THE OMATIA DA1LL BEE ; rtlTNDAY , 25. ia 2--SlXTIWy VAOKS. ZODOMIRSKY'S DUEL BY ALEXANDER DUMA& i'/i * lor/ri/ii | Itutnlan ilurl find ttl tail eoiwqiitntM. TmnnlnM fromtht rVoicJi/orltoe Strand At the ttrno of UilH story our rojjimont TTnBHtntloned in Iho dirty llttlo villngo Of Vnllnfl , on the frontier- Austria. It wns the 4th of May In the yeAr 182- , mid I , with snvoral other ofllcors , hiul boon brcaUfnstlnrr with tlionliio-ilo-ciunp In honor of his birthday , nnd discussing Iho various topics of the garrison. "Cnn you toll us without being ludis- cirpot , " nskod Sub lloutomint Stumm of Andrew Mtchnulovltch , the ixldu-do- camp , "wlmt the colouol was so pngor to pay to you this morning ? " "A now olilcor , " ho replied , "Is lo nil the vacancy of captain , " "His nmnoV" demanded two or three ' Lloutonnnt Zodomlrsltv , who is bo- trolhcd lo Iho bouiitiful Muriutnv Ui- Vcnsky , " "And when docs ho arrlvoV" asked Jvlajor Molriycf. "Ho IIIXB arrived. I Jiiivo boon pro- tented to him at the colonel's house. Ho is very anxious to tnnko you acquaint ance. Konlloiiion , and 1 htivo therefore invited him to dlno with us. lint that reminds mo , captain , you must Unow him , " ho continued , turning to mo ; "you were both in the same regiment at 'SL. Potorsburp. " "Jttstruo " " studied , t replied. "Wo there together , llo was then a bravo , hundbomo youth , adored by his i-om- radcs , in every ono's oed graces , but ol 5 Hory and irritable lemnor. ' ' "Madontolsnllo llavenaky informoil tno that ho was r. skillful duelist , " said Stainm. "Well , ho will do very well liore ; a duel is a family aflair with us. You are welcome , Monsieur Xodoinirsky. However quick your totnnor , you must bo careful of Itboforo mo , or 1 shall take Upon myself to cool it. " And Slatnm pronounced thcso word' Wth 11 visible sneor. "How is it that ho leaves the jruards' Js ho ruined ? " asked Cornet NalololT. ' 1 have been informed , " replied Slamm , "that ho has justlnhcrltodfron : &n old aunt about iiOOU ( ) roubles. No poor dovill ho is consumptive. " "Come , { jontlomoii , " said the aldc-dn camp , rintnjr , "lot us pas * lev Iho salcot find have a fjamo of cards. KololT will servo diiiiior while we play. " Wo hail boon soato'l some time , and Btamm , who was far from rich , was it the act of losing sixty roubles , whoi KololT announced : "Captain Xnilomirsltv. " "Tlorc you are , at lus'll" cried Michael pvitch , jumping from his chair. "Yoi fare wolcomo. " Then , turning to us , he continued ' 'Those are your now comrades , Captaii fSodomirsky ; all good follows and bravi fioldlors. " "Gontlomen , " said Xodomirsky , ' "I an proud and happy to have joined youi regiment. To do so has been my great fcfat desire for some _ time , and if I an welcome , as you courteously say , I shal bo the happicht man in the world. " "Ahl good day , captain , " ho contln tied , turning to mo ana holding out hi hand. "Wo moot again. You have no forgotten an old friend , I hopoV" As ho mnillngly uttered these words Btamm , to whom his back was turned darted at him a glance full of bitte Hatred. Stamm was not liked in tin regimeiit ; his cold and taciturn naluri had formed no friendship with any o us. 1 could not understand his upparen hostility toward Xodomiralty. whom believed ho had never FOOII b'ofore. gome one olTorod Zodomirsity a cigar Ho accepted it , lit it at the cigar of ai oflicor near him , and began to talk jrnyl ; to his now comrades. 'Do you stay hero lougV" asked Majo JBolayof. "Yes , monslor , " replied Xodomirsky 'I wish to stay with you as long as poe Bible , " and ns ho pronounced the ? words ho halutod us all 'round with i smile. Ho conlinucd , ' ! have taken house noiir that of my old friend Itnvor 8ky , whom I know at dt. Petersburg. have my horses there , an excellent eooli a passable library , a Uttlo garden , and target ; and there T shall bo quiet as hermit , and as happy as a king. It i the Hfo that hiiits ma" "Ha ! you practise shooting ! " sal Btamm , in such a strange voice , nccon punted by a smile so sardonic , tun Zndomirsky regarded him In astonisl jnont _ "it is my custom every morning to fir twelve balls , " ho replied. ' 'You are very fond of that amuse xnont ? " demanded Stamm , in a vole without any trace of emotion ; adding " 1 do not understand the use of shootin unless it is to kill game. " Xodouiirwky'a palo face was llusho with a sudden Ilaino , lie turned t Stainm and replied in a quiol , but Urn : voice : "I think , monsieur , that you at wrong in calling It lost tiiuolo learn t dhoot with a pistol ; In our garrisoi Hfo an imprudent word often leads to meeting between comrades , in whin' cuso ho who Is known for a good who inspires icspoct among the e indii crcoL persons who amuse themselves I uslcing useless questions. " "Oh ! that is not a reason , captain. T duolH , as in everything else , somolhin should bo loft to chance. 1 malntal my Hi-fit opinion , and say that aa lionoi nblo man ousht not to take lee man precautions. " "And wliy ! " asked Zoilomirsky. "Iwill to " explain you , roplio Stamm. "Do you play at , cards , cat l tain ? " "Why do you ask that question ? " " 1 will try to rnndor my ] clear , HO that till will undor.-itand I 1'jvory ono knows that there are cortai plnyuia who have an onvtablo knacl while shunilng the pack , of adroit ! niak'iig thumsolvoB master of the wli niiig card. Now , I see no dllTurnne mysulf _ , I'otuuoii the man wiio robs h neighbor of his inoiiuy and the 0110 wli robs him of his life. " Then fie addei 'In U way to take nothing from the ins lonco of his observation , "I do not sn this to you in partlculacuptuin ; speak in general terms. " ' 'Itis too much as it in , monsieur , cried Xodomirsky. "I beg Captai Aloxls Stophanovitcti to tarminato th affair wth } you. " Then turning to m ho BJid , "You will not rofiua mo th "So bo it , captain , " replied Slam quickly , "You have told mo younrc you jmioliso Bhooting every day , wh ! t jiriit'tUo only on the day 1 fight. M will cquali/.o Iho chance * , t will sott Details with Moiwk'W Stophauovilch. . Then ho iwo nnd turned to our ho * "Auiovolr , Mtclmolovitoh , " ho bi\ | " 1 will dlno at the colonolV Ai with Uieso words ho loft the room. . The luotit profound fcllomxi had ben liopt during this altercation ; but eon as Stamm dlsappoaiod , C'apta Pravdlne , an old ollleor , addros od nil Eolf to us till. i "Wo cannot let thorn light , gentl men , " ho bUhl , XoOotnii-aliy touched him gonilyonh aim , "I * " ho said "I ptain , , amanowrom nmong you ; nnnu of you know mo. lit. vo yet , as it wore , to win my spurs ; in Imi.Ofbibln for me to let this quurr p si without llphtlcig. I do not Unc wha' Iriva I done to annoy this gentle man , but it is evident that ho has a splto against mo. "Tho truth of the matter is that Stamm is jealous of you , XoJotmrsky , ' said Cornet NalctolT. "It is well known Hint ho Is in love with Mile. Tvivonsky. " "That , Imbed , oxplalns all , " ho re plied. Ilow2vor , gentlemen , I thnnk you for your kind sympathy in this af fair from the bottom of my heart , " "And now to dinner , " gentlemen1 ! cried Mlohaulovltch " 1'mco yourselves as you chooao. The soup , ICotolT ; the soup ! " Everybody wns very animated. Stamm scorned forgotten' otilv Xodomlrsky ap peared a llttlo sad. Xodomlrsky's ' health was drunk ; ho seemed touched With this signiiicant attention nnd thanked the olllcord with a broken voice. "StonlmnovltPh , " said Xodomirsky tome mo , whomlinnor was over ami all had risen , "aim1. ? M. Slamm knows you are my second and has accepted you IIM such , see linn , and arrange ovorythlng with him ; accept all his conditions ; then moot Canlain Pravdino and mo at my rooms. The first who arrives will wait for the other. Wo are now going to Monsieur Uxvcnskj's house.1' "You will lit us know the hour of combat ? " said several voices. "Certainly , gontlomon. Como and bid a lalt farewell to ono of us. " Wo all parted ut Uavonskys1 door , oai-h ollh'or shaking hands with Xodo- nirsky as with an old friend. Stainm was waiting for mo when I ar- ivod at his house. Ills conditions voro these Two sabers were to bo ) lantod at a distance of ono pace apart ; woh opponent to extend his arm at full ength and IIro at the word "throe. " Ono pistol iilono was to bo loaded. I endeavored in vain to obtain another node of combat. "It is not a victim I olTor to M. Xod- omlrskv , " wiid Stamm , "but an adver sary , llo will fight as I propose , or I vill not light at all ; but in that oiso I shall prove that M. Xodomirsky Is brave inly when sure of his own safety. " Xodomirsky's order ? were imperative. . ' accepted. When I entered Xodomirsky'h rooms , .hoy were vacant ; ho had notnrtivod. I looked around with curiosity. They ivorn furnished in a rich but simple nannor. and with evident taste. 1 drew a chair near the balcony ant ' .ooknd out over the plain. A storir ivas brewing ; some drops of rain fell ilrondy , and thunder moaned. At this instant the door opened , am' Xodomir ky and Pravdino entered. ] ndvancod to meet them. "Wo are late , captain , " said Zodo- inlrsky , "but it was unavoidable. And what says StnmmV ho continued. I gave him his adversary's conditions , When I had ended , a sad Hinilo passei over his face ; ho drew his hand across liis forehead and his eyes glittered will : feverish luster. "I had foreseen this , " ho murmured , "You have ccoptod , I presume ? " "Did you not give ino the order your self ? " "Absolutely , " ho replied. Xodorairsky threw himself in a ohaii by the table , in which position ho faced the door. Pravdino pfacod himself noai the window , and I near the fire. A pro ssntimont weighed aown our spirits. A mournful silence rdigned. Suddenly the door opened and ! woman muflled in a mantle , and with tin hood drawn over her face , pushed pasl the servant aim stood before us. Shi throw back Iho hood and \vo recogninei Mariana llavensky ! Pr.vvdino and I stood motionless will astonishment. Xodomirsky sprang toward hor. "Groat hoavonsl what has hnppauod. . and wiiy are you hero ? " "Why am 1 hero , George ? " she cried ' 'Is it you who asic mo , whoa this nigh is perhaps the last of your life ? Wh ; am 1 here ? To say farewell to you. 1 is only two hours since I siw you um not ono word passed between us of to morrow. Was that well , George ? " "But I aloro : am not hero. said Xodomirsky in a lo\ voico. "Think , Mariana. Your reputation tation your fair fame " "Aro you not all in all ' , ' < mo , George And in such a time as this what matter anything else ? " She throw her arm about his nock ani pressed her head against his breast. Pravdino and I inudo some steps t quit the room. "Stay , gentlemen , " she said , liftini her head. "Since you have seen m hero , I have nothing more to hide froi : you , and porhans you may bo able t help mo in what I am about to say. " Then , suddenly Hinging herself at hi feel : " 1 imnloro you , I command you George , " she cried , "not to light thi duel with Monsieur Stamm. You wil not , end two lives by such a iibolessael Your Hfo belongs to mo ; it is no longo yours. George , do you hear ? You wil not do this. " "Mariana ! Mariana ! in the name c heav.on do not torture mo thus ! Can refuse to light ? I should bo dlsiionoro If I could do so cowardly an acl shame would kill mo more surely tha Stauim's pistol. " "Captain , " she to Pravdino"yo arocstoomcd in the regiment as a ma of honor : you can. then , judge about at fairs of honor , IJavo pity on me , caj : tain , and toll him ho can refuse such duel as this. Make him understand tha it is not a duel , but an assassination tipsak , bpeak , e-iptain , and if ho will no listen to mo , ho will to you. " Pravulno wad moved. His lips trow bled and his eyes were dimmed wit tears , lie rose , and , approaching Marl ami , kis-iccl bur hand , and bald with trembling voice : "To spare you any HO'TOW , mailc molsollo , I would lay down myjifo , bu to counsel M. Xodomirsky to bo in : worthy of his uniform by lofusnglhi duel is impossible. Uuih advorsurj your betrothed aa well ns Stamm , IIIIH right to propobo his conditions. Hi whatever bo the conditions , the captal is in circumstances which render thl duel absolutely necessary , llo Is know as a bklllful duelist ; to icfusn Stainm conditions were to indicate that , h counts upon his skill. " "Enough , Miiriiuui , enough , " crlo Gcorgn. "Unhappy girl ! you do m know what you demand. Do you wis mo to fall BO low that you yourself woul bo ashamed of mn ? I ask you , nro yo capable of loving a dishonored man ? " Mariana had let' herself fall upon chair. Shu rose , pale as a corpse , an began to put her mantle on. "You ate right , George ; it IsnotI wli would lovu you no inoro , but you wh would hnto mo.o must resign ou solves to our fata Give mo your ham George ; wo may never sea each olhc again. Tomorrow ! tomorrow ! in love. " She throw herself upon his broas without tear ; , without sobs , but with profound despair. Shu wiehed to depart , alone bi Xodomirsky Insisted on lending her homo , Midnight wns striking when ho re turned. "You had bolter both roltro , " said Xodomlraky ns ho ontorod. "I have several letters to write before slconlncr. At 5 wo must bo nt the rendezvous. " I felt BO wonrlod that 1 did not wnnt telling twice. Pravdino passed into the saloon. I into Xodomlrsky's bedroom , nnd the miutcr of tlio house into his study. The cool nlr of the morning woke mo. t cast my oyoa upon the window , whore the dawn commenced to appear. I hoard Prnvdino also stirring. I passed into tlio saloon , where Xodorairsky im mediately joined us. Ills face was palo but serene. "Aro the horses ready ? " ho inquired. I niftdo a , sign In the nlllrmatlvo. "Then lot us start , " ho said. Wn mounted into tlie carriage , nnd drove olT , "Ah , " said Pravdino all at once , "thoro is Micliaolovitch's carriage. Yes , yes , ' it Is ho with one of ours , and there is JsalotolT , on hid Circassian horse. Good I the others are coining behind. It la well wo started so soon. " The carriasio had to pass the house of the Havonskys. 1 could not refrain from looking up ; the poor girl was at hur window motionless lis a statute. She did not even nod to us. "Quicker ! quicker ! " cried Xodomirsky to tlio coachman. It was thu only sign by which I know that ho hid seen Mariana. Soon wo distanced the other carriages , and arrived upon the place of combat a plain whoi-o Iho great pyramids rose , passing in this district bv the name of the "Tomb of the Two Brothers. " The first rays of the sun darting through the trees begun to dissipate the mists of night , Michaolovltch arrived immediately after us , and in a few min utes wo formed a group ol nearly twenty persona. Then wo hoard ether stops upon the gravel. They were these of our opponents. Stamm walked first , holding in his hand a box of pistols. Ho bowed to Xodo- inlrskv and the olllcors. "Who gives the word to lire , gentle men ? " ho asked. The two adversaries and the seconds turned toward the ollicors , who regarded them with purploxlty. No onoofTorcd. No ono wished to pro nounce that terrible "three" whicli would sign the fate of a coinr.ido. "Major , " said Xodomirsky to Bolayof , "will you render mo this service ? " Thus asked , the major coiilu not refuse fuse , and ho made a sign that ho ae copied. "Bo good enough to _ indicate oui places , gentlemen , " continued Xodomir sky , giving mo his saber and taking oil his coat. "Thon load , if you please. " "That is useless , " said Stamm ; " ] have brought the pistols ; ono of the twc is loaded , the ether hits only a cap. " "Do you know which is which ? " sak Pravtllne. "What does it matter ? " ropliei Stamin. "Monsieur Xodomirsky wil choose. " "It is well"said Xodomiraky. Bolavof drew lm saber and thrust 1 in the ground midway botwooi the two pyramids. Then ho tool another saber and planted it before - fore the first. Ono pace alone sop nr.itod the two blades. Each adversary was to stand behind a faabor , extending his arm at full length. In this way eacl had the muzzle of Ills opponent's ptsto at six inches from his hoart. whlli Bolayef made these preparations Stamn unbuckled his saber and divested him self of his coat. His seconds opened lm box of pistols , and Xodomirsky approach ing , took without hesitation the noares to him. Thom-.ho placed hiuisnlf behind hind ono of the sabors. Stainm regarded him closely ; not i muscle of Zodomirsky's face moved , am there was not about him the least appearance poaranco of bravado , but of tlio calmncs of courage. "Ho is bravo,1' inurmored Stamin. And talcing the pistol loft by Xodo ' r , ho took up his position behini the ether saber , in front of his ndvor sary. They were both palo , bat while til eyes of Xodomirsky burned with im plucablo resolution , these of Staimi were uneasy and shifting. I felt m ; heart boat loudly. Bolnyof advanced. All eyes wore fixed on him. "Aro you ready , gentlemen ? " h asked. "Wo are waiting , major , " roplici Xodomirsky and Stamm together , am oaoh lifted his pistol before the breas of the othor. A deathlike silence rotgnod. Onl ; the bird ? sung in the bushes near tli place of. combat. In the midst of thii sllonco the major's voice rosoundini mtido every ono tromblo. "Ono. " "Two. " "Three/1 Then wo heard the sound of the liara mor falling on the cap of Xodomlrbky' pistol. There was a Hash , but no soum followed it. Stamm had not fired , and continuci to hold the mouth of his pistol ngains the breast of his adversary. "Fire ! " said in Xodomlrsky , a vole perfectly calm. "It is not for you lo command , monsieur siour , " said Stamm , "It id I who inns decide uhcttiQito Hi e or not , and thu depends on how you answer what I ai about to say. " "Snoak , then ; but in the name c heaven spouk qulcklv , " "Novor fear , I will not abuse you patience. " Wb were all oars. " 1 have not como to kill yoi monsieur , " continued Stamin , " have como with the careless notis of a man to whom Ufa hohls notli ing , while it has kept nnno of the prou ises it has made to him. You , inonsloin are rich , you are beloved , you have promising future before vou ; lifo mua bo dear lo you. But fate has dooidoi against you ; it is you who must die an not I. Well , M. XodomlrsUy , give m your word not to bo so prompt in th future to light duels , and I will nc II ro. " " 1 have not boon prompt to call yo out , monsieur , " replied Xodomirsky I the Hainocalm voice ; "you hnvo wounde me by an outrageous compailson , and Jiavo boun com polled to challenge yoi Fire , then ; I have nothing to gay t you , " "My conditions cannot wound vou honor , " insisted Stamm. "Bo our ju'ug < ' major , " ho uuuoil , turning to Bolayo : "I will abide by your opinion ; porhaj M. Xodorairaky will follow my o.xau plo. " 'M. Xodorairsky has conduclrd hln i.olf as bravely as possible ; if ho is IK Killed it is not his fault. " Then , tun ingio the ollicor.4 round , lie said : "Can M. Xodomirsky accept the im posed condition ? " "lie can ! ho can ! " they cried ; "an without staining his honor in the sllgh Obt , " Xodoruiraky stood motionless. "Tho captain consents , " said old Pra : dlno advancing. "Yes , In the future ho will bo lei piompt. " "H is you who spoak. captain , and m M. Xodomirsky " said Stnmra. "Will you utllrm my words. Monslet EodomlrsUyV" asked Prnvdlne , almost supplicating in hlBcnaacriees. ' 'I conpont , " said Xodomlraky , in a voice barely Intelligible. "Hurrah ! hurrah"cried ! all the ofll cors , enchanted with this termination. Two or three throw up their caps. "I chnrmclL' than " am more anyone , said Slnmm , "that nil has ended as I desired. Now , eaptittti , , ! have shown you thatbcforo v. resoluta man the art of shooting is nothing injh'duol , and that f the chance1 * nro eqitut n good shot is on the same level iis'tXbad ono. I did lot wish in any case to "kill you. Only had a great desire lo see how you vould look death in the face. You nro a man of courage : accept my cotnpli- nonts. The pistols wo'o not loaded. " Stamm , as ho said this , fired olT his ilstol. There was no report ! Xodomirsky utlorod a cry which ro- ombled the of a wounded lion. ' By my father's soul ! " ho cried , "this a a now ollonco , nnd more insulting than the flrat. Ah ! .It is ended , you ay ? No , monsieur , it must rocoin- nonce , and this time tbo pistols shall ) o loaded , If I have to load them my self.1' "No , captain"saidStainm , tranquilly. 'I have given you your llfo , I will not tike it back. Insult mo if you wish , I vill not light with you. " "Then it is with mo whom you will Ight , M. Stamm , " cried Pravdino , puli ng off his coat. "You have acted like i ficoundrol ; you have deceived Xodo- nirsky nnd his seconds , and in five min utes If your dead body is not _ lying at ny foot , there is no such thing as jus tice. " Stamm was visibly confused. llo had lot bargained for this. - "And if the captain" docs not kill you , I will ! " aald NalotolT. "Or 1 ! " "Or 11" cried with ono voice ill thoolllcc'is. "Tho devil ! I cannot fight with you all , " replied Slamm. "Chooso ono unongyou , and I will light with him ; though it will not bo a duel , but an as sassination. " "Koassuroyoursolf , monsieur , " replied Major Bolayef ; "wo will do nothing that the most scrupulous honor can complain of. All our odlcors are insulted , for under their uniform you have conducted yourself like a rascal. You cannot fight with all ; it is even probable you will light with none. Hold yourself inroudi- ness , thon. You are to bo judged. Gentlemen - tlomon will you approach ? " Wo surrounded the major , and that fiat wont forth without discussion. Every one was of the sumo opinion. Then the major , who had played the role of president , approached Stainm , and saiu to him : "Monsieur , you are lost to all the laws honor. Your crime was premeditated in cold blood. You have made M. Zo- domirsky pass through all the sensa tions of'a man condeViined to death , while you were perfectly at ease , you who Unow the pistols'vrcro not loaded. Finally , you refuse lo fight with the man whom you have doubly insulted. " "Load the pistolsl load thorn ! ' ' cried Stamm , oxasporatodj , , ' "I will fight with ! " any ono / Bui the major shoqlj : his head with n smile of contempt. ,1 ' i "No , Monsieur Lieutenant , " ho said , "you will light no mofO with your com rades. You have stained your uniform. Wo can no lorfgtfr servo with you. The officers have charged mo to say that , not ' wishing to make your deficiencies known ) to the govern ment , they asic you to-give in your res' iirnation on the ground of bad health. The surgeon will faign nil necessary cot- ' tlficates. Today is tthp > * Sd of May : you have from now to the 3d of Juno to quit the regiment. " ' "I will quit it , certainly ; not because it ia your desire , but mine"said , Stainm , picld'ng up his saber and putting on his coat. coat.Thon Then ho leaped upon his horse , and galloped off toward the villace , casting a last malediction to us all. Wo all pressed 'round Xodomlrsky. Ho was sad ; more than sad gloomy. "Why did you force mo to consent tc this scoundrel's conditions , gentlemen,9 ho said. "Without you , I should never have accepted them. " ' My comrades and I , " said the major "will take all the responsibility. Yoi have acted nobly , and I must toll you it the name of us all , M. Xodomirsky , thai you uro a man of honor. " Then , turn ing lo the ollicors : "Lot us go , gentle men ; wo must inform the colonel of whai has pabsod. " Wo mounted into the carriages. As wo did so wo saw Stamm in the distanci galloping up the mountain Ride fron the villugo upon his horse. Xodo mirsliy's eyes followed him. "I know not what presentiment torments monts mo , " ho said , "but I wish hi ; pistol had boon loaded , and that ho hat fired. " Ho uttered a deep sigh , then shool his head , as if with that ho could tils- porso his trloomy thoughts. "Home. " he called to the driver. Wo took the fiamo route that wo had como by , and consequently again passoc Mariana Ravonsky's window. Each o us looked up , but Mariana was no Ion ger there. "Captain , " said Xodomirsky , "wil you render mo i * . sorylco ? " "Whatever you wish , " I replied. "I count upon you to loll my pooi Mariana the result ot this miserable ullur. ; " , "I will do so , And when ? " "Now. The sooner the batter. Stop1 ! cried Xodomirsky tu the coachman. ll < stopped , and I descended , and the car ringb drove on. Xndomirsky had hardly ontorei when ho saw mo appear it the doorway of the saloon. Wilhou doubt my face was palo , and wora a reel of consternation , for Xodomirsky npnuif toward mo , crying : "Groat heavens , captain ! What hai happened ? " " j diow him from th'cTfiiloon. "My poor friend , hafl\Q , if you wish t < see Mariana alive. Sh't 'was at her win dow ; she saw Stmfm gallop past Slamm being alive , if | ollowod that yoi were dead. She utter $ .n cry , and fell From that inoinentjTrtiho has nevei opened her oyos. ' ' "Oh , my probontlmont ! " cried Xodo mirsky , "my presentiment ! " and In nibhod , hntlcbB and without his sabot- inlo the street. < ' ' On the staircase ofJt Illo. Ravoneky' : house ho mot the doctor , who was coin Ing down. u" < . "Doctor , " ho crled.i'ustopplng him "aha is bettor , is she H/JtV" "Yes1 ho nnsworaofiVbottor , becausi she sutlers no more , " /.ii "Dead ! " murmured Xodomlroky , grow ing white , and supporting hiinsol against Iho wall. "Doud ! " "I always told her , poor girl ! that huvint , ' a weak heart , &ha must avoid al emotion " But Xodomirsky had conecd to listen Ho sprang uu the stops , crowed the hal and the saloon , calling like a madman "Mnrianni Mniinna ! " At the Oonr of the Bleeping olmmbo stood Mariana's old nurbo , who tried ti bar his progress. Ho pushed by ho and entered the room , Mariana was lying motionless un < palo upon her bod. Her face was caln us if she slept. Xodomirsky throw him bolt upon his knees by the bedside um seized her hand. It was cold , and in i WHS clinched n curl of black hair. "My hair ! " cried Zudorairsky , bursl ing into sobs. "Yos , yours , " said the old nurse Which can only be obtained by caring for the teeth and stomach , Teeth Filled Without Pain by a New Process , the Latest and Best , Used Only by Dr. Bailey , Leading Dentist , Office , Third Floor Panton Block , 16th and Favnaui Streets. EXTKANCK ON SIXTEENTH STREET. . . . . TlJI KNION1S No. 1085 , Road a few of the many testimonials wo have recolvod from these who have lind their tooth filled by this now method : OMAHA , hcil | . ' . 1W TliUls to rorliry that Dr. llnlloy lllli'il clulit vcryson IUvo toetli for m < > , fiiur with cold , the operation nm without tlio slldile.'t pnln , nnd I cruiliturUly aecconimoml U lo nit ivli , ) ili'Mro tooth illlcl .1 II J.U'KSnv OMAHA , Wept till. H33 < ! pvornHootli- Illlivl for mo In llr. Unllvy' * iiillcc , the Illllnus wore mujtly KoKUny ti'otli hnrn immUr hurt me * so much In got lliiIUIIn ! ( loin1 , but tlui ollllcd li > tha timv | > rm'en used by Dr. Hnllu > ilUI nntcauiu motholonst | Ml" . J. U. ClHltcmi.I , . HoMilc'ilcoCouncil ) ! lun < 1.INCOI.V , Noli , Sept. 15 , ISJi. Pr UV. . llallojr Onmliit , Nch lienrMr. iKliill ? n < M mr to tlinoii Inl to Hit * otlu'rn you hivot rogtmttni ! > our | > Mu ICM method of IHIHu tooth It la prnnd HUcrixi l.mMntov Wo Foulit print olhcr , lint It would only lie n repetition of Iho 'cuUiuonts nbovc. Ooiuo mid try lorjoursulf. Toelh ojttrneteil without pain , nml without Iho iiiuoriuioithcUu3. Wcnro still iujklnt"llHi ( i Mno sett ot tooth ( or ! , " > CO. n ( It unrrnntcd. Also the Tlilu rimtlc Mnnli I'lntcnml the teeth without pl.itot , found only ill thlftottlco. Mtros o.xhlo , IntichluCKUiltnllrcd nlr , utc. . kept onstnully on hntul. Don't foritot loontlon. "I'nxton lllook , " liJtli nnJ fnrnjni. Cut thU ndd out for n uuldo. * r + BEAB'M ' NE4l ? By purchasing goods made at the following Nebraska Factories If you cannot find what you want , communicate with the manufacturers as to what dealers handle their goods. AWrUNOS. I _ _ _ " OrnaM"TentAwning Hues. Hummocks. Oil nlul Itubbor ClotliliiK. Sund for cntnlncuo. I1U Fnrnimst BREWERS. Fred Krug Brewing Omaha Brewing Assn COMVANV. Our lloltlod Cabinet liiinrnntccil to oniml Ilncr ( U-lUori'il to nny outaldo brnuds. Vienna pnrt of the city. lllo ; i\port nettled liner. Juikson at. Dollvercd to families DYE WORKS. FURNITURE. Omaha Steam Dye Chas.Sliiverick&Co \VOUKS. Furniture , Carpets and Cleaning and Dyelut ; Draperies. of every dpicrlptlon. 1UI Honurd at 1201 Fnrnnm Bt. S. F. Omaha Milling Co. , ICth . Cllloo nnd Mill , 1013-15-1 : N st. C. 12. mack , manager. UlCN.lCtli Ht. ITV TO ALL \YI10 \ USE LA FREOKLA. Homely Faces Softened Into Great Beauty by Ja Freckla. OLD FACES Msuloyomis ; uiilii : by LA I'liHOIvLA. La Trcckln U tlio greatest the most wonder ful niul the only cura In oMstonco forfreuklud. LA I KI JKJjA litliu lutost Ion ainunv lihyslclinis mill obcinlxlB. Discovered by Mine. Viilu nnd tisu bv liur until hur 1)0 inly hnoiiino HO uoiiilorfiil that Ihnsu who kncr\ her liofnro bucaino afr.uil of hur iro\t nml bQwItchln ; : beauty. Mine. Vnlo at tliu IIKO of forty lookuil oislitcun. llur i'oniilo\oii | Is so buauttful ono hus to c > > close to &ce Him U n living ldnir. MIIIP. Vnlo has plat-oil L.i I'rco'ilu tu the c't. Thu vvninun of thu worlil inny h.ivo tlio benefit of lior Hociut and becoino n < be lutlful as tills lovely Quuen of llo , ml v. honil I ! cenv liibtaniiJjand Mnio Vulo will aond you frounf cli'irse her fainotiB lluaitty Itook blia hm writ- trn to liiHtrnct wuinon hnw lo IIDCOIIIU beautiful. 1 A. 1'ltKCKIjAvlll boslilppoil you IIDOII ID- colpt of price , or yon may sot It from your il nisi ; i st. Mine , 1 alo'n book Inilruets young Klrls liowiuwla a limbiiwl , and marr'eil In- dk'H how to retain tliolr liuabandu' alloetlous , and women of all uses how to bo beautiful , 1'ilcoof La l'roo ! > li , $1.00 PEE , BOTTLE. I'or tn\o \ by all flrst-olass Druggists. AiUhi-s all orders and letters , MM P. . 51. YAM. , liuuilly am' i'oinplo\lcii hpuelalht , MME. M. YALE'S 10 TEMPLE OF BEAUTY , 140 STATE ST. , CHICAGO , ILL. , OR 37 WEST I4TH ST , , N. Y. dKenti aino . u , 111- POINTERS ! B ' ttf ura * lidi.ridn tu irud ! rvaKr l tiuiitirdiri Alluiw f < ir ulliitldo liifi.rinatum If. irur.llMKtll < . hlKAIUHT l.llll * . \ Corri'fcnuniUni I'utillilintlnl. AdJrf.4 t > , Iui 1 CII1CJAUU , Jl.1- "your hull-liiut Bho cut olT herself on quitting vou nt Ht. I'otoiBburff. I huvu oflon tolu hur it v\mil < l brlntr inlBfortuno to ono of you , " If any nno Josiros to luarn what bo- cnino of Zoaoinlraky' lot him inqtilro for lirothorrasalll , at the Monastery of Troltzn. The holy brothers will show tlio vis itor hifl tomb. They Unow noitlior his real uuiiio nor the cninca which , nt 20 , luitl inudo him ttihu the robe of n monk. Only they say , vii uuly , that it was a/tor n grout borrow , uatisod by the death of u woman whom ho loved. IRDH WORKS. Paxton & Yiorllng IndustriallronYforks IRON \VOHKb. Mnnufnctiirlng nnd ro imlrlnn of nil kinds of Wroncht nnd Cast Iron bulMlMK uork. Knulnoa , ninclilncrr. "II H. lltli 1119. at. Tclepliono brass work , etc Omaha Safe and Iron Novelty Works. WOUKS. Jlottcomploloplitntln Pnfc .vntiltn. Jull work , llu > west for IlKht iiiiinu- Ml kind * nnd fiirtiirlnd Iron nliultora mid tlru ps- cupcs (3. Amlroeson , b. ol clectro-iilntlnif Chami Nth nnd Jickson. Mft ! i'o. , Wocplnc Wa ter , Nob. MATTRESSES. PRINTERS , Omaha MattressCo. Reed Job Printing Mnttrosscs , foil thor COMl'ANV. ] illl nH unit omforturn 'lo trarto on y. IM'-l-d lice lUilldlni ; . Nlcholus st. ITEin GOGDS. I SEWING MACHINES * . Omaha Rubber Co. New Noble 1 Lincoln Two of the bc t nm- MannfuPturcnnndJoli- rhluc on the mirkct. tun "f nllkludK of rub Mndo und nold to thu ber "I'lsh Ilrand" trmi > by flim MfK. Co. , IV.iI riviniuust. Lincoln , Nub. . > Without luonoy nndwlthout prloj. To the You arunot ell , and bavono inouoy or tlmo to SOB a doctor. ( Jut out thu name printed hero. 1 tll'ANS OO. . NEW YORK I'aitolLon n postul cnril. \Vrllo your own name on Iho. oilier aljuof thuourd ; put It In the L'o9tOfllee , and by return mall yon wilt iot n letter mill soinuinodlalno that \rlll do you rool. Try it uod tell your fileuds. rcjBUfCSMasdaarwauas VAN COTT JEWELRY COMPANY , i < V > r Thirty Days only wo will olTor our ontlro stoulc of Dliiinandi anil Christinas Jewelry anil tillvot-waro at lo d than m-inufauturor'j cost , Fourteenth and Farnam Streets- win inovo .Ian. 1. to N. W Cor. 10th nnd I'arnani. SAl'ES KOIt SALI 1816 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nob. Tlio pinliiont * i > i > cltillit ! In nervom. clirunlo , prlvnln , blood , kln anil urlimry < * . A regular nml rocUti'icil ifrmluntit In mecllf Inu , mill iiloiim uncl curttttciiton nliow , U mill Iruniliu wlili tlui unmteit auc. umlnll furiui of prlvuld dUu ism No inaroti- ciu ciitarrli , lout niuiiliuod nomliml wcnkuuis , nlulit lutaui rr IK4.I , Niv.v treuim'jnt lur loaa ul vlUI | .u\nr 1'iirlloi iinuUio to vlull inu iniiy | jj troititil ill liouii ) Djr mnll < eoiirol - puok'i.l , JKI ianrU tu Initluilu rorr iiionilunc'0. Mmllclno or liutriiinnulu mint tiy or oipron > K'jntoiiUurnunilar ouuin-riunitllniorvluir prturru < l. Cuiniiltullnu friu. I'urruipju Iaia3 > lrlctlr ) ptlrato. Hook ( > lj Jterlosof I.lfuMunt fr o. OHlc'th'jiir'tfn m U'JIMII ijuii'lujrulOn ' m toliui tun'litnmp fprrdpljr .PCRCEHT 1 INTEREST PAID OH [ DEPOSITS CHICIIKETCH'S HiOlUt. fffO C/TOSS / 1C' GIMAL fcllD CCNUII1C. TU onlj HuTi , Hnrr. . I fur nictuirfi Anfll. ; , ia. < jiJ rn/a tu llr.l and < / ' ' . T < ' anuuthrr Llu.1 KI/UH i U i > IIU luf < itubwarl twi * * , | > lk wrijMii , r dunffrrou * c ui . . - _ - , - v 4n.ln uui > 4 fwr irttCBlaT4UL tlBM tllU.aa4 "llrllrf ft.r l.adlr * * ' iHlllfrr. bj return UttIL KI.UOU TMIIUMlali. Hioulfrw , CHICHC8TEH CHCMICAt Co. , M.d | , u Hui | > f % Hul.l by . ' ! 1 on u I UruKcUU. VUll.Mlt.M'UU. TA.