f\\T A TT A TIATTV OTTVTtA 4 V rmtrt : ! VTM1XJ 1/-VTT\ HIS TESTIMONY WAS FALSE Sensational Development ! in the David Citj Poisoning Oasc. ISAAC "ARMAGOST'S ' PECULIAR POSITION lie DurlnrcKHint Itli Prntlnu In fntor of tlio Acciincilcro JIndo While L'niler the Inllnciice i.f U'lilsky. DAVID Cirr , Nob. , Doc. a. [ Special toTur. BKIJ. ] The lostimony for the dofonss In the Armagost case this forenoon was con lined to oaUblUbiDg the fact that Mr. and Airs. Hob- crts lived happily toguthor and their con duct toward each other was of a kind und nffccUotmto naturo. A sensation was caused amocg the "at torneys In the case by Isaac Armngost , ason- > n-Inw of the defendant , who yesterday tcsllllod that iio had iutroJucou nearly one- third of a quart of embalming Iluld Into tbo mouth of the corpse , cominK in and tolling the county attorney that ho had tcstiliod falsclv , and had done nothing cf the Und ) , and that ho was under Iho Inlluonco of liquor at the time ho gave such testimony. tic snld ho u soil the lluid only to b.Uho the face ana hands of the dcceused , Tuu course of thU witness had a damaging effect on the minds of the people of the community. No other toailmony of intoroit was brought out this afternoon. The strong card ot the de fense was to account for iho presence of orsonio found in the stomach of the dead in mi on Iho theory that the embalming lluid contained that poison. Dinit.MI.M.I : : ) 10 iui : . Mr * . . .limit'Vlillnry I'ut.s a Hullot Tlirotigli HIT ISiuly. UNIOS , Nob. , Dec. 3. iriperlal Telegram to Tin : UKI : . ] James Whitney , a sprinter , arrived hero several uuys ago with his young wife , and they have been guests at Hotel Smith. This afternoon , while alone in her room , the wlfu attempted to commit suicide by sheeting herself in the light brans i with nllcallbor revol/nr. The bullet went through her body. Sao now lies in a critical condition with a alight chance of recovery. She left a unto stating her Intention to kilt hcnulf. Her parents- wore telegraphed for and will nrrlvo in tha morning from Salem , Neb. Dospondonoy Is aupjioiud to bo the causo. Lincoln tn Itrli-f. LINCOLNNeb. . , Dee a , [ Special To Tun Br.n.J James Palm , the man convicted several weeks tlnco of making an Indecent usEaultupon a htllo 7-year-old girl , was to day smitenbod lo Jive years' imprison ment in tbo state penitentiary. Judge Tuttle loday gave D. W. Huff a first lieu en u number of lots owned by J. IT. Lulto In South Kensington addition , iho amount of tbo lien beinir f. ,7ai.-10. The Columbia Nalional banu today com menced suit for SICGO against George Cook. The court refused to advance Iho Dole- Slrallon brcaith of promise case on the docket , consequently it will uot bo hoard for ubout tuo weeks. Marv WillnuKhby was todav granted u divorce from bor husband , to whom a ho was married in 1SIJ7. Since itjnir marriage bo bus lived n lurgo nan of the tnno in tuo peui- tonllnry and has failed lo support her , as well as being guilty of sundry other misde meanors. Mrs. Wllloughby was given the custody of her llvo children. Warrants word issued today fnr two men noinoa Hunt anil Porter , chaiveit with im assault upon ( Jaipur Clausmun , a cigur- maker in tbis city. The coal war Between the local dealers is still on , with indications of a merry siriiK- glo. All dealers now deliver Pennsylvania anthracite ut $10 per ton. a drop of Irom $11.40 lo $11.OJ within the past week. Tboro Is a fair prosuect tbul Ibo price will go still lower. Tom Wllloughby , nil old police offender , was ran througu the Justice mill this nfter- noon on the charge of using obscouo language. Jt cost Goorco Miller , n 17-year-old boy , Just ? l nnu costs for allcmptlng to rob a clothctlino of a week's washing last night. J. C. Soacristof the Slate Journal bas re turned from Pennsylvania with bis bride and is ot homo at , 1517 ll struct. Still an other of thu membara of the Stain Journal's editorial staff will go lo that alter ou Ibo evening of Ibo 7th of the picsont month. " People inlorcalod In educational matters will bo ' pleased to loam that Lincoln bas se cured s'till another college. Tats time it Is the Lutherans who propose to cstablisb tin institution here. The now college will prob ably bo located Just south of tbo Cotuor uni versity. Tbo artesian well nttlio nsiv Sulpho-Sallno sanitarium is now down to u dentil of 20S feet. feet.Uort Uort Chancy , the young man whoso ox- tondad absence from Ibe city gave rise to tbo fear that he had mot with foul play or that ho had left bis family fnr good , returned 10 Lincoln today. He explains his absence by claiming that be bail been visiting friends in Iowa and stayed away Just for a joke. lllnlnn County's Content. Bnnw.sTint , Nob. , Doc. a , [ Special to Tnu Difii.j Wednesday in the county court of Bliilne couutv the defeated candidate far county attorney , J.V. . Gar.lincr , democrat , commenced conical proceedings aealnst 12. II. Klggs , republican , tbo successful candi date , atlcguii : as ibc tnaincnusoof canton that iho defendant was not eligible to tbo oflleo at time of election , ho not having boon regularly admitted as an atiornoy to practice - tico In ibo courts of thu stitu ; nUo that iho ballots were not nrinted according to law , in that the name Uiggs appeared ou the tlrst plnco for sulil oftlco , wherein Iho name dnrdtncr should nppar , and lighting that tbo ballots so eroisod at tlrst , place , if counted at all , bo counted for tbo plaintiff. Ho further charges bribery and the tin- lawfullnlluonclngof electors. Much interest Is tnltou in Iho contort by local attorneys , us tbo first two causes Imvo never bjou passed upon by ibo supromn court. i > Utrlrt ( ouri ut lioxtrlcp. BnATiiiUK , Neb. , Deo. U. [ Special tele gram to Tin : UKI.J DUtilct court nd- Journod at 1 o'clocic ibis morning. Prior to adjournment the following tirlsoncrs were sentenced : Fred Siowart. colored , tor forg ery , three yours in Iho pcniteullar.v ; George Morldlth , for assault , thirty ilayi in the county Jail , In Iho cnno ot the p.ibst BrewIng - Ing company against Grimes , wherein a ver dict was recently given in Grimes' favor for ? .ri.VJ ( ( motion for , , a a new trial was over ruled. The application for 11 now trlnl in tbo { 5,000 duinnpo case of Mary Blair uaaiust iiyrou Brudt nnd Goorgn Sogc imtn , wherein u verdict was given for liradt.vm denied. llriilrlcn < ! . , l. II , ICIuol ( ) lllonr < i. BRATIIICI : , Nob. , Doe. 11. [ Special Tele gram to Tun line , \ Hawllns post , Grand Army of the Kapubllc , No. a5 , oluoto.l ofll- cers foriho ensulig yoir lust night us fol ( io w : Post commander , II. G , Day ; senior vlcocommander , M. liatmnaiid ; Junior vice roinmandur. Gcnr o ( Juniiliighum ; quarter- mRstcr. J , It. Craig ; cuaplaln , G. L. AlcClul- land ; surgeon , Ford Brotncr ; officer ot the day , S. Hare ; oHIcor of'tho guard , .1. Q. Ovornmii ; dulogalu to the stale eucampmoBt , J. It. Craig ; aliornnta , U. A. LaSollc. Meiltrnritil u Tiller. HASTISOS. Neb. , Dee , 3 , [ Special Tclo- KratntoTiii : llee. Clmrlos o10 J Johnson , who was yesterday bjund over to the district court on tno charge of burglary , was placed on trial toJay and , pleading euilty , wus fined flOO and sontonoeil to two mouth1 im i- prisonment m thu county ] ill. A wouK ago veslordar Johnson sntcivd u boarding house in broad dayllu-hl and stole a gold tvatcli and chain belonging lo D. servant glil oiler bo hud ransacked a loom occupied by QUO of tbo Injured In a Itiiiiairny. DI.AIII , Neb. , Dec. : t--Spooial [ Telegram to TUB BEK.J A borsu belonging to J. toV. Mallo became frightened today whllo Mrs. Mmlo was out riding and ran away. Mr * . MniloU rather fleshy , and , being thrown on 1 lUo Utrd grouud , wiu very LiuUly bruited around her nontl and shoulders. She Is not thought to bo in n dangerous conaltlon nt present , mix Nr.miAJKA. CITT , Nob. , Dec , 3 , [ Special Tr-loBMtn to THE Ben. ] Wbilo Mr. nnd Mrs. J , M , Vaughn were driving homo Inst evening their team backed over n ten-foot embankment , anil horses , wagon and occu pants wont to the bottom. MM. Vaughn was badly Injured about the bond , nnd no husband was seriously bruised. rrcmont .Nctt * N'ntr * . Fiir.MOVT , Nob. . DJC. 3. [ Sooclnl to Tun Bnc.l-.Tbo Dodge CoantyToncbcrs' nssoclastro1 tion held a session in tbo high school buildIng - Ing , In this olty tdts afternoon , and mido ar rangements to attend the session of tbo stoto association. " The Women's ' Cbrlstlnn Tamporanco union prior mooting was held nt Airs. Fred Do La.Matyr's this afternoon. Arthur Gibson has sold his property on tbo northeast corner of Sixth and "F" streets to a Mr. llradloy of Farmington , 111. , for 13.000. The next state encampment of the Gracd Army of the Republic wilt bo held In this city the 15th and 10th of next February. A very largo attendance Is cxpcctoJ. Kev. John Hlsdntl , pastor of the Swedish Lutheran church hero for the put eight yonrs , has sold tilt property hero , and moved to Wnhoo yesterday , wheio ho will reside. In tbo case of thu state vs James Goldcr , charged with assault wlth > intent to do great bodily Injury upon John Lund by cutting him In thu nrtn with a knlfo at Scribneron the Wth of last Juno , the Jury brought in u verdict for assault and bittorv. in the c.iie of William Ji. llawlry vs bloux City & Paclllo railroad tor damages caused bv water overflowing the land , the verdict was. for the philntilT iu the sum of ft 70. 70.Last Last ovonlnp A. L. Heedor , foreman of the tow mill at the Nebraska Binder Twlno company's ' factory , Ibrow off a belt to stop u certain portion of the machinery while ho madotomo repairs. Another employe no ticing the belt off , Jumped lo the conclusion that It had coruo elf of Its own accord , so bo put It back nnd started the machinery in motion. Two hirgo rollers cnught ono of Mr. Kccdor's hantl.-t , lacerating It in a shock ing manner and necessitating the amnutn- tion of tbo second linger at the knuclilo. Ho will probably lee the index linger also. Mortgiiui ) luiliibtpilnms. 'Sr ' , Neb. 3. | Special to Tins Hnn.J The list of farm , city and cbatlol mortgage transactions for the pist month in Dodge county is us follows : Farm mortgages Hied , 19 ; $31,910 ; released , Town and city mortcnges , Illed , 23 ; 5SMI.C3 ! ; released , 22 , 50,10' ' ) OJ. _ _ Chattels Illed , 102 ; $ .7,812.-17 ; released , 47 ; Compared with'tho snmo month ayoar aeo Iho amount in farm mortgage * tiled has in creased f Ki..CC ' ) , nnd tbo amount released do- ireased $10,307,21. Town and city mortgasos flled decreased fS,140.CI , wbllo these released increased $1.051.40. Challol mortgages fllnd increased $ S,9 , ' > 2.01 ; amount decreased , $217.14. ' ' Tlilovu * lit I'nlriiuiiit. FAIHMO.NT , Nob. . Doc. a. [ Special Tele gram to Tiiu Bii-noiisidorablo ] excite ment was stirred up bcro this morning over tlio rohbnry of the Clarendon hutcl. 'At > out Jl o'clock this morninsr thieves forced tno front door of the hotel und entered the olllco. They nrlcd the mono.v drawer open and found nothing , as the 'proprietor had taken cnro of the cash boforn rotlrlni ? . They then toou an overcoat bclonplug to 1. . . Irons of Omaha , und a number of sample cases and valises nnil proceeded with thorn to the back yard wbcre they pluMdored ihoni but found nothing of value except u largo number of raaurs. Women sirioiiily Ilitrr. Noli. , jJcc. a. [ Special Telegram to Tin : UnR.J This afternoon as Mrs. Kob- ert Shields nnfl her two daughters , living tbroo miles east of town , were driving homo in n road cnrt , their horse oecauio frigbtcued , throwing them all out. Mrs. Shields hnd her jaw broken , nnd ono of her daughters her fneo badly cut line ono ear almost torn off. All v/ero otherwise quite seriously brubed. Itvas a narrow escape from deatb. Around tlic World < in root. FAIIIMO.NT , Nob. . Doc. a. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BEE. ! John A. Batztira. who is traveling nrnund the world on foot , Is a guest of tbo Clnronaon tonight und will re main until Tuodday. Ho will glvo a lecture in the opera housu Monday night. Mr. Bnt- ztim will Iiiivo completed bis trip whoa ho ranches Chicago nnd expects to b o lucre iu about twcuty-livo aajs. O | r House MnimuL-inniit Vliungod. BKATUICG , Nob. , Dee. 3. [ Special Telo- to TUB BIJE.J Messrs. Osbarn an Groves , lalo lessees of ibo Paddock opera house , today relinquished the management of that ' ' establishment. 'L'bo now managers nro Messrs. Uov D. Fuller , late trcakurer of Iho opera house , who becomes ouslnoss manager and Harry A. Lee , ireasurer. Aciiilttcil | mi Oniiiliii Mini. FIIEMONT , JNob , , Dec 3. [ Special Tele- cram lo Tiir.Bni : . ] The Jury afler bsir.g out twenty minutes I'grcod on n verdict of not guilty in tbo case against Dr. Hexford of Omnba , accused of assaulting John Cranny with u lance. hcimtnr Gibson Dying. HOT SriuxuH , Ark , , Dec. 3. A change for tbo worse in Senator Gibson's condition be came apparent to the physicians late this ovonlng and it is announced that bo may not survive the night. This is ibo first ehanpo noticeable In bis condition for tbo past forty- eight hours und the alarming symptoms which appeared tonlcbt have caused his frlamls nfut relatives to lose all hopes of his recovery. Ho bail sovural smothering sp. Us today and in hta extremely wcuk condition It is feared bo will go suddenly with ono of these spells. He is barely olive tonieht umJ it la apparent that the hour of llnal dissolu tion Is nigh. Burrmnler of n Slnriloror. HOI-KI.N.SVIM.K , ICy. , D.-c. 3. D. B. IVlies , the sclf-uonfosbeil assa sin of \ \ niter Weaver , who was killed at Sluicing Fork Wednesday , accompanied by several friends , rode into this city at an early hour this icnrningaud hurricillv gtvo : hlmsolf up to tlio authorities. Ho had an Interview with his son , Wlllinin , who is in Jail also charged With tbo murder. IIo will taken to the Hen- dcrion Jill for safety. lilt son will have his trial in a few il'.vs , and , on tba father's evi dence , will bo acquitted and released , Court of I'rlv.itn l.uiul Vlulini. SiNTi FE , N. M. , Dao. 3-Tho United States court of pnvalo land cjalms con- vcnca Uoro today after a recess of two mouths. During vacation eighteen now cases were lllud for settlement , covering over 2,000.000 , ncrai of land In New Mexico , Colorado and Ari7oni : , Up lo dale Ufty-ono In nil cranls liavo been lllud for adjustment of UtlPS covurins nbout ( l.OOU.UOJ neros of hum In the touthwcat. ( JhlcfJu3llcuJ.lt. KccU of lowu prcsiui-il , fdii ht fur 11 U'drthlim CITV , Mo. , DJC. a , During a jii'irrel over thu nossession of a valueless dog tnJiy , J , B. Smith , a fanner , was shot In the shoulder by Louis Whitlleld , who was In turn shot In the neck by Milcolm Court- lov. Wblttleld will probably die. All tbo parties 10 ibo quarrel nro negroes. llnvo Acrri'il Iu Ailvinco Ilia I'rlcr. Ni\v : YOHK , DJC. a. Tbo reiail coal exchange - change of this oltv ut It regular mooting yes terday adopted a resolution lo advance ibo retail price ou all Jizzs of coal 25 cents per ton. New York iiali.iii : | ; < t Ijmitulliiii * . NEW VOIIK , Dao. a. [ Special Telegram to TUB BIK. : | Kxohango wus quolod as fol lows : Cblcagn , 4itTO ( cents premium ; Bos ton , 1012-i ; ! cents discount. lilt * u l.llrco llilnhtnllio . 1'onri.ANi ) , Ore. , Dec. ,1 , Uccolver Klnif of tuo Ailistoj Lumber company hn tiled tils llrsi sta'.ement , suowliiK tno company's In- debtodliesi In bo t455.i,000. with assets of eoo.ooo. When tlio IlrrliitM-K Ariiltriiium WASHIXOTOX , U. O. , Dec. 3. TUo Deriuic sea orbitrailon tribunal will bold iu tint uic Uug iu l' rli ou February 23 , 16'JX TO GET BETTER WEATHER larch Too Inclement and Unkind for Pleasant Inauguration Exarches. j | [ FOR CONVENING THE CONGRESS Strong Sentiment KxUU In Pavcir of ( Jotting 11 Together Soonnr Tliuu n Vcitr niln .Month After II * iicctlon. ; Iltmciu OP TUB Dec , MS Fouiirsnvnt STKKBT , : i D. C. , Dae. 3 ' The agitation of an extra session has re called attention to the many propositions in- reduced Into coneross for changing the date of the op.'nlng of congress to some earlier period. All the Joint resolutions now before congress , howoeor , have the disad vantage of coupling with the change of data for iho opening ot congress a change of the date ot Inauguration , whllj tboro is a gen eral fooling that tha Amsrjcan paople after electing a man to bo the prosljont oiijht not tosubjact him to the danger ot death by holding inauguration oeromonioi in the nonth of March , it will bo vary dtDlcullovor to change that d&to , There seems to bo nulto a strong senti ment in bath the senate and house In favor of opening a new congress earlier than oa the first Monday of thu second Doccmbor after its election. Sanator Miller , who is chatrnnn of the committed on elections and privileges , to which saob bill would bo referred , said that ho bcurtllv favored a change , but tint ho bo- Itovod It would bJ bettor to have congress convene in October or Novombar. Sanator Gorman is uhouiulontoon to favor an earlier d to. Speaker Crisp favors a chango. but suggests that a saroful examlnalion of tno couslllutlon i bj made botoro any change Is made , lost an oarller date should conlllct Will some of the constitutional duties of congress , such iw tbo counting ot the elec toral vote In January. Chairman Springer oft ways and moan's committee also heart llyi favors thu cunnga. He recalls that It was a snort session of congress in session slot after ill successor had bo elected that passed the famous back pay bill. No congressman who H defeated should be given an opportunity to attest legislation. Judge Holnm n , chairman of tbo appropria tions committee , Is of similar mind. True tot bobby ho favors it because he believes that congress would "savo money. " Con gress mlcht meat , appoint its committee , bold a short sesslou and then adjourn , mak ing tno second session tha long session In stead ; of the llrst as nt proiont , The com mittees could sit during ibo recess , hold In vcstigatlons if nccaoary , and have other bills and reports formulated ready foructlonvbcn the seconu session mot. Western Tensions. The following woUorn panslons granted nro reported by TUB BL'U and Examiner Bureau of Cliiiun : Nebrnsua ; OnglnaltjJohn Ellerj , Henry Paso , Washington Waugh , Charles Uradley. UavM Mullonlx , George Grolg. Addltlotml Jacob II. Sbugan. Supplemental Alfred U. Worth. Increase James M. Goolsby , George Baucn , deceased. Original widows , otc. Haniot.M. Dowoy. Mary NIcUolls , Priscllla J. ' Grass , Nancy McDermott , mother , Clarissa A. Vanblarlcom. Iowa : Original Levi C. Htnlr , John Powell , Myron F. . Knight. AloazoG. Duoutv. Additional-John S. Willis. Increase Aloheus Williams , Admond J. Hurley , Gcorgo W. Daniels , William ll. Patlorson. Helssuo Edwin Baker , deceased , Anton I Iiuhof , deceased. Uoissuo and Increase Asa Junes. Original widows , otc.Susan A. Bauer , M. Evoliuo Stone , Theresa Imhof , Anna Sutton , Mary A. Faust , Phobo J. Todd , Sarah J. Gardner , Adaline F. McDonald , Sarah A. Moore , Laura E. Hall. Luclua Tinker , Klizabeth T. Kohin , Marcy Ponliollow ( mother ) , Uuth Hampton ( mother ) , minors of Minctt J , Ivollor , Lydia A. Camp , Jane Shoup. Original Jamns O. Cooley , James Snyder , Joseph W. Donald , Alonzo Palmer , Nathan Church , Ezra Hupp. Additional Samuel O. Thomas , Benjamin Waddle , Wil liam Baruhill , Leonard Bell , David Buck , Jeremiah Wilson. Increase Leonard W. Archer , Josenh Fierstlno , Albert Root , Stephen C. Wilcox , Philander V. Carpenter. XtolBsuo Ephriam Badger , Sullivan Daniels. Uulssuo nnd Increase John ii. Pilcrlm. Original widows , etc. Jane W. Puch. Margaret J. Mayes , Margaret M. Uadall , Marfrnrat ForJyco. , Eio | ) Martin , Sarah 0. Jail , MtvrthaA. Brumloy ( mother ) , Addle I L * Swnrt , James V , Kennedy ( father ) Har riot Nowoll. Elizabeth Stevens , Ludla War- hurst. , , South Dakota ! Original widows , etc. Jennlo A. Flowers , Original Charles Pcnso , William Lohnn , Increase Fred erick Bohrons. MUcpltrihontu , It is understood that Senator Paddock has succeeded In obtaining the npoolnlmont of District Attorney Lumbartson of Omaha to bo assistant secretary of too treasury In place of Secretary Nptlloton. Tbo appoint ment will not bo announced until some tlmo next week. The Toxai dclecatlon will urge Upon Proi- Idnnt-oloct Cleveland the nama of .ludgo Culborson for nttornov general. It will bo rorncinborod that President Harrison offered Mr. Culborson the fat ofllca of an interstate commercial commissioner. Mr. Culborson had expected to bo appointed to ono of the new circuit courts of nppsals , anil , being disappointed In that , refused lo accept thu Interstate commerce comtntsslonorshlp. P. S. 11. ON sii.vnn. Opinion of tlin Mtsiouri .StntcMiian an tlio Mdiiotiirv t'onlorriico. WASIIINOTOV , D. C. , DJC , 3. Haprosonta- live Bland of Missouri , chairman of thu coinage - ago comuilltco and the champion of free colnaga of silver , was asked by an Asso ciated press reporter what bo thought would bo iho effect of the failure ot tbo interna tional monetary conferencj to ngreo on any thing. Ho replied : "I don't see that it would have noy effect ono way or the otbor. I have not regarded It as amounting to any- thlug moro than a malcoshlfo to tldo over election and perhaps help a movement to do- monotlzo silver. 1 always regarded it us having those objects In view moro than any real expouiallon of doing k'ood to silver. I don't think the publio generally expect much of It. " "Do you expect anything from the confor- cncoi" ' I do not , and [ decisively ] I uovor have. " "Suppose tbut Hie conference should fall and that n proposition should then bo made to repeal the Sherman law , what than I" ' Tnat will 03 oropoiod anywav , I p.-o- sumo. I am in favor of repealing i' i , ' wo cannot pot something better for silver. 1 do not HKO the Sherman law. At the time It was proposed I stated on the floor of the house , and In mv report , that It would not increase the value of silver , or tend to promote its restoration as money ; that It would bo n falluro iu that respect ; yet you may say it Is a connecting link between total demonetization nnd something bettor. Hence 1 think it would bo baa pulley to re peal it unless wo can do something clso at the same tune. Our bill and the Stewart bill repealed tbu Sherman law , but substituted free coinage. " "Do you think tboro Is any prospect of sil ver lozlslntlonl" " 1 would not llko to express any opinion on that , because I do not know hoxv tbo members feel. From the way they voted last session , there li not much prospect ot it. " . "Aside from free coinage , what plan can you suggest that would improve the llaancial situation I" "i would go to work nnd coin all tbo bullion vvhich has been purcnased. That would bo a crent relief , because it , would show we were determined to make mono.v of silver the same as of gold at any lixed ratio. It , " added Mr. Bland with a slgnillcanco that appeals lo-the economist of the house , "could bo the means by which a delicloncy in the treasury could be m3i. All the bullion wo have in the treasury under iho present policy might as well bo dumped into tha Potomac so far as making money of It is concerned. It is treated s as a commodity , and as treated by the ircasury now , it is so much ( load capital. Wo have purchased alncj the Sherman law 0 WMIT. into effect noarlv ii ti . ii.ni.iiiiii , ounces of t silver , which would coin about , $ injOOJ,000. Hating Iho purchases at an average price of 'JOccnlsan ounce , wo would gain approxi mately $ . " > . ) , 000 , 000 on coining the bullio-j , which would bridge over any dlflleulty aris ing from the deficiency In the treasury the coming fiscal year , that wo not issue bonds nor take any other steps than coining that bullion to proviae ourselves with needful funds. " "Don't 3-ou think the proposition to make silver a legal tender up to JW , shows a raoro liberal disposition toward silver of the part of Great Britain 1" "That would make it a substaiary cur rency , a mere token , Anv proposition that doa < not inako it n full local tender is not making monov of it.Vhat Great Britain wants ibo United States to do with silver is ti mane it simply a subsidiary currency. What wo should ho is to drive Great Britain to the use ol silver as mono } * . And wo could dolt. Wo would only hive lo innko money of silver anil Great L' lnln would have lo net with MS , for It has too many Interests not to do ltr > KoUnchlld says thnt'Urc.tt Britain could not afford to do anything that would hurt us , Austria , Uimla and others nations nro buying gold , Supptijo wo should go Into the market after gold. Yes.it has been talked about ; It hai boon said wo should soil moro bonds or should Issue raoro legal tender notes and provide a bans for thorn by buying gold. If wo wont Into the market wo would boat them , The prlco of gold would ucop tising ; there would bo a scramble for it and then a crash whoa tha pcoplo would como to ro.illzo what this single gold basis moans. " UXTUA SESSION TALK. mnii tlrrcklnrlilco nnd .Smintnr I'iilmor ( llvo Tholr Vlows. WASHINGTON- . ( J. , DJO. 3 , Ucprosonta- llvo W. C. P. Brooklnrldgo of Kentucky is in favor of sotnowbat of n departure from custom in iho ma'tor of iho preparation ot the democratic tariff revision bill. Ho thinks it should bo done under direction of Mr. Clerolatul. Mr. Brocklnrldgo said that the people had conlulcnco In Mr. Cleveland , and ho thought that Mr. Cleveland should , with the nsslslnnco of his cabinet officials , prepare a tariff bill to bo submitted to congress in lieu of a mere message of recommendation. This bill , ho say ? , could bo considered In the committee on ways and moans niul such amendments as wore agreed on could bo adopted In the bouso nnd snnato and a great do.il ot tlmo and trouble bo saved , Mr. Biocklnndco said that ho was opposed to an extra simlon of the house and was apparently not favor able lo an extra session next autumn. . Senator Palmer of Illinois said that he favors an oxlra session provided the demo crats can reach a uollnitc agreement as to ex actly What matters of legislation should bo taken up at the session. These should bo confined , ho thought , to thu organization , appointment of committees and admission of territories to stHtohood , The . senator put in a good word lor Slate Treas urer K. S. Wilson of Illinois as secretary of agriculture in Mr. Cleveland's cabinet. Senator Halo of Maine believes the demo crats will organlzD the next soimto. Hoswys the republicans would bo foolUh to try to hold the orgnnlzil'on. As tbo democrats will bo able to control the k'ghlaluro , the senator botioves thov shoulrt bo obliged to assume Iho full responsibility of orgunlza- tlou. AS A SAMl'AltV I'lSKVII .Surgeon Clniiur.il W.vm.ut Will Itecoinineiiil ttio SiMpunslim ol Immigration. WAsiii.voroN- . C. , DJC. 3. Surgeon General Wynuti of the Marino Hospital ser vice , In his annual report will , It is said , recommend as n measure of safety to the country ' during the Columbian exposi tion 'that immigration bo suspended for nt least ono year from Jan uary l next. This Is based on the prediction of sanitary experts that Iho rbolora is almost certain to reappear in Europe next yoir. It is also almost certain that the secretary of the treasury will adopt .tbo proposition as a part of bin general plan for a national quarantine service. for tlio Aiitl-Optlons Hill. WASHINGTON- . C. . Dao. 3. Senator Hansbrough ot North Dakota bollovcs the chances of the passage ot tbo anti-option bill have grown less and that dilatory tactics will bo used to encompass the defeat of the measure. If the bill is not passed , ho says , by this congress , it will never become a law as it will drop out of sight. Prnsidoiit IIurrlson'M Mpssnfjr. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Deo. 3. The president spent the entire day rending the proof slips of his message to congress and bold confer ences with the members of his cablnot on topics in the message relative lo Ihcir re spective departments. Tbo message and documents will bo sout to congress on Tuo day. _ _ Hallway .Mull Sorvleo. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Dec. 3. The annual report of Superintendent White of the rail way mail service shows that for the year ended Juno 30 last the servloa handled the enormous total of 0,5S'.ibW'S9 ! pieces of mail matter , an increase of 7.37 per cent as com pared with the preceding year. Organiroil Now Sto-tmslilp Oomptiiy. WASHINGTON , D. C. , DJC. 3. The ofllcials of the Cbosakoako & Ohio railroad herc cor. firm the statement that a now steamship line has been organized 10 operate between Newport News and Liverpool. Six llrst class vessels will bo put on tbo line at a cost of over $2,000,000. 0 ' o o ® During the month of December I will sell my entire line of Sewing Machines , which comprises a number of the leading makes , including the 'ivorld-renoivned I also have a number of machines , including all of the leading makes , which I have taken in exchange for Standards , some of which are as good as neiv and all in good running OJ der. These machines are on sale at from This is the chance of a lifetime , First Come , First Choice.- mrortli IStlx CONTINENTAL CLOTHING HOUSE. great BlearaiiGB Sale of Boys'and ' The Greatest Bargain Sale on Record BOYS' SUITS AND .OVERCOATS AT UNHEARD OF PRICES-TIIIS DECEMBER SALE MEANS BUSINESS-DON'T MISS IT. Boys' Short Pant Suits. ' 3 S'gestbargain lines is a lot of'500 Cassimerc Suits at $ % each , sizes 4 to 14 , worth double the price. Cheviot Suits O QT Ages6to 14absolutelyall-wool CheW 4)J.ZJ ) iot Suits , worth $5 each , at $3.25. ys' Overcoerts Boys' Handsome Piaid Cape Overcoats , sizes 3 to $ fears , at $4.25 each. Botjs' Overcoats S3.OO. Ages 3 to 8 years a lot of 200 cape overcoats which havq sold all season at $5 and $6 will go on sale Monday at $3 each | Hundreds of similiar bargains just as attractive as th above. - MAIL OR.DE1R.S Mail orders accompanied with money or express ordeis will receive the same careful attention as customers in person1 IBtli eiiid. 33oucjla.s Sts. IALE. VAN COTT JEWELRY COMPANY , \For \ Thirty Days only wo will olTor our ontlro ato.c ! of Diamonds nnd Christmas Jewelry and Sllvorw.iro ut loss th in nvuiuuoturor'B cost. Fourteenth and Farnam Streets- . , . . , . win move Jan. 1 , to N W Cor. 10th and Tarnum. KAI'T,3 KOR HAM3. The Mercer. Omaha's Newest Hotel. COR. 12TH AMD HOWARD STS. 40 IlooinBalf.Mj > orilay. M lluoms at f I.OU pur dny. 30 Ilrumi with lluth ul3UO pcrilar- 10 loum ( with Hath at fJ.W luHVi i > cr day. OPENIHL ) A-UGUS r IsL. .Modern In Kviry llumirrt \ < i ly l TliruiiRluint. C . S. ERB , Prop. W J. l.nnit ) . accrue -Admin. Alfred W Bcott. l-tct. l.uncaitur Co. Hank , iSotiiry I'uullc. Lamb. . Adams Attorneys-at-Law , Lancaster County Hank lluid LINCOLN , - - NEBRASKA. MERCHANTS' HOTEL , PAHNAM ST. , Holwcon 15th und IGtlji Htrcols. W.1\.1)AXTQNJR..1)1U1)R1ETOR \ ) , . ) { ) lluvlir. nesnnieil ( lie inniiuROincnt of Uii Mcrclmnlb' Hotel , \\llliiuiku 1 Kiiuli Impmvo- int'iilH unit fliiitiKcu a" will mu ! > e lulu liomia OIHI of Uiu liuit ut which lustop In Omithu. TliuiL'ijulruinurilH mill WIUIIH of nil pulroni will le CMrufiillv ulttmili'U to. llulni ; utoat ( ( . lit rally lou.itc'il I Ins hotel ulTors bpuulul tit * Iriiulliinilii Uio inivulliiit pillule. A conilnilf n lieu of IU former liberal natmnaico UitHpuuU fully askuil , W. A. 1'AXl'UN , Jit OMAHA. Dec. 1,1852. Jlnrij ol uurAUKMTH urn riKI.I.I.Mi Iruiu fAW to I.'OJ wotlliof ARNOLD AUTOMATIC STEAM COOKERS per uiuntfi Don't rum tin Wlu , or MOT * lor mil | ivuiiui , when you iLluhl be luaklnit muru mona him Iu uiuiuar Aiiiilf for leiuli. OUKKUCU , NJf a 3HU3U , Om Uo.