THE OMAHA DAILY 1SE13 : TUESDAY , D15CEMBB11 ( i , Wi)2. ) [ SPEG1KL NOTICES- DVBiniHKMKNTH FOIl"THKRB COLUMNS \ will t > o tftki > n until IJW : p. m. for tlm nirenlng nrt until8 TO p ( in. for the mornlnK or gundaj odl- I No itrtrertliRtnpnt token for less thitn 55 cents for Ino tlrnt Insertion. All nilYrrtluPmunli In thcso cotnrnns 1M cents a enl for the flrt Insertion and I ( nt n won ! for Inch nubrcqocnt ln nrtlon , or II HI per line per iicmlli Tormn ciiHi In advnncn. Initials , flsiircs , rrinboli. etc. , ouch count n n word. All nilvcrllso- ents mint runconM-ciilhdj. Advertiserby ro- iiir tlni ! iv ntimt > pri-il chnrk.cnn Imvo the letter * reMcd to n numbered loiter In care or Tnr. IIEB. wur * ro nritlri < ii pil will bo dollTercd on the Imentnllon of the check. SITUATIONS-WANTED. sni'ATlON WANTKI ) 11V 1MIACT1UAI. \ fiirnllutorrtfin , 12 yours experience In now nm ! leronil Uuinl fiirnltura nndMoTcii ni > onk Mig. | l ) i Scandinavian nnd German. Addrvsi h.TO. lleo 1 nice. MU1T * ' . ) , 1'IWITION AH MOOKKHBI'KU ( HI clerk YoliniMnnn sprnkliiK nml rorrcpnnillii n KniMli-h nnil ( .t-rmnn IniiannKcs ami nl p con- t-ffMinl with I'n-nch iJiriri' ptpi-rlcnco Inollleo mil alto on the rnnd Aililrcrs s. , u , llco. M9JT C' It HITtATlOX WAVTHIi. A COHI'KTKNT ' \ nloni'iirnpliprnnd lPli'prnih | upprntor vnntii n l.ltlintl'.n In cltlipr Inninc-n or both runiulncil. Au- Ilrcnil- Ucrtiliordt , Nt-brniknCltjr. 1'or [ on ] < jS'1- -WANTI'.I ) . I'81THX AS lltlOKKKKI'I'll OK imk'fmnn liy mlildio nitc-d man ; vxnerlcnci'd. * lloom 25 Motroi.olltnii hold. 110 a WANTED MALE HELP. O-.JUN WANTI'DU.VSAIfAHY.ONK WHO CAN | 5enrninlcklr | | Apply at IMODouiiliu. 4041)10 ) l-AHKNTS VVANTii ) , 8AI.AUY 1'All ) WIIKK ilr.ntfliiBorolllco. 40IH1H BMAN WANTKII. SAI.AUY A.S'll HXI'r.NHI Pcrnmnont iilnco , whole or part Hum Apply | t once , llrown Ilron. Co. . Nurserymen , Chlcaeo. * M" d 20 * | -AKNTrt' ( ! HNA1M 1.1.00 TO 1,100 DAY 9UIIK. llJAdilruss Uocbenour , 1513 Cbnrlos nt. . Oiiiahn Neb. SIKIIBJ' I-HAI.AIIY OH COMMISSION TO AdHNTS TO handle Ihu Patent Clicmlcnl Ink KrnMnu 1'oncll 'lin most useful and nuvnl Invention of tlio ano Cruses Ink tlioimiuhly In tno ncconds.orXs Ilko Ifinaulc. OloW > Uper cent prollt , Anents mnkliiK If.Vjper week , We nlso want n Konernl nnuntlu tnku Irliniiie of tvrrllury nnd appoint sub nui-nts. A rnro Iclinnro to make money. Wrllii for terms and a sain Jilo of i-rnslUK. Munroo Urnscr .Mfg. Co. , A 3ti. I.a JCTOMB , WIS. " & D-WANTIilKlUHT-Ct.ASSCOACHMAN. ) " Apply W. II. Mlllurd , Omnlm National bank. 1-WANTI21) ) , KATKHlltNCHI ) CltOOICIJllV AND 'Kln""nro salesmen. Addrosn , stntlnK oiporl- nee , towns trnvi-leil to mid full pnrllrulnrs. Only those linvlniioiliililHliiMl routu will bu considered , lurluy & Tyrrell , II und II l.nko street. Clilcnuo. J WASTItl ) , 1'ANTd ANI ) VKST MAKHIl AT l > Jiipckpl , llio tnllor's. nt liobron. Nob. ; steady [ iork anil Rood | my to n llrsl elaisiunn. Ill ) 8 * " -WA > TKI > . IIUOKKKKPKH WHO HAS HAD ( oiiinoxpcrlonceln wholesale Inislucss. Young .inn preferrud. Address , 8 II lleo. 11411 WANTHII ; KM ilrnvellnuiinleBmnn to rpprr ent our line of fur- lshluKKOOdsnnd Hlilrts In Nphrn'Kn. .Mnsthnvo Irado N olhcrs ncud apply. Knhu Urothors A. Co. , ITS nnd 2 0 Adanm St. , ClilciiKO. 111. 110 8 -LAllOUlTllS FOIt TitE 0. .V N.V. . HAILWAY ln lown , Steady work , fruo pass. Krntner & JVlloarn Labor Agency , 303 South llth street. WANTED FEMALE HELP. [ JloMKlns street. .Mrs. It. HuKovyntor. 881 , I WANTKI ) , A ( JIIII.TO 1)0 ( JKNK11A1 , IIOUBII 1'nork. Cull nt 8116 Eoutli lllh slrect. 07 5 * II-WANTKI ) . I.ADIKH Oil YOUNO SI1CN TO I'lnku ' llcht , plennnnt work nt tliulr own homi-s ; lu01oW ) ( per ilny cnn bu quietly nindo ; work Vil i b . > . ' . incll . ; . no cnnvasHlni ; . Kor particulars ad- . lloiWSI , lloston , Musi. " - lill lird 1880. I HI4 * -WANTKI ) ( Jlllfi foil OKNKIIAL I1OUH15- 1133 ( icorclo nvcnuo. SUMS * FOB. BENT HOUSES. k-VI)1l HUNT , N1NK-1100.M IIOUS13 , MODKHN IcoavenlonccB , 2211 Lake si. Iniililro 0. I ) . WooJ- lirtli. 131U Knrnniu. J20 1-NK\V , 8TI5AM-1IKAT151) MODHKN I'-I.ATS. rKllkenney , room 1 , Coutlnontitl block. M172 Dll OH HUNT , 2 KItAMH IlWKM.INCg COIlNKIl 'of DodEU nnd 17th nnd 17th nnd Cnpltol nvcnno ii rooms each. Near new postolllco slto | o II. O. Clark i. Co. SUM 1)12 _ iran HUNT , NO. 2413 CAI-ITOI , AVKNUI : I'modcra. ' 1'hu O. 1' . Davis Co. , 1605 Fnrnam st. _ _ lilt Y-A LAII010 VLIST OF ( 'HOICK HOUSES 'stores. Mats. etc. Houses from W.UO per month lid up. Georiio J. Paul , ICU5 l-'orimm. 376-d-li * \-NINK 1IOO.M 1IOUSK. SIODKK.V CONVEN- ' loncos , wnler rontpnld , { 25.00 per month. J. II. . 'heeler , room 117 Knrbuch block. 51 1ST \-KOll HKNT .MODISHN 10-UOOM IIOUSIC , ALL l/conTc-nlences , llvo mlnutcH' walk rostolllco Ireet cam pans the door. Nathan ehelton or 1 . S. lnncr , IGU 1'nrnnui nt. 620 | -KIGIIT-nOO.M DKTACHUD HOUSE , MOlT 'prn : best ncluhborhond , $20. foren rooms nnd rn , t'nrk avenue , 120. U , F. Units , 220 So. ITU t-HOUrtH , i HOOM8 , 8'J1 S. aI'll ) , NBAH TKAV onworth. .MC'JOU * Pi-A DKSIIIAI1M ! IIOMB OF 9 UOOMS , KUU I'nlslied or iinfurnlaliod. 1'nrtlcs uolnu to Cull rnln. Apply on promises , 1112 South Tenth st. 778 | \ 8-llOOM COTTAflU , 311S MASON. .I HOO i'liouso , modern , 31st & Mason. Apply 3U58 Mnton 777 . OIl IIKNT. IIOUSKS IN AM * PA UTS Ol 'city. Tlio 0,1) ) ' . Davis company , 1205 l-'arnam at 778 | \-FOll IIKNT , 10-llOOM I1OUSK , 2015 CASH I > tlO.W , Heed .t Selby , Hoard of Trade. 77 -FLA.T8 , nWKM.lNUS , COTTAQK8 IN A I.I city. KIllLonny i Co. , Continental blk > 78U I _ I\-FOH IIKNT , 6-HOOJI COTTAC.V : ON J1OTO1 [ 'lino. Apply B. w. corner Oth and Douglas. 781 i\-IIOU8H OK II UOOMS , AM. StODHHN CON I'venlrnccB , pleasantly. located near business cor r. Apply 1BUD Clilcmo t. , or L. S. Skinner , 101 ; t.rnaiu. 783 k-MiWT'KGOM COTTAOK3 ; 1IAT1I. HOT AN I 'co lil wnler , nil nioilorn llnprovfinenta. Dcslrabl rmllunfor liunlnens men lu boautlful Sjtunfori Irclo. Convenient to ( fiiiaha and Houth Oinalii | l > ply U. U. Kluuttor , r 4. New Yurie 1.1 lo bnlldlnn. 1-KOIt KHNT , NICW7-IIOOM MODKUN HOUSli l-'iilruly paperuil , near West Furnam cur. Or Intllco , DoiiKlus block. MS.'l wrOH UKNT IIOUSK 7 UOO.MS. MODKUI l/lmprovoinent ! ! , tm Ihiploj alio lariiu barn ; ron nsonulilo , MMI b * , UHNT-.MY IIIUCK 110U8K , NO. m 'I'n run in street , complelo with uvory conroi ncu , Wnrri-n .M. ItOh'ers , 1331 Knrnnia st. .M 8i ly 3-1IOOM 1IOUSIJ , CITY , C1HTHUN WATKI I'M , Corner 15th nnd 1'uclllc streelsl nil 6 > li-KOll 1I15NT , yiX-HOOM COTTAOU , DltSlIU I'ulo nolKliborliood ; ulso Inriilluru for inle.J5 D I cost. MilTS Q \-KIVK-flllOM C ) TTAOH TO BMAIili VAM1I/ j''ilS CnpltolnTC. M'JjtS ' T KNT. n-HOOM IIOUflK WITH MATH AN I'niodern convenience 05'J N. ; 5th street. Ii lrot < a. i-ll-llOOM IIIUCK llOUSi ; , fU ) 2I1TH AN 'Dqitlio ; ovi-ry conTL-nlcnco. Keys 2U)1 ) t'aplti lenuo. M12U | ; > lOE , 11ENT FURNISHED IIOOMS ' _ a iToOMs'oN ST. MAKVS AVJ5. , FUHNISHK Jforhou.i'kccplnk'i ground Itoor. U. F. llutta , 2 ITlh. 45Uclla _ _ _ I.-NICKI.Y I'UIINISIIKD noosi , 2010 DAVK : Import. Mi78 _ | ? -NEWLY KUIlNISIIiri ) DOOMS FOH LAD11 lilur uunlkMncn , Inquire at liy ( | Uodiru. 6(7 AND U.NHIIINISUKU BTK.A il riiiiuni , near llltih chool , at WJ18 Dave | ort t. HvTurvnco requlrud , lnW. . Ii. Jlutledt TS 14 -NICKI.Y ruilNlSHKl ) IIOOM I'Oll ONIC O15J 1 tloinnn at H.I'J N VOUi uri-cl. JIHIU 0' LIUMT UOUMKIttTunNU 3 * Ull.VISHK HIT Doilnu Uroot. SIDVJ ( i * HOlj'J'lI IIOOM , : 31UUSEY. M3li ) PIS * , -i KuiiMsiiini UOOMS FOH UOUSIIKICKH.N t-tlvt uiuu and lfe. lleut taken Inboard. 31 > lib eu IUKNISHED ROOMS AND BOARI | ( > -THK DOLAN , SJV AND Jll N. 18T11 ST. 411 t ? UOOM , KOIl ONK OU TWO ( IKNfLKM I- trim or without board , prlvnto family , co eoleut tu I'urk avonuu c r , UJld Luavuuworlb , _ _ _ _ _ , Fl UNISI1KU HOOM WITH llOAUl ) Foil TV - gentlemen or two luUlut In prtvuta Unillr , lricantlorilloudJMQtonui no chlldruu.Udrc T W , lieu offlco , . -TOH 1IWNHFIMIN18I1KI ) IIOOMS WITH C 1 ulthout lourd. 171)7 ) DoJto slrcot. J1WJ ti' m'j ruik ur.miviu IIUAKI ; , A KUUNISHi I" " front room tultnblt ) for two Koutluuea. Ml ( 'alKornln ttreuU 575 t' ' J , ; VKHY I.AUO1J. IIANDSOMIII.V FUlt.MSlll | l.front room. AccomoUutloni drtt-tluM , Ka | 11,1-llKSlllAIILY , KUllNISUltll FIIONT HOO ! irlth board , modern couvonlmicui , ruatonab MWt 0 ROOMS AND BOARD. Continual , UOOMS AND DOAUI ) . 20 M . Douglm slreet. M10I 17 * _ 1.1FOll IIKNT , DUSlllAllI.K HOOMfl AND 1 bonrtl. 350 S , 2Rth t. M103 7 * 1,1-NirKI.V KUUN1911KI ) 80UTIIKAST FIIONT J room with nlcovo bay ntndOT. All moilorn con Tcnlencos. iloardi lulinto fitmlly. K'St S. r.'th ' Ircot 107 7 * UNFURNISHED ROOMS. /1-4 IlOOMf. MOhl'.ltN CONVBNIKNOIH. TO VJfnmlly without children ! 3.WI Knrnam. Inquire ( Vic I'm tun block. 78i G-3 INKIUNISHII ; : ) HOOMS ixm HUNT , ici.t Pod if p. 7C tf t > * G -3 ItOOJIS AT 1303 CAUrotlMA STMJ M BOABDINO. H fT rfA3 TA1H.K HOAItl ) . Till ! Dolnn. f092ll N Iflh st. I'M FOB BENT STOBES AND OFFICES. I-Knit IlKST , Ki'Ull-STDIlY 11UIC1C WAIIK- i hnnno nIMi trnekaun. Kminlru J. A. CroUhton , El' ? Isl National Hank lilrtR. 4 > JOI)17 i nut IIKNTTIIISTOHY : ( iiuicu IUMLDINO , Iliin Knrnim ft. The litilMltiK has n llrcpniuf ce ment basement , complete stenmhonllnK futures ; wnter on all the lloors , KUS , olc. Apply nt the olllco of 1'hu llec. Ula i DOWN TOWS coiiNHii rou IIAIUIKII SHOP. ll'.stnhllshed Iriulo. WrlKhl .V I.nsbury , Killi nnd Howard , 77 ! ) I-ONK rotJHHTOIlY IlllICK IIU11.D1.NO 2J 1'KKT Lwhlo. 1W7 llnrnoy street 874 T-1'Oll IIKNT , STIT OK OPKK.'K 1IOUM9 , VKUY lilcslrnblo locnllon for n doctor. Wl South Utli slrecu . 'J I-KOIl Itl'.NT. THK IlKST COIINIIR IN WAHOO , 1 Noli. , sultnblo for n larvo Kfnernl merchnnillro Flock ; the best npenlnK In the itnto for n live party wlthcnpllnl. AddresiJ. A. l.ullPr , Wahoo. Neb. JI1M ) 10' AGENTS WANTED. I AOKN'IS WANTKI ) . K TO 110 A DAY EASILY < > mndo. Cend for ramplo ilf our nmv patent Imlles' dross holder with full particulars. ( ! Mehcrt A Co. , M3 Westminster slrcot , St 1'ail Minn. MI27 0 % WANTED--TO BENT. K1 WANTKI ) . TO KENT A n Oil 7-HOOM COT- tauu with furnace aiul nil modern convlcnccs , for fnmlly of two ; possession wanted betueen January I nmlli. Address , lilvlnu locution , price , elc. , S 40. lieu. 11111' : WANTii : ) | 1MMKUIATKLY , KUIIJi ISIUJll house or colliik'e fur nlnti > r mnntlis ; nioderntu ront. K. M. 15. , room 612 , McCuttue bldtf. STOBAGE. M-STOHA(1H. YOUIl IIUOIJY Oil CAHUIAOI ! carefully looked lifter. Clean , drr , nlry room 13th nntl Harney. Drummond Cnrrluxo U'o. 1981)11 -STOKARK CI1KAP , CLKAN , W LLS , ilTl Knrnam ntreet. 76li WANTED TO BUY. N WANTKI ) TO lltJY SOMK 8 1'Kll CENT llrst morliiUKOS. Heed & Selby , 331 Uonrd Trade. 797 V WANTKDTO IIUY.KUIlNITOilK ANI ) HOU9E L > bold soods. 1120 DodKO. M5IO 1)19 IST II AlllW ) HK.STOCK WANTED ; miUO CASH. Vnn 1'atteu's ExclmiiKC , Hoard of Trade. ISTV" SSI 8 V" Wll.lj 1 > AY AI' ' ' CASH FOH STOCKS OF -L'llry Koodi , clothing , bouts nml shotw. uroccrles. No commission. Alex. Moore , tUl lleobldK- M1SO FOR SALE FURNITURE. -F < W SAI,7s""AT" ' iiAu ! \"iN ; " OFFICK oii bank fnrnllure , also cotwl burglar nnd lire proof enfo. liuiulro American Uavliivs bank. U.V ) - 0 VOU BALK' NEW STKWAUT. l-'l/Uj / NICKLE bnso burner , new cook slave , both very clioup for cush. 841 S. 17llr 117 7 * irORTSALE HORSES , WAGONS , EXC - ' " p-Foii BALI : . A NrjAiii-V NK\v'"iouTiiTr : JL nprlni ; express nation , horse , hnrnemi nnd biiKiiy ; . nlso n nenrly new set of crenniery tooK consUllnK of butter worker , churn , llowo scale , truck , etc. , all will bo sold nt n crea' encrlllco. Address n. U. Tz.icliucfc , lleo olllco , or cnll utJJJT Mluma iilrout , where Koods cnu bo Keen. 3W&J 1TWO 1I15AVV WOlfKllbllHHS , WK1O1IT nbont 1,500 ; nlso ono tine drlvlnK liorso 4 years old. Fidelity Loan and ( iiittrantt-o Co. , room 4 , Wlthncll building , corner 1Mb and llnruoy street. .Ml 31 P-KOU BALK , MAUl ! ANI ) COLT AT HALF , L their value. Nebraska Loan Co. , 1310 Douulns street. - M1L-0-13 - FOB , SA E MISCELLANEOUS. . . 2 In good condition , flO. M. O. Dnxon , 120 N. 15th st. U72 , . ; Q -2M , XJ KIllhTCl.AHS IlUICIt FOUHALK 1)Y O. 1 * . Anderson , upper llroadway , Council Jllnir . -250.IWO KIIIST-CLA88 IlllICIv FOH BALK 11V Q. I' . Anderson , upper llroadway. Council llluits. All 3 : ! 8 MISCELLANEOUS. TV-KOll HKNT , LAllOli HALL KOIl SOClKTIKsl -lAmeotlnEs or lectures. Apply at UO'J DodRo. 878 J-l CLAIBVOYANTS. 0-HUB. : N ANN II ! ' . . . . . ' Orollable buslueis medium , Uttli year ut 111) ) N link JS9 S MHS. 1)11. M. I.KnilAVH , 1'llOI'HKTEdS. DEAD k. trance clairvoyant and Ufa reader ; tolls yoni k.m life fromcrudlH to urnro ; can bu eonsulted on all m ntTalrsof llfo ; lifts the celebralcd Egyptian breast pinto to unlto the nepnrnted and cnuso nmrrlaee wllh ono you lovu. Comu cine , cnma nil and bo con. vlnced of her remarkable powers. Olllco nnd resl di-iico 417 S. llth st. , hours Da. in. to U p. m , Strlcl llfo chart and pnoto of your future wife or lull nu bund sent IhroiiKb mall for { 5.00 , clmrt alone $2.03 All lotlursconlutulniH coats In stnmpi prnmptl answered. -J05 Id * ai ] ilo MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. rd in. m-MMBsTOWft MAJNKTIO IlKALKIt. 20 A Douulns block. Cor. 16th and Dodge. niU'il-U" T-.M.MK. CAI18ON. 11S1 IOUJI.AS S'1'KHH'r , 31 floor , room * , maaiajo , nlcoliol , sulphur ami sot halha. MS'W ' b * rp-MAUAMKHMlTIl , 1:124 : OA1MTOL AVKNiru INnt I Itonm 3 , 3d lloor. Maasngo , alcohol siilplin nt and sea bnths. .Mfciu u I.AUI.-I : , SIASSAOH. 410 a. ISTH ST 103m Urd lloor , Hat 4 , M'JJi ' 9 * ! PERSONAL. ill. U -CUTT1US OUT AND I'HHSUNT AT COWA.VI photo utiHllo. ' . ' 133 Cnmlng alrect , nnd you " 111 b A550 cntlllt'd to ] 'i cabinet photo j of yourxelf , satin ttnlsh 550 ! Rllt tMlued cnnU and ono titlU for training for tl.l'i wllhuut tills < ( , for ton dayi only , 'llio best thin out for holiday preacints. U-MH. W. II. JACKSON MADE A MISTAKl for Wi N. I'Jin struol docs not uxlst : writ nxHln. S. l , llcoonic-u , .M12IO * 111- MUSIO , ABT AND LANGUAGES M > tel \ -G. ( .OKLLKNIIHCK.IIANJOTKACItMII , N.V cor. ISlh and llaruoy. liarnuy elreat entrance e.I till I S. \r T1IOSI ! WHO ATTKNDI5D T11K IlKCISN' _ ' inhibition of decorated ulilnu , nt Ihu corner c ) Kill and Fnrnnm will doublluss bo InleruBted I ft : ) know thai tlio nUi.lto li open In the HHHICI bnlhl InKroonu ID und 17. nnd ready for pupils ami o dors , MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE E."N \ \ I.OA.Vri JIADK O.N OMAHA , I.I. L.Ml coin , Cunnoll Illufls bualnnts property ; 0 pc Ml seat. Alao mnullloaua. UeortoJ. 1'aul , 1015 Farnau en- 3Tu-d.l5 AY L-JIONKY TO LOAN OiS IMI'ltOVKl ) C1T property , low rate. A , C , Front , Douglas blk. 14isT blk.m isT- AYV m \ Vl.OA.NS ON IMI'HOVllI ) ANI ) UMlMl'llOVK clly property.U.UUQand upwurdi.ilto ? per ecu Kl ) No dulayi.V. . Fntlmm Jimltli.t Co. IJtlmud Itarnej _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'DO \\r-7 I'KIl CKNT MONKV NKT TO IIOllllOWEIl on Omulin clly properly. No extra ctmrncs i any kind. Why p y liluli rates ? Money is clii-n NO Vun can b-et full benefit of low rales fruiu Ulol NON Loan nad Trust Co. . It 111 and Doilte. 7W \\r-OMAIIA SAVINO3 HANK MAKKS I.A on rual uslale at Io c v market rules. Loui D. niado In small or lart'u sums tor short or lei . UiiiU , Nucomnilsilon Is clisrtfed and llio loans ai not sold In the oait , but can nlwrays bo found i tlio bank on thu coruur of 13lh aud Uouglas sir eel ISN \\r-ANTHONVLOAN AND1 UU8T CO..318 N.I on- 11 Llfo , lends allow rates for cliolcu security i Nt-braikaorlona farms or Omnliucllr prouerty.7DJ 7DJ WO \\r-MONKY TO LOAN AT LOWKST UA.TEI ID > > The U. V. DavlsCo. , 1605 Furnani it root. 7 II Kft \\r-CKNTHAL LOAN & TilUST CO. J1EE 11LDI ' 79J Oil K UAKlllSON.VtJW. 793 Kii -HKAh EBTAT11 LOANS , C TO 7 I'Kll CKN ! ) no additional charKos for ooinmlaslun or attc : ney's fens. W. II. Melklo , Frit National Hank bid " m , N. \\r-MOUTQAUH IX > ANd M538 THAN 1 I'K > cnt Including all cbarvos. Cliark-i W , llaluey.Oiuaha'Sat. bank bldg. TM tic. \r l.OWKST HATlId. FIDBLIT ? TllL'ST CO ! MONEY TO LOAN-HEAL ESTATE. \r-IMUVATK MONBV , 1ST ANI ) JD MOltTdAOK i loans , low rales. Alex Moore , Hoe bldg , B01 vv 1 AND2-YKAH LOANS ON C1T1 AND KAIIM mortgages , Heed * Selby , 8)1 Hoard ot Trade fcOJ ir-t.OANS ON CITY I'ltOl'K.HTY , 0 ANI ) 7 1'Elt ' cent. K , f. lllngcr. 1M9 Putnam , tf.ysa J3 * w -MONKY TO 1XAN. LAND TO HKLU bouses to ront. Ucorco M Conies. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. V-DO YOU WANT MONRl THK VIDRl.tTY LOAN OtJAHANTKK CO. , HOO.M 4 WITHNKM , III.OCK. 31'JS SOUTH 15th COItNKU 11AHNKY ST. WILL \ LOAN \ YOU \ ANT \ \ \ ' SUM LAlllin Oil SMALh. \ \IOLLAIt3\ \ \ FHOM TEN IOLLAIt3UP - W15 MAKi : LOANN ON KCItNITUIIt : . HOil < KS , CAIlltlAisVAIliiI01JSK ( : ItKCKIPFd Olt 1'Kll- "ONAI. l'ltOI'iUTY : OK ANY KINO. _ , _ _ _ . - - - - - - - ' -I- -r [ ! -I' 1 / WILL / DO WELL / TO / /YOU ! ALL / ONUS FHIST / TOlt / / / / / / OUUTKUM- * WILL MKHT VOUIl AI'I'HOVAL. Yon ran par ' 'o nuvipy bick at nny tlm nnil In any amount yntl nuh , : iid thus redilco tlmenst of cairylmr the loan In prop irtluu to amount you pny. IK YOU ewe n liuliuieo < in your ftirnlturo or othnr poriona1. property of nny klnil. we will pay It olTfnrroii anil eirry It nont \ n you desire. YOU CAN IIAVM YOUH MONKY IN ONK Ilni/Il FHO.M THU Tl.MK YHU MARK AI'l'I.ICATlON. No publlcllyor ruinorat of properly so Hint yon set the nso of both money nnd property. UK ! xDO YOU NKI51 > MONIY > THE OMAHA MOHTOAOK LOAN CO. will lend you any sum which you wish , small or Inrge , nt the lowest ponslhlu rates. In thn quickest possible time and fornuy length of llmotosnlt you. You can p.iylt back In such Inntallmunts as you wish , when you wish nnd only pay for It ns lonu ns you koeplt. You can borrow on llOUMKHOLI ) FIHIN1TUIIH AND PIANOS , UOltSKS , WAIiONS AND CA1UUAU B3 , WAHKHOUSK UKCHIPTS , Oil PBIISONAL PIIOPICIITY OK ANY KIND ON THK DAY YOU ASK KOIl IT wlthciit publlcllyor remjvnl of property. Hemember Hint you can pay nny pnrt of the loan nt nny tlmo nnd llial ovcry dollar paid lessons the cost of cnrrylnit the loan. Huforo borrowing elsewhere call nnd sou us nnd you will 11 lal It greatly to your ndvnnt.iKK. . OMAllA MDIll-tlAIIK LOAN CO. , lloom II , CrolKhton block , HI Smith 1'ilh itxeet , next to postolllco. THIS JI.DUST , LA1K1KST AND ONLY I.NCOIIPO- 11AT15D LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. 919 X WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF SK- curlly ; strictly conlldonllul. A. 12. Harris , room 1 , Continental block , ijU' x-1' 800 -\r--MONKV 1.0ANKI ) CI112AI' AT YOUIl OWN jVtinie. Nebrnskn I.oau Co. , 13IG Douulus st. B07 \r-Mo.VKV-no , co , uo DAYS. OMHAP HATKS - < nnrt easy pnvmentn. on furniture , plnnos , llvo stock , etc. . without ilelny or imbllclty ; cnah on hunt ) . DiiHOreen , room 8 , Marker block. bill 1.0ANi , W ! X V. I.1KS. MOIllttS. < i,1 Nti- BUSINESS CHANCES. Jentlro stnlo Interest In one of the heaviest pay ing monopolies now before the public. It will save V5 per cent of the coal bills of everybody nnd pro- tluco heller iCHiilld. everybody wnnls It and will have It when seen. A lartfo bustncHS can bo done lit once In every county. Full pnrtlciilnra by mail AdilrossG. K. 1C. ItJ'J lj t. . Lincoln. .Nob. M.IIU V 1FYOU WANTTCMUJr OH SKLt. A STOCIC J. of good * quick , address with nlarap , Van Tut- len'sbuslneuM oxclumte , Hoard of Trade. Trade..MIS2 .MIS2 I > 11 -FOH ISAI.13 , SHCO.N'D-llANI ) STOCK OF stoves , furniture , clo. . In lllnlr , Nob. , cheap for cush ; nlll Invoice nbout ( JtiO ; tplendld chnnco for man wllh sntall capital ; runt , f5 ; ( 'OOd location , Address Hallcr Music Co. MBlil I ) y-TOH SAIjB OH KXCHANOH , A GOOD I1USI- J- net n with the real oittato In Oinnlia. flood rea * sons for selllutf. Address 707 Now York Life , Oinnlia .Nob. .M8I5 ! ' . ! _ Y KOIt SAIjK , I1OTBL AND HKSTAUHANT doing good bu lnc63. Addreas Ilex M , Llarlnda , la. la.Y AN IN OIU'OHATM ) COMl'ANV KKO.\(3KI ) In wholesale nnd inanufncturliitf busi ness wIshtnK to Increase Its capltAl , will conolder otters of purchase of stock from parllc * of uood BlnmllnK.VoiildprofereolllnK stock to two par- , tics who would wish to till active positions with the house. ' Ciood business references expected from parties unknown to us. Address S 23 lleo. 870-5 V FINK IHJS1N1 S Ol'KSINC KOIl MAX WITH i { 5,000 cash and some property. Must bo a uusher. Nebraska Uxchnngo Co. , llco building ' Y-1F YOU WANT ONI5 OF TUB KISKST SA- leona that Is making n fortune , ? IUCO canh ; a line hotel , ; ? .UUU ; ,45U canroninln. Lots and build- IIIKS paying tine Interest. J. C. Illshop , I'lonecr lliislncas Accncy , Sheridan , \Vyo. J13TJC' Y FOll SAhB , A NICB , CI.KAN STOCIC OF boole and shoes , Invoice about SJ.OOO , will take one-third to ooo-balf In ooU land , balance cash. SKI , carolled. M030 6 % . Y WANTKll A YOUNfl MAN TO TAK1S AN I interest In n ell establlahcd prlnllnu buitlnedH ; ono who Iscitpnble of keepliiK hooks und do gen . eral ottlco work ; muBtcoine well reconimon led and bu able to furnish some cnpltnl. Tills Is a to oil chance for the right limn. Address S 43 , llco otllco. M1M 1& FOR" EXCHANGED Z CMAll OMAHA HUAIi KSTATK FOH MObl-I. , actual valuation. Money to loan. Uox51dOuinhii. FM _ Z FOH KXCHANGK , 6W-ACHE FAHM IM- proved. In WobatcrCo. , Neb. , for stock of furni ture , hardware or farm Implements or both. K. F. lllngcr. M9 C li z -I OWN 100 I'Alt MS IN NBUHASItA. KANSAS and Dakota. Will sell cheap , or oxclianKO for merchandise , horses and cattlo. Address bor 74 , Frankfort , Ind. M861 - HAVE VALUAI1LK IMI'rtOVED AND UNImproved - . Improved farm lands to oiclmnn- ' for gouth Omaliu or Onmlin property or for fnrmi within M ntllosof Omalin. Have one of the best of stock anil train farms , 1,300 ncies , linlf In winter wheat nnd rye , nnd 250 head of line stock , nil clear of encum brance , to cxcliuiiKo for renl estate nnd mlulit pny some cnsli dlircrenco fordeslrnblo property. De scribe your property carefully , price , eta Address box 737 , Oiiinlin , Neb. . M63J D25 y-TOll EXCIIANHB. OMAHA I'HOl'KUTV FOH property In southern t'nllfarnln. Cnll or ad druss. with lull particulars , 11. L. ( jreen , room 43 llarker block. Omalin. 7,13 f A 1010 ACIIE STOCK ItANCII CI.EAll. THE . jilnco for feeder or stocker to oxuhnnKofor stock of general merchandise , Nebraska ExchnnKC , lleo llulldlni ; , MSI07 y 1(10 ( ACIH5S' FINE ILLINOIS LA.MM KOIl $ .1f > 00 ' -/slock / of merchandise. Nobruku li.xcliunun Co. ilco Hulldlnif. .M3107 Z 120 ACHES OF ( ! OOI ) MlSSOtJllI LANDS clear , for Omnlm realdouco ; will nsduiuo sumo liicnmbriinco. Nebraska Exchantfu Co. , lleo IhillJ- Ins. M8I07 V-174 HEAD OFi HOUSES. CONSISTINO OF 73 ' - > maroi welKhlni ; t.OOU 10 l.MO each , 31 1-year olds U > 3aud3-ycarolds. This U nil line stock. Will ex- cliniiKe for unimproved Nebraska liuulb. Nobrnsks " ' . , lleo butldlnu. MdIO 7 y-CI.r.All LAND AM ) CITY 1'HOI'EUTV 'IX 'J oxclianiro for business or line residence property orty in Omaha. Nebraska Uxcbuuuu Co. , llao build liu ; . Mii4U7 . y-300 ACHES IN FLOllIIA.70Arill36VWHICII 3.y" y" AJar orantuifrovc-s : west ron-it. - tin-H wlnler retort tort Ir. llio world , tu ukcliniiKi ) tor Oninhn bilntmisi . or resldencu property. Nebraska ExcbniiKo Co. lieu LlilldliiK. MSIQ 7 T y-FOKEXCHANHErtOU I1AIKIA1NB IN IU5AI of -'citnlo , call or nrlto , Alex Mouro , lieu lo 110 - y-7 LOl'rt IN A ( JOOD NE1IHAKKA CITY ANI ' -'II.OoO to ii.UOileasli to uiclinnKu for general inor cliandlbo. Nebruaka IjxchauKO Co. , llco building. . .MrflU 7 "N- y I'l.UAH HKSIDKNCBVOIITI1 JI.600 , ANI - * J cash torn fJ.OuO stock of hardware. Nebraaki icrm. Kichunge Co. , lleo bulldlne. M84UT m. Z-KOIl TIIAIIK Oil 8AM ! CllKAl1 , A YO1JN ( boric. Ahk at HOU Uouulus. .MKi'J b1 y-CI.KAIl NKUItAKKA KAIlMt * ANI ) OAHI 'Jfor Ki'i'unll ' inarchandlao. Yiilne , (8,0011 to flU.WJl Nebraska Kiclmnno Co. . lleo bulldluK. : > iSIU 7 nt. / A. LOT IS''XIIW IN H. K. HOUKIld ADI ) . ro ( ' -/Omaha , housecoat fJ.503i clear of Incuinbranco will cichiiiito for uooil California property. Nc 113 Of braaka Uxchaueo Co. , llco butlillni ; . ' .W V roft up. y KOHMXCIIAHOK , OMAHA I'UOl'KUTY ANI 'Vcttsli for llrat-claas hotel from JlU.ocO-OU to JJi OUO.OU. 41x124 house , 11 roonu , N. 24th , and IWxIK H. 1Mb , total fU.'iUiJ.UO , for Nvbrmka lands. Fin N3 brick block , f22XU.OO ( , In good county aoal , renta fo mi fl.bUU.00. for wild Ncbraaka lands. l.OUJ Nubrusk inn farms ( or sale and oxchango. Clear and kn.U. ire bored Omaha property for farms auU wild land , U. nt F. UlDKcr , IMU Farnam. MUH G > ill. y 450 ACltUS OF CLKAll LAN ! ) IN ONU O /Jtho best winter wheat districts In Kanaas to in r chauEu for 10 or 20 acre tract near Omaha tit OQ limits. Will pay caia dlrferunca If property I good. Address , glvluu prlco and Iccatlua , O 20 , He unices. 206 y OMAHA I'HOI'KIITYANI ) 13 , 000. 00 CASH KO IIuT A/flO.OOO / stock funeral uercbandlau well located I uT , Nebraska. Nabri-axa Excbanvu Co. , lleo bulldlm Mbw7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HAIR T\T > r ? a a-rim ' 1 WOULD 1)1 ! I'l.KASKDTO IIAVU MY OLD t'Ui or' 1 tamers a * well us now call at 53. llrown block It Miss May Hatekln , ualrdrenttaj and manicure re-cenlly with Sus ! < 4ill , inlllluery. Ota 'AH 1)7 * Kll FOUNDT ri'AKKN 1)1' ) . WI11TK HOAN COW , SMAI . isT J-pleceof hotn on rUht aide. SVth and HlouU JAIUCI Anderaoa. IW b * FOH , SALE RE At. ESTATE. RI3A1 * KSTATK. , ! , - llnriiiitna only. . , - , My word I * need , . . . W. ( I. AlbrUht , , ' / Ml-2-3 New York Life , ? 810 iroii SAt.iToH THA DK. j noun ixrrs IN MT 1 rion nnt nddlllon within 2 bkrtt * of motor lino. Will lake coed nprlKht piano or oil ) sell rijnltr Inlets lots very cheap. Addresi at ontoTS I , llco olllce. 715 AT A IIAIKIAI.V. A KKW VKtlY K1MJ LOTS IN llrlcen ndd nt aliartfaln ; only & mln. i-i > U from llelt IIDO or streetcar In Omatla. Address 1C. ,1. A Co. . ( lalcna. i. 871 1)22 * A T A nAl AIM. 2 CI1O1CK HOTS. Mil.15 feet /V n&ch ; morn adjolnlnulf doslrol. Kaat fronlit \V.corner 10th an ! Arbor Kln it loo\tlon In city forrmldonco. Illock from llth Su motor Una , Charles Unnloy , 1WI * o. tUlh at. , Dmiliv MJ11 1)WM ACIlK-i CLKAIt LAND KOH SAM ? HV TllH Downer. Several Inreo IrnclK ; would maka a first elni * Investment to hold for the rlio In prlco Mluht otch.inte sotua of It for Inililo properly In ( iniatia or Hotilh oinahn. or aero properly or a KOOI ! farm nenr Oiiiahn. If you wlnh to exchange ile- scrlbo your pro parly , price , elc. Address but 7117. Holt HAM : . KAHMH. ONI : THOUSAND vniiv I- beat fnrnn In Nebnukn nud lown , J10. t\3 \ , ! 1.V J20. $10 nnd up In f.Vi nnil fill ) per am' ( icnulnn bar gains. Kay terms , rail for particulars. HoKifs & HIM , renlcs'tnlo. IIU3 Varontn strt-et. b70 S IMNI , : HtViYiSd 1 tiirnuTvT WOHTII fio.nru , i now rented , for sale cheap. Hmnll cash pnymenl. balancetn suit nt lee rate of Interest. 1'nrtjr must lo.ive city. Nebraska Exchange Co. , lleo building. , WO V i HfiT F.vitMTo AoitKsiiniii ( ) n-itno.M J | IIIIIM > mid barn , ni-.trljr 20 ncri > < In nil ; all kinds of fruit : 3 mllp * from I'lnttsmoutli ; bin ImrKnlii. K. r. UliiKcr. IJI'J Fnrtiniu. Mvw ti1 \\r.vsTi-n STOCKS OF MDSI : . FOH LAND AND > ' ensh. i : . f. Illncer. I5I'J ' Fiirnniu Mlll'J 13 * 13HI.OTS l.NTHK linAllTOr Till : CITY. ' for land and cash. K. K. UltiRor , IM'.I ' r'arimm. " "LQL QOvl.'tt HODSi : . IO IIOOMS. 2IST AND DAVKN I'port. f M.VM. woilh flil.SOU : will sell 2 < feet $ ) .MJ Cilx ) $ ( lioO. Houses nnd lots sold on monthly pay menls. U. K.illncer. Ul'J Kurnatu. M'JJl 0 " " \\f ANTKI-OWNHl "Tolai"T OMAHA I'UOP- ii erty , ncrojise nnd farms that nro harnnliu , either for snlo or oichniiRO. K. r. lllnnor , lil'J Knrnnm. SlUil 13 * I AIIM LANDS. i775 acres. Nance county , fli ) per aero. 212 ncrcn , Otoo county , $42 per aero. IfiOncrcs , Snrpy county , f45perncro. 120 acres nenronmlin , $ M perncio , 120 iicrcs nenr Oninhii , tTJ pur acre. 1WI ncrrs nenr ( Munlin , f , ' > ! i per acre. ll'.O ncies , Merrh'k eounty , $ i. > per ncro. inoucrci near llnsllnus , $ iUOi ) . JIM ncres , York county , J40 per ncro. IliO acres. Valley county , $10 per ncro. C. K. llnrrlson. H12 N. Y. Life. 1137 1.101 hl AM ) KULL LOT. S-vV ) . J I I'oiiju nnd lot. Central park } ! XW. lloiij.i nnd lot Mammoth park , 51,800 , Another n little better , SI.WIO. Anil nnotlior still bettor , JI.7W , llousd atidfullnot , Lowes' Add , , tl,260 , worth $ I..Vh ) ; will take clear lot for hnlf. Hni-clear lot nl Si.OOi ) to eichance for Rood 8-uiom housu with conveniences ; nlll nssunii i'.M.'O. ' llarunlns In all kinds of real eslute. U.O.Ynllacu , llrown blk , It'.lh nnd Douclns. llft-7 I Olt BALK. IHIOOM roTT.MIB WITH CO FOOT I lot near motor , nlco location , only $1,300. Terms very e y. Hare chnnco for a home. D. K. llntchl- son. 1US N. 15th street. ' 13 MI227 HOBSES WINTEBED. HOUSKSFKIJ AND CAHIC1) 11)11 , II MONTH UP. O. ( ! . Onns , P O. box 130 , South Omahn. 7G3 J ,1 \\riNTKIUNO HOHSKS MADE A SPECIALTY. Leave word nt Cotton's livery stable , corner Cassnnil 15th sts , or atldicss Krunk llnlltiy , llonoy Creek , In. S2d-G HonsiswiNTiitii-ii.Mu.vni ; IOOD CA. nnd v.-ell fed. Clans ( irnhbe , S miles uerl on Leavemvortu street. M'JjT ' DRESSMAKING. ENGAGEMENTS TO DO D1UWS.M AK1NC IN families solicited , illss ijtuidy , StUl Hnriiey fit. ANTED , KVK11Y LADY To KNOW THAT she can learn llvo professions free nt "ol N. JHli , South Omnlm. Wo tench you how to cut Knr- inditsto lit without trylnu on. With or without HU.-uns , scmilli > ! i ttannentH. ' Mndhm Aberly , ropro- ecutliii : 1'rof. Dohunimon , 1'arls , Franco , llepro- aenlutlveH wanted. ! < o.l 5 * DllEJHMAK1NO WAN'TED 11Y A OUNU LADY of experience ; cutting and tilting douo. Cull at No. I2jti a.'list. 10J G * Orai7KSTu'n ! vT7s T pT7Ai s"'iTioTt - oiifrlur equipped to plate , polish uml bun In nil kinds of metuls ; nonru nlso wull ilxuil lo do nil kinds of light in < tmifaciurlnx In metal. Largo orders solicited ; woik ciMrantcod At ; wrlto for csllmalcs. Clmso Mnniifncturlnz Co. , Lincoln , Nub Mukoru of " .N'oblo" und "Llnuoln" aotvliiE muchlnus .MIJT 1)10 LOST. T OST-A FIMALI : SCOTCH siiirniui > nor. ; IJowner will bo rewarded by returnlni ; Biune to Win. Walker , southwest corner llth and Hnrnuy el M1UJ : IOST 1I1.ACK POCKKTIKHJK , CIIKCIC AND Jothermoncy ; relurn lo91'J ! iJOdgo nnd KCt re- wnnl. . 112 ill i3 i ii:7vi7iTr"3i A K K iYi\ IXSTH1TMEXTS placed ou record December D , ISO'Jj WAUKASTY nins. : Now Knslaml Loan and Trust rotnnany tn OK Winner , n14ft , lot LM , hlk 1 , Mayn < > I'laco f 3,000 Saiah Alnsrow lo Daniel and Thomas Cash , wOO.iG ! ) fuel , lotb , blk 350 , South Onmlia 4,500 Saino to Danial lliiiiiion , -1U.\J5 ( fed , sumo 12,000 ( i S Weeks nnd Iff io O V Davis com- tmny.lntO , blk 1 , IK-iunaii I'lai-o 880 KlrUrndall and Jones to G li Wass lot as , Kills I'laco 3,500 Kdward L'avidy nml wlfo to Trank ttml Anna llarla , lot 7 , hit ; 11 , sucoml add to Ml DotiRlas . COO \YIIIIo Christian and wlfo to Joioph Krutoclivll. n 33 fi-ut , lot C , hllc 2 , Mib of.I I UiMllL-k's add . 3,000 Jospph .Ci-iitochvll to Annlu Wllllu ' .saint' . 3,000 F 1) ) Wcail lo W K l.uinry , lot 4 , hlk 10 , Orchard Hill . 800 South Sldi ) IliilldliiK assoi'latlon to IVIcr ttoos , lots 17 to 'JO , hlk 7 , Thoinaii' > i > n and ( loos' add . 1 Kllrn Maloney and liii hand lo A J Kelly , lots la and 13 , Malomy'add. . . 000 QI'IT CLAIM DHKIIS. Ohm Ohinan to. I W Itcdfonl Inli-ivst In lots 1- ) and lu , block -138 , lots 0 , 7 , Ift.indlG hlooklli ) , ( irandvlinv adil. . 1 J W Squire , tni-,11'0 , to 11 ! J.'lllli-ld , lot 15 , block a , subdlv. of .T I Urdlek's add . 1 DIII : : . SVllIlani filllor , spoi-lal inaslor. lo , .1 1) ) llo\\ott , lot 21 , blouk 3 , I.iiKo Vlo w . 03-1 Sumo toRiuno , lot 13 , block 1U , Illtch- I'ork'u Iht iidd . 000 O A llttimutt.hhorirr , toJ \ \ t-cott , lot 1 , bloc-It l.t/'n.'Mon . 1,007 Same to C'ondy Smith , nndlvldi-d ' 4 n fji ( fi-i-t of s 170 foot lot Til , anil iin- , ( llvidnd j ofM.UO fi-ist in nw cornt-r - lotDl , Mcr.nloc-'s add . 730 Saino to A E Andrews , s Vj lot ) , block U , llorbach's 1st add . 1,050 Total aniotinl of tfaii'ifors . 827,079 For Sale , Kent or Kxelmngc. the World. N1ECEATH STATIONERY CO. , 1UO4 I'n run in til rout , Oiiiii/in , A'o/ > . TakPii up November 28 , onnsorrol pony with wblto face and spavin hind fool ; had on sad- din nnil brldlo. If not rt-ilrUinod , said horse will ho sold DcuumbnrU itt .public unction at lOoVIocka. m. , nl 21st and l.cuvoinvorlh , lu thuulluy. JU11N Sl'OHKU , I'oillidinasU.r. . dO(13t ( . OI { DIN -VNC tNO } ; : 3S-5 1. An ordinance ordering tlm , gradlne of 3ltli street , from Doduu htreei to Davenport atrcut. am ) directing Uio.jxmrd of jmbllc works tn take thu iicccs-j.iri' btopa to cause Biild work to ho done : ' Ilo Itor.Ulnocl by thu city epuuoll of the city ofOiiiaha : : Section \Yhoroaa , porfiffiTignt crados bavc been established upon , nnd Viprulsors Imvi ' or buoniiu'y ' appnintoa by lauv'o uniirnlEo the . ( liuiiiisi'S eiuisoU by thn Kraaln of 31th street from Dodgostrcut to Davenport Ntrcet. unti . have roporteil no ilamiiKiis to thoelly council which bus formallr adopted tlio eiiino ; and. . whereas , property ownors. reprujcntlin ; inor ; tliiui Uroo-llfths of tlm properly abnttlnir 01 ; aitid iiortlons of tlio t 'fot nbovu specified , have petitioned the oily council to Imvo Bald COIn strt'oi graded to thu present established prude , without chnrso to the city , and thai thocoit komadepayablo In ton equal Install ments , thornfore , Itlth street , from l > o-1g ( In street to Davenport street , lo und hereby Ii onleml trudeU to the present cstuhll < ticii grade. Section 2 , That the board of public work * bi and hereby is directed to take the nups to cause s.tld work to bo done. J8- Section : i. This ordlnnnco shall take cfTod and be In force from nnd aftorlta passuga , I'nssed November 17th. ls'i ' ) JOHN GIIOVKS. ( Mty Olork. E. 1' . DAVIB. 1'realilent city Council. I.L Approved November . UM. , 01CO. 1 . I1K MIB , Mayor , COVERED WITH A TASTELESS AtlD SOLUBLE GOATIKO. : For SIGK HEADACHE , i Dlizlness. orSrrlmmlnR In the Head , Wlnilt J I'.iln , and Spurns nt the Stomach , Palm In illirj Hick , GratM , and fljlng 1'olni In the Body , IthtnnntUm , tit. Take four , five or e n six of tleechtrn's I'lIK anil tn tHn m * * witoftt * , t\fy uill qitt rfte/fqffr'nfvmfau/M / } for tha pill will go direct to anil remove tha c n o , tin nxar twine no J tnoro nor less than windtogether wllh poison- cons tml noxious \ar > ours , and sometimes nnwliolosomo food. J Ol nil drupfilsta. rrlco 2R cents a boi. Now York Depot , 36S Canal St. Dll. K. ( ' . WKST'S NKUVM AND lilt MS THKAT- nvnl , a Fiteclflc for H > l"rln IMI | II"SH. Tils. Neti- rntKlii , llendarhe , Ni-rrous ITosiiutinii e.iu pd l > y Iliiuor or tuli.nvo. wnkntiilnr'ss. Mi mal lioprnislon. Siftiie snf thu llrMn pinislnu InsnnUv. nil oiy. do- ray , death. I'rciuat ire oiil Atro , Uarr.'n 1101. Loss of 1'ower In either * ev , Impotoiu'y , a nnd all r.inmlo Wenknp'siis. Involuntary Loot's , yporinn- torrhen cnnsed bv overierllou of Iho brs.ln. A month's treatment f I : ti forpi : by mull. We minr- anleoi ! boxes lo i-iirp. Knrh order for II boxes with f.1 will semi writ tpneimrnii ton in refund If not cured. ( Inarnnteo Issued only by Theodore K Injwls , ilrui- Kl > tsolenm > nl , mullicatt corner luth and rnrtinm drools , Omahn. THE SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway , as repre sented on this map. L3\OUA. ' t"S T m , kyr taajr - " Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Yestibuled Trains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9130 a. m. City Ticket Office , 1501 Fav- nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. " Improvement is the order of the age. " Wo never expected. In our moat sanguine mo ments , such nn Incrciiso In our miles ns commenced on the 1st of Hepieniber. The Smith 1'reuilur TypeWriter Writer Is linvlntf enormous sales which uro wide nnd far-renclilnu. Thesenro the reports wo uro recclvliiKfroni our tunny brnnch otliccs. Send for n descriptive ) eutivlojjuo. Smith Premier Type writer Co. , 17tii and Fainam Sis. , Omit-a , Sob. E. H. MAYITBW Manntfor. RBTLWHY TIMEGRRD , W UDltLlSHTON & "g Arrives Omaha _ lepot10lli ) _ nnd Mimon Sm. Omaha " 4.45 u m i Venlliiuiu. 1.0' ' ) u in ' .I.50 a in I ) .TJ a in 2.10 a in , , . . ! . .K'O Kxproht 4.23 p m KM p in . . .Chicago Alonn Local G.UO p m I.envos 11IUIII.INUTON At MO. ItlVUll. Arrlva Umaha | Depot luth and Manon sjts. Ouinha 11).I.'j am Denver Kxpross. 4.U.1 p in 1U.I6 u in Dcadnood Kxprena , 4 U.'i p ui 4. Ml 11 m Denver Express 'J ; ! . " > a nu 4iO p m Denver Limited 1J. : J am 0.60 ] i m Hantlnps l.oeal H.M7 p m H.I5 n in . . .Lincoln Local ( BxcuptSun ) . ll. : i am Leaves . . . 0. ST. J. A C 11. Arrives Omaha Depot 10th and Mason Sis. Omaha i . . . U.OU p in 1' . Trans ii tU a in G.40 am ( iolmi CIIICAOO. H. I. i 1'ACIKIC l < rom 1'iut. Union DcpotlOth .t Mnrcy sta. KnM. - ( lolni ; I CIlICAfiO , II. 1. fc I-rom Webt. ItJnlon Depot IQlli and Mnrc West. 10.'Up ill I Denver l.lmlli-il I 4 : W p m 8.M n inKnn ! nj.iHjr ( Kxcej-t KundiiY ) . . ) 7.U.'i p m "Heav eri 1) ) S 1TN""I A Cl KJT. TTxTflves Omaha Irnlon Depot IDlh anil Mnreyfrti.l Oninhn 7.r > 'i a m llcalrlce Kxproni li.l.U.'i p in , I'.fiO a m , , Deliver I'-xpro'is l.U.'i p m ' . ' .l. > p in Overland Flyur 7. ( J p m 4.1.1 p in Illuo n'fi .V MrmsbK Kxux ( Sun ) I ' . : 'J ) p tn D.49 p m 1-acltlc Kxpresa II ) 40 a m : ii.i ; ; ) Mnll. . . . . . _ _ 4.ajil ) ' ! vuT'TTl 1 io A ( i (7 ( , Arrfvb . Omnluil I ) . I' , ' put and Marry -cts. Clinahn T.O'i pin I Chfniuo Kxprem . . . . I'.i.i5 : a m - ll.L'O nml . _ . ( Jilciu.'o H\ire | 15.'iQ p m uilivos i sTiTuxT-rTiTA"I'Al-mo" Arrivej Omnlm I Depot , IDlli and .Mnrcy Sis , Omaha T.'JO n ml Sioux Clly 1'iinsoiiKor lIO.'JOp in ! > M p m St. I'mil Kxircai | < IIO.OU u in Leaves I HlolJA CITY .V I'ACIKIC. [ Arrives Umnlinl IeiotJ5tlianrt ) | Wi-bctor ijls. | _ Ciunhn " ( Toj p ml . . .T.T.TTstrt'mil Limited I ' . ' . ' . ' 5 q m Leaves "OMAHA , T. LOUIS. lAnivos Oinnlia IJ. 1' . Di'pol. IQlli and Mnrcy His. I Oiniilin " allr . . . | I2..T5 p ni Leaves | C. , M. 1' . , M. \ O I Arrives ( minimi Depot lilh and Webiler Sis. | Omajiii 8.10 nmirsiouV ( Hy Aceommodulliin.-l 'JOi p m l.l.'i p m nloux Illy KzpressdCx. hundayr..4i ) ! ) p in li.OU piu > St 1'aul Llinlled I 11.22 a u 5 15 p mlHniirroftl'nsMOiiitorUijr.Mind'yil 8.15 pnj Leaves I V. K. A MO. VALLKY lArrlves Omiihal Depot IKtli anil Webster bts I Oiniilit l7eavos ICIIIOAdO A. NollTHWKHTK.HNlArrlves ( Jmnlinlu. 1' . depot , lOlh und Mnrcy Sin I Oinutii 7.2U a in ( ix. : tiun'y ) Carroll rnssongur. .i.M p n 10.40 a in ( lileniio Kxpross c.05 p u 4.0.5 pin Vestibule Llmllod D.2II B Ill 7.00 p m Kaslern Klyer 2.15 p 111 ( UUjim iKx Jim ) tili'.Jii6s.Kx ) [ | ( Mon ) ilK0 _ nn _ I.euvs I .MlhMiU'ltl I'ACIKlT. JArrlfiis" Omaliol Depot Itlh and Wobamr Sis. I Unialn 1.10 p ml. . . , , . .tt l.ouls Kxprcss I 7.00 a infer IU.UU pm ht. Louis ) ! xprcss ' liO'i p n 6.10 p ml Nebraska Local I Vitt tijn Leu"veT"f oJIATTVaTb'i'rnoriK ' I Arrlvi- Traiisfcrl ' _ llnlou ' Di-poliJ'ouncU llliilIs. jTinrsfi- < .4U | i m | .Tfct.'T.uu Is Cunon Ifull . . . . 11' . ' , 15 pi Loaves I C1I1CA ( ! ( ) . II. I. & rACM'jC' fTrrlVf-s Transforl Union Depot , Council Illulln. ITraimfc C.5pml NlKht Kxpross. # W n , r 10.20 ami AtlanticKxprcss 5.&j p i I 465 pm ! VcMIUulo l.lmlti . I'J.IU p i i Leaves | K. O. , bT. JOK A. C. 11. lArrlrvs Transfer : Union Depot. Council llltilfs. ITransfu 10.00 anil , . .KnnsatC'ily Day Kxpre n. . . . | 6.25 pi 10.15 p m . . .Kaunas Clly Nlehl Itxprets. . . C.20 u I 10.15 [ . . . . . . . _ _ - ] : s.J Ijljn ai _ Lcafes"llUCA"lTbrillJHL'N | A. ( JUlNCYTfAVrfviii Transfer ! Union Depot , Council Illutls. lTraii ler " 10.0.1 iv m ; Chlcaeo Lxprcas 640 | i 1015pm' ' . Clilcntto Kxpresa U.25ai 7.01 pup Creeton Local HUOn 101 Leaves * j ' " "bhiL'X cifVirTSTiFir. lArrlvi-i Trniiiifer I I'nloii Depot. rouiicll llliilla. ITranafc 1 l ! > n in . .Mom City Accomiiiodntlon. . llOOO'pi .10 pm . bt l'uuljxpre ; . . . I U.40 a I Lcim'i" " C1 1 ICAo"A ( ; TfoTiTHW BttTlilTN j ArrTf ? Transfer Union depot Council Illufls iTrnnifc " " IT.dO unii" . . . . . ClilcaBii Kxpreaa . . . . ' 6.4D p i i 4.59pm . . . VeillbuluLluillcd . B.tO u I 7.30 p IU Kuttern Flyer . . . . ' LoJ p I 7.6 ! ) p inKX Hum Atlantic Mall iKx Mon , B.45 a I 7.4i u uiillii Bun ) CurrolU'mi. ( Uxbuuji V.JU pi NEW LAW SUITS. riioycnno County Wutit Alinnl St .OOO of nn ( ) ni ! > li : Mnn , .Inmcs , T. Mclntosh has tiwtiKlit suit In the district court to recover the sum ot11WT fivin U. Johnson. The plaintiff is treasurer of Clioyenno county. He siH'ocedpil Adam Icltcs.vhoso term expired Jnnunry t , l ' .U. * PurliiK tlie time that lehes wa < treas urer I-'raitk H. Johnson nud S. C. Moivau were running the Klato bank of Sld- tioy , and tlrnt in that liank tokes dr-JHisited the funds of the county of Choy- I'nne until theliuinunl liad reached the sum for vrtiti'h suit is now tiroiiKlit. DtirinR the month of June , IS ' .i. Morgan died , leaving Johnson the solo owner of tlio hank. Instead - stead of continuing the huainpss. the bank was closed und the county money has not since hti > n paid bark Into the treasury. The l > cs Mollies So.ipcompany has brought an attachment suit against K-l N. Drown , claiming that there is a bill of $ < 00 that has never been paid and that the hill Is for goods sold and delivered. Amanda Andrews has broui1rt divorce pro ceedings ujMtnst her husband , Jesse. Sue alleges cruelty and failure to support , iu her petition she asks for nothing except a decree nnd her maiden name , " which was Amanda Hall. XaekV. . Itnggavd desires to cut the ties that bind him to his wife , Kli/t. ; He alleges that the woman b.ts left his bed nud board without Just cause or provocation. llu.vtt ! Drink it ! Wluitf Why , Cook's K.xtra li'\ . Imperial ( 'hamp.igne. Unco tried , always preferred. Absolutely pure. PROOF KOfflTM PLAIS. _ Story of a Government Scout and Interpreter. Ho Tells His.Kuifirioiicc With Kickapoo Sa wa. A Eomody Known To The Indiana For Years. HIGHLY PRIZED BY THEM. Mnnyof our romler * In the Knit will ro- ineinbof Kt-aiik 1) . Yntexvlune uxplnlNoii tin1 fruntlLT liuvu givuii him u natlonitl ropu- Intlon. 'I'lie Irstlinoay ofieh \ a mnn who huitltrcil nmoim thr tTii men for so IOIIK 1 < inpontvo- vi'ilalile evlilenet ! of thn nlxoluto RcnulniMt of this lotinloy , and It" rupute nmoiii ; Hint nice wlui o tmbli ! liciilth wlintovor nitty bavo been their fnulls lias always been fainoiiH. Ills onilnrsomciit of II Is still furllusr proof of its effectiveness. C'upt. Yntus writes 113 follows : Xiiir.AsirA : , July 25. I take great pleasure in ri-commendlna the Klcfcnpon Itomodlea , and have known ot them nmnnjr thu Indianas I have lived on the extreme Wi'iturn frontier for the past :10 : years" , and am at present a Sioux Indian intnrprotor for the Kovornment. ' My personal o.xpcrleneo with Sagwn , vhleli In the Indian ton 'iio Dignities " Tlie Jlest" 1ms been uniixldcrnlilo , but one of the most wonderful cffet-ts from personal kuowl- edjj In my own e.-fo was the euriiijr of Chronic Catarrh with which t became allliet- ' ud , owliiR to the Kn-iit ultittnlo of the conn , ry In whieh I had heon living. It did not at llrit occur to me to take Kick , apoo Indian Sa-wa for this tumuli * ; and it was not until I had visited the Hot Spring , and failed to obtain relief , and the < lUenu had lu-coino so very alannlnjr that 1 was afraid it would j ; < -t the bc.-t or me ami devi-1- op Into enn-iimptlon Uml I conelndcd to take i"I . 1 trot oni > bottle of It and a bottliof the Indian Oil. The effect was so inaiked that 1 linmiMlliitiily ordered twi-lve bottles of cncli , nud now hlc-s the day that thu thought " 'VWrSMiZo'iSoillMS' ' ' ' ' lilll'rf wcit' Vl'l' " ' . , 4 pur cent. 3lill-lll-ll ( iOI-s 111 I'l-Isoll. LOXIION. Doc. 13. Cliiirliu MiU-lu-ll , U , this morning withdrew hisappe from the scntcncn of linprlsonniont for n provoked assault on an old man. imposed < him by a police magistrate , and waa at on „ taken to prison. M itniinTH' .wI'unun nti.ii. . - , . < 1- i\prrl : Testimony on tinSnhJiTt of I'nUii 1i" i" ItitriHliiri-il. j" DAVID Crrv , Xub. , Dei1. ( i.--Sp-eial | to Ti ! ' „ IJr.i : . ] Nothiiif ; of Intcivst occurred in t/ ArnuiKost trial yesterday , tlio time bui taken up I'.V ' witnesses to [ irovc tlio friend and affectionate feeling that existed 1 tween Mr. and 5lrs Hoberts and cxp. u testimony on tlie subject of poison and 4 similarity of symptoms of arsenical 10 . and oilier diseases. 'I'llis line of lestimo. was continued this forenoon anil the tlofen us rested its ease. Several witnesses h ush been examined in rebuttal and several 1 | " arc to bo introduced. It IB thought thai t cast ) will bo argued tomorrow. iTo i U ! | t Toold DUKi'ai'c. s PI.ATTSMOI.TH , Nub. , Dec. ( ! . [ Special 'IV Id S- Bi-iini to 'I'm : Hni : . ] Ui//.lo ( ! nlic , thof ( is year-old ( laughter of ( lcoi'j'o Cirelio , n ' . < . II- clilnlst at tlin 11. & M. .shops , not Um < ; a ' discovered Hint slio was in a delicitto i-om ' - , JJoii. -Jiiil .vestorda.vcoiu-liided that she won ! ' ' ' . ' 10 iniffliusud niri Isastaie. and aomn of us Imvo nohln parts lo play. Hut tlio hoar Ik-it anil most iiiinoroiis apiiIaiiMi U accorded to Ihoso who \vln It by ductli of love nnil inuroy. To HAIiF THE SICK and MilTcrhr- the nolilnst mission of u uciiorous-hcaricd man , nml In tlio euro of Nervous , Chronic -AND- Private DISEASES. These iinrlviiiiMl Hud oinlnently BIIO- ccnsful Hpcolalhtti , the famous have earned the latitlnt ; pratitudn at iinniiiaheied tliuukands uhom they hnvo restored tu jierfoct health uud tn m vlKor. ' 1'lioy ean in OUREX YOU of any of these dnlloato soxtial mala- ( llus to cuiamoii to both suxo4. . Pcnrt 4 ccnti for a copy of thalr Illus- trutod new hooii of llio'p'apns. Consultation Free. Call unon , or address with Btami ) , inm IU 119 South 14th Street , OMAHA , - - NEB , First Annual Eeport of the Department Qivon to the Public. QUITE A GRATIFYING SHOWING ttrnilrril Slnlotni-nt of tbe ISccelpM , Kv > | icllilltlirriiiliil I lull-lit eilni-M Sonic ( > T I Ito ttle i\ierli-iu- : | < -il lu ( tlir li < pnrtiiient Started. T.ixroi.y , Keb. . Dee. 5. [ Special to Tun llr.c. [ The llrst nuniinl rep.t-t of the Omnhn Or.iin Inspection department was received at the ofiloo of Oovernor lloyd Saturday and given to the public tills afternoon. Chief Inspector Thompson makes a very gratifying report , considering tlie fact that n great deal of dlmVulty has been experienced lu getting tlie department started. He sa\s , : The following is an Itemized statement of the receipts , expenditures and Indebtedness of the department from SeptemberJ ! , IMU , until November :10 : , 1SIVJ , as shown by books and accounts lu this ollleo : iiKc.r.ii'Ts < . liKiiPd Ion , 0,030 oars at 35 ei-nls $ i-to2 no llohispi-ctlon , t carat $1. . 1 00 $2,43,1 SO Nehraslta Telephone- . , renlsand tolls J 10 55 ShlM-rlck , V Co. , fiiridtnvu. . W ) 00 Omaha lias Co. , mis 11 ! 05 Chambi'fofCom'etve , lent. bO 00 C. H. I'riinty , two jtruln . 30 10 .V I , Inn , testers haw aiiilsuiuls . 30 75 llvnils HIIK Co. , sample sacks . 23 fiO Chased Kddy , sialloin-i'y. . lil IB Stale trea iiier. deposit. . . . -10 00 I'Vsiner I'rlnllng Co. print- ins . 1" 00 II. l.cman , painting . 050 Itiihuor Stamp Co . t 75 Dcwuy & Hlono , fimilluro. . "I 511 tM. . Martlnovlch , Janitor llvo inoutlii . 20 00 It. P. Thompson , u.vpimses to Lincoln . 10 70 S -128 05 It. P.Thoinpvm , llvo months at Jlfil ) H25 00 P. I1. Anderson ' 210 00 .1. Ii. Wall-oils 2114 ! 10 $1,200 30 31,727 03 Italanoo cti.-irgeubloto S. S. itlanchiird. . . , 70r > 55. $2,433 50 IltJI'.ANI ) VI.VI'Alll.IAXltAllV 1 , 1802. Drovers .lonrnal if 17510 Sldvtji-Iok V Co. , Ualani-i- . . . . IU 70 Itees I'rinllncro. , prliillii ! ? . OS 4 ( ) Chamhei-ofCom'eree , tent. 1HO ( U ) P. 1' . Andi-1-.on 100 00 Janitor for om < month and M'venleen days 0 00 Nebraska Teh-phono Co. . . . 010 ( Jhaso& Kildy , blank books I 40 $ 044 30 Upon assuming charge of the Omaha in spection department 1 found that tlio monthly expenses amounted lo about ? 4iO. ! As soon as possible I reduced the running expenses to the minimum and since then the department has earned expenses and a small surplus has been applied ou outstanding in debtedness. The folhminir is a statement of the receipts and expenditures from Fob * ruary 1 , Ib'.ti , until November SO , IS'.W ' , In clusive : Inspected 5,824 ears at 35 centH . f2OI8 ! 40 Itelnspi-L-tL-d two cars at il 2 00 $2,01010 ixi-r.xniTtJiii.s. : : J. 1 . Walrons , salary for Kehruary and March. . . . * 14000 Kxpensuh , car fare , etc. . . . 5 00 Neurii-jka Teh-phono com- panv , rent for March . 500 C. A. Johnson , help . 750 Kvpen > os , sundries . 0 15 1 ! . K Thump-on , salary. . . . 1,057 ! )5 ) H.80 ! ) CO I'.ni ) ON oi.n INJIIITIIINISS. : : : S. P. Anderson , .salary . * 100 00 Nebraska Tulephono eont- liany , lulls . 0 40 Chubo&Kddy , btatlonury. 440 S170 80 $2,040 40 There remains outstanding and unpaid debts to the amount of SviTil.M ) contracted by my predecessor. Tn I'ritM-iit tin- Clip Of any other similar epidemic , the blood and tlio wholu s.vstum .should ho kept in healthy condition , if you fcol , worn out or hnvo "that tired feeling" in the iiionilntf , do not bo guilty of neglect. Give immediate atten tion to yourself. Take Hood's Sarsapitrillii to ( jlvo strength , purify the blood and prevent - vent disease. w. ; Hood's Pills euro liver ills. Jaundice , bil- ,111 : lousness , sick headache , constipation. o < . j .v. At the Hoyd , this and 'Wednesday oven , imjs , ' "J'ho Still Alarm , " and Little Tuesday "tho fireman's mascot. " At the Farnam street , tonight and Wednesday evening , Anderson's comedians dians in the "Two Old Cronies. " Wednes day inatiiiL-o. At the Hijou theater the Hut-ton Drnmntio company in "IJuir Oaks. " Also ( J.vrenu , the fancy dancer , with other aUraetivo special ties. Jeffreys Lewis is a genius on the stage , an artiste in a line of specialty , a passionate , fascinating , commanding and subtle pres- senco nnd art on Hie stage that Is without comparison. Among the h-uding members of Miss Lowis' company arc Harry Mainhall , Scott Cooper. O'Kruft Walton , llyj-on 13. . Carl , Kstha Williams , Miss- Constance and Ida Verncr. She will bo seen at the Farnam street theater three nights , commencing Thursday , December 8 , in the magnificent productions of "Forget-iMo-Not" Thursday 'T " ( Jlothilde" Sut- [ evening , Friday evening ; - .1 , urday matinee , "Fm-got-Mu-Notj" Saturday J , evening , "La Hello Husse. " . Tlio gorgeous romaiitio Hnetnrulnr | play , -The New Duvll's Aui'tlnn , " at Hoyd's now theater Thursday , l-'rlday and Saturday ovenlngs , and at the regular Saturday mati nee , 'lids spectacle differs materially from most productions of its character in that it has a coherent story and makes preteitBloiis to dramatic merit , giving a company of llfty carefully selected artislu the fullest oppor tunity'to show their abilities.The Now Dovil's Auction' ' contains imvcl features be longing In every legitimutti Held of amiihe- mciit. if one desires heroic drama , comedy , farce comedy , opera , burlesiiuo , oxtrava- gan i , pantomintc , terjislcliorcan or vaude ville specialty It can be had in this piece. Natiirn'H Clnilci- . This is the nnmo of a handsomely Illus trated pamphlet Just gotten out by the North ( Jalveston association , it tells about thu re markable ad vantages of their property .either to llio settler or investor. Franklin F. Wil liams Is the local agent of this company nnd would bo pleased toall upon any person who wishes full information about tills ; property. _ _ _ _ A. WORKED THE INNOCENTS. Cashed Aloniiy Orih-rit Sulil lo Unvn Itccn rorccil. The case of the state against J. A. Shu vei ls on trial and is being hoard before Judge Davis of the criminal court. The doftMiiaiii , Is called upon to answer to tlio chin < ol forgery , the information alleging tlmt ho forged two f.'X ) money orders on the Aiiu-i'lcan Kxpress company and tlion pause I them upon the Innocent public. Shaver denies that he did anything > ! iliu kind and Insists that it is a cane of lion instead of a case of prosecution. Ihu ovldence , however , shows Shaver to have been a very clover man. It shows that lui was on a weatbonnd tmln from C'hlcagu und that when he rencho.d i'toria , 111. , ho lumped oft" und went Into a restaurant , where he got u brjuaro meal and loiidyrcd the iM ) iiionry order in jiayinent of bib bill. * He got the biilanco in currency and canuon to Missouri Valley , wharu ho succeeded in Kelling thu becuiid order cashed , reprohcntliiK that ho hail sonui stock on tlio train and that bu wuntid to UKO the money in jwylii ! } llm fri iglit. _ _ _ Iluvc ik-ccbaiii u 1'illB ready lu tlio houa liuiU.