Tins OMAHA DAILY UEE : TUESDAY , DEOEMHISH 0 , 1802. NOTICES. . FOH THKm ? COLUMNS . will lie taken unlll IJ HO p. m for llin ovenlnH I nil until 8 30 p. m. tot the mornlnK or Sunday c < - Ltso artvottlsnm > nl tMcon fof less Ihnn JJ cents for run first Insertion , All advertisements In tlieso column * IX ccnti enl for thoflrst Insertion and I r nt a word for Inch subsequent Intnrtlon. or II Ml per line per iont.li Terms cash In advance Initial * . ( inures , r/mbols , etc , each count ns a word All advprtl c icntiimuBl run connocnllvply Ailvcrtlafif , , lij 'to- ' rViPstlnit iv numbered check , cnn hnvu the letters iildroescd to n numbered letter In ciro or 'HtE lirr Imswirii co addressed will bo delivered on the Irenentntlon of tlio cheek. SITUATIONS ' " | a spH7ATHJN 'x.VANTr , ! > HY PHACTICAL KXftirnltutomnn , U years experience In now and lecondtiund ftirnlturo nnd sloven , sppaks Kna- [ Mi ke ndlnavlnn and Herman Address 1 Wlleo Mi"7 ° > Hlee _ _ _ WAMKI ) , PO tTTo.N AS llOOKhPl.PI'll Oil i/Arlorlc Votinu man prnkliiB nml r rrp | ionilliiB In I npllfh nnd ( icrinnn laiiminiirs and also cim- ter nt Ilh Ircnch I.nr , , . . experience n onico [ ml nlso on the road Addtp ss u. Iloo M9I7 V _ "siTLATIdS WANT-h7 ! ! A COMPIITI'.NT l stennnrnphprnnd ipliLrnph operator wiints a iv lltiiatl' n In clthc r busliipM or both combined Ad CBS I. r bernhcrdt Nebraska City , -WAVTHI ) piiSITleiN AS HOOKKKKI'KIt Oil l salesman liy mlddio aired man. cxperlpnppd Jdrpss lloom li Mctroi'illtnn hotel llfi a * WANTED -MALE HELP. k-MAN WASTI.I > oVHAIiAHY ONBW1IO e'VN [ > lcarnculckly | Apply at 1510 DoiiKlns 4Q4D1U -AC1KNTS WANTKI ) , HALAUV PAID WHBK y , at S < Ingor olllco 4UID1H If-MAN WAN 1 HI ) , SALAUY ANI ) K.\PHN IW rl'Pcrmnncnt place , whole or part tlinn Apply nt once , llrovrn llros t o . Nurserymen , f lilrnK'i fiJ * il M' j-flun.Ti-S1 SNAPI 1100 'III KIM IASUIIK 'Address Uoclienour , I'M Charles . , > -HAIAUV Oil COMMISSION ' 1O AllBNTS TO Ohandle the Patent ( hcmlcal Ink KraslnK Pencil LTho most useful and novel Invention of the airo uirntci Ink thorouiihly In tno seconds Works like Knnulc. SiOlotOOper cent prollt. AKPiits mnkliiH IfWpor week Wo also want aKonornl anontto take Irliiirnu of territory nnd apiiointsnb intents A rare Ichancoto make money Write for terms and a sain jilo of crasluu Jlonroo ISraserMfu Co , A Ji J' " Urotse WIs. ' , _ _ _ _ > -WA.NTI5l ) , 1 MIBT-CLA8S COACHMAN > Apply W. B Mtllard , Omaha .National bonk . I'.APKIUICNl III ) C1UM.KBUY AM julasswaro salesmen AdilrLni tnlluir otpcrl Fncc , tnniiH trnviU-d to nnd full pnrtli uliirs onli llionn lin > liiK slnlill < liPil toutu will liu ronildoroJ | lurley.V'lyrrtII , Uumlll l.nko street , tlilcnui ) . PAVTd AND Vl'S I' MAKBIl A'l Jnctkol , tlio tnllor'n nt liobron. Nub , ntoftd ] r ork nml Rood iny to n llrnt clinw man HUa IJ-WAMKII IIOOKKHI'l'I'll \\110 HAS IIAI .1 'nonii * pxperlonci'ln wliolcsnle buolnossouni ( inn ptcJerroil Aililrcna , 8 41 llco 1H 11 } SAI.LSMA.VviNTIl ! ) , r.\PKlltKNC13l itrnvcllnit nlesmnn to reprc'ent our Hno of fur if Koodn nnd ulilrts In Nphrnnun Muntuav frndo .No others need npply Knlm UrotUorn A Co | i3 anil 240 Ailnmn St , riilcnRO. Ill IIP 8 J-LAllOlliiTllS Kll TIMS C < . N. W. IIAILWA' , > ln lown fctondy work free pn i Krniuer i /Iloarn l.nbor Auency , JUJ South llth Btruct. WAKTED FEMALE HELP. toil OHM. UAL 11OUH13WOUK AT 171 3 ntrcct Mrs K liunuwnlur 831 ( WANTICI ) A nillTiinilOGKNBHALiIIOLSI t'work. toll nt2H6Boutli llth street. U07 5 * ft-WAN'J151) , LAD1K8 OH YOU.SO M1SN T 'tuko lli-lit , plcannnt vorkntthulr own homoa lootoMOU perilny cnn bo quietly nindn , wor Int by mull , no ruiivnssliiK tor piirtUuliirs nt Je Illobo MfitCo , ] IoxW3t , liuslun , MIIHH ! ' hllslipil 1880. .MJUI Illl" _ I-WANTKI ) Glllfj I Oil OHMSHAL 11OUSI | nork. 113' ) ( .corKlo nvenuo MIJ S * FOE , BENT HOUSES. K-10HH15NT , NINUUOOM IIOIWU , MODKIl rconvcnli'iiccsSill Luke at ImiulroO. 1) Wooi [ rlli , UH. Farnnin. IM l-NKW bTKAM I1KATKI ) MODl'.UN 1 I.AT ! r Kllkenney , room 1 , Continental block E M172 Dll t\-OU IIKM.2 I HAM12 KU.1NUS COUM" j'of DodRo nnd ITth and I'th and Capitol avcnu even rooms each Jicar now postolilco all | o 11. O. Clark 4. Co. M2j3 1)U ) | -rOH HliNT , NO 2411 CAPlTOlj AVKNU ] " 'oiedcrn. a ho O. r. Davis Co , 150 } 1 arnam su k-A LAHOK 'LlbT OF ( 'HOICK JIOUBK atorca. Mntn. etc lloimeii from MUO per monl Bid up Giorpo J. Tnul. ll'Ui ' 1 anmm .ITd d l ! > ' B k MNK 1100M IIOI1SK. MODB11N CONVK' I ' lonccn , wnterront pnld , 125 00 per month. J , 1 I'hcclor , room 417 Knrbuch block. M437 f-V-VOll IIKNT , MODI.UN 10 HOOM HOUSK , AI [ convenienceB , llvo mlniilcs' walk postolllc nreet cars pass the door. Nathan bhelton or 1 | lnncr , ll > 14 1 arnam Ht 620 V-KIOIIT-HOOVI Dl.TACIlKO I10Ufl5 , MO" 'cm : host neighborhood , (20 Hoicn rooms ui Irn 1 , Pork avenue , fid O 1' . llntts , .i.'O bo 17 Mi 3 dil t-IIOlSH , 5 UOOMB , 8J13. IOT1I , NBAll LKA enworth. MCJ08' I k A DK8IUAI1I.H 11OMIO OP 9 HOOMS , I'U I'nlshcd or unfurnished Parties nolnit to Ca , 'nlii Apply on promises , HU boutb Tenth st77i 77i | l-B UOOM COITAQU , 311J MASON , 0 HOC 3'house , modern,31st & .Mason. Apply J063 Jinx \-tOIl UKNT. HOUSES IN AIJ , PAHTS i 'City. The O , li' , Davis company , 1505 barnam _ -I-OH UKNT , 10 UOOM IIOUSB , 2014 CAI 'JIOOO , Ilced&Selby , Hoard of Trade 77 V-KLAT8 , DWKI.I.1NU8 , COTI'AOKH IN A /parts of city. Kilkenny & Co , Continental b . 7b \-tOll UKNT , fiHOOJl COTTAR ON MOT 'lino. Apply S. VV. corner 9th and Douglas. I-V-IIOUSH OP 14 UOOMS , ALL MQIII5HN Cf ' venlenccH . pIuaHnntllociitod . ncnrbiislnoss | r. Apply ISUtl Chlcauo st.or I S. Skinner , 1 nmm. 7 ; f-NK\VT-liaO > i COTTAOKS. 11A11I , JIOl' A ( 'cold wntor , nil modern liiipro\i < iupnt . Dcslra ntloufor bimln < > ns men In boautlful Htniifi I rtlo Cunviinlnnt to Omaha nnd f outh Oma Iliply C. U. Kluuttor , r 4. Mew i ork 1.1 fu biitldhn 7i _ I'- ) ! ' Oil IIBNT , NKWT110OM MOI1KUN HOl'i l-'nlrely papered , nenrcst 1 urmun our. I Inttlco , Douiilus block MS. t-lOll HKM IIOUhK 7 UOOMS. MODI ! -'linprovcnient ] , 'J17 Muplo , nUo Inritu barn , ri iiKOimblo MSil I -10ll HK.NT .MY HIIICIC I1OU8K , hO I 'larnnin Btriet. lomplulo with evury coin Into. Wnrrvn M HuKori , UJ1 1 arnam at M : - V3 HOOM linUSK , C1TV , C1M1I5UN WAT ! 'M. I'orncrUtli nnd Pncllle etri-etBl nil -i'Oii iiic.M1 , bi.\-uooM cori'Aon , IMSSU l/ulo nolKhboilioad , also t urnlturo for tiulu.MJ7S .MJ7S U-HVlMtOOVl COTTAOH TO UMAI.L VAMI f 'Inquire118 Capitol ave MJoiI . .OUHKN I'.oTtOOM 1IOUSIWnil IIA'111 A I/modern couvenlencs , lliJ N Ulli mreot 1 Ire ) lull. li-ii-uooM iiuicK iiousi : , tjs , ( ini / I'Dqdliu ; o\ery cou\cnlcnco. Keys 2U)1 ) Tap uo , M12JI [ OR BENT FTJBNISHED KOOB , altTO.MS ON ST. MAKVS AVK , HIH.V181 Jforhuusektcplns , ground lloor. U. F Hutu Kill. 4iU ( [ . -NICKhV rUltNlbllttU HOOil , S010 DAY MS I -MCWLY MJIINISUED UOOMS FOU LAI1 n. Inqulroat lliU | Uodcu. C -1 U1INIBHK1) AM ) UNFUIINIH11KI ) 8TK ihcaled loouis , near lllith school , at ,1)18 Da' I onst. Ucfonncu required. Mri-M. K.Jlutlo _ Ip NH'KI.Y H'llNItllKI ) HOOM toll ONI ! fl \-l \ UoittRtiR\\i\i \ \ f , ' .vili itrvot. MillO um r iJousKicKiipi.sa j j'Jroomn 1717 Dodk'o rtruet .M1W 'f ' bOUJU HOOM , tOV3 11AUM34 , .M3lil III a i uii.NHiircii HOOMS nu iinusni Jur uiuu und Iteut taken In board , t tu 'UBNISHED BOOMS AND BOAT DOLAN.2W AM ) 211 N. 18111 bf. . ' -IIOOM. roil O.VK Oil TWO OBNTLUil with or without board , prlvata luuilly , tu Park uvuuuo cart , MV ) I.OHuuwortb : > -ruiiNisiiKU UOOM wnii HOAHU joit'i C nlluuicn or tvtu laUles In prlvatu lnull lenant location ilonntonu , uocLlldruu. ( dil M , Uco offlco , MBu I { 71-VOU IIHW. H'UNIBllKl ) HOOMS1TH 1 [ | . without bouril 1707 LlodkO itrvvt. il'JJJ I fT YOU irKNF"w"lTfrilOATl" 7 A tUll.NISl 1 - front room mliublo for iwo t.outlonicu 'allfornla mreot. 67J , , \-KUY I AllQE , IIA.SDSOMKLV VUHM81 . I trout room. AccouiodullouB Ont-clD 6 I7-lli lllAHLY FU11MSUKU UtONT UO with board , modern convenience * , rea > ou FirBNIBIIED BOOMS AND BOABD. ! ? -VLIl.NI8III3l > UOOMS AND DOAH1) , 5011 l utreet. M101 17 * -\7 \ VOH UKNT , IIKSIUAIILK UOOMS ANI ) 1 board 850 8 2Cth at. M103 r POUTIIKAST VIIONT i room with nlooro bay window All modern con vonlpntos Hoard ) prlvalo family C21 8 2 ! > th Btreot. 107 7 UNFUBNISHED BOOMS. fnmlly without chlldroni 2.101 Knrnnm Inquire Kin Paiton block 7S > G IJNKUHNISIIKU UOOMS IX ) H UKNT , 1C11 Doclito. 7C1-S GG G -3 1100MS AT I30J CALIrOUMA ST , W2 ] H DOABDINO. -Klll T CLASS TAIIfiK 110AHI ) THE H Dolnn nj3SII N If Hint M 3TOK , RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. i-'fojt itTiVTV Kouil slilllY IIUICKillK' 1 hnutnnUh trnckago I miiilro J A trelKhlon , Cl " Ist .Sntlunnl Hank hlilR 4JODI7 T -iou HK.SrTiitirijeiuv IIIIK K nni.niM ) , loin rnrnim rt rho hiillillnu hm n llrcproof com - m nt basement compli'to ntuamhi itlng ( UUirci wntpr on all the tloors , gus etc. Apply at llio olllco of I'ho Hoe UI8 i | ) II\VN TOWS roitvi.u Poll iiviiiinii itoi' J-Ustnhllsliud trade VVrUht , v I.nsbury , li.th ami lluward "TJ 1-ONK PomtHlOHV IIUICK HUU.tllMI 2i 1 I.KT Iwlilo 1407 lliirnoy street 874 T I OH UK.ST , SI IT OF 01 UPK 1IOOM1 , VIIUY lilo-lniblo location for a doctor. Ufl South Uth Bin ct. Wi U I 1011 Itn.NT'II11J lirSTCOHNIIH IN VVA1IOO , INch suitable for n lnri.0 grnural mi rclninillfo stock , the bust opening In the state for n llvo party with capital AildrcsjJ A. Loltnr , Wnhoii Scb 10 * AGENTS WANTED. 1 AOICNIS WANTED JilOflOA DAY EASILY 'made uoml IVo for namplo of our nnw patent laillen' ilrosa holder with full particulars (1. ( Mi'hcrt A Co. , M9 Westminster street , St Paul 0' K WANTED , TO UKNT A 0 OH 7 HOOM COT- tike with furiiicu and all modern convlcnccs for family of tno , ] io csslon wnnteil between January 1 ami li Address , tlvliiK locution prlio , etc S 40 | K'o Hill' K W A NTUa IMMEDIATELY , 1 UlMsllLn houio or ( ottage for nlnliT months , iiioderuti : rout L M 12 , room & 1J , .McLugue bldg STORAGE. MSTOKABOLMl ( | HUtieiY Oil CAKItlAOK carefully looked after Llean drr , nlry room ISth and lliirnoy. Druuiuiond Carriage to 1931)11 M-STOHAOK CHEAP , CLKAN , WELLS , 111 I arnam Ntrcet 7& < j - WAN rri10 uiy OMK a PKU e-KNi > llrst mortgugoa Heed i bulby , 331 llonrd Trndu 737 J-WANTHDTO I1IJY I UHNITUHK ANI ) HOU91 N hold goods 1130 llodgo M510 1)19 T HAIlDWnllB STOCK W'ANTlil ) . $2 000 CASH I Van Patten's Ixchuuie , Hoard of Irado 831 8 ' WILL PA\ ALL CASH bOIl blOCKS O ! IS' diy Koodf , clothing , bouts and No commission Alox. Moore , 4U1 lieebldK MHO _ FOB 3 ALE FURNITURE . O 1 OH bAI.U AT A HAIIOAIN , OIT1UK Ol bank furniture , alio ffotxl burglar and llro proo anfo Inquire Vmorlcun havlnt's b ink lT > b 1011 SAIiK * NKWSli\V : AIU' , 1 I 1 1 , NICKhi base burner , now cook Btove , both very ehoa for cash 841 b. 17th 11" 7 * FORSAXE HORSES , WAGONS , ET < ij-Toii SAi.i : . A "rTnAlilvv ? Nrw DouTii , - BprlnKOxiire&s wauon horse , liarneHa and huKKJ also a nearly new set of crinmery tooli , conslstln of butter worker , churn , Howe scale , truck , etc all will bo sold at a grea' sacrltlco Address O 1 'J7ichuck , Uco olllco , or call ut JJ37 Mluma iitrou where Koodn cnn bo hecn \VBSA TJ-TVVO 11KAVV WOItlvllDllSIW , WK1OI1 JL about 1,2UU , also one Uno driving horse 4 yeai old tldollty Loan nnd dimrantco Co , room Wlthncll hulldlng , corner 15th nnd llnruoy atrce .MIJ1 _ IJ-l-Oll bALi : , MAHB AM ) COIjP AT IIAI. L their value Nebraska Loan 00 , I31b DoiiKlr ntrcet M1J1 13 _ FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Q ton SALK , TtPKwuiTUii CALIGHAPIIM 2 In good condition , fee M. O Diixon , 120 t 15th at. 07J -tOll 8AL18 CHHAP. A S3 IIOHSK POWII automatic onucno , also ono * 2 horse power uj rlKht cnKlnu. both In jood repair Inquire of testier tier Prlntlni : I o , 1 , U7 Howard street , Ouiuha , Neb Q -2W ecu nusr CLASS IIUICK von t-ALi : nv ( P. Anderson , upper llrondnay. Council lIlutN. 103 7 Q -250000 HUbr-CLASS IIUICK I Oil SALinif I P Anderson , upper llroadwuy , Council Illuits .MUi 8 MISCELLANEOUS. k-tOIl HUM , LA1U1KIIALL toil SOC1KTIK meetings or lectures Apply at UIJ'J Uoilgo -MU8.NAN.NKV WAllllKX CI.AlilVOVAN S rollablo buolnuis medium , Ufth year at lit ) N ICtHi Hi S-MIIS. 1111.41 LKOIIAVK , PUOPIIBTESS , DBJ trance clairvoyant and Ufa reader ; tolls yo life from cradla to uravo , can be consulted on i ntTnlrsof life , hts the celebrated Egyptian brea pinto to unite the separated and cause mnrrla with ono you love Como ono , coino all nnd bo co vtnced of her remarkable povrora Otllco and ro denco 417 S. llth st , hours Da m to U p m , Sir ! life chart nnd plioto of vour future wife or In band sent through inatl for (5 00 , chnrt alone ti All letters containing 1 cent ! In stamps prompl aiisnerod. UJ IU MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. " rp-Ml ! hTe iWK M A (1 N 'K ' 10 1 1 14 A f/K It . Jl DouKlns block. Cor loth nnd Dailgo. ml''ii 1J T-MV1B. CAUBO.V , IU1 IOULAS lloor , room 7. massage , alcohol , sulphur and i > tilths MSX ) b M1-MADAM15 SMITH , 1 U4 CAPITOL AVI.Nl i Itoom i , M lloor. Maasago , alcohol snip I : nnrt sea baths MSJ ) J 'P-MMK. LAltfi : , MASSAOi : 4lu H. 15111 8 i enl lloor , II.it 4. MJJJ 0 PERSONAL. U-cuTTina our AND PUISSANT AT photo studio 'JIJ1 Ciimlng street , and you will entitled to U cabinet photos of your elf , atlntlnl Bill iMlgeil cnidi and ere 8x10 lor tramlng fort ) ullhout this { 4 , for ten Unys only. 'Die best tlr out for holiday presents .MJTH U Mil W H JM.KMON MADlt "A MlSTA i for SOU N I3lh street does not oxlst : vn nitiln B 111 , lice utlli.t ) , M12 | l MUSIC , AKT AND LANGUAGE > cor 15th and llarnar. lliirnoy otrcot entran U , _ \7 THOaK WHO ATTKNDISD 11IK 1II.C1S ' exhibition of decorated china , at tlio corner Kth and frnruain nlll doubtless bu Interested knott that the atudlo Is open In the nnmi > bu Ing rooms IU and 17 , and ready for pupils and dors SlbM , MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTAT \\T LAHQB LOANS . ' T coin , Conncll llluffs business property : ti Dent. Alto smullloaus , Ucoru'O J , Paul , 1(115 ( Karn 3Tn d I \\r-MONBV TO LOAN OJN IMPHOVKH Cl IT property , low rate A , C. Kro t , Dounlas II \\r LOANS ON IMPHOVItl ) ANI ) IJMIMPHOV city ( Iraperty.U QUO und upwards.i ! to 7 per c No delays W 1 arnam builth * Co. 13th und llurii 7 \V 7 Pini CK.NT XIO.NKY NKT TO I1O1UU\\ I M on Dinuliii city property .Noeitra cbnreei any Llnd Vh > pny hlkh ratesl Money Is clu l.M ! \uu inn tet full bcuodt of IOM rales from Ol 19 N Loan and ' 1 rust Co. , llth and Dodge. 7 iU -OMAHA bAVl.VOg HANK MAKK3 Uj on real eslato at Ion cut market rules , l.i : made In small or Iiuto sums tor short or 1 tin.a .Nu commission Is clmrtfud ami thu loans noi sold In the east , but can always \ > a found thu back ou thu curuur of Uth sua Douiilat sir e Air ANTHONV LOAN ANDlllUhVCO. , 313 N > ' Llfo , lends at low rates for chulcu socurlt ; Nebraska cr Ion a farms or Omaha cllr proport r MONKvio LOAN AT LOVVKST HAI llio O , K DuvlsCo , IW)5 Kuruani street. ' , OU K.llAUlUbON , VI ) M Y. I.I Hi. 1\r UKAL USTAriJ LOANS , 0 1Q 7 PKIl Ct 'i no additional rharKos foreommlsslon or ai ncj'sfces. W , It. Meilkl * , i rst National Hank 1I 1 I \\r-M01tTOAUB LOANS LESS THAN 7 I ' i cnl Includlni ; all charvea. Charles W. Italney , OmaUtt Net bank tilde. 1 \\r I.OVVKST MATHd. KIDKLITr THL'Sr C II pan110 , t arnam sucofc U ! MONEY TO LOAN-BEAL ESTATE. ir-PHlVATKMOrtM.lSTANIllI ) MO11TOAI1K ' loans , low rate * . Alex Moore , Iloo bldit 801 W 1 ANOS VKAH LOANS ON CITIi ANI ) KAIIM ; inorlRaRos. Heed & Solby , 3 l Hoard of Trade \ \ - OS PITY PltOPKIlTr , 0 AND 7 PKIl cent. I ! t lunger , 1519 Knrnam MWI J3 * \v r-MONKY TO LOAX. LAND TO 8KLU ' boueoB to rent , ( ieoruo M Coates Mlfii MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. 1 MONBl THE Finnt.tTV I.OAV OiTAUANTEK CO , UOOM 4 WITIINii.L 11LOCK. 3IJIH SOUTH 15th FOIlVKIl UAHVKV ST. WILL \ LOAN SUM \ LA HOD FROM \ TEN WK MAKi ; LOAN-i OV UltMrilltn CAitniAiis : , WAitniioisr itKi IMPMOII PKH- hO.NAl. I'UOPliin V Oh VNV HI VI ) / WILL / 1)0 WELL / TO / /TOU JALL / ONUS FlIlSjT / FOIl. / OUIITK.11VIS VVIIili MMU VOUIl AI'I'llOVAli oil nn iujrtlio tnoiiL'f bicX nt nti } tlun * tin I In any amount JTOII nmli nil thus rodm-o tlm nn of c-urylna the lonn In iirop irtlon to amount sou iniy IK VOU ewe n h iliinco on tour rurnlliiro or olhorinrom ! tiroiinrty of any kin I woHlllpaylt olTforyon nnileirry It 11 lent ni you ito In1 MIU CAS HAVioini : Movhv INHVI : imtjii i IIOM 1111 : TIVIKoii MAKIJ Ai'i'i , icrios' No pulillclty or rcuovnl of property so thnt yoiiKutt'io moot both inonor nnd proporlr li * ' - DO VOU NKIS1 > .MONHY > _ _ _ TIIK OMAHA MOUTOAOK LOAN CO. wllllcnil you any inm which you wlih , nmnlt or Inriti' . nt tliu loiro't | io tliln rntu * . In tin ! quickest | , o lblo tlino nn I for any k'nuth of tlnio to mil you V on can uiiylt bnck In ucli limtalluiimti in yon \yhli.whunyoiinMli nnil only | ny for It us long as you keep It You can borrow on iiousKiiui.1) I'ltiiNiruiu : AND PIANOS , UOUSUS , VVAliOSb AND CAUllIAIJISd , WAitniiousK unoniiMs ou I'KllsONAIi I'UOI'HIITV OP ASY KIND ON TUB IIAV VOU ASK I OH IT wltlicnt publicity or ro-iuval of properly llcmonibcr that you cin pay nny part of tlio loin nt nil ) tlino nnil that uvcry Uolltr paid lessens the cost of carry Inn tlio lonn llufuro borrowing clsunhnro cill niul see us and younlll II rul Iturcntly to your ailvanttsu. eiMAllV MOIUOM.i : l.OVN CO. , Knom II ( "rPlKhtnn block , 111 Smith IMh itrn't , nuxtto nostonlor1 TUI5 JIiItKSl IiAltlllidr ANI ) ONIA ISCOHPO HATKD LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA 913 X-VVlIili LOAN MONKON ANY KIS'DOP Hl- curlty , strictly conllduutlal. A n 11 irrls , room 1 , Contlnontal block 80. ) V-PIUTCUAIID , 51 DOUGLAS 1ILK. 1 A. S0 > l Ar-MONI5V LOANHI ) C11HAP ATOUIt OWN - Vtlnie. Nebraska Loan Co , 1316 Douglas t. 807 "Y-MONKV-10 , U ) , 1)0 ) 1)A8 CHKAP UATI'S iVaiid nnsy pnvnients on furniture , pianos , llvo stock , etc without dcliy or publicity , cash on hum ! DutlOre'en , rooms , Darker block Ml : L LOANS , 031 N Y. L1F3 MOHIllS. BTJSINESSCHANCES Yo entire stnto Interest In ono of thu hoavlest piy- Inp monopolies now before tlio public It will BIIVO 25 per cent of the coal bills of iiverybody and pro duce better iCHUlts Everybody wants It and will have It w hen seen. A lartf \ business can bo done at rnco In over } county Pull particulars by mill AddressU. B 1C. , 1UJ Lst , Lincoln. Neb Mild - Oil SKLIi A STOCK Y-IPYOUVVANTTO11UY of sooils quick aililruai with itauip , Van 1'ut- ten abualnoas oxehangu , Hoard of IrailcMI8i MI8i 1111 * V-rou iSAi.13. sr.coNi ) HAND STOCK OF J- stoves , furniture , etc , In lllnlr , Neb . cheap fet cash ; tvlll Involto aboutf UO. sp undid chnncu for niun with BUI.'ill capital ; runt , < j ; iood ; location Aildrcsa llallur .Music Co. MblOO \7-tOH SALB OH HXCHAM.n , A GOOD IIUSI Jnovn with the real ontiito In Omaha , ( iood rei sons for solllug Adilruss T07 .Now 'Vurk Life Omaha Nub Mbn D.'l \T-1OH SALK , HOrUIi AND doInu coed business Address Ilex & 0 , Llarlnda , la. Y-AN IN OHPOHATLD COSIPANV USOAQKI In wholesalennd manufacturing busl ness wlshlnu to Increase Its capltAl , nlll conslilei otTers ofpurchaso of stock from parties of KOOI BtiindlnK Would prefer sellinu stock to tno par tics who would wish to fill active positions will the house ( iood business rufercncca expoctoi from parties unknown to us Address b 23 Die 8705 _ Y UNK UUSINIibS OPUM.SU I-OH MAN Win 3,000 cash nnd someproperty. . Mnnt bo i uushur. Ncbmsku Uxchango Co , llco bulldlnKW)0 W)0 ) 9 IK YOU WANT ON13 OP IHU KIS'KST SA leona that li making n fortune , $1 000 cash ; i line hotel , t ; 000 , J2.45U canroninln Lotsand build Ink's pnylnx line Interest J C. lllshop , Ploneo llilBlncas Ai'Ciicjhorldiui , vY > o -M'JUG' Y-IOH SAM : , A NICE , CLEAN STOCK 01 boots and bhoos , Invoice about SJOOO , will Ink one third to ono half In tooU laud , balance cash SVJ , caroHoe J193H 8' V WANTED A YOU.NO MAN TO ' 1AKK AI I interest In a well established prlntlnt ; bunlnens one who Is capable of kecplni ; books and do KIT eral ottlco work , m list come well rccommen ledan < bu able to furnlih some capital 'Ihis H a KOOI chancu for tlio right man Address S 42 , llco utllci -Ml.8 15 FOK EXCHANGE. Z-C1.KAH OMAHA HEAL l.STA 1 K KOH SIOS1I actual valuation. Money to loan Uox518Omnhii y-1 Oil KXOIIANOIS , 5bO-ACHE I'AHM IV ) A/proved , In Webster Co , Neb , for stock of furn ture. hardware or farm Implements or both K. 1 Hinder. MtUGk * Z-I OWN 100 FAUM8 IN NEUUASKA , KANSA D and Dakota \V111 aell cheap , or exchange fo ir merchandise , horses and cattle. Address box 7' ' 11 rranktort , Ind. M8D1 stn Z-I HAVE VALUAHLB IMPflOVED AND Ut n- Improved litrm lands to exchunKO for gout nil < Omnhu orOnmlm property or for farms within i tt miles of Omaha Have ono of the best of stock an Is- grain farms , I.JOO acics , half Innlntor wheat an rye , anil I'M head of line stock , all clear of uncuu brnuci' , to oichungu for real estate and might pn some cash illtTuruncu for desirable property. 1) scribe your property carefully , price , etc.Vidro ; box 7J7 , Onmlm , Nob. , MM ) IU5 ria \ \ E\CHA.SOi : OilAllA PHOPKH'IV lo /-'property In soutLorn tallfarnln Call or a itrei > s with full partltulars , U. L Green , room j llarker lilock. Omaha Tii r/ \ 1010 Arillf SIOCK KANLII CLHAH TH AJldenl place for feeder or stockcr to CTLhnngofc 110,0'V ' stock of general murolmiidlso. .Sebranb UxchnnhC , Iloo linllilln ; .MS10 T y iuAcitis ) : KINII ILLINOIS L\M > S i-oiiiw / Btock of morthandlse. Nobraka Kxchanga Cr r , , lieu Hulldlnif. .MillO ? y-iso ACHES OF eiooi ) MISSOUHI LANI /-'clcir ' for Onillm rrsldenco ; will UHJUIIHI son Incuinbrnnco .Sobraska Uxchaniiu Co , lluo Hull Ing. MB ID 7 V-171 HKAD Ot'i HOUSES , CONSLSI'ISO OF / / nmroi nelghlim 1,000 to 1.Mi each , 31 1-year olil 053 anil Jyiar olds 'I his Is nil line stock. Wlllu rhiinge for unimproved Nebraska lauds. Ncbrasl hiihangoCo , lleo building MSIO 7 f/-CLiAll LAM ) AM ) CITY PHOPHK1 V 'J o.xulianiru for business or line resilience pro orty lu Omaha Nebraska Kxcbaugo Co , lloo hull Ing Mstu ; y-300ACIl.S ( IN riiOUIDA.TOArilBSOl VYHIC f-lnr * oran u groves , west coast tin ist vrlntur i sort Ir the world , to oxohungu tor Omaha hiislnc or residence property Nebraska JCxcbango C lice bulldlm ; . S1S10 ' y roiti\t'iiAM : > Ksoii HAIKIAINB IN uu/ ' - estate , call or write , Alex Moore , Hoe bid. IK y-7 LOIS IN A HOOD NKIIIIAhKA tllV At A'll.uuotofSOUOcasli to oxthangofor general mi cliaudlso .Nebraska Lxchaiigo Lo , lieu building .M8U : Z e'LUAH UlCblDKNCB , WOUTII fl.SOO , AI cash for a tJ 000 stock of hardware. Iscbrns lixchango Co. , lleo building M940 Z-I-Oll TUADB OH BALE CllllAP , AOU : horse. Atk at 140i ) Douglas .MMJ b ICIMAH NKllltAhKA 1'AIIMS AM ) CAI /Jfor general nmrchandlso. Value , JS.OOO to f 10 U fiebruska Kxchango Lo . Iloo building AitilU . lit. / A LOT I3ZM.I3 IN B. B ItOGKilrf ADD ' /JOmaha , liousocostfJ&UO , clear of Incumuruni will cxclinnto for good California property I braskn Uxchaugo Co , lleo building WJ V tOllKXCHAIlOB , OMAHA PHOPhllTV A : /Jcash for tlrat clais hotel from ( lo.uuuuuto J 000 U ) 4UUI house , li rooms , N Jlth , and U'Oil H. 15th. total (14.5UDUU , for .Nebraska lands ! brick bloik , (22,001) ) U ) In iood ! county neat , rents : fl.bUUOU , tor ulld Nebraska lands lUUONubru > farms for sale and niclmnuu Clear and Inci berui ] Onialia property for furm anet vrlht hind F HlDKcr 151U 1-urnuiu M'JB ( Z 4SO ACUBS OF CLKAlt LAN ) ) l.N ONK the best winter wheat districts In Kansas to cbangu for 10 or 20 acre tract near Omaha c limits. Will pay cash itlfloroncu if property Kood. Addrass , vlvlutf price ) and location , O 3d , I onicei 2 ( * y-OUAIIA PllOPKHTVANl ) 13,000 00 CASH V /-/I10 000 stock Kuncral merchandise well locatoi ! DO , Nebraska Nebrrska Bxcbanvu Co. , Una bulldl MblU ' ' " 83 HAIR DJIESSINO. TrwmJiiiS1iiTi A'8Bi7 o"iTA\'K M"vLfi"c Itomers as wall as now call at MJ Hrown hlo Miss May llatukln , halrdreisloj and uianlcu recently with ocUadoll , millinery etc. : W 1)1 'KU FOUND. V5 - 'PAiatN UP. WIU1K HOAN COW. : ) MLplocuof liorn on ibjht tide. SVtb and IIOL | James Andorioa llxi FOR BALE REAL ESTATE. ' UKAI. KSTATK. , , , . lliiru.Mnj only , . . , Mjr nonl UROodi - \ \ . (1. Albtleht , , : Ml-3-3 Now Milk l.ltc. ' * 810 _ _ ioil 9ATKTH ) TltADK , J nolll ) IX1TS IN MT I Plcaonnl aihlltlon within 7 bl t ot motor line Will take Rood upright piano or till iell equity Inlets lots very cheap Address nt onto ? ) 1 , Iloo oltlce 716 \TA nAUOAIV A KK\V V M FINK LOM IN jVllrlggs add ntnhnrfiln ; only .4 mln walk from Unit line or street car In OmnnaVddrcss li J. ACe Co , Ualctm. 1 Ml D3J * _ _ A T A ITutllAl.V. 2 CII01CK r.OTS. 50x131 foot it- each ; more mljilnlnu If doslrol Knst frontt ! 9. W corner loth anJ Arlior Kln it locMlon In city for roildonco lilock from llth dt motor line Lharles tlanloy. UHI - < o 10th at. Omilfw MJll tim ) ACI11W CI.KAH LAND Hill SALK 1IY T1IH Downer Scvoral largo tracti , would make n llrit elasi Investment to bold for the rlio In price Mliiht titrhnnve iiiiuaoflt for Inildo property In Omaha or "oiith oronhi , or acre properly or a good farm near Omalm If you wish to oxilinngo ile ccrlbo your property price , etc Address but 717 1(1U ( "AI.P AM ONI3 TMOUSAMI M'\ I best farms In Nebraska and Iowa $10 } U ! I5 $30 JIO und up to JVlaiut fiiO per ni re e.emilnotmr bnlns in lermi t all for parth ul.irs llocm A Illll , renlestnle 1103 Vntnain streit S7u 8 ijMNH in "INI3SS piinPr.ii'Hvourn 1 now rented for silo cheap "mall cash payment , balance to situation rule of lntere t Part ) mint leivoclty .NobrmXi Kxcliannu Lo , lleo building , ' . ' .i iMitir rviiM-40 A < MUM : , HOOD n.uooM I hmtfp mid Imn .n irly 'II ncrps In all nil kinds of frnlt. Jmllps from Plattsinouth , bl imrunln E. 1 KliiKcr , I il'J 1 irinm MlijU o t' Miisr r < ni LAND AND vv caih. 13 I" HIiiKor 15I'J rarnnm MOl'ilt' isii i.oiti IN 'i HE HEAHI 01 TIII : CITY , Xfor Und nnd cush 11. P. lllngor , 151I > r'nrnnm ' MlUT , ' QOvlK IIODSIi. 10 HOOV19. 8IST VNI ) DVVP.S' Oporl. JU'ijil north fill WJ. will soil .Jl fei't tt 50J t > itiOii ) , oo llomvs nnd lots < old on iiioiitlilv p t y mi nt . t ; I .Ulngcr l.l'J 1-urnniii MJjl ( ! ' \VAN'iii : -i ) v v N i : i is"ro Tisf" OMAHA PHOP' 11 crty , ncreagu ntid farms that are bargains , either for sale or uicbnngo K. 1' . Klrmor , 16PJ 1 nrnnni. MU51 13 IM acres iiinr Hnitlngs , S > UOJ HiO acres , \orlt county $40 poi UiUncrei V alley counls , $10 | t 1 Harrlsan , 11 * : S \ Llfu , II tl M : AND I Li.l , LOT ll'onso nml lot , lintral park JXX ) ] loii"i ! nnd lot Mammoth palk , 5I.JUO , Vnolhera little- better , $1 BOO And nnothor still bcltiT , $1 "W , llouio nnd full ot , Lowes' Add , flW , worth $1 J > 0 , will take clear lot for linlf llneclonr lot atdOUU to iiclnnse for Rood 8-room hulisu wltli convenlencea , nlll ussunin $ . ' IH ) HnrKilliB In all kluils of rent estate O. U U allnee , 11 r own blk , lull nnd DoiiRlas 1157 i.uii SAi.r , II-HOOM COTT\.I ( ; wniitfl i-oor I lot near motor , nice location only JljU ( ) Terms vrtj PIIXJ llaro chance for a home , I ) . F I In te.nl son. 11)3 ) .N 1'ith strei-t ' _ 3 MUJ7 HORSES WINTEKED ' ID ANDCAltni ) 11)11 , $1 MO.N III UP. -Hol'ej - U. U ( inns1 O bo it UU , south Omaha 7C1JT WINllHtlNO HOIfES MADK A BPUCIA1/TY Ijcnvo word at rotton's livery stable corner Cais nnil IStli sts , or dililless I rank Hallo } , llonoy Creek , la 6'S C * HOIIMIS VVIVII5lir.l-i ) , MONTH ; i.OOI ) CAUI ! and well fed Cl ills erul be , 0 miles wcst on l.ei\onnortli street , M'JjT 0 * DRESSMAKING. ENUAOHMKMS 1O DO DUUsSVl VKIXl , IN families sollutcd Miss tjUinlj , SI.JI llnrncr St \\7A.NT1 1) ) , nVI.in LADY TO KNOW THAT * " she eun learn ll\o | irofenslpm free nt 7 1 N ' Ith , South OnmhaVotench you hotoeut ar- mcntfl to lit without trjlntfon.ltliornltlionl KeiniH. pcanillbH KirmentH Mnilam Aherl > repre * scntlnc Prof Delamorton , Paris I runco Itcpro BOMlUllVLS WTIlteil IHJIS * KK-SMAKINO VVASrilU 1JV A M1LNO hADV of experience , cutting mid nttlnc Uouo 1'nll at 0 U.'o a list. liw ! > OUH HM.CIII ) PI.ATIMJ I'f.AVl' Is 'UtOlt- oiuhiyequlppoil toplatc , poliih and hull In nil kinds of met jU ; wo ire ulso vvnll llxud to do all kinds of light m inufattnrlntf In metal I.areo orders solicited , woik Rum utceil AI , wrlto lor estimates cha o Mnnufactiirlns Co ,1 Incoln Neb. Miikora of " .Noblu ' and l.lneoln sowliu m ichlnos MUr 1)13 LOST. rOST A HIMAl.i : ' { .OIC1I SllHI'HI HI ) Don ; Jowncr nlll bo revMirded by retnrnliiK same tom \\m Walker , ooutlnvLbt eoruor llth and llarney m MIOi 7 osr III.AIK I'DLKi/riiooic , cm ( K AND oilier 11111111'- , return to 10U Uoiluo iiml ( , ot ro mini A IU IXSTIM'MENTS iilaucel on rocotil December D , IfaOJ ; v A Itv TY uni ns. Now I iislnnfl Loan .mil Ttnst rnmi > my lo CMitinui : , n 44ft , lot 24 , lilk 1 , Muvno I'l.ii'ii . J 3,000 f-iiiiin AIn rovv to U.inlel uuel Tliuni ts Cusli , \ > 'JU\U5 feut , lotb , bile J50 , t-outliOm ih i . 4,500 S.iino to Daiii.il Hnniion , c 40\t > 3 fetl , s uno . . . . 'J,000 G S WeoUs mill v\lfi' lo O 1' 1) ) tIs roiu- n.iiiy.loto , hlk 1 , Donm.in IM.ifo . . . 880 KliUi'iiiKll .mil June's , to G 1 , Wass lot 2J , Kills I'lii-o . 3,500 id\\uil ; ; C.isslily mill \vlfei lo 1'iiinU .Hid Anti.i II irt i , lot l 7 , blk 11 , buconU aild lo Ml Douglas . GOO Wllllo Clnlstl.m nnelvlfo to Joseph Kr.itooliv II , n 33 fi > et , lot 5 , blk 2 , sub of .11 Itodluk's nilil . 3,000 Joseph iiuloolivll to Aniilo Willie i inn' . . . . . 3,000 1" I ) We-.nl lo W K l.umry , lot 4 , blk 10 , Oicluml Hill . 800 .South blili ) Bulldlnr asMielatlon to I'i'li'i C7oos , lots 17 to 20 , blk 7 , ThoniniiMiii nnd ( jne > s' mill . 1 Kill n Mnoney ! anil husband lo A J Kelly , lots 12 anil 13 , Jl.ilono } 't , aild COD QUIT Cl , VIM in I Us. OliiiiOliinin loj \ \ Iti'ilfoul M lnti'ii > st In lols 14 and 15 , block 41H. lots 0 , 7 , IftninllO block 413 , eii.inilv lovailil . 1 J WSipilio , tiusleo , to It 1' nille-lil , lot 15 , block 'J. Mibellv of J I Heillck's aild . . i Dl.l.Ds. VVIHIain fillloi , spoelal ninslur , lo .1 1) ) lluwutt , lot 21 , block 3 , lake Vle > w . . . . . 63-1 S.linn tosinio , lot 13 , block 19 , IIIIcll- ( ock's 1st adil . . COC G A lli'iini'lt ' , hlii'illl , toJ W bcotl , lot 1 , block 1 , C'ri'sloii 1,001 Sanii ) to Coudy Smllli , undlvldid 'a n r > d fiot of h 170 foe-t lot fil , and iin- dlvIdiMl j of 1UOI ) fi > ut In nvv comet lot 51 , Mi'intei''s ; mill , Sanii ) lo A K Andiems , a Vj lot 4 , block U , Iloil.ich'-i ) 1st. .1(1(1. ( ( , , 1,05 ( Total ainnuntoC tt.tnsfots 827,07 ! REM ING TON Tor Sale , Kent or BJSSTJn tie World , MECEATH STATIONERY CO. , 11IO4 I'firmiin tit i out , 'o/nti/jii , I'D nnil iiiiiKliT/H / SJ < illee , Tnkon tip November 28 , ono , son ol pony will ,1) , vvliUofacoaniUiiivIn lilnd foot ; had on snd ka ello nnd brldlo. If not roijel'jni'd , bald borb will bo gold Docombm 8 itt public unction u JO 10 o'clock u. m , al 21st and l.oavuinNoitb , I , thu ulley. JU11N fal'OUUU , I'oilliiliiiiisliu , fll JO r ORDINA-NCUNQ ! (3rjJ. ( An orillnnneo or.lerlns tlu > j Hr.ulliiK of 311 ro street , from Dnilwo htreet to Dnveniior ' 0 , street , und illreitlui ; Uio Uoari ] of publl 10 vvorl ( ! > to tuleei tliiinoccsiiry , btopa to onus Halt ! work lo bo ilono : ' 311 lloltorlalnoaby thoclty cpunoll of thoolf ofOinaliii : ' 4 hectlnn 1. Wlicroivs , iiorfn'ffilT'iit rjruelos liuv ne noun established upon , . uidWinrjlsois Imv 'or boon ait y appointed by lawrTo apnr.ilso tli ka eluni.izeseuuseU by th uraellnK of Illtli stitoi kaK fiom Doilsostreut to Diiveuport street , nn K hnvu ronortinl no iliiuniKO ) to tlioelty councl which Imi formally ncloptuu the EUIIIO ; nui whore ii > , property owners , ropruicntlni ; inor OK Ui in taroo-llfths of tlm pioporty abiiltlnir o sn'd portions of tlio t eel jiliovo spcolllte lui vopolltlonoil thu oily coiinell to Imvo enl leo mreot Kriulcil to thu present cstnulUhe 5 priulf , without churuo to the oily , uml tlm tlm cost 1)0 ) inailu pnvnbio In ton e > iiiil | ! Install ineiits , thprofore , IHth Btroet , from Node In street to Uuvonport street , lo anil hernuy orileftd u'nideil lo llio present estubllttic grade Si'ttlonS. That tlio board of public works I and heiuby lAdlreclcil totaKo tlio noccssar stepi tocaunoH ilel vork to bo done US fcootlon i. This ordinance shall talco cffoe ck and bo In force from nnd nf tor Us passagu. re , 1'asseil November 17th. Is ti. JOHN GHOViS. : I.I. Approved November . do , QUO. 1' . HE MIB. Mayor. * COVERED WITH A TASTEUS8 AND SOLUBLE COATIK9. : For SICK HEADACHE , , Dizziness. orSnliumlnR In the Head , Wlnut ; I'aln , and Spurns at the Stomach , Pains In [ Iho liark , Oratd , and lljlng 1'aJni In the ; next ; , UlienmatUm , etc , T k four , fito or oven sin of tleecliam's I'llVi , and in nfn mf viitoftm , ( An/ will tjtte f iltt/tiilitrnttfmittut for tha pill will co direct b to end remove the caasp tfn mute holnc no mote nor loss than wlnd.tncothor with paison- JOlts cml noiious vapours , and cumotlmes nnwliolcsomn food 'Of all elruBRlsts I'TlcoZR ccnlfl n box. Now York notiot , 361 Cnnnl Ht. nit r c wic'-T1' NiuiVKNII nit vis TitrvT- nii'nt , n spot Iflc for II \ t tin IMt/ln s Pii Niu ralclu HIM 1 iohi . Nor % un Pr isiuituin niMe lbv liquor urtubiiivn wakoluliu i M < mil Hoprimlon * dftne * nf thu Hnln i auilnir IniTiiU * nilnoty do rnv , death Prtiunt iri Di I Vjro Han * nn' Loss of Pnnor In cither ox linpitMtiiy l.i ui-nrrl m a and nil I itmaloVcnknp n Involuntnrv in ti pprmn- tonhoT rausi'd In o\pr pxiTtlon of tlK < brnln A inoiitli s trcilmcnt * ! ( I for ' > h ) mnllVnunar - anti'fii boxes to i nrr Tnch nrdi-r fnril boxps lth $ . ' 1 will spud wrlttpiikunr'intoo to refund Ifnoteurnl ( itmrnnlpo Issued enl ) by llioodorol * lo\\ls , ilrim Kl t solo aural , < oulhctst corner luth and I a run in streets , Omalin THE SHORTEST LIKE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee. & St. Paul Railway , as repre sented on this map. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Yestibulcd Trains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office , 1501 Fav- nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. "Improvement is the order of the age. " Wo never expected. In our most snnsulno mo ments , such nn lncrcut > Q In our Hales as commenced on the 1st of September llio Mil It li PruuilerTypo Writer Is hi\liiK enormous sales which are wide und far-rcncblnn 'Jhoso are the reports wo are receiving from our many branch olllccs Send for a descriptive c.it-vlopruo. Smith Premier Type writer Co.5 17tli and Fainam Sts. , Onulia , Scb. E. II. MAYITEW Mannffor. Leaves ItllHAl.OA .NOKlllVVKSlI UNIArrlvi Trunufcrl Union depot Council Illutls 'Irans : II JU iTin , . ( lilcavo Tipress 6 IU | i 4&Qpm Veitlhulo Limited IHU u 73'Jpiu1 ' Kastern rlyt > r . . . ' I JO ji 7 UI p m , ld bun ) Atlantlo Hall iKv Muii , 8 46 7.19 tt uiHKt ttaa ) C rioll l' 3. ( bx Suuj , IIM v NEW LAW SUIT3. riirjrnnn Connly > Viuil < .Vlionl Stl.tlOO of nn Oiuiitni Mini , , Inmc3 , f Mclntosh has brought "wit In Uio lUsttie-t court to revovor the sum of $11S , " 7 fitin Tninlc U. Johnson The plaintiff Is tro.isuror of Choyontio i-ountv lie stiroocdoel Atlain Ickcs. whoso tcnn ovplroil .Inlnnry t , 1MU HurhiR the time th. t le'ltos VMS ttois- nunrt.tnk H Johnson anil S C Morgan \vi io runnliiR the Sl.ito biult of Slil- ne\ % , nnil that In that Innk le-Ue's elciwsttiHl the funds of the oounU of Clioy- i-niio until the "amount hail roaclioil the sum for vvhti'h suit is now brought. During the month of June , IV l , Morgan dtoel , loiulng Joltnson the1 snlo owner of the hank lit- sto.nl of remthiulng the business , the bank was i Insoil niul the oountj iiuinov has not sinro liii > n palil b.uk into the tivisurv Thp IVs MnliicsSoiiuiinuMnv hashrotiRht an atlitohiiK nt suit against l".il N HIDVMI , e-lalmimr that there is n bill of $ J00 that lias tie v or boon paid ituel that the bill i- * for goods old nnd dolhotoil Amnnilii Andivvvs has brnugtrt tllvoivo pro- ug.iinst IUT husbaiul , Jcsso t > ho alle-ge's iTUe'l'v niul fiillutv lo suppnvt 111 her ( totlttiin slio uslts foi1 uothtiur oM'opt n doi'tvo nml lu-r nialdon tiniuofhloh was Amanda H ill /in UV ITngpnnl dcslros In out the tins that blml him to his vvlK P.ll/t lt ' alleges tb it tbo worn in h is loft his hod ami bo.im without just eause' or jirowe it ion Tin v It1 Punk it' \ \ but'Vln , Coolt's K\tia lliv 1 ii ] rial Ch inipairiHOnro tlie.il , alvva.vs invfern d Ahsubite > l.v pure1. PROOF FROMJHE PLAINS. Story of a Government Scout and Interpreter. Uo Tolls His Kxnorirncc Nitli Kicknpoo A Homocly Known To The Indians For Years. HIGHLY PRIZED BY THEM. Mnnv of nut rrmliM-i In the' 1'nst vvlll ro- llll'lllljOl I'l.lllk 1) \lltl ! * , WlllHO U\plllll-IIMl tin1 fiimtiet li.ivu given him u iiiitkinal le'liil- latlou. 'Iho tfUliiioiij ot "iicli ninnw liiiillveil nnion tin-led nii'ii fm so IOIIK ! < Ine-ontii ) . M ilnlile lili'iici of the uli-olnto Ki'iiiilnusi of this iiiiiile' ! > , uml IN tepiito nniDiij ? Unit rneovhoo noble heiilth wliiiti-Msr in ly liuvo boeu thelt fuultis liaa ulw.i > s been fninoiis. fVPT rilVMC IX YVT1 . Ills endorsement of II Is still fiuthor pioof of IU effectiveness. Captiito9 vviltcs us follows fiOUDON , Nl IlliV'UA , July 25. I take great plensmo In ii'eoiiiineiiillnR tlio Kickapoo Komcilles , and hivu UIIONMI of them among the ImllaiH , us I li uu llvi don tliocxtieino Ueatein fiontlcr foi the past ! 3 joais , nnd am ut piecnt i blonx Indian intoipietui fet the government My poidonal cxpcrlinLiltb Sigwn , whluli In the Indian tongue "iKiiillos " 7lie Itest" baa been eoiiHlilciable , but one of tlio most Avondcifill offeets fiom pet onnl kiiovvl- tilgn in my own i tso was tlio euilnur of C'hioiilcCatiiiib-vvllli v\lilch I became allllct- uil , ov\iii to the K"'it ' nltltinle of the eoun- ry In M bieh I bad been liv Ins- It did not at Ilistotxiu to me totalto Klek- npoo Indian fti vva Im Ibis tiimbli * , and It was not until I had visited the Hot Splines , and failed to obtain relief , nnd the also fo il til lii-como so verj ibiiinliiK thnt I was afi lid it would Ketthe be-t of me middcM-l op Into consumption that I coiulndeil to take bii vva 1 Kill oni- bottle of It mid n bottle of tlio hull in Oil The effeet as M > mailied thnt I linmeili iti-lj oideied tw i Iv e bottles of CIK.II , and now blc-s the ilnj that the thought Is a sfxzc. nnd some of us b ivo mibln parts to P'.IV. lint tliu lieirtfest nnd most uoiienius applaiisu li IK eordpn to lbn > o win ) win ( t by deed ? of love and meicy. To HAKF THE SICK nnd siilTerliu Is the noblest mission of a Kenorouu-lieaited man , and In the cure of Nervous , Chronic -AND- Private DISEASES. Tlicso iinrlviHeHl Hiul oinlnontly suo- ccisfnl fcpcclAlsts. thu famous lime ) onrnuel tlio Instlni ; pratltudn of minumbmul thoiisuids ulioin tliuy Im v a reihtarael tu pcrfuut l.cultli und vigor , They uun OXJR.R YOU of nny of those rlnllcnto siixual mala dies to common lobotli sexes Fond 4 cents ( or n copy of tlialr lllus * trutod nuw hook of 120 Consultation Free. Oall upon , or address with atitini ) , Dp&BBtte&BBtt. . 119 South I4lli Street I INEB. OMAHA , NEB. 'irst Annual Eoport of the Department Given to the Public. QUITE A GRATIFYING SHOWINQ ' ( utrini-nl nf llm IticrlpN. Kx i'litiMlnrsH Siiiiinnrilio itirrlenr : | lit ttm li imrtmeiit Mnrlril. UNTOI.V , Xob , Iloo B [ Spoolal to Tun ? ni : [ Tito llr t niiuii.ll u > i > oit ot tliu Omului Grain InsiKvlloit tloiuitinoiil was icwivoil t llm olili-o of Govcinor HojU S.UuiMuy nil nlvi-ii to tlio tmbllo tills nftoi noon OliioC nwkcs ,1 vou tif\ttf.\ln t. wniUoflnir llio fait that iv ( trout do.il of illniult.h.is . lioon o\iioiimi { > ( l tu Dotting ho iloiui tmclit st.u toil Ho s , \ s . The follow Itiftts nn ItominMl statoinonl of ho rooolitts , o\i > oiulltuvos niul liulehtoilnoss of the ( U > | iiittiiont ffdiuSotitoinlior'J. ism , until Nove'tnbof III ) , 1 > 9) ) , us shown books autl ace'ouuts lu tlil-e otlle-o : IIUT.II'l-4. liKjiri-l Ion , 0,950 IMIS ut ' ' ' ' " ' " , 'l e'Ut'iit $1. . \ 00 r.M'pNiinttiii- ) . Ni'liniUn Tolonliono Ce ) . , it'iitsniiil tolls . . . . $ 10 r > pi Hilve ih'KCo , fiitnltino. 80 00 Oniiiliil l ns I'o , Kim . . , . t'h inibiM of ComYrvo , tent. 80 00 C , i : I'ltinty , IVMI grain llle'M . . . . 30 10 Loin rk Linn , ii'stcis , huts iiiiilsunils . . . . . 30 75 lll'lnls II IK'e ) , dtillllo sn'Ks . 22 HO riiiiso & . IMily , Miitlomny , . 1:1 : is Stall1 tlr isuti't , iloposll . . . 10 oo IVslne'r Pi luting Co. pi Inl- \\\f \ \ \ 10 00 II l.ein.in , p liming 0 no tuhlii'i hi.imp Co 1 75 Vvvi'y A. Mono , fiiinltttio. . sii no > M. M iillnovleli , janitor llvo inontlH 'JO 00 I I' ' 1 lininiiMiii , o\ponsoi tl ) I.IULOllI 10 70 S -129 05 ! . I * rimmp on , Ih u months at J150 825 00 S I' Aliili'lMin 1510 0(1 ( ,1. , \\tituws i34 ! .10 $1,290 30 21,727 OB .lilnuoo ch irgo'iblotu S. S lllancltutil 705 5& $2 , 13.1 CO mir VMU'N i \NU\IIV 1 , 1802. ) IOMMS Journal „ J 175 10 ItlU'ilrK \ l o , lialiinii1 . 1.1 7O Hoes I'lliitliiRCn , pllnlln . 0810 "h iniboi of Coin'uiu1 , tout. 1HO 00 j I' . Anili'ison 1GO 00 .Iniilloi fet ono month ami M'M'iitt'on il.iv 0 OO Ni lu.isk i Ti'loiiliouo Co U 10 asutl 1'ililj , bhiiiK books 4 40 $ Oil 30 Upon assuming dingo of the Omalin In spection ilopaitmint 1 founil that the monthly espouses amonntcil to about S-IIO As soon as possible I mini oil the miming ! > siensos to the iiiiuliuiiiu .mil siiu-o then the ilop utiiitnt h.is eainoil osponsos and a snnill ant plus has bti < u apphotl on uiitbtamliug in- ilobtoilnifes The fiilhmiui ; is a statoinont of the 101 01 pts ami ospumlitmcs fioni Fob- i uai y 1 , IbU- , until NmimiborU ) , lb'.U ' , in- olnsi\o. Ill LI II'IS Itispoclud 5,824 oaisal .15 oriits $2,0)8 ) 10 Koliispictul twoo us at $1 2 00 ? _ ' , OIO 10 1 M'l'MHTUHl S. ,1. T , W.i It nits M In iv for il } mil M i-vli $ 1 10 00 SIM list's , IM1 flll > , I'll' G 00 ouiniK.t Ti loplinno i oiu- ] > in\ , tout foi M noli . . n oo C A..loliiison lii'lp 7 50 Kvnonsos , sniiiliios . . U 10 K. 1' . Thoinpsou , s il.nj 1.057 05 00 I'MI ) ON OI I ) 1MU IITI 1ISI SS S. 1 * . Auiliisnn , sil uy . . $ ICO 00 Nobiasl. i Toli > pliom < oom- ) i my , lolls . . 0 40 habu \ . IMdj , slaliimuiy 4 10 4170 80 92,010 40 Theio lom.iins outstauiliug anil unpaiil debts to the amount of 5 17. ! til ) coutiacteil by uij pit'ilotoibnr 1 II I'lI'M III till' ( , llp Oi anothci simil u i pidomio , tlio blood uliil the \\liolt * s\stuu shoulil bo Kept in hi ilthy lonlUion Ifou fioloin ; out or ha\o ' that Mi oil fooling ' in the morning , do not bo t'i4il \ of ni ItLt Gt\o innnodi ito atli n- t inn \otusilt TaKe Hood's S.us ipaiilla , lo ( TIM s n nglh , puiifi the blood and pi o- Aont ilisoasi1 IIooil s 1'ills ouio liver ills , jaundioo , bil- iousni ss siik liiiulatho. tnustip.itioii - 4 > - HIN in. At the Bovd , this ami Wednesilay oven , nss , " 'J ho btill Alarm , " mid Little Tuesday the ihom.m b niastot. " At tlio Fainam stioot , tonight nnd AVedmsday evening , Anderson's come duns in the "Two Olit Ctonics " Weilnes- da > matinee At the Bijou theiter the liuiton Dramatic ( oniiianv in ' HmrO.iKs " Also < J.yien > , the fane v clamor , with other attiae'tivo bpccial- ties Je'lTir s Lewis is a genius on the stage , an nitiste < ma line' of bjH'eults , a p isbiim.ito , f.ibi in tllnir eninmandliiK iind subtle pte-s- be'liee mil ut on tliu sUi i' that is witliruit eoinp.it I IHI AinoiiK tliu li ulinj me tubers of Miss Le-vvi eoniiinv | aic Ilniij Mainhall , Si t toii | i O Kraft \ViiHini , lljiun K. ( . ill Lsl .1 \ illi mis , .MissC'nnstiiiao and ] 11 \ i UK v She vvill bo si'pn tit the Paiiiain I , s icet tin ili-r tin oo nifjhts , < onnne in-lug 'III' si it Di i < mliiT S , in the iii.i nlllt cat fti lirniiiKMni s eif "roigot-Mc-Not" 'llimsdiiy MtMiiihr ( lotlilldo" Ktldav oveniiiK , Siit- VUP'IV ' "J'lii ice , roiKot-.Mo-.Not ; " Baliudiiy K. e-vei infe , Ui Hello Husso. " Thf L'oiircous romantio spnc tnciilar pl.iy , ' "Iho Tse-vv Dovil's Am lion , " at IJovds now tlip.tte-r 'llim-bday , l ilday and Satin day cunlnpi , iiml at Iho HVuhu'Satnidaj matl- iioo This spee'tai lo dilTcis inatciiall.v hem uost piodui tlons of its ehniaitor In th.iMt linsit eoheiont htoiv and makes ] ) ict < nslons loiliainiitli nu'iil. iM"V aeoinpun of JITty e.iiolully si'leeted nitlstH the lulle st ojipor- limit v to show their ablliius "lllc lv\r Dovil's Am linn" eimlalns anvil fiMluius bi1- [ ongins In ovoiliKitimatu Hi Id eif amiihi ) . input 11 ono desires hoioii-di una , i oinody , fnreo roincdy , ojwia , wnIiMiio | , oxtiava- Baii/a , pintominu' , te ii lilmu an nr Miudej- \illo speeiultj it ciin bo h.ul in this piece This is the nuiiio of a InuulHomolv lllus- trated p.unphlot Just notton out by tlioNoith ( Jalveslon ussoi iiition It tolls about the i o- matkabloaihantiifjosof theirpiopeitj.oithtir tei Iho settler or inve stor IVaiiklln F Wil liams is the loittl iiKi'iit of this i oinpanv and would ho pleased to < all upon any iiutbim who wishes full Infinmalioii about thin ptopritj _ WOB1CKD THE INNOCENTS. ( Mnlnil floury Onli-r * Sulil In Hiivei ISe-en I 01 Kill , The case of the slate ) iiffaiust .r A Shaver is on ti Inland is bi-im , ' heaid bofoio Judge ] ) iv Is of the criminal ( ourt The elofruilaiii Is called upon to anavvcr to the tlmi" < ol forgery , the infonnittlon iilleKinj , ' Unit ho forged two i 'iO money oidcra on the Aim ilc.iii i\pio.ss i niMii\ | and then iiabw i ilum upon the innoi cut public Khavor denies that ho did anything > i Uio Uind and insists that it is a e.ibo of poistu. ; tion instead of a case of piosmition lliu hha'.or lo have ) evident e , hovvenci , Hhovva beenaveo elovor man It shows that ho was on u w outbound train from Chli ago and that when ho leaehe-d I'coiia , 111 , bo Jumped off und vve.nl into a lobt.uaant , whcio ho frnl ubquaio meal and Icndeied thu K > 0 n. < ne-y older lu pajment of bih bill lit , > t t ' balaiiLO in euiunej and eamt on to Missoiul Valley , when , ho suie-uiU'd In Ki'tt u tu we end eider cashed , lepiuwntliiK Unit M bad some hlniK on the tiain and that bu vuui i to iso the moiiLj m im > "T fuiglit Ha e. Hi u hams l' li tud > in tUu Uulu ,