TI1E OMAHA DAILY TITKSDAY. IWHMHKR 0. 1802. SEED A GENERAL SHAKING UP Evangelist Mills Thinks Modern Christianity is Just a Trifle Lukewarm. LACK OF VITALITY AMONG PROFESSORS 'Wnriilni ; ( Mil Aimn Nliniilril nt thr * ImllnVr. cut Hebrew * K\i | < niiiileil Cor tint Kdlll- r.-illnii of .Muilci-ii ( Irntlli-H IMn Tiilkln Ihit.AlotlicrK. The musical prelude to the sermon preached by Evangelist Mills last night was the very effective singing by Mr. Ilillis of "The hand of God on the wall. " The voice of the singer has a peculiar penetrating quality that reaches the every corner of the hall and in addition to this the tones are all sweet and agreeable. Owing doubtless to the very disagreeable weather , the audience was not so largo as tijion previous evenings , and yet there must have been nearly 'JKK ( ) people present. Mr. Mills read the third chapter of Hove- lations as the llrst scripture lesson. His text was found In Amos vl-1 : "Woo to thorn that are at en so in Xion. " The discourse was directed In the main at lukewarm Christians. The people of Israel had become indifferent to the real worship o [ fiotl , and It became necessary to have such men as Amos to sound the cry of alarm. Spealiing of the .lewish race , Mr. Mills said that the .lews had sulTored bccanso of their unfaithfulness to ( ! od. They were warned by Amos and the prophets , but would not heed the warning. The history of the .lew- Ish race had been written as prophecy cen turies ngo , but It would bo well for people to keen their O.W-H on the .lews during llio Im mediate future. Worsii Tlinii AVortlilem. But there were other classes of people to whom llio warning of God had conic. The trumpet call had been sounding in the cars of professed Christians , but many of them were apparently dead in sin. Ono dead or Indifferent Christian could-do more harm than a score of acknowledged sinners. Noth ing In the world could or did do so much harm as the lifeless Christian. God would hold many professed Christians responsible for the ruin 'of those who had stumbled and fallen by looking at the example sot them by men who professed to live Christian lives. "The meanest thing that crawls upon the earth. " said Mr. Mills , ' -is the hypocritical Christian. " Some people held God responsible for their iinanctnl losses. Such men were not upon very intimate terms with God. Men who walked with God daily would succeed in every legitimate undertaking. If a man would fully trust God his business would never.suffer. The thing that men should do was to dedicate their business to the Lord. Sidney Smith said ono could tell what the I-ord thought of money by looking at the pcoplo'He gave the money to. AVhcn God found a man fie cnuld trust every day in the week and under all circumstances Ho usually gave him plenty of money. Silled lit tin1'riss. . Speaking of the average Christian busi ness man the speaker said that when Sun day morning ejinie along this man got up and turned the weekly sewer that came to his homo through the Sunday newspapers into his mind for an hour or two and got his brain all full of secular and sinful things be fore church lime arrived , lie went to church and listened to a lot of music piven in some thins like a foreign tongue and ho hoard a sermon upon astronomy or geology or the line scenery of tlio country. There was not enough spirituality in the churches. There was too much stupid in difference and carelessness among church members. Christian people were too modest , too timid in presenting the claims of the gospel. The righteous man was like the palm tree , ho would prosper at all times. - "It is better for a church to have ono member who can do ISO. " things for the cause of Christ , " said the speaker , "than to have Bi. ( > membeis who can do lint ono thing. Some pcoplo lire a good deal like the steam boat that Sam Jones used to talk about. 11 had such a large whistle and such a small boiler that every time the pilot wanted to blow the whistle ho had to stop the boat God have mercy upon the man who has onlj religion enough to take him out to church on Sunday. " HUM Ins Their Still'NYclts. After a closing exhortation in which Mr Mills pleaded with his hearers to become earnest , active Christians , ho extended tin. invitation to all who wished to begin tlio Christian life to stand just a moment A largo number arose , thus asking the prayers of the Christian people. The cards were dis tributed , and several hundred were signed u ml returned. A very Interesting after meet ing was held for the benellt of these who mudo the start last night. Tallied to the Moher ! * . .Yesterday afternoon more than 1,000 women , mostly mothers , went to hear Mi- Mills on the text , "Her children shall rise up nnd call her blessed. " The preacher de voted his time to the setting forth of the great Inllnenco a mother has on her chil ilrcn. He told many anecdotes aptly lHus trilling the points ho made , and related his own experience and conversion as showing the power of a mother's prayer. The train Ing of children Is one of the gravest responsi billtlcs that is laid on mortals , nnd the most of this work devolves naturally on the mother. She It is who may make or mar tlio whole life of her offspring. It is tlio noblest thing a mother can do to train her child so that In years to como the little ono will rise up and call her blessed. Tlio sermon closed with an earnest , fervent prayer for the wel fare of the congregation and the families therein represented. Kevhiil Notes. Wednesday will bo a rally day In Omaha nmong religious people of the city. The en tire day will bo given tip to religious meet ings , The llrst tiling in the morning will bo neighborhood prayer meetings. These meet ings will bo followed by the meeting for men at the Young Men's Christian associa tion , the regular services at Exposition hall in the afternoon nnd evening and the meet ing for women at the First Uapllst church at 2 : IB. There are no collections taken up at any of the Mills meetings. The evangelist is too much of a business man for that. Ho never opens a meeting In n place until all the money needed to pay the expenses has been collected and placed in the bank. An liivalimlilK lieniedy for Cold * . Sheriff Hardnmn of Tyler county , West Virginia , was almost prostrated with a cold when ho began using Chamberlain's Cough Uemcdy. In speaking of it lie says : "It gave mu almost instant relief. 1 Jlml It to bo an invaluable remedy for coldu. " For sale bv druggists. Alioul IIdle TiiFNilny. Frank l ino , whoso opinions of entertain mcnts and entertainers should bo good i long experience brings good judgment , said ns ho stood looking at the happy face of i Bunny-haired , blno-oyed llttlo miss , whosi pictures have adorned the bill boards am dead walls of Omaha the past few days : "Thero is the only child I have ever seei on the boards who does not make mo wan to get up and leave the theater. She Is th only eliiltj 1 have over seen on the stage tha does not remind mo of ono of Kdlson's phone graphic dolls. A parrot-liko training that 1 painful to mo Is manifest In nil of them. NeBO BO with ' .Sweet Uttlo Tuesday.1 She is born nrtislo ; not the creation of the teacho of elocution , the siago manager and dancln teacher. She is as pretty as a dream and n nrtlstlo as Modjcska. She possesses origin iillty , in Ingenuous and has the most charn lag personality. 'Uttlo Tuesday,1 thong only I ) years old. Is as well known and a jiopular In Now York , Uoston and other larg eastern cities ns immy of the most populu st\go people ; " Kometlilni ; ( iiuiil , * I have sold and used in my family for so1 'eral years Cjiiimberlain's Colio , Cholera an ' Dlurrluua remedy , and have found it ono < ' the most useful and satisfactory remedies * ever handled. U. H. .Lewis , druggist. Ba Lake City , Utah , - Would MI < 0 to HeoMr. . AVUe. Many South Omaha people are Instituthi a general inquiry for Geoi-fc-o Wise , a forun of tUo Hogopolis. Mr , Wlso ia onng man of engaging appearance nnd wns minted out as an exemplary Individual. Ho vas well known In church circles nnd was rcasurer of the Sunday school of the First Methodist church. About ono month ago he vent to Lincoln , taking with him nlxmt ) of money belonging to the Sunday school , nnd forgot to liquidate a number of obllga- Ions about town. Although diligent inquiry m been made the young man cnnnit bo bund by his anxious creditors. Oooil Cooking 's ono of the chief blessings of every home. I'o always Insure good custards , puddings , intlees. etc. , use Gail Hordcn "Eagle" llraml Jondcnsed Milk. Directions on the label. Sold by your grocer nnd druggist , . "Still Alarm" nt ! ! o.vd' < . People ) fond of melodramatic plays may sco ono of thu better class In "The Still Alarm , " which boirnn an engagement at the Hoyd last evening. The play Is built on conven tional lines with the usual rich old father in the power of a villain , the pretty girl whoso hand Is demanded by the scoundrel nnd the poor but noble hero whose conrs" of true love is thereby made troublousonly to shine at the close with added luster. "The Htlll Alarm , " however , is less lurid and boistemus than most of its class , and its realistic effects como about as near the genuine article as It is imssllito to put on the stage. The scene representing the quarters of a lire engine company is one of the best pieces of realism seen hero in many days. It Includes a steam engine , horses and other adjuncts of such an institution , and there Is no burlesque about them. William ST Harkins ia handsome , manly fellow , who portrajs an ideal Ilivman , nnd he is supported by a well balanced company. Llttlo Tuesday , a pretty llttlo tot , makes a most attractive diversion in songs and dances , whlclt are pervaded with n sweet , childish charm that is irresistible. A good quartette also adds variety with n number of songs. At tillliljIMI. . Cyrcno is here , and so Is her conception of the celebrated Spanish dance La Chahut. Her dressing is in reality n revelation , and will servo to crowd Wonderland nnd HIJou theater every nlirht during her engagement. As a dancer she is a genius. Her kicks are morally inocuous , they are the poetry of motion , and are absolutely full of music. The merit of her performance is tlio grace and diablerie of her gyrations , and as the danc ing is all done in long skirts it at no time is in the slightest degree vulgar. It was inno cent and exuberant , full of grace and artistic repose. She was enthusiastically encored. In addition to Cyrene an hour is spent enjoy ing tlio other specialties , and the thrilling drama "Burr Oaks" rills ' comedy ont'a pro gram of more than passing enjoyment. . Ignorance of tlio merits of DoWitt's Little Early Misers is a misfortune. These little pills regulate the liver , euro headache , dys pepsia , bad breath , constipation and bilious ness , FIRE AND Statistical Kccoi-ds oT tlie Departments Tor Xovemlier l.eies C ranted. Chief of Police Seavey reported to the fire and police commissioners at their meeting last night that 1S20 meals had been served to prisoners confined in the city Jail during the month of November at a cost of ? 1S'J. The patrolmen lost " 01 days last month , eighty-two by sickness and the remainder on account of annual leave. On account of sick ness and injuries the firemen lost nine days time during the same period. Oflleers Fahey and O'Uricn were each granted ten days leave and the police matron live days. Captain George Ulako of hose company No. 0 was allowed his annual leave. Ofllcer Charles Monroe , who fell on a de fective sidewalk and injured one of his legs , was allowed j. > 0 from the police relief fund. Henry Lake was appointed a special police man to patrol Fifteenth street from .Douglas to Webster streets. The Htitchinsoii reward case came up again in the shape uf u committee report. It will bo remembered that Ilutchinson was ono of the parties who broke into St. John's church and was captured in Grand Island for a burglary committed there. The prisoner was turned over to the Omaha ofllcers and later on to Kochcster , N. Y. , onicials , who paid a reward of S-'OO for the man. Chief Dean and Ofllcer Murphy of Grand Island wanted a slice of the reward and hrousrbt the matter before the commissioners. The committee decided that the reward belonged to Detective Savage of the local police de- " partmcnt. The popularity of Salvation Oil is not as tonishing when we hear of its' many rcecoing and Interior decorating ; designs - signs and Qbtimutes furnished. IJenry 1&08 Douglas street. HAST OK NOl'TII ' gin tim \viii.usii iiontc. Tlic short line to"St. Louis untl quick cst route south. Only H7 hours to Hot Springs. Only ; i ! ) lioura to Now Orleans. Only 3SJ hours to Atlanta. Only 62 liours to Jacksonville. With corresponding fust time to al points oust nnd south. Hound tri tiokotfl to Hot Springs , Now Orleans Lnko Charles , Galveston , Sail Antonic City of Mexico , Lou Angeles , Sun Prn.ii cisco , Mobile , Jacksonville , Tampa , IIn vnnii nnd all the win tor resorts of th south nnd west , Reclining cluiir car free to SI. Louis , Toledo and Detroit Pullman butl'ut sleeping cars on nl trains. Dnggnjro clicckod from hotel nnd private residences to destination For tickets , Bleeping car accommodation [ } and further information call at Wabaa ticket oflico , 1502 Farnam street , o wflto , G. N. CLAYTON , Agent , Omaha. Ij. C. Elson will lecture on the hlsto- ; of Gorman music at the Omaha Coi Korvatory of Music tonight. Tickets t contB. DEAD IN RAMSHACKLE ALLEY Body of Jack Rowland Found Leaning Against a Bed , HIS PAL SUSPECTED OF HIS MURDER They Wrrn limn * l.hliiR I" nn OltPSImntj- .liilin Jlnvlt Trllt CmillletliiK Stories ( if IIU Uliiiin'fi I .rut Nl [ > lit. The ( lenillioily of Jock Howlnml , n clmr- nctor well known to saloon loungers , was found In n tuinblo down slntnty in "llain- slmolslo" ullo.v yesterday niorninswind elivuni- stnnccs sccin to Indicate tliat lie caino to his death some tlmo last night ( it tlio hands of .Tohn Mai-It , his jiartnor and roomnuite , dur ing a drunken quarrel. The alley In question H situated between Fifteenth Jind Sixteenth and leads from "Webster to Hurt streets , nmltho shanty has been occupied Jointly by the two men for seine time. It contains ono room and one bed , and when llowland's body was found yesterday moniinp ho was slttinir on the floor with his head loaning against the bed. llohad been addicted to the excessive nso of liquor all his life , and his excesses had resulted In frequent visitations of "jim- jams" and iv chronic St. Vitus dance. It was believed at llrst that his constitution , undermined by protracted sprees , had finally succumbed to the alcoholic poison , and the body was removed to Swanson ft , Valien's undertaking rooms , an Inquest being con sidered unnecessary. About inion Sergeants Hayes and Graves were informed that a man had been seen dragging llowland's body into the shanty early in the morning. They set out to investi gate and as a result John Mack Is in the city jail awaiting the preferment of the charge of of murder. The ofilcors found Mack In a saloon at Twenty-fourth and Cuniing streets and considerably the worse for liquor. The bartender said Mack had been there since 8 o'clock. lie secluded himself in a dark corner and did not seem nnxious to be interviewed by the ofllcers. It was from his own story that the ofllcers con cluded that he might bo the murderer of his partner. When first interrogated ho told the oflleers that he had slept in a livery barn down town the nljrlit before , llo could not tell whose barn it was or whore it was located , and finally ho admitted that ho had slept with Ilowland in the shanty. Sub sequently ho told a number of different sto ries as to the occurrences of the nij-'ht. First lie said he. know nothing about How- land. Then ho admitted that they had quarreled during the night and ho had pushed Howland over to the other side of the bed. Ho afterwards said that ho had pushed Ilowland out of bed and that was all ho knew about it. The olllcers questioned him until ho con fessed having drafrgcd Ilowland in from the alloy and set him up against the bed. He said that Howlnnd was frothing at the mouth when dragged in but denied having hit him with any weapon. This was all that he would say , and ho was locked up while the case was being further investigated. Both men had been bums about town for a long time. Ilowland had been employed as a porter in various saloons when sober enough to work , and Mack took care of a team for Abner Travis , a garbage hauler. Howland had a brother in town , who is em ployed as a driver by ono of the express coin- panics , A Giiru for Croup. If your children arc subject to croup always keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Cou h Remedy at hand. It is a prompt and certain cure. If given as soon as the croupy cough appears it will prevent the attack. For sale by druggists. L. C. Elson will leettiro on the history of Gorman music at the Oirmhn Con servatory of Music tonight. Tickets CO cents. Notice of Convention < > ! ' N'i'lirislii : State Hunker * ' Association. Exccutivo council of the Nebraska Stute Bankers' ussoeiiUioii. OMAHA. Nob. , Nov. 2.1 , 1892. A con volition of the Nebraska Sttito Bankers' association ia hereby called to moot in the city of Lincoln , Neb. , on Tuesday and Wednesday , Dec. 20th and 21st prox. All bunks and bankers and trust companies doing business in the state of Nebraska are eligible for mem bership and are requested to send dole- gates. Further particulars with pro gram will bo prepared and sent to each ono separately. I. 13. Evans , Thomas Bryant , C. F. Bontloy. II. II. Dorsoy , C''W. Moshor , Edward Updike , George E. Ohonoy , William 'Vulfaco , members executive'council. . HKNKY W. YATKS , Chairman , GEOKC.I : H. Voss , Secretary. Holiday goods , Frcn/.or , op. p. o. Complete Now Stuck of riirnlturo. All goods marked low in plain figures. CHAS. SHIVJIUCK : it Co. , 1200 , 1208 and 1210 Farnain St. CUT ritlt'KS ON SIIO1W. Iliiyilon lircn. Shoo Department Good Shorn unit Overshoes Clienp. Child's 7oc buckle arctics , 6ie. ) Mi&sas' OOc buckle nrc'ics , 05c. Women's $1,00 buckle arctics , 75c. Men's $1.25 buckle arctics , 05c. Ladies' 25c croquet rubbers , 15c Men's 50c light rubbers. Hoc. Infants' ' patent leather 60c shoes , 2dc. Children1 * ) $1.00 kid and goat shoes 70c. 70c.Misses' Misses' $1.25 kid spring heel shoos l)8c. ) l)8c.Ladies' Ladies' $1.75 dongola opura butter Bhooa , $1.20. Ladies' $2.50 fine dongola buttoi shoes. $1.05. Ladies' $ . ' 5,50 line cloth top lace alioos $2.35. Ladles' $5.fO French kid whoes.Brook ; Bros. ' Hoclicstor make , $ ; ! ,75. Boys' $1.50 line button shoes $1.00. Boys' $1.75 line button nhocs $1 20. Men's $2.00 light drcbs shoes $1.50. Men's $3.50 line calf and knngaroi ) shoes * 2.0. | 11AYDEN BROS. , 11 Dry Goods and Shoes. ips -o- , -Miirrlio ; | Licenses. , The following nmrriugo licenses wcr II- Issued by County Judge Idler yesterday. 11- Name and address. Age 1110 . i r. KUV.UII , onmini -i I ( Jluni M. Jlai-ltn , Onmlia a rau ( 'Arthur E. I.aiinOmtihti 2 u 1 Sailtllo M. llailnoiUninhii 1 ill i Martin OhtTft'liler , Oniiiliii n Is Tllllu Nuwiuun , Omaha. g You don't want tti torpid liver ; you don' want a bad complexion don't , you want sh bad breath ; you don't want u heuduclu or Then use Do Witt's Uttlo Early libers , th famous llttlo pills. ' * Real estate. y Bargains only. n- My word is good. 50 W. G. Albright. 621-2-3 N. Y. Life bid ; . i- ih iso ; o 11 er llie only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum. era iu Milli jus of Homes 40 Years the Standard , LA GRIPPE AGAIN. The Russian Influenza In the Country Probrxblo Erjltlomic. According to the Intost ml vices wo nrc about to suffer another epidemic of hi grippe. The llusslan lnluur/i ! : has manifested itself in Now York , and the indications are that it will bo prevalent this winter , n3 it hns the previous two. People BulTorlnrr from any disease of the nose , throat or lungs are more in danpor of boln attacked by the grip than tlioso who are not so alTccted. Those who hnvo weak stomachs also in- vllo the diseaso. Now is the tlmo to pronaro for winter. If you are at all inclined toward taking cold or if you sulTor from a catarrhul af fection do yourself the justice to hnvo yonr trouble removed by careful medi cal trontmont and avort'sicknoss , sutler- ing , and posslblv death. Perhaps no disease Unit has "over visited thia- coun try has been as fatal as the grip. CATARRH SINCE CHILDHOOD Mrs. VVnlsh Hncl n Snd Expcri- enca With This Powerful Disease Hep Story. Few people scorn to realize the serious results of catarrhal disease when allowed to run riot through the general system. It impairs the lungs , llio stomach and bowels , the kidneys , the blood and the nerves. It weakens the system and thereby invites other discuses. Mrs. Una Walsh. L'otli and Dlaiiio streets , Soutli Omaha , wife of P. J. Walsh , with the Cudiihy Pticulng company , has this to sav : MRS. LIN A WALSH. "When 1 wns a llttlo clillil I In Homo wnr con trnctcd c.'iUrrh , nml liuve hail It until now. I dlil uot uotlce It iiiuoli nt ilrit. but It stoiullly. ro\v on ino until I was In u miserable condition Ind.-od. Tor the I'ust tluco yunr my hoiul. nt tlmos , uuarly but mo crazy--on top mid In the Imck mul down my 0 roi' uijitl up MIth poisonous matter wlilcli drlppod backward from my btoppod-up note 1 wonlil swallow tlioimittor without knowliiR It , nnd this Lrouuht on dlsenso of the stomach. 1 nlwnys wonted to vomit after oat I UK , nnd tbcro would bo n fccllnz of pnln , oppression sourncsi and belching , Tlio catnrrhal prison econied to co ull throutli my xybtom. Nothing cccmoJ to do mo n particle of food , but when lira Copeland and Hicpard bcigan treating mo 1 1m- provoA nt once. In a very short time thoylinvo mud. ) mo truly n now woman. 1 hnvo gained In strength and tlcsh mid am frco from pnln. .My dl gettlon IB hplomlld and I know thu catarrh Is on tlroly out uf Jiiy system after liavlni ; poisoned o for years. " S5.00 A W30MTH. Catarrh treated at the uniform rate of $5.00 a month medicines furnished free. For all other diseases the rates will bo low and uniform. Patients at a clistanca suc cessfully treated. Send for symptom blank. ROOM ? 311 ANIKI12 , Nl3W YOKit LI lE BU1MJ1NG , OMAHA , M3U. W. II. COl'KUAXD.M. D. C. S. SHKPAUD , M. D. SlM'Clnltles : Cntarrti , Asthma , Ilr.mrlikli , N'crTOns dlseasi-H , Illnod IllsMsm. Ithoiimutlimi , Consump tion nml nil chronic niroctlons ol thu Throat , I.unxs , MoRiach , Skin , Uveriind Klilnnya. Onleo Hours.-ato 11 n. m. , a toOp.m. , 7 toS p. m Snndny , 1U n. in. to IS in. ARE YOU SUFFERING FROM Female Y/eakness / , Catarrh or Rheumatism , .Chronic , Nervous or Private Diseases. IF SO , CALU ON Dr. Searles & Searles C 071 sill tati 071 "ppee rorthoTrcatiueiit of Chronic , Private and Nervous Diseases 5IALK AND VKMAI.I ! . All Hlood and Skin Diseases , Organic - ganic Weakness and Diseases of No Matter How Long Standing or How Often Pronounced Incurable. Nervous JJcbWty s IMI.ES , l-'ISTIII.A , KISSIIUH , penranontly curoC without the use of Unlfo , llinturo or cauallc. All mulndloB ot n prlvnto or delleato nature , o cither sox , positively cured. Pull on or iiddrees , wltu btauip for Clrcnliirs , l-'rci Hook und llcclpcs , )0 nr . OulllluO ( X a OCllliBo < ! ! < } , 118 Hollth / IIH1i. , AC./J. street NcxllJoorto I'oetofflri ro 0. 40 30 22 A ncwnnil complctotroatmont.con l llnK of Sup 18 iioilturlDi , ( 'Inliiiont in i npsnluH alfu In " 0 * JJ"1 I'llln. A pudtlvocuru tor Kitt-rnnl Inuriul. Illlni or lllcedliiK. Itchlni ; , Chronic llcci-nt nr lloreillinr I'llOD. This raiuody liBitnovi-r liuon kiiuwu to tali urill- Why eulli-r froi II per box ( IforJireuntUy - I't I'tU thin terrible dtaesi-u nhen u written irunrunloo I U nniltlvaly Klvou wltli fi Uuxas or roittml the muiie. .0. UnolcurucIT cmlHtBmpfor free niininlp dunr 10 ttiiloo Issued by lUhn & Co . ( Iruculito. > ole iiirenli corner IStli nud Douiflas itrccta. oinahn. el ) . 1V will tend rou tbc maricloui ' CALTIIO3 dlxt-nch I'lopuruliun frrc. null Bimiaiitee thai t'AI/1'IIUS ' will Hf tor - jour J Vigor. AddropsVOriMOHUCO Kcl. ABrt. i t VS Unto" MOUNT VERNON PURE VIRGINIA RYI E I bog to call.the attention of the pub nonulur brand of jnir Ho to the above JIWJIUIl * * MI ! * * r- " ' rye whisky and respectfully nsk a uom parison with any other brand of pur rye otloroi in this market. It is fa superior to any other whisky anu guarantee B absolute excellence i llavor as it as He purity nnd its whole BOino ollowoll The public Is invilod t call and'.ots.lt. Henry Hillor.OlO N. 10th St. . famil. wine and liquor house. Esmond hole block , A-MLMl-iM ! FARNAM mm THEATRE TONIGHT. ANDERSON'S COMEDIANS , In the Gro\'e t of all Musical i-'aroo- Uomodloj. Mutinco , c'oimnoni'liiif Toiirsil iv. Dot' . 8. The Itillllant MiipnolUArtiste. . JEFFREYS LEWIS. Tliiirsdny Ki-e. - - - "Forgot Mo Not. " I'rUlny Kvo. 'ClothHde. " Sntunlny Mit. : . . . "Kor-e MO Wni. " Ptilurdny KVP. - "lift Isi-lln m 1 1 H K I STIL.L.I TIIEAlttE. | A LA.J Mj Mondnjr. Tne.'dnr nnd Wrdnp'd.iy loe. ft , U nud 7 , JOSEPH ARTHUR'S t omedv Drama , THE SFILL ALARM UF TO DATE ASM ) SWEET LITTLE TUESDAY , ( Th Uroinin'ii Mnncul I A few tcari A leu ptnile * . A croat many laughs , nnd notnillttlo mrlli-m "it wl'I ' l.i found In "Iho Mill Alarm " ( ioml Mnulni : . n pretty npnn of lior , nnd the dweotost. protlloMt. limit ctiiirmliik' child In the notM. llox ulii-pt open at II o'clock Saturday morning nt muni Thursday , I'Yklay anil Saturday , DSC. 8 , 9 and 10. HATl'UDAY MU'INKK. Uroatcst of all Fnoi'tneica , AUCTION Scc-pcry- Supefb eoaUijncs. Spiegel Id Ballets. Qfigir > al Specialties' Ilex sliocti ODOII Wednesday morning at usual nrli-rs. The Danrln : I'noni , CYREMfH. TO IILAU l'lH'I---.Mxtliicp. ( ; COP. EVKNINCSS-lliil.'oiiy. ifliI'irqiiot : , IWo. an LU Ladies' ' Perfect SYRINGE. llu- only | iL'rfect viiRlnnl nn < l rcctnl yrlngu In the world 11 Ii the only Syrlnuc ov er Invented by wlilcli vncl- nnl InJnctloiiH ran bn nd- lulnlMuri'd wlthnut Ic.-itc- IliL-nnd solllne the clutli- Inc nr noccMlutliiK the ute n ( n vuinel. and which can nliio hu used tor rectal Injections or IrrlKatlnn. S01T ItfllllBil lliUl ; AMI II A III ) UCUIIlSll 553.OO. M&ll onlorH ullclteil. TlieAloe&PenfoldCo. , l.'lli S < roe < , Ni\'l' TO I'OSTOKI-'K.j : . Phyt-lclitnh' prefcrlptlons accurately ureparod at lovr | irle-os. Omaha's Newest Hotel' COR. 12TH AND HOWARD STS. < 0 Itooms at $ J.SO per day. M Itooms nt S3.0U per ( Jay. SO Itroms with lintli at (3.00 per day. 20 Huoms with Until at f.U > 0 to H.W per day. OPENEIL ) AUGUST ISL. Slattern In K\pry Urspoct. Xmvly I'lti-ntslipil Throngliaut. G. S. ERB , Prop. FAUNAM ST. , Between 15th and 10th Streets. \Y. \ A. PAXTON. . JR. . PROPRIETOR Ilnvln ? u siiinud ilie muiiagoment ot the Merchants' Ilmol , I will innUo MU-II Improve ments and clmtiRos s will inuvo thii linuso ono of tlio best ; \s-liluli to stop In Omaha. Thoreo.nlromi'iils aiicl w.-inis of all p.Urong Kill bit u.iri'fiillv ultonilcil to Itoln-j n.ost centrally lor.itud this liolal oll'urs spet-liil : it- tructloni to the trivulln : ? ptihilc. A contlnu- nncoof ltsforiiiL'rllli > nil | i.tiona-'o ; iBroipect- fully nskcd , W. A. 1'AXTON , JK. OMAHA , Dec. 1. I8JS , . . BY ELECTRICITY. . fit-nil 1O cents fur our 100 pngc nicctro-Modlcdl Xbeorr nnd Practice. " II. II. III.ISS , Inna FalN.Innn. ilnnyof ourAOKN'TS are srLMN'ti from 52M to S..O ) worth ot ARNOLD AUTOMATIC STEAM COOKERS per month Don't remtln Idle , or worK lor Hiimll waKea. wlion you mt ht bo maUIn tnuro mono lian in mimniar. Apply for torins , Alt.NUU ) UUKKIl'O. < . . I''JT 8 : cth bt. , Umiilia. JuirplurieHnlilt 'isrpi In I - ! . O. GJ5J3 WO. The only ret-nlir itradualcd rtilnoso physician. . Ululit y 3 > " ' ttmly- Tin yearn' iirurtlo.il o | ioileniu with nil known aitoum-ii. Tro.m miu-eintiillr nil chronlo cuiuiirlrru up ty oilier due ton. Call and Bcohliu or ivrlto fur quuiilun lilank. l > o nuithlnK lourcnio liupelatu because your iluctor tulln you to tint try the lhlt ! n donor wltli hlino.v and won derful renic < llo umt lecilvonow lionulltiiniid per- limn-lit unro tthut other Uuctum L-unnot Klvo. llcrlin. Hoots ami I'lmiliniituru'ii reino'llns-lil * inedlclnoi. Tliu world Ins wliiiumi. Ono tliouminil loitlmonlaliln three lours' iiruetlro. No Injurloiiii decoctions , no nari-utU-n.no iiulniin. llutlonaltrvut- uiunt und ucruianoul cure. Vollowlns ca o nut-comfiilly treated ftiii curoil ctven un hy other dm-lor * : Jlios I'ouKlilln. 4JrJilnrncy trei't , chronlo rhou- rnallum H lean , kidney nnd liver troubles. Tlio * . fiilvcrt. Kill "nd riirnnro Uruots. Konprnl debility. IndlKcitlon , Ion , of streiiittlj und vitality - Took medicine for ream but not no rolluf. bro M I * iii'lemon. UJI < umlnu street , tatarrh , oitli- ro Lroni-hllls of 15 year * ' Mantling. n- nro ro followlnj prepared rcmedloa nt Hat for lalo tlin nr nrI llOUa botllo , toltles IfTr HIM. 'or llio curu o I Aitlima U arrli hick llcaduche , Indlt'estlon. Illuotl in rol.o , "b . U iumatlw.1. rVmaleVVfUknes , . I ldi , > and UTCIComiiiulnt No uuunt * fold only by tin oto Cliliic o.Mcdlclno lo. Capital 1103,000. to lyl OIllco ICtU oud Cnllfornin Strootb , OMAHA , - this time of the year , the fore part of December , ! that Johnnie suddenly grows good. He keeps ] himself neat and tidy , goes to school regularly , ! is never late , takes an unusual interest in Sun-1 day school , and is so angelic as to really alarm ] his parents. But Johnnie 1\ news his business ; ! it's nothing serious ; he's just begun to think ] about Christmas , that's all ; he'll make up for his good behavior right away after it , are about as sensible things as you can pcss'-J bly give boys fop Christmas. Of c uu you'll get your boy a-drum-an'-a-walc - agunan'asteamlinjine" and ti lot c < f otheH things , but you ought to get him at least one ] sensible present. Now is a geol tim ) t buy ] too especially today. We've had a great ] quantity of good solid heavy fancy oh viet j all one quality all one cole " all one pattern- a handsome , stylish brown .plaid made up' ' into suits for boys. The suits are with knee pants an < are to fit boys from five to fourteen years old.i The coats are made with corded plaits and hall lappel back and the pants have the Excel sior patent waist band. The overcoats are ii sizes up to ten years cut good full length have detachable cape "wear-good" linings- and are as handsome as a picture. While theyl last it can't be long we offer you your choicej either suit or overcoat 181G Street , Omnhn , ATeb. The eminent ] ioelnll t In nervous , chronic , prlvato , blood , i-kln nnd nrlnuiy dlne.iseK A ri'Kiilnr nnj reclHtered Briidiinte In -dli-lne ni-dlii | ! > in 11 nnd certlllcntoi i-li w. IH Hill trentliiKIlli ( In-gioaluut niic cesi eaturrh. lott ninnlmrd. srnilii.il vcnl : lo-s. iiluht lonea arid nil foriiis ot prlv-ile illson-i-s No mnreu ry used. New trim uncut t'i- ' H of v Ital toner I'lirtUM unuble to v .n't ' ninii > h. * tieiiled nt liouiu I > 1 correhponilence Meillcd.o rr Ini-lrnnieii B fent by iu nil 01ox pi ess M-cuielj pit eked , no nuukn to Indlontd contents or mnnlur line porsnim ! inlurMuv pitiiirod CniKiillHtliiii Iri'i- . ( oiie-iiinnloiiee htrlctly prlval L'ook ( .M > eterlea of l.lfei sent free. Ultlcehoursi ) n in. to'.ip in Sundays 10n.ni. lo U'm. fonuxtauip forrcpj VAM COTT JEWELRY COMPANY , For Thirty Days only WJ will off IP our ontlra stoc ! or Hi'inn ils nnrt Chrtstnius Jewelry anJ.yilvo.'w.iro at loss th in in I'luf.visturer'a cost. Fourteenth and Farnam Streets- move .Inn. / . to N.V. . Cor. liith and I'aniani. SAPKS I'Oll S\IiK DEFORMITY BRACES Elastic Stockings , I &M& & Trusses , Crutches , Batteries , Water Bottles , Syringes , Atomizers , Medical Supplies. ALOE & PENFOLD , 114 S. 15th St. ' , Next to Posloffico. StflMDS KEQG. Cures Colds / .og uircs Catarrli , IIIA : ii.vi I tires NI.H\'UL.S urcsllroasliili Prostration , Ilnn.u tutu M utor , I'un b nt Homo Valuable " 0.\\HEX \ \ HOOK" Fret C'nll or wtlto 'Illli t'l'KCIHr ( i.XVt.l'.N CO. , hmlj .1' 'ii - - v u i i - Neb. ftV&VfrUOCU9tt& v4'O9 OC'9tfOOOOOOOOip tO -we. IMPAt4U TAtilllFfi n-ifuict 5 ' l"iiBnill1frniiilW ! > i-l..iaiii it ) Ih. . lilij-.il , trr r r.ami Hritliiul .J lliuU-t mrlliini.-kii < i iitiirUllou . I1 IIIM , i-iiimtliiiiliua , d m-uU. luulj brtulli. iK-adai-br , uiurtiiuru.luutf * . ' . n itlnl dt-jiir't-luu , | inlnfu ) lUKC-.liiiil I'llil ! ' ! ' ' . Ull"W < 'Ollll > .fX . . . . . . . . . . . 0 - * f- loii.nii'l uyt-fj illwuwri ; ulthiifroni T Impure lilonijjr | a fajlurv I'y 0" ' V"T , ' , J'1 ' y.'ur " Sfu- IQDISORDERS . JljAnil nil tim train of I.VH.S , WKAKM'.Ssl'S. IJKJIII.II'V l.'l'i , luat ao- company llinm lii men _ QI II'Kl. > ami 1'KIIMA. , KlC.N'TIA Uitmi VuirBTIlKMiTII and ton i nlvcn toov ry partof llio boJy I will en * ( ie- curoly pnc d > niKBiounr uOorer tUo protcrln. I lion tbit cured mo of tueso Iruublo. Addrom , I A. inuDLiv , 7.JJ'/V/7 / tOHCVKSOS. . And nil \\Ynl. nr-bs und I Konliir of \l wllli IIIBK i.f < i ii .f > Ambition and l la Illy l'i llc. v.-arn. I llm most ntt ) ) ! " iiiit'"H4 ! In Hit' t ntiijt nt of 'this clriHt iiM H \\lilcli iHprnM i ) i Uii utuvorsul tcstlrnl IIV I l thiiiiMindH \ tie lin.ctcon eu \Vrltulf 1-1 If -ulniH mill iiii'fetlun | Jl-t IIIK ! l-iiriiniii U * r I fcf ? , ! ( & [ ON # Cflli. ' . 'nll ' I . ' " ? S&gU" : V ' ? i JB89. G ; PFjS W. BV/AY.H.Y. / riatloyial TSapKj / / . s , jj/2J'os/ro/i' , o.\/.t//a. .v/i. Capital $100,001 Surplus $ ( , Cfliccn nnd Ulrcclora-IIenry W Yatei.nrcidflonl It. C. Cuihlnif. vice proslilant ; C h , J aiiilee , H Mono. John t ) . Colllii * . JN. . II I'utilU , l-o l Hied , caililur- caililurTHE IRON BANK ,