-o Till ? OMATTA DATLT 1TOFt Tri DAY , TfflfTOTYRK. 13 , 1ftQ2. THE SPECULATIVE MARKET Whcnt Affected by Another Addition to tt Visible Supply , THAT CEREAL OPENED QUITE STRON Tlirrn Wits ( Itiml MuylnB ullli Mtlln f < Snlii Corn Sentiment Appeared to Ho About rtciily nhldoil on the .Start. OincAnn. 111. , IH-f. 12. Wheat today wnt n foctcdby another big addition to the vlslb Mipply. Tim markets were. Ruticially lln lint the day's buying , although of a ROC character , favotod thn speculative nnirkul \\hcat , ciimpined with Sunn day's closh jn ice , Is fiom 'fc lo Ho lowur. Corn IK 1-10 ! , . ( ItUher Oats aio unchanged. 1'ork Is i Dc | l.'inl from 7'4c to 15i : and ribs 5c. > \ lionl opi ned strong nnd for a time ilmvv < it Uiiiloney tojrn conslderahly lil liet , llinii ) cablis wet o easier And theie wonliidlcittlol tlml the visible supply would show a mm larjr.fi Increase than gonoially expected. Hi tlierc was good buying with llltlu fors-ul ) Tgleston who Is supposed to boaotlngf Die clliiie | , to-ik neatly all the wheat tlmt w offered. Dm lnj ! tlm last hour wheat got wet on thohlRlnricasu In the vislblu supily | , la vri-iik cables anil the estimate of 400 curs f tomonow. The opening was ulioilt the sail HHtliu elusliiR figures of Sattuday and Ml hllghl Iliii'luatlons , prices weie advaticed fin nC-nt'to ' , then became vveak and prices ( I ellucd * e and closed steady. Coin kept within % o inngc. Tliosontlmo on thn stint appealed to be ipille nven divided , the piovlslon Inletesl on thoonosli Inlying , while rccolvois and shippers lead 11 wiling. St. , Louis was said to have old fiee on the advalii'o , and a good deal of limit mo n ty also came out on tin- bulge , several of tl largo commission houses dlsposlni ! of hu iiiintltlcs siiipiised | to liavi- been bought ? ijwdiiysbaek. The maiUet opened at Sat it day's eloslmr pi lees and RI initially ndvaiio from V to'so , leaeted ' . tilled easy , chang mine and closed with sllithl gain. Oals woioslinngcr , caily pi Ices for Maya vanelng 'tC. The advance In ought out libei loalWng by loii'-'s ' and there being but Ilu demtiml , pi Ices receded U1' . ami tlie mat K closed steady. I Provisions stinted striilig , but tradltiR w not heavy. The stionglh al the start was pome nieaitlie due lo dimness for hogs as i jmited fiom the stock vnrTls. The demand w lakon advanlago of by Cudahy to Ket rid 10,000 bills , of pork , vv filch came out tlirou younglovo , of ( he St. Louis Packing coinpan and Captain Tayloi , wlm does a Rood ( leal iiroUerngc business for Ihe SI. Louis conoe icferiod to. This nave up Cudahy's name their deals towaid Ibe close of the session. Ksllnmled lecclpls for tomonowVhei : 400 cars ; corn , 350 ctnsj oats. 200 cuts ; ho ; 25.000 head. x The leading futures ranged as follows : WIIKAT No. 2 December. . . T > < ( 72 Jniumry. . . . . . Couv No. J December. . , 4 .tnnunry l.t'6 4 Mny 7M 4 OATH No. I 4Hi llucomber . . . 3054 Hi January ai l Mny 35 3 ltr.su roiiK Jnnunrj l.'i R5 If , Kt , 160 Mny 15 70 IB 00 15 70 IS 8 70K January . . . . 9 72' < J 5 67' < K 9 7 lny . 9 10 50 8 10 noiiT lima January. . . . B 20 8 2JW 8 17 8 2 Slnj . H 2(1 ( 8 27M 8 20 Cash quotations were as follows : I'l.ouil Kasy ; icasonable bids meet accej ancc. WIIKAT Xo. 2.spring,72c ; No. 3 spring , C G7',5c ; No. 2 led , 72c. ( 'OILS- Higher : No. 2 , 42' ' o ; No. 3 ca B8Uc ; No. 3 yellow , 39c. OATS No. 2 , 31c ; No. 2 wiiltc , 34Sc ! ; No. vhlte , 32t < T'33c. HVBNo. . 2 , 47c , HAIIIXY-NO. 2.04c ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 42201 No. 4 , f. o. b. , 3054c. KI.AX Bir.t--No. : 1,81.09. TIMOTHY Sniu I'iline , $2.00. VoilK-Mess , per bbl. , $14.50 ; lard , p 100 Ibs. , J9.75 ; short libs , .sides ( lees | 8.208.25 : dry .salted shoulders ( bo\cd$7.3' ) fo7.50 ; .shoi t clear sides ( boxed ) , ? 8.05ffi8.70. WHISKY Distillers ' finished goods , per gi (1.25. HtiOAit Out loaf , giannlated , standard "A unchanged. The following wore the receipts and shl incuts today : On the I'loduco e\clningo today Iho bull inarket was quiet : creamery' 25329c ; dali 10a2Gc. Eggs , llrm ; sti Icily fiesli , 23'/24c New York Market * . NKW YOIIK , Dec. 12. 1'i.oun Kecelpts , 4 000 pkgs , ; exports. 2,000 bills. , 0,500 sac ! COIIN JIiiAir-Dull , Htctuly ; yellow wcste : 2.75 ( 2HI. ( WIIIAT-Kecelpts : , 233,000 bu. ; exportu , G 000 bu. ; sales , 705,000 hu. fiitiucs ; HO.OOO I ppot. Hpots dull , steady : No. 2 ied , 78ii/,78 instoio and elevator ; 78's'"i7H14C ' alloat ; < 8.70'/c. f. o. b. ; No. 8 led , 74'a74 c ; i pradcd red. 757 ® Hc : No. 1 not ( hern , 82' No. 2 northern , bOSHOUe : No. 2 Mllwank 77i77iio ; No. 3 splint , ' , 74'c. Options ( I and H < fl > 3 o lower , closing weak. The open xvnh llrm al H ® ' < c aiUancoon llimcrcabl ) ilRhor west and shorts covering ; declined ' con Increased receipts , light clearances , creased stocks ami visible , together w lioavy receipts expected , weak wc.sl and lo rcnll/lliR ; No. 2 red Dccembur , 771a@77 ; closlnsat 77'Bc : .rantitiry. 773ft78ic { ( ! , clo-,1 ut 77yc : May , 82 1-10282 0 , cloilns at 82 ! Hvi ; Dull , nominal , Stocks of grain in .store and afloat Domini JO : Wheat , 10.044,214 hu. : corn , 2,754,0101 ] oats , 2,810,750 bu. : rye , 188,535 bu. ; barl 74.081 bu. ; mult , 17.754 bu. . ' . . i IlAHI.l'.Y.-IJUlUt. IUni.iY : MAITQulol. . ( 'OIIN Hecelpts , 28,000 bu. ; exports. 52f Wl. ; Miles , 250,000 1m. of rutute , ; 40.000 I Piiot. Spots dull , llrmer ; No. 2 , 51li < < 652e elevator : 62H&52'11e alloat : ungraded mix DlliQS'jL1 ; steamer mixed , 52c. Optli opened llrm and advanced 9 Q ' 4'o on west b ing and hhoitscovurlng , declined ' / & ' , ( : vv wheat , lower west , Incieasod visible and ic lilng , closing steady ; trading active ! Doct ler , fil'/iyfi'-'i1. closing at 51'ic ; .laiiuii tilliil52Si' ( . closing at 51c ; May , 535t53 closing at 52' o. OATH Kecelpts,00,000 bu. : sales , 70,000 futures , HO.OUO . bu. spot. Spots llrmnr. i tloim dull , llrmer : .liinimry , .17'/jc , eloslniJ a7ic ! , ; May , 8U' ( ii.aoltc : , cubing at 3l)54'c ) : 2 spot whit ( i. 4 Hie : mixed westein. 374438' ' white westein. 40ailc ; No. 2 Chicago , ! ! 87 fl. HAY I-'iilrdemand , llrm ; shlpiilng , COao peed to choice , 75 < iiOOc. lloiis-ulet , easy ; common to choice , 1 24c : 1'acltliconst , fHii21u. Hun An lEiuv , linn. quiet , ; lelli jiioder.iluly netlve , steady. MoiAi < sis : New ( Jileans steady ; uuxlur dimiand. lliur. Steady , fnlily active. V.dds Quiet , fancy steady , iccelpts 3 , l > kH. | HIIIKS Quiet , steady. 1'orkl'lrm ; Cut meats quiet. IMcli ( iliiitildeis,8a8'c ' ; mlddleh dull. Lard II western steam closed at i'.l.'Jd bid $ U , asked ; sales500 lioiooMit fll.OO to arrive c. Options sales , mum ; December , closing i\ \ ( asked , January , closlmxiio.oi ) ; asked ; Mai nominal. VJ.G5 : May. (0.45 bid. HiirrKii- Dull , weak ; westutn cieiimery C UO'iOl Klulii. 30il3HjC. ( Cnr.Ksr. 1'tilrdemand , llrm. I'niluo.N Quiet , steady ; American , J13. ( 15.50 , Coi'i-r.it ririni lakeJ12,25. Ll'.AH Quiet : domestic , ji.7U. : TIN I'linii HtrallK , 510.05 , Ml , l.onU .Marki'tH. ST. Louis , Mo. . Dec , 12 , l'i.otiit Unohaiif WIIKAT-'idt'je umlcr Saturday : cash , rombor , 08 4c ; .lanmiiy , Ci'JUc ; May , 75 75tf. CoitNljo ubove Hatiiiday ; cash , 80 Decembxr , 3H ° , e ; May. ! ® o. O.ilb Lower ; cash 32t- bid ; May 3 tic. ! Uviv No sales , HAUI.KYHull ; Nebraska , 02c , lltirrKii I'liL'ImnKcd , I'OIIK 413.7&V Laii'uo.50. lii-r.ii-rrt-l'loiir. ( : 8.000 bblv ; wheat. 7-1. \HI , ; coin , 223,000 bu , ; oatx. 51,000 lye , U ) 1)00 ) bu. : bui ley. 27.000 bu. riltil'MU.NTH riour , 0,000 bills. ; wheat,30 , bn.j coin , OH.lKH ) bu. ; oats , 10,000 un.j 4,000 bu , ; barley , 3.000. Omiibu IlldfK unit Tallow. Illlirs No. 1 KICCII , 3 > io ; No. 2 green sill 4f'-t'-ic ( ; No , 2 gieen stilled , 2cC ? to 3J 3ici 1 gieen salted , 'J5 to 40 lbs.,4uc ; No. 2 gi Milted , 25 to 4(1 ( Ib.- , . , 3WcNo1 : veal calf , 15 Ibs.rc ! No. 'J veal calf , 8 to 1511)a.,4c ; r diylllnt.0cto7e ; No.2 dr > lltnt , 4c to5u ; 1 dry sailed , Do to Oc. I'art euied blik's i halt cent per pound less than fully cured. Knm'.t' I'KI/IS Uieen suited , each 85cttl ( preen waited .sheaillnxH ( short vvoolcd.ei fcl.luaj , vuoli HXif-Cc ; dry tUcaillugd ( i > l nnrly okiiii' No , 1 , nioti , VftlOc. di iiiii [ short vtoolcd early l < iin > , Nn ein'i , fir i dry Hint Unrtsas iiinl Nciirtiil * hiiujirr wool poll * , per Hi nriitnl wHnhl , jo M'kiM ' dry Mini Kan-ms mill Nebrnskn mil ralunnl IM-H- | n > r III. , nrtiml vveluhl , HdM2i dry Hint ( oloindn hiitchni wool peli . ( irr II nrttinl urlKlit , NtTMa'ti'i diy Hint Colorni ! nun mill wool pclti , per Hi. , nriimt wrlali SAIlk'i dry pieces HIM ! bucks. ncluiil welRli 7 < tOr. llavp feet cut oir , us It Is meleii to | ii frolitht on tlirm. TAU.OVV AMI < lnr.K Tnllow , No. 1 , au < tallow , No. 'J , 3H3'u'i Rretisf , while A , 35 < i Ripn e , white II , 3ur ! rpa p , yellow. 3i Rremp , ( lurk , 2'ic ' ; old bullor. 'J2Uo : hoc wax , prime , lv&2o ( ? { rough tnllovv , l'i ' < & 2c , Onialiti I'milnco .MnrlK'l , The wool ; opened with tlio usual light n celplfliiml thorn was no great amount of bus ness ttansiioled on the market. Stooki ni concrnlly proity well oleiined up and thei vvould seem to ho no reason for antlolp.itlt niiyililngoiso limn n faltly active trade du ItiR the week. As will bo noted fiom qinlli lions given below , there were no cssenlli ohjiiiRos In values. Al'i'I.K s-A carload of very choice Norlhoi Spy apples bns.lust at rived , Hood iipplosai quoted at M.BUVM.uo : choice lo ftinov , $1,00 4.25. 4.25.HASAN vs-Ountal ons are : I'alr to go ( shipping stock , } 2. < lOiW.50 JIT bunoh. llm 1:11 : The hulk of the tooelpis ot counti toll elsuM4' | < l io. Select stock lit Ings 17 lOc. and occasionally something Is looolu that Is solid eiiMUuh lo litlng 2Oi- , but sin pacl-m'os misrarcn. . Theie Is piaetloally t demiind foi on nmoiy , which Is miol ed nt ii ! cii.VMir.iinn.sIt is said that tin-crop of Jo soy and Capo Cod bei rle * Is much smaller tin wns at llrsl supposed. The estimate Is m one-eight h of a ciop of CnpeCod and on thlul of a ciop of .leisov nnd Wisconsin be rlos. Quotations are : Hell nnd ehoity. $8.1 ] > er bbl. : bejl and bugle-J'J.50 : Into Capo Co $1(1.00. ( The tinlvnis on the matket aie Ugh Cin.uiv 30W.35o , Kims1'iish slock Is ( | imted at 2l < fi25o , b tt Is no easy matter to secure slock that si l Icily flesh. 8ROodeorcatcassos ( ; , 10111 lo. ( i \Mii-Tho aiilvalsof quail on this mark me qillle laiire. Qiiofillons tile ; I'ralrlo ohlo ons$1.0i > rr,4. , fill ; grouse , $ l.oil ; quail.$1.00f'.l.'J snipe , { -I.OO : jnck snipe , * 1.25'i.l,50 ; lilovi $1.)0 ( ) ; golden plover , $1.2YU.5O ; canvas Inn ducks , f'J.dtiTf , 10.00 ; red head ducks. Jl.ll mallard ducks , $3.75 : blue wing teal. $2.l ( gieen wing teall.fiOTjl.75 ; mixediltii'ks$1.5 Camilla uooso , iO,0'if7.50 ( ) ; small poose , J4.i © 5.OO ; Jack labblls , $ J.i > 0 ; small lahblts , JI. ( iM.fill ! siiiirii | > | s , * 1.25 ; antelope saddles , 1' 1-lc ; door saddles , H'H.Kic ; aiitolopeoaii'iissi ( lltvl'lil'itfir I'orbov , $ : > ( ) ( > . lloxr.v- Hood white clover Isriuotedtit 1 and llrm at that. II.UNo. . l.fH.OO ; No. 2 , 50.507)17.00. ) Livioss Quotations aiu : Cholco Mossln : f5.01 if 5.50 ; fanoy. $ r > . io. M \ l.iiUnu'i.s The nutrkot Is well su piled uml qiiolalliius aio t'.l.oon.O.'JO ' per keg. OVfir.lls Now Yoik counts aio quoted Bfio and otb'-r ( Ills ns low as nt 13c per can. ONIONSllomeurown stock Is quoted hero 80ifS5o. and Snaiilsb at * 1.)0 per crate. OliA.vir.s I'loi Ida , $3.50 per box. I'ori.lliv The week oliis ( > d with the niititi til elly v\ell eloaied up and the demtind lath Impiovod , especlnlly foi turkeys. Live poult ot all kinds K slow snle , the tiadc much in forilng dii's-.cd slock. Quotations aie : 'It keys , llff/l'i'j chickens , 84i,0c ; geese a ducks. Oli li- ( ) . I'OTVTor.s'-Qiiotiitloiis are : Home-glow 05fi"5c ; Coloindo and Utah , H5c. Swnr.T I'OTior.s C'liolou Muscutlno n Illinois stock , 13.75 per bill. TANIIIIIMS ( : : A few tanceilncs have arrlv on the maiket and sold at $8.00 per box $4.50 pur half bov. Vivt , Quotations are : Small and fat , G ! ; 7c ; laigo and heavy , 3&5C. CnlVee Alurkvt. Nr.w YOIIK , Doe. 12. Options opened bare steady , 20 to 40 points uowu , closing bait stoadv , 35lo 55 points down. Sales 70,000ibi ; | Including Deeom'jor , $15.75(5,15.90 ( , : .lanuai $15.30'iil5.00i rcbiuary , $15.202)15.30 ) ; Mar $14.Q5ftl5.2 ( ) ; Slav. $14.00 14.85 ; Si ( ember , ! 1 I.40S11.Co. .SpotUlo , diiVJ * . noun No. 7 , $10.50. ItioJ VNIIIIO : , Dec. 3. 1'lrst ( military. 14,5 rels per HI kilos : Rood seconds , 12,000 ; re receipts dm Ing the past week , 70,000 bags ; pi chases for the Hulled States , 3SOH ( ) lug shipments to the United Slates , 47,000 ; stoi 105,000 biKs. ; SANTOS , Deo. 10 , Good aveiago 11500 n tier 10 kilos ; iicelpts diuliiR the week 113.0 bags ; puiohascs for the United Slates 41,01 shipments to the United Slates 27,000 ; sto 381,000 bags. ItrllMi Hraln Tr.ulo Kovlevv. LONDON , Doc. 12. The .Mark Lane n\pro In Its weekly lovlcw of thelliltlsh gialit trni says : The record of the past week Is brigliter. 1'ngllsb wheat .sells at 27s , n prl that js uitptcc.cdp.nted vvltlrln the memory the English fanner. American and Itussl wheats have eticb declined Is and Indian li fallen 3d. Australian and Chilian wheats s at m ovlous prices but stocks of spotiiraliifx thfssonicos aie nearly exhausted. Thestot of foielgn Hour and wheat a.io estimated 51,300,000 quarters. American wheat olleied In London ut 2Ss delivered. It Is ill cult to see how expoit.s continue with tl price ruling. Knnsiis City .MurUcts. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Dec. 12. Wur.A1 Actlvo and higher ; No. 2 hard , OSUttGDl No. 2 rod. G0'j'2,70e. ' COU.N Strong and higher ; No. 2 mixed , 3- OATS Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 20330c. Kvu I'Irni ; No. 2 , 47 4c. Koos I-'irni at 18S22c. UKUKil-rs-Wheat. 00,000 bu. ; corn. 10C in. ; oats , none. Slltl'Mr.Ni.s Wheat , 70,000 bu. ; corn , 1,0 ! iu. ; oats , 1,000 bu. bu.Oil Oil .llarlu-i. NKW YOIIK , Doc. 12. 1'ivriioi.r.UM The mi ket opened dull nnd continued so tliiougho I'cnnsylvanla oil , spot sales , none ; , lanm option , sales 1,000 bills , at 5 Ic , closing at ! J lild : Lima oil , sales none , 17c bid. Totul sal 1,000 bbls. COTTON Snii : On , I'll m. TAI.I.OVV Quiet , steady. KOSIN-Quiet , steady. Tuiti'i.NTi.MDull : , steady. MHuiutki-d C.i-.iio 'Marlict. MII.WAUKIM : , Wls. , Dec. 12. WIIIIAT Ea' May , 72',1'i , No. 2 spring , 07c. Cons No. 3 , UOUi-lOe. Ou-s No. 2 while , 34Q35c ; No. 3 , 32 ! HAIII.IV : Gl'jc. ' Hvi-52c. riillailelplil.i ( iralii Market. I'llIUDIII.I'llIA , I'll. Dec. 12. WllBAT Kiisl No. 2 ied. December , 70i ! < fJ751ic. COILS Dull and lowerNo. ; 2 mlvcd , Uecc ber , and .Itinnary , 50'jO OATS l'lini , prices ste.id ; No. 2 white , I comber , 40'.i < 3.41ie. Cincinnati 'Markets. CINCINNATI , O. , Dec. 12. WIIKAT In ) No. 2 red. 70c. CoilN Stionger ; No. 2 mixed , 43H43aic. OATK-iasler : : No. 2 mixed , 35e. WllihKY Actho and Him , 51.25. C'ottnn Market. NK.W OIII.UANS , la. . Dec. 12.-Iull ; mlddll 0'jc ; low mlildllm ; , 9lic ; good ordinary , 81 net receipts. 10,850 bales ; gloss , 10,034 bal e.Nports to I'lance. 0,090 bales ; sales , 3,1 bales ; stock , 250,880 bales. I.Uerpoul Markets , LiVKiti'ooi. , Dec. 12.WIIKAT Quiet ; hold olVer moilerattdy ; ied westein spring , Os \ ' , Os Id per rental. COII.N I'll mi demand good ; mixed westi 4s 3'id percental. Toledo ( Ir.iln > ! Toi.r.DO , O , , Deo. la. WiiKVT-Dullj Nc cash , and December , 74iio. COIIN Steady ; No. 2 cash , 43u. OATb-Qulotensh ; , 33c. Ittiltliuore < iriiin Jlarkot. IlAl.TiMOiii : , Mil. . Dec. 12. WlliiAT Sten December. 74 074iO. Coil.N Stiong ; December , 40'cire40c. ! OATh Dull ; white western , 4242'jU. ' Visible Supply of Grain. Nr.w YOIIK , Deo. 12. Vlslblostipplyof era Wheat , 75,557,100 Int. ; coin , 10,7(1,0(10 ( ( I outH , 702,01)0 ) bu , ; rye , 1,850,000 bu. ; I ley , 2,238IOO bu. Trailers' Talk. ,111. , Dec. 1' ! . f'oiiiiselman & Da ; Coekiell llios , t'oinmlsslon Company : Tl was nolhlng new to note at the close of mill Ket. The early prominent buying wheat cciiKed after 11 o'clock and the en Mild Hit ) mm ket ilonn after the \lslblu Mil was posted. Corn wan active and strong en but became dull and easy and follnueil down tutu lu v.lieal and doted unchain Oats wine vuiy dull and feiuuielnsi. I vldons ailMinced In sympathy with hog ! . , the ptondlu'iit longs wuie selleisespecially January stntr , mo-,1 of tlixdax. CIIIUAOO , 111. Dec. 12.I' , li. l.oitiiii k C Duncan , llolllnger & Co : The lluctuatl In May wheat luuu been from 7'J'ii1 to Ik Itopenedal 7h'tc , sold to 79)ic ) and closei 7Ho ? bid. Thu local situation Is unchain The ngglcstnn following puichascd consh able on the decline from 7l4e ) to 7H1 c. T cot all they wanted and them Is si left and to spare. The market Is li state of congestion and will r tlniio so until them Is some llquldat Tim bull element has been less aggies' today. In our opinion they cannot uffou cease buying ; If they do the dally accumi tlons will weigh hcinlly on thu market and the near fntuiliglvu a lower laiigti of val \\heat Is at a lower mice , but that Isthuc argument In favor of buying It. All the t tlngencles of weather uro In fuvor of an vance , but that Is not near at hand with u visible supply of 75.000,000 bus east of thu Kooky Mountains It will mini ! much linger expoii demand to glvu in higher prices. Corn has been strong from opening , IterelptN contlnuu light to glvu lower prices wo must li a large Incieasu In them. ( are. steady with light tluduatlons , : Hinged jit about 3li'4c and closed at al llotf piuduut bas. ulfU lliui t till' I'tlrlHtv. ' iiltlll til" rlnif r > ( III'1 pe ttroinlnciil in In r Id'-titldc-ct nn llm lins been n buyer nn > ilt dc < lln s and sollrron HIP ml vn tirri. STOCKS AND IIOM ) < 4. \Vci'l < In Srenrlllrs Opened " lib nn Unmin KrRree of Aethlly , Nt\v Yoitit , Dec. 12.-The week opened wit nn uniiMml dpgiro of activity mid no llttl oxcllcinptit In ttio stock market. After II events of 'last ' week , the speculative Intcre naturally centeied In the Onnld lock , whlc scored a further sharp nttrnnco on largo an animated dealing. Western I'nlon ro o 1 to OI'Si ' Manhntlnn 3 to HO and MNiott 1'aclllc ? to 60'i. ' The fin ( her Improvpmp'i In the two Urst nainod was di to a lelterallon of the lepoitsenrrent on Ha urdny that ithe Vaiiderbllt-Mortfan Inteies were buy Ing and would befoie long have Inrgpr repre enlatlon In both luvitds o dlrpi tors , The Industrials weie also consplcunt on thn upnaid movement llefoie II o'cloc n reaction set In , owing to the announcemei that $2,250,000 gold linil been engllRed f ( shipment by the steamer Trate tomoiio' ' Manlritlan and Western Tnlon each decllm about 2 percent , Missouri I'adllc and Nortl ein I'ncide. | > ti ferred 1' , percent and the 11 mlilndei oT the list 4 to IS percent. The (1 cllnewasa nnpanled by a falllm : olT In tl volume of business. The market closed slroi anil on theiKhance for the Indiisttlals at lather weak , If anything , for the wrstein an eastern trunk line shales. The Test sa > s : Tlmgold which wa emaci today flat export by tnmonow's ( ieimi steamer , was \ litually contracted for a wet or more ago. its shipment , however , idlec present conditions to this extent , that It pin' ' ably could not have gone out now even In there been a turn favorable to us In thuste ling exchange market. , Large purchases .securities bete , for London account , won probably have ellected ( his , bu It will bo r mcaboiod that what the foieigncrs bong last Monday they sold on Tuesday and 111 they have done practically nothing In tl SarKet since. Of our fotelgn tiademoveme In general , the character seems to bo litl changed. The following ate the closing quotations f the leading stocks on the New Yoik Stock e change today : cv-dlv. The total sales of stocks today were 380,0 shares , Including : Atchlson , 13,800 : Chlca 'lied. 20,000 ; Heading , 11,000 ; Qiilm ,300 ; Hook Island , 5,70(1 ( ; St. I'nul. 7,2C irjrur , 17.400 ; Union 1'iiclllc , 10,200 ; Westc London rinanchi ) lrvle\v. ! [ Copj/i iolilcil ISllbu Juinc.1 fionlnuciintl.l ( LONDON , Doc. 12. INYwYoik lleiuld Cabli Special to Tun Itr.K.l This was an exceeding quiet day on [ lie Stock e.M'haiiiie. Theio 1 been usual leluctanco to enter into now t KaKcments on tlie eve of the settlement , morrow belli ; ; the lltst day. Consols uro 1 1- to 1'ad easier. Indian rupee paper has glv way H < \ owlnu to the weakness of stiver. IV olirn coveinnieiit heeurltlob close more orh dull , duo to the heaviness on the I'ails bour Homo railway * met with but llttlo atlontli but have shown u fair degree of streiiK ItrlRbton deferied Improved per ce Americans , after having been generally fir close In : i less settled condition. A small < dlno wns established In Atchlson , ChlciiK' JIllvvaukee.'Dehver , I.oulsvlllo&Nashvlllo a Philadelphia & Reading , but an advance j pur cent was established In Uni . 'ncllie and \Vabnsh piefeience , 3 { per cent Union I'aclllc and Wabash debenture and percent in Mis-omi Kansas & Texas and La MIOIG. Argentine lines ate linn but Me\lc first , profeiPiico have Klven way liner co Hills pioved In fiiltly good supply. IHseoi lates vvero malnlnined , thiee months pa ] bcin ; ; again quoted at ! ' percent. ( Jail moiv however , vvus quite unlemhible , the nomli quotation behm 1 per cent , and loans fort week v\eie easily bad at 1'i percent. IS'mv York Money Market. Nr.w YOIIK , Dec. 12. Moxr.v ON OAI.IT.s at4(5.0 ( percent ; last loan , 4 per cent ; clo ; ottered nt 4 percent. 1'niMK MKIU'.VNTII.I : I'Arr.H DQO per cent. SrniiLiMi K\ciiA.Nii5 ( Klrni , with acti business at f 1.80 for sl\ty-day bills and 14 for demand. The ( 'losing quotations on bonds : St. l.onU .Mining OiiotilttoiiK , Hr. Lot'ls , Mo. , Dec. 12. Moro actlvlt ; noticed In milling ciicles. What I'lian i's If occuricd In pricehaio Inu majority of ciihe lilKhur iniccs. I'lfty hliaie.it ( lllmulnllli1 > at $10.00 , later It war. olleied at 10.00 v $0.75 tlui hest hid. Dope sold at f 1.50. I'.l belli was higher , 55c lu'ln liiil , vvlth OOc nsl ( iranlto Moiintiiln olleied ui i ( > ' . ! > ( > . Amiirl Nettle , 20U < a20cj 1'at Mniili | > ' .4 ! iaOe. riiiuiiciiii Nnii'H. I'Aius , Dee. 12. Tin co per cunt rentes , G7ic. KANSAS OITV , Slo. , Dec. 12. dealing , 322,028. Nnw VOIIK , Dec. IS. Clearings , 01,502 , ! balances , J4.B77.SIW. Nivv. YOIIK , Dec. 12. fioVernmpnt hr luivo been tinner , Htato honds have hccn d 1'liiLAlil.i.i'iii.v , l'ii. , Dec. 12. CU'iiii Hl.302.308i balances , $1.708,121. , Monuy. . per cent. LONDON , Dec. 12. Amount of bullion dr from thu Hank ot KiiKlaiidon balancu toi i'35,000 , McMriUH , Tt'iiii , , Dc < ' . J2. ClearliiKs , $5 5011 balances , * 142,047. Now York oxcha bellliiK itpar. . WASIIIMITON. U. O. , Dec. 12. The Tieai depiirtmi'iit today purchased 448,000 oui of ( .liver at fO.b37Ba.tO.B3BO. Nuw YOIIK , Dec. 12. li-peclal Telcprai Tuulluu. ] K.\clmiifc'u wiib iiuulcd us fulli I'hlniBo. n < ) ( < tiremliitni Ilo < lon , counti st Irfjuli , 'fMidMcoiinl NRvy ( > iiuNi1dl : , Di-p , la l'lr-nrliiR , f'l Ino.oj' ' ) . New York etchniiffe , commcrcla f > oc | ic r Jl.ooiii hunk , tl.oo premium. ST Loft MowDm' . 1'J. Clinrln . Jfi.onfl & 07i linlnticpo , * 30tJO. Money nulet ul Ofl per cent. I'xchtingu on Now York , 12Bo ill count. ' UOSION , Mn < . , < | iii < V 12.Clcnrfnif * , JI7,0.i5 133 ; haltuicei , f1H)0,2HO. Money. fittG IM cent i\clitn : ? " 6tt Now York DQOc ill1 count. " t'lNCtNNVTI , O. , tier. 12. Now York f rhnmrp , nnr. Money , o per cent. Clearing $3,323,300. i CtlirAoo , 111. , tcft ) | 12.-C1oarltnn , $10RSO 508. New \ orketr-Jiluiso , fiOo premium. Sic llns eveliatiKe llrnu ttlxty-ihiy lilll' ? LH5 > . ( di iiiiind , ? 1.88U. Money ( nctl vent 5'idtOper ecu I.lVl ! .SJXK'U MAllKKTHi . Mond.iy Supplies. IJlil , Cattln Dull an OMMIA , Doc. 12. Supplies of all Idwli i slock weie rather limited , even for a Mondn , Coinnared with u week it { to theio wns n fallli oir of about 800 cattle , 1,000 IIORS nnd K heep. Compared vs lih a year into theto vvi nn Inciense of about 1,000 cattle nnd n di dense of about 3lim hiws. llavtetn advices weie very linnrlsh. Chlcno had'JLlioiU'altle ami the maiket was \ei bad theie , and this fuel had n dcpc ( slt Inlliience on the market hete , althoinih the ) v\ore scaicely 111 pet cent of 24Ollllcattle liei The demand vuis very peneial , but liuye VMitited Ihe catttle nt lower lljruies , nnd f ( this reason trade was slovv. As the ( In vvoto alontc the slti.iiiloii lathei Rievv wins and In many cases sclleis vv etc repot t IIIK ui to Idc decline on all evcepllnc pcihaps ll peed to choice beef cattle of which the oflc ln ) ! vvero dccldedlv llmllcd. I'alr to vei food 1.100 to 1,400-lb. steers sold nt fro } 3.05 up to ! 1. 55 , with sides of common to fa VMiimed up , and half fatMulf at ftom3.00 $2.50. Hut few vvcMicin cattle were ollere and these were mostly on the feeder order at sold at feeder pi Ices. Thercvvcie somecatt still iinsiihl at the close , and the general toi to the trade was veiy vveak. In butchers' stock ami cnnneis' the sltimtli was somewhat ml\ed. Tlieioeieonly aboi thirty lotuls on sale , and the movement vv : not what would bo called fiee. On the best stock commanded steady prices whl the Ki'iicial rim of cows sold nt pi Ices an wheic fiom weak ( o 5c to lOc lower tin iMiluiilny. There vvero odd sales of choice mime fat cows and belfeis all the way fro f3.00to$1.00. but the bulk of the fair to KOI ( -lu IV sold a | ft inu fl.oo to S.2.30 , wll h old slid cows down us low as 50c. Hulls , o\en and sin old ficely n ( very nearly stonily pi Ices fm $1.25 to $2. 85. Olloiincs of veal ealves we somewhat llmllcd , but they changed ban bilskly at htiom ; pi Ices fiom $1.00 tojo.no. Thete was a modeinte trade In 'stockersai ' feedeis and on nnythln ieally ileslinbleprlc tilled stioinr. < ? oed Hcsliy stock < -old as hi ; us J3.25 nnd Infeilor unilerweluhl sltilV ni li as$1.05. tint bulk al fiom i2.65toi8.00. I ! picsentullvi : sales : iiniissuu inrf. : No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. i'r. 7 . 827 3 00 38 . . . .lilt 3 4f 1 . 1000 8 00 . 15 . 10-18 8 M 8 . 803 3 00 14 . 1038 8 5 ( 5 . 012 8 ( H ) 1 . 1400 8 51 0 . 842 3 00 1 . 1130 8 5 ( 2 . 1450 825 21 . 1130 86 ! 7 . 1078 325 42 . 1121 30 ! 5 . 700 825 80 . 1071 801 8 . 1070 825 40 . 1114 8 8 ( 5 . 814 8 25 23 . 1225 3 8 ( Ul . 1272 380 18 . 1000 98 ! ,2 . 1005 835 88 . 1182 301 13 . 088 335 21 . 1370 4 4 ( 3 . 1300 340 24 . 1805 45 ! HHlri'lNO AND KXl'Olir. 4 21 4 31 4 01 4 31 2 K 2 K 2 K 2 II 2 II 2 II 2 II 2 II 2 II 2 II 2 21 2 21 2 21 o o 2 81 2 31 2 31 2 31 2 8' ' 2 3i 2 3 2 3 2 4' ' 2 4 2 4 < a 4 2 4 2 4 2 0 U 5 8 0 3 C 2 8 2 8 3 0 4 7 4 7 4 7 4 7 5 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 (1 ( I ) O 2 3 2 3 2 5 2 5 2 8 2 G a G a o a 7 a 7 a 7 a 7 2 8 8 0 8 C 8 1 8 1 3 1 3 1 ! No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. I'i 28 sir HB1004 2 10 COI.OHAIIO CATTI.i : . GOfdrs. . 793 275 Icow. . 1000 2f 8 bulls. 1100 1 15 Icow. . . 740 1 ' . 5 cows. . 8-10 200 Gcowb. . 038 21 1 COW. . . 1000 2 10 lions The hog market wns active i stionger. Theio vveio only 87 loads on s ; lint vvilh custom muikets stionger nil h houses evinced an Intoiost Inthetiadei tliu meager ollerings had all changed hand' lOo'olock. Opening juices vvoie lu the m stiongnml Iinpioved light iilong. The cl was about 5c higher limn Stitiiidny. Comn lU'ht and mixed hogs sold as low as $5,05 i tlioie weie sevoial loadsof good heavy h that In ought , iii.07',1 and i < UO , but the bulk of the fair to good hogs of all wuhi sold ut fiom TG.OO to $0.05 , as against ft and $0.05Suluiduy iiid | J5.05 toJ.U7iiou ! 1 Monday , Itepicsentutlvo sules : ire Otfcr rou a Remedy ir7 lc/t Insure * Safety to ZIof Mother and CHiI. . "MOTHER'S FRIEND" Hobs Confinement of ( ( I'uin , Horror andttlal ; , After nslnapnebottleor Motlier'iVrlDnd" lurteml but little i > alDand UMnot uzuertouco ibi vteakDPat afterward u ual lu such ciutM. Mr Aisniu Oiae , Latuar , Uo. , Jan. 15tb. Ii91. Bent liy expresa. charges prepaid , ou receipt i prtco , $1.50 per LotlliX llook lu Mothers nialluU Ire * ' ATLANTA , GA. BOLD UY ALL PUUQQ18T3. n - , ' 40 n nit ini "i-.ft inn n in H 100 HO P IHI ( .it JHHMO 0 HI run AMI noniii- 1 410 n 50 IH 170 fill f ) 70 Snm.i' Only one Htiiiilllnincli wns trcelu 'hey vvete niotlly clnilec * pinijj lambs tin verniied neatly lee Ibs. nnd Mild teadll or 10.00. The maiket Is qoinlily sttoi vltb peed muttons In very fnlr demnm 'nlr lo KOOI ! inilhi'o , } .l.ri ( fki.7ri ; fn 0 ( " 'I'd western" . W,251 ISO : common an luck sheep , tJ 257153.5(1 ( : ( rood to choice 40 | ( H-lb. ) lambs , M.OIHIU.OO. Ilepreseiitallv ales : Vo. Av. 1'r , 1 linrlt 11(1 ( Jn ( Ml U mined natives 12(1 ( 4 75 0 mixed natives 110 500 OlamlH ion 000 4 lambs 127 0 00 Purchases LnslVrek. . Kreolpts mill Disposition nl stoelt , onlelal iccdiits and dlsposlilou of stock a hewn by the booksof the rnloli Stock Yanl ompany for the forly-elglith ours endln it 5 o'cloek p , m. December 12 , 1802 : C'nrs. Ill-nil t'nrs llcnil' ' Cars. Itcnil UH S.IST S5i 2.MJ ( Vi lilseosniox. Chicago l.lve Stuek 'Miirltel. Cllir * i ) , III. . Dec. 12. [ Special Telegram Tut ) llr.n.l The geneinl cattle maikel vv : ovver today. Kveiythlng VMIS vveak at full 11 oir fiom last week's prices. Cattle tin \\eiegoodeiioiigh to send aeioss the vvali Mere In fairly active demand , and theie VM ilso a fair Impiliy for holldny hoove As blub as $7.0(1 ( was paid foi n four cu loud lot of tlie lattei , with nn iiveingo i iHlOlbs. riiiiii tint lt lee then-was tiitdli till down to fiom * 1 to 1.25 for skeleton t-ov uml bulls , llovvever not much business wi done outside of the limits of fiom tl.50 tot Cows ami bulls uolng pi Ineipnllv til fiom $1,1 to J2,85 tmil fiom * ; i.2o to ifl.to bu.vlng tl gioaterp.iit of the steels. Slimy cattle wo left over nmi the close was dull- The hog market had a weak look at tl start. Some telogittnis quoting pio-pecls fie 5c to KV lower wolc sent inn , bin Ihoso del fill pi oil lot Ions weie mil VIM I lied. Tliedemai pioved lobe sltoiig enough mil onlv toptove a decline but to ; ; lve pilces nn uiivvti tlolid. Very soon after the liegl nlng of opeiallons good bogs wo selling above Saluid.iy's Humes. The ndvun was not held to ( he close , the bite maiKet b Ing about the s.imc us Sntuiday's. ( Juotatlo vvero fiom $5.03 to10.2O for poor to inline llg and fiom 10.00 to JG.20 foi medium nnd heuv weights. The bulk of thostutl was weighed from tfi.on toi.4 ( ) ( ) . Oulls and pigs sold from $3.50 tot5.50. Sules of sheep vvoio at lower pi loos. Tl supply was much above the looent uveia and tlie demand not being veiy shiiip , selle hud to mtike ooncesslons. The decline w about lOc per 100 Ibs. , quotations dropping 12.00 fiom $5.15 for poor to choice. Tlieie vv also a decline In lambs , which won- slow from J3.75 to JO.15 for poor lo choice. Keceipls : Cattle , 23,000 ; bogs , 35,00 sheep , 11,000. The Kvonlng Journal ropoits : OATTI.K Hecelpts , 24.000 head : shlpmon 4,800 head ; market steady to lower ; Chi I' mas beeves , J5.75'i,7.l ( ) ; good to choice , $ ! . - Ct5.35 ; otlu-is , 2.70 ' 4.85 : stnckeis , Jl.fll 3.10 ; helfois , f2 75fe8."iO ; cows , M.OOfuJ.tiO. lloos Receipts , 25,000 betid ; shlpmon 800 head ; maiKoLopcncd 5T'ltc ( ) higher ; olos with advance lost ; lough tind common , $5. 0.5.00 ; pticklngaml ml.sed. r.VJO G.25 ; pill uml heavy bulolieis , rG.20nG.15 ; soiled llgl J5.00Si0.l'5. skips uml pigs , $1.5071.80. SmiKi' lioceipts , 12,000 head ; .shlpmon 2.100 head ; market stiongon bust giudi others closed weak ; natives , fl.OOS5.ri westerns , J1.30JW3.15 : Mexicans , J3.75 } 4.3 fedTuMin- , , ifl.10Sl.85 ; lambs , $3.75QO.)0. ( ) Now York Live Mock Market. NEW YOHK , Dec. 12. Br.r.v i > Uoeclp 0,700 ; mnikot dull , lOS'JOe lower ; mill steers , $3.50-743.00 ; bulls and Cows , il.OOSj.3. ' diessod beef , kleady , 74fcOc. ! Shlimicnl.s I nionow , 700 beeves. OAI.VES Uocelpts , 1.300 head ; market tlr vculs , $5.00iS8.00 ; prussui : * , $2.0032.30 ; we ern calves , $2.75(3,3.50. ( , SHIII : : > ASH L VMIIS Kooeipls , 12,200 IK-SI maiket llrm ; sheen , 40.OOifiO.50j lambs , J0.2I 0.50. lions Hcoclpls , 10,000 head ; iiomlna steady ut SS OBO.SO KansiiH City Live .stock Market. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Hoc. 12. CATI'I.K 1 celpts , 4,000 head ; shipments , 4,700 he : steers vveak and 10S15c lower ; othois Hi I'opiesentatlve stiles : Shipping siceis , $3.31 4.10stookeisnnd ; feedois , i51.G5ii2.05. IloHS Hecelpts , 5,000 head ; shipments , 0 head ; maiket easy and 5c lower , closl strong ; extreme iiingu , $ -1.500,0.20 ; bulk , $0. © 0.15. SiniiItocoipts : : , 2,700 bead ; shlpmen 400 head ; maiket active , steady and n changed ; muttons and lambs , } 3.0U. St. l.onls Livestock Market. ST. IXHHS , Mo. . lir. 11. I'\TTM-I cclpls , 2,800 head ; sbininonls , 1.000 hei : mni ket llrm ; imtlvesir2.75'it5.10 ; TUMIIIS a Indians , J2.10r.4.)0. ( ( ) IlOds Heceipls , 4,200 head ; slilpmen 2,300 head : market steady ; heavy , Jfl.oi 0.30 : packing , * 5.hirr0.2 ( ( ) ; llgbl , iKJ.hW ( > . Sinii---liecelpts : : , none ; shipments , 500 he ; No market. Itnsini-ss UrleN. .1. A. Van Schoik , a desiler In oils at , Cold ! bus , has soldont to .1. r. . Ilollmnn. Mrs. O. Ijylnook nnd Mrs. O. r. Smith , m Hneihut Centrul Cily , aie selling out. The C'aldvvell I'lnmblng nnd Heating co puny of Kearney have Incoiporaled. II. Dover bus succeeded to the ristauia business of K' K. Mcl < 'ailln al Ilncolu. J. K. Ellis , harness dealer at Itepiibllc City , has been succeeded byGisinl ( illloid. K. T , Coiner , htindllng pumps and vvindml ut Weeping Water , 1ms been succeeded by Sayles. You don't vvsint u torpid liver ; you doi want a bud complexion , you don't want bad breath ; you don't want a lieaducl Then usp "Do Witt's Uttlo Early Hibors , t famous little pills. The. coming u- man cnn li hoaltliy. Bho w : l > o , if slio'H wise caml for. As si enters wo nun hood , Th1. 1'ierci Favorite IVoicrl tion builds up m stiengtliL'iiH tl i > yoleni niul reg .Intos and pn jinotea Mio fun tions. It'H n MI ] ) orlinp ; tonic , inn ptreiiBtlionins ncrvino. It cr n qtiiotin ? , reels and cures all those ( Icllealo denuif inents and wenltnesse.s ixx'iiliur to the HO In ovpry cnso for -\vlilcli it'H racnminemlc the " Kavorito l'rescriition" ) is uuc/nnifc to give hntistnetlon. If thcro's no lie ] tliero's no jniy. It does nil that's claimwl f It , or the money is refunded. It's a risky way to sell it but it isn't yo rislc The manufacturers talco all tlio ripli by W ing them OH Mill ! Jt'a on insiiK tn i/o / intflligcnce for any dealer to nttcnipt to sn slituto other medfcines for tlieso , by reeoi them to IMJ "Justus that ho may malio a larger jirolit , SO UTJJ Union Stock Yards Company , South OpnaVia. JleBt Cattle Ilo anil Hiccp uuirkel In tlio e Wood Brothers , South tminha-Telephonu 11.17 - Chlea JOHN I ) IIADIsMAM.I . . , , ill > „ „ ' -1-r' WALTKIl i : WOOD , ( Market llepori ( ty mnll uiid nlro cheerfiilly t nldhi'il upon iippllcallon. Count Inn Not Ire. I , OeorKo I1 , llcmls , mayor of Iho elly Omaha , hmidiy Klvo imhllo milieu and p claim thatTaiiinm Miccl , fiom 40th Mieot 45lh btli'ct ' ( < \li'inlrdj Chicago htiout , fl 20th Mtci't to 20th Mieot ; I'h'H' " Mii'ut. fl Oihhlicel to8iil MiiHilj I'aiklldo u % n fiom Wlllliinih hticct to I'imcc htli'df I btri'ot , fiom Hickory hlicot lo I'loieti htn niuiiiithori/cd to IHI nseil for the purpose coaMliiK dm IIIK Ilio vvlnlt'l'iif IhO'J-lBOU. Witness my hand at Umaha , this loth ( laj Dcccmbcr.lb02 , M ( ( 1)1-2(1" OMAHA anufaeturers' and AWHIHnSANU TENTS. Omaha "fenl-Awnlng COMPANY tlOIISI ! < OV1H , 111 ! fnrniii fl. JBAOSAHOTWIIIta. Bjimis Omaha Bag M. 0 , Daxon , IOMP\N\ lniiortcri | niut m mu fr yplos mill on tiHintlilT Hour nck , bnrl.tn < tnlno. t' 130 S 1Mb , BOOTS AND SHOES. Horse-Coo Shoe - Company , tlOi1 Ile nnl licit. 1'nctnr ) i-ornorlltli mil ti nn.n ! lrpet5 Wcnrn iiinVln rln i > file i li > i-.uli lmyor , nn 1 nto clllrii ncliiH nfc nin , which It ver > ( Rlunlilo nllli nn'rclmliU Kirkendall , Jones A Amer , Hand-Sewed COMPANY. VVholc nU , Mini : 01. boots Minm ralr * . mi'nl < Itmton nnil rnbliiT k'DinlJ , 1.U3- Hilbbor Shoo Co . I 04- UIU llnrnc ) M 1101-1100 Hnrnoy Ml COAlCOXE. _ CORNICE. Omaha Coal , Coke & Eagle Cornice Works MMK CO. hnnl nmt ott Mfr yonl , S i : cor luh uiut tncl.ilMi . ' . ir.U-lll'.1 DRY GOODS. FURNITURE. Omaha Uplwlstorlug Riinyan CO tiphoUtnrci ! fnrnl- rtIH\lTflti : CO , ( irm-e lure. 1IJJ IIOI Nkhiilin. SI Whole < : ilo only. aint 1 , th s- GR3GERIS. DRUGS , ETG. D. H. Sleele & Co. , Blake , Bruce & Co. , 1S01 120J JoncaSt , 10th nmi Unrnoy Omnhn Omaha. - Til li - Ladies' ' Perfect SYRINGE. 'Ihe onls perfect vnKlnn nnu rcclnl s > rlnie In ( hi VTOlIll 11 Is the only syilmio ov prliivontiMl li > nldch vail mil Injections tun bo HI nihiHieicilMllinut leaK ItiKiuul hOllliiK the cloth Intr or nccotsltntlnt : ( hi use of n vessel.mil whlcl can n'bii be nseil for lectu Injections 01 lirlKatlon. MI ) < 1 lIl'llliniL llltl.l AM ) II A lib llfllllCI .Mail onleis sullcltuil. ThcAloe&PonfoldCo , NKAT TO Physicians' iircscrlptlon sceutau-ly iircjiiiieil a Ion prices. | .Tloriiniiie Jl.ihll fiirpci In I to o < ln. > s. ho pay ( IIInr ' , l. I I3r. J. . iU'pUi-u . l cbiiuou. tl. Slirrin's Sale. Umlcr nnd ly virtue of an execution Issuer by Krunlc K. Mooros , elerUof ( he district cour within and fur Donnlas county. Nobi.isUii upon a.ludsmeiit rendered bv said court ai Its September term , A. I ) . IF ! ) . ' . In f.ivoi of tin Merchants National bank of Kansas City -Missouri , and against the .Melropolltiui Cabli Hallway company of Omaha. Nobrasl ; i , 1 have/ levied upon the follow Ins describes property as the propeil" of the said. The Metropolitan Cable Hal , vay comptny o ! Omiihii , .Nobraska. to-vvlt "Track nnd road bed. InulnilliiK rails , tics , i.ntetfrDK ? , bolts splices' , wires switches , KM e > . trolley vvlies cioss wires etc. , etc. and o , 'crytliini ; iiorlain Iniios.ild tr.iek and the operating tbereol as an oiectrlc motor line of said Tin MPtionoillun Cable It'itlvvuy compnnv on trtl I stieet and on Dmln'OMieetllitlieeHy of Omaha andon DoJ o btrcot as extemloil. Wooiimiii av untie , Unticr wood avenue and \ \ llbimavenni or street In Dnmlco I'laeo or adlacent theroii In the eoJiitjof DoiiRliis nnd Htito of Isub rnsijii. " "One ear honso ( fiamo biilldlti'J 01 posts or blocUs ) located on lot 14 , block W nnndeo 1'lace. Dounlas county , Neiiriska. ' "Two motor p issenser cars nnmhorod lesuoo tlvoiy two W ) , and Uneo 1 1. Itecord book stock ciirtllieato book and sea.1 of s-iid com panv , " and also "the fnui"hl-o Kiuiliul ; ti suld coinii my. vvhicih Includes all Hie rluhi and pnv lleues seemed thoiobv ; " and 1vll on the 14th dnyof December , A. 1) ) . . ISll. ' , com menclniiat 10 o'e ock a. m. ot vilddiiy . the o.ist , front door of the county conr hoiibc. In DIG city of Omaha , sull said properly at piibllu auction to the highest and uesi bidder or bidden fur cnsh. to satisfy aalu o edition , the amount duo thereon belli u forti thousand , four hundred forty-six and 01-10 dollars ( ? t0.4iC.OD jmlgiuont. auJ sixteen am as-100 dollars ( i'O.uS ' ) costs , with Interest 01 suld nmotiMts fiom the r.ith ( lay of hoptombor IST.1. nnd the acornlnzco ts on said jmU'dinon andoxeoution. CJiOltGiA. : Itlv.NNUrT. bhcrill'of Doiis'laa County. Nobraikn. I < AKK. HAMILTON , t MAXWKI.I. . Attorneys. Umaha , Nubrasku , December 1 , 1&9- . Notice /msos-mriit nr InTo "r To tlio owners of all lots or purls of lots 01 Siiwiird street , fiom Mill street to ais street ! You are hereby notlllo't that the undor- slsnod. throe dlslnteiii-.teU ficoholdors of mi city of Oinith i , have been duly appointed bj | thu miiyor , with the ipoioval of thouliv coiiii- ell of suld ely , to assess the daniaKU to tin I owners lospootlvoly of tlio property alfoetoi I by the cbaiiKO of iir.ulu of s-ild slivol. doulaiei nocessury I y oidlnaneo No : M , p issed Angus Utb , Ife'Jappovcd ' Aiuust llth , IbJJ. You aie further notllled tlmt havlm ; ae copied ; ahl anpo iilnioni , and duly iiuailllci us reiiuiretl by law wo will , on the 'Jsi ! day o December , A. D. , 18 ! ) . ' , at Iho hour ot 10 o'eloc ! In Iho forenoon , at the olllea of Hirlvn &O'Ioiiilioo. ) ( ItOf l''ainam ' slieel , vvltlilii th eo"jiorato llmlis of said elty. n nut for Iho pin pose of consldcrm. ! and mnklni tlio assess iiiiint of fliuiiu ju lo the owners rnspoullvo'y ' o siild propel ty. alVeoted by said chanjio o iM-udc. t.iKlnx liitoconslileiatlon special benefits fits , If uny. You aio iiotldei. to bo ptosont at thn tlnn nmi place aformald , uml make uny objection' to or statements eonodrnina wild as-os < niun of damages ut. von m iy consldir ) proper. T.'ll' ' MiUIJIj'.o'oiI. , IA. . hTOOIvDAI.i : . Onnilin. NTob , DPP. fiih , Ih'jJ. Dp-dlOt PROPOSALS FOR 1 'AVINO. Penled niopo-alh will hu lecelved by Ih nmleisigned until liUOo'elm-l. p.m. . Dccembe 8tl , IH'J'J , for pavlmt wllh Colorado sand Mom MiVei Impiovemenl Dlstilct No171 , com III Mm ; Ihe alley III block ; il7 , i-lly , ami Ihe In leisecllon of llnli and UiimliiK stieels , aceoid llm tohpeelllcntiinis. niu'hbld lohpeclfy a pi Ice per Kiiiiie | yan f > n the pav In ; ; complele In lln < alley uml Inlei M-cllon , . . . \Yink to bo done In necoiilancn ulth pliin and siieclllcatlons on Hlo In the olllce of 111 lln-iid of I'ubllc WorliK. , I'.neh piopo-al lo be mnde on Jiilnled blank fiiinlslied by the bo.iid and lo be aecnmp mle vUthuceilllledcheck In HIM hum ijf t&tMt , p.iy abh ) to the city uf ( Jimiha , as ovldenco of uon < fiillh. , , , The liotd ( ) ii'serves the il lil to lejecl any o all bhU ami waive all defect- * . I' . U. KiliKiiArhr.il , f'liiiliinitn llouidof I'nbllcVoiks. . Omaha. Neb. . December IftlH'U. rioiiuhiilH lorilv rllHliii ; lor Ilitt City o Domini. Foalnd bid * will bu rcculveil nttlmolllc ot inu cliv eumptiolliir , up to t n. m. , Du cumber Klili. IHi , ' . for the olllul.il ad virilslnB for the elly for the yuur intu , In au corOnnco jvlllibccllim HCIof the ulmrtur. A ! nilvurtUoliontb for ilr city lo Do conheiutlv in thu IMWI iinU he.idud "Oily Adver tUumcnln. " The bliln blionld npeelf prlco nur B'l'iiro ' of ton lines nunnaiio foi llrt , sueiind. Ihliti. nnd Ihon for ouch milj henuont Insiirllnn. I-.ni'li bidder to onoioso curlllli'il ohocK of f UKlW ) . The rl ht In rcMorvo ' to reject any or ail bldh. TUlo : > owNi , : C'oininruller. Omaha , ) b.1 Uuc. 7tb , Ib'Ji ' DU UH HARDWARE. , WHhelmy Lobeck ft Linn ' ' " ' * ' [ < inn on ir mist , _ HATS , ET3 W , A , L , Gibbon & Co , I Bl"Vi' Mlltl niul llarncr John A. WakefiehlTl Charles R , Lsef timnrtp.liu . , < rli. in Port HnrdMiiiil lumiipr wood liiml r 'ini'iit Mtlwnii cnrpts nml t i ll , . . . l „ , „ ! UQUUR3. MILUNEHY. Frick Herbert , | I. Obcrfcldcr &Co . , . . . . . . . i linv.rt"r nut Jobber > Mulp i\lclliiioritciilers | m iiiiillnrrtiotuni , , , , , , I Mnll orilen iir. . > m lit , IQOI t'nrnnm M. ' ai.--.lv ! - nth M PAPER. I OILS. Carpenter PapiT Co. Standard Oil Co , . Cnnv n full Murk ( it tirlnllin ! , wriiiilnn | | unit llctlnpil nmi iiiir < -itlni "Htliiit tmin'M , curd imiu-r , etc. | oil , nxlo jun'C. etc. OYSTERS. David Cole A Co. , NMi-olPVTlP o Moni fniu'f orlrrj , ' * ' * * liltliI , , PRODUCE COMMISSION , TO ALL OWNKUS OK LOTS Oil PARTS OK LOTS ON SU1KLKY STKUKT FROM liSTll STRliK'U TO SJ9TII AVliNUH. Von are heieby notllleil tlmt the umler- slsneil , lluee ( llslnieiested fieehnhleis of the city of Onnilin. hnve heeu duly niiolnle | | < l liy the imijor , with the ilppiovnl of Ihe city coun- ell of snlil elty , In nssess ( he ilumaKe to thi ) ovvneis lesiieetlvely of the IIII > IPII > allei'teil liv cinillni ; hhliley stieet fiom'Jsth slieet to 'Jillli iivenne , ( leelnieil neoessniy liv oiillmineo No. HUH , wisseil July' ! < ! , IH'J'J ' , ami tinpiovufl July 18 ! , 18'J'J. You me fin ( her notllleil , that havlm ; ac- pepteil said appointment , nnd dul.v qnalllli'il as n'i | till I'd bv lavs , vve will , nn lln ' 1st day ot Hecemher , A. II. 1SOJ , at the hour of 10 o'clock In the finenoon , nt the ollli-e of I ! . \ \ ( ; il ) > n , inom'Jlli , New YoiK Mfe hullilliiK within ( ho poipoiatp limits nf said elly. meet fin the pur pose of eonsldei lii and maUlii ! : Ihe iissr sini'iit. of damage to the ovvneis lespertively of salil piopeity , allei'ted li > sahl piadlnir. taKIn ; ; Into cnnsldeiatloii special lienellls , If any Vou aie notllied to he piesenl at the tlmo and place afiuesuld , nnd mnUe : Directions to or slalemenls conceiiiln1 , ! salil assessment of iiamaue.s ab you may consider innper. It. W. ( illtMN ) JOHN \V. UOHI1INS. \V. 11. UATKSd'JdlOt d'JdlOt ' I'nlille Anelloii of 1'our t'uttiiKPH. On Decemlier'JTlh , lK02at 10 a. m. , Ilieclty will , at nulillc nucllim , sell ( ho follii\iln \ dts- sei ll > ed lionses on the nicinNes to the IilBlient lilddei for cash. Saiil liousos to bo icmoveil w llhln four months , The highest hldiler to di- ) ) oslt WO at the tlmo of sale , the halaneo lo lie paid to the city w llhln one we.ek. The four collates aie situated on lots 7 , H , 0 nnil 10 In Justin's subdivision of lots 1 and - ' , liloclt 10 , bhlnn's addition. TIll'.U. OI.KI'.N , Compl roller. Omaha , Neb. , Dee , Dili , 1802. illOdGt RfflLWRY TIME I.CIIVCH K'lllO/Vj ( ( ) A MIUTMVVI'SI'KIIN Virlvim Oniiilni V. I" iJepiit lOlli nnil Vlnic ) Ms ( minim * 7 20 a in ( IT * , t-nn'yi Ciiriu'l I'IIKMHIKI'I V'M p m Id III n in i liluuo ii : | > n .i . . . . l,05 | i in 4 ( IV p in . . . Vcnilliulo l.linllinl . ii'Jilam 7 on | j in . . . . . . . I nrterii I'lyor 'Viripin ' It4 ! ) P m ll''x bun I ( liln. I'll 11. ( I'x Mini i .I'M urn J"eaW'B l Mlt-M Ultl 1'ACIIMC A rrTvcT" ( _ ) ISlli it-iu VVi-lnlur Hl . ( llllillKV TlO | " ] . . . * , . " I.onls nxprcim 7.M it in 10(11 ( pin 11. I.uuli l.xpri' h T > Ui p in f , | Scbiahkn l.iiriil UMI\I < < I o.VIAl'lA \ h'l' Mil I.- Arrlvm 'I rannrei ! Unlini l.'ep'it , t mincll HliitlB 'I rn nnfer 4.4J pnij . . . . _ | _ . _ ( nnon lull tl 5 put ji-infH" " ! " " CIIICAC.l ) , H , I . "A , l'A ( II | ( nrflviir Cnlun I'opot , Cuunill Illiill * ' 1'iaiiHfor C./ > p in 7. : . "NUIit Lxi'iruiii K.I'I ( Mil ] 00 n in All-intli' Kxpii'cii d 'M p la in . . . .Vi-nllUnln I liulleil r < Hi p la Lcavva K. C. . hT , IOi : , V C. II I Arrlvo * 'i "H * ' r JTnloji JJnuil.J'oiiiicll III linn I'lriumfi ) 1000 a af . . .K'nn iml lly llTiy I'XpieKn d ' ! ! > p m ion pin . .KuriKim ( lly Nliihl KXITOII I. Al a in HI l.'i p m ( > 'M u in Leave * | i Illl AJ ( > , HUlll.'NA Ol'IM V Arrlvnn Triiinifi-'il ( Inlun IVjiiit , l 'u u net I llliilln Tninifcr fOU'iaiM . ( hlcaiii hxfiri' . ! > (0 p m 10.15 p in . ChU'in. ! ) r. | , ii'ea v & n in _ 7.0' | inil _ _ . . . Cn lun I nl.'Ul. 1040 a in , euveB MJtCITY ; \ 1'ACll'IC Airlien" 'J rumfur | injuiijujiut [ ) , ( uuncll Illnltii I itunifiir "jll'u in.tlniix | ( lly Adiiiiiiuiiilutluii iiOOUpni 6(0 pm ! ft i'liul l.xprckH. I VIQnai " ri7iTviT J"l.llTCAtlTT&l [ > wiiTinvi.sTKIIN Arrive * 'J riiniifcil Union dcpoju Coiiiicll Illutli 'liiinufcr JTi6 ii Tn 7 . . . " 7..Tilli-n 7rii : jircim . 5-4(1 ( p III 4.6J pin Yi'MltHilii l.lmllcil | libOnin 7.3J pm KuDlurn I'lycr . . . . Ml p m 7 .VI pm ( Kx Hum Alluntlo.Mull ( Kx Mull B ( a n 7.li u iiiKx buu ) turroll l'u ' . . ( f.x Kuuj , V JO | ' ia >