T1IK OMAHA DAILY B1W : WhjnNKSDAY , DKCKMUKIl II , FROM THE OPERATORS' SIDE How tlio Tolograpliors' ' Strike on tbo Rook Island Is Viewed by the Men. ANG'JI E OF WINNING THE FIGHT Confidence Sllll .Marks tlin Adloni of the OommiltPP Strikers' .Slnloniriit of the .Sltiintlou AloiiK the Line 'I'hu ( 'oiupniiy'fi Vcrnlon. Klnvcn strikltiR Kock Island operators nro nowcittnrtcrcil nt the Utllon Depot hotel nnd a rommlttw ) h out nldtij ; the line between tills city nnd Lincoln , sklrmlshlnK fortul- dttlotml frco Ijonnlcrs for that bostlory. Tlio operators claim that tliclr ntrciiRtli i nn'd rosouivos , whlrh tlio.vsn.V tire constantly increasing , luivc nuvur been fairly recog nized. At tlio Union Otijiot hotel last nlRlit. it was alleged that thostriUltiK ti'lcgraphcrs hiivi ! sufllclent inonny to carry tlirin Uiroviuli tlic wlnlor , own thotiuli Iho present lavish outlay of money Is continued. The Union Depot liotel Is the headquarters of tlio opi'i'iitor.H on thu division between Omaha and Lincoln. It Is claimed that thu fillliter.have less strpnitth on this division tlian on any of the others In tliu system cov ered by the strike , yet tbey have practically Hindu n conquest of It. One of tlio striking operators , speaking for the otbers , but ask ing to IKS spared personal credit for what ho sitd : , assured a ! : : reporter last night that tlio telegraphers bad every prospect , of win ning the light. Still Vrry SiniRillnr. "Thn Hoolt Island people , " bo said , "htivo been diligently circiihitltig n rciwrt dttrltig tbo imst few days that our treasury is about exhausted and will speedily ho emptied. This report lias been repealed to 'rat' opera tors and the boys who tire participating In the stilko fora very evident purpose. Hy declaring that wo are bankrupt , they hope to make the vagrant operators they pick up chary of dealing with us , through fear of our not being able lo keep our promises. On the other hand , the report is chviilated to scare the boys who Imvo Joined the strlko nnd induce - ' duce them to yield to the company. The reports of this nature are wholly false. Our . treasury is well lllled and we have plenty of money to carry on the war very merrily. There Is no danger of our funds giving out BOOH , though wo are spending a great deal of money , and through our efforts nro taking out more men than the company can hlro and put in. Tlio men who are cupablo of filling the places vvo htivo vacated are in sympathy with the strike , and wo have no trouble keeping them away from the company. Of course , there are a lot of kids , who learned 'telegraphy1 at business follows , who are willing to take the jobs the company now haste to offer , hut they lack two qualifications , Bcnso and experience , and arc wholly Incom petent. It will take a long time before the kids can ho trained and made useful , and the company will probably not have enough spare time this winter to educate an entirely new sot of operators. "At some places where the operators have quit work it has been reported that new operators have been put to work. That sounds terrible , but what does it mean ? It simply means that kids have been sent there ivhonro thoroughly usclcts. The point is ns silent and deserted with the 'new oper ators' as when the old men quit work. This kind of talk does not alarm us. 'Now oper ators' may bo sent to certain points , but they1 are wooden cannon. They don't scare u and don't help the company much. 1'aints a ( Jloiiniy I'leture. "Just look at the situation on the divisiot between Omaha and Tincbln.Vo are stronger on every other division , yet we have prnctli'iilly caused the line to bo deserted sorted clear to Lincoln. Of course , som men remain , but they are not stiflieicntl ; numerous to meet the needs of the company not by a good deal. "Passenger trains go over tlio division onlj a httlo slower than usual , as they travel 01 : schedule time , hut freight trains take froii eighteen to twenty hours. It vi-ill bo noticed that nearly all llm regular trains are lato. ' "Over at Council muffs the yard ontce closed , and Iho opuratois have quit work at "U'estoii and Underwood. At Neohi two operators have joined the strike , and the station agent is handling the wires. They sent a man out to Neola n few days ago. Ho was some kid business college operator and was so incompetent that the Council BltilTs dispatchers refused to have anything to do with him and they brought him back , lie was a fair sample of the 'now operators' who are to take our places. The Mindcn ofllcu is closed and at Shelby two operators have walked out , the agent 'doing their work. ' Two men quit work at Walnut and their places Imvo not been filled and ono man is out at both Chantauqua and Avoea. All the telegraphers are out at "Wyotn. At Atlantic the agent is working , the boards , the operators having quit , as sisted by a kid. The kid's father is with him and both are drawing p.iy from the com pany. The father carries a shotgun and threatens to kill any wicked oper.itor who dares approach his darling son and put had notions in his head. Tlio father is in grim earnest and watches tlio boy like a convict. Life AloiiKtliu l.lne. "Fifteen striking Hock Island operators are nt Stuart , bu.t tbey wont't turn a hand , though Chief Dispatcher Linderof DOS Moines is there alone and is trying to tempt them to work in till manner of ways. Mr. hinder is doing all the work himself and is having a hard time of it. Stuart is a red hot union town , anil everybody is in favor of the opera tors. Mr. Lindcr cats at tlio depot. The barbers won't shave hint , nnd he is refused board at the hotels. Ho lorages from the dining cars that pasa his way and don't wall ; uround town much. "At Warno the operators are out , Ono man quit at Anita and the agent is doing the work. Two men quit work at Adah-ami their places are still vacant. Ono man is working at Unsuy. lie is the only old Kock Island man who refused to go out. There is a kid at. Menlo who is supposed to do the -work of the operator who quit there , but ho don't ' do it. "It Is the same at Shelby. The kid there don't know enough lo understand the orders Kent him and is thoroughly useless. "At Albright there are two now men at wprk.They tire good men , but wo expect to Induce them to join us before morning. An old mini is at work at Kiehl.iml and l/iuls- \illo is no ofllco. "South llcnd is held down by another kid , whoso father Is with him. The kid is not much good. Going to South Hcmi ho llotir- jahcd a revolver on tbo train and talked about battling with striking operator. His father took the gun away from htm , fearing that the youngster would hurt himself. The old man Is guarding the new operator. No violence is feu red. I guess the father fears his .son might bo led into temptation. "At Mm-dock the agent is doing all the work , and everybody is out at Alvo. The npont is working at Prulrlo Homo. Ho joined tlio strike at llrst , hut was Induced to go back to work by his father , a wealthy man.who beared him by a starvation tall : and by declaring that ho would not supiKH't thu young man in Idleness. At Haveiock the agent Is loyal to the operators. Ho quit work , locked up and will not now oven look . at the passenger trains as they pubs by. OU'iiilorn | recllnt ; Cheerful. "All these Btalements nro facts. Tin operators tire holding out on all the divisions West of Beatrice all the ir.on went out , ami the prospects of a favorable termination oi thu strlko are improving every day. Thougl the division boiweon Omaha and Lincob jiroswits the worst showing , il can bo beci that wo are very strong on that division Our committee , now out on the road , Is ( loin ; li ! > od work , and the olllccs nrc being einptlei twice as fttbt as they tire being lilhul. Om of the men who quit work on the Uocl Island and came hero lo the Union Depo liotol has found work on another system ( V AVouro fooling very cheerful and are con k. * ildent that wo will win our light. Tbo com jiany knows that wo tire not so v.cak us the pretend to think us. " Commit ten Strurk Some "j- ThocriininHti-o of striking operators wh visited Albright , last night , for thopurpos of inline lag the night telegrapher to quit th cervices of thn company , returned to Omuli about midnight and reamed that the nigh man nt that place was being guurdc',1 by tw lueu divssou as suction men wlun they hnvo reason * to sttspert nro special i > olleo. They say furlhrr tiiat the company in having its trnrk of the entire division between hero nnd Lincoln patrolled by special iwllcpniPti , who arc dis guised ns truck walko/a or section men. They declare that the company 1 * trying to cast suspicion on the striking operators to elicit public sym pathy in Its behalf. City Ticket Agent Utitlierfoitl of Lincoln Is nt Albright for some purpose which the operators could not ascertain. The committee says thccompauy will leave nothing undone to prevent the strikers from reaching the men nt work , fearing Hint they will persuade the operators now nn duty to cngago in the strike. The committee assorts that tbo company's ex treme precautions indicate conscious weak ness. Thlnlnthe Striken 1'nllnre. A very different report to that of the striking operators is made by ( leorgo Mer rill , one of tbo L'lurks In tlio Hock Island freight ofllco.whoso knowledge of telegraphy has been called into requisition by the com pany at South Hend nnd Albright since last Saturday. Ho returned to Omaha yesterday morning. Mr. Merrill asserts that the strike will prove a failure , declaring the fact of his having been ordered homo is evidence that the company now has moro men than it needs. There are. he said ] some men still out in the western division ! but their places are being rapidly lllled' there being four applicants for every vacant place. Mr. Merrill thinks the men umdo a great mlstalteVhen the company refused to treat with a committee of thu Order of Itaihvay Telegraphers , nnd requested that the grievance he presented by a committee of its own employes. Mr. Merrill says the trains arc not now running on schedule time , but will be before the end of the week. STII.I. Afmlstant Manned' Allen Siys : the Synlcin IH III Itetter Shape ' 1-111111 i\er. : D.UT.NTOIIT , In. , Dec. 1 ! ! . [ Special Tele gram to Tin : HII : : . ] Assistant General Man ager Allen of the Hock Island still liugots hero , though ho Insists this afternoon that the strike of the operators is not worth con sidering for the actual trouble it makes lu the movement of trains. Tlio sleet and rain west of hero caused the lilies to work badly Monday night and today , but It Is claimed none of this trouble and Iho consentient de lays in train movements are attributed by the olllclals to the strike. H is admitted that some of the now men tire going out , but the number is stated to ho very small , and it is claimed thai all places arc promptly tilled. Mr. Allen is as incredulous as over of all reports of sympathetic strikes by other classes of employes. lie says the storm has made some trouble , hut that otherwise the system is in better shape than over , and that It is improving nil the time. Hoi showed a pile of n down letters today which were stated to be from strikers who asked rein statement. Itud Wrcelt In loivn. DM MOINHS , Ia.iec. lit. It is reported here thai tlicro was a wreck on the Hock Island road at some eastern Iowa point this this evening , in which live persons were killed. Stretchers and other appliances were sent e.ast on the ( Iyer tit ! li : i tonight , and it is said a work train also went east. Tlio railway olllcors hero are reticent and tit 1 a. m. the rumors could not bo verilied. CIIICAIIO , 111. , Dec. 111. The olllcials of the Hock Island in this city deny the report of Iho wreck coming from DCS Moincs. Word | from tlio train dispatcher's ofiieo at Daven ' port is to the effect that all trains are on time. \ K Tour Operators Will Not Strike. CIIICAIIO , 111. , Dee. 13. Chief Hiunsoy of the striking Hock Island telegraphers , said today that there would bo no strike on the Hig Four. It id also definitely settled that none of the other railroad organisations will strike , and that the Hock Island operators will play a lone hand. Chief Hamsey says , however , that his men will surely win , and Manager St. John still insists that there is no strike of anv kind. I'JMSOX.II. I'.tlt.lUlt.ll'llS. F. 0. Simmons of Seward is at the Millard C , H. Elmendoi'f of Kearney is at the Pax- ton. ton.John John Casey uf Pawnee City is at the Ar cade. .1. M. Drake , a Louisville merchant , is in the city. Hubert A. Smith of Tckamah is at the Murray. Colonel L. M. IJeiinett left forUtieaK Y. , yesterday. Alex H. Vance of Milford is registered at the Paxton. .lames ( i. Kruso of Creighton is stopping at the Arcade. Otto Bauman of West Point is n guest at the Murray. M. .1. Hughes of West Point is a guest at thu Arcade. Henry H. Goring of Plattsmouth is a guest nt the Millard. Hon. .1. 15. Weston of Beatrice- a guest at tlio Psxton. W. A. Johnson of Wood Hivcr Is registered at the Arcade. Mrs. Isaac Coo of Nebraska City Is regis tered at the Murray. J. H. Hell and wife of Fairhury arc regis tered at the Millard. Hon. fioorgo W. 13. Dorsey of Fremont was in the city yesterday. Mrs. W. S. Strawn went via the Burlington to Chicago yesterday. Mrs. Maria Ourlfoylp , who bus been the guest of Mrs. Kennedy , 1.72 : ) Jackson street , leaves for her homo in Brooklyn today. Mr. Seth Abbott , father of tlio late Kmma Abbott , is visiting at the homo of Mrs. M. II. Dixon , 107 South Seventeenth street. C. A. Muivh , state secretary of the Young People's Society of Christian ICmlonvor of Kearney is registered at the Paxton. Mrs. W. J. Hnrgoss , wife of the popular manager of the Fnrnam street theater , has gone to Chicago on her ' holiday visit with her parents. H. J. Kiipatrick of Cambria. W. II. Kit- Patrick of Newcastle , Wyo. , and C. W. Col lins of New York , members of HID Ilrm of Kiipatrick Bros. \ Collins , railroad con tractors , are In the city , .stopping at the Paxton. At the Mercer : F. Kondelo , Wnlioo ; David S. Murray and A. K. M. Hoigles. Stilt U'lko City ; H. S. Ladd. Hlsing ; J. K. Misli. Chicago cage ; S. N. Klmo , Toledo , O. ; J. Yv . Uowo.se , Lincoln : T. 10. Palmer , Chicago ; Kdward L. Hurko , ( Jenoa. Nnw Yoitic , Doc. 11) ) , [ Special Telegram to THE Bi'.i ! . ] Omaha : .1. U. Lagear , New York. F. C. tirablo , Hoffman. Lincoln : N. S , Harwood , Plaza. CIIICAOO , 111. , Doe. 13. [ Special Telegram to Titc IlKB. ] The following Nebraskans are registered hero today : ( irand Pacille J , Francis. Omaha ; II. K. Heed , Lincoln. Pal mer J. M. Metcalf and-wife , Onmlia. Vie- loriaS. . Drake , Omaha. Ignorance of Iho merits of DoWitt's Llttlo Karly Kisors is a misfortune. These little pills roguluio the llvnr , euro headache , dys pepsia , bad breath , constipation and blllous- nws. Three minor permits , aggregating $ SOO , were issued by tlio stiperinteiulcJit ol build ings yesterday. The ladies of All Saints church Avlll give n biilo and luncheon at 111) ) South Fifteenth street , commencing today. Every ono la welcome. The musical entertainment under tht auspices of Huly family conference of St , Vincent do Paul usaoL-ititlon at Creishtoii college hall last evening at b o'clock wan en Jojedbyn largo cr < > v t of people The proceeds - coeds will be applied to the relief of the | K > or mid the sick. George Carlson , for some four years | mt nil employe of Imnmmml hospital , was tnkrn lo the county Jail last ui ht by Sheriff Ben nett on the charge of Insanity. The pris oner has been acting queerly for some time. Charles Boll snatched n piece of chewinp gum from ' -Creole Dlck' < * i > ookol in n Twelfth street saloon and was hit nver the head with a iwkcr so hard he fell senseless. Creole Dick was captured nnd Jailed after a lively chase. Orion Hopkins , n barber. Is missing. He worked In South Omaha nml left his hoitie , 1911 DaveniKirt street , yesterday morning lo go to his work , but did not show up at his place of business. The police are looking for him. Last night Octavlo Green , colored , who lives at 1017 Capitol nvoiiue. had a quarrel with her husband and took a dose of Stram onium with suicidal intent. She made a tea of the drug and drank enough to kill a dozen men A doctor was called and managed to save the woman's life after n deal of hard work. A telegram to the police from Hedlleld , In. , states that 13. W. Hartmin. n capitalist of that city , Is missing. Mr. Harmnn has a sister , Mrs. Fantiie Thompson. 2IVBJ Parker street , of this city , but mqult-v utthat place proved that Mrs. Thompson knexv nothing of her brother and that she was considerably worried on account of his disappearance. Xftir.s or rnsTKiin.tr. Doniextle. A Ma--nohU'-i'Us syndicate will elect a large cotton mill at Cleat llairlnuton. The whNky irii t has declared n dividend of 1'i ' percent , pnynhle .Inniiiiry : ) , IH'.K ' ) . The annual ineetlliK of the American Sab bath union has eonnneneetl ill Uilrtico. 111. The leadlni ! spring inanufncttireri of the oountrv lime entered Into n gljjantle com bine. t' . II. Miller of Itlvoi-ldo , Ala. , shot nnd killed I' . K. l.'orn > t ( > r. Toi-ioMer had attacked Mi. Miller. Dr. ( jlhnoie un : killed and three other men M'flously wounded In a shooting iiiYrny til Sparta , tin. ( Iconic Koacler and a colored woman , l.ou Keys , weie found untutored tit the hitter's home : it Xi-nla , O. There was sldiped | fiom the pott of New- York yesterday lo Kniope J'J,75ilOl ) ( ) in gold nnd & 76U.HOI1 In silver. Hums Wlncllold , a wealthy farmer , living near Spi-higHi'ld , ( ) . , ( hopped dead shortly after piedlclliiK bis own death. The SI. JnM'ph Lead company of lloiiini Tone , Mo. , has made a contribution of ndn- ornl specimens to the Wet Id's fair. The trial of the OS-supremo olllc-ors of the Older of Solon for conspliiioy and enibe/ile- menl him begun at riHsburc , I'll. Prof. Townsend of the lloston mdversltv de clares that the t'nltcil Statelu all Its depart ments , Is dominated by the ( . 'atholli-church. The foreman of a phosphate mine near JacK- sonhoro , S. ( ' . . In an alteirtitlon with n number of his workmen , shot nnd hilled four of them. Dr. Honrge wis : asphyxiated by coal ns and C. I' . Pose and Mrs. Mull' arc In n critical con dition from tlie sainu cause til Sioux Kit I Is , S. I ) . ( overnoiI'lower of New York has ap pointed Susan II. Anthony a member of the board of trustees at the State Industrial school. Captain ( icoi-go N. Woodbrlibro , cashier of the Savings hunk of Klehinoml , Vi , , bus com mitted suicide. The CHUM ! of the deed I * un known. It I * repot ted in Washington that ex-Secre tary Itlalne lias been converted lo t'ntholl- cl-ni and Is now a communicant of lbil : church. Deb I'll7.slninions and .llm Mull have met In Now Vork and signed articles for their lljiht before the Crescent Ulty Athletic club nt.New Orleans. The Marble Cullers National association. In session nl rit. l.ouls , Alii. , will ask i-onuress lo Increase the duty on polished marble from Til ) to 15U per eonl. A negro woman In Kdjzflold county , Soutl Carolina , killed her babe , cooked II and set veil It up as roast pl lo a parly of fi lends \\lii were visiting her. plndlaiinpolls , Ind. . has already hecnn prepar ations for entertaining the ( iiand Army of tin Republic , \vlileh will meet there In national encampment next year. I.evi Hartley shot Postmaster .T. Kelser o Clinton , Mo. , wounding him seriously. Kclsci married Hartley's divorced wife , which wan the cause of the shooting. Pri'sldcnt-i'li'ct Cleveland will take up his resideni-e In New York- City until ne\t .Inn- iniry , when ho will remove to l.nkewood , there to remain until his Inaumiratlon. Morgan Kush and a 111:111 : named Ilensley at tempted lo hold up a milling camp In l.eu ( ( unity , Virginia. Both men were wounded In the alleinpt , but immaei'd lo escape. Peter Homier , at Slroiidshurg , I'a. , shot and probably fatally wounded Anna lloyer be- oausosht- broke their oiijiiifrcincnt to ho mar ried , lie then blew out his own brains. An Arkansas irand jury has found three In- dli'tmcnt.s nsnlnst o.s-Ticasiiror Woodroof of that state , In connection with the alleged lar ceny of scrip ! from tin * Mute treasury. ThulmxKniritcarof the Santa I'o passenger train riinnln ; ; between Kansas City nnd Chl- CIIKO left the track between Caniden and Kloyd , Mo. The liaggauo master was .crloiisly injured. The Ni > w York Tribune says that Jljjr. Satolll will be lei-nlled , and that hN recall will be made at the Instance of American bNhops who art ; opposed to his Ideas on the school question. Colt Johnson , son of A. K. Johnson , the mil lionaire ship agent of New York , attempted lo kill his father In Chlcnuo yesteiduv with a pair of .shears. The men had a dlUk'nity o\er money matters. Hy the \plosion of a holler In Swift's lolllni ? mlllsnt Newport , O. , two teams wt-ro killed , Herman Shellleld and Cleor e Iteld mortally wounded nnd the building damaged to the ex tent of * l.jMW. The argument In the Choctnw county , Mon tana , election case has been llnlsl'cd beloiellie supreme court ami the case taken under ad visement , II Is expected that a decision will be made today. William Jenkins , cx-prcsldcnt of the Clark county , Ohio , Hoard of Agriculture , Is at the point of death from tin * assault of two high waymen , \\lio robbed him Of $100 and his gold watch anil escapo'd. Mrs. Kale Painter bus been arrested by HIM I'ltlshurg , Pa. , police , charged with having poisoned her husband. An analysts of the ( lend man's stomach disclosed the presence of aisenlc In large quantities. Thomas 0. l.ainar. In resisting arrest , shot Mayor ChatTce and Chief of Police iiasion of Langh'V , S. C. , and was himself .shot and killed by Mayor ChaU'ee. Chief of Police Oas- ton will ( lie fiom Ills wounds. Charles Sehocks , John Hooper nnd Richard DI.Miii , mall thieves of Philadelphia , I'a. , have been convicted and bcntcneod lo the penitentiary fur terms ranging from nine months lo two 3 ears and six months. A suit against thn Kcllpse l.uhrlcallngOll company , glowing out of the late Hood at Oil City , I'a. , has been begun. A Mr. Koaeli Is seeking to iccovttr heavy damages for the death of Ids wife and children , who pci Ished In theIlic following the Hood , alleging that , in a great measure , the. ; company was responsible for the liie. f I'ourmasked men attempted toiobn Clie a- peake .t Ohio passenger train near Iliintlng- ton , Vu. , Tuesday night. They were attacked by IVIei Prakn ami Oscar Took , bolh of ( 'In I'luuati. who , with the conductor , succeeded in driving them from the train. In ( lie light Mr. Tock was mortally wounded and ha.s since died. Mr. Drake was shot twice , but not hurt. _ foreign , rritneols Kdounrd Joaohlm Copiio , thu I'r ( inch peel , Is dangerously 111. Premier lilbol of Franco has decided tonittko the Itolscrrln hill a cabinet , Issue. llnbcar mid llnsinnr 1m vu .signed article.- , for a skull race on the Thames , la come oil'on January ill ) , Tlit Norwegian hark Arabian was wrecked off Iho Honduras coast on December 11. Her crew were nil saved. The dlll'eront political paitlesof Japan are now and have been of Into Iho ctuisoof much disorder In that country. In u flee light at Melllu , Man. , Arlliiu Yaugluin , Ids In ot her Harry , and ( Jeorgu Randall xtcic soiloilaly wounded. Pilgrims to Home are assured by tliu pope that they will be protected by the civil author ities from assault or Interference. A Turkish torpedo boat , which left Kell on November 18 , Is Mipposod to have gone down in ono of the gales ol the last ftwcok.s. . It Is staled that at thu ne.vt consistory In beheld In March , Ib'.KI. the pope will rnUi Mgr. Saner , Mgr. Jacobin and Aivhhtsho ) Corrlgnn tocnidiimU , I Ugliest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. oo oo u ito u Mr. > T. O , Anderson Of Scoltdnle , r.i.n veteran of the llth Pcnn. Vols. , says , ns n result ot war service ho Suffered Every Minute From liver nnd kidney troubles , catarrh In the bead , rheumatism and. distress In hH stomach. livcrylhuiRhentc ncrim-il Ulto Irnil. Sloop wu restless , and In tlic morning ho seemed more tiled than when ho went to bed. Ho says : Hood's SairsaijpairiBBa and Hood's 1'IIH did mo more cootl than every- thlno eho put together. All my ilHanreealilo symptom * liavo pone. " Uo sure lo ict llood'a. HOOD'8 PlLLS "to tl" > I' " ' attcr-illnnet pills. They a ! lst illccitloa ami euro hculacho. FOR FAT FOLKS. Dr. Edison's FAMOUS PILLSA.ND BANDS nnd OBESITY FRUIT SALT reduce your weight without dieting ; euros the causoB of obesity , such na dyspopein , rhoumit'sm , norvons- ncsBcatarrhkidnoy troubles ; keeps you hoalt'ny , and beautiiles the com plexion. ClIH'AOO ItOAIlK Ol' TltADE , 1 I caln write you to say I liuvo lost in pounds , inn I ; I UK 42 pounds lost lu 10 weeks by uslne 4 lollies of Dr. Kdlson's Oueslty I'llls and wearing Ills Uhuslty Itiind. Very truly yours. UiiAtit.r.s 11. Kisn. Prof. llAt.K , Chicago University , writes to tlio CliIctiKo liurulil. sopt. 18 , 1832 : Corpulent men should tiny some attention to reduelrrj their wolshtVhon a iiinii Is troubled with rheumatism , dyspepsia , kidney t rouble or nui vousnuss thu reducing of vvoielit Is slower , until the Obesity I'llls htivo cured thn disease that caused nhuslly. 'I'hu ' pills soften and beautify the skin of the face. I inn tit liberty lo eltu a O.-IKO in point. I'tuler my advice Mr. Armour nsod nn Kdlson Obesity Hand and .1 bottles of I'llls and lost 21) pounds In G weeks. Other patients have boon equally rucccssfui. Llont. f ! . A. ScoTTS-Kqvenuo Cuucr Ilnmlln. writes to the Cprrftspontlencn Dopartmcnt of the New VorksSirridav World : Tlirce years ami IS ATol hed , its pounds , but after uslns : Dr. ICdjVhjCs popular OUoslty I'llls and Salts 1 reduce tpull' ' . ) pounds and easily keep at this wel ii ' ,1 saw how much other correspondents of iyonr Viilunh'o ' papers were benollttnd nml wi-th(5'\Ju ( \ o the Dr.'s treai " " luent n trial. T.r. Ftisti'FCUBit.v ; Kiuit Stilt is r best and biniplost. remedy for rofrtilatint the action of tho'VK'or th'a't has boon dis- covered. The m-jnted , fonnulii on the label of the Frnu'Salts shows their value o sulTorors from oJcb'iSiJsive fat or llosh.1 Band measure utftos. 1,2,3. Price ' 2.50 to oil inches , aiid'lO cents extra for each additional inch. Pills $1.60 a bottle , or three bottles for $ -1.00 , enough for onotrealnient. Obesity Fruit Halt SI.00 per bottle. You can buy the Pills , Bands nnd Salt direct from our stored , or by mail or ex > rcss. l&PCorrespoiKlenco and goods forwar ded in plain , sealed package. NOTICK. Dr. Edison's Electric Holts nd Finger Rings are sold at our stores , end for our special Electric Licit Cirou- iir , sealed. Electric Bolts SI.00 and up. Insoles 50 cents per pair. For 3alo toy Urucjcilsl's > Wholesale druggists of Now York City who carry our goods in stock : Charles N. CriUcntoji & Co. , MolvossQti & Kobbins. Vf. tl. Schiort'elin & Co. And oilier loading houses. LORING & CO. , Proprietors and Gen'l Agents , 12 PVebt 22nd St. , Now York City ] 0 F Hamilton Place , Boston , Mass' 3-1 P Knst Washington St , , Chic-jo III Cut this out and keep it , and send fo our full ( eight column ) article on Obesity. 1)11. ) i : . C. WKST'S NIIllVK AND llltAIN THK.VT- mcnt , a Hiorlllufur | Hyutprln , Dlz lncdi , Kits , NVu- ulKln , llea'laehi ! , Xorvoin I'rCHtrutlon caiiHOil by liquor or lub'icoo. wukofuliiPhs. Meatnl lltipri'Hnlon , h'eftiii.'ss of tlin Brain , e.-uialiit ; Insinlly. ml ur ; . iln- rnr , ilottth , I'rcuiiifiri'Oll . lliirroanciJ , 1,091 of 1'invur In < 'ltlior ox , Imputi'iicy. Ijoacorrluunanil nil Koamlu VVuaknufSL'tt. Invuliinlary LOJSCS , Hpu'riaa- lurrliKiicniiwil by oror-c'u'rtlnn of tliu lir.iln. A inonth'H ireiitiiu'iit SI ; II furf.'i ; by mall.Vu Ktmr- anteoil lio\c' to uuri' . Kneh onlcr lorli IIOXPI wltli 13vlll neml wrltli'ii uuuriintco iii rufimd If not miruil. ( iiinrftntou IHSIIOI ) umy Ity ' 1'heuiloro K. I.ut\lH , ilrtiK- Rlit.nnloavenl , * outhcin : cuinur ICtli anil Kuril am street * , umulia. If you have rreoklos Is next your faeo Is to Dirty. Godliness. How to Oi'i'e ' Freckles IN i MME. N $ YALE'S LM PREGKLH WIL1Q DO IT. filneo llm lisulniiliiiru.f7livworlil ; preity furoi Iniva lecn > | iullod with frufkieJ'iina ' tlin mutt liuHuilfii cumiiluxluiishlililtMiuiibf * Ao < onn-Uhtly I ' LA FR'ECKLA ' i 1 Ooto ynurdrtlKKltt on Mondnjr unj irot holllo of In Free-kin , take. It lininu ami apply ItuccorJInz tu UlrwIlun'Oi' 'ondO'Tiii'mlsf ' nmf WeJiio-dujr , iiml on Buiulur you will not Inmtu rruc'.lu. Viiurcmn. iili'ilun will tu us jiBrlect u wUen it lltllu b.iUTliU ! iib oluiuly truu , 1'rlcull.uu. Mme. M. Yale's Temple of Beauty 146 Stale SI. , I' . 8.-.Send for At M K- Chicago 111. 1 . ' , YAI.K'd T&I uatlolleautr Hook Kroo. NOTK'F OF TIIK SITTING OF TIIF ' CITY COKNl'IL AH A ItOAllI ) t OF KQL'ALI/ATION. j To the owners of the lot * , pi rt < of lot * nnd rent oMnto nliuttlnKonor niljnrnnllo the sirents , nllejrsor avenues herein tintnuil or smi.itcd In whole or In pirt within nny of iho ills- trlBtilt oriiln spcellledi Yo.i nn d OHCh of you , rtre horohy notlflo.1 lint thn el tv council of the city of Uninlin will ill us n Ito.-ud of l' < | iullrAtlon. at the otlleo of the cltv cler ; . In the city hull , Oiiinhn , Net ) . , on I'rliliiy , the lath diy : of December , ity ; . from I ) o'clock n , in. to ( i o'eloek t > . m. , for Hie purpose of eonslttcrln ; ? nnd ciiualmmt thn pro posed levy of special t-i\cs nnd iisioiincnli ns shown by "Proposed Plans of AsspMincnl" now on Illo in the dtllco of said elty cieik , nnd corriH'tlnK any errors tlieielrr. tinifof hearing nil eoniiiliilnts that the owners of property so to bo assessed and ted may make ; tald special taxes and assessments proposed tobu lovlod belna necessary lo oovor Iho test of the ftovornl Improvrnmnu duly iMithorlrud tdbo maiionnd now eotnplutod , us follows : To eover the cost of itnmaKes for cradlnit Twonty-Hoeoml stroot. from Clark street to NU'linlns street , amount.nir to tun sum of * r.'l. ( ( > , which snld mini II N proposed bv n re- pott duly ndoptod by the elty council. to.s- : sess pro rntn on Ibo real eslnte onbothvldes of Twenty-second ilroel from ' lark stteiH lo Nleholnsstrcet. neeor.llnjMo the nsnal scaling bnel ( process to thudcnth of 1IJ feet from the slri'ol. Kate per fool , tj.ti.iviv To cover theiost of e rail In f Ohio street from Twcnly-suiond Htreet to thu oist line of Henlse's addition , iimonntin to the sum of JiliUO. which s.tld sum it N proposed by a re port duly adopted by the elty council , tons , sens ( in tile re il entitle on liolh sides of Ohio sircul , from Tncnlv-secom ! slreet to the e.i"t line of Dciilsi.'s . .iiMllluii pro ruin aecordlns lo fool frontage and the usn il scallm : biieU pro- ce > s In dentil to the llrsl alley Kale per foot , $0 nui , To cover Ihn eon of cradln ; Mneteenlh t-treot from Mason street to I'lerce stieel In District No. I ! ' , iimonntin to the Hum of fil | . " > . ' )7 which said SHIM It I proposed by u re port ( Inly adopted by Iho elty couneil , to ns oss on thn rent cst-ito on hgth sdesof Nlnuteenth streol from Muion street lo Pierce street , according to foot fiontnite , In depth lethe the llrsl nllev : is per usu il sealing : baek pro cess. Kate per foot , * J tT7il. ) : To eover the cost ot Kradluj Donislns street from I'nrtv-fonrth sire-el to r'orty-ulziiih street , in ur.idlnt ; illstrlet No. il ! ' , ainonntlim to thu sum of $ i..su.ii : , which said sum It. K proposed by : i inport duly ndopteil by the elly council , to assess pro rata ticcnrdlm ; to foot frontline ; on the real estate , on e.ieh shloof Dotmhis slreet from Porty-fonrth Htrcel. to Forty-olKlilh street , according lo lliu usual MMillin : bnek process to thu center of bloc ! ; . Unto per foot , ifiUlUHS. To cover the eostof grading Capitol nvuniio from 4' > th street. t > > Hell I.llm railway In grad ing nlstrlul No. Kl , iiinountliij to the sum of Sl.iirj.7-1. which snld sum It Is proposed by a re port duly ndnpted bv the elty council , to as- seas pro ratn according to foot frontage on the real estate on O'ich sldo of Capitol uvonno from 4-th * stieet to Itelt Line rnllwny accordIng - Ing to the usual seallnu process to the lirsi al loy. Halo per foot , $ UH7.ltt. I'o cover tliu one-liilf ; co t of gradlnz Mason street from IBth slieot lo''Uth NUCOI , amount ing to the sum of * .I(1.8'J. ! ( which said sum It Is proposed , by n report duly ndoplcd by the city council , lo assess on thn real estate on each stdo of Mason streut from IStli stieet to 20th street tno ratn according to foot frontage nnd the usniiLscnllng back mocoss tu the ecu- er of the block. Itato per fool , $ t.'J&Si : . To cover thu one-half cost of grading -'d street from I'opplolon avi-nno to south Una of lax lot ; ii. ( section ' 'i. ' amounting lo thu sum of $ J4li : ? , which said sum It Is proposed , by a re port duly adopted by thuclt.v connuil , to as sess uro r'ltu according lo foot frontage , on iho leal estate on e.ieh sldeof ' . ' 'd street from I'opploton iivenno to south line of tax lot 'M. according to the usual scaling back process in depth _ iu ; foot from street , , Iatu per foot , To cover the one-half cot of irriidln : 'J2d streol from Locust street to Spencer street , amounting to the NIMH of KfflMi.1 , which s.tld sum It Is proposed , hy a report duty adopted by iho city council , lo assess on lliu real es tate on Oiii'h sklo of ' . " 'd from Locust sireut to Spencer street , aucordlnu lo thonsnul sciilliiB back process in depth us follows : On the west sldo to Iho alley ! on Iho east slilu to the ecu- tor of b'ock. Ituto per foot. $ ) . "iI" ! : ; . To eover llm cost of Kradlnn Dnpont stieet nnd Caslollar street , from east line of Dnpont I'lnce to west line of Dnpont I'luee In Kr.titlnK dlstrici Not. 4'i HMCI Jll , aniountiiii : to tliu sum of J.T > 7(1.J1. ( : which said sum Ills proposed by a rupert only adopted bv tbo elty council to assess , pro rnta nccordliiE to foot frontuKe. on the real estate on each sldo of ( Jablullar and Dnpont sticets In Dnpont I'litee , nccorJIns ; to the usual scallni ; buck process in depth to the tlrst alley. ICato per loot , io.Tirui. To cover the cost of KradliiR Arnus avcinio from Sherman avenue to Oj feel eastof the alley butwcen 10th and llth streets , anioiinl- ) ns lo Iho sum of .TKLl.V which said sum it Is proposed hy a report duly adopted by thu city council to assess pro rat.i.on caehsldoof Ames a von no from Sherman nvcnnu tod'J fcutenstof alloy between mill and llth streets , according to foot frontline and thu usual nculln back process , In depth from Hald btrcet 1JO feot. Kale pur foot. . ) . ( M."il7. To i-ovur the coM. ot cr.idln alley In block II , Campbell's addition. In Kradlni ; district No. M ) , amounting to iho hum of Ifill , which .sum II is proposed by a report duly adoptud hy tliu city council to assess on the. roitl estr.tu on each sldo of said alluy pro ratu. neeordinx lo foul frontage and thu usual bc.illn back pro cess. In depth to dupth of lot , Kate pur foot , SUTlU'll. To cover lliu cost ot pradlnK Iho alluy In Dn pont 1'lncu between Dnpmit nnd Castellar streuls. fi-oin SOtli hlrrel to iho west line tf Di.pont Place , amounting 10 tliu sum of JI.VJ It , which sum II Is proposu by u report duly adopted by the oily council to iissusson tlio rual iflalo on both sides of sal alluy pie r.iti : , according lo foot frontage ami the usual seal- In haul ; proccs > > , In duptli one lot. Kuto pur loot.i ) . : : ! ! * ; ! , To uover the one-half eostof Rradlni : Ihn alley in bloel. in. Konnl/u's 4th supplementary addition , amounting lo Iho sum of U.'t/r. , which sum It Is uroposod by n report duly adopted by the city council to assess pro rnta. on lliu real estate on each side of said al'uy ' In block 10 , Koiint/.u'd lib supplementary addi tion , as pel fool frontnxo and thu usual sual- ini ; hack process In depth onu lot Katu pur foot , S..OSJ'i To eover the ono-half eostof sradlnj ; Hamil ton B tree I from 4'ilh ulrect to the Hult Line railway , uinountlii to the sum of Sl.i sm , which said sum It is proposed by a rupert duly adopted by the elly counull to assess on thu rual estate on uaeh slilu of Hamilton street from 45lli street , to the Itelt Line railway pro rata , 119 ] > ur foot froiilaKU. nceordltiK to iho usual saalinz bade jiroeess. In depth to iho llrst alloy. Hutu per font. Sl.Oi'il' ' ) . To cover Iho co l of L radium alloy : 'n block 4 Campbell's addition , hulnir thOBonth ulley In halu block , amonntlm : lo the sum of } llii.r > : i. which said sum It Is proposed hy u report duly udoptml bytlio ulty council tonssusson tno real estate on both sides of uaid alley pro r.itc , us per fool troutafre nnd according lo tli- usual scaling baek nnieess , In dcitli | from alley on himth sldu lo llancroft bticol , on norih sldu lo iho duplh uf uvo lots. Kaiu per fool , * ' ) . lIBSs. To cover the iinu-hulf cost of u'railln lliu al.uy In block 1 , KonnUe's 4tli udditlon , amonnllni : to Iho sum of f-.Vl i c. wiiluh snld sum it Is proposed by a report duly adoplud by thu city council lo assess piorataun the ualiHlii lu on both sidus of H.I Id alluy , as per oot ( ron luce , to lliu dupth of onu U't. au oril- 1m' lo thu usual scaling baek nroec.ss. Itato per foot. W.41M1. To cover lliu cost cf cr.idlin ; i4tli street from I'liriiain utrvel to DotUc street , amonnllni ; to plio Kiimof ir4.UI , which said sum It Is pro- eoscd by a report duly adopted l.y thu ulty Council loasaesH on t lie real estate on lioili shies of Illlh btre.ul from Do.liru biiuut to Kar- iiaiii stieet pro rata , as per font fronla u anil thu nsii.il scalliij : back proems. In duiith to the center of block. Itatu pur foci , t' ' ' _ ' ! HI.I , To covur Iho cost of | iavliu and eurbliu In strout Impioviin.unldlstrlut. No , 4 IS. comprla i\X \ Uard blreul fiomlsth slruel loi'id stiuitt. amoiinlln-1 to the sum of MU,4SI.O < , which mild urn. It Is proposed , by a rop'irl. duly udoptud by lliu oily council lo assus pro rata , accordIng - Ing to fool frontline on Ibo real ustato on notii Klitus of l/'int streul from Ibth uireul lo .lid Klruct. In depth ID center of bloui * . according to thu Usual be.uluu baeU process. Itaiu pur foot.iii. To cover the cost of paving arid ourhtni : lllth btreet from tliu houih line of Ur.ico Blieet to north line 1'addouk place. In streut Improve ment district No.- . aino.iinlliiK to the Mini of Tlu.VJ.Vvii. which hiilil sum , .1 Is proposed , by u ruporl duly adnpoil hy Iho elly council , to as sess on llie real estate on each sldo of lilth stieet from ( iracoulreul tontrtli line of Tad doun plncu , pie rata aeeordintf to foot fronl- nuti and thu usual scaliiii : haul ; procuss I- depth thu dlntanco of onu lot. Itatu pur foot , f.VtiCOJ. Thu cost of pavlnj : and curbliu' pri vate approach 10 bonsso scd to thuiuul eatatu for which ills la Id. To covur thu cost of paving and cnrb'ns Hhurrnan aveiuu ) lo a point : uii feu' , noith of Iho eonturof Heollon II In Htreel Improvumont dutrlct No. 40U , nmountliiK to thuHiirn of $ IU- lld * . ' . ) . ' ) , which sum. Il i piutxmed , by u report duly adopted by thu city council. 10 asso = < on thu properly on both sides of sliniinan ave nue in mud dlslrlu' . pie rata according to loot fronlauii undthu usual kualliiK hack process In dcp h lif'fcol. 1'ruvldud. 1'hat that part of tux 'ot ' 'Jl i/ms butwoun Omaha Holt railway ; : of way and Commercial Htreel shall ho assespod for a fronlu o of liufcut , italo pur foot. * i.fd'J.V ) Tu roMii thu cost of iiivliiK : and eiiibliiK of street improvement district No. : & . ClmrloH btruot from Thlrty-ul/hlii streut lo Kurtlutli slreelaiiiUiiiitlnz to the sum of i".I-.1U. - wlnlu bald hum it U propo.sud hy a lupoit duly niluplcd hy iho city uonnull lo IIKBCSH tire rala on Iho ro.il est.ilo on both nidus of Uharluii street from Thirlv-eli-'hth bticitl to Koitluth hi reel , in dupth lo llrst alley or center on block , according to thu nsuuf bcalhiK buck process. Itato pur foot. fJ , rj. " > . To eover thu eoilof puvniK and curhliu Mlclilicnn ittuot from Twenty-third slreet to Tweniy-fmirth hlrcol in btrcet liiiururomiiiit dlblrlct No. 4II > . amounting to tlio mini of ilICS.U4 , which nild : sum It is proposed by u ru porl duly aduptod hy thu oily council to as- beds on lliu ru.il estatuon botn hhius uf Mlohl- Kan btreot from Twuntv-thlrd street to Twenty-fourth bireel , pro rata accordim : to foot frontuge , und thu usual kcollni buck pro- eiiis In driith to center of block. Katu per fool , JAW. ' ' ! The cost of prlvutu approach to the roul estate for which II U laid. To cover ihocoti ot uuvluu auJ curbing ( Minrninn nvpiuip trotn n polnt.Wfpot north of I tluicpiitcrof sootlou ; i n-l | , to drancl nVfiuiu i In ( itrpot linprovpinrnt OU'rlPt No. 411 , ainouiillni to ll.oMiinnf II7..HJ.70. which said mm It l < proposed by n report duly adopted by tlipvltvi'ounril , to IH C OM Ihn propprty onn ich sldeof Miermaii uveiiuc from n point ,1 tl f cot north of I ho center of inot Ion . to Urnnil avptiup. , pro rMa. according lo thu font front- ftKtv In depth from Sliormnii avenue IIU feet , us per theo iitil scullng buck process lUte ppr fool , } ! . . , ! ' . ' rovi'r " 'f COM of pnviii : nml citrtilr.it 7nlrlr-sivonil strcot. from tlic north line of 1. lli'lld Plaio to Woolworth nvonuo In Mri ot Irnprovcmotit district No. ITI , amounting to thesntiiof fl.4Rtu.iT. wli'cli S'lld HUIII It l < pro pose , ! , by a report duly iidopted by tbp pity couni'll. to nmnm on the protiorty on oncli run of I bitty-second slrcpt , fnvn north line of l-.nolld I'l-ice to Woolworth aV'iiue , nrcord- Ing to f < mt froutaite. and the usn.il m-ilttu back propp H Ir drpth t > i tltsl allt'V or conler of bock. ! liitc per foot , jl 7lll ! : tbo cost of private nppr.uchiM to boasscsiod lo the property - erty for which made. ' 1 eover the cost of paving an I curbing California street from 1'ln tiect to tnthstieet In streut Improvpinenldlstrlct No 114. amountIng - Ing lo the sum of K'r.i.ni , whli li s i d sum II U linipoietl by u rop.irt duly adopted by the cltv council to ns4ps < on the ro n estate on each s dn of I'nllfornl i street from l.lthslroct to itith street pr.i rnta. accordlns to foot frontage ami thn usual o.illtu back pntornv In depn to the tlrst alley as tier ns'ial so.illiu b.icl , pro- i-cs * . Kuto per foot , < ; , : , \ ; tim private road wav , amoutillii'i tu the sum uf Jill ) . ' , to bo asses - sos od totliernil ostalo 'idjo'nlng. ' In eover the po t of P'lvlng and curbing Sewnrd street from V4t list reel to ' 'Mb street tu street Inipiovo'iient distnei No. 4.1 , ' . s td pav- 1ng amounting tu the sum of Jl. I .V.'l nnd Mm eurhlng to thn sum of ill H7. which s iln UIIIM II Is proposed by a reuort duly iidnplod toy the oily council to assess us follow * : ' 1 lie post of curblti't to too nx.esvd to lotil , black G , Hlilntl s addlllo-i. Thu ousl of ) ) : ivln. private appro.ieh , amounting to lliu sum of Jjl.41 , ' , to bo ase setl to lot I , blocs 0. Shlnn's addition. I he balance of the cost of paving. amountIng - Ing to the sum of * l'ks.7ii | , to be assessed on the teal estate on both sides of Suward strei't from L'lth street lo ' 'ith sliet'l pro rata per foot frontugu and In depth from stieet to llr.st. alley , at-eonllng to the usual sc.illng back ino- cess. lialo per foot. Jl ti'.l i" , To cover the cosi of pivlnj and eurbluc of " .led streut from Cumlng struct to north line of Michigan streol in street liiiproi-emont dis trict No. 4 in. amounting to the sum of $ . ' < I 'J.U7 , which s iid sum It is proposed hy a roncn duly adoplpd by the city couni'll to assess as fol lows ; The amount of $ > 0,1 , > to bo assessed on lot 7 , block liM'i ' , for paving and ctirPlng approach. I'hu balance uf M.iril.tr. , to bo assessed on the real estate on both sides of ! d slreet from ( 'timing street lo tbo north side of Mlchl.'iin street , according to foot frontage , In derth lo the ( 'enter of block , according to the usual illng haul , process. Katu per foot. $ I.O.Vi. Tocovcrlho cost of paving and curbing ( iraco street from the east line of the C. , St. P. , M. .t Ci. Ity right of way tocast llnu of Pad dock place. In streol improvement district No. : < 7i ; , amounting to thn sum of RliK.V. . which said sum. It is proposed , Ly a report duly adopted hy ihu city council , to ns-ess on the real ustate on each sl'lu of lir.iuu stiout from the said right of wav to iho o isl line of Pad dock plnuc , pro rata as pur foot frjut me and the usual Huallng baeli process In duplh IJ. feet. Hate pur foot , fii.l-.M. To cover tlio cost of p.iving and curblns Olli street from I'lercu street to Hickory slrcol. In slreet Improvument district. No. 4'J'I , amount ing to the sum of 31. > .ni.iiT. : ) which said sum. II Is proposed , by a report : duly adopted uy thu elly council , lo ns < css as follows : Tlio cost of private approach , amounting to the sum of in.s : ; , to hu assossu.l to thu rual estate for which constructed. The balance of said cost to bo assessed prorala on the leal estate on both sides of said street , according lo the footfrontago and the usual sealing bncu process to the depth of said district as ere ilod : tint strips from tiar- rowhiL- the streets In said district not consid ered In calcinating thu frontage. Hate per foot , JUI-tHKj. To cover tl'o cost of pavlni and curDIng C'ass street from 'J.'d street tolib struct , lu .street Imiirovcnumt district No. 4.W. umount- Ing to tlio sum of f.VJtU.lii. which said sum.lt Is propLsod , by a report duly adopted by thu city council , to ussus pro rata per foot front- aguaud the usual scaling burl ; proeuss In dupth to the tlrst alloy. Kate nor foot , j ; > Sr | : ' . To cover the cost of paving and cnrblngof Cass street from e-ist tine of Twenty-fourth street to west llnu of Twenty-fourth Hired In struct Improvement district No. 4.VJ , amount ing 10 the sum of il.V > . , l' > . whleli said sum II is proposed by a report duly adopted by the elly council , to assess on lot 7 , block Melly. . To covur thucost of constructing a sewer lu sewer ilisu let. No. 1'iH. umouutiiiK to the sum of il.iJ.KUi. which aald sum It Is proposed hy u report duly adopted hy me city council , to as sess pro rata aucordlu. to foot fronlagoon Iho real estate fronting on said sewer , corner lots hn vng : a sewer on two sides to bo assessed Tor Iho longer sldo only. K.uu p'jr ' foot , $ ) .H < 17 . To cover thu cost oT const rm't ing a sewer In sewer district No. llV ) , amouullng to thusuai of JI.7IT.M , wh.ch .said sum II Is proposed hy a rupert duly adopted by the city council to as sess pro rat lion the real ust ito .idjolnlng said sewer accor ling to the fool fr.ml'igu. and tlio usual M.villir. hack process In depth to the iHiundarlos of said district as created. Hutu pur foot , SJKTOIIL To cover the cost of constructing a sewer In smver district Nn. IBI , amounting lo iho sum nfH.-NJE. ' . which said sum IL Is proposed hy a icportdulv adopted by the oily council , tons- sess pro rata on the foot frontage and Iho usual sealing back proooss in depth to the boundary lines of said disirlcl as created. Kaio per foot , ifl.i : l > . To cover the. cost of constructing a sewer in sovorcllstiletN'o. l.Vi , amountliuto thosum of W-lt-Uli. ; which said sum It Is proposed by a rupert duly adopted by the elly council tons- suss pro rata uccor.llng to foot frontage and the usual scaling back process to tlio dupth of onu hit on rcjvl uit-ito In siid district : Provided , That on corner lots having a soweron two shU s they shall ho ussssscd lor the long side only. Certain triangular lots are asosud for iho one-half of front ago. KaU- per fool , fi.u.'c'i ; . Tax lot ii : assessed for i'.M.ll. ' "nd tax lot M nssoasuil for f.VJ ( il. To cover the cost of coastriictlug connec tions tosewurs lu stieellmprovumenKllstilcts Nos. 1H > , 4ni. J - ' : ! . 4ili. : 1.17 , and 4 U. done under contra ! with John K. D.ik-y. amounting to Iho sum of SSKi. , > l , which II is i.roposed by .1 report dn'y aioilcd | hy the city cohnell to as-ess Iho cost of each sepa rite connection to Iho lot or part of lot or real esialu 10 which Midi con- neutlou Is made , as follows : t . Imp. Dist. Amount. SGIt.-7hlk lt > 7i ! city ft7 10 " s41 ftof IttiUlk 157ii ' 17 U " It lOljlk IS74 " 1H o : . < lfllt I bile I'.UVi ' " T ( it ) 4 0 in. ulk Ill-Mi " IMK ! ) 410n ! iof lirililk llti'i ' " 1HII" > 42aslutiftof itj bill ' - ' ( " IS 7 : > " it 1 hlk I Crodlt I'onuler IC > 7."i 1 It. blk I " IS 7.'i " | t.4blKl.'i " IS 7,1 ' It 4 blkS ! " HI " > it : , blk 23 " Hi" . Itshlki7 : " ii : { ' It 4 hlk : w " 13T. ' It . - . hlk 'IS " PJT/1 " tax lot II (5 ( con ) " I'll ' ( ill 4-'Jlo ( ii of Itablk P Camplicll'tisub II II ) ' 1141.1k P " 11 HI ltd blk P . " MM o' , of It ! ) blk 4 P.irkor'.s addition 11 HI w 4 : . ft of It IU blk I : 11 ) Ii7nik : . " U si itotolkr. 11 HI uiiof hSblkli " ll'iil ' w Vi of It 8 bllt 0 II VO " o " , of II : iblk7 " 11 Kl ol , of It I bin 7 " II HI o ijof H4 bin d " II U it : i ink ( i iun : o'/f nt.4 blk a 11 10 It.-itoll , 11 " II M ' lt7l > lKU " U I" " Ht blk U Slilnn'd'Jnd aildltlou II Kl u % of It f toll ; 1 " II in it u bile I " U I" iiW it" lnlco fatrluklamVs sub II HI It rib kO " II 8J ItunlkO " 11 W ) it 1.1 hi | < O " II Ml 4H7 ltd h ! I ; 1 Klilnn'i udJIlioii HJ lillblkii " i-'l i it 5lHti ) " 1:1 : i ii'.i : It , lu Jooslon's sub K . ' 7 li 'J Prnyn'H.snb 1'J r > 7 JU4 " 13 fi7 HShlkA fclilnii'saclUHlon 1414 HIIblkA " K [ fi7 It r. blk A " 1- ' ? " Hf.blkA " 11i ! ! " i4 i of UDlJlk B " 1i" ith bik 10 janj wjjof itsu'.kii n w n ! . ' , of It S blk II l'Jf'7 UN blk 13 " U Jh " It 5 blk 13 " IS 57 HOblU 13 " Ij ! 57 ii : > si Tocovor the cost of connniollirjcpmiocl Ions to HU we I'M In stroat Improvomoiil dlstriots Nus. 'JhO , 4U'I. Ill , 44i. : 144 , Ji ) , 4.11 , J.iH.lik ) , ( ill , 407 and 4rlln thocltyof Uniaha.amonnllng tothusuin off l.iliVl ) , whluh said Hum Ills proposed by a lopnrt duly adopied by the ulty eouncll to ns- spison tlio lot. part of lot or real idlatu to which conneoll.ii.s are rnaUo , UH pur tliu ful- ( nvin ; , ' lUt : u It Milk ( M 4(1 ( 'tof a sii ft of It Iblkll .t II ti'iof Itilblk It 7 ID n'jof Kablk It n 13 ' ItMllKlt n u ' It < blk II .1 u ' It 1.1 blk 13 "I , M " It II blk i'J ' SIs Itn blk 13 vi : " It I blk t s ith addition ' . ' ' U IS blk I " tax lot : n 11 tnxloin-i : t ; w " tax loll ! ) 4(1 ( 7:1 : 4' . ' ) III blk m Oily II MS 112 blk WJ 14 "t 411 111 ? Offtilou Park 15 lt It Kl 1:1 or. ' It III is m 1120 177-J " IISI lr. I r. ' IIS ! ir , in ' 1121 15 in ll-.M IS t > 1 IS l > ! " It f.1 hlk I Jerome I'.uk III SI " It I'lblk t 111 81 " U 11 blk 1 in Ht ' It I blk'J 17 , J " 11-.Milks li 7J " Hit blk 2 17 7J " It 4 blk U 17 72 itr. bik'J 17 r.J ' 111 blk 4 " Ivllby Place 15 till R2blk I IS Oil " II4 blk I IS I'll " llThlK 4 IS IM ' it 8 b U I IS 0 ! ) " IIIIhlk I IS 01 ' Itlflblhl in st 111 It I King's addition 20 IM II vo 21 Ml ; It Hill ; I liu Voti : place 2S 4t : V.S 4 I ' It 'I hlk l 2S 4't " 1H blk ' ' I J8 4 'I ll.'Iblka sti r > 2 27 41 ' 114 Mono At llrunner I'laeo 22 .V ! itr. 2. SI itn 22 51 it7 21 M us " 21 tvl HID ' , ' (1 ( M ' II I hlk B IMPitlulou I'.irk VI f.tt " - It-.Milk 8 BJ W " " It II blk 8 ffil fil ) Itflblks 23 M " Itn blk S 8,1 M ' Its blk s 21 fvS lti > hlk d 21 W ' H S hlk U 2i IP.1 " It.'lhlk I ) 20 1TJ ' U l till ! ll 20 n- > ' It fi hikil 20 IK It R hlk | i 20 C.2 " It 2 blk I ! ) ' . ' ) 02 ' It 'I blk m to IM ' It 4 blk ID 21 5ti It A hlk II ) 20 ttl It ( I hlk 111 20 tW ; ; it i hlk 23 I'S 43 Itii Js M 13 blk 28 43 " It 4 blk 23 2.1 TO " Hit blk a I'nrk plnco 21 Kl it niiika 21 Kl It I''blk I 20 fit li labik i 20 fll no blk a Shnrwood Park 21 M " lt.IT ; ytuwart I'laeo 2J 0) ) 2J I1J liV ) 22 fil it it 22 fil ' it 4:1 : 21 . ' .2 Hit as ro ii r , as s lav lot I " tuv lot III 20 C.2 " lax lot UJ 20 ' ) 41111(1 ' ( Washington Stiuarc jr , 2'i It 7 ir > anIS " " It ! ) IS 2i ( HID IS 2.1 . " Hit V art " HM ! ti 20 " It 21 l.-l ' - ( > " H2J ir. 20 " It SI IS 2rt " - H-JI ] 5 23 " 1127 is ad " It 1.8 15 2i I'rt ' ) It II < f Clark's adilltlnn ID dl HI2 in ni " 11 I Jacob's addition in i " HU 10 ns 4JIII 8 Axforil's addiilon r. si " " Hill I'rnyn'ssiin r. sa II 111 ranlscu's addition ( i 82 " or. : ' ft of it n 5 h'i " wir.Kofitii r , h1 ! " 11 12 ( i S2 " It III 5 82 " Itll n si " It'-I ( r. 8i " 1121 r. w " 1121 r. ta 43j It blk Tl llanscom I'lacu 17 11 " It7blkii ; 17 It " It .s hlk III 17 U " It ! ) bik n 17 11 " It 111 blk 1" 17 11 " Hit blk ia 17 U " It 12 blk II 17 H " It , III blk II 17 11 " HIS blk II 17 11 " H21 blk II 17 111 4fintri : bik - & Oiry M ( l t It I bll ; i ( /rod 11 I'onclor 2 ( ! 2 401 It 5 blk SIS Ulty 1(1 ( 78 " It ( Milk 2411 20 Oil " It 7 blk 211 20 till " It 8 hlk 211 2(1 ( fi'l " It. lblk2W ( " " lt2blk2iW " H.-lblkL'W 3257 IfiT 117 blk III ( i OS ' MSblkia 7 DO 4" ! It.a blk 17.'l lf ) > 7 " It4 blk I7a 9 fii ( " Itr. blk 17.1 II ! > ' ) Total . 53.010 51) To cover the cost of damacus for chance of crade. bolnu a Judgement In favor of Sclup- poret , Clark and Cluhnniu for change of Krudo of Kiihteoiiili ; streut trtni I. " iveinsorth street to 4.10 feet south of Mason stroiit , Hiimuntlui ; lo thnsum of f.L'll.il : : , which said sum II Is pro posed , by a report. uiiiv adopted hv the elly council , to iihsuss on the real estate on both sides of IJu'liteeiith slreol. from l.oavenworlb slreet lo tliu railway rlilu. of iy. prorala as per foot fronlase. and thu usual scalini ; back pio-iss in depth to the Hist al.ev Kilo nor foot. $ o.7jrur. To covur tlio eostof damnj'i's awarded for tlio opunlir. ' of 'i'wunly-sixlh ttieel from lliu north line of Nelpon' * loidltlon tol'aldwoll ' strcul , amonutlnz lot be sum of illi , I2H. , ' . , which said hum It Is proposed l.y a report duly adopted bv the city council , to nssi'.ssou both sides of 'I'ufinly-slxth street , from turning streut to Howard struct , IIH follows : I'rom I'umln J slicul to north line Nelson's addition J4,4'.S ) . at the raloof i.MI per front foot , On lots 2 to 0 Inclusive. In Joi-sti'its' ' sub , $2 7.18 , attho ratoof2.44 pur front foot I'rom C ildwell to Hamilton st reels , Sl.vj.OO , at the r.uo of U ) uiints per fnmt foot I'rom Hamilton lo Ch.irius stmuls , flOi.OO , at the r.ilo of sn cents per from foot l' ° rom I'b irles to Reward streets. . ! " > 700 , at the rate of 70 eonlo per front fool. On lot No. I , .Inuolen's sub. * ! ) ! S' . On lot , : ! , block Shlnn's addition. sTMUO. TJioahovi-'issussmeiillndcpib from Tnonly- sl.vlh slrunt lo i lieu lit anee of one lot on'y ' 'I'n cover the eo'tof const met im ; purmanunt sidewalks hv I'ord.V llusu , ainouiitliiK to tin ) .sum of f ; , ! ) : i..2'i ' , vvhlun s ihl sura It Is propose I bv a report , duly adopted bv the citv coumill , to assess on Iho following real e , litu , , alotlX which said wains aru laid : Iolfiblock7i City fr8" > 2 8(1 ( Lot fi block 7-J ' 21111 HI I.nt7blocl , 7J " IliiK'l lot Ibloi'KS ! ) " r.7 | C4 Lot J ! block IX ) ' till 17 Lot I block ! ) ) ' 2)7 ) M Lot ttblooit'-'DI'.j ' " 22)i : > .Lot S hloolc : i'l " IIS 47 Total . $ . 'J'2 ! 2(1 ( To novel * Iho co-it and li s ieei on f laying piirfli.iui'ii' ' ' stone walks hy .1. W I uriliHA : b'ons , amonntliitf to ilut sum of t ! . " > ' "V , whli.'h said sum It Is propoiud l.y . a roporl duly adopted hv tlini'ity I'liiinull , lo , i soss on the real ustato aloiii , ' v.hlch ualti walks un > la d , as l.oi : i. blouk 'J'll , nity J ! M'I ' 7 lllirh school grounds , butwocn ' .HIMI : il I : "Jil anil I'o.l ' j and Davunporl slit - ' "il7 - ! ) Tot , . . . . . ( . . . T 'I 1y I To covur thu eosl of slonu ntdert.ul , t lal'l bv .1. W. l''uruiis , V'on , anionutliu' In Hie sum of trH..K. , which said sum It IN proposed I y a re port duly udoiitnd hy ( lie ulty -n to nn > im on thu hits or purls of lols ii 'l1i" ; > .iil t-i Iho walk laid , to-witi 1 , 1 7 bile ( li Cltv 1111.1) ) Total fJti'J KV You am further notified that said "Proposed Plans uf A'SesMiii'in. " am now subje-t to thu Inspection and uMimlnatlon uf anv of tneowo- i'lt < of nahl lots , pails of loin or pleiMis of leal estate , or thu inspeetlon or examln > t | > i > "f any olhcr iierion micrustuil in h-i..i . ji/ , , , , < i > I nssessiiiunts. at lliu ollku of a < 1 ' tv i-i > rK ai.il Hi it by a lopurt of a commilti "f > > > i riiii'ii'll duly iidoiited , It Is pr'.p ' - < i t , il un- leni for L-OOO and snlllulnnl uaus > - < i. , iy b oiliurwls or.li'ind and duterni.ii. . . < iiil Hie ( ol of s.clil IliinioviMnuiilj resi | ve . ' he UK- hesMiil on the several lots , | inN < .f i - nixl plum's of loal ( "itatu as KIIDVVII by . j pru posud plain of assessment. You , and uauh of vou , am lieruby ie i.iod ! lo appear bi'foru said llourU nf l.ii.i . | . / ion. . .tt . the llmuand nlaeu abiivo t > p < 'ellltnl. I.- , ii > Uu nny eoniplalnl , statement or .it , : ' .n j < n ) > k'rocotifurnlriK auv of t-'iid pr j > . . , i > i ! > -iU4 nnd iisbussiuonu of speulul IHM- JOHN iilt'iVi ' " . I 1 V I II" ! iJmaha Nob. Dfccun.ijor Itli itii1 " ' " > * < Man ; of our AOri.NTS nrc sIKM.i'xat I > "i \'Oi worth ' ArlHOLD AUTOMATIC STEAM COOKERS py inunUi | ) on'l romili MiO or nilur - 'M i nn 'i' wlmi roj mhflK tiu milinia uiord a iiiuiiujr A ; > i > ly 1 ir Uruii , i. , llltd. MuaU , "