Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1892, Part One, Page 7, Image 7

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IHgiel Cross-Examinntlon Fdila to Shako
Clara Lewis' ' Positive Direct Statements.
y'n I'rnccnilliiK * In llio Cnno t tlio
.Men Arcmoil ot Mnyiir .Mllliir'n JHur- .
ilor NO T WUnr oft hut I.Utlo
The preliminary examination boJorn Judge
Borkii of Dlc Ilorl'ln iinel ( Jhnrlos Hays , ac
cused nf munlorlug Mayor Miller ot South
Omalm , continues to l > oa drawlnp attraction.
The court xvas croxvuod to suffocation again
yesterday nttornoon , nnd tlio crowd stood
silently eiurliiR tlio four hours' session.
Tno greater part of the nftornoou was oc
cupied In cross-oxninlnlnR Clara Allen ,
who&o sotr.o.vhiitBonsationnl testimony had
boon Riven the einy botoro. Atlorno.vs 12s-
tolloand Strov\er for two hours plied the
witness xx-lth questions.
In reply to Attorney Uitollo's queries , the
Allen woman rolntcd in tlotnll ever niul over
again her story ot the occurrences of ttio
ratal Tuoidny on the ovonlr.f , ' ot wnlcu
Mayor Miller's almost lifeless body was
found In the xvneel grown hollow at Eighth
mid Uodpo streets. -
IScHiTiUnii ; llor Slnrjr.
She snld Hint Miller \ vnIn Lou Scott's
bouse , of which tlio witness was tin inmate ,
between 1'J anil I o'clocit on that eluv , and
Bho porsisto.l In nor statomunt that llcrllu
nnd Huys accoiiinanted him. She doscrlUixl
the npnearaiico of uach of the three tnon In
detail and ugiiln related how she saw Ilny * .
his body J partially concealed by the uaim ,
level his revolver at some object down In the
bellow and lire. Hy went ilown the hill
\vlth hU revolver still 111 his hanu , stooped
ever the spot where Miller was afterward
found and walked north up Dodge street
until ho was overUlton by Berlin , who np
poured after the shot hud boon llred.
Witness saiil that she did not rcvoat to the
detectives or Miller's friends who called nt
the house that night her suspicion that tbo
euicido was a murd'ir. Tlie tlrst time she
spoke of it was to Deputy Shorilt Thompson
on the night that bo was arrested , for Imper
sonating nn ofllcer. Thompson was In the
bouse on the nl htof tils nriMat , nnd mnno
aoino remark about the mavor'i suicide. She
replied that some people might cull it sulcldo
but nho know bettor.
fyAt that nolnt the ofllcor cnmo In
nnd arrested Thompson , who afterward
returned , and It was on his return
thut she for the IIMt time divulged her
knowledge of the shot Urea by lluys. She
could not. tell the tlmo of the Inlorviaw. It
jnlght have ueon two woelcs nzo , or three , or
n month. She had afterward gotio to South
Omaha wl'h Thompson and iilrnilflnd Hays
as tbo man whom she sniv lire tlio shot.
I'oHitlvti ill lliir Itvillfs. ]
At this point Mr. Estollo's oxamlimtlon became -
came quito dramatic.
"You say , " said ho. "that Mayor Miller
and tbcso two men were In your housei on the
clay when ho wa ? shot. You saw this mnn
Hays flro a shot toward the spot where n
few hours after von saw Miller xvolterintr In
his blood. You were in iho house during the
evening when the detectives anil men whom
you Know to bo friends of Mlllor's were en
deavoring to ascertain tliu circumstance ! ! of
tbo tracQflv. You saw and heard all this and
never snld ono word of your aliened knowl
edge of the allalr. WhntuuionleU your llpsl
What was Hi Was It money I"
The witness listened without apparent
agitation nnd calmly answered "No" to each
"Why did you toll tills stnrv to Thompson
long after It happened ! " repeated Mr.
"Well. I felt like 1 ought to toll it. It had
worried mo ever since , "
Nothing of additional Interest was elicited
from the witnois and she bru'itlrjil it siuh of
relief us BIO was allowed to icuvo the court
Oilier Women Testify.
Mrs. ICato Hirno , n washerwoman who
lives with her husband at ' .US Davenport
street , was tlio next witness. liriullv told ,
bor story was that t > ho passed the corner of
Elptun and Uodgo streets about 2 o'clock on
the uftorneon of the shooting. She saw u
man standing near tbo spot where Miller was
found. Never sow him before : or Mnce. He
\vns middle K'.zcet , broad shouldered , xvoro
darlc clothob and n blnck slouch hut. Ho had
a smutl inustucho nnd a stubby growth of
board. Shn noticed a scnr on the right
Bide of his face which led down into tils
mustacho. Sno couul not .soo iinyono in the
court room who resembled him.
In reply to the question as to whether anyone
ono had , during the put two days , endeav
ored to influence her to leave the city , nho
answered positively In the ulllrmativo , but
was unublo to give an accurate doscnption
of tbo man who had npriro.iciiod hor.
The defense nlmpiy questioned her as to
the time of the occurrences stilted nnd Ilat-
tie Uuvia , another ir.mato of Lou Scott's
house , was called. Her testimony was un-
imuortjnt nnd she pleaded the fact thut she
was sick in boa at the tlmo as an excuse for
her lack of knowledge.
Leopold Lnbowitcb , the clerk in tlio pawn
hop at 110U Douglas street , where the 10-
volver was procured , took thn stand nnd related -
latod in subuanco tno Riuno story which ho
gave at the coroner's Inquuit. Ho denied
tiavlng idontlllcd Mnyor Miller at the Metho
dist hospital as iho man who bought tbo ro-
Lou Scott told the snmo story she cave at
tlio inquest , except thai xvhllo on the former
occasion she declared that it was on Monday
thut Miller was at her bouse. Shu * now
claimed that it w&s on Tuesday , On cross-
examination she admitted that she could not
bo sure HI to the day of the woalt , but iti-
eislod that it wus tlio dnv on tlio evening of f
which Mayor Mil I'Mw.t'i found in tbo weed ? fl
SDO was thu last witness examined , and
tbo case was adjourned until ! i o'clock Mon
day nftornoou ,
If you havn pnoi DuWitt's Wltoa H'izolt
salvo will surely euro you.
AVImt Sliiiiilil llu Uiinu lurtliu XX'nrlil'H Pali
The Women's Auxiliary board ot the Ne
braslia Columbian commission bus with fo\\
exceptions complatod the organisation o
local uiulliario ) in tha oountlo * throughou
the states , Tnls method has boon adoptee
that all may shard alllto in tbi
work of securing , a worthy roproscutO'
lion from iho women of ttobraska
Mui'li ramulns to bo dona li
a llmltoU spnce of time , and the hands and
brain of every loyal woman should bi
natively engaged in aid of this iuiportaa
work. The local imxilliirloi an * rcqucstoi
to secure from tholr respective counties tin
following exhibits :
Copies of all books written by Nobrnski
women ,
Copiot of all newspapers edited by No
brasUu woinon.
Uoproscntatlons of the educational ntu
churitnblo xvorlc of woinon , by statistic *
mnps und pliotoyr.uitis.
Thu hot examples of woman's work ii
ovor.v branch of industry.
Also to nssut lu tbo decoration and furnish
lug of the luelH.s reception room lu the stut
building , niuto comply with tbo request o
, Mrs. 1'almer , us spoeltlod in nor last cir
cular , copies of which will bo forwarded t
each auxiliary.
In Douglas , Lancaster and ( Sago cnuntlo
no dotlultu plan of notion lias ai yet uoen dc
turmluod upon.
.Mrs , Uatdaco | Wheeler of .Vow York oil
hks boeu a&slgnoU chargu of thu entire dec
oration of tbo women's building uud she hn
Issued the following list of articles whic :
uo BUggoiU ai donations for its compU
tlon ;
From states in which marble abound !
' rnarblf ) seats forentrnnca porohos and vest
bules ; al tllus and marble slabs for otbc
1 uses.
Loaded glass windows In simple design
which Mrs , WUeolor wilt furnish upon a ]
i plication ,
Cunlrs , sofas and tables for committee an
reception rooms ,
Vlags of all nations made either of silk c
bunting , la four-foot lengths , for tbo decoi
atlee of the Bstembly room ,
Eight stands of colors , needed for the de
oration of tbo roof of this building. The :
s Uoulct bo pouaaut ib p J , with Mr * to oao
slnnd nnd the colors harmoniously blended
Carved newel posts of oak for the stair-
This comprises a list of articles which , tt
desired , will be returned to the states con
tributing them at the clone of the exposition
and will bo of value in the years to como as
historic relics.
An art window or other contribution * from
the women of each one of our lartrer citlo *
would bo very acceptable nnd would give to
Nobrocknns n special Interest In this beauti
ful building whicii Uishop Newmnn In his
panegyric upon Iho archltucluro of the build
ings In Jackson park has designated as the
"pndo of America , "
The ceremonies attending Uio dodloatlon
of the woman's ' building were deferred until
May 1 , at the opening of the
World's ' fair , at which llmo the Ne
braska hammer will rirlvo the Mon
tana null , nnd then ba plared
in the casket contributed by the ladles of
Pueblo nt.d , rcstlngupon n pedestal given by
Colorado , will bo on exhibition In the
women's butldiiif ; during the exposition.
Let us as women of this groit common
wealth by mined notion nnd effort prove our
loyalty to the best interests of our state , and
thouch sugar nnd corn nro the acknowledged
kings of commerce , yet nit nnd culture mutt
keep pace in the grand unfolding of the
luturo. Ei\r.uisntu \ , ' . Loiiiwoimn ,
Chairman Executive Commlltco.
Tlio K\iiim'lltt OliansiMl Cimtiinin
unit Viivuil Hlinirfk.
"It was In the oariy 'SON , " remarked nn
Omaha gentlotnnn to a Hi.n reporter , "whop
1 llrst mot llsv. IJ. Fav Mill * , the evangelist
who nt present is laboring ng.ilnst the furies
of Satan In this city. It was In tbo 15luck
Hills country. Mr. Mills had ro-
culvcd n call from the Congregational church
of Load City , S. U. , and tiad braved the
dangers and alkali waters of aJWO-tnllo over
land trip to enter upon his charge.
'Tho young mnn was Just from
college , and brought to thu city of
tilg mills and dnop mines a de
lightful freshness nnd a conlltlcnco lu him
self that wore beautiful to behold. However ,
desplto Ills youth nnd Iho many dilHcultlo *
under which bo labored , the young divine
made good progress in his work and soon
became deservedly popular n mo rig the
"I never will forgot , though , the unld
sensation which ho created ono day by ap
pearing on Allll street in a plus hat.
Of courjo the icit of his dress
was in keeping with his tile , and
above tlio silk hat and his neat suit of min
isterial bl.ick was spread the wlcto expanse
of a silk umbrella. As ho 11107011 down the
street greeting his numerous friends many
were the glances of ralnglca curi
osity nnd surbrlso turned after
htm. U was an Innovation , and
with a temerity unusual Mr. Mills had
broken down the barriers which for years
had surrounded n social custom , and sut n
precedent xvtiluh was soon imitated by hun
dreds of others. Men who had n weakness
lor hich bats toolc couraro. Ort Sundays
nfter that they woreto bo soon In Increasing
number.and tbo eood-nnlurod prejudice which
hail possessed the majority of tlio people of
the frontier towns g.ivo way. After that
event ono could adorn himself with such n covering without having to run the
gaunllnt of chaiT and badinage , to bay noth
ing of severer
"But that is not what I startud in to tell
you about , " continued tbo gentleman. "It
was ot the narrow escape Mr. Mills had
from embarking on the sen of journalism. Al
though ho then , as now , uossesed a power
of eloquence , n force of persuasion and a
charm of manner which attracted to bis llttlo
church many people who had not for years
turned their thoughts to matters religious ,
iio was notsutistiod with tbo results achieved ,
nnd was over striving to Improve the at-
tntctivonoss of hi.s meetings and add to his
congrogatinn's numbers , With the nowspix-
nor people u.o young minister was u prima
favorite , autl bo spent many pleasant hour
in the editorial and eomiwing rooms of tbo
old Times building'-il Deadwaod.
"It was ou ono of his visits that ho con-
cludofl that u uowspauer published wholly
in iho interests ot religion would not
only fill a long felt w.uit bo the .moans
of sowing the seeds of truth on ground inac
cessible from the pulpit. The matter was
discussed thoroughly with his newspaper
friends and all that was wanted to launch
the venture was to give the now appli
cant for patronage and favor a name.
Many were tno titles suisos > ted ,
but none of them had that euphonious ring
which acceptable alliteration gives. The
turritorv embraced In Mr. Mills oharco in-
eluded Load City , nnd Terraville , or as it was
tben called 'Bobtail' from tbo gulch in whicb
it was located. The various change * sug
gested bv the names were iiuug , bdt none ot
them were agreeable , until soma ono sug-
Kcstnd to the reverend gentlemnn that ho
mnno his proposed paper The Uobtall
Christian Minor. The name was too much
tor Mr. Mills , nnd it evidently knocked all
thoughts of Journalism out ot his head , for
Ho ncvor nsain reverted to the subject but
kept right on preaching.
When ho left the Hills ho did so with the
blessings and good wishes nf hundreds , who
when he tirst arrived were , inclined to smile
at his eastern ways and boylsn manners. "
1'erfoct action nnd perlect health result
from the use of DoWitt's Llttlo Early His-
ers. A perfect llttlo pill.
lH'lH.-\aKI > US Illti l-.lTK.fl.'t.
Commciivninunt of a Milt liitnrrnlliiR Klnc-
trio Strtmt KullwiiYx.
TOLEDO , O. , Dee , I ) . Suits were brought
tioro today involving every electric street
railway In the United States. Two suit :
uero tiled in the United States circuit court
by HOII. Frank II. Hurd and O. S. Brum-
back , attorneys roprusontiug Hanson Bid'
wall of Kochostor , Ind. , ajjalnst the Tolodc
Consolidated Street railway. It is clnlmeu
that this company bus infringed upon Hid-
well's fundamental original natuau fet
running oleeiriu street cars nnd tin
principal Involved hi tno use of underside
.springs contact , nnd nUa that the patents
lor tlm running nnd llchtlnt ; of cars with the
s.inio current of electricity , nnd tbo Ilghtitif :
of streets uud houses along the line from the
current which propels ttiu curd have been in
lriiii-'e < l upon.
Thu milts nro brought as test oases , and I
thn plulntlffs bbould ba HUccessftil ever 401
different roads throughout tliuUnltcu States
ollegud by Mr. Huliveli as having infringot
upon llio patents , ulll come In for tholr shan
of iho troubli ) .
Constipation cured by Da Witt's Earl ;
Kuril ( ; mml from tliti Urr t I.ilti < ,
CIUOAOO , III. , Dec. ; i S. A. Thompson
sourotury of the Chamber of Commerce
Dululh , Minn. , has Issued n preliminary cir
cular lonitlnL' to n call for u convention t
° perfect an organization for tbo purpose u
forwarding the construction by the imttont
government ol u ship canal through Unitoi
Stales territory from the great lakes to th
Hudson liver and thus to Iho sou. Ho sut
gostt that the convention ba hold soon ufte
the Christinas holldura In Washington ,
Arrtutril thu Nmlwy .
A brace of small boys , Wlllio Olson nn
Kmil Ilornstoln.wora arrested unel locked u
nt thu pollou station yesterday for pea
dllns the Sunday Sun. Thu authorities at
duti'rmluud to unforce the ordinance ) to tb
ID tier , anei ox'ery naxv boy uho cells tb
publicatlou xvlll bo promptly arroited.
roll I'runi u Tlilril htory.
\V. M. Dush , n carpenter cm ployed on tt ;
nexv building nt Tenth nnel Capitol nvonui
foil from thu third story of the structure ye :
lorduy morning and fractured bh riuhtauitl
Ho xx-us talccn to hU home at 0708 Nort
Eighteenth street. Thu accldoiil xvas cause
h by n broken joist.
Tn A I' H
ofc The county commissioners bavo fixed upc
Docambor SO as ttij day whan they will s
er as a board of equalization to assess damage
arising from the proposed change , of tt
channel of tno ElUuorn riror lu the vioinli
of the town of Waterloo.
id After HIB Mlllloimlru' * Alomty ,
A oUlm for 20,053 lias boon filed in 11
r _ oOlco of tbo probata Judge by Eliza W.
rick ngnlnu the citato of W. H , Craig1 , ti
lo Kansas City millionaire1 , xvho < 'u.-d non
lose monttia aeo. The claim is for u balance dt
seU ou prouiUiory not * ,
London Places of Amusamont Nightly
Crowded with Pleasure Seekers.
I'rniluutlnns Which Attract nnil Until the
' 1 hrontu Old rnvorltcv Otvcn Cor
dial ( ! roctliiUftMli | or Actors
front Across tlio Water.
Loxnox , Deo. 3. The Improved xvoathor
has brought n gleam of prosperity to the
theaters. 'All the leading houses nro doing a
capltul business nnd iho managers nro corre
spondingly bnppy. "In Town , " nt the
Prince of Wulos theater , nnd "Ma Mnl
Koscttn , " ut the Ulobo , uro the ILOU notable
As xvas expected "Tho Old Lady" xvlll lie
xvithelrawn from the Citron theater tonight ,
but it would bo hard to explain the xvltli-
drnxval from the boards of the Comedy
theater of "Tno Arabinn Nights , " nn ntntis-
inc work xvhich xvill tonight inuko way for
"Today , " a noxv comedy by Charles Brook-
llold. The play is founded on V'letorlon
Snrdou's "Dlvorcons. "
At ttiQ Shaftesbury thontcr "Ciparolto , "
xvhlch had u run of over 101) ) performances ,
is nbnut to oo roplacoa with n now comic
opera entitled "Peg , " composed by Edward
Jnltubowskl , .Tho libretto is by Mr. II.
Monuhouse.1 , the xvell known actor.
Unusual Intoro3t Is taken In the perform-
nnco of Mr. Carlton's "Llborty Hall , " nt
tlio St. Jntucs theater. Mrs. Terry's
daughter , AINn Craig , xvill bo 111 thu cast.
The pastrlo tovsr xvlth xvhlcu Mr. Krcd
Leslie xx'as suffering in the early part of the
xvorlr , has developed into typhoid fever.
Cntclic * tlio Ciitlmv V'oiitlii.
A novelty nt the Tivolio muslo hall la the
now Uanco of Marie Loyton , xvhlch cm only
bo described as u Hind of sormmtmo elanco ,
xvlth a startling oficot produced by the
Dura tine into n bluzo of many colored electric -
tric lights , . which shtno through the blue
erauzo covering tbo breast , arms and logs ef
tbo elancor. The dance has proved a great
uttractio'i to "masherdom , " nnd the place is
tilled nightly xvlth llu do sloclo youths.
The Padorowilci fever is racing hero as
madly as over. Every seat has boon sold for
iho rccltntiou xvhich the great pianist xvlll
give on Tuesday next. PadoroxvsHl xvill go
te ) Paris in n xvook from here for the purpoau
of consulting his physician before ho starts
for Ainorloa.
The queen xvas so pleased xvlth Mlle Xolio
do Lussan' pliivini : and signing lu the recent
performance of "Lu Fillo du Hoglmont" at
li.ilniornl that she expressed a stro.ic desire
to hoar her ngnln in her best role , that of
Carmen. The Carl Uoaa company , it , bow-
ever , still touring Scotlanil and Uilllculties
xvoro raised in reerard to the long Journey to
Windsor. Thereupon the queon's command
xvas transferred to Sir Augustus Harris , who
immediately visited Windsor nnel had an uu-
dionco xvith the eiuosn , xvho npprovcd
of tbo cast submitted by him. Tbo
Waterloo chamber at Windsor casllc , xvhlch
xvlll accommodate 200 guests , and xvhlch has
boon used for a similar purpose , xvlll bo con
verted into u thoutor for the occasion. The
stazo being too small to accommodate iho
bccuery from Uovent Garden theater , Sir
Augustus had scenery especially painted for
the performance , the regular C'ox'ont orches
tra xvent to \ \ incisor on u spocinl tr.iin. Sie-
nor Bevignani xvas the conductor , nnd xvith
the exception of Sii-nor Cremonlni , xvho for
lhc > llrst time in England assumed the role of
Don Jose , nil tne loading- parts xvcro lu the
hands ot familiar exponent- ) , The cast xvns
as follows : Cannon , Mile. DoLussan ;
Michael A. Miss Ennor Palllsor ; Frasquita ,
Miss Agnes Jansen ; Escamilo , M. du Froi-
cho : Danciare. Slgnor Caracicolo ; Homon-
dado , Signor Itlnuldltii .Morales , Slgnor
Corsl ; Souinlga , Signor do Vnsohntll ; Don
Jose , SiRiior Cromouinl ; Premier Dauaeuse ,
Mlle Bisantti.
Still an Attr.ictinn.
. The "Pantomlnio" at Drury Line will ba
arranged from three nursery rhymes "Bo-
Peap , " "Little Hed Rldlnc Hooa" and "Hop-
o'-My-Thumb. " Harry Nichols has so far
recovered fro-n his long attack of typhoid
fever that he xvill probably bo able to take
bit Ubunl place , If not on boxing night , nt
any rate , before the end of the season. The
box ofllco has boon opou six weeks und every
seat , for the opunlng nlgbt xvas long ace dis
posed of. Seats In the grand circle1 , xvhich
usually sell for 7 shilllni , are commanding a
premium of 11 shilling' : ut the librariesxvhllo
thu price of stalls has doubled.
Sir Auzustu.s Harris , chief of the rival in
"Pniitomimi ) , " xvlll bo Oscar Baric it at the
new Olympic : , xvho xvillrepresmit Dick Whil-
linton , with all the giones of n ruviVcd
harlequinade. . Miss Edith Bruce xvlll ulay
DlcK , Madam Ktttio Lrinnc is arranging the
ballots and Tom l.ovoll xvlll bo ( .uo ulowu.
The play xvith the peculiar titla of an
'Uncle Mike , " xvhich Mr. Edward Terry
xvill produce ) uoxt xveek at Terry's theatre ,
turns out to have been xvrittcn by Miss
Florence Warden , xvhoso novel , ' The House
On the Marab , " has found so nmny readers.
I'ho cast xvill include , besides Mr. Torrv ,
Messrs. H. V. Esmoiiei. Fred Thorno , T. XV.
Lovoll , Chnrloj Fulton , Miss Carlotta Aciell-
son , Miss Alexis Lciirhton , MUs Annlo Hull
unit Miss Helen Forsytti.
"FroniGulf to Gulf , " by Mr. Henry John
Smith , is running nt the Avenue theater
under the management of Mr. Harrington
Baily. Mr. Smith is the author of "Dra
matic Works. " Two of his blank verso
plax-s hnvo been produced lu Germany , but
none of his xvorlfs had been KOCH in Enulnnd
0 until the proeluctlon ot "From Gulf loGulf. "
The pint Is Inlil In the commercial circles of
n provincial town in the latter part of thor
r oiirhteonth century.
u Mr. Ogilvie's version of "Hynatin" Is duo
o closc < upon Christmas , and thu scenery do-
signed by Mr. Alma Tadcma Is almost ns Hue
o as the traccd > . The play , it it snnl , is rathur
U suggested by Ilirfcslov's novel than mm pled
o Irdin It. Alias Nollson xvlll bis Ilynati a. Mr.
Fro- ' . Terry , Phllamon , and Mr. True tnko
the part of Marimu , cbnnqod for the play t- >
a n an. Miss Olga Brutmon is n member ol
tbo company.
I.IMI l > y H Mi-uilipr of Itiiynlty.
The duke of Eilmbursh led tlio orchestra
al the porformnnuo ou the head of "McKln
zie's Dream of .luhal , " xvhlch xvas given al
Plymouth Guild hall in behalf of charily.
The royal Icador used his mumli [
cent Straclix'arius vlolic , xvhlch luid
bean on view at tha Vienna dra
inulic and musical' exhibition , The eluku't
four daughters were present nt t'io perform
ance' . The duUfl adopted a novel method ol
railxvay travel In order 10 bo present , ni
Plymouth. Ho xvns shooting at the scut ol
iho carl of St. Gorman's in Cornwall , utic.
IP Dr. Price has been for years
i- rerfecling his Delicious Flavoring
ro 10 voring Extracls , and they arp.
10 now winning Iheir way to
universal favor from their
No housekeeper who has once
s- flavored a cake , pudding or
then cream with DR. PRICE'S FLAVORS
ETC. , will ever return to the
on use of any other flavoring ex
and satisfy yourself of their
superiority. The Price Fla
he voring Extract Company are
it- the only exclusive manufacturers
he turers of Flavoring Extracts
uo upon the continent
arrangements hnd booniinsdo to apprloo htm
in Rood tlmo. Iho traipiott xvhich ho xvas to
Journey to Plymouth MAS Blgnnlled. The
UUKO , however , quietly jntasod the train. A
special 11 sh train w , , rjluo Almost lm-
mediately after tha flrfVtfnln had pans oil ,
nnd the station master , ihon he lonrnod the
ouko hrul no objection to Ifftvollnp on n fish
train , stopped it , The Ouko bearded this
train , on xvhloh ho travdea ta Plymouth ,
The Star annouuccsifthat Mill Isabella
Unjulmrt Is the latest American recruit to
the English since , and tnnl she will soon ap
pear In London. ;
A project has been t sorted for the for
mation of a theatrical trust , xvlth a caiiltal of
20,000 , In which the dramatists nnd dramatic
critics , the American n ungors nnd nctora
xvill combine for the protection of tholr vnrl-
ous Interests , The "trust" Is to bo formed
for the purpose of undertaking all kinds of
theatrical business , including the production
of plays. Among the mutineers xvho have
alrcadysubjcrlbo'l forstmres nro Mr. Ooargo
Kel wants , Mr. Edward Torrv , Mr. Horace
Sodccr , Mr. Henry 1'ettlt , Mr. llnddon
Chambers , Mr. Inire ICIrnlfy and Mr. Clo-
moot Scott.
Dr. Gelko's "Llfo of Christ" Is bolngc trans-
luted Into lt-isslatr bv ono of tha dignitaries
of tbo cathedral nt Moscow. The llrst vol
ume ) xvill bo published In thnt oily nbout
Uhrlstrcas nnd tlio thrco other * xvill follow .U
Miort iutcrvnls.
1'llos of people have ones , ojt Ua Witt's
Witch Hazsl Salvo xvlll euro thoiu.
Itrnl KMutn ( luiuirs * Ansncliitlon.
There's n call out for n general mooting of
the niombcrs of the Heal ICstntu Owners
association , to bo held nt , 3tU : ;
o'clock tomorroxv tiftcrnoon In the
rooms In the Now York Llfo build-
Ing. The mooting is called by Dsorgo U.
IJogcs , president , nnd Cicorgo 1' , UemU , sec-
i-otary of the nssoc-l.ttion.
A commlttco comprlslnc some of the mem
bers of tbo city council and n number of citi
zens , Is noxv ut worlc propirlng umnnelineiits
to tne Oninhn city charter , xvilli n vloxv to
nrosunting such uiucndmouts to tlio legislature -
turo for adoption.
The object of this meeting of the members
of the Ilcal Kjtato Owners' nisoclation is to
receive uud consider suggestions as to needed
nmondmcnls to the charte > r nnd have them
brougftt to the nttontlon of the commlttco ,
and to determine changes nro etosira-
bio in any ol the laws relating to raal estate ,
The folloxvlngmarriaitoltoansos were Issued
bv Countj- Judge Ellor yoaterday :
Namoand addiots. AJO.
I Oits OirXon , South Onialia . . . . . 2 ;
I Ansustn DanloNon , Om ihn . 23
jTliuodoroGrcielln ; . Omaha . ; io
I Dor.i Kek Oimiha . 23
I iMosusCoiriuan. South Oiniha . 2a
I May Johnson , llonson , Mob . 20
I Anton /.ollnkii. Omaha . 'in
I Kuztckii , Oin-iha . . ' . . 28
J Jeilin I1. Ijiirson , Oinilii. ; : . 2(5 (
I Sophia Smith. Otunlia . 13
Anniinl MccUnunl the tinnel 4 County AK-
rlrnlturnl Society llnld Voitcrilnj- .
Tbo Uouetas County Agrlculturnl society
had Its annual mooting nt the Hoard ot Trade
ycslordny afternoon. The attendance xvns
very largo.
D. H. Wheeler called tno mooting to order
nnd feelingly referred to ttio death of the
Into president , Ilujh O. Clark. Ho placed
in nomination for cnalr.nnn of tha mooting
Allen Hcot , In the nbsoneo of the vtco-prcsi-
Uonu Mr. Hoot xvns rlqctod iy acclnmatlon ,
Thn auditing commlttco's report was then
submitted. It was n lengthy document ,
The reports of the socrotnrv .me ! treasurer
ot llio imoclatlon xvoro found lo bo e-orrcct.
The commlttno's ronort xvas npprovatl and
placed on file' , together xvltb those of the
secretary nnel treasurer.
I AlV.itr * of tlio Siiclpty.
J The report of Secretary Haunter xvas rend ,
j nnd showed n verv satisfactory state of
nlTalr.t. The mombcHhlp of tbu society for
1S9J xvns 200. The cish promlunu offered
nmour.lcd to fn.MO. The total nmonni. of
nromiunis awarded xvns $ i,4M,15 , of xvhlch
Jl. 111.7. ) xvero ordered pale ) nnel lor the
balance , $ .i'J1.40 ' , certificates of indohtuelness
xvero issued.
Treasurer Holln'sreixirtxvas in accordance
xvlth that of the secroUrv'i. The ronort
xhowoel tbo balunco on hand Uuombor 1 ,
IbW , to as ngnlnst SOlU.fil onoyoir
npo.The following sat of resolutions xvoro
unnnlmouslv ndoptcd :
Whereas. The Suprnnip Hiilcrnt tlio I'nlvorso
has bi'nii plr'isnd In Ills nll-wl < o provldoneei
to rcmoru from anionj us our president , llugn
(1 C'l irk : thi'ruloiu
Koseilvpil. Tint whllo Wei bow s-.ibmlsslvolr
to Mm iillllction wnleli ilenrlvci us of our
president , Iho statn. county and i-ltv an ox-
cinplarir man Mid honore-d .ml lionrst oltl-
7on. and his tiinllv of a klml and di'Voli11
liuslmnd and tutliur. wo humbly lm ploro the
Olvur of nil gooel to so direct It for uur xvol-
turo as to prop iru 114 for an onlr.inco Into thn
( Jrpm Iloyond and eiiiiiinloiislilp ; | with our
eli'p.irloil frlniul and neighbor
leiHiilVud. That wo svninthlro | xvith the
f.imlly . null rolntlve's of tbi ) duftt.ijiod lu tills
severe dispflnh tlon Mid furvuntly pray tlml
tlioio ) of Murcy. In whom lip nnd they put
tholr trust , at.d "who ohastnneth whom Ho
Invoth , " may nbtiiidnntly lilrss tbcni wttb
1IH ulieutliu prcsuni'Oln tills 11 fo and that
they imiv ro'ill/u the hones uf the ) rlglitueitm In
tlio llfo to conn- .
Kosolvud. That a copy of the foreseen ? bo
tr umnlltod lo the f.iinlly of the decuusid : ind
Iio sproid iinon the rooi rds of thn Douglas
County Agricultural society unc hu tnrnlslied
thodnlly papers ot Iho city fur publication.
Amt'mlliiK HIM Constitution.
Major Wheeler moved mat Article xlv of
the bv-laws , which provides thnt none but
nctunl rosldonts of Douglas county xvlll b3
Durmlttcd to mnko any ontrio ) for comtiati-
tlon bo oniendud. Uy xvay of cxnlanallon
ho stated tail the question of n district fair
to bo hold in Omaha had often beou agitated
nnd that arf.clo xvas a bar to iti accomplish
Mr. Plckaril opposed the motion bocnuso
Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday , Dec. 5th , 6th and 7th.
, , Thji Fireman's EVlascot. "
A few tears. A few smiles. A great miny laughs , and
sonic little excitcmsntwill be found in " The Still Alarm. " Good
singing , a span of pretty horses , and the srucctest , prettiest , most
charming child in the world. *
Usual prices.
- : - - : -
3 Nights , Commencing Thursday , December 8th.
Is 'absolutely new tins season and will be produced on a ni2ich
greater scale than last season.
Box sheet opens Wednesday morning at usual prices.
Corner > 5lh Street and C ipitol Ave mo , Omalu ,
Week OonaiT-iencitiQ
The Burton Dl'matic Co ,
In the over ropnlnr
Hro-AcC UuiilMK -
tl 1
A Play for YoiFtf and Old.
1MT1I03 AHI ) I < AiaiITKUJIIII.NKI | ; ) .
, llI(5HTSPAUKlNn | ( ( IAI.OUK. ( )
iness Talk
To couio to tha point it once , li't In Infer tlm
juu Runt uninMiuiunl. XVu know liuw yuu ( i-oluuil
1ml you w mil. Vuuiluilre ( u tel fur tlio amount
TOU iienil | tliu Uoit iionltilu return fur your uioiiur.
In iliujou uro rlKhl , nnil ut Ilia ul > ovt > tUeolro U
llio plucu fur you to Uu butluunVo nut only
claim , but kiuw wo flvu uiorj fur leu luonoj than
unr other thjatre In tbu irpsl.
l.N T1IK NKXV ( JllOHl ItllArillO 1'AI )
Tlio vorr cucnco of cirlk'lnalltr nnJ nor/ornioil onlj
Uy fVltc.NK.
Not a li.illct dunrer , but tlio puotrr or irruoo ant
luollon. bhu dniicci In loiif kut > only ,
Create ) limn Curuiunclla. Superior to Ctcro.
XVe puy her tu iou per week.
the doclotv received nnnuftllr nsslslnnco
from tlio county nnd ho coniuiored It would
bo very bail tntto to nwnnl that monry in
premiums to oompotltorj Irora outMdo
Uhnlrman Hoot Rtatod there ) xvni n ICRnl
qnoilloo involved ftnel xvhllo Major Wlieolcr
xvont in Jonrcti ot tlio complied stnliitfM of
the staso , n niunbor nUoil the point of order
that the motion xvns not seconded nnd the
mootlni ? proceeded to trixinnct other busi
C'hnlrmnn I'lcard of the committee on revision -
vision of the constitution nnd by-lnxvs > ul-
milled hn report , mid It xvns taken up seri
atim for ndontlon. *
The nommlttco rccotmnondnil thnt nrtlclo it
ot Uio constitution bo nmcnucil io n < to in-
cronso the members of the bo.inl of director *
from seven to nttio inoiubiii-s. Tno motion to
nelo t wixs carried.
The locond rocomnicndntlon nmondcd
nrtlclo iv of the by-lftwi.covernlnp tto duties
of tlio soorolnrv. The ninoneliiiont moro
clearly dc < llnod such duties and provldoil thnt
the 4ccratury hnll furnish a bond In iho sum
of M.OOJ for Un faithful iicrfornmnco ot the
snmo. Tlits ninondment ndoptcd.
Arllclo vll xv.u nmondi'd nnd in'rcn rd the
bond of the tronmror from f 1,000 to flO.O.M ,
nnd for his soi vicus ho wilt receive Iho Mini
? l ncr
Mayor Whcnlcr rcnovvcd hl mrtlin to
* K.'iKo out nrtlclo xlv of the bvlnxvj und received
coivod u second. Ho produced thn provis
ion of the Mnto law irovornlni : the
iiunllcUton of nionov rccolvrd from tno
countv nnd stated that tlio law din not
contemplate ) titrrmir out compotilon from
other eoiinllos. ! The sillijfct of the motion
xvns ( incuod t lonclh bv sovcrnl moinber.1.
1'lioro was no opposition to ropoallne the
nrtlclo , hut the chairman xvns npprcuonsivo
Icil nn Injunction uo Usnod rostr.xlnlii ) ; the
comniissionors from liitilng the county xvnr-
rnnt to tlio soclotv. The motion prox'rtlloJ
by u vote of fit ) to U ,
riionslni ; No v Olllrnr * .
U hon It cimo to tno election of prosldont
the following iioinlnntiona xvoro mailo : Allen
Root , .liinias Walsh , \V. N. Ninon , 1) . U.
Whcolor nnd Joseph A. Connor. Mr.
\Vhoclur didn't ' xv.iut to BOrvo and would no-
com tlio honor onlv xvltli n iinanlinous se
lection. nnet ho corta'.illy illd not expect tbnt.
\V , N. Nnsou also expra scd his Inability to
lorvc ,
The ballot xvns ordered nnd rcstiltod as
follow * : Koot , 4 ; Walsh. 03 ; Whcolor , H )
Nnton , 1.
The election of Jamns Walsh xviu maeta
tinnnimoiis , Mntsri. ICnsolmnnn Htid
\Volklns xvcro appointed to escort the prcil
elont-clcct to the chair.
.1. II , Hollitiirsxvurlh xvan elected vlco
president of tlio socloty by ncclnmatlon ,
A inollon xvns mrula to susponel the ntlcs
and the secretary cast ttio vole of the socloty
for llenr.x llolln tor tro.isuior. The motion
mot with opposition nnd it necessary to
call tlio vole to scttln It. The vote stood !
Von , -HjMinys , ! IJ. The chiilr dcclnrod the
inotlon curried. An nppcnl xvn < taken from
the decision of the chair on thu ground that
a majority vole could not "suspend iho rule *
nnd order the secretary to cnst iho vote for n
person for olllco. Tlio derision of the chair
wus sustained nnu Henry llolluvns itoolnrcel
olcctort troiisurur.
For the oflloo of Secretary John Ilnumor ,
John lluolt nnd R KncU < niann xvcro ulncod In
nomlnntlon. Knucimann xvas clouted , vo-
out of SI votss cast.
K u Sliilr.
The selection of n board of malingers to
consist or nlno moinbors xvis the next
In order. A tlckot xvttti nine names
printed upon U xvns sprung nnd
instantly there xv.u n bowl ot disapproval.
Mr. Avorv ot MrArdto xvns the prlnclpnl
speaker and ho said it X"a < i n sliamo to elotiaso
the pcrifultunil society bv cotnliiR in xvlth n
prln ted tlckot. Tlicro xvns no norel of Inldnc
n ballot , The tiling xvas n cut nnd dried
nlTalr. Hownnttut nosucli xvorlc .xs that. It
wni not riplit to ito this nnd glvei Uiu fnrniors
no show. Ho xvas called to orelor nnel
the calling of the ballot \viis proceeded with.
Ttio- printed tlcuet xvas eicotud by n peed
voto. The following Qontlomen xxero on the
ticket : U. S. AniDlor , J. A . Connors , (5.W.
llorvov. J.F. McAnllo , W. N. Nanon , O. , T.
I'lcknrd , K. H.Vnlkor , IJ. H.Vboclcr ,
Um or Whitney.
This uomploied the buslnoss ot the session
nnd adjournment xvns tnkon , snbjdot tun call
of the president. " " "
St. . Prices.
4th. Commencing Matinee Sunday. Dec. 4th
TocHher with an unmeix39 cast. Ever/thing nuxv anl bri jht. BIA.1. WiLJNii3iiAK.
Tliree Nig-hts , CommencingThurstltiy , December 8th.
$ p
iif K a [
i K " * ,
? f VivWX'.cV.1
' ' * .v1'S vliV--N
Tc - ?
* 'k m
, \j.
Accompanied hy HARRY EVJAIWHALL ,
And her own company ut pla/ors , unUir the dir.iotion o. MR ART 1U11 1 AUSTEN
Thursday Evening , "Forget Me Not , " Saturday Hatlne ? , " For jet Me Not. "
Friday Evening , " Clothilda,11 Saturday Evening , " La Bcllo Russe. "
Dace m lo o r
Th > Mualoal Moniichg ,
I'lnylnx IIMII ; iiiniicro'ii ' InitruiiK'iilK
ClotprSLetcliTejni ,
"Mill'o.iairo anel E
Tlio Bird Tra nor ,
And Ills lilijlily cdiiotlcil rrlioul or our fualliercil
of the Favorites.
Davis & Gerome
Inili cOinoillani living.
The We rld'd Qroatoal Danczr.
Continous Performance
From IP. M. toll P.M.
MDII niT(1Wli ) ( | MATINMES ; | EVENINGS. | | | ) niH ) ! A I ) DDK
rllllllSlAii parts of the house 2OcK 7oaKi : : : . : : : i8 | OrUUIl rlllti
P , J- CUBED ] H
/rcliltcil /
AM )
' Builder.
If' ' 1 i ' > i tin ii' IKImvfileniii ,
formur ill-roils nnd Hn | ubllo In llio taut
that I have ir.-u n 1,1/110 Inui
Architect and Builder
ROOM 617 ,
_ cniniii ! ? Au'i ull llu Uftln of
l.X'il.dVB.XKNKs JIJ.-i , IIKIIII.II'V. I'.l1' ' , , that to.
iiiii iir Ilium In niuii ( jl'IfKI.V mil I'l.'llllA-
NKNTIiV t'l/'lir.l ) I'ull BTHKNUTII iul lnn
Klvcn lo uverr | " .irtof Ilia toil/ I will toml (10- (
cart'lx | i.ii ! < a > li r'llKIJ tuiuif sullunir Ilia proiuriu.
Hun Hut cured moot Ilieio truublix. Ail4r < , K
A. HllAlU.tiV. lUril.KClltKIt , > I1CM
nof llu.Tiity. opcrfoit bunt. I..iillt '
1 I'ucoro , will | ii4ivilr | | liu'rciinu ( Iio Uo of
yourliuit from llireio to IIro liidi' or inoper ro-
fuiulrtt 1'iUutl. u. HuuliKl part'iulnr * 20
( rrfiponiluui-a nui'tpdlf ceintlUvUit i
liacar ht. Jum | ) , Mo.