% L vtr OMAHA DAILY HlWt TljKSDAY , 18 , 1M)2 ) , TBDKRATION OF LABOR MEETS Wage Earncra Assemble at Plilladolpliia in National Assombly. NOTABLE PEOPLE WHO AflE 'PRESENT rrr < li1rnl ( Jomprrn Mul < o < Ills Anniml Ho- | ) tirl--Mrll ii niitl IHlur l.iilior < Jiu ntliun lil rtmnt Tlrnt Dny's K iif thu C'tiiuriitloii. 1'nn.Apri.ritiA , Pa. , Dec. 12. President Compels ojicncd the txx elf th annual session of the American Federation of Labor in In dependence hall this inoinlng. An address ofxxclcome on behalf of the Union Libor leagiieof this city xxasdcllxercd by George Chance of Ti pogrnphleal union No. 2. A lommittro on citdentlals xxas announced nnd the cotixcntlon took a lecess until a o'clock. Among the prominent labor men in the comcntlon , besides Piesldent Compels and Ticasmx-r .lohn II. Linnon of Noxv York xx cio Sect eta r > llx-ans , Noxv York ; Samuel Coodxxatcr , president of the Clg.irtnakcis' union of Detroit ; Chailes Dold of the simo union. Chicago ; P. II. Pciinn , x Ice president of the United Mlnoworkers of Llnton , Inii ; .1. A. Craxvford , state president of the United Mlnoworkers and a member of the federation oxceutlxo boaid , Bnant. Ill ; W C. Pearce , sccretaiy of the United Mine- xxorkeis of Ohio ; P. J. McOulro , vice piesldent of the federation nnd secic- tary of the Brothel hood of Carpenters and Joiners of Amei lea ; 'William A. Varnex" , ncc6ndvico president of the rcdonitlon of PlttslmiK : Hank Valosch , deputy labor commissioner of Duluth , Minn ; H J. Cor- man. Machinists union , Chit ago , O A Tan ner , Theati leal Altai lies union. Pittsbnrg ; .Tames F. Melaxen. Central Labor union Worcester. Muss ; Thomas Manning , Tack- maker's National union , \Vnuon , Mass ; James Duncan , fcdciatlon of Biltimotc ; John Bex ton , Qtiairx men's National union Qtilncy , Mass , loadrr of the gieat granite Htrllto ; A L Nation , Trades assembly. Pueblo , Cole , W B Piescott , picsldunt ot the lntcinatinn.il Txl > ogiaphical union , Indianapolis , Will ! nn Johnson Lithogiaphic Plato PrlnlciV union , WashitigtonV U Ilatton , Iron andSteclwoikeiSj Yotiiuistoxxn , O. ; James J Llnclian. Thomas J IMderkin , Chicago ; Chailos r Uelckets.Henry White , New Yolk , Joseph Valentine , S in Franelbco , and Martin Fox of Cim innatl Attnictt d Attonthin , nx-Picsidciit Wclboof the Amalgamated association of Iron and Steele xxorkcrs at tracted a good deal of notice W. A. Cainex' , his successor , also came'in for his shuc of attention , as did all the men \xlio xx cio engaged in the Homestead sti ike , \xhooccnpiedseats together , close to the picsldcnt's desk. A pot tlon of tbo ( lax's ses sion xxas dexotcd to the consideration of thitgic.it conflict , anil xxhat means xxill bo doxiscd for tbo leliofof the mctixtho luxe been tin-own out of xxoik b\ the htiike At tbo afternoon session the delegates xx eioentei tallied foi ha it an bout by John Sxxintou , tlioNew Yoik journalist , in a - attack " Pinkerton six-age on "Blacklegging , ton Ism nnd Tie.ubcri " Air bxvlnton do- clai-ed ho xxas not discouiagcd by the abandonment of tbo stiikes at Homestead , Buffalo , Conor d'Alcno , New Oilcans anil other places in the last xear These olToi Is , bo assoited , had the cfieot of clucking ag gressions on the xxotUingmen "Thelibor of the conntij , " ho continued , "has been pild millions of dollais this i car xxhiih itxxould surelv baxo lost xxithotit the help of those sinking biethicn The men engaged in these xuas of labor should bo ieniembeie.il * and bonoied for tbeit beixiccs" The BpcaUcr concluded xxith an appeal for the union of all laboi organisations on fund.i mental pilnciples The committee on credentials icpoited bOl delegates eligible to admission and thoic port xx as adopted Piosldciit Oompors announced the mem beisbip of the xtirious committees. ItoHolutloiiHliom ii Tjptralilr | it Union. TlesoluWons xxeto introdni ed at the toques ! of Typogiaphlc.il union No. If ! of Chicago , do nouncmg the ( imposed axxanling of the ton tract for the Woild's fair catalogue to a non union publishing house , and demanding that thoxxoik bo glxen to a union concein I Mas stated in behalf of the icsoliitlons tha tbo pi inters of Chicago had subsciibcd * 1M ( ) , ( XX ) tow aid the fair , under the belief that ii xxould bo of gieat benollt to labor and tha It xxas now pioposod to inako tbo .ux.ud t < tlioonlx ] iunting bouse in Chitago xxhic'h i antagonistie to labor inteiesls Unanimoti : consent x/as asked for tbo lonsideiation o thcbo icsoliitlons and soxoial spoakols uigei the proposition. 'Iho Chicago men made i dotcnninod cffoit to got tlio lesolution ; through the eonx'cntion imincdlatul.x. Dele gate C.imjbell of the International Txpc graphical union obserx-ed , boxxoxcr , that th complaint xxas not nfllclally piesonted , no hax ing tbo seal of any tipogiapliie.il union The chair then ruled out the rcjjolutions , a unanimous consent xxas i of used. Appeal XXT.S then taken from this decision but the chair xas sustaincil by a small ma Joiity. Finally a tempotaiy set of rules xxa adopted and suspended for tbo pui pose of it felling the Chicago resolution to a cominii tee of Chicago tind lnteiiiation.il T ] > ogiapl ic.il delegates After icniaining out an lieu the cominitteoiopoited faxoianlyonthe icsi lution. xxitb seine modillcatlon , expicssin fiiendsbip for the fair , and an amcndmcr , v.is offeied blihbtitutiiig a lequost that tli \xoik boglxon a "fair slum" instead of usin the xxoids union shop Although faxoiod li thocommittu ) and tjpoguiphieal delegate this ninomlmoiit wus defeated The icsob lions "xx cio then passed. I'lOKltlont ( IK' , ininpi Hi | ) rl Piesidcnt Oomjiers then lead his annu , repoit , which xxas , in huof , as follow ! Kx'ents haxo tiansphed on the Held of lalx Axlthln the ptst sK months xxhich bax nroused puhllo attention , because the hie ( IcntH ionnccted xxith them haxo boon moi or less of an unusual chai.ictor In each i thcso htniggles xxilh I'lnplo.xi's thocoipor tlotishaxo slmplx mitdo a ictiiest | and ll tinned foucs of the states and tlm Unite States wmo at their bidding In tbo 10 mines of Tennessee , xxheiu thomlnois xxc ! being gradually.but sm ely , suppliinted bj al thu labor of convicts , thomlneis plead in xa to the logislatuio of the state to stop tb nefarjons tiiiftlc. Instead of htixing the Viongsicdix'ssOd they xxciobcortied At Ilomcstivd , xx hoio the iron and stu xxoikeiseiootfeicd a xxliolosomo ic'ductii lu their xxngcs , aniiimcdlmndof maiandei sailing under nn Hag , owing alleglaiue to i Btatooriountry ( and consi'ttiontli | , by tl Inxxsof all nations , i imsldcicd pirates ) , xx brought by the i-oiporattons to Inx.idu th Iie-aceful tfiun , to oxcraxxu and Intimidate I iltlzcnsmul xvoikcibt to bid in tin ; dim t nupplant their labor by a poor and deimn. led sot nl' human beings The men of Hoin stead , seeing thuir llhoittos ondangcic' ' Iholr llx-es , their homes and fiiinlli inenacetl , took up arms against the iux'adu end lopcllcd them At HuITalo about -t.V ) sxxiU-hincn used , the peaceful porauasix-o iioxxers they xxe capable of to hultieo the coi rations ccasooiklng tlielr cmplojos tit tbnli n jMinslhlo mid often dangerous oiciip.itiont longer ixuiod than Ihe laws of the state No xv Yoik pi-ox ides t.'n hotn.s they xxi tioatcd contemptuously b\ the company , a H a last ii'soit struck xxotk for tliu cnfori inont of the law. The inllitl i of the state Ninv York xx as called out and coacential nt Buffalo dolug bxxltchmcn's xxork and ov fuiving men to woik agaliibt their will , t\liii4i > il at C'liuir d'Ali no. nAt Ccour d'Alcno , xxlicits the niincis h El-en Hunting intense doxastatlom , , dm ! /Oto six long winter niontlib , nion who i tittctcti tliogrcit wealth from the bouela the earth , xxciu subjected to icductUms tholrxxagca , or the altciimtix'o of scei their M oik passing from their hands to t gangs and liordc.s of people brought ox cr tlii , . country under contract. i i At the bidding of tlio inino ouncrs. t United States troops -were brought to t'u iVAlene , the uion o\craxxi d and biibduetl , I commanding general of the United Stu forces. Issuing mi order that any cmplo1 xx hoould onorato his inlnu with un minors xxould not bo al'oxxud to couth \xoilr. A Unltetl States ludgo Issui'd intler probililtinir the union miners fr holding a mc'otln ? In other xxnnls , the c hlltullonul i ight of free iissoinhlagu had b < violated li a I'nltod Htatcb Judge mid u g ciul cf our a i my , declaring ami enforcing edict that nn employer Mmll not carry on hU biislness becntiHo no daretl employ union men 'I ho action of Iwth ] udgo and onicorn of the United Stales been so tlagrant In viola tion of thn laxx- , that I bolloxo It our duty to demand of the congress of the United States to institute nn Investigation. It Is plainly evident that the militia of our soxcrnl states Is noxvnexcr utilised , except for pur | > osc's of ostentatious shoxv or as nn element in labor struggles. There is not exrn n pretence that they should bo xxhat they xx ere originally designed for , "an arm- 'iig of the people , n citl/en soldiery , n atlonal guard " Instead of being the IK > P- ilarorganl7.ition In dofcnso of homes nnd ml llrcsidcs , it has generated into a iiaehlno of monoiwHstle oppression against al > or. What the tollci-s need at this time Is to .nsxxertho bitterness nnd xlndiotlxeness of , ho oppressoi-s xx 1th organization. The tendency and result of corporate wwcr is foi no , brutal and debasing. Trnilinr } i > f OrKi > nl'otl t.nlnir. The tendency of the organization of the ixoikers is alsjjfoirc. but it is the force of enson. generous and humanizing. Before he force of reason the force of brut illty must gixo xx ay Believing that the people of our country recojfiilro the graxo situation as well as .ho gross Injustice piactlced b.x the money ioxx-cr uiKn the men at Homestead in charg- , ug them with heinous e rimes the evocutUo council Issued an appeal to the American public asking for Its tlnanelal aid With this object In xlow December 13 of this .xc.ir has been designated as "Homestead da\ , " nnd all are requested to contribute n poitlon of their e irnlngs of that day for the pmiwso stated It is Idle to say that because xxo aio not ntirely successful In the onforeotnont of the clitht-hnur movement for all xxoikersin tbo jiast , that it Is useless for us to again make the ofToit to establish that limitation of the ially houis of labor To admit it Is to de late the pist struggles falhnes , xxhlch they xx ere not Them can bo no question but that unre- Htiictcd Immlgiation Isxxorking a great in- Jui x to the people of our country. Notwithstanding the petitions and our protest , congress practicallj closed the \Voi Id's fair tip on the day .most i cad liy at the disposition of tliu xxoikors As a matter of fact , the dax's the xxage e.uners xxill haxo the best oppoitunltj to x Isit the Woild's fair xx 111 be on Sunday Wo should urge eongi ess toicpe.il that laxv Congiess some time ago gianted subsidies to tbo I'.u Hie Mall Steamship conip mj and incoipotated a proxision that tlio se.itu.en cmplnxed bi the conipanj should be Amer ican citizens The eompam in question has binco A tola ted this proxision ol tbo laxx by einplnjlug Chinese s.iilois t xxould lecom- nietid that tills convention enter its most cmphatii protest against the supplanting of ourAmeiican sillois by tbo Chinese , and call upon the piesident of tbo United Slates eithei to ( .ompcl the company In question to abide by the law or to xxlthdraxx tbo subsidy gi anted In obedience to the unanlmouslv adopted iustiuetioii , 4he counter iiropositiou to bo submitted hi the Ixnights of l ibor xxas ti.insmltted to the getieialoniceisofth.it order The ofllcois' nnsxxer XXMS discour teous and Insolent. Since then xvo have hc.ud nothing in icfeieneo to the subject matter Sccict.irj lUniis * Iteiiiirt. WbiMi.Mr Compels had finished bis ro- poit that of Sceiot.uy Exans xxas sub mitted In the course of his lepoit Mr. 12x.inss.ild. Dining tbo xeir commencing November 1 , Ib'.H , and ending October .il ) , 1V.CJ , " cbaiteLS baxo been issued , in cluding local unions , ccntial bodies and si ito fedciations in tliittx-txxo states of the union In addition to the aboxe , eight charteisliaxe been issuid to national unions , making a total of 2b.\ for the join , the lai- gest number of chatters th.it haxo been issued during one jear since tbo Amciican 'Fodeiatton of Libor has been oiganized. The national unions afllliated baxo also re- ceixcd , through tbo olllee of the Ami'iicati Federation of Labor , tlmty-sevcn t baiter applications an item xxell xxorthy of eon- sieration. ineo it dcinonstiates tbo intciest that has been manifested by our oiganizcit 1 in tbo viuious cities of the countiy and the x-aluo of their aid to national unions in the organization In a comparative statement as to icceipt ; and expenses ho slid- The icccipts for the list \ear x\ere $ 1,01)0 ) and the o\ienses , : ! JI , as compared xxith $ ! lJ4f ! ) leccixee the jc tr bofoie and ? iilK : ( ) expended. The convention then adjourned until to moiio\x. Nutloiml Xlitililo Ciittois. ST Locus , Dee , 12 The thud annual scs sion of tbo National Maiblo Cutters ant Settets association began its labors thi : nioining at Diuid's ball. Piomment dele gates fiomoxcii laigi ) city inAmeiic.i aio ii attendance and tbo comention promises ti be an unusually inteiestmg one n.iMb nn : viumnv.iTi : . XX nsHon.il It fc-ttoil Oliln CiiiiKro iliiiuil Can dliluto , VMtn.ilcc lltsCiisiitu Ctiifro < is. Coi.uxtittjs , O , Dec 13 Jadgo Abcinatli ; of the common pleas court today decided tin mandamus case brought by D. B Wasson o Wooster against Governor McICtnloy am ' Secretary of State Poorman to pi oven ' the issu-mco of a certificate o election to Congressman-elect Kleh nrds of the nexv Saventeent distilct. Mr. Wasson clalmetl that th ictuinsmado to the secretary xx-cio voi because they bad not been canvassed by tb county clerk and txx o justli es of the peace a formeilv , rs xxoll us by tbo ncxx count boaid of snpoixisois ot elections ami als ( laimedtbe Australian ballot laxv did nc ie ) > oal tbo old laxv , making th eountj cloik and txxo justices tbo rotmnin bond Judge Aboinathy held that it till claim held good itxould not xltiato th > iection because that put of the laxxis sin jilX diicetori , not mandatory , anil the vxill e ibo mijotlti of the voters should not , in oidiug to the piecodentsof the coiuts , I , ct at naught for liicgnlaiities The com , sustained the st.ito's domuiior. 01 Cour.bcl for Wasson state they xvill veal tjcfoio cotigicbs xxith the contest. alia .Xliintiin I'M ( ouliHt. ia of ST. PAUL , Minn , Dec. 12 A Pioneer Pie1 a- special from Helena , Mont. , sajs : Aig ahe ment XXMS begun befoio the supienio cou oil today in thomeilts of the casojnxolxh ial the light of A. B Hamilton , democrat , to ie he scat In the Montana house of icpicsent in tixcs Should ho bo gix-en the seat the dor ils oeiats will have a majoilty on a vote f Jlr United States senator Should his lepn Jlrel lic.m opponent get the place the tliion pop | el lists xvlll hold tbo balance . of poxxor - < on KiulorM'tl lloiuu liulo , is no ST Pxui. , Minn. , Dec. 1'J At a mass mee lie Ing in this city tonight an address , cndorsh , lb and tidxoc.il ing btiine inle for Inil.md , xv tat adopted nnd prcbcntcd to JolmSxxectnn its teal M 1' , ot Dublin , In xx hose honor the met ing xxas held al- - Ma j or Wright picslucd and addi esses jx o no- dellxcied bv Aichbisbop lieluud and oth lA , citi/cns pionmiont / ies > Cinxernoi' Miiiiam x\as unable to bo pu ns cut but sent , i letter of rogict in which : his for homo rule all uxprcbscd sympathy , committee xx.is appointed to finthcr t in cauio of home i ule , toes es- a ii v ; i fiir.n i'o t of IMU XX 111 Hu Tiintoil ID u Vuiluty mil XXiMllii i Ttitlii ) . ve WASIIINCHON , D.C . Dec , 12. ForNcbias il f tiud loxxa lC.iin In southeast ; fairlnnorl led xxc&t poitions ; xaiiublo xvindb ; aligh1 en i older In xxcstern Nebraska , For llio Dakotas Cioncr.illy fair ; sou xtliids , coldci' In couthwest poitlou of Mini sota. ing 1. in-ill JU'Cord. ev of Orric cor Tin : Wi'AniLK Ruiteiu , OUAI in Doc. VJ. Omaha iccoid of toinporauno a httf iiilnfallcompaied xxith coricspondlni ; day the p.ii > t four j Dai's : to IBO'J. 18U1. 1800. 181 Maximum temporal mo .17 > 6U = ; u.o 6 , the Mlnliniini ti'iiiH'rainro | , 'J4O jr > = > 10O y Ax CM io ton.pcnuuiu ao = ass w ? 4 imt l'H > ulllatt | ) < m . 00 .Ul ) .00 .0 the Statement shnxxlng the condition of to tcs peiatuie and precipitation at Omaha for t xcr day and slnco Mutch 1 , IS'.U , as conip.u imo w ' 'l ' KCIUU"'X' ' nverajjo : Nornril.tonipuruturo , an Kxe'us ! * for Iho dav * ' " " ' " ' " " ' ' ' " ' omen IHMIcl' ncy blnce MaVch'i" . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 18 on- Normal pit clpltntion 03 Inc. ] Dollcli'iivyfoi tlmtlay OJIncI 'CIV IJolioluHcyblncuMarch 1 . . . . , 9.1'Jlnul tan : . HUM , Local Fori' ibt oniclul TWO SIDES TO THE MATTER Rock Island Officials and Operators Don't ' Agree in Tlioir Stories. CERTAIN THE STRIKE IS STILL ON Olnlinft on Until Hlilr * Supported liy State ments from ( ho liitercntod I'urllM \Vlmt thn Company ntul tlio llullrtln * Say. That same xx-ido variance botxxccn the statements of the intcicstcd parties to the Hock Ishnd telegraphers' strike marked the situation iesterd.iy. At the company's olllco heio the claim xxas made that oxcii thing xx.is woiklng smoothly , nnd Unit no Impoit- nnt olllces xx cio xxlthout operators Tom Wllhchii , xxhoxxas icpoited to have joined the opcr.Uois on Satuulay night , xxas pound- ingaxxaj ste.ulil.x at a koj.and said be had no Idea of dese-rtlng the cuinp.tnx. Theto xx cio six fi eight trains xxest and fixe cast and txxo ptsscngc'r ti itus In and out dining Sunday night nnd .xcstoiday , and the com pany claims to bo handling business xxlth all duocoleilty On the other hand the operators s iv that they aie gaining giound ; that the company's lopolts of all olllccs being manned 111,0 un- tiuc , and that the moxemoiit of tiains is car- lied on cntitclj xxlthout the assistance of telegraphers , and is conseipicntlx much bam- peied. * H 1 Scott , xx ho has been a conductor on the Hock Island for many joiis , sild to a re- jwiter for Tin : IJisn jcsterd.iy afternoon "All this talk about the conductors sjmpi- thlzlng xxith the striking opcratois Is bun- combo. Anil so far as the report goes that the conductoi s and engineers on the sj stem aio icady logo out If nccessiry is made up out of thoxxholo cloth. Coming tbiougli from Daxenpoit to Council UlufTs I found only ono ofllco vacant , and xx-as told by the superintendent of tclcgiaph that ho had txxenti applications forthoposltion So far as the operatois aio conecined tiains are i mi ning nsjthoj hav o been In tbo p tst , and for tbo llfo of mo 1 can't see hoxx the stiiUeis aio going to xvlu xxhen thcio are so in.inv tele graph schools in the eonntrx gi hiding out otier.itois b\ the hundred. AVbcn in D u en- poit xesterda.x xxith fixe other conductois. It xxas the unanimous opinion that the stiiko xxould bo shoit llxcd , and all of them said that tbo lepoit about their going out xx-as lot"While "While 1 cannot say xxhat Is doing on the Nebraska division , 1 do know that on the loxxa dlxlslou not a telegraph ollleo is vacant and things me going on as if nothing had happened. " Told h } Hiillrtlns. ITcio are some of the bulletins that nio sent out bi the stilUeis' committees : CnicxiH ) , 111. , Dec. 12.-Ititlletln No 23 , 0 p. in. To all Opcratois : Strike still on. Men constantly di'M'i ting the company , x\ho haxo been obliged to lock up ollh es > on account of h ivlng the fourth man they placed in chaise i of using to scab. This , too , In Illinois xvheio xxo xxoio xxeakost , xvhlhi fiom nil dlrtctlons tomes infoini'ithm Mtoxxin , ; th it x\o HID Kaln- In , : ground , If Uiionli ; iiilsiepiosentlng bogus lint let Ins and nuxxspipi'is iin > one hasrutiiriud to xxnik , x\usij toyonut ontc'to ttiKo a linn stand , letn lining out until aschcdulu Is signed by thecDinp my and jou ate ptopi rly nilxlsed. ' 1 liuio Is not the le ist ihitiht of out ability to u In. and hy x our taking this step It will lie set tled Unit much soonei. li M Coovs , Chilli man of t oinintttee. ST. .Tor , Mo , Dee. 12. To all Uperntois : The opctators M-nt IIIMO Intake thn pi ice e > sti IketsXM-io Induced to join the biotlicthood todaj , and all walked oul.it noon. noon.COXIXIIITI r. IHvhM'oirr , la. . Dec. 12. To all Opoiator- , : A pioinlncnt otllclal connecte-il with the Itoclc Isf mil , now In this city , made the icinnrk to a friend of his "th it tin co out of font of all the Hook Island olllclaliaru Inu Illy In sympathy \\lth thu oporatois , and hope they will \\ln , nnd fiom ] > re cnt Indications think they xilll. Xhtixo to tlootit duty t the conip my , lint j I our s > inpathy Hi's nllh the opuintois. " 'J his x\as l\c'ii modlicct fiom the man tt > whom It xsastold. Hoys , st mil linn , the wotld Noitrs. Vtctoiy xtlllhooti pcich on our banners. I'OMMITTfK. I ) XVENPOIIT , fa , Ti-c. 12 To all Opoiatois : Good nous tohenthl to all opotatorIn a day 01 t o. Ath tso all the boys to htiintl Him. A union meeting heio touioriuu nlslit. All organizations with us. Gi'onni : L XNiiuma. KA ' 'AS C'lTV , "Mo , Dt'C. 12. To all OIM-I - tors : All the operators \xho took strikers' pi lees In ICansas e'lty walked out at noon to- dav , hax In jolntdthostilkciH. They me 111 in and will stay out. This lci\es the conip my ul--iliitely ) lielpluss ht-ie , then ) lie-In noupcr- ators leinalnln xxith Ihc'in. Wo are nlnnois ION No. 109. NO Oflltlilsat Uiivonport Say Tim } llmol.ot ? Mom Mon Tli in uro X < oiU-il. DAvrsiouT , In , Dee. 12 [ Special Tele- giam to Tun Bri' j Assistant Gcnci.il M.UV ager Allen of the Hock Isl aid load , and Mr Swift , supoiiutendcnt of tclcgiaph , aio still y in this city , whiUi is the ho.idUiiteis | foi ° . them till thisopeiatois1 strike is litially set tied. They Insist that they aio ha\iug IK trouble in handling tiains and that train ! nr6 as closely on time as possible xxitb tin dclaj s by suoxx son the xx cst end of the sj s L" tern , that though a very foxx- operators havt left them after being biied to take the place : ? of the men xxbo struck , they can 1111 suel vacancies at once xxitb good men ; that the ; 0 aie taking their choice of men xxho offer am tlrat as far as the road is concerned there i no stiiko. AH icpoits of accidents ant denied , ' t , A meeting xxns hold by the flromon in thi Hock Island vesterdax , xxhieh xxas open t iiicuibcrs of other ordeis of employes , bu not to the public. Its n.ituio cannot otllclall' bole.uned , but ills stated that there vxil ho no nioxo of these classes of emploxc ; xxhieh liaxo no giioxaneo to stiiko out o sx'inpithy for the opeiators , Members o the ill llci cut classes del ulc the idea of sti ike of this kind , Mr. Al en deelaies that h has no fear xxhatoxer that there xvill bo nir sti ikes of this kind. A mooting of the stiiking operatoisxxa also held It xx.is miMgeily attende ss and its natuio Is albo kept a pu found si'cict. Tluco opciatois just pl.mte itit nt Molina tire stated to hax-o loft the en it ploy of the company , .attor It xx-as oxer , bu the ollltials declare that theio b.ix u been no desoi lions vxoith mentioninf . They say that llvo men hav ' : . loft them on the si stem , though iiiembeisc 01 , the gi ioxanco committee uent out fiom liei u. Sunday inoinlng to the e.tst , xxest.andhoutl u. xxesttocoa\ men to quit They di clincMi they haxo plenty of good men toll all xacancles , and that they mo taking tbo choice of them. At some points noxx * nit , haxo been lofuscd bo.ird and lodging li , icsldents , but a thtc.it to cut out the st. . ng tlons anil run tiains tluough without sto as ing has iilu'aj s bottled the matter. in , I iilnir l.omlorri Coufor. LH- Cnicuio , 111 , Deo. 12. Grand Clilof Sa sro gent of the Jhcmen and Grand Chief Clai icr of the conductors woio in this city toda contorting with Grand Chief It.iius.iy of tl csho sti iking telegraphers. At the conclusion ho hoA the mooting neither man would tallc of tl confeienco its lesults. he or piobablo . In allothor icspects the strike scorns i have settled down to aiiiestlouofcndur.inc ] : The laihoad ollltials still insist that there no strike , and the opciatous declare that tl : ro.nl must coiuo to their tcims. Itli-utliiKiit stinirt. s katH STt'AUT , la , Doc. 12. [ Special Telegram tH- Tins UISE ] About foitj-txxo opoiators car tiy in from DCS Mobics and other points i este day and hold a bccict Joint meeting xxith tl ith tialiiinen heio today , They also hold met no- in us Saturday night and Sunday , hut all pic cut xxoio sxx-orn to secicoy , mid the natuio the iiroceedings could not bo learned. It baldly probable , hoxxovcr , that the trulnni IIA.ml vxill Join the stiiking opcratois. ml of Opcrutorit Wanted utllentrlco. . BKATIUCI ; , Nob. , Doc. 12. [ Special To so. gram toTiic Ilr.E. ] Thoio is no mutei : ,70 = > changoin the condition of affalis icg.udl no the liock Island telegiaphers1 stiiko on tl 10 division. The stiiking opcratois aio st iiaho holding out , and the operations of trains ho consiileiably hampered in consequence. Nt cd opoiators do not rcsimnd xxith the alucii that xxas at llrst anticipated , 10 Nut no I.uit-1) . HOlies ATLANTIC , la. , Dee , 12. [ Special Telegrt h h toTiiKDm ; . ] Moio opciatois nro going c lies on the West Iowa division of the Hock Iblu 1. road. AH * trains aio lute and ropoits t confirmed that the riiifhie'cri ' nnd conductors will rr-futp tomoirow M tnkoonleis fi-om the nonunion operators cointHhiy o.v Ono of IliitiiiUrn'n I'upulqr l'rlf t ltli llrrlc liisljoii lllo Ipllno , NKWAUK , N ,1 , Dt\ , )2Tlio ) trial of Hov. 1' . O. Con Iffan of the tjhuroh of Our Ixidy of Grace of Holmkcn , ,91) , ) , the fundamental charge of hi each of eccU'Mnstle.il discipline , was begun tills aftornooii before the diocesan cesan court in the cplscopil residence of St , 1'atiick's cathedral , , Hov. Father .1. J. O'Connorof Sctton ha\\ci\r | ] \ gcnci.il of the diocese , wns the tiial Judge. It was the expressed wish of Bishop Wlg- Rcrtlint no statement should bo gl\cn out for publication and that pel sons present should plcdgo themselves to silence. Hut when the oath had been admlnlsteied to all cx.cpt Father Coi i Iqnti , ho refused to bind himself , claiming that as the defendant In an ecclesinstic.il tiial of cotmtry-wldo ImiHirt- mice , ho had a light to expioss his \lews and to make known the , proceedings of the tiialFather Father O'Connor decided to the conttai.\ Dr Hurt/ell , then , on behalf of the de fendant , objected to a trial before Dr. O Con nor , on the ground that Inasmuch as ho was a member of the bishop's house he must nattnally be more or less biased In Ids opin ions It was finally decided that Mgr Dome , w ho Is a member of Ulshnp Wlirger s house hold , should bo appointed a ivfeico with Dr. O'Connor to hear the evidence of witnesses onVednesda \ , and then loport to the legnlav comt on Tlnnsda\ , . and also the objections bv Dr Hint/ell should ho lead at the time , and that If two lefeix-es cannot agico as to bias they aio to select n thittl lefeioo The lepoit of the lefoiees will then go to Bishop \Vljigor and thus the llrst step lu the proceedings will bo concluded. The question of secrecy was taken up and Father Con Igan still refused to bo bound bv an oath , ( ( uoting the piop.igandn law of 1878 , suction 18 and IU Dr Uiu troll said that sec tion ISiofeucd to witnesses and section ! Ute to ofllciils , and that neither lofeued to the accused , and theicfoio rather Coiiigan could not bo bound A long discussion followed , Dr. Smith aigulug that If the e\Idomo pioduted at the tilalwas made public it would woikgtc.it hum to the chinch Dr O'Couner then sild. after c.iroful con- sidetatlon , that inasmuch as ho had some doubt as to his power to administer the oith , ho would bo obliged to icfuse to do it At tbo same time ho thought ho ought to swear Dr Umtzell The latter made \cheinciit piotcst , sav ing that such a proposition was an insult. that his woid was accepted met j w hero and that it was not a habit on hlspaitto gHe infoimation to nowspipcis Dr. Smith Hied an exception to the decision of the comt Dm ing all this discussion Father Coui- gan took \oltiminoiis notes and ho appealed nettled at times mil hinted at the possibility of a great public scandal if they woio pub lished. 7MCJ.VJ ATil OIlLKlflll. 1'iilr ' port inJtj : < Ml nnd a Trltky Jockey Killed Oil. NK\\ Ounces , I.a , Dec. . 12 Though there weio no close i.ices today the spoil was \cr $ fair. The attendance .ib good , despite the thioatcning u.c.ilhcraud. , the track fast. The bookmakcis did a ivory good busi ness and weie hit baid by.Boiinio Ityid , who won the last race Brh/w ? should ha\o been favoi He on the showing ho made S.ituid.i > , but the talent plunged on Bonijio Biid in the last lace This nroused the suspicions of tbo judges and thci cautioned Mackav to lido Biaos out , , which bo failed to do showing no bolter than fouitb. After the rat a1 the owneis of both Bonnie Biid and'Brnros and tbo bois weio tailed up ami aftlr tultiug their state ments tbo judges , acting in conceit with Mr. H O Kiuklu , tbo ijt yic cnt ithe of tbo boaid of eontiol , luleA BI'.UOS oft together x\-ith his oxxneis , MoiKui | & Stanlleld , and Mackay , xxho lode him. 1'list nice , 2-vpnr-nhls , flvo furlongs : Vashtl (9 ( ID .1) ) xxon , I'ull HloDin ( J to ll second , bcottlsh llt-IIol ( > to 1) ) thliil Tlintv 1-.041 , . Second nice , si-lHiu , sit fuilon s- Il\lo ) V (1 ( tt > 1) ) won , .Jim touiolKS It ) 1) ) second , Hees- xvlnjtf.Hol ) tlilul. Time : ItlGV 'J hint race , selling , HUNCH fmloiusarplot : (4 ( tt > 1) ) won. My Lisbon ( ti to l-C'cond. ) Uiunllo ( llttilthliil ( ) Time. 1 30' ' , , 1'otirth race , sidling , slfuilonjr1 ; : Bieto Il.nto ( CM-n ) won , Thi ) .Inil.'O ( in to 1) ) second , ricctwootKlu to Dtlilnl. Time ; 1:10. : 1'lflli inci' , handle ip , ono inller Ilonnlo I ! > id ( OMMI ) uon , K illy (1.2 ( tn ll bivond. ( icn- ei.il .Miiriiiidnk.it ( ID to 1) ) thliil. Time : 1:4 : , ! . NICE SOFT SNOW. Diliuu Nature s , Mclx Anntlirr lt.it < li nf Troll- Ill o for Omaha I'ooplo. Tail- and waiinerweathcr for Tuesday was the piediotion sent out by the weather foundry jestei day , but it stood a pi city good show at midnight of missing its guess About 10 o'clock real nice , laigo , soft snow- Hakes began to fall , and in about an bout fully half iin inch of now snowctncied the giound , and the piospects for another heavy o fall of snow were exticmcly good. As usual , the motor and cable cars had n baid time of it , and it was with considerable dinicultv that the tiains managed to cliiiil the grades Foitunateh vciy few people weio on the stieots after the stouu com menced , and consequently those who wore out hid little dilllcultj in teaching tbeit homes As soon as the icgular tiains hat ] flint i mining at midnight , btneial snowplows - plows and swccpcis were hiought out ami the woik of keeping ! tlio tiacks clear com nienced. Supeilnteudent ! Todhunter bail chaige of the down town woik and kept his men i ight busy. The snow loll \erj inpidlv and it was ban to keep the rails In sight It was the intcn tlon of tbo i.tiluay olllcinls to woik all nigh with the swcepeis , and thus h.uo cais on al the lines running on time today. , lln Is it Iucli } .Man. Dick O'BiIon loaded on a caigo of whisk' ' last night and then boaidcd a Sheimai avenue car for home. When tbo trail lounded the shaipcuno ntFouitceiith.ini C.isssticots , O'Biicn was tin own fiom th i ear end of the tialler and lauded deep do\\i in ti big bank ot snow Some of the on plines of a livery stable across the slice B. took pit ) on the man anil tendoily wiappo o him in a blanket and then called the patic of wugon O'Bioin came to bis souses at th to and asked the "wheio jail jailer the h ui h- I at , " Ho soon found out. o- Mini tint llottl Silo | ) < PIM. | * ' The deeds for tbo gi omul at the coiner c ! y Fifteenth and Huinostieots , , on xxbich it i apioposcd to locate tl0 | povxj hotel , vvcio file for rccoid jcstenlay uftuinoon ' 1 hograntoi uio the lioston Giound K.'iit company , Ii , Scanncll and AitcmilsM Ulaik , 'Iho giaiu is Jacob E M arkell of this city The coi irrk sideration in the thicc'jdeeds aggregate rk 8tr > 0X)0 ( ) , and the land HiWoyed Is 1 ! foot o Ilaiuoy and liUfeot oiiU'iIteenlh sticct. hoof io a itiitiut wutor a of Cnicvao , 111 , , Dec. .W. . AVldo-spiead dan ago xx as caused by lltu bursting of n to xvater main on rifUa , ; icnuo and Chailt too. . place , this nioining 'IVoblocks of cottagi o.is ooloxv grade xxcii ) llooddd and all their ii iu habitants ai o toinnoitynljf1 liomolcss It is inaiilifactuilngand sic > ) . ) gii disttirt , and ll Hi ins thcicln xxill lobf nipunts i.mgingfroi ? 1HX ( ) to f O.OOO caijVuiiouiitlng , in tl to aggiegato to u largo jj'rlr rlr Arri'.itt il fur hit itllnt , ' 8" , ( ) NBXX' OHI.KXNS , I a , < 7Dco' 1'J Ex ho Dctcctixo SumniPis xx'as u lies ted yestcid. ut- cs- at llatchburn , Miss , chaiged xxlth ] iuilol csof ing a money package containing W,0 < )0 ) fro Is the Soutbren E\piess company nt Mcilde Miss. It is bald tlio pauktigo xxas bound f .en Texas and xx us mcicly being ti.mslcrrcd i Mc-iidcn , Drtbiri It Ui ; Ilimx. ilo- Ei. PASO , Tex. , Dee , IS. Thoicpoited 01 lal la oak of the ) CarM men on the southern be ) dor Is looked uixw hoio as a hoax. Tl uis onlclals deny nil knoxx Mexican Icdgo of tl tin atTuir mid saj Caiva is a thing of the past. is ew ity fi'utlcea iifjifeltnegni ( euwulcr thd ItMil , flf cents ; auk utltlltfoiuil line ten cento , COUKTNKV Infant * on of Chailos U in am Couilnuy , on DucciAhui 1'J , aiicil i\ runtiul today from the rcaldoncu , 0 mi VJigliiln axoniieat" ! 1 p. in Inturincnt iua I'rosiitct : Mill cemetery , rrleuds of t ! ire { family lux Hid. HOMESTEAD POISON PLOT Amalgamated Officials Tnlk of tbo Charges Against Thorn , THEY ALL DENOUNCE IT AS A CONSPIRACY t'nrnrglo Attorncj * Ulnlm Ttmt rlirlr Ulinlu tf i\lilrnrn : Ii Utiinplrtn mid I Lucking tt > t'tinvlrt tlio A < fined Hot rut lii\ < 'li > pmrnt . , l > a. , Dee. 12 The oniclals of the Amalgamated association saj tlio stor > that the organization coimteuaiu'ed the plot to poison nonunion men nt woik In the mills Is preposterous The attornois for the Car- ncgles , however , sij the chtlu of u\ldcnco against the leadeis Is grow Ing stronifer dalh and piomiscs to be so complete that none of them will bo able to escape William H ( latthes , tieasurv of the ml- vlsot.s boanl , eattio tlown fitini Homestead tod.iv , and In an interview said'I bo charge tint am member of thoad\isor.\ bijardwasa pnt\ loam plot to poison non union men is as false as it Is lidicnlous No sine man would bcllc\o that am member of the adlsoicommittee' clothed in his light mind would enter Into such a plot Murder alwa.\s will out and this fact alone would pic\cnt o\ou the most hot-headed mini In our tanks from entcilng Into a conspiracy with Mr Beattj , of whom verj little Is known In Homestead If poison was admin- Istuicd to the nonunion men and 1 do not bolloxo theio was the guilty patties were in no way connected with tbo locked-out men. Some indixldual ma > haxodonelt , but jou can rest assuicd that ho did not act In nccoidanco with Instructions from the ad- vlsory committee. If any one had come to the committee with such a plan for getting the nommlonlsts out of tbo mill , ho would have faied badlj at the hands of the locked- out men " Hugh O'Dounell was seen in the county jail Ho said bo did not bolloxo mix Home stead man was a pirtj to such axillalnotis couspliacj , th it If auj iiommiuiiist had boon poisoned tbodiug bad not been adminis tered ban v of the lockctl-out men Mr O'Donnell told Mr GaUhes , xxho called on him this morning , that it.is the dnlof ex on union man to assist the Caincgio olllclals toinxestigatotho matter thoioughlj lio.lttj DonloH tlio Louisxn.i.i : , ICj , Dec 1 Kobeit Beatty , In j ill in this city as ono of the menibei.4 of the poisoning consphaci at Homestead , xx.is been b.x an Associated pi ess lopicsentatixo He denies tbo ehaigo of being Implicated in tlio poisoning of the nonunion xxoikmen and sijsboxxas arrested at the instance of the Plnkcitons to keep him fiom biinging for- xx aid xvitncsscs to pioxo that the I'inkortoiis on the Litlo | Bill Hied Hist Ho sa\she came here to see his xxife , xvbo llxes at Twenty- llist and Bank sticcts , and incidentally to look uj ) xwtnesses llosixs nn attempt xx as made to aucst him at Pittsbuig for ass mil and battety. but ho loft the Iwat bo xx-as on and took a skill , boaidiug the bo.it after sbo loft Pittsbuig. _ A A Ii tlm of the Alleged Cnniplrary. TOHOMO , Ont , Dec. 12 Chailes Stanford died in this citi today. Hexxoiked for the Canicgio eouipnnx' at Homestead as a bridge maker dining the lecent stiiko. He xvas conxexed bcie.it the expense of the com- puii. because ho xx.is sulleiing from cbroiuo dlairhuM supposed to h.ixo been caused fiom di Inking xxater , it is alleged , xxliicb had been poisoned bj the stiikeis at Homestead. AMU It.- Tit lau Ittulc to 1'lttsliurK. IIvunisiiLito , Pa , Dec. 12 Application xx as made to Goxeinor Pattison today for a icquisition npou the gox'crnor of Kentucky for the dcllxciy ofHobert Boittv to the Ulcghtnv county anthoilties. Beatty is noxx in Jail in Louibxillo , chaiged xxitb being implicated in the plot to poison nonunion xxoikmon emplojcd at tbo Carnegie mills T rnlnliif ; St ht ) l8 fur Domoonitri. IXDI VNAVOI is , Ind.lvpec 12. Aiticles of association of tbo National Biotherhood of Soldieib xxcie filed xxith the societary of state. The organization is democratic and its snboidinate branches are to bo schools of dcmoci.iey. Both union and confcdeiJlto dt'mociaticsoldicis aie eligible to member ship , and in the ex'ent of the death of a mem ber bis eldest son , if a x-oter , is eligible to the xacancy. Of the mcmbeis of the na tion il council , three aio ex-union soldieis and txxo aie ON-confedoiates The minor 01- gaiiiitions of the order aio to bo known as foils , tbo first of xxhlch xxill bo oiganized in this citj tonight. KlllcMl l > j riillliifXVillls. . Ind. , Dec. 12 Txxo poisons xverc killed and three were injuicd at Aloxandiia Saturday oxenlng by the fall of the biick xx'alls of a building that xxas recently gutted by flic. The dead aro. JOHN PUINIC. WIUiUK MAULEY. Tlio injuied aio : WIM.IAM JAMIS. IOR hrokon. Two boy ; named Jlarlow , Inn t liy flying hi Ick. I'AKAUltAl'IIS. F M. Doisoy df Ponca is at the Millaid. II. II. Shaxx of Umoln is at the Muiray. lj C. Tisher of Wneoln is at the Dcllono. James Fr.i7cr of Columbus Is at tbo Paxton - ton C. A McDonald of North Platte is at tin Aicadc M T. Hill of Stella is icsistcrcd at tht Paxton. H B. Schneider of ricmont Is a guest a A E Whiteotnb ot lloldrcgo Is icglsteici at the Arcade Dr L Landiok of Limn , O , is a gues atthoAicado T E Calx-cit of Lincoln is in the clt ; stopping at tbo Muu.iy. Captain W II. Ashby of Boatiieo is in tin citj , a guest of the Paxton. W. Moiton Smith of the Lincoln Dall Noxxb xxas in the city vestciday. lion J A Id-hoc of Platte Center is stoj ping at tlio De-llone Mr. and Mis A S Baldxvln of Noit Platte aio stopping at the Millaid. Hov and Mis Oetngo Ilmdley of Wccj ing Water aio icgisteied nt tbo Dcllono r A. Hammond , piopiietor of tbo Pla/ hotel of NoxxVoik City , is stopping at tli , Q I'axton. n- lion J. II Mai Cell and Miss MacColl c Lexington aio in tbo city stopping at Hi Millard. Miss Ada Hudson of Gothenburg Is in tli city v isltiiig her sister Miss M. Ella Iludsoi of the goxeminent microscopic- lotto i South Omaha , Mr .lohn .T , Uoggcn , Bcciotary of tl us Ulatchly company , lithographois , Taeom es Wash , is In the city , visiting bis biothe n- Colonel 13 P. Hoggcn. na * Nnxv YoitK , Dec 112 [ Special Telegram i 10 Tin ; IJiu : I-Omaha OM C.uter , St Dcnli 10m E Moore , Nexx York , O C Williams , IIol 10 man. 1'oitltind- F ShcintanMis D 1 bheinian , Hotel Savoy. At tbo Moicor Gcorgo L Thatche tieasuiorof btandard Paving ( ompanyCli e-.igo. Otis L ISontoi ) , Oboilln , Kan . J V N Wbltecotton. Pioxo , U T , John S Mu n- scr , Amoin ; W E Mome , Ogden , 1 1 im Palo , Kcainoy. William O Andioxxs , Cll in , ton , la : Hauy btakoand xxlfo , lioono , la 'or W T Williams and xxifc , Cedar Falls , lu at F L Heed , Oakland , la. CHICAGO , III , Doc. 12 [ Special Tclcgra to Tun HIT. ] The folloxxiiig NcbiasKiu aio icglstercd hoio today : Cicat Noit : it- em K. C. Moiohouso , J T Stanhop ithe Omaha , Gooigolv Htiiaand xxifc , Liiicol he Ticmont Hamuol Colo. Miss A C. Childe he Omaha. Palmer William Walhuo ni xxlfo , Omaha ; .1. A. lIuckstafT and xxlfo , Ll ( oln Guind Paclllc Mi-s H , E Pbcliis , J Donlfacc , Omaha ; N S Shcrxxood , Llncol 'tu JUCAL iiil OJudgo Ogdcn has lost his UnoSalntHfrnni Ad pun again and the polled aio looking for tl 32 animal. llu I The remains of Charles ScliUckner , xxl I blcxr out thu gas at tbo Tru\oicra' Hou Kundnv nlffht , xtlll be sent to relallx-es nt Tnltfax , la , todax Anolhorcompliilnt forllhol xx-ns ( lied je- - leiMny against ,1 L lxK npcntnf tlioSun- daSsim , and In t ovcnlnvr ho xxas nnvstcd 'I ho complainant ! * W II Hoxd 1'ollcc Oiplaln Cxirmack li still very sick nnd dm Ing the hist txxo or three da.xshas grown doeldedlx 'xx-orse , so nnich so , In fact , that his ph.\slcl ins xxltl not alloxv anv one to see him. IMccttx'O Vizard rci-oxcred an JS pair of rubber Iwots jestetilay which had been stolen from r. Godsii. Also n $13 ox ercent stolen December ! l from II W , Do Uerrj , ( Jia South Tenth street. Yesterday the jxillco nnested ( looi-go II Daxls , rolonil , ngaln for notlt larceny Hed clotliintt la xxhat Davis alwaxs steals and ho xlslls tbo cheap lodging houses and hangs around until ho can bundle up some bed clothing and spit It it away or rr.iin.t r. l > omr llc. t'hlllp Nlc1ithi of l n liilnc , Vn. , U of iniiKh'i Inn 11 n Is Mills mid .tiidson XSUKIn- sini of that x lllaii' r.lUioin Vallo ) , W Vn , has In lliopnsi few daxs hoon the M * nt1 of ono cnhl-hloodotl nuitdoi and smoial shnollnx ulliujM. The f-tiut horn l'Aproi-4 oonip itt.x's station ill MotldiMi , Miss , IIIIH m tint p ist fi'xxii > l,4 lit'oii rohhoil of sums xiit. x lug fiom fl ( > , r ) tojri.iuui .lohn I'rlnk and \Mllnn M trlovvcro Idllod nnd \ \ Illhini .liiini's itnil two hms eotlotisl.x In- Jitiotl by the collup-to of a hullillng at MtiliK , ItiilM M I.ouls , Mo , Is oxerrun bv oiooUs , thui/i and miiidi'ii'M I lioro aienou In the I ill of that oil ) thirty-font notoiloin cliliiaeteis H \MilthiK dials 101 their ctlnios , Kails is has siMth'il her litsl rounty seat XMII xUthoiit liloodshod. l.thotal Is now tliocoiinl ) scat of staitl tonntj ptlngllolilhlchhis boon IlKlitlni ; tht ) foi IIHT toun siilnnltti d In tlu < it'sult.if ) the lain olootlon , which dechlcil the faxoi of liltionil. Veno7iiolan autlmiltlos xvlll resist to Iho ut most further cnrrouclimcnls liy the llrltlsh on tlio territory of that country. ronrtopii of the crew of the llrlttsb stoninor Dliis-huiK , xvtee'Kod oir the Kiitfllsh const , liaxe hoon tost-iied. 'I ho ciipl-iln anil other inc'in- hoi s of thecioxx pcilshod KnslltnVellsof the nixj , spot-Ill Woild's fait coninilsslonoi to Vono/uola , his aitlxod ut C u.ir.is fiom nn i'\iiloilnn It Ip Into tbo In- loiloi of that cotinti v nftor nn ex'cntfut trip Vi'iii'/ni'lH ho says , will luuo a siilonilld exhi bition at the fall FENDKRS tOU HTKEEr OARS. i\porlniDiitliiK : Avltli ln\icni to Snto l.Uo tif IVilnMrluns. Tho3 nplt ; > oorlnp Recoid describes the subjeot 01 fenders for street cars , based on ii report made by a committee rep resenting the West Lud Street railway company of Boston. Tlio report deals more especially xvitli the matter of fend ers for oloctrlc CMS , but IS of Intoiest in this city , whore the intioduution of the cable lias albo bi ought an increase in the speed of street cars nnd a consoi queiit increase Jn the danger of acci dents. The Boston commission has oc cupied tune months in making nn invest- Cation and has just submitted its It mil report. Hasldos examining plans or models of iill different fenders the commission has experimented xvi'th forty-thrco different fendeis , using dunimics made to loprosonta nun , a xvoinan and n child. The number of ex periments made is 155. The commission i ocommonds the adop tion of the ho-cnllod "Cleveland" or Johnson fender , consisting of a hori- /ontal platform projecting a couple of feet in ft out of the dashboard. It is now proposed to make this platform in such n xx ay that it can be slid under the car xvhen not in use , or under the roar of any car. Tlio commission further stig- posts protecting the ft out of the dash board xx-ith curved xviro springs or not ing to lesson tie ) foico of the bloxv ul case a person lb struck by the car and thrown agaiust the dashboard. With loforeiico to fenders beneath the car to prevent a poison lying on the track from getting under tlio xvhools , the commission discards all fenders roquirnfp the action of spring , lover , etc , as being complicated nnd liable to got out of order , and also all fenders requiring n separate duty on the part of tlio niotorman. The inndvih.ibility of imposing any further duty on the motorinan in addition to those ho now' has xvas strikingly demonstrate in the experiment ! ! made before tbo board _ of aldermen in which a fonder xvas tried , dovieod by a motorinan nnd consisting of n. padded plank extending square acio = a the track in fiont of the au hboo.rd and xvliich the motorinan xx'as to drop to the ground in caeo of accident by pressing his knee against a catch. In the first experiment xvith thin fender the motorinan shut oil his po\\or " and applied bia brnko , but neglected to drop his fender , and the car coiifcoquonlly ran over the dummy. The uiflieulty of the problem xvas fur ther shown by the fact that in the second experiment xvith this fonder , although it xvas dropped to the ground , it xvorkcd up over the dummy and the car passed up ox'or it as completely as in the Hist case. Fixed fondois under the platform nro also rejected by tno commission , after much experimenting , for the reason that if ilxod high enough to avoid the usual irregulaiiticH of tr.ick they xvould pass over an arm or logor small body lying on the track. Tlio choice of the commission eo far as concerns the fonder under tlio car lias fallen upon a movable fonder xvliich in oidin.iry running is a sulllciont height above the lails , but xvhiuh is operated by the notion of putting on tliobiako. li thoioforo does not involve springs nndlovors operated by the force of the blow and it docs not impose any addi tional dutx1 on the motorinan. Every time the brake is put on thi : ' fondor'is lowered , and the harder the braxo is applied the closer the fonder it foi cod to the track. In case of emer gency the niotormanvill , of course , ap ply ills brtiKoto the Urn it of his strength nnd under sucli uircuinstinccs tlm fondoi h may bo arranged to como down to xvlthir anv desired distance from tlio track This fonder , in connection xxitli the plat form in front of tlio dashbotud , conatl tutes , thoioforo , .tho appliance rccom mended by the commission us the bus safeguard , although they do not foe Unit it is possible , with any device , tt insuio safety. The principal toll anco up pours to be placed upon tin platform in front of the car , inasmuol us tlio great majority of persons strucl by cars are standing when struck. If now , they are facing the car xxhoi struck , they can easily slop up on ti this platform or soi/o It with tholi hands , \vhllo if they ate sti uck from behind to hind they xvould bo thrown backward sitting down upon thn platform. Tills fender , says tlio report , xvhilo i uppo.'us to bo UH good as anything tlm can bo dovibcd , cannot bo expected t r , immunity from injury. If a per ilV - son is struck by u car and the platforn is- V passes over him , xvhilo ho may bo prc vented from getting under tlio xvhools ho xvill prob.ibly sulTor seine injury bj being pushed along or crushed in BOIII xxay , nnd no sure xxny of preventing thi is dnpat ent. Hut as tlio public become m more accustomed to electric cars am us inoro sensible of their dangers poopl xvlll 1mvo to keep away from thorn , n. n.ul Denver capitalists have orpaniyed uln comnnny xvitli $5,000,000 capital ntocl < n- $25,000 of which is p-iid up , for tlio development xI.n. . . volopmont and soltlomont of Wyomlui n. lands. The name of the corporation i the Croon Hlvor Basin Land nnd Cnnn company , nnd it lias purohasod the bill id Interest cf the Union Pacific railroad ii lie 700,000 aoros of land lying about th junction of the Croon river and th lie J31nck Fork , the other half belonging t no the government. CATTLE COHBIKE COLLAPSED American Live Slock Oommtalou Company Goes Into Liquidation ! FORCED TO SURRENDER BY THE COURTS 1 hunch III lIxIMonro Only n Sltnrl Tlmr , ( ha OrKniilrntloii .Xmiiniiliitrd nn Knot- HIIIIM Itrtoinio lIMorj uriho Or rut liiMlliilltm. Cnicxoo , III. , Dec. 12 [ Special Tele-Brain to Tup. Mm. ] An lini > oitniit oxrntln tlio c.ittli' Intoiosls f the * xxesl transpired nt the Gioat Noithom hotel toda.x in the fln.il stir- icndor of the croat iMtllo tiiHlofalllti builni's * In itibnilmloit to the Hunt division of the Illinois supivmo cotitt The ) Ammlc.m l.ixo Stock Commission compmv , icprosont- lnp millions of dolhifs , Inxcsted In o\cr fi.OOil.lHX ) head of cattle , illsli Hinted o\or the entho west , 1ms ponoout of p\lstuiu < o The inoothifj xuis laijoh ( attended biMttlo iiu-n , i cpic'sonting , Montana , W.xoinliiK , Nohrnska , Illinois MtssnutJ. Ivans is , Texas Iiulhu tor- rltoi.x , N'i'u Mexico. Al twin and Coloi.nlo. Jfo.irlj all the prominent cattle inou of the oonntij mot anil ooMiii/ed the Anunicait Llxo Slock Commission eoinpin.xlth oftl- COIN at ICuns is Clt.x. St I/iuis , Chicago and Omaha Tor t\\olvo months they con ducted their liuslnoss quietly and their profits accumulated so rapldb that the stock ovchniiBo and ( oinniission nion became ftlKhtcned at tliOKrcMt Inrouls of this im mense combination on their business and the members of the oiKanb.itIon worn ruled out of the ovchaiiKo The compmy then brought suit enjoining the exchange from in- teifeiing xxith Its business and \\as beaten In the lower comts on the ground th.it the CM'h inpe xxas a pilxnte coipoiatlou and was not compelled to let nm one lu Ills appeal \\astuhentothosupieimi court xxhloh 10- cciitlj aillruied the decision of the lo\\er com t DiMldfdfn Onlt ItimliKxi. Finding nltsolf pr.u'tlc.illdeliiucd fiom tliomaiKot by this decision thecompiuy xxns foiccd to call a meeting of the stock- holdois for the puipnso of dei Iding upon liquidation The piesldent of the company \\usll W Cmxxcllleo piesidcnt , Sam l.u.tins , and tieisuicr , Paul I'hllllns Said Mr Phillips " 'Iho Ameilcan 1.ho Stock eompanx is xiituall.x dead and 1 shall illo our xxlthdi.uMil xxith the soeiotary of stateVas tlio combine profltablo to the stockholders ? Yes , the Hist jear. our operations undo a protlt of HV > per cent upon some capital paid la We had so many applications th.it xxo doubled our capital stock and the second jeir made a pro lit equal to 1" . " ; per cent Now that xxo aio i tiled out of the fluid xxo shall rot ho and gtxo back to our stockholders the entlio amount paid in. Our operations coveted the sale of lioO.UOO head of cattle axoar In this mnilcet , as many nun con the range , and xxo had a holding of ovcrf > ,000UOH head on the i.inges PRICE OF BILLIARD BALLS. ( u thn Srnrrltj of KIcpliiinlH * ' 1 imka tlllt' < > Mt IIHH Illllllltoil. "Novpr In tlio history of the pamo xxoro billinid balls as expensive as at present,1' said Oliver liiown , miumgor of the Astor house billliird room to the Now York Advertiser reporter. "A sot of those ivory bulls now costs SJI. Fif teen yc.irs njro the balls could bo boupht for $18 The increased cost is duo to the scnicity of ivory. "When the elephant tusks , fioin which the balls tire fmtdo , ni rive ut the f.ietory they uro cut up into blocks mid tut nod rouirhly in the lathe. They are then placed in canvas bags and lump up to become thoroughly seasoned. When nn eider arrives for a bet of ba.Ha they are taken f torn the bafjs , logrouud and polished. "It is necessary to lot the Inlla re main idle for a few diiys befoio they nro placed uponiho table , in order that they may bpcomo accustomed to the atmos- phcio of the billiard room , for they are very susceptible to tomuorutuio and easily warped. "With ordinary care a sot , of billiard balls will last for two i ears. At the ox- piiation of that time they are apt to be come crooked and wobble on the table. They are then taken to the fnctorv and { round down for use in the game of pool. Then whnn they become useless In this capacity they are ng.iin reduced in s'uo and find ihoir way into the leather bet tle. " o tli Diirk Contlnmit. Four well-to-do young Englishmen , ngod from 22 to 28 , recently left Enp- land for the purpose of exploring East Africa. They Intend to ascend the .Tuba river 300 inilos to ft largo allluont which Hews west. From there they intend to go west for about 800 inilos , mapping out the country , taking the height of mountains , examining the fauna , col lecting insects and shooting lions and olophantH. When they reach Lake Rudolph they will return acioss the Unllu country Into.Somalilatid and out of Africa at llorboia , opjiosito Aden. Thev are well equipped ando\poct to bo gone eight or tou montha. Sarsaparilia Is superior to all other preparations chiming to bo blood-ptirifiors. Flist of all , bcaauso the principal ingredi ent n.sod In it is the extract of gcn- uino Hondinns sar.sapatillaioot , tlio variety richest in medicinal proper- Cures Catarrh low dock , being raised expressly for the Company , is always fresh and of tlio very bust kind. With equal discrimination and ciuc , cacli of the other iiigicdieiits aio selected * null compounded. It la THE Superior Medicine because it is alwayH the same In up- pearance , Haver , and effect , and , being - ing liljjhly concentrated , only small doses are needed. It is , therefore , the most economical blood-piaider In existence. It p UlllUS makes food iionr- CPUnnil A 'shl ' \\oikpleas- - dUnUrULM alti ) 8lcc , , Afresh- Ing , and life enjoyable. Jt he-arches out all impurities In tlio sxhloin and expels them harmlessly by tlio natural - ral clmnnclH. AYKIt'S .Sais.tparilla gives elasticity to the step , and imparts - parts to the gcd anil infhni , re newed health , strength , and vitality. Sarsapanlla I'reiiixred tylr. J.O.Ayer KCo , Lowell. Man. Bold tyallllriiKijIii'.iJ I'rlcel ; klz tiottle > , f > . Cures others , will euro you