TTTTC rmvuiA T > ATT.V TTTTsn w TyrrmrMTim ? i * THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL , 11M'ITS , OFFIC12 NO. 12 P13AHL STRUCT. ncllvcrccl l > y cnrrlnr in nny jnrt nf tlie city I ! W. T1I/WN , MANAGER. TFT . , ri'itrwrq . . IllnMiiPW onicr No. 43 fNRlt | | Hdltor No. UJ Mi.\oit .i/if.vr/o.v. N. Y IMimuW Co. Council IHufTs Lumber Co. Conl. The Olivette rlub will trlvc n party tomor row ovtnliifT at Ko.Mil Arc'anutn li.ill. \Yilllnm Nissrn wni brought In from Wai- nut jcitM-clnj for nn esiiinliutimi by the rntnml Mom is of insanity. Ho.ii dls- clinrirctl u uns t IIP first elm of the "sale of jiropfit o 1111)1 ) ii'1 IIIMS , nnd HIP oflli'i' of lliiMviiii u iiurcr uni lllli'd to overflow- Intf ii'i < ia. iiin r < . * . illi ppn ulutors in dirt. IM ! " ( ip < ndlnir bis du\s nnd HlKltti n n fiom home r.itliiT than serve a peijiiuii t nli me In tin * count. * , jail , has writtei iinr.Miir li.itc'h ( if Mleis to She ) Iff Hazu "i ( fiint \ Attoine.N Orpin in which lie c\in * . his contempt at their wni of iloinp i'1" i" ss A mini i/hincr his tinmen * * riiinlc llow.ud wns foim'l ' lust evening In a Irelpht car wliu h was lo.uled with corn In tlio Huillnpton j a itls Ho was loclail In until tin * p.itrol wapon could bo minimi'iii'd t , , take lihn to HIP eltv jail. It Is .ild that Hit r.ill-A.iy ollkiuls will prosecute liltn .lames M.ultiMc * nnd V. S. .Tones have been c Inncul with sti-nlliitf a lot of tuff fii-in a notion stoic * on upper ] lroi'lwi < , ' 111" pi-opiii-tor el.itms that tli\ c ntpfi'd bis pl.u i * n fp\v dn\H 111:0 , luoke open a nh v. c.iw pli Kcd up * i lot , ( if imilllcis , ilnl KloM-s < ui'l ran n'lt of the door licfoio lie KIIL'\\ what lhi'\ were up to Some of the htoldi ptopi i U wns nrteru.irds found in theli jinim ssinn and both It and tin * thleu-s won M iiiilndbs Hit ! ownei * of tlio stlllT. 'Ihej will In tiled In police loiut tills inorn- Injj li' Mn'lirrn of Sticplsvlllc onjmcd. or r.itlu r liii-l thi iimelpeilpni ( * .visteid.iv inoinlnu f Ii iviujr n lili-M'le rt'ii ' nw.u with him Hi biuiiu'.ed n wheel belniiiriiiL' to a fiietul and inoiinted it It iniiueiii.ilrlv heK.iii to IIIMIKU , nnd lluall.tiilimtr MuIdN in its teeth , stitrlul off douii Iiioiil\Mi\ , sin h a rate lie eoiild not stop Tin1 m.ielilne btidilenlv' hiii'ld innl tin iloi'lor nliot into llieiur.i L distant ! i I iwi-hf loci Upon liis leiiirn to cMith lu w's ' found to bo t'oiisiileiMlily Iniiisod all o\i r , although uot suiioiislj in- Juiod Piles oT peoiU' | li.ue jiiles , but DoWitt's Witi Ii Ha/c 1\e \ \ ill cmo tlium. llottoii Moir. A tidal wave of pie pority has struck us and the BUI plus stoclc is rapidly dis- nppcariii to make room for the im- mcneo displaj of holiday floods. A few of the sped ilti in our Hhootiti } ; and wa h troods department. Bar'ahi3 { , in ovoiy dopartmcnt. MUSLINS Ton-cent half blenched nitiilln , 7c. Best 10-cont bleached cotton , 80 and Bio. Bio.Soo See our now brand of < Jc unhloaeheil muslin. A fjood 7-ccnt unbleached muslin , Oc. Yard wide line eambiic , lOc. Bobton Store , C'ouncil HIulls. fl1 1 unbh ached shootiiif ; , worth 20c , for Ific. l"-inch blenched and unbleauhed pil low case muslin lOc. IM hcn25c . sheetinfr , We. Other widths nnd ( ( unlities less than inanufnctuieis' list. AnU for soft Imperial brand sheeting1 , line nnd soft , ' . ) ! width , only Uoc. Beaten - ton Stoic , C'ouncil BlulTa. WASH GOODS. 30-inch printed bhceling1 , sold for l"jc , to elofce , ( > ic. One ease seersucker , good quality , worth fee , to close , fie. 100 pieces homespun outing llannol , worth 15c , to close , Me. Two ea es heavy Tycoon reps , regu larly sold for 1/ic / , to close at lOc. Printed Bedfoid cords , sold for lOc , to Co with other barfrainb at Cc. Boston Store , Council BlulK BOSTON STOKi : , Fotherinyliain , Whitohiw A : Co. N. B. Store oiion every evening until 9 p. in. Sn'uidnys , 10 p. in. , until Christmas. Diuisford utrnml paints \ ltiiiln. | : Lota , in block ! tO , Beeifl Sub. , Coun cil Bluffs , if taken thin woolc.Address Lock Box ( J1U iMissou i Valley , Iowa. ti. i-.iitA ( iit.trii/i. i\Iiss \ riaiuhp Aikwityht is viaitint ; icla- tl\Ls tn SlRiiandoah .T I-1 limit a l.i lire tumor remo\cd last undaj and is snllLiing gieatly as the 10- alt. alt.Uobnit Uobnit ,1 Starr of Holt county , Nebraska , Is in the t itthe gnust of thu famih of John 1' . Tinlei , .liistiec Ihinnnor. who has been confined to lila liomo for seu'i'.il tla s hi illness , icbiimud his duties jisteitl.iy. N L IxHinhorof Alcwn , O. , chief of the collection depaitment of the BucKo e M.inu- factialii ; ; ] . hi thoi il.v. } j Ii Knwnmii , Jr , 1ms retuineil fiom an , e.iHtein tup It now tin us nut the le- liurt that heonld hrlng Alls. Ilouman homo with him was a lake , ciiciilated by his fi lends U O III nlngltm. i oni t reporter for Judge Smith , lift last t'voiilng ' for Ilmnholdt count j , where he will talui a shoithand nc- comit of the pun ei dings of the Iowa Stale llix-edersabsoiiatiiui. llowill lutuin Satui- liiy lf.\oii Inne piles DeWltfs Witch Ha/el halve will sin eleinojou. . 1 Brighter thnn tns , rhoior ] ) than elec tric light nnd IIH bcnntifiil iih a uroain those nou art lamps at Lund Bros. lEt't tiril. At the Tilnit.Methodist pirsonnpo , Council Illuffs , Docoinber fi , Ib'fJ , Joseph ' Dalton and A\ls O CliM > n , hoth of Omaha , wciounttetl in martliigo , Ifm , II. H. Haiion oniehillng At the Kiel Imtel , Coimi 11 HluTs , Decem ber n I'-.H ' ' KiMiiK C'adwnllnder of Hardln township I'nltiiu.itl.imln cniinty , Iowa , and Wlss Helena Selieiner of DKon loiinty , No- bntHKa ui nnurletl hHev If II Il.uton U P Teteisof halt hake city nml Mis LciiaA D.ulsof PCH Miilnes ttiok out n lie- niho jesteiiamninliig and wcui mini led \ > \ Justli e ( * oiif.s Thogi'ooiii is a member of a theatilial\ which Is now pla.\- iag hi le > > Molnes Immidinteh alier ( lie ceiemun ilu ctmple retiiinetl to DCS .MoincH The fniloulnx litensesiro also Issued \CHtenliii Ileiman Miller and Lena Han- hcn or Ken e'lei'U tiiwnsliip ; James 1 { Lap- worth and ll//iu Klrk\\onl of Crehvcnt. spf.lnl Mlllni'l.suli | . > , Of trinuned goods at the Louis , Mi- honiu block. Hats not a cent miiece' but IIB near it nt > pobsil > le. 'lliniMn IKUII u c.ii i lii-i' ( , Miss Mecca Ptnii-'tltj , a teacher in the Har- lison htieet school , met with a M'rioua ; u il- dent jchteidaj moining She has. been ill for buveial da\s , but \ obteila.deiided to icsumo her teaililng , and ordcieil one i of Wclih's ciuilages to taKe her to Mhool ofA IKJ.w.ib . K'nt \ \ Ith the cai 1 1 igo to her homo tin Logan htrcet but after bho teid got Ii , ho ] iio\cd to be unable to inanniru the hoi se , which became ft actions and oxcrtuincd the buggj. Miss IJougliti was bulled to the ground nt the corner of Uigan ami llarmuiiA btrceuamt WHB li.ullj bruUed She was 10- | Hrtcd last evening to ho icHting easily. 1 10Uo can lap ) was badl.Injiucd Seolt hous ; good ooard ; low rates. Coal and Wood. Saekott & Preston , 0-S Uiouduuy. Toluphoiio 4L SEWS viioji coracit Trocccdingn in the Damage Suit of Q , H. Mwchenilorf Against T , D , Tollo. HIS TRADE HURT BY A NEWSPAPER ARTICLE Trn Tlitiii nnil Iltillnr A < lnl us n llnlin fur .f , 111 * Wounded i ci'iiuK * nun i.IK * m HUM- iicsi A Con plrncy Him Tlio $10.000 damage suit of Gcorpo II. Mesohcmlorf apnlnst 'I'lioinas I ) . Tolle , who was fotinerly a reporter for a now defunct Omaha piper , wns put upon in the dis trict com t jcstenlay monilutr. 'llio rlltip of the jurv nncl the openlnp statements of the attoiiip\s took deal of lline , and It nuniv I o'clock before Mesclien- dorf was put on the stand to ti\o tlio llrat bit of tesli.noiu . that n nflercd. Mesi heti- dorf's testlmon.v was principal ! , * , with icfer- eiieo to the effect the publiiMtlon of an ai tl- clc about him had had on his business. The will be ioineinbered. was published last Mnj , and stated in effect lliat Mescdindnrf was entf.ipcd Inselllmidls- cased meat , and should bo squelched hi the appointment of a meat inspector. Mesehendorf testified that finm.hinu.iry I. IS'll to .hiniini \ 1 , 1 'ii ' he did a business of f.iU,0K ! ( ) , but on the publication if the article his tiade began to lall elf and Iris kept on falling olfrvei since Prom January to May lie said his business nggieirated between * 7,000nnd shlll ( | ier month , fiom June to August it amounted to between MHHand ( ) Ti ( ion mid fiom Juh to No\omber between f-UIOdamUl OIK ) , since the publiiMtinn of the in tide In * bus lost all his contract work for the deaf and dumb institute and the go * , ei mm. nl , us well as a laigo amount of ictall tiade. Tolle wns then put upon the stand , and the spet latins woie Heated to the n < i\cl spet tin lo of a defendant , ri fusing to appear utluinev in his o\Mi \ defense , but aildiii } " hi < mite to the gem ral fund of cMdenio whli h i' was L'speitetl , uouldgUea judgtm nt him and fin thn other fellow Ills tcHlimonv was all in la\or of the plaintiff and oirainst his co-ilefeiitlants , ,1 II 1''ce , M Wtlkrr , Charks Huber. K M and II I'ethvbiidge , the biiteheis who wne in ens d of haing put him up to the publlca- tion of the allfu'e.l libelons ,11 tick * Hi * stated that thepiojett of loisthu' Mi s , liendoif was Hist lnoaihed to him bVtlker , who icfened him loSeanl.inalid I'.uc for fuithcr Infoimation On lunsiiltiiig IMie , that gen tleman told him that Mosihendoif was bin- ing meat of a louple of Omaha llims who weie dealing e\Lliibi\el.\ . icfuse fiom the South Omaha iiaekini ; houses , "downeis'1 and the HUe He agreed to see the other defendants and thev would see that the in tli lo was paid for , an attoine.v should behiicd foi him if the pnlilifition caused am tumble , and that he should not go to jail told Pace , " slid Tolle. "that I would have to Uiaige him the icsrular aiheitising rates , and , after a pause , 1 told him that 1 thought it would cost him about Hfi " When IZmmot 'linlcv , the attoinev for the preset utlon , made nujulrv as to what Pace had said to the witness with icleicnee to the appoititmenl ot a meat inspector , Tialev lUnlte , niie of the attoi m\\s lor the delintl- ants , objei tetl " 1 went to pune. ' .said Tin- le"that thn imnor , t itiouiull ami tity attinnewrroina lonspirics for the pur- post * ol h ir.issl'ig Mesillendoit by h.ning Welker appointeil iiibpei tor " "Oh. well , " s , ml ISinlic , "I withdraw m\ objei lion ifon .11 e going lo pio\o ani thing so Htaitling as that. " Tolle then siid aat Pace had lemaiked to him tli it lie wanted toTi.uo Welker ap pointed meal inspector so as to hold down Meschendoif and a couple of others who weio suspected of sollmir diseased meat " 1 asked him , " said Tollo , "how Welker could afToid to take suih an ofilco for so small a salary as tjM jier month Ho icpliid that ho and some of tlio jest of them made it an object to him. " Hoic the afteinoon session closed , and the witness will bocioss-exainined this morning. It is said that some btaitliug developments on both sides m.ij be looked for belou * the tnal is completed It is likely to take sev eral da\s jet , as there aic live defendants and about two attorne\s to eich defendant. An ] j\tendod Populaiitv. Diown's Bion- Hiial Tioehes have Joi been the most popular aitiilo in Use for icliouiig coughj Mid thro it tiinibles I'l.ll'C Bciiiifr freriueiitly urred , to Fell small portioiii of my farm , 1 have at laat de cided to plat iiOO acres of Kntorpriso Place , fainlliarly known as tlio Scott farm , and to boyin the bale at once 111 live and ten ncro lots. I have placed the bamo in the hands of Greent-hields , Nicholson ic Co. , who will act in the matter as my oelui.o a cnt- , . Fruit firowoifc , { rniiienois nnd these who the coinoniences of u citv combined with all the advant'igcs of the richest fumintr land mo now f ivon u rare op portunity to do so. M. Torr. See these oil ho'itoio at Sw.iino's , 737 Bioadway. 'J en sh ares c.iiital | stock Citizens State bank for bale. K. H Slioafo. ' CITV I'd ! M II. MIII/l'lNO. l.lllle Holiness of Inlcre-il TriinsiK tc-M nt tlio t siloti. The city count il held its ipjrnliir monthly meeting 1 ist evening , with Ma\or Lawicmo in the chair and Aldeinion Gia\e.s , Jennings , Pace , .Smith and Tibbitts piescnt. The usual "monthly batch of bills was allowed. Sidewalk contracts weioawaided to , I M Ilaidln and John IIInKle , the foiiner for bili'k and the latter for plank Chaiinun .Icnnlnus of the judicl irv com mittee .isked for moie time to consider the bcMih franchise tiucblion. His iciims * was gi.inted Tieabiier Kiiinelmn rc'jiorted that theio weio tJ liiil in the park fund , and iccoin- mendeil that a warrant for the ilmoimt bo ) drawn in faMirof the par ) , commlsslmicis Altera ills nssion the ahleimin ileeided theh , id no light to mnko this disposition MlOf thomonc1 , so long i.s the commlssiiiiieis had no need of it , and the tivasmer was dliected lo keep it. A wairant for-iglW ) was drawn on the tUMsurv in favor of Hie tieasuier of the public library. 'I ho question of lommon canler lieensts was brought up h. * , a petition for the tiimsft ref of the lii-cnso on n liat k line whlih chnmreil hantls leccntb The iltt , attoinev stated that the pitautt < itoidlnanco go\- 'einlng ' common cairiois was defect ho , ni that it did not stale whether the licenses should be tr.iiisfuirablo. Ho was in struct ! d to draw up n new oitli- 11,11111 * whkh should umedy the defect l Mnishal Tcmpleton called attention to the fact that thcrti was no provision ah to the at'c-sof dihcisof Hiensedehldes , and that an accident hid icbtilted fniniabo\ being bcnl out In aiibwer to a i.ill. This , too , will bo changed Propel ti owneis on Kitinlc street asked that the giadeon thosoulh side ol the stieet bo lowcied onii foot so as to conform with that on the ninth side. An oidlnanco making the dcsiied altciailon was set ; i mining A ( hllil CiiJojH The | ileasuit fa\or , gentle action ami sooth- : In r oilict of HA rnji of Pigs , w hen In need hof a hiMilho. and it Ihe lallnr or mother bo coslive or blll'jus , the most gnitif\ing icsults follow its use ; so that It Is the host famili uaicdl.nown aiiiic"eri family bliould ilio a bottle. T. I ) King it Co.1 * Partagas cigar hoi pod tooled Cleveland. It's the ice- ) brd breaker for the Gentlemen , the finest unu of till goods in the city , juat rueeivoJ. Uoltor , the tailor , 810 Bi oadway. drtH Ills I'll" , , The Jury la the inso of N M. Pus\ agaliist the clti of Council BlulTa took the ease under ad\isement icsteiilay foiYnooa and after a short nhsvnco retmned to the txiurt room with ucixlict. . The oUdcnci bnd nil been on ono side , nnd the v rdl < t was conscqucntli for the plaintiff to the full ex tent of his claim , which , with inluxst , amounts In nil to $ lt > 3.1. Jnc n't Uiint 11 Srwrr. The work w"1 ' been polng on on the cast Pierce street sewer fof "overaldajs past was stopped suddenly yesterday after noon by n wilt of Injunction that was Issued bv Juilse Smith upon a petlllon lllcd by George ICccHne , The p tltlon nllegps that the property of the plaintiff is not platted and that the water woiks are extended only a short distance east of .the west line nfhls property , so that be would be compelled at a great ( expense to put in nlwiit HK ) feet of sewer that would be pr.utienllj valueless. A temporary injunction was issued by the cot Spencer Smith , attorney for the plaintiff , appeared before the city council last evening at the meeting of the committee of the whole and made a ( imposition in which be ngteed todltmlss-hls iirotoedlngs on condi tion that the council would not insist on putting in a sewer IK.\ornl UKt feet east of tin fhe In drant In front of Keellne's place * . This will b'ine about lCi ( ) feet of sewei for Keeline to | i i.for. . . but w 111 knot k out about Hie same amount in ft out of the east end of bis ; pmperlv Thoairangoment is In no means satisfac- tor.v to a number of property owneiaeast of Keelhie who had asked for the sewer , but It seemed to be about the only thing that Keellno would consent to. Constipation ' cured by DoWltt's Karly Itlseis. Millinery ill Alimilulr Co < l. At Miss Higsdalo's. S37 Broadway , all this week. Holiday photos , eul prices , Sl.fiO for cablnots , for I0 ! days. Cottage gallery , Kiloy's old stand. L. P. Jud oiiciviliMiglneor,328B'way. Day ifc Hess have a foico of men work ing on the lends throughx tlio Klein ti act. Buy five or ton acres there w hllo it is cheap. N . \v ( Mill < ! . The following oll'eeis ' hn\c been elected by the niutl CMtv T.\po0'iaphical union : Piesident. J M Thomas , \ii-e picsldent , James Kiilev , beiietary. J. C. Uicbaids ; licasmei , .1 ( Sihernieihoin ; executive commit tecG W U.\nn. HauWcstiott , , W H rishei .soigeant-at-aiinH.lohiiHinklo. For warmlnir guest eliambers , bath rooms , etc. , our gab heatuis arc jusl whntjon want. Look at them. Clean , convenient cheap. C. B. Gas and Cloi- trie Light I'o Coal nnd wood ; best and cheapest Missouri hard wood in the city ; prompt delivery. II. A. Cox , No. 4 Main. FAMINE FOB THE EAST. Tlio ropiiliitlim nl Imlli K.iplilly Ithlnc ; , i The iionulalion of the Indian Empire lias risen within thn memory ot the pre sent generation fiom 1220.000,000 , to 2SO.- 000,000. It has boon increasing at tbo rate of UirUO,000 annually , nntt is now rising of the rate 3,000.000 , If no largo families occur it will consid erably exceed 800,000,000 at the end of of the century now drawing to a close. Even in the event of decimation from these cnuscb , argues the Washington Post , there will bo an excess of over 800,000.0110. This augmentation is coin cident with a growth in moans and re sources of livelihood , nnd in material prosperity of all kinds. Tlio exporta tion of food grains in large quantities continues. The average population in the Indian empire is voiy moderate , for all that the : density in some irtsis considerable and in other pirts too gr-at. On the other hand there is a large quantity of cultivable land still unused , the extent of which can bo fully known by experi ence alone. Further , the existing culti ration can bo inndo more and more pro ductive by agricultural science , bv development . of irrigation in detail , anil by improved appliances for husbandry. On the whole tlicrO is fair reason tf hope that the magnificent moaoflnni will bo nblo to sustain its people , ani that the accession of teeming millions decade after dec.ulo under the Britlsl : rule tuny bo welcomed without an after thought. On the other hand , tliorohnvo boon and still are frequently recurring causes to check the giowth of the popu lation. 1I One feaifully potent cnuso , arising from I internal war. devaslition nun dis order , which up to the present century decimated the i people , has been ollectu ally II stopped. But pestilence , which ii former I centuries occasionally stalkei thionirh the land , Mill links in many places It ia kepi down by sanitation , by the * diffusion of medical educ'ition unions the native11 , and by the purillc t- tion of tbo water supply. 'Iho water works nro to Do found in nlmuit every town ; in the loiit citicfa tliej may bo coinpnrod with anything of their kind in any country. Tlio check on popula tion'as unpobod ry sickness , will bo prnduiilly lossuncd Then there is the tciriblo check i exulting from famine or scarcity. The recorded experience of more than a century shows that this sconrgo ha s appealed in one quarter or another ono in ovary thrco years. Its recurrence is oxtiemoly ptob.ible. It springs fiom ntmo-iphoiic cjiidillonshich may be partially controlled , but cannot bo wholly averted by the power ot man. Its tori iblo power is in pait weakened bv rnihvay cominuinc.xtion supplying the m.irlccts which htivo boon depleted fiom bc'iircity. 1th nren may ho in s > omo dojrioo limited by Jirltfiition works. 'llio convern'ition and propagation ot forcstM will imnrovo the Mipplyof moisture - uro in tlio country. Great cffo"twilh - out btint of money , will bo made by the fjovornniPiit lo lind wnjjos and omplov- mont for the mult.ludesbuddenly t own out of work by the cessation of labor in the Holds ami the loniDoiv.ry imtalyals of the hand looms , the polloriob and other vlllniro industries. Infinite good will , indeed , booiroctod in tho'U ' ) vniiotis ways. But no administration can guar antee security against loss of hfo from hunger nnd from the many ailments which ensue nflor n period of physical depression. Therefore the jiopulatlon will bo checked in some dofjroo by fam ine. The losis from thut c'luso nppoars to bo about 500,000 annually in a oyclo of yours. nl' li INI u Slciiinrrs. At Now York Auhcd Nomadic * , from Llvci pool At Ll&ud Rlifhloil neljj'cnland , fiom Now Yoi k for Antwei p - * - ni ; IVriuiU. The follow ini ? pet lulls \\iiu Issued b } the supeiinteiident of buildings jesteidny : K .1. Ifnsc'h , t o-h orj fiame duelllu , -ninth mcuue and ja.noo TVNO lllllHU Illllllltb ' Total . . . TpE-MQ T - " flSS * | .Vj | eor T > MRS Illi Approaching Reminders are herewith given for suitable gifts. You Can get a better selection now than a week before Christmas. 5 dozen Silk Mil filers in plain and plaid , worth $1.75 , .Choice 75c Each , A line of Silk Handkerchiefs , with em broidered initials , any letter , 3 in a box , - 5Qc Each. Another line of Linen Initial Handker chiefs , any letter , 25c Each , 3 cases all wool sanitary Under\vcarshirts and drawers to match , full finish , at 5c Each. Our special sale of ulslers and overcoats is still on. We are showing1 O four additional shades in kersey , flannel lined , velvet collar , At They eclipse any $12 coat in the market. Columbia Clothing Co. , Cor. 13th and Farnam. A B on cheek and brow is evidence that the body is getting- proper nourishment. When this glow of health is absent assimilation is wrong- , and health is letting down , i taken immediately arrests waste , regardless of the qause. Consumption must yield lo treatment that stops waste and builds flesh anew. Almost as palatable as milk. I'reimrcil by Scott .t Bowne , N. Y All driiccl'ts PKUMANENTSIDEWAUC KKSOLU- TION. Council Chimbcr , Oiniiln , Neb , l')2. ! ) Ho it rcsohod bv tlio ulty council o ( the city of Oiniih.i. thu Mayor concurrluu' : Th it permanentlile\\alUs bo constrnctod In the city of Oiiuiliaiis ( Ic' iiulinvltliln llvod.iys after the piihllc.itlcin of this resolu tion , or thu pcrsunal sorvlre thereof , .is liy ordinance Is .uithorl/oU anil required ; sueli sidow.ilus to ho laid to the perm ininit gratia b established on thn pue < l stioots spucrllloa heroin , and to bo constructed of stono. artl- II c I il stone , lirlek or tlliiii. . accot.lln to spool- flcatlonson llio In tlieollleoof iho lluirdof 1'nblle Woil.s , nnd under Its supervision , to- biiiilli Mdoof Dnilpo street , sub lot fin lots , Capitol add It Inn , poiin inont K'ndu. ' ( > fool wide boilth > j do of Dudiro streel. nabt - ' " > foot nioro or less of hub lot ! i In lot 3 , Capitol addition , poiiu.uic.utKr.ido. II foot whlo botith sldo of Iodso ) street. wostDifcpt more or less of sill ) lot 4 In lot" . Capitol ucldlllon , pciinnnoiit grade , d foot \vldr. North tile of Pnnploton : ivenue , lots 11 to Si ) Inclushe. hlo'k.'i , Minll's .iddltlon , permanent Hr Hlo , l > feet ulile. Iant s do of Twonly-nlntli axonili ! , lots 14 to 17 Ini hiBlve , h oclt IS , llnnscoin I'laco , poinu- liGiilgi nl ( ' . U 'col wide. fcontlihldo of l.eavenwortli Hlient. lots 1" > in , 1" . IX I'.i , liloelv | H , lo ni.'nuoitli lluhlne-i I'lncc , cinianoi t ertiili ) , Ii feet \shlo tenth s'clo of I.eiiMmuoiHi strnot , trosshi ! : M. P. or Holt l.lno I It-lit of way In lilcioU 1(1 ( , l0i\enuorlh llnslno s I'laco , periiiunont ( I feet wide And , ho It fin HUT resolved : That the lloiudof I'uhllc Works ho. and Is hniuliy atithori/ocl and directed to CHIISO ; i copv of this loinjiitlon to ho pnlillshod In the olllonl iiapci of the city foi ono weiil > . or ho servo : ! on thu ownerof end lots , and that unless Mich ouners shall within IIvo d.iy.s aflei iho iniblloation or torvleo of siifh copy construee ild sidc > wall\s us lioieln reiUlr | < iif , that the lloaid oC 1'ilUlloorK * ' oansu the KIIIIIO lo ho done , the cost of vonstrn 'tin , ; h ild ildowuluiicspeotlvolv to ho aisossod lu'iilnnl the roul estate , lot or t > trt ot lot In froutot nun abutting Mich sldinvttlUs 1'assud November llth nnd 'SIli. 1893. T. J. 1,0WHY. Acting I'rcsltlent of the Council. TI' . DAVIS. I'reildant of the ( Jlty Council. Attest : i JOHN iiUOVl > , Ollv Ulorlc. Approved ! QiO. : P. 11KMIH , M ivor. NOTIOK TO COX TIiyt'T StDHWAIJCH. To tlio ownerof tde lots , pi-ls ot loin and real estate clobcilbcd In the above resnlu- lion Yon anil of you nro herohv notlllcd tn construct | ienninent.sldUMilk ; | * as iciinlrcd by u restiliitiou of the illy council niul mayor of ; the uity of Oinilni , of which the .ihovo U u copy. P. W IIIUKIIAl'MKK , flialrmin Jtn ird of Public WorUs. Oinuhu , Nou. , November "Mil. IbJi n'"JJ7t I'ropoxiU lor ltiiiiio\lii | > ii : ' ( ! tlon lliiKtli * . So.ilod l/ioposiils n | | | bo locolvol at the comptrolloi'sollko u > j 10 1 | i in. Dcconiliur ' , Ib'i.1. foi the loimnnl of the uluotion Louths to B torn Co house nnd tint ropl.icln , : of Iho hiiino us may bo directed by the council for HBO nt the next ou'tllon : Mich election bootln to ho till-'en up.111. ronifh oil lo the pi ice of ttor.ite , returned ua reciuliul niul put loothor In u eiiioful , urouui ii ua uoiKin inllKo inannoi , thn eontr lelor upon bn ropladiu ball booths to ull rcualis mcoss.irj to put the sumo In cooil order , except p iliitln . and to keep the bamo In snucl ordoi until aftoi the ulee- tlon The contnu toi hii.ill rreoUe ono-thlid of iho contract prko uhcn B ild booths are blared , uiifl tuu-lhlrils Immediate- after the election fur uhlch the 8 imo Khali bi < roplucod and put In order. A c-citllled chocU of llfly dnllaiH li'n Is uijiilioJ to accoinpanv used till The nulit Is renorvoil in rejuet any or all bids TIII'.O Ol.hCN , CJMAIIA , Ducembei I , 1692 , L'uinptruUer. 6. W. PAN6L The Good Somarilfin. 20 Tears' Eiperiento. BJJADIIB OF DISEASES OF BIKN AND WOMEN. J'KOPIIIETOR OF TUB woiixn's mcuiiAi. uisrRK * 5AKV OF MDIHCIMJ. < < 3' ' flrcat iho fat/owing Diseases : Catarrh ot the Head , Thront , and I..inga : Dlt. oases of the Kjeand , Ills a ad \ popiclloart Disease , I.ivcr Complaint Kidney Complaint , Hsrvous Debility , Mental Dcprea- sion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal Weakness. Diabetes ISriphts Dl'-ca'O.St Vitus' Dance ; "heumatlbtn , I'arnljttshlto Swelling , Scrofula , rover fcorcs , Cancers , Tumors and FlFtula In ano removed without the knlfo or drawine a drop ol blood. Woman with her delicate owns ra- Btorcd to health. Dropsy cured without tapping. Special Attention given to private and Venereal Diseases of all klndo. 85O lo 8UOO forfeit for any Venereal Dis ease i cannot euro without moroury. Tape Wonns removed in tn o or three hours , or no pay. Hemorrhoids or Pita cured. aiiosK wno Aiti : AFFLICTED Wlllme life nnd hundreds of dollars by calling on 01 using OR. C. W. PANCLE'S HERBAL MEDICINES. The only 1'hjnlclun xvlio cnu tell whnt alll a pei MIII ulthiint .inking Ii ( juostloii. All corrcsiKmilciicoBtrlclly confidential , llcdlotn' Bout by express Addicts all letters to 8B.8 Broadw-ay , Council Bluffs , lo W , C. ESTEP Fiiiiera ! Director , Embaliner , 114 Main Street , Council HHifla \V J l.ninli , In urt'e AilaiiiH . .IfreilV Scolt l.iinc-istcr Co lliiuk Xolnry 1'iilillu. Attorneys-at-Law , I.ant'axtor L'liunly ItanU ItulilliiK , - - NEBRASKA To the owners of nil lots , n iris of lots nnd re il ostatB along the alloy In blot'U I , Konnt/c'x 4th addition fioin 1 ith xloeet to lllh Mrnot You ,110 lioiuby nolllloit that the nnilur- filgnod , three disinterested freeholder' , of the eity of Unialiu , hiiMiheuu duly appointed by the mayor , with the approval of tlio city council of said cllv. to USII.HJ the daniaKci lo the ownor-i roiiinutlvoly of the iiroperty af- foeled ' by the grcdln of Iho nllev In block I K'oiint/ii'ti 4th auditionfrom 10th btroot 10 llth street , declined neeuhsirv by ornlnanco No , .l ? ) . o issod Octohei 1st , Isleupjirovod Ucto- her 1th. Ih'JJ. ' Von uro fuither ncilifloil that h ivln7 ac cepted mild appointment , and duly iiuallflud in , reinlred | by 11 wo will , on Iho lutn liny of Iheeinlier. A I ) . lb'r > , at the hour of n o'clock In the forenoon , al Uieolllro of John I' . I'lucL , fCil L'liambor of Con'inorce , ullh n the cor porate limit1 * of H illicit/ , meet for the pur- uf considering nnd makliu' Ihu nh oss- inentof daiuu.'o to thy onnorn rospuetlvoly of ntlil pioiiiirly ritfectod by Halt ! eh uu-oof nr.ulo talcing ( nlo consideritlon spoolul tie no Ills , If any. are notlllcil lo ho present at Iho time and place ufnrei , ild and inulits any objoctlom lo or bltleinonts eoniurnlii.1 bald anoiinunt of damages us yon nmv consular proper .1011N 1'KAOIC. . Jt W NIIJsrj.N , . Omaha , Neb , Nov..rJid , laji * in pit/M ? i' ' n\ A , rlliltCh & CO , 100 Main Street- Our motto : A bolter boot or shoo for tlio priuo paid thnu any house In Council JJUilTs or Omaha. Today wo plaeo in our corner window ! 200 pnlts Imlle * kid button shoos , former ui Ice 8lo $1 , your dioico for 31 , 00 piths ladies' ladies'hand turn but ton boots , nil \\o\v \ goods , opera nml connnnn honso lasts , widths A to 13 , formur prko W.fiO to $1 , nil RO ut S-2.6U. Wo htivo nn imtuonso stock of ladlos' cloth top button i'.iul laoo In iritonl lips niul backs. * 1'luln opera nml ooiinnon sonao Insta nt bed rook price * Our Blofk of inoti'a nml boys' , mtssoi * nnd children's shoo * is the Inrtrost nnd bust wo over carried nnil will ba sold nt our well known low price * , The only phco for renl , jjonuino b.n- jjnlns in booU ami shoos In Cbunoll fllulls or Omnhti is S. A. I'lKKCU & CO/s Great Bargain Shoo Store , 100 Main St. , Council Bluffs. To come lo the point nt once , lot us in for thnt you wan now clothing. We kno W how you Peal nucl what you wn at Whcthor you hnva little , 01n snug sum 11 sparj , you desire to gel rot * the amount you span I Ihe bast psiblo return for your money. In this you ara right , nnrl ivlETCALF'S Is the place where you will gel it. The pretty styles of suits nncl overconts nt $3.00 , $ S OO , $ IO.OO , $ i2 ; OO , nro something much superior to suits nncl overcoats usually offered nt those prices , balnq made belter thnn ever , arid iho lit , slylo and finish nre extraordinarily goad. Winter days f ist approaching , will remind mother lo talco an inventory oflhe young hopeful's wearing apparel. Wo arc ready lo supply his neads. if it's a suit , trousers , over coat or a shirt wnist. Our pi-ices nre noted for their modesty. Complete stock of hats , caps and furnshmg goo Is. Mail Orders solicited. TCALF oadway , Eisman building Council Bluffs - H GELEBRCTED SHNDW1GH rIELLER More feolil than fill others cjomWnoil. Do not bo deceived by imitators or by those claiming to li.ivo almost us good n machine. Utiy only the SANDWICH CORN SHBHiLEB ! ind lie * prtitcctod by direct guir.intcc from iclliblo innnufnc- turors You can sihv.ijdopo.ul . upon our rcpui"s 1)0111 ) lOit in slack by nil locil dculois Apply for our affoncy. Send fo c.iUvlo uos anil prices. SANDWICH NUFACTUBING CO , Council Hlu'lTow.i ' Omalia Medical and Surgical INSTITUTE INFIRMARY , . % < # J'iMr 7a ' I > - \ ( - _ - ) lt ' 1 \ IILS " WJ Jf TREATMENT S&lli > i OP ALL J Hcst faellltln1' . app ir itus mid tin odli" . for llio biieeessfu ! tieiiliui nt of t'\orv form ol dhoabcs leipili uj incdkaloi Kiir-'lenl tioatiiiLiit 53boils for piitltmtH bond mil atteniliinco. Ill st accommodations In the \\esl. \Vrltu lei clriulam on iloforiiiltlui nml lirnoen , IriiHtcii club foot , iiirwitnri'M of nihn | > | ik' | < tuin- um , cantor rftMrili lirnni liltln Inlnilnt'on clioil'-- liy , | iirnly"N i > | illi"i | ) ' klilncy lilixMi'r uyu , uir , nnil blonil in il all mirklLal upcrallo DISEASES OF WOMEN t ' L of woniiiii I III3I' 'i > lint" Intel ) ml H da 1)1" , ' In ilcMiiirlin 'lit I ir notiii-n during ( oniliii munt hlilitly prluiti imly HelUltlo Meilluil Innlliule niiiUliitf u upcrlnll ) < > l I'lUVAl'K DISKASJCS All Illnud IllM'uuK niiiri hif idly tiva I Syphil itic I'lilroim MMIMIMM ! [ nun Hut N > HIIIII nltlmiit inor- turr * * en IU ulurnlho I rDiitiiiuiit fur l.ius lit \ I- 'JAI , | MHII IVrBiuiM uniililu In \l lt it * luiifDU tliMiltxl nt li'iinu by Liirrc > i | > oniloiuii AII ( uiiiin mil cnlluiKcoiiililinillul Mi'illi luej urln lrauu'iiU Kent liy umll nr uxpniHH , HCLiirol ) juii 1.0(1 ( no innrta to jliiUiati'i onU'iits or Mlnlcr inn prmiiliiil Intel \luw preforriil Cull and tuiiHUlt luor MMII ! hUlnry of ) utir tii' innl wo Hill lunil hi pliiln wr ippur our nnnw Tn MKN mri : upon iinmoimi'iiii iiUUrv iU lilLili or nurviiiiB liliiiacus , IIIIIMI tuner hypldlU , lilcetuiul ViirlLOtelii , null iiie | > llun Itriitos.Applliinns f < ir Pi'foniilUni innl 'IriU'Oi c id ) muiiuliii lury In tliu uo-t of DKIrOHMlTV. AI'IM.IAM'KS IlltJSi'iS. KIA'.UV me n\'i ii.itu.s AND iin.r-j Oraalia Medical and Surgical Institute , 26th mid Broadway , Council Bluff ) . Tonnilntuoirlila fro-ii coutorofOniti tui Oimilia unjcouidl HlulIieliiutrlaiiiuKirh u lodiir.ii iinuita. Itooms ! ijO-7-b ( i , block , Council IHulU , la. MISOELt.ANEOUS. GAItllAUK rt'iiiutcil ( i' s)0ul | . \aulli an 1 cliliuneys tloaned 1C I ) llurko , clly bM 1-Olt 1 HA1.H A miinllildr ) , i Cu > li or p irt ILI.'U . \\enuo II DANOINO SCHOOL. ATO.NDAVS In It A imrlora , clillilre i 4 | > nl . 1'luclillti , 7 JJ p m hoi laU unit fourth \toinliie Vp m ilunlufiirniiiliciil pan lei nil ( .lilbi , \dlri' ( It A 1'urlor * < tiniicil Illniu i.iii. . ' ) 1-urua.u bi. uiujhaV L ( .liftiubtrj. i luiLiuctur GQUNCIl BLUFFS. \yAVI IOI-\ pupil niiicn lit thoV. . 0 A lioi < v pltiil , tor ith iiM'iiiiu nnd ' .itli titret't. iiinnt ha tii'lHCi'ii.'Uiiiiil .11 old jeum , ofKuod moral thiiruo- tcr. Appl ) nt oncn / \UMAKrilS WANl'KD-'l'wo Imnil workman. . | | I ; lc'\ln , II I'i'irl Kin-el Council III n KM "l\"AVJ Uli A JOIIIIK in in 18 lo " 1 jenrH of nno In ii io citllcoHorli innl icain hoohkeeplnK. .Must l ) roinly ami apt In i ciini mililp innl HKiiron anil ot izuinl liaMti If > ou ilon t iiiiHBiintt thuao roqulru * imntH ilnnt waste > uur tlinu applhif { llox 01 , ( .01111(11 Illllll III _ _ _ _ _ \\'AM 1.11 * t Hint iliihH/hl uttils M > nMor Direct , * ' lot Ki > ncril hiHiHUnnik t KIOI1 plrl wanti'il Inr i-enend I o Kcnurk , Two Hit faiiill ) IU. 1 onrtli miict I/O It I M IIAM.Hnliu liiiiiinoii H Till Htruut , 1 in iri Ih ntunm * . rlcmi of cm uiiitirnnco furhuinu In liniahii. llanstiim I'l iou or Koum/o I'luou pro- fi-rrt'il \\lll put In t-.SJJilllIuruiicu ilruumliloils , Mllol < > . ' UJ - UIJ'i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i/UH l.\ ( II XM.U-dnnil I room lioiiiit on So mil nil iricjJiirliiijpMHuiiii > lilolili , Mtiiolnon It Oi " " hsTir\lTIsluiinoTii'i Kiinn innl rlty proporly" -/V Imiih'lil ana until I'moy , V 'Jluiinnn , Council l7All l iiinl tlty IOIIIIH M"imiy"liiiM il ( in etociT I mnl grain lloul cBlalii fur niilu Dmilllnx unit ljiiMC'n3 | rent il Mnnu ) loniiinl lor local Inventor ! , 1 nuM'o V loNlu. ' M' 1'i.url elrt'ut. 1QJ loin In ( enttal nub filloln In Million Hiull. . ; ' . lotsln lliylUn V I'llmuri' ! . ' lotH 111 Milno H Int Mtn \ In roller \ Cobu'i. VI lntHln Dnur < H ili ] 'l IlltN III III UT H ll'lll 12 letnln IIUIilaiid.iM Is In in la lliiichliiHon t ndl < 'i IntH In I uilov'H aid IIMUIn IIPIdluu.i'H iu IntH \\rUlitmill. . II , lulu In I'lorco H ml I Lots In cvory ndJitloii to the city chcnp croii pajini'iilii > all mil KI > II us Notioiitilu tu i-liiwpriiirty _ | _ iirui inlilcililii. Mliul Qii .V c'o /'l Ai Kl.i iippiir Urn nlw.iy , uplondld pluooToT UplutlbiK ilii < iipf < ir mill , nr will uxc uiiuu fur IniproM'd roiidmi'it pruimrly In Cocuii.ll IIHllH Mi'linlioitA i o / 'AHIiKS AM ) I It * II' lanil rliliuil nml liiimt V " ,1 eiinllKil trim la I'utlarullninlii vnimt > i tu Inti'iptlin I'l in' , llru or tun ncrii lots urcen hlili-HIn Mfliiiliiin . ' < 1 o l.'l llriinilivay ff ill bAI.I' I'J ' in 'e. ' .1 inllui frn n city piirt tliu I I ( r. Hpluinlia lur Krupui AiMron : ut MntJin.ui ulrii'l ( II ) , J/oit 111.MIn liiiini'll Illulta two HIIIKI | | | | utoru Nil H ami K. llroiil ar nun nuir rooiiiiJxIlKlfii't , null 11'htcnl ami i-pluiiillil locution fur ilry ciimln , < lollilnu or LmuU anil slioon J uy Ii lle H au'iiilt . _ _ _ \\n' WA.S 1' II n iicien of Inii'l ' within live nilliii of > i ( II ) linn i cm D how loiuli It U ( jieun- pMU'lll'IIIM ! I'liiio for fiiilln or Kiinlein. I Jiuliurliiia hiinuii llnoaoio luU twenty inlnntl fnini iniitor llnu _ ( .rin.n liliilili , Mrliuliun A. to _ _ ID KAIIMh to ( > ( luntfii for IIUUKCH Olid loU or t.ooil vaiiint lulu 'I i.ircmif nleinunlon land furinl _ at f > ) | iur in ID Johimon * Van I'm Ian I IIIIII rAIIM liiipruicd , a iiillouniln hnlf from Iho pontullltn iv-i nirus. . ' worn lioiuu , ululilu , ticMII mi lianirci fiirrculilunti * In Council Illulln , ( , _ rui'i uhlelilii. 'Ii lii'luoa X i o . _ _ _ _ _ tMACHK4M mill from illy , will Mill lit cut K II ittn tills otk ( irieii < liUili | Mcholron M'o. M i M"IThV IAVMI'M8-lor nilu nuw live- room lionse. hith room , cluctilu lUhtii , till lui.ikin . liiiiio | > iniiciiti' one. bloc- from niiitor A inoiliii hull ti ( , leeli lilfliU. MilinUoni lo 11 K .IDI'M K lul HI fin t front , lUo Mutkn fron lllloomer mlionl cilcitd for milu for Ililn H IV | oiiljr utr/JJ. Orevunuiitlilii , MchuUun \ t-u.