0/1 DUN'S ' REVIEW OF THE WEEK Approaching Holidays Una Given an Im petus to Tratlo Everywhere ! LAST YEAR'S ' BUSINESS FAR EXCELDED CnmlHInin In Alt Section * of thn Country ( looit , with llrlghtnr Outlook fur tlia 1'iitiirp Clulil Imports DUttirl ) Hpectiltitlto Miirkct * . NBW YOUK , Dec. 83. II Q. Dun ft , Co.'s weekly review of trade says : Hojwrls of Iho condition of trade nro decidedly more satisfactory In most lines , especially in woolens , though tratlo In Iron nnil steel Is noticeably weaker. Tlio holiday trade throughout the north seems unusually large , cineclulU at Chicago , St. Ixms ami Cleve land anil It It likely at Hotnn southern parts , Btiuh IIH Knnxvlllo , but only fair at Memphis nntl l.lttlp Hock. In others production ap pears generally larger than for the last sea- ( ton , particularly in dry goods , shoes anil furniture of the better grades. On the other hand money markets arc showing more sijais of pressure , and nt Chicago money Is strong with (5 ( per cent premium at Cincinnati , Cleveland and Minneapolis , close nt Detroit mid Milwaukee , strong at 7 per cent mid actlvo at St. Paul , while usu.il rales prevail nt Kansas City , and nt Now Orleans Uu > ro Is a good supply and very moderate demand. It was also worthy of note that collections arc somewhat less sat- Isfactorvat the west , a little backward at S1..1 'am and Minneapolis , though Improving nt Milwaukee , but they nro only fair at the south. ' ( Ii cat Dciimnil fur U'oolnn. The striking feature of tbo week Is the great demand for woolen and cotton goods. All cotton machinery l" employed to its full capacity , but Is behind the demand , and prices nro ( UiccoilliiRly linn , with the tend ency to advance. The result has been u de rided increase in the tulos of wool , which re cently dec-lined , but arc iimv larger than a year ago. In the boots and shoes tr.tdo there appears n very unusual demand for ttie sea- eon. eon.The Iron trade has become decidedly vrenlcor , and holders of pig niako concessions of about 25 cents , the prsssuro to sell being mainly northern. For nearly nil llnlshcd products the demand is slack and lower prices nro made wherever any business Is done. A sale of 1.000 tons of foreign rails to the Pacific co.ist Is reported and the meeting of makers Is supposed to hacm ranged for Bomo i oil net Ion In price. Tr.iiloin lopperdragsnt 12'JO cents. Tin Is weaker nt 18.10 cents , but le.ul n.shade stronger at Sl.SO cents. Cattle receipts nt the vest lire very largo for the week 112- ! 000 head against 10-1,0'JO last year and 02- COO the year before. Boston reports that cottons fully maintain the advance in prico. Leather is in improved demand and lumber steady , while trade hi furniture is good. At Philadelphia iron Is weak , but hard' ware active and the coal trade fair , and chemicals nro fair and tobacco good , will Bomo sjiecuhilion In liquor on account of ex pcctcd increase In the tax. Pig iron is In less demand at Plttsburg nnd orders for finished pioducts notnmncr ous. but the glass trade fair. At Cincinnati produce sales exceed lasi year's , and the market for tropical fruits i : strong. Business is good at Cleveland nnd at Detroit , and especially In the grocery trade at Indianapolis. Receipts at Chicago show an increase o 10 per cent in wheat , " 0 in hogs and sheep DO in bin-ley and 50 in butter , compared wltl lust year , hut losses of 10 In dressed beef HO in Hour nnd cheese , 80 In corn , 40 in hogs r > 0 in wool nnd 70 in rye and pork. Genera trade Is very good. Kotall twido at Milwaukee Is good. The Jobbing trade is good at St. Paul am Minneapolis , and the output of Hour is large Trade Is strong at St. Louis and ICansa City , better than the average. Omaha's Truilc. Trade is very active nt Omaha and Denvci At Now Orleans there is fair activity fo the season , though sugar is in large dcman nnd rice Improving in pi ice. Speculative markets were much disturbc by large gold exports , and the rise in ei changii and the stringency in money on call which robd from 1 per cent two weeks ag nnd ( lone week ago , to 40 per cent at on time on Monday , nnd is still strong at 0 pe cent. Wheat declined but % of a cent , wesl crt receipts continuing about 1)00,000 ) bushel daily , but corn fell half and oats declined quarter. Cotton advanced a sixteenth , groa stocks being held for a i Iso , so that the so tlcmeuts of bankers' southern loans ai backward. Tnotieasury has taken in $3.000,000 , of \ ' notes and lost as much gold , while its silvi lias increased $ T > 00,000 during the week. Business failures occurlng tnroughout tli country during the last seven days ntimbi 801 , as compared with a total of HOI la . week. For the corresiwnding week of lai year the figures were -JJ. OIIAIUXU HOUSI : STATIMINTS. : Talmlnti'il Stiitomcnt of tliu HtisIiu'H * I.u Wrclc Onmlm to the I'rinit. New YORK , Doc. ! W. Tlio following tabli compiled by Hradstrcct , gives the clearli house retuins for the week ending 13 comber 22 , lb'J2 , nnd the perccntngo of 1 crease or decrease , as compared with tl corresponding week last year : Douilultiii of riumilu. t co ' totnU. On Kuruptmn lluuri. . a , Deo. 2U. At tlio close the lion was very luuvh dcnrcsscd. Uauk and hit DIG REDUCTIONS OH ALL TOYS , OUR TOYS HAVE BEEN ALL MARKED DOWN We have made reductions to To clean out our entire stock , sell every toy in our establishment. Fabulous reductions on everything , FloorThe Piftli Floor- Oome Collar and Cuff Boxes 98c Set. Sole leather , hand made. Collar and Cuff Boxes 98c , Plush and sole leather ends. COM HI NATION Collar and Cuff Boxes 75c. Fine plush , satin lined , have been $1.50 ; the last chtince , 750 Collar and Cuff Boxes $2.00. Ooze calf and plush , have been $4 a set ; go at half price tomorrow. Plush Toilet Sets 75c. Best celluloid brush , comb and mirror. Better ones at $ i , $1.25 , $2. Shoe Blacking Sets. Sole leather cases , SOG , 750. Celluloid Sets 50c. Brush and mirror in neat pa per box. Better ones at 750 , $1.25 , $1.50 , $3.00 and up to $2.50 ; these have comb , brush and -mirror ; all Florence goods the best made. Manicure Sets $1.50. 5 pieces in rich plush fancy shaped case. Poker Chips 50c. Sole leather case , have been 750 trial shares were freely offered , but there were few purchasers. Suez canal shares were Otf : Credit Foncler , 22 < ; Ottoman bank , 11 > 4 and Lombardsyf : lower. Foreign seourities were weak'and prices showed n fractional decline. Advices from Berlin , Frankfort and Vienna show that the bouises in those cities were weak through sympathy with the market here. llKAISTKiiT'.S IIHVIEW OF TltAUE. i ItcporU from HusIiit-H * Centers Show a t llrultliy Condition. Nnw YOUK , Deo. 23. Bradstreot's weekly B state of trade will tomorrow omhody tlio following : Pig iron , Bessemer pig , petroleum s r and some grades of finished Iron are lower , us well as whc.it and oats. Advances iu corn , coffee , tea and southern sugar are con spicuous , as well us for llvo cattle and hogs. Tolucco , rubber , leather , lumber , print cloths , wool and cotton have ruled steady. The Now England boot and shoo trade Is better than for years , und factories nro well supplied with orders. Boston reports the south much stronger than last year the shipments south are largo and increasing. Kubber and lumber are in fair demand. Other largo eastern centers Buffalo , Pitts- burg and Baltimore report holiday trade the feature with wholesalers , and jobbers engaged in stock-taking or preparing for spring trado. Eastern cotton mills are not accepting largo orders for future delivery , ns many manufacturers bellovo cotton is going still higher. The full advance is de manded and paid. American takings of Australian wools are only oiio-thlrd of last year's. IMces of domestics are firm , but manufacturers will probably buy for wants only , for some time to come , notwithstanding u good demand for woolen goods. Storks AfTocted by Gold HlilpmnnU. The stock market shows a dlsixjsition to recover from the effects of the liquidation and temporary stringency in money , which marked the beginning of the week. Specu lation , however , is nervous , and apprehen sions of further gold shipments check tiny decided improvement , while they give place to bearish attacks and prices. Heading is now the weak feature on rumors of a bond Issue and conflicting opinions about the ex tent of Interest payments on junior sccuri- REAL LACE Handkerchiefs. In duchess , point and valen- ciennes , perfect handwork , works of art. Prices range from $1.25 to $25 Each. CHILDREN'S Handkerchiefs. 500 boxes , containing three handkerchiefs , printed borders , in a neat , illuminated box , all for 25c Per Box. The crowning bargain of all is 100 dozen Embroidered Handkerchiefs At lOc Each. That means just half price. Ladies' Handkerchi'fs Prodigious Variety FOR Christmas Presents. In every conceivable style. Machine Embroidered , Drawn Work , Hemstitched , Plain , Old English and Scrip Initials , Cotton , Linen , Silk and the Finest French Cambrics. We offer a lot of Chiffon Embroidered Handkerchiefs at and Worth almost double ? Alsc another lot Silk Embroidered Handkerchiefs At 35c Each. Around town price , 500 ; very desirable for presentation gifts , tics. The manipulated industries have re covered somewhat from the depression and scc/h / likely to be a loss prominent feature. For eign interest in the market is nt a standstill , financial opinion abroad inclining to belief in United States government bond issue. Silver was weak on the adjournment of the Brus sels conference nnd the piico of bars declined to S3 centsa llttleabovo the lowest quotations on record. Gold engagements , for shipment next week , were anticipated , but now seem unlikely in any large amount until after Jan uary 1. The total bank clearings in the Uni ted States this week equal $1.511,000,010 * , or 7 per cent more than last week , and 21 per cent more than in the like week n year ago. Unprecedented weekly increases of avail able stocks of wheat in the United States and Canada of late 1)17,000 ! ) bushels last week with the continued free northwestern shipment from first and second hands , tend to depress prices of wheat , notwithstanding exports each week of late In excess of totals for like weeks in all preceding years , ex cept 1801. lliislnrs * In the South iintl West. Throughout the south activity in holiday specialties has ruled , with comparative quiet in other lines. At Birming ham and Memphis collections are said to bo only lairly satisfactory , but at Nashville and Atlanta , payments by country morcluints are being made with promptness , Sales have been fairly large , and dealers regard the outlook quite hope fully. Sugar Is actlvo at Now Orleans nt un advance , with the prospect for higher prices. Heceipts of rico there continue heavy. Heavy dry goods and clothing are in demand at Cialvcston and other Texas centers. Treading western cities appear to bo enjoving proportionately smaller volumes of trade in staples , as is customary nt this season. At Cincinnati whiskey and tobacco are quite active and both this market and Cleveland - land report pig iron prices unchanged , al though Chicago admits furnace men's needs in some instances have resulted in prices being - ing shaded. Liouisvlllo reports jeans and clothing In good request , while at Detroit the cold sn ip has stimulated the general de mand. Some call for steel rallb for Ifa'JJ is mentioned nt Chicago. St. Louis has been selling increased quan tities of teas , coffees and spices at advancing prices. The call for better qualities of gro cery staples is said to bo noteworthy. Live cattle and hogs are in good demand at Kan sas City and Omaha ut higher prices , but staples , generally at tlieso cities nnd nt St. Joseph , sell slowly nt this season. A fair volume of tr.ulu bus been done ut Milwaukee Men's Furnishings. Gloves. In this space we cannot go nto detail , but , in a general way , suggest gloves as an ap propriate gift. They are re'a- sonable in price. We have lined at $ i up to $2.50 , and the unlined from 5oc to $2.25. Neckties. WP. arc undoubtedly head , quarters for Men's Neckties , Everything that is new you will find here. Tecks , Four- in-Hands and Puffs. Every leading color and shape , and all at reasonable prices. 5Oc , 75cj $ | , $1.25 , $ | .5O. All the neckwear in our es tablishment bears the stamp of good sewing and neat finishing. Silk Half Hose. In black only. Three qual ities. Fast colors. t f.2S apd $2 apd $2.SO. Men's Furnishings. Initial Handkerchiefs 25c. This is all linen , full size , fine cloth , something new in letter ing , only 250 each ; good value for 35c. , " Better grade , finer fabric , more elaborate ' f letter , price 35c , or 3 for $ i. Silk Handkerchiefs. Plain white Japanese silks , direct from the loom , a saving to you ; large variety of sizes , hems and cloths. Prices , 35c : 50 ; , 75c , $1 $ , $125 and $1.50 Each. and St. 1'aul. Minneapolis expects to turn out 10,000,000 barrels of flour this year. Frcislits arc so slow ut San Francisco , there are six vessels now in berth thuro loading whc.it OH owners' account. Growth nnil 1'roipcrlty. The wonderful growth of Galveston , and especially that portion known as North Gal veston , ( lurinf ; the past few years has been iluo not only to local Improvements und the natural result of rapid settlement und capital liberally invested , hut also to the rapid growth of manufacturing industries which hero find un unusually profitable Held. Tims wo find u ouibinatioii of conditions for con- iintjal crowth th.it is unsurpassed in any other portion of the country , namely , u genial .iiid healthful cliin.ito , an industrial growth cupablo of supporting u largo population and agricultural attractions that cannot bo ox- celled. The opportunities uro just as good at the present time for making money , either in city property or small fruit farms. The latter class of farming always results in largo profits to these who hare been fortu nate enough to invest. DTho property of the North Galveston asso ciation cannot bo otherwise regarded than us offering splendid inducements alike to home-seeker und investor. The fullest in vestigation of this property is cordially In vited. The association is represented by Franklin F. Williams , Omaha , Neb. , who will be happy to furnish all information do- shed. Tlio address of the general oflleo is : The North Galveston Ass'n , Box 9W , Minne apolis , Minn. < < ! < > t an Important Letter. Chief Detective Haze has n letter in his possession written by Ed Fitzgerald , the crook now under arrest ut Junction City , Kim. , for burglary , in which the rogue con fesses to having participated in robbing Jonasen's jewelry store on Thanksgiving day and carried away u good portion of the plunder. Constipation cured by DoWitt's Early Iliscrs. i : < l Cro rU'H riinoral. The funeral of Edwin II. Crowell , which was to have taken place this afternoon , has been postponed. A brother of the deceased now in New Jersey , nskod the body behold un til his arrival. It is expected that Dr. Crow- ell will njrlvo cither Saturday night or Sun day morning , Holiday goodsPronzor , jow'r , opp.'p.o. Analyzing ; the Baking ; Powders : ? Royal Reported Superior to all others in Strength and Purity. . * OFFICE OF CHEMIST OF t IOWA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. > DES MOINES , MARCH 4 , 1892. ) I have analyzed all the principal brands of baking powders sold in this State. The results show that the Royal has the highest leavening power of any powder examined , and is composed of pure and wholesome ingredients , of a character perfectly proper rj * . for use. Baking tests with it gave biscuit very light , white , sweet 10.7 U.I ! and wholesome. No other powder gave results so satisfactory. . 4.0 FLOYD DAVIS , E. M. , M. Sc. , Ph. D. , Prof of Chtmtitry Drake Univenily , fowa College rt Physictant and Surgeons , Dean of Iowa College ef PAar > lus- " . * " " } ' Chemist of Imva State Board of HtaM , ttc. , tt ( . tt * , . Men's Furnishings. Silk Initial H auditor oliiof 3 , 50o. We consider this handkerchief he best value ever seen in Omaha it the price- , fine , even silk ; rich , elaborate letters , in fact , a gentle man's handkerchief. A better one , extra in quality , in size.hand i embroidered letters full 22 inches square : l-)4 ) inch hem- price $1 , value for $1.50 , Silk Suspenders. We hive them in both plain and embroidered , white , plain and opera shades. Nothing is more suitable or acceptable than a pair of nice , silk suspenders. Prices range from 31 , 81.50 , 82 nnd upwards. Handkerchiefs. Our assortment has never been so complete as now. We can suit you in almost any quality , any price Fancy Borders , Ncixt p iticrn , mon's slro , 125c , 163 c , 25c nnd 35c. A. very beautiful selection in high grade novelty prints , fine linen handkerchiefs , solid blue , tan , also dots and stripes ; some thing entirely new , White H. S. Handkerchiefs , linen , assorted hems-.price 25c , 35c , 50c , 75c and $1.00 Initial Handkerchiefs Six : for 1. Good quality , hemstitched , neat letters ; at this price better be quick. ARE TTOTJ SUFFERING FROM Femala Weatoss , Catarrh or Rheumatism , HP Chronic , Nervous nr Private Diseases , If bO , CAUL ON Dr. Searles & Searles DR. F. L. SEARLES , Consultlna Physi cian , GnuluuUi of Kush MeillUiil Collage. Consultation Free. Kor tlio Treatment of Chronic , Private and Nervous Diseases MAL13 AND FKMAI.U. ALL BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES , ORGANIC WEAKNESS AND DIS EASES OF NO MA.TTER HOW LONG STANDING OR HOW OFTEN PRONOUNCED INCURABLE. ETES&VOUS DEBILITY I'lUSS. I'lBTIJLA , KISUIIK , iioriiinnontly curoil without tlio UBU of knife , llKaiure or cuustlc. All mnlmllcs of n private or dellcatu nature , of cither sex , positively cured. Call on or uddrcsa , with ttauiu for Circulars , I'rco Uook and HeclpCB , nr Qnnrloo 7 C'nnrlao ' ] I3 South 15th Btroot , Ul. ooOlieS a otJflllBS , o , , , , , ! , , , , Keit Door to I'OBtotllcu. If j ou luivo Mulurla , 1'lles , Hick Hfiiil- uclio , CuNtlvo ltu\veU , Dumb Aguu or If your food does not nssliulliitc , v IB ) v iraBiH > TuWsTmsf Pills willeuro thuao trnubloii. DOHObnmll. 1'rlcc , i5o. Oflleo. 301'urk Place , N. Y. Til 13 Ladies' ' Perfect SYRINGE. Tlio only perfect vnxlnal nnd rectal Hjringo in the world It Is tlio only Brrlnge or- cr Invuntrd by wlilcli nul. mil Injectluni can bo ltd inlnlxtoit'd Hltliout loak- Innund vullliiK tlio clotli- Ini ! or iioccuUntlnK the iiso of n vuBnol , nnil wlilcli ran also bo used fur rectal Injections or Irrlxatlon bUr-1' UUIIUISll llllMI AND IIAUD UU111I1CH bllKI.U Mnll orders nolldtocl. TheAloe&PenfoldCo , , TRr/i &troot , NKXT TO I'OHTOKFICU. 1'liynlcluiia' | irutcrl | < lloni nrcurntolr prepared at low prlcoi. DR. RW. BAILEY Teeth Filled Without - out Pain by tlio Latest Inven tion. Toath Extracted Without Pain or Danger. A Full Se ! of Teelh OD Robber for $5.0) $ ) . I'crfect lit Kiiorantood. Tocth extractad la the morning , botr ones Imortod In tlio uvuiiln/uf nauia fl y. goo specluioni of Ilomorabla llrtdze. Eeoepoclmensof Flexible Klustlc I'ltta. All nark wurrautud an represented. Offlco Third Floor Pnxton Block , Telephone 1081 , UHli anil Karntin 8t . Take elcvutor or ( tali-way from ICtb St. outr no8 , Ladies' Gloves. Reynier , Suede , And Glace Gloves. We arc the exclusive agents for the city of Omaha. We heartily recommend them as the best glove made. Every pair warranted , Black , street and reception shades. We lave them in all si/es. Four-Button Suede and Glace , $1.75 and $2OO. Eight-Inch Mousquetaire. $2.25 and $2.50 , Black Silk Mittens , Double thread ) fancy backs , neat patterns , this seasons goods , fast black , $1.50 and up to $2.50. Black Silk Mittens , Single thread , crocheted backs , best silk , fast colors , ' $ iand $1.25- Colored Silk Mittens , Navy , wine and red , single thiead , plain backs , 75C. Black Cashmere Mittens , Single or double thread , fancy backs , choice of either , 750. Silk Drapes. Beautiful new designs , hand- pain ted and embroidered , plainer or bolton cloth ends , knotted fringe , an immense variety , 500 to $1.75. Down Comforts $3.98 French satinc covering , corded edges , good sizc.j'egular price $5 , tomorrow $3.98. Lap Robes. Large sizes , new designs and colorings , l)3st ) mohair , plain and crushed. Ihiying direct from the mills we save yon the middle man's profit , $4.50 to $15 each. Horse Blankets. 76x81 inches , all wool , fast colors , attractive patterns in squares and blocks , $3 to $5 each. \ Antique Rugs. For Christmas gifts : we have mauy of these gems of blended colorings : Pray or Hall R Stair Rugs , Couch Rugs , Stand RUQS , ggg Panel Rugs. Besides the large carpet sizes. These we offer at our usual low prices. Carpet Sweepers. \\c keep only the best. It is a practical gift and of moderate cost. I am going to I HOLIDAY move or ) Jan. 15 , SURPRISES ' 93 , to my0Ne\Ar 1 Location on the BETROTHAL - _ west side of PLEDGES | 16th St. , NEW IDEAS | Under the Comroerclal I FOR CHILDREN I National Barjk. . in > - ! where you cai ) see tb ® most attractive Jewelry Stars in the West , after that date. CHRISTMAS 1 HOWEVER. I am yet at i MOYELTIESJ 14th & parrjan ) Sts. mmmaB3 * l BM t Wr ere I "an ) disposing of my I BRILLIANT GEMS | elegant stocK of Je-welry Fitoni THE ORIENT in the ) most roodern and ar "SANTA"CLAUS tistic designs , pirje Watches , Silverware and the richest HEADQUARTERS stocK of old mine Diamonds and other rare gems at importers' figures , tote Holiday Customers , previous to removing to my Nevu Location. D.0W. VAN COTT , FO ? the VAN COTT JEWELRY TO , OMAHA. AMUSEMENTS. nnvn c DUlU O THEATER. , TODAY ( Saturday ) LAST DAY. Tue I'lcturesquo and I'heuomuually Succoeiful Irltli 1'lar , MA.CHRJ3J3 Introiluclni ; a suiiorlor company of playcm , Inilud- BlUe f I vorlt ( < . Matinee Today NOTE-At the Sat- urclayNlotlnoo Por- at 2:30. : formanoo "Nora" will distribute YmasToys for Christmas Toys the Children. from the Stage for uKNuixr : IHISII the children In the audlonco. NiKht I'rlcoi Flrit floor. > 3. 73o and Jls 1ml- cony , 7J > o and tiOo , Miillnoo 1'rleos Klral lloor , ! XJo and ? . ' )0 | biilcuny , - : > o aiiU Ale , NEW i MKimv' | OIIK1HTM\B. FoiirNlu'liIrt Two Mat I nous , Eoulnnlns Kiuiday Watliit'o , Olirlstnut ? D.iy. Hou. - ' : > . THIS PAVOIUTli. OOMKDIANS , DONNELLY & GIRARD Accompanied by MISS AMY AMI2K And tlin HtroriKtist L'omndy Onuipany Hvcr Urganl/cd , In tlio I'linnlvBt und llostoCrhum All THE NEW NATURAL GAS. EVKHVTIIINO NKW. Funnlor and 13otloiThau Ever. Sale niictiB Hatiirdny ut following prlcos I'lfbt lloor. Me. 75u uiuf ll.UJ ; llaleony. f.Uu nnrt 7'to. Matlneo 1'rloua I'lrst lloor , 5Ju unit , Tioj Ilulcony. V5o und 0)0. Glee , Banjo & Mandolin Clubs. riiIOiH-25o. : Mo , 72o , $1 anU } 1.5) . Soils on lalo Wtduosday , December "i , at lloxOaico. AMUSEMENTS. FARNAM STREET THKATKll | Llko Itomc , all rotuls load to tlio HOUSB of HllCCCSH , TONIGHT I Tlio nomautlo Actor , Mr. FHKD I'JU/TON. IN Till ! \ Monte Gristo. NIW : Mntiiico Hitnirilay. Mm ST , TIMTRF. I roi > III'ftW Llho HiiniuiillHoailj l.'jul to tli IlO u oof BIICOOM. r > NKIIITcoiiuiHinoliii ; wlih Oi'in ITMAS MAT. SuiulayDoo'25. MiiU.MoinUy-Womioaday Webster & Brady's ) TII1J HOTTOM Famous Marino } OF Bpoctaclo , ) TIIIJ SKA. pijoti Theater. ALL THIS WEEK. Ilurton Ktiinluy Comedy Cuinunoy. WIDOW'S TROUBLES. HOP-O'-MY-THUMB , tin. Midget Mau and an Hour of . | > ocliilllos. MutliifL'3 , * 'Cui ovunliUH. > . ' 0uu nd 'Ma. bM.VtUB THE IMS iiiofiTKAINFn : ami liyiijiornltiliiiitcouKli Hiovon- cral stroiullivantod thuii Sl'U'lV'l'o0OXVniJN ' diilntH couul ) . Moftctis l uburclou , fond4 Mmnurvm VOH IIKKATIIK Homy Inlinlor. IT ! A ulad Hiiri > H o mill tilus < Oil fl'ilef , iMMBlilATEI.V. ID lllolUlpulohH blllTur- or. It uuius-KEAIjTjY JHES-Co ls , Ciitarrli. Itronclilllc , Aatlmiu , lleadacho. "Oxygon Book" and 4 Trys Free \ SPEGIHG OXYGEN CO , , Suite f)10 liouly Bldf ? , Omaha. niTrnTo THOMAS I'MIMIM ON.Wn. PATEHlivjiv I I Nuii'/r'i ; ( co until Tut talnea. Wrltvfurtavautor