8 THE OMAHA DAILY flEE : SUNDAY , D1SBEM1H3R 11 , 18)2-WliNTY-I'OUR ! ) : PAGES. W , R , BEN } Offer Special Inducements for All Next Week. BARGAINS IN CHRISTMAS PRESENTS - Unnllljror OurOood * \Vo8lmlj-to Improve Without Hulling Our ITlrrn-Thnt'il \Vliy We Nr\rr Uuy Ilnnk- riipt Stock * DRY GOODS NOTION DEPARTMENT Men's and boys' gloves , 'We pair ; hose , Be , lOc , ICc and 2 c ; all extra values. Hnndkerctilcls , 2c , 6c. 10c ; silk hand kerchiefs only 16c. Towels , largo size , colored borders , only 28c. Towch , knelled fringe. 20c Huck lowolf , 2. " > c. Good va'uo linen towels , 5c , 8c , loc. Hair plus. lc p.ick- ngo. Pins , lo papor. Safety pins , lc , 2o and lie paper. Napkins , 3c } each. Good suspenders , 15c , 25c nnd 35c. All excellent value. Shirts of all kinds , commencing nt 40o each. It will pay you to look over this department. CHRISTMAS CANDIES. Buy thorn of us we can give you bet tor goods and more for your money than anyone in the west , A nice mixed candy , oc per pound ; a No. 1 gumdrop , Cc per pound ; a fancy design gumdrop , 8c per pound ; nice cream candy , 12Jc per pound ; handmade chocolates , 15c per pound ; wintcrgroen lozenges , 17o per'pound ; caramels , 18c per pound : one-half pound mnrshmal- lows ( bpscs ) , 25c ; one-fourth pound mnrshmnllows ( boxes ) , 15c ; orange paste ( boxes ) , 15c. The last throe Items are packed in beautiful boxes and are really delicious and very cheap. Oranges , every" one good , Ifio per dozen. Ele gant fancy candy in boxes 30c , usually Eold at OOc. STATIONERY DEP'T. Tollot paper 3c , toilet paper 5c. note paper 21 shooto only 3c , 25 envelopes He , mucllngo ( that will slick ) lie bottle , good ink Ho bottle , slates 4c , 5c , 8c. Webster's dictionaries , largo size , 7oc. Webster's dictionary , school bizc , Kc. Cooks books 2oc. Largo st/o picture books at lc , Cc , lOc , ] 5c , 20c and 25 = . This is the best line and the best values you will find in Iho city ; nice linen scrap books , 5c , lOc , 15c nnd 20c. Wo also have a nice line of Christmas cards at very low prices. Society note paper , a line line at 25c per box. A lOo note paper for Cc. See If this isn't so when in our store. Shnkespore's complete works would make an elegant Christmas present , only 50c. ' Extra fine lot of box note paper in fancy box former price 75c , now 30c. Bargain in note paper and in boxes at 12o nnd 15c. FURNITURE DEPARTMENT. A largo assortment of Indies' and gents' plush rockers at $1.95 , $2.93 and 83.25 ; these are extra value and would bo a very appropriate Christmas pres ent. A complete line of-misses' and children's chairs and rockers at 25c , 85 c , 38c and 48c. 'See thcso solid oak catcle , fancy top , brass trimmings , ad justable brack'els , at $1.25 ; also bamboo easels , 3 sizes , 25c , 48c , 98c ; photo frames ; whisk broom holders ; paper rucks , liana painted , with beautiful gilt frames , 55c , G5c , 75c , ' 85c , etc. ; hat racks iri various styles. Wo also carry in tthis depart ment comforts , blankets , pillows , double lounges , sofas in plush and tapestry , wool dusters , crepe tissue paper _ for lamp ahndos and fancy work. ftl Swing rockers , Bomolhing new. Ask to see them. JEWELRY DEPARTMENT. This is filled with goftds , the vor kind that would make appropriate holi day presents. Our prices nro righl every lime. Watches , $1.50 , $3.25 nnc ! S3.50 nnd up. Cult buttons. lOc , 25c , 30c 35o puir. Fiuo assortment chains nnt lockets. Watch chains , 75c , $1.50 , 81.0 ! nnd up. Ladies necklaces , lOc , 25c , 35 ( , nnd up. Hair ornaments , lOc , 12c ani 13c. Lace pins , lOc , 15c , 20c , 2uc. Ring ! ( linguor ) , 15e , 20c , 25c , 45c and up Clocks , bent mudo , low prices. Fini , line of scissors and razors. Pocko knives , lOc , 20o and 25c. Carvers , 75c 05c. $1.38 per pair. Rogers knives , $1.2- : Bet. Rogers forks , 1.25 set DRUG DEPARTMENT. Wo sell all the loading patents of tin day 25 per cent lower than Iho regulni prices asked by oilier dealers , Wyotli'i beef , iron nnd wine , Ooc ; Warner's Loj Cabin snrsapnrilla , 05c ; liter's roe beer , 18c ; Zip , 05c ; Hall's catarrh cure GOo ; Bromochlornlino , 35o ; Sane head aeho cure. 50o sl/.o , 25c ; best tonic 20c ; DulTy's malt whisky , 85c Hosteller's blltors , 75c ; rat poison , lOc Wo also carry in this department ai endless variety and a select nfisortmcn of loilot articles , perfumery , face powders dors , etc. , etc. HOLIDAY TOY DEPARTMENT. This occupies our entire 2d floor an " Is easy of access. Wo have a very larg stock , and as wo need thin floor for special purpose immediately after th holidays , we shall DO com polled to sol every article wo now have in stock nn that which is on the road. Everything must go nnd our price will make them move lively. Remember we must have Iho roon nnd somebody is going lo have all th toys they wnnt for a very little monoj Dolls in onoloBS variety. Iron toys , carts , wagons , hobb horses , plush goods , wooden toys , etc WE POSITIVELY REFUSE To curry over a single article wo no linvo on hand. OUR TEA , COFFEE AND SPICE DI PARTMENT lias done wonders , It has become vor popular. Wo have a full line of Chini Japan nnd India teas and at prices 1 eult every ono. Wo guarantee to pleas every time. Our colToos are fresh roasted dull ; and although Iho murkoU have ai vanced considerable , wo have in raised on our old prices. Our spices are guarantod alrlotly pui nnd Ihu line is complete. Call in and drink a cup of our do ] clous culToo , You are welcome. . Vase lamp , beautiful tinted shade i match , $1.37. A largo vase lamp wl ! lift out brass fount , bisque finish shad 12,25. Dnntjuot' lamp , Antlqut bra finish , 10-inch umbrella shade , $2.7 Silver banquet lamp J8.26. Piano lam silver finish , largo umbrella shad length closed 62 inches , extended 73 , d tacnable silver Rochester fount , $8.5 HANGING LAMPS. Wo show a largo assortment at pric below every one. A fine brass hnngli lump complete for $1.50. Cannot ' boucrht of any other house la the ci for lues than $2.00. Our $5.25 hungli lamp U sold in other stores for { 0,25. Glass lumps complete from lOc lo 0 < TOILET SETS. An elegant largo 0 piece sol , 3 cole nnd ! i shapes , only $1.03. Largo piece Botti $3.50. Largo 12 piece EI 15.75 , largo slop jar. DINNER SETS. ' * 100 pieces , porcelain , brown or bl dpcoratlon , other stores nsk $12 and $ our price $0.50. French china ci saucer and plates , hand decoration , 4 Children's cup , saucer and plate , do rated , only "Oo. China mustache ci saucers , decorated , from 20o Nice decorated cuapadnrs , Me. China decorated cupp.idors , 47c. IJKST WHITE WAIR Handled cups nnd saucers , 860 a sot ; 8-in. plates , Toc n sol ; 7-ln. plates , flOc a sot ; 0-ln. plates. 24c a sol ; 6-ln. plates , 20c a sot ; largo washbowl and pitcher , 75c. 75c.Our line of holiday goods In this de partment is complete nnd at prices that defy coinpotllion. Come in early. W. II. BENNETT CO. From now until the Now Year I will present frco of charge a bottle of choice wine to each one of my customers at my store. Prompt attention given to all orders for holiday wines nnd liquors. Wishing you a merry Christmas and a happy now year I am , yours truly , llKNUY UlM.Kll , Telephone 1781. 010 N. 10th St. * Victory for Omnlm. Special Telegram to Omaha Boo. Mr.w YOUK , Doc. 10 , 1802. Max Meyer Brothers Co. have today closed contract with II. HIrschborg Optical Co , , the celebrated opticians of Now York nnd St. Louis , for the exclusive sale for Omaha of the Hlraehborg's celebrated diamond and nonchangoablo lenses. Watches , John Dimmer , 1314 Farnam. Peacock is the best soft col. Sold only by Jones , opnujtto postolllco. * Holiday goods , Fron/or , op. p. a Real estate. Bargains only. Mv word is good. \V. G. Albright. 621J3 N. Y. Llfo bids. * Tlio Approni-li of lllcln'a Comet makes no difrorcnco in the superior service of the Burlington routo. Two mugnillcont express trains still leave Omaha for Chlcligo , at 4:45 : p. m. a.id 12:40 : a. m. dally. The special Omaha sleeper which goes out on the latter is ready to receive pissongot's anv time between 0 p. m. and tlio hour of departure. Unequalled equipment of sleeping , reclining chair and smoking cars. W. F. VAIL& , City Ticket Agent , 1223 Farnara St. W. T. Seamanwagons anil carriages "Glove" ' rubbers cheap at Rubber Co. To the business men , citizens nnd all persons occupying promises on the fol lowing streets 10th , Iflth , 14th , 13th , 12th , llth nnd 10th , between Nicholas and Lcavonworth. Cuming St. cast of 29th , 24th St. north from Cumjng to Spencer , Capitol Avc. from 17th cast , Dodge St. 20th east , Douglas St. 10th east , Itanium 24th east , Hartley 20th cast , Howard and Jackson 20th cast , Leavonworth St. From Park Avo. east , arc notified to have the snow that is piled up in the gutters in front of their premises spread out on the traveled portion ot the street by Monday noon next Any poison in the territory mentioned failing to comply with this notice will bo com- nlained of by mo in the police court and I will endeavor to have them fined $20.00 and costs , ns provided in city ordinance. If you will but consider that wo may soon have another snow fall on what wo have now , and accom panied with a drifting wind , our walks would bo next to impassable if this lot of snow is not leveled off. I ask the citi/.ons of every class to assist the city officials in making this a city of the metropolitan class in fact as well as in name. J. H. WiNSi'KAH , Street Commissioner. ' 'Glove" rubbers cheap at Rubber Co , - - Tlio Hie Special Art Sulo At A. Hospo's ' , 1513 Douglas street , it bringing crowds. Don't wait , ; have the pictures put away for Christmas. - * - Santa Glaus will meet the children al The 99 Cent store Tuesday evening nnt ! distribute Christmas stockings appro priutely decorated for the occasion. Be sure and bring the children and sho\\ them the great quantity of gifts Olt Santa has in store for them. Romotn bor Tuesday evening , at The 99 Ceni Store. _ _ 'Glovo"rubbor boots cheap. Rubber C < XM&S GOODS. "MRS. J. BENSON < - M. H. Bliss has a few of those fine French china dinner seta loft Call am ] see them. Diamonds , John Baumor , 1314 Farnam To tlio .Sunny South I.uixl. The Burlington route's service ti southern cities nnd winter resorts is un equalled. Reclining chair cars and PuHmfti sleepers on all Omnlm , St. Louis an < Omaha-Kansas City trains. The 9:45 : p. m. train for St. Louis als carries a dining car , serving broukfas and lunch. Fast time , sure connections nnd lo\ winter tourist rates ( via either Kansa City , Memphis or St. Louis ) to Now Ot leans , Jacksonville- , Birmingham , Ai lantn , Sun Antonio , City of Mexico , am hundreds of other points in the south. Tickets , berth reservations , etc. , ran , bo obtained at 1223 Farnam street. W P. Vaill , agent. o Snmuol Burns continues his vase sal another week. 100 to go at i forme "Glove" arctics cheap at Rubber Cc Frescoing and Interior decorating ; d < signs nnd estimates furnished. Hour Lohmann , 1508 Douglas street. * Shetland Ponies for ealo at Horton pony farm , Muscatino , la. Auction I'IIM Auction Ilat . 0 Chattel mortgage sale at 218 Soul 15th street , commencing Wodncsda ; December 14 , at 10 o'clock n. m. and p. in. F.ntiro stock must nnd will 1 sold. Elugunt seal and other fur gai monts , inulTri , capes , boas , hats , cap o robes , etc. This is a Dona lido sale ur it will my you to attend. I- R. WELLS , Auctioneer. _ * XMAS GOODS. MU3 , J. BENSO1 o h M. TJ. Bliss received n now line N banquet lamps yesterday. Tlioy go < 13 sulo Monday , 5. "Pearl top" nnd "Pearl" glass wl not break from hont. M. H , Biles. ' 3- ) . "Glovo" rubbers cheap nt Rubber C ullfurnlu ixcuruiuni. : Pullinnn tourist slooplng-card nro n dully on nil Puulllo coast , trnlns via 11 Santa Fo route , the uhortost line California. The cars nro furnished with beddln c. matrcsscB , loilot arllcleg , olo. Porto c.rs are In attendance. Socond-olass ticlcc rs are honored on Ihoso cars. 10 In addition lo Iho daily service t is Santa Vo Itouto runs special oxourel parties with an agent o ( the company charge , using those tourist aloopi : no card , and leaving Kansas City eve Sunday noon. For ( urthor information and tlmo lal 1C , of Iho Santa Fo Houto and reserving berths address R 10- sleeping car , 10pa Palmer , passenger agent , 1310 Farm btreet , Oinalia , Neb , TIII : nr.i.r. . . . . Money1 Soring Hint * for Cnrrfnl Comci Momlny. SANTA CLAUS Holds high carnival at our store , nnd has rproparod for old and young with everything now nnd appropriate in loyp , dolls , albums , toilet cases and thousands of other things that go to make the season aopcclal one to bo remembered- No old or shop worn goods ; every thing fresh and desirable nt the lowest prices over nntncd. It will pav vou to visit us. HOLIDAY DISl'IJAY OF UMBRELLAS. Entire now stock of ladles' and gents' silk umbrellas , with magnificent collec tion of handles , nil new styles , suitable for holiday gilts , for ladles nnd gentle men , A $3 unbrclla , twilled silk , paragon frame , natural oroxvdlzcd handles , only $1.48. MEN'S FURNISHINGS. From now until Xmas wo place our Immense stock of gents furnishings on sale at special prices and guarantee to save you from 2o to 40 per cent on your holiday purchases. All our stock of men's silk scarf four- in-hands and locks , 3oc and 50c , quality , go at 2oc each. Entire line of 7oc silk scarfs , beautiful poods ? , nil shapes , dark and evening shade ? , 50c each. The grandest line of men's silk neck ties over displayed In Omaha , including locks and four-in-hands. Sell every where for 81.00 nnd $1.60 ; on sale at 75c. Gents' pure silk handkerchiefs , hem stitched , initialed all letters , only 05c ; worth $1.00. Gents' cream silk striped mufllors ; full size , nt 75c. Gents' silk suspenders , worth $2.00 , on sale at $1.25. Gents' black silk plated half hose , cheap at $1.00 , only 5Uc a pair. Blucic and colored DRESS GOODS Make a most acceptable holiday gift. Wo have an oxqutslto line at all prices. 10 yards for fSc. ) 8 yards for $1.50. 6 yards for $2.50. 7 yards for $2.08. 6 yards for $3.00 and on up to the finest. finest.HOSIERY HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. Monday wo give you your choice of our entire stock of ladies llocccd cotton hose and all wool hose which wo sold at ! 5e and 40c a pair for 23c. See our center - tor counter. Ladies' regular made cotton hose double heel nnd toes , stainless , 10 2-3c , reduced from 25c. Children's heavy ribbed wool hose , 20c goods , at 13c a pair. JEWELRY For the holidays , solid gold and gold filled jewelry at jobbers' prices. 500 pieces of silverware bought at a bargain. Will sell at 25 per cent less than jobber's price. CROCKERY AND LAMPS. One of the most oxqulsito lines of holiday wares in Omaha. 100-pioeo decorated dinner sets , from $9.00 up. Big bargains. Decorated moustache cups , 25c uo. Decora'cd chinncuspidoro , bold every where at 75c , only 49c. Magnificent assortment of decorated vases at all prices. Elegant line of glassware of every kind. The finest line of lamps in Omaha. Our loader is an elegantly decorated hanging lamp , sold all over the city at from $12.00 to S15.00 ; our price , $10.50. CLOAK DEPARTMENT. The cleancbt , newest , freshest lot of cloaks } n Omaha , that wo will place on sale tomorrow and all week at greatly reduced prices to close them out. Plain jackets in black , navy andtans. Fur trimmed ' jackets in black , navy and tans' . Ulsters , children's clonks , plushes , everything desirable in stock , every thing1 will go at go prices. Lively fighting with gloves in our GLOVE DEPARTMENT. Ladies' kid gloves , black and tan , 4- button lengths , sold everywhere for $1 , nt 69c. Biarritz kid gloves , with wrist fast ener , in browns and slates , bold every where for $1 , at 77c. DRUG DEPARTMENT. Special Monday : Cuticura soap Me. Pure castllo soap 2c. } Hoyt'b German cologne 15c. THE BELL DEP'T STORE CO. , Dodge and 15th Sts. * Just received through Omaha Custom hquso , nice line of diamonds , coral neck laces and European souvenir spoons. A. B. Hubormann , 13th and Douglas. Jewelry , John B : umer , 1314 Farnam , # Complete New MOCK of Furniture. All goods marked low in plain figures. CHAS. SmvEuiuK & Co. , 1200 , 1208 nnd 1210 Farnam S.t. "Glove" arctics cheap at Rubber Co , Look Out Tor Cold AVriithor. But rldo Inside of the electric lightoc and atonra heated Vostibuled apartment trains of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. . Paul railway and you will be ns warm comfortable and cheerful as in your owr library or boudoir. To travel between Chicago and Omaha in these luxuri ouBly appointed trains is a supreme sat isfaction ; and , as the somewhat anclon advertisement used to read , "forfurtho particulars see small bills. " Small bill fand largo ones , too ) will bo accoptoi for passage and sleeping cur tickets a 1501 Farnam stropt. _ ( Jeriiiiinliv Hullo. R Sonntag , don 11 , Dcz. Gastspiol do vnrtrolllichen Gormanla theater Goaoll schaft von St. Loui : "Pension Schoollcr" odor "EIn Ta im Irronlmus. " Lai-goat stock of in u slo nt Wooer's noi muslo store , 1414 Dodge street. "Glovo" rubbers oTioup nt Rubber C < SuvonvaroJohnBaumor,13UFarnnir Ladles artistic bnlrdrcsiingldonlllai Store , Karbaoh Bl'k ' , 209 S. 15. , To 1018. French hairdresser in attendance 1HKII. Kuttccs of flrc lines or leu * under thin hcail/if , ) f cents ; each aihllttonal line ten cent , 11 G11IMN , lirlUKotP.dilcco of Kd. .1. linmnai ut b o'clock fcaturday morning. Funeral lit 11. in. Monday , llso. 12 , from lusldcnce , 10 ( lilnncybtieot toiSacieilfluiirt church , thuiu tolloly Sopulcliio cumotury. FrlcniU Invltu 11ENSON August , December 0 , 1802 , ut 7 m. , lined -14 yi'uis 'J mouths 0 days , at dL'iiro of Ills Malcr. Miss Anna llcuson , lil ] N , 17lhstrret , Funeral from rcMitc'iicu , Bin Uuy , 1:30 : u. m , Interment Foict Luv ccmotcry , FrluuiU luvltuj HtNt NICK. Ho linn Itrrti Ul nril I'rom VTltt lie In Onutlin Monilny. [ Spoclnl Totegratn to Tun BKE. ] BiniiNo STRATTS , Doc. 0. According to my annual custom I will leave here today on speciahHolndoor train nnd will arrive In Omaha Monday afternoon , December 12. ( During my stay I will mnko my hoadqunrtors nt llaydon Bros. On Monday afternoon 1 will nmho a lour of all the principal slrools of Oinnho. I will ! bo drawn by my elx white Arabian' horses , nnd attended by a largo line of followers with load utter load of elegant toys which I hnvo manu factured expressly to. ' this Merry Chrlslmns. My line of march Uir6ugh Iho clly on Monday will bo as follows : LINH OFMAUC5II. . At 12 o'clock noon Iho parndo will start nt 10th nnd Dodge lo Douglas , Douglas lo llth , llth to Farnam , woat on Fiirnnm lo 10th , north on 10th to Cuming , woat on Cuming to 21th , north on 2tth to LtiUo , east on Lake to 18th , south on Ifjlli to Clark , cast on Cl.u-k to 10th , south on 10th to storo. SANTA CkAUS. "Glovo" rubbers cheap at Rubber Co. The National Cupltiil. Every patriotic American looks wltli pride upon Hie city of Washington nnd feels that ho has an ownership thcro by virtue of his citizenship. Washington with iWbroad and buauliful avenues , public buildings of varied nnd majestic architecture , homes which compare favorably with the palaces of the old world , Its great museums ot art , history and manufacture , together with the historic interest surrounding them ren der the city attractive at all times , but especially so when congress is in ses sion and the social whirl is at its zenith. The "Balltmoio & Ohio South western Limited , leaving Cincinnati at 7:20 : p. m. dally , arriving Washington next nftornoon , Now York next evening , is an entirely now train , vestibulcd througlTout , healed with steam , lighted with Plt.tsoh gas , carpeted , and is also prouidcd with the nnll-teloscoping de vice , and has convenient loilot accos- borlcs for gentlemen and ladles. The Now York express leave ? Cincin nati nt 8:15 : a. m. daily , arriving Wash ington next morning , Now York nt noon. No extra faro is charged on these trains. Connecting trains leave St. Louis via the Ohio & Mississippi railway at 8:00 : a. m. and 8:05 : p. m. with , through Pull man sleepers to Washington. Tickets to Baltimore , Philadelphia nnd New York via the B. & O. permit stop-over at Washington. An illustrated "Guido to Washing ton , " and complete time table and map of the line will be furnished upon appli cation. For through tickets , sleeping car berths anai other information in quire of ticketngent-3 throughout tlio country or address O. P. McCarthy , General Passenger Agent , Cincinnati , Ohio. a "Glovo"rubber boots cheap. Rubber Co ° XMAS GOODS. MRS. J. BENSON. Latest and largest stock sheet music , books and musical instruments , 1414 Dodge street. Samuel Burns announces to his lady friends that his annual "opening" will occur every nftcrnoon'ivnd evening until Christmas , and ! ho cordially invites them to qomo and 'bring their friends. Remember "visitors ' > nnd purchasers equally welcome. " . . . o "Glovo" arctics cheap at Rubhor Co. Ilcforo lliij IIIR a riuiiii See the new scale Kimbullat A. Hospe's , 1513 Douglas street. "Glovo"rubbor boots cheap. Rubber Co The women of All Saints church will hold their annual Christmas sale of fancy and useful articles suitable for holiday gifts in the Crcighton building , Fifteenth street near the postolllco , on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons , December M and 15. Luncheon will bo served each day from 12 until 2 o'clock. Price of luncheon 50c. Pianos , reasonable figures. 1414 Dodge. J.'or Ono Uuy Only. Monday Miss Alice Isaacs , agent , will sell entire stock of trimmed hats in two lots , one lot for $2.49 , former price $4.00 to $7.00 ; also ono lot for $4. ! )8 ) , former price S8.00 to $12.00. This is done for an advertisement 807 S. 10th. "Glovo" rubbers cheap at Rubber Co. i. o. o. r. All members of State Lodge No. 10.1 , O. O. F. , nnd visiting brothers are re quested to attend the funeral of our late brother , August Benson , at the resl donee , 1313 North 17th , Sunday at 1:3 : ( p. m. Interment , Forest Lawn. "Glove" rubbers cheap at Rubber Co. tow jtATj ; xcunsiox To Houston , Tox. , iiiiiLItotiirn , Tuesday , December 20th , my second special party will leave Omaha , bourn for Houston , Tox. Having for sale several thousand acrei of the richest land in Harris county Texas , lying between the cities of Hous ton nnd Galveston , and on Iho Ihrei principal Irunlc line railroads , I wil offer as an Inducement to investors , o those desiring only to look at the land specially low rates from Omaha to Hous ton and return , good until Juno 1 , 1893 with a limit of fifteen days in each til roc lion , and good for slopovor at ploasur within limit. Those lauds.that I offer for sale an of a rich , blaok loam , easily cultivated being rich enough to produce the mos excellent results without fertilizing Everything thatcnn bo grown nnywhor in the United States grows especially well hero. The ground pays well fron tlio first year. The price of land ranges from $3 t $20 per aero , i on Iho most mvonibl terms of payment. All these lands lie contiguous to am within five mlles of the above men tloned rallioadu , with nn abundance c water and tlmbar. For further Information relative t lands , climaterftoil und cost of living nnd particulanrns to the purchase c tickets ehoapor-thun you can buy of nn railway company , call on or nddrcss R. C. PATTKIISON , 42-5 Ranigo building , Omaha , Nob. "Glovo'Vubbor hoots chonp.Rubber C o o 8 10 , inK y lo of ' .j. .j.m The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum , KTjed in Millions of Homes 40.Years the Standard. WILL USE TIIE BASEMENT. County CointnlMlonrr * Mnhlng Moro Konm hi tlin Court lloiuo. The county commissioners will move Into the basement of the court house , nnd with thorn they will lake several of Iho othcrdl comily ofllclals. This question was settled at-tho meeting held yesterday afternoon , when Mr. Stcnbcrg's resolution was adopted. The resolution Instructs the committee on court house nnd lall to renovate and repair the basement. It also Instructs the county clerk nnd such other ofilcers ns may bo designated shall move down below. County Clerk Saekctt presented n state ment showing the condllloti of the comity funds on December 1. The balances were : Octtprnl fund $ 47,1 < U.8t Knnd fund H.VOS.on HrldRO fund ! 27,45.0n ! limano fund lo.OHH. " . ! ) Soldiers mlli'f fund 1,3W.42 ( Hond sinking fund 32,814.85 Total Jl28.ir.fi.03 The statement showed the hospital fmul to bo overdrawn In the sum of $1.43. The county clerk wns instructed to Invite bids for the county advertising , for supply ing Ice , meats and groceries for the hospital and the Jail. December ill Is the date upon which the bills will bo opened. Tlio letter of Mayor IScinla , relative to clc.iring the snow and lee from the walks around the court house , was referred and Iho chairman or Iho committee \\eiit out to order the shovels started. Charles W. Allen was ap ] > ointcd ns n con stable to 1111 the vacancy caused by the res ignation of A. K. Hensell , The county clerk was instructed to hlro a man nt n salary of ffiO per month and put him to work upon the 1MU tax list. o Kor the IjOtn of Two I.rs' . John and George Pray , father and son , propose to have some of the wc.ilth of the Omaha Street H'lllway company , and with this end in view they have brought suits which aggregate the sum of $ ; ! 0,000. The father , in his petition , avers that on November 20 his sou was a passenger on the South Omaha Hue : that he was on n crowded car , standing on the platform ; that he was pushed off , after which the rear car of the train passed over his legs , cutting and break ing them in such a manner that he will re main a cripple as long as ho lives. The father avers that ho wants $ ' 1.000 of the money for his son and W.OOO for himself. Clnnt Alli'ii'n Hearing , The preliminary examination of Clara Allen who is charged with perjury in con nection with the testimony in the Mllor murder case was called in pollcu court yes terday afternoon. Nearly as great n crowd had congregated as was present during the trial. John W. Carr appeared for the Allen woman and at his request the hearing was continued until Saturday morning. "Glovo"rubbor boots choap. Rubber Co EAST OK SOUTH Olu the WulKish lloutc. The short line to St. Louis and quick est route south. Only 37 hours to Hot Springs. Only 39 hours to Now Orleans. Only 381 hours to Atlanta. Only 62 hours to" Jacksonville. With corresponding fust tlmo to nil points east and south. Round trip tickets to Hot Springs , Now Orleans , Lake Charles , Giilveston , San Antonio , City of Mexico , Los Angeles , Sail Fran cisco , Mobile , Jacksonville , Tampa , Ha vana nnd all the winter resorts of Iho south nnd west. Reclining chair cars frco to St. Louis , Toledo and Detroit. Pullman bulTot sleeping cars on all trains. Baggage checked from hotels nn'd private residences to destination. For tickets , sleeping car accommodations nnd further information call at Wnbash ticket oflico , 1502 Farnam street , or write , G. N. CLAYTON , Agent , Omaha. "Glovo"rubborbootschofip. Rubber Co * XMA3 GOODS. MRS. J. BENSON. "Glovo"rubber boots cho ip.Rubbor Co - © - Weber's repair factory and music house removed to MM Dodge st. ON THE OTHER HAND. Hot ) Gnrllrhft TrtU n Different Story About III * Arrest for Drill. A letter from Kobort U Garllchs of Chic ago , to a friend In this city , puts nn entirely IT crcnt light on the difficulty In which ho was represented a few days npo as figuring In a very unovlablo capacity , Ho admits that bo Is indebted to U t < . Smith , nnd his Inability to meet the obligation nt the pre sent time , but says that ho Rave Smith ample security to cover the debt , and that Smith still holds It. His story is that Smith demands the money and worked a bluff game In the hope of searing him into making full payment In cash. It seems that the Illinois laws arc very severe on n debtor , and all that a cred itor has to do is to make nn nfllilavlt that ho believes that n debtor has property con- ce.iled and the court will Issue a rapta * to bring the debtor into court , where ho Is re quired to swear as to all his belongings for the benefit of the creditor. Smith inn do such nn anidavlt in this case , and Garllchs claims that it was for the solo puriniso of frightening him through n publication of tlio action , us the matter got Into the papers with qulto a spread , although no caplns was over served on him. Ho si\v the story In the papers , and went at once to the sheriff to give bonds for his appearance , but that oftlcinl know nothing about the capias and said that none had been given him to servo. Garllchs says that ho has not been mo lested in any way , save the unpleasant notoriety thus given him , and while re gretting that any such story got into print asks that tlio whole facts bo now given to the press , in order that his friends in Omaha may understand the situation in its entirety , anil have their minds disabused of wrong impressions that do him an Injustice. < . .r.ir aovLn's IIEM.IIXS. Humors ItppinlliiR Ilixly Sirilclirrs A 3Iys- trrlmifi YUlt. New YOUK , Dec. 10. Dr. .1. I' . Munn , who was Jay Gould's physician , alighted from a fashionable turnout iu front of No. 300 Mul berry street .today nnd darted Into twllco headquarters in a way that suggested to the bystanders that ho had something on his nilml. Ho walked straight into the office of Ruper- ntemlent IJyrnes and remained there half an hour. Then ho got into his carriage again and drove away. The superintendent left the building a few minutes afterwards full of business.apparently , and remained away half an hour. The call of Dr. Munn was surrounded by mystery and rumors soon got Into circulation that lite visit had omo relation to the burial of .lay Gould. Old timers remember the anonymous threats that have been made to steal the financier's body. It was Dr. Munn who usually took the initiative In apprising the police when Mr , Gould or his family re ceived from cranks letters or epistles breath ing intimations of violence against the family. Inspector Hyrncs refused to give any information regarding the call. * Insiiriinro Mon lit tlin World's I'ulr. Mr. O. II. Jeffries , tlio Nebraska repre sentative of the World's fair directing and auxiliary committee , has selected Mr. M. TJ. Kocdor to deliver an address to the insur ance men who will assembly In Chicago , June 10 , 1S)3. ! ) Mr Jeffreys lins just returned from Chicago , 'imd ' states that Juno 19 will bo the greatest day in the history of life insurance , as it is said that insurance men from all over the world arc now securing quarters in Chicago. n Uuslnrss o NonwAi.ic , Conn. , DJC. 10. Miss Julia Hall of Now Cuanan , who disappeared from her parents' home for the second time yesterday afternoon , is still missing , although 100 men continue the search for her. - - "Glove" ' arctics cheap at Rubber Co. The ladies of the First Unlvorsalist church will hold a bazaar at the church. 10th and Lithrop streets , afternoon and evening of the 13th , next Tuesday. A New England supper will bo served from 0 to 8 o'elock. All are invited. . - - "Glove" arctics cheap at Rubber Co. . - - Opening. Weber's music house. MM Dodge st. SpectaclosJohn Baumor,13M Farmun. Society IVojilo In Trouble , FRANCISCO , Dec. 10. An Kxnmlnc * dispatch details the fact of the suit for divorce commenced ntjo < \ Anglos by Mrs * Uransoti , wife of Judge Anson Itrniison of tlmtcltv. Them are three counts In tha complaint desertion , extreme cruelty > nml Improper relations with Mrs. Marv Stouo- inin : , wife of General Stoncman. Stoncmnn hns not been at I/is Angolcs for over n year and n few months ago ho loft , presumably for the east , nnd the cause of departure , as well as his present whereabouts lias been n mystery , Judge Ilranson Is n native of Portage county , Ohio , who came to California in ISO * nnd served as Judge of the supreme court of I/is Angeles county from lbS4 to IbS * . Mrs. Stoneman Is an Intellectual and hamlsomo woman over forty j ears of ago and a society belle of Baltimore. Mnrrliii' | llrrii r . The folldwlng marriage licenses wora issued by County Judge Kllcr yesterday : Xtiwo nnd nddrc > . Ago. t.lolin Tlmtnns Uootlfollow , Omaha Oil I tli-orgla .1.1'liinlKiiii.Oinalia ' ! 23 iMIku llnycch , Omnlm . 35 I fmllu Nosyunr , Onmlm . . . . 18 Curd of Tliunl , I dcslro to publloly express my heartfelt thanks to the many friends who were so kind in their attention to my Into wife due * Ing her last Illness , and their .sympathy nnd help after her death. FIIANK A. S.MITII. "Glove" arctics cheap at Rubber Co. "Glove" arctics cheap at Rubber Co. Flavoring Extracts NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. Vanilla 0 perfect purity Lemon Of great strength- Economy In their uso. etc. Rosa , Flavor as delicately and dellcloudy as the fresh READ OUR ADVERTISEMENT. About CLOAKS , FUR COATS , FUR CAPES , Ready Made Dresner * iSoo .thorn all , If yon will , Iriiou see ours. You'll find 25 wo linvo bettor styles nn < 4 inoro of tlicni , better made ami ajj prices as low or lower than othom quote. SlotltM in onr garments nro O ow and most desirable. SCOFIELD CLOAKSJITSJURS. 1619 FARNAM ST OMAHA * Opposite N. Y. Life Building. Christmas in Raymond's Jewel-house thousand There are a thoughts on Is now displaying an exceptionally - ally fine collection of useful nnd beautiful Christmas Presents suitable for EVeriJ Girl3 , Lady g Gesfclejiai ! ) nn Beautiful Rings The excellent quality of our Roods is not dis- Beautiful Pearls uutcd. There are none to compare as to beauty Beautiful Rubies of finish or everlasting usefulness. Beautiful Clocks Beautiful Lamps ' Our .prices are the lowest for' Beautiful Cameos goods that are better than can bo Beautiful Jacinths had elsewhere. Beautiful Watches Beautiful Pendants Beautiful Hair Pins Our salesmen will re- with politeness eelvo you Beautiful Diamonds and attention. Beautiful Turquoise Beautiful Scarf Pins loth Corner 25tn Beautiful Monograms Corner Beautiful Bric-a-Brac and and Beautiful Sleeve Links . Douglas. ' Douglas. Beautiful China'Clocks Beautiful Dresden Ware ; o Beautiful Cut Glass Ware The same attention ex tended to visitors as to Beautiful Solid Silverware purchasers. Beautiful Plated Silverware Beautiful Royal Worcester Ware Beautiful Monogramed Stationery ) . . Select your presents now and Beautiful Engraved Stationery } { j we will lay them aside subject to Beautiful Engraved Cards ) your order. Beautiful Cases " 1 Beautiful Pocket Books | j , , seftl. iKRra. , . . . . . Beautiful Portfolios } - s ofrM&r The Christmas gift giver can owbiiperbsupply make no mistake of D choosing the present from Beautiful Prayer Books 1 Holiday by Goods. Beautiful Satchels J