THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE PHRT THREE. PRGES 17-24 TWENTY-SECOND YEAK. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , DECEMBER < 1 , 1892-TWENTY-FOUll PAGES. NUMBER 107. W. Corner IGtli and Douglas Streets 1 Omaha. DURING THIS SALE , WHICH LASTS BUT 6 DAYS , IT WILL BE IMPOSSIBLE FOR OTHER DEALERS TO CALL ANY OF THEIR GARMENTS "BARGAINS. " THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN OUR PRICES AND QUALI TIES AND THEIRS IS SO GREAT THAT COMPARISONS WILL BE ODIOUS , AND THEIR GARMENTS TOO DEAR TO THINK OF. Orders $7.50 Filled. Extra quality h a ndsome shade of tan beaver , trim med with : > inch shawl and reefer of best French seal , half satin | C lined , made If like cut , r\ Worth Orders $16.50. Filled. 200 ladies' ' imported - * ported Kersey Top COATS , Novelty Cloth RUSSIAN COATS , in black , brown , or tan , Ji Actually worth $35,00 , SO Worth Boston Store , * 35o , Omaha. StrictlyAll Wool Black Diagonal Worth Mail Orders $9.00 , Filled , 50 styles of richly fur trim med JACKETS , plain or novel ty cloth , trim mcd with opos- sum.coon , mink or bear , hall W Mill Orders Filled , Handsome tan imported Itea- vcr Garment with large fin- shawl of blue fox or real lynx trimming with muff to match , Plain Beaver All Wool Yf * ' Extra Values Mail orders filled Same Day We get them. Silk Plush * Cloak , Heavy quality , * satin lining ; or chongcablesilk , line seal loops ' Neverj offered before loss than i Worth Mail , Orders $35.00. Rilled. 500 adies' samj le garments in Watteau backs- triple cape [ Jackets - all the newest lead ing styles and materi al many of these gar- men fs are worth $50 but will be solj Monday at Worth' ' At * BOSTON STORK , $50 , Omaha , Extra Heavy Brown or Dark Gray Tailor Made Beaver Cloth Half lined with JI& changeable silk large pearl * buttons. Mail Orders Filled. Military Cape Newmarket * in BLiclc , Cheviot or Tan Mixed Novelty Cloth. These are the most servicea ble garments. Mail Orders Filled 111 f Ell-its' , Misses' Largest assortment in in Sizes IIMUI 8 to 14 years , at ± O.OQ , Handsome Military Cape Newmarkets for children from > tto 12 years at i Long Cloaks for infants 1.50 nicy cashmere and French flannel rlish cloaks. 2 to 4 yrs. . \\ortli \ \ $1 $ , go at irect your mail orders to BOSTON S'TOREx , N , W. Cor , 16th ana Douglas Omaha , NeL yes , 10,200 yards of $1.50 and $2.00 Dress Goods will be on sale at BOSTON STORE at 8 o'clock Monday Morning at 59 cents. . They were imported for a swell New York house , who found when their belated arrival was announced that they were unable to use the quantity. We a'tcmpt no description. See them in great heaps on the big- square front counter devoted to bargains in Dress Goods. Every piece is new in Omaha' , every yard is straight value at $1.50 to $2 oo. We make no distinction 59 cents a yard buys the choice. Your watch will not tick ten seconds be fore you commence buying- when you see them. ASTOETISH1HC } All wool storm series in 10 distinct shades with fancy stripes , " snlt- able for children's wear nnd boys' waihts , value Hc ) a yard. Monday only IS pieces 44 inch black wool Bedford with illu minated woven figures , never sold less than G9c , ffo on Mot day ut 2'Jc. ' Beginning1 Monday wo will oiror you a largo line of 42-inch cheviots , in stripes , plaids and fancy weaves , also 64- inch pin check cloths , in tans nnd grays These goods are all wool and were never sold under G'Jc to 7c ! ) a yard , tomor row they go at ! 19c. Wide wale all wool illu minated Forgo , 48 inches wide , in navy , blackb , dark greens , never re tailed before under $1 , now 55e. 80 pieces CO-inch wide assorted mntol-tsso and all wool novelties in choice now slndcs that are wortli fioin $1.2.3 to $1.75 , go at 98c. Pine imported screes AI inches wide , in blues , black , browns , tans , als-o light shades , which woio Imported to hell ui $ ] . ( > ! ) , go Monday at Too. The Following Are 'a ! Bargains : Black satin rhada- imi" , all silk ; very wide , worth Si , now Black bengaline , heavy rich cord , worth $1.25 ; now. . 2'1-inch black gros grain , cashmere fin ish , worth $1.50 , now only KT. W , Cor. 16th a : - - CDO OO ELEGANT UHMADE At 51.-18 an entire dress goods pattern of Jl-ineh all wool diagonal with novel ty stripes , all wool dross llannul with marl figure and navy blue storm servos. Any of the abovoaro worth ut least oOo u yard. Wo give you an entire dross pat tern ofOyd rorSl.48 At $2.129 a full dress pattarn , btrictly all wool , illuminated hoiTinjj-bono cllcct alonjr with plain col ored camel's hair , also bright plaius. None of these goods have been ollwed for less than 7oe a yard. \Vo glvo yon u full dross pattern of 0 yards for $12.121) ) . At $2.87 a complete pattern of imported urchS goods consist ing of fancy weaves , mottled , plain arm y.igjaig ehoviots , also London stripes mm sideh.inds. T hose goods were made to -oil at OSo. Wogivo you a full dreas jwt- torn for J2.S7. 50- imported dress roboa in IGdilToront Hlmdos , bountiful hioadcloth , hand $ bomoJy embroidered and trimmed with fur , $12.50 , $15 , $25. THESE BELOW WILL BS POUJSTD 100 dress patterns , consisting of double-fold honrlottiiH , beautiful 1'i-oiK'h ' llgurog in dark colors , 7 yards to a null. For whole suit 1200 dross patterns of wool flniinolH , in navies and blaukH , 8 yards to a pattern ; whole pattern only 70e. IfiO dross patten ) ? , navy blue storm Horgo ? , 612 Inuhes wide , extra heavy G yards to a pattern , ono dollar buys a whole pat tern , nd Douglas Streets.