THE OMATTA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , TWRMBKH 10 , 1892 , PULSE \VESTE1W \ PROGRESS Idaho Literally the "Gem of the Moun tains" THE SNAKE RIVER DIAMOND DIGGINGS , Ihrr I'cirr | | ( iii I'roitiirco Inilmtrhil 1'nr- nly U In \ rtinliiWyiiinliiKN In Irrlgnllmi llniir Miiiiiniirjr uf Nortlmrtt Now * . The Id > ho diamond dlRtfitiRS over shadow in public interest the gem fioldH of Montana , Report * from the locality on siuik" river in Ada county are of the usual mining rump kind much excite ment uwl an influx of prospectors. The disco'-crv was mndo a month ago by a party f s-irvnyors who were at work on the si to of it proposed dam , near the niniMh of the Hrunoan rivor. Suspecting that the peculiar tones which they had \inunrtlinl were either opalH or poms of j cvuti tfr'"itnr value , the ontfincora coin- imimenii'd with friends in Portland , Ore , to whom tlioy forwarded half a do/.on Hoorunons. The Portland people Were assured by two reliable jewelers that Urn stones were diamonds. fiii.-i'iil local jewelers have pro- lioun > 'ud llio rough atones submitted to t'noir inspection ( /onuino diamonds. Many of thorn nro of the purest water , nnd onn man who lias visited South Africa declareR that the lormation of Iho poll in which the Idaho gems are imbedded is oxnctly of the sumo nature ds that of the Kimberly diamond fields. Loss than six months ago viilimblo do- VonltM of lire and ttillic opals were dis covered near Caldwi-11. The locators of the nidiiy claims hnvo already sold thousands of dollars' worth of rough POIIIH , and reminiscences of this fortu nate discovery have surved to intensify the exiting diamond excitement. 'J lie prosi-nt is not the first discovery Of diamonds in Idalio. A story possess- im. ' the lionry earmarks of tradition liaa it that the name of the Plato originated Jn some inaniier from the brilliancy of the quart/ crystals found by the Indians in various localities' . Idah'o is the In dian for " ( iom of the Mountains. " In the shining light of the present dis coveries the name IB decidedly appro priate The signillcanco of the title wnu known at the christening , but its application by while men was not due , nssomo declare , to diamond discoveries in tlio early days. Thirty-ono years ngo prospecting parlies senrchod the locality for gold , but wore not successful. Ono James "Wilson wns attracted by the bril- lianc.v of the crystals found on the river bunk. Not knowing their value ho paid little attention to them , though lie kept a Tow for pocket pieces , Two years later , after Idaho Wis segregated from Washington , Wil- 6011 met ( iovernor Lyon and "exhibited the crystals. Lyon told Wilson what limy WITH and took six of thorn to New York , wlicro they sold for $12,000. Soon lifter Wilson and a partner started out for the diamond Holds , but were drowned by the capsi/ing of a boat on Snake river in July , ISM. As far as known only , ono of the men who With Wilson visited the locality in 3SOI is now livng | Colonel I ) . II. t'agus of San Francisco. Last year Fagus Boeured the services of an African uia- jnoml expert and started for the Idaho diggings , hut on the way the expert died sii'ldenly. ' After thirty odd ye.irs cf unbroken ' repose the. existence'of crude brilliants in Idalio is again brought to light. In n phort time the value of the find will bo determined. llnnl Tlini-H In Nmmlx. Iii an interview in San Francisco Oov- cinor C'olcord of Nevada confirms the reports of general depression in the Btato "It is all true , " bo says , "and I jimy add thai wo have not now a divi dend imying silver mine in Nevada. Not ono of the Conistock mines is pay ing The Consolidated Virginia lias not l > aid u dividend for five or BIX. months. It is taking out $00.000 or $70,000 c month , but fho expenses are more than this. Many mines are not working at all. Ilicro are no additional expenses cither , and no holding over of dividend ! purposely. The situation is this : Will bilver reduced to between eijrlity-llvi nnd eighty cents , as it lias boon latch and is now , they cannot work the mine : nt n Diolit with the low grade of ores of which wo havo'inany. Silver nt MICH uriccs cms both ways. Wo will have U Jind a higher grade of ere or coast mining. " ' 1 lie county of Lincoln , Nov. , is in f wroU-iu-d llnancial ulight. It lias i judgimnt for $110,000 banning over it iilhrmod by the United States supronn court , and must devise some way of pay intr or dihiiosiiig of it. To pay it ol hand , so a local newspaper says , "wouli nbdori ) ail the properly in the county. ' To rnibo the interest on now bonds" i the creditors would accept them , wuuli incnn tin inoiotibe of the tax rate to C ; l > or cent , or $ .Vi on every $1,000. Virginia City at ono Unio containoi 0,000 people and the annual output o mineral readied into the millions. A present the population is 7,000. Mine formerly paying magnificent dividend nra t mining behind now. Tho. quart jnillt ) on the Carson river , when silvo was nt par , ran U28 ere stamps , oacl with a capacity of throe tons of ere i day. Now there are but sixly-oigh Rtainns in operation and those are no running to tliolr full oapn'cily. Thuro- hardly enough bullion ti keep the Carson mint in operation , am Nevada's Munll towns nro being dc Boned. There are hundreds of claim that could bo made to pay if silver wor nt par , but so long as it is depressed n it is at present the owners can only hoi on to them in hopes that rodomptio will come. lilillui Srln'Mii' . A syndicate of wealthy men have m dertakoii a gigantlo improvement syi ' turn in Ada county , Idaho. It is th'ul purpose to reclaim over HOO.OOO acres ( ( Insert Imid and to make possible for th first time the washing of the vast goli laden snivel and sand bars of the grcr Snnko river valley. These bars bavin been left high and dry by the or-atl waters of the river hnvo never boo worked save upon a very small scab the miners llmling it impossible to ge water upon the ground , It has boo fully demonstrated that the bai abound wiili gold , and as soon as wate is obtainable great activity is antic pated in mining circles. Th'o com pan will build a dam across Snnlto river i Hod Trail falls , about forty miles froi Boise and. Blartlng from this point , wi construct a canal over 100 miles 1 length , The canal will bo seven foot i depth and forty-eight feet In width on Hi bottom nnd seventy-four fool across tli top , it will C.UTJ 16,000 miner's inclu of wilt or , to bo used by irrigntors iui miners , nnd its surfiico will never free- over. The hoadgnto of the canal wi bo located in Owyheo county , but tl water will bo brought into Ada count through an aqueduct 1,700 feet in longtl that will cross the river at an nltitiu of 100 loot. The water that llowi ovi thodnm will furnish wixlor power uf- flctunt to gonornto electricity for gonsrnl use In Ntunpa , Silver City , Dclamar and the surrounding country. The total of the great work will bo $750,000. Wlillo the reclamation of so much dcsort land Is of the greatest importance to Idaho , the resumption of mining along the Snnko river will probably make moro stir In the world. Kxport minors say bars of the great river hold hundreds of millions ol the purest gold , and nt the present time men who work the ground on the smallest scale and In the most primitive manner innUo good wages. The now compnnr will looito much placer ground and will sell water to olhor locators. . riimnrr" . The report of the slate auditor of Wy oming for Iho fiscal year ending Sep tember 'iO , 1H)2 ! ) , shows the state treas ury to bo veil supplied with cold cn h. The balance amounts to $11-1,089. Taxes amounting to $15,5I0.20 ! are In arrears. The chief delinquent isl.uramio county , which is behind to the extent of $8- S7il8. ! Uintn is next , with $1,701.01 In- dobtotinoss. Among the chief oources of Iho state tax , railroads iJ7,480iM.OI : , lands and improvement1) $0,000.293.10 , town lots and Improvements S5fiO- ! ) 45M.OS , cattle 8-1,051,370 , make up the moro considerable part of the $3i-,2.)7.- 500.HI , at which Iho valuation of the slate is placed. Compared with 1801 , tlioro Is shown a not loss In property valuation of ? 27S , < )00. ) 1. Cattle , horses , merchandise and carriages show the chief falling olT. while railroads , lands ( ranch ) , lown lols , sheep , moneys and crcdils and larming utensils show nearly us largo an increase. The coun ties Hint fahow a lessoned valuation are Converse , Carbon , Johnson , Lnrnmio , L'inla ana Weston. 'rriM ; | mrtxlli : > u In n DI-HIT ! . The first successful borings for artesian water in the heart of the Colorado desert have just boon coin ploted by the Southern Pacific com- mny. There were made at Walters , a valor tank station on the railroad , vhleh is only twelve miles west of ) allen , the scone ofHlio Hooding of the lesort from the overflow of the Col- orailo river two years ago. Walters is 00 miles west of Yiima , and is 11)5 ) foot > ROW the level of the sea. The wells liivo been sunk 'ISI ! feet , and a How of ) ,000 gallons of pure water an hour has icon obtained. If others prove equally successful , not only will Iho problem of supplying locomotives with water bo solved , but , the whole country can bo converted into a garden , us the land is extremely fertile with irrigation. All lrrliitliiii | Knur. The Irrigation Ago utters a lurid oar because farmers in the western counties of Kansas and Nebraska , lushed with an abundance of natural noislure during the past two seasons , are disposed to ignore irrigation as n necessary factor in llioir prosperity. The Ago avers that the hard lessons of experience in that section are written in the tears of women and children. There is no bettor country , ' * it de clares , "than these western counties of Kansas and Nebraska , provided water can bo had for irrigation. Hut it is monstrous that men should settle on them again for dry farming , in dollanco of experience , and lhat they should iirimro irrigation as the vital fnclor in the case. " The farmers in the vicinity of Ong have organized an association lo build nn elevator. Hroifon Bow citi/ons will raise a col lection of grain and other farm products to send to the World's fair. A band of Salvationists lias boon bo- soiging ilolslcin and will build a per manent mission hall there. The nextconvontion of thoCass Coun ty Christian Hndenvor couioty will bo bold at Weeping Water , March 0. A piece of wire fence Hew up and struck a 5-yoar-old Ctiming county boy in the eye , destroying his sight. The llnrtington Nonpareil-Democrat will cense to oxibt Ibis week and will bo succeeded by the Ilartlngton Loader. C. II. Barnard of Table Hook drove a horse into an unused well and the animal had to be killed before it could bo drawn to the surface. December ! ! 1 Crete will vote on the pioposition of issuing $30,000 in bonds to purchase the water works plant now the properly of a corporation. The Falls City Journal is twenty-live years old and notwithstanding Kditor Kdgccombo's nflliution with total blind ness it is one of the brightest papers In the stnte. Kov. G. F. Deal resigned the general agency of York college a few days ngo , but the board of truslees almost forced him to re'buino his duties and ho is no\\ til work again for the institution. An educational rally was hold at Me- Cook Wednesday night in IhoMolhodir , ! church to discuss the feasibility of local- Ing1 a MethoiUst university at this place , Chancellor Croightuu-and some others in authority were in ntlondnnco ant ! made speeches. The Nebraska Soldiers' association has elocled the following ollicors lor the en suing year : Dr. A. Ijowon , president Louis Liillin , vice president ; J. Q. Goss secretary ; T. J. Majors , treasurer ; Job i Ciillesplo , color bearor. Next winter1 ! meeting will bo hold at Omnha. Tin place of holding the summer inouliiij. lias not been llxed. The II. k M. has expended over $100 , 000 at Seward in changing its line , nov buildings , etc. , during the past summo and fall. II paid out about $30,000 fo right of way through the city , built nov lines for belli the Nebraska railway am Iho A. AN. . A line now steel brldgi wns put in across ttie Blue , west of towi for the Nebraska railway and a nov wooden bridge for Iho A. it N. A nov passenger depol , a largo now frolgh house- and now water tank have booi pul in within two blocks of the publi square. The coming session of the Nobrnsk Teachers' nssociation nt Lincoln Docoin bor 27 , 28 and 29 promises to bo the bcs of the tvvonty-se'ven annual mooting.- Many now features have boon introduced ono of the most plonbing huintr dcsi nnled as "Hound Table Conferences. ' The program is mi extensive ami inlet oallng one. The usual arrangements fo reduced rates of fnrn and board hav been made. The county which present nnd enrolls the largest porconlngo of it teachers who nro actually engaged Ihi vear in the school room. It wns wo Inst year by Nemahn county. Lancasto county nol to compote except fur honoi able mention. t I Mnitli Dakiitii , : J The tin mill at Uarnoy Peak is worli hit : ninoolhly. TwoBinollors nro among Iho indui trial certainties In Spoarllsh next yoai A sixty-stamp mill will lie ready ft'al iho Keystone mlno early I January. The Dally Ilornld of Rot Springs hn come tio'vn to the size of the town b issuing weekly only. The boundary line between Soul Daicuta nnd Nubmsku is to bo markc with 000 blocks of Jasper atone from th Sioux FulU quarried. They will co from $0 lo$10oi\eh , mnldtiff n tola ! of > SpORrfish Is confident that both the Burlington nnd Klkhorn rends will build to the town early next year. Samples of the nlcklo discovered In the southern hills show from 6 to 16 per contof metallic nickel and about $10 In gold. The divorce Industry nt Yankton Is looking up , but Sioux Knlls Is still the fashionable Mecca of the matrimonial misfit. President Goad of the Dondwood it Western road returned to the Hills with n long roll , and Is cancelling back duos. Work on the rend will bo re sumed as soon as the weather will per mit. WyilllllllK. Wyoming has a political paradox. The slalo has Iwo governors and is with out a governor. A cloud of birds perched themselves on a bunch of telegraph wires in Lnra- mlo. The weight broke the wires. The Wyoming nnd Colorado Gas nnd Oil company proposes to spend consider able money developing Us properly In Conlral Wyoming. Koporls from Iho Lnplnla district are flalloring. The Molly Gibson yields $ SO ere and Iho Lucky Star product runs lo ? 00 per Ion. Olhor mines show up profitably and considerable develop ment work is going on. A man with a creat head suggests a solullon of Iho fuel problem for Lnrnmio , which would also prove a body blow lo thu coal combine. 11 is the building of a plug railroad to Woods' Landing , where Ihoro nro 5,000 acres of Iho finest fuel limber In iho world. Lnramto looks on the suggestion with favor , but as yet the plug road project Is largely atmospheric. rtiih. Salt Lake Is about to invest $25,000 in a jail. The Utah Mining campanv has paid SI 15,000 in dividends. A lalo strike in the Ada mine at Fish Springs yields 214 ounces of silver and OOJ per cent load. The Salt Lake lion story strengthens the suspicion that the author of Idaho's wlord sea serpent yarns has sollled in /Aon. Aon.A A lediro of gold-bearing ere twelve feet thick was tapped in the Hob Hey In the Newton district. The district is full of prospectors. Contracts have been signed whereby the Central Pacific shops are to be moved to Ogden. The buildings will cost $ oOO,0)0 ( ) and will employ COO men. The first of Salt Lake's batch of pub lic ccbools. for which 8100,000 in bonds were voted , wns dedicated last week. It was appropriately named the Lin coln. In bis annual report , Secretary of the Interior Noble gives the value of the product of iho mines of Ut.ih in 1S01 as 812,2.10,885. This estimate is regarded as too low. For the year 1S02 , although there lias boon less apparent activity , it is lilcely that production will exceed the figures quoted by at least $2.000,000. lilllhll. James A. MeFndden's mine on Kstes Mountain , Custer county , yielded $00,000 this year. Four thousand dollars' worth of dressed meat was roasted in a slaughter house lire in llniloy. Capital is going into Lomhi county at a rapid rate. Two companies are now negotiating for iho Lincoln group , be low they Yellow Jacket , near Salmon City. In his annual message , which ho will deliver to the legislature on January 2 , Governor Willoy will recommend the appointment of an irrigation commis sion of three members , which shall have charge of water rates. The recent census of thoShoshoncand Bannock Indians on Fort Hull rasorva- lion gives Iho number as follows : Males over IS years , 470 ; males under 18 years , 210 ; females over 1(5 ( vonrs , 500 ; females under 10 years , 221 ; total , 1-JOl. TheDo Lamnr mill in Ovvyhoo county keeps up its wonderful production of gold ana silver bullion. Although the mill has been running for several years on ore from tills mine , the width of the vein is not known , and may not bo for voars lo come. Ono thousand dollars per day is about the average profit. An Idaho City correspondent wriles : Several largo teams are busy hauling ore to the Kotchum smelters , which will bo blown in in about a month. Twenty men are engaged in making repairs , so that when 1,000 tons of ore are on the dump they can bo blown in without any unnecessary delay. There are a largo number of mines in the upper Wood river country that have practically lain idle for several years because the owners could not get the ores reduced al homo and the expense of shipping to Denver or Omaha for reduction is too great. As soon m it was learned that the lease under the control of the Union Pacific It'iilrond company had expired and that they would resume operations , owners ol mines went to work to put them in posi tion for producing , and Ihoro are now hopes that Wood river will nprnln eco the lively days slio experienced trom 1980 lo 1831. Uultonulhorltlca have declared war on the hoboes. Their , r.oom Is preferable to tholr company. s Charles Gonrd , n minor , fell Into the haft of iho Sllvor Bow In Bulto nnd wns dashed to death. Westol W. Morsman lias on tared suit In the district court of Hullo ngainsl Henry McClosky to recover $1,032.80 on n judgment awarded him In Omaha last Seplombor. An cfforl to resurrect the Helena Journal , Hussoll Harrison's paper , I ailed. A cash fund of $2. ,000 was re quired , bui with porslslonl canvassing only $3,000 was obtained. The debts of the concern npgrognto $100,000. It Is said in Helena that Secrolnrv of War Klkins and H. C. Kerens of St. Louis nro in the hole to the amount of $75,000. A Montana Conlral locomotive ex ploded near Mitchell station , blowing the engineer nnd fireman out of Iho cab. The former landed on the branches of a plno ireo 200 yards across a gulch. The fireman descended through the roof of a minor's cabin , striking a , bunk and crushing a do ? thai was snoozing be neath. The men were moro scared than hurt. _ Along III" ( ' < nut. Nevada stockmen have laid by n win ter's supply of hay. Tncomn has tackled the local tiger. An nctlvo war against gambling and gamblers is rncrlng. The Keyslono mine. Lincoln counly , was localod in 1SSS by Jonas Taylor , whenever never suspected Its value. Last Juno S. T. Gooilbo examined the claim nnd paid $20,000 for an interest in it. The ere U a brown iron oxide , which is said to as say $20,000 to the ton in spots. A ship ment of ten ions of average ere brought $7.100 in Pueblo. Some idea of the sources from which the coal supply of California and a portion tion of the Pacific coast ie derived , can be obtained from the following slalo- mont for last month : From Australia , 12,000 tons ; Great Britain. 23.-100 ; Hast- orn , 100 ; British Co'umbla. 28,100 ; Seat tle , 10,500 ; Tacoma , 21,000 , and other mines , 2,500 Ion ? . Special Agent Allen of the land ofllco has jusl completed his invoHlignlion of Iho watershed of the San Jonquln Val ley , Cnl. Ho will recommend thai a tract ! ! ( ) miles long by from 42 lo18 miles wide , and embracing llio head waters of all the rivers that How into the San Jonquln valley , bo sot aside as a government reservation. This tract in cludes some of the finest timber land in Ihe Sierra Novadas. In Iho oltt oro.nlopos of the Consoli dated California and Virginia mines in Virginia City a lire which has been ' burning since' 1880 has iiow burst forth so fiercely that all woric on the 1,050 and 1.760 iovols has been abandoned. It was thought lliis lire was extinguished live years ago by injecting carbonic acid gas , but recently smoke was observed , and now Iho timbers are smoking bo badly that anyone ia Iho abandoned levels would be nsphyxialotl. At Cow Crook canyon , Oregon , fifty miles from the California line , ono of two girls , who were walking past a trestle in the company of a young man with a lantern , discovered that the Southern Pacific tracks had been partly torn from the trestle. She grasped the lantern , ran back up the road and swung the light vigorously , not a moment too soon to check and save , a pa&songor train of eight coaches which contained 250 passengers. The tracks had been torn up by bandits , who hoped to rob the train. In the United States circuit court of Oregon Judge Gilbert decided the case of the United States against the Willa mette Valley it Cascade Mountain Wngon Rend company in favor of the defendants. The controversy in the cnso was about 000,000 acres of land granted by congress to llio company for building roads. The cos'ornmcnt claimed thai Iho company had never comploled Iho road and lhal it should revert. The court hold thnt the west end of the road was completed within the limit expressed in the act and that since the suit wnp commenced the re mainder had boon finished. The orange growers of Riverside , the richest colony in California , have made arrangements to defy the frost this win- tor. The nearness of snow-capped mountains to Riverside is ono of the greatest charms of the outlook , but it Is disastrous lo fruit in about ono season out of four. To guard against heavy frosls , pipes have been laid in all the large groves , and crude polrolcum Is run between llio rows of Irees. By burning the petroleum at equal dis tances , the clear air is disturbed by clouds of vapor and frost prevented. In smaller groves largo pots of petroleum lake llio place of Ihc pipes. It is ctileu- lulcd thai the cost of this apparnlus is not over $10 an acre. As many of the groves produce n not profit of $500 an acre , it will be-soon that Ihodevlco pays. IVrfect acllon and perfect health result from the useof DoWitl'.s Little Early Kisers A perfect little pill. It's hard getting through with your washing and cleaning , if you don't use Pearline. And you can use it , with great gain , upon anything lhat you want made clean. In washing clothes , perhaps you won't believe that Pearline is harmless. It has been proved so to millions of women , over and over again , but perhaps you won't be convinced. Thert use it for something that can't be hurt. Use it for washing dishes , for instance , and save work. When you come to know it better and let it wash the clothes , you'll find that it saves the wear and tear as well as the work. * " flfl Peddlers and some unscrupulous RTOcers will tell yon "this is as good as" vJvJliU. or "the same as 1'eailmc. " IT'S 1'AI.sU ' I't-arline is never peddled , it. i i 1 and if your crocer sends you ruiucthmi' in place of Pearline. lie U OclCK honest femiitfack. 333 JAMBS PVI.B. New York. FOR , PAIMC * Instantly top ttio nioit OKCniolatlnir paint. U never full a to Hire uasoto tliosiinercrr It la truly tlioTroi CONQUERER OF PAIN , . ' . „ . . . , . . , . . i t. . . . Jtly nnd quickly cured b tuklnutiiHarilly 'JO ti ) lU drops In ImKn tumbler of wntnr. With HADWAV'sil'lI.l.StuoroU uobctlurl iKK or I'HKVKNTIVK OP HBVKd OH AGU13. hold by All DruiiuUtj 60 cunts 1'or llottlu. "CLEANLINESS IS NAE PRIDE , DIRT'S NAE HON ESTY. " COMMON SENSE DICTATES THE USE OF/ SAPO Best Cure For All disorders of tlio Throat ami Is Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. It lins no equal as ; \ cough-euro. Bronchitis "When I was a boy , 1 lia < \ n bronchial trouble of such n pcrMstcnt and stub * born diameter , that tlio doctor pro nounced U Inciirnlilo with oriUnnry remedies , but recommended mo to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. 1 did so , nnd one bottle cured mt > . For the Inst fifteen years , I hnvo used thU preparation with KOOI ! effect whenever 1 tnko n bad cold , niul 1 know of number * of people who keep It In the house all the time , not safe to bo without it. " J. C. Wootlson , P. M. , Forest HIM.W.Va. "Tor moro than twcntyflvo years , 1 was n sufferer from lung trouble , at tended with coughing so severe nt tinica ns to cause licmorrhaRo , the paroxysms ftequently laatitiR three or four hotiH , 1 was induced to try Ayrr'a Cherry Pec toral , and after taking four bottlm , was thoroughly cured.Franz Hoffman , Clay Centre , ICans. La Grippe "Last spring 1 was taken down with In grippe. At times I was completely prostrated , anil so dlulcuU wns my breathing that my bveast seemed ns if confined in an iron rage. I procured n bottle of Aycr's Cherry Pectoral , and no sooner had I began taking it than relii-f followed. I could not believe that the effect would bo so rapid ami tlio euro so complete. " W. U. Williams , Cook City , S. Dak. ) AYER'S Cherry Pectoral I'ropatctlby Dr.J.C. Ayctkfa. , Lowell , Man. Sold by all DruKiriritn. 1'rlro $1 , ) t bottltt , $9. Prompt to act , sure to cure A Fight for Life , Tlio ilospcrato sti-implo for a renewal of tlio joys of iiiKillli U a spcctnolu most painful to behold. Kvory victim of Chronic AXC Private Diseases knows but too well the liorrorj of that utmost liopok' s uoinbut ; ami every nno of the ninny thonsiinds who hnvo boon completely enroll of thc'io lUstro sIm ? mill ( lunsoroim nr.iluillos by thcso un rivaled specialists , the famous the Inoxprcsslhlo ilellsht of a real and permanent lestoratlou of that priceless boon , uood health. If you are mining the ulllluluil ones , consult thorn at oncu. 1 rents for a copy of thalr Illui- tratod new book of 12U pages. Consultation Free. Call upon , or address with slamt ) . Drs , Betts 119 South I4lh Streil , COUNKll OKDOlKJI-iAS ST. . OMAHA , NEB. DEFORMITY BRACES Elastic Sloe king- Trusses , Crutches , Batteries , Water Bottles , Syringes , Atomizers , Medical Supplies ALOE 6 PENFOIQ , 114 S.l&thSt. & , Next to Postofflce. Or fie //i/uor Hiihlt'OH / < li C'urcxJ It run bo ulvuii In ti cup uf rolTooor ten or lu foot ] wUhuul tliu kiiiwliil/n ) uf tliu imtlunl It li nb.u luU'lv linrinluio mill will ulluut u | iL > riuniiunt ami ApctMly euro. Hlinih'T ttiu patlQiit In n inoiloralu drliikiT or mi uluuliuilr wrerk. It him licen Klvun In tliuusaniU ot cum > u unil In I'Vi'ry ' Inntr.iioa a | iurucl euro lifu follow i'il It nevur tnlla. The i ystiini oncti Itiiiirt'i.'nuU'it wttli ttic Himclllp , It bcconion un ntlur liii | > u sii > Mlly for tliu liquor nupctltu to cxlit < ; oiliN.l'i'll'I ! : : < CO , , Proju. . llnclnniitl , ( J < s pnuci hook of purHculnm frou. To bo ( mil of Kulin A ( o , ictli mill I'ouelKB ' bti. NVIioIci Illiiko , llruco i Co , unil lucl uiiltun ( Jinahn. . Nuu. Mnny of our COUNTS ura MiilSU : from ( MO tc Ml ) orlli or ARHOID AUTOMATIC STEAM COOKER S pur month Don't remain I'llo ' , or worn tor urnsi ! waKt'B , wlitin you might bo making moro menu Imu in luinmar. Apply ( or lurmj , All.SOUU OOK1CH CO. . r.'JI S. ' "JtU St. , Omulm. all tuu uulu a KVIJ.9 , WKAKNKSSKS. 1IKIIIMTV. KTP. , that ac company Ilium In moll QI'IfKI.V uml I'KltMA NKNTI.V I'l IIHU Full BTUBNUTII nnU Him Blvuu toovery part of the body. I "III mail ( au c-nroly ptciiedi ritKB lu uny nurTerur tlio pretcrlp tlon lU t cured muof tliuso trjuUlm. AJJro , h A. IIUAUUCV JlAl-rJ-t CIIEKK , > UCU. Oh ! Girls , Not again inside of your years will you be able to exercise your privileges , and in sym pathy with you we have decided to give you one more chance before the New Year is rung in , Arc you going to do the "ringing"Maybe ? he would get you a much nicer ring if you bribed him with one of our neat and nobby dress up business suits , What's the matter with Christmas ? . $8.50 , $10 , $12.50 and $14 Special prices for special suits in black , brown , gray , plaids , checks , stripes and plain cheviots , all wool , cassi- meres , clay worsteds A limited number at these prices. An elegant Prince Albert suit for $16. If she won't get one for you , you certainly can't ' afford to miss getting one , as any one of these suits is a dead sure mascot on the ringing \ business. sure the sign reads Columbia Clothing Co. , Cor. 13th and Farnam. Then you will see where you are at. I am going to HOLIDAY move OQ Jan. 15 , SURPRISES ! ' 93 , to myr. New Location on the BETROTHAL west side of PLEDGES ! 16th St. , DOBnumasnan HEW IDEAS Under the Comrrjcrcial FOR CHILDREN ! Natiorjal Book. where you car ) see tbe most 'attractive Jewelry Store in the West , after that. date. HOWEVER , 1 am yet at 14th & Faroan ) Sts. I an of ) my BRILLIANT GEMS FKOM THE ORIENT cle9ant stock of Jewelry in th)6 ) most nodern and ar- _ _ _ _ _ designS ( pine Watches , Silverware and the richest HEADQUARTERS stocl of old mine Diamonds and other rare gems at importers' figures , to Holiday Customers , previous to removing to my New Location. D. W. VAN COTT , For the VAN COTT JEWELRY CO. OMAHA. Do you use Whisky in Sold only at Leads all others and Purity , Quality , Bouquet , Drinking Places . Stores. Age and Smoothness. Drug DALUEMAND 4 CO. * CHICAGO. Httrvo SoocJB , " mo wonderful romeily in oM wllli 11 tVi-lt- m nanruiitrr . . . ' . to . ruro . . rlo.W All , IICTTOIII rti tei. . nijrh HS Wnk . . . . . . Alpinorjr. l or.lliali.l'uwi.r.ll..nd rill2 * * WUtlH > an " . .w. . j , NvrTunsneiii , lAultuilv. ulldralni nnd l e ut power i.f tlio I , , ( Iriruru In oitlicrserrauseo liyavrrrxprllnn ynuthfiil i rro' nr . i-xcc lrr UBuof tolifiicuopium or ntlinulunu iililtb noun lumt lo Iiillruiltr. . C < innmii > - tloimrKilimiinity. 1'iit Uioninniilontoc rry In vunt pnrki-i. WI i > or | > acl > Bceby Biuilsijfo'fi. With ovprjrHoMlerwii < iit invnttm guuranlrc . . ( ocur * , . . . DitmurMKa vrrtJUHd.ttttuwn < v. Clreulurfrcu. AddfuetAcrvoHctiilCu. > ilcuc illk Bale in Omaha by Shonnan & McConnell , 1515 Dodge Stroot.