Till ! OMAHA 1U11Y HUH : Tl'UKDAY , 1)KOHMH1U ! IS , Mm. 8PEC1HL NOT10E8. H > ll TIIKiK TOM'MNS AliMtllllMKMrNiq 1J M ) p m for the pvonln * nnd mill 1 8 up in for ttio morning or Sunday oill No ndTPMlK-nipnt taken tot \ttti \ limn SSconU ( or lie fltM IniMt'bn All nclvpttlM'mrnlii In thp o column * m cenUn itofrt forlhollrH Inrpttton nnrt I CPnl word for rnch tuliicqiiMil liifprllon or II Ml per line ppr nil ntli * Iermnca li In mlTKticr Initial * , flumps , inlioU etc pli count n word All mlvrrtUo- met in mini tun ronfeculltrly. Advprlljpri , by rev qtipnune a numtr-rril rhpfk.cnn hnvo thn letters Adilrcturrt to n numtipreil loiter In cnrnnr 1IIK Hex Annwers no mliUPMcil will bo delivered on the presentation of the check _ SITUATIONS WANTED. * WANTED , HIT ! AT10N A ! OVKHSKEIl OF A Mock nr xrMn fnrmi mnn of family , can Klvo Rood reference Harry 8 Snnndcri , Montcmnm.U. V WANTH ) . l'0-TIONli\ | KXI'I'HIKNCISD /V teacher , either In n puMIc or n iirlvnlo school , irndunlo from lioth n lltiirnry nnd n commortlnt college ) good references Address SM care llee. -1IV A COMI'I'II'M NriW. TO CAIll' I OH bnby Host or reference * Addro < SII IIPI * WANTED MALE HELP. MANVVANTLIHIN SAl.TilV ON'rWII" ! PAN Jilenrn quickly Apply at lilrt lioiiitlni > ACIPNTS WANT HO. 8ALAUY 1'Alll WI5KK ily , nl Miner nlllcp lo i Dm U- MAN VVA.NTKI ) , HAIAltAM ) KXPHS- J 'I'orinniicnt plnco , wliolo or pnrt time Apply t once1 , Iltonn llros Co , Mimuryinen , llilinvo _ _ in d M * B-AflKNTS' HNAIM fltJO 'III J5 CO IIAV SUHIi. Address ( Jochenour , 4i2 ! Llmrles it , Omnlia , M5I)2J ) * Kcl > . _ -SALARY OH ( TlMMIiSION TO AOKNFHTO hnndlft tlin 1'ntrnl ( lirinlcnl Ink Krnslnit Pencil Ilia moot ucnful md novel Invrntlon of Hie nso ) rn > cii Ink tlioinuvlily In two < coiidn Works Ilko in ilr. aotoflUpcr crnt protlt. Aiicntu mnkln I'flper wpck. WunlKO wnnt n Bcnnrnl nitcntto tnko rlinrup of territory iind npiioinl nub ngonU. A rnro clinnro to mnkc money VV rlto lor tcrtiin nnd n i > nm I > la of rrnrlUK llonroo ICrnstr Mlu. Co , .X SIX I. a croiite , VVIa. _ 75 -WANTED , HHtn CI.A8S COACHMAN B Apply VV. 11 Mlllnrd , Oinnha Matlonnl bank. 1AKN18VVH ( ! WANT MKN.V110 AUK Air J'rcudy trnvi'llna nlpsmcn to cnrry our lubrl cnnta na n nldu line Nnmo rofi-rcnccR nun tctrl lory Mnnuinctiirora OU Co. , Clovolund , O l > -AlKNla ( W/\NTHI ) , I'lttlDKNTlAL I.I KM J lnii lo. , KOinl pay Apply room SO Tremor block , oppo P O .M2-U Jill- ) -KIIISI' rLA S MKAT TOOK WAN'I KD AT M.lndel Hotel Lincoln , Neb M27I 13 * TJ-VVANTKD HOY WHO CAN HI'1\IC Till ? J'lIohiMiiInn Iniminno lo learn the bnnklnK liunl nc s In it Miinll town Address In own hiindnrlt Ing , H 67 , llco olllco -J > 11 * - ] > VV'ANTKD i\i'KiiiKNriD'iiiMAN : : ( : COACH J'mnn WIIRS J1J.UJ per month Atlolpli Vlcvor , Hit r nnd tnrnnni V l K TJ-AHKN1H WAMIJIMi ID JIU A D VY KASlliY J'nmde nond lie for mmiilo of our new pntont Indies drusi holder , wllh full partlculnrn tl "lo lcrt A , CO , W VVuitmliiBtor street , St. L'uul , Minn. .M311 13' e T > -WANTin , AN A NO. 1 LIIHIhlHAIMI SO- J'llcllor for the northwestern territory , Address Hi'phcns I.ltlioKrnpliliiminil KiiKruMiik' compuny , ft. l.ouls , Mo , wllh reference 111 ti > where > ou hnvo been nmount of trudu you nru ublo lo control , mil- mry.olo Mfl'8 15 T -f ) MIN 10IIU H COVUUNMIINT WOUIC IN I'Arknnsna , flcnnewsco nnd 1 oulslnnn Krnmci & O'llcnrn , Lnbor Aifency , JU1 fcouth l.th street Msuia * WANTED FEMALE HELP. C " - \ \ A N'r i : T > r i A nTiX "on ' " YO "tiNti xi UN i c Inko Ilk-lit , plcntnnt work nt their own homos , tlDOtofioo PIT ilny cnn Im qulotly made ; work ent hy inr.ll , no cnnvnstdni' Her partlculnra nd dieni > llloho Mfu Co , lloxMJl , lloslon , Mn" . Ki- tnblltlifil IS-fl , .MJU3 nil * _ -COMI-HTHNTOIItLl-Oll CliNKUAL work IhU'J * * liernmn avenue 1'JI ' C -YOl'NO LAOIUS CAN 8OOV ACQU1IIK / workliiE kiiowledce of churthnnd nnd typo rltlni : ut Van knntn' SU N Y Life M-U7 VVANTKD , ( IOOD OI1IL 1 OU OKNItllAI C hoiin'HOik MOB 37th utrect .M230 li * C-VVAN'IKD ; TWO COMIT.l'nNT OIHLS ; ONI forcooklnK nnd ono foi nccoitd work , wnaos f nnd ( > nweek Apply nt No \\orlhliiKton 1'lnco oiiiiOBlto Urownoll hull , near hoiith iuth street , 897 13 -WANTKD , UlltL K3II LK.HT lIOUSr.WOKI nt N. VV Cor. lith mid llnrnuy , Sd Uoor. Kr franco on llnrnoy 233 II * COIKL AT 641 B. 23D 291 It 0-WANTBD : A 01UL 1 OU HOUSKWOUH Apply at once 1810 Cullfornla street 33i 11 * -ACOMi'i'Thvrciui , work. Apply at 2Jtli Htroot und Jones. MSOI 15 * - - COMl'KFKNT NUItSl ! ( Hill C-VYANTKD-A ( iood wnKCs Appl ) at once , 2017 Lenvonwort B'.roct. .M . ) ( ) , ) IS WANTKII ( HIIL Kll OHNKllAL IIOUSH C work. Ilufcronces required Apply 415 Notrh JOt Ht. MSI 111 FOR RENT HOUSES. D -I-Oil HUNT , NO. 2411 CAl'lTOL AVENU1 modern. 'Iho O 1 * . Davis Co , 1W5 turnain st I * IDA I - LAIIdK LIST 01 * rilOICK HOtJ K D-A etorrp. tints , etc. Houses from JeW per monl nnd up. CcorKe J lnul. 1CU5 I nrnain 375 d 15' rv-MNK ItOOM HOt'SK. MODF.ItN 4 ' ICUCCB , wntor rent pnld , I25UU pur inuntb. J 1 Wheeler , room 417 Knrbach block. SI4&7 TOH HI5NT , MODKHN 10 IIOOM HOUS1C , AI JL/convinlenccs , live minutes * walk postotDc Mrect cars pass the door. Nathan bhellon or U Hklnner , 1014 1-arnam lit. (20 -KIGHT-llOOM DKTACHKD HOUHU. MO : ern : best neighborhood , $20 boren rooms a : bnm , I'ark avenue , 120. ( J , F. Hints , 220 So. 171 street. MIVS3 d8U D A DKpIIlAHLie IIO.MK OF I ) HOOMH , TU nlshcd or unfurnlslipd. I'nrtlesitolng to Ca lornla. Apply on premises , 11U bollth Tenth it.m D Oll 11KN1 , ID-UOOM IIOUSII , * * OI& CAS ! JJflOOO. llced ASelby. Ilonrd of Trade. 77'J ' -J 8-llOOM COITACB. Wi MABON , ( I IIOC1 > house , model n,11st Jt Masun Apply dOHSMnsn D ( -1-011 HUNT , HOUhKS IN ALL 1'AIITS ( city. The O , R Davis eompany , 1505 tiirliuini _ D -rLA'lS , DVV15LL1NOB , COTTAOrCS IN AI pans of city Kilkenny & Co , Continental 1)1 ) tea D -1O11 11RNT. 5 IIOOM COlTAOn ON MOTC line. Apply H VV corner vth nnd Douglns 7S1 fv iiousn or u IIOOMS. ALL MODKUN co J-'venk'ncen , plcnsintl ) located ncnr bu lnu < is co tor. Apply ISOii Lhlcago st , or I. S. Sklnnur , It 1 nrniilii , 78 , T-NKVV7.ltOO\i | | LOITAIiKS , 1IATI1 , HOT AJ J-'cold wnlc'r , nil modern Impriivcmmils. ileslral location for business men In beautiful btnnto riiclo , Convenient to Omnhn ami South ( Una ) Appl ) C. ti. JSIuuU'ir , t 4. Now York l.lfo bulldlmt 78 B-I'Oll HUNT , NI5W 7 HOOSl .MODICIIN HOUS nlicly pnporod , near West rnrnnm car. I Mnttlco , DoiiKlas block , MS ) - Oll HKNI'-.MV 1II1ICK I1OU9K , NO. 1 1'nruHin street and brick luirn , lompleto w ! every loinenoncc. VYurrcn .M ItOKers , 1321 F unm st. M9J -TWO tii.\-itooM nousrs IN WAL.N ! Hill , city water , ono block from motor III tilOO Onmlm llcal KstatB and Tiuit Co , ronn lluti bulldliiK. \lllll D-KOU HUNT , S-llliOM COri'AI ! ! ! , 839 H 2 ! ntrcol. city water and cistern. Apply nt llainuobiilldlin , ' 1UM U ThOH IlKNT , 8-ltOOM COTTACI , * , 114 M ) ! ? J /Fth / street. Cnll nt pruuilies Immodlnto p 2HIK n-rOll HUNT , NKAIt HANSCOM I'AIIK. J-'llrlck IHMIBC , elKbt rooms No 320. 1'opplot uvo. , corner I'oppluton nvu and l.'nd si , soulli n unit front llnlshed In otk.ntth hnndsomo inanU tnth.Kplondld furnaio. brick mllnrs , ulu , fisuo rruuiu honsu , i > luht roo'iu , Nu flJIti 1'opolot nieKutll frilnt , with bulb , furnicv , elc. , (4S.UU llrltkliuusu , rltthl rooms , No lilt b J-'nd st c finish , with nk n bath , furimco , tlty nalur , clsto Bas , stxrerauu , brlik oollars , i-to. . flUHU Kleiianl brlek IIOIMU , .So MA I'aclllo street , o of the II nest ilnlsheilund cosiest oliiht room hou In thu city , with all modern e-onvunlunees , lucl lux iileniit porndnlii bith tub , hot nnd oa Id ' lor , nUllonnry wiiiorluU. lc , , no lluor locution tlio city. JiOU ) , Tl.o nbovo houses are nil on tiivoil streets , c < Tcnlcut to motor linns. In norloctly liualtliy lu lion nnd plotsunt iiiU'hborhood ( ieo. N. HUks .Ui .N V 1 | fi. M3U 1 -fcOll ItK.NT , l.LI.OANI'MtVYH II OM llltl houao ; altruodrrn convenlonci's , splondld ln > locution. 'Ihos. llrcnnan .V Co , Knrback block .VUW.i I FURNISHED ROOM E-J HOOJia ON ST. MAIfi'B AVK. . H1UNISII forlioutekcopliitf , crouud Uoor , ( j , t' . Hulls , 8. Hlh. 4Uil ) E-NI'.WI.Y l-UIIMMIICI ) HOOVIh roll LAD orgentluineii , Inqulro al tl'IV ' Dodgu. ( IF -SOU'lU IIOOM , SC03 rII _ _ _ 3 ? FOIl HUNT. hLKCiANTLY 1-UIINI81I J team heated rooms ' U > 3 S , ISlh ct. 1W- -NlCKLYTuilNISHED TlOOM , "JOIO DAY port. 115 _ E-NICIU.Y lUltNlbllKD JlODilS WITH without board , all modern Improvements Bouth ISluitrctt. MJUJ 1 FURNISHED ROOMB AND BOAB 1-1TOU 11KNT , btUTK Ofc * iToOMBTwrrH JL wttlioul boird. I7U7 Uodg . M314 li FURNISHED IIOOMS AND . im ONHOUTWO t4KNTLKMKX r with or without board. t > rlvfttn fnmlly , con venient to I'nrk men no curs , .mill l.pfivfnworth. IXJI.A.N J09 AND 111 N. 1STH ST UOOMS AND IIOAIID , I3 FT M10I 17' ij"MW HUNT" WITH IIOAIID. A pitiiNt UKii > front room snltable for two gentlemen 2019 Cnllfornln ureet. 1CT ! > l ? io SOUTH J4T1I HTItKKT. I1 S37 0 j < NICHLY HIIlNIStlKII UOOSI AND IIOAIID , 3.108 liOMKlrn MM7I8 * UNFURNISHED ROOMS. fi I UIHM ) < * . MotiKIlN roVVKNIKNCKS , TO I Jfnmlly without culldrnn 3.W1 l-nrnntu Inquire tan I'aJton block , " 85 G -3 UOOMM AT 1103 CAI.UOUMA ST , W1151 / i- 1 OH IIK.NT , TWO OH TIIUKK t NKIIll V Inuiicil rooinnallli nil modern cnnvcnlencosfor lUlit iHHnpki'uiiiiti runt ronnonnblc ( nil 1l'2- > U-nvonwortli , .inl itoor M378 13 p \VO LNKLHN1SIIKI ) HOOM3 S18 llt'HT HT pFOR FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. 1-OKIICH OH IIKSK KOOM HH ) IIKST I'llKAI * I tlie tclpilinno | , ftOMii licnt Kn nnrt ] n illor service - vice HoomW , I'nttorson block , Kill nnrt l-nrnnra ttrouls .M " 63 15 _ TJ roll HUNT rl'Ull * < rOllY HIUCK W'AHK- J hnuiiii with trnckngo Knqulre J A L'rclithtun , M3181 Nnllonnl llmik blilK 4UUD17 _ l--troTl HKNT TIIK .STOUV IIIUCK IIU1MIINO , Itilrt hnrnnm Kt Tlioliiillilliiir hnK n liroproof oo- monl linncniunt. complete mcnuihcnllnK futures ) wntor nn nil tliu Hours , gat , ate , Apply ut Ili9 onico of Tlio Hoc U18 _ I DOWN 1OWN ( OltNKIl rOll IIAHIIKH SHOP J IXnhllKlieJ trade VVrliilit i 1-nsbury , Kill nnd llowa nl. ' 73 1OVK MitJUSlOHV UKICK ItLlLDINQ W KKKT J whic HOT Hnrnoy ttrcct 1 = " ' T KOH IIK.NT A VKIIT DKSIHAItl.Hl I11IIIIN | ( ] , J 'UllRblfl for n rchou p with itnhln In concc- tlon , 'Irnctngo front nml reir Adilrces 19 , A Lnrmlchnul , euro of McConl , llrncly , V I o 315 AGENTS WANTED. T IMDV AIJK.NTS WANTKI1 l.ADIKS CAN " pnrn from Ji to ! IO n ilny with cnso by aelllnu i nrllclo li a only by liuliui Thli oitura ton iilenn mil , conui'tilnt otnplnytnoiil nnd plondlit loltiniR lor purtlculnra aildrcua ' Domulvo. ' I' . O box 3 llullluioro Md M.II01U * 1 WA.STiiAHl.SfS UVK1U SVIIKIti : ' 1O SCM > > .lay liuuld's l.lfi * ilk' inouuy , bent terms outllt only CiconH ) send quick J M 1 runcli , t To Omnlin Noli MSl' 13 STORAGE. M-SroHA t' CHIIAl' , CLKAN , VVIILLS , 1III 1-nrna ntruut WANTED TO BUY. AT WANTHD TO IIIJY iOMK 8 I'Bll CKNT 1 > first mortgages HeoU A Scluy , 3.14 Honrd 1 rndo. 787 AT-WANrKDT , ) 1ILTY I'UHNirUIti : AND 1IOUSK 1 > hold goods 143) Dodge Mill ) Dl.i "V" WILL 1'AY ALL CASH FOIl bfOClCS OK a. ' dry good * , clothing , boolsand shoes , groceries No commission. Alex. Moore , 401 lleo bldg MHO TV ] " WANT KD 10 1IUY , XHKSU JKHSEY COW , 1 > Inquire IDI'J Karnnm 103 I ! VT-IJU'LKMKNT lltNINllbS WANTKD WILL 1 > nay cash Van 1'nllcn , Hoard of Irado . 173 13' FOR SALE FURNITURE ! Kill SALK AT A HAIIOAIN , OFFIUH OH O bank furntluro , also Rood burglnr nnd Ilro prool nfe Inqulro vnicrlcnn Ravines bank. UVJ FOR SALE HORSES , WAGONS.1ETC 1 > FOH SALi : . A NIIAHLV N'KW OOUHLK spring express wneon , horse , hnrnesi nnd buggy , nlso n nearly new set of crcnmerj tools , conalallnp of butler worker , churn. llown oralo. truck , etc , nil will be sold nt n grcit sacrlllce Address O II 'Irschnek , Hoe olllco , or call atJ.t.7 Mlama ntrppt wbcre goods cnn bo seen 1TVVO HliAVY VVOltKllOHSKa , nbout IUO , nlsoono line drlvlni * homo 4)enn old 1 Idullty Loan nnd duarnnleo Co , room 4 VVItlinoll building , corner 15th and Hiirucy street MU1 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Joii's"tMlK < ClA SsHottM' "l'OVVKi nutomntlo enupne ; nl o onn 12 horse pownr up rlKht enulnc : both In Kood repair Inqulru of I est nor Printing ( 'o , I Ml Howard ntrtut , Omahu , Xeh 7S3 0ll SAL ! ' , LAIIQ1C IIA11D COAL HKATl ? ! Q ( Acorn ) nearly now.Addrc s u 53 , lice VI.KW 1J MISCELLANEOUS. UHAI.L KOI. _ E i or lectures. Apply at' ' 40) ) Dodgn.b78 b78 J- -Kill ItHNT-HUSTCLASS CONOVKIl I1AN ( J5 per month to good party. Address U. W II euro Drovcr'H Journal , South Omnha M274 17 -VVANTl'-D , KVKHYUODY 1O KNOW THA1 I will sun nil unclaimed property In my po' xesilou at the police court room , 15th nnd JnckHO ntrcuts , to Iho hluhcst cash bidder next I rldn Afternoon ( ium. pistols , boots , shoes , jewelry money packages , hats , caps , overcoats , ullvei wnro , unibrc-llns dress goods tolletnrtlcles.knlvci purses , clocks , watches , harness , express wngon trunks , bicycles , gambling flxtures and threohui dred lots of useful articles , Including old coppe brass , etc All must be sold without reserve next r'rlda Sale to commence at 1 o clock p m. sharp. W. acavcjx chlof of police MJ07 15 CLAIRVOYANTS. S Mlta NANNli : \ WAlimCNrCLAlllVOYAN' reliable 1 buslnets oiodlum , tlfth year at 11D N IIS'J IS'J ; i- S MUS 1)11. M I.KO11AVE , I'llOI'HKTK-'S , DBA trance clairvoyant nnd life render , tolls yoi llfe from cradle to gruvo ; can bo consulted oh a ntfalrsof life , has tlio celebrated Kgyptlan bren : plate to unlto the pcpnrated nnd cause mnrrlnti wltli onu you love Como one , cotuo all and bo coi vlnccdof her rcmarknblo powers. Olllco nnd ro- rienco 417 B llthst.hoyrH < ja in to V p m , Btrli llfurhart and photo of vour future ivlfo or hu band sent through mall for E5UO , chart alone I7C All letters cuiMnlnliiE 4 runts In stumps prompt nnsneied. 1)05 ) 111 * MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. MKi nioVVIC. MA N'STlT' ' lIIOALili , Z .block . Cor 10th nnd Dodge. .M.WS-l'J- n MMi : . LAHUK , MAfaSAiK. ( 410 H. 15TII S'l l.lrcl floor , lint 4. M17l ! IS * 'P V1.V1K. CAIlHON.1l.il -Hoor , room 7 miisngo , nlcohut , sulphur nml s ( baths M17il 15' rp-MAIIAMUKMlTH , HJ4 CAl'lTOL AVhNU > J Itooni I. .Id Hour. Massage , alcohol sulpli1 nna sen baths MSIU 10 * ROLLER SKATING. U UOLI.I'lt SKATINO AT TIH3 TOLISKU ; over ) nlcht except buiulay Music VVodnesdi t. nnd Hnturdny nlghtt * Admission , gentlemen 22 Indies lUc Hnturdny nflornoou. chlldreiiH' tin ' 118 iidi ls lon Hto 2JO IS' MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE ! JT \f-tT T uiSXF nVfcK riXNJo fKAl.'iTriiT'N" " ' ' cor 15th and llnrnoy. lininoy street ontranc ll ) , III 14 , y-QO TO WKHiil'S.MUSIC HOUaUH14IOIf ) ! MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATJ i ot \\r LAI10 K LONS M ADK ON OM All A , LI ' " coin. Conncll lllults buslneis property ; 11 p ocut , Alio muulllouns. ( icorteJ. 1'uul , 1019 I'nrna ' 37u d.15 on nd ' MONKV TO LOAN ON IMl'HOVKU Cl W Is , ( iroperly , low ruto A. C. Frott , Douglas bib 7U on T\r LOANS ON IMI'IIOVllll AMI ) UJIIMI'HOVI nk * * city properly f3OUO und uimnrdti lito 7 per ce N'o delays VV 1-urunm ftuiltluV Co 15th anil IIurni 7l | " ° \r-71'r.iiCKNT MOMNKTin ; JIOHHOWI : id ' < nn Omnhn city property Nouitrn chnrgos nny kind Why pny high rules ! Money Is i he In You < nu ( .el full benutlt of low rates Irom OU Loan and ' 1 rust Co , . Hith und Dodge 7J \\r-OMAHA BAVlNOi ) 1IANK .MAKCS I.OA < on real estate nt lowist market rates. Lot Hindu In email or lart.u "iinia ( or short or lo time Nocommlstlon Is charged nnd tha loans i CK not sold 111 Ihu call , but cnn always to found Ido the bank uu Iho corner of ISth und Douglas stret \\r ANTiioNi UJAN ANiniiusrco.aia N ' Life , lends at lotr rales for choleti security Ne'brnikuur lena farms or Omnha clt ; property KD 7S \\r-MONKY 1O LOAN AT LOVVLsl' UATI > * IbuO. F , Davis Co. , IMS rnrnuni street , T. r-OKNTHAL 1X3AN & THUSf CO. 11KI5 III.I , _ : rr _ , _ . * ' \r-IUCAL KaPATB LOANf , B TO I I'KH CKi no additional charge ! for commission or all ney's fees W II Melklu , trst National lluuk bl 1C1) 13 ' Ww ceMOH'KJAliK ! LOANS l.l'.sS UIIAN 7 i > IN cent Including nil ehariios. Charles VV. Unlnur , o'malia'Sat. bnuk bid ; . 7 ! Wu 1 AND 8 YEAIl LOANS ON Cm AND FA Hi uiortuages Iliad A 8elbjSM ( Ilonrd of Tra 3 \ -l.OAN8 ON CITY I'ltOI'KUTY , 0 AND 7T 'T cent. U. t. lllncor , IMJlrarnaui. MOM J ou \ VANTKSTOCKS OF MDSK. ton LAND A < caib , K. F. Ulngvr. 15U farnnm MV4J i ; MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE t'unlimifil. rMONKY TO 1A1AN L\ND TO BKLU ? L _ rent , ( 'porno M Coat , MUrS \\r-IXJW h * T HATKS FIDKL1TY TIIUST COMpany - ' pany , 1701 Kninntn'irept MfrU -0. T IIAHIUSONillUN Y.L1FK. 7M \V "iMtlVATK MONKY HTANOJO MOHTJA > R v lonm , low rule * Aler Mnoro. lleo nldr . Wl ir-TO WAN II-VX ) I'ltlVATK HJNUi * . U II. > W9N Y Life. Wl 1C * \\r LAIUliStM9ON KUHT CLAbS nt SINKS1' t property Ii H Frenchattorney , 801 Now Ytirk MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. V-CALL ATTI1K OFHCKOF | OMAIIA MOIITOAOK LOAN CO. | ! INCOIIl'OltATEH , ! iK\OU WANT MONKV. You cin liortow on IIOUSKHOt.il ItllMiritK AND 1MA.NO3 , nonsi-s , w Aoti.NH AMI cAiinuons , WAItKIHU'SF. IIHrKII'l" . VIKHCIIANIIt3B on AM oinr.u * 4i : > 011111. Vu ulll tnnd yon niiv ninouiit from (10 U ) In SI OUU O.N ' 1 UK II V \ Ot AtK 1 Mil IT. nlllioiit inibllcltj- removnl of iiroiicrty. " Vonciin jiny the money Imck In nnv nmo'inti ' you vl h , nnd nt nny tlmt * nna rnc'.i pnynicnt so iimdc lll rpaucn tlio cu < t of tlio limn llGincmbpr Hint ) i > u linvo the u n of lioth tlio propei if unit I lie money , mul pay for It only loin ; as you kocp It. 'Ihuro will lie no ixipnp | or rim rue Vnpt nut of tin-ninouiit wnnii'il. tint you nlll receive the full miininil of tlio loin llcforoborronlim il onlirro cnll nml < eo uj nnd jou will nnd It iirmlly to your mlvunlngo OMAHA MOIUIIVCi : LOAN LO. Unom II , ( * rililiton tilock. M door , HIoulli IMIi. nuU to tiotiKinic TUKOI.HKST , I.AIUJK * T AVII UVI.V INCOlt- 1'OUATni ) LOAN COMPAXY i.v OMAHA _ M11& r DO YOU WANT MONtti TUB FID11L1TY LOAN OtlAllANTKB CO. , IIOOM 4 VV1IHNKLL 1ILOCK. m\4 \ aourit iMii coitNKii UAIINKY ST. WILL \ LOAN \ YOU \ ANT SUM \ LAHOB \ On \ SMAU < , \ FHOM \ TEN \DOLLAIIS\ \ \ UP- WIC JIAICH I.OAN4 ON UntVITUIlK , IIOH 1S , UlCl'KIPTd Oil I'UH- CAIIUIAOIN , WAUHIIOUSi : - HO.NAI.l'llOl'KIU'V Of ANY KIND. / WILL / DO WELL / TO / ALL /ON / D3 rillST / FOIl. / ' / OUItTKHMS W'11,1. Mill' ! ' YOUIl APPHOVAT , Yoiicini pny tlio ninnoy luck nt nny limn nml In nn > nnthupt you vrmh , nid thus rcduco Iho cent of c.irryliiLthu loan In priiportlou to ntuounl 3011 pny. IK * iOIJ OWB n bilnncu on your furnlturu or otlinrporsoiml proport ) of nny kind wo will pny It olffor vou nndcirry It n * loiu ns you ito lri > , YOU CAN 1IAVK YOUIl MOVKYIMOVI ! IIOUIl I'UOM I11H 'IIMIJ YOU VIAKI ! APPLICATION. No pulillclty nr rumorol of property so tlmt you not Hiu use of both money nnd property ! ' . " ) VMOSKY I.OANKD CHBAP AT YOlTll OWN Nobraskn I.onti Co , 1,111) ) Douiilns at. 8D7 X WILL I.OAVMONKYOX ANY KIND OK SI5- curtty ; vtrlctly conlldunllal. A. K Ilurrls , room 1 , tontlncntn ) block , blj X PIUICIIAIIU.SI DOUOLAS 11L1C. 80(1 ( V 5IONKY-.K ) , U ) , 93 DAYS CllHAP UATKS -'Vnnd cnsy pTvments , on furnlturp planon. IKu Block , vtc , without Oclny or publicity , cnsli on Imnd DuITlircon , room 8 , llirker block EDI BUSINESS CHANCES. \YAJsTI2Il-A YOUNG MAN TO TAKI3 AN lutcront In a Moll entnbllslied printing bUHlncsa , onouho Is cupnLlu of kocplntf bookH nnd do Ktn ( nil olIlcoMork , uiuat coma "oil rucMimmun ludnni ! bo nblu to furiiNh noiuo cnpltnl ' 1 hl la n 10011 clinncu for tbo rights mnn Addrcaa B 1. , Dee otllco M1M 15 \T-1'OH ( ; ALK OH KXCHANOK , A GOOD I1USI JL ne"swith the renl estnte In Omnhn Good roi pom for selling. Address 707 New York l.lfo Omnhn Neb jfilS I)2U DUL'O STOCK MUST III : SOLD ON ACCOUN1 Y of death of owner ( iood opening : 1,000 popu Inlton Hlg tnih dlicounl lo sell quick. Vnnl'nt ten , Toard of 'irado lCu-14 V TtTxiKHC1IAN1S : "AUCTIONKKH. " Jlhtl I chnntn desiring 10 quit business or reduce stoc ) 1 mnku a specialty nuctloneerlng nil kinds iner clinndlso ltst reforonci * . ror terms ndttrcss L W. Nowcll , lown I Ity. In. Mai lf > * -ir WANTISD. TAItrY TO OHOANIX.K A llANf J In county sent Can got county dsposlts llnnl building nnd Ilxturcn can bo bought or leased Ad drs < SOIJ , Hoe . 2UI 14 * FOR EXCHANGE. ICLEAU OMAHA HIIAL KSTA'l K 1'Oll.M DSK actual valuation Money to loan IIox3ISOinaha bUX r/ l OWN 100 FAIIVIS IN NKIIIIASKA , KAN8A- /-Jivnil Dnkotn Will null cheap , or exchnn e fo ; merchandise , horsca and cattle Address box 7'1 fcrnuklort , Ind JlWil r/ l 1IAVI3 VALUAHLU IMl'llOVljn AND UN / Improved farm InndH lo exchnnuu for Soutl Omahu or Omaha property or for f inns within2 miles of Omaha Huvo onn of the best ofetuck an crnln farms , 1 , 00 IICICK , half In winter wheat am rye , and UjU head of line Block , nil clmr of uncuir brancp , to cxchnnxo for renl cstntc and nilnht ) > a eomo cash dltTi renee lordoslrnhlo property D < ccrtbo > H > ur iiroi > erty carefully , price , otc. Addros box7J7 , Omnha , Neb. .MO.M 1)23 rHll KXCUANOE OMAHA 1'HOl'KUTY 1 Ol AJproierty | In souttvrn California Cnll or nr druss ultli full parllculnrs , G. L Urcen , room 4 Darker block , Omaha 713 Z 480 ACItKS OV CLHAIl LAND IN ONE O the ue > t winter wheat districts In Kansas to 01 chnnno for 10 orfJ aero tract near Onnhn clt lliults Will pny cash dlt7orenco If property 1 Rood. Address , Klvlni ; price und location , O 20 , lie otllcoi 2UJ Z 110,000 OENl'.ltAI , MKUCUANDISB AN store , want realty and cash , sales , I.'I.OOO Ai dress H 41 , Omiilm I lee. 311C2 1 f II rt I IlAVh3 bTALLIONS 'lOTHADK , NOIIMA it f-lunii trotter , prlco t..UOU. Illsoly , bhcnnndonli , Ii a 161 I4 > ! I- IHKAU'l I FULltKSlDl-NCH , COUNCIL HLUKF Iit /Jnml ! . ' 'M > rash for llnnscomor KounU 1'laco re its Idenco Hutculnson & . Wcad , 1C2J tarnam ntrce 0. M Mi U 0.iy Z-KLKUANT ! l ItOOM ItPSIDKNCC , KVKIt motlern convenience , on South Vbth st net l.envcnivorth , must lenvo city , will sell cheat terms lo suit , cmrtbobo.it Nebraska Kxcham Co , lieu bldV MJ4il 17 r/ 1 I'l.LV KQUll'l'l',1) IIHK'KY.VItl ) AM ) t o : Attracting business for sale cheap , a good time I buy , good reasons for Bulling It nllt pay to Inve tlgato 1'rlcu ilOIXI , part cash , hnlanco time N bruslia lxchango Co . lieu building M.'lll 17 ( /-ACHK IMIOI'KHTI ANDl'lNr ! Ul.SlDK.NL /Jin Central City , Neb. , nnd 3JO ncro farm ne.ir b ; tluo opportunlt ) for sheep raising and poulti Inrm , small fruits , etc . cte , this will bc'nr II doM'pt Invostlxutlon , you can't find nnythlngbc ter , will uichango for ft.000 * gonorill merclmiidli stuck. Ncbruuka Lxchnngo Co , Ilcu building. M.46 17 Z 14 000 tn cnsh nnd bnlnnco In clear lands fi tlO.OOU stock of Koiiornl merchandise Nebrnsl Kxchango Co , llco Hulldlnx JU'lO 17 Z -t2Mj ( In cash nnd balance In clear Nobrasl lands for fHUO1) ) stuck ot Kencrnl nicrehandli MibriiBka irxchango Co , Ilea hulldlnir , .Mi'Ki 17 r/ \ m.CltK NKIIUASKA IIANCH AND fit AJrasli for nglSOJO slock of general mcrchandls Nobraiku Kxc-lmngo Co , lice llulldlni ; M'iliill y-FIMJST IIKTA1L DIIUO 1H1S1NHS9 i /-JOnmlia Annual sales orcr ( . * OUDU Htock nc nnd clean A urcat baricnln forshort tlmo Host riaeons foreollliiK I'rlco tju.ooo , about 111) ) ( X * ) tush , halancu good cleur Innds or lloio. Nebras IHchiuiBoCo lleo llutldlnk' , M2HI l ; ' / FIN ! ! OMAHA 1 LODUMILI. FOUK.\CHAN ( f-ifor clear Nubrnsku und lown Innds ISJi suh fi .UOKU , prolllH , 2U per cenl , prlco , flU.OOOOO for short time. Itcnsons for nelllnt ; , other lnlerct oulsldeclty. Nubrnekn Hulinngo to , llco illdir - ' y-fiNic HOTIL , FULLY UQUII'IMCII.FINK IJA fJ $ . ' . 'iOOOO worth of stock , dolnu fSSUU per dr Monthly profits , tJISW llent ronsonnblo , I'rl (7UUUUU Will cxchanKO for food cleur Nobrus CD Innds not too far nest Otfcr open for few da nl. only HonHons got unlllne , 111 health Nebras KichanKO Co lieu llhtu Mill I r/-WILl. OIVB GOOD NKllltASKA OK CC its /JornUo laii'is for ntouk dry woods , furuUlili or k'Oods. shoes or liardwnro Address a I'J ' , llue IP 2U ! 13 IPbu ) ' _ FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SB .ns . 11 HAL KSTATL' . ng I lIvrKnlns only , iruat My wurd Is jrood at W. (1 ( Albright , ts O.M-2-3 Now Vork l.lfo 81 i 17011 SALE OU Til ADK . 2 fiOOD IIS IN J 1Tleasanl addition wltbl 'i blocks of motor Hi on Will take good upright piano or will sell erfiilty lots wry cheap. Address at once d 1 , llco olllce. T A HAUOAIN , A KKVY VK11Y KIMS JXrTB I llrlicgs add at a bargain : only S rain wnlk fri " Holt line or siroutcir In Oiualu. Address K J Jo" Co , ( ialeim. t , 674 Mi _ 2 19.0(10 ACHlCh Cl.BAll LAND KOIl SALE II V Tl owner Several largo tracts , would makoar ) or- class InvoBtmout to bold for thu rlio In prl all Mlaht oichunuo soinooflt for ImlJo property Omaha or Mouth Omali i , or aero property or n go Kit firm near Omnhu U you wish loiuclmnuo . crlboyour property , price , etc. Address buz 7J1 ' 5 1)J 5IU IU 1 > 1AITII1S-W I8 | VKKV WITH S IIOOM CC do. -IV taite , 110 per month without Interest , No p l uiontdOHn. Zlltlu. tlruwo block MIv _ Kit ,1 BO ACHES ? . CASH CO. , NUU s HTll iillT Jdwulllnif that cost MIW ) ( X ) ; land In high state cultlrntlon ; 'party owuluit It compullvd to tt ND M5UO per acre , 3 inllnt ( ruin good btutlon C Uarrlsuu , VU N. Y. Llfo. 2dj | FOR BALE-HEAT ; JRSTATE. ( nnIfiiiir < T , M'LMIANT OMAHA IlKMIir.NCK , rINRLT ocalert dirt ehpf p | irlo , ill ! W ) , IV 0)0 cnih , lo suit A irnind li r < ntn for the rlKht man. Neb K cli n Bfo . HeobnllillnK Mlia 17 l.'OUSALK ATA IIKIIIAIKIAIN. N K W COTT A (1 ( It. I 0 tnomi 1 bed room * , pnrjoivillnlnt room nml kllrhon on nr t floor Utr wati r , n norftito nml rloset ronvrnlrnrrnt "III lie Bold for HUM loin thnn It l < worth , r > 00rn h. tnUntd lonntlnic nlth lntnrpslle tlinn r ppr rent , \1t nlll rant It for fjnoncr month for one T < * ff MIOICP location Inquire of WII1K Union , K2nd oml tnllfornla tv ai9 n O I'XOKLLKNT LOTS MU ! H\\.K CIIKA1' OS < > 41lhtrri > t , noulh of Karnitni , Dn you ileslro to pccul t < * or build ? Think t cr this Noli Ki- rhnniio Co , lleo building , , t M34B 17 IJAHM LAND1 * , L1 H rctlnn In Duwnon , $1800 p M section , Merrlfk , fJOW ) per aero. U section , Kinnklln. la ) OU per aero. ' < ircllon , llunnlo , $ IM0 per cro. 1 "pcllon , Cinler HOUOporncro Will consider clear Omnhn property for nny or nil ofthc'O Innds C P llnrrlfon.'J12 N V. l.lfo 9C9 II \VANTID. : TAHM NKAH OMAHA Kti CASH. ' ' Wanted Omnhn property for section of Innd. Wanted , to lonn il M > . H per cent. Wnnleil to borrow II Wl , 8 per font V\ anted , Innlnc" properly on K tli street. Wnnloit Columbia < lilo , for Omnhn lots. Wnnied Omnha for Do * Molnos lots \Vnnteil to buy H room hou-o , olio tloor Wnnloil , Omnhn property for Oloi * Co. farm. VVnnlpil Vork for Onmlm property C 1 * llnrrlson UIJ N \ l.lfo. 2'91 " ! COUNTIts. . QUAHTKH8KCTIONSAUI" ' ( section "nrpy I5J per ncro M ci'cllon Morrlck JW per ncrn H section Dnnson fl.'i per acre 74(1 ( ncns Wnshlnitton t.prr < ncro , IW acres near Dninhn $ ri ) per acre . 15.t ncros uonr Omahn $ Vi per aero H pectlon Sarpy county fijpcr ncro. 4O ncrcs Cns counly $ . ! * > per acre 71W nires Nnnco county Jhl nor ncrc. 800 acre1' Snncu county JIS per ncro. liJ ncn < < Vnllpy roiinty JIJ per ncro. C 1 * llnrrlson. DUN. V. l.ltV , 833 14 \\7ANTKD-OWNKH8TOLI8T OMAHA I'llOP- ' ' orly , ncreago nnd fnrms Hint nro hnrKnlns , cither for snlo or eichango K. I' , lllngor , IM1) ) I-amain. M'.iji 13' 17OIIJALK Oil TUADK , C011N1CII KHxlTO , OK- I1 chard Hill ; Corner lOOilZtl Ambler Place , both clear Klthor clipup for cash , or will oichango both for uond rcnlal Vropurty not licavll ) cncum bored Sou Siiouccr , Hoard of'Irndo building M.01-1J HALF t'HK 1C , J NICK LOT. * . ONdllADK , NKAU ShprniRii nvenun motor , lux ) for both flUOcnsh. Williams A .Vllttnn roomJIJ .McCnKtiu bulldliiB. op posite po tolllcu. Mill , ! > HORSES WINTERED. H OHSKSH5D AND CAHKD 1'OU. * l MONTH UP. Ii U Limn , 1 > O box IJ'J , botllli Oiunlin. . 7CD J 3 HOllSKS I'KI ) AND CAltri ) 1OII $100 1'K.H month up , on fnrm two mile11 * soulh of South Oiunlin Address Uuo ( I ( limn , P.O. box IM , South ( liniilm 17U lj * DRESSMAKING. NUA rV K'M KN 18 i b io ) imiSsJiAlIiNO IN fnmlllc-s solicited. Mlsi Sturdy , 2uJl Hnrnpy St M > 1-1) . * ; ' A riRST CLASS D11KS V1 VKKIl , JUST VllOM -tVtiiuemt would Ilko work In families. All work KUiirnnticd Address lloit Till , Omnhu , M278 13' Dlir.SSMAKIMl INPAMll.IKSj IsATlSKACTlON KlliirAlilon.l 1412 N. Kill. 317 U' LOST. JOST A IlffiJfilt COATKI ) ST lir.HNAHI ) DOO , JorniiRO color , with four white pnws whlto rlnit nrotind nock ; nnttwers tonnmoof ( luldc 1.1brnl ronurd If re-turned lo Charles Oxden , ,1'Jlh , ncnr 1'nr- nnin street 231 1 ObT-OAItNKI' StAUK PIN. NUAU UNION l-i depot lte\vnnlot $1 for return to Dec counl Init room. .MJU2 IS * REM ING TON For Sale , Kent or Exchange. A in the World. MECEATH STATIONERY CO. , "Improvement is the order of the age. " Wo never expected. In our moit snngulno mo. monta , such tin Incrense In our niloi : ns lommuncei1 on the l t of ac-ptumber 'I ho Smith Premier Typi VV rlter In ImvliiK onormons milm which nru wldi nml fnr-ronclilnit Tlii'io nro the reports wo an lucclvlni : from our mnny brinch otllce ; . Send fop a descriptive Smith Premier Type writer Co. , 171U anfl Fainara Sis. , Omalia , Ueb. E. H. MAYHEVV Manapror. .1 X.O f/.VCK VKXTS. s Prof Hi istol's wonderful troupe of tr.iinci hoisci .iinfj.ilnlng in public favor , nnd U , the time tlin engagement ends nn next Thure day cvonlnir * l > ey cort.iinly will be playing t full houses NTiUinccs v\lll bo given eCO Wednesday ' ( * Thursday afternoons. M n. LeaviU's lUff spectacle , "Spider an Ply , " with its scenes of special Kuropc'.i siiocialticb , gi.iril liallets nnd in.ifjnitlcc'ii hc-cnery , is roniitig to the Hoyd on 1'ildn , oveninf , ' next fur tin cu nlglits and S.Uunl.i , matinee. _ On Mondnv , Tuesday and Wednesday o next week Mr Stuart Jiobson mid his con l > any of plav CMS will appear at llojd's. Th repartory will inc-lndo "Shu Stoops to Con quer" and "Tho Heniiett.i. " Tliat licautifnl legendary drama , "Dav Crockett , " wltli Mr. Frank Majo opens three nights' engagement nt the Fnriiai Street theater , commencing 'riimsday ovci ing , December 15 Usual Saturday matinei There is something delightfully attraetiv about Mayo. His naturalness is , porhap1 moro marked than that of any actor on tli stage today porhonatliiK the heroes of tli forest and mountains Hei-ai-iics with hli from the time of liis cntr.lncij until the en tain desponds on the "tag , " the admlratin of the entire aiidlenco.ln faut ono does not s < the true portiiival of that famous hlstoi ic , eharncter until M.ij o is soeri the two m The Mendelssohn Qulntotcltib , in Its fort ; fourth annual tour , comas' tb Omaha noi Saturday ovcnlng , Dccoimierl7 , and will ph CO n concert in the First MtiOdist ) | Episcopi kn ehnrch Twentieth and , Daijeuport Btrceti kn under the management of tliciXadies' Mus cal society of this city , > Miss IMla Jucl , the priinpj donna of tl Mendelssohn Quintet clubiif Boston , wl vvlio will give a concert in tlio. First Moth dist church on Saturday evunlng next , po BCSSOS , to n high degieo , it svviiot. inclodiou s.vinp.itlictlooice , anil sings in u pure , u ullected stylo. In a letter received yesterday from Wl 3 Carleton , authority is irivcn to annoum 3rr selections from the following poems for tl rr entertainment lu tho. Young. Men's CIul 10In tian iibsoeiation hull next Saturday ovcnin "Fanner Stohbins at the Hink. " "Tl 5 _ Schoolmaster's Guests , " "Tho Clulstini IN U.iby , " "Gono with u rTun'soiuci * M nn INm > m "The New Cliurch Organ , " "Tlio Tiiimi : Storj-'The ' Death lliidjo ( of the Fay "Out of the Old House , " "Tho Doetoi IK Story , " "Tho Editor's Guests , " "Our Tra r t oled I'aison , " "Over the Hill to the I'o coIn House , " cto. od Jo Not from n riiiiiiu lal Sliinilp liit. "I do not rccomineiul Chamborlain's Co\n \ Homedy from a ilnaneial standpoint , for v IT- have others in stock on vvhick vo make ITL larger proilt , " says Al Maggini , a paominei L druggist of liraddock , 1'a , , ' 'hut bec.iu : C'Kof many of our customers have spoken of it of the highest praise. Wo sell moro of it thr any similar pic'paration wo have iu tli stoio. " For sale by druggists. CLOSED A PROSPEROUS YEAR End of the Boot Sugar Making Benson and What it Shows of Progress , PRODUCTION WAS GREATLY INCREASED Statement nf ( tin Itnlteil Mute * tmppctor Conrcriilnc ilia < ) IIHI | Mr. Otnnril'i C'otinrrtliin with tlin 1'u * turoottlin tiiilinlrj. Tlio boot stiR.tr factoiics of this state hiuohntl n prosperous srnson niulhtivo now closed ilimn until the nott i car's crop of beets Is ready for the market. .1. Q TlmeUer , United States revenue Inspector - spec-tor , AVhose tonUory has been this stale nnd Utah , and whoso duty has been to look after bounty matters.p issetl through the rlty today on his way to Now Orleans , where ho will look after the pnvcrnmcnt's Interest In the c.tne stnr.tr f.ictot les of the south , In speaking of tlio boot augm * hi this state , Mr. Tlmi'1'crs.iiii tli.it It was only In Its Infancy - fancy , but that the nuking of sugar was louuil to lavoiiic ono of the grout industiies , ot only of Nolir.tskn hut of the entire north- vost. The cxpetieneo of the piat thteo o.irs had demonstrated that SUIMV eould bo nlscd as oheajily bore as In any plneo on the .110 of the globe , "and , " continued Mr 'hacker , "the * * time Is not far distant when on will see more suR.tt * factories In No- ir.tska than there arc in many of the ionthein states , The Oxnard factory at Grand Island was the initiatory step lit that iroctlon , but others will come. ItciiiUn t < i tlin rurmcr. "DinhiR the past season I have had charge f thrcio faetoiies ono at Grand Island , ono nt Norfolk and the other at Loliigh , U. T. The output has been as follows Norfolk , ,700,000 , Grand Island , ' . ' ,110000 and Lebigh , " > 000 pounds Grand Island used 1(10,000 ( ous of beets , Norfolk I'O ' 000 and Lchigli TO- MO tons. 'One ' year ape Norfolk nude l.a20OOC Bounds of stiRar , Gland Island 1r > ( lO,000 and .ehljih . 1,0X,000 ( ) iiotiiids.il nice incicase. 15c- sidi-s this Giand Island has can led o\ei 100,000 , Norfolk ' .H,000 ) and Lohlgh " 0,000 loutuls of "thirds sirup , " which is the sinii : hat is not reader rlcli cnoimli to bo nudu into sugar This sirup Is put into tanks sealed and hold until next season , when it will bo ready to work up This is in charge of the leu'iniooflleors and cannot bo touehm without permission , is granted by tlio go\cin ncnt "The beet crop was about up to the av crago last season and netted the farmcis itbotit fl 75 per ton. "In the vicinity of the factories the acreage ago w ill bo doubled next season , which w 11 compel all of the factories to incioaso theh cap iclty Then thcro is another thing whlcl will incioaso the output A machine hits been invented and \ \ ill bo in use ne\t season This machine Is a topper and dipper whicl w ill wolk from four to Iho acies per day "Tho piodnct of the two Nebi-aska fac lories is handled by the Omaha wholosile houses , wliilo that of the Utah factory is liandled at Salt Lake. "There is no danger of oveipioduction simph for the reason that of all the supai used in the United States fully nine-tenths comes from the West Indies and Germany ' In speaking of tlio repeal of the supai bounty law , Mr Thacker said that ho di < not think that it would result in the closing of the factories already established , but i Viould pi event the location and establish meat of any new plants. Mil. OXNAKD'a Vli\VS. Not Aliirined About tlin I'lituro Why tli llouutj * N Xi'f'flcd. GHOJD ISLAND , Neb , Dec. 12. [ Specia to Tun DCB. ] Mr. Oxnaixl , the sugar manu factui er , was recently asked as to his opinioi of the future of the beet sugar cnterpi ise ii this country. Though the election wa somewhat against the prospects of the in dustty Mr. Oxiuid said ho did not fe.ir th future. "The matter is such nu important ono fo this country th.it it must huctceil. Veij1 few people h.ue any idea as to its import ance It is one of the gravest questions that confiont our people today. The consump tion of sugar is steadily increasing , and the inanufactui oof cane sugar w ill not and cannot - not mateiially incieasoVo must , then , look to beets in the future , and we must cither bo dependent on other countries 01 make it ouisohes A icccnt ti.ido jiaiiei contains. ! pai.igiaph which voices my iuws exactly. " The paragraph referred to is : "Tho incicased consumption of the pis ! tineo jeais has been met wholly by tin in cieaso of eano crops , and wo may add thai the only increased cane crop of any signilj canco for four j ears lias been that of Cuba which has risen from O.SO 311 tons in 18SS , t ( 'JtVi.OOO tons in Ib'.U. All other cano crops it Ib'JJ , with few small exceptions , wcio les1 than in 1888. It seems , thoiefore , that i must bo to Cuba that the world , and cspee ially the United States , must look for tin increased production necessary for the con stuntly incicasing consumption If this i so , aio wo not entering on a peiiod of hlgl prices ? Undoubtedly so , unless a new Hcli for sugar production is opened up immc diatoly. "When , in former years , the consumptioi of sugar In the world outgrow the cano pie duction , and it became necessary in order ti pi event high prices that now llelds .shouli bo opened , the European govcinments did no hcsltato to stimulate the production of bee sugar by the pajment of bounties. Tin \oild is now confronted with the simoqucs lion ; consumption h.ifi outgrown both th cano and boot productions , and high pi ice. must follow or new iields be opened Thci aio no such now Holds to bo found except ii the United States. Why tin ) UoiiiilyU Xocilml. "Every nation has its special eras Thi nation has already had some , and is about t begin another Wo aio entering on a boo sugaragrlcnltui.il era. This is not a politl cal issue. It is a national matter in w hie ! ovciy political party and ovcry consumer n sugar is interested. Upon Its solulio depends tlio question of higher pike for sugar , or a continuance of tli present low prices. All the nec'cssar oxpciimental work lias alrcad.y been donob the government , which has conclusi\cl ino\ed that abundance of land in many atatc is biiitablo for the cultivation of the suga beet of as high or highei sugar contents tha those produced in any part of Euiopt Labor-saving machines are ah cad v lirvontci which do nway with very much of llio iiel labor requiicd abroad. It is not to bo e : [ icctcdhowever , tliat wo aio any wiser c 1)1 iQttcr able to do away with thu means b which the boot sugar production of Kuroti wus raised from nothing to it.bO'S.OUO tons c 00 per cent of the world's production. To tl tills re < iuircd the stimulus of n hount which , having accomplished its purpose , i now being gradually , | ono away vv ith "Hut si'pposo they had hesitated at tli I0 bounty nt the outset , \vlmtvvotild bo tli 10 prieoof sugar toduy , dependent upon tli j. cano countries producing only 10 per * cent ( , . the present consumption ? Svpposo tl United States hesitates at bounty at thisc-ri iral lima In the establishment of licet bug : agriculture , what will bo the pi lea of suff.i a few yearn heucov 1th n growing ( Ionian forLOiibiimptlon , whicli in the last two jcai has Increased in the United States 4Jl'Ji tons , or ± J percent , until wo have now to sumed lb'.Kb43 ) tops in ono jcar , and pi duced but 'J18.725 tons , yet having at our di posul the climate , the boil , tlio farmcis at the capital for tlio production of the remal Ing ltiOO,000 tons , when once the Industi shall li.ivo been placed on Its feet by tl same method as has been found Indlspensib hi every other nation ? The sugar qucbtli is a l.u go ono , and requires the broadest an highest statesmanship in its diicction if 01 ( i5UOXXJ ( ) ( hpoons are to dip into our picsei fico and clieap sugar bowls " . ( ioixl ( 'Holdup- Is 0110 of tlio chief blessings of ovcry horn To alwajs iasuio good cust.uds , pudding sauces , otc , use Gall Hordon "I in'fu" Hrai Condensed Milk Dlicctions on the labt Sold by i our gioccr and druggist. t ; r.lrUVII1 The social club of Walking Girls usscmt No SiM.1. KnlKhts nf I il-or will phi' Us next tartj at Metropolitan hall , nt lAturlccnth nd IXidgo streets , Wednrsdnv ou-nlnp. IV ember 11 ' 1 be committee * in chnixc of Iho ffaircxpcit tonmko the o\ent ono of the nest enjitj able of the set les TILE WOULD OF INDUSTRY. llrrorcl of LogMitllim In tlio lntrrr t of l.nlnir In Viirlinn Mntr . A writer In the llovlevv of Kovlcvva notes n general nilvnnro In labor legislation In lown , Mar-Aland and New Jersey additional protection is afforded to labor unions in Iho use of trademarks nnd labels In Massa chusetts n penalty is provided for the coer cion of persons to enter Into any foutiof agreement noUto Join labor organUatlons { as n condition of employment. Massachusetts also forbids the employ ment of women and minors In factories , legal status bring given to the Saturday half-holiday Tlio New York ten-bout * law , ns applied to railroad con luctois , engineers , firemen nnd trainmen , h is ntti.ictrd much attention llosldes ivcinhing that ten hours of labor i > et foi mod within twelve consecu tive limns shall constitute a d.ij'i lalor. H contains the fuither provision that train omplo.ves who have wolUed Iwont.v-fom * houi s shall not be permited ! to go on dtlt.v again until they hnve had olght hums rest Another Now York law was aimed at the "sweating s.vstom , " foihlddlmr the manufac ture of ulothlng In rooms used for eating or sleeping pin poses , except by meinbets of families living therein The sile of goods thus llletrall.v made is prohibited , and a svs- tem of inspection of worUshotis instituted , which Is designed to hi oak np the tenement- house clothing business in New York city. l\ir ! | * ss Tifilu SH' | M | . U is generally supposed that the speed of rallro.ul trains has been advanced from time to time with the general progress in en gineering. This nitrj bo and probably is tine in regard to legtllar train schedules , sa > s the Engineering Ueeord , but It Is a mailer of fact that speed actnall.v attained in spci lal easrs twenl.v-llve or thirt.v.or even moio. tears ago was as great as anv that has since been attained , except within a veo short time Tlio Improvements requisite for increased speed in loeoimUhcs have onlv lately been perfected , but the most o.xtrantdinar , * ) inn on the Ikmnd llronk road with tin ordinary oxpiess train of four cars nunks a distinct advance In locomotive design and opci.ition A speed of olghtj- eight to ninety seven miles per hour , main tained for miles , indicates an excellence In rolling stock and roadbed but lately leached It nil but loaliros tbe prediction of 100 miles per hour , which will undoubtedly'bo fnlllllcd in the vor. * , near futuie What is believed to bo the fastest time on recoid was made * , by a compound locomotive of the Y.iiiclaln t.vpo on the Itotind llrooh route between Philadelphia and Now York on 1'iidav evening , November 18 The lout- motive , No. : ! N"i , was attached to the regular Ii 15 p m express fiom Philadelphia , which consisted of four cars A number of very rapid runs of sovei.il miles weio made Ho- tween .lenKlntown and Yaidlc.v Iho succes sive miles weio inn in 205 seconds , or at the rate of oight.v-eight miles per hour , and near Ncsh.iminy a mile was inado in thirty-nine seconds. 'Iho record was broken , however , between Plainlield and 12li/ibcth on the line of tlioCenti.il Itnilmad of New , loise.yvhoro ono mllovvas run in thirt\-seven seconds , and twosuciessive miles in seventj-lho seconds ends , or at the rate of ninety-seven miles per hour. 'JL'bo engine whicli made thisox- trnordlimry lecoid vvohfhs ISI.SX ) pounds without tender , and carried bS , HID pounds of it on the diiveis , the latter being seventy- eight Inches in diameter Tlin l.nlior Moiiii > iit In I'liKlniuL The attention ot labor in Hugl-ind Is chiefly concerned at present in providing for the lack of employment which is beginning to bo seiionsly felt in many industries , sijsthe Hoviovv of Hevievvs. The municipalities and local governing bodies will probably lend n much moio sympathetic ear to the piopos- als to provide work for the out-of-vvoi k than they have done in previous years. The Dur ham inineis , by seven to thico on a nnss vote , have declared against a legal olght- liours day. Iho Hallway Amalgamated as sociation , byiiinic than two to one , has re jected an eight-horns proposal and declared in favor of a ten-houis daj and a six-dajs week Chuich congress discussed the labor question , but no chinch , established or non- established , has responded to the challenge of tlio president of the tiades eongiess on ho .subject of unnecessary Sunda.v labor lie hopes of Iho workmen are tinning 111010 nd moio tovvaid the inimlclp.ili > aliim of cvcrj thing that pa.ys. The. London county oinicil , by a decisive majoilty * , has \ote < l la aver of taking o\er nineteen and a half nilcs of stieet railwaj , whicli at picsent > ajs 8l per cent TheY intend not nieiiUy .oovvn but to operate the line ; and Mr 'luins culmlv announced that they hoped to st.iblibh befoio long a universal penny fare , md nt the same time secmo their employes iinnaiio conditions of labor. It will bo a great experiment this of canning pissen- * .ers as the postofllco carries letteis , for a ; icuny apiece , regardless of distance. Suits have beci ; instituted in the United States court at Toledo , O. , Involving every electric railway in the United States , Two suits vv ere Hied in the United States circuit court by lion. Frank II Html and O S [ Irumb.ick , attorno.vs , representing Henson ilidvvell of Koehoster , ind , against the Toledo Consolidated Street railway It Is claimed that this company IMS infiingcd ISidvvcll's fundamental oilginal patents lot running elcctile cars and the ptinciplo in volved in the use of umlcisido spiing contact ; also tliat the patents for running and lighting of c.us with thesuno cuiicnl of electricity and the lighting of streets and lionscs along tlio line from the luricnt which piopuls the c.us liavo been infiingecl upon If Benson should bo successful in this cast over ( Mil ) dilTeicnt louls throughout thr United States vv ill come in for their share ol the trouble An Illcctilc slclKli. Mr. C J. Schmlnskovof Hallimoro has a ] ) plied for a patent on an electric sleigh Stoicd clectiicily , concealed beneath tin .seat of the sleigh , fuinishcs the * x > vvci whii h is to piopol tin ) vjhlelo Thlipovvoi is transmitted to a blnglo wheel in lionto the sleigh bv means of an endless chain The fai o of the w heel Is fui nished vvitli i ut teis , whicli embed thomsohcs in tliosnini ' and pic\ent Iho wheel fiom slipping Mr Siliminskoy s.ijs that a speed ol tvvilvo 01 Jiftecn miles an hour can be attained by hi motor. A lover to contiol the steering geai and another lever to icgulato the speed o the sleigh aio placed near thu occupant' ! scat in the slclgli. I.nlinr nml Iniliihlij. Kussla Is using aluminium hnrso shoes. Hussla will huvoiiOO milo clectiio load. Gieat Britain's coal mines will last UO Two conflicting orders of .Commeicla Toligraphci'i have been united. Nearly lee pantsmakeis went onastilk in Hoston to cnfou o recognition of their or gani/ations The annual convention of tlio United Min Woikeis of Amcrii.v was hold in 1'hiKi delphla last vvccik. 0 The rcorgani/ed bub wlro trust contcni platc ashiip advance in pikes 1'iuiliu lion will also bo contuillcd , Incandesc ent lamps ai o ridiculously chea In Sweden , the pilcoof tltoso with all voli ages up to li'i being about " 0 cunts. The platinum beds of the Ui.il mountain are the only ones In the woild in which till metal Is found in grains Platinum is foun in Hra/il and in the Coulllleias in tlio liiu HOipcntino lo ks , but never in tlio form < ; grains , A Scotch engineer is said to have solve the pioblcm of imikinga mllPriin witlith water that has pasbeif. It is icported bv Glasgow paper that a resident engineer hu devised an airangcmcnt by whicli all tli steam used by an cngino is ictnrncd to til holler. Asa result it Is said that as mm encigy can bo gotten out of ono ton of 10.- a Is now nccuied by the consumption < boycn tons. I'roin hnvrhi'rg. C. F. Moore ( V. Co , piominent drugxlsts i Novvbcrg , Oto , say "Sinio our customci have bccomo acqualntud with the good qua ities of Chambci Iain's Cougli Kemedy \ \ sell but llltlo of any other kind C'hambc Iain's mud.cines nil give good satisfautlun For sale * by druggists. \FFAIBS \ AT SOUTH OJIA1IA Gratifying Showing Made by tlio Stock Yards Ninth Annual Report. NCREASE IN RECEIPTS OF ALL SORTS ' .itllonnil HDR , Iliintr iiiiil Mirrp Iliiiiillcil by Mini ) TlHMMiunN-lli\r ( tlio VnriU Are iiiilppnl : | Tlirlr I'ri-icnt Ciipiill ) , An Index of the remarkable growth oC South Omaha as a stock market Is furnished b.v the ninth annual ropott of tlio I'nlou Stock Yards coinpm.v , wlllch Is now In tlio hands of the printers and will be Issued in pamphlet foi in In a few dn.vs The report , will give a detailed show Ing of the business for the .venr IMhJ , as eomp.uvd with 1MM , and a summary for .v oars ISHI is'rj The total receipts of cat tie for the j ear ending Novein- bor 'SO , as shown b.v the ofllcial icport , was T'tS.lstl , against WM.iUI in ism , showIng - Ing an Ineivnse of 11.1.112 head The larg est receipts of cuttle In any ono month wcro IHUUT in October , and the smallest , 41.XIO. In .lune The total shipment of cattle for tin ) Vein * was 'Jsj.mi. , against St'T.TJU ) for 1M11 , This showsonl.v H.sitj moio cattle shipped out In IMW than in 1MM. or : iO,7S ) head moro sltiughteied at this point than In 1MU. Not withstanding the incieasc-d rceclpls for the .vear , bad It not been for the Increased expoit demand the shipments would not have been gieater than last .vear In other words , the H HIM shipped out In excess of last jour's shipments ropicsent Iho oxjxirt trade , which has grown lo be qulto a featuru at these .yards A comptiison of these Ilguics , with stock viuds and picklng statis tic of other places shows a verv gratifying gain. llllllMtxi'lll Hog ItrcrlpN. Hut the gain lii hogs as shown by tlio ro- pint places South Omaha In the lead for the vear 1Mrj , South Omihn is the onlyrpack ing point whet c an actual Increase of 10- celpts has been made , and while packing Hgmvs for the , v car full below corresponding peiiods In * ni at other places , the pickers of South Omaha have i educed the per cent of dccuaso to such an extent as to scoic a big y It tot ) over all ilvals , 'I he total icceipls of hogs for Iho year Just ended were 1 .TlCi.ilst , against l.llii 12:1 : In 1MII , or a galnot ! Mt,2U : ( head , vvhich Is a wonder ful liu lease comp'iicd w 1th receipts at other points Of the number m civ od during the .year ; tH,7t | > , l wrie shipped oiit.jis against 245,010 shipped in I MM The gain in receipts as stated uhovo vv us 2 111 2IVI , while lint I art- , liTT moro were shiiipcd out than In IbOl , show ing an incu-aso in the nmnber packed of lMfiVr ( The. . Ineieased slaughteilng of both cattle and hogs , vvhich has kept pace \vlth the increased receipts , Is accoimled for b. > Iho fad that three of the fontlingo pack ing com ) ) mles doing business hero have doubled their cap.ultv dining the .year Two .years ago South Omaha Mitually had no horse market In IS'.ll the iccclpts of hoises and mules weio 8iU ! , yvliilo for lbf)3 ) the rcceits | weie II Is ) The .y.nds were opened In a small way In 1 * > ! and UOWMOVCT an area ofllfl.v-Ilvoaeics , while nearly as many m ros more are ahcady giadeil and read.v for Iho construction of liens as soon as the * necessities of the situa tion demand The present capacity of the .yard is estimated at (100 ( cars of cnttlo , ! , - ( KX ) : ; ) T."i c.irs of hogs , 25OIHI ; fifty double decks of sheep , 10000 , and twentj llvecais of horses , f > 00 head The company owns and operates over twent.y miles of railroad tiacks. Owns tlio iiiililn : Ught 1'l.int. The Stock Yards lompin.y has secured ix controlling inter estln the eleetiic light plant. A par t of the pi in of the Stock Yards com pany is to titlii/u the plant for generating elcctiicitv with which to operate their now interlocking switching system now in course of construction. II is also understood that on the strength of it the Union Pacilic comp - p mj vv ill also put in similar sw il < lies to bo opei.itedb.v the sime electiic plant Of the .fill sh.uos of stock the Stock Yards comp.i iry w ill have about JUKI shai cs Mil liCllj ( id.Hli. | L C Gibson and wife aic liappv over the arrival of a bib.v boi at their home John 'I liompson diovi * too fast over the L stieet1 idm t and paid > . " > for the privilege. W G Sloano rctmncil fiom Col fax. la. , Saturday cvi mug. much improved in health , though not entirely fieo fiom rheu matism Deputy Supreme Regent A P. Hrlnk. as isted b.v the oftlieis of Union Pacilic loun. II , Omaha , will publlcl.v install the ollkeib lect at Kiiighls of P.vthiis hajl on thu 'Veiling ' of January : ! 1 he Epw m th league will hold a business necting at tlio usual place next Fiiday oven- . ng. All incinbeis aio reiiuested to bo present as business of im- loitanco will conio before the meeting , Charles Snr\ely took a header through a , > ticetcar wiiidowSundav night and came out with a deep cut both above and below ils light eye , barely missing the sight , and i cut on Ills arm which required Iho services of a pbj sician with a needle. lie was seated with a driver on a high spring seat on a pair of bob sleds at the end of the car line on Twenty-fourth street near N and was In the ict of tinning the team aiound when the sTed upset , pitching Snlvolj through a car > v iudow The Methodist Kplscopal chuich society lias muileniraiigemeiits fora Christmas tieo to Include the ihildicn of the Hrovvn Park mission , tlio Thud ward mission and the jiiiient school The cnteitalninent will bo irivcn at the Kust Mclhodibt Kplscopal church Satuidny evening , December VM. All children of the citv aie invited to bo piesunt nnxt Sabb ith at cither of the si booh named and icci'Uo tickets which will admit them to tlio Chiistinau tree on the following Satur day evening All holding tkkcts will bo ad mitted and shaic In the fruitof the tiee. Tom Coy begged lca\o to HC < p at the po lk o station , which U.IK granted , and took occasion to walk out with a belter hat than his own Oni < or Anderson i aught him nt It and Judge Fowlergnvo the bold thief llfleen dajs in the county juil , with a biead and water diet for ihsl and lattt the. Piles of penplu have piles , but DoWItt'a Witch lla/ef h.ilvo will cum them. TIII : in\iTY ; vi IN.sTUl'Mr.NT-3 plnred on ii'cmd Duuumbur 12 , Ib'JJ , VV VIIIIANrV III 11)5. ) M P. Kolm lor > K Kolin , imdlv > ' , Mib- lll\ III ! 1 , 1C' II'M hlllllllv . . i 1 N KolintoM I' Kiilin.iinilh ' 9 hitli- illv Inl 'J , hiinii 1 M A llaulcv anil liiisliiinil lo I ) II Law. jl.nBOfcel lot l.lilncU l.lvliK- vvnod mill , and Icil 10 , liloi-K I ) , I'nl- Iri , V ( ohli'h Jil udil to Ninth Onmlm 2,600 ( iciiiirii llolinch , Ji , to Catlinu . llolinev , lots 2 nnd II , Holmes' iiild , 1,170 \Vllll.ini 'I' ' Denny nnd vvlfo lo A A Heath , lot -I. Nulhon'H add. * . . 4,000 M .1 and A W Pnlliclilc to A T Austin , ai-i nt. ' , lots u .m < l UO , yiaj Hold 0,000 O ni.iliu Itcnl retail ! nnd 'I'ni l i oni- 11 my to Aniln llansi ii , lot 1 t , block h , haiiiidcin A. 11'M add loulnnt Mill 000 A M I'hiilii'ol nl to. ) i : .Minki'l , u 7 firl nnilsii : : f < ct of u 'Jd Tint of o ' , lot I ! , lilucl , H7 , Din.ilm 11,000 11 ,1 N-Hiiin II to same , InlH 1 nnd 'J , 10,000 Hiinii Id niit'l ) nnd vvlfn l II M Coi- ni'll , lot I'J , lilcicU ( / ) , Sonili Oiiiiilin , 2,000 h I' MOIMI nnd lfci lo ( ) J luvtlr > , lot/ J8 , blocl , Udtst Hldo 00 ( jrir CI.VIM in i us , ( i II fiooili'll ct nl , iicidviiis todosbcn llolo InUutliiii coiini IMJ , loin la anil 1 I , bliH-U 12. Illllhfilo mid No. 12 . nsTnyloi lo Clilca''ti l.iiinlH'i roiu- p.inv , loihO and 7. block 1 , lot. 10 , block a , Tlpton Place , lot U , Middy J ( j AilaniH nl nl , tiuslccH. lo J I ! Mul < i'l , ui ! lot'J , n Hiriitif ( < ii ( lots 2 and n bJ ( foot of lot1 , lilouk 147 , Umiili.i 105,000 1) ) II Mincer ( mnstur In clinncoiy ) to 1.Itllnlon h.ulnbank ; , lot. : ) , block " 110. Dimdi u 1'Jiii'i ) - . l.BSO .Suiiiii to N'otvvny I'liilns I lot 0 , block fl& . h.imo 1,850 Sumo In kunio , Into , Hiiini ) 1HJO ! baliio tuuuiiiulot 10 , bamo 1U&0 Tot.il unioiintof iLinhfurs A CouRji , Cold or Sere Throat ohould not bo neglected Hiown'a ISionchlal Tiochos me a simple remedy and give piompt rcliuf. li.1i ; u box.