K TALKED ON SCHOOL MATTERS Ex-SonaJor Blnlr Addresses tlio Federation . of Labor Delegates. PLANS FOR THE FUTURE DISCUSSED Nilinrrim * Itmntiitlnni on Subject * of ( Jront Motnctit to I.iibor Introdiiccit nnil l' i > - sldrrnl A I'rcn Trndn Itctolnllcin * I'rcclpllntr * Miicli llpim tiin Piur.Anni.rniA , Pa. , Doc. 11. At the tlilnl dny'fl session of the Ainorknn Federation of I ibor this inonilnj ; tlio committee cm reso lutions reported n plan lo create national or inlcrnntinnnl unions wlicnover sovcn local .unions of. any craft had ijoeii fonncil. Tlio debate was siisiiundiMl by tlio appear- nncoof ex-Somilor Henry W. Ulatr of Now Hampshire , who addressed dcli-galcs on the Itrapdsctl Improvement of the common sehool syslcin. A special rnmmlttco was npixilntcd for Iho conslwratlon of methoils for limiting lo Ihnlr proper fimi-tlons Iho military and Judicial powers which It was resolved had been used In contravention of law and gov ernment during recent labor encounters. Another resolution on the same topic was reported favorably , providing that as llio Hlrllco and boycott had failed , as wcaiwns of organized labor , that a campaign of educa tion should bo inaugurated by the fedora- tlon and the Irresistible power of tlio ballot should bo in-rayed In the strtiKjjle for union supremacy. For Ihls purpose the execiitlvo council was rccomcnded lo use such funds of the federation as should bo found necessary. The resolution was referred to the special rommitteo preceding , with several others aiming against Iho military. . A request from Iho waiters' alliance that all central bodies composed of local unions bo abolished and the local organization allowed direct representation in the federa tion was negatively reported and refused. Unanimous consent was given for liniuo- dlalc consideration of a resolution to send the federation's greeting to and encouraging the striking glass blowers of Now Jersey. ICCKoliillmiH Introduced. Numerous resolutions were Introduced , nmong them were the following : Favoring the assittance of labor men In the inspec tion of cortlllcates of returning Chinese ; prohibiting Japanese Immigration ; for a con gressional Investigation of the Ccuur d'Alcno troubles. For establishing friendly rela tions with the Knights of Labor. Favoring the opening of school houses for public meet ings. For Iho removal of federation head quarters west of Cincinnati. For Iho expo sition of labor problems in public schools. A recommendation from the grievance committee was adopted recommending the Uuquosno and Alvin theaters of Pittsbttrg bo declared nonunion , as they i-efused to sign the scale amended by the Machinists and Electrical Employes union on .luno 1'J. Another recommendation was also con curred in , revoking the charter of the Cleveland land , O. , Sewing Machine Ironworkers union and Instructing Iho members to Join the National Sowing Machine union woriccrs. A brush over the affair was provoked-by the negative report on a resolution asking nn extra session of congress for the passage of frco tiiulo legislation. An attempt was inado to discuss the resolution , but the chair decided that any discussion of the tariff was not germane to the issues before the federa tion and that the resolution was out of order. Prof. S. J. Satljcrs of the Ethical Culture society made a short address on the recent economic conference"at Chicago , after which tlio convention adjourned until tomorrow Jiioniing. llllly Smith of Ilostim Itnnrks Illni Out In I In , I'oilrtcrntli Hnuiul. SAN FitAxcisco , Cal. , Dec. 14. Danny Needhairf ox-champion welterweight and Billy Smith of Uoston , engaged in a glove contest for a $2,000 epurso at the Paeilic Athletic club tonight. Needham was Bccondcd by Sam Fitzpatrlclc , Tommy Hogau and Johnny Van Hcst ; Smith by'1'im Mc- Grath , Billy Hennessey and Billy Smith of Australia. Prof. Walter Watson was re feree. Smith scored the llrst blow , a light right arm hoolc on the Jaw , but ho was hissed for choking Needham in a clinch. Clinches were frequent , and Smith took every possible ad vantage. Ncodham scored several loft-hand Jabs in Smith's face In the third. The Boston boy took many chances in his anxiety to wind up the light instantly. Both men countered heavily in the fourth. Smith fought viciously and made the pace pretty hot for Needham. Needham landed a sickener over Smith's heart and swung a hard left on the neck. Needham stopped a rush with n stilt half-arm blow on the neck. Smith was bleeding at the mouth. The fifth and sixth were marked by hard countering. Smith closed the sixth with a loft swing on Needham's face , staggering him. In the eighth Smith nearly dropped Nced- liam with a loft In the mouth , Needham sent Smith to n sitting posture with a right tippcrcut and the latter retaliated by knock ing Needham down twice with his right. Ho had Needham groggy and held to him , nliigging with his right on the head and taking every advantage. Needham was in bad shape in this round. Hound Ten The men cnmo together In u hot rally. It was glvo and take with chances in favor of Smith , who was much the fresher of the two , Hound 11 Smith was strong and his right hooks were very forcible. Needham was lighting an uphill battle whh much deter mination.v Hounds 12 and 13 Were uneventful. In the fourteenth Smith started in llko u whirlwind , slugging with Ills right and loft , giving Needham no chance to make a stand. Ho knocked Needham down twice , thru sent him Hat on his face with n right-handed uppcrcut. Needham wns lifted and berne to his corner by his seconds , while Smith Jumped lightly from the ring , after having fought almost in cessantly for nearly an hour. Heavy C.o.lnt ; at Ni > - Orleans. NEW Oui.iiANs , Ii'i. , Dec. M. U'lm track to day showed the effect of yesterday's rain nml waa heavy. Backers of favorites had the short end today for only ono of the flvo fell to their lot. I'lrsV rju-o. bcilllmMIvuumlonoImlf furlongs : l-.mporor lllll IH to 5) ) won , Julius SIIMI f-l to 1 ] twoml , llrcl llartuia tD'JHhlid. Tlmti 1:11. : Second iiu-o , Milling , MX ftirlongni Henry Owhloy ( "Will von , Ili-usulngiu to 1) ) M-cond , Nathan 1/nmk (1 ( lo'J ) third. Tlnw li'J'J. Third race , si'llliiK , ono inlln : I'rlinero ( H to l\u ) > n , lllnrn Dulcod to2) ) hccuml , llonllroId ( to U third. Tlmo : 15. : i'ourth race , : | .year-olds. live tiirlongs , font MnrtciH : Carrln ] Yar .all ff > to li wonScottish lliillo (1 ( to ajM-cond , Llttlu Unit ( Ota 1) ) third , Tlmo : li'4 ( ) : , Klftli race , mlle and Ihlrly yards : Hit i. IManot won. John O Ifi to 2) ) ( .ociind , Hally (0 ( U & ) third. Tlmo : 1 IBS ) . llrltlxli Yavhtiiii'ii I'lcast'd. I.OXIION , Dec. 14 , Brlilsh yuchtiiH-n an delighted over the acccj'tiinco ' of Lord Dun nivcn' challcngoby the Now York Vachl club for n rare for the America's cup. AI ! that remnlna is to llx the ilato for the race Several other yachts nro being built to ao company Dunravcn's ' Volkyro to America They wlH'enter other acen there and tin season of IB'J.'l promises lo bo memorable li yachting annuls. The yacht designer , Wat son , ia laving down lini-s for four yachts t ( compote in American waters , including oni or the Prlnco of Wales , which issuldwil bo the largest cutter yacht niloat. Dimravoi Is very much pleased nt the | ii-ospect of i race , which , ho thinks , will bo a good one , DUtlnguUlicil VMIorH. General David S. Stanley of Now York who rotlrqd from the army about a year ago und Mr. Harmon , u prominent capitalist o \Vu\\ \ \ street , called on General Brookn yesterday torday nt the military headquarters tuu were aixxirded a very pleasant , informal ro coutlon by the commanding general uud hii \ staff floncral RtnnlfV was at the tlmo of his rrtlrcmctit commanding the Department of Tor.ns His retirement caused Iho promotion of General CaiT Ooneral Htanloy Is a man who tins l > erne the burdens of Mi military career with apparent case nml appears tote \ In irood bonllh and has the promise of many yours of llfo before him. Ho Is frco and nffablo In conversation and at the sumo tlmo bents the unmlslnkublo dhrnltylhat his tang and honorable servlco In tlio army helped to make a sort of second nature to him. Ho and Mr. Harmon nro accompanying General Dodge of the Texas & Fort Worth railroad on n trip through the west. They will spend n day or two In Omaha. CScnrrnl Stanley said Jcstlmtly this morn ing while in conversation with a Bnr. re porter that the party intended to take a good look at the Union Pacific road before returning to Now York , with n view to pur chasing the entire system. DR. MUNK'S ' MARRIAGE. It Will lie Postponed iriilll .Sonic Other .Mut ter Arc Adjmtnl. Dr. Eric1 Munk , oculist , is In trouble through his peculiar Insto in mixing love and finance , lo the manifest discomfiture of both Cupid and Mercury , not to mention the In tended brldo and her rather I rate father. Dr. Munk , who had been but a short time In Omaha , had engaged to marry the daugh ter of a wealthy Swedish farmer , who lives near Oakland , this state. In order that the coinlnir of the bridegroom might be properly arranged Dr. Munlc borrowed $ li > 00 from his father-ln-law-clect , llio noney being deiiosltcd In an Omaha iank with tlio understanding that t was not available as'u part of Munk's ssots till the nmrrl'tgo ' had been cole- iralod. But this didn't deter Munk. Ho ised the money , and when the farmer ircssed for marriage or settlement , the eve lector induced- young friend to give htm , note for $ llvO , which was deposited to ffset the hole Munk had made in the orlg- itil fund. But the eyes of the Oakland farmer by his tlmo were In sulttciently good repair tenable nablo him to see that the doctor was not olng what was right , nml yesterday ho were out a warrant for Munk's arrest on ti hargo of obtaining money -under false pro- enses. Deteclivcs Haze and Savage ar- esled Iho doctor Just as he was boarding an xistboimd train. SUING THE COMPANY. illss .Mary Cnury Will K-ttabllnli I'rccoilpiik hi Vtuy oil I.It IRK ! Ion. Miss Mary Coury has gone Into the district ourt in search of $5X)0 ( ) , which she thinks is uo her from the Hock Island Hallroad com- iany. For a cause of action she sets up that ho went to the depot of the company at Shelby , In. , in August last for the purpose if taking [ lassago on the westbound passen ger train which went through Shelby at 10 ; ) . m. Now , the station-agent knew that the rain did not stop at Shelby , but he did not iO inform her , but on the contrary induced icr to remain at the station till the train mil gone by , and then instituted so persist ent n course of persecution that ho had his way with her before sbo left the station. For the injuries she has sustained at the "lands of its agent she wants the company to yi Charles Bachman , arrested by OAlcer Brady as a capper for a Tenth street auction store , is suing for $1,000 , damages before 'udgo Ogden. Morton C. Clark , who stole a lot of watches ram the Boston store , was found guilty of grand larceny. Henry Coombs , who broke his -leg by driv- ng into an unprotected trench on Locust street , got a verdict of iKiOO against the city. George Fauss , who was reported dying a few days ago.will bo arraigned on the charge of murder on Monday.noxt. NOTHING NEW. > puraturn' Strlko Sliiiivx Lit ( hi Change III Omaha from Yi-ntiTilny. The striking telegraphers are still confi dent of winning in the end.- . Yesterday was very quiet and nothing inuchi'was done. At Neola , -.yesterday the two.naw men sent out by the railway officials Joined the strikers and are now living at u hotel and drawing salaries at tlio expellee of the tele graphers union. Hcprcsentatives of the strikers are travel ing over the divisions of the road every day and doing their best to induce the new men lo < | iiit work , and if the reports of the strikers are true are meeting with consider able success. M. O. Maul spent yesterday in Geneva. E. B. Allen of Norfolk is tit the Arcade. F. It. Burrcll of Fremont is at the Millard. D. C. Howard of Kearney is at the Pax- ton. ton.John John M. Uagan of Hastings is nt the Mur ray. ray.Matt Matt Miller of David City is a guest at the Paxton , Ed. G. Hall of D.ivid City is in the city tit the Paxton. John C. David of Pawnee City is stopping at the Paxton. Judge Tsham Hc.avis of Falls City is regis tered at the Paxton. Mr and Mrs. Gcorgo H. Downing of Kear ney are guests at the Murray. Captain Cormack of the iKilico force , was reported slightly better last night. Homo Miller and wife of Norfolk are stop ping at the MilJard. George F. Wuinwrlght of Blair is regis tered nt the Millard. Hov. J. G. Tatojind wife of Hastings are iu the city , guests at the Millard. H. II. Tjj'inor. cashier of the City National bank of Hastings , is registered at the Ar cade. .T. Lou Sutherland of Grand Island is visit ing his son , Louto Kluberger , night clerk at the Murray. .1. A. Garner , president of tholndhinola Lubricating Oil company of Indianolu , Is a guest at the Arcado. Dr. John T. Hay , who has been assistant of the Insane" asylum at Lincoln for the past thirteen years , Is In the city. M. B. Thrift of Chicago , a Nebraska boy , formerly engaged In Business at Beatrice , is in the city stopping at the Murray. Mr. O. W. Crawford , secretary of tlio Na tional Heal Kslatu association and also sec retary of the Trans-Mississippi Commercial congress , is in the city. Colonel George B. Pickott. nid-do-eamp to Governor John L. Houtt of Colorado , and editor of the Fort Morgan , Colo. , Nuws , is visiting Omaha. Colonel Plckett leaves lo- day to visit Lincoln and Ashland , at which latter place his brother Is iKistmastor. At the Mercer : II. C , Stuart , Guatemala ; Mrs. 10. Townsend , Boston ; Charles J. Smith and F , M. Canton. Chicago ; M , Bosworth , Topokn ; H. W. Bullock , San Francisco ; K. S. Phillips and .J. II. Peterbon , Grand Island ; A. S. Maxwell , Bcatrlco , A. II. Mai-shall , Ctmdron ; J. B , McCoy , Kt. Louis ; S. 13. Preiitlconnd wife , Imivale. NKW YOHK , Doc. 14. [ Special Telegram to Tliu BKU. ] Lincoln : C. H. Imhoff and wlfo , Hoffman : C. A. Wanlwell , Hotel Bar- tholdl , Council Bluffs : M. F. Uigny , Now York , CmaiflO , 111. , Dee. -.SpeclalTelegram [ to Tun llKE. ] The following Nobraskans'aro registered hero today : Tremont F. A , Sampson and wife , Omaha. Palmer Wil liam Muer and wlfo , F , U. Swart , Omaha. Lcland E. A. Benson , Omaha , Great Northern F. S. Hara and wife , Lincoln. - : . iMV.ll , JiHKI'ITlKS , A llro at the corner of Uurdette and Ames streets last night destroyed a small ouo-story cottage , Tim Indies of All Saints church gave ; i pleasant supper for charity's sake iu the ( 'rolghton block. Fifteenth and Douglas streets , last evening. A four-Inch water main at Twenty-eighth and Pierce stivuts , hursted lust night , and for a tlmctho pipes in the low pressure liuci were operated withpnly about twenty-live ixftmil.s pressure. The leak was repaired it a short limn , and before any damage hail been douo. Tliu program at the meeting of the .Live Issue club last evening was u novel and in ( cresting ono. As each member entered UK IJnlugci- gallery he was handed 11 slip 01 l > apor upon which was written n ( luestioi for that member to discuss in n few minutes talk. The subjects were many and wen mostly of a iwlltlcal bearing. The uoxl meeting of the club will bo held three woeki from luat u o.v rim urn nit rtrtf , WliUlcy OnhiR t'i | Intloiid nf Itnun " .Mil lion * In It. " rmcAoo. 111. . Dec. II. One of the big red hands of HIP whisky trust I * Just now clutched about the throat of thf retail dealer , while Iho other Is fast getting a grip on the collar of the Unlto'l State * congress. Well-Informed wholesale liquor dealers and brokers claim that it Is the most gigantic deal over known In Iho history of trade. "If the trust succeeds In Inducing congress lo raise Iho Internal revenue lux to ( l.ftOn gallon , " snld n loading broker yesterday , ' the increase ) to "apply only to whiskies pro duced nftcr the passage of tlip law , It will put n trllle of & ! o,000,00 > 1 into Iho tmckcls of Iho monopoly and situl Iho prlco of the Dis- lllllng and Cattlefeeding company's c-crtlll- cales up lo par or above it. But whether congress makes the IncreaRo or not the mem bers of Iho Irust will profit by Iho specula- live feeling already aroused and will doubt less recoup themselves for llio ? J.r > ( KtKK ) ) re- cenlly laid out in the purchases of distilleries at Pokln , 111. , and Nebraska Olty , Nob. " As a conscimuco | of the uneasy and ox- cltivl feeling produced by the manipulation ! * of the trust , there has already been a de cided advance iu Hie prlco of Iho. cheaper grades of whiskies , and wholesale liquor dealers are standing on Ibe top of lite fence studying Iho situation with both eyes wide open and ready to Jump whenever the mag nates of the trust pull the string. Whisky men with sporting blood In their veins are plunging wildly iu the cheaper grades of the product , and the trade generally Is more or less upset by the speculative movement. Four weeks ago the whisky trade was absolutely dormant. Nothing was doing , and the prospect for the Immediate luturo seemed far from bright. The whiskies dis tilled In 1SIH ) . when there waa nif overproduc tion , and which are still in bond , were a drug in the market , and this fact kept down both the demand and the prices for the product of 18 ! > 1 and IS'Ji. ' little more than two weeks ngo the rumor began to bo quietly circulated that congress would certainly rniso the IntoniM revenue tax on whisky from 00 cento'Sl.N ) a gallon , and that the increast ) would not apply to goods In bond at Iho Mine Iho new law went into force. Nobody seemed loknow where Iho rumor started , or on what author ity the story was given out , but at once the speculative element in the tratlo became aroused. OM.lll.l. Questions Stilt ArUliiK Over ilm Town's I'os- lllon In tliu Class of Clllci , Citizens continue to comment on the recent decision of Judge Irvine declaring South Omaha to bo a city of the first class. The agitation bus brought a correspondence be tween parties hero and the author ot the hill. Edwin F. Wurren of Nebraska City. The amendatory act , drawn by Mr. Warren and introduced by J. C. Wntsonnnddcclarcd , to be unconstitutional by Judge Irvine , was an act creating cities of the llrst class , hav ing more than 10,000 and less than W.txxi , amendatory of sections 1 und 2 of nn act en titled , "An act to incorporate cities of the first class having more than S,000 and less than a-itKK ) , " passed in ISS'.I. Mr. Wan-en says in drafting the bill he had in view only the object to change the required population from 8,000 to 10,000 and to provide a way to ascertain such popula- populatlon without voting on it. ClmnirrM In the Kli-ctric Light Company. The South Omaha Electric Light and Power company was reorganized at a meet ing of the stockholders yesterday. Ofllccrs were elected as follows : Presi dent , W. N. Babcock ; vice president , Charles Key ; treasurer , Thomas B. McPherson ; sec retary. W. S. King ; board of directors , John A. McShanc , W. N. Babcock , F. C. Condon , Charles Key , W. S. King. Fred M. Smith , E. P. Freeman , Thomas B. McPhcrson , John A. Doe. Charles Key. F. M. Smith , F. P. Free man and John A. Doe were of the old board. Mt l ( ; City Gossip. D. H. Scott is lying dangerously ill at the exchange. The Epworth Icapue will hold a business meeting Friday at the usual hour. The next meeting of the city council will bo hold in the now council chamber. Helm Casey , who recently removed to Mis ; souri Valley , has been adjudged insane. / The Live Stock exchange has appointed a committee to devise means to bring cattle thieves to Justice. John Rtttker , an aged German , was robbed on N street yesterday in broad daylight by a man who pretended to be trying to assist bis victim in wulklng. Ho secured J. ) . The thief was arrested in company with a com panion later. They gave their names as John Downs and Thomas Houlihan. At the regular annual meeting of the Union Stock Yards company but one change in the ofllcers or directory was made and that was made necessary by the death of Isaac Wuixcl. P. L. Valentine was elected to fill the vacancy. Some important improve ments are to bo made soon in the plant. XKItll.lNK.l AXU XK The Methodists of Full-bury are to build anew now parsonage. Tr. ) Henry C. Connally of O'Neill is dead at the ago of 43 years. J. II. Pope talks of building a ISO-barrel roller mill at Central City. A third elevator is being erected nt Bell- wood by the farmers of that vicinity. An auger ground off the thumb of the 11- year-old son of George Galer , near Harvard. York is to have u fence factory that will turn out 12,000 feet of chiclcenproof fencing per day. The Springvlcw licpublicnn has been sold by II. J. Skinner to H. II. Clapton , and now there is not a republican newspaper in Keya Palm county. Captain S. T. Learning of Dccatur is an applicant for the appointment as United States Indian agent for the Omaha and Win- nebago agencies. The Maverick bank at Gordon last week released sixty chattel mortgages against res idents in the western part of Cherry county , amounting to SIO.OOO.J An insane patient at the Hastings asylum inserted his tooth in the hand of Superin tendent Johnson and the doctor in in consequence quence suffering with a very sere hand. The Southwestern Nebraska Poland China association held its regular meeting at Ox ford and olllcers for ISSKl were chosen as fol lows : President , G. W. Stiver ; 1I61drcgo ; vlco presidents , J. -Bolster. . Hepublleau City ; Fr.in Davis , Holbrookr-O/M : Shodd , Bertram ! ; secretary , D. H. WaggonbrStnm- foiyl.Speaking Speaking of mammoth hogs , .says the Ox ford Standard , the climax was reached Mon day of this week when F. A. Wood sold three prodigious porkers , weighing I.Kit ) pounds , The market price that day was n cents per 1 ton ml , so that the trio brought the , phe nomenal price of $ ii.i ! ( ) . This haifdsnmo llg- uro Is undoubtedly the most over paid for the same number of hogs in Oxford beforo. The twenty-llrst anniversary of the organi zation of Adams county was celebrated at Juniata. About 1MM ( ) persons were present , Jacob Woo.sterof Hastings wnsoleutccl presi dent , S. L. Brass of Juniata secretary ! C. B , Bigelow , treasurer. Addresses were made by General A. H. Bowcn , General A , V. Cole , Isaac. Lo Dioyt , Mrs. A. C. Itogors , Hubert Ash. Peter Grimth , A. N. Hail and P. L. Boyd. As Albert Wilson , a farmer living eight miles northwest of Harvard , was driving into his yard witli u team attached to u heavy spring wagon , hta little son , 7 years old , ran put to meet him. The boy caught hold of the roar end of the wagon and his right foot ullppod into thq wheel. The boy was drawn up ever the wheel and between It and the body of the wagon und had his limb torn literally off at the knee , nothing but a few ligaments holding it. The troubles of John Tholon of Crete have been multiplied. Until lust Bummer Mr. Tholeu was well und strong , when ho fell from a windmill and injured his spine. Since then ho has not been able to work and probably never will bo. Ills family con sisted of himstUf , wife and six children , all of whom have been sick. I ist week a little girl , 8 years old , died , and in a few days afterwards the mother passed away. Kind neighbors have taken the cusp Iu hand and it bus been decided to send three of the chil dren to the "Homo" at Lincoln , and willing bunds are getting the little ones ready to betaken taken thoro. It is not yet known what dis position will bo made of the father und the two remaining children. Tin1 New YoiU IVMilrnl bus ( trnnli'it Iho cle1- mnnds inndt' npoh 11 bv ItsoiutliiPer * . I'lillon. Mo. , has sillferod from n dl < n < < trou ( In1 , which ( ItinmrtVn the town lo the extent of Ueorjfo tlould lm < J hpt < ii elected ijroildout of the Mnuhaltaii KICx'Alod Kallroitd company of New York. ' ' " William Hurdoo'hr Mnlshfilllowii , In. , will bo one of the sponkYirIn Hie debate between Harvard and Yulrtloiislnniiury 18. I < ord Dniiravon'rhnllonw for nn Interim- tlonal yacht rneMmi boon nneotuUHontilly accepted by the NovWTork Yncht club. District Master * Workman Dempspy of the KnlKhts of Labor dpiilos Hint ho furtiNhcd ( ho pol on to the nlk'tfcdJIomoslond poisoners. An unknown negro nl How ling llreeti. Ky. , attempted to assault a white woman , but wis : frightened away from his victim. A mob Is The bodies of James Mills and .ludson Wil kinson , supposed to have been murdered by Phillip Nicholas near Ulrhmond , Va. , have boon lecovorcd. The strike of operators ml the Georgia Cen tral railroad has stopped Hie tunning of freight trains on the t hntliiiiooxa , Koine k Columbus road. .Tny Could , It Is stated , sUnKled a wish before bodied that tl.eon.ooo of bis money bo ex pended In the erection fit a preparatory instl- ttllo for .young men. llllly Pllmmer of Kualnnd and .Toe McOrnth uf Ireland , bantam weights , will battle before tbo Coney Islund Athletic club tor W.OOU on the evening of the S8th. Secretary Thompson suys that It Is the pres ent Intent ( on to call tin1 waterway convention to meet al Washington on Thursday , January 11. The call will IIP Issued this week. Tlio Chicago tindes unlonscontlnuc Iho light ( hey have. Inaugurated iigalnst awarding the conn-net for prhitlnit the World's fnlr cata logue to u nonunion Mi m of publishers. Mr. A. K. Hark itf Clnolmratl , O. , dclni ? busi ness as A. K. Chirk .t Co. wholesale grocers , litis assigned , The liabilities and assot.s uro estimated to bo abditt 0iitil | tlou OOU each. The l.'iilou Piicillc omVluls dccluro there Is notruth In the rumor that n passenger tr.iln nn Its road has been wrecked noiir llroeu Klver , Wyo , , uhd several passenger * Injured. C'liarlos Clniso and Viet or Kiting were win ners In the singles In the Indoor tennis tourna ment ul Chicago , and Carver und Kverson made a draw with Wright null Chase. In tlio doubles. The 11,000 which , It Is .stated , Is necessary to olToet Iho release of Kobcrt .1. KIIOX and his wife , the Americans , who are Incarcerated In telem prison , in Mexico , bus boon raised In Clmlra , N. Y. Numerous arrests luivo been made and many convictions of people tostollng falsely Iu hind oiliest cases , huvo ocrnrod In Oklahoma. I'lilrty-ono people In all huvo boon sent to jail or Unit olTeiise. Governor i'lowor of New York has pnr- loned.lohn K. McNamurn , who wns sixteen ears ago sentenced lo prison for llfo for mdr- lerlng , In a lit of jealous rage , his swcotheilrt U Corning , N. Y. Tony Collins of lIuiitlnKtnii , W. Yu. , hnseoti- ossudthut It was htni'elf nnd a man named 'orger who made the unsuccessful attempt lo mid up the vo.stlbulcd train near that that iluco u few dtiys ngo. The trlul of the ex-suprptno ofliecr.s of the Irderof folan at Plltsburg , Pa. , bus had one good otl'oct for the order , us it has resulted hi ho payment Into the treasury of Jl2,000 ! that lad been thought lost , the last meotlns of tlie Western Passen ger association permission was given tlio Alton oad to resume Its member.sblp. Ily this u'tlon the dinicultlos over rates among thu vestorii roads has boon iidjiisled , The death watch lins been placed upon Ed- viutl W. Iliilllnger , the negro murderer who s awaiting the exet-utlon oC the death sen- sence In New York City. The date llxod for lie execution Is Thursday , December U'J. The IMuiMil.x Iroifmpuny ) ( at'PlioMilxvllle , a. , bus given notice that on December 28 It will rodueo the wujfes-'eif all the niun In Its em- iloy. Over 5.0UU .inpn . will bo ell'ected by the eduction , and a sttUco will.surely follow. City Clerk Gorniiiii of Colorndo Springs , L'olo. , lias confessed hnvlng stalon ? G 500 from ho city , lie MIVS thai during bis second year n olllco ho took fJ.oOO uud during tills , his bird year , bo had tnkcii $4,000 , making lirull :0COO. : lie covered , his stealings by false entries. ( ' , , A council of Catholic bishops Is In session In St. I.ouis , Mo. The lending business of the noetlng will bo tho.selyi'tloii of throe names lo 10 .sont to Koine , futmijwhlch will bo selected the coudlutor of HMiop ICendrie.k , and the raising of Hlshop Ileiufcssy of Dulmquo to an irclihlshop. i The American Sabbnth union in sessional 3hlcagi , 111. , has elected the following olllcers : President , Klllott J'i Hhopard hf Now York ; general und eorro4Midlnu ( ! ; secretary , Uov. ,1. 1C. ICnowlusut. No.\V'Morkt ' ( geutTiil Held .secre tary , Itov. II. II. OeonW. Penhsylvunla ; Ircas- urur , K. M. Perleo of.Ne\v York. The United Association of Lumbermen which lias been in annual convention nt Kansas City , .Mo. , adjourned after electing the fol lowing ollicers : President , Joseph Weaver , Canton , O. : first vlco president , W. G. IIollls of Minneapolis , Minn. : fcocretary , A. D. Moore , Mblon , Mich. The case of ( lit ) State of Mfss- ourl thu l.ouisvlllo , Kvansvillo & Terre Ilantn railroad. In ( 'onnectloii with the lYonlco & ( 'iirondolut Kull- iond company for taxes ufeich remained iin- iiald for the years 1HSO , 1HH7 and 1888 , has Ijocn decided In favor of Iho stMte. It in Ihoughl that the contest over the scat In the lower hou-o of the Montana legislature will bo decided In favor of tlio republican con testant. If this Is true the democrnts and re publicans will bo tied on joint ballot , , leaving the habincu of power In the bunds of three populist momlhM-s of the logislutuie. Outlaws are iigulu holding u carnival of crime In Indian Territory. Thu bandits have purl'ected un organization , and under Iho lead ership of .Starr and Nuwoom nro torrori/.ing tbo countrv. A few days ago Henry Hturr shot and killed Deputy I'nlted States Marshal Kloyd Wilson , who had attempted to arrest him , Wilson's homo is in t. Louis , Mo , Tlio Western Freight association has admit ted to membership the Klckapoo Valley V Northern railroad. It was also decided to ud- vance the rates on rails and fastenings for railroad construction to ? 3 per gross ton from the Mississippi rlvor lo the Missouri river : $ -4 from Chicago to thu Missouri rlvcrnnd J'J.'JB from Chicago to St. Paul. The question of lites from Now Orleans was referred to a .spo- lal committee. At a meeting of thu managers of all the southwestern railroad Interests a committee was appointed lo act In concert with llio Interstate - torstato commerce commissioner and such other railroad commissioners as may ho cre ated for a llko purpose , to confer with the members of the national congress with a view to.securing an amendment to .section 0 of the interstate commerce law , permitting authori tative and legal contracts between compatlng carriers as all'ectlng the rates of .such curri ers. All the cnblne.t olllcors of the province of Quebec : have resigned their positions. William Potter , the newly appointed ITnlU'd States minister to Italy , has arrived at Itonio Mr. Justice Stiong of Ol'tawa. Out. , has been appointed chief Jnstlco of the supreme court of the Dominion. Cross Duckworth , who miirdorod a farmer's daughter noarlllackhnrn , I'nglaml.on Xovein- bor'JH , has been sentenced to ( loath. A man named Sheridan , now In thoLiinibotli , Knghind , workhouse , huscomn Into a fortune of i 1,500,000 through the death of an aunt. It now looks as though the army bill will ho defeated In the Gorman Itolchstag. Its defeat will necessitate a now election for members of that legislative body. The htjiikorsand merchants of India are be coming anxious ever tin ) monetary situation and have asked Knihuid ! to dollnltoly Mate her position on the m/ij4lon. Tot onto people aruSibjectlng toclll/onsof thu Untied Slates piping natural gas across llio Canadian borditf wlo this country , and want an export tax blapydjipon It. It Is stated on thoviulioi-lty of a I'arls news paper that thu oho.mienl analysis of tlm viscera of Huron do Itijuuu'h has inScloscd Iho presence of atroplno ij the organs examined. There Is talk of a malrliaonlul alllnnco between - tweon t bo family of Uitfrrolgnlng sovereign of Spain and that of iTxo'jneteniler , Don Carlos. It Is propo.ed that lion .lame , Don L'orloV Mill shall wed the lnfaiittaj.Heire < le..i , Tlographlccoinmi4jitloii | : bus boon estab- Hshod boiweon Manltonlln Island and the mainland , thus giving about Ifi.OOO people communication wltli tluiont.sldo world. They had hitherto boon U-olutCd durlni ; Iho wlnlor season. * Thnsecn\tary \ of tjio OrniiRu bunk at Cbiit- hiini , Out. , hits confi * . ( M Iliat ho was an ae- fomplkHjot the ledgirtRKopor , I'oniifeuthor , Iu the robbery of that Inji lutlon. The men were to haviibhared thu hpoila u < | iially , but I'oiin- fealhor , who did the work , went back on thu agreement , hence Iho becretary's confession of guilt. ' A Uusslan mldwlfu In Ladz , who has boon found guilty of Miiothe.rlu'to ; death ever 100 babies , has been glve'n tlio romarkahly light hentencoof onu year's Imprisonment. In thu cellar of her house t bo remains of 111 babies were found , and as shu hud boun engaged In the business for ever twenty years , It U thought her victims Mill number nearly 1,000. o jtlovrnu-iitH of Ocean Stuamura , At Scllly Passed , Dee. I ! ) . Missouri , from Dallimoro ; Michigan , from Now York. At Hoston Arrived Ottoman , from Liverpool. At Lowes , Del. Passed in Pennsylvania , from Antwerp ; British Prince , from Liver pool.At At New York Arrived City of Paris , from Llvcrrool. A veritable family medicine box , Doccham'a Pills. NOTU'K OF THK SITTING Ol1 THK t'lTY COrNl'IL AS A UOAIU ) OP KQI'ALIX.ATION. To HIP owners of the lots imt.sof lots find roftl" ustnlo nbuttlnit on or ndjnccnl to the st roots. nlloj" < or iivt-nup.M herein nntnoil or situated In wholnorln jinrt wltliln iinyof the dis tricts li orpin xpcclllodi \ on und cnch of yon , < > re lioroliy notlllel lint the el tr council of the city of Omaha will sit nn n Hoard of KqunlUntlon. at tlm ollleo of tliorltr clcr.t. In tbo city hall. Omaha , Nob. , on I'rlday , tba tilth dny of lcronibt-r ) , 1KU. from n o'clock n. m. to 5 o'clock p. in. , for tlio purpose of considering nnd oquallzln * the pro- po'od levy of spoclal ti\o < and ii.oo sintnti as shown by "Proposed I'luns of Asscsmont" now on Illo In thu olllco of snld rlty oiork , anil corructliiK any otror.i tliproln. anil of heurln ? all comulalut ! ! that the owners of property so to bo nsM'.ssod and taxed may make ! said special taxes nnd ns o sinoiits proposed to bo lovlod bclnp nccoss'.iry to cover the cost of the SOVQM ! Improvoninnts duly -uthorlr.od to bo made and now completed , us follows : To cover the cost of clamiiges for Rradlne Twonty-sooond street froi.i Clark street to Nicholas stroot. amounting to tlm sum of ? r'l.ui\vlilch said sum It Is urowiscd by u re port duly adopted by Iho city council , to as- .sost urn rat mm the real ritnto on both side * of Twonty-socond street from ' .lark mrect to Mcholas street , accor.tliiKto the iisunl s'allns : back process lo the depiii of 110 foot from tlio street , Itntn par font , JIICLVIV To cover thu cost of c rail In i Ohio st root from I wont.vsocoml struct lo the east line of Dmilso's addition , imiomitlng to the sum of f I11UO , which sild sum it Is proposed by a re port duly adopted by the city council , to as sess on thu ro il osiatu on both "Idosof Ol.lo stroof , from Twenty- second street to the Oa t line1 of Poulsu's addition pro rita uci-ordlng to foot frootuKO and Iho usu il scaling buolc jiro- cess In dutiUi to the llrst alloy. Ituto per foot , TO.HWI. To cover Iho cost of ttrndliu Miiotoonlh street from Ma on street lo 1'loroo street In District No. 0 > , amuimtiiu to iho mini of JJI5.1T whluhsalil sutn It Is proposed by n re port duly adopted by the olty coulu-il , to iis-jess on the real estatu on both sdosof Nlnutoonl.li sttcot from Minon street to 1'ierco slroot , nucordlnn to foot rrontaco , In depth lethe the first , alluy as per iisnnl ni-allng liacl ; pro : cuss. Kato per foot. JOC7.I. ! To cover HIP oo < t of sradlns Dmulas stroct from 1'nrty-fourtli ' street to forty-eighth strout , in grHdliiK dNtrlut No. ! M. umounllng to the sum of | i..SO.ri. : whloh said sum It Is proposed by n report dttiy iidoptuil bv iho olty council , to assess pro r.ila nueordmi : tu foot CrontiiRO. on DID real enalu on u-ieh sldo of Douglas street from 1'orly-fmirth Htreot. to Korty-oightli strcot , according to the usunl scaling back process to the center of block. Hiitopor foot.Jiuo 83. To oovur the cost of grading Capitol UVPIIIIO from 4Sth street to Holt l.lnu railway In grad- Ingnlsirlol No. 0:1 : , amouutlui to iho sum of tlGI".T4 , which SHld sum It Is proposed by K report - port duly ndoptod by the olty council , to as- suss pro r.itn accordlnp to foot frontiiguon the real ostatu on each stile of Uapltol uveiuio from 4Sth street to Holt l.luo r.illwuy nucord- Ing to Iho .istiul soullou pruccjs to thu llrst al loy. Htito per foot , ji.liU'.il' ' ' . Vo cover the ouu-lrilf cost of gradlnz Mason street from 18lh street to " ( Mb Hirout. amountIng - Ing 16 the sum of * : iil.8J ( , whlub snld sum it U proposed , by a report duly udoptcily \ the olty cauuoil , lo assess on the real cstato on ouch Eldo of Mason strout from 18th street to ' 'Oth Htreot uro ruin . iccorilln-rto foot frontngo and the usual. scaling bad ; urocoss to the Con or of the block. Kato per foot , J8S'K To cover the one-half cost of grading 2Id street from I'oiiploton avcmto lo south line of tax lot 'M. suction ' 'T. amounting to thu sum of $ ; ill.i" ; , which said sum It Is proposed , by a report - port duly adopted by thoolt.v council , to as sess uro rata according to foot frontage , on thu real estatu on ounh side of .M street from I'opplolon avonno to south line of tax lot lilt. according to the usual scaling back process in depth IX ! feet , from stiuol. , Kato per fool , f0.1U7.-i. To cover the one-half cost of trading 2Jd street from l.ooust street to Spencer street , amounting to iho sum of f'GO.'i , which said sum It Is proposed , bv a report duly adopted by thu city council , to assess on thu real es tate on ouch sldo of U"'d from I.ncn.st Htreet to .Sponcurslrcot , acrordlni to Iho usual scaling back process In depth us follows : On the west side to tbo alloy ; on the east sldo to thu cen ter of block. Kato p r foot , JJ. olT-M. To cover iho cost of grading Ihipnol street nnd Castollar strcot from o.ist line of Unpaia I'lnco to west line of Dupont 1'laco In grading district Nos. 45 ana 4I > . aiiiouiitlnit to tlio sum of $ . ' ,57(1.31 ( , which said sum It Is proposed by a report uuly adoutod by the city council to assess , pro rnta according to foot frontugo. on llio real estate on eacli sldo of Castollar and Unpont streets In Dupont t'liieo , according to the usual sunllng hack process in depth to tbo Urss alloy. Icato pur loot , iO.Tirci. To cover tbo cost of grading Amos uvonuo from Sherman uveiuio to OJ feet cast of iho alloy between 10th and llth felieots , ainonnt- Ing to the sum of W.TGl. - ! . " > , which said sum It Is proposud by a report duly adopted by the ulty council to assess pro rut.ion oni-b sldo of Ames uvenuu from yiiorman avonuu to O'J fcoteiist of alloy butwocn 10th and llth streets , according lo foot frontage and the usual scaling buck process. In depth from bald street 150 fcot. Kato per foot , iO.i6.YJ7. ( To cover the cost of grading alloy In block II , Campbell's addition. In grading district No. .V.1 , amounting to the sum of itill , which sum it is proposed by a report duly ndoptod by the city council to assess on the roiil cstato on oaoh sldo of snld alloy pro r.itu. according to foot frontage and thu usual scaling buck pro cess. In depth to depth of lot. Kato pur toot , $0.70X11. To cover the cost of grading the alloy In Dn- pont 1'laco butwocn Dupont. nnd C'nstullur htreuts. from 'JUtti si root to the west line i.f Di.tiont 1'lacc , amounting to thu sum of f l.'i-.H. which RUtn It | 9 propose by u report duly adopted by the city council to nssoss on the leal estate on both sides of snl alloy pro r.itn. according to foot frontage and the usual scal ing back process. In depth ouo lot. Kute per loot. $ i.yjTl. To cover the oiio-bulf cost of gradlnir the alley In block 13. Ivonntzu'ri 4th snupiemuutnry addition , amounting to tliu Hum of } ! ) --i : ; , which sum It Is uroposoU by u report duly ndoptod by thu olty council to assess pro r.-itn on tuo real cstnto on each aldo of said alloy In block 10 , ICotintzu's 4th supplementary addi tion. : > a per foot frontage nnd Iho usual scal ing baok process In depth ono lot Kato nor foot , a.VJS'J'i. To cover tbo one-half cost of grading Hamil ton strout from 45th street to tlio Holt Mno rnlhvav , amounting to the sum of il.OjSul , which said sum It Is proposed by a report , duly adopted by Iho city council to ussesa on th'u real cstato on o.-ich slduof Hamilton street from 45th strcot to tbo Holt I.lne railway pro rata. as pur foot frontage , according lo the usual scallni : bucic process. In tloplh to the llrst alloy. Kato per font. HlHJIJ. To cover the cost of uradurz nlloy 'n block I Campliell's addition , bolus the south alloy In hald block , nmonntliig to tbu sum of 81 If , . 0:1. : which said sum It la proposed by a report duly adopted by tlio city council to nssoss on thu rual ostuto on both sides of snld alloy pro i-Ata , as per foot frontngo and according to the usual Huailirx back process , In depth from alley on south sldo to llaneroft sti-cut , on north sldo to the depth uf two lots. ICato uor . . . To cover Iho ono-lialf cost of grading llio nlloy In block I , Kountzu's 4th i.dditlon. amounting t i the sum of i'Jj'UK. xvhlch Hald hum It -proposed by u roporl duly adopted by the city council to assess pro rata on Hie oalou : > tu on both sides of mid nlloy , us per oottron laio , lo tliu depth of one lot , uo ord- IIIK 10 the usual .scaling buck urocvss. Kate per foot. SJ.I184I. To cover the cost of grading 'llth street from Fainum street to Dodgu uttool , amounting to phu sum of $11.01 , whloh said sum It Is pro- cosed by a report duly adopled by the city sonncll to assess on llio real ostuto on boili slde.sof lillh atrcut from Do.lgo street to Far- nani street pro rata , as pur foot fiontago and iho usual scaling back process , In denlh to the center of block. Kato per foot , $ I.'JHTH'J , To cover the cost of paving and curbing In street Improvnihunt district No. 419. coniprls ng Izurd HtreoL from IHlli street to'3d slrout. mouiitlii. to thu sum of f IIUSI.O/ , which hiihi anm , It Is pronosod. by n roport. duly adopted by the city council to nssoss pro ratii , nccord- ItiK lo foot frontngo on the real entail ) on botn tildes of l/.ard utrcet from ISth street to.Id street. In ( lei ) th to center of blouk , according to the usual bcnllng back procos. Kato pur foot , jr.'SI. To cover the cost of paving and curbing lllth btreot from the south line of Urnca street to north Hue Paddock piaco , In street Improve ment district No. .77:2 : , amounting to tbo * urn of tlti.'iV-'d. which Hald sum , it Is proposod. by n report duly adopod by the city council , to as sess on the real estate on each .sldo of 1'Jlh stieet from tiraeo street to north lllie of 1'ad dooK phico , pie rata according to foot front auu und thu Usual KCitllnt : buck proeens 1 depth thu distance of onu lot. Kutrt nor foot , $ . -UiMt. The cost of paving and uurhlng prl- vuto approach lobuusau sect to thu real estate for which It Ulnld. To cover tbu cost of pnvlne and ourb'ns Hlicrmau uvunuu lo a point ! Mt > fee' north of Iho center of section ; i In street Improvement district No. 4UU , amounting to thu Hum of $ ! ! > , - Mi.KI , which bum. It l pioiiosod. by u roporl duly ndoptcd by the city council , 10 assess on thu primer IV on both sides of .Sherman ave nue In said illstrlut , pro rata according to foot frontline and the Usual scaling baok process In Uop'h Utt foul. I'rovlded. That Unit [ .art of tax lot -I l/iiig between Umaha Kelt railway right of way and Commercial street shall lie ubscbsud for a frontage of 11U feet , Kato pur foot , 8,5loa. - To cover the cost of puvlng and curbing of si reel Improvement district No. Ii.Vi. ( Jhurbis fctroutfrom Thlrty-olihtb street to 1'ortleth btreutaiiiouiitlns to thu sum of * 7f'--i.lU ' , while Bald sum It U proposed by u loport duly ndoptcd by the ulty council lo assess pro rain on iho roul est.ito on both nidus of Oliarles street from Thirty-eighth street to Fortieth street , in depth to Ural alloy or center on blouk , ucrorduiK to thu usual scaling baulc process. Kato per foot. JJ.UllM. To cover thu cost of paying and curbing Michigan street from Tivunty-thlrd Htrcot to Twenty-fourth strcot In street Iniprovcmunl district No. 410 , amounting to the sum of (1,103.04 , which uald sum It Is proposed by a report port duly adopted by the city council to us- sdsaouuio real estatu on both Hides of Michi gan struct from Twontv-tlilrd Btreot to Twenty-fourth street , pro ruta according to foot froutuzc. and tlio usunl scaling buck pro- cesuln deoth to center of block. Kato uor foot , JAW-1 ? * . Thocostof prlvnto approach to the roul ostHto for which It li laid. To coVer tbocoit of pnvlug uud uurblug Shormnn nvmiun f fem a point avifoot north of the editor of noctlon : i iN-l.i , to tlrand iivenuo In Mroot Improvement ifN'tlot No. 411 , nmounnni to il.o mim of JI2i J.Wi , which snld Mini It U iiromwd by n report duly adopted by tlioellvcduneil. lo n ie i on tlio property niKvieh Miloof Sherman avenue from a point 3W ) feet north of thocenter of section .1 to ttrnnd iivciiue , pro tutu , according to tlio foot frotil- aso. In depth from Sherman uvonuo ! 3Meot , us per Hioii.i'ial scaling Imck procM < . Kato pur fool , JJ.J2a. To cover the eostof pavlnj and curblr.i : riilrty-seeond street , from iho north line of hiii'llil I'laio to Woolwortli nvonuo In street liiiprovomont district No. 4'M. nmountlng to the sum of JIH.SIO.57 , which sildium It U pro pose ; ! , by a report duly adopted by the cltr council , to asics-i on tnu nroiicrly nu each side ofThlrty.socoiid street , from north line ofl.nclld t'liieotooolTiirtlinv \ line , accordIng - Ing lo toot frontiwu. and the usunl so.illn * back process liMlopth to llrst allev or center of bliK-U. Unto per foot , $1.7410 : the cinlof prlvnto auproaehoi to bo assessed to iho pron- urly for which made. To i-ovcr thu cost of pavln nti.l ourbln ? Call form a street from loth strcot to I iHh street In streetIniprnvnmontdlslrlclNo. Illamount- Ing to the sum of J177.V.H. which vi d sum It U proposed by a report duly adopted by the oily council to tmcM ! on the ro.ii o < tate on onch s-do of California streul from 15th street to : iith snoot pro r.ita. aecordliu lo foot frontacunml thu usual so.iluu biek process In tlopii to the llrst alloy us per us.lal su.illtu buok pro cess Unto uor foot , J7.M " ; tlm private ro.itl way , nmountliii : to tliusnm of Kill ) . ' , to bo as sessed tolhoro.il e'st-uo 'idjo'uinu. To cover thn co t of paving und curbing Suwnrd street from 24tn strcot loSMh street In struct Improvement district No. 4.17. sjld n.iv- lug utnoiiutln to the sum ot * 1.1' 5.21 and * .ho nulling to the 111111 of { II 97. willed said sums It Is pranoied tiy u report duly ndoptod by the cltv eounnil to assess as follows : The cost of curbing to bo us > csicd to Intfl , bliiplc ( J , Shlnn s uddttlo-i. The. cost cf p'tvliu prlvalo nppro.iPh. aimiiTmliig to the sum ot tel.42 , to bo assessed to loll , bloeit fl. Hlilnn'1 addition. The tinlniu-o of the costof paving , amount- In * lo thu sum of ? liS17l : ) , to bo luseasod on the real ostnto on both sides of toward street from 24th street toJith street prorata per foot frontage unit In depth from street to llrst alloy , noonrillng lo the usual si-nllug baok pro cess. Halo per foot , ? I.OJi7. : To cover iho cost of p ivliu mid curbing of 2-lrd street fiom Coming Klrool to north line of Michigan street lit street linprovemuut dis trict No. 4IU , amount las to the sum ot 1.4 2.07 , which said sum It is proposed by ti roni-rt duly adopted by the city council to assess as fol lows : The amount of $ Yl.i ) to ho assessed on lot 7 , block IDlJt. for paving nnd curbing upuroaoh , Tlio li.uance uf $ . ! , ! I5I.1)2 ) , to bo assessed on the real estnto on lioth sides of -'id street /rom Cuinlng street lo llio north sldo of Mlchlun slrout , according to foul frontage. In dot-Ill to the renter ot block , according to the usual so.illng buck process. Kate per foot. JI.O.Vj. To cover the cost of paving und curuliu Gracu street , from the cast line of Iho U. . St , P. , M. .to. Ky right of way 10 oust line of Pad dock place , In struct Improvement district No. 'I" ! , amounting to the sum of SJ,4'- $ . . " > 0. whluh said sum , It H pioposed , Ly a report duly adopted by the elly council , to assess on thu loafcst.itu on oaeh si lo of llraco street from tbu said right ot wav to Iho ivtst llnu of Paddock - dock plauo , pro rata as per foot f rant.iitu and tbo usual Huullng back process In depth U ! fuoU Kitu : per foot , M.12'.M. Tocovur l he cost of puvlng and curtain ; ( lib street from Pierce street to Hickory stroot. In street Improvement district .No. 4'.M , amount ing to the sum of Jl.VOIM.iir. which said sum. It Is proposed , by u report. : duly adopted tjy tliu elt v council , 10 i'S < uss as follows : Tlio cost of prlvnlo approach , iitiionntlng to the sum of 9135.8. ' , to bo ussossu.1 to the real U3tatu for which conslrncled. Thu b-iltinco of said cost lo bo assessed prorata on the loal estate on both sldos of said street , according to thu foot front ago und tbu usual scaling back process to tliu depth of said dlstilot nscroitod ; the strips from u.ir- towlir. the streets Iu said district not consid ered in calculating tliu frontage. Kato per foot , 9-i.O.vJSi. To cover tbo cost of pnvltiz and uurlilng Cass street from 2.'d street to 24lh stiuet. In strcot Improvement district No. UO , amountIng - Ing to thu sum of J.'i.-a.J.ili. whloh said sum. It Is propcsod. by a rooort duly ndcpted by the city council , to tisscs pro rata per foot front- aid ) nnd tbo usual scaling buck pro-ess In depth to thu first alloy. Kato per fool , Si.SSWi Tocovur llio rest of paving and curbing ot Cnss stroot. from o int line of Twenty-fourth street to ivcst line of Twenty-fourth Htroctln street Improvsniunt district No. 45'J , amount ing 10 thu sum of W55.IJ5 , which said sum It. Is proposed by u report duly adopted by the ully council , to usac3 on lot 7 , block ,102 , ulty. To cover thocost of constructing u sewer in sowur district No. 1M. iimoti'itlnz to tbu sum of f 1.00 3. l.i. wblch Bald sum It U proposed by n report duly adopted by tnu city council , lo ns- soss pro ratii uceordlii'i to foot froutagoon thu real estate fronting on said su-.vcr , corner lots having : i suwor on two sides to bo ussessod for tlio longur sldo only. H ito par foot , Jj.tvil7i > . To cover the coat 01 constructing a sewer In sewer district No. lli.i , amouutinto thosum of $ I.7I7.S'J. wh.cli said sum It Is proposed by ix roportduly udoptud bv the city council to as sess prorataon thu real cstato adjoining said sewer accor ling lo tbo foot frontage , and the usual scaling back process In depth to tliu boundaries uf said district as created. Kato per foot , $3 &WI3. To cover the cost of constrnetlnz a sewer In sewer district No. Ill ) , amounting to the sum of ! I.U74.X. ' . which said sum It Is proposed by a report duly adopted by tlio city council , to as sess pro r.ita on tbo foot frontage und tliu usual scaling hack process In depth to thu boundary lines of said district us created. Kato per foot. Sl.JI-U. To cover the eosi of constructing a sewer In sewer district No. \ : > \ amounting to thosum of S2l.213.Gfl , which said Hum it i.s proposed by u rcporlduly adopted by the ulty cornier to as sess pro-ruin according to foqt fronlugu and the usual scaling buck process to Iho depth of ono lot on rc.il utitu : In stld district : Provided , That on corner lots having a suwur on two side * they shall bo ussossud fur the long sldo only. Certain trlan--iilar lots are assessed for the one-half of frontage. Kato per foot. Jl.u.277. Tax lot 12 assessed fori'ij.a1.1 nnd tux lot 13 ussojsod for J.Vi.OI. To cover thocost of constructing connec tions to sewers In streutlmprovomentolstrlets Nos. lid-40) ) . 423. 4M ; , 4i)7. ) unil 4j ( ' , done under contra ! with John IT. Duley. uinounllug to the sum of $ $15.51 , which It Is proposed oy u report , clu'y ' adopted by the city cobucll to us-o.sa iho cost of each supur.ito eimnuctlon lo tbo lot or part of lot or real ost.ito to which such con nection Is made , aa follows : t. Imp. uUlat. Amount. SU H7 bik 187H city $17 IU " s41ftoflttilklS75 ! ) ! " 1" U " It 10 bile 1874 " J U-i < jGltl blklOI'/ ' " 7C.D < Cilt4blIclUJi ( ! " 1'JW < 10 a'/Jot It 5 bik 102 ! } " 18 Hi -3 s 10 ! ) ft of It bik 2l l ' 13 7. } " it 1 lilk I Credit I'linclnr * 137.5 IIIT , bik " 13 7.'i " It 4 bile 15 " 1575 ' It 4 bik 22 / " in 7' . ' llfl bik 22 " KI75 " It Shi kit" " ! ' ! f' " ' " 114 blk M " J2 75 " It 5 bik JW " ' 1' ? 75 " tax lot It 15 con ) " ! 1 W 4 80 Mof H.'lblk P Campbell's Hub II in it 4 bik P " H 10 " ltd bile P ' H W " u ii of It 0 bile I Parker's addition llfl " w 45 ft of It Ublk I . ' U 2) ) " H 71)1 left " 11 SI " Its bik5 " 11 HI " . u ! Jof | , B Illicit " H l " wfjof ItH bllctt " DVD " o ! ' , of It.1 bile 7 " 11 SI ' u 14 of 114 bile 7 " Jl HI " ' ' 11 M ntiof lt4blU8 . " Jtllblk'J " I" M o'iof It i bllcl ) " H I" ' ' itsi'iicu ' ; t4 . . ; ji Itibile , ! ! Slilnn's2nd addition 1181 " oKof Its bile I ' HID It 0 bik I " H 10 4.'lQ U7 bile o Strickland's sub 11 HI H8 b Id ) " 11 H1) ) " It ! ) oik o " 11 m it lit idk o " 11 H ) 4i7 : ltbk ( ) ! 1 Shlnn's adOltlon 14 SJ Uilblkii " JH8) ) " Itfibll ; 0 H nO 4ul ) It 10 Joosten's sub 12 57 " It2 Pruyn'H sub 1257 ' It 4 " \ " . 57 If.bik ) A Shlnti'saddition - II II Itllblk A " 12 f > 7 " li'57 lift bile A ltd bik A " M : n u of Itllblk II " U f'7 It M bik 10 " 1257 wiiof H8bk ! H " II 7h ' o'.iof US bik H " 13 57 ItH bile 12 " 11 78 115 bik III " 1257 " Itliulk 15 " IV W $315 51 Tocovorlhocostof constructing connnrtlpns lo sewers In slrout Improvement districts No * . JhO , 421. 411 , 4I'I. 411 , 45) , 451 , I5ti , IIVI , I'/l ' , IU7 and 47-1 In I ho city of IJiu a ha , amount Ink' to thosum of 1J.OIU.IVI. which sa'.d sum It la proposed by a joporlduly adonied by the ully council to uc- sussoatho lot , paitof lot or ruul nstntu to whluhconncetlcns uru mad ju pur the fol- owing Hat : ' No. Amount. 2Mj 113 Hensrm'ssub $11 ID " lti : . ' 11 16 It Id ICIIzKboHi 1'laco 12 2J ItlH ' 12 2J Itl ! ) ' J2 21 H-0 " 12 2i ) u'Jd ft ( if It 2. ! Ifrauklln Siiniro 1 ! ) 2J Has ft of It 21 , , . " " " , , J1 1B " ItOblic : ! I.akuHaddition 21) ) . ' 10 It 7 bile U " 20 M It U bill U " SO 315 It 12 ITiinklln Siiuuru 1119 it " 11 10 it II II 1 ins " lilt ) it in II 19 HIT " II 19 It 18 " 11 Itt It7bllc3 K VHmltirH addition 1119 US bik U II 19 U2bllc4 " SjliJ5 It3blk4 * 21 fi Itlblki " U I ) To cover tlio cost of damaccs fur changoof grade. being a judgement. In favor of tSohip- , porot , ( Jhirk and Clohurnu fur ohangoof grade of ICIghiounih street ircin l < o ivonwurlh strout to 400 foot south of Mntiou street , amounting lo thosiini of f-,2il.W ) , wlileh siiiiUnin It Is pro- pospd.'by a report only adopted by tlio city council , to assess on tliu real estalu on both sides ( if Kighluunth street from Liinvonwortli street to th railway rlsht ofviy. . pro rntu as per font frontage. and llio iiHiial scaling back process In depth to tbu llrul alloy. Hate per font , W.7J707. . To cox or tlio co'-tot daian os awarded for tlio oponiii'/ Twoiily-slxtli t-treet from Hi , i north line of Niiisou'u addition loUaldxvoll strunt. aiiionntln : to tlio suinof tOIS.i5 > , wblch said sum U Is proposal ! by a report duly adopted by tlio city council , to ahsutsou both sldus of 'rwciity-slxtb street , from Oiiiulnjj stroHttoSuw.ird stniot. an follows : 1'roin Ciiinlni street , to north UrnNolson's adtiltlon $1,43.59. nt the rate of $ .MI per front fool. fool.On On lots " to fl Inclnslvo In Joeslons" sub , JSil7.H , HI. tlio r.itoof .4I pur front foot From U ildwull to Hamilton strums , ll.vj.00 , at tin1 r.ito of 00 wants pur front foot. I'rom ll.unllton to Cliurlusalruuts , JIOS.OO , at tin1 r.ito of Mi ciintH par front font. I'Yom ' C'b'irlcis to toward sti'euUi7,00 , at llui rate of 70 ciiniH per front fool. On lut No. I , .Ims-slmi'M siiti. fM.H' : . On IdL.'l. block | \ Shlnn'H iiddltlnti , ll'JI.nn. Tlioabovoisb.s9inunllndoplli : from Tivotily- sl.vlh Htrcot to iliiiiilslaiu-eof onu lot only. To vovor Uin co-'tof uonstriu'llnx purmiinnnt Hldowalks by I 'on I & llnsi' , anionntiir , ; 10 tlio mini off.Mn.V.M , whluii riililNum Its \ propose I l y a roport. duly iidoptuil liy th < > intv uoiini'll , to HSSL'SS on tlm follnwln rual estate , nlon ' wlileh said v.Mluiaro laid : Lots block 7i City W Lot (1 ( block 73 " Sin ! U Lot7lilo k7'J " aiJKl Lot llilocKK ) 51701 Lot , a block UO ' t" l 17 Lot 4 blork ! ) l " SI7V ! ! ) Lotnhln K2UI4 ! . ' ; 3Jai Lot5bloorOl ! : " 11347 ' Total . . } ; ' . ! - ' : ; , ! Torovnr tluiconl and b HIIL-I on of laying pcrnrinimt ( .tuttti walks by J.V. \ . runins ft Hens , amounting to ihn .sum of . ' ,751.07 , whlnli N.ilil Mini It U propoied by a ruiioit duly adopted by the < ! ilv i-iiiini'll. to assuns on tlio rual iMato uloni ; wlili'b sala v/allts iirulaid , ai follows : Lota. lilnulcS.ll. Ulty S3) ) 77 school uniumls. bctwnnn ' "Jtli an 1 S'.Mand nodijjuiidDiiyoiiport MIITCIH 2.517 a ) Tofil . . W.75I i.7 To cover tlio coit of Monti sidowalUs laid by .l.Ti' . I'nrnas > V. .Sou , uinoiintlnK to tlio mini of j7i..8. ' . which H'tld KIIIII It Is ( imposed by a re- portdnly adnplnU-hy tliu oliy ooniiulllo assies on tlio lota or unit * of lots udjuconlto tliu wnlk laid , to-wits LI. 7 lilk 4U fliv Ulll.'l ) ; -trl | ) of land uiljolnin ? an u.-ist ltt Oil ; Ji ( Olty 4U 3i 1.1 .SIlit , 41 107 U ) K ( i of It 7 bik 51 41 115 1,15 bik l)7 ! ) 24'J ' IH Hub lot 11 113 Uapltol add HhjH I. ; ' ) 41 l.t 11 blU I Kuninilt rince I''J ' T.I Total ITH ! i. " Von urc fnrtlioriiollllRd ihutK'jId "Proposed Plans of AskOhsniunt" niu now Mlbjert to tliu inipcctlon and ci\tunlimtloiiof any of thuii-.vn crx of Nald lolx , jiarln of loin or pn'.uin of rual ( Mate , or the Innpui'tlon or uMimlnutl'in ( if nny oilier piT'on interoslnil In Maid propjsml iihM-sHiuuntti , at tliu otllcu of Ha d o ty clcru , mid th it by a report of a fuinmlltf" < > < Hl < l I'liiinollduly adouted. It lHirupi.sol | ( tn.il nn- lom for BOOII mid milllulunt KUIIH t may IID oiliurwih ? oi'tuniil and dutm-mlnc , ! . Hint tb'i iiHl ufhald lilliirotiiineiita ronpiiolivmy bn " ' bossed on the soyeral lots , pailw > if intu uu'l ' plueesnf real iststo as HIIOWII by said pro- lioied plan < of iis < ( t oiiinl. Yon' and oi : li of von , nrn hcitiliy n.tiflnd to iippeurbc'forgn.ild Hoard of Ivina iz.tttbUi nt I he time and place uliovii hpi.-i'lllod. to iiKiku any uo'iiilaliit.8tatuiniuit ) orol/liii'tluu yi u d - hfrumincornltiK any of xald proiiojud levies and uhsus.imcntii uf upuobil fives JOHN ullDVKs. t'lty ' Oioi-le. Omaha Neb. UcceinborUli , IS'li D'J u7t . , . . , I'miiii. iici\uiv * nvt i.rai u. , * v > cpiirtltv , K.entnl ueiirrttfoa , 11110111 < llm llan , plinrlM. ulluw roumlcx Ion , nuilerurydluoroaulllnv fro