Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1892, Page 4, Image 4

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1 * ) IOSlATI II , Kdllor
Pftlly Hee ( without Hnndny i Onu Veiir. . $ H no
Imllv nml Sunday , One Vwir . l < > f < l
HI * Mnnth . f'fX
Tlirrn Monlli * . | jO
Hnndny lice , OHO Yenr . 2 00
Hntnnfnv llt'i1. Oin1 Your . } " "
Weekly lice. Ono Vcnr . 1 00
Oinnlm , Tlic HOP Ilullilliii ! .
South Otnnlin , riirnnr N mid COlli Streets.
CdiltioM lllMlT * , 1'I'earlftleet. .
C'lilenjmunirr , 317 ( . 'ImtiilK'rofCoimiierOo.
New Votk , Itooins 18 , 14 null 10 , Tribune
WfiMliuigtmi , M3 Fourteenth Street.
All roinmiinleallnni rolntlnc to nntrn nnrt
rdltorlnl iniitliT Mionld bo addressed to tlio
I-Mllorlnl Department.
Alllmilncisle'ller1 * mill rr in lit uncos should
1m mldres'-eil toTlio lieu I'liblKhitic t'omimny ,
Urmiliu. Drafts , rheoks and postolllco orders
to 1m nnido payable to the order of the com
Htntonf Nt'hniokn. I
County of Ihmgln * . f
Oeoritn ll.Tfcliurk. secretary of TIIK Hun
Publishing roinpiiny.dooM solemnly swonr that
1lionclii rrlrciiliilfniior Till ! DAILY HKI ; for
llm wcok ending Dccembtir lo , Ib'Jl ! , wus as fol
lows :
Hiindny , December . 2 ° ' ! > 8"
Monday , December 5 . 23.780
Tuesday , December 0 . 23il4 !
Wodncsthiy , December 7 . aa.7W (
Thursday , December H . 23,781
VHtlny , December I ) . -ft'lP
Katuriluy. December 10 . 'J-t.UOIl
Sworn to befoin mo anil subscribed In my
titi'scnco tills lOlb day of December , 180:2. :
[ Heal ] N. I' . IT.IIi. Notary I'llbllc ,
Avrrnco Clrrubitlon fur November , Hfl.Ofilt.
IT Ai'l'HAHS that there is no Gary.a
outbreak in Mexico uiul no Indian up
rising-in Montiuiit. Later tulvlcc.B are
often comforting ,
IT is nutuinl that the thoroughbred
democrats should tnko sides with
Speaker Orlop. Tlioy do not tnko much
stock In thnt Reform club.
TllKUti is no doubt that Mr. Gladstone
would bo a good man to deliver tbo oration
tion nt the World's fair opening , but ho
is just now ono of the busiest men in
England. What la tiio matter with
Pope Bob1 ?
THKUK was something llnoly signifi
cant as well ns touching in that journey
of the city fathers of Buda-Pcslh to Turin
confer the Ircodwm of their Austrian
ruled city on that grand old Hungarian
exile-patriot , Louis Kosauth.
TUB prophet is not a'ways without
honor in his or hot- own country. Gov
ernor Flower of Now York has appointed
Susan B. Anthony a member of board of
managers of the state industrial school.
The institution is located in Rochester ,
Miss Anthony's homo.
WHAT appears to bo a promising gold
find is reported from Arizona. Silver
production in Colorado and elsewhere ie
said to be on the decline. A larger yield
of gold and less of silver would do more
than nny legislation to bring these
metals nearer together in value
CAi'RiViwill retire with burnt fingers ;
the ashes of the army bill chestnut will
bo blown by the breath of Gorman pub
lic opinion lo the four corners of ohloq-
ulous oblivion , hut the imperial Bill
will still stand untouched of the lire , the
constitutionally Irropcalablo law.
TUB Suez canal is a great walorwaj
for the commerce of Europe and Asia
but the Sault Ste. Marie canal will this
year beat the Suez about 2,000,000 torn
in the umountof frelghtcarried througli
it , and it is open only about two-thirds
of the year. Great is the tradio of oui
inland seas.
THKUE was uo need for Speaker Crist
getting so crusty. Farmer Boios didn1
have nn opportunity to reiterate to the
Koform club how ruinous ho found farm
Ing on shares , and our own son of n. trun
cated destiny wasn't asked to toll hov
lie fulfilled his promise to carry No-
hrnslcu for Mr. Cleveland by 50,000 ma
TUB confederate veterans of Atlanta
who wore the lust to wear tlio old graj
uniforms in tholr parades , have sensibly
bly followed the example ol all olho
confederate veterans and laid the oh
garments away , The south has coasoi
to find pleasure in the contemplation o
the emblems of secession. It is i
healthy indication.
IT SOMETIMES happens that a man'
enemies do moro to swell his fnmo thai
his frlonde. An illustration of this i
' furnished In the cnso of Speaker Cris | :
who him grown in the attention and th
respect of the country by reason of th
slight put upon him at the Reform clul
dinner in Now York and ills maul
course in relation thereto.
IT is hardly likely that hope will b
justified by the appearance of Mr. Glad
stone tit the opening of tlio World's fail
It is ono of the wenlcnes-iCH of that gran
old man that ho doesn't like the Unite
States , and us his sentiment in this re
gnrd is bjinod on personal and fumil
reasons his admirers in this country ca
scarcely hope to overcome it.
Till1' Russian governtiiont does nt
enjoy the reputation of being very coi
eldorn'-o of the interests of its subjects
but it now proposes to adopt a law mm
ing the cornering of grain , provision
or any other commodity illegal. Rus
ela has go long oppressed the poor tin
it Is refreshing In see her turn th
ticrows on the speculative corporation
When Express Messenger Bngle
stole $100.000 that was placed in his cai
for transportation Irom Omaha to Ch
cngo it was thought to be a slrnnf )
freak , for the man had borne a goc
reputation. The court seems to hai
regarded it ns a crime of impulse , for
sentence of only thirty months is r
innrkably light for a robbery of sue
magnitude. Dngloy's general reput
tion stood him in good stead , and win
ho gets out of prison ho will doubtless 1
on his guard ugainst impulses to appr
ether people's money
tin sTM'nnt.1 ; i'on r/rn / srv.tT/ ' ,
It In probable that the ropubllennn
will rolalu control of th" United Slntoa
ir > niito hut the democrat * will spare no
effort to prevent this and to thnt end
: ire making a most determined fight to
control the legislatures of Montana ,
Wyoming , North Dakota , Idaho and
California. The democratic national
commit too hni taken n hand in the mat *
tcr and will provide both Influence and
monov In order to capture the legis
latures of thcso BtntCd. There waaji
gathering of democratic loaders In No\v
York last Saturday with particular re
ference to this conical , and It is under
stood to have been arranged at the time
to reopen the dotnoorntlo hsadquarters
If It should bo doomed necessary to glvo
proper support to the democrats In the
states whore there Is u conlllut. Mean
time tbo republicans in thu states named
are active and dolormlnod to maintain
tholr riffhtH by ovary lawful moans at
their command ,
Tlio greatest interest centers upon
Wyoming and fnntlum , and It must bo
confessed that the situation in these
stntes is seriously complicated. The
claim thnt the legislature of the former
s'ntn ' is republican on a fair and square
vole 6coii8 | to bo well founded , but It
cannot bo said that thcro Is no ground
for controversy. The domouratlc posi
tion there has bron weakened by the
usurping action of Osborno , the candi
date of that party for governo'1 nt
the last election , and which the
party of course endorses. The In
stallation of a governor-elect should
take place in January , butOaborno took
possession of the olllcc in the state hntiso
by force and Issued a proclamation as
governor , his purpose being to control
the action of the canvassing board.
This proceeding illustrates the desper
ate determination of tlio democracy of
that state. In Montana the contest
rests upon the fact that the democratic
canvassers throw out one district on tlio
ground of alleged bribery of voters ,
action which It is claimed
they had no right whatever to lake.
Tlio courts have been appealed to , but
hero ngain there Is a conllict regarding
jurisdiction. As to North Dakota the
republicans claim n. safe majority on
joint ballot. The democratic managers
are also taking an interest in the Kan
sas and Nebraska legislatures , though it
is comparatively slight. The fact
that n democratic national ad
ministration is coming into power
gives the democracy an advantage
whore legislators may bo bought. It is
charged that republican mombors-oloct
of the North Dakota legislature have
been olTered olllces under Cleveland if
hey would desert their party , and it is
iy no moans improbable that this has
icon or will bo tried elsewhere. It is
) ossible , also , that it will not ovory-
vhoro bo unsuccessful. At any rate the
omocrats will stop at nothing that
iromiscs to give them control of the
United States senate after March 4 next.
A communication from the Chamber
of Commerce of Duluth to the Board ol
Trade of Omaha has "been referred tc
ho transportation committee of the
alter organization. It relates to the
dcop water convention soon to bo hold
n Washington at the call of the Du-
uth Chamber of Commerce , and asks
the co-operation of Omaha.
The thought may occur to some thai
Duluth is a small city to swing so largo an
enterprise , but it is to be remembered
hat it is a great grain-shipping point ,
and furthermore that Duluth does nol
iroposo to manage the undertaking
ilone. It is expected that a general in
crest will bo taken in Ibo prouosed coiv
vcntion , not only by the lake cities hul
ilsoby the whole region from which the
real commerce of the lakes la drawn
A waterway to the Atlantic ocean sutll
clcnt for the accommodation of sea
going vessels is the object of this move
nent. The deepest interest in it hni
already been aroused in the northwes
and nil along the lakes , while the oas
is beginning lo look upon the project ai
ono of immodiuto necessity and impor
The question of the cheap transpor
lation of the food products of the wes
to the seaboard is ono to which till
Dapcr has referred many times as boinj
of the utmost importance. II is nov
discussed from the Rocky mountains t <
Iho Atlantic ocean and u measure pro
viding for the construction of a shi ]
canal to connect the hikes will
the sea will soon be Inid bo for
congress by Senator Hill of Now York
in which state the in to rest in Iho null
jocl is rapidly growing. At the pro
posed dcop water convention Iho project
joct will bo discussed with the view o
increasing public Interest in it am
reaching some conclusion as to the bo *
methods to bo employed to carry it out
It is eminently proper that Omnh
should take a hand in this enterprise , a
least to the extent of offering it ul
possible encouragement. Few subject
nro of greater concern to the oily c
Omaha and Iho slnlo of Nebraska lha
that of cheap transportation to the son
run I'JiKFKiinun cnuniTon
Under Iho laws of Nebraska fnilin
debtors nro not allowed to prefer orei
itoi'H , but by a skillful use ofitho ehalU
mortgage liiis wise provision of the 1m
is rendered migalory. Instead of mnli
ing an nssiiriiment and selling out th
names of creditors preferred , the hanli
rupt now makes chattel mortgage
to his preferred cieditors an
thus Iho unforluimlos .who ar
not favored are cheated ou
of Ihoir dues onliroly. It may bo in
possflilo to duviso r. bankrupt law whic
fhall bo ontlrnly equitable until congro !
shall adopt a measure providing for un
form collection laxvs and the sever ;
Btntos shall approve it. But thuro shoul
ho some action tnkon at the coming se
slon of Iho Nebraska leglslaluro 1
strengthen Iho rights of creditors m :
prevent fraud.
One of the malingers of ono of tl
mercantile agencies In his weekly r
view of the trade culls attention to tl
frauds recently perpetrated in this cil
by falling concerns which have pr
ferrcd relatives in their chattel mor
gages and defrauded their Icgillma
merchandise , creditors in a shnuiof
manner. In one instance the dobti
gives u bill of gale , takes u clmtt
mortgage brick nntl nnslgna U to his
wife. Jn another the father rocolvos a
chattel mortgage for enough loshut out
all ether claimants. In a third enso ,
after taking oaro of the bank two rola-
tlvo become the hanollclartos and noth
ing whatever Is left to others , In two
cnsos brothers are glvon an ndv.xntago
over all others , and In a very recent
ciso every cent in sight Is undo over lo
sister.- " , uncles and brothers-in-law , and
not a single merchandise creditor is
Within eighteen months Omaha has
scon Hourly a round dozen of as rotten
failures as over disgraced a business
community. Out in the state the eatno
styles of fr.uid have boon prevalent. It
Is time for law makers to abandon the
old theory , which was perhaps excusable -
able when Iho state was young , that Iho
debtor must bo given every chance to
escape his obligations and the creditor
bo treated as a monster with no rights
debtors are bound to respect. The laws
should bo amended so that , while they
protected debtors from the avarleo of
creditors , they do not afford so many
opportunities for rank fraud and con-
scioncolcss disregard of sacred business
obligations ,
irmr/i KLIMKX-V : invo
On the question of revising the larllT
there is a radical element In the demo
cratic party which demands that the
protective policy shall bo swept away ,
and there U a conservative clement
which advocates a' modornto course ,
preserving something of the principle )
of protection. It Is a question at tins
lime , and a very important ono , aa to
which of these elements will control Iho
course of tlio part.y. The indications are
that the struggle for mnstnry between
them will bo a very earnest and vigor
ous ono. The intimations of this have
already appeared , and nowhere more
forcefully than at the Reform club ban
quet last wool : in Now York , where
Mr. Cleveland spoke and a number ol
prominent democrats discussed the
tariff , and where Hpoakor Crisp was de
liberately snubbed.
Among those who epoko on this occa
sion was Congressman Johnson of Ohio ,
a pronounced frco trader and ad
vocate of Iho single tax theory.
Portions of his ronnrks were very
significant. Uo declared that what the
masses demand of the democratic party
Is that it shall confirm practice to pro
fession that its action shall bo as rad
ical as its platform. It is not the people
ple , said Johnson , but the loaders-who
eed education on the tariff question ,
nd he threw down liio gaunllol of the
ilcmont ho represents in this doclara-
ion : "What a congress can do is con-
roiled by its organization. The will of
ho people will be thwarted and the
ext congress paralyzed if wo again pul
r.ilf-hcarlcd men In the load. The man
.vliom the democratic party has to four
n its councils is the sugar-coated pro-
.ectionist. " Others who addressed Iho
2lub were less outspoken than the Ohio
congressman , but Senator Mills said it
ivns the duty of Ihc democratic party to
show tlio people that It was sincere
ivhen it said "taxes should not bo 16vied
'or the purpose of protecting anybody
igninst competition , " which of course
meant that the protection principle
hould be abandoned. Unquestionably
the element of the democracy which
akes this position is logict'.lly
n accord with the platform of the
> arty. That declared proteclion to bo
i fraud nrd n robbery and a policy
maintained without constilulionnl au-
thority. Democrats like Seimlor Mills
ind Congressman Johnson , who believe
that the verdict of tlio people in Novem
ber was an approval of this position ,
: iow simply demand that -tho party
shall bo faithful to its platform ultcr-
: mce , and in this they show moro
honesty nnd courage , if loss discretion ,
than the conservatives. The probability
is , however , that the latter will control
the course of tlio party. This is in
ferred from tbo public utterances of Mr.
Cleveland , who has not shown any sym
pathy with the tariff extremists of his
party. Tlio president-elect luis on every
occasion since tbo election manifested ti
full sense of the responsibility which
success has devolved upon his party ,
Uo said in his latesl utterance that Ihe
mission of Iho democracy does not
involve a destructive discrimina
tion between American interests , and
it is a reasonable conclusion from all
that ho has said Unit ho does nol intend
to permit the party to go to any such
length in dealing with the tariff ns il
would bo carried by a logical compliance
with its platform. And it is not to b (
doubted that the policy which Mr.
Cleveland shall formulate for the partj
will DO acccpled by it.
TIIK fourth statislical report of tin
Interstate Commerce commission showi
thnt the number of railroad casuallloi
last year was groalor than during ani
previous year since the comrnissioi
begun Its work. The number killoi
was 7,020 and the number injured win
311,881. Of those the number of employe
killed was 2iO , ( ! ( and Iho numboi
injured 20 , MO. .Tlio report urge
tlio importance of legislation compelling
polling railroads to adopt a uni
form and effective system of brake
and automatic couplers. A bill is nov
before congress providing for this , nm
will undoubtedly become a law. Ii
viiv.v of the awful slaughter of em
ployes looorded , this measure shouli
bo less ibornl' than il is in Hie tlm
allowed tl.o railroad companies to umlc
the changes from the present dungorou
Till- : opinion expressed by Unllcx
Slates Revenue Inspector Thaokor tlm
the making of sugar is bound to becomi
ono of the trrcal industries of Nobraski
and that the timeis not fur distun
when there will bo moro sugar factorio
in this state than there are in man ;
of Iho southern stales is Iho view of on
who has largo opportunities for obsor
valion and whoso opinions are Iherofor
of sumo value. Ho says tha
sugar can bo produced a * cheaply lion
I H nny whom else on the globe. If thl
is true it is duo to the oxlraordinur ,
productiveness of the soil , for Franc
and Germany have much cheaper labn
than Nebraska can hope to havo. Mi
Thacker's statement that the repeal <
the sugar bounty law would prevent th
establishment of any now plants U nc
encouraging Inli1u - of the fact thnt id
ropeinl is almost * certainty Ho ovl
dontly does not bfityavo thnt IU nbollsh
men ! will bo porrrinnont , tor in thntrafli )
the gfp'.vth predicted would bo Impos
sible , Bountloi have boon required to
build up the1 buMnass in Europe and will
bo needed here for's'omo ' years to come.
TIIK hue and cl'y that has recently
boon raised by the governor of Nevada
about the recent llielino ot the mlulng
Industries In thq Sljvor stale Is a down
right ImposuraTho state of Nevada
has boon on the decline for the last
twenty years. Nevada had Ii0,000 popu
lation when she waa admitted Into the
union In 1801. By 189U hoc population
had dwindled down to10,000 , and Iho
great governor of Nevada governs fewer
pcopto limn the mayors ol Irtlf a dozen
Iowa towns. The silver mines of Nevada
wore nearly all exploited when Hie
Comstock mines were found lo bo
worked out when the Floods and the
Miickays had packed up their millions
and left the \\oov \ miners to scratch
gravel for themselves. The besl proof
that Iho rcconl decline in Iho price of
silver hns not dopopulnlod Nevada is
UK-fact that the silver mines in Mon
tana and Colorado tire yielding enor
mous profits In spite of the low price of
silver and an enormously increased pro
IK SlJN'ATOR TUI.LBK Voices tllO views
of Iho silver men Ihe act requiring the
purchase of1,500,1)01) ) ) ounces of silver
monthly will not bo repealed by the
present congress. The Colorado sena
tor ways that the repaal of tlio law
would result In a further depreciation
of silver nnd It will bo opposed by the
fi'iends of that metal until something
better for silver shall bo offered them.
The outlook for the advocates of Iho
frco and unlimited coinage ot silver is
justnt present extremely discouraging
and 11 doaa not scorn likely to improve
within the next four yours.
BISHOP SII.VNLKV of the Catholic
church in North Dalcota declares that
prohibition in that stito is a farce ,
which is really no news. "I assort , " ho
says , "that 'prohibition is a flat failure
in North Dakota. If the people want
prohibition lot them insist upon its en
forcement ; if they do nol want it lot
them have the courage to say so and do
away with it , and in It3 place give us
some means of regulating the trnlllc in
hell broth. " The J > | hop has the courage
to s.iy what ho thin Its.
TIIK statement made by Chancellor
Caprivi lo Iho Rolclislag as to the posi
tion of Germany regarding silver , maybe
bo expected to exert an important in-
lluonce upon tho' ( Brussels monetary
conference. The chancellor said thnt
Germany will adhere to the gold
standard , and this being the case there
is hardly n possibility that any ether
European nation'wll ' \ adopt a double
standard. After this declaration the
allure of the conference lo accomplish
anything practical'k-an safely bo pre
dicted. , .
SENATOR CAUM&LI : tmy nol have
ntondcd , at the Now York Reform
: lub dinner , to doprociafo the
: laims of Mr. Cleveland as a leader
n the cause of tariff reform , but
10 spoke the truth of history when
ho said the attention of the democratic
mrty was first directed to the reform by
Samuel J. Tildon.
And Druun tint Victim * .
I'lltliidcliililii Pics * .
It looks as if some of the charges in the
Panama business would hold more water
than the1 canal ever will.
U-iil llomi * Tin-list.
/Ml/iiii ( / ( ) iM ( Journal.
The nnli-Amortcan press on both sides of
the Atlantic is unanimous in prononneiiif ?
President Harrison's statistics showing the
prosperity of the country highly improper
uid almost scandalous.
AVuy for < Ji-i > r > ; - .
AVit1 Yurh I'ummcirlal.
We bcjr Icuvo to inquire whether George
Francis Train is to cot un.vthincr from the
incoming administration. AVc doubt if Mr.
Train would accept anything , but if a nie ,
luxurious place wore ort'crod him It would be
n graceful recognition of the various kinds
of cranks who contributed to Mr. Clove-
land's success.
On tlm I.oolcmit fur it Simp.
I'liltnittli'lila Lnlyei :
Knowledge of the silver business is grad
ually penetrating the fur west. A Montana
man oilers to make for the government at lh !
cents apiece bettor silver dollars tlmn arc
now issued , and comments on tlio otter b.\
westerns papers imply that tlioy have
just discovered that there is only about ( V
cents worth of silver in a dollar coin.
Do Tlii-y ' 'inllii UN They Tuns lly ?
.Sim / ' ( < ! iiclneo Rjcamtncr.
Among the states composing a union con
cededly glorious , Wyoming modestly excels
all the other forty-three. This young slat
nlono has two oxecutiro chairs and hotl
chairs occupied. But casual remarks pass
ing between the governor of Wyoming nm
the governor of Wyoming indicate that till :
unique distinction is not to last always.
A Prohibition Traitor.
SI , I'niilVirnw /Vfsn.
The pnstor'of the First Methodist rhuivl
in Topeka ought to bo a good subject for i
heresy trial from tlio prohibition point o
view. He declares that prohibition ha
never been enforced in Kansas and neve
could bo : also that to keep such n law on tin
statute hooks was i 4y wing the seeds o
anarchy , us dcstroyilijtKfspoet for laws.
Divided ( cfiiiii | > 4llilllty ,
A good many democrats would like to se <
tlio republicans orgarii/.n the next senate , li
this way part of the rusponsibillty for thi
harmful legislation .that is looked for in tin
earlier half of Cleveland's admlnistratioi
could ho laid on thWrepublicans. . On th
other hand , many < rct < nblicaiis would b
pleased to see the deihWrats In control o
the senate , bo llinti'tijponsibillty could no
be shirked. _ ,
Without C'liin'i'iuKli or Itudili-r ,
Iliiitliniiif jfiiircfraii.
Never in American J/wislatioii was there i
body that drifted so lu'lulcssly and nimlcssl ;
and Joylessly a bout as tlm present congres
uring Us llrst session. Its history has heei
a long list of contradictions and counter
actions. It cried for reform , nnd it upon
morn money than any other congress in tli
country's career. It aspired to business am
it achieved irresponsibility.
Wn Wiint I
I'lt'iniiitt Hud.
Some of our country exchanges nro clnmoi
Ing for the passage of n law for the assess
ment of property in this state ut itsnctun
value. . Uless your uoul brethren , have yo
over read the law us it now Btandsf ytat
Most of your country exchanges , kin
Journal , uro cognizant of the fuel that th
law ut present contemplates assessments n
full value. H is therefore not a law that I
wanted , lint u llxed penalty for violating th
law. When u law is passed that will jeopai
dlzo the liberty of thu assessor who knov
iugly und persistently lists properly at les
tl iui Us rtrlunlnhtc n well ns thcniuivlin
tm'iitiiiujlv t ivr. in IIH ptviH-rlv at II-M than
II * nctual vuliir. the-ii tlu < nliuict of tlu
iitvsent s.vslcm nmlif corrected inn' ' i in >
fereIt. . Is pi'ulubio thnt. i.oino >
editor * know tlu < 1n\v as well ns sumo . - Ihe
be.m stalks" who HKUI-O on tlio Sink1
CM.V.IIM'.N .U r.l.V(7) ) > .
New York Tribune : In sponkinc of
Cnnnda as a profoaslonal disturber of our
relations with ( ; n nt Britain , tliopfwltlont
was truly descriptive.
Globo-Donwcrut : While Canndn tftlk.s an
nexation the United States talks retaliation.
A little retaliation would do rnnnda good.
Annexation is nn issue of the far future.
New York Kun : The consolidation of
Cniiatln with the United States is u | iie tion
of greater moment than any othnr with
which either country is confronted today.
U Is big enough to flatten all partisan preju
dice Into the plane of national patriotism.
To promote and accomplish contlnenta'l
union is the certain duty of deinoerat , rei-
publican and populist.
Philadelphia Ucdper : The movement ,
which appears to bo spreading in Canada , in
favor of nmioxatlon to tlio United States is
hltthly HnUorlni ? to this country , whose people
ple , so far from encouraging such annexa
tion , are either indifferent on the subject in
directly opposedto It , Indifference Is tlio
general altitude , however. Hardly a cor-
iwral's guanl ot our people have over given
the subject serious thought , and will nut
until Canada becomes clamorous for admis
St. Paul Olobe : With the annexation of
Canada our American capital would llnd a
broader Held for operations ; the great Can
adian northwest would afford a wealth of
mine and soil for our development. The
advantages we would gain bv annexation
are so apparent that it seems useless to call
attention to any feature of them. The ad
vantages Canada would derive by it are
inestimable. Everything the country would
ho lo us il would be to thojn. and in addition
they would soon be relieved of the burden of
their enormous debt. The United States
might hesitate to assume their debt ; but
should that country become a part of the
republic , the rapid inllow of people induced
by the union would diminish the per capita
rate of the debt , and the bunion would soon
bo wiped out of existence. At any rate , wo
should be ono people from lhe < ! ulf of Mexico
to the Arctic oce'an. Our interests are the
same , and If united we would have the most
powerful and peaceable nation the world has
ever known.
: .v/i\v 01ori : .
Gounod , tlio composer , says his first in
spiration come while playing cards. The
games he used to play while' writing "bMusl"
have evidently gone out of fashion.
Governor-elect Mcraw ( ! of the state of
Washington was born in Maine , and is only
1:2 : years of ago. Sixteen years ago ho was
driving n bob-tail car in San Francisco.
The late W. .1. Gordon of Cleveland , widely
known for his wealth and interest in fast
horses , has presented to the city by will a
handsome park of 1'JO acres on tbo shore of
Lake Krio.
Senator Proctor of Vermont will build for
his own use ono of the best residences in
Washington , tlio marble for which will be
brought from bis own state. The dining
room walls will be of Mexican onyx.
William Lloyd Garrison will deliver the
eulogy uion John Greonlenf Whittier at the
anniversary ceremonies lo ho held in honor of
the 8,1th birthday of tlio poet , which are to
be held in Urooklyn on the 17th hist.
Ex-Governor Hoyt's death leaves only two
men living who have heldtheeliioE executive
nflleo of Pennsylvania Andrew G. Curtin
and James A. Heaver. James Pollock and
General Hnrtrunft are two others who have
recently died.
Huddensiek , tlio Xcw YorU builder who
was sent to Sing Sing a number of years ago
for having built tenement bouses which col
lapsed dining the process of construction ,
and which killed ono man and injured sev
eral others * was released from prison re
David P. Thompson , the new minister to
Turkey , speaking of himself , says that ho
isa blacksmitlf by trade , a surveyor by pro
fession , and a banker by occupation. " Ho
has served as governor of Idaho ono term ,
mayor of Portland three terms , and state
senator four years.
M. Carnet , the French president , is a quiet ,
sedate and reserved man , who would seem to
June no more backbone in him than there is
in a jelly llsh. But if lie ever gets into a
tight place ho will be found to be as full of
light as a cock sparrow , and to bo as insensi
ble to blows as a cast-iron image of a light
ing gladiator would be.
Sir Frederick Huberts , the retired com
mander of the British forces in India , saw
bis lirst important service in that country
in the famous mutiny in ISTiT-M , and was
engaged in the operations ending in the re
lief of Lucknow. His father was General
Abraham Kob-rts , who served in the lirst
Afghan war. and his mother was a Tlpporary ,
Ireland , woman.
Dr. J. P. Muim has for several years re
ceived $ IOXX ( ) a year to act -as Jay Gould's
exclusive physician. This is probably the
largest annual fee for exclusive attention
ever earned by an American practitioner.
Dr. Munn was already u very wealthy man ,
having a fortune of S1XJU,000 ( of his own.
Besides , he had married a lady who had in
herited something over iX)0,000. ( )
ItlT.S Ul' J''U\ ' .
Atcblson Globe : If ; i man could have a
wife made to order he would lind fault with
New Orleans Picayune : Paper bustles bu-
loii hi the \\ubt basket.
SI. Louli I'o-it-Dlsiiiileli : As Iboro are uo
railroads In I ho oilier world , Mr. eiould lias
probably sel/.cd the toboggan slide.
WnMiliiEton Stau : "Do yon want kid gloves ? "
said the i.'h-nc.
"Why , no , " replied I'atsy TnflVr. " ( Vrtaln'y
not. ( ilnniiu mun'n sl/.e. Dero fur incsulf. "
Piii'U : "Von ill ways wear very line collars
and eutr-i , Mr. Klnl ; , ruimukccl the colonel to
the old darkey.
"Wsilr , " replied KlnU ; "ilut's ono advan
tage ob pabiuiltln' yoh wife to tek In wasliln , '
billl. "
Indianapolis Journal : "Your money or your
life ! " said the gentleman at tbo safe end of
thu revolver.
"Hut. my dear man , I can't give yon either , "
protested thu victim , "They both belong to
my wife. "
Smith , Oray Co.'s Mont lily : Curluton Gates
Are yon really HO hard up ?
Tramp Hani upV Why , boss , If suits of
dollies wiizM'llln at a ceni apiece , 1 wouldn't
Imvu enough to buy the arinbolo of : i vest !
"What N this I hear about Itloro btilnn
rohhe.fl of his cntlro business capital ? " aslied
tlio llrst Chicago ell l/cn.
"It's true , " said thu other "A footpad
cbuKi'd him so far and so fast that he lost lib
wind. '
Jeweler's Circular : Mrn. ShyMcr do Puyslei
lleiissolaor , that MlssWcstliindsyou pay MIC !
assiduous attentions to , hutrays anything Im
a uillncd training.
HonssohiDr Ah , mother , she Is a rough diamond
mend !
511 > . Hbyslerdo I'nysler Then you ought to
cut her.
Detroit I'ron Press : The auctioneer wn
making an cut nest plea to thu bidders foi
higher pi let's.
"Why , my frlomU , " he said persuasively , ' !
UNI siiro'tlii ) Ki'iitlciinin who owns HICMI pirnl-
would rnlhci'Klvo them to yon limn sull at tla
prices you are
"I'lSli. " grunted an old bidder , "he'd savi
commissions anyhow , " and Hit ) uiictloneei
smiled KI Indy. _
Pili-U : She Mr. Do Hull doe.sii't waitas
divinely as hu mlcht , hut ho certainly has an
easy , graceful \ > ay of iiuttlng Ills urm around
one s waist.
IIi Yes. Ho was a coiidui-loron u Ilroad-
way car for a loii time , yon Know.
HulTulo QuliliMrs. : . Itrooks Did yom
hired girl pieaso your husband ?
Mrs. Klu-rs II seems so. Hit olopud will
"lU'ully , my dear , " said inamnm
To her very dnar friend , Mr. Call ,
"My Ifi'lli u re In Miuh u bad stulo
I'm afraid I shall lose them all. "
"No , no , " said Miss Dottle , iiKcd ten ,
Of her mamma Ihtt prcclmiscst pel ,
"I saw you put them all In the drawer
"And I'm ijulto sure ihcj'io ihuru yut. "
I tied Hit' lace.sof her shoe
lly bendhiK levrrently low ,
Then , lust tliuw should again undo ,
1 knotted haul Ihu double l > w.
'TN this I humbly beg to Know
Why , when another danci * wus through ,
Another niun was bfiKlln MITe
To tlu thu lact-s o ( that slioe.
of Stflaiiwhlp Companies Will Not
Influence legislation ,
llnth tlon r < nf CoiiRrr Di-lonnliicil to
CniKldrr the OiirMlonVltlioiit tti-Kitrd
lo OuUlilo tiitprrrr nrr-rrobitbtn
( Hp lrlctlvu IUV. ! ,
WASIIIN-OTOX nciin.vr or Tin : linn )
MM FonirF.r.NTii STKBBT , >
. . 1) . C. , Uec. lil. )
Thu TximUm dispatch announcing tliat the
Continental Steamship association would.
after New Yew , carry only saloon nnd second
cabin passengers together with tlio com
ments of tlio agents of the various lines
which are member * of this assoelation. ejiused
no little indignation among members of con
gress today. The action of tills association , of
which very few people not engaged in the
bringing of paupers at so much per head
nto the t'nlted States had ever heard of , i
ecoptod here as being a kind of incorporated
ilackmall upon the government of this coun-
ry. Congressman stump , who is chairman
f the immigration committee In the house ,
aid today thnt the Immigration committees
f both branches of congress would hold
olnt sessions tomorrow and Friday and that
he representatives of th > 3 steamship compa-
ilci engaged in the Immigrant trade had
icon invited to appear before the committees
t their Friday mooting.
As for tlio threat of the Continental
Bteamship association , ho dismissed it as
die "blulf" to which the committees in both
irancnes of eongi-css wntiul pay no heed.
V s iniltir threat , hu s.iid , had been made
some time ago by the companies thnt they
votlld dhor , their trade to Canada. lie
ould say lint there was a determination to
vstrlet if nol totally to suspend immigration
n spite of all the opposition of the steam
ship companies.
TH Itchtrlct ImmlKr.illmi.
Senator Chandler today introduce ! his bill
luthori/.ing the president to suspend himil-
jration at his discretion. The Imini-
trallon bill now upon the speaker's
able in the house aims simply to eu-
'oii'o a rigid Inspection of intending
mmlgrants at the port of debarkation liv
the captain and n surgeon of the steamer ,
who must then make aftldnvils before the
American consul at that purl that there are
m board no objectionable immigrants. Mr.
Stump thinks that the immigrant commit
tees will so amend this bill that when it is
ml on its llmil passage it will prohibit imiui-
rration. Senator Chandler does not fear an
nvaslon of immigrants by way of Canada ,
uir lines ho look for any serious objection
from European countries to prohibitory im
migration laws.
Measures are now pending in several
European legislatures restricting immigra
tion of Iho better classes to the United
States , and Senator Chandler thinks that
the efforts of this country to prohibit the
lopavturo of their subjects will bo heartily
fa.vored by the governments. Dur
ing its investigation tlio senate immigration
ommitteo learned that Canada would
Heartily welcome such laws since the statis
tics of the Dominion show that all the immi
grants whom Canada could induce to settleon
tier lands remained hardly six months in
Canada before they crossed the border into
the northwestern states , and that , in spite
of the most liberal immigration laws , the
result of all ( inducements to foreigners was
almost nothing. As for the threat of the
steamship companies to divert immigrant
traUle to Canadian points Senator Chandler
is assured that in such a ease the Canadian
inivernmunt will impose ciuarantino regula
tions and take other sanitary precautions
against cholera quito as effective as these
which the steamship companies now seek to
ITctlileiit - ' .
Harris-oil's Vein.
Tomorrow will witness the interesting
event ot'n republican senate acting upon the
veto of a republican president. Pi-esident
Harrison's having returning without his ap
proval the famous McGarrahan claim , it will
be called up at l'JHO. : and it is the conll-
dent prediction of McGarrahan and his
friends that the necosssury two-thirds
of the senate will vote in favor of the reso
lution and that the bill will become a law
notwithstanding the president's objection.
They base their conlldcnco upon the fact
that the bill passed the senate by a practi
cally unanimous vote and that therefore
there will bo fifty-nine senators who will
again vote in its favor. The democratic
liouso they add will have much pleasure in
gassing the bill over a republican executive's
veto. Should the bill bo passed over the
veto it will bo the lirst instance of the kind
during President Harrison's administration.
The president has not hesitated to with
hold his approval of other measures. So far
ho has sent in fifteen vetoes. Among thorn
was the bill creating the new circuit court
of appeals , which bo vetoed because of its
defective legal construction. The bill was
tbo work of Senator Kvarts , who was much
disgruntled to learn from the president's
message that the bill as drawn by him
would practically have wiped out tlio supreme
premo court of the United States. As reintroduced -
troduced , with the objectionable features
corrected , the hill passed , and ns a number
of other bills which President Harrison
vetoed simply because of their legal faults
was approved by him when corrected. The
other bills which did not admit of modltica-
lloii were reform ! to HIP committee from
which thcj ciimo nnd were never hoard of
Other Meit iirr
Among the measure * thus abandoned was
ox-Sneaker Heed's bill to recompense. Iho
Portmnd company , a hill for n puhile build
Inttal liar HarlHir where Mr Ilia Ine ope ml.H
im summer * nnd u number of prhattM la , ms
Among the him which WM-O nppixned nflcr
correction were those prohibiting bookin.ik-
lint in the District of Columbia and to rstab
llsh n Imronu of ivcerds und pr isjotis in Iho
\\nr depart men t. H Is a nntleoahle frtot thnt
someof the most liri-ortant statutes of the
United States were c rented by passing them
over the vetoes of former presidents
Among them nro the reconstruction act
vetoed by I 'resident Johnson , the civil
rights l.uv. the bill for the creation of the
frocdman's bureau , the famous tenuro-of-
ofllco net and the HIand silver bill The
state of Nebraska was admitted Into the
union , though the hill grant Ing It statehood ,
was vetoed by Johnson. Mr. Cleveland beat
all previous reeoiils In the number and chnr *
neter of his vetos. Strangely enough the
only effort to override his veto WIIH nmdo by
one of his must attlcnt admirers In the sen
ate , Mr. Wilson of Maryland , who had Inter
ested himself In a hill lo pension ono Uo-
meiser ami who looked upon President
Cleveland's veto as ( pn'stiontng the truth
and sincerity of Mr. Wilson's reporl The
senate passed the bill over the veto but It
failed In the house.
Western Poimtom.
The following western pensions granted
are reported by Tin : Hiu : and K.\iimluer
Hureau of Claims :
Nebraska Original : KdwlnW Kaatman ,
Oorgo.M. Worthlngton , John W Crawford ,
Andre Halstroiu. Additional Alarson , H.
Williams , ticorgc M , Conner. Increase -
Isaiah Drown. Kclsmie lOdgar I , Samiders ,
Samuel llarleau. Original widows , etc
Kachcl S. Coalos , minor of John O. Foster ,
U-titia 10. Harris.
Iowa : Hubert McQ. Weir , .lames Parks ,
Harvey Hankln , David A. Mcllride , John
Spanton , Michael Ulynn , Charles H.
Hrawley , Klijah Hickford. Supplemental
William It. Proctor. Increase Nathaniel
Plum , Joseph Kuing , Joseph J Hodgors.
Helssuo-Joiin Schempp , Joseph M Orlf-
llths. James F. Miller. Helssito nnd in
crease Fail-nan Kllicoll , Henry P Holland ,
Hubert Mcl'all , William M. Preston.
Original widows , etc. Mary K. Wywitt ,
Mary 12. Perry , minor of Alex Gordon ,
minor of Calvin 1 { . Scott.
Wyoming : Original D.inlel Do
Supplemental ( Jeorgo N. Townscnd
Mtseelhuicuim. N
Today Assistant Secretary Chandler af
firmed the decision of the commissioner in
the timber culture contest of H.W l-ampliler
against 10. 10. Staple's , from Huron , S. IX.
cancelling the hitter's entry.
Assistant Secretary ( Sour of the Treasury
dop.irtmout loft 1-ist night for Allegheny ,
City , Pa. , to meet the other members of the
commission appointed to select a site for a
public building In that city.
John Fleming , postmaster at Putney , S.
IX , has resigned and recommended 10. T
Wlckwiro as his successor. Wickwiro has
also tie ) endorsements of forty-eight patron *
of the olllce. Postmaster Mosmnscen at
D.invillo , S. D. , has resigned and recom
mended as ills successor Andrew Jensen.
A pension bo.u-d for Keith , ( .Irani county ,
Neb. , is petitioned for by a large number of
citizens in that vicinity.
A petition lias received for the es
tablishment of a llsli hatchery on Long Pine
river. All of the state olllcors except ono
Indorsed the proposition , which was today
forwarded by Senator Manderson to the
fish commission.
The nomination of Hon G. M. Lambert son
of Lincoln to bo assistant secretary of the
treasury was continued by the senate this
C. A. Foster was today appointed postmas
ter at Condo , Kpink county , S. D. , vice 10. H.
Hollidny , removed.
It is now tbo general belief thai Iho anti-
option bill will pass the senate and soon be
come a law.
Senator Palmer of Illinois , the leading
western democrat in congress , said today
that his party in tlio senate could not afford
to oppose the confirmation of President Har
rison's nominations upon purely partisan
grounds , and that the judicial and other
nominations pending would be confirmed.
P. S. H.
Talking : Whlln Silver Decline. * ,
A'tw Viii-lt H'lirhl.
Delay of action by the silver conference
for a year will not delay action by the frco
coinage advocates in tlio United States.
lOvcn now they are holding conventions and
insisting on it that congress shall at once in
crease the value of the output of their mines.
Tli < ( Mlver I'robloin.
A'cio't l ; Ailvcrttxcr ,
"Speech is silvern , silence is golden. " The
speeches at the IJi-ussols conference repre
sent about all the consideration that silver
will probably secure in the premises. Eu
rope does not want bimetallism , and will not
have it. It remains , perhaps , for the people
of the United Stales to devise their own way
out of the difficulty that confronts them.
Well , they have solved moro troublesome
A JJO.STO.V inscorKiir.
Kiimcrvllle Journal :
The snow was sliding olT thu roofs ,
The streets were full of slush ;
On every side the eye mot scenes
To nmko the modest blush.
For ItoMon girls , and women too ,
At every muddy street
Thuy bad to cross raised dainty sklrta ,
Disclosing boots pi'llle ,
With sometimes possibly an Inch
Or two , -or more. of hose ,
And frills and laces , extra line ,
As you may well suppose.
And every man niadu up his mind ,
That day ofslush : nnd snow ,
That be who called Iho Boston girls ,
"llluo stockings. " didn't know.
8 , ca
Largest MnnufiiotiiroM and Kotilluri
of OlulliluL' hi tuu Worlii.
Great fall
Of snow we had last week created such big
demand for warm1 and
serviceable clothes
that wo have had
about all wo could dote
to nil orders. The
"broken lot" sale is
still going \viththo
sizes a little more
broken , but the prices
are cut accordingly.
The out includes odd sizes in overcoats , ulsters and
suits for boys and men. You can save from $5 to
$10 on a suit and $10 to $15 on an overcoat if you
buy at this sale. Every one is a dead sure bargain-
More open ovary evenly till 3. j ( fift fljfl DOUgaS | StS