Till' } OMAHA DAILY BEFmiFlllDAY , DECEMBER 9 , 1R > 2 , THEY FOUGHT LIKE BRUTES Joe Qoddanl and Fetor Mahcr Engage in a Fierce Slugging Oontcst. IT ONLY LASTED THREE DLOODY ROUNDS JInlior Knorkrd Out A HIT nn Inhibition of Terrific rotindlnr ; nnd SavaRo Drier- inlimflnn I. II ( In Science lint I.uls or.SlrniRlli. Nr.w YOHK , Dec. S. About 8,000 vcoplo \vcnt over to thu Conuylslimil Athletieelub's liouso tonight to witch Joe ( loddiu-d knock out Peter Miihcr. 'J'lio cnlortiiltinu'iit was opened with n ten-round bout between Harncy Mullens niul .lorry Sullivan. Uwn.sn game light from start to llnlsh. Their work Avas so spirited tlmt the crowd was kept In an uproar - roar nil through. Mullens wns tin- coolest and most clover of the two and his straight left hand jabs resulted In the referee Riving him the decision at the IORO : of the contest. Ooddard was the first to appear. Ho was given n hearty-reception , and many exclama tions of approval wore ! hoard as ho shed his lontf ulster , ( ioddard's reception was noth ing compared with the ovation ( 'lven Peter Mahcr. The Irish clumeiU in the audience let Itself out with a will. Goddard caino into the rltift with nn air of confidence , niul walked about looking at the floor. MahCV climbed through the ropes and Goddard walked over to him and iihook him by tlio hand cordially. The coin was tossed nnd when It was seen that the Irish lad had won the lucky corner , a great shout of joy nroso from the Mahcr contingent. He were green trunks and Goddard white. Maher was esquired by Jack MeVoy of Phila delphia , Martin Costcllo of Hnfialo and Tom Clark of Coney Island. Joe McGratb of Dublin acted as bottle holder and Jack Slice- han as timekeeper. Goddard was seconded by Jim Gibbons of Patterson , Hilly Madden nnd Alex drcggnlns. U Morris onleiatcd an his timer. John P. Hokhart acted as the club's ofllclal referee , and Hob Stall held the oflleial time. Everything being ready , time was called and the contestants faced the scratch. Hound 1 The men sparred cautiously , Goddard having a confident air. Each man held his right as though waiting to got that member honm on his opponent's jaw. God dard led and forced Maher to his kness , when ho took advantage of the necessary ten seconds. Maher drew Jlrst blood. Each man fought like a wildcat. Mahcr landed right and loft and was forced to the ropes by Goddard , who was so tired that he could hardly stand. Mahcr made a great rally , but his blows only scorned to make Goddam nnsry and he hit right and loft landing at will , taking any thing that Mahcr could give if he could only get In his blows. Mahcr was wild , hoping against hope to land bis right , which bo did four or five tiuios. but Goddard only went at him moro determinedly and the light looked to bo a short one ; for Mahcr was winded and could not hold his own against bis powerful opponent. Hound 2 It was give and take from the start. Goddard lan'dcd with loft and right and the men closed la to hard In-lighting , hitting right and left until Goddard landed a right that sent Mnhcr to the lloor. Ho was up in time and they were again at it , hammer and tongs , smashing each other right and left until they were both so tired that they could scarcely stand. By the time the round was completed neither of thorn showed the slightest signs of science. It was purely a case of brute strength and the man that could land the most blows was bound to win. Both men received terrilic punishment. Hound : t. Toth ? men come up looking dazed from the furious lighting of the previous round , but both were determined to end the contest as soon as possible. Neither man showed the least science , but rained blow after blow on each other as fast and as hard as possible. God- ilard looked the worst punished man in nppcaranrc , as his face was covered with gore , which llowed in streams down his breast. Ho went lit Maher like a wild beast nnd fairly beat his man down by brute r strength. The Irish lad stood up gamely under the shower of blows , but at last was laid out by ,11 straight right on the jaw and fell face down on the floor. The excitement was intense , the crowd being fairly crazed with excitement. The round lasted just fifty " lSll VOIl DAWSOX. 'JOuo O'Coniifll AVhlpped After u Hunt ISuttlo of Twenty Itoiinds. SAN FHANOISCO , Ciil. , Dec. 8. George Daw- sou , the clover young Australian , mot Doe O'Connell at the California Athletic club to night. O'Connell came here accompanied by nn eastern reputation for gamcness and cleverness that seemed to maku him' a worthy opponent of the conqueror of Jim Burgo , Billy Mabes and Danny Needlmm. DawBon was the favorite shortly before the hour of entering the ring at odds of 3 to 1 nnd the combination of Dawsoa and Goddard had sold against Maher and O'Connell at f > to 4. D.iwson and O'Connull weighed in under 148 pounds. The prize was & 1XX , ( ) , the loser taking $1S , ! > 0. Bill Gordon was the rcferco. Time was called at 0:05. : Hound 1 O'Connell led first but the men clinched and missed. D.iwson got in the llrst punch on the Uostonlan's wind. Ho seemed nervous , and though ho led several times ho fell short. Dawson closed the round with a right over the kidneys. O'Connell's appear- unco wns disappointing to the spectators who had not seen him before. Hound 'J O'Comicll got in a hot loft on Dawson's wind and tried a left for the Jaw , but failed. Dawson got ifi a light blow in the ribs , but O'Connell got baclc with an overhand left and soon followed it up with a sounding loft smash on Dawson's cheek. Ho had a peculiar way of dashing in his left that raised him in the estimation of the spectators. Dawson struck him on the head nt short range as the round closed , llnntoii Showing ( InViiy. . Hound 11 O'Coanoll forced the 'pace and got number of lefthanders tlmt left Dawson - son guessing. The hitter tried for an open ing several times but missed , Dawsoii landed a staggering left on the chin hut O'Connoll forced him to run from a left jaw blow. Dawson ducked a swinging blow. Hound ! O'Connell landed a long right on the ribs. Dawson stopped a couple of leads , but narrowly missed one full In the mouth. Dawson found some trouble in reaching the Bostoalau , who had a very uliiftlng reach , nnd a clinch was followed by a hard left smash In Dawson's fuco. Hound B Uawson led , hut was stopped. O'Connell led with a short left nnd Dawson landed a hard loft on his faco. The Uos- tonlan swung airightand loft , Dawson neatly escaping. O'Connoll waa d > ing too much in tha opinion of many. Ilo snmshod Dawsoa with a left on the mouth bringing blood and angering him , ho repaid O'Connell with a right on the shoulder and was placing a loft when stopped by the gong. Hound (1 ( Both men were wary. O'Connoll led with a left , leaving himself OIKMI and Dawson nearly dropped him with a right on the head , O'Connell ducked after a lead and D.IWHOU smashed him three short ami blows in the mouth. A clinch followed , but O'Coa- neil broke his way out and the round ended , Itound 7 O'Connell suddenly caught Daw- sou with 11 left in the face and followed It up by a righton thohoad that nearly dropped Dawson. O'Connell struck Dawson a blow that sickened him. O'Counoll apparently had a strong lead. Australia ricking lip. Hound 8 Dawson had thus far appeared to leas advantage than in any of his previous lights In this country , and what ho lost in lliu estimation of the spectators O'Connell gained. A counter by Dawson and a rallv In the corner at the close of the round , In which Dawson landed several times without a return , were the only features of the round , Houud 0 O'Connell resumed his jabbing with the loft , Dawson being compelled to break ground. A right clip that Just missed Dawson's oar caused the spec tutors to cheer , D.iwsoa's rushes were stopped by the duck ing nnd clinching of O'Counell. Itound 10 O'Connoll scored n right-hand smash on Dawson's head and plunged his right twloo Into Dawson's wind. Some rat tling Inllghtlng that left O'Conuell in a bhuky condition closed the round. Itound 11 O'Counell scored u loft and right on Dawson's forehead , Dawsoii draw ing blood from the mouth with his left. 'Council lauded two stiff right smnshes i'cr the heart. Dawson banged him twice 1th force In the bleeding mouth. O'Con- fll fought himielf alKHit out , nnd Dawsoii ail him against the ropes as the round owl. In the twelfth nnd thirteenth rounds i.'iwson kept the Bostoulnn ( lodging about ic ring to evade his right , which the ustralian had in readiness. In the thir- enth Dawsoii smashed O'Connell In the celt and the latter returned , D.IWSOII necking him to the ropes. O'Conncll was orklng hard , but failed to accomplish much. Iliinl Mini to 1'lnMi. In the fourteenth both men came together t the same time nnd warmed each other's m. O'Conaell Jabbed several times but as cross-countered by Dawson , who banged 'Council from pillar to iKist smashing him i the face , while O'Connell gasped for reath. D.iwson let up several times when e apparently had finished the light. O'Con- ell now showed up to be no match for D.iw- nn. but was applauded for his gameuess. Hound Ifi O'Conncll occasionally dropped n 3ft at long range. Ho dropped his head at lose quarters and Dawson's blows fell on ils back. Hound 10 This round was devoid of later- 'St. ' 'St.Itound 17 The spectators urged the men j light and O'Connell won their npplauso y endeavoring to do so. Dawsoii took the ght out of him , however , by a hard left and mm the middle to the end of the round the lostonian dodged from corner to corner , .lopping six times to the lloor to escape Jawson's blows. In the eighteenth round O'Connell did no ghtlng. but dropped to the ground to avoid 'imishmcnt. ' Hound 20 Dawson again put the Bos- nnlan to ( light with a determined rout. The Australian got his op- lanent near the hitter's corner. O'Con- ell dropped to his hands and knees to void a SH ing. staying down iiino seconds. Vlien ho rose Dawsoii worked him over to ho opposite side with loft Jabs In tho"mouth , ud as O'Counell bent his head dropped him lat on his back with an uppercut near the opes , knocking him out. C'hlt-Cliut ortheSliort-lliitiTd. Jack McAultlTo punched Con Doyle all iver the stage of the Criterion theater , Chicago , last night. Andy Bowen and Joe Fielden will battle n the Olympic club arena , New Orleans , two veeks from tomorrow night. In case George D.iwson wins his light with 3'Connell at 'Frisco tonight ho will start im- ucdlately for New Orleans to make arrange- nents for his fight with Tommy Hyan in . "ehruary. Jim Burge , the Australian Iron man , was { necked out Monday night la 'Frisco by n ( low from a steel cribbage board in the lands of Sam Fitzpatrick. lie is badly but tot dangerously injured. Jack Dcinpsoy lias declined the challenge ) f George T.a Blanche for another llstlo en- winter. The ex-middleweight champion lays he has retired from the ring forever. Well informed sporting men say tlmt Dempse.v will never recover from the effects ) f the thumping Fit/simmons gave him in New Orleans. BOSTON , Mass. , Dec. 8. .Tames Corbett , humpion pugilist , was arrested in this city in mesae process. The action was brought by Joseph A. Lanuon , the Boston pugilist , to recover the sum of $5.H)1) ( ) ) for an alleged In-each of contract to spar with him ( Ijnn- 11011) ) at the I-nnnon exhibition. Corbett was not taken into custody and appeared at the theater as usual. Nr.w YORK , Dec. 8. A cablegram received licre says that Dick Burge , champion light- iveight pugilist of England , sailed from Liverpool this morning for America on the City of Paris. Burge is popular in London nnd Liverpool and several passengers were an the pier to see him off. Burgo is-coming to light Billy Meyer before the Crescent City Athletic club during Mnrdi Grns week. XlHI'ti Of I'KSTKHD.ir. Domcst Ic. The AtrhNon gioss1 earnings for November , Including rontrolled line- , , were $4,400,31 : ) , an Increase of $101,8:11. : An attempt wasinailo by unknown purlins to wreck ; i Southern t'aclllc passenger train near Granite 1'ass , Ore. A private In K troop , Tlilul United Stales cavnlrv , stationed nt 1'orl ' Sam , Houston , Tux. , linn faflcn belrilo JDO.UOO. Miss Mary Coliley , an aged wealthy lady of Nlh's , Jllc'h. , him been found murdered In bur house , where she lived alone. Owing lo the death of u juror thn case of Actor Curtis , on trial In San l-'ranclsco , has been pospnncd until Saturday. Owing to tint falling elf in Immigration there will bo : i big reduction In the olllelul forcu at Kills Island , Now Vork harbor. Official returns hhow that thu highest vole cast fora lupiibllciin elector was :20'J,814 : , and thn highest lor u democrat 110,814. .Ilm Ilnrgeus of Monte Valley , Mo. , .shol and MIghlly wounded a young woman who retused to elope with him , and then killed himself. .1. II. Crowell of Qrccnriistlo , Pa. , mot two' entertaining strtingors. who Invnlglod him Into n game of cards and buncoed htm out of JJil)0. ( ( ) O. I , , r.ongnf llols-d'Arr , Mo. , wbllo attemptIng - Ing to kill a neighbor , with whom lie had a low , shot and billed Fred J. liowland , a by- slander. The Harbors International union , now In session at St. I.ouU , has requested thu inlnls- tei'H to preach u sermon on the Sunday closing movement. Divnlel MoMllliin , formerly the local man ager for the Standard Oil company and u well Known napltnllstof San Jose , Cal. , shot ami killed himself. Postmaster General \Vatiamakor has sent an order to the American Hank Note company of New York for 3,000.000 Columbian stamps to bo delivered In IB'JI ' ) . Tbo Art. Tile Works at lloavor Tails , Pa. , have shut down because of a strike , Its em ployes demanding live minutes time In which to put on their wraps. The holrs of the. Into Mrs. Mary Howard Preston , Involving the dlstrllml Ion of an o.stnlo valued at fiOO.OUO. have brought suit In the Kentucky courts to have her will set aside. The olllclal count of the vole of Now Mexico him been completed. 1'or delegate Joseph , democrat , bus 10,700 ; Ciilron , republican , 15- 1 > 'JO ; .In-eph's majority,670a clear republican gain of 1-lHO. James fi. Hlainu Is now about. In bis usual health , lit ) receives callers and takes dally drives. It has not. been definitely decldeil wlien ho will leavn Washington , 1) , 0 , , for the I'aclllc coast , The embe/.7leineat and conspiracy cases against the supreme olllccrs of thu Older of Solon , which have been called In the criminal court of Pennsylvania , have been postponed until nmt Tuesday , Tin ) plant of tbii Mlllvalo Iron and Sleol company at l'lttlmrg , Pa. , has started up , afl r hulng Idlo.scvcrnl months. The Amalga mated scatn was signed , am ! I ho mill will ho rim with union men. About sovenly-llvocases of destitution 10- suiting from the grual strike nt Homestead bavo been reported to tlm relief committee , and a severe spell of wintry weather willsee. this number largely Increased , The Jtrltlsh ship Hun Dover lias been posted nt Lloyds as "missing , " rho left San Fran cisco April t3 with a cargo of wheat for ( .iiieenstown , and Is therefore 2:10 : days out. The average iws > ago Is about 100 days. Nelson I1' , Kvans , director of the wrecked Spring ( iaiden National Hank of Pennsylva nia , who was largely leshoiislhlu for the down- rail of that Institution , has been found guilty on the charge of misappropriating thu funds of the bank , A New York grand jury has found two in dictments against Charles M , flardner , chief detectlvoof Mr , Parklinrht'H society , One. In dictment charges him with e.\loillon and the other with attempted extortion. Thu com plaining witness Is Lilly Cllttou. alias Cather ine Mots , the keeper of a dlsrujiutablojiousu. Foreign , Florida oranges are bulling In London at from H.f'O to f. ! a box. llerr von Supnee , thi ) well known composer , Is dangerously 111 at Ylenna. Mr. Herbert Sppneer Is seriously. Ill at bis residence. In Itegent Park , London. Ilo la con- lined to bis bed , Homo Secretary Asiiilth | stated too repre sentative of the Associated 1're.ss that thu con dition of Mrs , May brick wax receiving scilou- consideration at the homuolllcu , There Is a crisis In the Argentine , cablnnt The trouble. U dim to Hie president dlssuntlnit In statements regaidlng the national llnnncct submitted to him by I'lnunclur Minister Itoiu- uro. uro.Influenza Influenza has again broken out In llerlln Many novel o cases bavo been reported to tin health authorities In thu lust few days , Tin fatal lltneKsof Dr. Werner Sotmeiw , who < llri on Tuesday , originated In an attack of In- llueniti. "Doctor" William II. Halo , the America ! niiack doctor , who was arrested a short tlnu ii oou thu charge of llefrupdtng a largo num ber of persons , has been convicted at Mverpoo and sentenced to eighteen mouth's linpriJoii. meat at hard labor. Kaiser Wlllliim has designed a warship o which u model bus been constructed , Inihl Mivorul Innovations are made. In naval arch I toctnie. To Insure thu health of otllceriiani iiiciithusleepingunartniunt * tire above deck but iu case ot battlu tbuy pun bo removed In i few minutes. WILL DIE ON THE SCAFFOLD Four Kentucky Murderers Who Will Suffer for Their Crimea Today , HISTORY OF THEIR HEARTLESS DEEDS Stephen llltp , Itrnnlt Mt-Cartliy. Ornnt Thniuu * nnd Nelion l.outi the Victim * of the I.nw'ft Dcinund I'rrpnratliius for Ilio i\ccntlom : Made , ixn-isviu.n ' , Ky. , Dec. 8. Ixnilsvlllo will have 'a quadruple hanging tomorrow In the comity jail yard between the hours of 7 and S o'clock. The murderers who will pay the law's ex treme penalty are : Stephen K. Ilite , for the killing of Albert Bauerman. Dennis McCarthy , for the hilling of his wife , Kllen McCarthy and her unborn child. Grant Thomas , for the murder of Bhilio Coleman , colored. Nelson Lewis will die for the murder of George Dean , colored. The scaffold , with four traps , Is ready. The sheriff Is overrun with applications for tickets , but he says ho will only give out fifty. These go to the press and olllclals of the courts and police departments. Kvery effort has been made to save the condemned men , but the governor positively refuses to Interfere. Many believe Thomas innocent , because ho was convicted on circumstantial evidence. Almost from the cradle to the gallows the life of Dennis McCarthy was a record of crime. Ilo will bo executed for the killing of his wife and her unborn ha ho on the evening of September 7 , IS'.U. Ho had Just returned from St. l ottis. from which city ho had written his wife that lie was coming home to kill her. He shot her three times and she died in a few minutes. An operation was performed by the coroner to save the murdered woman's unborn child , but it onlv lived one hour and a half. The crime for which Grant Thomas , colored , is to dlo Is the murder of Birdie Coleman , a young mulatto woman , on the morning of February Hi. 1SU2. The young woman was choked to deatli by a silk sash. She. was the wife of James Coleman a teamster , who lives on Ormsby avenue near Ninth street. Thorn as had been criminally intimate with his vic tim , and after ho had killed her hunted up James Coleman and informed him that someone had killed his wife. Thomas was convicted on circumstantial evidence. The crime of Nelson Te\vis , colored , was the wilful murder of Gcorgo Dean on the night of November 1 , IS'.ll , near Middlcton. January ' > , IS'.U , ho was found guilty and sentenced to bo hanged. Stephen Hito was sentenced to the scaf fold for the killing , deliberately , of Albert Bauerman , nt 2'JO : a. in. September iy , 1801. They had been out drinking together and quarreled in a downtown saloon and were thrown out. On the sidewalk Hito stepped up to his companion and stabbed him in the stomach , Duucrmaii dying a few minutes later. _ _ I'jtusni'TJiur.txs o.v TittAr . I'rospentloii In the lirlggs Case Concluded Prof. .Smith's Trlul. New Yoitic , Dec. 8. Colonel McCook con cluded his argument for the prosecution in the Briggs case today. "Have the prosecution finished their ease ? " asked Dr. Briggs when Colonel McCook had resumed his seat. An afllrmativc though somewhat guarded reply was given to the question. "I ask the question with a reason , " con tinued the defendant. "I suspect some such policy may bo followed by the committee as was pursued at my former trial , On that occasion many of the committee's arguments were withheld until after I had pleaded , hi my defense. I therefore say if they have any moro arguments let them now speak , or forever hold their peace. " Adjournment was taken until Thursday. Argument for tlio Prosecution Closed. CIXCIXXATI , O. , Dec. 8. Dr. McKibben , for the prosecution , closed his argument this 'orcnoon in the Smith heresy trial. " Prof. Smith began his1 rejoinder , making the point that even the committee's theory of aid docs not rule out all forms of error , but only certain forms. eVt U o'clock the presbytery went into se cret session to consider the case. When it idjourncd it was to meet on Monday next. A vote is expected by Tuesday 'or Wednes day. Before going into secret session the roll was called to ascertain who was eligible to sit in judgment. It disclosed thirty-nine ministers and thirteen elders. An estimate of how they stand on the question before them makes eighteen of the ministers and six of the ciders favorable to Prof. Smith. 'S M.tXJSUI'EltS. How tlio SIIRO of Arbor Lodge I.s Preparing Ills Senatorial I'utli. LINCOLN , Neb. , Dee. 8. [ Special to Tut Bni : . ] Tlio democratic state central conv mittco endorsed J. Sterling Morton for sec retary of agriculture at their meeting here last evening and are banking hard or securing tlmt appointment for him Ir case the other deal to place hhi in the United States senate is unsuc cessful. The subcommittee that is to do the conference work will work tho. semi torial boom for all it is worth , but have little hope of carrying il through with independent votes , and con cede that Morton's echanco of election depends pends wholly on republican support , wlilci they count on only in case it is found that 11 is the only way for republicans to prevent vent tlio election of tin Independent. For this reason , the Morton men favor a deal will the independents looking to the election of ai independent , in order to scare the rcpubll cans into coming to them , in which case they would repudiate tlio independent dca and accept the help of the republicans h making Morton. But the Morton erom does not include the entire democratic party and the opposition is not falling into lint witli siilHcient speed to engender very munj headaches. The leaders pretended to h ( mixing harmonybut tlio demand for butchoi knives and gatliog guns grows apace. - I'LOUlt OUl'l'UT. AVorltoftho Mlnni'iipiilU Mills for i Wcek- Comlltlou of thu.MnrUrt , MiXNH.vi'oi.13 , Minn. , Deo. 8. The North western Miller says : Millers have n ver ; good water supply which- helped the mill out last week , and their output was a trill larger than the week before , being 1811,54 barrels against 185,1115 barrels the proviou week and 181,230 barrels for tlio correspond ing time in IB'Jl , and 1 14,400 barrels in 1801 The water power showed signs of golni down Wednesday , and the mills lira bein restricted a little moro in consequence. Th daily output , however , has not been apprc clably affected. If low enough prices ar made , -plenty of patents can bo sold , bu otherwise. It docs not receive much attcntloi Prices uro largely nominal. Bids for pal en Is uro unusually below the views c millers. The decline in the export basilica is well illustrated by the small foreign shli meiits. Exports last week were only 80,4'J barrels , against 40,180 In the preceding weel Thes are the lowest figures r.iuco June , 180 : IjOiulon quotations ] > or 'J80 pounds tire : Pu cut , 3s ; bakers' , 17s j low grades , Ils , * J-'VfK.l/C O.P.I.V 1X8.1X13 .V.I.V. JIu Take * n Header from the llrooldy HrldKe unit Ktii-iipita Kerlcnu Injury. NEW YOIIK , Dec. 8. Daniel MoTxnighlln , blacksmith of Hoanoko , Va. , Jumped off th Brooklyn bridge today into the East river n that' point just beyond the pier on th Brooklyn sido. By a strange coincidence th jwlico boat patrol was comLug along th river at the timo. Policemen Dally nn < TUlly , who were in it , saw the man as h leai > od toward the water. When ho struol head llrst , the boat had got within fort feet of the spot. As soon as the man rose t tl'o surface the patrolmen fished him Inl 'ho boat. Ho was unconscious. They the took him to Chambers street hospital , where ho recovered ciMelonsneSs , hxnmlnatlon developed the facrthlit ho had not sustained n mark ns n result of hla perilous Jump. However , ho la silTTc'Hnp from n severe shock nnd from the cffeCtsfof the water In his sys tem. The physieufns say ho will entirely recover within n dili'jDr two. At 2U : > this nftqipmnn the man hired n cab from the stand on iligh street , Brooklyn , nnd asked the drlyc.rnto take him across the bridge. Ho paht.fyis , faro before starting. When the vehicle was-wlthln twenty orthlrty yards of the Brooklyn tower the young man jumiKMl out , serambll'd over the railing nnd balancing himself for nn instant jumped. After repeated attempts to got him to tell why ho tried to Jilll. himself ho muttered something about purlins Iwing after him and trying to take his' lifo. From this the police draw the conclusion that ho was insane. JMXA l\Ht SKX.tTOK. Ilo U Nominated 113- the XKW York Herald for thi ) Position , Nr.w YOIIK , Deo. 8. The Herald today de mands that the new United States senator for the state to bo elected shall bo "somo gentleman who has made himself a part of New York City ? who has fought for its wel fare ; who has shown tha quality of his democracy by his public integrity and by an unblemished record. " The editorial proceeds to say. "It Is easy to Ilnd such a man scores of them. Wo are not invidious , however , In naming Mr. Charles A. Dana as In all respects entitled to the honor of thp position. When the Herald proposed his name some time ago senator , then governor , Hill was reported as saying that if wo had spoken sooner ho would have done all he could to bring about the desired result , but that wo were too late hi malting the nomination. Senator Hill has now an opportunity to recoup himself. If used , his lullucnco will not only secure for himself the ablest colleague , but will put the right man in the place. As between his practicnl and profound knowledge of national questions and tlio political wlro pulling of Mr. Mur phy , hesitation would seem impossible. If rewards tire to ho disbursed why select any but Dana ? " * Local Sporting NCMVH. Henry 1 loin an and Bob Wells bagged 110 quail and fourteen chickens at Brady Island Monday. The Omaha Schutzenvercln will hold Its closing shoot for IblG for tlio state cham pionship medal next Sunday afternoon at the Ituscr park rango. A general invitation is extended and no one Is barred from the competition. As the championship contest now stands John Petty has won three times and Fred Fuller twice. If Petty shoots Sunday and wins the trophy becomes his property. The Omaha Athletic club will give its second end sparring exhibition one week from to morrow night with Danny Daly and Billy O'Donnell us the star performers. Owing to the brief time allotted the men for prepara tory work , however , a postponement may ho necessary. Daly is training hard at Hot Springs , S. D. , and is tit at any moment , but the same cannot bo said of O'Donnoll , who has been wheeling grunts out of a packing house at Sioux City. These two little ones have been anxious to ; test their respective merits with each other , and when they do meet there will 15' considerable eclat at tendant upon the occasion. OMAHA , Dec. 8. 4'o 'the ' Sporting Editor of THE Bui : : As tho'Omaha shutzenverein at their last meeting , < hold December 0. decided to hold their closing shoot for the state medal Sunday , Dei'ttuber ' 11 , at Huscr's park , and as Mr. Pctty'aiffl ' nryself have a match for that day at the Buinis Gun club grounds across the river it will be impossible for us to contest unless Mr. Petty will consent to shoot at Huser's. Otherwise I am willing to postpone the niftoli for one week , to bo shot at any place ho may choose. Fitnn FUI.LCII. [ This may bo all right , but in the light of Mr. Fuller's 'repeated and sweeping chal lenges to Mr. Petty , all fair minded sports men believe that if Mr. Petty insists tlio match should bo'-shot uext Sunday at the Bemis Gun club 'ffrcmuds/ state shoot of the Schutzenvcrein shpuld in nowise bo allowed to Interfere with" this pre-arranged individual match. > This .is what comes in running challenges unaccompanied by nn earnest of good fliith , and hereafter all such will bo rigidly excluded from these columns. Sporting Ed. ] I.UVAL Two minor permits , aggregating SGr > 0 , were issued by the superinteudeut of buildings yesterday. C. F. Bain of Dawes county was admitted to practice in the federal court by Judge Dundy this afternoon. The Thcosophical society will hold tin open meeting Sunday , December 11 , nt 4 o'clock p. in. in Hoyal Arcanum hall , Ben building. The performance o'f the "Cricket on the Hearth" at the Unitarian church is deferred on account of thu weather to Monday even ing. ing.William William Ilyan was arrested yesterday afternoon for the alleged theft of an overcoat from the Eagle hotel at Fourteenth and Howard streets. j > This evening at 1400 Dodge street the regu lar Yoimg Men's institute entertainment will be held. A very nice literary program will ho presented. Members and their friends are cordially invited to bo in attendance. Secretary Conoycr of tlio Board of Edu cation , reports tlio attendance at the schools to have fallen off nearly ono half by reason of the severe weather. This is always the case during tlio winter months when storms are raging. Yesterday afternoon John J. AVills waa arrested on the charge of shooting with in tent to kill. The arrest was tlio outcouio of the disagreement of the jury in the Dr. Birnoy case , nnd on complaint of Birney Wills wns arrested again. A horse driven by W. B. Allen ran away last night out near Twcnty-llfth and Cum- ing streets , and besides throwing Mr. Alien to tlio ground completely wrecked the sleigh , Tlio occupants were not injured , and the horse was caught by a policeman and turned over to the owner. The case of J. C. Witcoxngainst the North western Associated. Press association waa called before Judge Dundy in United States epurt-ycsterday afternoon , The case is up for rehearing from the court of appeals. Tlio case Is one which will bo decided by a Jury. The suit grows out of tlio suspension of the old Republican and tlio taking away of the franchise by reason of that fact , Jerome Sclmmp came In yesterday inornliiR from Lincoln , Ilo has no regrets over the outcome of the election , and professes to feel satisfied with tho.shoving ) tlmt he made , in view of the fact that the party managers sold him out from ono end of his district t < i the other. He said that a man was placed ii every precinct in thaiUstrlct on the last daj of the campaign toHrcVlata the report thai lie had withdrawn ; faftn tlio race , nnd thai the telephone was Industriously worked from the oftlco of uhajrman Blake to evoivi point that it wouitl'rtach to give color nnd additional weight to the report. H. A. Moore of Kenriioy is stopping nt tin Paxton , Ho has a mission on earth at tin present time , and that is to secure the passage ago of n bill by the h'.Cit legislature author Uiiig the appolntmcnE of another Judge it that judicial distrUjtoi Ho says that cour business is now two iiij l n half years behind and constantly gelliiig worse , and thn another judge ha'4 IMcomo u necessity , ii order to save the MvyVh-s from starving t death before cases nfW pending are tried am tlioy get their foes.f 1 He insists that ho is no looking for a Judicial ( appointment hlmsell but promises to fllilj plenty of avuilabl * " ' " timber. Flavoring Extracts NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. Vanilla Of perfect purity Lemon Of great strength- Orange Economy In their use , Flavor as delicately and dellcloutly as the fresh fruit * NOTICE OP THK SITTING OP TIIK CITY COUNCIL A9 A UOAU1) OP KQUAL12AT10N. To the owners ot the lots lurtsof lots nnd real estate abutting en or adjacent tot ho streets , nllejr.ior n venues herein tin mod or sHiiiUed In whole or In purl within any of Ibo dis tricts herein specified ! ion and each of you , are hereby nollflpil tlmt the rlty council of tlm elty ot Omnlni will sit ns a Hoard of Kqiinllzntlon.it Hie olllco or tbocltv dor. . In the cllv ball , Omaha. Nob. , on Mdny , ilia ioih tiny of Decembor. IWi. , from Do'clncVa. m. lo : > o'clock it in. , forlho purpose or considering nnd cuunllr.lng Ilio pro posed levy or special fixe * unit assowncnt.s ns shown by "Proposed Plans of Assessment" now on Ilio In Ihu olllco or said clly clerk , and correcting miy errors therein , mid of hearing nil complaints timt , the owners of property so to bo usso * cd and taxed may mnke ; said special taxes and assoisinunlH proposed to ho levied being necosx.iry to cover ihu cost of the several Improvements dtny initliorlzcd lobo miuio and now cotnpleled. us follows : lo cover the cost of damages for grading Twenty-second street rrom Clark strcol to fjieholus street , nmotinlln ? lo Iho sum or Vi.l.iio , which said sum It Is proposed by a re port duly adopted by tbo olty council , to sis- * " ; * . ? , "ro ratu on lll ° real eslatu on both shies vi l.wV"ty"stC0"11 street rrom 'Jlurk ' street to jMclioIas street , accordlngto ibo usual scaling hack process-lo ihu ilppm or 140 foot from the street , Hutu per fool , niHViV To coyer the cosl of itriulbu Ohio street from I wonty-soiond streol lo the o.isl llnu or ? . , . ' "I'llllon. atiioiinllng to the stun or Jilli.li ) , which said sum ll Is proposed by a ro- portdtny adopleil by the uity council , tons- cess on Ilio roul i-stalu on both sides or Ohio street , from Twontv- second street to thn u..st line of Dutilsu'.s addition pro rain according to foot fronlago and Ihu tlsu 11 scaling back pro- ? . , . " tlL'l111'to Hie llrst alley Halo per fool , 0IUJ1 , To cover the cost of grading Nineteenth street from Mason street to Pierce street In nislricl No. fl , iimuuntiiu to tlio HIIIII or Wt.ib , whluh said sum It Is proposed by a re port duly udopiud by tlio elty council , to assess on Iho real estate on bolli H do * of iMneteenth sltcet from .Mason street to Pierce Hiroot , according to foot ftontiuo , In depth to Ilio llm alloy us poriisunl scaling back pro cess. Hate per foot , JJ 07 .ll. lo cover the cost or grading Douglas street from 1 orty-fourtli snoot to I-'orty-ulghlh street , in grading dlstilut No. 8. " , amounting to thu sum or * t..vj.r > , which said sum it Is proposed by n rupert duly adopted by the clly council , lo assess pro ratu according to foot frenliigo. on thu real estate on each side of Douglas streol from 1'orty-fourlh slrrot. lo I'orty-olghlh streut , according to tbo usual scaling back process lo Ibo center of block. Unto per foot , ( atom lo covur thu coslor grading Capitol avoniio from 4bth strccl la Hell l.lno railway In Rrad- Ingolstrlot No. to , umountlnz to the sum of * ll)12.i4 , which said sum It Is proposed by a re- portduly adopted bv Ihu cllv council , lo as sess pro rala according to Tool fronlago on Iho real estate on each sldo of Gapltol uvenuo from 4ilb ) struot to Hull blue railway accord- lug to Iho usual scaling process to the Urst al ley. Halo per foot , $ I.DOUI2. ' 1 o covur thu one-half cost of grading Mason street from IBtb strcol lo 20lh streol. amount ing to Iho sum of JAI0.8) , which said sum ll Is proposed , by a report duly adopted by the clly council , to assess on the real estate on ouuh sldo ot Mason street from 18th street to Otli street pro rala iiccordlng lo foot frontage and Iho usual scaling back process to the cen ter of Iho block. Halo per foot , $ ) .283w. : 'lo cover the one-half cost of grading 22d slreol from Ponplolon avenue to south line of tax lot .10. section 27 , amounting to the sum of SJIl.Ji. which , sald sum 1C Is proposed , hy a re port duly adopted by the ult.v council , to as sess pro rala according lo fool fronlagp , on thu real estate on each side of SJd street from I'oppluton avenue to south line of tax lol HO. according to ihu usual scaling back process in depth 132 feet from street. , Ualo per fool. SO. HijT.i. To cover Iho one-half cost of cradlng Sid street rrom Locust street to Hponcor street , amuiinllnglo Ihosum or STCO.Oj , which said sum ll Is proposed , bv a report dtt'y ' adopted by the city council , lo assess on Iho real es- tutu on otii-h sldu of 22d from I/ocust strcut to bpencur street , according to the usual scaling back process in depth us follows : On the west side to Iho alloy ; on the east sldo lo the cen ter of block. Haiu per foot , $ J.ril72i. : 'lo cover iho cosl of gtadlng Dupont street and Oastollar street from east line of Dupont 1'lnce lo west line of Dupont I'laco In gr.id.lng district Nos. 4. > Hun 40 , amounting to thu sum or,57li.il ; , which said sum Ills proposed by a report only adopted by thu oily council to assess , pro rala according to foot frontage , on the real cstale on each sldo of Oastullnr and Dupont streels In Dupont Place , according lo Iho usual scaling bauk process In depth to iho first alley. Kato per loot , J0.7170I. 1 o cover the eosl ot grading Ames avenue from Sherman avenue to Ou foot east of the alley between 10th and llth slicots , amount ing to the sum of J2,70i.4. : > , which said sum it is proposed by a report duly adopted hy the city council to assess pro rata on cacbsldoof Ames avontio from Sherman avenue to 09 feet oust of allov between 10th ana llth streets , according to foot frontage and the usual scaling back process. In depth from said street 150 feot. Kate per foot , to.Gii.'U' . To cover iho cost of grading alley In block 3 , Campbell' . " addition. In Rr.idlng district No. Ml , amounting to the sum of SOU. which sum it Is proposed by a icport duly adopted by the clly council to assess onllio real estalo on each sldo of said alley pro ratu. according to foot frontage and thu usual scaling back pro cess' . In depth to depth of lot. Kato per foot , 5o.'om. : To cover the cost or grading the alloy In Dti- pont I'laco belweou Dupont nnd Oastellur streets , from 20tn street to Iho wosl line tf Duiiont Place , amounting to tliu sum or tl. ' > 2,14 , which Bum II Is propose by a rupert duly adopted by Iho'elly council to assess on the real ostalu on both sides of said alley pro rala , according to root fronlago and the usual scal ing buck process , in depth one lot. Kato per foot. U.3US.1. To cover thoono-halt post of grading the alley In block 10 , Kount7o'.s4lh supplementary addition , amounting In Iho sum or W..Vr. , which sum ll Is uropnsod by 11 report duly adopted by the city council to assess pro ruta on tno real estate on each sldu of said al'uy In block 10 , ICoiinf/o'g 4th supplementary addi tion , as per foot frontage and Ilio usual seal ing back process In depth ono lot Hate per foot , J.'J8U2. To cover thoono-half cost.of grading Hamil ton street from 4. > tb street to the Holt Line railway , amounting to the sum of SI.OJBUI , which said sum It Is proposed by a report duly adoplod bv the elty council lo assess on the rout estate on each sldo of Kami.ton street from 45th street lo Iho Holt l.lne railway pro rala. as per fool frontage , according to the usual scaling buck process , In depth to the llrst allov. Kato per rout , HOS040. To cover Iho cost of uradina ulloy 'n block 4 , Campbell's addition , bolus iho south alloy lit Hald block , amounting to Ibo sum of SliaKi. which said sum H Is proposed by a report duly adoplod by thu city council to assess on the real citato on both sides of said alley pro rate , as per fool fronlago and according loth : usual scaling back process , In depth from alley on south sldo to Bancroft street , on north sldo to the depth of two lots. Kate per foot , $9 I33GS. To cover the one-half cost of gradlne the alloy In block 1 , Kountzo's 4th hdditlon , amounting to tbo sum or J25H.U8. wlilch said sum ll Is proposed by a iopoj-iduly adopted by tbo clly council to nsse s pro rata on tliu real osialo on both sides of .said alley , as per fool tronlago , to the depth of ono lot , ao.'ord- \i\f. \ to the usual sealing back process. Kalu per foot. $0.41tll. To eovor Hie cosl of grading 34lh stn ot from Fiirnam street to Dodge street , amounting to the sum or $174.01 , which said sum II Is pro posed by a lupurt duly adopted hy the elty council lo assess on tno real cstiunon both sides of Ultli strool rrom Dodge street to Kiir- iiiiru street pro ruta , us pur root frontage and Ihu usual sealing back process , In depth lethe the center or blockr Hate pur foct , tl.ttlUIJ , To cover the cosl or paving and curbing In street Improvement district No , i.r > . compris ing Izurd slrcol from 18th slruul Io2.d ! HI reel , amounting to ihu sum of { 10.484,0V , which suhl HUIII , 11 Is proposed , by a report duly adopted by iho olty council lo assess pro rala , accord ing lo fool frontage on Ibo real eutato on both uldes of l/.ard street , from IStb slreol to 2Jd Btrcnt , In depth to center of blook , according to iho usual sealing bauk process. Halo per foot , J7.28I. To eovor tbo cost of paving and curbing llltb street from the south line of Uruce strcol lo north llnu I'addook place , In strool Improve ment district No. : i"2 , amounting to tbo Mini or 410,223.20 , which Haiti HIIIII , it Is proposed , by a report duly adopod by the city council , to as sess on ibo real estate on each sldo or lllth street rrom lirucu strcut to north line of 1'ad- doui ( place , pro ratu according to foot frontage - ago and Iho usual scaling baalc process 1 depth tbo distance of ono lot , Kate pur foot , J.I.UBJI. The cosl of paving and curbing pri vate approach to bu assessed to thu real estate for which ll Islnld. 1 To cover Iho cosl of paving and curbing > Bhormaii uvemio to a point ILK ) feet noith of Ihu conlor ot Section a in street Improvement district No. 4Uli , amounting lo Iho sum of flu- 2 7.1l , wlilch sum , ll In proposed , by a rupert duly adopted by Iho clly council , 10 assess on the property on both bides or .Sherman avu- ntiu lu said district , pro rata according to loot frontugu and ihu usual scaling back piocess In depth 134 foot. Provided. That that part of tax Iot2t lying between Omaha Holt railway rlghl of way nntl Commercial street shall bo assessed for a frontage of 111) ) feet. Halo per foot , W,510 . To cover the cost of paving and curbing In street Improvement district No..TO , Charles streut from Thifty-ol.'hlh strool to thirtieth btreolamouulliii : to Iho sum of } 7O.IU. which said HUIII ll U proposed hy u report duly adopted by iho elty council to usiusn pro ruta on the real estate on both sides or Charles street from Thirty-eighth street lo Fortieth street , in dentil to llm alley or center or block , uceoriliiift to the usual scaling buck process , Kale per fool. $ ' 1NI2. > , To cover Iho coslor puvnig nnd curbing Michigan street from Twenty-third sireot. to Twenty-fourth street In strcut Improvement district No. 410 , nmountlng lo the sum of * lICd04 , which atld : sum It ID proposed by a re port duly adopted by the elty council to an- ness on tno real ustatoon both sides of Michi gan street -from Twuiitv-tblrd street to Twenty-fourth strcot , pro rata according to foot frontuiie , and the usual kcalliii back pro cess In depth lo center of block , Kato per fool , lW002iJ , The cost of private approach lethe the reul estate for which ft It lulu. To covur tbvcoit of puvluK aud curbing Shcrmnn avonnn from a point nMfce > t north of ho renter of section 3 I.Vl t , to Uriind nvoiitio n sireot Iniproveincnl dl 'rlol No. 411 , amounting to U.osutuof Il2i2ta : > , which sMd umlt Is proposed by n report duly adopted iy the eltv council , to asies on thn properly noiiph sldoof Sliornmii AVPIIUO from a point Klfrut north of the center of sectiontlodrnnd ivcnue. pro rntnaccording to the root front- neo. In depth from Sherman aTcnuo I8J fcot , spnrtlKMisii.il scaling back process. Hate tor foot , HAtt. To cover the cosl of pnvlnt and cnrblr.s * hlrty-soeond street , rrom Hie north line or .tielld I'laio to Woolwortb nveniin In street tnptovenipiit dNirlat No. 4'Cl. iimountlng to ho sum or lii,8U.fi7. : which snlil Mini It. U pro- postnl. by 11 report duly adopted by tlio rlty ounoll. to asir.'s on tno property on eiu-h idnof Thlrlyucond strppt. from north line > f Kticlld I'bico lo Woolworlb uvuiuo , iiccord- ng to rout rroiitnce. and the iisunl cnllng nick process in depth to llrst alloy or center if block , Uatu per foot , $1 74tHi the coil or irlvnto aniiroaches to buasscsssdto Iho proo- rly for which nude. To covpr thu post of paving and vnrtihiz 'iillfornlii street from l.'itn street to IGlhstreet n strcutlmprovi < mentdl < itrlclNo , 111 , ainoiiiit- ng lo the sum of M.77.V.M. wlilih srx d sum II U iropo cd by n report duly adopted by thoi'ltr onncll to as cs on the real iMtato on each Idu of California street from l.Mli street to ICtli Irei't pro rala , nucordlng to root frontage.ami ho usual sc.illng li.ieU process In deph to hu llrm uiluy as per usual so.illtu back pro- cs . Hate nor foot , I7.0.M ; Iho private road 'ay , amounting Kuliiusiim of $ .vCu. > , to bu us- ossud lolhurnal estate 'idjolnlng. To cover the coil of paving nnd curbing Sownrd street from 24th street li)25th slteot In trool Impiovumeul dlslrlct No. 4ir. : said pav- ng aiiiouutlng to the sum of ? ! .i\2I : : and ' .lie urhlng to thusnm of WI.07 , which said sums t Is proposed hy a retmrl duly ndopted by the llv coimuit to assess us follows : Tnecoslof curbing to bu nsicsspd to lot 0 , iliick tl , Sblnn's addllfo-i. The cost of pavlti : private approach , iniountliig to the sum ot J'l 42 , to bo assessed o lot I , blot' . ; 0 , Mlilnn'siiddlllon. ' 1 ho hiilanco of the cost or paving , nmoutil- ng lo the HIIIU of $ Vls.L7i ! , to Up assessed on the cat ( Male on both sides of toward street from Ith strcel to 3'ilh street pro fata per foot ronlagu and In depth from strcut to llrst illey , necordlng to tlio usual scaling back pro- ccs-i. Hate per foot , f I.OW7. To cover the cent , of pivlns niul curbing of .Irdslreel from I'nmlng street to north llnu or MlehUiin street In street Iniprovuinnnldls- rlct No. 410 , amounting to the sum or iM.4 2.U7 , vhlch suld sum ll Is proposed by a ruucrl duly uloptcd by tbu city councL lo assess as fol- OHS ! The amount of J.Vt. > to bo assessed oil lot. 7 , iloelc IDIJi , for paving and curulng approach. The balnnco of .l.i. : ' > l.D2 , lo bu assessed on the roul esluiu on both sides of 2 : > d slipul fiom 'unilng street lo the norlb sldo or Mlehtnm street , according to foot frontage. In doflb o the center of hlock , according lo Ibu usual sc.illng hack jirocess , Kato per foot. ti.ttV.i. To cover the vo t of paving and curbing Trace strcut from Iho east llnu of Ibo C. . M. ' . , M. A : U Hy right , of wav to east line of 1'ad- dock place. In street Improvement district No. 178 , amounting to the sum or ; a,4-'i.ii. which said sum. It is proposed , Iy a report duly idoptod l > v Ihu city couiifll. to assess on thu real osUlo on uach sl'lu of Uraco stroel from tbo said rlghl of way lo the east line of I'id- dock plaue , pro rata as per fool fronlago aud lie usual scaling buck process In depth 11)2 feiTu Unto per foot , ttt.1324. To cover Iho cosl of p-ivlng and eurbbu Oth street from I'lorco street to Illckorstreet. . In Hlieet Improvement district No. 428 , amounl- ng to thusum of II.V.H8.07. which said sun , . It s proposed , by a report : duly adopted uy thu ully council , to assess us follows : The eost of irlvato approach , amounting to the sum of flr ! > .s. ' , to uo assosso.l to tbo real oslato for which constructed. Tlio balance of said cosl to bo assessed iror.ita on Iho leal estate on both sides of said street , according to the footfronlngo and the usual t-callng buck process to tbo.depth of said district as created ! the strip ? from nur- lowing tliu streels In said district not consid ered In calcuiuUng Ihu fronlagc. Hate pur foot , Ji.OslKVI. Tocovor tfco cost of paving and curbing Cass street rrom 2.'d street to 'lllb slrcut , in street Improvement district No. 4.'U ) , iimoiint- ng to Ihu sum or i,201.0. > . tthich said suin.lt Is jiropcaod , by a roporlduly adopted by the city council , to as < os pro rata per foot frontage - ago and the usual scaling baclc puxoss In depth to the lirst alloy. Hate per fool , ST > s'ir. : . To covur Ilio cost of paving and curbing of Cass street from o-ast line of Twenty-fourth struot to vest line of Twenty-fourth street In sireot Improvement district No. 451) ) , amount ing 10 Iho sum or $15. > .X > . which said sum ll Is proposed by a reporl duly adopted by Iho cllv council , lo assor-s on lot' , block ; i02 , elty. To cover Ihocost of constructing u suwor in sewer district No. l.VJ. atmmntlne lo the sum of } I.03u : ) . wblch said sum It U proposed by a report duly adopted by tliu pity council , to as sess pro rata according tofool fronlagoon tbo real estate f routine on said sewer , corner lots having a sewer on iwo .sides lo bo assessed for Iho longer sldo only. U ito per foot. JJ.S'il70. To covurtho cost Oi constructing a sewer In sewer district No. IRii , amounting to Iho sum of ? ] ,7l7.b'J , which said sum It l proposed by a roporlduly adopted by Iho clly council lo as sess pro rata on ihu real estate adjoining said buwor according to thp foot frontage , and the usual scaling hack process In depth to Iho boundaries of said district , as created. Hito : per footJ.8UI8. ! ) To cover the cosl of constructing a sewer In sewer dlstrlet No. 101 , amounting lo the sum o8 ! 1.2i4.i2. : which said sum H Is proposed by a report duly adopted by the city council , lo sis- Bess pro rata on the foot fronlace and the usual scaling back process In depth lo thu boundary lines of said district us created. Hate per foot , $1.8 ! > . To cover the cost of constructing a sewer In sowerdlslriutNo. l.'n , amounting to thosum of $2i18. ( > l > , which said sum It Is proposed by : i report duly adopted by tliu city council to as sess tire rala according to foot fronlagu and Iho usual scaling back process lo the depth of ono lot on re.il estate In H ild district : Provided , That on corner lots having a sewer on two sides they shall bo assessed for Iho long hide only. Certain triangular lots are assessed for thu ono-baif of frontage. Uato per foot ; * I.l'fi27. Tax lot 12 assessed for $20.82 nud tax lot 18 assessed for J. > 2 04. To cover the cosl of constructing connec tions to sewers in street Improvement districts Nos. 410 , 40 ! . 42U , 4:10. : 487. 11 ml 4.M > . done umior conlrut with .John V. Daley , amounting to the sum of JSlivSI. which It U proposed by a report duly adopted by the city council to as-ess the coal of each sopnrnlu counecllon to the lot or part of lot or rj.il estate to wlilch such con nection Is made , as follows : Id 15 SI Tocoverthocoslof constructltiit connoctloiiH to sewers In street Improvomeiii districts Nos. . ' 0. 421. 411 , 4ii. : 441 , 45' ) , 151 , 4.V ) . 4GI , 4111 , 4117 and 47.lln thucltyof Omaha , amounting to tliuDiim of fJ.OlU.Kl. which said Hum ll Is proposed by a lupnrt duly adoplod hy the clly council lo at- Bcssoiitho lul.paitof lot or roul estate lo wblPhcoiuuictlonH uro made , as per iho fol lowing llsi ; ' Ku Amount MJ US llunson'seub til 1'J ' ? Ullraboth I'laco 12 2J " U' ' " HH" , " ' -J it is - - it'b " is SM - ' ( ) ft of II23 rranklln Hijunro 1U W s'J'i ftof It 21 " 11 1 ! ) Itliblica Lake's addition 2J 'M It 7 blk a " . 20 M . , J JI ( jll ; J * i'O , jl ( 1112 KrunkllnSquaro ll IU 1113 ' " Jl 10 > H14 " Jl 1U U15 . " 11 ID lllfl - . ' - . j | iu " > tl7 \ \ ll IB 11 1" U7blk3 KVHmllb's addition 11 IU US blk " > 1 lif : : liv i " | | im : : \\\m \ \ \ > 3 % i Total . jj,0405.'l ; To cover the cost of daiiniEcs for chutipc of crado , bolin ; a Jinlsoinunt In favor of Hohip- porot , ( Jlurls uiiil C'lubnrno for clmnnoof rudu of KlRhtcunih slri'ul Ircni biM vi'iiwurlli struot to 400 fi'ot south of .Mi : so D htruut , aniouiitlnu to thesnni of f--'ll.:0 ; : , which sunlsnni It l4iro- ] posud , by a report < lny ! uiloptud by tho- city council , to assc&t on tbo real usialu on both sides of KtglituanlliHtmat. from Loarunwurtli slract to the rnllw.iy rl.'hiotviy. : . prorata us per foot frontage , anil tbu usual suiilbiK back nroi'rss In doiith to thu lirst alloy. Hutopor fool. 3 < I,7J7U7. Tocovurtbo cost of daniBROH awarded for thn iipoiilni'of 'rwiinly-slxih ttfuut from thu , north line of Nelson's aililltlon toUiildwull Ntroot , ninonntliu loihosnniof tiliD..H ) which siild siini It Is proposed by : t rujiurt duly adopted bv thu city council , to nKic < * s on both sides or "I'wkiily-slxtb alriMit , from Uanilng struct to Kuwurci atrnui , us follows : 1'roin C'nnilni strcut tonorlh line Neison'H addition $ l,4' ' .r > J. ul tbo rutu of.41 | ) cr front fool. fool.On lota 2 to 0 Inclusive In .tocstens' .sub , 7. 18 , at the rntuorj2.4l pur front foot. I'roni U i Id well to llumllton Kiruots , lflM.00 , at thn r.l to of Ul ) uonls per front foot. From Iliiinllton to Ulmrluistrouts. J10S.OO. at tlio ritu : of HI ; vontH per front foot. I'Voni Uharlos to t'iwird : struols , JA'.OO , at the r.ito of 70 utinlH pur front foot. OnhitNu. I , Jnostun'H biih.lfDI.H' , ' ' .Shlnn's iiihlltion ? 4''J.OO. On lot , ) , lilocl ; IS. , Tbo ahov < > : iR33ssnimitlndailh | from 'I'wonty- slvlh Ktrcot to ilnHllstanfiMifono lot only. To cover the cottof conslriictluK purinimiiiit sldowulkH bv I'ord it 1 1 use. lunoiintlnK to the sum of $ . ' , ! ) : i. ' . " ( ! . whlull H lil Kuin It Is propoboil \ > \ ' n report , duly adopted by tlio city council , to IIHSU.SS on the following real udtutc , \vhluli said wains uro laid : foL5bloclv72 Olty ( S52 80 lothlool72 ( ) ' 'JIKJ 4D l.otTbloakTJ " IIJ. ! S'l Lot 1 block HI ) " f > l7 Ll l.olll blouls DO " WO 17 lot 4 block U. ) " 207 W ) Iotnbloon20lli 1,015 bloBltJBl " US 17 Total . JWi'1328 Tocovor tlio cost unit Ii speetlon of Inyln ; ; poriiuiicnt stone walks by J. W , r'nriuiN i-ons , iiiiiouiitlir. to ihu HIIIII of f..7'd. 7 , wlilch said HIIIII It Is proiiosuil by a rupert duly adopted by tbo city council , to nssuss on the reiil ustuto aloni ; which siilu walks uro laid , as , " ! ' : ! .Ml. CMt v t 20'1 77 1 1 It'll huliool KronniK. hctwoun 20th ami 22dainl DodKJandDavonpoit strculn 2,517 'M Towl . J2.7SI 07 To covur tlui cost or stoim > > idoivall > s laid by . ) . W. riirnns ft Hon. aniountlnx In thu sum ot SrH..tt. . which Biild sum It Ispioposrd by a 10- portdnly adopted by the city cunni'll lo assc onllio lots or narts of lots niljiicunt to thu all ( laid , lu-wit : iit'T 1)11(40 < -'li.v ( fill II ) , Strip of land adjoining on oust 1,181)11(40 ) City 4821 . | .tBbll(4n 307 ) KM or It 7 blk 51 41 K > LI 5 bill I7 ! ' 240 18 Knb lot ii it a Unpltol addition isu : u Ll II blk 4 buinnilt I'laco 1-3 7:1 : Total t'Hii H' . ' Von uru fnrthnr notlllcd tliatsuld "I'ropo-iuil 1'lansof AsHOHsinunl" are now sulijeet to tliu inspection and examination of any of thuown- ein of said lol" . I'lirtH of loia or piceei of rim ) chime , or Ibo inspection or oxiiniluHllon of nny oilier Dur'on interested In mild iirojiosud iihuchsinunlw , ttllhnotllcu of Hald ully clink , and tint by a report or a commltlie : or wilu council duly iidiiDleil. It It proposed that un- liihi for coed and hitllliilinit uuusu It may bu < ihurvvi | ! > ? onlurud anil dutnriiiliiuil , tlml the cost of suld Inuirovunionl. ! rcspuctlvoly bo as- M < hhii ( on tlio hovural loti , p.uls of loth and ple.nca of ro.-il e.stiito an utiuwii by Mild pro posed I > lllll3 Of 3iOSSIIIIlt. ! | i'on , and o.tch or von , mo bnrohy notified to appear ln'foro mild llouid of inuulUiillon : , nt. thu time nod uluco abovu hpuclllcd , to IIIIIKO liny complaint , stiituimm tor olijuoilon you chi. hlroconconiliijt iiny of hiild iiropu d Icvlm and . dlty ( llork. Omalm Nob. , IJccomborUli. IWi 1)9 a7t Man/or our AOl'.NTS uro 8ti.llNi ( from ISOJ t IMl ) urlliuf ARNOLD AUTOMATIC STEAM GrjOX.ERS per iiiuntfi. lioii'l ruiujhi Mlo. or worn tut muoll aiAi , when run mlglit li unkliitf inuru i"11' ' litn in luiumar. Applr for turim , AllNKUU UOUKit CO. , UJI S. mil rit. , UmikUa.