Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1892, Part One, Page 6, Image 6

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0 THE OMAHA _ DAILY tfEE , : SUNDAY , - . .mriSMHtill . . . . . _ - . laiM-TWENTY-l/PUIl . . . . . - - - - - - - - VAGUS. .
- j L - - - - in j Ti.Trr
rcllvcrtnty carrier to any p.irtof the eltr
11 , W. TII.TON ,
. ) l
i ! j Kmor
.wy\Tio.v ,
N V. Plum' , ' "ft Co.
Council UlufTn Dumber Co. , Conl.
Mr. nnd M-s. It HnndMl of Lincoln ,
Hob. , nro vis" . In tbcirdnnhtcr , Mrs.N. . b.
Cats , Q-JI WnshltiRton tiToniU' .
Mrs. J. K. Haltlwln entertnmod n largo
parly of Indy friends last Thursday after
noon nt her homo on Sixth ntrcot.
AH bills mrnlnst "lion Hur , " nil tickets nnrt
money outstiindlnpmustbo presented tn Mrs.
J. U. AtUlns by 2 o'clock this afternoon.
Unity Guild'of Oraco HpUcopul church
\vlll clvo n nuslculo nnd tlnnco utliuehos'
hall Friday ovonlni : , December 0. Oood
music nnd a , good program will bo provided.
A business racrtliiR of Iho Women's
Chnstlnn nssocliillnn will bo held Monday at
2:30 : p. m. nt tno hosnltnl. Lot every member -
ber who Is Interested In the work bo present.
MarrlnRO licenses were Issuoil yesterday to
Henry Evens and Minnie Dollnrhldo , nnd to
K-l Patterson nnd Naomi \Vilpht , all of
I'ollnivattntnio county. The bride In the Isst
named cnso Is only 14 yonrs of URO.
Hcculur nicutlnc of St. Alrjiin's lod-o. ( No.
1" , ICnlchts of Pythlns , nt Custlo hall Mon
day ovcnlntr , for business of Importance.
All members nro requested to bJ present.
By order of chancellor commander.
Articles of IticorDorallon Illod ycstur-
day with the county recorder by the Herman
ConRroRnllonul church of Avocti. The trus
tees for the llrst venr nro Charles Schmlilt ,
Jr. , J. C. Mnrqunnltnnd August Uusso.
A ( rnuid sni-rcd concert ls to ho lvon In
8t. Francis Xavior's church Sundav cvnnlni ; ,
December 11. The rhuroli choir will bo
nsststcil hy Cnptaln IClnzlP , Mrs. I iinpn.
Harry Unrklov and others , xvlth u quartet
Iron : St. ,1ohn' choir.
L. B. COUMIIS , now ono nf Marshal .1. L ,
Tomplcton's doputlos , U to succeed O. M.
Wilson ns tionuty county auditor with the
commencement of .1. M. Matthews'torm of
olllce. Mr Hard of Helknsp tnwnshlii it Is
said will RUCL-eod P. .1. MacUildo ns detiuty
county recorder.
Something of a sensation was caused yes
terday noon by the report that tno residence
of Lucius Wells on Oakland iivonuo wns on
lire. The llro department made a run , when
It was discovered Inut n pile of brush wa on
flro in dangerous proximity to Mr. Wells'
barn. A llttlo water prevented any serious
mischief from being dono.
A tire was started by nn Incondlnrv yes-
tordny morning shortly nftor 12 o'clock In a
saloon owned by William Mnloney. nt the
corner of Kljrlitconth avenue und Twenty-
first slrcet. 'The bulldin ? wns a ono-story
frame , and wns almost emtlioly destroyed ,
with its contents , before the llro department
pot iho flames under control. The damage
amounted to several hundred dollars.
A moetiiiK of the singers of Council Dluffa
was hold last Wednesday cronlnp r.t the
YounR Monts Clirlstinn association rooms
for tlio purp'oso of taklnc stops toward the
oriranlzation of a choral secletv. About lUty
wore present. A second nieottni ! Is to be
belli nt the same place next Wednesday
oveninc , when uDlcors will Lo elected anil
pouornl nrrunBcmcnts mudo for carrying on
the work of the society. All who are inter
ested in music : nro tnvliod to ho prnsont.
James Macnrldn and F. H. .lones were run
In by thu police last ovoninp en suspicion ol
being iinpHcnlcu In some burglury some
whore. They claim to have cvidonoo thai
MacBrlde , together with a companion whoU
now serving n petty scntcneeln the city jail
hau'inndn urranci'incnts to dispose of n lot ol
dry goods , gloves , mittens aud the llko to :
pawnbroker , nud .Tones spomnd to bo train
Ing with them. Tlio police hope lo discoyci
wbera ttio stuff , which is prooubly stolen , 1 :
ItiiAtnn Stnrp.
A tltlnl wave of prosperity hns strucl
us nnil tlio surplus stock is rapidly clis
npponrhirr to malco room for tlie im-
tncnsu display of holiilny goods. A fou
of the spuuials in our shcolin nnd wasli
goods department. Bargains in every
Ton-cent half blonulicd muslin , 7c.
Best 10-ccnt bleached cotton , So and
Sao our now brand of 5o unbloachccl
. muslin.
A good 7-cent unbleached muslin , Gc.
Yard wide line cambric , lOe. Boston
Store , Council Bluffs.
0-4 unbleached wheeling , worth 20c ,
for 15c.
412-inch bleached and unbleached pil
low case muslin lOc.
tt-4 heuvy 25c sheeting , 20c.
Other widths nnd qualities loss that
manufacturers' libt.
Ask for soft Imperial brand sheeting
flno and soft , 94 width , only 25i ; . Bo3'
ton Store. Council Bluffs.
30-inch printed shooting , sold for liije
to close , ( Ue.
Ono ciso : seersucker , good quality
worth 8c , to close , fie.
100 pieces homoipnn outing flannel
worth 15c , to close , Sic.
Two cases heavy Tycoon reps , regu
Inrly sold for 15c , to close nt lOc.
Printed Bedford cords , sold for lOc , ti
17o with ether bin-gains at 5c. Bostot
Store , Council Blulftt.
Pothoringhani , Whitolaw & Co.
N. B. Store onen every evening unti
0 p. in. Snturdnys , 10 p. m. , unti
Davis for drugs and paints
IA P. Judsoncivilonginoor,328B'wny
1. IMK
Miss Minnie Uulhank visltod friends t
Avocu last week.
Mr. Jacob Suns will leave this evening fu
Chicago on a business trip.
Miss Uosollu Fleming Is visiting with role
lions wid friends In Culnico.
Mrs. C. C. Lincoln of Perry. la. , ls vlsl
Ing her father , Perclvnl Allen.
MM. Campbell of Lincoln U in the city , tli
guest of Mrs. J , U. WiuUworth.
Misses Hattie and Mnlio Baker loft lai
evening for Marysvllle , Mo. , to visit friend
The Hcinlcko quartet , consisting of Mr ;
\V. H. Wukuliold and Miss Ola Ogden c
Council Bluffs , Mrs Nye of Fremont an
Miss Unadoraf On all a , wont to Lincoln la !
Friday evening to plvo a concert.
NH I''iilr jsuxt Vi-nr.
Joel U. Shaffer , secrotury of the Ion
Btuto Agricultural socloly at Dos Muiuc
sent a letter to Attorney General Stonu in
long ugovlilrh to ( ins to indicate that thoi
will bo no siato fair held In 1M > 3 on nccoui
of the World's fair. In it ho nsks If tl
statute which governs the State Agrlcultur
ocicty it would bo posslblo to do away wll
the regular annual mooting next season ,
bolng the belief of tbo directors that tt
World' * fair would cut such n stvulh in tl
pro tits of the association lout the fair wou
not bo u success In either financial or ai
othnr rospocti. The reply of Iho attornc Is that there Is uotntni : la the sta
utes to prevent iho association from lettit
tbo fair t'ojytho boara , and tbe probablll
U that this will be done.
For wnrtnincr guest chambers , bnl
rooms , etc. , our irns iienturs nro ju
what you want. Look nt them. Clcn
convenient cheap , C. B. Gild and Hlo
trio Light Co.
For the next two wcoks Miss Hole
Sprink will sell nil trltnnied hats nn
bonnols nt cost. The stock is largo an
there uro fc-omo splendid ba gains.
Bay & Hess have a force of mon wo
ing on the roads through the Klo
tract Buy five or Um ucrca there whl
U is chcup.
Ono of Oirmlm's Oltizjm Poorer in
Podcot but Richer In Experience.
Accomimnlril hy a , tnc nnil a Cnnipnnlnn
HoTnkm In tlin SleliU of tlio
City nnil In Now Sorry
lor II.
Henry Hartz , a gentleman who occupies
the position of watchman for the Hammond
Packing company at South Omaha and bears
a strlidng rospmblnnco to the lithographs ot
Ole Olosoa , ODD year over , blow out of the
1'ncino house yostortlny morning at 7 o'clock
with a full grown grievance. Ho had corao
over from South Oinatia Immediately after
getting through his work for the nlglit , and
proceeded to bowl up with great voboinonce ,
In company with a friend who managed 'to
keep several laps behind him In the race
toward total Intoxication , After the
effects of Ills Jag bad worn ot ( ho found
that his friends had talteu advantage- his
Intimacy and bad made oil with f7 ! In cash
from tils pockets and a craukir box full of
clothe ; . Ho reported the case to the city
marshal about'J o'clock buf. In tbo meantime
the thief had all tbo opportunity ho could
hnvo asked for to got to Nebraska. llartz
said ho hail a wlfo live children at homo who
would anxiously nwalt hU return , nnil hu
sent a inoisugo to them to send him 15 cunts
nt once so that ho could coiuo homo.
isnii'ui.- ; ; PI..VCI : .
A riiriiiiincniil Menu III Suburban llrul Ks-
tutu hy Mr. Toll.
Locntctl within easy reaching distance
of both Oinnliii nnd Council BlutTs Is
the celebrated farm , formerly owned by
Judge Scott , now of Oiuiihn , and containing -
taining about -lOOacros. Whatever nny
bo thought of Judge Scott's ocean-
t ioitios on the bench ho certainly
showed bound judgment in picking out
this trnct of land for n country homo , it
being one of the most bountiful
and highly fertile tracts in till
of western Iowa. On his re
moval lo Nebraska ho sold the
farm to Mr. M. Toft , who is equally well
known as a capitalist nnd successful
business man. There lm& boon no attempt -
tempt to soil property in that vicinity ,
much less any attempt to boom it , and
yet there has grown up a demand which
has become t = o strong -llmt after much
consideration Mr. Toft has decided to
do the very thing ho has up to this time
steadily refused to do plat a portion of
the land in live and ten-acre lots and
olTer it for s.ilo. This opens up a rare
opportunity for those who want to secure
suburban homes with ample facilities for
gnrdnn and fruit. The location is pecu
liar in that it combines all the advan
tages and conveniences of the city ,
with the comforts and quiet of the coun
try. A neat little church is already
established there , the daily pupars are
delivered there each morning , nnd two
mails u day uro already established. It
takes but twenty minutes to reach tlio
electric motor line , HO that in forty
minutes one can reach the center ol
Omaha. Mr. Toft himself has for throe
-years been doing business daily in
Omaha , going over every morning and
icturning every ovnning , so that
the practicability of such an nr-
rnngnment is no longer an experiment.
Fruit growers and gardeners at oven u
further distance on that road take then
products to Omaha every morning.
There is a line highway , level and firm ,
andthodtive is beautiful one. The
scarcity of such property , nnd the won
derful advantages of this peculiar loca
tion , will irmko the property sell like
hot cakes , and the prospect is that an
important suburb will spring up thorc
almost as if by magic. The wonder
ful prosperity and steady profits
Grained in fruit growing and garden
ing in the vicinity of Council Bluffs
makes it practically a certainty that
any one can maker big money from one
of these lots in Enterprise , while for
homo purposes the attractions are nc
loss groat. Mr. Toft's move is looked
upon by real estate men ns tlio moat im
portant one which has occurred foi
years. lie haq placed the exclusive
management of the sale in the hands ol
those exports , Greomhields , Nieholsor
& Co. , and business is evidently ineanl
from , tlio very start. They say thorc
will bo no dilllculty in placing the lots
and it seems that there will bo a shortage
ago , rather than asurplm , as only 201
acres will bo thus offered for sale , wind :
only gives an opportunity for forty poi
sons to secure live acres each.
Coal nnd Wood. S-tckott & Preston
G2H Broadway. Telephone .
Gentlemen , the fittest line of tall goods
in the city , just roceivod. Roitor , the
tailor , 310 Broadway.
Hues f r Attorney 1'ccs.
The suit of N. M. Pusoy against the oil ;
of Council Bluffs was on trial before Judg
Smith yesterday afternoon In iho dlstric
court. Pusay represented the city sovora
years ngo In a suit in which the posscssioi
of Falrmount park WHS tlio point ut issue
Ho domatidod 81,400 for his services , hut th
council refused to pay so much. Las
spring a compromise was baforo tno council
but the parllos failed to come to an agree
in cut , and the suit was consequently bogu
and U now bnlng tried.
Tomorrow the suit of George U. Mcschor
dorf against T. H. Tollo , J. II. Pace , M
Wclkur , C. H , Huber and F. M. Scan la
will he put on trial. This Is the suit 1
which Mohcbcndorf wants to got $10,00
from the defendants because Tollo said hi
moat was baa , uud tbo otnar defendants sal
so loo.
Two petitions werofllodyesterday in whlc
W. B. Kcd , treasurer of Pottawattuml
county and the city of Council Bluffs ar
inudu co-defendants. In the Ural Mrs. I1
Street is the pl.ilntllT. Sno alleges that tb
city pretended to condemn a strip of Inn
through tier property , In , order make nn o :
tension of Fifth avenue. The city the
slapped on au assessment for grading an
soworlng , which sue refused lo liny , oceans
she claimed that iho iiondoinuallou procoot
Ings wera not noni ) legally. Shu domnndc
that Iho treasurer bo enjoined from sollln
the pioporly for the unpaid taxes , and the
the assessment bo cancelled.
Another suit was cominnncod hv the Ch
oago ft Northwestern Killwny
against the comity treasurer and the city
The petition states that the company baugti
a lot In Beers' addition last spring and pal
off all the taxes that were duo , A lilt
whllo ago It was discovered that some erIn
In authority , probably the clerk of tl
tlnanco committee , chargot up a llctltioi
and unauthorized assessment of ft,100,1
for paving and grading. In accorduui
with ttio demands of the plaintiff the troa
urer Is enjoined from proceeding with tt
proposed sale of tbo property.
Sco those oil heaters at Swaino's , 7 ;
Scott honso ; good oonrd ; low rates.
Coal and wood ; best and cheapo
Missouri hard wood in the city ; proini
delivery. II. A. Cox. No. 4 Main.
Tim iiiiiklu-nliiiii | rt Compnny.
The Important business consolidation ,
reported In yesterday's ' Ben , has led to
false Impression among some. The fact
that the Weir-Sbueart company is In no w
couccruod ln tbo now deal , the error arts )
apparently from tbo sitmimrlty of nann
o I The Incorporates of tbo nuxv Kmpu
buugart company arc E. L. Shugart , L.
limpkle , V , H. Ulll , Lvman Bhuirnrt nnd
Ooorgo l > \ Wright , It bolng a practical con-
Bolldatlon of the Hmpklo Hardware coin-
puny mid Shugart Ac Sons.
tlin i\pnt : nf tlio Srnnon nt tlio lliHtn.i Store
Ycslrnliiy Afternoon.
There never has boon a larger crowd
at tlio Boston Store or any other store
in Council IHnfTs at any tlino in its his
tory than gathered there yesterday.
There were two attractions , a glove and
soap snlo. It opened in tlio morning
with the finest castllo soap to bo lind in
the market sollini ; for lo nc.ikoand
gloves nt corresponding prlcos. The
crowd filled the store and the various
bargains were snnppsd up as quickly us
the clerks conlu hand them otit
In the afternoon , however , the
proprietors concluded to add a
little to the excitement and reduced the
prlco of soap to IIvo bars for a cent. This
suited the crowd imtnonsoly , nnd in hall
an hour the sidewalk was block was
blocked. At 'I o'clock another move
was iiuulo that created an uproar .Itttlo
short of a riot. It was the announce-
mcnt that every lady In the store and
every ono that could got in would be
given ton cakes of soip free. This an
nouncement wns apparently spread by
telephone , and everybody boomed to bo
seized with the belief that the
ono thing they needed most in
this world was soap , and they came
in platoons to got it. Many ludicrous
tilings occurred. Ono wonrin who had
by nn oversight of the clerk only rc-
coivi-'d live cakes became loud In hoi-
con ! plaints until she received the other
flvo. During the afternoon the im
mense quantity of 1-1-lUO cakes of castile
purity were given away , enough to wash
the whole town. The crowd that wanted
soap had no respect for the hnndsotno
Lincoln monument , but laughingly as
sisted in toarinir it down and carried
away the bricks of soap of which it was
composed. There is no doubt but that
was tlio greatest s.tlo of the kind over
run in the city. .
rituiTS AM ) vi.onrAiu.KS.
Tlio Aiinuul MiM'tlni ; iif tlio Piitlilwiittillillu
County ilroworK.
The fruit growers and Hardeners of Potta-
Wiitt'imio county mot in annual session
yesterday afternoon at IboU- rooms In the
court house. The program , as already nub-
llshed , was carried out , tlio pipers rend
bcniK very interesting. The desired discus
sion was limited , owlnc to titno bolni ;
.short. The election of olllccrs resulted as
follows :
I'resldont , Alex Wood ; vlco president , Samuel -
uol Avery : secretary , E. II. Sylvester ;
treasurer , U. S. Porter ; executive committee
tee13. . S. Porter , O. J. Smith , L. O. Wil
liams , tl. C. K.iymond , B. A. Bonham.
Arrangements were made for having the
soclotv represented ut the annual nicotine of
tlio Western lown Horticultural society ,
which Is to be held at Corning , December Kl.
L. O. Williams of thla cltv Is the prosldnnt.
Ono important matter was brought up by
President Wood yesterday , it being tbo
necessity of organising a Rrnpo-prowors
shipping company. In n carefully prepared
paper bo showed how that for several years
past the L-rapp stilppars had coon at the
mercy of ttio middle men , commission men
and others. Ho held that it trrapo growing
was to bo carried on hero nt a protttmtno
future some method must bo adopted
whereby the producer and consumer could
bo brought nearer each other. Ho
scouted ttio idea that such an organization
would tend to increase the prlco of grapes to
consumers , nnd Illustrated bis claim by cit
ing the case of a basket of grnpcM which was
traced this fall from a Council Bluffs vino-
vard lo Denver , whore the consumer paid 43
cents for it. When the rsturns came in the
grower got 18 cents for it. Hcrowosadif-
erenco of ! )7 cents. If the prapo grower
ould got 10 cents out of this 'J7 cants ono
ould alford to drop on the price to the oon-
umernnd atill bo ahead.
It was stated that within a few weeks pro-
mi nary stops would bo taken to organize
uch a society.
Mr. L. O. Williams gave a very Interest-
ng historical review of the society , with nn
rgont appeal for inoro Interest and a bolter
ttendanco. The nociety was organized four
oars ago. A. S. Bonham belnc elected presl-
cut and M. E. Myers secretary. Fourteen
barter members were enrolled , and the list
ncrensed to fifty baforo the close of tbo lirsl
car. Numerous creditable displays bud
locn made cai-h year , ono at the Blue Glass
lalaco at Creston. The farmers congress
lad been entertained bore and an exhibit
nado ut that time. The M'lls County
ocicty had been entertained bore , and the
Vestern Iowa society also.
Hen ilur.
Ben Ilur has come and gone , but r
aitly more prominent personngo is or
ho way just now , and that is SinU
Jiaus. Among his advance shipmonti
s the finest lot of beautiful Hardmaii
nanos now at Mueller's btoro , 103 Mail
treot. And is there anything nicei
nnd sweeter for nn Xtnas present ? \V <
oitvo it to tlioso who think of gottinj.
one of those matchless , superb instru
siiuns'iiii THAN' iviic.
Look ut Homo of Kvnns' I'llcra anil TIici
i\iiiiiino : ' , ) ui ( Joints.
January 1st I will move to Main streo
and 1 will ncod all the room in the nov
store for the largo stock I have bought
I have a line stock of fall and wintoi
joods that will bo so'.d this month n
iii-icos that will pleasa you. Roinom
oorthis is no old "tag end" ot u pee
slock , but now goods and now styles
nnd everything In the house will bo'soli
1 have never advertised a special dis
count sale or annual clearance "fako"o
any kind , and when I show you thi
shoes and quote yon the prices yon cai
satisfy yourself you are securing bar
Hero are a few of tho.-n :
Men's hand sowed French calf shoo
$7.00 , reduced to $5.00.
Men's hand sowed cork solo calf shoe
reduced to $ o.CO.
Men's U. U. box too shoo $ j.OD , ro
duccd to $3 50.
Men's calf welt shoes $4.00 , reduced t <
I..r I. > 0.
Men's calf and dongola shoos > K.CO ! , r <
duced to $2,00 ,
Cheaper ones in proportion.
Tyidtes1 shoes and slips.
: Liird's hand turned and welts bul
ton and lace thut sold for SJ.OO , $7.0
und $8,00 , for $1.00 nnd $1.60.
A line lot of cloth top luce and button
in oxt'jnsion soloJor $1.00. Those good
have not been 'out of the factory
Ladies' party slippers in hron/.o eeg
calf , patent leather and satinstho lines
line ever carried in tlio cltv , and all thi
fall styles , $ .j.OO , $1 00 , $3.00 , reduced t
S3.00 , Bi.OO and $1.00.
A largo lot of $2.00 , $3.00 and $ J C
shoes that will bo sold at bed roc
0 prlcos.
B Every pull lie soils , and you will IIn
every thing exactly as represented.
Don't ovorloolc the bargains for $1.0
The A. D , T. Co. hus added two no
hacks to its force and will answoi1 cal !
nt all hours , day or night. Tolophon
170'olllce ; , 8 Main street.
liiHHiui Cuneg.
Sheriff Hnzen , Dapuly Nicit O'Brien ni
ti. D. Kobrcr loft last ovcnlnp for Clurini
with Hlcburd Jurgens of Boomer townsh
and W. J. Matthews In charge , they havli
boon ordered taken there for conflncmer
Uothbava been kopl at St. Barnard's be
pltal for sQino i line. Jurccus nus becoi
violent , and hail to DO put In irons when
was tulioii to the depot.
An information has been fllml chargli
William Nlssoti of Walnut with lusanlt
and ha will ho brought In for an cxaraiu
ton tomorrow ,
Abrubuiii Jackson , an old mun who was
ono tlmo county ] uaio ol I'ottawattau
rotmly , hut hn iHMti stnyinp for nio tlma
nt the Women's ( lOrtniah Assoelntlon hos.
pita ) , wa chnrfttrt by Mr * Wilson , the
matron , with in rwtiv , but after an oxamt
nation by the cotfimWslonprs his trouble was
found to bo the re&utt of the weakness of old
ngn , and ho was bidbrod taken back where
ho came from. ' '
\\lmro In U'nrslilp ,
First Ire9hytfjflnn ? , corner of Willow
uvcnuo and Savorith s'root. Uov. Ktoplion
Pholns , p.istor. PcWnchini ; by the nastor at
10IJ : ! a. in , nnd 7:3. : ) p. in , ; Uibbath school
nt 1'2:00 : m. ; YounU'peoplo's mooting at 0lO : !
p. in.
in.Bcrdan BnptlstSorvlios at 10:03 : a. m.
nnd 7:30 : p. m , ; Uilitllay school in cots at Ilt4o
u. m.
bocond Prosuvtotlnn , Harmony and Locan
Hlroots , S. Aluxandor , p.islor. Kcsldenco
701 Kast Broadw.iy.Preaching nt 10i)0 ! )
n. m. and 7:3J : n. hi. ; Sunday school nt 12
in. ; Young people's muotlng a'tOi)0 : ) n. m.
Congregational Prof , liughos of Tabor
college will occupy the pulpit. Morning
Borvico nt 10:3i : ) : ovtn UK sarvlco at 7W : ; ;
Sunday school at 12 m . ; Christian Endeavor
atO:3J : p. in.
First Baptist Preaching morning nnd
evening by the p.utor. .tamos H. Davis.
Subject In the morning , "Tho Lord's Sup
per ; " In the evening an address to young
men , "Iho Llfo of Danlol. " Sunday school
at 13 in. ; voung people's mcntlng at < l":3J : p. m.
Latter Day Saints. Plorco street , below
Ulon nvonuo-Sjrvtcoj Sunday at 10:30 : a. in ,
and 7:33 : p. m. Sabbath school nt 13 in.
Subject for the day , "Christ's Visit to the
Pilson , " contlnnnd.
St. John's ' English Lutheran -Services on
Ill-it lloor ot Morrlam block , ' 'OS Main nna
'Jill ) Pearl street , at U n. in , and 7:30 : p.m.
Kev. C ! . W. Snyder , pastor. Sunday school
nt 11:1 : , " ) n. m. Young people's ' mooting ut
3 D. m.
Trinity Methodist Episcopal. Fourth street
and Ninth avenue , Hov. II. H. Barton ,
nastor Prnachlng at 10:30 : a m. and 7:3J :
p. m. ; cluss mooting tit 0:30 : n. in. : Sunday
school at 13 m. ; lOpworth league atUl.i : p. in.
Broadway Mothodlst Episcopal , H. P.
Dudley , 'pastor Special servlco at 10'JO :
n. tn. ; Sunday school at 13 in , ; Epuorth
loncuo nt 010 : ! n. m. ; preaching nt 7:30 : p. in.
Young Men's Christian Association At
the men's meeting nt 4 o'clock today A. L.
Talntor , the assistant secrotnry of the asso
ciation , will givu an account of the district
convention held nt Ida Urovo \voek ago
last Saturday.
Christian Sunday school nt Masonic loin-
pleat 10 a. in. ; preaching at 11 n , in. nnd 7:30 :
D. m. : Young People's society ut 0:33 : p. in.
Fifth Avenue Methodist Kmscopal church ,
corner Eighteenth struct and Fifth avenue
Temperance association Mondav evening nt
7:3'Jp. : m. C. W. Brewer , pastor , residence
182J Fifth avenue.
Don't makoany arrangements for your
holiday goods until you have seen the
many now and useful articles at Lund
ilolidny photos , cut prices , 81.50 for
cabinets , for 30 days. Cottage gallery ,
Kiley's old stand.
A llurcutii.
Lot 3 , in block 30 , Beers Sub. , Coun
cil Blulfs , if taken this week. Address
Lock Box 012 Mibsou-i Valley , Iowa.
Jimmlo Mnher , who formerly played the
plirt of AlephUtopholos in about every police
drama that oppjarer ) In Council Bluffs , hns
been sticking to hU" old business in Sioux
City , according to the story told by Detective -
tectivo Carapbull of that place , who was
in the city last i'ovojlnp. Mnher , It is
claimed , ran across n grander who had u
draft for $450 that lie was anxious for some
contldonco man to take , and with the assist
ance of some frlonds succeeded in convincing
him that Jimmlo Manor was just the man hu
hod been looking for. The draft is mlsslnr ,
and Maher is likewise. The dotcctlvo was
in the city for the purpose of ( jotting ymio
trace of Mahor.
Kiitorpr'iao 1'lilco
Being frequently urged to eoll small
portions of my farm , I have at last de
cided to plat 200 acres of Enterprise
Place , familiarly known as the Scott
farm , and to begin the bale ut once in
live and ten acre loin. I have placed the
same in tlio hands of Grccnshields ,
Nicholson & Co. , who will act in the
matter as my exclusive ng'onta. Fruit
growers , gardeners and these who want
the conveniences of a city combined
with all the advantages of the richest
farming land are now given a rare op
portunity to do so. _ M. Tori' .
Brighter than gas , cheaper than elec
tric light and as beautiful as a circam
those ue\v art lamns at Lund Bros.
SIdnor , thu' 10-yoar-old son of E. M
Bunlicr , is suffering severely from thi
effects of an encounter ho Had with a boj
considerably larger than himself last Fri
day. Some disagreement arose und tin
larger rjoy pummelled him , striking hlir
ever the head with a stick and knocking
him Houseless. He was plclced un nnd oar
riod to his home on Bluff street. Yesterday
bs ! trouble took a serious turn and it wns
feared thut ho was Buffering from concusslor
of the brain. Last night ho was reporlotl
hatter , but it cannot be told for a day or twc
probably whether his injuries will prove
fatal. _
A cordial invitation is extended to al !
to visit my mammoth toy and novelty
departments. My preparations for the
holiday trade has been on n larger scale
than ever before , and I think a pleas
ant hour can bo spent looking ever tin
beautiful articles on display. Your :
truly , J. D. Crockwqll , 411 Broadway.
Iloynl Arciinuiii Ofllcrrii.
The annual meeting of Fidelity counci
No. l.r > (5 ( , lloyal Arcanum , was hold Frldn ;
evening , and the following ofllcers won
elected for the ensuing year : Past regent
C. A. Bono ; regent , W. B. Warner ; vlo
regent , Israel Lovolt ; orator , C. A. Boles
secretary , W. A. Gronewog : collector , J. 1
Tldd ; treasurer , A. W. Illokmau ; chaplain
J. H. Arthur ; guide , 1. M , Travnor ; warden
F. Burnhardt ; sentry , O. D. llalgh ; trus
Ines. James Patterson , T. A. Gavin , W. II
Hooinson. _
Mrs. Bannister and Miss Martin
whose exhibit of china painting was HI
much admired at their reception hurt
have opened a studio in the corner ston
of the ( jttiucl hotel , where lessons wll
bo given and orders takon. All wishinj
to avail thninsomoB of this opportunity
must apply oarlyj as those ladies roinaii
In thu city but a few woolis.
For the next .tivo weeks , in order ti
J close out stock , Mies Htigsdalo will sol
all mllinory goods at very great roduc
v llon '
Tensh nroB capital stoelc Citizens Slat
bank for sale.Jli II. Sheafo.
T. D. King i Co4 Pnrtngns ciga
helped to elect/Cleveland. / It's the 101
ord breaker for the year.
At Wonderland.
Commencing tomorrow , au ontlro cbanp
of program will ho presented at Wonderlan
and Bijou theater , a show which promise
to bo the best aver given at this place c
amusement. Besides un hour of speolultie
the Burton Dramatic company will nresor '
the beautiful play , "Burr Oak , " ono'of tt
roost pleasing dramas ever written. It lei
u story which will never DO forgottci
and , while lull of pathos un
emotion , It abounds witti laughub
comedy. New sconoiy will , bo used and
will bo superoly staged. The feature of tt
specialty [ nrtion of iho program will DO tb
wonderful dancing qf iho celebrate
' Cvruuc , " who Is concooded to bo tbo groa
ost'diiclplo of .terpilcboro living. She ce
talniy Ii superior to olthor CuraianciU c
Ot rb , the famous Spanish dancers. Tc
spectators are amazed at her wonderful pvr
lions and klck'i. A blao of music , a clas
of cymbals and drums , a iimko of sklrlB an
drancrios and Cyrone is before you , the on
bodlment of grace und poetic motion , and a
absolutely free from linmodcslv. A host i
other clovnr specialty parformors will a
pour , including the favorites , Davis 1.011
( Jerome , our Irish visitors ,
All tlio Earthly Romaina of tbo Ltttlo Wlz-
tinl Awaiting Interment ,
of Uonilnlrnrn * Hrnclvril l y tlic
I'liinlly nnil OnllCM K\irp | Tlirlr Mytn-
li.ithj SpciMilntloit IM to HID Wciittli
Lett unit Its Dispoiltlou.
NEW YOUR , Dac. a. There were about n
dozen callers nt the don Id rnildonco this
mottling. Most of thctn lottc.irds la ovl- of srmpalhy. The casket la which the
dead llnnnclcr will bo burled u soycroly sim
ple , of plain white oait , covered with blnck
broadcloth , nnd with oxydizcd silver bandloi
nnd plate. The Inscrlptloa on the latter
reads ;
JAY tiolTi.I ) .
Horn May 27,19M. Uled December 5. IbOJ.
A mini Dor of telegrams of condolence have
boon received bv the family.
The arrangements for the funeral nro as
follows : The sarvlccs will bo hold nt Iho
house Mondav at 4 p. in. Uav. Or. Paxton
f the West Presbyterian church , Hsv. I'r.
ilacUrackcn , chancellor of the University of
( io City of Now York nnd llov. Or. Kodorick
.lorry . of iho South Uoformed church will
onduct the burial service of thn KptsLopal
tin re n. The clcrcvinon , In addition to tbo
ravers in the ritual , will deliver exteinnor-
neous prayer * . The music will bo rendered
y n ctiurch quartet choir. The music will
lomprlso "I oud , Klmllv uiRht , " nnd "Nearer
ly Uod to Thoo. " 't'nero will bo no formal
.ddresscs . by the clorcyjncn ,
The body will ba pliicbd In the casuet this
ftornooti. A.ftor to ! services Monday the
'nmtly will bo plvoii u last look at the duad
enluros and the casket will be sealed. Tucb-
ay morning the remains will bo lalton to
cemetery nnd Interred In the fain-
y vault besmo those of his wife. In occotd-
nco with Gould's w.shos ovorythhiR in t-on-
octlon with tlvo will. bo very plain.
The mvsterv as to the oilment which
, vrocl < cd Mr. Oould'a health was ono feature
it his last illness. Mr , ( Jould was u victim
f neuralgia and nervous dyspepsia , nnd the
niiuunccmcnt that the cause of hi * doalh
, vas consumption will bo received with a
preat deal of surprise. Uut the statement
is tiuc. It is further said that the disease
ivas of several years slandinp ; that Mr.
jould wns aware that ho had It and his la-
trUcllons to his physician , Dr. Muun , were
bat it should bo Kept a secret between them
is loni ; as possible. The secret was wnll
icpt , and until a couple of weeks ago Mr.
Uould is said to have bud confidence that
Dr. , Munn's efforts to delay the progress of
.ho dUea3o would bo attended with some
measure of PUCCOSS and that ho would bo
bio to keep up and get around for some
ears. Hat vncu ho came down from Irv-
nRton some weeks ute ho was not so confi
dent. A slight bcmoirbauo was followed by
evcral more.
"Every ono must realize , " said Hnsscll
Sage , "that in Jay Goutd'sdealh the country
has sustained a loss which Is Irreparable
"lo.was universally acitnowledgcd 10 bo ono
if the leading minds of the ape. No one bus
done so much ns bo In the development of
the resources of the country and the splcn
did railways constructed and maintained by
him will over bo runardcd as monuments to
hu genius and oncrpry. "
Dr. Ghnuncoy M. Depow said : " .Mr.
ould's ' death will hnvo hitlo or no effect
on the stock mancols. Ho was too
harp a Business man to make any mistake
about the future. Ho told me oisht weeks
ago that his affairs were all adjusted and
should ho drop dead at any time his business
was so arranged that bis sous could take
cbarco of his interest nt onco. "
Henry Clews said : "Jay Uould has un-
doubtcdly.bcon ono of tbo wonders of the
world. Abnormally great among money af-
airs , bo bad many gocd qualities. Ho was
peneious to n lault , and was invariably true
10 his friends , but bitter nnd unforgiving teas
as onomios. Mucn of the spread of railroad
transpoitntion is due to 'his remarkable
ontorprisosag ! > clty and organization auility. "
Dr. Norvln Green would not inalto an esti
mate of Mr. Gould's woaltb , but ho said : "I
Know that Mr. Gould hold SW,0)0.000 ! ( ) worth
of Missouri Pacillc , 0uOWU ( ) ( of Manhattan
Elevated railroad and $20,000,000 of Western
Union. Ho always had great faith in these
companies and told mo some time ago that
bo wanted them to bo retained In his estate.
Ho believed that Missouri 1'acillc stock
would go up to ! 20 , Western Union to 1.7J
and Manhattan to 200. It was always his
idea that4lns part of his fortune should not
bo dlbslpatod. I do know this in regard to
Mr. Gould : Ho never cirriod a dollar's
worth of'llfo insurance in his life. "
Ex-Judge John P. Dillon , who was Mr.
Gonld'sconlldcntlal lawyer for many years ,
and who ig'sald to have made up bib will ,
said : "Yes , there Is a will. lean tell you
that. I Know that pursontilly. But I am not
ablt to tell you nnythinir moron-bout it. "
i'no Tribune says : "His the Impression
that Mr. Gould's political sympathies during
the recent campaign were largely vith the
democrats , Ho IB suld to have sent small
contributions to the republican fund. Somu
politician place the amount contributed by
Mr. Gould to Cleveland's ' campaign as high
as $250,000.
Honoring UN Memory.
Flags on all the holols In the neighborhood
of the Gould residence are nt naif must to
day , and all the englnoi on the elevated
roads and the Western Union buildings are
dressed in black. The directors of the
Western Union mot this morning and
adopted and placed on record n statement
setting forth tbo salient features in his life
and tbo points which contriouted to his suc
cess. The central point was that ho had
full faith In the development of this conntry
and risltt'd everything 0:1 : bis judgment.
Instond of investing his money in lands
and buildings and idly taking the proceeds ,
ho put it into properties ivtuch required all
his great enemies to develop. Hisindustrloa
gave employment to more than 100,000 men.
ills enterprises contributed more largely to
the development mid opening of western and
southwestern country than that of ary other
man. The statement further records his
modest demeanor in thooxerclsoof an almost
unlimited power , and the warmth and
steadiness of his friendships and model character -
actor of bis parental and domestic virtues ,
und his deeds of disinterested gonorosily.
The director of the MUsourl J'acillo and
the Manhattan oloviitcd roads also nut anil
passed appropriate resolutions.
Horroiv ut New Orlninn ,
Nnw OUI.CANS. La. . Doc. 'I. O'l Monday ,
the day ot Jay Gould's funeral , there will bi
a holiday of ( ill employes of the Texas A
Pucllle and Missouri 1'aclllo railwuya , except >
copt the force usually necessary lo run the
cars. The oHlcos of thn I'uxim Pacific in tills
city have boon draped in mourning. At n
liiculinc of General otllcurs today resolution ;
of regret were adopted.
Oniiiiiiuiit nn iiinilil'H l ) : illi ,
LONDONDoc. . ! ) . In commenting on the
death of Jay Gould , the Nowa says : It wa-
Mr. Gould's ambition to bo Iho richest mar
in tbo world , but ho died disappointed. Tin
Vandorbllts , Asters and Rockefellers hoai
him. Yet all honor to the greatest money
maker of any age or cllmo. Napoleon's com
binalions were never \ inter and them wen
many points of losomblanco between thi
two men. It will be Impossible to cxplah
ono phase of civilUation without n frcquon1
mention of Gould's name , therefore ho ii
sure of a place in history.
The Chronicle says : Gould wns the posi
ot society ; u dvnaunior of llnanco ; a mat
possessing u power lliut thoc/.ar might envy
with the etblci of an alligator.
The Times saya : Mr. Gould's deatl
means the removal of u disturbing inlluonoi
of vast and Incalculable force. Tlio man um
the position no Held were products or Amor !
can llfo. Such n career could hardly hayi
boon possible any where but in America
Money is raised in America to a rank hlgbei
than It can usefully occupy owing to the ub
bonco of class distinctions.
The Times , In o lonir obituary on Mr
Gould , says ho was ono of tbo most remark
nblo men of the last half of the century. ' 'Ni
other man , unaided by family Influence
Xrlends or luck has written himself so dcepl ;
into the financial history of tbo republic
o other innn cxcrcUrd Rtich n baneful m-
Iticnco on iho inornl chnwlcr of the com
nlinUv. Vet tbo side which ho kept bullion
from tbo world WM In innny ways n striking
contrast. Ho win nuvor ncciwM of ottonta-
: lon nnd nil ncmmlntcd with hU homo llfo
hnvo but ono opinion to express -that It wns
\ very Kindly one. "
I'niiiii Pncllli' ( ) lilcctll bo Clinril ,
Ai a mnrk of respect the ofllccs In ttio
Union Pacitlc headquarter * will bo closed on
Monday , the day sot for Mr. Gould's funeral.
The sbopi will < il , o close during tno day.
The bulletin nt headquarters states that Mr.
kiould was for many years n member of the
bo.ird of directors , nml all business wilt
ccaeo a < some slight recognition of what the
deceased did for the Union Pnclflo. The
building Is being hung with tlio emblems of
woo nnd by the time of the funeral will bo
covered with white and blai-k.
It .Miulo Dinr. I'rcl Iliul.
CITY or MKXICO , DJC. 3. Tno news ot tbo
death of Joy Gouln was llrat received by
President Dia : , uy n nrivuto telegram from
New York. The president was very much
liurtat the sad liucllUciico. [ to met Mr.
Gould ribout two years ago upon the occa
sion of the late railway magnate' * visit to
this cltv nnd the two became fmt friends.
Slnry Allru Wrnl Dpnil.
Cntcvoo , III. , n.'e. a.--A c.tblegram from
Tokio , Japan , was received today announc
ing iho donth of Mary Allen West , isenior
editor of the Ut.lon Signal , the organ of the
Woman's Christian Tempar.uico union , on
Thursday. She hud been ong.igrd in temper
ance worn In Jap.m for nearly a year. The
cablegram gave no particulars. Miss West
formerly lived ut Unlusburg , 111.
01,11 i'Ki > n nnitvi.rti ixi / . ( / ; s/j ; : ; > .
C. llinsiiii r Arlington liuiitx \ \ . ,1. t'nuiii
Alli-r u Oniii'fiil.
Ain.tNOTox , X > ! b. , Dec. ! ! . [ Snoclal Tele-
cram to TUG linn. ] Tha quietness nnd Sun-
dnylllto pcaco wulcli usually reign over
Arllnctoti wnsdlsturbd tiy n somewhat son-
siitiotial shooting nil IMV this morning about
8 : ; il ) , the principals being men Ion ; ; past
middle life. For * there bus been n
quarrel brewing between C. Hossofl nndV. .
J. Cruuo , who ure both well known citizens
of this place , nnd only the diplomacy ol
friends kept them from "getting tocothcr. "
Tbo hard feelings buawo n the two nro of
ai.cienlorigin and crow oil of business rela
tions which thev had vc.irs niro.
Husson" , feeling himself aggrieved , threat
ened ininy times to shoot his old cnmny , but
circumstances did not present thcmsehes
until this morning when Ilojsolt nnd Crntio
mot In front of Marshall Hrothors1 store. A
few words passed between the two und then ,
without warning , llossolt pulled a
revolver and Hred ihreo shots in
rapid succession , one bullet inking
cncct uiutor the arm , tuo other two lly.ig
wide of the marlc.
A crowd instniuly gathered and the
wounded man wns 'carried into the store ,
where a physician began probing for the
ball , but without success. Tno doctor would
not hazard n prediction us to the man's con
dition unlil hu had further determined iho
course of the ball , but ho believes Cruno will
recover although his ago , -.bout 00 , nnd the
shoe-it whicli his system bustainod * nrohu-L'ciy
against him. Hossoll vus arrested at unco ,
but refubus lo talk noxy that tno deed is done.
I'onr Trnlu ICuliliurs O.iptnrnl.
OIIUAT Fu.i.s Mont. , Dac. It.-Four of the
robbers who held up the Great Northern
train near Malta were captured today. They
are Alexander IJIacli , Henry Bass. W. C.
Hunt mm T. Hauiih. The arrest was made
by SheriiT Hamilton of Great Knlls , ShcnlT
Bcnton und a posse. The robbers were
gambling In n saloon at Malta und when a
dcpty sheriff began to wad iho warrant tliey
seized their Winchesters and revolvers , dii-
ciurhn : they would never bo laltcn alivo. As
tbero were six o ( them armed to the teeth
the sheriff and hi men relreat"a. Sheriffs
Hamilton nud Ncal secreted ttiomsclvos in
the vicinity and arrested four of the robbers ,
ono at a time , ns thov scattered. Fifteen
hundred dollars reward had been offered lor
the capture of the robbers.
Killed hy Ills VUCo.
SnATTi.iWusb. . Dec. 3. Thomas II. Bnyd ,
cdilor of the Oly tnp'an u Olympia , Wash. ,
was shot last night by bis wile , who live *
here. Uoyd came hern from Olympia yes
terday , spent the duv drimeing and went to
his wife's hous > o near midnight when the
shooting occurr d. His wile says she shot
htm because ho nad coised to love her.
13oyd's son , Colonel A. P. IJoyd of Philadel
phia , was formerly vice president of the
Pennsylvania railroad.
htiibliuil by it Itariin ,
STRAWS , III. , Dec. 3. John Corgall of Sib
loyj was stubbed last evening hy n psrt >
known as Baron von Ecelstein In one of thi
saloons of this place. Ho has boon recelvlnf
heavy remittances from Europe und has in
occupation. Ho claims to bo of blooi
and a relative to th crazy king of Bavnria
Should the stabbing prove fatal a mob inaj
tuKo him in chan.'u.
Oildl' * l.ilst Sprint.
SroKANC , Wash. ' , Dec. ! J. II. II. Odoll
once tbo champion sprinter of Amcricu.roui
mitled suicide with morphine lait night.
' / / , / . III ! Ol'K.MHt .SWO.V.
Vantclon Iti'serviition Surriuiilorutt hy tli
Indians lo Miltlurx.
Sioi'.v CITY , Ii. , Dec. 3. fSpoulal Telegram
gram to Tin : Ilnn.J The commissioners ai
work securing signers a-nonz the Indians 01
the Yankton reservation hold n final conference
forenco Friday nnd today announced thn
they had secured the necessary number o
signatures for tbo opening. The Indians art
now selecting their allotments nnd preparIng
Ing for the proclamation opening the rosorva
lion to settlement' . It consists of ovorOOU.OOi
acres of choice lands in the Missouri rtvei
bottoms aoout 100 miles northwest of this
city. _ .
Sern riKl Ills ltiti > nio ,
Sioux CITV , In. , Drc. ! ! . [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Ilun.J William Holntio win
arrested hero today on a charge of unon , tt
which ho entered a plea of guilty. Holnm
was working for A , Paul , with whom bo bo
J. ! on tlio election. Hi ) lent and refused ti
pay. Paul took It out of his wr.ges , nnd u
got oven Holnnu started a llfo thut destroyei
fjOO worth of liny belonging to Paul.
Chnslly l'rclglit of ll l.llolinilt.
LONDON , Dec. U , A llfouoat belonging t
tbo Ilrltlsh steamer Groyatono which saul
In the Elbe Wednesday InsV , contalnlni
tnroe dead bodies , urlfled nsboro this morn
Ing. Ono of the bodies wus tnut of Cble
Engineer Evans.
is via the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Piul ; Railway , as repre
sented on tliis map.
Hlectvic Lighted , Steam Heat
ed Vestibuled trains lean
Omaha daily at ; 105 p. m , , ar
riving at Chicago at 9 130 a. m
City Ticket Office , 1501 Far
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent.
' .NlHII'l' .
Notice IK hereby plvon Dint tlio i-xUtln ; In
diihtiiCtni'BiOf thu I'luriilx roundry i-iimimn
ninuiiiil lo the bum of ill.'W thlb ! ld Uay i
"UCO"Ur > ! -
ltT-.I01.S . Mcl.AlUn. ITcHldont.
Hi'CNcr.K one.
IMi ] It Majority of the Hoirduf Dlrocuira.
In II. A. parlura , ililldron , i p. in
MONIIAVS . . p. in. t-uelnl scouU und fuurt
3lumlaii.Vp. in. Muilvfurulkliud partlun amiclub [
AUilren II , A. l'arlor < , Cuuucll llurt ! , orlC J rurnui
tl , , uuiutia. W , ! cliauiburi , luitructur.
The nusalnn Influenza in thr
Country Probnblo
According lo the latest advices wd
nro about to sufTor another epidemic ot
n grlppo. The Husslan Inlluur/.a hns
iiinirc ! toil itself In Now York , and the
ndicatlons nro that it will bo prouilont
hh winter , ns it has the previous two.
People sulTorlng from tiny dlsoaso of
ho nose , throat or lungs tire inoro In
Inngor of being nttai'lu-d by the grip
.him those who are not so alTcatod.
[ 'hose who hnvo weak .stomachs also ln
lie the disease.
Now Ih the time to prepare for winter ,
f you nro at nil inclined toward taking1
old or if yon stilTor from n Catnrrhtil af-
oi'tinn do yourself Ihu just lee to have
, -onr trouble removed by careful inodl-
til treatment ami tivort'sioknof'S , snllor-
ng. and possibly death. Perhaps no
Hit-aso that lias ever visited this * conn-
" ry has boon as fatal as the grip ,
Mt-3. VVnlsh H.ul n Sn 1 Export- ,
ones With This Powerful
Disonsc H ; r Snry.
I'ow people seem to ro.ill/.otho serious
esnltsof ontarrhnl ill < oaiiMvhoii allowed
.o run riot Uiiough tln general s.\s < toin.
It impairs the lungs , tlio wtoina.'h and
rnvMils , the kidney ; " , the blood and the
lorvos , H ivunKens the system nnd
hereby invites other itiseiisos. Mrs.
LlnaValsh. . 2'ith and Hliiino streets ,
Smith Omaha , wife of 1' . . \VaUlt. . with
he Ctuhihy Packing company , IMS thU
.o siv :
"When 1 nnsnllttln rlillil 1 In MIIIIO wny con-
nictuil iMlurrh , anil lin\c linil It until now. 1 did
lot nntlcu II much nl tlr l but II to , llty itruw on
no until 1 ttn In a irtl-or.itili ! con llllun Inilnotl. Tor
Im lliri'O ) c.iri my lii-Ml. nl Union , m'tirly But
iiu cru/y--on topnnd In thu back unit ilown uiy
tui-k My llirual chokiM lip ultli lutlsunntia nmtlcr
\lili-li tmc.Uv.inl troni my Muppoil up noso-
I Motilil Knallunllioinuttur ulttuillt knonliiK It , und
Ills IroiiKlil un ill uu o tif llu < stuiniicu , I Ml
iltr.i > a unnletl Ui vomit af rr I'nllni ! , nnd
hero woultl bo n fiullin : nf pain , oppression
onrni'S4 unit boluliln 'I bo cutiirlml pjlbon
coined to no nit tlininuli my SMUCIII NotliliiK
I'fincil to ilo mo n luirili'tu of uiiuil but n lion lrs.
OK'l.uiil | nmlhrparil lii'Kin tr 'iithm mu 1 Im-
irovotl nl once in \uryi < liort time tlioylinro
niuli nu * truly n new \\oiniin. 1 liavo illicit tn
trun lh unit llonh nml nm fna from piiln , My dl-
Kcntlun I H pptumllfl anil 1 know t'io cntarrb Is on.
Llruly oul of my syatcm uftur hi\ltiK po&aDc4 :
inu for ycara. "
$5.00 A MONTH. jj |
Caturrh trpato I at th \\nlto -m r.xte of a <
$5.00 a month uiediciim tUrnlshed froe. ,
For all other disease j tha r.itos will ba low , j
ami uniform. P.itionH it u dlstauoi sue-"s
cesifully tro.itoJ. Soiul for sj'inptoui blank , 31
Copelnl Medical Iiislitc
KOO.MP311 ASnst.1 , Nl-\V : YORK I.H'R
O. S. IllOI'AHO , > f. IX
SpcrlnUlos-Ciitnrrli. : A tliiia ! , llrnnclillli. NITTOI
illti'ui-i'H , Itlnnd lihi- 04 , HliouiiiiU : iM. Oniuni |
llDiiiiiiil nil cliriinlennVrnmii nl thu Tliroul , l.unxs ,
t-linniifli. Skill , l.tvi-rifid Kl lm > ) < < ,
Olliii > llours : to Un m. , ' - ' lo 5 p. in. , T to 8 p. m
hunday , 1U n. m. to 1 \ m.
\\rANT15D-A pupil nurou nt till W . . \ . hus-
* V pltal. cnr litli nvi * ! ) ! ! ! ) nud 'Jth Htreot , muHt ba
bi'lNeen 20 nnd .ij yi-nra olil ; of uuoil moral cunruo-
tcr. Appl > uloni'O.
Li'OK BXni.\NK ( ! A niro liom > on d Till ntraot.
Hourtjtli nvumii > . rluar of iini : itiiltinncu fur lionio
Iniiiunlia. llan eum I'liiou or K ninl/n I'lacu pro.
ferreil. Will pill III J..iJJ dltlurjncu Uroonililudi ,
Mcliulsiin A. CD.
? lTn IIXI'II VNiH ; ( ioort 4-rnuni Innno on Himlli
1 bill Htrcut forInnil. ( iic-i-nslilfliU , Nlenol onCe
\CT.-i nnd Innni Ciirm nn I city propertr
AIiSTIlCT.i sold. I'luoy A Tlumis , Council
I .MUM nml city In inn .Mon jy Inanud un Hluolc
1 nnd ( train. Itenl uatntu for irilo. Dwallliiii nurt
iMiflnu s ri'iitiU. MDIIL'JIniiiu I fur local Investor ! ,
I.uuKt'u X'luHlo. 2B I 'carl ulruol. J
In Cuntrnl nub.
IDQIoU .Miillun' ! ! mil.
J. ' , lots In HiyllHiX I'.ihiurj'
KJ lotH In Mtiynu'ft 1st.
SU kits In I'utlcr A C.iblj'j.
21 Inltiln llHJr's H ill.
15 loll In lli'ur'n niM.
T lofiln IllKlilaud ivll.
IH lot" III Iliiu-hliifdn't n'l I.
41 loin In 'I'urlcy'n n Id.
1,1 lull In Itlddlu'u it'll. '
IMIotn In WrlKlil'Hnll.
Ill lulu In riurou'B ailil
l.iitaln o\ery lullitlon to iho city clio.ip
ni on imyiuonti , i nil mil "i'n IM Nu troulilo lo
nliow prnporly. ( iri'i'ini'iluhh , NldiolBnu , i'o.
/ Vt Al'llKS iipiii-r llru.nln.iy , iilunillil plueu for
wiilsttlniii Dliuip for rni'i , or " 111 uxcli.nuo for
Improvml roslilenc-j proourty In Council
( jio3iinlilel < li. .SU'luihun , V rii.
lAlllllSN A.S'I ) FIl'IlT Inmli rlclioil unJ
Uiioiintllul Irart In rolla/iilliimlo connlyi eo
' I Jl , liri'on-
Knli'iprliiu I'luco , tlvo ur lun uiiru
ulilflilt , Melmliiini .V Co.'i3l ' llrouilway
I.Mll HAl.l-I3anrni3'iiille ! * fniii rllyi purl llm
I ln'ipliiiilld fornruiu | . j\iilr | < M9 ; UJ Stutumaa
ttrt'ul. city.
l/Oll ilKNl' In I'oiinoll IMiilT ) . l > ro npliuiilM store
I liullillimi , No IM Hint IIJ llroinlwny unu now
room WxIDO ffi't. ll llu'lito I nml fpli'iiillil JocHllou
tor ilry k'ooiln , clollilnu or ligoU umi tliouj l.'uy , k
llusi. n.'untH ,
\\ril ] WAN ton iicnx of luml within llyii nUliM of
> < ! ( ) . linn'i euro tio\v rouijli II Is. ( Jreon *
ihlfldJ , Miholiioii \ Co.
1 < ! 'I1ill'IUSK : I'lacii fur frnlU or Mriluni ,
J-Jiiilinrbun lioini'H. llnu uorii lots , Itv inly inlnulo *
from motor Unit , ( irnunililulili. XlclioU'in , V Co ,
15 KAIIMH Hi axcluiiKU for liounm.nuil loin or
1 itooil vni-nnl lot * . -I m-ruiof nloiuariliiii land
for null ! utf } | | ' r uciu. Juliniiun .V Vim I'm tun ,
fMilIIMAKKUS WANTKIl-Twiiliunil workmuii.
txiTunk l.uvln , II I'oarl ulriist , Council lllulU.
I-MaJTrKAIlM linprovud , n mlle uiul a half from
i ' . A IIUIIM'I , utiililo ,
Ibu inntGtllC'0. UK acre : .1 rouiii IIUUI * " : D."w
etcN III uiclinniu forri'Blilenc ? In Con ml I Illutf * ,
liruui lilelit" , Mciiolnun \ I'o.
i 'M ACIIKS , 3K mllo. from i'lt7T"Tll ni-ll nt cut If
J tiikun tlili ituuk. lirciinnliluliU , Mcliulmil Co.
. . l'AVMKNTd-1'or ! vo ;
MO.NTIII.V , ljutli room , uluilrlo luhin , nil
miiilurn liiiiicivi | > iiu'iit , onu liluo < from motor. A
muilel lioiuo ( IruuiulilrliU , Miliolnon A t'Ui
, IlKHIIIKNCtt lotnifjvt frniil , HVJ blocks from
lillloiimcr nclioul , otluicit furiiilo , fur llil * woufc
only KltiUI. ( JrojinliluM * . MclioUm * Co
ritmureit. rompooU.uull nnil t \
GAIUUKK cloi uel , K. I ) , llurkw , cltr blil
TT'OllHAI.K.CIiDttp ' , or In 'XcU n/ii lor mnil , 1111 u -
L1 cnullihutl tiiinliiun. Ailclrisu I1 O. box OW , coun
cil lllHlti. la. _ _ _
T7oil HAI.K-A .iimU'l-Hry. ilcovrn. Cnuli or part
1 uufiiient. 13W A UIIUO II ,
l.ndj'B noliT wHtth wllli K nf cliulu. U
LOST to lieu olilcufor rtnurd ,