Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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    Wl'MhVESlTAY , OKCKMUKll l-l , 1805
Mayor Beihis Says thn Oily Does Not Get
What It is Charged For ,
Ar - M h ( I ) " Vet I'ltriiUli tlm ( ! amllpnwer
l'rr rillii il In Ilin ( Xinlriirt Riinnrll
UrrrrMr * tlm Veto-Mill I'ny
tlio Dili I'rr.riitcd ,
Tlio ma.\or fired a bomb sboll nt tlio council
last ntjrlit when ho luuulcd this veto up to
tlio cleric
' I have voiced mi Hem In the appropria
tion ordinance In favor of the Thompson-
Houston Kloctrie Unlit company of &MSI.4H ,
nllowod I" said company for electric Ueliting
for I Ho month of November , for the reason
Hint nt tlw present time there Is only fSU.iVi
In the struct lighting fund , and I do not
think the condition of tlio general fund is
mich at will Justify the taking out of said
fund of n sum sufficient to cover tlm amount
nppmprintnd for tlio piiyment of this hill.
1 In addition to these reasons I also veto
the HIMII for the reason that 1 am satisfied
thaMho amount allowed to the Thompson-
llouiitm Klectrle Light company Is largely
in cxi-rss of the amount said company Is en
titled to receive. The ( ontract , with the
riioinpirw-Houston Klcctrlc Light com-
] ian.\ requires that said company shall
furnish lights equal to :2n : < )0-eandlo ) power.
From such investigation as I have heen
nblo to make. I am satisfied that the lights
which tli'1 Thompson-Houston K'ectric ' Light
coin .itiv arc furnishing to the city of Omaha
nre mil.v aliout half the capacity remilred by
the contract. The same nctlnti should be
taken with i-uferciico. to the Thompson-Hous
ton Klcctrle Light company as has been
taken with reference to the Metropolitan
Street Lighting company. Tlio bllls.of the
Metropolitan Street Lighting company were
tint down for the reason that said company
did not furnish lights up to the standard re
quired li.\ Its contract. This course should
now be pursued with the Thompson-Houston
Kleetric Light company.
"Notwithstanding tlio fact that accurate
tests have been nmdo by the gas inspector of
the electric lights , 1 think lUcan be clearly
demonstrated that the lights which have
been furnished are very iniiuh below the
standard required. I suggest and re
commend that the gas inspector bo
provided with the necessary apparatus
to make frequent and practical tests of
the power of the electric limits. I further
rrroimnomi that whenever the electric lights
ot the Thompson-Houston Electric Light
company do not come up to the standard re
quired h.\ Its contract , that the proper re
duction lie made from its bills. 1 am satis-
lied that Its bill for November lighting is at
least $1.000 in excess of what It should be.
] k-llevlng this to bo the fact. I am in favor
of allowing the Thompson-Houston Klcctrli-
14i ht company to demonstrate , if it can do
ho in the courts , that its bill is correct.1
lt 'filH-l ( o MiKtitlu tlio Veto.
Mr Chaffee said that ho believed in treat
ing corporations the same as ho would treat
individuals , He would not vote to sustain
the veto on mere suppositions. It had been
Ktatcd that the members of the council wcro
thieves , but it had not been proven. The
gas inspector had said that the lights were
of 2,000-camllo power , nml there was nothing
to miow that they were not.
Mr .lacobson thought that It was time to
look into the matter and Unit out If the
statements in the mayor's message were
true Mr Klsassor said that there was no way
of proving that the light was not furnished.
A resolution offered by Mr. .lacobson pro
vided that money with which to pay the bill
should bo taken from the general fund.
The veto was rejected , Messrs , pack.
i liowiill , .lacobson , Muuro and Steel voting to
sustain the mayor.
Gas Inspector Gilbert suggested that for
the purose ) ) of testing the arc lights a wire
I should lie run into the rooms of the chief of
the police and tire alarm system. lie said
that under the present plan ho bad to go to
the company's plant when ho made the test.
. . and that the manner of doing so was very
' ver.unsatisfactory. . This was referred.
Alayor Ik-mis vetoed the items in the ap
propriation ordinance providing for the pay
ment of the bills of the clerks and judges of
election , the grounds of the veto being that
there was but ono election hold , and that the
city had no authority for paying the men ji (
each for their services. . This veto was re
jected by a unanimous vote.
Talking About Ihi'Sliow.
Changing the order of things , this couv
I munication from the mayor was read :
I "I respectfully call your attention to tin
| deplorable condition oC the street crossings
I especially in the business portion of tin
I city , as the result of the accumulated snov
w and dirt , which render such crossing !
[ almost impassable. A number of tin
\ crossings at the intersections of street :
f where the tracks of the street railwa ;
I cross , are covered with snow by the slree
t railway company in the clearing of its tracks
[ As the result the streets at these intcrsec
I tions are rendered dangerous of passage.
[ suggest and recommend that the street rail
i way company nt all such intersections be re
L quired without delay to remove the snow e.\
[ isting at such intersections , and that tli
I street commissioner bo required to put th
[ street crossings at all other intersections ii
I the business part of the city in passable con
[ ditlon. "
f There wns a lengthy discussion , ilurlii ;
i which Mr. Elsasser insisted that if tli
( myyor had put the street commissioner'
gang at cleaning the streets the resul
t would have been much more satisfactor
I than cleaning sidewalks and charging th
I expense to the property owner.
I Mr. .Muuro offered a resolution which wa
[ adopted , that the streets should bo cleane
under the 10 pen-out , clause , and that th
I money should como from the street cleiyiln
[ fund.
I Mr Lowry denominated tlio cleaning ot tli
| snow from in front of vacant property us
L case of highway robbery. Ho would neve
f lend his vote to levy a special tax to pay th
| bills
\ Mr. Mt-Learie - took issue and said thn '
I where the snow was shoveled off. it wa
f fromin fiont of property that was held b
t non-residents and for speculation.
I The mayor vetoed the resolution locating
I pas lamp at Twenty-fourth and Dougln
I streets , giving for his reasons that the col
I ditlon of tte lighting fund would not Justil
I Mio expenditure. The veto was rojectct
I The veto on the location of an arc light i
t Twenty-ninth and Woolworth avenues mi
with the sumo fate.
I On I hi ) iipclrlrlui : : Orillimnrn ,
I The council then took another turn at tl
I city clCL-trlciau ordinance , but accompllslic
f nothing , so to speak.
I It is generally known that there are l\\
I of the ordinances that have been before tl
I council for several months. Tl
I Ixidy went Into the commltteo of tl
I whole , with Mr. MeLeario in the dial
I After discussing the matter fora tlitio. tl
I commltteo a rose and recommended that 11
I president appoint a committee of four , <
I which the city engineer should bo a meiiibe
I to take both ordinances. , pick out the be ;
I loatures , embody them in an ordinance to I
I retried to the council next Tuesday nigh
I The recommendation was adopted , and th
I Is the committee : Messis. McLearie , I owr ,
I Jlecliel'nnd City Knglnoor Kos-ewatcr.
t Thu contract for the construction of tl
I six \\IHMU-II bridges over the North Omul
I newer was presented and approved.
I Comptroller Olson wroti ) tliat he ivquostt
I thc < contractor to furnish a hotter quality i
I coal for the city hall. Ho said the price wi
I * . ' . ' > per ton.
I John A , Wakelleld was declared the lowe
I bidder on lumber for city use , but as nom < <
I the bidders had submitted figures on yello
I pine the comptroller was instructed to ro.i
[ vortLso.
1 Th" contract with .lames Stovcnson f
W removing the election Iwoths was preseiiti
I and uppruvi * ! .
I The Standard Paving company , in
I Inngthly communication explained why
I had not laid any pavement under the tori
I of its contract.
I Councilman Steel's resolution dot-Ian
I that the nuirblo work In the Farnam strc
I entrance of the city hall was being done in i
I munncr. The resolution was i
I forrcd and u committee will try to beck out
I remedy.
I TUB 11 KK was the lowest bidder for t' '
I t-lly advertising. Its bid was accepted in
| the city attorney was instructed to draw t
| contract , after which Tin : Hr.K wus dcclar
f the ofllclal puiwr for the year ISiKi ,
wm ni v iuiiio : | ) - .
\ Thu employes of tlio .Motroi-olllau Strc
tWiling comp.ituwcro ordered paid out of
tlm inonevsdm the company for lighting
( luring the injnth.i of .September and Octo
ber Hy the ad.mtirtu of n r. solution , the fore
man of tin1 street commissioner's gang was
allowed 3' > per mouth for borso him.
The Nebraska ' clephono company wns
authorized to set a number of wooden poles ,
' .o be- used in connection with its underground
Mr. Prince's resolution , that It was the
souse of the council that ail firemen and
policemen who were Injured In the discharge
of their duties should bo paid their full sal
arles while Incapacitated , was adopted , and
the police commission was requested to
change Its rules upon the subject.
Hy ordinance the license ot peddlers was
fixed nt $ U ) per annum.
The contract for paving Seventeenth
street from Faruamto Uodge streets was re
jected and the city engineer was instructed
to report au ordinance creating two paving
districts , one from L'nrnniii to the alley north
and the other from the alloy to Dodge street.
The ordinance for the levying of n special
tax aggregating SW.OST to cover the cost of
damages for the change of grade of Douglas
street , from .Sixteenth to Twentieth , and
Intersecting streets , was Introduced and re-
A new ordinance , regulating HIP erection
and construction of buildings , wns intro
duced , read twice and referred to tlio com
mittee on llnanco and the city attorney.
Perfect action and perfect health result
from the useof DoWitfs Little ICarly Illsers
A perfect little pill.
Sitmm-1 HnriiH
Announces the arrival of n lot of now
out plns-i from the celebrated factory ot of Corning , N. Y ,
Cull mid sco it.
Alom-y Itulincl liy VTorldiigmdi V "ttrctiy : to
Killi Tlu-lr strli-kt-n lln-llm-ii.
Interest in "Homestead D.iy" was mani
fested throughout labor circles yesterday.
Many generous subscriptions were made to
the defense and relief fund and it Is said
that the amount to lie sent from Omaha will
bo very large. .1. IJ. Sehupp , president of
the Central Lalxn- union , thinks that more
than S'J.OOO will be subscribed by local work-
"Where I work , " hosuld , "there arc seven contributions to the fund
aggregate uuout ? ' . ' ( ) . Other shops will do as
well and the result will be something hand
some and very creditable to Omaha. The
interest in tlio suffering families of the
Homestead men Is very great , and not only
will there be enough money subscribed to
pay the expenses of the defense , but there
will be plenty left to greatly assist the starv
ing families of the strikers. "
Kach union will take chariro of the sub
scriptions'of its members and the whole will
bo forwarded to Secretary Charles Kvans ,
of the Federation of Labor , in New York
City. It will be several days before it can
bo learned how much Omaha workingincu
have given to the flind. Tlm employes of
the different railroads have made generous
subscriptions mid the factory hands and
other classes of workingmen have done the
There is a great need of help by the un
fortunate workmen at Homestead and yes
terday's subscriptions , coming from work
men all over the country , will probably re
move nil danger of want during the remain
der of the winter.
You don't want n torpid liver ; you don't
want a bad complexion , you don't want a ,
bad breath ; you don't want a headache.
Then use De Witt's Little Early Kisers , the
famous little pills.
The Farnam street theater opens a three
night's engagement with Mayo in
"Davy Crockett" beginning Thursday evening -
ing , December 15. Usual matinee Saturday.
Of Mr. Mayo's ' -Davy Crockett" but little
need bo said. It is a character peculiarly
Ills own , and its subdued quality , its num
berless fine shades of fooling , its wholly now
avoidance of the morn muscularity of
ism and yet is admirable ami constant sug
gestions of physical prowess , its nice presen
tation of the traits 01 the backwoodsman ,
his dialect , his manners and his mental sim
plicity all strike one as evidence of unusual
talent and line nstistic method.
M. B. Lcavit 's now spectacular produc
tion. "Spider and Fly , " will bo presented at
Hoyd's theater for three nights with special
matinee. Of course tlio plot is the founda
tion for an evening's entertainment , made
up of catchy music , topical songs , choruses ,
marches , magnificent ballots , grotesque
comedy , pantomino and novel specialty acts.
Most of the company wcro engaged abroad.
Their several acts are entirely now to this
country. The scenery , electric and mechani
cal effects are all new. The transformation
"scene is said to bo magnificent. Tlio chorus
largo and unusually attractive. The sale of
seats will commences tomorrow morning.
There are yet four performances of Prof.
D. M. Bristol's horse show at Royd's thea
ter a matinee this and tomorrow afternoons
ati:30 ! : and evening performances tonight
and tomorrow night. Bring the children to
j > ee the wonderful educated horses.
Stuart Uobson's repertoire , during bis en
gagemcnt at Boy's theater , commencing 01
Monday evening next , will include "Shi
Stoops to Conquer , " "Our Hachelors , " am
"The Henrietta. " Mr. .Tarrett , represent ! !
live of Mr. Hobson , is in the city.
An Invilliiiiblo Keiui-ily for ( 'olcU.
Sheriff Hardman of Tyler county , Wesi
Virginia , was almost prostrated with a coh
when he began using Chamberlain's Cougl
Uomedy. In speaking of it lie says : "It gavi
me almost instant relief. I find it to be ai
invaluable remedy for colds. " For sale b ;
The following marriage licenses won
issued by County Judge lillor yesterday :
Name and address. ARC
'J I I'lirlsllan IVtor Svcmdcn , Uinaha i !
14 I ( 'arollno C' . lliuiM'ii , Umulni -
j N-N Andci'M ) ! ! , Onuilia 2
I Aniilii Hut soy Nelson , Uinaha 1 !
II I Tlioimis I' . Morrow , Oinului 4'
l AllcuM. iVogKhi , Wicliltn , Kan U
I Myron ( it-iiruu Arnout , Omaha a
I KC.--U ! 11. Kanklns , Omaliu 1
j.lames T.IIIIViinkfort , S , II II
( Helen i : . Itcdimin , Onmhii -J
1'roni XiiwIx-rKi
C. F. Moore. & Co. , prominent druggists o
Newborg , Ore. , say : "Since our customer
have become ai-qnalntod with the good qua I
ities of Chamberlain's Cou h Remedy w
hell but little of any other kind. Chamliei
Iain's medicines all give good satisfaction. '
For sale by druggists.
Nothing to Be
Every Flavor made by Dr.
Price has the peculiar taste
characteristic of the fruit from
which it is obtained , and im
st parts to cakes , puddings ,
w sauces or creams such a
d- delicious and grateful flavor
nr that their use really leaves
nrd da nothing to be desired. We
a have yet to see the housewife
us who has used Dr. Price's
i-d Delicious Flavoring Extracts
ot of Lemon , Orange , Nectarine
ao or Vanilla , who was not delighted -
, oa . lighted with them. THE PURITY
head OF DR. PRICE'S FLAVORS is endorsed
hood dorsed by the leading chem
od ists and heads of the great
universities of this continent.
( Ot
Perkins Oonnty School Land Leases Wcro
Not Legal ,
Vorj- Cleverly ArrniiRril Sclirmr to Sncuro
Io < r liin of Valunliln I'roprrljr Kx-
poicd-I.Ut of Tlirno Implicated
In tlio TrKinuetlon.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Deo. in. [ Special to Trtn
linn. ] A meeting of the State Hoard of. VM-
ucntlonnl Lands nnd Funds wts hold nt the
oflleo of the commissioner of public lands
nnd bill Id I tips this foronooit for the purpose
of considering tlio nltepcd fr.iuds perpetrated
In the leasing of school lands In Perkins
county. The matter was fully discussed nnd
the result of the meeting was summed up In
the following resolution , which w.i B unanl-
jnously adopted :
It satisfactorily appearing to this board
( hat tlio several UWIH of si-luwil lands In I'cr-
Mns county , Nebraska , made by tlio county
tii-asiirur of Nald county on tlioJulli day ( if
November , 189'J , were not made In aci-orilam-o
with law. nnr was tinInlereut of the stiito sub
served tlieioby , and of ilKht should bo set
asldo ; tboreforo , bo It
Itesohi-d , Tliutearh and all application for
lease' of the said school lamN ( if 1'erklns
county be , and Hie same are lieieby rojeeled
and xel aside , and Hon. A. K. Iliiniphrey , com-
mltitoncr of public lands and bttlldlnjri bo In
structed to forthwith rcadvertlso and lease
said lands In manner provided by law.
This actlnn upon the part of the board has
very effectually killed n very cleverly ar
ranged scheme- net possession of n block
of school lands. Among the straw bids
Knocked out by the nbove resolution are the
ones made by the following : Deputy County
Treasurer Spelt1,71X1 per cent upon the
southeast quarter of li-10-llj ( Deputy County
Clerk Prime , ii1. ! ) per cent upon the south
west and northeast ( | uartcrs of 10-11-10 ;
County , ) udgo Hampton , 1W ) per cent upon
the northwest quarter of : ti-U-i.Y ( ; linso Lit-
tlellcld. editor nnd proprietor of a weekly
Indepr-iidi-iit nowsiupcr , 100 per cent liixm
the northeast ami northwest quarters of IHi-
U-J10. All of the nhovu parties ran the price
up to the llguro iiulleated. and then after
every honest and Iwnl lido bidder had been
knocked out , all refused to take the lands ,
but put In applications for the same at pri
vate. lease. The county treasurer was very
accommodating , and everything went along
swimmingly until news of the somewhat pe
culiar transactions was received at the state
Superintendent Hinviimn' * ttopnvt.
Ill bis annual report to the governor Dr.
IJowman , superintendent for the State Hos
pital for the Insane at this city , asks for the
following appropriations :
Kornew wbiK tobnlldliiK . $ 80,000
For rebuilding kllehen block and ad
ditions lostcnonil dining ronni.sleop-
liiK rooms and ainiisenieiil , hall , etc. . 20,000
1-or now Ice lionso and cold .storage
room . 2.100
I'mnew system of locks . 000
I'or now roof to uutlru building , with
Iron cornice . 0,300
I'or now boiler and iminp liouso . 1,500
I'or fencing farm lands . 1,000
For ' permanent fence . 0,000
. -J.OOO
Total . $119,800
Iii addition to the above Superintendent
Bowman asks for maintenance the sum of
$181y < H ) . In summarizing bis report the
superintendent makes tlio following com
parative statements of the expenditures for
the six months commencing March 31 and
ending November uO in the years ISUt and
18-J3 :
I'lllld. 1891. 1892.
Kniployes' wages. . . $10,423.23 $10,790.30
Hoard aiidclotbliiK. 2,81 J.19 20,059.94
I'ticl and light . 11-U'J.89 5,745. GO
Furniture . 3.3H4.77 524.25
Drngs.booksund lu
st rumontM . 904.30 73140
Incidental evpen's. 1.O22.71 1,44410
ItutiirnliiK patient * 2(13.28 ( 398 74
Amusements . 355.88 537 04
I'alntH and oils . 722.02 9000
Stationery , utc . 437.03 399.25
Farm Implements. . 502.70 418.25
Telegraph and tele
phone . 100.30 150.88
FielKhtamlexpress 198.95 25 77
Repairs and im-
piovumcnt . 3,024.09 1,074.99
Total . $05,085.01 $19,947.53
Xt-liraska' * Prison Kuport.
Warden Million's biennial report to the
governor shows that there are at the present
time in the Nebraska penitentiary , UltJ con
victs. During the past year 107 were re
ceived and 171 discharged on good time , (0 (
If you nro Buffering from nny of the
nllmcnts resulting'from Impure or Impover
ished blood nnd need a positive tonic , you
vrlll flail spceJy relief by drinking the
Analysis chows that this water contalni
4.1031 grains Iron bicarb , nnd .8115 grains
Manganese blcnrb. In each gallon.
t Inquiry of your physician will cnnflrm
our statement that the combination of
Wood making elements Is as valuable as U
la rare. Try It.
The wattra art tiotltetl nr.Iiby / the Excel ,
f lor Springs Company at
Excelsior Springs
for pamphlet. M i s s o u r i
Ricliardson Drag Co. , Agents , Omaha , Ncl
A now and complete treatment , consisting of Sup
, Olntmont In Capsules , also In box am
'Ilia. ' A jio-ltlvo euro for Kxternul , Internal , IJIInt
nr Illeoillnk' . Itclilnu. Chronic , Hvcont or llerudlturj
I'llcs. This roraody nan never boon known to fall
1 JUT Uoi. ( I for r ociit by mall. Why nultor fron
thlH tcrilblo dlJt'KfO whun n written ) tiuaranteu li
lioslllvuly u'lvon with 0 boxes nr rotund thu mono ]
t not enrol ? bonit stump for frue ajinnla. ( iuar-
MOD Isinuil by Kulin A Co. , druc Uts , > oo | BKUIIH
Irner lidi and Dou Ins strooU Onuliii. Nob.
: McGlSEW ,
In tlio trealruont of all formi of
Private Disenses.
Ami \Veatnesi end Illiordar of
TVT I7TVT with Ions of Courage. Ambition anil VI
-I'l U ' lalltr. Kinhtven ycnra or tlio must re
icarkatilo DUCVUM In Ilio trvatmnnt of tlilnclaai c
< IUu nnliluli Uirovun bj Iliu uulvumal Ultimo
nrnf tlioufanils wlio Imvu bcun curoil. Wrlluju
circular ! uud quntlon Hit.
lltlt mill I'uriiuin Sin. ,
romnnilctl for n now trial , . 0,1 ( Hsclmrpctl on
rommutrUlon , 8 imnloni l , 1 tUotl , 1 dls
clinrRcd on Imbonsorpus and 1 killed whllo
ntteiuptltiK to PSC ; I > C. T.1\rA rcinirt Miows n
net sun'Hisof ' W.SSiHnjIhc ! nmonnt n ) ) | > ro-
prln'cd by tlio lcflsmt\uT > two year * nRO.
The follnwlnit ni > iiroirl\tonn | ! | nro nslsed of
thocomlnir IcelslnUim * Fur mnlntnlnnn v
of eonvlcls uurliifT the year roiiimi-ncliiR
April 1 , ISM , 40 rents per illem for WO con-
vlctsKllOO ( for year' beKlnnltiR April 1 ,
1S1V4.10 rents per illemfor SVH ) t-ouvli'ts ,
J.V > ,4SO ; for photographing eonvlets , MOO ;
for ( lellverliiK prisoners , flOO ! total , ? 107 ,
380.00. i ;
Aftj-lum nt Jln-illnc' .
Superintendent Johuson of the state
asylum for the Incurable'ifisano at Hastlnpa ,
rciKii'ts that the llniindes of that Institution
are in a very satiafnetory condition , and ho
ho ] > c9 to complete the biennial period \vllh
llttlo or no delk-lency , notwitlistandliiK tbo
fnet that 211 additional patients have been
received durlnir the year. At the present
tlino there nro ItliO patients tit the InstltU-
tjon. The cost per capita for the past ten
months has been M.IVJ per week. The
superintendent asks for the purchase of ftX )
acres of additional land adjoining the
asylum fnrm ; n cold storage house at a cost
of (1,000 ( ; anew barn at iS.OOO ; repainting
tlio now wltitfs , fcJ.fiOO ; for improvement of
pronnds , faf > 00 ; for new greenhouse , $ J.f > 00 ;
for adding nnother story to chapel to ex
tend the exlstinp provisions of amusement ,
$ . " > .0 < X ) ; for luvinp courts in rear of building ,
ta.r > 00 : total. fJO,000. Ur. Johnson also asks
for $ trj.r > oi ) for care and inalntcnaiu'o of
patients for the ensuing biennial period.
Vllcd Another AltlduUt.
H. K. Stein , county cleric of Clay county ,
came-into the supreme court this afternoon
with another answer In the ease in which H.
\V. Christy of Clay county is plaintiff and
ho is the uofendant. Ho denies all of the
allegations in the petition tiled by Christy
relating to tlio fact that hi received the
largest number of votes east at the last elec
tion for the otllco of state senator for the
Tueiity-llfth senatorial district. He again
recites the facts In the case which have been
printed correctly In Tun 15m : . The supreme
court docs not moot until Thursday , and , in
asmuch as the ease is n most Important ono ,
It is bellavud quite generally that the court
will consider tlio mat tor as soon after assemb
ling us possible.
llscii"liij ) ( Allliinc AHUIrs.
The executive commltteo of the state
farmers alliance is in session hero this evening -
ing for the purpose of arranging reports , etc. ,
preparatory to the meeting of tlio stuto alli
ance ut Grand Island on the'Jlst inst. The
members of the commltteo present are : Van
Wyck of Otoe , Hoot of Douglas , Gavin of
Saunders , Allen of Cuss and Hoderman ot
Pholps. The annual report of State Treas
urer Thompson was presented , and a com
mittee consisting of Soderman and Koot tip-
iwlutcd to audit the accounts and report to
the full committee. State Lecturer Doeh
and Assistant Lecturers Fail-child and
Wright will present their reports to the com
mittee tomorrow morning.
Agreeable soap for the
hands is one that dis
solves quickly , washes
quickly , rinses quickly ,
and leaves the skin soft
and comfortable. It is
Pears' .
Wholesome soap is
one that attacks the dirt
but not the living skin.
It is Pears' .
Economical soap is one
that a touch of cleanses.
And this is Pears' .
All sorts of stores sell
it , especially druggists ;
all sorts of people use i <
unlike tae Union process
Other Chemicals
are used In tlio
liroparatlon of
the itrenyth of Cocoa mixed
with Hturcli , Arrowroot or
s Suiar , ami U far more eco-
nailul , cutting Itia than one cent an ; > .
II U dclltiouB , nourjslilni ; , and EA5ILT
Sold tfcrjnhcr * .
W. BAKEE & CO. , Dorchester , Mans.
m US AIR ! "
AIR With as much ozone an
H will uurrr chlullr oxycun.
medicated and imicnutl/i'd. It
lllis thu Hyatum with u ( Icllglit-
till clew of health. Vijjoreoiues
Hack Ulipctlto uiul ) , ( | | ; -
tlon wait upou It. SHclllo | ) Oxycoii la rich In
o/.one , hnprcenutoil with u hoallns halm a
iniirvoloiK 111ood onrlchor nerve htri'ir < lli-
cnur constitution hulldur , iorm dcntroyor ,
roully eurus colds , bronchitis , asthmu , con-
fcilinptlon , hcadacho.
"OxyKen Hook" I'rcol
The Specific Oxygen Go , ,
Bulto 610 Sheeloy Bide. . Omaha.
Is superior to all oilier preparations
claiming to bo blood-pttrlllorg. First
of all , bccauso the principal ingredi
ent used in it is the extract of RCII-
ttlno Honduras sarsnparllla reel , tlio
variety richest in medicinal proper *
Cures Catarrh e'lKt
low dock , being raised expressly for
the Company , is always fresh nml
of the very best kind. AVith equal
discrimination and care , each of tlio
other ingredients nro selected and
compounded. It is
bccauso it is always the samp In ap
pearance , flavor , and effect , anil , be
ing highly concentrated , only small
doses are needed. It is , therefore ,
the most economical blood-purifier
in existence. It
till I 65 makes food nourishing -
ishing , work pleas-
, lllt ) slcpp rerrcsh.
ing , and life enjoyable. It searches
out all impurities in the sjslem and
expels them harmlessly by the nntu-
ral channels. AYEU'S Snrsaparllla
gives elasticity to the step , and im
parts to the : iged and inllnn , re
newed health , strength , nml vitality.
Prcnnrcil liv Ir.T. P. Aver & ( 'o. , Lowrll , Musi.
Bold lall l UritRislitii ; l > rlcol , nix liotllcd , 5.
Cures others , will cure you
FARNAM St. Theater
Ulf- Home nil /Mil { * f.cmf * In the Ilnimc of .S'nccfss
The Midnight Alarm.
The Rreatest malodr.imatlo production of
modern t.m3s.
Matinee Wednesday.
Llko Homo all Uomls loads to the llouso
3 Days , Commencing Tlmrslay , Doc. 15th.
The Itomaullu Actor.
In the Wooillnnd Koiniinco ?
Mntlncu Saturday.
, DEC , ilfh
Family Miillncos Wednesday anil Thursday.
* The Grent nnd Only 1-HOR D. M. HllISTOIj ,
JOHN C. PATRICK , Manager.
A llnlriue , Novel nnd Inlcnsoly Intorostlni ; ICntor-
Uilnmijiit. The Inmost show of thu kliul over or-
cunlzc'il , nnd
Special I-rlcei.-Kvonltie , Tic.Kle , 3 Sc , 25o ; Jlntl-
nee. 51c , 35c , 'Jjc. dilldron. ndmltlcd to tlio raatl-
iii-o for 2..c nnd clvon a KIIKU t'ONV 1111)15
| "
Entirely new and oopulnr Bpcctncnlar pro
duction ,
FLY. "
Ucorirnnlzoil In Kuropo nt tin outlay of over
? TO,000. Tlio creatost coniiiny | : nnd most as-
toutullni ; production of iiioilurn tliues. TO poo-
pi o tu tlio cast CO. Tlio sale of scuts will open
on Thursday inornfni ; at the now and reduced
scale of prlcc.t.
pijoli Theater.
Ijast Week of the llljou titock Company ,
Kathleen Mavourneen
CV/f/JAV : ' , the Dancer nnd an Hour of Kx-
colluut. Spoclultlcs.
Miitlnccs , ? Cc ; ovonliiKs. 'JUc and IWo.
no. . . .
Yr < - p.
Sgiuolal liutiirn KiuaKOinent of
. \ntlntr of I-11 nil Jliillixln.
Subject "Huttor Times. " IntordiiuMoil with
original poems.
Itusurvctlsua'.s " . " > < nnd Jl. On sale at Chase
A Kddy'H. UUP. lOlhst. , nftor I ) a. m Thursday ,
Kcc. | i , Coniu o.ii'ly as thu demnml Is snru to
bo ImiiiL'dluto and continuous.
AT lM < TY CFiljRCl |
Sunday Evening , Dccuinbei- ,
Monday Evening , December 10 ,
AT 8:00 : O'CLOCK.
Subjects-Sunday : "f.nbor Strlfoj In the
Lluhlof Hu-lnoariiatlon , "
Monday "An Untllno of Thoosoiihy. "
Admission to Each fiOc.
Tlokutawlll lie onsuloat MaxSloycr'j muslo
Btore on Krldity and Saturday.
The Original anil Genuine
KXTHAOT (33 | fiOUl'li ,
Ofa LETT1CU from
; it.\Vii'.H ,
ras. to Ids brother / > > K FIHII ,
May , 1851. rff m. HOT & VOI.D
that their nauco la
Beware of Imitations ;
aanmjj- vi--usxmr > * x.rmrt'
BOB that you get Lea & Peiriiis' '
Bltmitnra on every liottleof OrlitiQa' i O nulne.
.IOI1.N IlirNfMN'M I ! > H , NKW VOIMC
V x\k
J w. Heel n.l | .
pvSff SS 70AMONTH. 8AUkRvnd
1 EXPENSES Advanced Every IS Dnys.
This is the time of yeai *
when the weather puts
in its best licks. Some of
our contemporaries ap
parently are greatly af
fected by what the
weather does for they are
blowing at a great rate ,
but they can't sell
Full cheviot sack overcoats , with
and without velvet collar , in
gray and brown. They are
worth $4.78 , now '
Fine chinchilla overcoats , in blue
and black ; yoke and sleeves
lined with silk , with an elegant
cashmere lining on the balance
worth $12.5O , now
All our kerseys , meltons , Irish
frieze , all sizes and imaginable
styles , some worth $16 , any of
them worth $1O to $12 , now
Beautiful Shetland frieze ulsters ,
in three different shades , extra
long , big collars and clouble-
Our Oxford gray ulster -without
lining , double-faced , 54 inches
long , full length , is very desir
able at $7.5O , now
Genuine Sealskin Caps , worth from $10.00 to $18.00 , re
duced to $5,00 on account of broken sizes.
In no length of time these snap bargains
will be gone , so if you want one you must
come quick.
Columbia Clothing Co. >
Cor. 13tli and Farnam.
AJJLof the Railroad Companies Centering in Omaha have agreed
to bringas many
as I can sell. If they can do it they are dandies. Remember ,
I do not sell at retail , but supply the largest concerns all over
SOX , MACKINTOSHES , etc. There is fun ahead , but no betting
allowed. If you are on my side have your shoe dealer SEND
Y ,
Financial He Icrcnco : Nal'l Hank of Commerce , Omaha ,
No PKTHNTION from btiRinnaa. No Operation.
Invi'btlsriiOdiir Motliod , Wrlltun Riiarantxio toalibo-
liltulv I'uri ) all klndanf KC I'Tl'ltlOuf liothuuxoH.wlth-
out i ho use of Knlto or lyrtuvu , no matter of how Ions
307-308 H. Y , LIFE DLDO. , OMAHA , HEU.
Hnnd for Circular ,
"fJofvaSeouo , "
thp Momlorful rumuilr
In > uld null nvrll -
ten Biinrnntrr to euro all ncrrrnn dlncmei. such utVv k Moinurr ,
lx of lliuln i'uircr. IlimUHCIiVnkululnn . Ixut iliinlioi i , Mtihtlr liuil-
etoiu , Nurvomne i , l.nenUucliMilliUuliiB and lumof powuriif Itiulionerutlin
Or/ant In itli3rB xrau > tl lix over exertion , youthful crrnrti , or i-icriiirr
For Sale in Omaha by Shurmcm & McConnell , 151C Doclgo Strcot.