-r ry THE BEE. V * * l OMAHA ! SUNDAY PRRT TWO. . PROES 9-16 . f , TWKNTY Jn2COND YEAK.j _ OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , DECEMBER < 1. 1802-TWKNTY-FOUR PAGES. NUMBER 1(57. ( Toys and Holiday Goods. f ? Santa Claus' Headquarters. " " "T liar 3 IB no place like Hny- Hnydens * hnvs the biggest stock In town. " "Hnytlons1 prices nra the low est. " Tboso wcro the remarks you could hear on the stroats , on the corners , nt the fireside , etc. , for the past four years , and in order to keep up with our steadily in creasing trade our display of toys and holiday goods this ssa- son will excel nil previous efforts. Toys and fancy goods are now arriving in carload lots and are .being opaned and placed In posi tion as fast as possible. Such a layout of dolls as we will hnvel Such a display of dishes for the little onosl The little boys will feel happy when they lay their eyes on those hob by horses , shoofly , carts , wagons - ' ons , wheelbarrows , buck saws , tool ches's , etc. , while the little girls will all want to wheel their dollies in those handsome doll buggies. Musical instruments and games of every description ; story and picture books till you can't ' rest. The display will be immense. . Our opening will be in a few days , when Santa Claus will hold his reception and will be happy to meet all the little ones as well as the cider ones who have met him before. Colored Dress Cools . Wo uro slaughtering the prices on wool dress goods. Wo hnvo too many heavy llnnnels , broadcloth , French Borgcs and wool suitings ; they must go if low prices will inovo thorn. 62 inch all wool French serge with raised figures , very stylish and line goods , worth $1.60 , reduced to 98e. 62 inch all wool serge with camel's hair border , worth $1.75 , reduced to tH.Mt ) . 64 inch all wool Kensington stick' ' ngs , worth C'Jc , reduced to 6'Jc. 38 inch ull wool flannel , worth 49c , re duced to Hoc. 42 inch all wool chevron suitings.boim- tiful patterns , worth f 1 , reduced to 75e. 40 inch all wool suitings , in stripes only , to close 27e. 40 inch imported French novelties in crepe olTcctsJ worth 81 , reduced to ( i'Jc. 189 pieces , of all wool suitings that sold up to 75c , in one lot to close for 39c. 60 inch broadcloth worth -$1,25 , re duced to OOc. 25 pieces part wool plaid worth 28cre- duccd to loe. 62 inch camel's hair stripes and plaids suitable for children's cloaks and ulsters educed fiom $1.60 to $1.00. Black Dress Goods. 38 inch black mohair , regular price 05e , reduced to 45c. 40 inch all wool heavy eumoletto cloth worth G5c , reduced lo 39c. 40 inch all wool India twill worth 59c , reduced to 45c. 54 inch all wool heavy sacking llannol worth 75c , reduced to Me. 51 inch all wool heavy Fioneh twill worth $1.35 , reduced to 9Sc. 40 Inch imported French novelties worth $1.25. reduced to 95c. 40 inch nil wool satin finish henriott'i worth $1 , reduced to76e. 52 inch heavy French serge with cam el's hair border worth $1.75 , reduced to $1.25. 28 inch all wool tricot flannels woth 38o , reduced to U3e. Flannels. I wide white wool llanncl only -25c il.White White wool llannol , lee and 2e. ( ) Very line white wool llannols , 35c ami 40e yard. White twill llannol 35c , 40c , 50c , COc nnd 76o yard. Imported shirting llannol , will not bhrlnk , 50oyurd. Big Hue of Eiderdown llannol , both plain and fancy colors , lOc , 50c and Ooc yard. All wool joreoy tlnnncl , 4 ( > c yard. Special bargains in plain rod and navy blue twilled llannol , all wool , at 25o yard. 8-outiL'o all wool bklrtlng llannol , in stripes or plaids , 50n yard. . Silk embroldeiod llaniiols nt prices tc close. Flannel skirt patterns , S5e each. Bcbt ull wool siiirt patterns , $1,25 an < ] $1,50 each. Linens , GUKAT DISPLAY OF FANCY L1MCNS. Plain white hemstitched anil fane ; colored fringed m'arfs in grout vnrloti nt 35c. 40e , 50o , 76c , $1 , $1.25 , $1.50 , 81.71 nnd $2 each. Plain white and fancy borders Ii towels , immense assortment , 5e , lOc , 15e JOc , 25u and 50o each. An elegant line of fine towels , 75c , $1 $1-25 and 41.35 each. 11-4 white Marseilles ppronds , $1. Croohot bed spreads til 05c , 75c , 8Sc 81 , $1.25 and $1.50 each. Special bargain in Imported Mar Bellies spreads at $2.OS nnd5 each Lunch cloths , in o\ory style , coloi nnd sUe , at till prices to suit. Fringed cloths , with napkins to mntcl the sot , only * 2 , $2.60 , $ .1 and $3.50 u sot Big line of napkins , 50e , $1 , $1.25. Ladies' ' Gloves 1 lot of ladies' line kid gloves , Foata liming , only 75e per pair , worth $1.50. o-hook Vincent black and coloredonl 91.00 each , worth $1.60. X , . Cloaks and Jackets. Hpaeial sa'o this week of our entire stock of cloaks and jacket ! ) . Lower prices than ever named before. I'lush garments , fur capos , fur-trimmed jackets , tailor mn.de jackets at extraor dinarily low prlcoa. A 810.00 plush coat for $11X10. A S20.00 plush coat for 81X73. A $25.00 plush cent for 91(1.00. ( A 8127.60 nitwit coat for 318.59. LADIES JACKETS. A $ j.OO jacket for only S3.S5. A 87.60 jacket for only $5.00. An S.50 jacket for oiily $5.50. A $10.00 jacket for only ! 0.75. A $12.00 jacket for only $8.75. A $15.00 jacket for only 810.00. FUR TRIMMED JACKETS. Our loader for $1.50 , worth $7.00. At SG.75 nn elegant fur trimmed roofer with full reveres , well worth $10.00. At J ! ) 00 wo show n full line of camel- otto suitings trimmed with elegant elocrtic so.it , 4 shades , 31 inches long ; big bargain. At $12.00 wo show a full line of tans , fiblylesof furs , competitors' price $10.60 , our price $12.00. Hotter goods at correspondingly low prices. Underwear , Closing out our entire stock of ladles' , children's and man's underwear. Ladies' jerfcey ribbed vests , long alcoves , only lOc , worth 40c. 1 cabo of ladies' jersey ribbed wool vests only ode , worth 08e. 1 lot of ladies'combination suits worth $1.25 , reduced to 7oc. 1 case of ladies' black wool tights only J1.23. worth $2.00. Gentb' heavy natural gray underwear ' blurts and drawers , only 'oOc each , re duced from "oc. Gents' heavy wool shirts and drawers in natural wool and ciMncl'.s hair , only 7oc each , worth $1.2. > . Gentb' all wool scarlet underwear , drawers only , worth 30c each , reduced to 2.)0. Domestics , Bleached and brown muslin are ad vancing fast , but as long us our present biipply lasts wo shall continue to sell at our old prices , but would advibe all our customers to lay in their supply , for it is impossible now for us to get our foi mor orders duplicated at old prices. Bleached muslin , yard wiuc , oc , Ojc 7e , 74c , Sic and lOc yard. Yiiid wide brown muslin , Cc.Gc andTc. 42-inch bleached pillow ciiein , SJe. 40-inch bleached pillow casing , lOc. A full line of double width sheeting1 , bleached or iinl > ! eaehodloe , IGc , 17o,18c , I'Jc , 20c , 'Jlc , i2c. ! i. 3c and 125c yard. Koady-mndo pillow cases , llije each. IJoiidy-mado sheets , < ! \tm quality , OSc. Cotton Dress 500 piecoo of : ! 2-inch wide sitin Mal tese and Fantaiso chevrons , Bedford cord ! ) . Avoyron cloth and challis , all dark styles , now goods ; choice of the entire lot , 7ic ynrd. ju-U half price ; tiu biggest bargain in this city ; look them over. Blankets. Gray wool mixed blanKets , 50e , 03e , 7oc , $1 , $1.23 , , nd $1.50 a pair. . All wool gray blankets , 10-4 size$2.75 , $ ; ! .50and 94.35 n pair. 11-4 gray mixed blankets , ? 1.05 , 81.95 , $2.9vS , $ l.io : and $4.)8 ! ) a pair. 12-4 gray mixed blankets , 0-pound weight , only $2.35 a pair. 10-4 while blankets , 75c and $1 a pair. 10-1 55-pound white wool mixed blank ets , $1.25 a pair. 1'ino white wool mixed blankets , $2 and $2.50 a pair. 11-4 white wool blankets , $3.98 a.piir. : Fine white California blankets , 11-4 &i7.o , each pair in box , $ O.GS n pair. Kino all wool white blankets , $4.75 , W.75 and $0.60 a pair. Sample line of white blanketsslightly soiled , at a big bargain. Notions. We are the loaders both in price and quality in this line. Look ever this list : Good rubber line combs. 2 for 5c. Good rubber coat-to combs , 4c. Extra heavy rubber combs , 6c , worth 25c. 25c.Gouts' Gouts' pocket combs only 3e. ( ! do/.on nnrsory pins for'oc. 0 packages good heavy pins for 5e , 3 spools linen thread for 5e. Good curling iron for 6c. 0 thimbles for 5c. 10 corbot laces for 5c. Coisot stools , 6c per pair. Brooks' best spool cotton , 200 yards for Ic. 1 lubber hairpins , lo each. Fancy brass hairpins , le each. Funey rubber side combs , 5e each. Wo are closing out the balance of the Schneider stock of ruchings , laces , col lars and mull ties as one-third their real value. Von can save money in this line If you need the goods. Book received a largo stock of books for tha holiday trade. j ook nt the o prices. ' . ' 'Leather ' Cooper's. Slocking Tales. 5 volumes for $1.49. Thnckorny's complete works in 1C 0 volumes for $2.05. 0s Dickon's complete works in 15 volumes illustrated. $5. Shakespeare's complete works in ( volumes * 4.lS. ) Shakespeare's complete works in ] ' volume $1.75. Lamb's "Tales from Shakespeare' ยง 2.50. Byron's complete works , illustrated , : volume , $1.45. Dante's Inferno , Dante's Purgatory and ParndlbO , Dante's Bible Gallery , Bible Scones and Stories , The Fable of La Fountain , ll illustrated by Doro , only $1.19. hot'O are rare bargains. Oxford S. S. teachers' bible $1.05. Oxford H. S. teachers' bible bound ii Hussion beal$2 U5. 2000 cloth bound books , 12mo , 15o each ir Closing Out , Odd lota of window shades very chcaj : Art. SPECIAL SALE IN ART DEP'T. V'o nre offering spooled bnt1- gnlns for Monclnv in role scnrfp , square covers nncl pinno covers , also in head rests , slampsd lin ens , etc , , viz : Fine silk head rests , worth 2Bc , for IBc. Very Inncy silk head rests , double and single , Worth 7Bc. for 2B2. Large fancy silk head rests , worth $1.BO , for GOc. Fancy fait table scarfs , worth 70e , for OOc. Fancy felt table scarfs , worth 08c , for BUc. Fancy felt table scarfs , worth $1.2B , for 03o. Fancy felt table scarfs , worth $1.1B , for GBc. Fancy felt table scarfs , worth $1.2O , for 09c. Fancy pinno covers , worth $3 , for $1.23. Large square covers , worth 7Bc , for 4'Jc. Large square covers , worth $1.38 , for 7Bc. Small square covers , worth 5 Jc , for 28c. Special sale on stamped linen splashers , drasser scarfs , etc. Stamped splashers , Oc , 5c and lOc. Stamped dresser scarfs , full length , 14o. Stampad linen doylies , 2 for Be. Fancy cords. 8c per yard. Silk ( loss , Be par dozen. Half-ounce spool knitting sllK , 18c , worth 33c. New Yeilings. We hnve just received a very large stock of fancy silk and wool veilings which makes our line complete and we are offering them at very low prices , viz : Very fine silk veilings , all colors , lie ynrd. A beauty only IBc per yard. Special novelties , 2Oc , S22c and 25j per yard. A very stylish veil with jets , SBe per yard. Fine wool v-ilings ; 132 , 20c and ii.jc yard. Call and examine. Handkercblt ala Gents' white and colored border hand kerchiefs only iie each'very good value. Gents' beautiful colored norder hand , kerchiefs only lUJc , worth U. > c. Gen Is'fancy silk luindkoi chiefs only HGo , worth Gild Hosiery 59 dozen children's wool hose , odds ami ends , worth 60c , reduced to 2 > c. 1 lot 'lino saxony yarn , only Oc per SKcin , worth lOe. Standard German knitting yarn only lOc per skein. Comforts. Bed comfort ? , 21C , oOc and 7oV each. Big bargain tomorrow , largo sate'Mi-covorcd comforts , 81 each. Chnt/-covored comforts. 81 each. Fine line of comforts lit $2.25 , 82.50 , $2.7o , $2.88 and $ Ii each. Eider down comforts , (5x0 ( , only $4.75 each. Silk-covered comforts , 83 each. Lace Curtains. We have the most complete assort ment of lace curtains to bo found in the city.A . A good lace curtain for 50c pair. A Bettor one for 75c to SI. A very line one for $1.75 to $2. Al&o some voiy line silk curtains jubt received. Jewelry , Our holiday offerings in fmo watches , clocks , silverware and jewelry. Solid gold neck chains , OSo , worth $2.50. Solid gold heart charms , SSe , worth $1.50. Ladies' or gents' heavy band rings , beautifully chased , $1.50. worth M.50. Solid gold band rings , ( illu , worth $2. Genuine diamond eardrops in solid gold bettings , $3.95 , woith $10. Beautiful CalifoVnln diamond eardrops in heavy holid gold diamond settings , $1,95 , worth $5. Genuine Bohemian garnet eardrops in solid gold Bettings , 18o , worth $1.50. Solid gold baby rings , lic ) , worth SOc. Silver napkin i-ingH , 5c , each , worth 23e. 23e.Solid Solid silver thimbles , loc , worth 50c. Beautiful lace pins in new designs , 25c , jowoloi > ' price $1. Child's silver mugs in CIISCH , 50c , worth 81. Silverware of all kinds at half jewel ers' prices. Hogo's' 12 ilwt. knives or forks , 81.2J per sot , ' Now holiday goods arriving daily. Why pay exorbitant prices to jewelers whun wo can furnish the same quality goods at half their prices. Gents' gold stllTonod American watch , atom wind ttnd sot , $5.75. Gentb' gold filled limning case watch , warranted to wear 20 yours , with Elgin , Springlleld or Walthara movements - monts , $11.15. s Gents' 14 kt gold-filled watchwarrant ed to wear 20 years , with a line full-jew- 0 oled movement , adjusted to heat , cold and position. $18.45. j Gents' solid gold watch , stem wind nwl sot , hunting and open lace , with line American movement , $19.50. Ladioh'gold tilled hunting case stou wind and sot watches , with a line niuke American movement , $0.95. LitdicH1 line 11 kl solid gold watch open face , stem wind and tot , $9.75. Ladies' 11 kt gold-tilled hunting cast watches with genuine diamond set ii center and handsome raUoil gold orim mentations , Elgin , Springllold or Wai thum movement. $18.45. Elegant po.irl opori glasses , bhick white and oriental , uchromatiu loiibcs with line morocco catos , $3.50 , wort ) $7.00. ' Black morocco leather covered open glasses with cases , 75c. Solid btorling tilver souvenir spoons 08ij , worth $2. Watch and clock repairing at 1ml jeweler's price. Millinery. Startling prices for line millinery. Fine fo.t hats fit 60c , 75c , 87e , SI and 81.25 , worth * 2.3D. Stylishly trimmed hats at $1.50 , $2.00 , 52.60 and $11 , .worth $2.50 up to $ j. Endlesi variety In line fancy feathers at fir , 7e , 10 , 12c , lee and 25 ? , actual val ue 15c up to 75c each. Fine ostrich tips and fo.ilhora at loss than half usual prices. Finest Imported and domestic ribbons In all the newest styles and shades. " Dress Trimmings. This department is more complete than over imforo both in the extent and variety of all the hi test novelties in the trimming line , at lower prices than ever bufoie. This department carries dro snnkors' supplies of every description and will positively load all competition In intrin sic values. . Ca-pets. Without regard (6'tho ( recent advance in the price of cftrpots wo are still selling at the same low'prico. Rugs. Nothing would bo more acceptibio tote to the lauy of the house for Christmas than a line rug. Wo have them in all qualities from 23c up to the iine.it. Also tin elegant line of chouillo portieres tieres f'om $4 to $10 per pair. PIANOS and ORGANS. In this department we can supply the needs of all purses and tastes. We have twenty different styles of pianos of five different manufactures. - Our leader is the well-known standard , high grade. for which we arc the sole western agents. This piano is in dif ferent style cases at various prices , We do not ask the usual piano and organ profits , but are satisfied with dry goods margins. Pianos from $175.00 up. Organs at > all prices. ' Take elevator to 4th floor. Visitors always welcome. Stoves andjRanges. If you will examine our $27.50 tollil steel ranga that other dealers ask $ ! 5.0n for you would tal < 6 it in preference to othorh If wo ask ulno $15.00 for them , , but not alone giving you the host range in the world , wo save you 05 per cent. Wo do the bamo thing in our cooking nnU hnatjng stoves. If you will read the following pi-ices you can con vince yourbolf : IN HEATING STOVES : The Magnet $2.05 , worth three times us much. The F. W. Jr. OaK fO.15 worth $12. The Emblem $ ! ) .30 , worth $15. The Canimn 85.05 , worth $12. The 1J.1J. . Stownrt 837.50. worth $ " > 0. The Matchless 910,20 , worth $35. The Splendid J3S.25 , worth $55. The Pntnnui $5.15. worth $10. IN COOKING STOVES. The Cooking Emblem $7 , woith $11. The Hoanhside $9'45. worth $ .8. The Matchless $19.03 , worth S27. The Signal 10.95 , worth $27. The I' . I1. Stewart , the linest cooking stove in thq world , $22.05orth $35.00 any man's monny The Magnum lamp steve will heat any room you huvo , price S3,50. There are oilier oil heaters in the mar ket that you pay $12.00 for that have not the heating capacity that the Magnum has. C. 0. D. Brown's ' Bankrupt Stock of Butter On Sale at Our Store. Now , then , wo Invo country butter for lie , ltc ! , loc , 17c. and best country butter lc. ! ) Rumombor this butter is made from the cioam thnt comes from Nebraska cows'milk. Creamery butter we have at 21 c. 23o and 25c. Our separator rater creamery 27c. IN CHEESE wo take the lead , as wo handle only the linost domestic and im ported goods. Rochfort imported , 50c per pound. 40c pound. Frotnago-De-Bric , per Sab sugo , Sc per package. NeufchaUil , 7Jo per package. Pineapple cheese , 0c each. Edam cheese , 81.123 ouch. American club house , 3" > o each. Fromagc-Do-Camunbort , Hoc par box. St. Bernard cream cheese , 2oo pe.r package. , , Wiseo'iis'in full cream cheese , Sc , luc and 12Je per pound. Now Jersey pure cream checbo , 14c and lOc. , , , Swis ? cheese , 12c , Mo and lOe. Brick cheos-o , 12Je , lie and loc. Limburgpr , 12Jo and lot : . Prime Russian caviar , 29c per can. others elrvrgo lOc. Tlio above goo Is you will Hud at our butter department , with every nrUulo guaranteed or money refunded The Old , Old Story , But always interesting to those about to got married or those looking for pres ents. That is the story of how to make the money do the moit. In our busy furnlturo department this story is re peated every day and with growing fre quency , and nil panics who hoar it are surprised that , coiibidorlng the goods , our prices are ronlly low. Everything in the furniture line can bo seep and all at lower prices thairls usually naked. Before you buy got our prizes on all kinds of furnlluro. If you are looking for u suitable pros- out in the furniture line , call and exam ine our line assortment. Wo carry tin elegant line of pictures nnd 2iibcls. Visit our Bargain Furnlturo Depart ment SPECIAL SALE ON Brushes. One day only. Liiher brushes , 4c , Oc , Sound 14e. lluir brushes , 1 Ic nnd 18c. Kino hair brushes , 20c and 39c. .Splendid bhoe brushes only 15c. Tooth brushes , 5c , 12o , lee and Ibc. C'luthcs brushes ( rum 8c to 75o. Crockery and China. \Vo huvo ju < a Imported from M. IUCAUDON , FRANCE , u full line of \vhlto chiliit for decorating purposes , consisting of plates , Ion- , after dinner .I'onVcs , vasei , jugj etc , nt oil per ouiu losa tlmn von ever bought Ihnjn in your life. life.Also a snlcndid line of deonratod broad unil bnttor plates , FUAG1KL COIN A ilinloirtnih holders , toothpick and match lioldor.s. \\'o huvo a $1.50 gold band line i-hlna cup , saucer and pl.ito that wo will ell you for 3.V. 'i IMOU.t CANTON plates , 15e , that liavo never sold for any loss than 75e. Wo display the largest , varloty of din ner sots in the weal. Wo will give you u lOU'plceo imported or domo'tie dinner set at $7.08 that you can't touch anywhere - whore for lews than $12 to $15 , nnd remember - member wo warrant them up to the handlo. Children's toy ton sots not a llttlo toy , but largo enough to be used nt $ llo ! per set , worth $11. Jup.inooo cum and suicors at Hoc each that you can't buy nnj where for lci than $1,125 each. , lapanoso cups and saucers at loc , sold regular at 50o. \Vo luxvo a small lot of miijolica nlt- chors that wo arc closing out. Wo bold them at 25c , 350Ho and 55e. Tojcloso them out , you can have thorn for jtibt one-half tlio o price. ' . Glassware and House Fiirnisliing Goods. Immense Hnoaf witjranl loin > i ill sols from 75u up. msSULL.CAUPHT SWHEPEfW S1.40 Covered tin p.iils oe. ColTee and tea pots lOc. Our bargain counter is full of valuable articles at from Ic to 5c each , and you pay live times as much for the same ar ticle elsewhere. Fine blown glass tumblers at 40c per set , cheap at SI. Initial tumblers , any letter you want , 50o per sot , worth $1.50. Glass butter dishes , spoon holders , cream and biigar bowls at oc eachworth 2"C. SVrup pitchers 10o each , wurth ItOe. Plated tea and table spoons 23o per set a genuinobargain. Rico root scrubs at 8c , sol 1 regular at 15c. EnnmoUno stove polisli 5c. Full line of cooking utensils in gran ite. Hint , cameo , blue and white , copper - per , never break stool and tine ir. At no other place can ypu got such a varie ty. Wo have not space enough to enu merate prices but wo are below anyone and by a gooU percentage too. Hardware. SHELVE AND BUILDERS' HARD WARE DEI'AKTMKNT. Common , fence , shingle , Mooring , and all lands of wn-o nails , by the Ucg or pound ; 100 pounds makes a Ucg of nails. GOd nails $1 0 odd nails ii 00 JiOd nails 2 15 4 ( > d nails 2 15 20d nails 2"2i 12d nails 2 3o IGd nails 2 40 10 nails 2 40 Sdantl id ) nails 2 oO ( id and 7d nails - GJ P.idloeUb 5 c .lack planes 60 o De flton's saws , 20-inch 1 49 Empire haws , 20-inch : 72 c Block planes lit c Smooth planes ! ! S o Brace ? 22 c Rtichot braces 6U c Automatic screw drivers- with 3 bits 82 c No. 4/j / giant tools 4 ! ) o Madole hammers -10 c A full line of shelve and builders' hardware at corresponding prices. Trunks and Valises. No matter what others hay , the trunkfa wo soil for $1.4 ! ) are jubl as good in the ones others soil for $2 and S2.CO.Vo challenge comparison. Everything in this line , whether bag or trunk , is an cheap IIH it is possible to bn , considering the llfht cities rjuiihty of the goods. Wo are always open for a comparison. ( ! ivo us it en.ll. . California Bartlot pears 10 c California egg plums. .He. ITjo and 17o ! Cahforniagreon gagea. .14elficand 17Je ( California golden droi ) plums Mo , loc mill 17e } Cnllforiila .Miihcatel grapon lo o C'alifornlii graj'o poaclioH loc , ] 7Jc , 20c and 2-"i c California apricots. . . ,17jc , Jc ! ) and 22 c California black tiutarian ehor- rich , 25 c Meat. .Sugar-cured hams 11 c 1 'icnic hams , 8Jc Boneless hams 10 c Breakfast bacon lOjo .Salt pork ! ) cUrled Urlod beef 7 o Bologna 5o Liver sautago , , , 7c Head cheese , 7 c Frankfurts , . . ' Kjc Codfish 7c Mackerel 12 jo Whttolish 8 jo Hinokeu halibut , 15 c Drugs. Shaiulon Bolls boap , 41o box. Kirk's Hoynl Oat Meal soap , 19o box. Sweet Cream glycerine soap , lOo bx > x. Pure castile soap , 15 cakes for 25c. Ked Cross Cough Curo.lartro , 35n box. Grandma's Wonder tea , 17jo package. Gray'b vegetable ten , 15o | > aekage. Ltoblg's Beef , Iron and Wine , 35e bottle. Llobig'fi extract of b < tof , 20c jar. Household ammonia , largo , 7jc bottle. The Landsfoldts' bkin tonic , Ooc bet tle. tle.Tho The LtmdsfoldtH1 bkin Ionic , extra , 85c bottle. Proscriptions filled at lower prlcee than any other house In the city. Noth ing but pure drugs and chemicals used and all uio fresh. Call and try us and you will never ro ll rot U. Groceries. ' Pure Rye Flour 85u Pure KvoGr.vlrtm Flour 85d Pure Who it ( ! r..ham Flour 20u Minneapolis best superlative Hour ( warranted ) 00 o A good Fioiir ( Snowll-iko ) 05 o Havdon HHW. IV.'st Superlative Flour $1.23 3uat received n car of now strictly pure buckwheat Hour . . fl u Self-rising buckwheat Hour fi o. Aunt S.illy p'tncako Hour 8Jo Aunt Jemima pancnko Hour , 3So I.ieb's' yonlnjuu llapjack , . . ! ! ! o No. 1 sugar-cmed hams 12jo Picnic hams 8jo N. V. hams 80 Dried hoof 7 O I 'orne.l beef 5 o Potted ham , per can 5o Potted tongue. 5 u Deviled ham 5 o Bologna sausage C u Liver sail-ago . _ Go 1 load cheese 5 o Frank forts. . . . " . . . . . 75iJ Supollo or Scouring Soap 60 Save all the wrappers that come on the S ipollo , and bond them to the fac tories ami tltjy will send you avry line chrjmo. All kinds of washing powder , 2o pop package or 4 for lie. Soapine , 1770 , ( ! old Dust , Soap Dust and Pearlino. Van Houton'h pure cocoa 03 o Fry'h improved honm'opathio cocoa IV5 o Prime Russian caviar ( per can ) . . . . 20 o Best homo-mado ca'sup 25 o ( ienulnu Spanish chtli-sauco 25 o it packages Dohorty's Now England mince meat 25 o Jipickagos Audoisou'rt celebrated condensed inluco moat 25 o It pound can tomatoes 8lo California evaporated peaches l"io California dried grapes 5 e Caliloraia evaporated pitted plums 174o California white ncoturenos 17Jo California rod necturones 17Jo California evaporate 1 apricots 20 o Imported English currants 8io These are all now fruits just re ceived , anil the most delicious you ever ate. They are worth 10c per Ib. more than we ask. Just imported Iroin Seville , Spain , the linest olives you ovorsiw , all packed fresh for us. Per qt. . 35 o Imported chow chow 16 o Imported mixed pickles 15 eWe Wo hell a good baking pnwdor. . . . 5 o Evaporated raspberries ( now ) 23 o Now California raisin-cured prunes 15 o . 'Mb p.iil . pure fruit jelly 20 q 20-lb n til pure fruit jelly 75 o Largo bottle blueing 0 o 'Corn starch 5 o Laundry starch 5 o Bird seed ( very line ) . . . ' 5 o 2-lb can early June pees , 17c. IE you buy a can and if'you do not say they are tholinost and most delicious pen you ever did eat , wo will pay you back the money. Wo have noas foi8c , lO&c. & 12e } and lee nor can. Condensed milk 10 Q ' Tea and Coffee. ' If you wish good goods , and , also , to ) , save money , buy your tea and coiled hero. Our teas are all now pickings. We can toll you a good plain draw ing tea 15 o Choice sun-dried Japan IDc , 25 o Basket-Hred Japan , sweet drawing , rough leaf 35 o Choice cultivated uncolored Japan , 40c , 50 o Extra choice hpiiier leg Japan GO o' ' Young llybon , good leaf and heavy liquor 50 q Ping Suoy Gunpowder 40e , 60o 00 o'l Mo.uno . gunpowder Itjc , 45 OK Covlon tea , very line 30 o I English breakfast Hoc. HSo , 4Be , GO o ColToo wo roeoivo'daily fresh from tha roa&tor. Cracked colTeo 10 q Cracked Java and Mocha 22 o1 No. ! i Rio coIIuo 24 a Golden Rio 25 O1 Choice Golden Rio 27jd < Santos Poaborry 80 oj African Java 32 o | Choice Old Government Java and i Mocha It5c , or If pounds for 81.00 , Candy. Chocolate creams , hand-mado , 25c pop , pound ; sold regularly , 40c. Bon-bons , hand-made , 23c per pound ) bold regularly , fl'Jo. Best bon-boiiij , nut centers , 40c potf , pound ; bold regularly , SOc. Buttercups , eight flavors , 30c pop pound ; bold regularly. 4li ) ) . Peppermint and wintergrccn wafers , "Oc ; sold regularly , 40o. Hock ciind'y , best quality , 23o potf pound ; bold regularly , 4e. ( ) Bobton chips , 20c pur pound ; sold rog- iilarly , 40o. ' Asborled kibsori , 2c ( ) per pound ; sold regularly , lOc. I'oppormint losengorn , 2e ( ) pound ; sold regularly , 40c. C.iramo H , 20o per pound ; hold rogulivrly , 40c. j WiiilorgroenlosongorB , 18o per pound ; sold regiilatly , 40o. Mixed fruit drops , lee per pound ; gold regularly , 30c. Maple sugar eocoiinut , 15e per pound } bold regularly , 30o. Vanilla cream cocounut , ICe pop pound ; bold regularly , JtUc. Cocoanut tally , ISopor pound ; sold regularly larly , Mia 1'oir.ut tally , 15o per pound ; sold rog- uhu ly , 30o , MolabscH tally , old-faahlonod , 15o potf pound ; sold regularly , ! 10c. ( 'roam tull'y , lee per pound ; bold rogu InrlV , 30o. Chocolate and vanilla cream barb , 15o per jound ) ; bold regularly , 40c. London mixed , lOo per pound ; sold rogularlv , 20c , j og cabin mixed , ! 0o per pound ; sold regularly , 20o. Clove cushions , lOc per pound ; sold regularly , 20c. .Jimllnal pear drops , lOo per pound ; bold regularly , 2c. ( ) Wo carry a full lino.of . imported French fruits , inarshinollows and superfine - fine chocolates. Snl ted almonds made to order. Fruit Department , - Hero you can buy a barrel of nlca winter apples for $3.50. Florida oran ca 15c , 20o and 25o pop Mixed nuts 12Jcpc'r | iound. Fancy Mu3Hina lemons 25c ] ier lat ( ! & 7Jc jicr pound , Figs ISJJc. 15u and 17io.