14 THE OMAHA DAILY IWEt SUNDAY. T\VI3NTY-FOU11 \ PAGES , 8PECIRL NOTICES. mKU-mK.MKNTH I Oil 1IIK K COLI MNS A will to tntipn until 13 W p m fur the ovenlrijr Mid until8 TOp. m for Iho niornlnu ot Sunday < M llMi" ilvett1iprrent tnUri for ICM tlmn IS conti ( or All "dvprlitPiric'nti In tlirso colnnini m cent * a worrtfor the firm Insertion nnd I ffnt n word for ruth tulincqiicnt Insertion r II W.I' " ' . ' , " ? ! . monlli Tcrin ra.i | In nlvnnrc Inllnl , lhi { „ ymbol . etc. , such count iti n word All niifprllsc ifcntnmum run rormriumoljr. Ailtprtli.pi . by 10 niifitlne n ntimlprc.1 tl.riV . cnn bnvn tliplfttpri KddrrMPd to n mimbcrnl letter In ciro nr 'I UK llf.r An ner > o nddroMPd will bo iH'llTeroil on tlio prtnenlMlon of llinlluck SITUATIONS-WANTED. 7 HOOtl IIOUSlfKKIJl'KK AND qKAMSTUHJH Adcslrpn n homo In liotcl where ho cm rnnko b r elf item rally iinofnl " 'joil lionu nioru ton Udercil thnn WPKP . II 11 ijj O Hui4iil 1'ao * ' T WANTi'D. RV A > OMPV3TKST MIDDLK /Vficoil woman , n situation as cook ori.cnrral lioiupwork. Aildroo" 17 , lleo .Mt" < 0 & ' 1 911II A'fioNWAS'IKIUV PRACTICAL fnrnlturomnn 13)ci r oxperlancoln new and neconil hand fiiriilluro and stoves ! upoaks Hriir ll < -dvndlnavlan nil I flurniftii Address s/to lieu ofllcc. ' " " ' " A" " -WANIKDrPOHITIOS AS IIOOKKKKPI3II Oil clerk VoiinKmntupenklnKnrjil corrpipondlnK In KiiBllsb nnildc-rninn laniuinupi nnil nlso ciin- vermnl with Irinr-h Largo experience In nriico nnd nloo nil llio road Address H M , Rc < .MJIi U * - ) STKS' ( ( ) , t7\PIIKlfP ) K\PHRIM'I3 ( A-LMV poMllJii his llml-rliM ri'feron ei Art ilrcpi room Mil , t Irst .Nat I bank hull llni 'HI > ' A - M riMTios w A sTmi n\ i\PKiti7M : : r.i ) . /Land ctmipetcnl lady irti-niiBrnplnr. llcmltutlon operator , llcfproneos [ iirnlilipl ModerHo salary Aililroii O 19 , Stockman olllco , suuth Oinnlin WANTED-MAI/G HELP. 1-MAN WAM'IIDOSAHIU DM' Wlt'l ' CAN 'learn quick ! ) Apply al Ijtti I'o'UlK 4QIDHI 1 VII ) I3I3K > ly , alflmicr onir-i l-JIAN"vANrlii : ) l.AUY VSD IIM'KNSH Jjl'ormaiieiit plite. nholo or pirt lime pply ntoncc , llronn llros Co Nuraoryint-n , ChlciRii _ * * ' d " ' ' " " "jTiu'-iu'iMM HAY smtt : . i -Ai i.vrs > SNAi" JJcl. Aililrcss liothenonr , W.I Clnrles t dniiilin , ' cl. "D WANTI3D AN liXI'I'.lllKN'i'KD ARSTIlC - IJler ( live reforoico nidi ill y wauled , addles * H4ciro lleo M' " < * T > - SALARY ( fllToMMIsSION 'ID AI3MS'IO ( 1'handln the. P.ilpnl ( In mlciil Ink I'mtlng Pencil The most iinpful and novel Invention of HIP HBO Krni-in Ink thoroughly In two IPOIMI Is Works Ilko inndle. 2-0 tuMJO | ier cent prolll Aiii'nls making t/Jpor wpek Wo al"0 irint a. uetn'ril njeiitto take chnrCO of lorrllor ) and npnoint sub nireuts A rare chniH o to make money Write tor terms and a mm Ida of orntliu Monroe l.rastr ilfis Co , A ! li.L . rossc , \ \ Is i _ _ Tj-WANTKD. A PIANO".v\ ! ! BR AT list 1J-WAMKI ) A RI'.L1AILI3 AVI ) KNKHdl'.TIC -JLIbiisbiess inin with Mil ill iipltal , to nnim.'C an onico business In thlt tlty beitof references required quired K W Dana , llio I'axlon MJiO 4' B MKV WI'ltMlOl ) RK.PI3R > ctirc for rrspi nslhlle iioslllons Call i lo 4 | i m K2 tnrnaru Blrttl , Ihlrd lloul 830 4 J-WAN'II'.D. PIVK CARPKNri'.RS TO WOR > on Iho Pnnllllon school lioiisc al PopUJIo lib. Apply.it once & 774' J-WANTIil ) , I IRSr-CLVbS COACHMAN > Apply W. 11 31llHnl , Omaha Nallonal bank. 1J-WANTIM ) , ANILIICRLYKNTLiMAN ) ! : IrOR JJn permnnent porltlja In our builneas , licit ref ercnccB required , former clt ) man preferred , nal- nry $16to week ! ) Cull after 10 'luc dny W T Marshall , 12 Irelitliton bloc * U'i 4 * VVAN113I ) , A blllONd IIOYISOl'R l.AII 11A lory , who Is not afraid ( o work Apply to super Intcmlont. 'Jhc LudiliPiicklnK ; Co , tenth Dnuilia T | WANT1CI ) . TIIAVKLIN ( ! SALI'SMI N TIIOR JJoutilily ncqualnleil with the cropker ) and Rlass- ware business to represent u Chicago house In Kansas , Colorado , Mlchbian , Minnesota aud lima. ( ! l\u experience and refertnttK Addrtss A' ' . ' , tare Lord .V'lhomaa llilmuo 111. .Oil' -FOUR bALKSMKN IN THIb t'PRRI 1ORV ; i'j per month and \penMM I'ncloho stamp Kenwood 1'iil.biK Powder Co , K > J Madlaon t , CldcnKO. Ill .US 4 * 1V-CANNAbSKRS WANTKI ) , MALK AND PIC- -1'mnle. { I ( X ) nn hour bnmples and Urnis free Grand Lentrnl Novell ) Co , Lotkport , N Y. WANTKI ) , AH UN 1 P. f ) CM ) ' 10 JIO OJ PUR DA Y collectlnc small pictures for us to cop ) and on larpo. tntlsfaclluu Kiiaranlctd and all 01) onllll trie. A. Dtinno , * v Co , M Rtad Bl , New \ ork. .Hi 4 * B Wl ! OlFKIl ArtNTS ! 111(3 ( MONKY , IN I3X elunlvo terrllor ) Our Kafon sell nt Klk'bt In clt ) nrcoiintr ) AKIMIIH llrtt In lltld actually uettliu rich. OnoiiKenl In unedii ) tlenred } H' < bo cai you. ( alalOKiio free Adilrct > s Alplnu bafo CoNe No SiiO-liI Clark tl , Cincinnati , O I'll ' 4 * B-AHN'fb ! , SALAIIY AND lOMMlbSION. HKb'l fraternal order. Assc-sts HOOODO Belli life run endowment clai-se . ( lilt edBi'd In evtrj respett home district a 'tnlM minted A rare chance Ad ilrcm KlnKA. Co B Union bqimre. Now \uil- -WANTKI ) MI3N OK dOOl ) A'DDIl'CsS , iOOI pay , light work Cull Monday and 'Inatula ; forenoon , Itoom 17nre blutk ' . ' 57 4 * WAN 1 131) , TiuVKl.l.NH SAI.KSMISV Tl tarry our line ei < lntleljur IIH nlde line , pin tWwctklyand uptuird Jewell , 177 Mom ue street CldtiiBO , HI ! 4 * A IIKN1I IIMAN WAN I HI ) IN 13VKIIY ( 'IT' by u. Newport llrrn to nell line clears by bo\ vrliolesalo prices to pilwitu piulloi , Irlends an dealers. ( * oed exlra Intoimt t ontldenltall ; trenledddit'bsblar l.'oi 0 , 1 US 'Ihlrd incnm Auwork DA ) 4 B WAMI'.l ) , SALICSMKN 10 CARRY blDK LlNI of our poimlar tlKarn and plate samplelol w lib pn mlumi' . Itlk puy N rltoqult-k. Dlxlo ( tun CoMnstoii N' C MOO & T ) WAN'IKD. 1'M'I 1I1UNI 131) CROCKKRY A3 i JlKlarBwaro snliMnen AddresH , etallUK ex per rnce , lowns travtlud lo and full particulars on those having established lollies will beronHldorei ! llurley , V lyrrull , 4J and 41 Laku ntruel , thli U'u. S1U5 8 1 > MAIiKIMK.N WAN'IKI ) ; A 1'F.W llt'SILKll J-'lo sell our Koods lo Hie retail grocery Irado I country un rmiuiils'lon can nuke ? > lJ ( InllOUj pt day as u side line bpentcr 11 , P Co , li-'j Masonl 'iumple , ChlcuKO Wl I * v > takellilit , pleiixunt ork lit their own hoinct HOOK ) MO ) per iln j can be qu'lotl ) made ; wur rcnl by iiiell , no uinvaislnx tor paitleulara ai ilrcnn Illotn MtKC.0 , lox. ! > JJl , Ilu.tuc , Mass K : tnbllshiMl IH-O. M tt/i 1)11' A COM PI' HINT ( .11(1. , Toil ( .KNKRA liontcwiirL ill oiue Apply ftt N W turner 251 itrcct and Jones 'ixU * -WANT1CD , (11IIL ( 1 OU (3I3NKRAL HOI.'ril work Family of two 3047 1'upplelon uvinu bM I -innniiici'.M.itALTHOUHIVOUK : AT n : llonnlinbln.il Mr i : llotewater b\ \ _ C WA.VIKD. ( HIIL hOll ( iK.NKUAL liopll work , three 111 liuully .Mm J b. OWIIK , t\l \ Kill stitet 8 4' C -WANThl ) A ( .Iltl.TODOULNHUALIIOlJK work Lull at i'llihoilth Illh Blreet. VII ! , ' C-LADHH : WHO WILL DO Him INU i-oit M ill llielr liomis will make K od WUKOS Hep tilth nildnsstd , niumped envelope , Silas Mlldri Miller , tuuth I'lind , lad , in I 4 * FOR R1SNT-HOVSK3. D-l OH HICNT , NINI3.ROOM IlDl.'slJ1ODKI : ! convenleiuts , 2J1I Laku at , ImiulroC , D. Woo worth , Uhl harnain 1.1. I ) - N'l.W MKAM HiA'lii : : ) MODDIIV I LA'I Kllkcnncj , room I , Cunllnnntiil bluik M17' ' 1)11 TV-loll RUNl'.Jl RAMI3 DWIII LI.M.H CORNK JtJot DoilKoand ITth and 17th and Capitol avenu Kiev en ruitmn each N'tar new puBlollIco all tcell , li. Clark A Co MJU DU D -ton iiiiN'i"NO. . vin CAPITOL A\IND : luoikrn. 'JUuO P Ilinln Co , 1W5 1 arnam BI BIP.'l D-A IjAIHIK l.lbl' OK C1IOICI3 IOU-I ! ; > toren Hats , tic , Iluuses from fjU per nion nnd up ( ItortiuJ Paul U.05 I arnam il , ! > dl5' I-V-MM3 ROOM HOUStt MODKIIN ( OK J ' lenroi , wnlcr rnnt paid , ( . ' 500 per monlli J Wlicolor , room 417 Ivarbaeh blutk JUS : -roit RKNT , MODIRN : IO"IIOOM iiotisTc. Al cuini'iiU'nii'i , ilvu inlnulus' walk poiloltli tlrcvt ram pan tlio door , Nathan tbcltuii ur l > bklnner , loll tornuin st , , . ( T\-hIlll'ROOM ! DKI'ACIIKI ) llOllbl. , MJ JL/trni l' < hi riclKhborbood , fJO r-uun rooms a liarn. Park a\cnu , 1/5. ( j K Hutu , WO bo II trect. MlhH d.i D -IIOUSK , i ROOMb , Sil W 01II , NKAR I.KA enwortb. .MfJOO DDA D-A NKW 7 ROOM COTTAC.K W mi ALL CO lenleuciB. liKjnlre al Illl Mnlon > trevt 7Mf D-A DKSIRA1ILK IIOMK OK U llOOMb , 1-U nltbeil ur unfiirnUlied Purlieu trobiK lo Cu fornla. Apply on premises , UUibuutli 'lentil bt 11-BROOM IOITAUV. HIM MAbON. 1HM -l-'bouti1 , modern , ai t A Maiuu Apply oUSSMun 77 f _ D-KOR 1IKNT. IIOUbKa IN ALL PAR'18 clly. TlioO , P Davit cumpHiiy , 1503 tarnain 77 D -KUt RKN'l , 10 ROOM HOUhK , W15 CAI IIOU ) . llt-ed A bt'lby , Hoard ofTrndD , 77 -FLATS. DWKI.L1NOB , COTTAUKH IN A par U of illy , Kilkenny i Co , Cuutlueutal b D --KOll RUNT , 5-UOO5I COrTAdK ON MOT ( llu * . Apply ti. Vt. coruir Hb uud Uuunlai. FOR nENT-nOUSK3. n-not' n or'"iniboMs , ALL M UI > KIIN CON f nleiiecf , plononntly locotcil ne r business cen tnr. Apply 18J ( ) ( .tilcftno t , or L a Skinner , I Ml fnrnnra 78J U-VKW7KCONI "tOlTAOKSi IIATuTiioT AND cold wnlor , all modern lmproTempnl . Dolrnblf IiKKllon ( nr ImUness men lir beautiful Sinnford ClrflP. Convnnlenl to Oniihn nnd "outb Omnlia Apply C S P.lcuttor rl New York Life building TIOR Rl'NI'NrtUlltANSCOM PARK IJllrlck house , einht rooms , foutli and ensl front , flnlshtd In onk , with hsndjomo tnnnllo" , liiitli , splcnilld fnrnaoi ? bHok cpllarnrCto , IIMW nieirnnl frnmu lieu o , i-leht roomer No llllil Pop nli ion ate , coulh Irani , with bath fnrnnce , etc , llrlck hoiifc , olaht ruoniF oak llnhh wllh nice balb , frrnaco , clly water , cistern , Rat , sowcraue , bflck cellar * , oloIIIJUO KlCiinnt brick lieu iNo IWlPnoine street , one of th llnciinnlslicil and co lo < t t'Ulit room houici In ( bo clly , with all modern conveniences , Includ Ins' olrcnnt ( Torcclaln bath tliu , hot and colil vtnlcr , slallounry Mtindry tub , eto no liner loca llun In theclly , ( V)0t ) ) Ilioabovohom-n nro all on p-ucd street * con vnnlpnt to niotur llnpp In perfectly licnlthy lucii lion nnd iileiMint neUhborhood ( Jcorno N Hicks , .jOJN \ Life - ill MINT , NhW7 ROOM MODKRN HOPSK , D-PC nicely pnpi-red , nenr WoM Inrnam car Dr Matllco. DuiiKlMblock MMl _ iV FoiT "itFNT , A TIN : HOOM IIOUSK ALL I-Miewly painted and pipercd hai bath room Inr naconnd all modern Impioveiiiptiti iltuMPdln ono ut the nin lu > 4lrnuloiu.lglilioihoods In the clt ) - on inb street ono hull blink north of I nrnain Inqnlro of Homo Investment Co , M llonr Pinion bullillna -M'l'J 4 RI3N1V s ] | , KNIll ) I.lltllT 1IRICK DIOR corner I a > t < mpnt , IIIB wnler , waler clostl rte n.Kid plate for a hoe rci'alrshop tailor repair shop , Iln shop or nnylliuni e i' , rcnl , $7 . ,0 per mo 1 C. Ilrunner room \\arolilooc I 8 1 4 foil RKN'l - VN KLI ( JAN 1' lORS'KR IIRICK Hal d ruums , cm batli , tnintel and triiti' . * > cloihen presses pilvalo hall ; nil In loud order , rent , til 10 , T C llrunner , room I , Ware block -IOR RI3NI' , lioPSIJ 7 ROOM" . MOIM3RN D Improvi utnti , III" Maple also larito barm rent rcn"onnblo Msl * h * - U13Nr-MY IIIIICK IIOUS. ' ; . NO V7P8 hiirnam slreel coitiilelo | wllh i vorj COIIMII ICIHCnrrcnM Holers , IUI Prtrnain Bt > I 85J ' 1 ROOMS , WI'sT 1 ARS'AM SI' S2\ D f , roonn Kill i and lonei streeti ! U V ) 5 rooms nnd him 4l t and Decitur JVO ' 'rooms on pivo I street near Pirn , tn And other * rrom Silo TO K I ) Wead ICth and Douiilas b' < 4 " "TllOOM IIOUSK ( Il'V rlsTmiN WATKll. I ) Cornei Pith and Paclllt itKelal IUI ft * - OR RiST : D-l 1IIIN Inn si. , 7 roonn rlt ) wilcr , saner lib Uti N IIMh st , 7 room' city water , NOH er HO IJJS N Villh Trooni nudjrn Inprovonienls , f.'O. 2 07 Pclrkk ave , l rooms , f i Ohio ard llsl , ,1 ID-room . ' two slory and base ment brkK houses all modern Imp i acli MS bhrlvtr \ O'Donobec , - 110.1 I arnim st MlbJ 5 -.OR | RKNT. FIX UOOM C01TAOK. DKSIUA- ole noK'hborhoad , also furnlluro for sale 255 > > PletcOBt MJ75 b' D-l4)RHBVr , 'llll ! alllt.lON , IlRsTCLAfs family holcl. In line order Rofereucei re quired , U y bklnnor Hill I a main U74 4 -I OR 1U3N1' . ii.l3MANT : 3S10RY 8 ROOM house , all modern Improvements 403 N' . 21d \l7 5 -POR RKNT , Sl\ ROOM COTTACi : WATKR and cos between motor ntul cable line" In- qutruNW N. 18 WJ 4 * -PI VL-UOOM COT1H(3K ( 10 SMALL PAM1LY Inqnlro J1518 Capllolave Ml'jO ' 7 * Ti-I-oTl HUNT , ' 1WO CH01CB ILA'Js IN Till- I'l' 13 Her block cor 11 , til and Jackson. 'lhc > have all comunlenci's nnd uro In llrat tlass repair Call nt 1IU llarnoy st Ml I D I-OU UK NT. NOMINAL IIA'1 13 USTIIiSPUINd lar e commodloui hnuso. alt convenience1 * , i few blULks from poslutlica , tiivuil streets , cholco nelKhborhood Iniiulro al SOU N. \ Life bld'it .M.i'8 fi FOK RENT-FUJINI3HED ROOMS. E-J ROOMS ON bT MAR\8 AV13 , FUIIVISIIKI forhousokecplm ; . Kround lloor ( , . ! Hulls , 2U S. 17th 4MdH - NICI3IA" KUIlNIslIUI ) UOOM , 21110 DAVKN E- Mr,7 8 E NLWH KUIlN'Ibllr.l ) ROOMS FOR LADIHS or ( 'cnllcmen lniiilro | at l'ij ' | Do cu 547 p-SOUIH ROOM , SUI3 11ARN13Y. -rUR.NIbllKI ) AM ) UM'UIINIbllKI ) HTHAM healid rooms , near HlKli school , ut 2U1S la\un- portal Ittforunce rncjulroJ Mrs M , 13 Hntloilk'e 781 I -.l I IIRMSIIKI ) ROOMS foil IlOUbl3KI3l3PINR > > for man and wife Rent taken In board. Jl'.l N 1 ? MC13I.Y rUR.MSI113l > I HOST UOOM WITI 1 modern tonvcnkntcs , 013 fc lOlh slrttlAlbbS AlbbS 4' EMJUM&Hh.l ) ROOMS , \VITH OU W11HOUI bo.ucl , Will healed. ' . 'U Norlli Uth street , I-NICILY : i URsi > iiiii ) ROOM IOHONKHIN- : v tlcrinin nt I2i ! N .Dili ttreet MJlUb * I'J I URMbllKI ) llOOMb , MNCLH Oil l l-isulte lor Kcntlcmcn Modtrn convtiilen < os lb.4 ln\cnporl ulrict ' . ' j 4 * fIORUCHT IIOUaKKKEPlNC J FURN1S1ILI ) JIJruoiiiH 1717 DodKO street XIO'JI ( j JtJRNI3HBP RODJ13 AND BOARD. \f T1113 DOLAN.231 AND 211 N. ISl'H bT. 414 "O-itooM. KOII ovi : OR rwo CUNM'I.ICUKN 1 with or without board , prlvatt ) famll ) . con venltnt to Park uvenuo ears , lijPJ Luaveaworlb , F1011 HUNT. H UNISH15I ) ROOMS WITH OH without board K07 Doduo utrtct. .M'WJ ( ! ' ] ? I M'.Ntblll'.D ROOM W1III HOARD POR'IWC iKciillomeii or l\o ) ladles In prlvulc taiull v In elegant loiiillon donnluwn , no thlldreu Vdilrit : b A' ' , Hen oftlte , Mfci , . ' VORRhNl' Mll'll HOARD , A I URNIblilU : i luinl ruoin niltnblo for two ccntlcmon 201' Cnllfoinli street , b7i b I PLKASANT H'RNIblll I ) HIO.M' ROOM I hunt , t-iHb. urif Dlherrouuia Hoard If desired I3niiilrful | IUJ south 17lh ' . ' 7J 4 * I- VilI.AIK1I3. : \ . IIAM-OMii.Y : 1 URNIbllKI L froal rouru Atcomodatloiu llrst class fi.'D N J 111 Vdi 5 * 17-NlCi : HIONT ROOM Will ! ALCOVI3. tasl JL view , bith , etc. ; il Nuilli JOlb M'JI ) 5 17 DKdlRIIIA I IJRNISIILI ) PRONT ROOM * L wllh bo ird inodern tonvcnlcnces , rccHonuble Riferiniisextlianxed. nil llurnu ) . M'jyi V \f \ \ LU.M8HKD ROOMS AND HOARD , 201 1 DousUsBtieot. .MIOI 17 * | 7OR RK.N1' , I ) ROOM IIOUSK Wl I'll II \ I H AND iindilirn tonvinkni.s luj N 'jlli ttreel In qulrn'i.l MJfc'l 0" FOR R15NT UNl'UKNISHED ROO3IS 1 UNI t RMHIIKI ) ROOMH WITH CI M walcr , U 4.MN Hlh St.cor C.r.n. iI73J 5' t-Sl'NH HMsllKI ) ROOMb , I URNACl ! JI13AT "bnth anil i/ns 14IJ Park live 7Jl 4 * GGl Gl ROOMS. MODHRN CON VKMKN'CKd , 'i ( family wllliout children , Ul I arnam Inquln I'aUon bloit. GKNHJRMSIIUD \ ROOMS 1 OU RUNT , HI Doil e 7ul-ft / I3 ROOMH AT I JIM CAi.llOUN IA bT , 1)02 ) J. $ N d G- loll RI3NT , 4 NKU3 LARIil3 ROOMb. CON venlent to biulnesb Knqulro at S.I7 bo lit siren AllrtS 5 * BOARDING. R HHII" ! ' CUSS TAlILt ! HOARD. Ill Oolun IVJL'll N 16th t FOR RENT-3 1 QBE 3 / > ND OFFICES Kl - iiKNT vmmtYiiuickvYti ! 1 home with trnctiik'o Uiuiulrs J A Creluhtuii US Ut National Hunk bldi ; 41UDI7 s HI Itr.NT , ' 11113 J.siOlU llitT ( . | { lluiuIM ) I'.HI | r-iirnuin bl 'Ihu Imiuilat ; ) ui a tin-proof ei ment Imseuienl , tomple'u ulcuiiibealliit ; iMlurei wiiUronall Ihotltors , Kan , Die. Apply al tlu ullk ol Hie llea v\ \ tli\SN TOWN ( ORNKR POR 1IARIIKR Hllol i KttublUhed Irudu Wrl.'IU A. I anbury , ll.th an Howard 17J T ONK ll'UHHIOUV llltlCU IIUILDINO VJ 1'Kh I lilo 14J7 llarney street b74 nd I-KIR 1II3NT hl'lT OP OKI ICh ROOMH , VUH th I desirable loiallon for u doctor. Wl buntb Ut tlrtet lOi 'J I-Kill 111C NT , IHU COIINKR blORK IN'IIIU I IK Her bloik , mrnir lotli und Jiuknun ! Ore o ( Ihu bcil i enters un lull BI tail ut 111 ! Harm utrnt. imi 4 1-MIR RUNT , HIOM JANUARY 1 , HALK C ) lloom nuw uciupled ly Adiinis i : > pre nil pull ) nl 214 bouth 1Mb st : bc t locution In the til Apply lu R II ItcevBH , attnl tlja 4 * I-KIR liKXT/IIIK 111 t > T CORN Kit IN WAHOi ) M INcb , lultnblu fur a Inrte itenerul mcrcliandli > n klutki thu licet opcnlni : la thu male fur a llvo pun Mllhinpllal AdjrcmJ A Loiter , \Solioo. Ntb MliW 10' OK I O iNPd WANTED , T-AIKNTS ( WANT ! ! ! ) , ROI11 MAI.IJ AM ) H ' mule lo Hell one of the fastest nvllhu nrtlclib thu world , H t'll Inevtry bouhu nndpa > iiaKU ( LI. commlitluu ( .all at K. \St'ud'n unite , llth ui Ik. Douglas. UJi i < u T A(1I5NT * WANTKI ) IN liVKIIY 1OVi S OR 1'iltUcr kex ; IIUU per day : tend fur clrtulni ClilcnkU Tkkit ilft ; . to , td ttatu ktrvct , Cblcmi II \VANTBD-TJ iKIijTT. _ f"wCNTRI ) " A " MAI.T U.Nlt RNIflllRI ) Vnt'nm hcalpil flat or coltnup , centrally lopated ochllilrcn Address S. 13 llco \ > U < * tWAVTKl ) A SMALL7 NlTnU'TrMfNISIIhll Vrollnccorilat family of twoi no clilhlrcn. Ad rest S an , lice P * < * _ . ANt mRIi need Kontlcmnn I an , In Ihp IKHHO ho diy. Oe lro cumtorinlilu fufnl ! ipd ronm nnd .onnl within lire mlmiloi walk of the poslomcc 'trmincnt If Milted liplertncr * . Addre < 9 wllh mrllcnlars S23 llc-i olllcc 101 4 * STORAOK. M-8TOR\ YOOR llUtJtlV OR CAIIHIAOH mrefully looked nf c Llein dry , airy room Sib nnd llarnay DrmninondCirrlarfu to 1131)11 M -STOUAOI : I'ltKAP , CUAN : , WRI.LS , nil Karnam street. ' * ' ' WANTKD-TO 11UY. * -WA.NTKI ' 10 IH'Y S-OMB 8 J'KIl PUNT nr t morticiKes Itceil A Solby 311 lloarrt Trnilo 797 XT - \ \NTKHT ) I10Y HUilNITUIlK AND IIOUSK l > liolil Rooils 143J loil o MilO III'J : iooo CASH K Van 1'allcn s l.xchango , llo nl of 1 railo . I'llKTOV IN (1UOII CON i illtlon Slito loifptt cKih | ir'co niul plnro It i an IIP muii Aililrem f T lloo MVUO 4' _ ' - ISO > 1) ) IIOILSI ! toll IIKI.IVnitV Ml'ST HK N'-A Kcntli1 and BOtiiul Acltlrc ? Ivlni ; afv , price and dU4crl | > tlon .in lice 1M ! 4 FOR SAL.IFURNITUIIK. . 0-tOll bAI.lv AT A IIAIIOAIN , lUt'lLK OU hank f iirnllurtnl o coed burnlnr and llro prnor safe Inquire Mnerliun SavltiE unnk l t > 0-ioit SAM : CIIHAP A HL\CK WALNUT tonkcaso and desk combined n black walnut rldi'board nrd n direr ) bookcise , nil first tlaM furniture nnd as Koud as new Addivss for one week 21 llco MSlljS" foil tiALK NI3A'.LV NKWso.UARE III3AI'- IIIB stove II. ! N 2th it Ktt 4' fOH SALE-HORSES , WAOON3 , gTC. TT rblTsATIir A N'HIAIILY M3W DoUKLIC I sprlnucTprcfii wiion her o Inrucns and bunn > , alsu a fearly no et of crenmery tools connjalliiK of butler worker. ihurnAltowe scale trtii'lc , cte , all will bo sold HI H ( tree nacrlllc * Address ( ! II 'liiilmck , Pi'Oiiltlo ! or cill at IW7 .Mlama ilreel where irooiln cm bo Hi'cn vll.L'-.ilOlfjIt , 1IUI1IIY AN I ) HMINIC S 1 ( ortlOOi ) AuithllUJOO Mint bo cold at once. Address S 'Alice M767 4' 1) 1011 HALli , WAY DOWN CIIKAP. PA 111' 1 llniL tiam naKon and harness 111 * ; illsLotint for all ciuli Windsor stables , 1'ith and Davenport M6III 4- TOR SALE-MI5OELLANEOUS. Q-IOHSAI.i : , TU'BWU1TI3U CALIR HAIMI NO Jin KoadiunJIIIoii , 5U M O Daxon , UO N 15lb st. ( , 'i CKOll SALI3 CI1I3\P A iltHOUOl ! I'OWr.H Wautoiuatle enKoni ) also oiu ! 3 horjo poner up rlulil eiiklae : both In uood lepilr Inqnlro of I est Her 1'rlntlni ; I o , 1JJ7 Howard strtvt. Ouiahi , Neb \ COU.NTLUS AM ) bllKLVINT AT 11 VI.P icost. K I ) Wead , lljlh and DouKtni 8T3 . Q-IOIt bM.K THIIITY UNIS OILPAIN TIMJS and 1UJstudios for half ucLual value. ( "nil or address S4il Krskliii-street. U7V 4- Q-l-Oll SAU3 , NHW HTKOIlltAPIl "SHORT- hand machine , never used Half orlulnal cost Artilrtss SIIOmalin lice. VUI 4 * MISCELLANEOUS. _ R KILMNCS I'llOI'OjALS OU A ULI. ? ! OK 1OOJ cubic ) ard , more or less , will be re- ceUed till noon , December Clh , at room M McCiiKiio building \\e resarve the rluht lo reject any or all bids A M Colancrl .Mt'.li V "I > Klllt HKNT. I.AHCI , 1IAI.1 , I-OltSOCIbllhS , J-Xnieallngs or lectures Apply al UUJDodiro 878 .1 t CLAIRVOYAWTS. S-MH9 NANNIUV WA li.v7 : CLAUlVOYATTr , reliable builneig medium , ilfth year at ll'J N irth 7VJ S Mltb 1)11. ) M 1.EOHAV15 , I'KOPIIBTKsS. D15AU trinte clalrxojant and life reader , tells > om llio from cradle to uravu ; can tie consulted on all alTalrsof life. Ins the celebrated EKyptlan breastplate plato to unite the separated and cause marriage wllh one you love Come ono , coma all and bo con vinced of her remarkable powers Otllca ami rosl dento41S lltli st , hours Ua m to'J p in , btrlct life chart and pnoto of votir future vrlfo or lius band sent throiiKU nnil for $ jW , chart alone tim All letters colitalnlni ; 4 cents In atampi promptly nnxwercd. njj n , ' MASSAGrE , BATHS , ETC. T- . srown juva"i D as block Cor Iktu and led e. H17175' TMMH CAIIBON. 1121 DOJtihAS S 1'ItKK T , .11 ] tloor , room ? , in isia c , alcohol , aiiliiluir ami sea bat ha. MSU 8 * _ [ 1-MADAM13 SMITH , 1 l'i CMMTOL AVhNUK 1 lionin 1 , , , d lloor. Massage , alcohol Hiilphui inn sei baths Mali a > MM P. LAHUK , MAbbACiU 4Ii ( B. 1SIH ST , .lrd floor , Hat 4. M' ' Q2 V * PERSONAL. U CUT THIS OU1'AND PUKSKN1' AT CO WAN' : photo studio il.'l Lumliii ; street , nnd yon w 111 b cntltleilto Utabli ot photos of yourself , BMln llnhh Bill elided cards and one 8 < 10 for frnmliiB for H 41 tlthmit tills $4 , for ten da > s only 'Ihu best tliln out tor holiday prtsnts .M'.iTit , ' U-A RhKINKI ) , IIONfSrIIIl ! .i : IKI widow nlahcs ucq'ialntiince of rellncd , mldUl iicod or clderl ) Kenlleimin , conipmj. Andrea SJ5 , lite 1(71 ( 4 * UUN I ) TKN CK.M'S 1'OK "I'KOI'LK'h A lU cate" < lc trltlnif ladlva and ecu Is In all Mi lions of life whu wltbno uinrrj llox 4bJ , IhkiiKc .hi < U l'MllbONAli-I)0\ClJ WANT'IO KNOW Hwccthtart. > our future husband , matrlmonli mil busliiut.nchniiCL'1 in lire , as revealed by nslrol UK > ' ' M'jul'AI leiil" , full dates of birth and diei rl | lion Prof M. llronn , llo1070 , Lhlrat'o , III 015 4 U-piithJNAL. : vouu full written piedlctlon of your life nlth pu plituie of future husband or wlfo as forutold b asitrolouy. bend date of blrt'a and JO tents to A troloKer , lotk bet 117 Kansas City , Ilo il.'J 4 * U PBItbONAI. hKNDlur Hll UK. I'ACKAf.l of iiblnet fclzu pictures , also full doacrlptlo ( InclndbiK reililentu ) of reipittable I ullta nh want to torrcbpoml tor nritrlmony , 5000 lady nan birfi of ever ) ace and nationality Ihln otcry where , many ol them bei.ntlliil and wealth } . Luc drawer t.'JT , t hie lye , III Ki 4 * MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAf B. ; ( i r < .HLLHMIICKIIANJOTH\OIIII : [ : , N w tor loth and Hartley llarnoy street cntrante ' .ill \r 'IHOSI3 wuo AITIMII : : ) TUB UKCIN : > exhibition of decorated tlilna , at the corner c 17th and l-arnain will doubtless bo Inloresled t know th it tlu stu Ilo Is upon In the sumo bulhl IIIK rooms ID mid I , , and ready for pupils und 01 dom MONEY 1O LOAN-KEAL ESTATE. \ \ rLAItdK. LOANS MADK O.N OMAHA. 1,1 : ii coin Conncll Illutrs business properly , U pc otnt Also bimilllouns UtorkoJ. Paul , loti I iirniin J7u d 15 * \ V- O N'HY TO L'Jr.N ON IM PltOVK I ) fli 'T property , low rate A , C. 1'root , Dounlaa blk 77 * \\T-LOAMUN IMpTlOYIIl ) AND IIMIMPIIOVK ' city property flUJO nnd iipwaulsiltu ? pur con N'odelaH 1 aril.iui Smith \ Co 15th and tl nrnuj 7W \V-7 I'Kll ri'.NT MONEY NUT ' 1O IIOUIIOWKII 'I on Omaha uiy properly N'ouilra eliarKis i any kind iMiyp.i ) lilxh ralesV Money la thua \ou an jot lull unellt of low rates from lilol Loan and I rust to lutli and DodKU 7rj \\r-OMAHA hAVINUfl 1UNK MAKI'-i LOA.V ' on real < stale al lowtst market rales Loin made In small or laruo HUIIIH lor short or lot : thiiii No ( oinnitmlon Is charged and the lo.uin at uot sold In thu east but < un nlwaya tin I omul i tbo bank un the lurntr of Utli nnU Doutilab striut 7UI \\r-ANriio.M LOAN ANiriuiisrn ) JiFN ' I lie , leniU nl low rales for thultu sei urlty i Nebraika or lovru lorins or Ouiiihu tlty properly 7JJ r MONKY'10 LOAN AT LOWKsT RAfl ! ' 'Hie O P. DuvlsCo , 1505 I arnam ttreot 7. < I r-CKNTRAL LOAN .VI'IIUBTCO I IKK 111,17 r-C I HARRIbON.DIJN W-KKAL KSPAtl ! LOANS. B TO 7 PIUl CHN 'I no additional i Imruui for couimliston or atti neynftea W 11 Jltlkle , I ml Nullonal llnnk ulcWj Wj \\r-MOIlKJAItH ! LOANS LKsB 'JHAN 7 I'Ji ; ' cenl Incln UIIK all char ei. Clinrkx W llalncy , Omaha Nat bank bldK. 793 \ - LOW KaT IIATI3ti HDKLIl Y IRUal' ' * pan ) ; I7u.'tarnam urtet J \ \ r-J'RIVA'IK MOXUY. lbTAM)2D MOH'IOAl > > 1 loai , low r.ilua Alex Mooro. lltu bldK bUI \\r-l ANI)2 YKAIl LOAN'S ON CITAM ) FAR ii iiiurUagei Reed \ Bulby , Jll llonrd of Irm bOi I ON Cl I'V PUOPKRTY , U ANI ) 7 PI ii it'iil IS F Illujjor. lilJ rurnam MW3 Ji' ' \\r-MONICYTO LOAN ON UOOI ) RKAL li 'i liilo * eturlty Addroi Albert K Pclcrtun , i Cliiilnnt it , Philadelphia , Pu tint 4' ' \y-MONEY 'JO 1XAN , LAND TO HKL 11 lioux's 10 rent. deorKO M Coutci Mlr.1 JUO KV' LO X.OAN QJiATlKX.S. -\\1LL LOAN MONKY ON ANY KIND OK b curlly ; utrlclly confidential , A. K. Hurrli , rut 1 , Continental block , to M \ MONEY TO Lo"\N-OUATTEI.a. X DO VOU WANT TUP. rll > l3LITVl < OAN fllTARANTKR CO , iiouM 4 uiril.MM.L RLOCK. ! U9H SJLTII 15th CORNKIl \RNEY ST. \Vn MAKB LOANS ON' V UIINIVUIU3 , , CAItlllAis ! : , WAUHflOU.SK IlKCXIPrj Oil I'Kll" HONAIil'lUli'KlirV 108 * ANY Kl.V ) / \MU.7 DO WKI.TI I 10 I /YOU ! AUj / ONU3 MUST / roll. / I I / / I tun rniiMs win. Mcwr YOUII AIMMIOVAI , You cnn pijr tlio ninn'/luck ftt nnjr tlmo nnil In anr ninoiiptrou wuli mtl tli'i rodnoo tlio roit of carrylim tlio loan In proportion to amount you par IK VOI' ewe a uilanco on jrour fiirnlliiro ot other porioml property of tnr klml wo will pay It off for roilml carry It in Ion j ai you iloilri ? , VOUCVV IIAVI ! VOUKMONKV IVOVK 1IOUII HU1 Illl ! 'I1MK VOI MARK API'lilOATtON. Nn publicity or rimoral or property no that you Kct tlio u not both monpy ami propotty 1W x1)0 \0tl SKKI ) MONK\ THE OMAII V MOItTClAOi : I.OAV CO. will tend you any sum whlcli you with , smtll or larxe , at the lime t po lblo rate * In the quickest potiilblo time and foranyleiiKth of tlmoto ult jou Solicit ! Day It btck In nuch Inilallmcnta UK you wl ti when yon wish nml only pay for II as Ions as > oti keep It Yon can borrow on lIOtlsKtIOl.t ) KritNIIUKK AVI ) IMAN03 HOIISK . XVAOONS AM ) CAHUIAU Ki , \VAiiiiiousi : : HKCIIIIT-I ou I'KIIMINAI. I'11011 n III'Y OK AN"\ KINO ON TUT. IIA\ YOU ASK 1XMI IT wlthcut publicity 01 reiural of property llemembar that > on tan pay any part of the loin atanj tlmn anil that every dollar paid lessens tlu COM of carrying the loan lloloro borrowltik'clsovthoro call and sou us nnJ you will Iliid It ereitly to your ailvnntaKi. ' OMAHA MimiDMlH LOAN LO , lloom II , CrclKhlon block , 111 South 15th utrtiut , next to postoniP" Tin : oiDisi. : i.AittiKsr AND OM.V iscout'o IIAThl ) LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. 013 X-PUHCHAIU > , M Klb - MONKV ! < 0\NKI ) CIIKAP AT0l'll OWN time. Nebraska Loan Co , UK , DoiiKlan st 807 -TO , Ifl U ) ] ) ArllKAl' HAri9 ! easy pmniunl" on furniture pianos live ttock , elc without deliy or publicity , ciah oa hand DiillCrcc'n room 8 , llarkor bloo < 8)1 ) V-t-llA'l 1'1'L lOANrf , U.'JN Y LUT MOUHIS. V 4S1 Nu' BUSINESS CHANCES. Y ioirsAht : , AT A VKUi.ow fiiuiiirT iTi : I-1 ntlre Mnto Interest In one of the hcix lest iiaj tut ; nioiinpollrH now before the public It will 9a\o ! K per cent or theinal bills of everybody untl pro ditto better results Kvorjbod } wants It nnd will havolt when leJn A lartfj Imtlaesi evil lie done lit rnce In over > county Full pirtlcnlar by mall Alilrou ( . I ! 1C. 1IMI. st Llneitn Nob. Mils YIPOUWANT TO ! IUO't SKLt , A STOCK of needs ( } utei , aldres wlt'i ntamp Vnn 1'at ten 8 business exchange , lUur.l of 'IradoM183 M183 1)11 * -1OK ISAI.15 , SKCO.M ) IIANIJ STOCK OK ntni's furniture , etc In lllalr. Neb , cheap for ciinb wlllln\ulco about f.100 , tp'.i'iidM chance for man with small capital , rent , K , ROUd locution Addr ss Hallcr .Music Co MMUO -1OK SAI.IS OU K.NCIIANUK , A. ( KOI ) IIUS1- IICFS with the real ontato In Omaha Cond m- hum for sollliii ; Aili'ress 7U7 .Sew York I Ifc , Omalin , .Net ) M8i ; > ) ! tOll SALV , llOTUIi AND Ul-SI'AUItANT itoln KOOd biiBlniss. Addrosn llox 60 , Llnrlnda , In .MHllb- Y-A 1IN13 HL"stNKSS Ol'l'Oiat'.MTY 13 Ol' . fcred an cncr tt'c anil reliable business man Itb t > mall capital to initiate an olllce business In this tlty. Uest of references reiiulrtd fc W , Dana tbo I'axton. .M TUI' Y MIC AT MAUKHT OW\iil : MUST L13AVI" city and will take real estntc. I' I ) Wead lull and DotiifltiB bJ < Y-.XN IN OHl'OllATl'.l ) COMPA 13VCAUKI ) In wholesale nnd manufacturing busl ness wMilnu to Increusw Us capltil , will coiibldei otTorH of pitrchane of Mock from parties of KOOI ! Htandtni ; Would prefjr solllni ; toik to two par tits who would wish to Illl tiUlvo positions wltli the house dooil tnlxlncss referoncea uxpoctei from parties unknown to in AdUrcen & i3 llco 6715 AN INTKUKSr FOll SALi : IN A VKHY 1)13 slrihlc. well ostnlillslioil nnd prolltablo busl nusn ; first tlnxs In ctcry re i'O5t ; onlj n fen him drcd dollars required down , lor an Intelvleirnni full particulars address S 2i , llco MS'Ji 5 * V 1 IN K IIUM.M.-b OI'UMMJ lOll MAN Wl 11 A f51/00 cash ami tome property. Must be i uuuucr. .Nebraska Uxitiaiue Co. , lloe bullcllni : 109 8 PAK1M3U WAM'KI ) I-Oll M13ATMAUICLT Have oicrjthlnj : complete and good location Addressed : , Uee U1U r"A ( ! 001) UUNNINC UN SIIO1' 1 OH BALI cheip Inqnlro I71U bt. Marj'TC. . Wii' V-1K YolJ WANT ONK OP TUB KIVKS1 SA L IOOTB Hint IB making a fortune , 11,01.0 cash , tine hotel , K.liuu , f-M'jlJ ouuruiuuln Lots nnd built : tn ! ) paying Hue Interest , J C. Illshop. 1'lonte Ihihlniss AKericj , Sheridan , tYO. v -i-oit bAi.B , s roc K t r MK.VJ J nnil flxttircB at J'.U .N ICth ft , Omaha , or nil pxiliiinco for Al rental jiropertj. Addices I M Dm Is , t harl.-lun. 111. ill'.i 4 V-IO'1 ' SA1.K , A NICI3 , rii3AN ! STOCK Ol i boots and shoei , IriMilce about $ 1000 , will tnk one tblrd to one halt In Kood lund , balance rasl b III , c ire lice MSUo S * Y WANTKI ) , MAN 10 TAK13 THI3 MANARK incut of pcruiaiicnt liranch for c inlill hed Lh tafo houieVIII in ) all fxpi'nsts an I $1:5 pc month Hulor > . nlbo oed perLentu eon all l > ut lnct , done Miiht Invest & / > 0l ( In htock of coodH to b c i rle I ami must MVP tntlie nttentlon to biiHlneei clithler tluiton , iu."i Homo liiburance bulldtm. , Ch tauo 'J1. ! < \ TKJlt b A 1,13 , nSTAIILlhHKI ) CHOCKK11 X business In ( rood U > t itlon Splendid chance lo > ounu businessman w 1th small capital her pai titulars addrtsa llox lull ) I Ini-oln NtbMH01 , FOR EXCHANQE y-CLKAR OMAHA RH\L I3STA1 K Hlt M0bl3 / Jnctunl.ilintlun Mono ) to loan lovfll8Omiiliii ) Z 4-O ACU13S OP CLIIAIt.LA.M ) IN ON'l : O the best wlnlor wheat districts la Kansas to e > cluin/u for 10 or * J ai rn tract near Omaha clt llniltM Will pay ciib dlilerencu If properl } I Kood Address , KlvbiK prlte nnd Ittillou , O O , lit ullltua 2U5 ( OR13\'IIAN ( > KS R IIAKCUNti IN IU3A1 tstale tailor \ville , Alex Mouro , lloo hhU- Z-I OWN 100 PA RMS IN NKIIRAbKA , KANSA and Dakota Will ell cheap ur u.vchniUJ fu imri'iundlsc , horsji and cattlu. Address but 7 > I raiiklort. Did Mbol y-I IIAVI ! VALIIAIILI3 IMPIIOVLD AND UI > A/Improved farm lands to exchange for bout Omaha or Omaha property 01 ( ur tiiriuti within I inlliB of Omaha Ilavu oiieof thu best ufntuik an Kralu farms , IIJJ neies , h df In winter wliealiin rye , and . ' / ) lieadofllnu Block , nil < 'ear ' of enciin lirunc" , lo CM.Iiiinii for rjal estntu nn I mUht pa sumo e isli dUTereneo for desirable property li ) scribe your property tjrofull ) , prlte utt. Addro : bov7J7 , Omaha , Neb .Ml-I ; 1125 y-KR K.\CIIANil ( ! . ( J.MAHA PKOPKIlTt 10 A/properly In souinurn California Cill ur n drtjs wllh full pirtltulurn C. L ( Ireen , r oem < Darker block , Omaha 7III r/I A 1040 ACRK SrollC RANCH CI.KAU ' 1H ate for femlar or Btucker to uxchan.'ufu 110,0(1) ( stock of Kenoral murtliaiulliu Nt brisk lUthanue , lliu lliilldluu M6IO 7 y-liOAtllKfl PINK ILLINOIS L\.NDS FOR tiui 'Jstuck of mtrcliandlto. Nobraka Kxthniixu Ci lien llulldlnu i MSIU7 Z ISO ACIII3S Ob' COOD MISSOURI LAN'll clear fur Omaha usldenco , will asiumo eon Inciiuibiaiice Nebraska Lichunco Co , lleo Hull Inir M8I07 y 174 1IUAI ) OP HORSKb. CON-ISTIS'O OK fJ rnnret woluhbu ; 1.000 lu 1,570 eucli.II lyiarold ( k'i'j and i year ulds 'this Is all tine Block vAlllu fhangului unbuproYi'iI Nebraska lands. NebniBl LxchaiiKU C o , llio bulldlm ; MJIO 7 y cFlAll LAMI AM ) CITY PROPKRI'Y " * i f-t ixcliuniio lor builDesii or line resldunio pie rly In Omuhl Nebraska 13xehanr'U Co , lluu bull Inu MoU7 y-300 ACRLH IN H.ORIDA,76Ar'limcPWIIIC AJar0 oraniro Kruveu ; went ioist. llmiit winter r sort In Iho world , to txuhtniuo fur Omaha btinliu or rrnliltnra property , Nebraaka Lichnni.ii Ci llccibulldlnit y-OMAHA PIIOPKli'JY ANI ) > 500000 ( Ahll 1C A/f 10,000 clock la'iieral merthandlsu nell lotaled Nebnukn Nobrrsku Kxcbantio Cu , lieu Ijulldln JI840J r , _ > r r/-1 IX ) IS IV A ( JOOI ) NKllltArKA CITY A rL A/JI.UX ) to tiOOOcsbh to etchaiiitu for tiunernl uu L cbandlhU. Ntbraska liichanue to , lite biilldlni ; .M6IO 7 n y-KJR TIIADK , WILL TAKB C/,1C All VACAN / lutB Hlui K nf Jliit * la Kood order * suwur to iicillunB new water tlusiiii city water pavi ttri'cl on mulor line , excellent locality totluifu rear oncumbruncu | IOOO at C per cent Interci J'rltu muou , all In trade Aiut'B Real l-ituto Agency , 1537 Kftrnani st E5I 7 SI ' / CI.KAR RI'blDKNCB , WO Kill fl.bOO A Ic /J null fur a HOJOfeloik of liardvturu. Nebrasl liiiliunno Co , lieu building U6ID i ! R V-KJII TIIADK OR 8AL13 CIIIIAP , A 1O | ! > /-'burse. Auk al llltt Douclns MMJ 8' ' r/-CLKAR NKRRAblCA KAIIMS ANI ) UAr- tooK /Jlor Central incrchiinilUu Value , (8,000 loflOUl Nclruuku KxcbanifO Lo lleo bulldlnK iUIO 1 y-A i.or lamas IN e. K. ROUISRS ADD / -lOuiabn , homo loitfJUU , < liar of locumlirunr will ticlniniitt for Kouil California properly > bratku Kxchanvu Cu lieu bulldliitf WW i K- y-IMPROVrSI ) KAIISl 1O KACIIAMJH HR IUI /-JIO to 40-acro trutt ut laud ocur Oaiuhu Ilex I Uurwill , Neb , VfJ 4 I'Oll EXOHANQE. ' / POR I'XniA'KJP , OMVIIA PltOPKRTY ANI ) ' ca h fur llr < lrla n hotel from 10,000 l to tl\ Wvn Ktiiiinniip r rti rai N Vllh , nnd ISOtliO , f. 1Mb , total lll'iWoj. for Ncbra ko landi Mno tirlck block , Ul OJ OJ In coed county 'cat rent * for II.SWOO. for mid Npbraikn Inndo I , ( O ) Nebraska r rm for jute ami nTchanuo t tear and In cumbered bored Omalin property for furnis and nlld land 13 K lllngor , IMli l-arnam MDH < i * y-PORTY ACIIIIsciTlJAll LA N I ) t V MT5 SCl ill ' -'nnil several clrnrlon In uood woitern county > eal town , will trtlu for | liino , orcnn , furniture , cnrrbiRoor Jonelry Addre s SJI , Omaha lite ! > 73 4 y-KR KAniANdK. W-ACRK KA1IM IM ' - proved , In \ \ cbstcr Co , Neb , for stock of f urnl lure linrdwnreur Inrtn Inipltmcnt or both I.P Ringer y IIENTI3I ) TrCIM3 ilt'ILIINl , CI.KA1I , IN fJmutown \ \ for land Also Omaha t"tipert > U > trade for land \\llll im , v Mlltan McCaKiin lulld Inu , tipposlto p stolllce MEN ) i V < ifl ACRKfTcLKAR IN WlbCONSIN , PIHCI3 ' -'fl.lOJ per ncre , to trade fora larger farm In No brnskaMllhm X Mlttan , room 313 , McCniiilo bulldllig opposite poMolllce .MM ,1 NKIlltAOKA PARMS TOR DKNVI3R PROP * > orty Address 8 .11. lien tnj t V WANT , ! ! ) NiillUM : < A LANDS OR A.KR chandl"p fort-coil lottn lot * In rountr spat In eastern ScbrisXa Addri'MS. * ' lice Ml'US' FOR 3ALK HEAL. INSTATE. \ff \ > H SAM : KI.KOANT DOIMII.I : RKSIDIIVCH ' near llanscom park , Nos 1I2S ami 111.1 south 1l l i > trecl InrvcKronnd * barn tltv wular , balh fur riate. sewer IKP ii . Ac Price { 17 Vju CM VMM take flO 0)00 ) In Kiiod land Splendid brick bloik near Iliinscoui Park , four houses , elPitanlly llnlshed In oik throuithont wllh ( .plelidhl brltU cellars , ftirnncp" , Inlh bin and cold water , unf , fpwerauo , paved streel" , lilt-ant nebibbor bond , molur lines etc Prlie fliUUO In iniubrancp , tlHHUntrpor i"nl I'qull ) J2I.IOJ One hundred and iwirlv lour ( Ul ) fed unilli fronlntn nn Cuuimltiiti corner \lsia and A slrerjl faces Ihrro slreeln wllh uooil onhslnnllal frame limbless block Iwu i-lor Iptnnd nlcellilsnhove room for Iwobulld Inus \\ill pnv It , percent nn prc etit vnlu ntlon Prlte. fiOOJ Inciimbrnnci ; , fiOJO Kqulty . . { 7000 Nice residence near 11 unworn park , nine room" , all modern Ituprovcmenli Prlie , J'ViuMlllnku ono Ihlrd lo urn-half 111 Kond Nebrntka or lownbiud Hq'illy. . 4 5nO llusltiess corner tiH7 leet corner nilli and Vlnlon slreet" splendid point for block uf Bt Jrci or Ililn Old blillilbiK now on plop prly ) leld"filOpei annum I'rho , I'OOU ' Inctimhrnncp ( J IOJ I quit ) . RGOD PorlyilKhl lols ndjolnlmt the new fair urunmls In Wist Uinnlin IhoK HAM v It It tide tricks are laid to this propert ) , and Hie terminal * l ikoi for the nnw N hrnska Central rallwas line are localed nt this point , niiiklnt' the-o lols especially ndnpttd for cither rtshlnncu or triieknt'o und nmmifiii lurlnu piirpo e < i Prlte , fis UOO Inciiiiilirnnte $ isoil rqidly 25000 Nice totlairo mil ) four block wei-l of lllh ) sthonl In Ihliclt ) and within a few minutes walk to the business portion of ton n U III make n couifortnblc home Prlte S5VX ) Inciimbrnnre J2 2jO I quit ) 12 > fl fcorly tlitlilils ) nice Ion. conslNtlim of nil of blocks I nnd 4 Cottiso 1'lnte , West Omaha 'I Ills Is the llnesl Injlru renldeni" proportr around the city Hell Line station within tno idoiks 'llils propert ) lies Just this side and liumedbitnl ) be tween llio now \\nler Power lompiii ) H proposed lotatlon and the tit ) Prlto $ 'IOJJOO , wUh no In cunicriiuce. \\I1I sell or exclnnccllio above properly slnul ) or loeelhcr for coed .Ni'lir inkn or low a land ( icorEoN Illtks .m.N \ Life bide .OJ 4 " 11 HAL KSI-ATK. llnrunlns only. My weld Is uoud W ( i AlbrlKht , SJI 2-3 New \urk Life S10 % i poll BALK OR TRA 1)1' 2 OOOD LOIS IN Ml' I'lcasanl addlllon within 2 blocks of motor line Will take irood uprluht piano or will soil equity lu lots \er ) thcap Address at oncoS 1 llco otllce 715 AT A IIAIKIAIN. A 1 KW VI3IU K1M3 L ( > 1S IN JVRrltrKa add alnbar aln : only 5 mln walk from licit line or strcjtcir In Otiulli Address K 1 A. Co , Unlcni , ' 471 D2i * ATA 1HUCAIN , i CUOK'fi I.OT5. Tlxllj fOUt encb ; more adjoining If desire I Kist fronts * S W corner Uth and Arbor Mmst location In city for rjsl lenco lllock from llth St motor Un ? Charles , HnnlevOU \ so 10th St. dniilii MJ11 2VOO AClllls CLUAll LAND 1 Oil SALK 1111IK owner Several larue'ti icts , woiill maka a | lrst class Investment to hold for thu rlio In price MUht exchange nonioiifll for Intldo propcrlj In Omaha or bHiiilh Omaha , or * iiru propert > er a izoo 1 farm near Omaha H } i > nwlsh lo iMcbitiKt ) describe scribe yuur property , prko , etc. Address hot 7 17 MU'i IJJ . ASPLlINDll ) ClIANCi : ' 1O OUl'MN A NIC13 five or ten acre tritt i | O"O to Oimha I can oiler for quick eale during tbecomlnx week : live ncrc , Wcsl Omiha , elcpint Iracl , only f2UW Hvo acres Just outside city limits , with collide , JI.XW 'ton acres , near new fair grounds , West Onialn , with small cottage , only F > , "iJJ Twent > acres nplomllill ) rdapted for smill fruit , only $ i75 per atre turty acres splendid tract , on ) } nvo miles from vostolllte. ff u'i per aero This land Is plemlltly located to receive the hoiiorlt of Oiiinhn s futiira truutli It N enl > twonty-ilvoiiilrintoi drive from the poiturito nnd llfloi'n nilnnti's drholruin bont'i Oiniiha 1-Ive or ten acres will phc > uu a nice home , sup port jour lauilly nnd If jiroperly Ijkcn cnre of , In fruit \cutliiblo Kardunlm ; will ] ia > cnth > ear more than the salnr > o [ llio best pnld mcihinlc In Omnlia ou can woik In town and furnish jour children pleas ml and protltable cniph ) ) merit rlcht at home and while you are dolm ; this the clt > H Kronlnkstendllv , anil the llrst tliliiLjolknow your acres will dl\ldo Into Ion lint will nrlncf-OU lo 1490 each Any ono wanting a tlrnl class place for bm ill fruit and \ciotihlo cardenbiK will do w ell to call and sui mo ut mice ( , eo N IlkkH , Itoom .U'i N \ . I.Uo Hnlldl if. Omaha. Neb Mbll 4 I3L13.AM' ( 1IOMI3 POII ' ALII-I 1IAV13 AN Just toruplctcd o le of the haiuMomest cpttaires In Omaha , mar lla'Mcom pirk subst mil illj built throughout with eltv'ant bithrtiom porcelain tub , mirble wash -tnnil hardwood tlnlsh sp iclon perches Hpli mild brick lellnr , eti I.oi I'.lon anil m Uhhorhooil are the riuiist In the ell ) ( in uU o Immediate po s asion If > ou want n beaiitllnl homo at a low tlmiro cull and sec me dee X Y Illcks Mj.N \ Life Illilu- MHO 4 170RbALP PARMb. ON l > THOUsAM ) VKU\ I bi'M farms In Nebraska and lonu , flO { I. , Jl'i , ( . ' 0 flO and up to f.iJaniHUJ perncre deiiiilno bar valns I'asv terms ( ill foi pirtltularB HOITKH \ Hill , real estate , 1103 I'.irimm tlreet 87b 8 ROM DO JS iTlTNl ) D VUN PORT JI.OJU ' > blkhtly , tast fioul , lull lot , north of ILmscom park , foraftw duya t,100 ! Mill lot , Hedford place f > 00 . . r acre , I'elveduro)0 siclitl ) lot with partly built huuso flM Neut cotlnKOiind lut \ < M miles" W $1,4 iO d room collate ell ) ' wnrer and mantel , on paved Btnsct , 1 mllofrom P O , ft ' 00 11.0 acres 0 miles west SJJ OOJ ( ottiuoand full toriiir lot , half mile this ride of Clifton Hill Jl UJ ) I1) Wead , lull and Donul is , formerly Ilntuilii son A. We id S > 7" 4 IIM5 RI'SIM'SS PROPKR'n , WOR1II flOIKO , 1 now rented forxalu cheip Small cash pa ) merit , balance lo Mill ut Ion rale of liilercst Party mutt leave tit ) . Nebraslii LxthniiKU Co , lloe biillclllii , ' . rplIN 1)01 ) IAlls 1M 1 I LI. PA\MI3NT I Oil A -Lnloo li'Ml bulidlnu lot between Omaha and Nt w lortonmha Here Is a tluincu lo ba pcrfejtly In- ileiendeiil | of lamllordx and own yojr oun home , nllfiirtlu Send Kc for poiitnKa for plat nnd full Information ' iilii now In pro.rebs I Imrlen P llunjninln , Mile AKUIII. I50ii Doiln ) strtet ii4J 4' . * , .001) li-IIODM 1/llUll 1 ARM- ACKK - ( \/u -.v/ i J homo and barn , sienrly 'Oncrm In all , all kinds uf fruit. . ' miles from Plallsmouth , blir bargain i : i Itiinitr , 1511) ) l.minin M'.IJO i , ' 1OR H'AI.I : ou POR Rh.vr A ( , OOD 7 ROOM 1 lioiite InSest Omaha , no ir ( Oth streii modern ionvcnlum.lei , plotuant location Lot &JxllJ , cur mil , east front Will sell In monthly payments or any way to bull purchaser. Will trade lor uoud farm. T J Pennell , 11 & M headquarters OI'.ND I OH PLAT OK OMAHA 8 I.IT K sP ADDI nuon , | > | n.r between Oinibn and new I ort Omaha wheru I am talllnc luU for (10 each No morVUKU un this pruperl ) and til ) li piiimenl In lull lor a lol Chin It's P llenjuiulii , bulu Audit. 11 % Doclm Blrtnt 'J-I4- D S'lOCKS OP MUbU IORLANDANII 13 K lllu.'er KdU 1 iirnani .M.il i 11' ' : 1II3AIU OP 'Illl ( 'I'M. K'V ) IM ) , for land and tush L' I Ringer , 111 ! ) rurinuii .MIU7 d * IIOI IK , 10 ROOMS 2 ! l AND IIAVKV SUxlJi HIM ) worth iln. ' 'iUO , will nl | Ii feel ti . ' ,00 , ( , b rtO W.iOO Houses aml'lolH told on inuiithli pa > ments I ! I .Kln'cr lil'.M urniiln .M'.ijl o' miflj UNn 131) STA'l KJ ! ( ) VBMIM KM' PA 111 I i'Hl.oOO fur Iho land Iho nuw tort 1 > now behu built on just bouth of tliu illy of Omiiha Nut many > ear > UKO Illu liovLrnnitnl no hi UiU unmi land fore < Uy f UJ 'Jim bulldbin far this tori III will cott uti r u half million dollarn 'J Iio loin HII inU arimelllnx al tun dollnrN oiuh are thrie lullci U nearer tn tmiaha than the fort llmrolx no niorl ICUKOIIII this properl ) and tlu In full p ijment fo rn nlea le i I luilldlnii lot M'nd 'i' poktiixu for plal anil full liilorniatlun Clius P. Itinjuiulii bum IWO DoilKOHtntt. ' " Airaut _ _ _ _ _ IIKAIi'llAIUiAIN 'I WO NICI3 IILM DUM 1' A lots near motor for IIO1 ! on monlhly paynitnlii Williams \ Mlllun , Mtl'unuo bhU , opposite pint olllto .MiiaJ 6 In 440 ACItl'h WI1H ( .OOD ill'ILDINdH ANI : it 'ljrovi' ( 15 nillei from Omaha flOU ) per aero P D Utad formerl ) HultlilnBoii , V Wfad I5il Deut ! Us tri'll " MKW S * VAN'JKD mvNi'lis 'io i.ibr OMAHA PROP 11) 1 ) t'rty acreaKo und fiirnu that are baritaln > iU l Ilia r for ealc or uiclianuo h 1' Ringer , I6P , 1-arnain .MVjl II * 111 lil131) - A"I I ) Alh itKD IIORNLI- uV JU s November 'I Reward Klven If returned to ' 'Ul : Howard Btreot. ilb5i 4 10 r OsT-KKMALK III.A K AND TAN 'JOY TKR l.rltT. nniwc'M to tiuiuu uf Diulu , return to ( iO , North 1 wviity fuurlU tlrecl ur I ) , M blvclu \ Cu nnd rtitlio ruword B63 4' I Obr-LAltlTk ULMr3R DOC. 10 IION I lialJIJ ) IjRoturu loIJ.7b. Illu tirccl turruwurd LOST. rtWI-DN HtllV AKTKIINOOV. IlKTWIilCN iJl-nlconot and Dili Mid Knrnntn , hlnrk pocket book I IKI ilndir will picnic return lo lhl onico and trcelvo reward KS biRAM'i ) oR 8fi7KN7 iifirim n hKr i"iu : > Mod nn Siimtny Notpiubpr SO , Had on tPMIicr rnllnrwlili nnme Mnimicil on rollar AnniiBt * lo nnnipof "llp.lily \\lllptyt\forrclnrn of Knnio loitill ) IH-cnliir strpel .1 I ! Knoily < Ml W1NTEUUU. H ORSKSKKD ANI > CA RKI > Tot7 ( I ll ( Inns1 u bet I W , bouili Oniiln _ 7D.I1 " \\rMI3IIIS | lldlfKb MADi : A HPKflALTv" " Lpavo mini nt Coilon livery uttlilv corner CUM nml I5lh sts or ft lilies trunk llnlKiy Honey t reck , la 5WO H DUSKS WIS'IlTlTi ? : ) JI MOSTTCnonl ) C'AIsTl ind well fed Cliuis drabbe 5 mlle < wc l on Luivonworl'i < lrppl MM , ; r. ' DIIKSSMAKINQ. ENC.AdP.MKNls 'U ) DO DRICssMAKINd IN famlllo ? solicited Miss sturili SiJI llnrne > st fn.l D \VANTKII P.MRJUA : IIV 10 KNOW PIIAT " ( dtp < nn lenrn live iirofoolons free nl 714 S SRh "until Omaha We teaib yon how In rut itnr meiiMto lit wllliout irylnii \Mlhurwnlioiit team" M-imltM cirini'nts Mndnmlu > rl ) reprr- vvnlliiK Prof Dilnmorton , Purls 1 rnnie Rppro tc italUes iTnnle I inn M N V T M AJNUFACT UIl EKS. ' " OIR in.rriit ) i > \IIMI pTrCNTTJ'Tnim" oiiflilyciulpped li pi He pnluh an I bull In nil kinds of nii'liN wo un1 nM i null llxel in do all kinds of Ik-lit mill ifncjurliu lu im > ul Lircit orders Kollcltod work Kiinrniiteol M nnin ( or rttliiinle" Chn p Manufiiclnrlni i o Lliu iln Neh Makersof Noble nnil I Ineola suwlnj 11 u hlniM Mil , DIJ onnssiNo , \\Olll.ll III : PLI3\SK7)'Fo1iTTrK"MY OLD Cl S ttniiicru ii well as non cill at , ,1J Rrnnii lilotk Miss Ma ) Rnt'kln lialrlro ln nil I mnileure , retently with sth idi > ll , millin'ry otp .Ml I ) } ' TAKEN UP. rPAKKN I I * Rii : ) Ml M.-i LOW bl IIKN I d.ilry , ( illmnro Neb S7I I * REtVI IN C TON For Safe , Rent or > Exchanys. BEST in the WORLD ! MEGBATH STATIONS BY CO. 1104 r.irnam Mri > ot. Oin ih i Nollce. Sealo I proposuls will be rccolvcd rtt any line on 01 before. ' . ' o'clock p. m. ot tbo 1.1 h I ly of December , 1VJ. . tor tlio pi Inline of nil bills for the IculHlauii \\lthsucliinattiras n , iv bo ordciod by oltber liouso tboreof. to bo irlutoil In "lilil form , " ulileh Is slionn ami lesion ilo I as cl'usonu ' ( I ) ttiidui ( .lie printing 'tins ' of the at.ito of Nebraska. for tlio printing ami bin IlllIn cloth coors if ooo tbousiiiid (1,0001 copies' cicli of the blcn- ual reports of tbo uidltorof public accounts , Iroasurer , necrotary of state , commissioner of [ itibllu lands and buildings , nnd liuro in of jabor and Industrial MntUtlos : nnil Iho him- ill oil CiO.l ) copies oacb of tlio biennial reports of ho attorney ccuoril , biipcrlntendenl rf pnb- le Inslruulloii , st ite llbrarKn ami ailjiiluit general ; ono tboiisind ( I.Ot/0) ) copies report state board jf transiinrlatlon for Ij'l.'uml ' ll\o thousand ( "lOO ) ) copies rauort stuto bonr.1 of auili'iilturo for IB'ami ' all other report" ind iociimentii that miy bo ordered printed by llio legislature , o\tepl such as may enter Into and forma p irt of tbo journals nhlcb class of work Is known and dpsUu Ucil is el iss ih roe ( .1) ) under the pilntlm : I iws of Nobr.tsU i Tbo bill uork. eM'Ciiled niiiler cl iss one , shall bo printed In sm ill p'e i type , on paper rotirtoeo ill ) Indies long by cl 'it ' and ouo-balf ; s' ' , ) Inches wide , single inue. p inei to bo iwcnty-eklit ( . 's ) pounds double c ip to tbo reirn , tind c\cepl tbu title pa.ro , o icli la , > sb ill cent iln not lei- , tli > u twentllo CJ'i ) lines of holld matter ofoxun ( "i Indies In letutb , Mild the llm-s sb ill bo suoi'esaoly numbered , \\ltb a blanlc un.y In o ich ap icj between the iino The title p me of Hald bills shall cent iln not 'MS than eighteen ( Is ) lines as above , \\ltli thno ( I ) Inches aililltloinil p ice allon.iblo for dlspla > title m ittor. I. icli hi I slrill si iln uh it Iho bidder Is will- Ins to do llio wor'i ' complete for , per p me , for the three hnmlrnl ( Ml ) topics o icli till ! , also the price for addition il hundreds Hi il m ibo ordered of the simo bill it the anio time as the original three hundrcdiiuo ) Inel nil 1 114 com position , p ipoi , press work , titebinj. toldliu and all norrf of mateil.il ontciln Into the on. rcnnlrecl. \vorku\ccutpil nder class ono shall bo ilellxered In iooil onler by Ihetoii rictnrio Ihooillioof I be secret u v of si itnnlllnn tin ted d ivs after tbo let elpt of tliu order bys ild ton- ti ictor from the ch linn in of lee commllleo on printing , In eltlu'i brnnebof thele Uliiture. All worlcoecii ted under cl iss tluiut I ) sb ill be pi In ed In Ion/ primer , hi o\ lei and nrwip i- itll typo , on p iper to bo nlim Indies lorn ; bv l\ Hii Inihi's whle. slnzlo p me , p iper to Iio forty-IUo (4 ( 0 pounds to 1 10 ream of iwcntv - four by thirty sl\ \\lillo book , i ; ich bid mi- dei class thieos.li ill state nil it llio bidder Is willing to do the \\nrk complota for , per p i-'e , on tacb repoi t or Item In tlio ol iss , Including composition , paper , press work , st Hi bin /.fold- l.i nnd all work or material enteihiK Into the \voik reiiilied ) , O illey ami n 1 0 pioofmusL bo furnished lieu roqt Irol bv tbuolllcors of llio oxcLUtlxe departnient 01 llio thalrmnnof tlio committee. on printing , In ellhei hi until of the leglsl ituro Work when ton ploled to be delivered free of expense at the stale house , 1'ropcH ils for wink In eaua of llio ibo\.i classes \\lll not bo eonsldeied un ess tlio s imo bo accompanied by i bond In iho sum of Iho thousand If > , t OD dollaisllh two or more snio- lles ; ih it In L iso the par CV proposing Coi sutli tontract shall bo \\.ir lo I the s imo Hiieh n u- ty will , within Iho OH ! lys after the aw irl | lo him of such conli.ict. miter Into bonds for the rallhful perfoniiaiico thereof , as pmvlded by la" and the the terms of these propos ils. I'r poials shall bo m rked "J'io)0s | uu for iniblle prliitlnz" and addiossed to the stito bo ird of prlntliu In eaioof the secretary of btute , ii iicolii , .Nnl ) , Conti icts on clats 0110 it ) as abov o spcclllod uill bo awarded as a whole. ( Jonlraus on class three ii ) asnbovo specllled \\111 bo awarded In whole 01 In p utas Iho bo ird limy elect , unples of tbo work to bo executed under el iss imo ( I ) nnd three ( .1) ) m ly bo seen at llio ollk.e of the suerutaiy of st no. Cfintr u ts un abo\o cl is-.es ono (1) ( ) mill thrco (1) ( ) to run two CJ ) yoirs from Di'temhei II , I1- ) ' , o\ceit | the lopoitsof the ho ir.l at transjioita- l on nml utato bo ird of a. i leu I In re , the In r lor to bocomp'otod ' wllliln sltty daya after the aw.irlliu of tboconUa\t. Iho HI ito pi intliu bo ird reserves llio ila'hl to reject any or bid , . JOJN ( sji'i'reloiy of btatc ) .1. i : HILL , St ito Pilniln ; Ilo ird } " 'n ' ' " T1I N H ) . Aodltoi Public Accounts. Lincoln , Neb , Not. II. IbJi. _ iilJil.'Ut l.l-S 'I .Mltllll. WluireiiB. the Aiiltibuiuh I'nr t'omp my. by aeeriahi mort : iue. il ilod 'suptumbor ' "I , \ > i , and Illed In llio ollluo of the county eier < of Doiu'lns county , Noorns < , u on tuu.'dlh day of septiMuber. lit. ' , morlir itfod to Adoluh M u'l- lendi'i A. Co , of Now Voik , slatoof Nosv York , tlio follonliiKdcsiirlhod properly , to-uil llio eiitlroHtouk of sools. 'V.uos anil merchan MHO In llio stiuo room ami h moment knonn as No i'luhoiilh r > lbslreol In Oinulriu Nobiaska , and all ftirnltiiro and ftlorn II ( tines , doHkHe. . , and all other property of every n imo and n i- inrodosuilhtd In ichatlul inorl iiKooxonntod ami ilolh eii'd to the Amuile in National II inlc of Oniab i , NebrasUa , on llio Vltbilav of Sep tember , I-- * ) . ' , and iiowon Illu In tboolllcoof the coiinlv clerk of Douglas eoiinly , Nobi isu i , and which w is then In Ihu possession of h ild bank , Inn which property ( uxcepl snob poi- llons thereof as noruhilil by sild biniMH now In Ihe possess on of tbu iindorsl.'iied , an < l vvlieioassnd mortnr tiru HIS iilvon to setiin Hie payment of thn o inonilisoi y notes , dated Maith ID , Ihi. ' . for * L > Ji lii. JI.'uHU ) and < l . ( HID rei-pLLlUely , und duo In hoven , ul.'litnnd nine months aflordate rospo'tholy. with Intuii'sl at the rut o of t-lv PIT tent per annum from unto until paid and also of an ovui-duo opun iiccunnl for i."JJ ' ( . ' . , _ , Aod nliureiis. Die iiinount elalniol toHie duo nn ild moil diao ut tno Iliaoof publication of 11114110111.014 'I WiT. A lid when. us ilefiullhis been piudii III tin p lyiuentof situ mort 'iKO ' and the notes unil ntcoiinlhseeiiridthoiuby .Now hnrefor ' , public imtlco Is hereby hmi Ibat In piirsinuii'o of Hald morlKU.'o and by \lrtue of tlio Blatiilos of Nebrask i In HII Ii rase m ado nnd pro > Idod , we , tbu nndernUiied will \Vdiiesilay , the Hth ( lay of D eeinber , ISU. , iilOn'olofk III Iho inornliu of x.ild duj al Hilil No IH Soiilh Tith slreot. In Omaha , nidi bo ninolnif iln vooda and elialtolHiix aio thut : iiuso d , at pnbllo auction for thu hl/hest anil hebl rintes llio HUIIU will brliu In cash ami wlllcont nnoMild Hih- from d ly to Unv until bald mortmain ) In sall led ! liy linn Aim II.lurrn , thtlr Atlornuy ' ' To thwstockholdcrs of the On-allala Luii nnd Catllo Co. Notice Is hereby Klven to thu btoukholdciHof thu Uxnllnla I , nnd and UiUlu t'oinpany that the ucneral uriiiunl meellni : o bulil toiiip my will bo held al inu olltro of b ill conipiiny. In ihocllvof Dm thu , stale of No- hrtihkii , on \ \ Lilnesilay. Ill cemher bovenlli lhtu.nl two o'clock p in , for llio purpose o electing directors of llio comp inv to ? rvo for tlioeiiHiiliu yoir. and for tbo tranaiictln ) ! o any und nil olhor liuhlnrw of eiery kind am cliKractor that may bo preseuttd lo buel inuithu by the aK * mhlod HlockholdurH. in\\Aiii : > I' liAvtithMK , President , JOSATIUN Ann. hLcret ry. Uruuliu , Null , Nov 1U liJi u'/Jatt "Improvement is the order of the ago. " \Vo tirvpr pxnpilol In our mo t nanuiilnpino * iciits Midi nn inrrcn iIn our K ln n roinmpncert n tin' l t of SepiiMiilicr Tin' iullli l'r mler Typi Vrtlrr l lia\liitf pnoimoim > alpi which BIO wlno nd fur riaLliIni : 'lliri > o urn lliu rppotta M are icelvliv Irom our ninny i.rnnoli . olllies I TRIAL MBANS A SALK tir a do oi'ipilvo iMtulojjuo. PREMIE ft litli .mil l'.iiiiiiii , Sts , Onulu , NC'J. K. II MVYMKvV Mtuiiitfor ruoi'OsiALS KOU nriLDixc MA TKIUALS. llnltul "titles Inllan borvloc. Pine llldso Agency , south I ) tUol i. Nov ill Hi ; , Soiled iiioposils. endorsed 'Proposa s for liiinbcr , vvlmlo.vs and hitdwito. as tbo e.lBo inale and addrcssm ! In the nmlnrslv'nod at Pine Itlduo agcnc ) , boulli Dakota , will boic- eelu'd it lldi nttoni'v until I o'clock p. in ot December I ) . ISM. ' , for furnishing and dolhnr- Ing al this ngoncj about u1 ? vK ) feet ussorted lumber , "d ) ] i ilrs sir ij ) lilnci' * . ! Milonr ) locks. s.ii window H ish ml loMl pounds assorted nulls , a ( nil .1st.anil dcsciliillon of which ii'ay bo ohttilni.il by application to llio uudur- slClteil Hldders must st iio spivKKilly the kind nnd lit ice of c.u'li arttelu idlered for delivery iindr-i a conn tut. All nitlc.ts when ilellxeted will be subject to i rigid Inspection. Tlio ilgbtls rt serve ] to i eject in v or MI bld , 01 any p irt of , iny bid , If doomed for tbo best Intelesl of the service. C'iil : ! 11 II.I ) Clll.i 1C" Kacb bid must bo nieoiup inle 1 by n cnrll- llod check ordraft upon some I nlted states depository , or sjlvmit nallon il t anU , In tbo \ lelnltv of tbe residence of ( lie blddi r. nindo payable lo Hie older of Hie coiiimlssionor of iidtan nlTalts for at leisl.'inn ceulof tbo iinoiinlof tlio proposi ! ) . whlcli ihcck ordraft vlll bo foifeitel to llio United M ilcs In cnso inv llilder 01 bidders recolMiu an award , shall ( all to iiruiniit ly execule a e intr lot with limn ! and stillleleiit nr > 'tlo3 , olbonviso lo bo ctnrucd to thu'liUldur. Ilidi ai't'o ntmtilod by c isli In lion of n cortl- led i bet k will mil bo tons ! leii-d 1'or fur hot Infoiin ulon annlv lo Captain I U llioivn , U b. A . Acting rutted State * ndlan ii.'cnt. n'KiUU Sill-lilt' * SlUt ! . Under and by virtue of an oxecnllon Issued bj Prink i : Mooros clerk of tbedlsirlcl court , bin ami for Douglas comity. Nebraska , ipon i lodgment reudurcd bv suld court at ts sopiomher term , A. D It-Mi lu f i\oi of tlio Meicb.inls .National binU of Kansas Clly , -honri , and .i.'alnsl the .Metropolitan Cable , Cillway ooiniiiny of Oruilia Nobrask i , 1 uivo levied upon tbo follon-lin : described iropcrty , is tbo property of tbe h ild. Tbo Mutropol tan Cable Hallway coinpiny of ) ia ih , Nobr isle i. to-vvlt. "Jrick mid road-i it-il. liu'liiilnv rills , tics , pin ti . fro , ; * , bolts , lets , wire" , switches , po es. trolley wires , tress wires etc. , ele- . and ovtiyihoig perliiln- IU to s ild trick nnd tlio oiieralltiK tlicrt-of is an oot'tilc motor line of s iln Tbo Metiopoilt.in C'iblu U UUva > lomp inv on 4ftlij street and on DodKOSlioot In tbeoliy of Omaha , I anil on Pinuii street us i \ iindidoodlrinuJ ixeiino IToderwood aM'iiuunndllson nvenuol or stiei iln Dutidio Place or adtacenl thereto ! In tlieiounty of Douglas nnd blue of Nob-l i isu i " "CJnot'ir house ( tiniiio building on J posls o blocks ) localt don lot 14. block btf , ) undcu Place , Dougl is county , Nebraska. " Two niolor p.issengoriiiis nnmhctod rospoc- llveiy iwo ( J ) . and three ( II. Record boolr.J slock roil I fir ilo book and seal uf said com- ] piny. ' and also "tin ; fr in bi-o gi uituil lol Mild coinii my , which Includes all llio rlpliis ] anil pml leges secured thoiobv ; " mid 1 will ] on llio Hlb dayof DoL'imber. A. I ) , ISOJ. coin-1 loenclimal 10 o'clock a in of srilililay at ) tbo oist fronl door of tbo county court house. In llio city of Oin ill isill t , ild properly al nubile auction lo tbo highest and beat bidder or blddeis for cash , to s itKfv s ild ex- centloii. tbo anioiinldue thereon bolnn forly ( lions i'iil , four bnnilrcd foilyslnnd Ul-100 dollars ( fl MlJ.dl ) luil'im-iit. an I \tecn nnd > s-lliu dollars i $ (1 ( > S ) costs , with Interest on s ild iniou-its from tbo I'lib d ly of benti'iubcr , is i. ' . and tbo aceriiliigensis on snldjudgdincnt and execution ( il.OUCi : A. HiNNirT. bberill of Douglas Count ) . Nubrask.u LAKI . HAMILTON A. MANWIM.I. Aitorneys. Unialia , Nebri&k i , iJcueiuber 1 , ISU.1 d.Mllliii