PRRT TWO. IE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE PROES 9-16. TWENTY-SECOND YEAH. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 11 , 1892-TWENTY-l < ( ) lTIl PAGES. U 17-1. HAYDEN i Toys and Holiday Goods Santa Clnus headquarters. Snntn Cliuis will urrlvo on Monday nnil will mnko his homo at llaydon's toy department. This department on account of stoad- lly Increasing trade linn been doubled this season , occupying'two lloors , which are chucked full , making tlio largest layout over seen in this western country. Money and experience have both been used to great advantage in gathering this immense assortment , nothinglike it over scon in Otnahn , all previous efforts excelled , ono visit to this department will convince the most critical that the pliico to buy your toys is at Ilaydcns' , where they carry the stock nnd whuro they have the place to display as woil , and lnstbut not least , but the most important these hard times , this is the place where they make the Imvcsl prices. The largest line ol dolls of every size , ntylo and description , fcom Ic up to the Uncut made. Dressed dolls in Creator variety than over befoo : aud at much lower prices. Now novelties in toilet sets , manicure Bets , jewel cases , perfume setababy bets , smoking outfits , etc. Autograph albums 25c , 50c and 76e. Nov.- styles In photograph case ? . Now designs in albums and in great variety at about half former prices. 25e gnmos now tolling at lOc each. Lower prices on iron toys than over mndo in Omaha. Children's ricturo books ftc and. lOc each , about half the price others ask for the same. Tool ciiebts lOc and 25e each for the whole outfit. Magic lanterns fiOc , 8Sc and $1.25. A handsome line of celluloid fancy goods at Hoyden's popular prices. Rubber balls , footballs , rubber to s , rubber dolls , rattlers , etc. Car loads of wooden toys. The greatest display we over had in ton pins , blocks , Noah's ark , railway trains , tallyhos , band wagons , co.uihos , "etc. "etc.Doll Doll carriages from 2Sc a plcco up. Brass drums 19c up. tin horns , rattles , tops and everything- in this line at about one-half former prices. Wo have got the stock and wo nro going to soil and you will find that your dollarb will roacli further at Hay- uen's than anywhere else. Sachet bags of every description , Christmas cards in great variety , hobby horses , iroa and wooden wagons , wheelbarrows , carts , tool chests , writing debks and games of every description. The largest stock of musical instruments in fact , anything you may bo looking for you will llnd at Ilnydon Bros. , Santa Glaus head quarters. Special inducements to all cash buy ers during the holiday season on til DESKS , CENTER TABLES , CHIFFONIERS , BOOKCASES , HALL TREES , HAT RACKS , SIDEBOARDS , LOUNGES , CHAIRS. ROCKERS , , EXTENSION TABLES , PICTURES , EASELS. TRUNKS AND VALISES. Wo wish to crown a successful year with a wreath of low prices and genuine bargains. THE INDUCEMENT : Prom now until Christmas wo will give a 10 per cent discount on all desks and book cases and sideboards ( ladies' secretaries excepted ) , Our prices were low before nnd wore always in plain figures. This caps the climax. Cotton Dress Goods. 500 pieces of 32-inch wide gtin Mal tese" and Fantaiso chevrons , Bedford cords , Avoyron cloth and challls , all dark styles , now goods ; choice of the entire lot , 7jcyard ; , jubt half price ; tiu Wggest bargain in tills city ; look them over. Cloaks and Jackets. Having purchased from an eastern mnnufnctnrur who needed money moro than ho needed goodu , a large line of cloaks and jackets , wo aro'ennblod to olTor same to the public at prices that strike our competitors dumb. No old goods , no chestnuts , but choice seasonable garments. For 81.50 you can buy a black or tan lur trlmmod jacket worth $7.00. For $ ( ( .75 an elegant tan coonoy trimmed jacket worth double. For $7.60 a brown chinchilla trimmed with wildcat fur worth double. For $10.00 4 shades of fin with 0 dif ferent kindti of fur , well worth $18.50. Fov 91,1.60 un elegant mink trimmed garment , also the Franklin coat goes at the Mime prico. For $16.00 oholco of 10 different styles n fur trimmed jackets , III ) inches long. Notions. Wo are the loaders both in price and quality in this lino. Look over this list ; Good rubber line combs , 2 for 5c. Good rubber coai-bu combs , 4o. Extra heavy rubber combs , c , worth c. . Gouts' poukot combs onlv lie. . U dozen nursery pins for'oo. 0 packages good heavy pins for 60. it spools linen thread for 6c , Good ourllng Iron for6c. U thimbles for 60. 10 corset laces lor Be. Cor ot steels , So per pair. . Hrooks' host spool cotton , 200 yardt I0r lo , Rubber hairpins , lo each. Fancy hull pins , lo each , Fanci rubber side combs , 5o each. Wa are closing out the balance of the Bohueidor htocluof riichlngn , luces , col 1 lars and inn 1 ties as ono-third thcii real value. You can save mouoy In thli JUno If you need the goods. Colored Dress Goods. . Mondav wo commence our great clear ing sale in wool dress goods. Nothing reserved. Everything goca at heavy cut prices. If you want to mnko your wife , daugh ter or friend a ClirUtmas present noth ing would bo moro appropriate than anew now dt ess. Wo can save you 60 lo 76 pur cent. Call nnd bee tin. 40-inch all wool suitings that wo have sold a.l the season for 5So and Ooc , go at Me. 50-Inch all wool French serge with raised figure ; thes goods wo sold for $1.45. Clearing bale price , HSc. Wt-inch heavy Scotch mixtures , very stylish , extra value ; our price on these goods was $1.8-5. Clearing sale price , $ ! . : . 10-inch all wool tricot flannel , regular price , 50c. Clearing sale price , 'Joe. 40-inch all wool imported French crepe cloths in chevron effects , worth $1.25. Clearing sale price , 75e. u 1-inch heavy broadcloth , rosruhir price , $1.60. Clearing sale price , 81.16. 40-inch all wool , satin finish , German honriotta , wo sold for $1.00 , clearing sale price , 70c. 40-Inch all wool serge , worth 05c , clearing sale price 50e. A11 of our 28c , Me and , n > 3c English cashmeres nnd novelty weaves , go at Loc. Black Dress Goods. 40-inch all wool very fine serge , wo sold for 81.15 , clearing sale price , 8oc. 40-inch all wool Btorm gorge , worth Ooc. clearing sale price , 50c. 40-inch all wool , satin finish , Gorman honriolta , worth 75c , clearing sale price , Ol'o. 54-inch heavy , all wool flannels , regu lar price , 75c , clearing sale price , 69c. 28-inch all wool flannel for 25- . 40-inch shepherd .plaids wo sold for OOc , clearing sale price , 3'Jc. 40-iiich camel's hair sergeworth $1.25 , clearing sale price , 76c. Silk Ties , Reefer Scarfs and Ladies' Mufflers , Tn this line wo can save you money. Klegant silk Windsor ties only 1-lc. Very fancy silk Windsor ties for 18c. Klegant patterns in stripes and checks , 23c. 23c.Vory fine extra length ties , 4o. ! ) Beautiful reefer scarfs , brocaded , $1.25. The very latest novelties , $1.'J8. Deep embroidered chiffon ties , 55c. Handkerchiefs. Commencing on Monday and lasting for a lull week , wo will olVor our com plete stock , of over 1,600 do/.on cotton , linen , Swiss , chilTon and silk handker chiefs at prices ranging from Ic tol. Children's bordered handkerchiefs , Ic each. Children's b'ordorod handkerchiefs , 2c each. Children's bordered handkerchiefs , fine , 3c each. Ludlob * line swiss , corded handker chiefs , 5c eacji. Ladies' very line hemstitched hand kerchiefs , 5c each. Lidics' very line embroidered hand kerchiefs , 8c each. Ibtulles' very line hand embroidered Irish linen handkerchiefs 18o each. Ladies' plain colors , embroidered silk handkerchiefs , 12jc. Ladles' very line silk handkerchiefs ' embroidered 'in each corner , 15c. Ladles' very fine chilYon handker chiefs , embroidered , 12c. } Wo have the nicest and cheapest line of line embroidered silk hnndkoichiofs in the city , just the tilling for Christmas presents. Linens , GREAT DISPLAY OF FANCY LINENS. Plain white hemstitched and fancy colored fringed scarfs in great variety at 3oc. lOc , SOc , 75c , $1 , $1.25 , $1.60 , $1.7 and $2 each. Plain white nnd fancy borders it towels , immense assortment , 5e , lOc , 15c , lOc , 25o and SOc each , An elegant line of flno towels , 75c , $1 $1-25 and $1.)5 ! ) < vinli . ll-l white Marseilles spreads , $1. Crochet bed spreads at OSc , 7oo , 8Sc $1 , $1.25 and $1.50 caoh. Special bargain In imported Mai seillos spreads at $2.0S and $5 each Lunch cloths , in oxory style , cole and size , at all prices to suit. Fringed cloths , with napkins to matcl the bet , only $2 , $2.50 , $ ; and $3.50 a sot Big line of napkins , 50c , $1 , $1.25. Special Sale in Art De partment. Now that the holidays draw near wo know that bargains In this department will bo appreciated. Wo otter on Monday : Silk head rests , very fancy , at loc. Extra bi/.o head rcbts , double nnd single , at 25c. Vorv largo head rests , worth $1.60 , for 605. Millinery Department , It is not a question of price any longer. This is n grand closing out sale ol all kinds of winter millinery goods. Ijidlus1 plain and trimmed hats. Chil dren's hats and caps of every descrip tion , Fine mlllincr.v ribbons , trimmings nnd ornaments. Ostrich feathers at 25o , SOc , 35e and oOc , worth 50o up to $1.6U. * Fancy fo-ithera at 6e , 7c , lOo , 16o and 25c. Now la the time to buy infants' and children's cups uud hoods of ull kinds. All Prices. All Grades. All Styles. Pianos Cheap. Orga/iis Cheap. Two Dozen Different Priced Instruments. Sole - Aen s fo the is iofc a ILat y iij this \A/ho ijofc fad picnsctS fee ior Pi ESEI T a i)5cc COMB TO US IT. S8c , black Faille Frnncaiso silk. 8Sc. $1 00 , black surah frllc , $1.00. 81.00 , black Faille Francaise silk , Jl.OO. $1.25 , black cordoned silk. $1.25. $1.0 ! ) , black Faille Francaiso silk , $1.09. 81.31. black rhadxlbier sllic , $1.M. ! 75c , black gros grain silk , 75c. $1.35 , , black royal larmure silk , $1.35. OOc , black gros grain silk , OOc. $1.25 , blac'c , $1.25. $1.00 , black gros grain silk. SI.00. $1.25 , black hand .woven china silk , $1.27 , black gros grain silk , $1.27. $1.25. 81.60 , black gros grain silk , $1.50. $1.00 , black brocac\o china silk , SI.00. $1.75 , black gros grain silk. $1.75. $1.00 , ercno do chene silk , $1.00. $1.00 , black crystal bengaline , $1.00. $1.25. roini de-VioioV.Uk , $1.25. $1.25 , black crystal bengnlino , $1.25. $1.25 , rogenco bilk , $1.25. OOc , black duchess s.ttin , OOc. AX ! , . Flannels. J wide white wool flamftl only 25c ad.White White wool flannel-15c and 20c. Very fine white wool flannels , 35c and 40o yard. White- twill flannel 35c , 40c , 50e , COc and 75c yard. Imported shirting flannel , will not shrink , 50c yard. Big line of Eiderdown flannel , both plain and fancy colors , 40c , 60c and C5c yard.All All wool jersey flannel , 40c yard. Special bargains in plain rod and navy blue twilled llannol , all wool , at 2oc yard. 8-ounco all wool skirting flannel. In stripes or plaids , 5o ( ) yard. , close. Flannel skirt patterns , 85c each. , Best all wool sidrt patterns , $1.25'and $1.50 each. Blankets. Gray wool mixed blankets , 6Cc , OSc 75c , 81 , $1.25 and $1.50 a pair. All wool gray blankets , 10-lsixc$2.75 , $3.50 aud $1.35 a pair. 11-4 gray mixed blankets , $1.05 , $1.95 , $2.08 , $1.35 and $4.1)8 ) a pair. 12-4 eray mixed blankets , 0-pound weight , only $2.35 a pair. 10-4 while" blankets , 75o and $1 a pair. 10-4 5i-pound white wool mixed blank ets , $1.25 a pair. Fine white wool mixed blankets , $ and $2.50 a pair. 11-1 white wool blankets , $3.98 a p-iir. Fine white California blankets , 'll-l size , each pair in box , $0.08 a pair. Fine all wool white blankets , $1.75 , $5.75 and $0.60 a pair. Sample line of white blanketsslightly soiled , at a big b.irgain. Doiestics. Bleached and brown mualln are ad vancing fast , but us longr as our present supply lasts wo shall continue to sell at our old prices , but would advise all our customers to lay in their supply , for it is impossible now for us to got our former orders duplicated at old prices. Bleached muslin , yard wide , 5c , Ojc , 7c , 7Jc , 8o and lOo yard. Yard wide brown muslin , 5c,0o aiul7c , 42-inch bleached pillow caelng , 8c. } 40-inch bleached pillow casing , lOc. A full line of double width sheeting , bleached or unbleached,16c , ljc ( , 17c,18c , JOe , 20c , 21o , 22c , 21Joand 2oo yard. Ready-made pillow cases , 12c } each. Ready-made sheets , oxtraqunlity , OSc. New Veilings. We have just received a very large stock of fancy silk and wool veilings which makes our line complete and we are offering them at very low prices , viz : Very fine silk veilings , all color's , lie yard. A beauty only IBc per yard. Special novelties , 20c , 22c and 25c per yard. A very stylish veil with jets , 3Bc per yard. Fine wool veilings ; 16c , 20c and 25o yard. Call and examine. , Plush Garments. A $16.00 38 inch plush ccat for $10.00 A $20.00 38 inch plush coat for $1.1.75 A $25.00 40 inch plush coat for $10.00 A $30 00 40 inch plush coat I or $20,0(1 ( A S32.GO 40 Inch plusli coat Ior $ J:2.oO : Underwear , ! Closing out oiiruntiro stock of ladies' , children's and mott'iJ underwear. Ladies' jersey ribbed , vests , long sleeves , only 19c ; worth 40c. 1 case of ladies' Jersey ribbed wool vests only 50q , north 9Sc. 1 lotof ladle4'combination ! suits worth $1.25 , reduced to'75c. 1 case of ladies' black wool tights only $1.25. worth $2.00. Gents' heavy natural gray underwear shirts and drawers , only 50o each , re duced from 75c. Gents' heavy wool shirts and drawers in natural wool and camel's hair , only 75c each , worth $1.25. Ladles' Wrappers. A $1.25 wrapper for OOc. A Sl.CO wrapper for $1. A $1.75 wrapper for $1.25. A $2 wrapper for $1.50. Children's1 Cloaks. 4 years for $1.50. 0 yours for 81 05. 8 ycard for $1.80. 10 years for $2. 12 years for $2.25. - All mndo w'lfh military capes and special value. Lace Curtains. Wo have the molt complete assortment - ' mont of lace curtains'to bo found in the city. . p A good lace curtain for 50o pair. A bettor one"for " 7ao to $1 , A very line ono foj 81.75 to $2. Also some very line silk curtains just received , if Dress Trimmings. This department is more complete .ban over bnforo both In the extent and variety of n l the latest novelties in the trimming line , at lower prides than over before. This departmont'carries dressmakers' lupplios of every description and will positively lead all competition In intrin sic values. 5 Carpets. Without regard to the recent advance In the price of cnrppls wo are still selling at the same low priciv * Hosiery , * i 50 dozen children's wool hose , odds and ends , worth 60c , " reduced to 25c. 1 lot fine saxony yarn , only Oc per siteln , worth l ( c ; Standard Gorman knitting yarn only lOo par skein. Trunks and Valises. No matter what others say , the trunks wo sell for Sl.lO nro just as good aa the ones others soil Ior $2 and $2.50. Wo challenge comparison. Everything In this line , whether bag or trunk , is us ch'iap as it IB possible to bo , considering the nt-Bt class quality of the goods. Wo uro always open for a comparison. Give us a cull , Jewelry. Our holiday offerings In line watches , clocks , silverware and jewelry. Solid cold nock chains , OSe , worth " $ l'.oO. Solid gold heart charms , 6Se , worth $1.50. Ladlos' or gouts' heavy band rings , beautifully chased , $1.60. worth * 3.f > 0. Solid gold band rings. O'.V. ' worth $2. Genuine diamond eardrops in solid gold settings , $ ! t.05 , worth $10. Beautiful California diamond eardrops in heavy solid gold diamond suitings , $1.1)5 ) , worth $5. Genuine Bohemian garnet eardrops in solid gold settings , 4Sc , worth $1.60. Solid gold baby rings , lOc , worth 50c. Silver napkin rings , 6c , each , worth 2oe. 2oe.Solid Solid silver thimbles , 15c , worth 60c. Beautiful lace pins in now designs , 25c , jewelers' price $1. Child's silver mugs in cases , 50c , worth $1. Silverware of all kinds at hulf jewcl- rs' prices. Rogers' 12 ilwt. Unlvcs or forks , $1.25 ior sot. Now holiday goods arriving dally. iVhy pay exorbitant prices to jewelers vhuii wo can furnish the same quality goods at half their prices. Gents' gold stiffened American watch , tern wind and sot , So.75. Gunls' gold iillod hunting case vatch , warranted to wear 20 years , with [ jlgln , Springfield \Valtham move- nenls. $11.-15. Gents' 11 kt gold-filled watchwarrant- id to wear 20 years , with a line full-jow- iled movement , adjusted to heat , cold ind position. $18 45. GentS' solid gold watch , stem wind i.nd .el . , limiting and open face , ' with line American movement , $10.50. Ladies' solid coin silver watch , stem ivihd and set , full jeweled , $3.50. Ladiei' gold filled hunting case stem ivind and set watches , with a line nickel American movement , $0.)5. ! ) Ladies' line 14 kt solid gold watch , jpen face , stem wind and set , $0.75 , Ladies' 14 lt gold-filled hunting case watches with genuine diamond sot in . enter and handsome rni&od gold orna mentations , Elgin , Springfield or Wai- ham movement. $18.45. Elegant pearl opera glasses , black , kVhito and oriental , achromatic lenses , ivith line morocco cases , $3.50 , worth .00. Black morocco leather covered opera glasses with cases , 75c. Solid sterling silver souvenir spoons , OSc , worth $2. Watch and clock repairing at half owolor's price. Book Department. Just received , a largo stock of books 'or the holiday's" Look at these prices. Cooper's Leather Stocking Tales , 5 volumes , for $1.40. Thackery's complete works , in 10 volumes , for $2.95. Dickens' complete works , in 15 vol umes , illustrated , $5.00. Shakespeare's complete works , in 6 volumes , $1.5)8. ) Shakespeare's complete works , in 1 volume , $1.75. Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare , $260. , * Bvron's " complete works , illustrated , vol. , $1.15. Dante's Inferno. Purgatory and Paradise. Bible Gallery. Bible Scones and Stories. Masterpieces from Doro. The Fable of La Fontaine. All illustrated by Gustavo Dore , only $1.19. $1.19.THESE THESE ARE RARE \RGAINS. . Oxford Sunday School Teachers' Bible , $1.95. Oxford Sunday School Teachers' Bible , bound in Russian seal , $2.05. 2,000 cloth bound books , 12 mo. , only 15c onch. Art. SPECIAL SALE IN ART DEP'T. V/e nre offering special bar gains for Monday in felt scarfs , scfuare covers and pinno covers , also in head rests , stamped lin ens , etc , , viz : Fine silk head rests , worth 28c for IBc. Very fancy silk head rests , double and single , worth 75c , for 2Bc. Large fancy silk head rests , worth $1.QO , for BOc. Fancy felt table scarfs , worth 79c , for 39a. Fancy felt table scarfs , worth 98c , for BOc. Fancy felt table scarfs , worth $1.23 , forQSc. Fancy felt table scarfs , worth $1.16 , forGSc. Fancy felt table scarfs , worth $1.2O , for 69c. Fancy piano covers , worth $3 , for $1.28. Large square covers , worth 7Bc , for 4Oc , Large square covers , worth $1.38 , for 7Bc. Small square covers , worth 5O c , for 2Bc. Special sale on stamped linen splashers , dresser scarfs , etc. Stamped splashers , So , Be and lOc. Stamped dresser scarfs , full length , 14o. Stamped linen doylies , 2 for Be. Fancy cords. Be per yard. Silk floss , Be per dozen. Half-ounce spool knitting silK , 18c , worth 33c. Fancy Goods. Fancy lolt table scarfs worth 70c for 39o. X Funoy felt table scarfs worth OSc lor 50a Fancy felt table scarfs worth $1,15 lor foe. foe.Fancy felt table scarfs worth $1.20 for 09c. Stamped linensplashers , 8c , 5u and 1 lOc. Stamped linen dresser scarfs , full I length , 14c , Stamped linen and damask Uolles , 2 lor 5c. Fancy cords , 6c per yard. Komombor wo uro the only house in the city that sells 3-yurtl spools silk : flosa at Be per do/.on , i ounce spool knitting ellk , only 16c. Candy. Chocolate creams , hand-made , 25c per pound ; fold regularly , 40c. Bon-bons , hand-made , 25c per pound ; sold tcgularly , o ° c. Best bon-bons , nut centers , 40c per pound ; sold regularly , SOc. Buttoroups , eight flavors , IlOc per pound ; sold regularly , Ulo. Peppermint and wintorgrccn wafers,30ci sold regularly , 40c. Rock candy , best quality , 23c per pound ; sold regularly , 40c. Boston chips , 20c per pound ; sold reg ularly , 40o. Assorted kisses , 20c per pound ; sold regularly , lOc. Peppermint losongors , 20c pound ; sold regularly , 40c. Caramels , 20cper pound ; sold regularly , 40c. Wintorgroonlosongers , ISc per pound ; sold i egulai ly , 40c. Mixed fiMlt drops , lee per pound ; sold regularly , ! ! 0c. Maple sugar cocoanut , loc per pound ; sold regularly , HOc. Vanilla cream cocoanut , lee per pound ; sold regularly , 'JOo. Cocoanut tally , ISepor pound ; sold regu larly , 8IIC. I'ca-.ut tally , loc per pound ; sold reg ularly , Me. Molasses taffy , old-fashioned , loc per pound : sold regularly "Oc. Cream tall'y , loc per pound ; sold regu larly , 30c. Chocolate and vanilla cream bare , 16c per pound ; bold regularly , 40c. London mixed , 10u per pound ; sold regularly , 20c. Log cabin mixed , lOc per pound ; sold regularly , 20c. Clove cushions , lOc per pound ; sold regularly , 20c. Tardinal pear drops , lOc per pound ; sold regularly , 20c. Wo carry a full line of Imported French frui'ts , marshinollows and super- line chocolates. Salted almonds made to order. These are some of the goods wo make. The public is invited to see our candy- makers at work. Hardware. SIIICLVE AND BUILDERS' HARD- WAKE DEPARTMENT. Common , fence , shingle , flooring , and all kinds of wire nails , by the keg or pound ; 100 pounds makes a keg of nails. OOd nails . ' $1 00 BOd nails 2 00 SOd nails 2 15 40d nails. . ' 2 15 20d nails 2 25 ] 2d nulls 2 35 lOd nails. ' . 2 4n 10 nails 2 40 Sdand 9d nails 2 fie Gd and 7cl naila 2 65 Padlocks 5 c .Tack planes 59 o Dcffttou's saws , 20-inch . " 1 4g Empire Raws , 20-inch 72 c Block planes 13 c Smooth planes 38 Braces 22 ° Rachet braces 63 ° Autoinatlo screw drivers , with 3 bits 82 c No. 45 giant tools 49 c Madole hammers 40 c A lull line of shelve and builders hardware at corresponding prices. Stoves and Ranges. If you will examine our $27.50 solid steel range that other dealers ask $15,0o for you would take it in preference to others if wo ask also $15.00 for them , but not alone giving you the best range in the world , wo save you t5 ! per cent. Wo do the same thing in our cooking ana boating stoves. If you will read the following prices you can con vince yourself : IN HEATING STOVES : The Magnet $2.95 , worth three times as much. The F. W. Jr. Oaf { $0.45. worth $12. The Emblem $9.30 , worth $15. The Caiinan $5.05 , worth $12. The P. P. Stewart $37.50 , worth $50. The Matchless $10.20 , worth $35. The Splendid $38.25 , worth $55. The Putnam $5.15 , worth $10. IN COOKING STOVES. The Cooking Emblem $7 , worth $14. The Ilcarthsido $9.45 , worth $18. The Matchless $19.05 , worth $27. The Signal $19 95 , worth $27. The P. P , Stewart , the finest reeking stove in the world , $22.95 , worth $35.00 any man's nionoy. The Magnum lamp stove wjll heat any room you have , p\-Ico \ $3.50. There nrootlfor oil heaters in the mar ket that you pay $12.00 for that have not the boating capacity that the Magnum has. Tea and Coffee. If you wish good goods , and , also , to save money , buy your tea and cotTco here. Our teas are all now pickings. AVe can sell you a good plain draw ing tea 15 Choice sun-dried Japan 19c , 25 Basket-llrod Japan , sweet drawing , rough leaf 35 Choice cultivated uncolored Japan , -lOo , 50 Extra choice spider log Japan 00 o Young Hyson , good loaf and heavy liquor 00 o Ping Suoy Gunpowder 40c , BOc 45 o Movuno gunpowder 't5c , 'SO o Ceylon tea , very lino. 00 c English breakfast ! ! 5c. HSo , 48o , 50 c Coffee wo receive dally fresh from the roaster. Cracked coffee. . . , , 19c Cracked Java and Mocha 2-o No. HHlo coiroo 24c Golden Rio. . . , , 25 e Fruit. California Bartlet poars. , . 10 c California egg plums. . 14c. 15o and 17o California grcon gages. ,14o,15oand 17jc California golden drop plums . . . , , , . . , . ' . .lie , 16o and 17jc California Muscatel grapes. . . . , , , . 16 c California grape ponchos , , , . ' . 15c , 171o , 20oand 25 c California apricots..17ic , JOe and 22 o California black tartarian cher ries , , 25 c Groceries. Pure Rye Flour 85o PuraRyo Graham Flour 800 Pure Wheat Gr.iham Flour 20o Minneapolis best superlative flour ( warranted ) 00 o A good Flour ( Snowllako ) 05 0 llnydon Bros. Best Superlative Flour $1.23 Just received a car of now strictly pure buckwheat llotlr . . , . , 60 Self-rising buckwheat flour fi o Aunt Sally pancake Hour So Aunt Jemima pancake flour. . . . . . . . fljo Llob's ryonlnjun flapjack 3So No. 1 sugar-cured ham * J2Jo Picnic hams 8jo N. Y. hams 8 o Dried beef 7 o Cot-no ; ! beef fi o Potted ham , per can 60 Potted tongue. , 5o Deviled ham 5 o Bologna sausage " . . , 5 o Liver sausage Co Headcheese fi o Frank forts , 7iti Sapollo or Scuurlng Soap 60 Save all the wrappers that come on the Sapollo , and Bond them to the fac tories and tliay will send you a very Una chrjino. All kinds of washing powder , 2Jo pop package or 4 for lie. Son pi no , 1770 , Gold Dust , Soap Dust and Pom-lino. Van lluuton's pure cocoa 05,0 Fry's Improved honmiopathiococoa ( ! < > o Prune Russian caviar ( per can ) . . . . 29 o Best homo-mado catsup 25 a Genuine Spanish chili-snuco 25 o 3 packages Doherty's Now England mince moat . 25 o 3 packages Andoison's celebrated condensed mince meat 26 o 3 pound can tomatoes 8Jo California evaporated peaches 17Jo California dried grapes , . . 5 o California evaporated pitted plums 17 o California white nocturonos 17jo California rod neiiluroncs 17jo California evaporated apricots 20 o Imported English currants 8jo These are all now fruits just re ceived , nnd the most delicious you over ate. They aro. worth lOc per Ib. more than wo ask. Just imported irom Seville , Spain , the finest olives you over saw , all packed fresh for us. Per qt. . . 35 o Imported chow chow / . 15 o Imported mixed pickles 15 eWe Wo sell a good baking powder. . . . 5 o Evaporated raspberries ( now ) 25 c Now California raisin-cured prunes 15 o 3-lb pail pure fruit jelly 20 o 20-lb o til pure fruit jolly 75 c Largo bottle blueing 5 o Corn starch 6 o Laundry starch 5 o Bird seed ( very fine ) . . . ' . 5 o 2-lb can oavly June peas. 17ic. If you buy a can nnd if you ilo not say they are the finest and most delicious pea you over did cat , wo will pay you back the money. Wo have peas for 8Jc , 105c , 12Jo and 16c nor can. Condensed milk 10 You all know Ed Brown and his fa- lous C. O. D. grocery store. Though unfortunate , his name is still guarantee for excellent quality and ivsost prices. Haydcn Bros , purchased his stock of ho mortgagees , PO the goodu can now o sold at about one-half Brown's lo'w- ) riccs. The goods are now on sale. WJiut a chance to buy holiday sup- lies. CHINA. GLASSWARE , CROCK- CRY , GRAN1TEWARE. FLINT- VARE , BLUE ENAMELWARB , TIN- VARE , COPPER AND BRASS 100DS , WOODENWARE , FIBRE- .TONEWARE . , CUTLERY AND S1L- M3UWARE. 11 distinct lines of goods in ono largo natnmoth department. There are hun- "rods of useful and appropriate articles mong them that will make a splendid * mas present. A line lamp. Dinner sot. Tea set. Toilet set. Fire sets. 6 o'clock tea sots. Carving sets. Kitchen sets in copper , brass , flint , granite , b'.ue enamel , cameo or ovoa .in ware. Fine cups and saucers. Plates. Lemonade sots. , | Baby berry sots , figures , etc. , etc. Dinner sets 8 > 7.95 , worth $16-,00. l\ \ Tea sots $3.20. worth $8.76. Hanging lamps $1.75. worth $5.00.i Ji Stand lamps , with decorated ah ado -il nnd burner to match , and line burner , J * U5 ! , worth $1. -1 Toilet so IB , $1.05 , worth $5.00. Fine bniba flro sots $0 , worth $15 , 50 clock tea sots $3.50 , worth $8. Carving bets 05o , worth $2.50. Cups and saucora lOc , 15c , worth 250 and 50c. A Cups and saucers 'I5c , worth $1. ] Fine chlmr platen lOc , 12o , IGo , ICc , 4 17c. 22o , worth four tlmcsns much. Fine ruby , canary and blue lemonade sots , jug anil six { 'labsos , $1,25 , worth $3.50. 0-pleco glass cream sot 20c , worth 76o. Bissell carpet swonpor , $1,40. Fine blown glass tumbler 40c , worth ; $1.00. Syrup pitcher 10 , worth 25o. Oysters , Cheese , Butter Baltimore fresh oysters , solid moata , 25c per quart. Michigan col cry , 22o per do/on. Wo have the finest strawberry and raspberry preserves at 12jo per pound. Mtnco moat , 7o per pound. Apple butter , 7jo per pound. Now , then , wp have country butter for lie , 13c , 16o , 17o and bcHt country butter for 19o. Remember this butter Is made Irom the cream that comes from Nobrusitu , CCMV'H milk , Creamery wo have at Hie , 23c and 25c. Our separator creamery , 27e. In cheobo wo tu 1(0 the lead , as wo handle only the finest domestic and Im ported goods. ! Rochfort imported , 50o per pound. ' Fromago do brio , 40o pur pound , 4 Sab sngo , Ho pur package. Neufchatel , 7io per iiuckngo. Plnoupnlu cheese , 60o each , Edain cncoso , $1.25 each. American club houao , Moouch. 1 Fromugo do Camembert , 86c a box. ; Now Jersey pure cream , Ho and ! ( * *