Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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    TTTK OMATTA DAILY W3E : " TUESDAY , DECEMlfflR 20 , 1fif)2/ )
Delivered Iiy can lor to any pirl of tlifl city
- I H slno nnicp. . . . . . . . $ * < > * * 5
Trirt-imvrx . . f NKlll , j-rti , , , . N0.i3 !
, M/.VJIO.V ,
N. Y. PlimiWnir PO.
Council HlulTK Lumber Co. Coal.
A vail of oind v n i stolen from III front of
It .1 , Palmer a store lust ovtnlnff.
Mlv Helm Mallils i < "ver > ill with pneu
monia at her lioinu on Foui Hi avomio.
IVUv.iiil t.iskovvskl commenced n suit In np.iltist w. II.
MontMth to rcctircr ? ( ' . ! * > nllcitcil to lie due
for the InillilliiK at S.W IJro ulw.ij' .
Mimingi' llucnsus wore Issued yesterday to
tlm rollo.un'- P.iUickUuil : mid Aimlndn
13. 1 Ind .tintn of Omnli-i. Clnirlps IJ.t.h and
llrrtlm of Counrll lllufK
A nianqttcrailijurty Is to 1 > o Rlvm tills
Ac-Hint , ' lit Hughes1 lull I'i ' tlio "Domino
club , " .1 soolal nuMtibatloti comiKwi'd of
jotltip iiioiilrUving Iti the o.isteiniMit of tlio
Tlio Colored .Itibltro nlnpprslll plvo u
rancor ! at llittfhc-s' \Vi-dnisiliu cu-iitnf * ' ,
JJec'utnnor'il , for thi'lic'iit-lltor the
Mrthodist Liilscoinl ( limtli. All aio cor-
dlallj in\itul
Hitfiilar rotiimttiiic.itloii of Hluff City
loilRO No 71 , Ancient Fiix- and Aivoptcd
Masons , this c\ until ) ? Annual i-li-etloii of
oflUcis and other business All muster
M.IMMIS In peed standing urr- cordially In
vited Hy older of the wonihlpful master.
Chink- ! tint ton , a jounir man who was on
his way from Omatia. wlic-ie ho. lias bucti
BtopphiKfot ticatnietit for tonsuniitlon ) , to
his lioino \\lsooiislii , dim wlillo on the
train uotvieen Oinalia and thn luiusfer Ho
was taken to Omaha and his UMiiains
wontuL'piiicil for thi-ir ti ip toVls ( oiislii
! ' A Peterson was in lostud ji'sterdaj on
a wairant Issued fioin .lustke Hwi'iiliiffcn1 *
iimrt I'haruinir him with obtiiniusr > " > from
John Yam e.v "i false piottntos Y.ime.v
claims that lie jr.uo tlio immej to Petiisoii
with uiilprstiindlnir that Pi-toisnn waste
to make him a iiit of clothes llo spent the
inoncj and thi n lofuwd to make the clothes
An unknown man Uolo an overcoat \tster-
day afteinoon fiom a dummy Infumtof
Uono's stoii Ho m.idrall his moves with
the ( { tea lest do.lilxM.iUon , and ho was
\\atcliud hi a Rent who lopoitcd the
piocpcdinir , after it was all o\or , to the pio-
) M tutor of the stoic Hes.iidtho mnn took
thoiottoti the dunmiv. transfoiiod It to his
own shouldeis .liter which ho took a motor
forOmah.i A telephone messii-o was sun t
to the police of Oiiialu notifjliiK them of
the affair , but they could not Uml the man
CU-.inln- : | > ' nlo.
Ill order to clean up our dry goods
stock wo will olTcr the entire Htock sit
greatly reduced prices for the next
You can huy a 30.00 hlnnkot for 'fT.OC '
8.00 hlaukot for G.OC
These hlankots 7.00 blanket foi5.GC
are all wool , (1.00 ( hlnnkot for
western nuido fi.OI ) hl.inkol for I.5C !
1.00 blanket for ! ! .OC
Our stock of ladies' . preulloman's und
children's underwear is complete and
will ho sold at { jrontly reduced prices.
'Dross poods , IhiunelH , tuhlo linens , nap
kins , hosiery , handkerchiefs , rihhons ,
laces , joivelry , clovcb nnd inittons and
a full line of nilk umbrclhib. In lad
everything in stock will ho olToreil nt n
201 Main St. and 20rj Pearl St.
Every ima-nimblo kind of finto be
had nt the Boston store. Furs Hying
thick tind fast last wcolf.
Thia week wo intend to kcop thett
flyinp. Sco tlio prices :
Hull- muffs , . ' ! 0c , fiOc mid 7oj.
Black coney , SI.00 to Si00.
French seal , $1.76 to W.OO.
Astrachnn mulTs , $4.00 to 10 00.
Opossum inulTs , $1.7o.
Murton niulTs , SO.oO ; worth $10.00.
Beaver , from $7.2o to $12.00.
Itoal seal , $15.00 ; worth $2U.OO.
Chlldron's sots. Chinese fox , $1.50
tlfjoi- Bets , 81.75 ; chinchilhi sets , $1 75
Thibet 80t % $2.75 ; anpora eels , whlu
und colored , $2.75 to W.7.3.
All kinda of fins in cupos , boas , coV
larottos and fur triminuiRs at our lov
Itiin Oil \rilli Ilin .tlniio } .
A youiif ? man immed Caity is sauted fo
Btc.iliiiK a $10 bill - \ \ iiitiustt-d t
him jostoiilny aftoi-iiooii 1 > , \ n llubich
lines a sin. ill clotlihii , ' businc-ss on Hio.iiHv.i
n fo\v itooia west of Sixth street A 111,1
cntuicd the Htoio and uftcitr * , In * * ; on : i
o\cicoit di-c-ldcd lo huIt Ho h.imk-d th
propriutoi- $10 bill , wliic-h ho w\s uiiahlo t
ch.iiii e. ( J.utyA ho IMS bc-c-n uoildng .it
Hvcry htiiblo a few tloois distant , happen ?
to ho in Iho the time and ho olVc-re
to pot the i-h.uiKU. Ho loft the pl.u-o v. it
the bill in his h.ind , hut i-liniifro cv
dontly scMi-c-e in that block , Tor ho has IK
toturitud , _ . llundUi-ri-lili-fii.
In linen , Swiss and silk 2 > o each.
Bettor grades HI silk at 50c , 7oc an
DuchosH lace handkerchiefs , Uolglui
made , rauLriuin pi-ico fromi.50 , $ ; t.o (
$1.50,3500 and $7.00 each. Children
cotton nrintud handkerchiefs from li
iic. 5c und 7c ouch. Kinbroldcrod hitnd
kerchiefs , wo show a lur o line at 10i
12 jc , 17c , lOc , 25c to f,0u. Tlio moi
coinplotu and best Holoctod line in th
Coui-cll BlulTs , la.
The snow und cold woivthor docs IK
diminish the demand for aerolite in tli
Klein tract , 2j miles cast of the pea
oillco ; 1100 acres yet for sale in fiom 01
to ton acre tracts , suitable for truit at
garden. Day & lloss , iiRontb , Hi ) I'oa
Blreot _
Spiu-lill Ten Krttln Suit- .
Fine nickel plated cooper ton kettle
$1.25 , sold everywhere for $2,50vi ;
last a lifetime an' ' ] never tarnish. Co
& Cole , H Main street.
Mill On.
The follow hip tulugiamH iec-i > i\-od by
K. Oillilinul lust cvc-niii ! , ' fixiin 1 , M. Coo
of Chlr.iKO with i c'fi-i-enc-o to the
L-I-S' stiiUo :
piiju-is today mlsliMHlliu Mil
Htlllon , Wuniiicoiilliiuiilly Mlnlni' lii'nj , '
TJiUso lUpoilMiiuhlniply Issiu-il to KH | ini-ii
ic-liirn toinK. . Whim stilUiIs M-tllml y
will iHiolllclally notlllcil by Coons and Uains.
I'ny no utti-litloii to iiiiythlnK hUnod "Ciniiiii
UHlli'poit timt * Aoimly nuk for MS inli
iniiiiin \ Inc-oircul. b | > u < nd ninvs.
J. . .M Too MJ , I'liuh mini
Paul Schneider , the druirjrlst , hat , tl
neuenl novelties in uolluloid and aim
inum Lroodn ( or tlio holidays. No o
elbe carrlos the line , und they uto.t
tiandbomotit thin n you over saw.
Do Ilnvon isolTorinp ; an uiiusunllvfl
iiut > ortmeiU of Christmas and hoi id
novelties. Don't full to oxmnino 1
block of beautiful tftioda MH\ \ low , , . |
A fine line of holiday oods , juvonl
books , choice perfumery mill fancy in-
ck-8 of all kinds in Dull G. Marjrnn
Co.'u drii } , ' Btoro , 742 Lower Uro.idwu
See our line of Indies' till silk huti
Itcrchiofti , hunUbotnely bilk ombroldoix
nt 12jc ouch. Host-on .itore.
Wanted Ctisli offer for ton shivt
Citizen's State b.uik stock. Must
Bold. Address K H. Sheafo.
No doubt the mobt comnloto stock
line holiday nr.voltios In tit Duvls' , t !
luudinir dru trist and parfumor.
L. P. JtidbonclvU cnjinoer,328 B'vv-
Member Wells Drops In nt the Meeting of
the Board of Education.
HP f-lmrgf' Vrrslilrnt Wnltc with llii\lnR
llrmrncil u Uoporl on the School Hook
yiiitloii tlefrrrod Ilia Mutter
to n Committee.
tlon Lucius Wells has a pleasant way of
turning up at inoetliiKS of the school board
Just often enough to stir up a muss with the
other members and keep them In a blissful
stale of uncertainty as to what Is about to
happen. L-ist ovonliiR , after missing several
meollnp ? , ho was piesont , and thohu.nlsof
his fellows were tilled with a vafftio unrest
and a longing to know how the democratic
mlnotlty would distinguish Itself at this"
tlmo. The lonplng soon tfratillpd.
Mr. Wells stated tint a hill had been al
lowed by the boaidat a pto\ious meotln ? :
which was all wtoii } ; lllds wcro ad\eitlsed
for piitthifr in a new'heatlair ' appan.tus nt
the A\eiuto 11 school house last Ma. > , and the
ndM-rtlsuiient was answcted by two local
llrms. Shugnrt & Oo . wlinse bid was $ ? W ,
and ] ' C Dovol , whoso bid was J4" > In
siilto of the fact that the sl'ilutcs proxldc
tliiit contracts shall bo let to the lowest bid
der , the ho.ud awaitled the conli.ict to Shu-
pait He then offered a los'ilutlnn. the sub
stance of which was that bhUfart it Co. bo
ii'uostcl | ( to p.iv to the ho.ud icUS , that
belli ; . ' the amount in excess of the lowest bid
Hridenstolii at once arose and was polnjt to
say that DcVol h.ul admitted on the da.\
when the contract was awarded that his bid
h.iit not mut the ivquliumctits of the adver
tisement , when Stacy called him down by
imnhiK that the milter ho laid o\er until
the hc\t tegular the
majoilly mislit p > st its-lf up so as to bo on
a pir with the nilnotit.N Wells soiomled the
motion , which wis unanimoiislmined. .
' 1'woor thioeinatloisol mhnr Impoit.inco
weio llien lonsldeied. suih as orduillig the
sccict ute pa\ off the te.uhots ne\t fit-
day Insioul of Mtuidaj , lefi-riing the ic-
liiests of Missis Bowker and Daldwin and
Mis Moore for mete heat in their recitation
i no-Hi , and leceiving the rcpoi t of the superIntendent
Intendont , when Wells again aiose , dipped
his SNHIII | In the teit | > ot , stilted \Iiroi-ousli a
few times , and then theto was a stoun
Otus on tluPtcslduut. .
lie called attention to the fact tint the
leport which ho as president ofthobo.nd ,
had inado at the close of laat jear , ictulercd
with lefeience to the s. heel books , was still
missing , after lepcitcd lequcsls made by
him to PiesidcnL Waile that it bo letuined ,
and then asUed Waite if ho had found it jot ,
Wailo icplled he had not
' Then , Mr Piesldent , " s.iid Wells , "I de
mand , in the name of the taxpijers , that it
bo lelm ued at once to the bwretiuy , who h
the onls custodian. It has been sK months
since icport was picked tip fium that
table by you , and it has not jet been 10-
tinned. 'Jt is the only iccotd ot the school
book ti.ins.ietion we have. I move the adop
lion of this lesohilion "
The ivsolulion contained too statement oj
Mr Wells as aho\e gi\i-n , and icquestei :
Piesldent Waite retuin it to thosetiotar.y.
"J will second that , " said Field , -if ym
w ill add the Uauso , 'if ho has the ici'oit ' h
his posiesblon ' '
" 1 h.udh think that clause is nccessirv
"lepllcd Wells "If ho hasn't the icpoit n
his possession he can't lotiiui it , ot course
Hut ho took it ftom the table , and so ho u
lObpoiibiblc. for its retuin "
" } 5ut.\on can't iiuno Uiat I over had it , '
said W.iite. as he laj back in his chan-am
glaied at Wells.
'I hii > was Just Wells h.ul wanted , fo
qulek as .i Hash ho Jerked a paper fiom hi
jiockct and commenced to lead. It was ,11
affidavit fiom Ed 13 Wiight , whow.issecio
tary of the bo.ud last jear , and in it Wiigli
stilted that theiepoit had been immnei
fivjin the t.iblo by Waite bofoic ho had h.u
time to iccord it , He had loijuested Wail
several times to ictuiu it , and Waite alwaj
agiced to until ono timu he became nettlci
and said ho wouldn't retuin it until ho go
' I want > that leturned , " thundered Wells
"so that if the misarablo wretch who las
spring maligned two of the bos I citi/en
Council Bluffs has c\er h.icl , o\oi tries t
injuio my character , the lecouls may bhoi
the facts "
"Oh , well , gentlemen , " slid the picsidcnt
"tills is all buncombe ; thcic is a copy of th
lepott oirrccoid. "
"Thcio is no icporton iccoid. " loplio
Wolls. "You took it taw.ij ibcfoie it w.ib ei
terod upon the moid ' '
"What if it isn't on iccoid ? " said Waite
wo can get tbo bookseller's statement an
\ou can make out another leport , and aC it'
all iiht : I'll i-ortifj to it agnm "
Alter Lonsldeiabli- talk and back
which was not M-iy dignilled but i.ithor h :
tcicsting to the siieut.itois , the ciuestton w.i
i of cried toat.pei.ial commuted with inslrm the next regular meotin ;
llo t'hi'd Ills I'dm.iti'il lint I'IIHCI opoloiiH l' <
W. W. Uilgcr disippcarcd and iiuinc
ous fi lends are looking for him with a sii-kl ;
fiu-.iw.iy look in their ojcs that won ]
change to a iicudish glee if ho w on Id s m
denly pic-sent himself toiow. . Ho wus l.i ;
seen In Omaha on Trid ly and since hib di
p.irtmo a number of gentlemen hate dl
covered that they aio the \ic-tims to a U
implicit c-onlldenec in Mr. ntlgcr's vcracll
and to Mr. miner's ondurlul _ facility i
manipulating thu pen. "
Ben Marks was the Hist man to iind th.
ho had he-en plajcd for a sucker. He mi
Ililger in Omaha on Fiidny and was pt
sented a check for § 1K ( ) which Uilgc
wanted him to cash. Jt boio the signalm
of J. 11. Kinder of this iit.Minks . did in
hnvo thu money , but ho went with Illlgor
William I.inebergor who CM shed the c-liei
on Murk's recoiiiineniliitlon J'ho.chock . w.
thiounuut at thu Citizens State bank ah
It was tlien do\ eloped that IVilger hi
been doing a hind oillco business in tl
forgery line , A noti- coming due in h
months from dnto hits bet-n sent down to tl
Fiist National bank for collection fiom tl
Wavc-rlj hank. The six months explicit hi
Tuesday. When thu thu-o days of gra
wcro up it went to piou-st and notices A\C
sent to all the signets Among thorn we
R M. HUgcr , the father of W. W llllgt
and his son-in-law , W. U. Acker ot llnrla
They both sent back wend that they h ,
never.signed sueli a note The slgiiiitiuu
Mis. A F. Cosgrovo , Illlger'H aunt , is ill
thine , hut she. ilalins to ha\o been disabl
by paraljsls fur u long time pabt , und sajs
Is a feu gory , likewise.
1'hfil ' 1IU l'n \ iKoroiiHly.
A. A. Chirk , who rims a chattel loan bu
nuss , came to the front yostcidiiy with
note for { S,000 hearing the mimes of R ;
IHlgorand A. F. Cossiovo. together \\M
nninber of others He took it as i-ollatei
seem liv for a loan of gfa nuido about a H e
ago , The loan was fminer seemed bv
cliuttei mortgage un all of Hllgcr'.s hmisuht
goods , which Clark supposed \\c-ro woi
moiu than the loan. When llllger hi
rowed the moiiej ho begged Clailcuot
c-ompel Mrs , Ullgi-r to sign the mottgago
the giound that she \\.is nonou.s and ho c
not uunt her to know that he had been c-n
pelled to houow the monev. Yesterd
moinlng , after hearing of IHIgi.T's dls.
peaimue , ho culled at the housu for t
purpose of taking possession of the hou
hold goods Mrs llllger would i
allow him to take the stuff io\ay , showing
bill of Mile that hud been executed hy 11U !
in her finer , traiisfuning to her all t
household goods It had not been placed
record , but b the luw piohies that a bill
sale need not bo recorded v.heio It renml
in thu hands of the iiioitgugee , Mr , Cluik
once saw tlmt ho hud been sw hulled out
the \\hulo amount of the loan ,
H. J. Chamhcis also holds a note for 2,0
healing the ( .igmituro of Bilger's father ,
spent , \et > terday in Oakland , the residence1
lilk'er'B father , trying to Indueo the old in
)0 to make some suit of a settlement.
IIU Ullslnrs * .Mc'tluuU ,
of Hllger jumped into thu i-c-al estatc _ bi
10 ness in thu spring of 18.v > , w hen thrriioon
real cstato was Just starting , bought u |
1 irgo amount of property for speculat
y. purposes uud built u number of houses. 'J
loU wpro mortgaged for n good Mmrc of
tht-lr puivlidso prin , and the houses wcro
plastered with mechanics' lions and morl
pages befoi-p tho\ were flnlMied So\eialof
the housps have been einptj for months at i\
time , and tliosothiti wcro occupied were tint
n source of revenue to their alleged owner ,
ns the rent was gobbled up on nttachments
of vailous kinds by bis creditors. In order
to keep up his payments and secure money
enough to live on ho had to borrow.
As ho had no property that would bo taken
as security by loan agents ho commenced to
use the name of his fattier , who Is a comfort
ably llxcd farmer living near Oakland , this
state , and whoso name was Mipiwsed to bo
good for any moderato amount. That ho
was a forgti wns not suspected by anyone
until within the last few da\s. To add to
the uncertainty of his financial condition , it
Is stated by those who claim to know , that
ho has been gambling heavily in Omaha
Ills friends say ho was naturally a bustler ,
and liked to make money hand over list. The
constant demands made upon him by his
eieditoishuit bis Rellnifs , and ho resorted
to almost every dovlc-o ho could think of to
make some mono > , with the above icsult
Ho made considerable tnoncj last fall on
Chleago'wlieat , but didn't know enough to
pull out at the ilelil time , and eon cquentlj
lost all he had won and a good deal more be
sides. It 1ms alwa\s boon suld b.v those who
watt-hod his career that If ho could maUe
his icnl estate si homos work s-itlsfnetotllj
ho would como out * " > O'KJ ' or Siun.nij
of the game , but if not ho would be eom-
plctoljruined. .
Ills attorney , Gcoigo W llewctt , sajs ho
hasgotio to Mc.Nlco , and It Is undoubtedly
Ben Mai-rts * inonc-j Unit took him ihotc llo
Is supposed to have started Friday night
Mis. Bllger Hist received word from him
elating that he h id started for DCS Molnes ,
but later on she iccelved a letter , the con-
lenls of which she ic-fusos lo divulge.
C'o.ltH. ClolllH.
The eicat coat sale ut The Boston
Stoio is now in full swing ; hundreds
ht.vo been inad6 happy the past week ;
do notdolav , make \out soloetioiisearly.
In addition to the larpo line of
simples bought by our Now York buyer
nt 6'c ( ' on the dollar , all of our own
stock is being bold tit ooat price durinsr
If you hnvo not the full uinount of any
fjai incut you wo-iltl like to purchabo , by
payiiiR part down it can bo wivod for
you until you are road > to pay the bal
ance. By doing bo , you reap the bonolit
of the reduction , also of iho laio { selec
tion.Vo have luindrods of nobby gar
ments loft yet , nlthouirli our tr.ulo the
jit.t sja-ion ( in eoats has boon two-fold.
\Vo inaclo gi enter preparations for an
ininioiiso full tiade , iind have
been duplicating oruc-i-3 riglit
from the opening of tlio season ,
Seine people say , w ho over hoard of n
coat sale in December or n blanket sale
in .luly ? Wo say , when could there bt
a better time than tlio pi-o = ont for n
When hundreds are looking for a hand
Boino , seasonable , reasonable Christmas
gift. What could bo more seasonable
than a nice coat to protect you from the
chilly December blaslsV Where cat
you buy them more reasonable than a
the Boston Storoi1 They load in this a :
in all lines they carry.
Council Blulls , la.
To > ti. lEookIUf. .
Our second lloor is ti perfect pnrnilisi
for everything that can be thought of il
the toy , hook and fancy goods line. 1
visit will prove to you that the Uostoi
Store iu the place to buy your Christina
proaonts , where n dollar will go one
half further than anywhere else. Thn
is what tlio most of us are looking for a
this moment. Wo all want t
get the most and best for the mono ;
possible. The Boston Store ij the place
Council BlutTs , la.
Ycsti-ul.iy In Court.
The tiial of Fred Hobinson on the clung
ot stealing a couple of guns from Dr. H.
West's buggy was completed iesteiday i
the distile-t court mid given to the jury , wh
ictuiiicd a verdict of acquittal on thogioun
that Kobiiibon was drunk -Alien ho stole th
propei tj.
The case now on tiial is that of the
against II. Pi bum , who , in company wit
T. W. Ilodson is chaiged with obtainin
goods hy falsepietenses fiom J. Cojle. .
tiado was made sc\eial months iigo b
which Co\Ui disposed of his stoic at Cut-o
island to Pvbuin and Ilodson foi a MOO noli
which , it is alleged , P.vbuin nnd Hodso
lepresc-ntcd was secured hi uinoitgago on
house and lot in Omaha L iter , the plaint !
claims , ho found tluit there was 11
mortgage on the house , no house on the lo
ami no lot an\\vhcro that answer tbo di
sctiption ot l1ioonu P.-bum and Ilodsn
claimed to sell Tno defendants , on tli
other liuiid , c-lium not to ha\c nudeans ic ]
icsciitallons as to thtt house , lot an I moi
gage The case was not completed at tl
hour of adjournment , hut will ho icbtimc
this moming
The healing of G II Mesche-iuloif on tl
chaiguof contempt of i-ourl Is sot for th
inoiamgat il o'clock , but Judge Smith stat <
it ishaidli Ukely to come off at that tlm
Mesehendorf , ho says , has mouopolucd tl
com t so long that ho feels like giving son
ono else a chain o.
Snnt.i Clans nml I'
When at homo Santa Chius plays on
Ilaidtnan piano.
LAND , cnjojs herself best at her Ilan
WADES , thinks his Il.iidiniiu the bos
DUCHESS Ol ' FIFE , buys thcie'a notl
ing like her Hiirdinaii.
MONTROSE , plays her babies to slci
on n Htirdinnii.
MOND , Bwonis by the Hard man.
have none other than a Haruiiian.
the Ilardmiin to sweet for anything.
GAN CO. . 10U Main BU-ect , Couiu
Blulli ? , la. , have liiindlea the II irdm.
for U yo.irs , and sell them in proforom
1 to all ethers because they hnvo givi
nml are always giving the host batisfn
For nil Xm is poaent there is nothii
that can take its pliu-o.
Curd ol 'Ih.inlvH.
I deslro to thntilc my in-iny frloiv
and noiirhtorsof Ilaidin and Kocr Croi
townships for their kind assistance aj
wouls of condolence during1 the lu
and death of my wife.
AiiriMt's : W.\tu > ,
The Nt-M llliilK situ.
Fifty choice lots in Muyne s additi
to Council HlulTs near thu east end
the now inlerstato biidgo. Will sell
bunches or singly , George Melon
Council Ululls Iti.
The Commercial Pilgrims of Amoilc-av
cc-lebnito "Traveling Men's day" at t
0ot WoUU's fair July * , , Ib'J. ) A meeting w
a beheld at thoTieniont house otlleu In C
i-r cage on January U for thu purpose of m ,
ing tiirangements and the meeting will
of ut tended by delegations from all over I
us comitiy. pilgrims hao i
ut tainted the follow ing committee , which v
of meet at thu rooms in this city on the St
of this month to select u-prosentalives :
JO , W , Johnson , K C. Gleason. \ \ ' . B Ijuilua ,
le C , Wise , T , 15 Shepard , 13. H. Hawoith
of Council llluffs , H H Os/ood of Chicago ,
in O. Uwisof Hurlinglon , M. V , Ulackbiuii
DCS Moincs , L. W Snow of Lincoln. Jan
W. Lusk of Omaha , H. J , Wolutt of Mursh
town , \V. W. Ullioof Noifolk , William M
siin of Grand Island ,
ina The follow ing officers huu bern elected
a the local council of thu Pilgrims , Worl
ng pilgrim , James llallen-ter ; John Dix
hov 01 thy vice pilfrim j M. W. Moomawoi \
council W O Trivli , worthj scerotarj , 12
Ij l"ook , worthj treasurer
At HIP lust meeting of . ( . 'omielt Uluffs eouu-
ell No 1 , ivsolutljjfs-of sjmpath.V won1
pissed upon ttio death of W I' Potter , otic
of the chni ler memlwa-s of the council.
We were alwnja lioailquartors for
handkorchtcfs , hut thioycnr moio than
aver , Imving received uo to the present
tlmo1,500 dozen handkerchiefs , includ
ing our two Inrco Importation orders
from St , O nil tiild owgin , Ireland.
Silk handkerchiefs , embroidered silk in
cream and tints , special nt 112ic ,
Special 200 do/.on lotnbroidorcd silk
hatulkorchlcfs , no t\vo do/on ullko.
ranging in tin endless as-jortmont ot
creams wltli ohlntjilnbroldory , drawn
work and bountiful * delicate tints at 5J5o
each. Values in thol'ahovo line worth
ashighasSl.OOoitcn. "
FothorlnghauiVhltolnw \ : Co. .
Council Uluffs , la.
linH-rprMo 1'lnio
Being frequently urged to s.oll stnal
portions of my f.xrm , I have at last decided
cidod to plat 200 acres of Enterprise
Place , familiarly known as the Scott
farm , and lo boiln the sale at once in
llvo and tun acre lota. I have placed tlio
saino In the hands of Grcctishiolds ,
Nicholson & Co. , who will act in the
matter as my oxclmivo ngont * . Fruit
growers , gardonora anil those who want
the conveniences of a citv comblnod
with all the advantages of the richest
farmintr land are now given a rare op
portunity to do so. M. Tori' .
Wo want your work , and will do it at
ro-isonablo rates , but do not oomn dur
ing tills holiday rush. A A. Hut.
Klmlnill iiml Chump Dlsi-liuignt.
Yestcidaj was the day set for a tiial of
tbo cases of Iho state against Kimball and
Champ , charged with ombe/7lement A"i
already stated , a motion for a i nntinu nice1
had boon lllcd bj the i-ountj iittoiiioj.nn Hit
Riound that George V. ( I.IL'O , the proseeut
Ing witness , could not bo induced to iomc
from Boston to prosit tit o Judge Sniltli
ovcriuled tbo motion , whereupon Conn I.\
AUoincy Org-tn slated tint ho could not tithe \
the cases without Gage. They wcroaccoul
Ingly dismissed hy the court for want ol
piosouilion , and an order was cnlcied upoi
the iccoid dlsi harping the defendants am'
exonerating their bondsmen
Piles of people have piles , but HyWitt's
Witch Hazel saho will cine thoni
For warminu guest chambers , batli
room" , clc. , our gas heaters tire jtial
what you want. Look at I hem. Clean
convenient cheap. C. B. Gas and Elec-
Irio Light Co.
Special Christmas cutlery sale 01
Colo'bclean clipper pocket knlvasra/ori
and shears. Colo's , 41 Main street.
Brighter than gas , cheaper than olec
trie light and as beautiful as a urcam-
these new art lamps at Lund Bros.
Coal and wood ; best and chcupos
Missouri hard wood in the citv ' ; promp
delivery. U. A. Cox , No. 4 M'ain.
A flue line ot sterling silver rccoivei
this morning. A. A. Hart.
iC.iuglit Kiipplng.
A complete smpiisc was given the toachc-i
of the school for the dell l.istS.ituidaj e\c-i
ing when about twenty ladies and gentlo-mc
from this citj came in siuldenly. The guest
weic ontci tallied lit a voiy pleasant nmnnei
howc\or , in siuto ot thehhiirpiise. . Sii)0i ) )
intcndent Uothc-i t and w ifc did their part U
w.i id entertaining , and it was hinted th.i
the.\ know of the uft.iir beforehand , as a ihi
supper was set before the coinpindinin
the evening. Ciiicsts fiom the citj aiuu
w.ijb welcome at the institute.
Bo very patient. That watch\vor
und repairing will bo done as soon a
consistent with good work and daily in
torruptions. A. A. Hart.
Carl But-horn , successor to E. Bin
horn , lias the only now jewelry stock i
city. Many holiday novelties.
Bought organ stock of C. B. Musi
Co. Will sell thorn cheap. Mar. Bom
icius , 110 , 114 Stutsman street.
Do you pmokcV Have you tried 1
u. King & Co 's rartngas ? It's
charmer. Just light ono.
McPlmil pianos and Crown organ ;
cash or inst illmonts. Bouriciu :
110 Slutsinan street.
The genuine Round Oak stoves , nls
fine Hue of oil lie.xtord. Colo's , 41 Mai
See those oil ho.Uois at Swaino's , 7U
Aiuiuuiict-iiicnti fur tint W ci'k fur tin ) V.u
ous Cou ri atiiins.
s Special sciiccs will be held hi many
s the chinches of Omaha during tills week , .
shown in the following schedule :
Clifton Hill Prc > b.vtciiaii-Patiick at
Militarj' avenues. Tucsdaj' , Wednesd.
and Saturday at 710 ; ! p. m
St. Mark's Lutheran Twenty-first ai
Buuietlo : Tuesday and Wedncbdaj' i
70 : ! ! p. m.
Sow.ud Stiept Methodist Episcopal : Tuc
day and Wednesday , 7IiO : ] ) . in.
Fit st United Prcsbytoi Ian : Tnesdaj1 ai
Wednubdaj- 7.30 , and Thursday at 7.130 li
joung ] ) coplo.
Castcllar Street Piesbytciiaii Sixteen )
and Castcllarbtrccts : n\ery evcningat7 : ! :
Fiist Congregational : Tuesday tit 4 :
p , m. and Wednesday at 7tO : ! p. m.
West Omaha Methodist Episcopal. Sou
Thii t v-sovonlh near Lc.n en worth : Tiiesd ,
and Thursday at 7ilO p. m.
Hanscom Park Methodist Episcopal Tin
day , Wcdnesda\ and Thursday , " i : ! ! < ) p. \ ill .
Olhct Ilaptibt , Cential park : Eve
o\ciilng , 7'iO : , _
People's chuich , nighleenth and Callfc
nla : E\ery evening , 7 : ' ! .
Westminster Presb.ioiian . > : Tuesday ai
Wednesday , 7-15 p m ; Friday nt 1 p in.
Lowe Avenue Piusbvtcrl'iu , Foitieth ai
II Nicholas * Tuesday , Wednesday. Thuisd
„ and Fiiday at" : ! IO.
' HillsideCongregatioiKil : Tuesdiiy , Wcdni
r ° dav , Thuisoiiy and Priduv at 7-iO. !
n Fust Haptist , Fifteenth and Unvonpoi
Tuesday , Wednesday , Thuisduy ami Frid.i
70 : ! ! p m.
Knunt/o Mcmoilul Lutheran. Sixteen
and IlainoyTuebdaj , , Wednesday and F
duv nt T-iid p. m.
First Chiistlan , Twentieth ami Cap !
avenue * Tuesday , Wcclncbday , ThuibJay u
Frlduv at 7 itl ) .
St. Man's Avenun Congregational : Til
day and Wednesday ut 7MJ ! ! Wednc-bdaj
) . : ) for iiuiuheis ,
Plymouth CoiutTCgatlonal : Wednesdt
Thursdiiy and FHiluy nt 7-il : ) ,
Cynthia Christhm * With Lowe Aw-n
Piesh > teiiin on Tuesday
m Second Presbyterian Twenty-fourth a
of Nicholas streets Tuesdaj' , Wednesd ,
in Thuisday and Fiidayat 7 'M ; Wednesday
If , p. m. for bos and gil-Js.
Wesley Itlutlirtdiftti Episcopal with Lo
AvenuoPiesbj lei Ian Tuesday ut Fortii
nnd Hamilton sit cots ] Thursdu-y and Fild
ill 7:30 : p m
CJnieo Lutheinn Twenty-sixth , botwt
lie Popihton ) and Wool\\bith streets Tuesdi
111 Wcdneslay , Thm-s > cay | and Fiidaj 7 80 p
il- Bclh-Eden Bajitlijit Park a\enuo , sill \
ilk - of t/iavenworth street. Tuesday , Wedn
belie day , Thuisday and Fiiday ut 7.Hip , in
Southwest IJieshyteiian TwL-nlloth s
lie Ixj.uonworth streets Tut-bdaj and Wedn
' ! > dav ut 7:30 : p. m.
ill Central Ui.ited Piesbyteiiim Tuesi
thA. und Wednesday at 7. HO ji m ,
A.a . Fit-fat Piesbyterian Sovontecnlh t
A.of Dodge streets. Tuesday and Wednesday
ofJ. 7. ( ) p in.
J.of Fitst Methodist Episcopal ' 1 hursday
of 8 , and 7 : ! ) p , m
ICS A cot dial invitation Is extended iiy '
lll- several pastors to all persons to attend :
irr or all of these set \k-itt. , "Foi-bako not
ussemhling of joursc-hes together. "
Perfect action and perfect health ies
in , from the usoof Du Wilt's Little Early Ulst
hy A perfect litllo pill.
HK\ iron \iit i/ , .
* ! . ! ( < nt l.nthiKlon In Minuted A
Lr.Mvotov , Ki , IXv , H' ' 'Iho body of
Senator H K Glhsou arrived hero this morn
ing and was taken to the resilience of tils
brother , Hen Hart Glbsin , The congros-
slomil drlovatlon fmin Washington an-lved
soon afterwards and the procession , Includ
ing the BIMWII llsht Infantry , State College
guards , and Confederate Veterans associa
tion with a groit conooiii'so of citizens , pro
ceeded to St. Paul's cathedral , whoio re-
nulommass was recited.
There wnre no services at thepraxe. The
remains were iu'orix-d ' hesldo those of his
wife and daughter.
You don't want n toi-ptd liveroit tion't
want a had complexion , jou don't want a
bid breath ; jou don't want n headache
Then 110 De Witt's Llttlo llu-lj Uisjrs , the
famous little pills
H'lvM 111 Kit
It litOoldpi ami VarlnlitoMiuN \\lll
Itliiw In Nclir.i , : t'oittj.
WVIIISHTOS . 1) C , Hoc HI - Forecast for
Tnesda\ For Nebraska und Iowa Colder :
j vntlablo winds ; ilslng tempcr.ituro lu west
ern Iowa
I oi the Ualtotas ( .Intel ally fair ; v.uiablo
w luds
I. nc. ( I KrlDl-it.
OFUCT or THI : Wr. vriiru BriiKU * . O\utn ,
Doc. Ill Omaha record of temporatuio au.i
i.ilnfallconipircd with coiiespomlliig day of
past four j ears : v
IH'IJ. IH11 IH'H ) . I8h' ) .
Mn\liiiumtomiioratuio. liis 4't fits W-
Mlnlmimi tonip.-i itnic- f > 5JM = iH ! : MS
A \oiaeo tompi-iatuio ! ) = noutP 7
I'loi-lpUatlon . . .01 .00 ( Hi .u.l
Statement show in * ; the condition of tent-
per.Uuro and pivipltallm at Omiha for the
daj and since Much I , ( --'Ji , as complied
with general in 01 tno :
Not unit tomni-riluio . . Uf >
Hollclonej foi lludiiv . . 17-
Dollclcncv vlncc M n ch 1 -Mn =
Noimal pii-clpltntloii , Ot Inch
t\ois ; foi tlieilnv Ori Inch
Uollclimsince Mutch 1 ! ' ) inch
Ui omit. H HIM , Local I 'on cast Official.
It Cures Colds , Couchs. Sore Throat , Croup , Influ
enza , Whooping Cough , Bronchitis and Atthmt.
A certain euro for Consumption In first stanci ,
and a sure relief in advanced stagei. Uie at once.
You will ace the excellent effect after taking the
first doco. Sold by dealers everywhere. Largo
bottles SO cents ana $1.00.
Tlie Marked Success
of Scott's Emulsion in consump
tion , scrofula and other forms of
hcicclitary disease is due to itb
powerful food properties.
rapidly creates healthy flesh
proper weight. Hereditary
taints develop only when the
system becomes weakened.
Nothing in Ihc world
of medicine has been
so successful in dis
eases that are most
menacing to life. Phy
sicians everywhere
prescribe it.
Prcpired Iiy Smlt A Donno. N. Y. AlldrnzcUM
n r cvi : = i" : AND ISIIAIS 'iitim
luent , a Hpoclllc foi llv-t"rli Illz7liip > n riti , Son
nilKln , Iliii'laclic.NcrvoiH I'ro-itrallon i inscd h
liquor or tel ic- " > , .iLc-fiiln < Mi-iu il IH-prun lei
boftni-s ol the lirnln. rauslii ) ; Insinlt ) , nilsory dc
nij.ilcnlh , 1'ri'iu Hire Old Aite. o J I.OHI u
1'iinii In i-IthiTBOX , Imptitunuv , l.nucnmhoaniinil a
ronm'o \Voaknc'sns Imoltinliiiy spurm
torrlievcansrd by iiTor-oxprtton of thn hriln
month a Iroalincntll , II forj.i. by mall. Wu KUH
nnteoilboxea lo euro Knch order for o hoes \vll
tl will ncnd written Ktinrantc-n to refund irncitrnrf
( iiiHrnntcc Issued only hj 'llu-odoro h l.unli , drui
tlst , solcMiniTil , eoutlieast corner ll th mid larnni
ctrcetn. Omaha
Teeth Filled Wit'
out Pain hy thn
Latest Inven
tion ,
Tooth Extracted Without Pain or
A Full Sel of Teeth on lluMier for $5.03. $
Perfect 1H ennrnntond Toi-tli.oittrartod In tl
mornlni ! New onei Insertc-d In Iho u > onln > { ot HT.II
bee spoelmeniof llenvnnble Ilrldun
tee HpoilmeiiHof Klexlblo Klaatlo I'lnta.
All work warranted as represented.
Office Third FloorPaxton Block ,
'J tli-phono inSS H'th and I'artia u Ms
Tulto elevator or Htalrn ay from li > th ht ontrnnce.
Special Sale at Reduced Price
During December ,
Sulcui Onslius , Cnlni , ItocUori. New Stv
HUmlcs , riiin.R'CH andCauldnins , Moil 1C ic'i '
Heiili-s und riprlin ; liulaiiL-uH , Itntchuu' Coat
ol I'rocks , Unps , etc.
ISut D. H. McDaneld & Co
820-822 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Id ,
id W. C. ESTEP
y ,
4 Funeral Director , Embalmer
th vo 114 Main Street ,
Qouticll niulls.
inth fit-all il piopos-ils ll | hiu'ccUid by t
th uiidoi liiiic-d until liUOo'c-locU p.m. , Dci'i'inl
UO , 1802 , for ] > , i\ln ; , ' ltli L'oloiudo bund Mu
cln s ( < .
ml blicot IniproM-iiH-nt Dlsti let No 470,1-0
L'S- prislni ; tin ) nlloj In lilin'k ! 1I7 , t-ll ) , and tlio
ttiiH'i-tlon ofloili and t'liiiilng ' t > tic-uts , nccoi
liu-li iild tohpic-lfy n pilco per MIIIUKI ji
for thu paxliigc-oiiiplc-tu In thunlluy and hit
mi b ( d Ion ,
at \Voil ; to ho doni ) In uccoiduiii-M ullli pi ;
aiidhpcclfU-utlons on llh < In thn oillco of i
at lloml of I'uhllr Wotkti.
K.irli jiroposal to hi ) nuidn on pilntrd him
finiilxlic-d bj thu boaid nnd li > loni-i-oiopaii )
ho with a coil lllcd check In the Mini of tooo. pi
ny able to the city of Unialiu , us lilc-nc-o of ut
ho faith.
Tliohouiit rcscicKtho iluht lo icjict iui >
nil bids and wuUo all dcfccis.
I' . W. KlllKlut-hrii ,
ult Clinlniiiin lid.ud of 1'nbllcVVoiK
is Oinuhu , Nt-U , Ducuinhci 1'J , IB'JJ ,
Ike. I'J. U , 10,21
TVmos a
Afotcalf's Store.
Do not lci\e your Christinas purchases until the last moment ,
but come early ; avdid the rush an < l select your presents while our
stock is complete. You can have thorn laid aside until Christmas
week , at which time we will deliver them to any part of the- city
An overcoat , a suit of clothes , sun or uadenvear , a pair of
trouperan nmhreli'i , silk ties , silk lunlkerchioK jrlovcs. mitts ,
nioht ; robes smoking j.rkrts , bath t own' , dtc > s shirts , negligee
shirts collars , caffs , silk stispen.ler- , , ec. :
All Useful Holiday Gifts.
Cheapest Clothing lloibc in
Council Bluffs.
liTtprovstl Safely Elavatirs ,
! >
OMAHA 01 ruv tou Dot'i.x sI'un
L'oi 'Jlh st. and 11 A\c- . . Ciiuni-ll lllufN.
Omaha Medical and Surgical
r > 7fr T * J
Ucst facilities , nppirnliis nml loitlailli'sfoi tli'o
ancc-essfnl treiitiiic-nt ot every fotni of
( IKoasus icqulilnz loedie-iilor
surk'lonl Trc.itinent.
50 beds for uatlcnts bo ird und uttoml-uico.
llest accoinniodiitlons In the west.
of women I'lir.i ; Wo have Intelj mldc-dn lj-ln -ln
depnrtmcnt for womi-n during conllnemunt , strictly
prlruti- Only Reliable Medical tnttltuto makluit 11
specially of
All Ulood DlinasoB mice efc f nil ) troa'od Syphil
itic 1'olbona reuio\ed from the n > - < tPin without mer
cury -New lUtttoratlvo Irc-alnionl for I.OHS of VI-
TA1. 1'HWKH IVrsons unnblo \liltiitimyDo
treated at homo bj corr ( " > pnndetue All ( oiaiunnl
cullen conllduntlal. Medicine * 01 luHtruinoiUti Hcut
b > nmll or uxpra- < eecurulj packed , no inurkn to
Indicate contents m'cinder , c-no perHonal Inter-
\ lew prefi-rn d Call nnd < onnult ua or n-nd hlHtory
of your into , anilTO will seu ln plain wrapper inir
' II'U lrUntitpeclal
nnnw Tfi IVnM upon
LSUUIV 1U IHLiN ur ni.rvous Dluuses , Itnpn-
t'-ncj. J phllls , Cleet.ind Varlcotcte , wllh quoUlun
llracos.Appllinpoa for Dpforinltlui nnd Trus ej
onlj m iniifai tor ) In thu not ot
iiiuiiMirv : , Ai'ri.iASc'E * . TIIUSSKS , KLHOT
UKHATlKltlhb AND Itl.l/M
Omalia Medical and Surgical Institute ,
2Qth and Broadway , C .uncll BlaT-
Irn nilnulca rldt ) fro n nlcr of Ounh tun 'in ' ihi
nnd ( on u II lilullx elei trie niotoi Mm
All Idnds of Dyeing nnd ( 'loinlng done In
fihci lii host style of I'm ' nrt , Tadod nnd
tilnod fabric's in.ido to lool. ustool ns now.
WOIK promptly done un I dullvoroJ In nil
parts of tlio coniitiy. Head for prluo Us- .
C. A. MACHAN , Proprietor. Nortliwt-storn IJ ot ,
Anhousor , BiuUveisor. Kaust and Pule
KKGS , can lotivo orders ut No. lil !
Main Street. C'ouncil BlulTs , Iowa , 01
Telephone ! W : .
Goodc delivered piomptly.
SOLi : AOKNCY foi *
Anhcuscr-Uuch : Brewing Ass'n ,
of St. Louis , Mo.
Von niohuiidiy nollllt-d tliiit Iho followln ;
dc-sc-rilicil ininilsch , to-wlt :
rxnilli linlfof lot 10 , Koiint/ii'hSnd iiddlllon
In lliu I'll ) of Oinnhii , liu\i Ix-i-n di-chiu-d li' '
oidliiiiiii-o No U.170 to ho a iiulsuiu-o by II-II DI
Of I III ! I ) , I Ilk Of I' , II 111 l\MlllK ! - | | - ( ,
Von iiii-Jii'ioliy dlroi'tid to nliiito h.ild mil
MIIK-II by iiiiidlni ; tlown lln > fiont puilsur Mill
Miiith linlf of lot in , Koiinl/u'H and mill. , so a1
to immuil tin1 fallln ; . ' , \\iistliiK in wanliiiu' o
caillHiii llii < hldc nlK adjiirt-iil ihi-nMo ilhl
Illl diij s fiom thn Olh day of Di-ct-iuhor , IHO'
orhiild niiNaiicn "III ! nliali-d liv tlic'i-lt '
niitliinltU-N , nnd tlioiixniMiM ) ilimoof Imli-d n
iispccliil tux iisitlnsl. the iiinnjity on whlul
huld niiKiincn o\lsts ,
Dated tlilh 17th dny of Divcinlini. 1H92.
V W lilliKIIAI IMI ,
hn Chilli limn Ho.ud nt I'nlillo Woilvn
ui IH-c 17. , J1. 'JJ
I'rOIIIIKIIlH 101tllll Dl'pOHIl III FlIlllU III til
Oltyol ( Jin tint.
Fciilnd hlds wl.l bo ncuUod nt 1)10 ) clt
comptroller's nUluo up to1 o'clouk I ) in , , DC
id cuniUor'-Tih , U'l. ' ' . for iho bcsl r.ituof lutoiot
'or thu usoof funds lioloa liu to tlio citv c
Onuihii for tliu pui ( oils of ONO yiur In compl
us unco will ) section u1) ) of t'h.irtoi for .Motropul
ho tan Cities. A curllllcd chuc-U In the unin (
tine thous UK ! it ! , uujj dollars \vlll liu rciiuhii
Us from hlddiirs as u i-iinr.iiitcu of food fnllii. A
Usut t.0 un nllldnvltof pild stocuc. Tli
rlKhlls riburvo I to rojoutuny or nil bids.
TIIEO. OIMN : , Cuniutmlli r.
Oinuliu , Doi'fcinber ITth , IbU1. . dj.ilot
Halo of 4 lOltiik'Ch on 7 , B. flund 10. Juutln
( tilhdlv Islun , to t.u.o ulucu lit 111 a. in. . Due. ' . ' 7l !
IH hurnliv rcualluJ. T1IKO UI KN. .
Co uptiollur ,
ff. PAN6LE
. . ,
Tim 0)od Ssnwritan. 20 Tears' Eipericntc.
N. I'Horinr.rou ov THE
t treat the following Diseases :
Catarrh of the Head. Ihront , and I/.incsi
onsoaofthc Kjowia Dit.Hlaind Apoplexy ,
Disease. Liver Complaint , Mdner Complaint ,
Worvous Dabllity , Frontal Dopros-
elon. Loss of Manhood , Somlnal
WoaUncss , DlabctosBrisht s ni-cixso.St VUiw'
fiance "nemiiatism , 1'araljsls , Whlto Swullliig ,
Bcrofuia , Fc\cr faoic-s. Cancers , Tumors
nnd Fistula In nno removotl without
the knlfo or dcawlnc : a drop ol
blood. Wonipnlth lur dellcato orpiuia ro-
Btoreil 10 licallh Dropsy cured wlihout tapplufj.
Special Attention Bvcn to pr-vato
1 end Venereal Diseases of all Ulnds.
85O to SSOO forfeit for any Venereal Dls-
case i cannot euro without 'mercury.
Tape Worms reinovc-d In lw or tlivco hours , or no
pay. lUnorrliolilsor Piles cured.
\Vllleavo Ilfo and hundreds of dollars by calling
on or using /
TJioonlyPhynlclan vptio can toll nrlmt allfl
pt-moii without niklni ; iuo tlon.
All correspondence Btrlrtlvconfidential. MecUotW >
Bout by express. Address all lettcra to
0W PangeMD !
, , , , ,
8S8 Broadway ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
rANTKIiiiipll iiiinciil thuV. . U. A. hoi-
pltnl , cor bill [ ue'iiiuiuuil ' .all nlroct , must 1)3
In iHCt-n-'i ) anil.U > c- irs oWi oftooil moral ulnir 10
Icr Apply ui oncu
A MOS I'll I1IVKN (1001) ( < ! 1HI. I Oil I1OUSI9
ir nt li ! > I lr t iciiuo
Ji'OH KXCIIAMIK A iilcu homo nn H 7th street ,
iicnriitli nvcnuu , rlonr of unomiiUranco , for lioma
In Onmlin , UIIIIHCOUI I'luoi ) or ICouiittu I'lacu pro-
fc-ireil Will put In SJ.&JJ ill'Ioronca Uroonililojj ,
Mtluil ( ) ii .V Co ,
L'OIl 12\iMI ANC.13 flnoai room house oil South
8tli Btiuc-tforlnna ( irounaiitolda , Nlcnol on A , Uo
A USTItCT1nnil loans Fnriu und city property
buuiiht nud Bol.l. ,1'iuoy & Thomns , Council
I AKM nml city loins Innuy lonnod on stoat.
Mini lirnln , lloul ontato for Halo Dwolllinf and
IniBlnusB rmit'iU Mono ) lo/inutl fur local Inroston ,
l.oiiieu A 'I owlo. ! i l.'i 1'ciirl atrout.
l4 ACllKS upper llronilway ; sploiillil plooe for
plattlnK , chitnp for utfli , or will uvchan o for
Improve ; ! roslilfiicn proimrty In Council lllulTj.
( 'rouiiBhlolila , McUol on A , Co _
GAltniC.V AM ) IK'Jir land , rlchoit and most
hoiiutllul Irirt In I'oUnviitUmlo county : BOO
lrnti-rprUi ) 1'lauj , tlvo or tun aurj lota. Grt-u.i *
elilulili , .SklujUon & Co , li.'l llrouhrl : )
\\n : WANT ton acroiof land within llvo inlloi of
" ' dty. Don't curu lioiv roiuh It la. ( Iruun-
nhlelilB , McholBOn A , Co.
EM-Kltl'lUhK I'laon , for fruits or Rirduni
jiibiirlinn Monies , line lotx , twenty tnlnutm
fiom motor tide ( Iri-un hloldi , Nlcholiioii & Co ,
1. > I'AHMi to ctdiinui ) for IIOIIHOI and lota or
food MH .int lots 'I airuiof nlcicardon land
for bfilo ut ? j * per ai 10 lohnvton , * c Van 1'attou.
1'lll.M r rAIIM-lmprovud , n inllo and a half fro a
IllU pO fLtllL.- I < lliri-4 * rl rOOtll tlOIIHO , BtablO.
ctu \\lll < ! iiiaiiko forii ) liloncc > In Council UlulU ,
liruu' ihliildi , .MclioUo.i X Co.
l.'HS ACIllM , V4 mllosfrjmclty ; nil ! null at cut If
Llukun thin oolf Urcc'inliluldd , MchoUou It Co ,
MONDAVn In U , A ptrlon , chlldrun. < p m.l
ndiilu T H P inwlili "DUO nl and four tli
.Mondnyx tip in Music furnlnlud partluii and c 111 In.
Addient It , A I'.irlortCouncil Illuila orlUJJ
fet. Uiiiuhi W. K i ha nborH , liiRlrurtor.
G A IIIAUK loiuoved , roaipools , raulti and
rliluiuuyj clcinu t I * . I ) Iliirku , cltjr Uld { ,
1 nun
In c nmiiliinco ! nllli thn Ntntutosof I host at u
of Null , oiHt'bin ili.tiiil | > n > vlclcnlnmlti >
U hortiliy nhnii ilint wouliul jiiiiioailn | will Du
ruc-clvi-il 4t tliu otllcu of L-oiiiiiiUsiiinur ofUlJ ) -
lli > lundH mid liullilln H mini lUo'nlouK p. m , .
tlio : ilsL day of Uiiciiinlior , I 'U. ' for thu lioi-
jill ils for lliu Ina inn at Ijlnuiiln. llabtlnis unit
Morfnllc. tlm liijutiirliil HUIOOH | | ut Kuarnoy
null ( iiiiHivu , thn IiiBlltnto for tlio blind lit
NuliraskiiClly. tlio InstUulo for tlio dunf and
( liinili in Oin ilin , tlio liiMtltulH for lliu fuel ) o
inlndod nt Hj.ilrlcc , tlio Holillcm' homo Hti
( iriiinl iHl'iinl tlio lioino (01 lliu filondli HH ut
llnco n , nml HID IndiiHtrlal liiiino nt .Mllfiinl.
Kitlmnnm uiin lie prociuud by upplyln/to
thci InilHiiUoiia.
No bids will be contUlorc'l iinloss In by tlio
tlmo hpuulllud above- .
Tlio uoird rocnrvc's tliu rlk'lu toncooptov
ruloet nny or .ill lilils.
All bid , mi. t bo " " " ; '
{ , , , ? . , . '
CoinniUiiloiKirof 1'ulillo I/iiMils unJ llulldliiKS !
J.lnc-oln , lice , ' . W. < \ Vtllit
I'ropiiHiilx fur Iliii riiiulxliliii ; of l.uinlinr for
tlm11) ofOiii.ilia for tlm YKHI * 1HII ) : ,
Sciilcd blilh will bo Kciihid at tlm oillco of
tlioi-llv i-oiiiptiolli-i-il | > ( < ) ! p. in.i Di-riiiulior
Ul ) , Ih'JU , ( or Iho fuiliKliliii' o ( liiinlivr fin the
city of Omiiliu fintlm yuur IUU',1. lllunku for
hlli'h liK | ( iiuilslicil by lliu i-onipiiolh-i , A.
ci'rlllli'il rlic'd , of tlOd lo m-coinp.iny i-iu li bid.
MhurUhtls ustiMtdlo mji'd nny or .ill blda ,
TIIIX ) . OI.f.SUN.Cumptidllcr.
Uiiiulm , Nub. , Due. 1-1 , Iti'M. cll&dUt