Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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Wns linn Eatly for About
1'ifteon Minutes ,
\Vinrirmnnit.VvcraKodn Shade Higher ,
but Cldscil nt .Monthly's Quotations
Transactions In Stork *
ntiil llondn ,
1H. , Doc. in.-Whcat today was
firm for about fifteen iiilniitcs near the openIng -
Ing , but weakened and closed fiotn ? ic to H"
lower timn It did j'ostcrday. There wns no
cxM > rt. demand ut Now Vork , only two bout
loads belli ; ; reported bold tliero and none at
OIUHrtH. )
Corn wns ( Inn nnd averaged a shade higher ,
hut closed slondy ntyestoidny's Html quota
tions , o.xcopt for tlila month , which Is Uc
Provisions started strong , averaging higher ,
ImtchKod without any gain to speak of.
The storms deranging the telegraph wires
and making the transmission of orders slow
find dinirnll , helped lo hainpertrade In wheat.
Tliero was a decrease of nearly 1,000,000 bu.
In tlir amount tin ocean passage , tint at the
same llmeanlncieasoot 500,000 lin. wns ro-
jiorted In the Kngllsh visible sup-
lily. Tliu receipts In the nortlr.vcst
were 97fi ears I'gnlnst OHO cars a
yoarngo , and 017 two years ago. Cioddoswasa
Rood hnyei of May early In the session , sup
posed tole acting for the ellniie , and Parti-
rldgc nl-o covered u good line of shorts ,
fully l,0onino ) , u Is said. Mllmlnc-llod-
iniili woie a No linyers and 1 here were said to bo
Mitnvrall for New York orders In the m.irkct.
This ileinnnd M-cmcd to be about all ( hut pre
vented derided weakness and except , peihaps ,
this fart thai the local lecclpts were not ni
Inrgi-as expected. PI net nations wereeonllned
within ' c Hinge at the closing , about V loner
than yesterday. The weakness was Influenced
largely by" lower eabb's and the I'onsliintty nc-
riimulntln , slocks. Cudahy wns a seller near
thn elo o.
Coin arrivals were slightly under the es
timate , and Initial trnnsaetlonsweio a I a frac
tional advance. Tlie market void np 'n'1 more ,
xvherenpon ollorlngs became larger mid wheat
declining. The price HOI lied down from ! ( < to
fit1. Inn milled " , e later mi covering by shorts
influenced by lliu wet weather and smaller es
timates of 14D cars fur tomiit row. A steady
decline In in rivals Is looked for by some.
In oals theteasu moderate tiade within
! < c range. Tlie close was about the same as
yoslciilay for May , huliit a dueUno of from
J r to lie on the near fntnte.s.
The bulls In provisions aided by light ve-
eelpl.s uf hogs , wen ; enabled to unload upon
shorts. Ciulahy sold January pork openly ,
while Wright was a flee biiyerot May laid.
Driver , l-'owlor-StciJiiig ! ami Coiinsi-lman &
Co. , weie aNo among the buyers of May laid.
After an advance of l'2 < - < : In May poik , 20i : In
May lard , 7'tc ' In May rllis , they leaded near
the close to yesterday's closing prices and
rested there.
Ksllmated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
123 ears ; corn , 1-10 car.s ; oats. 120 cats : hogs ,
32.0(10 ( bend.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
December. . . IV tan 72 H
.Innu.irjr ml : *
Mny 78)1 78) ) | J8M
Co a.v NO , 2
December. . . an Kit
Jnnuary I'M
OATS No. "
Dercmlicr. . . RO-f.
.Innunry 31K. ROf.m
Mny 35H 1'oinc-
.Inmiarr 15 ' . ' 1680 15 ls' > 15 70
Mny 15 WH 15 S.'X IS'.O
Jnnnnry . . . . 9 fiT'-i ' " ' .I IB ) , 9(17 (
Mny 'J 0 ! I2U 'J 40
Jnimnry. . . . B 22 H 8 22Si B 25
Mny B.'IJ 8 ym B M
Cash nniilatlons were us follows :
KI.OITII Dull , depressed.
\Viir.AT-No. 2.spring , 71io ; No. 3sprlng , G2
CGBcNo.Uied,7Pc. : ,
COIIN Higher ; No. 2. 42'Jc ; No. n cash ,
88Ue ; No. a yellow , 39 < Tc30"Sc. "
OATS-NO. 2 , 3l'/if.31c ( ; No. 2 wlilte , f. o. u. ,
00 < 330'c ; No. ! l white , 32'33'.ic.
UVK No. 2 , 47e.
HAIII.KV No. 2 , C.c ) ; No. 3 , 35c ; No. 4 , f. o. u. ,
8 ; < ® 40e.
KI.AX Siin : : No. l , $1.09.
TIMOTII v Stii : : > Prime , J2.00. '
1'oiiK-Moss , per bbl. , $14.51W ? > 14.G2' ' ; : lard ,
per 100 Ibs. , J'J.GO ' ; short ribs , sides ( loosu ) ,
J8.20S18.30 ; dry salted shouldersbo\edl.i7.371i (
© 7.50 ; short clear sides ( bo.\ed ) , iH.KKiH.T ! } .
WMIS-KY Distillers'finished goods , pur gal. ,
11.25 ,
SiiOAii-Pul loaf , granulated , standard "A , "
The following were the receipts and bhlp-
ments today :
Vork Markets ,
NKW YoitK , Dec. 13. 1'i.otjit Itecelpts , 49-
700pl-gs. ; exports , 15,300 bbls. , 30,900 sacks ;
nmruoi quiet , easy ; sales , 10,900 bbls : low
extras , iW.UOC ( ,2.75 ; wlnler wheat , low grades ,
$2.0W2.75 ( ; fair to fancy , $2.755i3.HO ; pat
ents , t3.854l4.2O ; Minnesota clear , $2.0 < Ku,3.00 ;
Btralts , ff3.01X5,4.25 ; patents. f4.'JXft,4.75.
CoitN 511Air-More : demand , steady ; yellow
Western , $2.70112.80.
WiiiAT-Hccolpts : , 153,000 bu. ; exports , 49-
000 bu. ; sales , 1,7.10.000 bu. futuics ; 80.000
bu.spots. Kpotsdnll ; lower , weak ; No. 2 red ,
78UeInhtoreandelevati > r:78.l'c : ? alloat ; 77 > ( &
701ij [ f. o. b. ; No. 3 led , 74'ic ; ungraded
red , 74' ' $ < ? 80e ; No. 1 northern , ; No. 2
northern , 77Ue ; No. 2 Milwaukee , li'i'iv ; No.
3 spring , 7334C. Options weio dull , weak
and J < 5 , ? R lower on weak west , lower Into
cables and longs realizing ; No. 2 ml Decem
ber , 7fii'jt77)ic ' ( ) , closing at 7G3fc ; .Innunry ,
77Htt77i > e , closing at 77'Je ; March , 707a4t
BOJfc , closing at 79'uc ; May , bl4 ? < 3H2 3-lGc ,
closing ut 81iv.
lYi-Jiiil. ( ] nominal.
HAllJ.r.v Dull ; western. COS60c.
liAin.iir MAI.TDull. .
CoilN Keeelpts , 50,000 bu , ; oxporls , 07.000
bu. ; sales , 300.000 bu. of futures : OI.OOO bu ,
spots. Hpotsdull , steady : No.2 , Ol' Ol'icIn
tdovator:52u : < 3021ic alloat ; steamer and mixed ,
02e. Options opened Him atfii < ( c advance ,
declined lHt"v as following the west , closing
Meady , unchanged to , c decline ; trading
local , switching ; .lainmry , OPjQ021 c , closing
ut 51 ! c : May , 03iic53-S.e. closing at O3'ic.
OATH Hecelpts,32,000 bu. ; exports , 400 Im.j
sales,40,000 bu. futures ; 92,000 buspots. Spots
quiet , llrm. Options dull , steadv : .lanuiiry ,
I37ia37:1 ! ( i : . closing at37 ? c ; May39'i ' < i,307 c.
closing at 39V ; No. 2 spot whlte,41ii42c ;
mixed western , 3lS' , < f 38'e ' : white western ,
41Sa47Hc ; No. 2 Chicago , 37 ? o.
HAV I- Inn j shipping , GoaoOc ; good to choice ,
70TiOOi ( : .
Hoi's Dull , weak ; stale , good to choice , 18 ®
23o : Paclllc coast , 18 22c.
SUOAII Haw. dull ; rellned quiet , steady.
Moi.At-SKS New Orleans , moderately active ,
Jticii I'alr demand , stead v. ' '
Koos Quiet , steady , lecelplH 0,171 , pkgs.
llinr.s Dull , steady.
AVooir 1'alr demand ; sleady.
1'oiiK Uulet. strong : Cut meats quiet.
Ptendy. Middles , oiilet ; short clear. t8,0f > ,
1.nrd , spot dull ; options iniiii ) nctlvo and ir-
I'cguhir ; western steam closeil at $10.00 ;
hah'H , 00 tierces ; options sales , i'J.OOO tlnrces ;
December , tO.OO , closing $9.02 bid ; January ,
(0.95 , closing It.1)5 ) nominal ; Mm oh closed
10.70 ; May , * 9.f > ( K'iO,55. ' closing J9.G5.
Ilurrin--jlolerati : ( ( demand , weak ; western
dairy , 17ffl23c ; western cieamery 20a3Uic ) ;
Klgln , 30c ,
riiii : : K 1'alr demand , firm.
I'loliiON-tfteady , qulut ) American , $13.00a
16.00 ,
'oi-i-un Modern lo demand , flrm : la ko 512.25
lKAi ) Q.ulot , sternly ; domestic , t'J.l'i.
TIN Weaker ; t-trafls , $10.55.
KaiikiiH l.'ily
1CANSAK ClTV , Mo. . Dei : . 13. AVllKAT
Steady , closing weak ; No , 2 haul , ( i5 ( , < [ ar ) > ? .i
No. 2 icd , 7Uc ,
COIIN Firm , unchanged ; No , 2 mixed , 34 ©
OATS Klrongand higher ; No. 3 mixed , 30 ®
81e ; No. 2 while , 31(3320. ( -
HVIJ 1'lrmj No. 2.47tic.
Kl.AX .Sr.iin-Steadyi 04il90c. (
ItltA.v I'lrmi sacked , OOSGOc ,
HAV 1'Irm , unchanged ,
IlDTTKit Kulr detfiiind ; creamery , 2&Q28c ;
dairy , MttlBo.
Kdilti-ririniit 18I&22C.
ItKCK.ll-iH--Wheat 70,000 bu. 0
, , ; corn , 0,000
bu , ; oats , none.
HlIII'MCNTS-Whcnt , 95,000 1)11. ) coin. 13,000
bu , ; outs , none.
' Omiiliu lIliU'H und Tallmr.
llIDK.s No. 1 green , 3tic ; No. - green salted.
OTC-lUc ; No. 2 gn-eii salted , 2 > 4'c lo 3iV3Uc ; No.
1 given wilted. 20 to 40 lbs,4ic ! ; No , 2 h
wilted , iSf to4 ( ) Ibs. , UHC : No. 1 veal calf , B to
10 HW..GC : No. 2 veal calf. H to 10 lbs.,4c ; No. 1
dry Hint. uulo7c ; No. ' . ! dry lllnl,4c toSu ; No.
1 dry Milted , Oc to lo. 1'ari cuicd hides one-
lialf cent iier pound less than fully cuivd.
SllKIU' I'KI.TS Creen baited , eucli 30c < iil r ;
irecn bulled shearlings ( short woolcd early
fcklns ) , each Ifi 'JOi * ; dry bhearllnKs ( short
woolvd early sNlnsl. No. 1 , eucli , 04410oi dry
theurllnirs ( short , viooled early slilns ) . No. -
each , Cc ; dry tllut Kuuixa und Ncbrusku
liiitrliftr wool polli , per 11) . . nrltial wt Ight.
14 ci dry Hint [ \nnsn < nnd Nobrnika miir-
tnln wool pelt , per Ib. , nctunl wi-lRht. H'JllL'C ' !
dry Hint i olorndo butcher wool pelts , peril ) . ,
nctnal welpbt , l ( > 'U2 < ic ; dry Hint. I'vlorndo
intirtnln wool pells per lb. , tiettmt welnlit ,
( * ! f.ltc ) { dry jilecc * and buck" , actual weight ,
7 < cVJc. Have feet cut olT , as It Is useless to jiay
on them ,
T.u.t.ow AND OniMsr.--Tftllow , No. 1 ,
tnllow , No , l ! , ntitS'ic ; giense , whlto A , 3J < c ;
pren. p , whlto 1 > , rt'tc ; create , yellow. 3c ;
Ktriixo , dark , 2lsc : old butter , 2R ( 2Mci bees
wax , inline , 1020c : lough tallow ,
Omnlm Produce .M irl < ct.
Arrivals of produce wrro not heavy , but
nlmiit cquitl to the modcrato demand. Prices
remain about tlio same with no very Important
chntiRci. Some alterations In fruit quotation *
will bit noted.
APIMISGood apples nvo quoted nt3.50 < a
4tK ! cholro In fancy , J4.0034.20.J
llANAN.\s-Qtiolatlmii are : 1'alr to good
shipping stoel.12,00 2.00 per hunch.
lliinKH If anything. .stot'Us appciir eto bo
moving a llttlo mum freely , but prices nro
about tlm pame. A lingo ptoportlon of the
country roll sells at HfrilCe with selected
slock Kolnjc to the lelnll trade at 1719i * .
( . 'itAMiKiiitns : Oiiotatlons mo : Hell nnd
rheiry. 58.00 per bbl. : bell nnd IniBle , IO.OO ;
lulu Cape Cod , $10.00. The ui rivals on tlio
market HID light.
CIIJHV : ; I'liney celery Is dldlcull to tlnd ,
Quotations innuuull the way from 'Joe to 4c.
I'lllilSTMAS Tnr.ns 4 to 0 feet , per do ? . ,
f3.oy.4.riO ( ) ; 0 to 10 feet , per doz. iU.OOQ10.OO ;
extin liiri'e , for schools nnd churches , each ,
J2.iWKiO.tK ) ; holly , per bbl. , * 2.oO ; ) ulstletoe ,
pnr lb. , UOfiiloc.
KoiW-Tlio marUet N steady at 2l25r for
fresh Mock , which IM M-rv M'jirce. A peed
many cold Monmc rsins ate lielng sblpped In.
HAMI ; The market h steadv. oimtn-
lions are : I'rahle chickens , j4.00iM.OO ;
L-rouse , J1.00 ; niiiill , Jl.iwvJM.2S ; snipe ,
SI. 00 ; lack snipe , f 1.2i > ftl.Gti ) plover ,
Jl.Ol ) ; golden pluvrr , J1.2r > ftl. no ; canvas back
ducks , } O.OHi7.10.tD ( ) ! led head ducks $4. < ) ( ) ;
mallard ducks J3.70 ; blue wins teal , * 2.00 ;
gteen wing teal , } I.&O161.7G ; mixed ducks , $1.00 ;
Cnnndii geese , fO.OKft7.r)0 ( ( ; small geese , J4.IK )
CIO.OO : Jack rabbits , $ ' 2.00 ; small rabbits , $1.2.1
< rl. Oil ! squirrels , tl.'J.'i ; antelope saddles 12 ®
1 Ic ; deer saddles , l-ltilOc ; antolopocaieasbus ,
Mi'c ( ! ) ; deer carcasses , IDIUlc.
lli.\iv ( : The market Is linn , good whlto
clover honey be-In R scarce at 17c.
HAV TheriMM'ie on track twenty-two cars
nnd Hie demand was fair ; No. I , $7.0088.00 ;
No. 2 , it.GlTs.7..V ) ) ) .
II.MONHChoice : , $4.50 : fancy. SG. 00.
MAI.ADA ( ; ii.M'is : Pcr keis ,
OvNTKlts I'liehangeil nt'SGu. percan.
ONIONS HomeKi-own , soaw5c ; Spanish , J1.90
Der crate.
oiiAsinis-Klorhlii , J3.255J3.iJO.
I'on.TUV Thu general market was about
steady. Tin Keys , llffM2H' ! ; geese and ducks.
SrJHUe ; chickens * < c. Some small lots of
fancy ehlckeiH went at Oc. 1,1 vo poultry Is not
I'OTATOKS Qnotnttnns nro : llomegiown ,
GOH70C ; Colorado and Utah , BGc.
Mvwrr I'OTATIIIN Cholco Muscat Ino nnd
Illinois slock. i3.70ff-l.OO per bbl.
YI.M. : ( Juolallmisare : Small and fat , 0'5 ®
7c ; hugo nnd heavy , 3Q.5C.
St. I. mils .Mnrhcti.
ST. r.nuis , Mo. , Dec. 13.n.oiniSlow nnd
WIIIIAT Opened .lower , then rallied par
tially , but soon gave way again and closed 's ' ©
? iC under vesteiday : cash , 0710 ; December ,
07JJO ; .January , G J.ic ; IVbruary , 70Uc ; May ,
74' c.lulv ; , 74 " , c.
t-'oiiN Cash llrm , 38'c. ' Options better early
but lost the advance and closed a shade on
and weak. December , 38 , c ; January , 384'c ;
February. 39V : May. 43ft44c.
tATS i-'lrin , 32'ic asked. Mny ndvanccil ! Jc
but closed same nsyesteidav , 3 lijc.
Uvi : Higher , 48'jccash , O'ljfc bid Mav.
HAiti.nv Steady ; Minnesota hold G35J04c ;
Kansas , Glc.
U.vv Dull , iinehansed. : J3.0oa3.55 ; spelter , $1.10.
KI.AX SiiiSteady : : at $1.02.
HlTTTiil : ITllclmilKCd.
Ktms rnehaiiged ; 23' tc.
Con.v MIAI. : Qulot at Jl.fiO.
'V- Steady nl J1.2G.
Aiictsi : AMI COTTON Tins Unchanged.
1'novisioNS Very quiet , xvlth only u job
truth- done at previous quotations
KtmiTS I'liinr , 2,000 bbls. ; wheat , 20,000
bn. ; corn , GG.IHUI tin. ; oats , 2G.OUO bu. ;
rye. 5 000 bu. ; barley , 1 1,00(1 ( bli.
SIIII-MKNTI l''lour , 13,000 bbls. : wheat , 41,000
bu. ; corn , 120,001) ) bu. ; oats , 17,001) bu. ; rye
9,000 bu. ; barley , n ono
Wool 'Market.
LONDON. Dec. 13. At the wool sales today
11,390 bales of average ntmlHy were oll'ered.
There was a good attendance and the competi
tion was fairly active. 1'leces and
lamb's wool weio In good ilemand. 1'ol-
lowlng are tlm sales In detail and the
prices obtained : New South Wales , 1,400
bales ; .scuored , 9'd ; scouted locks and pieces.
U'id ; ( 'ipusy , fis&B'id ; greasy locks and
pieces , 3'idT,7l. ! ( Queensland , 5,100 bales ;
.scoured. IsODls 2d ; scouted locks and pieces ,
O'SdSils ' 11' . d ; jrreasv , Odfiod ; greasy looks
and pieces 5Udi7 ( > il. Melboiirno and Vic
toria , 3,700 bales ; scoured , ( Jjdls ! Giid ;
scoured locks and pieces , G"d ; gieiLsy , 4Ud.
"oiuli A nst i alia , 000 bales ; scoured locks and
iileces , 9' , < l5ilod ( : greasy , < 5CWd { ; greasy
locks and pieces. O'ld Hif. New Xealiind , 30'0
bales ; scoured. 9"d : scotiied locks and pieces.
O'jd. Capo of ( Jood Hope nnd Nalal , 300
bales ; scoured , 0idl.s ! 3d ; greasy , Gd7id.
OH Aliirkut.
Ninv YOIIK , Dec. 13. l'iTiioi.r.UM : The mar
ket opened dull and nominally easier ; not , a
single transaction was reported. The closing
quotation was 53ii ! ; bid , 03Jle asked. Penn
sylvania oil , sales , none ; January option
sales , none. ; I.lmn oil , sales none , 17c bid.
Total sales , none.
TAI.I.OW Oulet , steady.
llosiN Dull , Meady.
TL'Ki'i.NTiNijiilut : , steady.
] ior quarter. _
Liverpool .tlurkuts.
Livniii-ooi , , Dec. 13. WIIKAT Quiet ; holders
offer moderately ; receipts- , wheat past Hiiro
days 178,000 centals , Including 143,01)0 ) Amur-
lean. '
Co UN Firm ; demand fair ; mixed western ,
4s G'jd per cental. Uecelpls American corn
past thiee days 70,000 centals.
I'KAS Canadian , Os 841 ] per cental.
LAIIII 1'rluiu western , 48s Gd porcwt.
CoMeo .Market.
NKW YOIIK , Dec. -Options opened steady ,
0 to 10 points up , closed steady , unchanged to
10 points up ; Sales GO.OOl ) bags , in
cluding December , ilO.OOftlo.HO January ; ,
glU.20 < riri.4G ; February. S15.OG ® 10.25 ; March
* 14.9fl.l5.10 ( ) ; April , S14.B04U4.B& ; May ,
* 14.GOitl4.hO ( ; July $ M.4O5M-I.G5 ; August ,
$14.00 ; September. J14.40S14.00. Spot Klo ,
dnU , easy ; No. 7 , ( HG.50.
Ilnslness llrlrls.
The Hank of Commeico of llemlngford will
discontinue business.
J. C. Smith , In the hainess business nt
Kearney , has been succeeded by J. C . Smith it
J. 0. Klesel , who has boon running a meat
market at Osmond , has been succeeded by A.
1. . Kissinger & Co.
3llltvniilco ( iraln .Murkrl.
Mll.w.uiKr.i : , Wis. , Dec. 13.'IIUAT Lower ;
May , 7158C ; No. 2 spring , Cic. (
CoitN-Quliit ; No. 3 new , 30'Jc.
OATS-.Sl eady ; No. 2 white , 34'/c ; No. 3
white , 82H3lHC.
HAKI.KV Quiet ; No. 2 , G4Hc ; hiimplo. 40 ®
04 c.
Uvi-QulolNo. ! ; 1 , 02c.
llnneiipiills U'licut .Market. , Minn. , Dec. 13. Queuing
weak and declined at close. May wheat
opened at Gii"ii ! and closed ut lilic ) ! ;
December closed nt OO'jc. No. 1 northern ,
G0'ic ' : No. 2 northern , OhifOB'jc. On track : No.
1 hard. i'Gc ; No. 1 northern , G4iici No.2 north
ern , 5700c. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Cnttiin .Market.
Nr.wOni.iANK. : La. , Dec. 13 , Steady ; mid
dling , 0 0-ltie : low middling. 0 3-lliu ; not re
ceipts , 22,230 bales ; gross , 23,108 bales ; ex
ports to the continent , 0,700 bales ; coastwise
1,488 bales ; sales , 4,000 bulcs ; block , 271,230
bales ,
( liK-lnn.itl .MnrkrlH.
CINCINNATI , O. , Dec. 13. WIIIAT : Scarce
nominal ; No , 2 led , 70c.
Con.v Stronger ! No. 2 mixed , 43H-Hc.
DATS KIINV ; No. 2 mixed , aflc.
WIIIHKV Acllvoiind llrm ; ifl.22 ,
TriulerH' Talk.
CIIIPAUO. 111. , Dec. 13.-Couiihelman k Day to
Cockrcll Hio-j. Commission Company : Tliero
was a fair business In client though mostly
for local operators and some throwing over-
boiud of scalping lines by longs on account o"
the threatened icstrlctlon of trade , througl.
fear of tlu iiosslblllty of the passage of the
anti-option hill. Shorts worn the besi buyers
at the deellno , and the iiuii-icet closed
with frco sellers at HID bottom of the c de
cline. Corn and oats eio very dull and un
interesting but showed symptom * of .strength
but wen * kepi In check liy the deellno h
wheat. Provisions cimthiiio In Iho control o
Cudahy's houses , whoso operations weio sell
Ing January pork and buying May lard nm
ribs. The conlllctlng rumors icgardlng the
prospects of tlm passage of tlm untl-optlo
bill ii'btricled trade In all Ihu pits.
Strruiftli of tlm Indiiktrlul Group \Va SntH
dent to ICxi'llo Attention.
NK\V VOIIK , Dec , 13. The movement of the
Slock exchange today In soiini icspects was
more Important than yesterday. The average
blrength of Iho Industrial group was sulllclenl
toovclto attention , certain of those blocks
which have lately advanced blmrply main
taining their rlso In the face of heavy realiz
ing , whlloothcrb foiled to the front and scored
material gains. Distilling und Cuttlefoeillng
closed with u net loss of 1 per cent. American
Sugar was llrm throughout und a fractionally
higher range , wkllo Chicago Gus , uf tor
down sjpcrcontro < o 1 pprccnt Natlonnt I.rnil
and Nntlomil Starch common wore really the
features. The former nxo 3 i to Gl' ' and the
latter .Vrf percent , llotli stockt were noititlit
on n larpn scale by lendlns houvrs. Among
thp specmltles Colorado Cofil nnd Iron WUM
taken isrratly aird Mild up to 42f. ( leneral
KlPClrlit dliplaycd conslderftblo strcntcth near
the rloto , rl lng from 113 to ll.Tj. llocklnit
I'onl and Iron , nf lor advancing 2 per cent , re
acted 1 percent.
Thn shipments of gold were not regarded ns
aMithfnctory eMplunntlon of tho' selling of
the railway shares. Hock I lnnd was taken In
round amounts iiptoH4'j. The Minneapolis &
St. I.otiH shares Ixiundcd up 'i points. The
movement In Itock Island started up specula
tion In Hock Island stocks generally , and a
rapid advance of ' ( to 1 per cent ensued ,
Hurllnglon , Atcldson , New Knglund , t'nloti
Pacific. Missouri Parlllc nnd Manhattan lend-
In ! ; . Shortly before Iho clo < .e prices leaded 'j
to'i percent , under sales lo reulUo prollts ,
but a Ilimcr feeling prevailed at the close-\
Illinois Central .was a notable exception , sell
ing down ] < { toOOV.
The 1'oM.snvs : That we send abroad today
or tomorrow f2,000,000 out of our total stock
of $ Gt ) ( ) 000,000 Is of Itself a small matter ; thn
ominous future In the situation Is the cause of
the movement. Arising from such n move
ment of distrust , the matter may grow very
serious If congiess does not soon take the ono
action which It can to restoio llnnnclnl conll-
The following are the closing quotations for
the leading Mocks on the New York Stock ex
change today :
AtClll'OM. 3I' < North American Co. nil
Adams I ! : . . 1WKl Niirthprn l-iiclllo . . .
Alton.T. 11 Kl < 4 ilo pn-fcrrcil .
do preferred I.V1 t ; . P. Drn. , V ( luir. . .
Ainerlcnii l-.xpros * . . 117 Nnrlliwo'turn .
llnltlinoro A Ohio. . 1179.V < i ilo prpfvrrcil .
Cannon t'nclilc R'.rt ' < i . V. Central . no
( 'anailn Southern . . 6M ( | N. V. , V N. K .
Ceiltrnl I'liclllc S7 ( Ontario X Western. .
Clips. \ Ohio S7\ Oregon Imp .
ChlcntfO Alton . . . . Ill .Ori'Kim Nav .
C. II. A U W O. S I. . , V U. N .
Chlcniio Uns .Pacltle . Mall .
CuntnlhlMeil Uiis. . . WV.i' 'I'rorli ' , Dee. A K. . . .
C. C. C A Nt. I. V.i' < IMtlnbiiri ; . I.M
Cole , foal A Iron. . . ' I'lilhii-in I'nlacu . 107
Cotton oil Cert
Del. lluilnon llllohniiinil Tor
I ) . I. . .V W , do iircforred
1) ) . , < . H. O pfd M Itlo UrnmloVvst. . . . 85
I ) , ft C. K. Co SIS do preterrcil
KUKlTonn Hock Inlnlul , SI
Krlu St. I. . Ab. F. 1st pfd. . 70
do preferred MM St. I'nill
Korl Wnjrno 1.VJ do preferreij
( it. .Northern pfil. . . I.TJM St. I'nnl.VOm.ihn. . .
C. ft K. 1. pfd . do iirefurroil 110
Hocking Vnllor ISoutlicrn Pnelllc. . . . : u
IlllnDin Central MiUiir ItelhiL-ry 1U7' <
St. 1-ntil A. Diilnth. . ! I'onn. Coal n. Iron . ' S
Knn. A Ti'i. iifil IM Tcvai ! I'ncltlc ID
l.nko KrloA West. . IMa I'ol. , V O. Cent. pfd. . 7f.m
do preferred . S Union l-nclllc ay
l.nko Shorn U. S. Kxpress ayu
Lend Trml , W. 8t. I. . , \ , P u
do Dreferreil
' '
l.oulH. A Now Al'b'y' WullH-FtrKO H.\p. , 11.1
Miiiih.ittnn Oon iWailrrn Union 11.1MH
, W ) Wheeling A h. i : . . . . 2J' (
.Mlchtinii . lUii do preferred eiH :
MI-Bourl l-nclllc . . . lUiiS'l .Minn. Aht. I , is
Molillo.V Ohio S'l ' I ) . A It (3
Nni-hvllio Chntt. . . S'lMl ( lenernl Klectrlc. . . .
National Cordnio. ; nix Nntliitinl l.lnoeeil. . .
ilo | iroforre < l C Kuel .V Iron nil
N.,1. renlrnl . . . . do proforrcil 114
Norfolk , t W. | fd. .
The total sales of slocks today wore 331,000
shaies Including : Alchl-on , 10,1113 ; Chicago
tias 111,031) : Krle , 20,400 ; Missouri I'ncHIc ,
fi.OOO ; Northern Piicllii ; preferred , 1D.10D ; Now
l.nglaml. 3'JOO ; Headlin : . 18.HOO ; M. Paul ,
10,120 ; Union Pncllle. 10.700 ; Western Union ,
22,705. _ _ ! _ _ ! _ _ 1.
London I'limnchil Itevlnu1.
[ Copyrlulitcil ISMbiiJiimM Gordon H nne ( .l
LONDON , Dec. 13. INcwVork Herald Cable
Ppeclnl to Tin : lir.i ; . ] In the Stock exchange
today attention has been chlelly directed to
tlio settlement , llttlo or no disposition having
been shown to enter IntooiiKagomonts. I'orthu
few accounts money has been plentiful , so that
rates for continuation ruled aoout thosamoas
on previous occasions. 1'iinds were 1-10 to 'id
hlgner und Indian orupee paper Ud easier ,
American railways close flat , lower prices
coming from New York , the market tliero be
ing distributed through fears of further gold
shipments to Kurope. A general deellno was
established ranging from H to sa percent.
Northern Pacific preferences luivo given way
l".i per cent on unfavorable icports
tegardlng the financial condition of the
company. Canadian lines have been moio less
di'piessed In sympathy with American. Uiand
Trunk pieferences guaranteed have fallen H
to ? . ; per cent , and Canadian Pad flu ' per cent.
As regards foreign railway. * , Mexican Hi'st
prefeience Impioved ? i per cent. Argentine
lines were dull. Miscellaneous securities ny-t
with little attention. Money has been very
quiet. The demand for short loans has been
easily obtained at 1 percent. In the discount
market few bills have been offered , tho-o at
two and three months being ( ( noted ut 17 per
Nn\v York Money Miirlcet.
Nr.w VOIIK , Dec. 13. Mo.vr.v ON OAT.I , More
stringent , ranging from 3 to 7 per cent ; hist
loan closed offered at 4 per cent.
I'IIIMCMKIICANTIM : 1'Ai'nii 5G percent.
STKIIMNC. KXCIIANOI : Strong at $4.BO for
sixty-day bnnker.s' bills and $4.89 for deuiand ,
The closing quotations oii'bomls :
l ) . s. tsnK .Mutual Union KB. . . I1IHI
U. s. 4.1 cuup N. J. C. Int. Cert . . . HIM
U. 8 Mnreit IO'J Northern I'lie. lull. 11S9
Puclilcus of 'yj . . 105 Northern 1'ue. 2uili. : 1I2U
I.oiiBlana bt'pect 49. UTS N. W. Consols 13TM
MUsourl Os 105 X. W. Dub. is 101
Tt-nn. now sot lin. . . . 10.1 St. U & I. SI. Gen. 5s 1018.1H
Ti'na. now rut : > . . . . 101 St. I , . AS. RGon. M lei ;
Tcnn. new ei't3 . . , . bt. I'llliI Coiuola. . . 130
Canada So. ' 'mis. . . . St. l > . C. .t 1' . lets. . . 117
Ceil. I'scinc U19. . . . I' . 1' . I * ( i. Tr. Itcts. 60
1) . .V U. li. Ut9 T. 1' . U. (1. Tr. Ucts. 23
I ) . A It. Cl. 4a Union I'nc. Ists. . . . 103
Krlo ' 'nils 101V Went Slioro 1041 {
M. K. AT. Oen. l.s. BOH K. 0. W -
SI. K. JtT. lien. Ss. .
Itiiston Stuck Oi
HOSTON , Mass. . Dec. 13. The following are
thucloliiK stock quotations :
Sun rrancNi-o Mining Storks.
RAN I'ltANCtsco , C'nl. , Dec. 13. Tim ofllclal
cloliiK quotations for mining stocks today
were us follows :
Alia Ki .Mi'Mcnn I-'J
llnlwur 15 Mono 15
llclcher IN ) Ophlr IK )
Hobl i llulchi-r 120 1'otosl : .3
lioJIo Coiuollihituil 15 Snvn o 115
Chollar . . 05 Slurra NVvmlti 125
Con. Cnl. ft Vu . . . 175 Union ConsollilateJ I'JO
Crown Point SO Utah 10
( iould X Curry 0 Vellow Jacket U )
llulu A NorcrosH , . . . 145 North ( Juunn &
Now York Mliiliij ; ( ) iiititlons. :
Niw : YOIIK. Dec. , in. The following are the
loiln ) ; mining quotations :
Crown I'olnt bj I'lyinonih .VJ
Con. Cnl. , t Vn. . . . SIO Sierra Nuvaila 1V5
Donilwooil 110 Mmulnril I'll )
llalu.Sf Norcross. , . . 125 Union Con 110
Iliiniuitnku | : iW ( VollonrJacket i'J '
Mexican 1'JO Iron Hllvor W
North ftnr liiifl Quick Silver SUO
Ontario IVOO do pro fil. . . 1800
Ophlr 210 Hulwer 20
St. I.onU .Mining Uniitatli
PT. l.ninn. Mo. . Dee. 13. Hope , M.GO bid :
nrillilte. tU.OOftO.&t ) ; Hlmetalllc , $9.75aiO.OU :
American Noltle. 26a < 8Wic.
Fliiiinelul Noted.
NKW OIII.KANS , I.n. , Dec. 10 , Clearings , t3-
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Dec. 13 , Clearings , $1-
1'AHIS , Dec. 13. Three per cent rentes , 09f ,
fide fur the account.
Nr.w YOIIK , I)2i- ) . -Clearing , $180 , 70'-
G13 ; balances , } .rj,57-l , 3r > .
HAI.TIMOIII : , Md. , Dee. 13. OlearliiKs , if3 , 1-1-1 ,
330 ; balances , il > < JUHHU. Itato II percent.
l'Mil.Aiii.t'iiiA ) : , I'u. , Dee. 13. { 'learlncs
JUOOU,317i balances , J1.734 , 175. Jloney.I !
ST. I.OIMS , Mo. , Dee. 13. t'learliiK.s , J-I.O-I- !
fi-llj balnnces , W03.-1& & , Money ijulet at G&7
Mr.sll-iiis , Ti'iin. . Di-e. IS. flmirliiscs ,
317 : balances , * 135O33 , Now York nxeli
fcellliiK at par.
Cixi'iNNATi , O. , Dee. 13. New York ex
elnin e , par. Money , -Kii-lii percent , t'lear
IIIKN , * 'J.17I.600. (
IIOSTON , Mass. . Dee. ii.-'leiirliie : < * . $10.705 ,
7Hs balnnces.JI , 000,323. Money , 6 per cent
Kxrhanco on New York fif 10e scount.
Niw : YOIIK , Dec. 13-ripeelnl [ Telegram ti
Till : HKI : . ] K.\ehanio wa iimed | | as follow
( JhlcaKO , 'J.rM ! iiremlum : Hoslon. ! ! ) pen-en
discount : St. Louis , ( iiQ.7 pur runt discount.
C'liK'Aoo , III. , Dec. 13.-Oluarln s , J10.170
310. .New York uxclmiiKv , Sfic iiremlum , Ster
llii nxclmntii ) htronci bUty-day bills , * 4.HG
demand ,'i. Money , easy ut tilaSO nu
C'nttlit Trndo Slow anil lo\vor Hogs Higher
Sheep Strong ,
OMAHA , Deo. 13. Tlm Mipply of cnttlo was
liberal , oven for Tuesday , nnd was made up
lurifiily of nutlxo stock , only u few Krab er.s on
bale , Hhllo Iho ijuullty with lliu exception of
. . , ,
103-103 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO.
19 Wall Street , NEW YORK.
7O State St.i BOSTON.
oovcrnl fnlrlocli Icj bum he * of steers wn *
Trnih" \\\ | \ . , ; | > oiiiiK. | nnd In RvmpMdy
wllh other mnrkpv , wns generally rroni f > to
lOc lower on all bve < steers , cvcenl on choicest
holdings , After WHIM n fnlramount of trading
was ( lone nt the decline noted , although theru
wns little snap to the market.
Cow stuff wasotTcrrd In almndnnco and sola
slowly nt a decline of fully Uv from yoser- (
day , oralmul unajower than Ilia sniau stuff
broitcdtat the clteanf last week.
The feeder trndii was moderntel.v brisk ntnl
iirlcos Hi moron all decent cattle , dealers be
ing free buyer * and the demand from Iho
country also pretty good. 1'ew stockers or
feeders of any weight and iiunllly to thoni
were left In llrst hnmU. Kcpresonlntlvesales :
No. Av. 'I'r , No. Av 1'r.
1 . .1270 J3 00 18. . . . . .1222 $3 or >
0 , . 500 3 00 10. . . . . .1033 n 70
nee a eon 0. . . . . .1220 n 75
IH : : . 020 n 15 4. . . . . .10U5 n 75
3. . .10(70 ( n 20 15 . . . . . 040 a 75
7. . . 033 n 20 21. . . . . .1174 a 80
' .103(1 ( a 20 40. . . . . .1223 a 85
20 ! . .103:1 : II 25 40. . . . . .1178 n 85
.1387 3 35 20. . . . . .1305 a no
. O'JO n 40 in. . . . . .11H4 on
. 087 n 45 40. . . . . .1138 10
ni ! . 089 n eon ao. . . . . .1201 15
n .1100 n eon ao. . . . . .1344 4 40
20 ! ; .1033 n eon 10. . . . . .1270 40
3 ! ) . . .11153 n 50 10. . . . . .1330 (55 (
20. . .1147 a 55 17. . . . . .1183 G5
10. . . 1125 a GO
Ritii'piMi AND rjxroiiT.
1318 4 75 1(5 . 1051 6 50
31. . .1430 5 00
No. Av. Pr. cows.No. . Av. Pr.
10 . . 877 1 35 4. . OKI 2 10
7. . . 1152 4 40 20. . 021 2 H )
1. . .1000 1 40 13. . 100H 2 10
1. . . ( ) ( ) 1 00 8. . 875 1 15
3. . . 720 1 00 30. . 071 2 15
(1. ( . . 000 1 GO 10. . 1OOU 2 20
13. . . 813 1 GO 17. . 1013 2 20
in. . . H47 1 GO 20. . 047 2 25
.1020 1 G5 13. . 1023 2 25
3. . . nun 1 GO 21. . 012 2 25
3. . .lO.Vl 1 (53 ( 14. . 1071 2 25
.1030 1 (55 ( 1. . 1020 2 25
aji : ! . H33 1 70 0. . 048 25
. 1)20 ) 1 75 1. . 1100 2 25
id ; ; . ! ) ( I7 1 70 1. . 1220 2 25
14. . . 831 1 70 1. . 1200 2 25
. 782 1 75 101 ! )
.1000 1 75 1030 2 ill !
. 885 1 70 1001) ) 2 an
.1020 1 75 710 2 ao
1. , . 030 1 70 10 : ; 003 2 ao
24. , . 923 1 85 0 02G 2 35
4. , . G22 1 85 10 1100 2 35
14. , .1018 1 0 15 tool 2 40
14. , .1010 1 80 8 1022 2 40
10.G. . .1003 1 ! ) ( ) 10 1053 2 45
G. . 883 1 00 13 107(5 ( 2 50
18. . 81(5 ( 1 00 13 1141 2 50
18. . H07 2 00 13i i 1300 2 50
1.O . . 000 2 00 14 072 2 05
O .112(1 ( 2 00 G7 10151 2 (10
28 ! . 034 2 00 10 1125 2 OO
2O. . 000 2 ( K ) 1032 2 f.O
2 ! ) . . 072 2 00 1003 2 75
2 , ' ( . .1010 2 00 1230 2 75
14. .1121 2 05 003 2 70
minits. : :
33 GOl 2 10 31 830 2 00
30 800 220 G 3 00
20 G'JO 2 00
. 305 200 3 93 4 00
. 31G 2 00 1 230 5 OO
. 320 2 00 1 100 5 OO
. 05 3 00 1 100 5 00
. 100 4 DO
1. . . . .1200 1 40 1. . . . . .1000 2 00
1. . . . .1350 1 70 18. . . . . .1477 2 05
1. . . . .1380 1 BO 1. . . . . .1740 2 30
1. . . . .1450 1 00 I. . . . . .1830 2 35
I. . . . .1230 1 90 1. . . . . .1390 2 00
1. . . . .1050 1 4)0 ) 1. . . . . .I2b ( ) 2 00
1. . . . .1080 1 00 1. . . . . .12GO 2 50
1. . . . .1400 1 no 1. . . . . .1410 2 OO
1. . . . .1440 2 00 1 1900 2 70
1. . . . .1G10 2 00'
1. . . . .1230 200' ' 0 13C3 300
20. . . . .1503 273-
B. . . . . 318 2 00 2 805 2 85
0. . . . . 008 2 23' 3 040 2 85
3. . . . . 430 2 50' 1 000 a 00
. 000 200 4 1107 a 00
. 087 255 40 084 300
. 703 2 GO 8 010 3 15
. 500 2J5. 105 803 3 20
. 800 2,75
No. Av. Vr. No. Av. 1'r.T
i 11 bulls. . . 1220 $1 GO 1 steer.,1840 ? 3 OO
203 cows. . . 005 2 go 187 feed's. 003 200
HOGS The supply was about up lo the iisinl
number for this day of the week , while the
quality as a rule was very good. The market
opened earl } ' ut prices u good Oc higher ,
.strengthened as the day advanced and cloicd
pretty close to lOc higher on all fair to good
hogs. Prices ranged from $13.00 to SU.20 , with
tlio bulk selling at $0.05 to 50.15 and popular
price 4G.10 for packing grades. Trains were
late , but as trading was lively , the hogs all
sold In fair season. Itepresontatlvo sales :
No. Av. Sh. Pr.
4. , .307 $5 05
3 .300 40 G 00
07. .204 G 00
85. , .100 120 ( i 00
GO. , .208 240 (5 ( 02'5
81. 80 G 0215
70. 1GO G 05
70. . .215 4O G OO
78. . .204 240 G 00
04. . .240 240 G 05
(58. ( . .22(5 ( 120 G 05
39. . .233 40 G 03
30. . .241 120 G 05
83. . .227 440 G 05
71. . .230 3GO G 03
82. ooo 100 G 05
71. ! ! 224 G 05
82. . .214 40 G 05 12O
24. . .231 120 G 05 1GO
GO. . .244 120 G 05 320
4. . .3(52 ( G 05 400
72. . .24(5 ( 280 G 03 400
Gl. . .242 120 G 03 120
GO. . .247 100 G 03 200
11. . .108 G 03 100
00. . .2315 400 G 05 120
04. . .23(5 ( BO (5 ( 05 320
3. . .2(50 ( G 03 100
3. . .3(50 ( G 05 1GO
7. . .181 G 05 1(50 (
GO. . .204 320 G 05 440
00. . .205 520 G 05 210
4. . .330 (5 ( 05 120
0. . .23(5 ( G 00 80
3. . .200 G 05 240
8. . .300 (5 00 40
27. . .213 200 ( i 05 120
7(5. ( . .231 280 G 05 fol )
25. . 101 G 00 40
70. . .235 120 G 07 H
Gl ) . . .207 240 G 07J ! 400
G4. . .272 120 G 07-4 80
GO. . .200 280 G 07(4 ( 80
71. . .235 80 0 07 U 480
70. . .242 100 G 1)7 ) Vi
G8. . .2(51 ( bO G 07 U
73. . .257 40 0 10
03. . .320 210 G 10
70. . .200 100 . .270
GO. . .232 80 . .200
20. . .273
. .284
. .2'JH
. .280
. .270
. .281
. .271
. .203
. .3H1
. .2.10 40
. .2U2
Itecelpts were moderato and the
market fairly active with prices steady
to strong on all desirable ofTi-rlngs , ( notations
are : Fair to good natives , J3.fJOi54.70 ; fair
lo good westerns , $3.2V&.50 ! ; common and
Mock sheep , t2,25@3.DO ; good to cholcu 41) ) to
100-11) . lambs , $4.00JtU.OO , liepresentatlvu
sales :
No. A v Pr. |
120 natives mixed H3 4 Ml
1DO natives mixed , . , 7 ! ) 4 40
2f > o nallvo mixed 82 -I 40
004 native ) . ml.\ed b2 4 40
l.lvn Stuck .Market.
CIIICAUO. III. , Dec. 13 , ( Special Telegram li
Till ! HKI : . 1 Then ) was nardly any changi :
today In thomarki > l values. Asa consequence
of ( ho nasty \\eather the demand was materi
ally cut down , bill , there was also a big decrease
In the receipts , so the holders did not llnd it
necessary to slaughter prices , About H.IIIII
cattle arrived , which Is only a lltllumori
limn one-third as many as ucro receive !
, Tor roRovatlnir tl-o cnttrn system ,
I eliinlnat/lng an I'olsnns from Ilia
_ _ _ Illood , .vlicthcr of pciufuluiis or
malarial origin , Ula preparation has no ciiual.
"For eighteen months I had an
I eating gore on my tongue. I vat
treated liy host local physicians ,
hut obtained no relief : the. sore gradually grew
worse. I Dually took 8. H. H. , and was entirely
cured after using a few bottles. "
C. 11. McUcuoui : , Henderson , Tex.
Treatise on Illood and Skin 1)13-
casw mailed free.
'JuB Bwirr SPECIFIO Co. .
Atlanta , ua.
1'iiblio Auction of I'onr < 'ntlaieH.
On December 27th , 1602. at 10 a. m. , thoclty
will , al nubllo unction , si'il the following do
sciibed nouses on the premises to the hlghes
bidder fur cash , Said hoiiscti to bo icmovei
within four months , The highest bidder to deposit
posit & > 0 at the time of hale , the balance ti
IHI paid to the c.lty within ono week. The foil
cottages HID situated on loth 7 , H , 0 and 10 li
Justin's Mihdlvlslou of lots 1 and 2 , block ID
Shlnn' * addition. TIIKO. OI > i\ : .
Omaha , Neb. , Dec. Oth , 1802. UIO dtit
-.trrdny , hut wllh ( ho number loft over from
thnt day II inntlo n supply not n llltlo
In cxcc < of the drmnnd and. then fine ,
prices t-omnlned weak. Quotations were
from $1,00 lo 13.20 for Inferior to choice cows ,
heifers nnd InilK $1,75 to $2.33 for Mockers
nnd feeder * , I'J.sO to $5,00 for drcwed beef and
shlpplninlecrs and JO.oo to $7,00 for Christ
mas stcf . In the latter cuss several lots
Hero offered , tint the average timllty ] of the
supply a rather common. Prices uolow $1.70
look OKI hulk.
The fact that the receipts of hogs were again
hurt of oncclnl Inns did mil help sellers toiin
ndvance. Indeed for poor and common grades
II wns hard work to KM yesterday's prices.
A few veiy prime heavy hogs -Mild at strong
price * , $0.05 being paid foru load averaging
384 Ihs. , hut the general market was no belter
than for Monday. The supply was houulilup
In good season , and the closn was sleady nt
from JO.oo lo $0.00 for very common lo cholcu
heavy nnd medium weights , nnd at fiom Jj.tH )
to tb'.OO for light. The ( imillty was better
than for some days past , nnd the most of the
trading was at from 15.05 lo Jtl.35.
Thoiowasa heavy supply of sheep. 1'rlcos
were again weak. The were from KV to 15c
lower than yesterday and from 20c to 30c
lower than nt the close of last week.
Most of the business wiis done below 14.05
for sheep and from J4.25 to $5.00 bought the
hulk of the lambs.
liecelpts : Cattle , 8,000 ; hogs , 23,000 ; sheep ,
The Kvenlng Journal reports :
CATTit-Hocolpts : , heiid ; shipment * ,
2,00(1 ( head ; market dull and weak ; Christ
mas bee\es , Vi.OO'iJfi.OO ; older * . W.HlvaO.SSj
stockers , tl.DOGin.OO ; co\v.s , } I.UKtjH.HO.
lloo.s-llecelpts , 24,1)00 ) head ; shlpineiils ,
7,000 head ; mnrUel sleadv ; rough and com
mon , $5.00 < ; T0.30 | ptlinc heavv , $ C..30ai.OO ;
butchers , $ C.20Si.30 ( ; light , $5.0'OU0.20 ; skips
and pigs , $4,755.H5.
Slliiii : > HrcelilM. | 14.000 head : shipments ,
1,000 liead : fancy grades , steady : others , 25c
lower : Christmas wt'lhefs , $5.oiijli.O ( ) ; na
tives. $ : mixed$4.30iJ,4.00 ( ; westerns
M.4O1M.80 ; Te.Mins , J3.70(2G.O ( ( ) ; lambs , J4.00
KccclplN nnd nispiialtlon of Sloeli ,
oniclal receipts and dlsposlllon of stock as
shown by the books of ( bo fnlon Stock Yards
company for the twenty-four hours ending
at 5 o'clock p. m. December 13 , 1802 :
men ITS ,
n II YE us. liiio.s. HMite. :
Omnlm Pncklng Co S.OW
' 11m II. II. llnrumoml Co. . HO
Swift A Co 1.5'I ! ' < Si4
'Ilia Ciuhdiy 1'ncklnxCo. . 2,123 ZJU
it'/n/Ai ) ! ' . ' . " ! ' . ' . ! ' . ' . ! ; " ; ; ; ;
Andrew Huns
S > ce..Slil | > | i'rn nml Kcod'ri
1'iital il.K'J 1.084
Kiinsim City l.lvit Modi Alnrliet.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Dei ! . 13. PATTM : lli -
relpts , D.OOO head ; shipments , 1,301) ) head :
market for good eattlo slionu : other quiet
and steady. HcprcM-ntatlvo hales : Dressed
beet nnd shipping steers , } 3.H7li5i5.00 ;
cows and heifers , } 1.HO3.'JO ; Mockers and
feeders , $3.0(1(33.1)0. ( ( )
( ) ( ! Itecelpts , 'Jr)00 head : shipments , 000
head : market active , openhm 5c and closing
UVIilRher : extreme range , $ -l.40&0.30 ; bull ; ,
C15 . > I ) .
.SiinKP-ltecelpts , 1,000 head ; shipments ,
1,500 head ; market dull and unchanged ;
muttons J4.00 < a-J.60.
Now York l.lvn Sloelt Martlet.
NKW VOIIK , Dec. 13. Hr.nvns Itecelpts ,
525 bead , all for exporters and hlniighlvrers ;
no trade ; feeling llrinj dressed beef , steady lit
7HOc per Hi. ; shipments today 700 beeVes.
tomorrow , 400 beeves and 4,051 quarters of
CAI.VESS Ilerelpts , 2RS head ; market ( Inn ;
line , $5.25(35.35 ( per cwt. ; grass calves , $3.7154
© 3..S1) ; wi-slerii.J3.B5.
SiiKKi- AND I/A.MIN Ueceliits. SOO head ;
market steady : sheep , $3.1)02,4,00 ) per ewt ;
lambs , J5.37' . < iMUm.
lions Heceipts , 3,599 head : market average ,
J5.GJQ5.70 percwt.
St. I. ollls l.tvu Stuck Altirlirt.
HT. l.ouis. Mo. . | lio. : 13. CATTI.I : Ue-
celpts , 3.BUO head : shipments , 000 head ;
market , sleady ; fair to good nathe steers ,
J3.00S4.50 ; TOMIK and Indian Muers , J2.10 ®
3.DO ; range rows , $1.25 .2.20.
lines Itiicelpts , O.HOO head ; shipments
I.IIOO head ; market. stronger ; beavv , $15.00 ©
G.35 : packing , J5.HOQ0.20 ; light , ? 5.0'oao.l5.
SlliIKl' liecelpts , 1,000 head ; shipments ,
none ; market quiet and weak ; fair to choice
Somi'thlilf ; ( iooil.
I have sold nnd used in my family for sev
eral years Cliamberlain's Colic , Cholera and
Diarrhiua remedy , and have found it ono of
the most useful and satisfactory remedies I
ever handled. C. H. Lewis , druggist. Salt
Lake City , Utah.
27ic first quar
ter you sjiond
Bhoulcl bo for a
vial of Doctor
Tierco's Pleasant
Pollot3. Why ?
Because that feel-
ins of dullness
with debility or
hc.-ulucho moans
that your liver
isn't doing its
. Ono of
ice little rellete
does the right thine in the right way.
They cleanse ami regulate the liver , btom-
ach and bowels thoroughly nnd effectively ,
but mildly and gently. They persuade-rathcr
than force. Ono tiny , bugar-uoated Pellet's
a gentle laxative ; three to four net as n ca
thartic. Thoy'ro the smallest , but the best.
There's less to take , but there's more good in
it. when it's taken. They're the original
Little Liver Pill , nnd they've never l > ccu
equaled. Sick nnd Bilious Headache , Con
stipation , Indigestion , Bilious Attacks , and
nil derangements of the liver , stomach and
bowels , are prevented , relieved , and cured.
Thoy'ro the cheapest pill you cim buy , because -
cause they're ' guaruntecil to giv satisfac
tion , or your money is returned.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
South Ornaliai
Cost Cnttlo Ho nml Sheep market 111 the west.
Wood Brothers.
i-outhCmnha Telephone 111" . Chicago.
JOHN i ) . OADIHMAN.I. , _ . .
* " " > "
Markvt Iteporti by nmll and Hlro clioerfully tur-
nibbed upon iiptillcntlon.
An ordinance changing the grade of Seward
slreot from the oust curb llnoof i.8tb street
lo the west curb line of ailh street und tholn-
lorsocllng street , In Iho oily of Omnlm , and
rnpuallng so much of ordlimncn No , MS amUo
much of alionllnitnceslii cotlllct herewith !
Hultor.lalnoJ by thoolty counoll ot the city
of Umuhii :
Section \Vhoroas. . It has been declared
necessary toShango thogradoof Seward slreot
from the east curb I Inn or "tali street to the west
curb line of Mill street , ami coital i parlsof
Iho Intersccilm ; streuis horolnafii r specified ;
And , whoroiis , lliroo illslnlorcsteU freehold
ers have boon unpointed by the may or and cou-
llrmod by the eliy council , to appraise Iho
dumugos inlslirx by ruiibon of Iho change of
grade heroin monllnnod :
And. wliuriMS , said iipiiralsors. after duly
oiiallfylng accordlnit to law , and examining
Iho property n ire-clod , have miido their report ,
and tlioeity eoJiiell hiibiulopted suld renort.
Thoruforo , the grade of said purls of Mnvard
street , and Intersecting street , is huicby
olianvcd and established to that the clovallons
bliull to as follows , the grade between the
points cltod being uniform ulniU'ht lines ;
Section - ' . tirade of toward btreet :
Kloviillon Klnvntlon
of South of North
Curb Cuib
Kust curb line of .Mb st , us
islaiisbed. ) | . . . . . 1W.O 100,0
\Vesteiirbllnoofi7th st . . .IW.O 1'JUO
Kiislenrlillnoof 'JTlh bt.r.'b,5
Westcnrb llnouf'dthbl , us
established . " > . . ' '
Heutlon 3. tirudo ofTill street :
of West of Kist
iurb Curl )
South curb linn of I'ranlilln
bt.i.s cstablibhoil . II1R H2.
North curb Ilno of .Sowardntl.UO 1-s.i
t-'imthenrb'lnoof ' Sowiitdst.lW.O K' .5
No/th llnoof alloy , Boiilh of
l-owaidHt . Established ( iraili
.Section I. Ko much of ordinance No b-'W , am !
BO much of all oilier ord-nanccs defining Iho
grades of the iibovu btrcuts , un conflicts will
the provisions ot this ordinance , U hereby re-
PHeo'ilon is. That this ordinance shall take
cfTeat und bo In force from und after Us pirn
' "
"ftssed December SOlu.Wffl.
, OItoVKS >
City Clor'A
Acllng President Oily Council ,
November '
Approved -
-jj mjj , , Si
Manufacturers' and /j /
Jobbers' Directory
Omaha Tent-Awning
. 111.1 l-'nriifim M.
Berais Omaha Bag M , 0. Daxon ,
ImvorteM nml intmifrs. lllcrclcs nolil on raontlilj
Hour neks ,
twlno. imytiHMiti. 123 N IMh.
Horse-Coe Shoe Company ,
1109 llownnl Urc.'l.
Knctorr corner Utli ami DoiiKlnn Street"
Wo nro iiinklni ; plo n | ulr tci rn li IIUTVM. nn I nro
i'lngj ofanoitt wlilrh U lory
nlih incrclinntv
Kirkondall , Jones & Amer , Hand-Sowed
CO.MPANV. WlinliMnlo Sllonro. limits.tino <
mfr . intents llmlnii ntnl iiiliinTitiMiii , iiuij- :
Kiiblipr Mhoc' r.ioi \ \ - 1.HU llurnc ) M.
iioy St
_ C0Al _ _ , CO.E. COHNIOE ,
Omaha Coal , Coke & Eatjlo Cornice Works
1.1MK CO. linM nnil uft Mfrs. iron
I'onl , s 11 cor. lotli mm cornlci' . wlin1o\v caps , bis. inctnlllr nkvllElitu , etc.
lliU-lll' ' Doil ost.
M , E. Smith & Co. , Kilpatrick-Koch Dry
Dry cooilj , noiloni. fur- XotloiiB , niiiits1 furnlili-
! IMlllM IMIUtl1 * , COTIH'r ItiKKouilf.iMir. Mtli uml
lllli nail llonuril M . llurney st .
Omaha Upholstering Beebeo & Banyan
CO. npliotitcroil
n CO , Uracc
nml llitli Si .
D. M. Steele & Co. , Blake , Bruce & Co. ,
1201-lMj JoiicsSt. , 10th nnil Ilnmcy St . ,
Uninlia. Uinnlm.
An ordinance locathiK certain additional
, , w.ator hydrants In the elty of Omiihn.
Ho It ordalnuil by the city council of the city
qfOmalm :
Section 1. That the City Water Works
Compnny bo and the sumo Is' hereby ordered
to place addltlonul water hydrants In thoclty
of Omaha , as follows :
Ono nt the corner uf 117th nnd .Mnson streets.
One on Kiih street , 1.VJ feet north of Ilurton
btreet. i
Sections. That this ordinance shall take
ofToct and bo In force from uml after Its pass-
ape.1'assod November 22nd. 1892.
K. I' . DAVIS.
, , . President Ultr Council.
Approved November2.HII. Is'.r ' ' ,
OEO. t' . HEM I ? .
M ivor.
SPECIAL ORDINANCE NO. 17 ; ! ! . ' .
Anordltmuco levying u special tax and assess
ment on certain lots nnd real ostiito In fie
city of Omaha , to cover the tnll cost of t'rnd-
luir 3 > tb street from l < nrnnm street to Hurt
street. Ingradingdistrict No. 43.
Whereas , It Imvlnjr been and being
lioreby adjudged , determined and es
tabllshed that ihe several lots and
[ ileces o real estate hereinafter re-
ferrud to , have o-ich been specially UenelHted
to the full amount herein levied and assessed
against ouch of said lots and places of real us-
taie , respectively , by reason of the ( { rudiiiK of
[ hat partofilith street mini Knrnam street to
IJurl street , done nndor contract with Kulz &
( . 'illinium.
Therofore. for the purpose of paying the full
, est of suclj Ki'adinp.
lu ( It ordained by the city council of thoclty of
Omaha :
Section 1. That the full cost of grading tlmt
mrt or 3Hh street. In ihi- city or uninlia. from
h'urnam street to Hurt Mreet , said Krndln ;
done under contract with ICatiV C.illa-
ild full cost liema the sum of jSilU..l2 : , bo [
mil the same Is hereby levied ami assesseu , no-
. ordliu to special benefits by reason of said
smiling , upon the following lots and real oatato
is shown by tha generally recognized map of
Uo city of Omaha , lltnogrupliou and varnished
by Mulr A ; Uaylord in IMU , said coat being so
cvieil on said bits und real estate , respectively ,
is follows , to wit :
iCuto Hell w3 ft It 10 blk-1 llrcnnan I'laco $2 U
'ranees A Cornell It 11 bile 1 " 31 32
j II McKltterlcIt It 12 blk 1 " 47'4I
I K Johnston It 13 blk 1 " UJ t-0
MurlonKoslcrlt II blkl
do It 15 blkl 47 41
do It in blkl 34 3' . '
riiomns Itrcnnan w'J ft. It 17 blk 1 2 14
Mary J Klrstead It 1 blk 2 17 ! ) 7,1
Kllii.1 Itoiors It 10 blk 2 170 7.1
lames \\llson It 10 blk I Crcston add S4 III
JoLn i : Summcislt II blk 1 70 21
do Itl2ullel 70 21
It.I Jobstltm-llc 1 70 21
Amy Silver It 14 blk 1 70 21
Kll/.uboth Sllverlt 1ft blk 1 70 21
Amy Silver It 10 blk 1 70 21
L 1/Nnnn It 17 blk 1 70 20
do It IS blkl ' 0 'JO
Ellen M Coad 1121 Creston Annex 7' 0 ' 21
do H2J ; o 21
do It 2. ) 0 21
do It'-'i n -'I
do It 25
AS Paddock HI blkO Jcrom n 1'arlc M oo
do It ! . ' blk U
do It 3 blk < l 01 W
do HI blkl ) 01 Ml
do Habile ! ) C4 , 'iU
do ltd bile 11 01 ,71
do It 7 blk ! l ( II 69
do HHWkl ) '
do 111) ) Idle 1) ) Cl'l fU
do HID blk 0 W IJ.I
Miiret/ Mover It II blk fl Ut k ? >
Alfred | > Hopkins It IK blk 0 4'J ' II
Siinil A I'lomun It 13blk ! )
A S 1'iiddookltl h k 10 Jerome I'.irk ii ; os
do it''blk Id ri is
do Itllblklo (13 ( 1H
cm It4hlkl ( )
do no blk Id 03 10
do ll blk 10 Ci : 10
Ilatllo O I'ralt ol al U 7 blk 10 (13 ( 111
Kicd K llallardlt , Hbllc 10 ' fii 1U
JennloKOrrltUblk 10 Gl M
Orlando To lit It 1 blk 1 Klluy I'laco 71 0 21
< H It 2 blkl 7021
IICMarsunrot It 3 blk 1 7021
Illbikl 70 21
Investment Co It M ) 1 " 70 lit
do Hlililk 1 " 7J ' . 'I '
do liTblk 1 - 70 21
IsnnoIjIlolHiilltBblk I " 70 lil
A Klloy &Thos DillonIt Oh k 1 " 70 21
j ( , do ItlUMkl " 7021
John I , 1 bile 2 70 21
do 12 blk 2 71) ) 21
do Il3blk2 70 21
Margaret.t.lesHlv Cnrrlo It 4 b 2 70 21
The I'otuir ( ieorgo U > i It a ullc 2 " 70 21
WC.McClelland It0 Iilk2 70 21
do It 7 blk 2 71) ) 21
K I. Illorbowcrlt bblka ' 711 21
do HO blk 2 . " 70 21
a ' " 70 21
do mobile , , , ,
Charles H 0111 It 1 Knight's sub h' . ' Ill
do It2 41 113
do 113 2S ,11
do H4 2 48
Academy of SuuruJ Ilonrt
\ > 7I ft It fl bile 3 1'arle I'laco no 7r ,
do It U bile 3 3.'il 01
Wm.M Iwyorltblle3 ; 3in i i
do e'fl ft It8 bile 3 IIS 70
do o7 , ' ft H2ilblie 3 HH 7U
do IfJIbllCI : MH will
Academy of But-red llourt IfJIb. ! "
do w7l ft It'.11 bile I ! " ill 7S
Gruco Ji Sudbotough It 1 btowart I'laco fH U7
do H2 " f'HHT
do 113 " M
II noiarkool.V ) ttlt 4i | . won
A Knight wKO ft tax lot II see ' . ' 0-15-13 i'3 M
U'm I'1 lloln- , nU'l--IO ' fief o5j ! fltax lot
Ilsco2.-ir.i ! ) | : M107
,1 C L'owln fcC-i ft of ol.'iO ft tux lot 10 see
20-IVI3 U.148
Win I' Helm 015'ft tax lotlUseo 17-15-13. 2S7 tl
11 Marlins nllOfl of ol55 li lux lot 17 hue . . . . .
KMl'o'wulYucoBi'iVf t o't olVki'ft'ux' ibt i"
heo2)-lfi-l3 ? . . . . . Iu5l
John ! ' Coad Iho w ft of ihulpurtof
bile II bmllh's mid north of I'urniini bt
and oabt of 3nth btreot
_ _
Total t .3ui2 : ;
Hectlou a. Tlmt athl special tuxes levlod
aforesaid , on slid loin respectively , shall ua-
comu dellminonlBS followa : Ono-tJiilh of the
totul umonnt M lovlod on ouch of s.ild loin ahull
become di-lliniuunt In llfty day * from the IMS-
IIL'O and approval of thU ordliuno . ono-tunth-
in one year , nno-tentli In twoyenr . ono-tenth
lu three yeiiM , ono-Hnth III totir yeura. ono-
tenth In llvu yearn , onu-ttuth In nix ye.ira. one-
tenth In nsvunymrs , oaa-mntu In ulght yearn ,
one-tenth In ulna years after b , td levy , and be
ing from tlio < uuo und uiipruvul of lldi or-
dldunce. IvHL-li ot auld Inat.iHmuntB. except the
llrst , shalluruw Interest ut th rate of il nor
cunt v r uuaum from the tlmo ot the lurjr
Lobeck Linn ,
Corner | Dcnlors In h.inlwnro ami
lOlh nnl .t
Mreet * . liui l >
W. A. L , Gibbon &Co ,
tint' , rnin. irnw Kooils ,
Kli'vi's. mittens , .zili
mill UnriH'y MS.
John A , Wakefleld , Charles R. Leo
lni | ' < < r I'M. Purl
Hunt i-onirnt. \tn\\\n cot | ct < niul wooj
Vni-oiMin'iil niulouliu-r tlxo
whlti-llire. Till mill
iiQuons. _ I _ MltllNERY.
Prick A Herbert , ! I , Oberfeliicr Co ,
" ' ' " " ' ' " '
\Vholcsnlo llqnunlcnlc-rs I . "r'v iioYlou ,
I M ' ' ' '
1001 rnrnnm M. alsSVt'V.'Ml'hfftV'1 r
Carpenter Paper Co. 1 Standard Oil-Co , ,
Cnity n full stock of '
lirlnllni ; , winpplnifiiiiil Ita'lueil nnd liilrlcnllna
nrltlim | inier.i | , card
tinner , cto. dil , nxlo prcMp , etc.
David Cole & Co , ,
Wlioli'-nle i stei , fnncjr
ri'liTy i".i s mtii tit , ,
tt'ltiinuno ,11
Branch S Co. Jas. A. Clark & Co. ,
t'toilnce , fruits of nil i lliitter , Hii'i e ,
lionltry inn ) K.ini
kliulK , nystcra. ' , iii s l.ltli M
Omaha Stove Repair | M , A. Disbrow & Co. ,
rtuvo lopnlrn .MiiiiiifiiOtuii'rii of nnxli ,
nml wntor iiltiirhniciits iloorK , til I n its niul
fur uny Uliul of stove liiuMliUius. lirniich of-
niiiile , I'-UT Douk'lna M. Ik-u IV'tli nml Iriinl i-ta.
nforcflitld. until tlio snmo slinll becoino delln-
inent. Intere-t at the rutiof 1 tier cent per
mouth , pnyiiblu In advanro , shall bo paid on
each ileilnqiient Instiillnit-nt.
Stfctloni. ; That the untlrn aiuonut of tax so
levied and nssosseil on any or said lots mar
bu pnlu liy the invner < > c any lot , or the untlro
eiiuul pro nita proportion of snUl t.ix on uny ot
saltt hits , may liiipalil ny miy porsun on nr.y
jiart of snbl lots within lirty days rrotn satil
levy , nnd thcroitimii HL : d lots or p.irts of lots.
shall be exempt rrom uny lion or chiirKo thoro-
Section I. That this ordlniince slmll take ef
fect ami lie in forcu from mill afti-r Us piiMsngo.
I'uascd November ftltli. IMU.
t'lty Clerk.
A ( J. EDWAliDH.
Acting I'l'tisluetit of city I'ounciL
Approved Novoinber 'l'tli , Is ! ' ' . ' .
( SEO. I' . HUM IS ,
Tlio above tax Is now ilno an-l paynblu at the
olllceof the city treasurer nn I will become ilu-
llmitiunt unit bear Interest 113 soon In suction No.
" of above onlluancu.
IIKNUV 1101 bN.
city Tn-nsiiror.
An onllniinco clmnalna thoKrndu of Douglas
street from V8th ! street to the west line of
HO.IKS& lIlU's'Jil iiddltlon , land the Intcr-
sorlliu' btruets and avenue , In the elty of
Omaha , uml ri > | iealln ) ; M > much of Rruilo
or.llnanco No. . ' ! > and so much of nil ori i
illnances In conlllet herewith :
He It ordained by the city council of the city
of Onuiha :
Section 1. Whereas , It been doolnrcd
necessary to ehaiiKO the Rrndii of Duuclns
streitfiomSth street to Lliu west HMD of HOKKS
A : Hill's .1 . udoltlon , anil certain purls of the
lnter > oclln stieets and avenue hereinafter
blii'cllk-il ;
And whoronp. thrco dlslntercsto : ! froohold-
crs havu been unpointed by the mayor nnd
conllrmcd bv the oily eonni'll to upnruiso the
damages arlslm ; by reason of the uhair oof
grnilo herein mentioned , uml
Wherotis , salil apunilscr aflorduly iinallfy-
nccordlns to law and oxammliiff the prow-
erty alTuutcd have miido their renmt and the
eliv coimell has adopted siild report :
' 1 hero fore , the ffruue of sild : pnrt-iof DoiiKlan
street , and iiitcrsccllni : slrtels ami avenue Is
hereby chuuffoil and established so that thq
olovattons hhall bo as follows , the cnido bo-
twcen the points cited bohiK unlforin straight
lines :
Section 2. Grade of lloiislas Mreot
lOlev.itloii ICUivatlon
of South of North
Uuru. Curb.
\VestcnrbllnoofMthstieet ,
as established . IfirtO 1BO.O
Knalciirli llnuofhth ave .1W.0 ) 1..U.5
West curb line of Will nvo. 10U.O 159.5
K.istcurb llnior'ltli ) st . lni.O :
West curb line of Sllth st..lKl.r , JM.O
Kust curh llnoofaith avo. .170.0 170,0
West curb line of anh nvu. . 1,0.0 170.0
West curl ) line of lloxm k
Illlls's 'nd ' add . HiO.5 1GO.O
Section 'J. Urudo of "Bib iivenne
Kleviitiim F.un'.itlon
of West of Kust
Curb. Curb.
South curb linn of Doilco st ,
asoslabllshcd . H2.0 1K.O
North curb line ot Douuliis
street . I.W.5 1M15
South curb line of DoiiKlus
hlreet . 1M.O 1CO.O
North curb line of l'ariiim :
street established . If , ! ) . " 10'J.O
Section . ( irado of 20th street -
South curb line of Dodiro si ,
aaestalJllsheil . I50.C8 140.5
Ninth curb line of DoniilaH
slreot . 1KJ.O 10U.O
South curb line of Doiiglug
htreot . 1KI.5 1CI1.0
North curb line of I'nnmin
street as esiubllshed . lfS.3l 1C8.58
Section ft. ( irado of 2llth avenue
South curb line of DodL'e bt ,
as established . 100.0 1CO.O
Northciirb line of Hondas
stieet . 170.0 170.0
Konth euro line uf Douglas
street . 'TOO ' 170.0
North curb line of I-arnnin *
htreet , iisestitbllshod . IOH.O 100.3
Suction ( i So much of ( irnde Ordinance No. 'M
and HO much of all other oidlminces dolln-
linr the irriuli-i ) of the iilmvo sireetn , an con-
llletH with the provisions of this ordinance , Is
lierohv lopealeti ,
Section f. This ordlnuncn Bhall take olTccH
and bn In force from and after Us
City C'lork.
A , 0. RDWAIIDh. 1
Actlni ? ( 'resident City I'ounciL
Approve , ! ' " " ' - "
{ jfy11-1 , , , , '
Slirrlir * Mile ,
Under nnd by vlrtuo of an nxeoiitlon Issued
by I 'rank KMooros. . ulurknf thudlsirlot coiirl
within and fur DoiiKliiv county. N'obranku.
upim ajiidRinent rundurod bv mild court ut
liHhoplomhor liirm , A. I ) . IKi.Mn favoi of uio
MerehiinlH National bunk of Knimus Olty.
Musonri , ami aiatnsttho Motrnpolllan ( Jabln
itallwny enmpiiny of IJinalm , I'Subr.mku , I
have lovled upon Iho followliK doscrllipU
uroporty as Iho proimrl" of tlm suld , The
Muironol tun Cabin Hal .vay compnny of
Oiniih ' . Nebraska , lo-wit "Truck mid roau-
bod. InolndiiiK rails , ties , i.iites , fri ; ii , bolts ,
milli'es. wlieshWilehcH , p'lCH. trolley wires ,
cross wires ote. . utc. uml o .crylh n portaln-
Ini' in bald tniuk and the operating Ihereof
us an o'uulrlu motor line of huh ! Iho
Metropolitan Uulilo Hallway com puny on tli
htrcel anil un DodKO Htrcul In the el I y of Omnlm ,
uml mi Dougo utreot us i-x ( ended , \\ooiliiian \
moimo , Unilcrwood aveiiiioandUlmiiiivonuo \
orilreiitln Diinduo I'luco or adJiiconl tln-lfoio
In the county of Dninslus and HtHlii of Nob-
riisK.i. " "Onocur hoimn ( friimo Wil'dlim on
posts or bionics ) located on lot II. block WJ ,
Diindeo 1'liico , Douislus county , No bruskn.
Two motor pusseimor car.s niiinboroil rcupoo *
tlvoiy two m. and three (3 ( * . Iteuoid bnolf ,
stock rortllhiuto bonk uml oonl uf Hsld com-
puny. " and also "tho friiti'-hUo Kriintod to
NAldooinpunr , which IncliidcH nl Ihn rlghu
and iirivllL-Ku * sBonred llioiob.v " and I will
on the 14th linyof Docembor. A. 1) . . Ib'JJ , com-
mviicliiuut 10 o'clock u. in. of fciilddny a
the oaht front door of the county court
lu.iue. In the city ol Omaha. ( " .Ds'iM ' prouarty
Kt imbllo auction to the bUhost uml Leit
bidder or bldilerb forcinh. to satisfy uld ox
ueilllon. Ihunnioniitdiio thoruon bidnif forty
thoiifcund. four hundred forty-six and 01-100
dollutB ( jrJ.440,01) ) Judgment , iinJ v xtiicn mill
M-IUJ dotlaM ( t\lLW \ eoslii , with InluroU ou - , - >
biild nmounta from the lUlh duy of Suiitciabor
IMft nnd the accruing costs on an djiiiludjiien
uml execution. ( IKOItUKA. IlKNNhl'l' .
bborllfof Ioiiluii ) | County. Nebraiika.
Umahu , Nobrmku , Iccowbvr 1 , Ib *