Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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O1 1 K'h. NO. 12 I'HAHL STUUI7I' .
Delivered by cntrler to tiny pirt of the City
lnrMOniro. . . . . . . . . No-H
N. Y I'lumbmKCo
Council niuffs Lumber Co Conl.
Tbooodmon of the World u ill pl\c n
rotlnl this ctcnlnRnl thcllojnl Aivnnum
jmilois *
Miss Mollic Kirn will h-iuMin rxhlbltlon of
fnnowuik at bci home.'M \ I'oinlh stioot.
Ttuadin and AVodtiPsitnv nftininom this
wcik to wbltli nil her fiionds arc toidlilli
'IlioUt ti'v * lnb will moot this pvonhnr
in tbo lortmr i-oom of the YomiK Men's
( hiiMinii iihsndntlon Ir ) A II Cnitoi pio-
sidln , IAU\ no who is intoieslcil in the
topks of HIP ilin is in\itcd to iitttnd
MniTi IT u i IKPHoie issnrd ji stotdn.\ .
1hi fnlli mppiitlos Voter ( J t/irson and
( bii'i'n ! \n \i \ mdti of , Oinalin. Nlphl .lospph
ti ml M'i inil ) Moi'iison of C'ouiit II Hlufls ,
.Tainrs .1 J-Muir nnd .Tesslo U Holts of
I A mo ( liiiL' of the Ol dor of the Woi Id w ill
bo hold tnimniow exininf. tit the tifliio
if 12 II Shnnfo C K KmbKo , olio of tbu
mipielllt fllli'i isof tlio onloi. will bo pus-
cnt A full attimhiiioo of tbe meinbois is
.1 W Homloi , who Is cmplo.ved on HIP
IH { k Isinnd as .1 stonoimison , Smula\
o.vcnlni' i'ti'iiiilnl | to nmiifiiim ) tlio
I'.iil.s mlI wlmo ho had boon woiklnjr , unit
In old ii li'fr Hi1 was taken to tin- homo of
A P I latii linn K , \ mlIMI ( | tnuUinl atton
'llicMos. liouiloif libel r.iso Is still dl.ift
( ; innalcii in tbo d 1st i lot ( ( lint , to the li'.it
ills iiiolnttni ) ) nt of all i OIK ti nod It will piobi- . linlslu il todaanil ( { hintolho Jm\ .
nlthnuifii n. i > f Iho aUoine\s Rtated Hint
then v is tm t < Ilinjr jHisltUelj holontr it
wolllil lust
fli invllU 1 .lamos. who sued the Union
J'.K Ilk lnil { i\ i nmp inlor ibnmi'os | anil
cot n \ ( Kin t in Iho lomt for t" IHO ,
has not in i hid his nunimjot Yistil'l.iJ
tbe ntlonii ts fin tin1 ininpattt Illi d a nolii o
that tin i isi winilil bo nppe ilul lo the coint
tif it SI Louis
( 'iipl.ilii 1 II t'lmk ooutt i-ppoiter in the
distilot i unit win ! \\tshiiit'tim ! last fill
to nttini1 tlu niti nil cm .iinpini ul of the
Gland Ainu of tbo Ui public , niul took .ilouic
\\itlibimniKin towhuh ho hoiamioi \
innili attm In il Upon bis lotuui bo had
tbo | iit tminml lonlinod m n don in bis bu'k
yniil. \\illi ,11 ha In aiouiid Us nock List
\eiiliiff when ho wintbomoho found that
not onl.v the loon but the chain bud disip
ponied Mr Clailc wishes Tin-Hi i to slate
that if the coon w 111 In in b u k the i bain it
Jimj steal awai itsclt and nil will bo foi-
V illii'silnllnrnliiK 'I' ' " Muslim Mnrolll
I'liiiK nil Sail ! a spci I il I'nKliisi ; ul .11) ' )
l.iulli H' ( .tirini his nt > O 1'i't Ci'iit Hi IIIH
liinntiii tun r's 1'rli i"i. ,
The IJoston Store. Council JMuffs , bus
Bucmcd another biu ; attraction for tbe
ladies Ttoad eaiefully tlio following nceued lust wool : fiom one
of their eastern buiora by Fothutint-
liiim , Whilolaw & Co. : '
Bivnil VHION , N. Y. , Doc. 7. 1892
Fotho > inf'ham. Whitoltiw & Co. , Coun
cil UUiflH , In. : lliuo jiiat imiclmsud
from the wtdl Iniown linn of CFi.iiloi
Hoinan iSs C'o. the b.ilunco of their Htock
of Indies' Rtu mentH , mostly litjht coloieil
nnd tur tiimmcd coats and clonUs , atflf
cunts on the dolltir. This should bo n
very good drawing card for you at thu
season. The ( jojds RO forward by cv
psosstodny. .1. UU.IOTT DODD.
ThofeO Kiirmonts will bo placed on Hale
( Wednesday morning at jlau htec prices
nnd to m.ilto the biilo still moio in to rest
iiiff the present stocl : of coats and cloaks
will bo placed on halo at the same titm
at cost. BOSTON STOIU ] .
Council Ulutls , la.
A musicnlo , under the diicction of
Prof. Herman Swanhburp of Omaha
will ho fjlvon at tbo Scandinavian 13ap >
tist church , corner 7th avenue and 711
Btroot , Thur-iilny evening , Dccumbor 15
Adinisfaion , 2oc
/ . r.iit i < ii ; n'7/s.
Louis Hcnn loft \ostcnl.ij for
Kov L A Hull leftist 01 dnj for Hoonc
A < , niil Sale nl Dollh.
The Indies ol Council Bluffs invar-
inoly know a } jood tiling wlion they sc
it , and that is why eo many of then
> voic on hand at the Boston store at
o'clock last o\oninjr. Dolls worth 5
rents woto t > old at" I/ / ) cents each , no
more limn two to the customer , and ii
nbout mi hour some .r > ( )0 ) to 000 dolls woi
handed out It was a great e.ilo in it
way , but incidentally it may bo ic
marked that it wasn't a inaikor to wha
the jjtont coat halo , wnich bonins nox
\Vodiiobdaj at the Boston sto-o , will be
The snow and cold weather docs no
diminish the demand for acreage in th
Kloln tiact , SJJ miles cast of the poil
clllco ; 'iOO acres jot for pale in from on
to ton aero tracts , suitable for fruit an
Riirden. Day & Hess , agontb , ! ! 'J 1'oai
Smith MiIVcc. .
.1 W Smith , the loulldeiKO man wli
\voikedtwoor tbico giangois and has boo
Hpendlng a couple ol weeks in the oily ja
> \ hlluilliii ! ( , ' foi a pioliinlnniy heanng , I
likoli to escape thu lonseqnciiLcs of hi
wiling doings unless some ol tlio lallwti
lompanlcs get n irnno on tlionibpUcs in III
ncnr futnio Iboio mo two deir i.isi
ngainst him , in ono ol wlii < b tboktim w.
an Idaho man and in tbo otbiT bo lives .
Mnhoin , In The limltngton ollli lain woi
iciincbtod to fninibb tmnspoitntion fi
tiio Mnlvcin man to this iltv , I
older that ho mli-lit lilonlif.N Smith an
iommcmi > n ulmimil proseuitlon ngaiii' '
him 'Jhls tbolofusul to do 'Ihn Unit
Pncillc otlk ills b.ivoiinnomii id tlii'li willlni
nebs to biing tbo Idaho man li u K 11 be wl
( omo , lint lib tbo amount ol vbk-li bow.
nibbed was .small it h vco doubtful If 1
will i omo to inosoonto
Vostpidav iimining Smith \\.is Inonglit b
foioilndgo Mi fii o and sontonied to a toi
of thiitv dajh inllioiountx lal ! fur \iigianc
and w hllo ho is sin v Ing out bis time aiiolh <
olToit will bo made bv tbo ollli his to imhli
the HuilhiKton ionipanv to l.iKo the matt- -
in liand
( illlllll IHslllM. |
The iJOBton Store , Council BiulTs , In
has got on its ( 'hribtmatj tjnrh and :
toady foi ; C'liriHtimia trade. Never h
fore wm the collection bo IMIO m :
beautiful ; everything tint can 1
thought of to maKe Iho did anil youn
luippy. On our t-oioml lloor wo nho
oor.tiling in the lov and 1 oolc lino.
Mnlo your put cluife.s now uliilo tl :
colloctlon i lai'k'e ; goods can hoHtoio
n\vay until ciillinl [ or or dolivoiodi
unv time fipecilled.
Wo show bv far the larcest collectir
inobtorn Iowa Our ImiulUoiohl
line , this cannot bo excelled.
Our line of 'ma in niullh , capos , otc
it the largeil we have ever bhown. S (
them ; get our prici b.
Cicnts1 scarfs in teoUs and fodi-n
hands ; we have n largo iibsoitmunt , sp
cially ordeiod for Chribtmas , put i
one in a box ,
Ilc.uliostb ; see our col oction at l"j
.Ro. 4.1) , , ) ( ) , 75e to ifa 00 , the most bea
tiful collection over bhown.
_ Council Blulltf , la.
Coal nnd wood : best and cheapo
Mibsouri hard v > oed in the city ; prom
dellvety. II. A. Cox , No.1 .Main.
Some Lively Lwlngjihy Result Front the
Kailwny Complications ,
Vrr.v Kctlcnto I'ulnts Ilil cil tiy HIP
( Jit < ' llnin In Controtrro } lluu tlio
ItcMilt Will AH.ct tlio
Inti roils.
The trouble over thornllwavj'rosslnpat
the corner of Avenue A nnd Klslitcpiith
sticct is not settled , and" the prospect now is
that tbo eomts will hive a chain o to act ns
mediator between the pnllos Tlio vvatcli
tint was stntliinod ly the motor comp inv
Sinnliivnlnht tos-o tint no attempt w is
nnido to undo the woik of the nftoinoon In
taking up tbo oiosslm ? h id nothing to do but
watch Yostoidiiv moinlmr the motor loin-
pain tiled a petition foi a vvi it of injuni tlon
toiostuiin thoL'nlnn Lind iindlmpiovonunt
lompinv , . .lolmV Paid , the Omaha
Lind i nnii ] niv ami the Inloist.ilo Hiidjio
lompinv fromlntorfciingin anv w.iv with its
peat cable ami exclusive possession of Ave-
nno A nnd Kightcenlh sticot The wilt was
issnul bv Judge Smith , nnd the defendants
weic oidoud to come Into disti lot torn t this
mm nlng for n lic.u Ing of tbo case
'I hoio was n fo ir ospicssod hi some of the
clti/onsof Comiiil Hlulls.M'stoid iv the
iRlion of I'.iul nnd tbo impiovomont lorn- M lllng out to the List Omaha Lind
tompanv might blast tbo hopes that bad
boi n aionscd noi thwost Cumuli UlutTs
v\.is to hoi omo a nmnnl.n tin ingnnter 'I bo
111 st Oinnli i lomp.inv is bo.ivilv intoioslod
In land m , the west sldi of the ilvoi , and it
VMIS n itmallv infori od that tbo ki \ to tbo
situ it inn now being In their hands , tho\
would soi > k to dhiil lo l.aU Omiilia anv
inanufai lining ontuipifsis tb it might sick
to loiato In Coiliii 11 Hlnlfs Mi Paul stills
that ho bus not sold anv thing to the I last
Omihn ( omp in ) CM opting his i illvv is and
i.iilw.iv fi.un lilso. Ho still lotahis Ins ( no
peitv , ami has at Ibc sime time sociiud
lonti.u'ts fium Iho Last Omaha companv
whiih will picvont anv dlsiilmnmtlon
iiu linst Cumuli Hlufls nnd he iig.uds his
situation now as moio favol.iblo foi Coiiiu il
Illuirs th in it was bcloio His scbi'iiio for
building ui > a m inufaLlmin distiat is still
Our Impcn t ml Point.
'I ho question win tbor tbo motoi I'
Is a i.illwa.v within tlio mo.ining ol tbe
United States laws is likilv to nit something
of a llgmo in the piesi nt Utigntkin and Iho
picsont ditlUnltv mav icsnlt in blinking it
liofot o the com t for a decision It lias tome
up hit nlontail ) on n number ol occasions in
L.ISCS that have been tiioil hoio , but tbo
romp inv IMS been \oi \ i hai v ol pie idlmi erin
in anv vva.v adinlttiiu that thov une.i i.iil-
v\av lompm.v 'Pinstatntisot Iowa piovide
that lailwavs missing otboi i.iilwavs must
stop their Hams bofoio ion lung the t toss
ing , but no Mali pioviston is made with
leliiiiuo to stuet i.nlwa.v iiossm s ' 1 ho
statutes of the United States piovnlo that
anv hi idge owned or ion ti oiled b ) n railwav
loipoiation m iv bo nsul bv nnv other lail-
waj lompm.v on the pavmintof n jnopor
lompoiibition If the moloi lompiny is a
iailw.iv loinpany , anv othci motoi lompaii )
would bo u r.iihilompm.v also
nnd time is nothing to bimlci
n lompotlug lomp ms fiom lonnng in and
lonipellmg thu motor lomp.inv , at some limo
In the f'ttmo , to sliuo the budge upon
u huh tlii > \ i linn now to have a monopols
Tbo n suit ot this vsas that the motet com
pany would not claim that the Paul lailwaj
was icquiiod bs law tostopbefoio dossing
its Hacks , but tiled to compel Paul bs a
game of fiot/oont to tome to its touns
Paul's ictison for i of nsm to coinpli witb
this ilomnml was tint it is i ustomaij for
stieet car companies ahv.ys to giv 3vaj to
radio id ti.uns , and unless the motor com
pany will ionic in and claim the benefit ol
the statutoi'i logulations it will have to
tight for vvli itovci it gets The motor com-
iianv is thus placed in a i.itlicr cmb.uiass-
ing | iosition ami it lemnns to bo scon liosv
it vsill get out
.111. runt Multi sn Stiitc'ini lit.
Mr 1'aul was a little moie talkative
vostcidav than on Satmdav. He explained
his piov ions icticoncc osei disi losing his in
tentions conccinlng the ciossmgs and tlio
silo of bis railw.i ) intcicsts , on tbo gionnd
that theothei p u ties LOIILCI nod pledged lim |
to seciccv U\pci ionic , too , had taught him
to Keep i lose mouthed in ic aid to business
Nos\ that 'I m DLL had got bold of tbe vs hole
tiling , ho ill-sued lo have it staled that the
putting in ol theciossingdiilnOtoau oanv de-
lav to the eai is m ; ' of mails Ho aluosi aped
fiom under the ihai o ot h ivin violated
his pcisonnl pledge that the uossmg slionlil
not bo put m until a uintiait bad boon
signed in leg.nd to tin. lights and duties of
eailiinitv lie savs that lie did not put in
tlio uossmg , but that it was tbo woiU of the
Omaha Biiilpo and Toimmal comp inv to
i , vshom lie linil sold out all inteiost in Iho
' r.ulw.i ) .
iVmong railssa ) men thuo isionsideiablo
discussion nnd no little mteust manifo'.t
ionioinlng Ilio action of the motoi companv
in pulling out the ciossmg nftoi it had be-on
piopcils put m Numoious cases could bo
iceallcil in wbiib ciossmgs had hi en put in
, 'onitlio sneak , " but it seemed i atliui a nov elt )
to b ivo one pulled out Somopicdlcllonsvveia
made that the motor comp m\ bad laid itsolt
liable to being pi iced nt a ills idsantago m
case of litigation 'llioso who put in the
iiossing claim to have complied with the
law , nnd to have taken possession bv inn-
ning an engine and over it Tssont.v-
sovoniar loads of mitciml for the now
biidgc bavoiome m over the Chicago , I3ui-
lington .Si Qumcs i.iilvsa.v , and it the in
tention to t ike those over the line tc
the site of tbo now Iniilgo. Aftoi lunninp
nn engine and tinee cais over tbo classing ,
and while tbo i tow hid gone after othoi
cms , the motoriompaii ) tom the ciossmjj
out Suggestions mo inadu that licavs
s damages will bo demanded of this motoi
comp inv for causing delaj in the constiuc'
tlon oC the biidge
o Kuiii.MmoSili' .
s At the K\uii3 shoo sale Sntuiday the
s high-water mat k wab re.iehod , aiiil the
, t day elobod with the largest biisme-t
o donoduiiny Iho joitr. boxoral time1
11d 11n during the afternooii it was ulino , !
d ncueib.u v to close the doots , and al tin
it timu tbo riottd of customers was Inrfjot
itil itn th in could bo RitUfnt'torlly waited upon ,
The of all this rush
o uibo wan siinplj
il the fact that the veiv bust gondb thai
is etui bo bought on anv "market in thu
10 woild were bointf tet.iilod at prices fai
below the iiauul totall ll u 'o , antl UH the
{ 'oods were of the uli.iractor required bj
all uliibbos of poopiO there wns a Liunora
oulonrliiT ] ! to HOI tito thu bar niim ii.iuk
bo tluii oucrhli nppieeiablo by the ooh
The tmlo will conlinuo until the 1st o
January , anil the pcoulo outside o
Council niulls nnd Oinaliu w 111 bo i o ich
iiitf for tlio b tr nlns , and for their ac-
coinmodntion tbo mail 01 tier dopai'tiueni
will lecoivo siieciiil attention ,
Not Hiuili'il Viler All.
The fi lends of M Ci Uobhibon and Mis
Oi.tcu Anjjtin , who we'io hiipKisi'd | lo Inui
be'e'ii nutiie'd in SluuCh > List b.itnidaj
may la'e p tholi pie-sc-ntH.niil the'il lon iattllu
tloiib for awhllo , for tlioweiidingdid uott.ik
jilaiu as anildp.itcd
Miss Aiibtin and her attoini > iN A
fi nl \\i\\i \ \ iitninrdfi u si ititIvlhof
Hi'm In fi vnv ilisw t'ul fruit f imil
After ttnhlnsm was auta'M he inr'with n
ihnigodf he nt whlih Wai ns iwlili u n 11
was oiiisfai tots to MMnstln nn I .IKHI" ' !
to ho nun did ut omo 'I he puts
vvrnt to n hotel for Iho nlsht.
It belnp nrrnngod that the icto
inonj would take plmo the next inotnltiL' nt
tio'iloik Untvvhilp the brldo prospoctire
anil her nttonicvvoro slnmbotlnit sweotlv
Uoblnson took the matter Into bis own hniuls
anil after p iv Itior his bill to tin night clerk
loft for the depot and took n train for puts
unknown Ills absence was not disi-oveicd
until the next forenoon , when Mr Crnwfotd
became vvenrv of waiting for him tn come
down nnd grace the festal occasion and undo
tin investigation , which icsultcd inthodls
< ovciy that the bhd bad down a sciond time
Crawford states th it bo will Invo Uoblnson
i cm rested If possible nnd brought back to
Council Bluffs for tiiil.
'lui * Vour Kt
WAVI-.UM , in. , Nov. lo , 1P02.-O. 1) .
Bruce Tudor , osq. Dear Sir : Af'.ci'
wearing your glasses for three weeks I
foul I cannot my enough fo" ihcin , nor
for , vour sdondld | tnethol of Bktllful
filling. Vor the past oightnen jonrs 1
h.uobc'en'a const mi sutUirer from do
lectlvo si jlit , ( compound m.vopic n"-tip-
in tnlion ) Nothing I could get was
halihfactorv until your o\nmliiaton ! ,
whloli 1 noticed was strictly scleMilillc
and inspired mo tit once with c nilidonee
In vour ability. ] new have notliniculty
in rendinc the lincst typo by day or
night , and to all those in need of clntsosi
1 most cheat fully recommend you as a
Hcienlitlij optician.
.1. i : PoMntcn.M. 1)
Mr. Tudor will bo at their agents' , P.
G. Schneider , druggist , fi'JO Broidsvnj ,
Council BlulTs , on Thursday , December
lo. ' If jour spectacles do not suit vou ,
or vou think jou havoanj tlilngtho matter -
tor with vour o.ves , consult him. No
charge for examination.
Itr.l lll.M'll Ml. % 1 COAIINC.
til ) COIIIU II CiitthiK llnun I\IH : n is \\li it
Min lliiiluUi n i\lias. : '
The iilloiiin 11 liold a quiol mootim ; vts-
teiilav ay 01 noon for the put pose of consider
ing the ailvisibilitv of gottini ; out their n\o
nnd cutting olT a 01 two in outer to cut
down tbo oitv expense The olllco of the
cltv engineer ssas tbe ono comment od on.
audit was decided to lop ( ill two heads thoio
and limit the ton c to tvso men , tbe inglncoi
and assistant S L Ktn.sio
Tliedtv attoinc.v and tbojndii i irs inm-
mittec wcio insttutted to linil out what
mcmbois of tlio muneil bad icicivod fees
whlih tbo.v vvoio not entitled to and icpoit
at tbe next mooting Stops will then betaken
taken IminodintcU to lompol tUm to lofnml
the monov thus unlnwfiillv taken It should
bo stated th it no notion ss ill be nocoss n.v in
the < aso of tbo piiscnt incmbcis of tbe
conniil. fiom the fait that thov did not got
ofllio until after the stoim which losnlted in
tlio iciont doi ision of tlio supi cine comt In
the case of L T Wntounan against the i itv
of Comn il lllnffs had boi n blowing lor some
1 ho amended lominon c.iiiier oidinimo
which the countv attoincv was insti noted to
diavs up at tlio last mi oting was lonsidetcd
Two amendments vsoic nisei ted , onool whicb
] ) iosidod that licenses foreominon cauiiis
mav bo tiansfoiicd upon tbo pivment of a
tiansfer fee of * 1 r > 0 , nnd the other tint no
one loss than 1(5 ( joais of ago should bo
allowed to diivo a licensed vehicle 'Iho
oidin nice vsas 10 id twice nnd then allowed
to go ovei until the next meeting under the
HO rtiirn
Being frequently in god to soil smal
portions of my farm , 1 have at last do
elded to plat 200 acius of Entorpi'ifio
Place , familiarly Known as the Scott
farm , and to begin the fcalo at once in
live and ten aero lots. 1 have placed the
same in tbe hands of Groonshields ,
Nicholson & Co , who will act in the
matter as my exclusive agents. Fruit
giossors , gurueiiois and those who want
the convonienoes of a city combined
with all the advantages of the richest
farmincr land are now given a rare op-
poi lunity to do so. M. Torr.
Don't All' , i I Cuiiiull Itlnlls C. O. I ) .
The recent failuioof Ed N. Brown's
C. O. D. grocery in Omaha and the sale
of the South Omaha stole does not
affect the C. O. D. establishment in
Council BlulTs run bv Eli Brown. The
Council Blufls house will bo i in. on n
laigor scale than over , and the people
of the twin cities will still have a chance
to buy gi ocoi ios at wholesale prices.
The groitor p'irt of the Omaha stock
has been moved to this bielo and stored
for future disposition in an adjoining
bulletin g. _
iu-ji : i.rni ) IN I > IAIII.
lniiilis | sust ilnril Ii ) Itr iltoni in P.\li-rn > \ < '
1 atlil 'I hi ) liiiini'it.
.TohnP.slo the Milwaukee biakoman who
wasiunovci in tbo j.uds Sunday night ,
died sostonlav ' .t o'clock at the
Women s Cbiistian association hospital ,
wboio be bid been moved foi ticatmcnt
He never logaincd consciousness after lie
was foundand nppc.nanecs indicated that
his death was a painless one. His father
and mother , who live at Pens , aimed in
tlio citv in icsponso to a te'lcgiam which was
sent biindav night notifsing thorn of the
accident , nnd icmhod tlio hospital about live
minutes nftoi his death lie was an onlj
son , and the giiof of his mother , when she
entcicd the loom and was told for tlio Hist
time that bo bad pissed awaj , was tumble
to see.
An inquest was hold jcstoid.iv nftcinoon
at U o clock at Lslop's nndoi taking looms
Tbo evidence did not losnlt in tbo aseeitain-
ing of man.v of thopnticulnisof the tiagcd )
Tbo.vonng men niiivod in the eit ) In the
tnaniing and spent the whole day heie Ho
had never been in the habit of diinking , but
he spent a good sharp of the nftcinoon at the
B.iloons What had become of him was not
knossn until fully twont ) minutes after tlio
ti.iin which had inn oscr him had passed ,
nnd lie was foumi Is ing by the side of tlio
ti.ick witb both limbs nmpntatod near tbo
knee Tbo limbs woio houiblv mangled
ne.ul ) as far upas the hips 'Iho voidictof
thoioionot's Jnr.v was that ho mot his death
hi being incidentally innuvoi by an engine
on tbo Milwaukee timk , nnd no blnmo was
nttiic'hi'd to any one The icmnins woio
taken to Pen ) last evening lei buiial.
1 For warintncr gnost chambers , b.tth
I looms , etc. , our ijas heaters nio juat
what you want. Look atthom. Clean ,
eonvonient cheap. C. 13. Gaa nnd Elec
tric Light Co.
Doyond all doubt the largest .and most
complete stock of holiday goods at low
est piicos is at Davib1 , the leading drug
gist and potfuiiier.
Hrlghtor than gas , cheaper than elec
tric light and as beautiful as n uroara
thuo now art lamps at Lund Llros.
Morli cit u suf.ik 'I hli f ,
'Iho losliloiii'o of ( Jluiles Williamson , al
thiuoincrot 'Ihlrd .nonno and rifU'cntl
bticot , was liuiKlitii/i'd hist oNoniii1 , ' ahoul
7 oMoi'lc The front dooi had been left nn
loclte-il wliilo the fanillj wcio at htippor h
tlii'ioar pait of the house When thej
e.uuo in tlioj found the fiont door am
the things in the fiont loom had luci
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
! 0
'P '
l < rtUlh iriiupliU r < ti n n 1 rmr \ M
Wil'ill till lliy inn I' ' MM \\l'li '
i > ii ntid flit Jj > i , iMi ulil li
liml lfi ) ii loft hlii ' fin the In il tti u fi nxl lo
Ito tnlH iiitf A sli kiwi hiul I'i'i 11 * > t n u ik
In * minimi llir jil.uv fliort time liiroii but
n > niil | ( < tc lU'sulfitlon < > r him liiul not boon
_ r _ _
| irrlil 1ltillilnjinlc Cor Mm.
At the Council Hluffa Cm-net Store for
two weeks , for tlib Ufrioflt ol gonlk'inoii
who dcsiro to tnhku presents to their
livtlv fi lends \Vhtt : Is lmml omcr or
will bo better npjirci'hited than portloi s ,
lueOCtllltlini'1OtlOllllUI9lieilrpOtS\\COpOr ,
rugs , especially fur rtigg , for n snowy
Cliilstmns ? Mall orders yU on especial
Wanted Cash" olfer for ten
CHI/en's StUo "built " stock. Must bo
sold. Address M If. Sheate.
Do you smoke ? 1 1 wo you trlod T
i ) . King & Go's 1'a.i tneosV Jt'd u
charmer. Just llchtonu.
Gentlemen , the linost nno off.illuoola
In the oltv , jtit riieoivod. Koltor , thu
tailor , 810 Uioadwnv.
Holiday photos cut wice * * , SI < > 0 for
cannot * , fu . " 50 days Cott.ino gallery ,
llle\'s { old stunt1. .
Gold pans with folil huiulloi in mo
rocco e.ts-es only $1.00 til. Crock \ \ ell's.
Coal mid Wood. Sickutt& I'roston ,
GS ! ! Hi omlwtiy. Tolepbono II.
Oroclcwoll Is in the nwim in the toy
biflnoss , and don't forgot it.
Sco the o oil healers ut Swixlno's , 7J7
Uiondwtiy. _
L. 1' . , ] uiloiicl\ili < n.Miioori2Sn'v\ny. } ; !
Scott lionsr > ; fjooil no ird : low rates
o -
At U nliili'l Intnl.
While t lie show at WoniU-i niul Illjmi
theater M'fH' not ni smooth it
should h.uo lion it.H ho.iitih iMiJovid In
u l.upe uudtoiuc With toil.n s pin foi m
iinot's all ilrlVilsill bo UMiirdiod. the ill i-
IOKUO and .ution ( | tililciMied , mid : in oMollint
pii'spiit.itloii of Ibis lonmntir lush ili.nn.i
will bo phon 'Iho spoii.ilU | < uition
or the is abo\o iiituisin
The e-\0r f.uoiito IVnton biothns
aio ilolnn , buquest , tinsame
skotih pii'soiitoil \\lirii lion1 hiCui o .nul H
ih'l'iilM ' lluIiisb ihui u tor to porfi'i t inn
' 1 /iiius.iio anothiT ( tonn 'lbo\
] in sriit u i lo\oi .u t in iimirii. tom iiuiinjj b\
iloliboi.iloh t'liltniK a nun s lu'.til ofl in full
iool the audiom o lloinitli and lile\ | )
intinilnooil a lollnod and clout slniiiiif ; and
dam nii ) tm n and tliontiiiiioHthoplii'iiomon il
diiiitos , C.\uno hlio is a btittoilh in her
lilitiiosi ( , u nioilcl of uiaie mid possesses an thenoss that Is loinaikablo In her
est daiiLO , Ul U\i'olsloi. sbu niipo.ils
this \\ooknnd pioM's lioisolf o < to this
3\ont It is the ci't.isof kkklm : and she
, ; ieks fnlh is lilch us the dinibcuses at tbo
Jiudin Mabillo In Palis
riil .ifo'H Vt u M < illiil l.lhnit.i' .
Ciuc uio , III , Dee 1- lltbo terms of an
nptccmont Just puf cited , tbe Now bet t\
i.uillbao one of the most \.ilnible
mcdieal Hbiniles in Aineiioa and the ilo\ol-
hiK nucleus \\lnt\\illpiobablj boooino
onoof the laiKost of Its kind in the \\oilil
This is assuml by , the notion of Di .lobn 15
Hamilton , sLiiolaiv of tbo bond of tiustoos
of tbo Amiiiean .Moilioal nssoi i.ition Tbo
Now bom libiai\ to beoonic the i nstodian
of tbo h IKK ) incdiifil winks boloiiRint ; to the
tissoiialion , wlilob aie noin tbo Smith
sonian Washington mid will also
bo tbo i ustodlan of all .idditloiib w hub tbe
ussoi Litton maj licieaftor make to itb med
ical libiat.\
'Ibc tiansfcr will 1)3 m.ule fioin AVabbiiii ;
ton ns soon as the nc\v biiililing of the Now -
belli libiaij is toady to leceno tbe books
O1U SilOU ill > 4'lM.tsKl.
Neb , Doo. t'J [ bpecial Tele-
grim to Tnr. Bi r ] At 11 'JO tills cenimj a
light snow is falling here with indications
pointing to a boavj fall.
2 Imltnesttnn , ITantof .Injiellta , Fiillnc
Ji nfler Mrala , Fonffffifa , Sicl.nrnl r/Jj
HtoinnrlttJlilio\tB or Jim1) ' fVm- *
jilnlnli , Side llrii < lttclitC < il < l CMllj , !
its , and All AVrioiis Affcctloiia. J
. To euro these cnn-plnlnts wn inur.t romova c
Jlhoouso The principal mum la Renmllr
{ In bo tnnnil in Ihn ntoaiiicli mill llvcrt ! > " ' *
\ltirnf \ I tn olflnm rilJtattcinlllflltie irtlt From \
; IHO tn four Pills nice a tiny for a short tlraa y
1 lll rcinoM ! Ilio cul. nnd ruttoro the sufferer
j to Boimil timl InttliiK htsHb. f
5 Of nil ilriiRclita I'tlco T cents n box. J
No\7 ork Depot , ,4C5 C'annl bt.
Special Sale at Reduced Prices
Dining December ,
Fplcos CislnT" , Color , Ti ! cKers. Non 5tvlo
Illuclis , 1'immpes nnil Cmillions , Mo u IUc .s ,
Soulc'S mid'-prhu'Hal iiifes , Itiitchoia' Co its ,
Troe-ks , Caps , otc.
D. H. IcDaneld & Co. ,
820-822 Main St. , Council -Bluffs , Id.
Omaha Medical and Surgica
Best facilities , nppir iUis ami loniodlosfnr the
Biie-eessful tri'.ilinoiit of < t\arv form of
illsouse" . iciiulfiii r nii'iliculor
Hiir K'nl ircitinout ;
,15 boils for p iluniH lie nl ami uttomlnucu.
Itchiuie-iiiniiitxlntlniis In thu nest.
\VrltJ lur cliciila'K on lUfuruiltloi uiul liriiri'i
trutiai ! ! * tluli trot cur aturrH i f Kpltin | ilUi ttiiu
orn iiuit.i'1 i alarm lrijiu.liUla liilmlntlun clicirlo
Ity paralyuli oiilluinf klilnny liltlilur ru uir
skin mill blood in it ull nurulciil o | > uriillone
of nuiiieMi 1 I IKK \ > 'o lima luteli itililttln Irliii ; In
ikp utiutnt fur womi'ii durln.rontliitmunt ftrlctly
prltittii duly Hclliblu iledkal lintltiuo uinkliiK u
uptclull ) ' of
All Illoud Din tisca Bucribif nil ) tiuulail Frplill
Itlo 1'uUoim ri'inovt il fniin I ho KJMIMM wll'iuut ' inor
cury .No IT llniornthti iKutmunt lor | , o s of VI
'JAli I'OWKII I'ermiin uniiLlo \liltuimiiyoo
troatcil nt homo by corrcapiintlunca All ( ( iniitiiinl
tntloin KinlliliMitlnl Mtilklnuj orluitrumuntu en
by mnll cir u < i > niei > ecuircl ) piKkfit noiunrota
liiillculd i oniLMie. or riniUr t no ( iiTtonul Inlii
vlow pn-forrcil Call nnil uinxiilt iniirfonU liUtory
of jour insu nnd o will loml In plain n rjppor our
nnniTn illUIM ' HKB upon ITU mo tpociii
or ncr ouB Il ) oi o iniiio
lone ) SyplillU , dlectund Viulcocclo , with ( juonfui
llracoi AM'llunn | ' > 9 for lloformlllo * nnd Tnnsos
I nl ) niumifnUory In tliu noit of
DKrOHSmV AI'l'l.lASCKS TltUiSKS , lU.Bjr
UlC ' . . '
lU'rifcllll.B AND ItH.l'a
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
2Oth and Broadway , -unoll Blalfi
'lin nilnnlca rlitu from ccnti r of Oinitlu onUm tliu
und louncll lllatt' I'lotulc inutoi llnu
Don't bo deceive 1 by l < rnorc.nt ,
iitHiTiipnlonH fnklrs ntul conll-
dime men , n < niinUng to nffor
" tndlnn Hemrdics , " nnd who
pretend Mint their nostrums nro
made by the Indinna.
nnil ottirr Klcknpoo Intllnn
Itomoillp * nro Till ! ( IMA ( Jt-M1.
' 1 lit' word " Kli Knpou" l rops- .
righted unit the } druc not steal
got "KU5\npin IJoniiMllP , "
ll li llnillnK Agents , r.'Jl ( iianil Avc. , Ni w
lliniMi , < I. 'lho i pi nuliii liulhii Hi iniilks .uu
not pciltllcd but me oi > lil nt nil ill UK slnirn.
E1 7 c. < tamntnpaj | pi > t.
u | | | nm | | jM1 | ru ,
tlirllllnk- Hint lnli'n "lt Inlori'illn t Imok nl 171
II-BP . i-ntttli-l "IIIKMI iLh.XLs AJ1U.MJ
lilt Ml hAl'OO IM1P.NS "
TrlM nil limlt the liiiilunj.
fliny Ii tlr nr uliUlcrrorliniiRcil
Mill It 11) ll"lll l < Mlplll | ( Illllll ( It tills ! ) >
linmilsn | tmtin il < iliu , m N liisliui < imr
1anil tiiiitalii < * Moltilm ; Iniu | Inni to tinliulr. .
Sold li.vilin Kl Is , in lll ln < s < nt dim ( i-lpt
< if iirlc , yi.uo. ( III.I i ; .11) ) I'm k IMiiee , I. . Y.
PANSLfi , Mi D.
Tlio CoaJ Sfiraritsn. 20cais' Eiptiicccc.
WOtlKN. J'ISdritlUTOlt Of TJUtL" ,
t treat the following Diseases :
Catarrh of the Ilend , Throat , and I tings : Dig.
casosof the K > c ciicl Lir , TltSTail Aixjjiloxs , Heart
Disease , I tvcr Complaint lliluc % Cpmjilalut ,
PJorvous Dobllfty , Mental Dopros-
eion , Loss of r.-Tcnhoot ) , Seminal
Weakness , DlnbctesBriRht s nhcaso , St Vltus'
Dance , uTiciiitiatlsra , I'arpljfilhito S.vclling ,
Scrofula , rover Sores , Cancers , Tumors
and Fictula In nno rcmovoct without
the knife or drawing a drop of
blood. Women with hir delicate orpt ns re-
Btored to health Uropay cured svlihout tapping.
Special Attention given to private
and Venereal Diseases of all Itlnds.
85O to SHOO forfeit for nny Venereal Dis
ease i cannot euro without mercury.
Tape Wonns reruos-cd in tsvn or three hours , or uo
pay. Iliiuorrhoi la or I'ilus cured
Will eave life and hundreds of dollars by calling
on or using
ThoonlyFhjhlclnn who can toll what all (
a puisnii uUliDUt .iskliiR n quuntlun.
All corrcsjionilcnce elrlctly confidential. Hedlcin
sent by express. Address ah letters to
I ; BHEB 2-31
5S6 Broadway ,
Council Bluffs , I o A'a
" \\rAMI.D A pupil nurse nt tlio W C. A'hoi
' pltul , cor I th n\pnnoanil nth ntrL'ct , mint lu
lLtwem JO unit Mi ye'ars olil , of HOO 1 moral ehurio
tcr. Apply nt oiici-
/"lOODulrl nante'il for Kcneral lioiuuiTork
\l\n \ family Wi I ourtli ctreot _
ixrAMiiD-bKcosi ] 1.1111 , , SVACJI.S HIM i-i'it
' 1 woclt Apply to Mrs. llurnic1 L\CTLU , M a\c-
HUB niul 8lh mri'OI Council lllullB
T > TlfUcJILir \ > nnteil at Itllii ) .V blicrrnilln B
1C pholDgrnpli k.'illory loiinill llliiirs
" \\rAMl.D-At once1 , .1 or < KOOI ! iso 1 cornlco
in i. k era bloail ) Job for the rlkht uicn 1IJ
( irahl Aon , Council IJIiKTh
17O11 IC\CI1AAJK A ulco liomoonH "tli jtrec-t
-L ucnrotli a\unup. clear ofcncumbrnnco , for homo
In Omaha llauscom I'laoo or Kountzu I'laca pro
fcrrcit SVI1I put 111 $ < , SJJ dlRuroico Orooaihludi
Miholqun A. Co _
iWll li\i H \ > ( ll-ooil t room hiuisu on Mjillh
_ Sthjitroct foj1 laml ( ) romi liL.I | Ii Menolion , V Co
AliSl HAOl.t niul loans Knrm nuil iltT pfoT orTy
buiiubt and sold I'uioy & 'ihoiimi , Council
FARM nnd city loani Monuy loauuil on utoui
and Krnln lion ) I'ltnlu for sulo Dwollliu KM I
liuHlnciv rontalfi Mons ) luttiod for local Inventors
I oiiKi o A I mvli'J' < I'onrl i-ln ut
) Central MID
'a loin In Million H nit I
3j IntH In llnyllst fi 1'iliuurV
rj loin In Mnyno * Iht
SO lots In I'ottur .t Cubb't.
21 lollIn Hiier n mli
15 loth In llucr ail I
-2 linn In .
IB loin In Hiilohltuon a uJJ.
45lota In lurluy H alii
II lull In III.I.Ik-BII . . II
I JO lotH In SSrlKlit until
Hi lots In IMorwK u aiM
I ot9 tn I'vury aiUltlon to tha city cheap for ci < i i
or on imyiiKMiu call an I nt < u UK .No Iroiilila to
show properly ( .reennh Blili. McholMon t Co
( ' Ai HKS uppur llroa lwa > , nplo'idld pleid tor
' /plnliliu.ihejp lor L.H'I or will uxchan o for
Improved ruililaiuij pronjrly In Council III ills
( .rtciuhloldi > lcholon .V t o
CI A llTiK S"A"N irH1UrrlT lniidTTlcliu t an I iiiost
V lieaiitllul trnpt In rottarattamlo county nuo
1-nU'nirlM ! I'lmo llvu or tun auro lota Uri'un
Bhlclda , Jfi" l0ii | o Ji2lllro ulily
\\rKWASrten acrci of land ltirin llvo inllo ? nf
' city Don t t.iru how roiuli U In ( .Hum
ililnMa , Mcliiilmin A C'u
EM niil'ltisr 1'iai.o for trulti or Kardiint
iiilnirliiin hniupn linn iicrn lota twenty inlniitui
from motor Him t.ri'iiirililul ti Mi.lioUon .v t o
] ' > I'Altsih tn uxilutiuu tor hoiin d atul lots or
KOOdMunnt lotn 1 acn < iof nloiiinidun I in I
fiir nalo at JjJ | i'r .1110 lohimoii X S'an I'Mlcn
I/iH.'ll 1'AltSI Improved u null ! nnd ii half from
thopoatblllcu \ ULIJ * 'i room liiiiix ) Diablo
i'lc \\lll i ! > cliani.u furro hli > iiLj In Council III nits ,
liieu'ililnlila Mili'lUon ' A 1 1
1iACItl s l iulli.ii Irimilty will null at cut If
Uln'n thin MC'uli liroiniililc'liU NUIiiilMin , v co
MOSrfll.V I'AVSIKNrS-lor * ale mmIIv
ruuin hoimo linth room uluctrln llulili , all
inndiTii lm | > rutumi > iU8 , one block fioai inutor A
iiiodul lioino ( iioc'n hled , Mchiiluon , V t n
RKhlDH.Nt K lot M foot fiout llvo lilocks from
llloomi-r Bchool alluri'J for lalo , for Uil
l.rminlileliH clulson i i o
1'OH HM.i ; lit u niirlllcii A eurrc3ionileiit of
oiirn iifcdhu muiiuy roiuoits u * to rvcolvo
oners for lot I bleu * JI. lot ! , , hloLk 'H. lot 5 liluclc
2 ISvoritU nilillllon uml lot 'In block 4 , Ilujrilai
drat uilUltlon KiKetliur or BJpnrnto
Vako iisnn otlur mill > ou will iloutitloi get tliu
- -
MONDAYS In U A pnrlori , clillilron 4 p in ;
uilulu , 7 J ) p ui boclnln Hccoail nuj fourth
Jlondnyn Up ui Miulofurnlihcil | arllo und clubi
Ariilrmi It A l'urlir < Council llliiUs orlU-'J I'urnain
at. Oniali t \V K i haitlier * . Instructor
GAItllAl.i ; removed CB . , | IOH | vaulti and
rlilninu ) < clotuul I ! I ) Durkii eltr til It
I.'IIH b A I , i : cheap a kliliili luijulrv cartiou Coal
1 company
This is the time of year
when the weather puts
in its best licks. Sonic of
our contemporaries ap-
purently are greatly af
fected by what the
weather does for they are
blowing at a great rate ,
but they can't sell
Full cheviot sack overcoats , with
and without velvet collar , in
gray and brown. They are
worth $4.78 , now ' .
Fine chinchilla overcoats , in blue
and black ; yoke and sleeves
lined with silk , with an elegant
cashmere lining on the balance
worth $12.50 , now
All our kerseys , meltons , Irish
frieze , all si os and imaginable
styles , some worth $16 , any of k
them worth $1O to $12 , now. . . . ( V aJ
Beautiful Shetland frieze ulsters ,
in three different shades , extra
longv big collars and double-
Our Oxford gray ulster without
lining , double-faced , S4 inches
long , full length , is very desir
able at $7.5O , now
Genuine Sealskin Caps , worth from $10.00 to $18.00 , re
duced to $5.00 on account of bioken sizes.
In no length of time these snap bargains
will be gone * , so if you want one you must
come quick.
Columbia Clothing Co.
Cor. 13th and Farnam.
To come to the point nt once , let us Infer * that you wan
now clothing. vVo know how you Coslnnd what you want
Whether you hnvo little , or n snug sum tospira , you desire
to get for the amount yea spand the best pj sible return for
your money. In this you are rigtit , and METCALF'S is tha
place where you \vill get it. The pretty styles of suits and.
overcoats nl $ = i.OO , $8 OO , $1O.OO , $12 OO , nrs something
mush superior to suits nnd overcoUs usually olfere.d at
those prices , balng made batter than ever , arid tha fit , style
and fimsn are extraordinarily good.
Winter dnvs fi&i approaching.'will remind mother to take
an inventory of the young hopeful's wearing apparel. Wa
are ready to supply his neads. if it's a suit , trousers , over
coat or a shirt waist.
Our prices are noted for tliolr modesty.
Complete stock of hats , caps n"hd furnshing goo Is.
Mail Orders solicited.
* 5i
BOS Broadway , Eisman building Council Bluffs
" * * *
( "SSSggLSffiffijK
Moro holil limn till ethers ooinblnoil Do not bo douolvod by ItnitUors or by
those cltiiminff to huvo tilmost us gontl u mnuhlno. Hny only the SANDWICH
CORN SHBLLER nml bu protected by ( ilrcut gimtMiitoo from iclfxblo miinufno-
turors You can alwnjs dojiund upon our repairs bolii ' kent in btoolc by nil
douloiB. Aly [ ) | for our a isncy , yonil for catiilo uos und prlcas SANDWICH
NUPACTtrillNG OO , Council I'.lulTs , Towv.
AnhouHor , nuilHolHOi' . Piiimt nnd I'ulo
Kl'GtJ , Ciin leave orders at No. Ul.J
Main Stioot , Couuuil HlulTs , Iowa , or
Telephone Hi ! .
Goods doli\orod pioinptly.
Anlicuscr-Iiusch Brewing Ass'n ,
of St. Louis , Mo.
t'IW ' I'1"1"
J tlou In tno btito und
fctlunl lonrts Honing jC-7-b-H ,
block , Couuuil UUUVa , la.
Funeral Director , Embalm
114 Main Street ,
Council BlulK
Notl < ,
I , fioarfo P. llonils , mayor nf the city of
Oinnhri hure'hy t-uti piilulo nntlcu anil pro-
uliiliu Hint ht. M r > , H nviiiiiii ) fr in I'lth ' blront
toIlli htroot , ljoiiliiton | rivuiiiiii from .Dili
Nil uut to .iilh htrntit , V.'il Hlruul from Duvou-
jini t street to WtiU'.toi htri-ul , und Hamilton
ktrcea froulull xtruut to'Jith htioiit. .iru itu-
thaii/.oil to uu iihcil for lhuiniO | | ! > uof co.ibllnx
( liirln/ the wlnliil of lrtiim !
Uliniiss inv hiinil nt Uinuliu , this8th day ol
Dueiiinbtir , Ib'i.