Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1892, Part Two, Page 11, Image 11

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    * i- mvv - trn * * * -
.Movement of Goods in a Jobbing Way
ItiHomn l.lnm Tin ro U n l.lttlr ( 'onipl.ilnt
of n 1'iilllny oir III tlinotiiino of Hull-
IICM blntn tin ; I'.lccUoii 1 lie
Itnnlt Clcnrlni ; ' '
Tbo Jobbing trndo of Ormha can still
truthfully bo leportcd as very Rood , nuo
complaints tiom tboso most Interested nt (
few and far botwcrn. It. some lines Hit
sousoii 1ms arrived wljcn n let up in tin
inovomont of gnoda Is nnticinated. A JobbCi
remarked that no casing up lit Iho domain
\vasalmosl\velcomotlils jotr after such i
rush us has uccn cxparlonccd during thi
past fo\v months , und that their men wen
nctunllr worn out and In need of a llttlo rust
In sucii lines ns groceries , which are in do
mmid all the j car through , tlio trade is li
u most aatisfnctory condition and the voluim
of KooOs movlntr Is larito. Cvery businusi
mnn tlia.t miikos it tour of the state return
convinced that tlio condit onsvero no\e
better thnn at Iho present time , nnd lha
trauo U liound to continuo good the biilanii
of Iho Inter , or until the now crop begin
to attract attention. '
Collections tire uvcrncmg very Rood nnd 1
It doubtless snlo to sa > thai they were novoi
holler thui nl Hie present tltno. Money Is
nnpnrci.tly easy in the country nnd tbo rotal
uculcrs nro ficllltiij nioro goods tuln | usuc
for cnsh. Local collections uro ulsofnlr.
In some illroollons a llttlo complaint i
henrd of a tcndcnuv toward the con ervatlv
in business , owliiR , nppircntly , to npptchci :
sion as to luluto legislation.
Hunk ( '
Tlio bank dealings of Omaha continuo t
liiulrato a vety prosiperous condition of bu !
inoss. The cle.nincs for Iho past uco
fthow a gnln of 'J.'l 7 per cent over the natn
week lust year , which U very giatlMin
when It is taken Into consideration that bit !
Iness near . nijo was in pretty fair shape.
The total clearing * for the month } u °
closed wns JJ.I.STU.I'.iO. This on its fnc <
Bhoua n falling oft of S..Oti. , : ) ! " , ns coir
pared ultb the month of October
This decrease , However. Is moro nptiiirci ;
tlmn ical , ns the month of October cot
tinned at least ono moro hunincsa dny. A
coniDiirca with previous yoaw thcro hu
been a heavv gain. Tbo volutnoof buslne-
of tbo city of Omaha , us indicated hv 1 1 ;
clcorings , was never ns ( treat in II
history for Iho month of November , t
duilng tbo nisi month. This is a showlu
that tends to sttcncthon the feeling of coi
fldcnco in the cltVs prosperity.
Tha total ilcarings of Omaha's ban Us f <
the eleven months of the year IS'JJ Is $ M
COr.T.'O. It is needless to add Hint , th
nmount Is In excess of anv previous year t
a guod many millions of dollars.
Oinaliii'H Tnulr I'rcRiMit '
, nnd 1'rnsprctlv
Viuitcil liyiin Kxpcrt.
W. II. Koborson , rr.nnnpor of the Omal
oflico of It. O. Dun & Co. , in bis weekly r
vlnw of local trade says :
"This week has boon romnrUnblo becoui
of the failures ofunder Bros , in rota
boots nnd sdoes nnd Eu. N. llrown , rcta
groceries. The trndo has not bo <
favorably disposed toward the form
houio for EOUIO time nnd hen
Omaha Jobbers suffer no loss , but iu the oth
case it wns different. Mr. Ilrown possossi
the confidence of the lobolng trade as
shown by the heavy claims against , him re
roscntcd by chattel mortgages nnd attuc
inont suits. It is observed tnat In rlvo or s
recent foilnics relatives have appeared
profcrrea creditors , nnd thts'facth isnrousi
a scntitnont which it 1 * strongly hoped tni
bocrvstnlhzcd Into a decision of the coui
that will mukis it utmost -prlma fuclo o\
dcnco of fraud to prefer a creditor who Is
brother , biother-lu-law , uncle , wife or oth
"Tho cannl enterprise which has nrous
n vonddoul of interest Intelv has now tak
dcllnlta shape. The and bo
Known cnpilaltsts or the citv uro enlisted
iho project. If the project is earned o
upon tbo bcalo contemplated there is
question about the Immense ndvnntag
Which will ccrtutnlv result to Omahn.
"Among the Jobbing houses there
nn excellent feeling. The Novoi
bcr business was fully up to i
pcctntlons in spite of election nether
other dlstiactlng circumstances. There
an appreciable decline noted in the volume
trade for tbo wool : in some lines which is
ttiuutod to the continued warm woath
but groceries and boots and shoes are <
ccplionnlly active nnd trudo in nil Hi
altogether sotlsfnctory Ouc/ol the lai
dry goods houses which docs tr.ide
nearly $1,500,01)0 this joar states that
though thi ir orders are Il'J per cent ahead
last , \cnr thohuve 5.001) ) less In outstur
Ing accounts than at this porlod n voar a
This hliown very clcnrlv that collections hi
vastly Improved and that business is ccr
Kpondlnglv protltnble.
"Among the banks the feeling is improv
though no large demand for money has
been noticed. Bankers nro somowbat si
crlsccl that the farmers should hold so Ic
lo their gnrncred giain. The corn crop v
1)0 moving In a few weeks now howox
when n more nctlro deraund for money
"South Oinnhn shows up n handsome
rroaso in receipts of cnttlo for the month
compared with November , IbUl. The tot
( irons follows : IfcUl , tH,7J3 ; Ib'JJ , SO"
incroni.0 , 18,545. 'iho receipts
Jiogs show a fullln g off
20,000 head , hut thcro is a gain of 10 ,
sheep nnd lUOO horses and mules. Neu
TOO cars moio ofstoelc wtroj-ocelvod in I
vcinbor , Ib'JJ than in that month of ib'Jl. 'I
pucking houses consumed 15,000 oattlo t
10,000 sheep in Xovctnocr this joar in e\c
of last.
"I have Just returned from a flying t
through the Interior of the nti
At Kearney 1 llnd the cltl ?
very cnthuslublio ever the prospect of
( nrly construction of their long-wished
Holdrogo 0111-00 and it 1 bolievcd with t
line built the overland B. & M. trains \
pass through the city. Banks at Koir
roporl plci.ty of loanable tnnds at iu
cent , hut nro doing very little nt lower ra
llotnll dealers report a fair trade but uro
peeling an Improvement itftor the furn
harve.t their corn of and linlsh throshl
Wholusnlo trade is ronllnod to ihn uroc
line nnd thm showsun Incicnsciot lOOpcrc
over the yc > nr prior to Noromhor 1 , IS'JO. '
new rotten mill U manufacturing 1"
yards dally , and has orders boolcod to k
U wonting at this nuo for some lima toco
Tl'o ' full capacity is 20,000 ynrds per t
nnd is being worked up to ns last ns cape
operatives can bo secured. The prod
brings full pilous and is taken by Porlli :
Ore. , ' St. I.otiis and Chicago marmots ,
hraska ) > coplo will Und the quality up to
mills elsewhere.
"At Hustings the DanUs have funds Iu
cnss ol demands , und only ono reports
svo offerings. Merchants , ns n rule , uro
Sorrowing much , but are making pro
rfolleotlous und keeping out of doot.
tabbing u a Jo of Hustings tins moro t
xoubled during thoyoar , A well equip
iotcl , uaeijuato to tno wants of tbo pui
.j un linmedluio need. Hastings is u
Ural distributing center nnd Us trudo n
"Trado conditions at Uriind Island
healthy. Hotull dealers ure , for iho t
part , muklng a llttlo money and looking
cotter times uftor the turn of the y
Jobbern hero report the prospect for
iarged buslnossoncouraclnc. Ilankeri t
flonly of funds for local needs and soin
eparo , There are a number ol new ui
( ties going up and others projected. "
Ilullncm tins Ilceuit I.fiKlIniCharacter
< > l tlm-MiirUnt.
Tbo produce maruot has been about as
as IDo wholesale uihrKct has been ac
Ourlng Iho llrst part of the wuok the tua
wa > evidently suffering a teactlou aftei
Thaiiltsulvitig uotlvlty. Hetldos the inu
was still full of hold-over stock that did
contribute to its wrll-beiug. It was
natural to untulpato some itnprovenieu
tlio week diew to a r'fo but U did not
tcrlulltp , Ilia tnarlcot rantlnulnR dull until
the rloso of Iho wok Wlih the holiday
season near at hand itwouH scam ns it there
must bo moro activity manifest in the ir.ur-
kol before tniny days It hits boon ohsorvod
that a glut In the marKet , rosultlnir In very
low prices , is almost sure to ba followed by
n porlod of quiet as It bu > ors hrd laid in
stocks in fidvnnco ot their wants nntl were
waiting for their consumption before buying
It Is snfo to § y thut poultry has been the
slowest seller ott the whole nnrUet , It was
so chcfn that It would npponr that every ono
nto Ihotr fill the WCOK hoforound did not cnro
for any moro for n tlmo. With the cloto of
the week ntocks were prottv well defined up.
nnd the m.irkot would scent to ba In shape to
make some Improvement provided the re-
cclnts i-Jinalii light for n few day longer.
Strictly tresh eggs have not oscn at all
plcntv anil i cl ubouj. equal to Iho demand at
the present prices , ihoro U still plenty of
Icehouse siocic offered on tbo market , nnd so
Ion , ; ns thnt lasts the inarkol can do with less
f rush stock ,
Tbo butter situation docs notchungomticr1.
Stocks nro nnd the receipts arc fair ,
The preat extent to whloh buttorlno Is bclns
used In this city reduces the do.nnml vor.v
materially for the genuine article. More
retail dcalus Imvo token out u license tc
sell buttcrlno tlmr. ever Before. His said
that n good rnitny consumers do not Know
what they mousing , but suppose that It is
Omaha U becomliu n great game market.
While th'Mols n good deal of game consumed
here , Iho local demand is only n small pirt o
tLo irude. Uhls has become a largo dls
tnbutlBif point for gitno of all kinds , nnd thi
shipments to the different points of con <
sumption nro enormous. .
M li it tlio Miiiiurnctiiturs Arc Doing lei
t hulll'x'Uct u ill tlio City.
The Woitctn Tinwaro Manufnctunng com
pinv have arranged to add a line of tinners
tools to their Jobbing department on the tlrsi
of the year.
Mrs. 10 A. Sacxvart of the ladles' ' nuxlll
nry boanl of tun Word's fair uommisslor
says that there nro In Nebradtft ovur forti
manufacturing oUublUhnicnts that cmplo )
The Omaha Tout and Awning com pin v an
making a specialty of the manufacture o
liorso covers , which llwy are jobtilut ; hi nl
the western slutos that can bo reached fron
this point.
Kvery tlmo you spend a dollar for foreltri
gooi's ' you are making Nobrasita poorer b ;
Just so much. Moncv sent out of the slat
will bo n long tlmo in finding Its wav tm-h
Therefore buy Nebraska goodi and kee
your money at home.
W. L. McCaguo savs thnt nn Ohio man o
his acquaintance has SjO.OO' ' ) which hols mix
lous to put into n plant for ths mantifnctur
of blsiil and tnanllla binding twloo. It i
CJtlmatcdthat § 125,000 would bo requited t
carry on Iho business. The party roferrc
lo is of the opinion that Omaha Is as good i
locatlun as could bo found for such an cnlct
Ulllow & Doup have leased iho busomen
of iho building nt present occupied by thutr
thus doubling their lloor space. The addl
tlonal room gained will bo u d for handliu
feathers nnd mritiufacturm ? feather pillow
and bods. There is quite a demand fo
feather beds in Ihls northern country , nn
thcto nro also n good many feathers to b
had. The llrm have put 'in all the late :
machlnorv for renovating the feathers nn
Iteming them according to the most approve
irothods. They will bo prepared lo h AH ill
nil kinds of feathers , which will make Ihl
quite u market for that commodity.
Secretary Holmes of the Manufacture !
nssociition 1ms had printdd cards to t
tucked mi m conspicuous nlnccs in the ftu
tones of the stnte. The card is hcndc
"Patronize Homo Industries. " 'JLhen follow
the label of the association. Factory on
plojes nro appcnlca vo in the followin
langungo : The patronnca icccivcd froi
the pcoplo of Nobraslca helj
this lirni to keep its employe
nt work. If the emplojes i
this llrm will buy homo made goods they xvi
help other linns to keep their cmplojes i
work. Your patronage mav onaulo a mam
facturer to emplov an additionnl man , whit
monns the support of one moro 'clmisi
The pearl button manufacturers of tl
country have formed an association for tl
nutuul protection of the peail button Indu
trv. Their last mooting wao bold in 1'hil
dolphin. The following circular is belt
sent out to manufacturers : "Wo have bo (
requested Oy tbo oftlcials at Washington
furnish them with statistics as to the co
dltion of tlio peiul button Industry of tl
United Stntes prior to the passage of tl
McKlnloy bill and the present atalo of tl
Industry , und wo would kindly request y <
to fill out the enclosed circular nnd rotui
without delay , as this is voi.v importnti
All this Information is to bo strictly co
lidcntlal , aim no use of thosamo will bo mainer
nor are any names tn be used except for tl
use and information of the Pearl Uutti
f association of the United States. "
The Ilat Kevicw of Now York says th
the practice of buy ing the buvcr is incron
ing , und is becoming nn expunsivo luxur
the largo buyer is treated to champagne ai
the slchts of Iho town ; the more modem
dealer is given only the chnmpJguo or t
slants ns ho mav elect ; nnd from Ibis rai
tlio treat runs downward to proof brnndv
cigar , or a simple beer. It U a bad custo ;
both for seller and buyer , and Is certain
lend to a point whore the seller's protlts n
ontirolv absorbed , or the buyer Is irivon b
partial value ns the highest bidder , n
and only he , will ultimately ho nblo to secu
or hold the ouicr. It should also bo not
tnat the business man who will not purchr
goods thnt ho requires , until ho hunsoll
llrst bought through the wine and wondc
of a gronl citv , is not too moral to forgot I
obligations when forgetfulness would pro
prolitnblo to himself.
s A ( * nr fur t rotip.
" If vour child i on nro subject lo crot
always keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Cou
Ito.nodv at hand. It isa prompt .mil corti
cure. If glvon ns noon as the uiouiir cou
appears it will prevent the attacic , 'Por si
by druggists.
Superintendent Tilly ot the city buildl
department has made tbo footings wli
allow the business transactions of his oil
during the month of November. The icsu
s nro ns folloivs :
sT so mils Is-mol lei
lliilldltiR poi - , ,
T Katlni ;
s I'lumblni ; ponnlts Uitiod , 0nggr
' Tula !
' '
, Tlio business for llio corro'iboiidlrijr'iiioi
nf IblU was :
[ - Itnllilhu pormiu Hsuol ,
* I'luii.blu ; permits Issued , Ul , uKgro-
y nutliu u
iO Total U1.80
'P ' Ignorance of tlio merits of Do Witt's ' Lli
'PD. Hurly HlnoM is n misfortuno. Thojo ill
D.I't pills regulate tlm llvor.ouro uoadnono , uvsp
10 sia , bad broalti , constiDatlon and billousuc
I , nn : mu.rv AI\UKIT. ,
10 ISSTHDMKNTS place i on record Dcoom
I- g II II ClurU , trustee , to II M Stontcn-
In boriiieli , lot ,1 , block 0. West Suit ) . . . . if
n l.e ivlll llurnli.un and vvlfo to I S Iliim-
i > t mend , lot 2 , block 2 , llurulmm IMuco .
10 1) ) II W.uijih nud wife lo I ! J Kuudiill , lots
III 7. 8. 0 and 28 , block 3. lot 20. b oclc 4 ,
id Missouri Avenue p irk . . . . (
ido. H imo to samu , u ! i lot ft , blouk 01 , boiitli
o. Um ib.i . , . . , . . . . : Mnry Dwnnik ti Anlon Duila , lot 21 ,
st block V , Duorali'ti uJd to boulli Oumlui
II T Oudy mid vvlfo to llumo Investment
ro romp ny , lot V , bleak 1) ) . Urulk'litoa
sir HeUlils . . . . . . . . ;
U I' ' Ho Id lor unil vvlfo to Ailolpb mm
Tbooloio Hanson , part lot 18bioolc4 ,
r > Jlro tllnu add ,
" " lJUIT Ct.UM DSED3.
PordluHnd Slrelu and it I fa to A M
Durnull , lot 17 , block 419 , Uraudvlow , .
0 W Covell ( special master ; to Waltur
llreen , lot U , bloulc Jl , Albrljhl's
( 'holco . , ,
1 W Halt n ( special master ) to J L Me-
lo Uv.'ue , tWfl lots I. 'J und U , Ll
biilidhPC block "IV Slilnn'a
udd . , . .
M riumo to 83HIO , u 10ft loth 1 , 2 unJ 'J- same
' buino lo K\ine , sUUi ft lot " , block
'f. I'urkcr'nadd . . , . ,
Same tosutnc , nX'ltlot ' . ' , same
. nmouutqf tratisfon ft ,
'ot ' An tioaost pill U tha noblest work nf
| y apoiliccarr. lloWltt'n Utllo Kirly Ul
curecoujtlpatloa bllloujueii aud slukQ
Gomparail V.l'h ' Frilay Night Wheat Quota
tions Olo'jjd ' lower Ycstsrday ,
Ihrrn U'niSomo lci\li/liiR In Pork Timinl
the ClniK Itr nltluif In ii Decline Con-
lilcrnlU > . \itl\lty In Stocks
mid ItoiKl * .
CiltCAOo. III. , Dec. 3 Some iiiill chips wcrt
olT the loading iuotillous | tod.iy or
Compired with lust night , vvbc-i' '
cloud'40 lower. I 3rn lo < t 'ici poiu IsolT ( Oc
U hi ? , t receipt * In tlio northwest wcio asalt
liberal , 1,074 cars , unil rabies were onsy. llu
tlio heavy exports 4,11,1,0)1) bu. fioin boll
co.itlsdurltiK thawrpk , ngnlnst .1,401,033 liu
llio previous \\eek.liul a tendency lo died
llio Hullln ; . Kluutuatlon * were vyltliln V
Corn lioltlors Allowed a Rood deal of ills
courusmnont , nnd there wns ftco liquidation
Tlio receipts wore JJ c.irs ovur tlio ostl
mate , and Mtsrido.l contract. The woatlio
west was favorable for marketing. Tlio closi
\vns alflio lowest point for tbo day
Oilswis ho ivy , ind ( Inclined slnrply. lu
llucni'i'd hv llio free liquidation of Deccmbo
nml Iho ttoaknesi In corn. 1'inal prices won
lliu lowest , and were ' o unJor last iiljht'
qiiotallonH ,
Nelson Morris was it buyorof u cinslder
nblo < | uinlllv of porl < and I ird durltu tin
tlisthalf hour of the session. On the result
tin : ml v unco tbero wns sonic re ill/lnt : , inn
nork wasoirerod ilonn I o below yesterday'
close lnr.l .tnil tlbs left elf iinh.iufc < l.
Kstlm tied rocclpts for Monday ! When !
HO ears : corn , 2.10cms : o.ils , 2o ears ! '
4) ) owl head
Tbo leading futures ranscd as follows !
1'asli quotations were as follows !
I'l.oini-\\pitk : winter patents. HIOO'IO
winter sir nts tl 21 ® I 41 : spring p ilenlw. 13.1
ai.lO : sprliu str.ilts , Ji7S3l.lJ : baKcrV , JJ.10I
\VHKAT-No. 2 BprlnT. 71J.ic : No. 3 srirliu
C Ot'ie ; No. 2 rod , 7110.
CollN-No. 2. 4l'c.
O Trf No. 2 , 'UiffclOiio ; No. 2 whllo. f. o. t
See : .No. 3whltn , 3JiJ < ajJc.
HvK-No. 2 40V4e.
HAiir.BlNo. . 2 , G7c : No. 3 , f. o. 1) . , 4a03c , N (
4. f. o. b . , lV5410e.
TI.Ayn D No. 1. Jl.ffi' { .
TivinTiivSr.KD-l'rlmo , Jl Oil.
I'OIIK Moss , per bbl. , $14.00 : lard , pnr II
Ibs , Ji.Yj short ribs , sides ( lee o ) . IS 1.1
82.1 ; dry salted shouldurs ( boxed ) . $7. < OSJ7.02 !
short , clear sides ( boxuili , HlS.l ! ,
WHISKY Distillers' nuKlied goods , per
{ 1.11.
bunAU Cutloaf , lsao : Rr.inulatcd , lc : stai
dard "A. " 4' o.
Tbo following were the roca'pts and ship
UKnis today :
On the I'roJiicooxch mac ted iy the buttt
murltetvii3 tii'ne ; creamery. JO&'l'jJ : d.ilr ,
lb-7e. 1'ggs. quiut : ftrlctly frosb , : ® ! ' .
Ni'vv Vtnlc > l trxetx.
New YOIIK. Doc. 3 1'i.ouit Receipts. 23,0
indulges ; ovporte. 7.1J4 barrnls. 2..4l7 saoU
Marltetdull. woiili ; sties , 0,200 barru's. ' La
oxtr.ts , J-.O ( R..7.1 ; winter vvlieit. low trade
8'.uoa-.7J ; fair lo fancy , . ' .7f > a.l8J : p tleul
f.L8Vf64 21 : Mlnnoso u cluir. $ i.lOSJri
straights f I.l.ffll . " 0 ; p tlcnla , S4 20&4.S ) ; r' '
mixtures , nooii I 7ft
UOIIN Mu\i > Dull , steady ; yellow wester
WIIKM Hccolpls Wt.llObu. : oxporls , 170 , [
bu. : Bali's. I70.1MI bu. futures. i-.Ui ( ) bn. tu
bpoti dull , stoutly : No 2red,77't'it77'cmsto
and oluvutor : 7 67f1i0.illo-it78'i ; ( < J"ll11cf. o 1
No. 3 red , 7lU74'4c : uiisr.vJcd rod. 7J't@71
No. 1 northern , H.PS4u : No 2 northern , 79'j
8 e : No. 2 Milwaukee , 7134 < it7bc ; No. 2 sprlr
7J3Ie ( Jpllons vvoioery dull and unc4ian'ji
lo 'ic lovvcr ou o is or cables and loc it roall
Ini ; No 'J reil.7ii7 f. 7j'8e ; Jauuai
77'io ; Mny , H.1-lues-lc. eloslns 8 : 0.
U r IiDll : we IK ; westeru. 54Ifc56c.
HAIII.KVQuiet ; western , 03&ii3oi ! No. 2T
routo. HISS c.
ItAiu.nv MALT Dili ; western , 7032o : cl
m ule ( J .nuda , Jl.'JOfild.ul
OOIIN Kcoulpls , 213.2)0 ) bu. : o\ports , 01,1
bn. : sales. 11,0 IWJ Dn ot futures. U.OJJ bu.
spot , bpotsdull. etslcrj No 2. .WBC In olov
tor. ftl'tu ulloal ; nnKr.uloiI mixed , t fs.M'i
No J , ! < o ; hleanicr mixedfO'/ij. Opl'ons ' vvu
dull , elojliu slcady at t decline of l@PaO i
western salllns : December , ftp , , ' : Iiuii.u
nill'ic , eloslns nt 51e : May , ilJ'.SVI 1-1
O\T Itceolpts , OOOlObn. : exports. 2.4110 bi
Rales 101.0JO bu of futures. .W.uuo bn. of sp
Spots dull ami bto.idy. Options dull and n
ub'itucd loa lower : December. .lO'i ' ® O5
closing at.ti34e : ; .lanuary , .fl Wi ' c , CIO IIK ;
3rn c : M ly , 4iQH4C. ( ) closlmritt 40e , Spot No.
31e ; No. .1 white , 41 5140 : No. 2 while , , ! ' ,
inlxod weslern , Ji'i@l ( ' > > e : vvhlto western , 4
4Sohltest.ile. : . 448o ; No. 2 Cble.i''O , 37ic ! ,
HAV Qultit , linn ; hlippln0' ! , ooatCe : ( 'ood
cliolco , 7lffinje
lloi'S-bte idy.oasy ; st.ito , common tnchol
lsftic ( ; I nclflo eiinst. is4c.
bUdAii lUu. d.ilUlrm ; falrrofliiin ; . 2 11-1
cenlilfii nl. ' . ' 1 test , .P o ; rolluo I. tlriii. f ill
aollvo : oft A. 4'tTil'8o ; mold A , 41i-lliSl'i
st tndurd A4 ll-lnial'io. confectioners A , 4'J-i
V u ; 5.1-10e : crushed. ftS-lOffrl1
povvdorol , 4ll-lilu ( ; ranul.UeJ , 411-10 ®
l cubes. 4 1' ( .
i .Moi.AbsKS luiroUn. nomlml ; New Orloi
t itilet. | easy ; open Keltle , now , seed loehol
. 2bf6'l7c.
Kici : Active , stotdy ; domestic , fall to i
trn , 4ft'jc ; .Tupiin. 4'lit-le.
I'ddS l.ljjht rccclt3j | llrmj vvestorn , fie
2BSC2'k' .
HIIIKS Quiet. Rtoaily ; wet salted N
Orlu ins. selected 4VTKi ) 1U > , , r > ® 7e ; Tu\
holocted iHUlO ) Ibs , 57f.
roilK-Dull. llrm , old mess , Jill ) " ® ! !
exirn prime , ilia ® I7.00 ; cut mt-atsquiut.Ill
pickled bolllas , 8fbTu ( ; pickled sliou di
Mie ; pickled hums. lortlUlie ; mlilil
qultit : short , $ S.7U ; lard quint : H
noniln il ; futures belter ; western Hto
closed it (10,10 ; Hales , fiJO tierces.
Hum. u ( Julot , about hlu.idy ; westi
dairv , 17'lu : wnsturn creamery , "JtiJl1
wosiern fnctory , litie , I lglii , .li&llii'.1.
CHI iSK-Qniol ; firm.
I'ld IIIDN AlDiler.ilodomand , atoad/Aiu ; <
can , tii \ <
GniM'Mi i'lrin ; lake. $ l"00 bill.
Tl.N-Diav atralt8 , fJIMDuKI. ;
St 1,01114 .Mitruiits ,
PT l.ouin. Doe. 3 1'i.ouii Ilnohaiij
choice. * .Mvrji'ii ; fancy. * inoa..7) ; o\
faiiey , ttu.t 1.1 ; patents. M.J.13,1.51.
a \Viit : . < T Dull ; ' 411 oir all rounu ; eish , OS3
Deeember , ( rt' o : Muv , 757tc ,
CDII.N liToUcolf ; cash , j ot JaniiDry , 3s
Jlay , I'il3e ,
DATB-.i'sh , Him ut Die ; May , lower
Hill-Dull : 47'IRc
llA'ii.nv Uiiluit Minnesota , O S-l'ic. '
HUTTPII L'nctmiuud ; uieamurr , iO ®
daily , 1 6cc.
I'om I'lichmiiod nt 21'ic. '
I'oiik ll.Kber : jobblnj , tils' ) ; lard no
nnlly hi hi-rnt iJ..V ) .
Uuci.ll'H-I''liini , 4,003 bills ; , (
bn. : eorn , H3OOJ , bu , ; oats. 41.00) bu. ; lye , nc
barley , none.
biiir iBNT8 Plour , fi0) ' ) bblst wheat. 41
bu , ; corn , 31,0001)11. ; eau , U,00) bn. ; rye ,
bu , ; birloy , none.
IlimliuiiiM llrli'f * .
Mi.Arondt fc Co. , drugglbtsut Spun
will remove ,
II. S I'ulnam , rnnnlns a general stor
Newport , has born closivl.
Mm. It. A. Van Duson , mllllnor at I
CO Springs , has removed to Wymore ,
/.el.-er , Smllh , \ Co. have been Kiicfoodci
t-liurln & bhelburn at Atlanta , Nub.
Iv'lrby X Miller ha\o snt'coedcd T , J. Iv
in thu hurdwuro business at ti resin in ,
Campholl , V ru.'ls have suucocded to
drir.Unslncsi of U. ll MlddlekaulT
Thu llrm of A , I'lckens & Fan , In tno
( jnoiU luisliu'ss ut llatlnir , liivuiucor
atoj under thu llrm naiuo of A I'.ckens , C
Co. The oapltal stock U placed at JITi.ox ) .
Oiiiulm rriiducu Murkct.
00 The week closed dull and featureless sr
as the produce market was eoncernen.
ti receipts were not lur.'o , but tbU was ollae
the fuel that tlioro win almost uo ilemanU
anything , buch buyorn us ibero wuro on
10ra market bouubt very nuarlniMy. . . . There . In
ra " ' '
rad | SJO
, d that the iiiurKKla uro pretly
aud that retail slocks must have been reJi
very mntortatlr dorln * Imlf ot the
. -Quotation * n nrci Good
stnik , ftWti4 ( W ! cliolco y , f LOIXitl.S.'V. '
IUNAVAK Quolitlons irdl I ir lo Rood
ihlpplni stock , JJ.Wit..v r [ tin noli.
llUTTKItA fOW S IICS U icico selected roll
co to tno retail tr ido ut f.l'c ' , but the hulk
of me receipts i.rliu on U&lOc. Creamery
butter Is quoted at 'Ac.
CIIANIIKIIUIKS OiintailoiH nroi Hell nud
cherry. KOJporbbl , : bo.I xnd bu lo , t.i.O ) : into
U.tpo I'od , t1J.
Ciu.ntv-guotntlunsnrfTI 303-1 ! .
Knns The markeT , was not vurv nctivo nt
2iu : for strictly fresh slock ; cold storage ,
' .0 < 4.'e. * ,
U\MK Pr.ilrlo chloknn Jli .W > ifcl.'iO ! grouse ,
W.Ml : qil ill ! ( l.2.Ttl . . ' ) ! MiltJMf ,0) ; lick stupe ,
} l.-Vji.Vi ) p'ovcr , It.on ; fjohlen plover , J1--
< j/l.l canvas luck tltiekv. fliO.jili'.nO
red head ducks , , tl.oi ; mnllnnl ducks
{ 7.1 ; hlno win. teal , $2.00 : crcen win :
teal , J1.1KLM.7.1 ; tnltcd ( lucl. , ft-.V ) ; rniiad
Bcesc , (10 > 37. ! ' : small iroeso , } l.0iiji00 : lacl
nbblts. jl 00541 2.V 8iit ill rabbits , tt2 * > ® I.Vl
squlrtoK 11.8.1 ; .intclopo std'llcs. ' Ilijllot deci
saddles IVatBo : nntelopo o trensso . liatOs :
deer cari'iissos. li'TO c ; lv ( piKcius. il,2.Vtl.5) )
tiiiM'E 1'nuiT I'er hot. Jliio
llo\iv-.Jood : ( wlillo clovo. is .quoted ai
LI.MOVS Mnailnns , choice , ! 1.5C(3.(1 ( ( 00 ; fancy ) .
UvsTi'its 1'rlcus romalii unchanjcl nt 13J
! li ! iiorc in
O.MOss-Quol'illons nro : Hoincarnwti , Kie
Sp'iulsli , } l t ) i | ) or cr.ito.
OiiAMiKs I'resaiit quotation lioro 01
1 lorlda or.ui''i'S Is J 1,71.
I'OTAToiN ( juotiittniu urn : Homeproun
C.lf.70i-i Colorado and Utah , Sic.
I'oui.iuv I'ho imirki't Is slow and unsitls
factory. Turkejs'ito tbo slowest ialoof any
thlniri they urn quoted nf'Cl RCCSO and ducUs
8ft L' for dressed ; ilroisoil chlciiMis. Su.
SWKH I'iTATon fliolco Musoitlno niu
Illinois slocK. f.l.7 > rclO ) per bb' ' .
TAMiEiuxU" * A fovv tamienncs h.ivo ar
rlv ni nn the market and Bold at ISO ) per bo'
or Jl.10 per hilt box.
Vnl , Quoti'tlom aroi Small and f at , 7c
Itirgonml noiivy , : <
Otiiiilin lllil < 'H nun
llltis No I Lroen. ii'iei ' No.t itrotn slated
434Uo : No. Screen silted. S ( o to3itlU ; ' "
1 L'reon s iltod , 21 to 40 Ib" . . 440 ; No. 2 ercoi
silted , 21 to4)lbs.l < iu ; No 1 veil cilf , 8 to 1 ; No. 2 vcnl ciif , b to 1.1 Ihs. Ic : No.
di y Hint. Oc to7c ; Nc. 2 dry Hint. 4c : Nti
Ulrv silted , .lo toiu. ! I'art cured hide ? one
half cent pur pound less than fully euro I.
SUM ! I'nas Hreon s tiled , oii-h 'licTi'f 1.2 !
proou salteil sliuirllnzs ( short woolnd oarl'
skins ) , oich , ! : dry shenrllius ( shor
\\ootod cnrlv skim1 , Nn 1 , eicb , iiaiOe : dij
she ii'llnus ( short woolod early skins ) , No J
uaeb. Tie : drv Mint KUIHIS nud Nobrnski
Imtehci uool polls , pur Ib , actual wnlifht. 1
dll I'ie : dry Hint K um is und Nebraska mur
r.ilnwool polls , par ib , . nclunl wol hl , 8r.'c
diy Hint Colorado butcher wool polls , per Ib
actual wuliht , 1012'so : dry Hint Color ill
murrain wool polls per Ib. aclutl Wt'Uht
FftUc : dry nieces and btioKS , uctiinlcliht
7540o. Have fojt out olT , as It Is useless t
p iv frolchtoti thi'in
Tti.i.owM > ( litiiASK Tallow. No. 1. 3' u
tnllow. No 2. : if6IUo. Kroase , whlto A , 3'4c
Kro ise. white II. , ! ' { c ; cruise , yellow. Jo
crease , dnrk , ' . ' 'id ' old butter , 2JVo : beeswax
wax , piIIIIP , HiK.'ie ; rou li tnllow , l'i'c.
Oil .MurKet.
Nuw YOIIK. Dec. 3 I'ETIIOI.FUM Markc
was no lcelod , not n slnzlu si ilo h ivlng bco
rcnortcd. The tone stendv lliroiisbon
and the nominal ( [ nutation wns .ll'ic bit
M c nskoj I'cnnsv Ivunluoll spot s-xlos. nont
.lanunry option sales , none : l.lmn oil s tie
none : lc 1)1(1 ; tolnl sa cs. nono. I'nrkcrs , $1.3'
1'nrkers In bulk , fj.85 ; rollntd Now York. Jx.l
I'bllndelpbln nnd llaitlmoro. $ .141 : I'hllailo
Uhlinnd Ilnltlmoro In bulk. J..i" > ® IOO.
CoTTONsr.nn On , Dull but llrm ; crude. 94 <
yellow , use
TALI ovx-Hiill ; city ( tl for nk s ) . fto bid.
UosiN Quiet , onsv ; strained , common t
good , Jl'IO < ja.3.1.
Tuiii'ijxrtMDull , wonk : .ll > 4jP4c.
LONIION , Dec. > ) IjlNSLBI ) Ollj 183 4'Jd PI
Si-riiMOir. Cl ! per Ion. - *
Tuui'Ktri.M : Sl'iiliTS 2i94 > Sd pcrcwt.
K'.in us < ; ity .MnrkotN.
KA'JstS CITV , Ma. Doc. 3. WiinVT IJi
chanced ; No 2 liar 1 , OlH3Uic : No 2redOsVi
OOIIN WoaUei anil lower ; No 2 mixed , 3Ji |
OVTi'Irm : No S mixed. 20'i ilOL- . btoitdy : .cro moiy , 2ijc ; dnlr ;
l.oiis WoaU nt 181a !
KI.OBIIT Who it , 0oop hu , : corn , 10.000 bu
on ts. 1,010 hu.
bilil'viEsrWheat , 01,01)0 bu. ; corn , 13,00
o Us , 2.UJO bu. >
Cotton Aiitrwtit.
NEW OIU.PASS L.k. Deo. 3 Maiket quit
nnd oisy ; mtddllni ; . 0 7-irc ; low mldulln
V 1-IOu ; Kood ordinary , 8 0-IBo : not iccolpl
12,151 bales ; crons receipts , 12.7IS biles : e1
poits to Gient Ililtaln. .1,730 b.i'os ; to tl
continent. 5,10'l hales ; coastwise , 7.81) b ilo
R.ues , 2'JOO bales ; stock ( coiroctod ) , 221,8
Culleo > rurk t.
New YOIIK Dec. 3 Options opened bare
ste.idy : itft to 1.1 points lower. . .closed bnro
Bte'uly nt 10 to 23 points down : snles , I'i T.'iO bu
including : December. < ! ( > r@ia.SV .lanuiir
$ l0053lli.i. ! : I'obru irv. J110) : March. Jll 81
11 OJ : May. JI101 ® .1.70 ; Seplomber. flO.I
bpot llio. dull but steady ; No. 7. SIO.b7'jI7l
3lil nulco Mnrkets.
MH.WAUKEP , WIs. Dec. 3 WlltAT Slca'l
Muy. 7J1Bc : No. 2 spring. 07c.
tJoiiN-Qiiiei : No. J , 4 © IJ'jC. '
OATi-Qulot ; No. 2 white , JIric ; No. 3 , 32i !
HAIIM.V Gc ! !
IU I.-.1JC.
Now Yolk Money Market.
Nnw YOIIK. Dora MONBV ov Ctr.r
E isy i.iuizluK froii 3 to4 per cent : List lo
at 4 porcxi.t und closing onurcd at 4 percci
I'ltiMK MIIIU\ : > TIM : I'APKII .ifii'lper cent.
bTKlir.lxfl nxcilANOi : U caslor. with actii
business lu bankers' bllln at .Sl1 ! ® !
inriUtKy bills niia $ l.S7ajl.88 for demand.
The clos us Ions on bonds :
Triiltr * Tulle.
CIIIOARO. 111. . Doc. 3 Cnunsalmnn & D
to Cookrfll llros. rommlhslon compn
Speculntlvo mnrkotit were dull nnd vvoik a
olosoil ul a doc'lno ' In Muv fuluios of > Bo to
for wlieitt , 'ic for corn , " c lo " e for oats ,
for pork , 12'jO for Inrd nml lOo for ribs. T
repoit , the ( jooreli le.'lsl ituio h
ndoplcd n lesolutloi ) In fnvor
the null-option bill uniisol ROIIIO st
Ins 1)V lonas nnd Hhoris u
occislon lo raid prices und cover at thu <
ell no ,
S'lOtKS AM ) HONIlb.
Ti'inpcr of .Speculation Alorn llulllsli Tl
lor Mi
.pnu , Doe , 3 The temper of speeu
lion wus more bullish than for somu tl
owln ; cblolly to the fuel thai the ileatli
Mr , Jay Gould deprives Die buirs of OIK
their m ilu biipportora. I'or some tlmo p
etch und every movement ( or loivnr prl
ban been nucnmpuniod by NtnlomenU t
Gould oporatlnzon the bo u aide of Many such Htatoments h ivo b
mndu without the xllzluost foundation
fact , but tbe wco'.t linx nevertheless given
bcaisiiii iinwnrrnntcd degree of power , 1
notice iblo Hint crrtaln Ktoeks ajialiib" wli
thu ( ioulil luteroits are supposad lo Imvo b
nut in'onUtlo h ivo buoniimost conspluiious
lliu Hint hiiB03cnrri'.d sluco tno iiiinoiin
incut of llio demise of , Mi. Gould.
Another striking feature of ll.o transicll
bus boon the execution of Imylm : orders
tbo account of curtain ciipltullsts wlio h
uliidlously kept nluof > from Wall street spc
1 it ims for n IDIIK limp. All this was lellec
ID the stok mnrKot In Iho early houra
buslnoss tuliiy. Itoo c .laluii'l buliu a notii
oaho in point. Thntbt6k.roso l , pur cent
8i. which vviu tlm trroalest ndvunce In
list outside of Missouri I'a-'llli1. Tbo lai
rose Ia4 pur cunt.V > turn Union was up
per cent , on statements Hint the Druxel In
ust would shoitly mnUenu niipllenllon for
llslliu of thi ) ah iroa on iho London block
cli'iiui ) . Dlstlllln , ' und Uattlefcuilliu n
Htron- und olu up 1\ , lu i/J , Iho hU'l
point over iiltnlnod ,
Anionit Iho niioolal Il8t Illinois Central
vunuud 'i | o IID on rumors thnt the fum
InUo front biilt hnd boon dooidud In favo
the company , Munhiul'in lUevnted rosi
loll."i , and Dulaw \ * i * llnilsun : i. lo I II
Hxht olTorlnKn. Aftur II o'elosk Uiern
coiisldoriiblo ro-Uizliu , nud Now Kirilaml
ellucil I1 , , Illinois Central I'.i. Northern
ultlu prcfurrcd 1 , niul tha riiiinliidur of Iho
'i per cent Nortliern I'nelllo wna bamiiiii
on llio unf.ivoralilo showing of llio comp
for November. The inurkol o'osod stoaij
the ronctloii nlrondr noted
Thu Post says : It Is very r.iroly thnt |
fosblonul watuhurauf iho block marKut un
utterly nt sui UB they \vcru to lay. The nil
munt of prices , lu lu thorough Irroxuln
nnd confusion , rellecled the confusion of
speculative mind All that could bo i
with iH'rtuluty vvus thnt a new and
meisureil factor , wholly unux [ ecled.
nindo lu way Into the m.irkou Tlio Henlln
of lliu entire commuuity on thu uv
oventof vcntiTilay wu spoken again ted a ;
thu marUi't clearly i nil iinmlatnkubly , 'J I
wore , ns there was vcmcnlnv. moro UCIH
outbllo buying ordurs tn thu market t
huvo buen keen In many months. HUbtly
wrongly , Jus'lv or iinlnslly. Ibolonn Ihroi
out was tnut of market relieved of a nil
mure mid un Inoubuv ,
The following are tu uloilngquctulcni !
the lending * to k < on the Now Yorir tctl ( Kx-
Total silos of stools todiv were 21,1,00 ;
simrcs , Including : Atchlsoii. n.lTi , Clilcmu
( ins , : Krlo , .1,1411 louls\lllo . Nnsli-
\lllc. 2.21 is Missouri I'uelllc. 11.VW : Northnrn
I'aclllc prcforrinl. Ml 0 : Now Kiulnnd , I7.U.H ) :
He.ullnc. . > _ ' , ( WO : St. I'aul 0'JTO ; Union Paclllc ,
y.57U : Western Union , 0.1K3. Nou > .
NEW Otu c tN , I1. . , Doo. ! L Ulcarlnzo , { 2,7-0
1 42.
KANSAS CITV. Mo , Doc. X Cloirln s. f 1,10.1
I'Aiii's. Dec. n. Three per cant rentes , 0 !
4"ie for the account.
HnsTON. M.iss. . Dec. II Call lo ins , OS" pc
cent ; tlmo lo ins , r > ! @ii'i per cent
UAi.TiMnur , Md. . Dee. X Oloiirlnss , $ A.SO
100 : balances , ? U 1,813. Monov. fi percent
MI.MIMIIS. TOIIII . Dee II. tlo ! irhiKs. $710
101 : hilnmos. fJInb- . Now York uvchniizi
sclllnt ; at p ir.
NEW YOIIK. Hoc. : i C oirlnzs , 8141.410.27
biilanees. ffl.OJW ) Tor tlio week : clc irlns
(9IR.KVS.ain , b ilwnces. fjrls-i. ( ) 0. .
t > T IjOUi" . Mo. . Pi-c. a Cioiirftiss , $1.171.01
liiil.iner's , il'l2.b91. Monov. qhlot , l > © 7 uur con
Kxclianje on Now VorU. We discount.
I'liit.MHM IMIIA. i'.i . Due -Ulearlnos $14
fi41ri' ! balincrs. Jl.llbs ) . for the wool
Clc.irlnss , fhro.'i'ASOi : balances. U , .IW.Ib
Jionoy 5 pur cent
HOSTON. Mnss , Dou. : ) Oloirlnss. $100 4
4'iJ ' ; balances. f.,4 k4U. Mjiney. 0 nor con
Kxcli into on Now York. 10 to I2'4u dlseoun
For tbo week : nxchaii4cs , J10ti49,0)4 ! ) ) : b.i
: uice . II'-.IIT.KII.
ClllKAOO. 111. . Doc. : i.-CIearlii2S ? 53,830,4- :
for the wooU , ? 12I13I,443 : for thu correspond
ln < wcok last vo ir , $10.4lr > : h ? . New York o-
chince , lOc preiiiluin. Slurllnj e\i'hingc. dul
ElUy-dav bills. Jl.8"i3i ; slRhr. SI h7Ji. Mont
llrm at ( < ® 7 per cent
NEW YOKK , Dec. : i. Imports of Bpeolo nt tl
port of Now YorK wcro $ J.H : of whl <
JJJI.5 A was In cold nnd Jl M'lO ' silver. The o
ports of spoc'.o ' troin the port , of Now York fi
tliuucokvnini..lMK.IV ) . of which ( fl.OW.UO'J
u-olil und i : > ,0V In slncr uont to Curopo at
J. 17 , " JO to t-onth America
IIou Iti'Ci-lptH Ooiiipnru CiitMo .tldiiuto
niiHlj stoiily IliiR * Alucli Ul lirr.
OMAHA. DOA 3 Tills Is the only inirliut
the country of any consequence to show
Kiiln In rccolptsot nil Ulnilb of hlock this ye
o\ci last , Chle.lio Hliows u deuieusu In bo
boss and slioup. whllo Kiinsis City shous
lil' neuroiso In ho.-tt Uniloi tbo elruui
stincos the lUiuos are a soutco of jratlllu
lion to till fi lends of this m irKot. Hceulpts
Urn ilia ha\e ueen as follows :
U.ittlo. Ho3 i fchoc
Itocclpts the past week I'l.-'ll ' : ) ' ) .17S : il
Itei olnts wenU previous . ! ) : ii.nTJ & , i
hiinu wt'o't ' last yuar . . . . 12ll fil,7. " > :
jCouplntbfor Nnximhci. W.'iS ! 12..217l.i
Kecolnta forOclobor . 1IJ.OI7 llrS.'i i\-
Ito idlitsforNovombor'OI ll'.TM 14.'L'f 1 1 , (
Itccolpts pist II months 18 , lir > 1,4711. hi 17.M
hiinio 11 months uf ISJI K'M lill,0-il : IVJ.
Increase . 1J7.I8I 10 > , : no I.V
In the cattle mnrket tlio ueel ; llnot
utlnns hne boon feu nml unlmpnrtant ( Jo
inntiirod ittlo continuo to soil nt H biR pi
tiiluni. unt olforinas of this o'ass ' continue il
eldcdly lltnllod , The hnlf nnd shurt f
cnttio cnnllnno lo sell verv unevenly and n
B ulHf.-ietorlly. but the Improvement In orlt
the piiHl twn ( hiys has about roooereil tlio c
cllnoof thu early p irt of Iho week hhlppi
and Hpcciilntoid lni\e shown a tendency
tuUe hold , hut tlio local clum mil has boon
urgent and o islern markols so iinuoi hiln tl :
Itieli iiuruliascs bavo not. b > en vnry oxtunsi
so fur. If iinyihlu cows nro Kullui ; mtl
butter 111. in toward tlio u osu of lust \vook ,
any rule deountcows arubiliuliu > ety Ucec
The HtooUor nil I frodoi trade lias boon
dllTorunt. 1'or some in. ison in other tlm eoi
try duni'ind h is boon vury ll'iiltml. roino s
this U on iici'oiint of thu Inubllltv of
to sec1 n r unlock IIOKS ti > fol uw the cattle. 'I
past day or two , however , business plt-Kod
u trlllo , but on thu uunural run of slocUuisn
foudors uru os nro from Ho ti > 23c lowur thin
week or tun d lys IIRO , while thl'i loiuli sl (
oatllo are iiractle.illy iiiimeiclinntalilo ,
The weuk ulu-eil with only a fair run of c
tin. UlTurlniiH Incliiduduil Ic nils of cilt o I
prlnelp. illy tlio commoner kind ! There v
uKooil duin in I anil on llio senu
run of slock prices ruled stiotu. Un tlio b
cnltlo do iloiit could not ciiinu to B itUfac li
torniB. but tibont ovurvthliu elio > > ' > ld In i- <
ho ibon. Coiinnoii to fair I. no ) In l.iiu-b. : | i
tlvoa sold ut from HI ) lotl.Ui , while fair
very KOOI ! hold at from JJ 25 to ll.OJ.
Cow btuir sold strong to .1 dlmo bluhcr t )
1'rlilny. Receipts woio not oxcutilvn. anil i
demand was bi Uk. Jlxtromo tf lies of poor
Kood eoun ueru nt from $ l.u > tn S..Wi. thu bi
tit from It 111 to * - ' , ) ) . ( julto n few In
ahiinsod hands at fully htuulv fr
fiDin 4I..I ) lu * iJ'ihuio t < x no eli.iiu-o
thu o ilf < miirkit , liooil In cholun vcalu solil
from } 4 uu , with common JnrB'o cnl
iin'l ' vo.irlln H ut from Jl."M < > i..rii.
Iliislni'SH was not \ery | l\o y In sine ) ,
iind fiiudurs. There W.IH porlmps a sl h
Improved uonntiy domund. hut prices i
noliiuotibly iiiUancod. As usual tliuro v
pr.icllcally no oullut for eommon thin hti
o ittlo. Tlier could not bo movud nt i
urlt'i ) K ilon were at from t'.M to JIT , I
tliHliiilknf the di cent sin IT sold at from t
to J,03. '
Reminders are herewith given for suitable
gifts. You can get a better selection now than
a week before Christmas ,
5 dozen Silk Mufflers in plain and plaid ,
worth $1.75 ,
Choice 75c Each ,
A line of Silk Handkerchiefs , with cnv *
broidered initials , any letter , 3 in a box ,
50c Each.
Another line of Linen Initial Handker
chiefs , any letter ,
25c Each ,
3 cases all wool sanitary Underwearshirts
and drawers to match , full finish , at
85c Each , .
Our special sale of ulsters and overcoats is
still on.
We are showing four additional shades in
kersey , flannel lined , velvet collar ,
At $8,00
They eclipse any $12 coat in the market
Columbia Clothing Co. ,
Cor. 13th and Farnam.
5 . .rSl5 2 03
rAI.VES. '
uJ 21J 4J 5 874
1 . 41)3 ) .1 01)
Suii.i : Theio wuro no sheep received today.
Ilnyois for Inual liousos all want some Kood
jiiiutnnsanil there Is .t very fair demitnd tor
Mock sheep. I'rlces In Kunoial iiro ijiiotubly
su-adj. boino iiilM-d natives held over from
1 10 and u bunch of stockeru
old for J.IO ) . fair lo peed n ttlves , $ L5JI.7.1 :
fair to Rood wuitoriis. 11.2131.10s coininou and
stuck Hlu'op. J--.Iff , I..M ) ; L'ooil to elioleo 40 to
tx-lb. lambs. 11 0 1.10. lleprcbent.ttlvo sales :
No. Av. I'r.
Shucks l4 | W 23
lUstocl.ors 81 a 00
II. n.ithu mixed 81 4 10
Itci'i'ipls anil l > l p iltion ol ntftok.
onicl il iceelpls and dlsposltlo i of ulo"k aa
shoHii by lliu books ot Iho Union Hlnck Yurds
comp my forilio twenty-four lioura ondlni ; ut
5 o'clock p. in . Deeoinbei .1 , Ib'JJ.
Clllriio ; l.ivn Mimic Mnrlcal.
CIIKio. . III. Doe. : i IHpocl-il Talusram to
Till ! lli'i'.l Tliuio was n voiy liilit inn of cut
tle , nml they were nil w.uitet nt fully 1'rl-
dny's prices , nr lit tin ndvnueoof fioin fto to
lOu on Tliursd ty'n < | iiiliitioiis ) halns wore on
n b.isls of tiiim Jlw to JI'J'i for lufoi lor lo ex
tra cah. . hulfiiM nnd bulls , from 1 1.1,3 lo J 1.115
for stockcM-s mid feeders , and fioin < ,10J to JflOU
for ciiiiiiiHiu loo\tin ilnissoil buuf and shipping
slcrig. Thu calf miirkul w is scinllly snp-
plled nnd wus utiongnl from 81,7.1 to Jl 21.
I'r Lea laii'-o I from 4.1 M ) to fill ) for poor It : lit
ami mixed hluir to fioin tl 21 lo $130 for vi > ry
prlnio irit ilium and lioavy uol-'bu. Very
few of the oIlorliiXH of medlu/n nnd heavy
vudzhu wunl buinw fllii. and llio hulk
bioiubt fioin $ H 00 lo ( l.'J. TliiHo lUurcH In-
dli'iuo nn nil v , into un I'VldayV ' prlcm nf from
'etc , too. m Uihu an nil van : e for Iho wcolc of
from 2.1c lo .Ilu per 103 Ihs
Tbo Hupnly of | IDH which Ino'nded tlio 0,000
loft ever fioin yiHlei.liiy wns divided between
local nnd custom bnyur.i at from H71 to fl.23
ftu ouil .iiid Unlit pi. : * , from fi. li tot 1.1)0 ) for
Iiiiui In prlmn lots u'vora.'lnfrom l.V ) to ' 'JO
Ibs Mini nt from } V71 to til.'l for pour to cliolco
meillnni nml heavy. There wna one or tire
tritlcsHt iii II.
The sboop mnrket wis Htendvnt from (1,51
to i'i 00 , eullb sell I n. : at from tl.O'l ' ID f. OJ , poor
ID fnlr sort' ut from f. 71 to JIT. ) and foot : to
choice ni from ? l no tntioo , 'I hum was also nn
uuclinnuod mukot for lambs. I'bey vvuie lu
dumnnd al finm 1 1 ftO to tl 7.1.
IdiLclpls : Ualliu , 1 0)1) ) , bo s , IJ.OOO ; ehcop ,
'Tho i\enliu : Jniirnnl reports :
Uu n.i : Hocoipis , 12,010 lienil ; 91111)111011111 ) ,
I.IQi lifiid ; mnrkut bin idv : Oliiistiiiim uuuvui ,
tl7il.S.1 ! ; u'Odl to i'hdli'1' . Jl..11'i ; ( 10 : othuM.
' 'i ; 1'uxaiiH , * , ' .4 \vuslurns , Ji20iO
4 ' . ' .I ; coui > . * 1.IU/.UU. )
lliiiis-HecelplH , iftmiOliiid ; HlilnmenU , (1,000
lie ul ; iinrkia ftTolllu hUbur ; nnuli nud com
mon , tl 701 bOj pacUt.Ts anil mlxuil , (3.81u.OJ ;
piuiiu iiouvv , ( I t5'l'0 ' ; buiulium nnd mu
dliiins , i.VliW.T.IU ; ll fit , $1(1) ( ) ® > 00 ; hkipa mill
IilKs. JI7.VTf.171.
MIKH' ItucolplH , 5roi hond ; shipments. 60Q
boail ; mnr-et sio idy ; 111111/01. $ ' .7i > iH.Wii
wuslorns * 1 7 f'M..l ; Mevlraiis , ifl.7J | mixed ,
tJ,5CIOU ; lambs , $1215.70.
KIIII.IIII CHy l.itu Miii'U Miikct.
celntH , 4,2)0 ; HhliimciiU , I.'OO , Mnrkut for
cuiid steers Hlrimltn Init incos of IDTll.lo
hlKlii-r ; othur c ut u airndy ; biiipplug bleora ,
JJ.41T0.12.1 ; btocKers and ( ceileix. JiOO'/iI.O ) .
lliMls Iti'iulpts 7OjO : bhlpmenlH , 1..UI. Thu
m.irkut for uood | IOK wax netlvo nnd lee
bl. 'her ; fominon Hto my , nil ii'ntlng WOUK , All
trades. tl.4unloi : bnU , fl7.irj > iOi
hitUKi' Hcuulpls. ' . ' , v ; ship noiiis , a 0 , The
murkui wus fitud.
nt. l.miN 1. 1 tn stock Mnrxut.
fT. Lotus Mo , Dec. 3 UATri.K HocuIpK
8"Kiiial : bblnnienls , J.-'O ) hiind ; m irkut llrmi
'I'o x us nnd Indian btcorx , J.'IKiimj runao
cow , t',4 'ii'J.M
Iliids Itecuiiim. 1,41) be , u ! ; slilpmenls , S.60)
liusd ; market about lOo butler ; prices runn-
ina all ! oiSiOia
biu.BiUci'olpU. . 100 hond : bliinonH , U0f >
hca.1 ; market Htoudy ; uutlvea , JjuUii4 3) ,