Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY KIM : -\VErtN7ESl \ ) AY , DECEMBER 211892. .
- NO. 12 I'HAHL S
Pclh troil by carrier to liny part of ( he oily
lU lnp * oni ( < ti Xo.48
I t Piinvrn
U 1 I10M S
\ fM jailor No ! Z3
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Council HlufTs Lumber fo. ! Coal.
Tlio I/idles' Aid welrlv of St. .lobii'i
Kiifrllih Lutheran church will meet to
HoglimliiK next Sunday tlio innrnlnjr serv
ices at St. Paul's church will bo at I00 : !
o'clock Instead of nt 11 ns formcily ,
Tlio Mcsihcndoi f rontemiit c.ise wan sot
fora liuarlag .M8tcrdny ! , but It \ \ s allowed
to KO over until Tild.iy afternoon at 1.80
Tlio cnso of the state ngnlnst P.\ bin n and
Hod-son Is still on tilnl In tlio dlstl let ( 0111 1
thce vlilcmo was all tiilcon jpsterdaj iifti-r-
iioon nnd the attornuifi comment id thi'lr
lUKiiinents tn thi jui'i. It will luolwmj bo
HUlmiltleil this iroinlng.i
Alr.ipjtar paitj Is to ho pi von in tlio
vac-ant sloio room In the St | < p building this
wenln bj a number of socletNoting ladles
of llilm-ll.v 1 bo joung ladles mo tbo tame
wliopivo the i > artat the Giamt hotel at
tlio beginning of the jear
Mutilate licenses were issued jcslenl.i.v
to the follow Ing pit ties.lohn M .lolinson
and \ \M\iri\ \ McMulli n of Ciestunt , ( Jinnies
Si oil and H.ii.ih Mnekl Hid of Polt.inttaiiiiu
raunt\O Dolllnger and .lennlo 12 HUrh-
Binith , both of Council BlulTs
Tomonow ovonlng at : i o'clock at tlio
Yountt Men's Christian as oclaUou loom
them will bo n speilal iiuetini ; of tlio
Woman's Temper.imo union Mis
Trands Mninhj will addicss tlio ini-othiK
tipon the IIIDI tidings of tlio n iltonnl convon-
tlon at Clove-land , O IJvei.v oiin who Is in-
teirstcd in tlie teniiipianci1 woik is invited
to bo wcsciit. Ii $ oiilcr of pitsiilent , Mis
S S Hover. _
Pciftut HLtlon and veiled health losult
fioin tlio useof Dc\VlttaLUtlo Kaili Kis"i ij
A pei feet HttUvplU
l > Nile.
In ordur to clean up our dry
Block wo will olTcr the entire stock at
jjicatly i educed prices for tlio next
thltty clujs.
You can buy u 9.00 blanket for $7.0(1 (
8.00 blanket for ( I OU
These blnnkots 7.00 blanket for G.GO
mo all wool , G 01) ) blanket for 4.oJ (
ucatoin imido C.OO bliinkct for U.6C
1.00 blixnUct for H.UC
Our stock of ladies' , pontlomon'8 and
children's underwear in complete and
will bo Hold at greatly reduced prices
Dress tfoods , ilannoln , table linen ? , imp-
UiiiH , hosiery , handkerchiefs , libbons ,
laces , jewelry , L'lovos and mittens and
ii full line of eilk nmhiclluB. In lacl
everything in block will bo ollorcd at i
bat gain.
201 Main St. and 20o Pearl St.
I'uirt. I'tirn.
Every imupmablo kind of fur to b (
had at tlio LJoston stoio. Furs Hying
tbiek and fast last week.
TlilH week wo intend to keep then
Hying. See tlio prices :
Hull1 nuilTs , HIV , oOo and 7oc.
JUack coney , $1.00 to $2.00.
Fiencii seal , $1.75 to $ o 00.
Astracban muffs , $1.00 to 1C 00.
Opossum mulls , $1.75.
Marten mulls , $0. 0 ; worth $10.00.
Beaver , from $7.1Ij to $12 00.
Heal seal , $15.00 ; worth $20.00.
Children's acts. Chinese fof , SI. CO
tiRor bets , $1.75 ; chinchilla , sets , $1 7fi
Thibet Beta , $2.7ri ; angora 8Ots , whiti
nnd colored , $2.75 to "B5.75.
All Uindu of fuisln capes , boas , col
laiottos and fur trimmings at our lov
prices. BOSTON STOU13 ,
Council Bluffs.
Inlllul llnnillu re lili-fri.
In linen , Swiss and silk 23u oach.
Bolter grades in slllc nt 50o , 75c am
Duchess lace handkerchiefs , Gulglun
made , ranging in prlco from $2.50 , S.i.5D
$1.00 , f 5 00 nnd $7.00 each. Children'
cotlon printed handkerchiefs from Ic
8c , Ce and 7c oach. Kmbioiderod hand
kerchiefs , wo show a largo line at 10 <
32Jc , 17c , lOc , 23o lo Mu. ) The mos
complete nnd best selected line in th
west. Bos ION STOIII ; ,
Couroil BlulTs , In.
The snow and cold woiithor does nc
diminish the domind for ncroago in th
Klnin tract , 2 } miles east of the pos
cilice ; HOO acres yotjor sale in from on
to ton aero tracts , Huitnblo for Irnlt an
garden. Day & IIoss , agents , SO Pom
Mlsi Irene Test stai ti'djesteidji for S
Paul , to spend UiolioliilajbvisltiiiKic'l.itivc1
Mis. Kale Atkins , mother of C. A AtUn
has ictuinul from a two-mouths' \ isit to Cl
Mts.V. . , ] . D.uenpoit and childien Ic
ji-stcidav afteinnon lor ruupoit , 111 , who
they will visit h lends.
Ira V. HewhlcUh , now county auditor , u
enter the emploof the Citi/ens statu b u
immediately upon uri\ing up bis puscnt oil ] ) osUion nt tlio iieglniiing of the jear J
will otuiipy the position of assistant tasbli
City Ticnsmer Kliinehan , who
BLiioiuly 111 with a M'i\\ painful disease i
a louplo ofcelts past , is icpotted to ho Ii
] no\ii > K Blowls' . U will ho a wcuk or two , \
bofoioho will bo able to itsuinu his dull
at tlio city
Ignorance of the meiits of DoWltt's Lltl
Kaily Klspis is a mlsfoitnno. Thcsu liti
pills ic'idato ( the Ihcr , 01110 headuthc. d ;
iM , bad bieatb , constipation and bllioi
nlUci rhli TH.
AVe were always headquarters f
handkerchiefs , but this year moio th
over , having received uu to the pro&o
time 1,500 do/un handkorchioffl , inclu
Ing our two largo importation ordc
from St , Oaul and tiowgin , Irclan
Bilk handkorehiofs , ombroidurod silk
cream and tlntR , Hpooial at 12jc.
Special 200 do/on ombtoidercd H !
handUorchiofH , no two do/on nil I
ranging In an endless nsjortmont
croaniH ulthohint/ . embroidery , drai
work and beauliful , delicate tints at i
each. Values In tho'abovo line wor
us high as 41.00 oauh.
PothoringhamVhitulaw \ i\t Co. .
Council BlulTs , In ,
Lutorpruo IMacu
Bulng frequently urged to soil sm
portions of my farm , 1 have at last i
cided to plat 200 acres of Knternr ;
Place , familiarly known as the Sci
faun , and to begin the bale at once
ll\o and ten neroIotH. I have placed t
mi mo in the hands of ( Jroonshiol
Nicholson ft , Co. , who will act in t
matter as my exclusive agents. Pn
growers , gardonois and those who wi
the conveniences of a cltv comhln
with nil the advantages of the riuhi
farming land are now given a raio c
portunlty to do so. M. TOFT
See our line of halloa1 all Bilk hai
kerchiefs. Imnusnmolysilk oinbroldon
nt 1'Jio uaVh. Boston otoro.
Wanted Cash oiler for ton shai
Oltl/on'a State b\nk stock. Must
eold. Address R. II , Shoafo.
No doubt the most complete stock
finu holiday novelties is at Dayis' , t
leading druggist nnd perfumer.
A line line ol sterling silver iccou
this morning. A , A. Hurt.
L. P. Judson , civil ongmoor,328B'wi
viMt'p n > mi rni'vni ni ITPC *
Mi\\S \ \ HlOJl COl CIL BLIH'S '
F , M. Bilger Kot Inclined to Save His
Dishonest Son ,
Mrtlinfl of the Onino l'rr | rltiK In Itnrc the
Cl < M r Kn rnl ( 'nptnrril nnil Urturiicit
to tlio Cll ) llmv semi ! On-
Uctltmork. .
H. J. Chamber * returned iestcrday from
Oakland , u hero ho hail an Intcniow with
r. M. Hllgor , whom ho tiled to induce to
make some kind of a settlement In order
that his son , the fugitive fotyor , might ic-
tin n to Council UluiTs , should he so desire ,
without running the risk of being prose
cuted. Ho found that the old ninn had not
had an inkling of the way things were ( jolng
until ho infoimed htm that he had forged
so\cial thousand dollais' worth of notes and
checks and left the country. 1 ho old man
broke completely down , but n 1 tor , i time ie-
touted himself sulUciontly to ho able to
tails i.itlon.illy on the subject
Ho atrclinousli denied p\rr ha\hi exe
cuted any notes In favor of his son. and pro
nounced all the notes hcailng his name
to bo forgeiies Ho i of used to make
any settlement whatever , a thing
which is not lonsidcieil at all stianjie ,
Inasmuch as the man whom such a
moxe would ho designed to protect does not
scum to need piotcctlnn of th it soil just at
present A IIUNU is on foot among the \le-
tlms of llu-\oung man's wiles to true him
up and hi Ing him hick for punishment when ,
it Is thought , tlio old man w III possihlj ie-
lent and settle all claims i.ilhci than see his
4 son go to the ponltentlaij
Mis Cosgioxc , whoso signatuie appears
on u number of the notes also dcnks o\ei'
ha\lngput it thuic , and , to show thejmpos-
slbilltv of her ha\ing sigiud the p\por , s i.\s
she has been unable to wiito for < | ille ! a
while past on account of paial.\sia 'Ibis
statement , hov\c\cr , as well as tint of old
an Hit jor , is d ) 1'Jto I by sjin
"I am of the opinion that all those 'ilgna-
lines aio genuine , " slid an Inlitnale fiiund
of Hilgcrand at one time a business putncr
of his " 1 know poslticl.that Mis. Cos-
guuo h is signed her name to pension papcii
e\cry iiuartcr It is somewhat sliak > , lmt
still clear and icadablo cnongli , and if theme \
me foigi-iitb I am certain that Hllger did
not do the woik. llo was a poor penman
and could not possibly have made so good an
Imitation of those vai ions slgnatuics Thoj
aio all anpvu'iitHiitton with dtffcicni
pens and inks , and so good aio the imitations
that no one but an expert could tell then :
fiom the genuine When 1 was in paitner
slup with IMlger he alw.ijs insisted that I dc
the gicater pait of the linn's wilting , on tin
giound that he was so poor a wiitcr. "
In connection with this statement , 11
should bo said that Mis Cosirunu's slgna
tine , as it appeals on the notes , is % CM
h tegular and uneven , like those aflKcd tt
the pension pipois. Tlicio aiouo now de
\eloiiiiieuls in tlio case so lai as Ihidiii ;
Uatcsof the tiuant aieconceined , and Mis
15ilgcr professes the sune ignoiance aa ti
his whi'ieabouts as on the second ni hto
his absence , last S ituidas.
Ifjou ba\c piles Du\\itls Witch Hare
saho willsufeli cuiojou
CoulH. ClnaliH.
The ci oat coat sale at Ttio Bostoi
Stoio is now in full swing ; lain died
hf.vo boon made h tippy the ] > ast week
do notdolav , makoyout boleoiionscurly
In addition to the larpo line o
samples bought by our Now York buye
at 5Uc on the dollar , till of our owi
block is being bold nt cost prlco durini
If yon have not the full amount of tin ;
garment you weald hko to pureluibo , b.
paying part down it can bo saved fo
\ouuntilyounroroadyto pay the bal
unco. By doing so , you reap the honoll
of the reduction , albo of the largo selcc
lion. Wo htivo hundreds of nobby gar
incuts loft yet , although our trade th
pjfct soiuion on eoals has boon Iwo-folil
\Voniiulogtotitor preparations for n
immense fall trade , and ha\
been duplicating orders righ
from the opening of the soubor
Some people say , who cvor heard oft
coat sale ni December or n blanket bal
in.luly ? Wo say , when could there b
a. better time lhan the present for a ,
When hundieds nro looking for n ham
some , seasonable , icasonablo Chiistim
gift. What could bo moro seasonnbl
tlian a nice coat to nrotect you from tl :
chilly December blasts ? Whore ca
you-buy thorn moro reaeonnblo thnn i
the Boston Stoio ? 'ihey lead in Ihis i
in till lines Uioy can y.
Council Blults , la.
i. Still I.tiuMiiK for HIIUS.
i.s , Sober lUnns and William Bcne/ln , the Iv
i- tioublesomo inisoneis at the county ja
have ledoubled their ofloits lo saw out
ft conliucmcnt of late , now that thc-i see tl
.0 penitential v doors yawning In fiont of thei
' 1 ho slici 1IY ch meed to ilnd some sa\
ill seuieted under the door of thoi on idora she
ik time ago , and took possession of them
i'lo day or Iwo later lie found Uoncvin with
loDi small bopusonor tning to lish tlio si\
r out of thoh i > laio of concealment. Whi
> n the boj lepoited that they wuio missii
Di Iii'nc7in bioko down and souglit loliof fn :
ll ills disappointment in teats He and Bui
llet luiM ) been e challgillg notes stealthily
Cb late , in which thoj aio tiding to coiun
some SLliemo for getting hold of uoapo
. w 1th w hich to can o their w ay to liboi ty.
loB Makon note of It Twcutj-Iho cents bu
B- the host liniment out , Sahation Oil ,
TOJH , lliidkH , itr. :
Our second lloor is u perfect paradi
erin for ovarythlng that can bo Ihouglit of
in the toy , book and fancy goods line
nt visit will prove to yon Hint the Best
a- Store la the place to buy yourUliristm
a18 presents , where a. dollar will go or
d. half further thun iinywhoro else. Th Is what the most of us tire looking for
this critical moment Wo nil want
Ik got the most tuul best for the moil
Iko possible. The Boston ritoro is tlio plat
of Council Bluffs , In.
vita \ Brighter than gas , clioapor than eli
ta trio light and ns beautiful as a oreiur
Ih Ihoto now art lamps nt Lund Bros.
McPlmil pianos and Crown orgni
cash or installments. Mar. Buuricli
110 StutBiiiiin utroet.
Wollc til it sliurp li IrclUf.
al "I li.ul a little expcilcncc with a detect
lo the other day , " slid a well Unoun law ;
lese jcstuiday , "that tends to shako my c
) tt tldenco In the caily iniptesslons I iccoi' '
in from tlio leading of such books as ' 1
lie Handed .take , thuTenor of the Plains' '
IB had occasion to use a detective a slant tl
ho , ago in a case that was shouli to lomo A ceitain was uupposud to
lit implicated in the case , and It wus ubsolut
„ . . „ that I pet nn admission from this ai to her connection with it Ono of
tnv friends recommended n man of his ac
tnialntaiuo who belonged to ono of these
private delci live agencies 1 sent for the
deteclivo and asked him what he would
chartfo lo secure the rciiulred admission A
look of deep thought came over his faee ,
which ho suildenlj Inteirupleil bv sii\Ine
with a preatdeal of assurance , That will
cost jon $1' It was cheap enough , and 1 tola
him to po and do the Job
"That afternoon the husband of thevvoman
who was supposed to submit lo the detect
ive's wiles enlered mj ofllce 'Well,1 slid
ho , 'lliat ' dctccliv o of j ours was around lo mj
house this inomlmf' 'My detective , ' ! ex
claimed , with as well feigned wonder as I
could show ; 'I haven't any detective.1 'Tho
fellow lied , llicn , ' was the response , 'lie
came around anil Introduced himself as a de
tective anil said j on had sent him to see my
wife lo nnd out what she knew about the
uaso of Sunups vs Grabbs. '
'I hat settled the private detective busi
ness for mo , and I have eomo to Iho conclu
sion that the man who writes these blood and
thunder stoilca lliat aio so much admired by
the ilslnir pcneration might pain n few valu
able pointers by studj ing a few slcullis from
real life. "
Plies of peoplu have piles , but Do Witt s
Witch Hazel s.ilvc will euro them.
MiiKtilllirnt llfcf.
Don't full to view tlio ten head ol
ctvttlo nt Mo'-chondoif's meat market ,
bought from Swift & Co. , the linn that
donated the big ox to the Uhautnuqutx
last slimmer , nnd lestillod on the wit
ness stand last week Hint nil their cattle
weio inspected by the United State : ) In
Turkeys , 12c. }
Geese , 125o.
] ) tickn , K'jc. '
Chickens , he , to nil comers , nt MOB-
chcndorf's incut market , 3.W Broadway.
See Hurt's now goods , just tccclvcd ;
sold pens and sterling silver.
Gold pens with pearl Holder" , $1 ;
skates only fiSc ; easel blackboards , JlSi1 ;
chlldren's'ehaitH , 10c ; oOo oupa nnd snu-
coia only Si3c ; all ghis-i novelties at halt
price , nro some ot the extra bargains
olleicd at Croc\w oil's.
Aimthtr Mtlllimj Cut.
200 wool loll hats at lie tind 100 French
felt hats lit ! )5c ) ; woolen hoods at 2 > c nt
Mis. 1'folller's , 202 nnd ! U1 Bioadway.
Crockvvoll has moro dolls thnn nil the
other stoics in the city , mid is Belling
them nt reduced prices.
Oh , those silver lea mid dinner sols at
Chose Nt' Olllirrs.
The Men-limits and Mannfacluieis associ
allen , which lain doimant for so nun\
months past , pot topctlicr last uveninp foi
tlio purpose of icoipanirtni * and petting
down lo business It was an enthusiastic
meuttnp , so the stoekholdcis who weio HICK
siy , and a pieat many plans weio talked
l over having in tlic view tlio promotion of Hit
> i best inteiestsof thecitj in a financial wav
The piinelpal tiling to wliich attention wil !
be piven is advci Using tlio city and publish
inp its advantages as an advcitisiiiR ceutei
wliiuever an oppoilunilj picsenls itself
Tlio follow hiit olllceiseieelecteil : Piesi
dent , Dr .F II Cleaver ; ieoplCbldelltl L A
Dev inc ; secietar.v , Fiank Tumble.
Indigestion , di//incsb Take Beccliam' !
Sprclnl T < l Ittln Suln.
Fine nickel plated cooper tea kettles ,
$1.2.3 , sold everywhoio for $2.r)0 ; will
lnt > t u lifetime and never tarnish. Colt
& Cole , 41 Main strcof.
Paul Schneider , thodiutrpist , has the
newest novelties in celluloid and alum
inuin ( roods for the holidays. No oni
else carries the line , and they uio 'tin
liniidhoniest things jou over saw.
Visit Crockwoll's champion toy room
for bargains in Gin istmas novolllcs.
For vvarminir gucsl chambers , ball
rooms , etc. , our gas hciitors nto jus
what jon want. Look at them. Clean
convo'niont cheap , C. B. Gas and LUoo
trie Light Co.
A fine line of holiday poods , juvenil
books , choice porfumoiy and fancy aiti
clcs of all kinds at Deil G. Morgan t
Co 's dtug bloro , 742 Lower Broadway
Special Chiistmns cutlery sale o
ColoM claim clljipor pocket knives , ray or
and shears. Colo's , 11 Main street.
Coal nnd wood ; best and cheapo"
Missouii hard wood in the city ; promt :
delivery. II. A. Cox. No. 4 Main.
Carl Burhorn. buccessor to K. Bin
lorn , has the only new jo well y stock i
city. Many holiday novelties.
Bought organ stock of C. B. Musi
'o. ' Will sell them cheap. Mar. Boui
icius , 110 , 114 Stutsman street.
Do you sniokoV Have you Iried 1
D. King & Co 's PiirtagusV It'a
harmor. Ju&t litrht ono.
You will find nil the latest line ni
books , booklets and juvenile iubio ! ,
lions ut Cioekw ell's.
The genuine Round Oak stoves , nli
fine line of oil heaters. Colo's , 11 Mu
Now goods iccoived neatly every dc
at Unit's jewelry sioie.
See those oil uotitcis at Swalno's , 7 ;
in B toad way.
IIS ' She Stoops to Conquer ; or tlio Mistak
of a Night , " "took tlio town" near 120 > ca
ago and today is as popular .is over wi
the disci imhiting. The classic ! comedy
maimcisis lee seldom seen on Iho mode
slago , and too often when seen It lacks son
so what of adciiiate | inosculation. SUM
ill Hohson did n service to the stage and madi
A debtor ot ovcu.v theater goer w hen ho pi
in duccd his aiiangcmcnt of Goldsmith's coi
inas edy , which ho and his company of pl.ijc
picscntcd again to an Omaha audleiuo at t
10nt liojtl last evening The kitchen bauoom
The Tlneo Pigeons , the hall of the Hai
at castle manor , the gaidcn outside the h ,
to gates , all wcie picluus that elucidated a
conlhmcd the action puifcctl.v.
And the caio of the aetion was in fail
capable hands , The companv Is RCCII at :
best in inotloin comcilj ol " 'Jim Hciuiett
tjpo , but It acquitted itself well in the ti
im.'costume's and still moio tiying spec
that weio in vogno in lyindon some (1 (
generations ago The lionois of Iho evi
IS , ing , liistilonically , fell to Mr. Hlvvood , whr
13 , Young Mm low o w as an almost ( lawless n
icsc'iitallon of the cliaiacler. Mr Tan
was not quite happ in the assumption
Hastings , and the wealth of ch.u.iLter tl
[ VO lies in Haulcasth ) has not , \ot been mill
' by Mr Woodward , so line an actor In I
101' line as ho is withal Mr Woodcson man
oiled hi * Diggory with the introduction , doubtli
ed unv\ltlingl.v , of a ilcli hish bioguoat tlm
ted Tlio minor male pails wciu tolei.ible
tedI nit Is not IMSJ to wiltoofMr Kobso
mete Tony Lumpkln , it is a good porfoiinancu a
to j et not good enough Mr Hobson is a v
bo clover comedian , but ho is not so happi
cly iiiteinoting | clnuactLi1 cioato p by a ir
) St
ip- Highest of all in Leavening Po vcr. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
who wrote- without llinfkuiff of him or his
M\ > le in.iniif rlsinK at In JClng ) blnis If and
si > oaltlnff tb- lines blH"h\iHur \ Ins ilothcd
him with Mnn > of ITio b st lines of ( , old-
smlth pass pointless i len sltmtlons aix >
moix than out e nlmrt\s\ed , while his pro
muii latlon Is dnldcdl > J ilt.Mr \ . Unison
looks the part fatrhUll , his suii-oundlnps
arc pcifeetet ho fals ) Jo be Tonthe
part Is without the lints of his pnitlcnlar
and admirable genius .
Tlic Miss No\illo of Mlas Houtoii Is ns fine
a perfonnanco of lilgh romcdy as could be
deslied b.\ the most cnptious ciitlc ) there Is
to it a spatldo and vitnlltv that tempt smier-
lall\es. Mrs. Hobson' < Miss Hanicastlp Is
also highly commendable Mis. McKean
makes a passible Mis Hithlcastln. 'I he Hot
Honncerof Miss Mnj is a gem in dressing ,
action and speech.
Dining the poifonnalice and between the
acts , the on hestia plajed selections of old
English melodies , approprl and pleasing
Now remedies arc being constantly intro
duced to the public , but Dr. Hull's Cough
Sjrup still maintains its mo eminence.
Mrlkirs llolillni ; Out.
Twel\cofthc striking Hock Island tele-
graplicis who ha\o made their headquarters
at the Union Dciral holclno \ secured
woik on other roads , and datho ,
number of those lenmliiiniT is lessening.
Chief 1 { nnsaj denies several of the state
ments made1 bj Mr Allen to a Hi r. icpoiter
on Sunday moining Main nf the assertions ,
the chief claims aio misleading
' 1 he stilkeis stick to their dcclaiatlon Hint
thej will not give In
It Cures Coldi , Coughi. Sort Throat , Croup , Influ
enza , Whooping Cough , Bronchitis and Anthmi.
A certain cure for Consumption In first ttagci ,
and a euro relief in advanced itages Use at one : .
You xclll ate the excellent elTect alter Uklng the
first dose Sold by dealers everywhere. large
bottles 60 cents and $1 00.
( ( Aisoluteiyti8BestMal8n } ] (
"A Delicious Medicated Con-
faction" for the relief of Coughs , fl
Colds , Hoarseness , Sore 'J hroat , ami 2
for clearing the voice. l'"or sale by J
nil Drngnist" ! and Con feel ion ers.
Packed in full two ounce packages , -t- .
Price5 Conls. If jon are unable lo 3
procure Ihe Ponioili Cough Tablets H >
fiom your dealer clld ns 8 cents in p
stamps and rcccne a bo c by mail. .
Muila by the manufacturers of the
celebrated P o m o 11 a Fruit Juice
Council Bluffs , la.
Special Sale at Reduced Prices
Dining December ,
' 'plecs Cislns Color , Hcckon. Now Stvk
Hloi'ks , I'liru u cs anil I'linldions , Me ; tt K icus ,
i-c ili-s anilprlni ; It iliinuus , Hiitfliois' Co its ,
frocks Caps , etc.
D. H. McDaneld & Co. ,
820-822 Main St. . Council Blutfs. . Id.
S u&BainliriilgB"ftSl/ / > { : t-LntTt0 si
fidci il courtf Itooim ajd-7-fj 9 , bnugar
Ij.otli , Council lllnlli , Iu.
Funeral Director , Embalmer ,
114 Main Street ,
Council BlulTs.
Special ftfofcices.
ish \\rANTI.K-V puiill nuraa at tlio VV. C' . A luti
, h ' 7 pltnl , cor ijtli nvonnonii t Ulli slreol , must b
of liulvfccn Uniiil U font * old , ufuoul moril ( .Uariu
ofn tcr Apply nt uncu.
, n
( JSjHA VlOVrilClVKN (1UOD U1U1 , I OH 11OUS
ert jpworlt iitl5 ) Hlmtnieiuio
IIis i nenrbtli nvunuc , clt'ir urunuuinbrinrd , for huni
is Iri Omiilitu Iliinstoiu I'lnoa ut Ivuuut u I'J 100 pru
10 firrcMl win put lei * ) 5)Jdl ijrjlOJ Urujili.'ilu Ii
of .NlLliohun \ Cu
dill -
1J"OH i\ril : VNCilJ ( iion 4 room 1101193 on Sontl
ill Hh siroet for latnl ilruun > lilDl Is , Mcnulson X d
All1 * I KAOl snnd loiuVj ' Vniiiiiinil city proiurt' '
hoiulit unj BOU | I'uj.'v i llmuiii , Cuuual
nml city Mime ) lunnn I on stoC
nnil u'r.iln I ton I uxttito for nalo llvvollliu nn
uiulnc'sbrental : * viono/.lonnuJ for locul Investor :
l.ougio A lonlii. 'I.1) 1'cJrl btruut
/'V Ai HI'-i upper llroailtTiir , po ! HIM \i\ae3 \ \ fo
n- vJplnttliiK , clicnp for i itli or "III oxo i in/j It
nso linpro\c'il rmlilenco uim > arty In Council illnlli
< iIOL'llblllullll MlllDhllll A CO
soHi GAHDIIN AND ! liUI I' In iMi rli.lioit nn I ino <
of liuuutlliil tract In I'Ottnjalt rnlu ojunty j
Knturprlso 1'ltio , livjor Ion : nro
l\t elilolila. Mcliolson A CA'.ftl llro uhv l
Wi : WAN 1' ton ucrendf Junl ullliln llvu inlluiii
ils city Don t tanj.lioiv roiull It U l.ruji
ed ilileld , Mcliolnon \ liu , ,
'SS EN rCIU'HISi ; I'lnra.1 for frulU or Kar.lun
juuiirlmn linnu'a , Unit ncru loti Uvontr inlniitt
from molor lint' ( , .MclioUon , V Co
15 KAUMS to uvrlMngtf for lieu ' ] mill Ion i
111 } Juooil vacant loin .U ucrtji of nluj icarilan lai
! 1\V furnnlo at f > ) pur luru , Jolinilon A Van 1'altai
I minl'AHHmproveil o mtlu anil n Imlf fro
an I tliopojtctllco \ ucro i A roe n hoim , ntHbl
Hi' , W Ml oichaiiiu furroshlBiici' In Council III ml
llrcei ililulila , Mclulaoi X Co
[ Ai ACIll'-5diiullo ! from city , will hull at cut
-Ltnkuii tlili nouli liruunililulili Mcliol-on s C
. tOHOICK loUIn Jlayno niliiUlun ntnruaH L
Joftbuluuw Inumlato hrlcln- Will Mil In Imncti
or tliikly. ( ivorxi ) Mvtcitlf , Council Hums
MONDAVri In U. A. iiirlor clillrtren 4 p in
mlnlti 7 JJ l > in hpuUlt iccoml unl fourl
-Mondaja.'Jp m iliulcfurnUlieil pirtlun im I club
AilUren It. A rarlort.Councll HluiI , orlUiJ
tt. Onialiit W , K. tli utor , ln lriptor |
JAItllAIJK rouiUTOj , cuupuuls , rn
'cliluinoyj _ tleinol _ I ! , p llurku , cltr
\ \ rAN'Il'l > lo Lujr mllnblc cuunlum nnd ln
Inn for lint cla dry tcoilb ami tlolhluK roi
O. Hay A Hem , louncll Illulti ,
That interest every buyer.
The goods we sell only
known qualities , The style
our cutters turn nothing but the
latest. The makilf } every
garment stands the closest
scrutiny. The selling we
know what we sell and we sell
only what we know ; our mar
gin is the closest consistent-
with tha economical conduct
of business. Here are some
samples in which these points
arc apparent to all our store
is full of others , etc.
A SUIT The goods wool mixture in 5 different
We sell you shades in sacks only well trimmed and
At $5. *
excellent value for the money.
OVERCOAT In blue and black beaver , velvet collar ,
We sell you or in tan and brown kersey. A good scr
At ! viceab'e coat worth anywhere $12.56.
Clay worsted , or corkscrew sack , or
colors blue black and brown.
We sell yo\\ cutaway , ,
At $12.50. Unsurpassable in style , cut and finish.
ULSTER Genuine Irish frieze ( imported ) , for
We sell you merly retailed at $25. Two shades only
At $17. SO. oxford and brown.
Columbia Co.
Clothing . ,
Cor. 13th and Farnam.
Works ,
C. A. SCHOEDSACK , Proprietor.
Clcfining find
Omaha ollicc , Io21 Parnam St , Telephone Io21. Council Bluffs ofllco and vvorlcs
cor. Avo. A and 20tli Si.Tolophono 310. Sona for citculnrs and price list.
Moro Hold than nil others combined. Do not bo deceived by irnititois or b
those claiming to have almost us < ; end n machine. Buy only the SANDWIOI
CORN SHBLtiBR and bo protected by ulicct tjuarantce from tollable inaiiufiK
hirers You can always depend upon our repairs holng l < o t in stoclc by nil loci
doaloiB Apply for our ngoncy. Send for cittuloguoi and pricas. SANDWIOI
MANUFACTURING CO. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
I'rojK'i , lU tor tlio Dnlhoij ol Ire lo tinClIJ
< if Otniiliii for tint VIM r IHII.'I.
So iloil IIIH | | will bo roculvoil nt tlio city
ciiiiintrollur'ti iilllco nn tn4n'cloolc p. in. Do-
conibnrKTtli , IS.1 ) , for tlio ilellvorv of Ice to tlio
ultv of Oiiiiilin fur ilio yuur IB'Jl. ' CertliU-il
c'licuUuf llfty iJW ) iliillnri U ) nico.i puny oucli
lilil. Thu rUlit Is rtsan eJ to r ° | cct nnv or all
Mils. TIIKO. OLsiN.
Uniitlia , Uceoinbor ITtli , 16J , ' , Cunitrollur. |
1'ropoinls for tlin Dcpoult of Fiuidi of the
Cllj of Oinnliu.
Hon'ol lilils will litf ritohud at the city
comptroller' ) ) oflluti up to 4 o'clock p in , Ho-
ml cuinLur"7ia , 1H'J2. for tlio best ralo of Intorust
Ci for thuiisunf fiiniU lioloi lii-1 to tlio cllv of
Uni.ilia for llui | ) urloils of ono yu ir In conuili-
nncu u Illi section l"J of Uhnrlor for .Mutropoll-
tun ( 'Itlcs. A cortlllud ulicek In tlio sum of
onu tlion : ind ( JI.UUJJ dollnid will lie roiiulicd
from bidders uu a iimrnntt < u ot peed fullh Al-
EO III ! uflldliVllOf pile ] UpCllpltuI tlCK. TIlO
rlplit U nscrvud to rnjout unv or nil blilu.
Tlll.o. OI.SIIN , Comptroller.
Oinalia , Dorumlicr ITlli , Ib/J. d'.dct.
Nutli c.
linpoiiiiilcilon tlio 13lh of I > ember , ono
liluok pony , nlioiu U > JIUIH olil , If not 10-
ilceiiH il s.ilil lion ) "III boMililut piililluuiiftlon
li ) ti'inliL'i 'JJ , at lOo'i-loi-k n. in. , ut'Jlbl unil
hliieti , , In thu ulltty ,
JOHN Bl'OKUII'oiiiilinast r.
Ul'J U3t
In compliance with the htntntos of the bin
of Neb , InsiiolioasoH Hindu .mil provliloil.notli
U horohy ttlvon that sonloil propoanlH lll
rocolvuil lit thu ollico of cnminlasloniirof nil
Uu Innda unil hiillilln ii until 1U o'olooU p n
thn Jlst < luy of Dccumbor , IMi. , for the ho
pltuls for the InsuiiDut Ijlncoln , lla-itlncsui
% orfulk , the linliiairlul HUIOOH | | nt Kinirn
n ml Ciimuvu. the Inatllnto for the hllml
NobraskuUlty , the Instltiito for the ilouf ui
dumb nt Oninlu , the Instttuta for the fuel ,
inlndod ar Iloiitiloe. the tiolilliirs' homo
( Irnnil Island , the homo for Iho frlemllcss
I.lnco n , anil the Industrial homo nt Mllford
iuliniUe8 : can bo piocuruil by applying
thn InitltiuloiiB.
Iso blU will be conslilurcil iinloss In by t !
time Micullled above.
The boiril rocorvcM the right to accept
reject any or nil bliU.
All bldb inuit bo inixIfi In ilnplli ! iln.
A. II. lll'MI'lllir.V.
Comiiilssiloiierof 1'ubllc Lands and Iliilldlnii
Mncoln , Uoc. ? > , IbU. ' . d.CdlJ
l'roii | > nuU for tli riirnUhliiK of l.iiinlii r I
tluiril ) of Oinuli.l fin-thu Vur I HIM ,
H'alrd lilds lll Im iirol MI ! at Iho ollliu
tint cltvcoinptiollur up In 1 p in , IHioml
JO , IB'J'J , for HID fnrnUliliiK of lumber fort
clt > ofOmnlia for tlio yeui 189,1 , liluiilis I
Mich bids fiirnlxlitil by HID comptrolliii ,
( rrlllli d rlicck of MOO to ui coiiipiiny each b
i Ihorlxht lu ii'Mir\id to n-Jirl nny or alibi
I riir.o. oiiftiNc'ompiioiiu : ; ,
Oiiiulm , Nub , Due. 11 , lb92. dlCnlO
u u r :
I * rt-g
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