15 TTTE OMAHA DAILY TUESDAY , 1WEMBETI 0. 1802. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Everything Handled by Traders Was Oonsid- oraMy Higher Yesterday. MOT AFRAID OF ENORMOUS STOCKS Aihanrn In Wheat i rrncllcnlljr ( Jontlnu- oin-There Will n Momentary Spimn of WtMktiPM : iL tlio ( Ipnnlng .Stnclcs anil llnnili. 111. , Hoc. 6. Everything In the prtnelpnl spppuliglvo inarkoU was lilghi'r toilny , ptovlslons uxroptlonnlly , nml wheat conslilMliiK thu iM'arlsh nous from 1'nropp timl tin1 northwest , stirprlslngly so. ItuRardliiK the Jiitler , II Is said ( 'ndahy nnd WrlRht hiivn hi niled tideal In It under almost similar con ditions to the OIIP they haveInprovMnn * . 'J'hcy me not , afraid of present oiioiniom Blocks. It Is declined , on thu theory of u prolj- nhlllly of their rapid disappearance and a con viction that tlieie Is nothing back In fanners' ImniN from which In replenish. Tlio following nro t ho additions to Saturday's closing prices : Wheat V : coin finm " < P to 'ic ; oats Tie ; pork nnd lard 52'ir ' and i Ihs 12'c. Alone lime dm Ing thu day .lanuary pork almost showed u gain of 77'ic , Tlio advance In wheat was practically con tinuous With easy cahles and very heavy do- llvurlus In the northwest , ( lie markut had a jnonientaiy Hpasm of weakness at the start , lull It was soon found that them weregoud Inlying older * on themniKet , and that thini1 was little for Mile.and pt Ires had aiUlcl | < rally , lliolvri-M suppoM'd to he acting for Cudahy wete found to lie t.iklng all the wheat Unit wii' olVfied. Hliinls boon hecume uneasy and be gan to cover. 1'iirdlldge-l.ogan met the de mand for a time the founer supposed to hi 1-ellliin for SI. Umls nccoiinl. bill the leadlnes' \vlth which II \ Misabsoihcdnon led to inoic million on the pai'l of elleis. Theiu wasaKt fire oireilnus on Ncitthurstria account , tin feeling In that quaiter Idently bclliK beai- ish on the enormous icci lpl--.ulilcli aggiegated l.lHHcarstinlay ii ainst 1,121 cats n year agi nnd 014 cais two juais aun. The iintl-opllons hill lalk did not have mud cllecl , nor did the Ineiense In the visible sup- lily , which was consldeiiibly linger Ilitni ev jM'Clrd. The opening was n shade undrr Sat' ttrday'sclose toiihoul the same llgilie , inlet dttong and advam ed about V , closing stundj vllhln 'ccof the lop. Coinwasa shade easier early , but flnallj Inipioxed a lillle in synipalhy with the buttei teellng In wheat and the sharp advance In pie A Islons. The trade , however , was exceedingly dull. The hitgcdcciease In the visible supply - 1'JOl.OOO bti.- Imparted sonio strength ti thu market lalo In tin1 ( lay. I'luctuutlon veie within niC lango. Thu < ; lee was .stead ; ; , c fiom the top. In oats theie was a good Hade within a rangi of n c , The feature was the enor of 2,000,00 ( lin. In the vlslhlo supply statement. As Mrs iiosted , It showed an Incieasu of 1,430,0001111 The trade on the whole did not bcllcMi tin jlgutes col reel , hut there was fair selling for i lime. The otleilngs weie leadlly absoibei . nnd within n shot ! time the collection made i I deeiease of 501,0(10 ( 1m. This caused n ° ( ic ad vance In May , which was taken advantage o liy the longs to unload , and pi Ices leaclei f mm He to ' ( c and the market closed ! jc botlo than t-aturday. Hog pioducls were e.xclted on Binaller re celptsof hogs , higher prices at tlio ynids an active buying by the ellquu and frantic cover Jug by shorts. I'acKeis.seemed to be the lead Ing buyeis , but theie was also heavy coveiin liy speculatlvu .shorts. Later theie was Miong elloit made tobieiik prices , \\hlch wa Iiartlntf 'successful , hut another rally on th ongshlu foiced pilees to the highest nguicsi tin : day. Doling the latter pint of thesosslo juices again sett led hack slightly , hut e\hll Jled considerable steadiness towaid theclost .lanuiity and May dellveiles weiu trailed I Jieoly , the former attracting most atlentloi Kstlmated leeelpts for tomonowMiea : 1)15 ) cars ; com,43U cms ; oats , 400 cars ; hog : 113,000 head. The leading futuies tanged as follows : Cash ( | uotallons weie as follows : ] ' 'I.OUK Hasy ; ( ] iiotatloiis unchanged. WIIIMT No. 2 spilng , 71"S@713Jc ; No. Bpilng , 051/07c ; No. 2 led , 71saa,71 ( c. ConN Steadv ; No. 2 , 41c ; No. 3ca.sh,384i No. 0 yellow , UU'iti'-ll'ji- ' . OAlH-No. 2 , 30H0'lc : ! ; No. 2 white , 3IS3GJ on track ; No. : t white , 32',4c. IIYI5No. . U-Ifi'tC. HAIII.KV No. 2 , 07c ; No. 3 , f. o. b.1170 Kn. , f. o. b. , 35(314 ( Oc. I'I.A.X Siii : : > - No. l.jl.Ofl. TIMOTIIV Siin : : 1'ilme , $1.95. 1'OHKMess , per bbl. , $14.2514.37VJ ; lar ; iur 100 Ibs. , $10.00 ; shoi t lib- , , sides ( looM f. 8.)0ii . : ) ( .35 ; drv sailed shoiildeis ( bo\ed ) , $7. ! (1,7.b'1 ! * ; hhoi I clear sides ( boxed ) , t8.GOj"f8.i ( WiilhKDlhtllleit , ' linlshed goods , per ga fl 10. SIJOAH Cut lo.if , GiiliO V ; granulated , D Mniidnid "A47ac. I The following weie the iccclpts and .shl menls today : On the Produce e\chingo ; today the butt market was iulet | : ciyumery , 202'Jc : ( Dili ll27c. ) Kggs , Him ; strictly fresh , 2324' New Vorlc Mnrlu't. Ni'.w Vnitic , Dec. r > . ri.ouu llccelpts , 3' ' fiOOiiUgs. ; ospoitH , 8,200 , bbls. . 01,000 sacl minuet dull and easy ; sales , 7,100 bbls. UOIINMliAlrHitll and sleady. WIIKAT lU'celpts , 217.000 bu. ; o\ports , 31 000 bu. ; sales , 1 , ! ) 10,000 im. of futuies , 10,0 Im. of spot. Spots llrm hut dull ; No. 2 n 77lc ! In stoie and elexalor , 7Hic ( alloat , 78' 70'4c ' f. n. b , ; No. ! 1 icd , 74S)74ijc ( ) nngrad red , 74fA77c : Nn. 1 nnilhein , H4c ; No. 2 unit PHI , 80c : No. 2 Milwaukee , 70c : No. spring , 7.'lc. Options \tere modeiat ( nc.lhe and Iriegiilar , but closing blea nt unchanged pi Ices to 'Oc advance. T opening was weak nnd declined 'Bc to 'ic easier cables , foielgn selling , huge Im shipments , Hinall clearanccH and Inciease Mocks In stoie. Advanced > je In 0i ! firmer west , local buying , and covering ( dined He to Ue on Ihe Ineieasu In t visible supply , huge iccclpts In the northwe M'lllnj : anil full estlniated receljilH for tnnu low piili-f Included No. 2 led , lii'tGbTlt. ' , eh Ing at 77i" , January , 7734 < t,78e , closing ut 71 May. 82i ! 82'ac , closing at 82 > i c , Uri- : Dull and weak. Hloeksof gialn In sloio and afloat Deceml 8 ; Wheat , I0.055i80 ( bu. : corn , 2,302,004 b natH. 3.058,552 bu. ; rve. 132.140 bu. ; barli 110'J57 ! bu. ; mull , 17,755 bu , llAiu.iv : MALIQuiet. . Con.vItecelpts , 280,000 bu. ; exports , ; 111 ! . ; sales , 700,000 bu , fiiluies ; 100,0001 fcpol. ripots fall ly active , weak ; No. 2 , 5 fOc. ! In elevator ; 51c ulloat ; initialled mix tlOc ; No , 3 , 4tc. ) Uiilhmsweio dull nnd HQ lower on easier cables , ficer oll'eilngs , ciease In stocl > and hea\j iccelpts expeci tonioiinw ; closing \ al December , f > o closing fiO'.c : , l'i. , MIIII-O 15-lfic , cl ill ! ! , 50'je ' ; May. 5 i' , , , i 15-lOc , closing , 5O : t AiuHei' ( Ipis . -.no . hu. ; oxpoilh , O.t bu. ; sales , 'Jlii.niii , i , , , . ruliucM , 90,000 bu. s ) hpotMilllll ; white lowei. Options dull , lire ) lar ; December , : mi.ric30te , closing at 30' ' January , 371iC < 37lic , closing at 37ic ! ; M 1IO'4 30'C , clo-lngiit 3U'c ; No. 2 spot , 3 M'ot white , 42dM2Vsei mlMil westem , 304C3 while weslein , 40 < 3il8c ; No. 2 Chicago , 'J7' i HAV i'alr demand , linn. lloi-rt Dull , easy. r-miAH Itaw qiilel , Him ; sales , 250 tons M rnviulo , t > 0 lest , at 2 10-10 , and mohissessiu bllestnl2 11-lti ; leilned Him , fall ly act ! MOIAH KW- New Oilcans dull. Iticitlood demand , sleady. I.IIIIH Ijuliit , flesh hteulyj : iccclplw , 4 , j-.ackages. i llllicsI'M m , quiet. PojiK Quiet tint linn , Cut mcatH , di lileklcdboulders , Be ; middles , dull , 1 , quiet but Ilimer ; we-deiu btcam closed f Id.'JO lihlj iinlloti sales. 250tleices ; Jaini : 110.00 ; Maich , * U,05 , closing at $ U.80 ask May , $ 'J,50 asked. but slciidj ; western da . t 'IIKKHK Klrin i fair demand. Pit ) IKON Moderately nclhe ; Anierlc tl3.tllX8IO.50. Cot'llSHI'limi lake $12.00 bid. iit'AUr-Dull ; domestic , $3,05 bid , TJN-l > ullj Hlnills , f.lU.00. Cotton Mnrltrt. Nr.WOltl.KANS , la. , Dec. Middling , 9 5-1 low middling , H 15-10o : goodoidlnary,87-l net locelnts , 18,500 bates ; gloss , 1U.230 ha r.xpin-ls ( o deal llrltaln , 425 bales ; su 1,160 1'iilcMj fctnek , 243,020 bales. llrltluli ( iriiln Triiilu ltf\lc\v. LONDON , Dec , 5.-- The Mink I.anu Kxnrct its weekly icvlew of thu llrlllbh grain ti n'lysi { CuglUli nml foielgn 'whcatx ait < uuil low IT. Uuiluy lu 3d dearer , Outs steady. Corn li wraltor. At today's market tlio KnallMi wlnmt offered wns of bettor mini- liy nnd prices wcro firmer , American iind Ar- on line wheats wore Gd clicnpor. Hnsslan nnd ? ndlnns were down 3d , I'loiir was t\\\\rt \ \ \ \ , American met with goodsnlo , Korclgnonts ncro firm. Corn was dull , pending tliorir- rlvntif if | | ! now American cropi. llarlny was ( tSpics cdi _ _ Oniuhn I'rnduco The week opened with tlio produce tnnrkct very quiet. There worn few buyers on tlio market and tliose who did put In an nppcar- mice bouaht sparingly. The weather was moH iinfavoiablo.belng warm and mlMy. Ktocksof country pioduco mo pretty well clcaiied up , but colder weather Is needed to put inoro life Into thu market. Oamo Is arriving lu poor con dition. APi'i.rs- Quotations nt Omnlia nro : Oood Stock , J3.rjO"it.OO ; choice to fancy , $ l.004.20 , llANANAS-Quotatlons me ; f''nlr to good shipping slock , t'J.orhtS.&O per bunch. IltnTl'.lt A few sales of choice ii'lcctcd roll go to the retail trade nt lb < a'0c ; , but the bulk of the receipts bring only 14lGc. Cieamery butter Is quoled at 20c. CUANliKintir.s-Qiiotatlons nre : Hell and cltciiv , $8.00 ierbbl. ) ; boll and bugle , $9.00 ; late ( ape Cod , $9.5 ( ) . OP.I.BIIV Quotations nre ; noU3rjc. Knns The market was not \ety nctlvo at 23c for btrlclly flesh stock ; cold storage , 20 , O\Mi- Prairie rhleKens , $4.OOtt l.r > 0 ; $1.00 ; qimll. $1 Jfi'Fi.l.'ill ' ; snipe , $1.00 ; Jack snipe , ? 1 a.'if LfiO ; plover , } I.Ol ( ; golden phner , 1 1. 255 1 1.50 , canvas back ducks , ( 'UIOfciUHKl ; red liead ducks , $4.00 ; mallaid ducks , S3.7G ; blue wing teal , I2.OO : gieen wing tfiil , ll.MXff.1.75 ; ml\ed ducl < $1.50 : Canada ( ( " ( , $0.00,07.50 ; small geese , 4.00T/.6.UOj 5 nek rabblls , tl.OO l4.2.small ; uibbll" , M.25fi .50'Siiluels ( | , J1.25 ; antelope saddles , 1411 15c : deet saddles , 1510c : antelope carcasses , OlilOc ; deer eatcasse.s , 10S12o ; live pigeons , i 1.25141.50. HiiAi'i : Kitt'iT Per bov , $5.0(1. ( llONUV Hood while clover is quoted at 1 < V3 I.i\lON : < Messlnas choice , 85.GOQG.OOi fancy , gi5.no4 .6i. ( O\STIIIS-1'ilcos : icmaln tinehangnd nt 13G 35e pcreiin. ' ONIONS ( imitations nio : Homegiown , S5ci Spanish fl.tiopei ciate. OKVMIKSPiesent qnotallnii heieon lloildi oranges Is W.75. ron.'iltv-Thodomand was light. There w.v home Inquiry fiom bujers , but they evldotill.v had not gotten over the Idea of low prices am they wanted something cheap. Pleased pou ) , tiy Is being given the piefelice by bujei * Turkovssiuw al iWMOe fm diossed. ( ieeseam duck' licss ( > ( | . Hi t/.1c and chickens , 7i.Kc. ( ( I'or.xioiNOnotations ate : llonicgiovvn , C ! ( T/.7O- ; t'oloiadoaild I'tali. M5c. Swm.r I'orA'rnrs t'holco Mnsciillno am Illinois stock , } 8.7.Yn4.on per bbl. TAMII IIIMS : A few langeilnes have anl\o ( nn the maiKel and sold at JS.OO per box o f 1.50 per half box. Vn.Ur-l.'uulalloiis aie : Small and fat , 7c large and heavy , : i''t,5c. St. I.otlls MnrlicN. ST. l.ot'ts , Mo. . l > ec. 0. ri.otnt Unchanged WIIIIAT t'losi d 'fcr above Sattuday : cash CB ic : .lanuai.v. l > ! )3c ) ; May , 70c. COIIN Cash loner , 377 e : options about a Saturday : December , 3Hc ; Mnv , 42 ? < c. DATSIllgbei : ca--li , IHjje ; May , 34Sc. ! KMHull:4t : : < caski'd. IlAlll.KY Qnlet ; Minnesota , 55fJ57e. KtiTTHit AM ) Ktiiis. Unchanged. WIIISKV $1.15 ( tegular goods concluMv evidence late deal was In the lntcie.it of th trust. ) 1'nilK M0.50. I.ard , S9.75. lr.ciil'is rioiir , 7,000 bbls. ; wheat , 145,00 bu. ; coin , 821,000 bu. ; oats , 50,000 bu. ; iv-t 12 000 hu. ; bai ley , 23,000 hu. Slltl'MliNis I'lour , 0,000 bids. ; wheat , 42,00 bu. ; 011111,4:1,000 : bu : oats , 11,000 bu. ; ryt 0,000 bu. ; barley , 0,000 bu. Oil.Market. Ninv YOIIK , Dec. 5 , PUTHOI.TOM Markc opened dull and lemalned so thioiighout. Th market opened and closed steady In lom opening at 53 V bid , highest , lowest and do ing at 53 ' „ ( . 1'ennsylvaiila oil spot sale none ; January option sales , 5.00O bbls. n 53IVC. Mum oil Sales none ; 17cbld. Totii sales , 5,000 bbK UTTONsiit ) : : ) Otii Firmer ! crude , 35c ; ye low , 8Hlr,3tc. ) TAU.OWDull and easy. liosi.s Dull and easy. Tmii'p.Nrixi : yulct and weak. liivnni'ooi. , Dec. 5. COMMON HosiN Od r per cw t. Kansas City .Marl > ts. KANS\sCnv , Mo. , Dec. 5.VIIIAT : Actlv higher ; No. 2 haul , G4'Ja.Uoc ( ; No. 2 led , 08 > i < tiiJc. tiiJc.OniiN Ti regular ; No. 2 ml.\ed , ,1334c. OATS Klini ; No. 2 ml\ed , 2Ui30c. ! Uvv.-Sleady at 47'ic. lltiTTKK Steady ; cu-amery , 20tt20c. Koos Weal ; at 18l Jc. liciii"is-Wheat ! : : , 74,00ir bu. ; corn , 4OC bu. ; oats , none. Siui'Mi.NTS-Wheat : , 00,000 bu. ; corn , 4OC bu. ; outs , none. ColU'O 'Markets. Itio JANP.IHO , Dec. 3. Klist oidlnary. 12G ( rels per 10 Kilos : good seconds , 11,050 ; n cclpls dining the weck,71oO ( ) bags ; puichasi for the United Elates , 0,300 bags ; shlpinen to the United States , 4H.OOO . ; stock , 148,0 ( bags. SANTOS , Dec. 3. Good average , 11,000 re per 10 Kilos ; receipts dmlnglliu week , 111,01 bags ; puicliases for the United States , 21,001 .shipments to the United States , 31,000 ; aloe 321,000 bags. Xew York Dry ( iomls Mnrlcpt. Nr.w YOIIK , Dec. 5. The demand for di goods today was moderate. 1'ilnts weie mote Inteiest with some new prices made ( that class of goods. Theio was an Impiovb tendency aNo In woolen cloths. Staple eo tons were aKo In large demand , but Impoita advanced pilees weiemade In accoidanco wl oiiillero.Npectiitlons. VIlliUSiippiy of ( iraln. Nr.w YOIIK , Dec. 5. Visible supply of grain Wheat , 72,5K1,0)0 ( ) bu. ; coin. 111.001,000 hi oats , 7,571.000 bu.j rye , 1,810,000 bu. ; ba ley , 2,775,000 bu. iiKln : lluttcr Alnrlcet. ri.niN , Til. , Dec. 5. Ilutter maiket stead sales , 13,2110 Ihs. nl30e. Traders' Talk. CniCAflo. 111. , Dec. 5 , Coiinsi'lmnn & Da CocKiell llios. Cnmmlsslon Compauv : m. . was a big market In piovlshms today. .la nary shoils weie eager to close nut tin deals , pulling pork tn : )5c ) , laid H5c , and il 15c o\er May prices. It is getting haid wo to trade In .limitary stun" and Iluctuatlons a likely tn be sudden and seveie. Wo n vise our filends tn let hog piodi ; alone unless to sell May stuff for n scalp thohulgi'H. Wheat opened depiesscd hy t dally grist of bear news and sidling oidi fiom the noilhue- , ! , but steadily advanc and closed ! c higher on heavy local buy h I'oin was hammeied sexeiely by shippers , b ndvaiK ed on Ihe same Inllnenre as wheat a closed 'nC higher than Satmday. O.its wt ( inlet and easy without much business futuies e.xcept shoit selling on the error In t visible supply figure * and co\orlng on the c' ( lection , l.oiiddii I'lnanclal lii\I ! < nv. tOijl/r/n/iffl ) / / / 1WJ till JIIIIICK ( Ionian lltntictl. LONDON , Dec. 5. LNowYoiK Herald Oabli .Special toTin ; IIii : : . ] Tln < stock maiket w generally Inactive' , hut not without featu t'onsols Impioxed , d. Indian rupee paper ! percent easier owing tn the weakness silver. 1'otelgn goveinment seciullles ch lather liregular , IhoiiKh llrmness Is repoil on continental bom-os. South Amcrlc Issues me depressed. riiiguayali In fallen 1'j per cent and Aigentlne 1H and Peruvian coipoiatlon slocks aie do i. percent. Home iiillways weie very Im live all day. Ililghlon defened met w iirlnclpal alientlon. One peilod advaneei r hut dm Ing the last hour a few sales ledui theil-iMo 'n jier cent. Midland was ' .i ] y , cent belter. Sotitlicastein defened > a cent while Noitheastein has fallen 34 pei ci and London and NoithwestiMii Is down ' | cent. These aie the only changes establish Ameilcans luue shown conslnerahle Ilinin although the tendencv of prices was to ei oil slightly at last. They leave nil' In gi d , tone. Dealings , hovve\crlm\c not been act ic owing tn the iimeitalnty legaiding the sll ' ' hlem. A geneial advance was establish 'd Including 3'i pel cent In Illinois I'ential , 1 rent \Sabash dehenlinos. ' percent In t cagn \ Milwaukee , ' { percenl In Atelilsoni C. | ii tot \ per cent In others , t'anadhins w C.JO little dealt In and beyond a ilseof'i per c In Canadian Pndtlc aie unchanged. Music were depressed all day. Theie was little mand for money. Short loans weie oblnli at 14 to Hi pel cent. The discount mar was quiet ; two and tlueu months hills w iiuoleil at 2Ji percent. .STOCKS ANI > IIONDS. IS.H. . Ill the iurly : TruillliK Ihe Spcciilalhe Tom H. H.C. . WIIH Dcclilcilly IliillUb. Nr.w YOIIK , Dec. 0 , The movements In Block market today weie mote than usui 42 Important , the lluctiintloiis In pilees hnv been wide mid fiequent nnd the volume 11 ; business nlxivo the average , In thu en rd trading the speculative temper was decide nttfs bullish , nnlng lu llbeial pmclmscs for foie tfs ns well as local account and to the icduct tfsy tn steiling exchange , which renders gold y , ports less pinbahle. The Inteiest ccnti clilclly In the Could and nianger Mocks , wl advanced fiom 1 lo 1 * , percent , with West Union nnd Hock Island In thu lead , Among thu specialties Illinois Central Jumped 2i tn loii on repoits that well Known lake front suit luid been deol In the comiiiy's | : | favor. When these v ic i found to bo untrue , cmly buyers tin belters and the stock muilo a itiplil es , 101 . Thu 1'nslbiiys ; Thubhort Intoiesl throi out tlio innrUci IIIIH unquestionably uilYi gieat demoiall/atlon , und It should be kei , lu mind that the real condition of things lu t idu acts luid shown itself u week or more till , That the bear operators hud become part .u u luily uiuluus lu tbu wlddluof lakt vvuekuv lody could sort , Kvon before thnt tlmo there Iind frequently been occasion to polnV out In tills column the obvious UlsniipolntinrMit to the bcnr operators In tuclr fftlliiip tonltrnct The total sales of slocks today weie170,001 Miaies , Including : AlchUon , 18.OOO ; Clilcagi Has , 8,000 ; Kile , ,1.100 ; Louisville .t Nash' vlllc , 3,200 : Mls-oini I'aclllc , 7TVOO ; Noltheii 1'aclllc , piefeiied , 10,001) ; New I'.ngland , O.OOO Heading. 12r.30i : si. Paul , iH.Otioi Unloi ' Western I'nlon ' 0,205. I'aclllc , 00,100 ; , , New Vorlt .Money Mnrhct. N'nw YoitK , Dec. 5. MONIIV ON CAMKaiy changlus fiom 3 per cent to 515 per cent : lasi loan at II pei cent and dosing at 3 per cent. 1'HiMI : MI.IICVMM.I : I'Ai'r.it r/iMi percent. " HiT.iii.iMi IXriiAMir. Knsler , with aclna business in hankei's hills at if I.H. > 'i t.Hfi'-i fo hlM V days nnd W K71i I.KH for deiuaiid. Tlie dosing quotations nn bonds : Itoston .stuck Quotations. ItOsTON , Mass. , Dec. 5. The following ar the closing stock quotatlonx : New York Mining Onotatlons. Nr.w YOIIK , Dec. 5. The following ate th closing mining quotations : Crown Point * . "j Plymouth A ) Ton. fill. A Va. . . . 250 Slerrn Npvnda 110 Dendnood 100 -landnrd ! & ' ) Rould . Curry . . . . . 70 Union dm IIS UnleA NorcroBS. . . . lf > 'J Vellow.lncket 65 lloaic'lnke I.'IOO Iron Silver 40 Mexican IM Quicksilver 400 .North Mar MO do prcf'il. . . 20011 Ontario 1700 Ilulvcr K Oplilr HO asked. Sail KruiiL'IsunMlnlnK Stocks. SAN riuNctsco , Ual. , Dec. 5. The ofllrh closing quotations for mining btouka toda wetc as follows : Alln 2A Mono 2U Ilulner i'U Oiililr 255 Best A nelchfir 115 Potosl iOO llodlo Consolidated 25 .Savimo 110 Chollnr 8 > Sierra Nevada 10.1 Con. I'M. A Vn . . . 2bO Union Con 120 Crown Point 110 Utah 10 Oonld A Curry 80 Vellow Jacket M Unto ANorcrosa. . . . 170 North Queen 5 Mexican IM ) I'lnuncl.il Notes. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Dec. 5. dealings , JC 322,023. jf 1'Aitis , Dec. 0. Thieo per cent rentes , 0 ! 65e for the account. Nr.w YORK. Dec. S. dealings , $93,390,87 balances , 14,202,101. IlAl.TlMOlli : , Md. , Dec. 5. Clearings , $2,51-1 222 ; balances , MHO.GGG. Itato , 0 per cent. I'lin.Miiu.i'iiiA , I'a. . Dec. n. Clearings , Jll 072.930 ; balances , 51,870,817. Money , 0 p cent. Mr.MPius , Tenn. . Dec. 5 , dealings. , $051 087 ; balances , 511&192 ; , New Yoike\cliaii ] at par. LONDON , Doc. ft. Amount of bullion jroi Into Ihe Hunk of Knghind on balance toda 37,001) ) . CINCINNATI , O. , Dec. 5. Clearings. $3,191 fiTil ) . Money , S'l iO percent. New York e change , 2ry . : iOc piemiiim. Niw : Ulti.KXNS , 1/u , Dec. 5. Clearings , $ 701,039. New York exchange , commeicl ! Sl.&O per 1,000 dUcounl. HOSTON , Mass. , Dec. 5. Cledrlnns , $1,70 ! 910 ; late , 0 per cent ; call loans , 0 to 7 11 cent ; time loans , 5Vj to 015 percent. HOSTO.V , Mass. . Dec. 5. Clearings , 110,83 017 ; balance-- . * i,7)9,910. ) Money , 0 per cei Kxclnuigo on New York , 8 to 12'2o dhcount. ST. Iouis. Mo. , Dec. 0. dealings , f3,321 834 ; balances , 795.03G. Money ijiilot , 01 per cent. Exchanso on Nuw \ ork , DOc d count. CiltOAno , 111. , Dec. TJ. Hank clearlmis todn $23,513,324 ; New York e.schauge , 00 < ; pi mliim ; hteillng exchange iiuiet ; hlxty d bills$4.80:14' : ; demand , $ t.88lV Money btuu at 0 per cent. l.lVi : STOCK AIAKKKTS. General Cattle Trndo Hull Hogs Aetlvu in Higher ' 'beep Steady. OMAHA , Dec. 5.-Tho iccelpts of cattle I day were as usual on Monday very fair , wh the run of hogs and sheep was somevvbat I strlcted. In the cattle yaids business was rail tame. Kastern advices weio bearish In tn and with no lenlly desliable cattle beie siImulatc competitioniadcdiaggcd and on but tlio best giade.s pilees shaded lou Common lo verv fair so-called coinfed call welching fiom IODO to lain ) Ibs. , bioughl fn Sll.lo to J3.I5 , wllh a few pietly good vvestei at j.55 : ) , Tlie mnrl.el was decidedly dull a pi-Ices weaU , although baldly ( [ notably lov\ A veiy fairdearaiice wiisellccted , About half the oll'ei Ing i today weioco and mixed slock. The trade wasnol ovei bilsk and pilees niled itnevenlv lower on bin the best and theie was llttleof that he In geneial the market sutluied a 5&ll ( ( < * ( dine. Poor to good cows and helfei-H sold Horn $1.00 lo < k.50. with the bulk of t decent stock at & 1.80 to $ ' VJ5. llillls , oxen n staKs weio about sleady at fiom } 1.U5 t'J.M ) . Cahes weie 111 fair supply and a ti \O\IINO CAT11.11. \ \ . . . 10 feeders.1203 270 20 cows .1073 230 21steers .1217 355 4(1 ( stecis.1103 055 linns An even llfly cars eie received the hem lest Mond.iv's i eeclpts In over 11e mouths , The quality of tne IIDJS was haidly as good as usual of late. Coiulltions weie again In favor of the lellltii : Inteiesis and liuslnesiMIS lirlsli fiom the slnrt , with prices iini'vi'iily higher than Hatiiiday. One packer , t'udaliy , was not huylng , and tneiu wns no Inquiry whatexer f i oiii shippers. Thiee local houses and one or two spi-eulalors did all the huylng , hut the pens \\v\v \ dented hv 1" o'clocK. The hest lioasoll ( ahout a nlcKel liluher than Satuidnv , while the com- moiiei guides M'oied all of a lOc advance. The popular price for good hogs of nil weights ua- J.V.I5ltli i-omeof the heller heavy loads at f.V.n1 , and one pilme load at } G.UI ) . Common lluht and mixed loads sold from ii.'jri down H S5.85 , Tiadlim was very larui ly at fiom i.VJfi to $5.07'j. nanlnsl } r > .H5 tori.'jr > ! -atiuday iinil f5. ( > 0 to t5.7Uon last Monday. Itepiescntalht sales : No. Av. Sh. 1'r. 5. . .310 120 55 70 7. . .1U7 5 80 17. , . .102 5 80 0. . .2ii ; : 40 5 80 02 . .191 5 85 80. . .214 100 5 85 0. . .203 120 5 HO 34. . .237 4O 5 85 5. . .200 80 n 87'4 CO. . .21C. 240 6 87'S CO. . .237 320 5 87 ! j 5. . .200 5 00 71. . .251 100 5 00 15. . .203 40 5 111) ) 70. . .230 240 5 00 1. . .300 5 00 72. . .201 200 5 00 20. . .205 5 00 70..217 280 5 00 4..r > 4-10 5 0214 59. . . . 254 100 5 02Ji 02. .251 210 5 92S' 72. .235 100 5 02H 08. .25H 200 5 02H 50. .204 280 5 95 4..300 5 95 70..2 18 200 5 05 07..250 200 5 05 54..300 300 5 95 00..233 120 5 95 49..200 280 5 05 72..205 230 5 95 1'IC.S AM ) KOL'dll. 19. . . . C5 4 00 Siliini1 Only ony loul : wasiecelved. The weie fair ml.edystetiis , fed , uveiago 100 11) ) ' and hroughl M.IO.Good muttons continue I active demand at steady lost long prices. Kul to good iiiitlxi's , S3.50ffl4.75 ; fair to good west ems , } 3.2tY7i4 ; 50 ; coiifinon and stock slmej 2.25ft.3.50 ; good to choice 4O to 00-11) . lanih- $ I.OOS)5.50. ) UvpiesL'iifiitlvosalub : No. Av. 1'r. 171 Wyoming wethers , fed 100 $4 40 Kecolpls and DHposltlon of S tori ; . Ofliclal receipts .and disposition of shock a shown liy the books of thu Tulon Stock Yiud company for tlio forty-eight hours , , endln at 5 o'clock p. m. December 4 and 5 , 1892 : IHM'OblTIOX. 1'aeltrrs1 I'liri'hasi-s l.anl ago l.l\f Stock .Market. , III. , Dec. 5. [ Special Tologiam TllR IIF.K. ] Aside fiom a few choice cows ai heifers and exti a quality hteei , eeiythlng the cattle line sold luucr today. No 01 on tlio giound was at all sutpilscd at tl weakei tuiu In pilees , for the leceipt.s icaclit the Miiprlslngly Kuge tola ! of 23.5OO hea As huge a number was never befoie olTeied i this tlmo of tlio year and It simply u iniposslhlo to place them even : u mateilal out In prices. The shrinkage values of poor to good ernvs and bulls in common tn good diessed beef and shlpph htuer.s was 10o to 15c per 100 Ibs. Tl lower pricessi ; Imulated the demand and du Ing thu day a largo number of cattle wei over the scales , but oiiouirli weie left un o to make It leasuimbly ceitalu that tomoiiou nun Kul will he as bad If not woiselhan today Cows and bulls geneially sold at from $1. ! to J2.30 and fiom i3.25 to $5.00 bought tl gieater part of the dieted beef and hhlpph steeis. The exliemo range of ( iiiotatlons \ \ fiomtl.OOto 10.00 , holiday cattle not hell taken Into account. The falter miuhtsell lilgli as $0,50. Slockers alid fecder.s we halahle nt fiom $1.05 lo$3.5O. Theie wns an advance In hogs of lOc per 1 1'oor lo pi line light weights sold at fiom $5.1 lo $0.05 and fiom $5.85 toJ0.40 was ficely pa for common to extra medium and licav weights. The demand V s * slum ; ; at th range and although the aWvals weie close 38,000 diead the wants of trudeis weie n fully satisfied and Ihe clotu was appaienlly llrm as llionpenliiK. Hcaicely niiylhlng tin was lit tn he on the maikeiold below $5 , while fiom J0.05 to JO.ilO weie the piuvallli pilees for lotsnveriiglng over 200 Ibs. ( Jnod tn choice hheep and lambs weie In fi : reiiiest | at fully former juices , but Iheie piacllcally no demand lor pool1 and comnn glades , As the laiter comprised the gieal pint of the supply theie weie few owners wl weio pleased with the way their stock sol 1'iom $4.25 lo $ ri.OO hoiDihl KOOI ] tn chid sheep , and good tn choice lambs weie quo ) nt fiom S5.25 to $5.55. Theiangu of vain for Infeilor lo medium .sheepas fiom $ l.fil ) Irl.OO , and for lambs ill..Mi tnl.oo. Itecelpts-Cattle , 23,500 ; hogs , 37,000 ; bhci 8,000. The nveiilng.Tniiinal icpoits : CA'ni.t-Iteelpls. ( i3UOil ! head ; shlpinen n.HIHI head. Markul lower ; uxtia heeve > , 15. ( ? ( ,0.25 ; good to choice , $4.25'ii5.40 ; nllie $2.h ( > a4.1l ) ; htocku-s , $1.55 2.85 ; cow.s , il.OI 2.85. llnas-ltccelnti , , , 38,000 head : hblpmen 10,000 bend. MaiM-t S'tlOi1 higher ; tough n common , ! fr.7U' " 5.80 ; packers and mixed , t5. ( T(0.25 ; prime heavy. } 0.3OTiO. 10 ; butcbe 50UKrj,0.25 | ; llglil , 5.7lVar.H ) . Siliii' : : ItecelplH , 8,001) ) head ; sblpmen 1,050 head. lh"tjrtaiU's stinng ; otheis wen iinlhes , $3.H5' I.U5 ; weslein , $3,75 ; Te.xa $2.25 ® 1.7O ; lanibsi.W.15i ( ? ti.ni ) . Xriv York Stock Mm Itrl , Niw : YOIIK Dec 5. Ilnr.vr.s-Uecelpts , 0,1 liead , Including sixty cars foi hale ; mail Him nt llc per 100 Ih.s. hiuhei ; native sice } 3.60a5.25 pel 100 lhs. , : Tcxans , $2.85 : bu and cows , { l.iMxa,3OOj diessed beef Him at OUc peril ) Shipments.lomoriovv , l.lOObcev ( 'AI.VK.S IteeelptH , 008 bead : maiUet Hi veals , f5.OOQb.25 per 100 Ills. ; grasseis , J2.0 2,00 , HecclptM , 13,241 head : sheep Mem JIr , J O. Jones , i 1'ulton , ) bays of t "About ten years ago I con- tl-acted n severe case of. blood pol- eon. LcadliiB iilijsicians prescribed mcdlcli after medicine , which I tool : without any relic I also tried mercurial ami potash rcincdic with unsuccessful results , hut which brougl on an attack of mercurial rheumatism th , made my life ono of agony. After Bulftrhig four > cars I gave up all remedies and begs using B.B. B. After taking Bcvernl bottles man entirely cured and able to resume work. | Is the ( jreatcst jncdlcino for bloc a poisoning to-Uay on tbo market Treatise on Illood nnd Blln ; Diseases jnallc 1 frcs. BwiiT Bi'tcu-io Co. , Atlauta , Go. Iniub1 nor lb. higher ! ilirep , J-LOOi .f-O per 100 Ibs. ! lainb , J..tH.iO,4ti . ! ilM' sed tiNitton sternly nt 7nt8'jc per Ib.i ilti\s v < l Iambi llrm nt HfOT'ie ' , llon Ifecelplt , H.OfiO lirnd , Inelndliig two cars for ' nloj market lilgbcr nl $3.WXii0.20 per lOOlbs. City l.ltn Stoek KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Dee. 6.-C \TTt.r.-lle- c pt , 0,100 bead ; shipments , 4,100 head. Market extremely dull , weak , 10ai5o lower. Shipping steer" , $3.305.4.7d : Texas oteers , t2.htvfW.35 ; Mockers nnd feeders , $2.3O l 1.35. llotm llprclplo , D.GOO head ; shipment" , 3.000 head. Mmket ncllve. sleady In 5c lilgbcr ; nil grade- ) . $5.t)5'ilO.bulk ) ' ( ) : , $3.tl6 < ! M > .83. Hiini'.l'-KeceliiN , oooliead ; shipments , COO licnd. Nominally steady. St. l.oei I.Uc Stoc PT. TJOUIS , Mo. , Dr.o. 0.CVTTl.r.Koclpl , 6.000 head ; shipments , 1,000 head , Market slows common to choice natives , $2.006.00 ; Texas and Indian stoi > t , * 2.1OR3.15. IIOH-lecell ( ( ) ) . D.71H ) head ; hlpmciiN , 4,000 brad ; llMMfic higher ; heavy , $5.30 ® 0.15 ; p.TfklliL' , 5.HKiH.ltr ( ynnr.t' Itecclpls , . lee bead ; shipments , 400 bead ; steady ; natives , $300511.60. llniihciV Assoel.illon Meeting. The executive council of tlio Noliraslcit State Hankers' association has Issued a call for n meeting of that oi-p.iuiz'Uion to bo held In Uncoil ! Tuesday ami Wi-iluesday. Decem ber 20 nml 21. All banks nml bankers and trust companies doing business in the state tire elljrlblc for membership. The program for the convention has not yet been arranged. Tin' association was nearly upon its last pegt ami the convention Is called with the hope that new life may be In stilled into the orintil7iition. There lias not been a meeting for two \oars and there was an apparent lack of Interest , which U is hoped to ovoivomo , and awaken the members to the importance of sustaining such an or ganization. Thu association is dcsiirnoil to benellt the bankers of the state , and the an nual conventions bring about an Interchange of ideas and the discussion of subjects of in- teic/st. and is ahva.vs productive of jrood. H is expected to have a lat o allcmlnnco at the convention. An honest pill is the noblest work of the apothecary. DoWltfs Ultlc Knrlv Hisers euro constipation , biliousness and sick head ache. o I Politics Ilo I'iiy. .Tames Colli'oll : ( , a jrooil-hi'iirtcil Hibernian , made Judjjo Itorlcii's aciiuaintanee .yestei'day morning as a result of too much alcoholic indulgence the day before. "lam the only dammed Oirishman In this country who had siuse enough to vote for Harrison , " said .lames , and his plea for mercy on that account was admitted. IUI the nnil on thr Itcuil ono of Dr. Pierco's 1'loas- nntrellela They do the right thing lit the right way. They clcaiiKO nnJ regulate the liver , stomach nnd liovv- c 1 s thoroughly nlul cfTcctix-ely , but m i 1 d 1 y ami sontlv. They poi-suado , rather than force. Ono tiny , stijar-coatcd ( Pellet's n gcntlo laxntivo : thrco to four net ns a cathartic. Tboy'ro ( ho smallest , but the ixxst. There's loss to toke , but there's moro KOOC ! in it , when it's taken. They're the original Liltlo Liver Pill , and tlioy'vo never been equaled. Sick Hendaclio , Iliioti3 ] Headache , Constipation , Indigestion , Uilions Attacks , and all dcranse- tnoats of the liver , stomach and bowels , are prevented , relieved , and cured. They're the cheapest nill you can buy , because - cause thoy'ro guaranteed to give Katisfactioii , or your money is returned. You pay only foi' vuluo received. Can you ask inoro i i ! | irodnccs liuncllclal re- ( sulls , ( jh ing uliei-rful ness olinliul und biiDjaney nl'l > oily to lilch jou vi-ro . ® before il Kl-rjnijter. Thov < % nl y a imp-1 ulnrlty iinpai-iillcled. I'rlee , U.'uts. Union Stock Yards Company , South Oynaria. Best Cnttlo Ho nnd Sheep market In iho neat. COMMISSION HOUSES. Wood Brothers. South Omahn 'ick'pliono 1157 Clilcajc .IOI1N 1) DADls.MAN , I . . , , . „ „ „ Mni'wers ' WAI/Tiil : 13. WOOD , f Market Iloports by mull und wire cheerfully tui nltbt'il upon aiillcntlon. | | Perry Bros. & Co. , Live Stock Commission , Hoom il KxclmiiKO lliilMIna , South Omaha. Teh-phono 1707 OllDINANCK NO. ; Wo7. An ordlnnnee ordering the curbing < f .Inckso street In street Improvement dlstnct No. 41 with red Coloiado sandstone , and dlrcetln Iho board of piihlte works to tnko thu neecb sin v slops to cause Haul work to be done. Ho It ordained by the City Council of the ell ; of Omaha ; Bectlun 1. That .Jackson street In street 1m provemont district No. 4ti > be and the same 1 hereby ordered curbed with rod Colorad BanilBtoni ) . according to hpcclllcatlnn * on fil In Iho ollleo of 11 o board of public works. Section : . ' . That the bourd of publla work Is huioby direeled to take th < > neuessa ry stops to causa said work lo be dona accord ing specifications on II 10 In thu olllco of sal s board. LI f Secllon 3. That lids ordinance shall tak effect and bo In force fiom ami after Its pass i 1'asaod November 17th. 1SOJ. JUIIIS GIIOYKS Oily Clork. K. I" DAYIH. rriisidentUily Council. Approved Novoinboro'J.'il . . I' . HKMIS. Mayor. OIUHNANCB NO. 'ili.m An ordlnanco oideiln. the enrbln : of Daven port htieel. In htieel Imiirovoment dlstrk No.tsi , nitli red Colorado sandstone , and ill leet.ug the board of publlo WOIXH to take th necessary slops to cause H ild woilt to b done. lie It ordained by the city council of the ell ( if Omaha : Section 1. Tint Davenport Hlreet , In Btrcf Improvement dlsttlct No..si , be and the sain Is hereby oidered curbed with ledColornd sandstone a"coi ding to spoi'llli'.itlona on Illu 1 the olllco of the board of public works. fc'eutlon ' . ' . That Iho boiir-l of pulillo works I hereby direeled to I ilio the necessary slops t can HO said uuri ; to bo done iiecoiiltng lo spec licationon llle in the olllco of K lid bo ml. Section ; i. Tnat this oralnancu Hlnll Uko e feet and bo In loivo from and utter Its passngt I'a > sod November 17th. le'.U. AUCbl ! JOHN OKOYKS t'ltyCloik. K. i' . DAYIx President Cltv Council ApuroveJ November SSi hW M iyor Mii-rlll'i h.ilu. Under und by virtue of an oxdentlon Issue by I'runk 1' . Moo res clerk of thedlslrlut com within and for Douglas county. Nobraski upon a Judgment jendored bv Mild com 11 luHeptombor turn ? ; A. I ) IKU In favoi of II Merchants National bank of Kansas Clt Miisonri , und n.'nlnst thu Metropolitan Cat Hnllwiiy uompany of Omaha. Nubraska , have levied upon thu following describe property UK thu proper-of the said , II Metropol tnn Cabio Hal A'uy company i Omali i , .Nebraska , to-wlt "rraclc iindroui bed. Including rails , tics. MiU'b , fiogi , l.oll Bplli'es. wires , bwitches , p-I.CH , trolley wire erusH wires etc. . etc , and o .crylhlng porliib liU to mild track and the operating tlurci us an nieutrlc mulor line of fciild II .Metropolitan Cable Hallway companv on in filreet a ml mi Dodgustruut Intheelty of Uinnli uiidon Dodgu street us extended. Wondmi a ton no , Underwood a von no \VlUonaveni \ or tieolln Dundto I'lueo or ndliicout there In llio county of Douglas und Hf-ilu of .Se rasKa. " "Ono our house ( frame building ( Di tH or blocks ) located on lot 11 , block t Dundee I'lace. DongliiH county. Nubrnska "Two motor pufcsonsor cars numbered icibiio lively two (8) ( ) , and three (3i. ( "llpcord boo Block certllliuito book and oal of sild con jiany , " and also "tho franchise grantud suld oomiiuny , which lnclnile all thu rl li and privileges sue nr oil thereby ; " nnd I wl on the 1Kb Uuyof Dueembcr. A. D. . IU ) ? . con nipiiclniut JU o'clock a , m. nf b'lldilay ' the oust front door of the county con house. In the "Hy of Omalia , 1,1 lisa M prouerl ut publle uuutlun lu llio ulubudl uud ue OMAHA Manufacturers' and Jobbers' Directory BAGS AND TV/IN / [ S. BIDTCUS , Bemis Omalia Bag M , 0. Daxon , ( OMPANY Importer ! nndiiMim'rs lIlcyrlpSBold on uioiithlf Hour > ncks , biirlnps , tnlno. payments ISO N IMh. BOOTS ADD SMOES , Morse-Coo Shoe Company , 1IIW Honurd > troit. Tnctory corner tltli find DmiRlns Wonro mnklngplosp | itlc to pnsh butcrs , ntil nro BclllCR u class < tf uuiuU nhlfh Itury Knlonblu wlili men limits. Kirkendall , Jones & Amer. Hand-Sewed COMl'ANV. Wliolcsalo SI inn Co. tmiits.nluics lufrn nKonts Huston nml riilibur uumls , 1WS- llnbbcr lioo I'ollt \ \ - UI1U llnrno ) St. 1IUI-11MI llnrnuy St COAl , C0'l. ( I CORNICE. Oraalia Coal , Coke & Eagle Cornice Works I.1MI' ! CO. hard nnd cnft Mfrs k'nluinlypd Iron real , S i : cor. Ibth nnd cornlc * nditiT rnts , nictiiillc % liuhts t'tc. liU-lir. ! ! l dutst. . DRY GOODS. M. E. Smith , &Co. , Kilpatrick-Koch Dry ( .O DIIH ( ( ) . Dry Rood" , nollons , tur- Notluns. ' furnish - nMilHK ninxls , corner liKuoods.i'o lltliiuul lltli nnd llounr.l Sl't. ll.iriu1) fts ruiunrim. Omaha Upholstering Beelicc S Rimyan CO. npliolilcicil fnrnl- rtJUNITUIIi : CO.llraoo tlno. II > i Hill Mfliuluj hi. WholouiliMinly nnd Mill Ms O UGS , ETC. D. M. Steele & Co. , Blake , Bruce & Co. iOM20 : > Jones St. , 10th and lliirnoyts , Omalii. Oinnlin bidder or bidders for cash , to satisfy iahl ox trillion , tlio amount duo thereon bulnj foitv thousa'id , four liuniiicil fuity-slv and 01-uii ) dollars ( fD.tM.oli .liijiient ( | | , an.l s Mi'uit nnd : is-l J dollars < $ .U..M costs , with Inlerost on e.ild anioiiMts from tlio Itith day of Huntcmuor , lb ! ) . ' . and ) ho accruingcosts on suld iuiiifdniuiit and execution. UlXJlttii : A. IIK.NMM'T. bheiltrof DonghiH County. Nohr.iska. IJAKI : . HAMILTON .t MAXWIM.U Attorneys. Omaha , NohrasU.i , Douoinhcr 1. IbUj \YOODHN SIDKWALK KKdOLU TION CONSTRUCTION. Coiinrll Clmnibur , Oinah i. Nol ) . ISO1 ! He lliosoi\ud Dy thuultv conn Ml of the city of Omaha , the mayor coiic.imliu : That wooden sido\\al.s ho eiinslrnctoil fu the city of Omaha .is iloslmi.tto I bi'lou , with in live days after tlio publication of t'lis reso lution , or thu person ij servleii th-reof , as bv orilniinco Is iiuthori/oil and riqu , roil : B.ICII BldowtilUs to bo laid to the ( 'rade on thostrocts spoclllod heroin , and to bo con- stilR'tud of pine ulank of siiuli wl'llh an I thickness a nl hu laid upon joists of such dimensions and In stu'h m iiinur ni Is proscribed - scribed hy the ape. 'illcat ions on Jlle In the olllco of the hoard of public works anil miner HssiiDorvls.on , toivll : Westhhl - ofJaih avenue , lot III block 3 II , It side addition No' ' , ptosenl made. ( > foi-t wldo West side of SMh avimilP. lots ID S 7 block I I'rc'.l Dollono'i.KldiUon , pro.unl grade , I ! foot wldo. Vi'est sldo of 2--Hi uvunuo. lots 10 S " block 'I Fiod Dollono'b addition , pio- > enl grjdi ; , U feat wldo. East sldo of 'Jlht Btroet , lots ' 'Itoill liieln- ftlvc. Vinton place. rc-eiil trrade , I feet wldo. West sldn of . ' 1st street , lots I to 8 Inclusive , block ' 'IV'ileo \ s .second addition , | iro-ont grade. . 4 feet wide. Wostsluoof ,10th street , lot 7 block 4 Illllsldo No 2. rupnliud or laid. I fei-t wide. West shleof : nd stioi t lav lot 11 , .section 21- Ij-lM , pio-cnt. vr.idc. 4 fuotlilu West sldo of : t.t street , lot 1 block 2 Uucd's fifth addition , prcsontguiflo , I foft wide. West bldoof .1 Id street , lots 1 and 'Jt block I Hfi'U's llftli addition , nroaont gru.dc , 4 foot wldo. West side of ItJd slice ! , lots 1 and 8 block t Isaac & bullion's addition , present grado,4 foot wl o. West shluof iBirt sti cot , lot.s I and S block 8 Isaac & Scldon's addition , utosont gr idu , I fuot. WesthldoofllUl'itrcot. lots 1 nnd 8 block n Isiiuo . * c iuldon's aUdltlon.picsontgiMilc , I fcot Wide. Wests do of : gi ! ] street , lots 1 nnd S h'ock ' t Isinc & .ScKlon'o addition , picsciayiadc , I fcot wido. K.ist hide or : i'ld street , lots I to 111 Inclusive. W A Uudick'sudd lion , prusont giadc , 4 foot wide. Kust s'do of Il'lil sticot , tax lot 12 , hoution 21- 131U , Dropout pi-ado , I feet Wiilu. And ho It further rusolvoil : That the Hoard of public worVs bo and herein inis iiiithoii/"il and dirocto.t to uausu a copy of this icsolntonto ho pnbllsho I In the oill- clnl papur of the cltv for ono woo ! { , or bu r > orvoil on tlmowncrsof aild lots and unless such owners shall within llvo days aflor the publication or servh'oof such copy uiiniti net naUt sidewalks as horolu roqulruil , th it the board of public works uanso thu sanio to bo done , tlio coit of constructing said sidewalks respectively to bo usscssod against the real estati ) . lot or part , of lot In front of and abut ting such sidewalks. . 1'assed Kov. BW. President ( ) tv Council. Attest ; JOHN lillOVIX ( Jily Clerk. Approved ! GKU. 1' . lIKMIb. Mayor. NOTICB TO CONSTUIJOT SMJRWAI.KH. To the ownois of the lots , p.irls of lots and real ust ito dusurlbod In the nbovo resolu- You and onch of you are hcroby notlllcd to construct wooden slilowalks as roiinirolby a involution of the city ccun-ll and in iyor of tl'o city of Omaha , of which thoabovo Hu CU1'y' ' I' . W. H1KICKAIISRU , rhatrimin Hoar I of I'ubl.u Works. Omaha , Neb. , November gsili. IhU n''JdTt NOTJCK OK ASSKSSMKXT Ol DAM- AGKS KOHGHA 1)1X0 , Totho owners of all loin and paitsof lots on alloy In h ode ! > l from ' 'Ibt to Unit snoots. You aio hornbv notlllcd that the uiuior- slgnod , thico dlhlnturesto freeholder * of tlio city of Oinalri. n ivo been duly appointed by the mayor , with the approvntof tlio city coun cil of bald city , loasMiis the daina-'us to the owners icspoctlvuly of the property allVeted by thu grading of sildnllev , duclain'l necessary - sary by ornlnaneo No. 'IIU , passed November ' ' " " 1 TslTSn'ii'r"o"vV'ii ) ? ) | Novoniinir 1th , In ! ) ' . You nro furthci notllled th.it h ivliu nc- ccptod sal'l ' appolntmont und duly iiniitlllod as ruiiuired by la , wo will on thu Mlh day of Ducomhor. A. II. Is' ' , ' , nt the hour of I1) ) o'oiovlc In the foronoon. at the olllc - of Slulvor .1 O'Donohoc , ltuiriiiii'iin ' st.lllilu the eorpoi- ntB II m Us of miid city , moot foi the imrpoio of consldlilllii iinU iiiukliig the aihinsnieiit of damage to the owners ri"-puutlkly of mild property alluded by sui-h grading , taking Into coni.lder.itlon sjiuelal henullts , If anv. You are notified to IID nrosunt it iho llnio and place aforosald and mal.o any cibjuutlon to or Bttttumonts conciirniir. slid iimobi of dnmasos us you may eoii > lder proper. . I. tir.o. , i. I'Aim H. W. ( illlMi Cominltteit of A . Omaha. Nob. . Nnv.SJth. h'Ji ' _ " u'L'ut ' ' _ To all owners of lots or piiU of lots on Twenty-fourth ittieol , fiom DoJgu btioet to nbsrci' ; You am hereby notified that the nndor- hlgned , Ihicodls nterested fiuebuldois of the elly of tJnriha. lunoboen duly iippo ntod by thu mavor , with lhoappiov.il of Ihociiy coun cil of said city , to nusoss tlm diiiim o to ilm ners luypoftlvoly of the pioperly alleclod by grading Twonly-fourih c.'lthi strual , fiom Dodgostieov lot 'lib * stieut , decliirod nuio-- sury by ordlnanco Nn , a.ll. ' , passed o ' . Ut. lbl' ! . ' , unproved .Nov. 7ih , H.I3. You u i-o fur. her nutilled. llint hnvliu ac cepted Hald appolntniunt. und duly inalltlel | ( ua required by law. wo will , on the Bib d.iv of Dlioemlier. A. I ) . IMii. lit the hoiii oj III o'olock In the forenoon at the otlleo of U \ \ . ( iibsim , niom 210. Now York Life hiilldlnu. within thu corporate HinltB of salil city , meet for the P r- posoof coiiHhierlng and making thu at.subi- inunt of damage lo UIIIUWIIUIH retpucllvely of balu proptrty , alTectud by said eriuliitnuliu Into consideration special henellt ) . If any. You nro notlllcd to bo present ut the time and jilaco nfore iild , and make any objectlomj to or statciuyntHcoiicernln ? ald jKso nmonlol may WM l oiuucii.j : , HARDWARE. Rector A Wilhelmy Lobcck A Linn , COMI'AN'V , DMlcrs In tmrdiritro n < Corner 10th nndlncon olinnlrt' touli , Streets 1101 Hoiiglni ft. HATS , ETC. W.A.LGibboa&Co. \Vh | p nlo lints onps , straw tf ods. Kli'ves. inltlpns , ,3tli nnd llnrneIs. . LUMBER. John A. Mefleld , Charles H , Leo , Imported Ainrrli nnl'-rt 1lnrd < 'd UiMilipr wooJ Innd oMit"iil Mllw in cnri'i'ts nml ptniuot Xei' ciMiii-nl nnd siuinoy tin , r iitf nlille llu < o Ctli nnd LUJUORS. I _ MIUINERY. Frick A Herbert , 1. Oberfelder & Co. , Importers nnd Jolil'on \ \ liolpanlo lliiuor dunlurs or nMill-iert notions Mnll ( inh'r.i prompt. 1001 rnrnniii st. Siis--'U < lilli M. _ PAPER. OILS. Carpenter Paper Co. Standard Oil Co. , dim n full M < u-H "f ITItillni.nrn | > pliiK and U oil n i'il uml HibrlcntUn \\rltlni ; pnHT | ? , lurd nai'pr , etc i > lN. nxlo vrennv etc- _ _ OVtHAUC , ETC. _ _ OYSTERS. _ King & Smead , David Cole & Co , Mfrs " | { A " ji.uiis , Wliolpsnlp oysters , fnnoj clilrts tind ovpritlis.i'io rclpr,1 'I s IDtli t-t , , OU-lilhS Hill M U'lvplixno . ' 8 PRODUCECQMriSSiaN. _ Branch & Co , , Jas , A , Clark & Co. , Produce , fruits of nil Hullcr , ohpp'p , piniltr ) Mild Kiiuif JIT s Mill "t STOVE REPAIRS. SASH. DJORS. . _ _ . . _ Omaha Stove Repair M. A. Disurow & Co. , Wi'UK1- ' . Mme ropnlri Miumftidtim'iH of nnpli , nml wntor uttaclmiutits il o o r M , LI 11 n il n nml for an > kind ol tu\o MHMiMlncs hriutch nf- iiuuli' , I'JUT l ) < u Uts M llro Ulli nntlU.iril MJ. Nntiru. Spalol proposals will ho received at any tlliiL mi or hefnio ! ! n'ulouk p. m. of the 1,1 II day of December , iv.i ; , for the prlnllnit of all bills for the Icjlslaturo with such mutter as may booiileied bv either house theu'of , to bo pilnled In "bill form. " which Is shown and ( lesignate.1 as ulnisono (1) ( ) under Iho printing laws of the state of Nebraska. 1'or tlio printing and binlln In cloth covers of one thousand ilUt > > ! ) coul'-s each of the bien nial reports of tlio auditor of publlo accounts , treasurer , s-ciotury of stale , noniinlsslonorof public lands and buildings , and liuru.iu of labor and Industrial statistics ; : md live bun dled ( .VII ) copies each of the biennial leports of the attorney uoacr.il , superintendent if pub lic Instruction , scute llhrarl'tn and adJiiUnt general : ono thousand ( l.miili cop es report state , board Jf traiispoitathm fur l ' , l' and llvo thot.s-iml ( , 1,01)1) ) ) copies r--port st.ito hoirdof agriculture for I be1 , and all ollu r repot I * and documenlR that m ly be imlerod printed by the legislature , except such as may enter Into and form a p.nt of the | iMirn ls vvhleh class of vvoik Is l.mnvii ami di situated us class thieo CD under tlie pilutliu 1 IVVB of Nebraska. The hill work , executed nmler elasj one , sh ill be piMile.l In small pie i type , on uapor- fourteen ill ) inches long by eight ami one-halt ( s't ' ) Inches wide single pages paper to bo twenty-el hi CJM pounds double c.ip lo Iho loam , and except the title pnc , o ich paijj shall emit iln not hiis than tneiity-llve ( ! Jj ) lines of solid matter of seven (7i ( Inches In length , nnd the lines shall he success voly numbered , with a blank on.y lu u ich spacu between the lines. The title paao of said bills shall conlaln not less thiin eihleen ( Is ) lines as above , with three ( . ' ! ) Inches tuldltloiial sp.ico allow.iblu 'or display title maltor. K.ieh bill shall state what the bidder li will ing to do the work comploio for , per p.me , for the three hundred ( .11)0) ) ) copies each 1)111 , also the price for additional hundreds that may bo ordered of tin. s'line bill at the -.aiiio time ti3 ( he orlglnnl three hundred ( ilU ) Ine'iullngcom- - portion , p ipor , press work , stitching , foldlnz ' and nil wort of material entering Into the worn ieiiiiie.l. | All vvniko.xeeuted ender class ono shall bo delivered In good order hv the con rat-tor to the ollli-o of the secret ai v of stale within tbrco davs after the loeolpt of Iho order by s'vld eon- tr ictor fiom the ch.iirinan < > f the cnmiuluca on prlntin , ' , liiulllierbr.ilii-liof the ic Islature. All work executed under class thieo , | ) HIIUI | be prln'ud lu lone primer , bievier and iionpa- lell ivpo , on papei lo he nine Im'hostinx \ hy slv di Inches wide. sin.Me pagiinpertobo forty-llvo ifi ) iiounds lo 110 ii-ain of I went/ - four by thlily sl.x white bonl. K n'h hid un der class Ihn-e shall sinto what the bidder Is ( willing to do ihe work complete f > r per page , on each repoi t or item lo thoel-iss Including composition , papi i , press work , stil hhi'.folil- I.ig nnd nil work or mnteil.il entering Into Iho work iiMiiuI'd. | ( i.illey anil p.i- ! > ' pioot must 1 e fimiNicd when u-qi irei by tin ollleers of ; the exucunvc depailment or the i hu rinan of the committee on ptlnlliu. in either branch of Iho legishitnio Woik when eon meted to ' be delivered flee of. expense it I he stale house. : 1'ropoi ils for work lu e.u'ii of tno above classes will not bo conaideied ( in isi the B.imo pe accompanied by a bond In the sum of llvu thousand iV/ff > > dollars w It h two or moiu sure ties ; that In ease the pally moposinir for such , contract shall ho aw.irdo I the same mu-b par ty will , vvithlii llvo Onlays after Iho awaid lo him of such conlriet , enter Into bon'ls ' for Iho raltlifiil peiforinancu theieof , as piovKlud by law and the the terms of these pinpoints. I'r pom Is shall he nurlu-d " 1'ioposiin for imbllcprlntliu" and mldiussud to tlio Htato biMril of priming in euro of the soeiolary of mute , Idncoln , IS no. , . . . . foutr.ictH on class nuo (1) ( ) as ubovo HpuuUlod will bo iivvaided as a whole. ton tracts on olas * three i.t ) as above specified will bo awaided In whole or In puitas the ' board m ly elect. Samples of the work to ho oxoculed ufider class onol ( ) and thieo CO may ho ttcon ut the olllcc of the secret in y of Htalo. ; ( 'i.nl r.lets on above classes one (1 ( > and three (111 ( to run two i'J ) ye.irs from Deeembor 111 , IB ! ) ' . ' , except the lopiutsof the hoard of transpoila- tlon ami stale board of a'-'rlenllure , the laiter to bo comp'eted within sixty duju after Iho avvarllng of IheconU'icl , 'I ho st ito Driiitlng bo.ird . roservei the right to reject any o , bids. JN | | , uMXi : hioeii'lDiy of 8tatC , ' , , , , . , jj' ' asnior. Aiulllor I'ublie AccounH. Lincoln , Nob. , Nov. II , II > TJ. iilTd'J'lt TKKIAhS. llnlted States lirlhin Servlen , I1 no HIdjo Agency , Sooth Dakota , Nov. ! . ! ' ) . ' . Sealoil propo'iilb. ' enuoised 'I' oposa 8 for lumber , vvliido.vs anil liniilw no.i ' th ' ease may I'o. ami nildruiHiitl to tlio undi rilgnud at I'nio Illdiio agoney. Huutli Dakota , will boie- celvedal IhlKiueney until I o'clock p , m of December t ) , lt-i. ! . for furnishing and ileltvnr- In/at this UKiincy nlout WI.wli feel assorum Iniiibnr , .Ml | ) alrs strip hln eu , 'Miiinoi Inukx. K"n window KIII.II and I , . " ) poundH ussortuil mills , a full list and deseillillon of wlilnli icay bo nhtalned by appllnlmn to Ihu iinder- b llldd'er miiHt slum Hpiullh-ally Ihn kind and nrloo of each nrlielo nllered for do Ivory under u conn net. All arllcli-H when delivered will bomibjoct to a rigid Inspeutlon. The liglitH roiiTVivl loieject anv or all bids , or any p irt of any hid , If deemed for tlu Kuch bl'l ' must ho aeeuinp.inle I by a cortl- llod cliecU or draft upon KOHIO I'nlted KtutiH deiiosllory. or solvenl national LniiU. In HID vicinity of the residence of the bidder mudu pnvulile to llio order of tlie eomnilHsldiKir of IndUn alfiilrs , foi at least Ti ner eentof the nmoiintof the proposal , whlob check or draft will bo forfelto'l to the United St.ttus In viibu anv Lhlder 01 hlddeis rix'clvuu an award shall fall tn promptly execute a i infract with ( mid nnd Niillk'li'iit Hiiii.tlun , othorwlbo to bo relumed lo ihu bidder. II ds ai'co nnanled by cash in lieu of .1 certi fied check will nul buconsl .nrod I'or further Infoimatlun uiip'V to C' iptuln ( i I. Iliortii. U. ri. A. . Acting I'nlteil V.J.I.HI r-tat'i Inillaiiiiieilt. Notice. To Iho Htoeklioldeit of the Ogallalii ! < und and O'attlu ( Jo. : Notlcu U hi-r > by Klvt'ii to tlio BUielihohleisof thu O all ilu I.anil and Call ! " comp'iny that the Konurul nun > il muwtlnir or said comp < ny will bo held -it toe olllco of wild company. In the eltv of Omibt. Htuiu of Nu > briihkn , on Wednesday. Di'-emlmr Beventli. Ibttt. at two o'clock 1) ) . in. . f r tlio purpose of uleetlngdliuctorHof iho company to kvrvo for the ensuing yinr , and for Iho transacting of any and nil nlliur biiHlneHsuf ovury Kind ami character that may ho presunle-l to vucli meeting by Iho a9onihloil stockholdorH. r.DWAiin r IAHUIM.K : , I'renldeuU JONATHAN AIIBU i-eerel-iry. . . Uuiulia , Mub. , Nuy. IV laJ- uJU