
Anhousor , Uudwoisor. Faust nnd Pnh
KHGH , can louvo orders nt No , " 1 !
Main Htrciot , Council DlulTu , lovvn , 01
Telephone iii'J. '
Geode delivered piomptly.
Anlicuscr-lluscli Ass'n
- Brewing ,
of St , Louis. Mo.
Qiins9.Drjin huldnrfl"-Attoraoys-at-lnw , IV10
DlUnuDdlll UUUgu tloa In lno state am
( uilorul courtH. Itooni * 206-7-8-0 , rilnijeur
block , Council niutTn. la.
1 nl once Menily wotk yonclcr A Son ! SJ Vitln
\\TAN'I KH-Hooil ulrl for itonoriil linnnowotk ;
' < Roiiil TTUKPI , no nashlnit S.'l 'I hlnl n\i\
1/OII K.\'ll\NIK ( A tilcn homo un S "III
ncnriitli HMHIIK * . clear otoiuniinbrnnra , for huina
lu Oiuuhn. Ilin cotn IMAOit or KuunUi ) I'lttoj pri ) <
fi-rrul Will imt Hi UJJ ) > UIuroiCi ! ( Iraaiuhloti ,
Mchol-iun A. Oo
I/O II iOltNOKnniut : 4 room IIO'IMO on Moulli
Mil street for lnI I ( Iri-iMnliliiKli , Mcnolnon , V Co
irui nncl city proparlr
and sou . .VIhonus , Council
7AUM nml city lo uit Munajr Umnad < in ctoot
nnil Krnln llonl o'lnto tor \\a \ liwollln unl
uvlno H rt'iitils Mimay liiiino 1 tor locil Investor * .
oiiKro.t lunlv 2I'onrl \ ulriiut.
( > \t A < "UK < uppT llronliTnplciillil ploco for
v pl illlhK. cliosp for ca < ! i , or will uxc' ' n o fof
lniiro\e | > l re'hU'neu prouorljr In Council II I nil 5
( irretiatiloltlt. rnlthoNon .V Co
/ i AUDI : V AND Ht'"irTinl7 ( ( rlc'icit nnJ moit
Vliieniilllnl trnct In I'ottnrattnmlu oounl > : cj
l.nU'rprlio 1'lird , llvo or ton new lots Urcon *
khlolili , Mcholion A Co , d2l llroiulna )
\\ri ! WANT ton ftoro of iMid wltliln llvo mlloint
' < lt ) . Don't CAM hotv rounh It l > . Urcon-
ihlclil.i , Mcliolson \ Co
M-KltPrtHI ! I'lAca , for friilts or enntent
Kiiliurbnn haiuoK , HUD ncro loin , iwontr inlnutei
from motor line Ort'enililcMi , .Nlc'dolion .V Co.
15 1'AUMS In iKchtiiito for liunioi nnil loll or
isouil \ ni'niit lot' , ' 'I ncruiiif ntu < K r > lun land
forsulont J > Jpur nan > Johnsion , V Vnn I'Attoii.
I ltinTl'AtlM Improroil n mlle nnil u half froil
tliopotiunieo IMI ucrj , A room ItoutQ. stnblo.
rtu \ \ III cic'.inn.'o forroii.lunc. . ' In Council 11 lulls ,
Ijrcc'iihlchK Mcliolto i X c'o
12' ' ( ACIIK , as inllov from cltr , " 111 nell lit cut 1C
l.ikon llili nculc. ( , ioeiiihluUls , Mcliuloon .V Co.
KO rilOH'K loli In Miiynu nililltlon near i > nst end
JoT tbn ncMInle rotate lirM c' W lit M'll tn tninolu'i
urtlnxly ex'nriiu Mclc.ill , Council Ilium.
MON'DAVi In 11 \ parlors , elilMron. 4 p. m. |
nilnlttt. 7 10 p. m Soclnltt socoml nnd fourtli
loiulayH 'jp m .Mti U'fiiriilshtnl partlDs and clubl.
Aililrem II , A I'nrloriCouncil llluiln orlli-'J I
Bt. Oiu.ilmV , I. , t liambiirn InHtrnclur.
G AllltUiK rumoriM , fuispuoH , vnulti nnil
o } * tleiuu I ti I ) Uurko , Uty bld { .
" \\rANTKD-TO buy Htiltnbli * counters nn < l ehi'lv
< > Inis lor llr t rlntniilr ) BC < UB anil clotlilni ; loom
lro\IUU : : lin > & lle-n , council IlliitTB.
: 'L'It.Nl ' Illl > HOOMs I OKU s-lM 1'AUIC A\'l !
pedal Sale at Reduced Prices
Dining December ,
Hplces Oaslns' , Color. RocUors. Now Style
lloclis , 1'nrn.icoi. mill Ciiuldtons , Muni Kicks ,
Scales and pilns Hal mucs , llutclici * ' Coats ,
, Cnps , etc.
D. H. McDaneld & Co. ,
820-822 Main SI. , Council Biulfs , Id.
Funeral Director , Embalmer ,
114 Main Street ,
Council Bluffs.
Thr ) Good Sojiiaritui , 20 Ycari' Experience.
/treat the following Diseases :
Catarrh of the Iloud , Throat , nnd I.angsi Wfo
cascHof tlic Kyoand Uir.KlWiiicl Apoplexy , Heart
Dtooiise , I.Ivor UoinpUlnt. Kidney Complaint ,
Norvoua Doblllty , Mental DoproB-
Blon , Loss of Munhoocl , Somlnal
Woakncss , Dlnlwlei' , IlriElit a nitoflio , BLVltua1
Bonce , AViemJiatlara , I'arttljsU. Wlilto Swelling
Bcrofula , Fever Bores , Cnncoro , Tumora
nnd Flfltula In ano removed without
the knlfo or drnvvine n drop of
blood. Women with her dollcHlo ow.ns re.
Korea lo health. Drujtiy cured without tapplntr.
Special Attention given to private
and Venereal Diseases of all kinds.
83 O to 8 BOO forfeit for nny Venereal DIsease -
ease I cannot cure without morourVf
Toi * Wormn removed Jn two or Unco hours , or n
lay. IkroorrhoMs or I'llca ctiriU.
Will eave life and hundreda of dollars by calUna
on or luliu ;
The only Pliyilclan who cnn toll what allfl
u iiuriiiiirlthuut avklnic a ( jucitloiu
AllcorroponilcncoBtrlctlyconndcntlal. MedloUlf
neat l > y uxiircea. Addrcu ah lutura to '
G , W , Pangle , M , D ,
858 Broadway ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa