ONI ! HUNDRED LAWMAKERS Sketches of the Men Wlio Will Oomposo the Noltmska House , THEIR INTERESTING LIFE STORIES Many Vi-tfcr.tn * with Itrllll.ntt Wnr llpoonl * Arc AinniiR Tlirm A I'rciloiiilnnnco of the Mrn Wlino llmlm-sii l TlllhiB th Soil. One wce-k from Tuesday the Nebraska leg islature will bo called to order. Tun Br.p. has already presented to its readers pen pictures of the men who will compose tlio stale sen- Ale , and In order Unit everybody may know the members of Uio lower house ns well wo give bclaw sketches of the even hundred Tcprcscnln lives , .Suci-rmful llmlut-KS Man. George W , Ames , Jr. . Is ono of tlio best known e'itlzcns of Omaha. His nomination by the Douglas county democratic conven tion as a candidate for the state legislature came to him unsought nnd unexpcclcd. Mr. Ames hns never sought political honors. Ho comes from the Puritan stock of the old Bay state , anil possesses all the pluck and capa bilities characteristic of liis illustrious an cestors. At present ho Is engaged in the real cstalo business with his father. Ho is 0110 of the originators and president of the Omaha Athletic club , which instllutlon has a membership of 800 of the young men , of Omaha , Him it AVitr Iti-rorel , Mr. Patrick II. Barry was bom in Ireland. August 25 , 1W4 , and emigrated with his parents to the city of Boston , March , 18U ) , receiving his education In the public schools of that citv. IIo enlisted In the union army in 18111 , in company 13 , Third regiment , of Thomas Traver's Mcagher Irish brigade , serving throughout the Peninsular campaign under Mr. Tcllens in tlio battles of Hull Run , SeUth Mountain ami Antlctam. He was wounded in the right leg at the battle of Antielam and disabled from service. IIo was discharged February , 18ft ! , re-enlisted July , 1803 , in the Twelfth Massachusetts in fantry , and served under Grant through the Wilderness campaign in numerous battles , losing liis right arm at the battle of Plank Road , July 7 , 1SG-1 , in front of Fort Hell , Petersburg , Va. He emigrated to Nebraska. March , 1880 , and homestcaded In Gnrlleld county , moving to Grecly county , June , 1881. Mr. Barry was defeated for the slate senate on the democratic ticket iu 1H88 ; has never hold any public ollle-o in this state or at any time. Ho will introduce a bill in the legis- laluro equalizing luxation , whereby all classes will bo taxed according to the amount of property they own anil not on what they owe. Mr. Barry has been an in dependent for about thrco years , is a farmer of good standing in this community and was elected by a largo majority. AVitH a Si-ltnnl Teacher. C. W. Heal was born in Audrain , Mo. , thirty-two .YCUS : ago , and was brought up on a farm in Missouri. Has been a resident of Custer county , Nebraska , six years last ! < \pril. Taught school four years , thrco of which were in Custer eounty , Nebraska. Has been president of the Custer county alliance four years and was a member of the state executive commltteoi ouoyear. Was educated in the common schools. IIo will advocate n reduction in railroad freight rates and a simplification of the Australian ballot as adopted by the last legislature. Ho is nt present editor of the Custer county Beacon. Hcrvi-el ITiuli.Griirrala Thomas anil Croolt. John M. Brockman was born in Morgan county , Illinois , August 20,18-11. Ho was loft an orphan at an early age anil had tc work for liis board and clothes while attend ing school. Ho soon had sufficient education to teach a country school and taught in Cass county , Illinois. Ho came to Brownville , Nebraska Territory , in the spring of 1801 and enlisted in First regiment , Nebraskr cavalry , and afterward merged into Fiftl Jowu cavalry. " Ho was in tlio battle o : Shiloh and seven oilier engagements , als < served over n year as scout for General ! George II. Thomas and George Crook. Af lei Iho close of the war ho was married am came to Porter township , Riclmrdsoi county , and has spent most of the time since in farming. IIo has held the ofllco of countj commissioner for three years and served the peoplowcll. Ho has also been president o the Old Settlers association for tlio las seven years. lias been u republican since old enough to rote. Was elected reprcsen t'ativo on republican ticket November 8 b' J10 majority. ( 'Iniinplnii of the I.abeii-liiKint-ii. Joseph Burns , ono of Lancaster's new reii rcsentiitivcs , is an able champion of th _ rjaboriiigmcn without going outside the re publican ranks. Ho was born in Irelani forty-eight years ago and came to Amcriei at the ago of 8. IIo spent his -youth am early manhood in Connecticut , was a citizei ofMontiecllo anil Fort Madison , la. , fror 18)0 ( to 1S7I1 , when ho cnmo to Lincoln , whcr he has since resided. His life has been spen In the well business , with an occasional sid venture into politics as city councilman. H invented the well augur , an instrument thn has been credited with hastening Iho settle incut of Nebraska ten years. Mr. Burn does not often appear in evening dress , bt lie is a vigorous campaigner , a rough an ready speaker of great force. MC'H liooit Tln-rti llt-fore. D. J. Brown , representative of thoTwcnt ; ninth , was born in Rotino county , Tcnnossoi March 20 , 18-i I , where ho resided until afti the rebellion broke out , Being a strong unloi ist he was obliged to leave that state or I conscrlplcd into the confederate army , coi sequcntly on the night of March i0 ! , 1802 , h in company with others , started for the fci oral lines , which they entered near Some sot , Ky , , after considerable trouble , travi ing entirely tit night. Mr. Brown went i Danville , Ind , , where ho enlisted in the Hu drodund Thirty-second Indiana Volunteer i fantry. After the close of the war ho settled : Louisa county , Iowa , hut soon returned Tennessee , where ho remained until 187 when ho returned to Louisa county , Iowa , r nialning there until 1878. In 1878 ho came Seward county , Nob. , where ho lias since r sided , engaging in the stock business m funning , in which lie has succeeded. Mr. Brown was elected a member of tl house from Seward county In 1882 , and toe an active part In the work of tlio scsslo Mr. Brown has always been a loyal and a grcsslvo republican. In u Bm-rvbKful N'ltrni'rviimii. Gideon .ludd Carpenter , rcprcscntntU elect from Jefferson county , was bom Delaware county , Now York , in 1H53. Un ! JO years of ago ho resided in Pcnnsylvnii and attended the Kingston academy , which the Into Hon. A. .1. Weaver of Fa * City. Nob. , was at that tlmo principal , 187 ! ) ho removed to Iowa and was for u til employed tit the state ) capitol at Dos Moini und In 1870 was connected with the lei horticultural exhibit at the PhUadolphlu i position. The next year ho removed to Nobrnsl where he engaged In the nursery bu ness nt Falrbury , ns senior partner the firm of Carpenter & Gage , later e gaulzlng the G , J. Carpenter purse company , which is now the largest nurse company In the United States , having ext < eivo branch nurseries In Idaho , Colorado u nt Edely , N , M. Mr , Carpenter has scrv two terms us tlrst vice president of t American Nurserymen's iiFsoclalion and t miuio time us sec-rotary ef tlio Nehnis State Horticultural society anil is presidt of ttie Fairbury Savings l nk. Ho Is ardent republican in politics , and as he largely Interested in agricultural puisuits v bo found in favor of any legislative moasui for relief of farmers , Foamier of u George Cross , representative-elect fr the lloat district of Jefferson nnd Tlia ; counties , was bora in Kcnosha county , \ \ cousin , in 1811 , In 1801 ho entered the Fi Wisconsin heavy artillery and served ui the close of the war , after which ho re- torcd the stnto university , from which graduated in 1807. Ho taught school in V cousin until 1870. when ha removed to F : bury. Nob. , and hi September of that yt founded the Fnirbury Gazette , of which hat } since been editor , and is at this tl solo proprietor. Ho has lately erected u t' btory brick bulUiing for his newspaper of and is also largely interested in farml owning an improved farm of 800 acres 11 Fnirbury. Major Cross has wet yet lost Interest hi military mutters , undlias er r. mnjor of the Second wptmonl , NobrnMcn National Guards. In polities ho t * n repub lican. Ho lina no special measures to advo cate ' ( efeire the next legislature. Mi" Cross was married shortly before- locating In Ne braska to MlM Clnni Tulll * of Wisconsin. In n Nntlto of X mTrir.v . Hon. Charles D. Casper , one of Duller county's new representatives , It * n native of New Jersey. 'He saw considerable service In the war , anel shortly after moved to Iowa , whcro ho worked on n farm. He cnmo to Nebraska about 1S70 , located at David City nnd soon thereafter Ixiught the Press , of which ho has been the publisher over sUlcc. Ho Is hot new to legislative work , having been a member of the house In IS35 und in K87 , and made n good record , Ho is n demo crat. A Itaillriit llpptilillran , Hon. A. .T , Cornish , a republican of radical tendencies , hns been roturncel to the house from Lancaster. A young man of 'It , he was Ixmi in Iowa and educated at Cornell uni versity , Now York. loiter ho graduated from the law school in Iowa City , taking the degrco of L. L. H. In 1880 ho took a post graduate course in Harvard university , anel in the following year came to Lincoln tind In mrtnership with A. S. Tlbbetts opened a law olllci ! . Ik- has been actlvo in county nnd statp politics since coming to Nebraska , anil was sent"to the legislature two years ago. In ii Iliiulcrr. George H. Coltou , representative-elect from Butler county , was bom In Galesburg. 111. , In ISO : ) . He was educated tit Knox col lege and graduated from Ann Arbor , Mich. After leaving college ho spent several years In New Mexico , and settled in David City In 18X7 and shortly afterwards assisted in the organization of the Central Nebraska Na tional bank , and has been a mcnibcror the board of directors since Its organization and at present cashier , Ho hns no special metis- uro to ndvucato before the legislature , but would favor a change in the state' banking law as to the unfoii.-uhicitt of the present law. from a Coexl state. Thomas D. Crane was born upon th 3 his toric soil of Now Bedford , Mass. . January ( J , 185) ) . Ho adopted the profession of law and In June , 18vr , located in Omaha. This is Mr. Cramps first venture as a candidate for office , hut ho has always been prominently Identi fied with local republicanism and is known as n hanl worker. Cast Ills rirsl Votu fur ( Iriint. A. S. Cooley , ono of the representatives of Cass county , 40 years of age. was born In Johnstown. Ohio. Has never held olui-e. of any kind. His llrst vote was cast for General Grant in 1808 , and ho has always voted the ticket straight , although his father was a hidebound democrat. Hit oc cupation is farming and his postoillce ad dress is Eagle , Neb. Clot In nun Split , John D. Cain was elected as the republican representative from Hamilton county , al though Jiis running mate , , T. A. Whitmorc was defeated. Mr. Cain is very popular , as his election would indidutc. IIo is a lawyer and resides at Aurora , the county scat. Sprvpil tin UoniitjC'lcrk. . Jacobs. Dow , representative-elect from Johnson county , was born in Mason county , Illinois , in 18-11. Ho remained on his father's farm until the outbreak of the rebellion , when ho enlisted in the Eighty-fifth Illinois Infantry , commanded by Colonel Dilworth. In 18(10 ( ho came to Johnson county and took a homestead adjoining the city of Tecumseh In 18711 ho was elected county clerk and was re-elected in 1875. From 1877 to 1SH ! > ho was engaged in the hardware and furniture ) busi ness. In 1880 ho was elected representative from Johnson county , and in 1MK ) Ho made ti race for state senator. He carried his own county by a good majority , but Nemaha suc ceeded in defeating him. Ho was this yeai elected to the legislature on the republican ticket and carried the county by 418 , the largest majority given any candidate in tlio county. Is u Silver ToiiRiipiI Orator. John A. Davies , ago ,11 , ono of Cass conn ty's representatives , was born at Glenwood Iowa. Has never helel any ofllco. IIo re ccived a college education and graduated at tlio law school tit Iowa City with liifil honors. Is n silver tougued orator and wil be heard from in the next legislature. Has no particular measure to advocate and no preference yet for United States senator but will probably favor Paddock. A Uluo Grass Intlcpe-mlriit. Hon. Albert Dickcrson , of Litchlleld , wh will represent Sherman county In the house for the second time , was Uirn on a farm ii Kentucky in ISM. In 1847 ho removed will bis widowed mother to Illinois , where h lived on a farm until 1850 , when ho came t Nebraska anel located near Falls City. Ii 1884 ho removed to his present farm in Sliei man county. Formerly a democrat ho wa elected to the legislature by the indepei dents. Ho'a n Native of Honnlo .Sceitlnnil. Hon. Richard Dobson , Fillmore's iudc pendent representative , is a native of Bennie nio Scotland , but he 1msJived in Nobruski for nearly a quarter of a century. Ho helene no important oilico till elected to the house two years ago. IIo proved ono of the allies orators in the Independent party and was ; clean legislator. Ho lives at Dobson. Favors mi liielnpe-iult-ut Solution James M. Dimmick , representative froii Franklin county , lives at Bloomington and i 50 years of age. Ho was born at Pleas.in View , Schuyler county , 111 , , and follows thi business of farming. Ho will udvocnto tin reduction of freight rates and will supper un independent for United States senator. Itcgan I.lfi > us it I.nliore-r. Arnold Eickhoff , roprcscntntlvo-elcct fo the Nineteenth district , was horn in Wcsl phalia , Germany , in 18U. ! ! He came t America In 1850 , served as a common da laborer until ho came to Nebraska , where h purchased a farm in Cedar county twenty live years ago. Ho has helel but ono publl office , that of county * commissioner of th ! county , for two terms. Ho is an uucompre mising democrat and ho is in favor of democrat for United States senator. IIo i in favor of alllliating with tlie independent in choosing a senator. .Mailo a 1'lcturi-Hijuo Sorakrr. Hon. S. M. Klilcr , who made a pleturcsqu if not a brilliant speaker in the last hou.si bus been returned I by Cluy county. Hewn born in Crittendcn county , Kentucky , Jai nary 11 , 1847. His parents removed to III nols when ho was 4 years old. Ho came 1 Nebraska in 1871 , loealed in Clay count ; making the llrst entry on land in what now I./MIO Tree precinct and built the fin house between Sntton and Spring Rune ! the distance between them being Ihirty-li ) miles. Mr. KUlor yet owns the land lie fir : entered , it being now a highly cultivate farm , and lived upon it till 1887 , when 1 D- removed to Cluy Center. He was formerly Din republican and was elected coroner twice ( 11 that ticket , but two years ago ho went to U laf legislature as tin Independent. f Still lllIK II .loll. Is In Kuos 10. Ellis , roprosentatlvo from Dixi ie countv , was Iwrn in Jeffoison counly , low ieu on July US , 1851 , of Quaker parentage. 1 , -u lived In Jefferson county until liu was ux years of age , when his father sold his far xa and moved to Mahaska county , Iowa , nc , a , "Oskuloosa , where they resided five yetii In the fall of 18M Iho subject of tli hi sketch located In Dlxon county , where I ir- has resided ever since. He is a farmer ai irry stock raiser by profession and hns serve two terms us Justice of the peace , and w school director for ton or twelve years. II idMl potttofllco address is Allen. Ml IlulU from till ) ' 'ant. lie lie Hon. George K. Felton of Angus Is u i live of Iho east and about -40 years old , I . , < has been a resident of Nebraska about foi „ , teen years , Ho nud been n republican , h js 2 yeais ago was elected to the house fit ill Nuckolls us an independent , cs Olitiof tht' -ICIprpil | , Samuel Fulton , representative from t Thirtieth district , was born April 18,1848 , nil Fayetto county , Pennsylvania , moved wl cr his parents to Defiance , O , , where ho w is- living in 1801 , and where ho enlisted in tOne Hundred and reglmei i-st Ono Ninety-seventh til Ohio volunteer Infantry ; was honorably d jn- charged Augusts , Ib05aftirserviiig throu jnhe the war , Ho engaged in manufacturing I Is- several years after his discharge from t , lr- service , but in 1874 returned to his farm iir , Do" Kulb county , Indiana , where ho llv ho until 1888 , when ho cumo to Hurlan couu ino and has lnco resided hero on his farm , vo was a republican in politics until 188S , wh ice ho joined the union labor party. Ho v elected to the legislature in IS'JO by the In pendents and ru-elected this fall , Ills Klrclu < l KIx Tlmrn .luelce , cd lion. Jumc * B. Furusworth , member-el to the ? legislature from tlio Flfly-smmd Nebraska - braska dUlrlct , Is n man 07 years of ngo , quite gray , but an straight ns an arrow nnd well pre.iprved Mr Fimisworth was born In Norrldgwock , Me , receiving H common school anel aendomlt'education ; enlisted as a private In the Fourth Wisconsin cavalry. serving llvo years , coming home n major of volunteers. Ho has served -sis consecutive years as probate Jtidgo of Keya Palm county nd two years us county attorney i was 'o'rmerly a republican , but now an hide- teudcnt. Mr , Fnrnsworth's postofllce ad- tress is Sprlnyviow. A Siilxlnnlliil I'lirnipr. John Fairoll , ono of tlio democratic1 repre- entalives of Dodge county , Ii n resident of North Dctul , Ho is n substantial fanner. t'reini the. I'ronllcr. Philo Ford will represent the two counties of Frontier and Oospc-r , which comprise tlio Sixty-sixth district. Mr , Ford , lives on a farm in Oosper county , near the Phelps otinty line , and gets his mall at Bertraud. le was formerly a republican. Wits it UniteHiililhr. . Hon. William M. Oifford. one of Pawnee's wo republican representatives In tlio last eglslature , and again In the coming session , vas born in Pnrko county , Indiana , In 18-15 , of parents who had conic from North Caro- ina. lie cnllsteel in ISfl-J In the Eighty- liiitli Indiana , made n brave soldier , was captured and exchanged , was wounded , wlco. and , by successive promotions , won n leuttmant's commission. From 1M' 5 to 1871 10 rcsldid in Iowa. In the hitter year ho re- noved to Harlah county , this state , and in SiO ho located on his present farm , near .ewlsloii. which was raw prairie then , but ins been made a productive nnd valuable n-opcrty. Mr. Glflord hns alwajs been a 'armor. Itit Itnllroilel Ili'feirmtii1. Henry Gordes was "born in Illinois. Ills parents are German. HU father repre sented this. Hicharelson county lutholesls. lature fifteen years ago. Mr. denies was a nembor of the1 last legislature , elected by the lemocrats. Tills year ho owes his majority of eight votes to the elemo-populo- I'uso-tluKot. Ho will advocate a max imum freight bill also better roud laws a change in the Australian ballot system. Ho is JI7 years old and a democrat pure and simple. Ills postofllce address Is Barada. A ( looel ttiiHiiir.ss .Mini , T. S. fos ! > s , representative for Wayne nnd Stanton. is a farmer and lives near Wuyne. He is in prosperous clrcunislnnces and is also said to be a good business man. He is a republican. A SiU'rp.SHfill ( Jci-MillM. Dennett Goldsmith , elected member of the legislature : for the Fifteenth district' ( Cuni- ing county ) , was born in ICemper , Grand Duchess , Posun , Germany , in 1814. Emi grated to this country in i > ( JO and settled in Benuford , S. C. He afterwards lived in New York City nnd subsequently removed to Fremont , Neb. , where ho resided live.1 years. In 1875 he located in West Point , \yhero ho operated a general store and in which busi ness he is still engaged. Mr. Goldsmith is a stalwart republican , is married and has a family. IIo has been eminently successful in business and is a man of commanding presence and broad views. Se-rvc'il on llnrrlqon'i Stiifl' . Peter Griflith. the newly elected represen tative of Adams county , was Ixtrn in Wyo ming county , Now York , on September 15 , ISrtii. Mr. Griflith engaged in farming in his native tate until he reached the ago of 1U years , when ho removed to Mercer county , Ills. There ho lived until 1874 , teaching scliool and farming. At the latter date ho sottleel in Adams county , taking up eighty acres of land , which ho lias now increased to 1(50. ( His home is now near Uoscland. Mr. Griffith has always been a republican. In ISO-i , Mr. Grimth enlisted in the One Hun dred and Second Illinois , acting on General Harrison's staff as a clerk a good part of tlio time. A Siiprossfiil l''arincr. Hon. James N. Gaflin of Colon , representa tive-elect from the Twenty-seventh represen tative district , was born in Pecatonica , in Winnebago county , 111. . May 'IT , 1855 , and is consequently U7 years old. Mr. Gaflin grad uated at the High school of his native city at the ago of " 1. He then came to Douglas county , Neb. , where he went into farming and stock raising on an extensive scale , After six years ho removed to his present homo in Sauudcr county , where lie has been for ten years , and during that limu has been a successful fanner nnd stoe'k raiser. Mr. Gallln was several times elected justice ol the peace , both in this anel in Douglas county , and was n member of the last legis lature from this district. He belongs to tin people's ! ndcpendent party , and'sinco its or ganization ; formerly ho was a republican He has a special interest in the trausporta tion question and will support measure ! ooking to a reduction of freight rates. He says : * ! shall favor the election of ai ndcpendent to the United States senate irst , and in case it should develop that we cannot elect an independent it will dcpciit in who the men arc whether I support : republican or a democrat. " KohC freini tin * Itunks. Charles A. Goss was born in Edinburg Portage county. O. , December 10 , 1801 ! , am ifter passing through the public schools en tcred Mount Union college at Alliance , O. where ho was graduated in the class of ' 8.1 IIo found it necessary to teach school ii order to secure money with which to dcfra ; the expenses of his collegiate course , am after his graduation came to Omaha , whcr ho again entered the scliool room , takini charge of the West Omaha schools in 18S ( at which time Walnut Hill was included i : that district. He taught here a year , durin ; which time ho kept up the lawstudies bogu : in Ohio two years before , and on his ' 'It birthday , December 10. 1887. was admitte to the Douglas county bar. Ho at once ei tercel upon the practice of his profession an two years ago formed a co-partnership wit Joseph II. Blair , and the linn of Blair & Cos is still in existence. Klfc-ti-tl l > y Iiulrpentlt'iiU. Hon. Charles Grainmor. representative olee't for the Forty-eighth elistrict , is farmer , and was elected by tlio indepcndei or people's party. Mr. Grammer was bor in Adams county , Illinois , and is 4 ; < ycai old. IIo moved to Adams county , Iowa , an in 188' ! came to Howard county , where ti has since resided. Ho homestcaded 11 acres anel has since bought eighty acre more. Ho was a candidate on the repubi can ticket fe > r sheriff in 188' ) , but was d- - feated. This had changed his politics ail he has ever since been connected with tl people's party. He has never held oJlieo I this county. Always n Stulivarl ItnpuliUonii , W. D. Haller , representative from tl Eleventh district , consisting of Wnslilngtc county , was born in Walworth county , Wl consin , April i7,18-10 ! Ho was raised on farm and remained there until ho was : years old , when ho entered a drug ste > ro i clerk and learned the business of druggist Burlington , Wis. His father ami mother ai natives of Canton Argu-n , Switzerland. Tht emigrated to the United States in 18IB. ] 18li8 they moved to tlio then territory i Wisconsin. There they buffered all the pi vations Incident to a sparsely settled counti anil remote markets. They raised a faini of ten children , of which the subject of th sketch was the ilfth. Ho wan bent to tl district school , later to the village hH school , after which ho attended fora whi Dcrcn college , Ohio. In iwlltlcs lie is and always has been stalwart republican. Ho is and lias been resident of Washington county , Nebrusk since 1871. His residence Is in the city Blair , where he is actively engaged in tl ale drug business. Ho was elected councllim ler of tlio city of Dlalr four terms and may rLit three terms. Ho is president of the Hall Lit Proprietary company , of which ho was t ! 111 originator , which is doing a largo businc In the manufacture of patent meellclnes , I is ono of the examiners to the Nebras ! State Hoard of Pharmacy. Ho was elect 1O his receiving the largi in to present position , thus aggregate vote of any candidate on t ticket in Washington county. Ho lias us special preference for United States senate It 10 hut only a straight , clean republican will i , ceivo his support , Is- - Is'h rnve r ftitllremil lle'Ceii-m. or W. P. Hlggins was bom in Harris lie county , Missouri , Hu is U8 years of age a In served out two terms us member of t Dd Board of Supervisors ! of Custer county. I .braskn , and part of one term to which was appointed to Jill a vacancy. Has en sided In Custer county , Nebraska , since It as having located here with his father t le- years before the county was organized , is a farmer , having always been engaged that business , Ho will advocate the red nt : tlou of Jrt'iglit rates , It being the a : lettlilallonTlio hns hi vlow. Itli nd dress l.i Weseott , . , I ton George HorsVbf Valley precinct. Polk county , nnd rcpreiWitatlvd from the Thirty- ninth district , Is ii 'litllvo of Brown county , Wisconsin , nml WAV-bom May in , | S5) ) . IIo comes from n good.Ulfl German family , who emigrated from ( "VMnany and settled In Wis consin In the earlfffo's The whole- family ( a large one ) mom ) ' from Wisconsin In 1971 , homesteadlng aiiiv 'pre-empting land In the Platlo valley , whi'H ' ? they have lived over since , George living1 with his parents. Ho attended the coirim6n school In district No. f > , worked on tinfrtVh / , nnd has ttiught school In the same district uuist of the time since ho has been old Miqligh lo teach , He went to Oregon in the splingof 1880 nnd taught school for two years , then came back te > Ne braska , being satisfied that this country U the best place this side of heaven. Ho has n little piece of Nebraska soli of his own consisting of eighty acres , lie Is an anti- monopolist from away hack , and was one of the few who steioel by Senator Van "A'yek "llrst. lust and all the lime" In Iho legisla ture of 1S87. He has always had something to dn with politics : has been tisacssor of his precinct slnco the time -'when the mind of man runneth not to the contrary. " His name was on the ticket for assessor as well as representative this year and ho was elected to both ofllees , receiving 101 out of the lai votes cast in his own precinct , ami 1.1(11 ( out of tbo UUfi cast In the county. Ills address is Osceola. Twice KlcrteMl Supervisor. lion. II. It. Henry of Mitineola , representa tive from the Fiftieth district , was born lu Ohio In 181 ! ) ami received a common scliool education. With his parents ho removed to Clinton county , Iowa , in 1855. Mr. Henry sitie-o attaining manhood has been a farmer , In 18t ho came to Nebraska , locating on u homestead fifteen miles northeast of O'Neill. For nineteen years Mr. Henry voted the re publican ticket. Mr. Henry was twlco elec ted supervisor of Holt county nnd for ono year was chairman of the board. The inde pendents of Holt countv sent him to the house twe ) years ago and have returned him for n second term. An Kttrly Settlor. ' . Frank A. Harmon of Pauline , Adams county , is the newly chosen lloat representa tive for the Forty-sixth district , Adams and Webster counties. He is ! ! 5 years old , being born in Libertyvillc , la. In 187-1 , when ho was 17 years of age , Mr , Harmon came to Nebraska and for a considerable portion of that time-has been a farmer in the southern part of this county. Although this is his llrst terms' experience in the state legisla ture , lie has served for eiliitc ti long time as supervisor for his township. Ho ntttlialos wilh the people's independent party and will vote witn that party. A ( ire-en .Mountain Itoy. K. B. Hinds of Odoll representative from the Thirty-second district , was born in Ver mont in 1842. In August , ISC' ! , lie enlisted in comp.my M , First Iowa cavalry. Ho served three years and six months , receiving his discharge ) in Austin , Tex. , February 15 , ISCtl. During his term of service ho took part in many engagements. He is a staunch Grand Army of the Republic man and an earnest worker in tlio ranks of the republican party. Ho was unanimously elected director on tlio lirst school board of Odell , of which ho has continued to be a member ever since. ' A Not oil Politician. Hon. Church Howe , who has vibrated be tween the two brauches of the legislature for many years , will bo in the house tlio coming , session as .tho , representative of Nemaha. Ho was born at Princeton , Mass. , in 183 ! ) , and had an academic and commercial school education , IIo enlisted in 1801 in the famous Massachusetts Sixth , and was at Baltimore with Unit ! regiment when at tacked by the mob while passing through. Afterwards ho recruited the Fifteenth Mas sachusetts infantry , went out as quarter master , and was subsequently commissioned captain. He retired from the army on ac count of ill health , after participating in six teen engagements .with tlio army of the Potomac. In ISO ! ) lie came west and helped organize the territory of Wyoming. On his way out ho bought i700 acres in Neinaha county , and there ho locateel in 1871. Ho has added many broad acres to Walnut Grove farm , and is now intensively engaged in raising blooded horsos"and stock. St-rvotI lu Gram's Kejjimcnt. October 7 , IS 1(1 ( , in Washington county , N. Y. , W. J. Irwin , member-elect of the legislature from the Twenty-fifth district , was horn. His father removed to Galena , 111. , in 1840. where the family resided until 1810. In 1S611 the subject of this notice en listed iu the army as a veteran recruit , serv ing two years and four months , and now holds a discharge from the Twenty-lirst Illinois , General U. S. Grant's old regiment. Upon removing from Illinois Mr. Irwin came to Platte county , taking a homestead in the Looking Glass valley , where ho has since re sided. Mr. Irwiu was a member of the Ne braska legislature in 1885 and was defeated for the same position in 1887 by but forty- two votes. He has been postmaster of West Hill postofllce for seventeen years. Mr , Irwin is a practical farmer. This year he was elected to tlio legislature as the candi date of the people's party. IIo is a mcmbei of the Plait county board of supervisors. lie's a ( it-iitlpuinii Farmer. P. . II. James of Cortland , representative from the Thirty-second district , was born h Pike county , Ohio , July 4 , 1842. On July 11 1KII1' . ho enlisted in Company I , Twcnty-sixtl Ohio Infantry , and served till the close ol the war. IIo was engaged in many of the hottest battles. At the expiration of hi ; lirst term of enlistment ho re-enlisted. Ii 1870 Mr , James came to Nebraska , locatinj in Johnson county. In 1872 ho removed tc Gage county. Mr. James is not what is com monly known as u "gentleman" farmer , bu superintends liis farm and docs a large share of the manual labor. A Typical AVt-storn 'Man. Hon. E. M. Jenkins of Alexandria , who wil represent Thayer county , Thirty-fifth dis trict , was born in Washburn , 111. , in 1818 , re moved to Nebraska and settled in Alcxnndrii thirteen years ago. Ho goes to the logislu ture in the prime of life with u brain un clouded or dimmed by the usu of tobacco o whisky und as a staunch , solid rcpubllcan- uncomproniising or unswerving in the priii ciples of the grand old party. IIo is also i typical western man , full of push and enter prise , being the chief promoter hi the build ing of a spacious farmers' elevator ; also th agitator and workor-up of a line $ -1,000 bricl two-story building belonging to the order o the Ancient Order of United Workmen , jus completed. Mr. Jeiikins is also a thorougl worker in the Baptist church. HUH it Gooel Itnrorel. Jens Jensen of Geneva , the ropubliea representative from Filhnoro county'cnliste iu the First Wisconsin heavy artillery i 181'kt as a private , was promoted to u secern lieutenancy for gallant service and was nitu tered out in 180(1. ( IIuulocated iu Nobrask tht' following year. Hiking up u homestead 1 Lancaster county , untl then moved to Sulin county , where lie sesrvt'd ono your as con misslonor. In 1872 lionlocatcd in Flllmoi and took up u homestead. Three years lute ho was chosen county- clerk and was re elected for a second term. His homo is no1 at Geneva. Ho bus Iteon a member of tli State Agricultural Board for twelve years , Will Look After tlljmneTH1 Inte-re-sln. Hon. Nathan Johnson , reprcsentatlvo-olei from York county , wtts horn in Coventr ; R , I. , in 1810 und is UenV W years old. II was raised on a fiirmjp northern New Yorl afterward residing for a short time in 111 nols and Iowa , homestl'nding in this count in 1871. Ho still 11\'A on his farm llirt miles southeast of YorK-i Mr. Johnson hi always been u repiiblie'Mi and has taken n Interest in politics. ( HiV has never bofoi held ofllco in 1 this statbybut boina ; a fiiriiu und having the interHt/ the farmers i heart , ho was nominated by the republic : ) party and elected by u 'largo ' plurality eve the independent candidate. Mr. .lohnsc will endeavor to bring before tlio logislului the necessity of u drainage law. HalU freim.S\VL-ile-n. John L. Johnson of Grand Island , repr , , . sonlutivo-oleut from the Seventeenth di , , , ' trict. Is u native of Sweden. He was born Nassja October 10 , 184S. Ho came to th slate In 1872 , after having lived in Wisco sin from 18di to 180 ! ) , and in Louisiana fro an ISO ! ) to 1872. Ho is a furmer unel un ind lit pendent. Ho bus never before been u niui no her of any legislature .nor did he hold ai 'c- further otllces than those ) of township treti lie urer nnd hupervisoiv 'Railroad leglslatl owill receive his particular attention und 1 defines himself us .strictly opiraseu | to sin , vo bounty on sugar. Mr. Johnson has no pi le ticulur candidate for senator , but says ; -I iu must bo in favor of free coinage of silver , 1C- favor of a tariff for revenue only and mi : stand right on the Irunsportutiou questic , lu- mutt represent Iho Nebraska agriculturist nnd not the oastnru innnufac- tureiV ' < nil Urelnlnrel AtlnMrr. Hon. II. ,1 .lohmon of Howe , who was elected ns rcpresenlallvo from Neiunlni comity l.v ) the deomcrats nnd Independents comHlneii , wns'txnii ' in Jackson county , Mis souri , April 12 , tSW. His fiiUt'cr was n slmon pure democrat of the JackRonlan school , and taiicht democracy to his children from the cradle up , In 1855 Mr , Jnhtisirm moved to t oavonworth county , Kansas , where ho owned a farm of tVJO acres , ami was there oc cupied In farming nnd freighting across the plains , continuing in this for about ilfteen years. About 1805 ho moved to Ne- liraska City , where ho was engage In trans ferring goods for the railroad company across river tiiNebraska City. Ho nlso owned a farm IntHoo county and cnrrted that on In connection with his transfer business. In 1882 he moved to this county , where he has lived ever since. Ho has been 11 democrat nil his life till about three years ago , when ho Joined the Independent party. Ho Is a mem ber of Hie Cumberland Presbyterian church and is ordained as n minister and has fre quent calls to preach the gospel. A Man thn ItitllroaeN Don't l.llio , Charles It. Keek ley. ono of the representa tives from York county , has been a familiar figure In the legislature , but hu has formerly occupied a seat In the senate. For two terms he represented York and Fillinoro counties in the upper branch of the legislature , iu 1887 and 1SS' ) . Mr. Keckley is 41 ! years of age and is n native of Ohe ! > . His father was one of the pioneers of York county nnd atone ono time was elected n member of Iho house from the same district which his son now rcprosi'iits. Mr. ICeckloy resides at York ami is a stock dealer. Ho has always been a republican and bus been identified with the anti-monopoly clement of the party. Ho Is a very popular man tit home , as his election amply Indicates . Ho is also a veteran of the Into w.uand hears honorable scars received in battle. A ( Iprinitn Itpprr-iPiitiitlvp. - John F. Kessler , who was electeil rep resentative of the Twelfth district , is of Ger man parentage and was born in the state of Pennsylvania in the year of 185t : , and is ! ) ' , ) years of age. Ho came to Burl county twenty .veal's ago , going Into tlio mercantile business in Tekiimiili , whore ho remained in business ten years , them moving eui a farm near Oak- hind , where ho has been In the stoe-k raising business for the vast ten years , and is today ono of the largest stock raisers in Hurt eounty. John F. ICesslor has always been a staunch republican , this being the llrst time ho ever run for olllce. and had a hard light to make. John F. Kessler is a shrewd and conservative man , and is highly respected in this community. Ho will undoubtedly intro duce a bill to reduce the rates of the stock yards. Is a Practical Kuriiipr. Clarence E. ICcycs , member of the legis lature-elect from Sarpy county , was born In Spencer , Mass. , in 1848 and is 43 years old. Ho removed to Stirny county with his parents in 1874 and has resided there ever sineo. Mr. Koycs has always been n staunch republican and iu county affairs has always been a leader in republican politics. Mr. Keycs is a practical farmer , and de votes his entire tlmo and attention to farm ing and breeding of line cattle. His beauti ful farm home , three miles north of Spring- Held , is a model of neatness and ono of the very best in the county. Is a Ititnkcr , K. F. ICloko of West Point , who will repre sent the Sixteenth district , comprising Cumiiig. Dakota and Thurston counties , is a successful young business man of German parentage. He spent his early boyhood on a farm , and at the ago of 15 moved with his family to town , where ho attended , the pub lic schools. IIo took a commercial course in a business college at Green Bay , Wis. , then returned home to engage in the real estate business , and is now president of the Ne braska State hank of West Point. Ho has also become interested in several business enterprises , and enjoys the confidence of his fellow townsmen in n flattering degree. Ho lias held no public oilleo except that of school director , a position ho has filled for three years. Ho is a republican. Ittitwccn Wlnel anelVutcr. . William ICaup , ono of tlio Saline county representatives , is a resident of Western , where he is a dealer in pumps and wind mills. Ho has always been a republican and was elected by that party by a good round majority. Duly Small Struitm. Eel ICrick lias been returned as a represen tative of Kearney county. Mr. ICriek is a farmer anel resides near Minden. Ho was formerly a republican. Ono ol'tleo Uni-e-rtliiiitlpM. J. G. Krusc will perhaps bo n member ol the legislature and perhaps he wont. Hu holds the certillcato issued by the county clerk of Knox : county , while Mr. Norton holds the certificate issued from Boyd. The contest for the onlee is now on and is an in teresting one. Id-use is an independent and was ono of the most radical members of the last legislature. Ho was formerly a democrat - crat and ho resides at Creighton. J.osl a r.oR at Shlloli. James H. Kyner was horn in Ohio forty four vcars ago. Ho cnlistou in 1801 and lost a k-g'at the battle of Shiloh. In 1870 ho set tied in Nebraska , removing to this citj twelve years ago. Ho was a member of the lower house of the legislature during the session of 1881. Mr. Kyner has nintissee quite a fortune , all of which is invested ii Omaha property. He is now a grading am railroad contractor. Is a I'uckryo Hoy. Hon. George C. .Liiigenfclter of Colton representative-elect from the Fifty-fourtl district , is a man of i0 ! years of age. He is i native of Ohio , and has liveel near Sidney this state , for the past seven years He win nominated bythopeoplo's-Indepcndcnt parti and received a good majority tit the election He is u farmer and teacher by occupation He will introduce a bill in the house to re vise our system of raising revenues. Tin object of the bill will bo to secure uniforn assessments and taxation over the stale IIo will favor a roduclion or adjustment o freight and passenger tariffs Unit will be equitable us between railroad corporation ! and the people. Tlirru TlmoH City Councilman. Augustus Lockncr. , ono of Iho republlcai representatives from Douglas county , wai born and raised in Rochester , N. Y. , receiv ing his education in the public schools o that city. Ho enlisted at the ago of 10 h company'II , Twenty-first Now York cavalry ami served three years , mostly under General oral Phil Sheridan in UioShcnumlonh valley When discharged in 18CO. ho came to Nc braskn , took a homestead in Butler county und ho has been u resident of this state evei since. Ho helped organize , Build-county tine was afterwards postmaster at Pcppervlllc IIo left the farm in 1874 , removing acrossih' ' Platte to Columbus , where ho engaged in th' ' hardware und implement business , in whicl ho continued for twelve years. His healtl fulling , ho then sold out and removed t Omaha , whcro ho has resided for the pas six years. Ho served for three succcssiv terms in tlio Columbus city council which with his incumbency in the IVpporvillo posl olllce , has been Iho extent of his career i : public life. life.HU HU l'lrntSeicciiHfeil Itni'c. George W. Lohllgli , roprescntntive-olcc from the Seventh district , was born i Philadelphia in IBM ) . Ho went to Nebrnsk Citv In 1870 and engaged in the butcher bui Ineiis , and later In tholco business , Fortun smile-el upon him in both ventures , and ho I t now one of tlio largest property holders 1 the city. At present Mr. Leldigh is ei gaged in the commission business at th stock yards. Ho has been school directc during the past six years , and is still member of tlie board. Mr. I oidigh Is staunch democrat , and lias been his party candidate for various offices , this being h first successful raco. Mr. Ixiidigli llvi ubout one mile west of Nebraska City , owi ing one of the best farms In the county. HUM Altvaya I Jem a Democrat. G. A. Lulkurt , representative from tl Twenty-third dlstrlct.was born In 1852 iu tl Manor Sulzburg , near Stutgurt , Wurtci burg , South Germany. Ho came to th country in l 0 and for ten years was e Bilged In Iho manufacture of soap and hu oil. Ho has been in the oanktng businc : nearly ten years and is now prcbidcnt of tl Tlldch State bunk , also president of tl Meadow Grove State bank. Ho has bougl and improved over 1,000 acres of land in routs considerable laud now. Ho has nevi foreclosed a mortgat'O aim never been coi pelled to foroo collection h.V suit Ho has ni\vii\A been a democrat. ot the Sfow Titilcii | > nil < < iii * < Ono of ht > now Mccs on the Independent slilo of the house will ho that of J. O. Uvneh , the rcitrciciitnllvu of the Fifty-ninth ills. met. Mr Lynch Is a well known Dawson county farmer and resides near U'xlngtou , Before lie Joined the Independents he was a republican , A I u ii.i * : t Straight Iti'imlillrnii , Hon. W. S , McCutchcoii , who will again represent Hoouo lu the house , was born In Muskliigum county , Ohio. In 1841. Ho en listed ( n company K , Twenty-llr.it Iowa In fantry , July , isos , and his llrst military experience was in lighting guerillas in Mis. sourl , Ixiter Ho was in the Port Gibson Champion Hillehnraa.it lllack HI ver bridge , at the scigo of Vicksburg under General Grant and was at the capture of Mobile , the Spanish Fort and Hlakcly. lluwas mustered out In August , 1S M , after thrco years of hard nnd aetlve service. Mr. McCutchcoii cnmo to Nebraska years ago and took up the farm in Boone county upon which he now lives , Ho was always a straight republican until ho Joined the independent party , lie lives near St. Edwanls. An Olel Si-It lor In Clny t'ottnly , Hon. 15. A. McVey , representative of the Twenty-iifth district , was born In 1841. in Delaware county , Indiana. Ho served dur ing the into war In the Fourth lomi c.ivnlry. and moved to Nebraska in 1871 , settling on a homestead in the north part of Clay county , where he now resides , lie owns ono of the finest farms in the county a ml' Is worth J15- < iOO. _ lie has never held ollleial itei-dtion until last year. Has been u member of the county Hoard of Suitorvlsors. Ho generally Iden tified himself with the democrats until the organization of the Independent party. A Trup ItrpiiMlruii. H. J , Merrlek of Adams , representative from the Forty-fifth district , was born at Pleasaiitvlllc , P.i. , November 18 , 1840. In February , 18 < U , ho enlisted In company U. One Hundred and Eleventh Pennsylvania infantry , served till the close of the war and was mustered out at Pittahurg. Pa. , August , 1802. Ho is a republican in the true sense of the word. This is the lirst tlmo ho has been selected to lill an oflleo of this kind. A Tlirro Inlllnl .Mien. .T. C. F. McKesson is one of the five repub lican representatives from Lancaster county. Ho is a farmer as well as a politician tiuel re sides on a homestead near Emerald. lie was a member of the last legislature and was quite a prominent figure in the houso. An Otiiiitiii Olil-Tline-r. W. N. Nason , ono e > f the republican repre sentatives from Douglas county , has been a resident of Omaha , with the exception of a brief absence , for the p.ist thirty years , and has been secretary of the Omaha Hoard of Trade for the past four years. He. ) was born in Pennsylvania , migrated to Illinois and tlienco to Omaha , where ho was for twenty years manager for the Singer Sewing Ma chine company , lie is in close touch with the business interests of Nebraska and will command the support etf the business men. Anntlu-r eif tliv Iti l-'li-clpil. Hon. N. P. Nelson , one of the two demo cratic representatives from the Fourteenth district , was horn in Sweden in 1851. Ho came to America in ISO ! ) and has since re sided on n farm near Hooper , Neb. Ho hold no imK | > rtant public olllco until lirst seSnt to the legislature , two years ago. Tlio Xi-wlH'i-ry Hill. Fred Newbcrry. who fathered Iho famous Ncwberry bill in tlio last legislature has a certificate e > f election to the house this time , but ho only got. it by ono majority. His place is being hotly contested and Mr. New- berry may not have an opportunity to intro duce his bill at this session. Horcsides on his farm near Aurora. Ho was formerly a re publican. A Camllelati ! for Spoalior. Hon. It. H. Oakley , representative from the Thirtieth district , an influential repub lican who was re-elected to the house in Lancaster , was born in Delaware county , New York , in 1840 and was reared on a farm. His parents having removed to Cortland county. Now York , ho received there a com mon scliool education , which ho finished at the Marathon High school. Mr. Oakley has educated and cared for himself siuco hi ? early boyhood. Early in life lie learned telegraphy , nnd when IS went to New York City and became a clerk in the house of A. T. Stewart & Co. , whore ho remained about two years , and then engaged with the American Telegraph company , having charge of a city ofllco , and subsequently became superintendent of the Elniira divis ion of the United States Telegraph company. Retiring from this position after two years ho engaged in the dry goods business with a brother in Dunkirk. N. Y. , from whence ho came to Lincoln in the spring of 1870 , and for u time resumed telegraphing. Later Mr. Oakley returned to the mercantile business. and for many years , latterly as partner , was connected with dry goods houses of that city. Eight years ago ho engaged in the coal trade , which he still continues. IIo is a prominent member of the Masonic fraternity and has been grand commander and grand master of the stato. He is president of the Lincoln Board of Trade and organized and was president of the State bank of Cortland. Ills Scconel Term , Peter B. Olson , one of the representatives- elect from the Twenty-seventh district , which is composed of Saunders county , wns born in Sweden in 185.1 and is now 39 years old. Mr. Olson lived on a farm in Sweden with his father till ISO'.l ' when he enmo : tc America , coming direct to Omaha alone , Mr. Olson so n secured work on a farm in Sarpy county as a farm laborer. In the meantime his father came to Saunders county , Nebraska , and Mr. Olson also came to this county in 1873 and bought land and has remained hero since that date and has been a farmer ovci since. Ho now owns 240 acres ol land and is ejuito well lixed. Mr. Olson WIIP a member of the last legislature and has- been several times elected assessor anel Justice of the pcaco in his own precinct. Mr , Olson is interested in a good roads law anel is in favor of a hind tax for improvements ol roads , so as to have more funels for improve ment of roads and have more and botlot work done. Ho is also in favor of n usury law , the same one ho Introduced in the last legislature , which permitted any person pay ing usury to sue and recover it within five years. IIo also favors the establish ment of a state institution for tlio cure of inebriates , treating same as an insane person. Mr. Olson is an independent and was prior to tlio organization of the populist party , a democrat. Coine-H From an Olel Line of Krpulillcaim. Hon. William F. Porter , the Independent who will again represent Merrlek in the house , was born in Champaign county , 111. , Juno 1 , 18111 , and came to Nebraska April 5 , 187U. Ho located on a farm near Chirks and has continued since then its successful culti vation , Mr , Porter comes from an old lint ; of republicans , and always voted the repub lican ticket until the lust presidential elec tion , when ho supported the prohihitloi : ticket. In 1887 ho was elected justice of the peace on tlio republican ticket , Mr. Portci received u common school education , Valiiitliln UN a Suprrviior. Robert C. Hhea , representative from tin Twenty-ninth district , was born hi Preble county , Ohio , April iil , 1818 , and came te Pe-oria county , Illinois , with his parents h 1850 , residing there and in Marshall am Kn'ox counties , Illinois , until 1807 , when , hi enlisted In the regular army , serving three years , and rcclved an honorable discharge a Atlanta , Ga. Mr. Rlif-i eaino ti Nebraska in 1870 , stopping firs in Johnson county , removing to Sowari countv , where ho lias slnco resided on i farm in N township. Mr. Rliea received i common school oelucatltm , and 1ms n HOUIII judgment and good business qualifications loing ono of Seward county's most suivesa ful farmers. IIo has never sought i ejlltlcii preferment , but served his township as ; member of the board of supervisors thro years , from 1888 to 18UI , and was ono of it moat valuable members. Mr. lilien has a ! ways been u staunch republican. \Voilu < el HU Way Up. Dr. M. O , lUchctts , ono of the ropubllca representative ! * from Douglas county , wn born In a little town la Henry county , Kci lucky , thirty-four years ago. His early eeli cation was the best to be had In the Kci tucky villages of that day. Ho came t and after casting about fc Omaha in 1880 , UM4 Uivu * * 4401K'H "wv fct tin opening , took the iKisltion of Janitor t the Ointiha Medical college. After workln among the students fora short time ho de elded to bo a doctor , and commenced hi medical studios. In January , 1884 , Dr. Kiel otts graduated , und slnco then has success fully pructlceel mcellcinu in Omaha. Th doctor has a largo practice , is a close stu lei und has won the confidence of his ale id : HP has been more or lesq Interested In poli tics during the past five years it ml kccpi well | Knled on the quc.iUoiift C Iho duy 14 it Srlr-Mitdn Mini , I ton Austin Hilcy of Uluo Hill , reprcscn Uitlvo from the Forty-fourth dlslrict , in a native of Johnsem county. Ho went to Iowa in IS5.M anel came to Nebraska In Wl Ho U ti self-made man und owns SoO acres of land near Uluc- Hill , which Is under high culti vat ion. Ho has been n successful farmer and Is also > largely interested ( n stock nils- lug. Ho had been n democrat , and served once as township suitervlsor , but two years ngei he ge > t the unanimous nomination of the independent convention for representative nnil became one of tlio most radical members of ills party In the house. < ! ot III * start hi Onmhii. tHenry F. Rhodes , the representative from \ alle.v county , wns born In Tomplslns county , Now York , April 1(1 ( , 1850. Tlio faintly from which ho sprang were pioneers In central Now York. The subject of this sketch , nnd Ills two sisters , were left orphans on n smalt farm and ho was forced to assume thoeniii of a family wlillo still qnlto a boy HU ceiucauem was obtained nt the country u'liuol near by nnd was supplemented by a year or two in the Ithaca High school. A Tow days after becoming of age ho had set- lied up his father's estate and was on hli way west. Arriving In Omaha , ho engaged In teaching scliool , uiul finally , learning thai there was a good opening for teachers In Hit army , enlisted.ami wiiHiisslgiied to ti cavalry regiment at Jefferson Barracks , near St. Ixuils. lie bevauie tlie bugler of his troop , nnd was soon detailed as the iwsl teacher. I Ie served several niunlhs In the army with credit to 'himself , hut was finally stricken down with dysentery nnd was given tip to elle by tlio post physician , Ho managed , however , to pull through , but was such a physical wreck that ho re ceived his discharge from the army on the ground of permanent disability. Returning to Omnha he engaged in teaching In Douglas county , and llnally married a daughter of Preston Reeves , 0110 of tiic oldest settlers of the county. On the election of John Rush as county treasurer of Douglas Mr Rhodes was appointed his deputy , a po.-dtion which he held fen- four years. At the conclusion of Mr. Rush's two terms of olllco Mr Rhode * made a canvass for the nomination on the republican ticket , but falling in this , tie- copied a imsition us bookkeeper in the First National bank of Omaha. After a few months he. gave up his position and moved to Valley eounty , where he had already ae- qulrcel title to considerable land. Itt't-n n "ttt-forini-r" for V < > nri. Hen. L. G. Ruggles of Hiawatha rode into tlio house twei years ago on the Indepeiidont wave as representative for Hitchcock , Dumly , Hayes and Chase and has been chosen for another term. He ) was born In Lewis county , Kentucky. in 18:14 : nnel ivmoveil to Iowa in 1850. He cast his first vote for Franklin Plcreo and says ho had a paid up policy in Iho democratic parly , but sur- rendcd it eighteen years ago. veiteel for Peter Cooper , and has been on that line ever since. Mr. Ruggles was a member of the state central committee of the union labor- party. Ho has been ti resident of Nebraska seven years and of Dimdy county six years , until two years ago ho had held nemo but township ofllces. such as justice of the peace anil assessor , lie is a farmer. A Prospi-reieis lleiiiu-Hlrneli-r , Hon. Charles A. Robinson of Midvalo , Brown county , is tlio representative-elect of the Fifth district , including lirenvn and Uock counties. Ho was born in Otsego county , Now York , December R , 18,11. Ho has voted the republican ticket over siiu-o tlio party \yas organized. Ho has never held any oflleo : in this state. Ho was born and lived on n farm until ho was 18 years old , owned and operated a wagon and carriage shop for ten years , and was for ten yours en gaged in the mercantile business , anel spent fifteen years in the railway pe > stal serv ice in the stale of Illinois. In 1880 ho came to Brown county with his family and abemt $1,000 in money. Ho bought n relln- ( luishmcni to IWO acres of government land and began lifo anew as a homesteader. The accumulations of six years of hard work and good management attest the fact that it is possible for the homesteader to live mid prosper in this country. Mr. Robinson still resides on his homestead and lias opened up one of the best farms in the county. The improvements on his farm are worth at least $2,000 , consisting of < u largo frame house , barn , cattle shells , etc. IIo has a line herd ot entile , eight Head of horses , lots of hogs and improved farm machinery. By his combined business of farming and stock raising ho has lioen able to keep the wolf a long way from lis door. A .Successful Man. Hon. Charles A. Schappel , who i-opi-o- sonteel the Second district two years ago and will do it again , was born at Brooklyn , N. Y. , in 185II , of German parentage. Four vcars later tlio family located in Iowa. Mr. achappel began his business career at the ago of 13 as a clerk in a general store , and lie has made his own way over since. At the ago of 17 ho went to Chicago to attend a bus iness college and he remained in that city for twelve years , a considerable part of the Limo in the wool trade. In 1883 he located on liis present farm near Pawnee City , where ho has been prosperous. Ho is a republican , and though not much of a speaker carries influence with liis colleagues. An Upright Olllclill , E. F. Sissonsvlio will represent the Thir teenth district , is a farmer and his pestofllco is Arizona. Ho is one of the oldest residents of Hurt county , a staunch republican , a mini of superior ability and an ottlcliil of unim peachable integrity , For six years lie has been a member of the Hoard of County Com missioners , and ho has displayed his abili ties conspicuously in making the settlements with the county treasurer. 1IU I'iril Olllce. , Julius Smith , representative from the First district , was horn in Germany lifty- live years ago. Ho came to Richardson county about twenty-five years ago , where ho has slne-o resided on his farm of ubotiMOU acres. IIo has always been idciitllicel with the republican party until twu years ago , when ho joined tlio alliance. Ho bus never hclel any puliliei ollleo : until olecteel on the fusion t'icket in 181U for representative , re ceiving u plurality of only llvo votes , .He litul no particular measures to advocate , but Is in favor of a maximum freight law. Jl Manufacture * Cigar * . Hon. Henry Schlatfeldt , ro-olocted to the legislature from Hull county at the last elec tion , is a ntitlvo of the state of Illinois , hav ing been horn in Moliiiu , March 7,1857 , He came to Grand Island in 1881 , where ho has slnco conducted a cigar manufacturing busi ness , Ho hold tlio oflle-oof councilman of the Third ward of this city , and was elected as representative to the hist legislature. Ho lias a few special measures to bring before the legislature , especially two bills which ho introduced in the lust legislature , but were killed by tlio sifting committee. Mr. Sclilatfeldt also favors sevenil amend ments to tliu building association law , passed at the hist session. IIo also faveirs a law changliiK tlio county supervisor representa tion as far as cities are coworned , Mr. Schlatfeldt thinks furthermore that a law permitting city , county and state warrants to bo paid ns cash on taxes would bu qultu the thing , and will very likely introduce u- bit accordingly. One ) of tint KuiiHirou * SlllltllM. Theodore Smith , representative-elect from the Fifth representative district , was born in ICaston , Pa. , In I8U. In 18HS his parents moved to Illinois and ho worked on their farm until 17 years of ago , when ho was apprenticed to loam the blacksmith trade , Upon completing his apprenticeship ho engaged - gaged In the manufacture of carriages unel buggies In Henry , 111. , for Ilfteen years , In the spring of 18SO ho moved to Johnson county , this state , ami puruhused HMi ut-res of land four miles from Cook , By in dustry nnd good management ho bun HIU-- coedo'd In mldlng to his possessions every year and now has a line farm of VJO acres. Ho was nominated by the republicans of Jubnson and Noinaha counties for lloat rep resentative nnd was elected by forty-nlno majority. lib curried his own county by tifM ) , Ilitrn'u Anollii'r iiri'lirm. O , T. Smith , the new member of the next legislature from Holt county , is a man of pro- posseissing appearancDjls 4.r years olel nnd a nu ll vo of Now York , Ho has never held a state otllco In Hits state or any other. Mr. Smith was formerly a republican , but loft that party two years ago und Is now an Independ ent anil was by thai party elected. Ho la farmer ami it-steles on ills farm twenty-two miles east of O'Neill. Theroaro several bills lhat ho intends to introduce und advocate - vocate in the coming legislature , among which will ben railroad maximum rule bill : u bill coiiipollnij rullroudu to furnish