PPO H I OMAHA DAILY 1WK : EfillUY , 0 , 1892. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL DLUKFS. NO. 12 PHAUL STUKKT. Delivered by carrier lo any jmrt of llio eJty. H. W. TIliTON , - MANAGER. 1 lliiMnoss . Office No II > 2J N. Y. Plumbing Co. Council DlufTs Lumber Co Coal. Mrs. O A. Robinson nutl daughter enter- tallied n number of Inily fi lends at u ram party lust Wednesday afternoon tit their residence on Tlist a\cnno. Thcio will bo a meeting of the Humane society this evening at 7 .10 o'clock in the Yotmjr Men's Christian association rooms. U , C Hloomer , picsldentj Dr V. L. Ticinor , sccietary. Maniago licenses were issued .vestordav to thi < follow ing pal ties John W. Moore of Living Springs and ICiitlo V , flulllot Wcston ; I"red 0. Miller of Hook Ulty. III. , anil Hannah Heusol of D.nis countj , Illinois. Mrs. Vlci-oy and Miss Florence Wosteott wciothiown fiom ii sleigh jestcnlay noon on 1'eail street. The hoiso ranforadls- tanco of about two blocks and was ilnallj stopped befoie any dnma.go was done. Mis Klngsbury , the Misses Hockhold , Davis , Gicasoii , Cnvin , Jackson and Messis Minis and Hockhold will talto pait in the Unity guild musical this evening at Hughes' hall , after which theioill ho dancing. Mniy. wife of II Wunl , died Wednesday night nt her icsldenco in Haul In township , aged ill ) j eats The funeral will take plaeo this morning at 10 o'clock fiom the house , nnrt the tcmains will bo intoned In Walnut 11111 cemetery. The ladles of St Pauls guild \\lllgl\o a de lightful muslcalo at the pallors of the Grand hotel Satuulny evening , Dei ember HI , nt 8 o'clock , Those putlclpatliignio1 MissHita Lot ton of Nebraska Citj , Mr Copcland of Omaha and Mis Wndswoith awl Mis I. M. Ti ej nor of this eltj. Admission fit ) cents. J. W S < | iilie was ildlng In a sleigh v ester- day moinlng on I'eall stieet when his hoi so In tinning a minor upset the sioigh and lauded the occupant In a heap in the middle of the road. Ilo clung to the lines and was draggeda llttlo way hofoietho frightened an imal was called down In Olllcer Coxlit , who happened lo bo passing. No daniago was done. Yesloiday morning at 10 o'clock was the time set for the general sti iko of telegraph opcratois on the Hock Island road. The operatois at this point weio s.\nipathi/eis with the stiikois and when the appointed hour rolled mound each one dioppul his key In the middle of a woid and bioko for the door. Up to last ening their plates had not been filled. A familv niinicd ICuhn ailived In the cltv o\or the Milwaukee Wednesday night and were met by the maishal , a lepoit having been sent to the olllco that theio was a case of diphtheria on boaid the tiaiu. One child Mas found to ha\o died with the disease H is needless to saj the family had a monopoly of the car. They wcie Germans , and could speak baldly a woid of English , so that it was hind to make them undeistand just what was wanted. 1-ho dead body was burled jcsteiday. Coal and wood ; boat and cheapest Missouri hnrd wood in the city ; prompt delivery. II , A. Cox , No. 4 Wain. Genuine Kound O.ilc , Radiant Homo P. P. Stewart stoves mid ranges , sold exclusively by Cole A ; Cole , 41 M uin. Seolt house ; good oo.ird ; low ratos. Slici iff Hazcn is attending the state eon- ventiou of sheriffs and eitj maishals at DCS Moincs. Miss Emma Tomlinson. one of the city school teachers , has been ill with pneumonia for some time past , but is now convalescent. C. AV. McDonald , with the Hock Island Plow company , lew cs tonight over the St. Paul and the Noi them Pacific , destined to Seattle , Wash. , and other western points in the intci cst of that manufactory. rcat ClpnrliiR Out Sale. ThoGotdon lioto ) on middle Broad way has boon leased by itfl owners for a term of years for niercnij tile business. The entire furniture now in the hotel will bo aold next Saturday at auction , consisting of the lurnituro In forty bed rooms ; also nil the dining room , kitchen , ixnd olllco fuinituio will bo positively sold to the highest bidder. Sale , next Saturday , December 10 at 10 a. in. . II. II. INMAN , Salesman. pr < liil Mllllnrrj Milo. Of trimmed goods at the Louis , Ma sonic block. lints not'iv cent apiece but as near it as possible. Beyond all doubt the laigcstand most complete stock of holiday goods at low- cut prices is at D.ivis' , the leading drug gist and perfumer. Siiinhiii'H SlKiiuturr. The most inteiesting thing In conneetloi with the "ine.it case" In the distiict com I yestoiday was the evidence on the subject of the signatuio of F M. Scaiilanwhicl appealed on an application inUde to a ceitaii sensational nheot for a position as Counci BluflR loucspondcnt. Seanlan has stouth denied that ho o\er wioto the application 01 signed his mime to it , and tlupo cashicis oi banks with which ho lias done business weu biought In to testify as c\poits A Ulei Bheim and C. H. Hannan testified that they thought thu slgnatuiu was Kcanlan's , but 01 doss-examination they admitted that thoj \\otild not bo willing to swear to the fact. A W. Hiekman was not familial' enough will Scanlan's handwiitlng to make a positive statement , and ho was theiofoio oxousci until this mouiiiig , with the umloiatundlni that la the mcantimo ho should make a torn paiison of the wilting on the letter will that on his cheeks. J.nKirpriHi ) I'lni'o Being frequently urged to Boll smal portions of my farm , I bavo at lust do cldod to plat 200 uures of * Unterprlsi Place , familiarly Icnown as the Scot farm , and to begin the sale at once ii llvo and ten ncro lots , 1 have placed tin mime in thu liands of Groanshloldti Nicholson & Co. , who will nut In tin matter as my oxcluslvo agents. Fi ui growers , gaidonoiB and thuso who wan the conveniences of a cltv comblnoi with all the advantages of the riches farming land aio now given a rare op portunity to do bo. M. To IT. Lot.1 , In bloclf ! ! 0 , HOOIP Sub. , Conn ell BlulTs , if tnkon this wcok. Addreb Lock Box 012 Mibsouii Valley , Io\viu See those oil healers at Svviiluo'a , 7 ! ! ' Broadway. _ Church Drilliiillmi. fit. Paul's Evangelical Luthcian clime : will bo foimally dedicated next Sunda , evening with appiopilato borvieos. Th building has bien in progress of erection f some tlmu past , and it is now completed an lendv foroiciipaney. The dedication boiino will bo pioachcd by Hov. F , Dusso of Ogdei la. An imitation is extended to all to b present. _ For wnriulair guust ohambora , ball rooms , etc. , our gas hoivtors are JUB whutyou vviint. Look at them. Cloau couvonlont cheap. U. B. Gas and Eloc trio Light Co. Pay & IIoss huvo a force of men wet I Ing on the roads through thp Kiel tract Buy flvo or ton acres there vvhll it ia ohcup. _ Bi Ightor than gas , cheaper than oloc trio light and as beautiful at ; n eiroum- these now art lamps at Lund Bros. Mllllnmj l Al ilnto ( 'out. At Miss Higsdalo's , 837 Broad waj nil this wuok , Holiday photos , cut prjcoa , $1.GO fc cabinets , for SO daya Cottage- gallon old Btuud. rROM COUNCIL BUM'S ' the Lito 0. 0. D , Brown Stock the Subject of Litigation , ORIGINAL OWNER WANTS IT BACK IUplr\ln unit DuimiRn I'rdcrrillni , ' ' Coin- nirniril YrMonlnj In tinCn -Truck | l , | | | | | | < 1 \\llll SIMIIO Olrt ' 'IJiio/p. " Several nights ago a lot of inoivhandlso was inoMHt aciosa the il\cr from IM N. Hmwn's bankiujit stoik In Omaha to (07 ( Hroadway in this city , where It was stored. It wassle7ed on the strength of a rhattel moi ( gage alleged to haui been made by Brown to his brother , nil Hrown , who Is in business In this city Yesterday , la the ills- titet point , a petition was Hied by L .1. Heinon , who claims to Ime sold IMI s icks of Hour , woithSIM , to Hrown befoio tlio full- mo asking for a w i it of replevin on the Hour , which was a pait of the stuff biought to this side of the liver. He claimed to own the llnur. it not 1m ing been paid lor. The wiit of leploxln was Issued ami a deputy sheriff went to the place to make the sle/- uro Onlv Srj sicks of It could bo found \Vheio the lest hail gone no ono knew Hci non also dcinands damages In the sum of < -'J."i on atiount of the wrongtul detention of the property. Last o\enlng at 8 oVloik U\o more peti tions weio Hied la the distilct court by Paxton - ton & Gallagher and U M Steclo of Omaha , upon which atlachmcnt wilts weio Issued for ilalms aprgiegating about * 1HX ) . The writs weio put into the hands of 13cput > SheiltT O'Hilen , who was busy all the even- lint running about the stieets looking for the propel ty. A part of it was found late In the evening Dining the evening tlueo wagon loads of the morehamjise fiom Kd Hiown's stoic in Omaha won ? luought o\rr and landed at .1 H Snydcr's commission house and stoied there along with some moie that was biought o\er bcxural d.ijs ago I'uril IIM an Knti'i l.itiu r. S H. Toid entci tallied a number of gentle men the other o\cahir ! in the enipt building at ! i'J7 Hioadwa It was a \ enjojablo affair but for ono thing , and that Is that the guests did not send woid that tho\ had been tbeie , and the Hist thing ho leaincd of it was when ho happened to go in and found that abaiiclof line old whisky hid been tapped and half emptied Thowhiskj was biought o\cr fiom Omaha w lib. a lotof goods that wcro brought o\cr \\ith the stuff fiom ICd N. Brown's stoio The dis- cxneiy of what the banel contained was made by ono of the men who drove the van , and It was immediately followed by , tn infoimal icccption , which was attended by half a do/en or more of the drheis. After ample justice had been done to the icfieslimcnts the guests found a lot of cinpt ) bottles and Hlled them up. The liquor is said to bo twentj-lho j ears old , andtoiotail at $12 a gallon. Several gallons lens weio taken. UKANIt SUCC1.SS > fthn Opening DNpllij t the liiiston Store. Yesterday wo opened our entire block of holiday goods. Our stock this season s nearly double of anything wo have sho.vn in former years. See show windows dews for a partial list of the line wo carry. Everything in the book and toy "ino fiom all the four quarters of the jlobo. 1,000 12 mos. at 12c. Handsomely bound in cloth , publisher's price , 50c , other books in like proportion. See window No. 1 , corner of 4th ot. , for prices. "Window No 2 consists of plush cases , antique oak cases , shell cases , otc. Window No. 3 consists of magic lant erns , horse and wagons , rocking horsas , and everything of this nature. Win dow No. 4. last window but not of the least importance , dolls , 'U and fiOc dolls to bo sold Saturday night from 7 p. in. , at loc each , the gioatost doll for the money in America. See window for 15o dolls Saturday night from 7 p. m. BOSTON STORE , Fothoringhain , Whitohiw & Co. , Council BlulTa , la. N , B. Store open evenings until 9 p. in. , Saturdays 10 p. m aiitsic.tic. Abillllant muslcalo and social event took place jesterday afteinoon in the parlors ol the Grand hotel. Mine. Fanny Bloomllelil- Xolslcr of Chicago , who has been visiting fiicnds in Omaha and Council Bluffs for the last fcwd.ns , was tendeied a leccption hv Mis C. 10 H , Campbell Mine. Bloomlleld Xeisli'r , who is iccognbed as ono of the foio most planlstps In Anieiica , plaved a numbei of inagnlllccnt selei lions. \\hlchsho dis pla > cd her wonderful technlqno and hci poweis of expiession to the adnmation of a picbont The. jiailoisweio Hnelv decoiatet ! for the occasion , the mantels being loaded down with palms and ehiisintliemums. laigo number ot ladies weio pie-sent ns guests of Mis Campbell , w ho was assisted in icceiving bj Mis Frank S. Puscy. Aftei the muslcalo the ladies ad join ned to tin ladies' oidln iry. whcio light lefieshnieat' weio solved Mrs. Lsman supciintcmlei the pouring of the coffee , while Mis A P Ifanchott piesided over the punch bowl The ordinary was also handsomely dccoiatci wilh loses and chi.vsanthemums. C'utliiillc Km rt'il { 'oiui'rti A sacred concert will bo given at St , Xavior's Catholic church Sunday oven ing. There will bo a chorus of twenty voices. The best local talent in the citj will bo assisted by the following toloi&ts ofOmahu : MKsos Cioighton , Bnbeocl and Nash. Mrs. F. L. Lange , Captair John Kinzio and Messra. F. J. Burkloy E. .T. Brett and W. T.Tabor. . Tin following splendid program will be rendered : i'via- . 1. OiRan Ou'itiiic Stiailolli \V.TTallin. . U. riioins Haiii'tns . . > Io/ar ht. 1'iancls'iilt'i's clioli , iihslMPd l ) > iU.u | tot fiom hi , .lolm'h ColU-glatu LIIIILI | | 1 eluili , Umalia. 3. Tenoi Solo AVD .Mailu . . ( inunoi ( Violin dbllKiito , i : . ,1. Iliett ) Captain Kliuli 1'oit Onmlia. 4 , Pont i alto Solo and ( . 'liouiAgnus Del DelVtbbe M . . \Vtbbe .Mis. JIcAllslei and eluili , 0 , Alto Nile Aiui'K ' Si'H'ii.ule Hi ui ! .Mis. I' . ,1. J.UIIKO. 0. QiiailutVenl 1'iealoi . . Mlllui .MUt'lelulilon , Mis. 1' . .1. l.aiiKe , Uiiplul Kla/lf. .Mi. II. V HmUoy. I'VUT II. 1 , Oigan f-oln . . f-oHcte -Mrs. W. T Ta 1)01 ' _ ' . Chonis-l 111 Sing otTlij Meicies. O I.oul I'liim ht. I'nii I'lillclioli. ! 1 , eopiano bolo Avo.MiuIti . , . ltov > lm Miss Ilioun , 4. Tile Hancta Miitlu .Ovu'ii MthxCtiolghtiiii , .Miss ItalicoeK , Captain Kln/li 5. TUIIIII Solo Avi ) Vmiiiii . . . Mlllui Captain Kln/lc. 0. Solo and Cliouis-l ) Car a Moils I.ainblllol Mis. M.J.O'Kein.mil choir. Old KiioiiKli tit Kiuivt llctliT , H , D. ICoinshud his preliminary hearln yestoi-day afteinoon In the superior com t o the chai-go of larceny , Koius bus a count i naneo of a dcacon-llko gravity and his w hit hnlr and boanl would SOPIII to pi-pcludc * the posslbllltj of his belnp enirairpd In nnj thhm like stcmatlr i-oni strallnir , but the dpvcl opments In court wpro sndly apnlnst him ' 1 he o\ldoiup tended to show that Keins , In- gethpr w 1th ono Frank \ndrews , who Is only a few months out of the penitentiary , had made a practice of visiting the grain C.us on the AVabash ivad , takilifT away grain bv the wn-ron loid , and aftri wards selling It In Onmlin ' 1 li" sclllni ; was also done In the daik of the moon Keins. In his u-oss-pxamlnatlon In the dlv nttoniey , bcoanio tangled nn and would ha\p loft the stnndagooddc.il earlier than he did had he been allowed. At the close ot the testimony ho was hound over to thp grand Jury and his bond was H\cd at * .VW , in default , of which ho went to the county jail The com t , in making his decision , rec ommended that steps be Immediately takia toward blinking In the other men who aio implicated in the tiansaelion. as ho was op posed to making an cxampto of so old a man while letting jounger men who were Just as guilty escape. The constant kick of I'nvy Makes the pcoplo awful tired , And it don't take long. Thov may pity and condemn it , But they see that it is fired , And it won't bo long. The constant yaw p of ahoeman On the dark side of the sticot Won't last long ; For the people know that Evans' shoos Are sure lo lit their feet , And it don't take long To convince thorn that when Evans snjs ho is soiling shoes cheaper than any other store in Council BlulTs or Omaha and warrants every pair ho sells , ho means just what ho says. "It don't take long" to convince the public that Evans'prices as well as his shoos are what draw the crowds and sell the t'ocds. Gut his prices and compare the goods before buying. Don't Alice ! Ciiiini 11 lUilllH C. O. 1) . The recent failure of Ed N. Brown's C. O. U. grocery in Omaha , and the snlo of the South Omaha store does not affect the C. O. D. establishment in t'oimcil BlulTs run by I'll Brown. The Council Blulls house will bo run on a laigor scale than over , and the people of the twin citlos will still have nclunxce to buy groceries at wholesale prices. The greater pirt ot the Omaha stock has buon movca to this sldo and stored for future disposition in an adjoining building. Heard In tlin I.utn lill/xiinl. She Oh , Charley , how grand this snow storm is ! How wonderful ! 1 dose so like to hear the grand rush and roar of a mighty storm that shakes the houso. lie So do I , darling ; plcaso hoop quiot. Lot mo read the prices that Evans , the shoo man , is shaking the town with. Ho make" the storm en durable and comfortable as well ns grand. T. D. King & Co.'s Partngas cigar helped to elect Cleveland. It's the tec- ord breaker for the year. Gentlemen , the finest line of tall goods in the city , juot received. Heitor , the tailor , SlOBioadway. Coal and Wood. Sackott & Preston , 028 Broadway. Telephone 14. 1 en sh ares capital stock Ci cns State bank for salo. E. H. Shoafe. L P. Judson , civil engincor,328 B'way. "Ii-\U'4 Auction" at thollovil. Omaha theater-goeis must bo familiar with "The Dovil's Auction , " so many times has it been piesented heie , and it is haully j nccessiry to dwell upon last night's per- perfoimanco. It is mm h the same specta cle as In former seasons , with pi ettv scen ery , pietty dances , piettv gills , faincs , dev _ ils , p intomlnic , specialties , mechanical tricks , etc. , among them a number of new minor acts. While not as elaborate a spec tacle as many othcis , it has n gicat vaiiety of entertainment , and is put. on in a pleasing manner. _ lUoiMillli'ld-y.'Mcr Ki-ritnl. The piano iccital given by Mme Fannie Bloomfleld-Xeislcr at the Lininger gallciy , under the auspices of the Ladies' Musical society , was enjoyed by a largo and thor oughly delighted audience. That Mine. Zoisler is a pianist of icmaikuble genius could not bo doubted by aujono who lio.ud her pcrfoim.iiipo last evening. Theio was a notkeablo immovcment in her technique since her piovious appearance in Omaha , and the expicssionsof appiovallb.it followed ovcry number showed that she was t.uoied with an audience that was quick to imdeistand and appicciito the bulliancj of her genius. The piogram was given as announced in TUB BIT , and in lesponso to emoics Mine. Xolsler pla\od Grieg's "Heicciise" and a "baicaiollo" by Mos/kovvski. It would bo dlfllcult to di.uv a comparison where the lomlltion of each selection seemed very near to peifection , but thu sonata in U minor by Beethoven and Liszt's "Gondoliera" wciu especially well ipccived. Mr. Winlleld Blake assisted in the enter tainment by singing Schumann's ' 'Two Gic-iiadieis" and "It Was Not So lo .Be , " by Nessler. In i espouse lo encores ho sang Mallov's familiar ballad , "Tho Wagon1 and "A Winter Lullaby , " ly Do Ivoven , Jrllri'jH I.nulrtut Ihr I'arimm. Lastnight.it the Pai nun Street theater JolTicis Lewis opened a tbico nighls' en gagement. The house was well Hlled , and the audience followed w lib inlercst the life fit Stephanie In "Forgot Mo Not. " Miss Lewis has made the lolo of Stephanie so peculiaily her own that the piece lmsalwa\s a gieat deal of Inteicst when piesented hi her. The star is an acli ess of much ability , and her acting , especially in the last act was a gicat piece of woik. What is s ild of Miss Low is can tiutlifnlly bosiid of the company. It is the best that has appealed in support of an emotional acticss at the Ku ; ii.n u for a long time Hany Mainhall as Sir IIouico Wilbi was pood. His scenes with Stephanie weroicallv uitlsttu , and well deseived the applause given Hbtha Wil liams did exiollcnt work In the loll of Alice , and showed hcisclf a tap iblo acticss. lluie- wait Ho.vt as the pilncoand Ida V inner HE Mrs Foley fui nislied considerable amuse ment , Tonight Miss Lewis will play "Clotlldo , " ono of Sardou's wotks. It is u tliillllmi diama of love and liitiigno , which gives the entiio compm.v excellent opportunities U display their Individual opportunities. Inliiiini'i | < Hank CUM' , , Iii , Dec. b , In the Coinmeicla binlc case ncaily the entire iluj was consumed in aiguing dufpinlaiit't objections to thu admission of the ro poit lontahihig alleged false cntilei on the ground but H did not appear In the in dlctment. This is -vital point In the cast and the defense made a slienuous ofloit tt piuvcnt the icport fiom going in , but Judgi Woolson oveiiuled the objection , Mr. H. O Shank leads all Kansas driver this , vear in the way of landing hoiscs In tin 2 , SO list , ho having diivon Patsy Umtli 'J.11 % , Domineer ' . ' :18i4' : ilmi Mount Air ; 2 'HI' ' I to their iccoids Up to the meeting a Sedjll.i , Mo , Mr. bhank had stalled Palsj Cm Us sixteen times and had never lost : race with him. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. PURE ANOTHER PLATtO OBSTRUCT [ CONTIM r.i > PIUMI ? insT inor. 1 n review of the land c. o of Allco Carter fix m Chadron , ' ' * NI : S roit TIII : AKMY. . _ j I.Ut ol CliniiRi-nnr InipnMiiiifr In the Ilcgtttnr V , I ) . C'i pfci } , 8 [ Special Tele- pram to Tin : Hen ] Tlie. following arm ) or ders were issued today } " " Vlrst nontenant tii m.V L H.UTis , Kiist nitllleryvlll chniiftc station from Pint Hamilton , Is' Y . to Cllkiiifo for the perfonn- ante of the duties umtOmplntod b.v onleisof Muj 'JO The leav o of absence pranted I'lrst lieutenant Samuel Paptie. rlftccntli in- fantr.v. is exttnded ten dais Tx.\a\o of absence for two months to take effect on or about December " 0. with permission to apply for an extension ot two months , Is pranted Second Lieutenant Hobeit Alexander , Seventh Infantry. The follow IIIK transfeis In the Twelfth Infinity are made Second Lieutenant \Vlllis Ullne , fiinn companv V ) to coin | < tinK ; .Second Lieutenant Williamson K Mai kland. from companj 1C to company D Lieutenant Maiklaml , on proceed Ing to complj with 01 dots issued November 'it. will join the company to which he 's ' thus tnms- fei red riist , Lieutenant riedciick H Diy , Twentieth infantry , netinjr signal oflleer , w ill iciKii t b.v telcpraph to the commanding gonei.il. Depaitmcnt of the Platte , for duty In i oniicetion with the iceonstiuetioii of the inllitarv telegraph line toToit McKinncy , W.vo Lieutenant Daj wlllmalxo such joiir- nejsas inav necessary to cari'i out the In structions ho may recei\o from the com manding general , Depattment of the Plalte , and on completion of this duty will lejoin his st.itlon nt Hismarck. N D Thole.neon smgcon's ceitlllcate of disability granted Major John C G Hoppeisutt , suigcon , is ex tended thteo months on ccitlllcatcs of dis- abillt.v The leave granted Kiist Lieutenant James U Gee , adjutant , Thiiteenth infantiy , is extended ono month , Captain liohett P Dates. Eighteenth infantry , is iclioved from the fuither lopcratlou of special oixlen of October C. The le.no of absence on sin goon's eeitiileate of disability granted Captain Edgar U.Hobeitson , Ninth infantiy , Is extended one month on surgeon's ceitill- eate of disability. Uj dticction of tbo becio tar.vofvvar a boaul of ofllcers to consist ot Lieutenant Colonel ( icoigo M Stelnbeig , deputj surgeon gcncinl ; Major John Van U. lion , surgeon , Captain Chatles C Moirison ouliianco dop irtnient ; Captain AVIlllnm Cio7ler , oidnanco dcputment ; Captain Wil liam D. Gordon , ordnance dcpntmciit , is ap pointed to meet at the in my building , New Yoik City , on Tuesday , Januar.v : t , 1MU , at 10 o'clock a. in , or as soon theieafter as practicable , for the examination of such lieu tenants of the line as mav bo ordered to ap pear befoio It with a view to a selection for transfer to the ordnance department. A boaid of oflleeis is appointed to meet at Gov- cinois island , New Yoik Citj , for the exam ination of such olllceis as imij booidoicd.be- foio it to detcimine their fitness for promo tion. Detail for the boaid : Colonel Chailes H. Tompklus , assistaut quartctmiistcr gen- cial ; Colonel Charles Page , assistant suigcon , pcnei al ; Lieutenant C ol ncl Thomas P. LSni r , deinity judge advocate general : Lieutenant Colono VVilllam H. Powell , 71eventh In- fantiy ; Maj.'i John 11 , HorT , surgeon ; First Licutenaiii James C. Bush , Filth artillery , leco'de Captains Daniel D. Wheeler and Chailes H. uainott , assistant qnaiteimasteis , will tp. .1 in poison to Colonel Tompkiiis , piesi- dent of tbo jv . .jiiniiooaid ( , at such time as ho designates , i , exiimination for piomo- tion. A board of ofllceis is appointed to meet at iicad < iu.utcis , Uepartmcnt of Texas , San I O 'SKT KCT n C/ir/stmns prosonf flintivJH bo most A > at'c-c/JtjiJj/o Itsnot JioeeossiiryfoeZo much s/iop- j > i"fOur * Now Ideas in < 7/iiiiioric7 itntJ jicnrl 7 > cii/iiiits , s7ooi-o ItiiltR , scnrf mil/ lint / > //is oi'iv/i/c/i t/io "svvonnl mill ( lnngor" rotlio jnoil ; > oji/nr , sii'j-'fost ninp / > > 'Ko/ut/o i of 1/ioC/ir/st- IIKIS ; ) ro'e < n. O/ion lJiroiac' iiftcr Dee. O. C. S. RAYMOND , S. E. Cor. 15th and Douglas Here's the Idea Of the Non-pull-out Bow The great watch saver. Saves the watch from thieves and falls cannot be pulled off the case costs nothing extra. The bow has a groove on each end. A collar runs down Inside the pendant ( stem ) and lits into the grooves , firmly locking the bow to the pendant , so that it cannot be pulled or twisted off. Can only be had with cases stamped w ith tins trade mark. Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases 'are now fitted with this great bow ( ring ) . ' 1 hey look mid wear like solid gold cases. Cost only about half as much , and arc guaranteed for tvv enty years. Sold only through watch dealers Remember the name Keystone Watch Case Co. , PHILADELPHIA. when jou are buying gloves , for driving or's'ti ' ct wcnr , remem ber that Hutchlnaou'a are the Tjtat for wear , The reputation ho 1ms gained Jn jtUo past UO years for making gloves That Never Rip and that uro'styllsh ' and service able , ia Buch'ni ' is cno > ed by no olhcr manufacturer. Selected sklus only iirp , i > cd. If you want to know rnori > , about gloves that are handsomely made Fit Beautifully anil yourdenlercannot supply you with Hutchlrjion'a Gloves write to lilin for hU ijlustratedbook about ] gloves. It will Interest > ou. estab lished ISO. . JOHN C. HUTCHINSON , - Johnilown.N. Y. YOUEt EYE ARE TROUBLING YOU ! U'cll.romo find ha\o thorn oxamlneil by oar nptldan reoof iliurtu. unil , Ifnuiotaary , title 1 with uualrof our"l'KUt KCllUN ' hl'Kpl'ACl.KSor Ktt ( flMHS' hK the beat In thu World ) If you do not nuoj KII | HUH we will toll you aonndulvlae you wliul to do. ( iol.ll bl'KOTACI.hS or KYK ( il.AbSKS HtOM WUJ Ul' . I'luln , mol.u , blue or wbltuKlaaaca , for iirotectlni ; tuu cyia , frouiSJcu pulr up , Max Meyer & Bro.Co Jewelers and Opticians. 1 ril.LIII U.Q 1 Antonio , for the ovnmlnntlon of ns innv Iw onlnod before It to dctcrmlno their tltne < n for itroiiiotlon nelnlt for the court , Colonel UCOIRO 11 U.iml.iloputv ( iiMrtcrinaitcr itonornl , I.Uni- tenant Colonel Clnrlci M Tciroll , donuty iMmn tcritcncifil : Mtijor 1'otor 1) . Vroom , iniiioctorpciii'rali Cnptnln Willlnm H 1).viK ninUtnut surdcoin Cniitnln Hobcrt , T. Glliion , nishtaiit surjrcon ; Second T.loutPimnt HollU C Cliirlc , Twontv-tiilril Infantrj , tcoonlor. Cnptnln AVIllln M Illaiil , commissary of sub sistence , will rex | > it In pet ou to Ucutcnant Colonel uiiuly nt inch tlino ni ho may desig nate for cxan.limtlon for pt emotion. Ainrrlinn WASIIINOTOV , D. C , Dec. 8 At the icml- nnniml ineotliiR of the tnistces of the Atnorl- cnn nnlv PI "tlty , held hero today , the follow ing vvero elected additional ttnstcoi : Ml-s 1 * . \i \ HonnottVllhcsbiiTo. . la. ; Mr. John Huvler , Xovv YoiU , and Kov. .T. W Held , Grand Itnpldt , Mich General tlenlful was added to the I'vecntlvo contmitteo. Mrs John A Txi invas electi'd invitdent of the Aineilcan Unlvoislty league , nn oinanizatlon of the vvoinrn of the lountry , to raise f 1,000- 000 for the university. TIII : i'no/.ix r.Tlvlorutloii I'nr Ill's Wlilrli Will to Itrudi tin- North Pole , Nr.vv YOIIK , Hoc. S. Two expeditions are scheduled to start on an e\lt ] riii ! ; tour to the polar legion next sptlng , and it tnnj bo that u third w 111 bo lilted out. A rein.uUablo fnet In connection with the proposed enter- pilsolstlmt no two of them aio lomlnctod on the saino plans. Dr. Xnnrcn hopes to di Ift in tlio Ice to the desired Intltmto in a specially rontihed craft Ltcutcinint I'uary believes ho can onlj succeed in reaching the cdjio of the ice cap bj sledding it over the mainland , while other Ai tic n.ivlfMtois Incline to the opinion that the plan that oiTois the host possible icsnlts Is that snppcsted hi Commander Cliej enno of the Hnplisli nav.v , A b. : Sailing overino Ko peaUs by balloon itithcr than thiongh them by ships. The Hist of the proposed expeditions to make for the fro/en seas will be that of the Ninth Greenland Kxploratlon society , which willboputi.illv lilted out bv the Academy of National Sciences of Philadelphia , nnd will bo dhcitcd by Lieutenant R Peaty. llrslltutliMi In XIIMI Siotlii , llvi.irvxN. . S , Dec 8 Imestlpatlon shows that the leported destitution anions the inhabitants of Ynins I Jay , llallfn\ count.v , is tiuo. 'ihc people of that distiict depend almost whollj on their catch of llsh fora Hv inj , ' . and this year the fishing has been a totiii failinc. Several families aio now In netu.il want of the nccess.uics of life , and by the 1st of January twenty moio will ho in the sunc condition. Theio aio other families who can baicly pvill through till spiintr , nnd none have any supplies to hitaie. It Is likely that leliof incasuica will bo insti tuted heio. o The Di ill li Koll. Cnv OP MKMCO. Dec. b Secretary of State Campicno is deadj K \risr , Wis , Dec. 8. Dr Philo R Hey , a widely known phjsiciau and naturalist , died suddenly today , aged " 0 Ho was the pos sessor of a famous entomological collection. KANSVSCITY , Mo , Dec. b Colonel John Hjan , who foviRht wltb Sam Houston foi Texas' Independence , di'-il .v pauper in the citv hospital todav. , Nnvv IHviis , Conn. , Dec. S. Pic.f. John Stioiifr New bury , one of the npst eminent geolopists in tbo United States , is dead. DOCTOR : In thu trciitmcnt of nil forms of JPrivat © Diseases. Anil all Weakness iinil Disorder of wltl1 1 ° " ' of CoiirnBP. Ambition nml VI talltjKiitlitpun yvnra uf thu most n unrkuUlo BIICCUHS In Ilio truntmi'ilt of thin elnsB ( illseaoiB , nhlcli In provim by Iliu unlvurBul tt'Mllnic nyof ihiniflnnils who hiivo bcon tiut'il VVrllulc clrtMiliirs unil qucBtlun lint lltli null I'nriiiuii Stft , , Oiniihn , A'p VV .1 l.nmli , ( ioorgo Ailurox Alfred VV Scott 'rc-n I.uiicistur t'u Dank I'uLllo Attorneys-at-Law , Lancaster County Hunk Jluldliig , LINCOLN , - - NEBRASKA i i tloo In tno si. no redor.il cue its. Uooins fflli-7-B-O , block , Uounell mulls , la. Xntlro , The 1'acllle Express Coninnny. onieo of tl I'riisliluiiU Uni ili.i. Nob. , llueuiuliui 1st. IKE Notlco U huruljy gen \ tlmt ilio annual mum InK of thustoeklioliluru of Kin company fur cl : oluetlon of directors and the transaction i Nili'li other boslncss an in ly properly coma bi fore It , will ho hulil nt the olllco of thu con piny. i\o 1101 Ilurney Htrat-t , Um.ili.i. Nob.c Ihnrbday , J iiuinry Atli. 1H9. ) at 11 o'clock u.n ly order of thu lioar 1 of Dlroctors , i : M. MOUsMAN , ITebldont. Attest : WllJ.IAM I'1. ' ltr.OIIii : > , Secretary. ilia 11 1 UUOAml all tha train < KVI1.S , VVKAK.SKnsl.S , UKIIIM1 V. 1.10. , tlmt a rointmnr them In men Qt'K'Kl.Y and 1'KHM/ MCNT1.V CUHHII Hilf bl ItK.NGl'll anil tui Blvtn to every part of tUo body 1 will tenii ( i curuly | > ucoil ) HtKB to nnjr Kutleror Ilia pruacrl lion that curoit ino tit thuau trouble ! . AUUrdtiif , . A. llltAIU.Ki. 1IAT1I I. CULMi , MICH C'uiiittlliK holler. I. Onorgo I * , llcinls , mayor of the olty Omiilia. horetiy KIVD pulilla notlco and pr claim tlMt bt. Mury.s uvoniio from lUth stre to''UU Klreot , Pouploton avunna tioin 'M htreot to 'Jjtli ( fctrnot , ' * - ' < ! street from Dave port street to Wtbstor htreot. unit llamllti btreot from -titli struct to SSlh stniut. are u tborlzoil to DO need for the purpose ottoustli diirlni : the wluturof IBr.-lWl. \ \ 11 nova my h.uid ul Uinuha , this Bill day Ducoinbor , It'Ji dUdTt CEO. I1. 1JEMIS , Mayor This is the time of year when the weather putd in its best licks. Some of our contemporaries ap parently a 10 * greatly af fected by what the weather does for they are blowing at a great rate , but they can't sell OVERCOATS AT AS LOW PRICES AS WE DO , OVEROOATB. Full clieviot saclo overcoats , with and without velvet eollap , in gpay and bpown. They ape wopth $4.78 , now. Fine chinchilla ovepcoats , in blue and black ; yoke and sleeves lined with silk , with an elegant cashmepe lining on the balance wopth $12.SO , now All our kerseys , meltons , Irish frieze , al-1 sizes and imaginable shapes , some worth $16 , any of them worth $1O to $12 , now Beautiful Shetland frieze ulsters , in three different shades , long shapes , big collars and double- breasted Our Oxford gray ulster without lining , double-faced , 64 inches long , full length , is very desir able at $7.5O , now In no length of time these snap bargains -will be gone , so if you want one you must come quick. Columbia Clothing Co. , , Cor. 13th and Farnam. CELEBRATED SANDWICH More told than nil ethers combined. Do not bo deceived by Imitators or by those claiming lo htvvo almost as good a mnchlno. Buy only the SANDWIOH CORN SHBLTjBR and bo protected by direct guarantee from lollablo manufac turers. You can always depend upon out- repairs helngr l < oot in Btoolc by nil local dealers. Apply for our agency. Send for catalogues and prices. SANDWIOH NUFACTURING CO. , Council IJluffa , Iowa , Improved Safety Elevators , rr KIMBALL BROS. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS , All kinds of Jyohi | ; anil donning do no In hi ) hlghojt Htyln of the nrU I'udod unit HtiiliuMl.fuljrt"i ] in IK ! u to luol : IIH Kooil an now. \VorK proinptlr ( touu an i ilollvuiul In all pints of the country , bund fur prluo list. C. A. MACHAN , Proprietor. llrcudw av.ncar Northvvtfltorn Depot , * Coii/io/J Illnffh , Tn , W. C. ESTEP Funeral Director , Embalmer , 114 Main Street , Council Bluffs. SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BUUF.-3 DANCINQ SCHOOL. MONDAYS In It. A parlon children , < p vi 1 ail lulls. 7,30 | i. m Hui Ul uti.oml ami fourth Mondiyi Vp in ilUBlc furnUluMl partlun und clubi , Adilron II , A l'urlur , l.'ouiall llUiiIn.orlliiJ hurunm VV , K. Chambers , Intlrnrtur. roiuovi'd ce pool , vault * anil GAUIIAOK chlmnuyi cluinoJ K , I ) llnrke , cltbl > U i 1011 bAI.Kcbuap , u tlolgli , luijulro Carbon Coal cuiupany. Spectai COUNCIL BLUFFS , EMPLOYMENT. \\rAMKIJ-A pupil nnrBO ut tiTo VV. C. A. has- ' " iilttil , tor , lith ntunnii anil Uth street , iiniHt bo bitwei'M JJnnil Jj jtiirn old , ofk'ood moral chnr.io- lir. Appb nt once ( OOl ) tlrl nioiU'ii for ueai nil lioiiBuwork. T-xo Jin faintly lu ; I ourth Htreot HOUSES AND LANDS. T OU CeTilAMriS A nlco lioino on H 7tli utroot" , * near I th avonuu , ck'iir oft nciiiubranco. for homo In ( liniilin , Iliiiiaconi Tliiou 01 Ivounizo I'luuo pro. forrud. VV III put In ti , ! > dtllDronoa Uroonililuda , Mcliolsun A Id I/Oll IJVt IIANftK Court I room hoiino on Houlli Jbtli Direct for land ( lroun liluldn , Nltnolnon & Co lonnH rurm and city giroportf lionglit unit BOliI , IMmoy 4. 'lliomita , Council lllllllH L AItvi unil city IOIIIIKlonoy lonned on Btoolc und uruln. Itoul uitiitu for nnlo DnullliiK mid IjiiMncHM umtnla Vlonuy loiinod for local Invcntori , 1 ouui'o \ I < ( wlu , 'J1J IVull Blruut , lotu In Contrnl nub 10U > 'lhlUln ' Vlullon'Hiiild , 31 lotH In li ijrllns \ I'almori' r.'lolH In Muynn'n Int : J'J lutH In I'ottor .V Cobti'a. 21 lotHlll IIO.il H Hill l.'i lotu In Hour n add IttliitHln IIUhlaiidaM. IK loti In Itutclilnson'H ad t. r > luU InTurluy H mid. lllntHlnllMdlu'yadl. l.'O lota III VVrlKlit mull , II ! lulu In I'loisu H adil I.OIH in I'Vc'ry inMliliin to tlio city clionp lor eia\ limn p lyiiionts ( all nriJ MH ) UK No troilbla to thaw property driiuiiHUluIdH , Nlclioltion A. Co. f'K ACIIl'.S upper HroiMhv.iyi plonilld ploco for v > piuttlnii rhuap lor cnli or will iixclinnio tor Improved rojldenca iiionarty In Council Ulutli. ( IrLinmliloldi Miholton , V Co GAHDUN AND rilfli' Inudi rlihuit and moat lioaiitllul tiuct lu rottimitlnmlo colnily : BOO l.nturpiliu I'lauu ; II in or tun uoro lota , ( , reen- tlilulila , Mclioliioii A Co . Mllroadiroy. \ . 1/Olt IIHN1' III Council Illulfa , t > ro Bplondld atoro lnillilln.'a. No Hi nnd Hi Hroadway. onn now roiinii.'xIW fuut , wull ll.-hteil ami plunilll location for dry xooila , ilothlnn or bouts unit ahoua l' y ti lleaM niiiinta AVI ! WAN r ton ticrua of Innil within llvo mlloa of * ' tlty. Don't rare how rough tt la , ( ireim- ililiilili. Nlcliolaon A. Co ENl'ltltl'ltlHi : I'liiro , for frnlta or iuburbnn homeg , line ncro lota , twc'nty mluutcs froin motor line , ( iiouunliluldi , Nlcholion & Co. 15 FA KM 3 to oxUunio for liousna anil lota or Kooil vacant lota 't HI ru of nlto nnrdmi litnit for aiilo atVM > or ace Jolinaton A Van 1'nltnn. I KHir I'AltMlinprotuil , u inllu Anil a half from the poatbtllco , 1Hi r.t I in ; A room lioutQ , Btablo , etc VV III ( iicliiinuo lorroMdvncv In Council Hlulti , ( Jrcot _ lilid | , Mtjhohioii .V Co AUItKH , : t4 ! mllc from i Ity , will ull at cut If taken tlila HCok ( iru n liliilil , MclioUon fr C'o. , I'AVVII'.NTri Tor auto , now llvo- room hoiuu , Imtli room , oloctrlo lltihta , ull moiU-rii lmpru > oint'iiu , unu liloik from motor. A modul homo , ( Jrutnaliluldt , MclioUon & Co , T"KsillHNCK lot , W fuel front , HVB bloikn from Iviilouiiii'r ecliuul , ortiTi.d for null ) , for thin wouli unly otWJJ ( irLunililulda , Nlcholaon & l'o. I/O 1 1 HAMS at H nuirltlco : A corruapondviit of oura nutdlnu monuy ro'iuoita ua to rucolro ultiTo for lot A. bl < ) UJI : lot I , block 28 ! lot 6 , block i. KvorUta' ilddlllun. und lot 2 III block 4 , lluyllat' Nrat addition , together or Bopuruto V.aku uann ollur nnd you will doubtltna ct tuf "a ? It Uttt ,