8 TUB OMAHA DAILY HIM : : MONDAY , DEOBMHKR 10 , 1H)2. ! ) BRINGING IN TIIE SIIKAVES Oloso of the Great Mills Harvest of Sinners in Omaha. FIELD READY FOR THE GLEANERS NOW Wonderful Srrlri of Urxlvnt .ypclliiRi I'lli- Itlicd "fill II M' t KitlliirlulliliShiiulliK of the Spirit -WIHtnl C' In TlirliCourse. . The Mills revival meetings are closed. For twenty da.xs a large number of thoevali' Kolieal churches of Omaha with tlio assist ance of Hev. H. Fay Mills and Mr. .lohn 1' . llillis hnvc been engaged in a special work of ( trace at Exposition hall , Both nftcinoon and evening meetings have been held and the Interest has been Intense. Several thousand people have been constrained lobe pin to live a Christian HO1 , and hundreds who have boon living indifferent Christlat lives have llllcd their lamps afresh and havi sUtrlod out to do better in the future thai they have in the past. Mr. Mills him demonstrated in Omaha , as he has In other cities throughout thu conn try , that he posscssris military genius of r. . high order. Hisahilit.v to marshal the force ! of the allied churches , his simple self-con Cidence and his systematic methods all staini him as a general of whom the priilce o darkness may well feel afraid. The last getior.il meeting of the series was held yesterday morning. Meetings wen also held in the afternoon and in the ovenim for the special benefit of different classes At 11 o'clock the meeting was for the benell of young men and women and at1 o'clock foi women only. The last moot ing of thu entiri series was hold at " : : ! ) for men only. l.mt nl lh ritlillo MiTlhiKrt. An audience that filled the Expos ! tion hall comfortably assembled a ( ) : ! ( ) yesterday mornlnc. . Mr. llillis sanj "Where Will You Spend Eternity ? " as a pro hide and Mr. Mills read the eighth chapte of Exodus. The words of Pharaoh with re gard to the banishment of the frogs fron 1'gypt formed the text. "And he said to morrow , " was the particular utterance' ' ti which the speaker drew the attention of 111 audience. , Mr. Mills said It was surprising tha Pharaoh should have uttered such a sen tcnce , for the frogs had become an iutolei able nuisance to the people , and they cet talnly wanted to get rid of them as soon a possible. Hut I'hariuih was a good deal lilt certain sinners , lie was willing to hold 01 to the plague another day notwilhstiuidiii its loathsomeness. Some men admitted th blackness of their sins , but were not In hurry to abandon them. The preacher then presented a numbe of reasons why people should not crmltnu in sin. In the llrst place it\\as wise to gu rid of the burden , for sin was a burden. X man ever intended to die a sinner , but man did die in sin because they continued to pri crastinate and to postpone the day of re pcntance. Some tried to quit their meai ness a little at a time , anil others made < -loan sweep of the whole category of sins t which they had become addicted. Men wh continued lo postpone the day of repcntanr would Dually roach a state where they woul not possess the requisite moral strcngt to break away and would bo lo through all eternity. It was dangerous t keep on sinning , for snob a course woul surely destroy the responsiveness of the coi science. Sinners should not bu like I'ha : aoh they should say-'today1 rather tha "tomorrow , " when the opportunity to gi rid of their sins presented itself. All sinners were unhappy. No man conl be perfectly happy without the love of ( Id in his heart. Every person would eventual ! go into llio presence of God without an ; thing except a record and a conscience. Tli only wealth that a man could take into etc nity with him was wealth of soul throng the grace of Ood. Ills Argument Mriii'l ; Home. Here Mr. Mills related the scenes thi ; were said to have taken place at thu burnin of the I'cmberton mill in 1-owcll , Mass. , se1 eral years ago. Several girls who were in prisoned by the fall of the structure wei limned to death in the ruins and wliilo ll lljjmos were wrapping them about in : awful winding sheet of lire they sang a by n and continued to sing until they were stillt by the smoke and heat. Many in the a Uk nee were moved to tears by the rofital this tragic incident. Mr. Mills employed for the purpose of showing the substanti satisfaction there was in Christianity.Vhii ho.was speaking a man arosu in the gallei nnd said : "By ( jod's help 1 will settle tli question before tomorrow. " Mr. Mills wi visibly affected by the incident and paused moment to offer a special prayer for th brother. A few moments later another man arose I the gallery and said ho had been desperate ! wicked , but wanted to quit his iiioaiiite : right there and then. lie was not sure thi the Lord would have anything to do wit him , but Mr. Mills assured him that tlici was an abundance of mercy for event lie vile of sinners who wished to repent. Tlio invitation was then extended to 11 who desired to begin tlio Christian lifoai n great many stood up. It was finite r inarkablo the way they kept rising in a parts of the housu and Mr. Mills linal remarked that it would bo absolutely nece ' sary to bring the meeting lo a close , a'lthoun it was hard to quit with such a spirit worl ing on the hearts of the people. Ho occupied about ten minutes In dulive Ing some parting advice lo these who hn begun the Christian llfo and expressed hope that Oed would bless and keep them. .vi.MO.vr riisiiAi : > ii : > , I'tMlplo Will ) Ilriirll till ) l.llht Stllgl ! to blK'CC mid 'I'llI'll Kuril , Exposition hall not only did not conlai enough seats but failed In standing room : well , for the Immense crowd attracted to tl last of Evangelist Mills'revival meetings 1 Omaha last night. I eng before the time si for the opening of the services tlio hall b gan to fill u ) ) and after 8 o'clock many po sons were turned away. It was , perhap the most successful meeting of the series i every way. Mr. llillis' solo was'It May Ho the l/i : Time , " which ho sang with feeling an pathos. Evangelist Mills chose his text from Dei tcronomy 1. , Ill : "And wo came to Kudos ! barnea. " The story of the lost tribe i Israel was used very effectively to Illustral how many people came very near roachii ; the "promised land" and then turn back I destruction. Kadchh-barnea , .Mr. Mills o „ plained , was the List halting place of Musi and his followers before entering Canaai At that place borne of the Israeliti became uneasy and doubtful ai : llnally decidedto turn back in' ' tlio wilderness toward Egypt. Tin had almost reached the promised laud , In through lack of faith and perversity tin turned back and were lost. Many men , sa Mr. Mills , reach the ICadesh-barnea point their lives. Some press forward cheerful and In full faith to thu haven of rest , whi others halt , question , lese ronlideneo ai then turn back , only to jneot annihilation. Kade.sh-barnea Is reached when a nu feels that ho should ackno\vlcd | Christ. Some people lack the mor courage to stand up In meetings ai nvow their faith , or their vanity clu-cl them , or their hearts cling to some seer vice or lust. These are the people wh reaching Kodcsh-barnea , turn bade Into tl wilderui'Mi of doubt and sin and are lost "fed ( . million. On this Idea , Mr. Mills built a strong ai touching sermon. Numbers of those preso wore greatly affected by Ills words , ai many stood up to Indicate ttieir " desire lead better lives. .Mcrtlnpi of I bo Merit. Several announcements for this week we made by Mr. Mills last night. This evenli the Hescue mission In the old I'coplo'b the ter building , will bo opened with a unl meeting of all t he. city churches. Tuesday ovenins there will bo union SH vices fur.tho Walnut Hill district in thu l-i avenue Presbyterian church. InallothurcJ churches there will bo services Tuesday ai 'Wednesday evenings , and in some the si Tict * will bo continued Thursday aud F lay. At the First Methodist church there vlil bo a meeting Thursday night. In Plymouth Congregational church there vlll bo services Wednesday night. Tomorrow afternoon at -I : ! iio'clock ) there vlll bo n mooting In the First Congregational hurch. After the mectinp In the old People's heater building tonight , an effort will bo nado to form a permanent organbntlon of he ushers who have assisted F.vangelist Mills during his revival. In the future there will bo dally noon iriyer meetings In the Young Men's Chris ian association rooms. Hev. Hoberts will onduct the meeting today. The services ire Intended for young business men and others who can spare a few minutes during the noon hour. SHOT IN THE ARM. lobn , liicl < inin : Slops ii llnllct Intended for Another Mil n. Hubert Parks the plumber Is confined in the city jail for shooting .lohn .lackman , at lJ ! : ! ) yesterday. Parks and Hody Uedmond had a few words n the barroom of the Lee hotel when Hed- nond struck Parks , whereupon the latter irew a gun ami fired at Hedmond , missing him and hitting .lohn Jackman In the right arm. arm.H was llrst reported that the man was not badly hurt , but later It was stated that thu liailliad struck the bone , glanced off , and iiuM not ho found by the surgeon. Parks Is usually a peaceable citizen , but If reports be true , was under the inlluenco of liquor yesterday. Jackman is an em- liloye of Cudahy's. Hedmond was not arrested for his part in the affair. Trephined u Sceond Tllllr. Dr. Berwick , assisted by medical student T. C. Marsh , performed the second operation of trephining yesterday on Clayton Symons , the la-year-old lad who had his skull crushed by a horse's hoof about three weeks ago. At the llrst operation two openings were made in the skull over the right eye , and yesterday two more were made , one in the center ami the other over thu left eye. A second opera tion was necessary for the reason that it was not safe to keep the little patient under the influence of the anesthetic a sufficient period of time to do it all at once. The danger of inflammation is thu only thing to be feared In the case. MiiuliTlly Nul- . Dr. Berwick will go to Kalamayoo , Mich. , next Friday to visit hi.s grandmother , who is b'J years old. Members of the local Masonic lodge and all resident Masons are requested to meet at Masonic hall at 1 o'clock this afternoon to attend the funeral of Thomas H. Hichardson , which takes place at ! i o'clock. The entertainment given by tlio Fourth ward school Saturday evening was quite a success , both as an entertainment and finan cially. Fourteen dollars was readied and will b < used for purchasing a snare drum for the school. Not from a lliitm'lul : Stundpnltit. " 1 do not recommend Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy from a financial standpoint , for wo have others in stock on whick wo make a larger profit , " says Al Magglnl , a prominent druggist of Braddoek , Pa. , "but because many of our customers have spoken of it in the highest praise. U'esell more of it than any similar preparation we have in the store. " For sale by druggists. , - rt - IAST : nit SOUTH J.llll tillWllllllHl ! KlllltP. The short linu to St. Louis iind quick est route south. Only If" hours to Hot Springs. Only ; > ' , ) hours to Now Orleans. Only ; ! S1 hours to Atlanta. Only 52 hours to Jacksonville. With corresponding fust time to all points oust and south. Hound Irij : tickets to Hot Springs , Now Orleans , Lake Charles , Galveston , San Antonio. City of Mexico , Los Angeles , Sun Fran cisco , Mobile , Jacksonville , Tampa , Ha vana and all the win tor resorts ot the south and west. Keolining cluiir cac * free to St. Louis , Toledo anil Detroit. Pullman buffet bleeping cars on all trains. Baggage checked from hotels nnd private residences to destination , For tickets , sleeping ear accommodation ; and further in format ion call at Wabasl ticket ollico , 1602 Farnam street , 01 write , G. N. CLAYTON' , Agent , Omaha. g - IIolidaygoodsFrbuzor , jow"ronp. p.o A ( 'iiril. Sarni OMAHA , Nob. , Doc. M , ISiG.- Oii the Cth day of October , 181)2 ) , 1 in surcil my dwelling house anil furnitun in Porous & Berry's insurance agonc.i of South Omaha , in the Delaware In suraneo company , and on December 10 . was unfortunately burned out. Upoi December 14 the full ainou.it of the los amounting to eight hundred and liftj dollars ( $8oO ) was paid to mo , and I taki this moans to advise my friends , ac quaintanees and the public to insure ii the above agency , thereby being sun of prompt and equitable settlement ii case ol an honest loss. Respectfully. RKN'ltV SCHUI.Z. - g ) Everybody oats oysters. Dealers car buy N. Y. Counts per can , ; ! 3c. Extra Selects per can , 2oc. Standards per can , 20c. favorites per can , Kic. Also bulk Standards , solid moats , ii wanted , anil celery from L'oc toluc poi hunch. Send vour Christmas orders al oneo to David Cole & Co. , "The AntiMonopoly - Monopoly Oyster House. " Goods the very boat. No firm allowed to undorKol us. , ' ! 1U So. 10th street , Omaha , Neb. The Gorman Savings bank is stll ! climbing their growth has been re' inarkablo. .lust think , the last bank o : twenty organized in the city. The lust published statements show thai they have passed twelve of the aides ! c tablishcd banks in the line of de posits. Now is the time to open iv savings account ; got ready for the World's fair , l.nw lliillni.ul ltale Tor thn llolliliiyN , Tickets on sale at one anil one-thin' faro for the round trip via. the Cliiciigc it Northwestern railway , December "I , 25,2(1 ( , ! ! 1 and January 1 and - ' , good re turning until January U. City tiolcol otlico 1401 Farnam Direct. G. F.'iwf , C. P , & T. A H. H. HITCH IK , General Agent. * Heal estate. bargains only. My word is good. W. G. Albright 621-2-3 N. Y. Life bid ? . t'uni | > loti > Xv Stui'K nl I'liniltnris All goods marked low In plain figures , UlIAS. SlIlVICllIUK Al CO. , 1200 , VMS and 1210 Jj'uruiun St. l < Yt9cong ! and interior tlouorutlnsr ; do sl iis and estimates furnishod. lletir Luhiuuiin , loUS DuiiL'Uis strpuU Holiday goodsFron/.or , jow'r , opp , p.o \V1LL \ RAISE THEIR WAGES Assistant General Manager Allen of the Rock Island Talks of iSo'Striko , WILLING TO TREAT WITH EMPLOYES Willie Ilin Order of Iliilltrny TrloRrnphers U Not llrM > Kiilrr < l on tlin Itnnd , the Operators Acliutlly I2tiitluj'e < l Mny I'rciiiiiit The strrke of tlio lloek Island operators nmy not prove successful , l ut thu men ami women on that railroad system who do their long distance miking In the tick-tack lan guage uro likely to have a now schedule , of wa es and other desirable concessions In the not distant future , The authority for this statement is no less a person than Mr. W. I. Allen , assistant general manager of the Hock Island. For the last two weeks Mr. Allen hasheon In flmrgu of affairs east of the Missouri growing out of fie strike , whllo Superin tendent Uiinlai ) lias hilil command of tlio campaign west of the river. The assistant general manager made hts headquarters in his special ear , which has been stationed most of the tlmo at Davenport , that being a strat egle point for both the Omaha and this Iv'ins.is City lines. Yesterday he came over to thu river to view the situation in this quarter and he was ac companied by Mr. A. H. Swift , superintend ent of telegraph. When seen by a reporter both gentlemen talked frankly of the events of the strike and with little show of bitterness. When asked if there was a possibility of treating with the strikers Mr. Allen replied : "The strike is over , everything is running smoothly and there is no occasion for nego tiations with strikers. When the self-ap pointed commltti'o of the Order of Hallway Telegraphers called on us wo knew from a canvass of our employes that It did not represent a majority of the operators. Wo declined to treat with Unit committee minor the circumstances , Imt at the same time wo sent our agents and operators a circular noti fying them that wo were ready to confer with a regularly appointed , truly representa tive committee at any date ID be named by them. The telegraphers of our system are now selecting delegates for such a confer ence , and they will be mot by the olllcials in a spirirof fairness. " Milling l Sign u Se.ile. " Is the company ready to make any con cessions t" was asked. "Tho officials have met the firemen , brakemen - men and other employes in conference and agreed on schedules , and \vo are ready to treat with the operators in the sumo man ner. The results of such a conference might not be accurately forecast , but here is a set of rules we drew up in anticipation of meet ing a committee of these employes. " I Hero Mr. Allen exhibited a printed sheet with about a do/.en rules. The first provided that no operator should be discharged with out cause , and if he thought he was wrong fully let out there was provision for taking his ease to superior officers and having a full wearing. Kmployes required to attend court hero to lie allowed full time. Overtime waste to lie paid pro ratn. Telegraphers wuro not ti > be discriminated against because they belonged to any order. Tlio minimum ol wages was to be $15 a month , except in those eases in which the company provided living rooms , lights and -fuel free , when the mini mum was to bo $40. ' Wo have about ! 200 stations , " explained Mr. Allen , "at which wo provide our tolegra pliers with living rooms ig.tho depot as well as fuel and light. The value of these per quisites wil.1 average ? IS a month , anil ii : some western states where the coal Is hlgli it will be nearer -0 , so that a $40 nun : would really bo getting the equivalent of $ , " > ; How does this compare with thedcmandh of the committee ? " "The committee asserted in tlio news papers that it asked for a minimum of S-iri : i month , but as a matter of fact tlio lowesf salary it demanded was iliO. Then it had n clause calling for an additional 6 per inontl. for putting out switch lights , and anothci providing for $1 per hour for over time. Tlu committee has made a list of all the offices on the system and put opposite each the sal ary demanded. " Suys tlio Ol-ilrr Aslinl Too .Much. And hero Mr. Allen displayed a type written document which he said was a copj of the committee's list. The salaries rangei from i' > 0 to sluO per month , the latter foi dispatchers. ' Mow much of an increase did the committee mitteo ask for ! " ' queried the scribe , "We figured that the advance demanded would average about 40 per cent over tin entire system , " said Mr. Allen. "Thu wages of the operator in tlio general ofllco al Omaha was raised from fill ) to t'.IO , at Conn cil HlutTs from jGO to * MJ , at Albright fron 7,1) to & 0 , at b'outh Uend from Sou to 0.r plus the $3 for putting out the. switch lamps our Denver ollico a young lady had expresses hetself as satisfied with her $ ( V ) salary , be cause it was moro than she could make al anything else , but the committee proposes to raise it to ' .K ) . At Colorado Springs then Is a bright young fellow who has the mate rial for a good operator , but he is only 1(5 ( 01 17 years old. Tlio committee raised his scali from $0(1 ( to $100 and that for the night mat at the same point from flW to J'.tU. ' These an fair samples of tlio unreasonable advanci proposed by the committee , not to mcntloi $1 an hour for extra time , free pas -es foi families and other burdensome rules , anil 1 think : business men would be stunned by anj Mich demand from their employes. " "There have been conflicting reports , Mr Allen , about the extent of the strike. Him you any objections to stating how many inei actually went out ; " " 1 thiuk ! WO would bo an outside figure , ' ho answered without hesitation , "and wi had ( > : ) employes in that branch of thu scr vico. Not one of the fifty-two dispatcher ! went out. Wan Xnl Kr ) > iTj'Mlith ; ( ' . "You said the late committee did not rep resent your employes fairly. " "Wo interviewed .ri7. > of our telegraphers and iiU'J ' of them signed memorials stating that they did not wish to lie. represented by a committee of the Order of Hallway Teleg raphers. We ottered to treat with that committee if it could show that It was authorised to represent a majority of our men , and wo gave It a week in which to get such authority , but it failed to no so. " What about the report of an tinusua number of accidents ! " "That is nn outrageous falsehood eircu lated by the strikers to injure the company I am prepared to say truthfully that then have been fewer accidents on our road din ing the past ten days than for any othei like period during the past two yearn This is probably duo to the fact that all em ployes are taking extra precautions to prevent vent thum. There has been only one ucci dent during thu ten days and that was ; broken wheel on a tea train. There havi a No been reports of blockades. Why , las Sunday , when Ihn strike was supposed to lit at Its worst , twenty-two fiibl freight tralni passed Davenport , including nine stocl trains from the Indian Territory , and the ; worn in Chicago in time to unload the i.-attli ut 8 o'clock Monday morning. It is nisi untrue that wo have been sending train : over tlio Northwestern and other lines. " "Have the strikers shown any violence o : damaged any property' " "Tho only damage , I think. " replied Mr Allen , "has been the cutting of wires in 11 vi ak'mg The only Pure Cream of Tartar 1'owiler , No Ammonia ; No Alum. Uied iu Millbas of Homes 40 Years the Standard * or six jilnrps. In' , some cnscs the Strikers have IntliiiUlntxxl operators whom they coiilil not roax .ifom their Ue.v.i. Alwwt Ill- Icon have been , csijoleil nml hiilllotl to quit. Sonin oWene ilotlors hnvo been sent to faithful fenmlo apcratoi-s with the pur | ose. 1 snpitose , ot > nl ( < irnillii ( ; them. Koine of those have irnclittl the ofllclals tln-oucjli rcl- utlvea nf the jTiiuif ; women ntiil have been hiuuloil over in trtncloKam forinvestlfriitlon. " "Hrlelly. then. Mr. Allen , what Is the situation - ation at present ( " I > rrylliltin Hiiiiiilne ; Smoothly. "Within u few days after the strllto was onloreil wo hutltmoro teletiraiihers than we tiectlwl. Wo iwiw have , a number of extra men at distributing points roaily to po out at n moment's notloe to take the plnee of any employo IIM weak-kneed to hold his plaoe npntnst the iileadln s or the threats of the strikers. We have huil the pick of a laive number of men nnd have a bettor force than two weeks apo. Kver.v oflieo but one east of the Missouri is lllleil , and that is the yard oflleo in Council niufl's. which we have decided to abandon. West of the river only three olliros , and those in the Indian Terri tory , wore unsmiplied this inonilnjr. We have been thinking of closing those oftlces. " "Are you tukliu ; hack any of the strikers"1 "I-'rom sixty to seventy-live of the Mtviklnp teleprrnphria have been reinstated. Those are llrst-class men. with families , whom we have reason to think have learned a lesson and will be faithful to the company. " "Von mltfht say , " added Mr , Swift , "that , with the exeeptkin of dispatchers , we novel ask him whether lie belongs to the Order ol H'.itlway TclojnMpliers or any other orgaui/a- lion.Vo do not question their ripht It organlrc. We do make that distinction wllli ilisiiatehers , because they ha\e operators lliuier them and It would impair the dlS' ciplino If they all beloiiKcd to tlio same organization.1 You don't want a torpid liver ; you ilon't want a bad complexion , you don't want a bad breath ; you don't want a headache. Then use Do Witt's Uttlo Early Hlsurs , thu famous little pills. Holiday goodstiYciizor , jow'r , opt ) , p.o. Water routs duo .lunuury 1 , paysiblo nt company's oflieo , Bicn tiiihlini ; ; < 5 per cunt uiscount allowed It psiid on or be fore January I. Ollleo open Wednesdays und Siiturduys till S p. m. See the eolobnited Sohmcr piano at Ford As Oliarlton Music Co. , leOS Dodge. Which would you rath er have , if you could have your choice , transparent skin or perfect features ? All the world would choose one way ; and you can have it measurably. If you use Pears' Soap and -Live wholesomely j otherwise , you will have the best complexion Na ture 'has Tor you. All sorts of stores sell it , especially druggists ; all sorts of people use it. If von hive CIniinl'nes ' ! recldus Is iioxt your f'ion It , to Uirty. Godliness. How to Cure Freckles IN 3 DAYS. MME. M. YALE'S LR PREGKLfl WILL DO IT. Plncotho hoclnnlneof the n-o-lil pretty fucai Iriva been Hpollod with frockhttt anil thn most ljtautU\i cumpluiloii.t hliljun up by those un-mnly blomlshuj , LA FRECKLA In tlin onlr curn ever known. Illtrovcrcil hy MM ( M. VAI.i : , the ivnrl.l.fiunoil HiMinty anil ( ' ( iiMpluxlon fpoclall't. Mnui. Vnlii hus t runicI rruwnoil hoail of Kiirnpu. Imlh-siil the Whltu linu.is. an I ( lie celeb rities ol the world. Write her In conihlcnco. Shu can make you bcaiitltul. She can iiiukn yon yiinnu iiKiiln. Turn cray Imlr tu Its natural color. Nodyi : ii-etl nothliiK bni niodlcine. lie can ili'vclop your huNt.tlll out your sunken chf't , cure you ol any V.U' ] bloiulsh. tft'inl lor her lainous Itt'ituty ItooK. it wll b < i mailed 3011 free. All ot Mine. \ ale's reineile ) < \slll he shipped you from < hlcuuo , or you can ie ! thc.m from your uru tflst. He will net Ilium lor you Ootiyonr < 1ruiKl t on Monday anil net ft bottle nl l.n Frnekla. t.the U homo aud apply itacroMliu U illroollons on .MondayTuesday unit Wednesday , nn 1 on i5uiuliiy > on will not have iv treckle. Votircoiiv ple.lonrill ho 114 perfect as when u llttlu baby. Thli Uubsolutuiy Hue. I'll Mme. M. Yale's Temple of Beautj HGSIaloSt. , CAUTION. KBNXKUV'S Are NhVKIl Sold IN HULK , ONLV IN BOTTLES WITH TIIADE M llKLAHHLi CURB A newanj complrtu treatment. conihallni ; of Sup pniUorkulntwoot in Capiiilori , ulxj In tioi inn I'llln. A posltlvocuru lor Kil.-rniil , Inturnul , mini iiiu'utuu.1 I'r Kiilin A Co.i . solo i rner Ulli u'l ' I im in 4t * tuts Dunlin Nub. ARE TROUBLING YOU ! W I'll , conic nd have them DX j.uim I Ujr oar optlfln- reeuf rharue , unl. If no > siry. title I lth u ' patrol ourl'KIIKH.ll'IHNM'KOJ'AOl.Kiur KVH li'l.A H MlHid ; ki'it In the World II youilonot iifol ilii > < 4u < wu will < ll you no undiilviiu ym whHt to do. liol.l M'KOTAUI.KS or KVK DIMSSKS I'ltWM ti , ' I'l' I'luln , inuike , bliio or irhUuKlmsuj , for | > rulectln.-tlu urea , Iruin 6'Ju u pair u p. & Bro.Co Max Meyer , . Jewelers and Opticians. Faruaiu uuU I'moouiSUuut Both the mcthptl nnil results xvlicu Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant nnd refreshing to flio taste , and ncta Emily yet promptly on the Kidneys , ivcr and Bowels , cleanses the sys tem cfl'ectually , dispels colds , head aches and fevers and cmvs habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced , pleasing to the taste nnd tic- ceptahlo to tlio stomach , prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects , prepared only fro'n the most healthy and agreeable substances , its many excellent qualities commend it to all nnd have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in COc and SI bottles by all leading' drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it. lo ) not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FIIANCISCO , C4L. LOUISVILLE , KY. HEW YORK. N.Y. BOCTOH , : McGKJEW. 1 n treatment of nil forms ot IJlseases. Anil nU Weakness inn ) Dlsor.ler of V ! " " ' ' lll ! ; ! of foiiniKp. Ambition anil VIi - i tullty. Kiizliteen ycuis ot tlio tuost ru- ir.nrkublu Mic-i-L'HS In the treatment of thH cliv s ( if illM'ni-08. which Is proven by th universal toMlmo- ny ut thoiisnmlt who Inivo been cureil.Vrltutor circulars nml qiivhtloii l 1'Sitli null I'nriittiii OimiIiiiVof : - T'll IS - Ladies' ' Perfect SYRINGE. 1 lie only perfect rngln.il nnil rictul 5)rliio ( In the norhl It Is the only Syrlnpo ev er Invented hy which VIIRI- nJi.'CtlQiis , . : m by ,1,1 lsu-reil without lenk- Ineuna Bolllnu the cloth- Ini ! or nccesiltiulni : tlio use of u vusiH'l , ami which ran also lip. used lor rectal Injection * or Irrigation. t-OKT ltrilii-il HIJUt ASP n A ii u uuniiuu Price S3.QO. Mi'.ll onli-rifollcllpil. TheAIoe&PenfoldCo , , Jinili S/roef , NK.VI' TO I'OsTOrriCK. I'liyMi'liuib' pie erlitlon3 | accurately prepared at low prices. Omaha's Newest Hotel COR. 12TI1 AND HOWARD STS. 40 Itocmis nt f..M per day. 10 Knows nt fl.O'J ' per day. SOltroms null Until at ( J.U ] pcnl.iy. BO Rooms n Ith llath ut i3 9 to } I.W per ilny. AUGUST 1st Alnilurn In I\IT.V : ICi > Mii > rt. > 'ly I'nriils C. S. ER3 , Prop. PAIINAM ST. , Hotwcon loth and 10th Streets. W. A , PAXTON , JR. , PROPRIETOR Ilavlns nssiitnoil tlio inaiincaincnt of the Morclnuith1 Iliitol , I will in.il.o mirh Improve- ninnts and uliunicc IIH will niako this liuiisa onuuftlioliostitt wlik'li tostop In Omaha. Tliurciinlroinonti mil wtiim nf ull iiutron will liu earefullv illtunilfil to Huln 11,01 I'ontrnlly littMtuil Uns holol oll'on .siL'lal ] ut truutloiis In Iho travollii' pnhili' , A contluu nnuoof Its rormcrllburnl | i.trouiin : : Is ro.pu ct fully iisUoil. W. A. I'AXTON.JR OMAHA , Doe. I , IsJi IBU uruvo trouble the foro- riliinor of Hint Uroad fuu , - Consumption , SPECIFIC OXYGEN- a liroiithiiii ; In'.atmi.'nt , Is u Klml hiirpr.bu to tlio nnxioiit _ RiilTuror.wliom It iv Moves with lluino ( iuiiuriitur tin ) ilrst iuhnliitiou , anil IMIIOS , really euro * In a brief apurc , ut homo. 1OOOO INTELLIGENT PEOPLE lisivc losorlcd to It , and OIMT "OXYGEN BOOK , " V'ruu , tcllH of ihulr experience. THE SPEGIFIG OXYGEN GO , , Sulto.rjlO lioely BhlK , Onmliii. DR.R.W , BAILEY Toftli Filloa With out Pain l y tlij IjiltB-itlllVUH- Uun. Tooth Extracted Without Pain or Dnngor. A I'ull Set of Teclli on Kuliber for $5.01. $ 1'iTfoi-L lit Rimnmtueil Tct-tli oxtrautoil In the inunilni : . c T onus liiacitoJ In tliu evouliu ul u t > day. i-i'U H'OC Inicni of licni'ivnl'lo IlrliUo. Mlastlo I'lnt'j. Ftaiinrliii | > iinuf Fleiillilo All v\urU nurnuiloil n > I0irosoiilcil. | Office Third FloorPaxton Block , 'Jclcplioni ! HISJ ] i ; | | | unit I'lirnani Hts. Tuie vlnvator ut ttalnvay fium lutli M cnlriii "rlfpA"TABULEF. > < V" > tp5 ! . tliu i-ioiuiu'h.lltvr nUT.o > la. rurJ-g S If thu li' oil , rf ito mul ttli iu l | J line bctl nntllruie Knuwufor tllmui- ' h "ailarlie , l < ul llmrii , ( c' ' < t o ' > * * < ' * does JuMvunt ftir C.lirlstiniis ? Thill's tlic question that ugltittuH the feminine iniiul tltrougluitit this broiul liuul Unlay , mill , In truth , tluit sanio iniiul nitlicr enjoys tlio ugitntidii. It Is pleasant this plan ning ami scheming ; this making-ami liuyinp ami hiding awny In dark nooks and forbidden rooms these Christmas nifts , till tha all eventful day. Hut we all enjoy It we men as well. What a man want ? That's the poser. There's hundred's of things yon can buy for boys and trls ! and school friends and sisters aiut mothers and wives but a man-he's so dllVcrent. "There's si > few things that a man wants that don't cost a fortune , " says ono woman who's all tired out shopping Hut she's wrong. If your particular "he" is a republican , buy him an umbrella ( he'll ueod "protection" ) . We've all sorts line to S1.50. Then likes slippers every man does likes to put 'em on and put lite feet up hif-her than his head-and pull'a f-ood cigar iU c to ! & 1.S'0 > ( that's the price of the slippers1. Then men like to be "colluYed" by a pretty woman , and they even enjoy it If they're "culled" b'y one. IJest all linen collars or culls 'J5c a pair. Then if he's a drcat . . . fll . V .MM- * MI.M blow buy him handkerchiefs -plain or fancy Be lOe 15c 20c 25C. We to call your attention to a hundred do/.cn full si/.e linu .Japanese * silk hemstitched haiulkcrohicfs the fifty-cent Uhul at 2Sc each. Then there's neckwear a safe think to "tie"'to , always. Aside from the old standby shapes at Inc 'Jne U5c we show elegantly gotten up scarfs at 'ISc ( iSc 75c ! )0c ) $1.00. Then there's snfc pendors. Aside from regular H ' HS ! , ( Inc to 75cvc ) show novel * ties designed especially Christmus in silks ami satins all colors plain or embroidered the finest goods made in individual boxes $1.00 to $2.25. Thcro'a ( loves and mittens mufflers ISc to $ ' 2.00 an especially attractive line of handsome colors in cashmere and cra/.y cloth at 50. : . Then there's jewelry culV buttons , lever or link watch guards scurf * pins studs buttons and so on. Our corner window with each at > ticle marked with its price tells you where to buy your "malo" presents for OPEN TILL 9 P. SATURDAYS , IO P. M. FOR THE PURPOSE OF COMPLETING THE WOBLD'S FAIR TOWER , NOW IN COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION , The Worlds' Fair Tower Company No\v olTors nn issue of Ji.ilOO allures of 10 iuiitil ! : stocK ai p'H' , full-til ] ) : ( anil noli assessable. The uiiilil ! ] : stoi-lc is $2,000.- 000. ( lividotl into liO,000 shares of $100 eiiuh. Outside of this isRiio n coiiaulonible portion of the capital t-toclc IUIH al randy licoii allotted to the sue < Tibors. This ishiio is now oll'crod to the public , and the subscription hook's are upon at the ollico of R 1) . Muir. Boo IHiiluiny , Oma ha. Nob. , anil will oloao on tlio 121th day of December , IS- ! ) , all ! o'clock p. in. Subscriptions will bo payable as fol lows : " > 0 per cent on application. UO pur cent on allotment. 10 per cent 00 iliiys nftor allotment. ' All pavmunts to bo made to Chnrl'Ss I * . KnMon , "Trustee. ' Allotments will bi made immediately after the close of ttitJ Bulcrijtion ) books. The right is reserved to reject nny subscription inhole or in part. If any subscription is wholly rojpcled th < 5 amount deposited , on application , will be returned , if only a part of the amount applied for by the applicant ie allotted to such applicant the surplus ) amount paid on application will bo ap plied on the sums duo under the allotw inoiit. PREFERENCE n the alloltnont of share * to nppUeinU will bJ given in the order of thu receipt of uch apnlication by the iiuthorl/.o i agent of the comnany namud. - CONSERVATIVE ESTIMATE OP EARNINGS. Passengers per hour 10,000 Allowing 10 hours per day , equals ] ? , ! ' ! , ! At CO cun la for ouch passenger on mils , pur day SfoU.OUU IMHlnys that the Fair will bo open equals * J,000,000 Kovciiuo from concessions tind smlo of Souvenir Hook and Modal of the Tower , owifcd by the Tower Company 400,000 $ ! ) , -100,00 ( > ESTIMATE OP EXPENSES. Operating expenses for the ISO days ? HJt.OOl „ 2J per cunt ot gross onrnings ( * ! l , 100,000) ) to bo paid to the World's Columbian K.Nportion 2i5i,000 ! ) $2.703,009 Deducting thin from the groM receipts nivoa ( M5U7,000 Kqiiivalont to ! ' , : U nor cent on tlio entire capital of the company of $ li,000,000 The ofllcoiM of the World's Kaliohlliiuitot.lwt the daily admissions to the Fair will rise above 200,000 people. Our capacity for carrying uassoii'orri { In our Ploo- trie Oars in maldiif. aseousloiifl and deseontioiia of the TOWKU in 12,000 people per hour , nnd wo coiilldontly couiitou lO.OOJpor hour. Tblswill bj found a inodorato estimate when duo repaid is had to the nttrac-tivoiicja J of the TOWKU and tha UAHH experience iillordod by n trip to the top. The TOW UK i located opposite the WOMAN'S nillLDINO , nt the Hustora Kntranco of the MlinVAY I'LAIbANCK in the WORLD'S KAIUCiHOL'.NDS. Kuoli pot-son , in milking tlm ascent and dosceiit of the TOWKU , gain" u view of the entire KXI'OSITlON IHULDLNHiS , , , . , , , - The TOWFil Is ovotSOU feet high and 210 fojt In cUmnotor. U ro.julros . nlno complete turns to roach the top , the [ jrado boiiiu' oijhtpor conln rldo of two mllo9 in inakiii" the iiscunt nnd dancunt ; n iiis-quoiilly , nhio dllTurunt pictures urn observed - served ofilio WOKU'S ) KAIJUmoUN US us thu iiscontU mado. A view from the OI5SKHVA I'OHV KLOOK not onlv i-'lvos the vast I'uiior.-nn.i nt vo-ir feet , but iil'oclvos the " ou'-iMphical posilior of tli WORLD'S KAIK 1UTI LDINCiS , HO that nftor making ttio ascent ol the TOWKU uuy porsoa can go un-'uidedfi-om bmldlnif l ° the intention to Imvo two F1T.L HANDS on the On.SKUVATOHY FLOOK-A UUAHS HAND and a ( JOMI'IJOTK STJUNO OUC'llKSTUA which will plav ullcrimtdv from Uio opoiilni , ' ( I HH > FAIR in the morning untu the ' clprfa nt night. AnOUC'HKsrKA will ubj ! bu localea in tlio oontor of the gro ttl'OWbll RKSTAUUANT at tlio bottom. THE WORLD'S FAIR TOWER COMPANY. WILLIAM IIAMI'DKN JOII.VS'J'ONK , I'roiitdont and General.Miinugor. ' ' ' " TnVM'wcKoJVn'i NKxr'Vsb' UK AUVANCKD TO 20 PKU 'CKNT J'UKMJUM. AXU SlTHSKiJIJKNT ISStJIW FUKTHKU INCUKASiiD AB THHTOWKK APlMtOACIIF.S CO.MI'LKTIO.V. Money may bo eont by Uogistovod Letter , Postolllco Money Order , Lxp resg Draft , or Hanli Cashior'sX/heulf. For further information addrcBs or call upenD D , MUIRBee Bi 1704 Farnam Street , OMA.HA"Nnild. Agent for the Vv orld's Fait1 Tower Company. Call and sea Arohltoot/B Pinna