in THE OMAHA 1) All A' JH2K : SUNDAY , DECEMBER J , 1802-T\VENT\'FOUR PAGES. ECHOES FROM THE ANTE-R001 Important Changes In tbo Now Kuiglits ( Pythias Ritual , IT IS APPROVED BY IEADING PYTHIAN B rlrn nf lliiH | In Hit ( llvni by Union I'nrlll Cunnrll , Itnynl Arcanum r.lreUuti of Ufllcon In Various L A limit tlin Mule. Attlio mooting of Onuntlot loJgo No. 4 I'lnttsmouth Kiilglitsor 1'ythlns , Ttiuradn ; the following onicors were o'cctcd ' : Clai llrcckctifclil , chancellor commundcr ; A. I Ifclnhucklo , vlco chancellor ; D. O. Dwyo prelate ; M. 1C. Pollock , muster of cxchcn.uoi Frank Hluhcy , master of ilnanco ; U. 1 llousoworth , kcopor of records and sen Fr ii n It Dlcitsun , mastorntarrasiV. . / Humphrey , U. A. Marshnll nnd J. N. Sur rncrs , trustees. After loiiRo nn oyster su pur was Indulged hi. In spoiiitlne ol the now ritual which goi into effect . tuly 1 , lb'J3 , the Pylhinn ICnlgl of Uochcslar , N. Y. says purlinotitlTi ' -I' ' adoption by the supreme lodio nt Its rocoi session of ii now ritual was a step imilciilh of progression. nnd n source of unmltlsati wills ruction to the order universal , The o rltuul contained many impressive- chaw nnd sonio portions ol It worn couctit In very btnullful InnRunKO , uut tl now oao ts stilil to fnr surpass it : Dcautlful imagery , lofty thought nt Impressive ] lessons , nnd ttio order nnxiously waiting Us nubllcatlun. Wo u ilorstiinu that It will bo ready for distrih lion some tlmo next montii , nnd wo trust ll members , and especially the oniccrs of tl submtlmito lodKou , will luorougnly famllia Izo themselves with its contents nnil If no siblo , mcmorizo the ynm < ! , tlierohv HtUi tlicmsclvcs for contemns Iho ranks In tl most luiprcsslvu style- . The only ndver ; criticism that wo have lioard nppl'cd ' to tl new 'ritual comes from some oi our loadli Gorman biotliron , who complain b cause the supreme body did n provide for Its oubllcatinu In the ' ' the nretitno InnnuuKo. 'I'boy nuvunco Jtmt very muny of Iho ofllcers of Gcrmi lodges read nnd speak Knpllsh very itnpc foctly , und that they would bo unable master the idioms of the now ritual , ni would thereby uncotna Incapacitated for tl proper discharge of tholr oflleliil duties. V udiuit that thin argument has some WOIR ! opocinlly when wo consider the fact th there are many subordinate lodges throug out Iho country working exclusively in Go man , many of whoso motnbcis a wholly unnctiuninlca with the Encll lunpuago , and who would bo utter uuablo to familiarize themselves wl 1,1. , In nnswor to this wo would i mind our Teutonicbrothcis that 1'ylhinnls Is dUtlncllvoly an Amei'lcan orKiinliatio linvlup been founded bv nu American , in i American city , and beinfi still largely cc fined to American soil. Tno subject of nu lleallonviis uurofuily considered by tbo s promo ledge , nnd n majority thereof docid to restrict it to the English Innpuage , at ; \vhilo our ( jonnnn brothers may be sou wlmt inronvunlcncen by such action , \ bavo too much confidence In Uiuir zeal u lopalty to the order to believe for o moment that they will permit this decision interfere with or obstruct the in In the fail ful nnd campolout pefformauco of tbo vitu iJtlc work. At the roRiilar mooting of Gem lodco I * 14 , Konrnoyt Knights of Pythias , hold U Mondav nlRht , llio following oniccrs we oleclod for tno ensuing year : J. D. Lov past obancollor ; O. D. Ayroi , chaucell commander ; l \ 13. Beoman , vlco chnneollc Walter Gamble , prelate ; Ed 11. Fim innstor-at-urms ; 1 \ Bicknell , Uconor rdcords and seals nnd master of tlnnnco ; ' \V. Vance , mailer of cxchcquor ; George Ford , district deputy fit crand commnndi A. T. Gamble. U. B. Finch nnu GeorRO Ford , .trustees. At the regular mcetltip of Loyal loci No. 122 ! , Knights of P.vthlas , Kearney , In Wednesday ovonlng , the lollowinp nlllci wqro dulv clcctod for the ensuing year : Li. Green , past chancellor ; G. 'i. ' Haa clmncollor commander ; George tl. Sml vice chancellor ; ' II , F. MoLaughlin , prcla Mr. Perkins , maslor-nt-arms ; Fred Lebhc Kustor of exchequer ; Lou AVilson , nms of flnanco ; K. L. Hroivn , keener of rccoi nnd si-nl , nnu P. A. Grinith , M. A. Hoo' nnd W , 1C Ayers , trustees. M. A. IIoo1 was rccomuiou'Jed for district deputy gro chancellor. M'jrs ledge No. ISO Knights of Pyth liclcl its regular mcoting on the evening Ihu Slttti at , thulr hall , Thirtieth near Urov Chancellor Commander Gladnisnh pre > > Idi 'I'hcro wa ti Inrso attoudancoof the broth present , There being no rank work tl BOOU reached now business , nnd uiulor t iiend the election of ofllcora took nlnco , which the oilleers elected were as follows J. Henry Krlio , clmncollor commander. 'I'homas J. Shaw , vice chancollor. ( Kim Klvors , prolate. Curl Williamson , keeper of records t son ) . George llml , master of exchequer. William McGco , master ol' Ihiancc. James J. Flunnory , niaster-nt-arms. Past Chancellor Michael Coadv , trus for the term of throe years. Itnynl Arc iiniiiii. Union Pacific council of the Hoynl cnnum has nrrnncud to give three dnnc parties nt Metropolitan hnll * Uecembot Jnnqur.v 0 nnd Fooruary 14 , invitations' those parties to bo ready in u few days. ' entertainment comtnitlcu , Messrs. A. llii'ctiiiison , A. J. Van Kurnn , 0. S. Pot F. L. Gregory , C. U. ( icdnov anil All Connor nro actively at work to make It liancing parties equal to those in the i nnd the per.ioiniol of the committee I : earnest of success. Iliumlititrfi ol Kclxifmli. At a regular mooting ot S.irah Uebo lodgu , North IMatto , Moiidav , Novon "I , the followliiir ofllcors were elected for onsulng term : Mrs , C. II. Stamp , n grand ; Mrs. Jennie Klenic , vlco grand ; P ( J , S. llnlTmnn , Roeretnry ; Mrs. ,1. Piorcy. treasurer ; Mrs. .1. S. lloagland I William ttrnach , trusteus , Tin ; 'j' Farnuin street theater opens n four nl ongaRCinont , commencing today's mail neccmber-t , with Aiuierson's conicdmt the greatest of nil musical fnrcc--omoi "Two Old Uronlos , " The Chicago Tl apcuks of tlin attraction us follows : "T Is a tcrritlo comndy disturbance over ni Hayinurkot. Two Old Cronies,1 opened ! clay night to n hie crowd , nnd such n bo derlng meteorio shower of lovely glrla , 1 don dyed giigs nnd aurora borralis hoi lias ncvor uttnrliod thu gullcliuts West Miss Jessie VHIars , with her Psycho Ii tier nerves and her comedy. Is the rail comet that streaks across the s from curtain-duo to the tng , Sbo nothing that 8ho has not uoon doing s bbo brightenrd Iho slngo old maid In roaring , most welcome Impossibility , II A. Kniincrson u n funny mnii with u i deal of that colloquial ntylo that makes Daily so popular. He works very well John W. Hurloa who lias oil the 'fat1 is cudowud with an unswerving iwMst that always succeeds In padding out pan no plays. Two or three touical s nru biici'o ssull.v sung by 1 minor * on , Bu r.nd Mlta Jt > sslo Villart who will bo ret bcrnd by nil from the excellent work < nTbfiiV la ' , ' the Clucaco a llouso iSKtri 'ngiiiua coniuany. A sp je.viuro uro the Wurner slstfra , May Kfllo , who dunce chnrmlncly nnd dreii everybody In the companv dr.os-wttn tuito , " Usual matiucuodnesd ; Joseph Arthur's t'.Stlll Alarm , " bopl three nlfihtH engagement nl Itoyd'd th Monday nlcht. "Still Alarm" U a s well told , Interesting nory of real life , in ll are otno ot the most realistic , s Uounl features before the public today , Arthur has rewritten , made several 1m ant changes In dialouuo un < l situation , brought the Incidents of the play up to Mrlll B , Hurkns | , u pluyhii- the le : role , "Jack Mauley" and liU Irlenus wl Kind to know ho nai made u prout hit in part , bolnir pronounced by many , the tboy have neon in the role. Misi Croitmnn , who pUjn 'Ellnore Fordt s said to bo n beautiful nnd ttnlontod younir emotional notrots. The comedy pnrtn nro In the hands of M. J. Uallnnhor , J , A. Wimo . Hugh J. Ward end Misi Kdlth Pollock. Mr. Arthur hai also ndilcil n now part , the "Fireman's ' Mn cot" nnd placed It In the hands ot his fi-yonr-old niece , Little Tuesday , whclls said to to Iho clovercM child the since tms over known. Hays the Now York \Votlil : "TliU llttlo mite ciitcrlnin.s by her natural talents , tart and craco ; slio Is never twice nlllic ; her innnnRcinent can never tell Just Httie Tursday i % going to do when she skips out from the wings , but thcro scorns to ba n bond of love und sympathy or some kind of nn Intuition , Hint prompts thu llttlo Indv toile ilo nnd say just what will make her audience cxcltilm , 'Well ! you nro Just too cute mid too sweet for anything.1 ' She has been praised , applauded , written about , nnd pictured to n greater extent than lius over fallen to nny ono in the urlct span of nu existences of less thnii six years. The nttrnction nt llovd'i now theater Thursday , Friday mnl Saturday nttornonn nnd evening wl.l bo "Tho Now .Devil's Auc tion. " This spectnclo Is not the old "Dovtl's Auc tion. " Since the production was last seen hero Mnnnecr Ynlo Ims entireiv rowrllton nnd reconstructed tha pleco nnd has Intro ducoduowdl ilo-s'uc , sltiiations , sroncrv , cos tumes , music , ballot dlvcrliscmonU nnd vnudovllle speulnltlcs of a high order. Tim "Now llovll's Auction , " unlike the usual run of spectacles , unites some pro tcntlnns lo ilrnmauc merit. In the legend of "Tho Golden Branch" n complete niui coherent story Is told , but It Uof n chnr- nctor that will permit the Introduction of In- icreslini ; snocialllcs und lerpalcuorcau di versions. M. Yale employs llliy nclois , nclro 9cs , promlero.scGundos , coryphees , Dantomlmists , ncrobats nntl specialty nrtists whoso elTorls Intciprot thu best feaiurcs of horoio drama , comedy , rarco-comcdy , oporn , burlesque , ox- traVBgan/n , tiantomlnio nnd nrrolmtlM In fact present the best from every legitimate llolu of iituusomont. Jeffreys Lo\vis U herself again ; that Is.'shc Is Dlaving "Forgot-Me-Not" once more , ntul it is with ttils ulnv that she has uccoma sc strongly Idenllllcd Hint her otlmlrors seem tc novur tire ot scointr her in Iho roio. Thoj cotuund Hint her Impcrsonntioti of Stephanie do Mohrlvnrt nlono snould ontltlo her to rank among Iho great nctr"ssos. She will urn- duce "Foriot-Mo-Not" nt the Farnnm Strool ihcatcrThursoay ovuiiing , UucetnberS : Kri dnv evening , "Clothlldo ; " Saturday tnutlnco , ' 'ForRcl-Mc-Not11 ; SaturJny oVonin ? , "L ; Belle Hussu. " O'Uoll Is lecturing in Australia. "Yon Yonson" opens in Chlcaco lonight. LonU Hurrliou Is writing a now opciM l ( bo called "Venus. " * Now York has llnnlly awakened to Ihi merits of K. S. Willard. Joe Joffi rson IE in Chicago willi Ills re vlveu "Kip Vnn Winnie. " Jslnscngni Is nt work on nn oubra based oi iifioom of Ilolno and will name ll "Wlllluii HntclliTe. " Augusta Cottlow , iigod 14 , Is sniu lo bo i prodigy as n ni ' an is to , ana b Chicago's lates contribution. Ten years ngo n run of twonly-cpht ( night wns considered phenomenal , but "All Baba' broke I no record with a run of " 00 nighls , It ts assorted that no season of Englisl opera has made cxuonses In Now' York. Th Molrnpolilnn generally caino out abou Sro.OUO bebiud. There is tain of an elaborate revival o " .Martha" in Chit-ago next , year. with. Lil linn Uussoll , Jessie Uarllolt'Davls and othc noted singers , who will be in tno citsat th sumo tiniu. The Columbia theater of Chicago has mad extended World's fair engagements lor no * yonrwilh Ihe Hostoniniis , ITrohimin's Lyceut company , Ihu Lillian Uuss.cU Opera , coimuu und Henry Irving. 15111 Nvo Is said to have received ncarl 520,000 for his ulntform work last scasoti Ills syndicate letior Is reported to pay hit StiO.OOtJ n , and iho royalties on his boon brought his income up to thu salaryol th president. The Greek drama 'ocean with a simpl hymn lo Dionyslus. Then a dance of shei iicriis drassnu m goat hklns wua addeu to tl 'I'liou un ode was apoiion from behind th altar , around which they danced , and nt las Iho crude representation of legendary event prow out of a ( .ininlo rite , and Kichylus an Sophocles und Euripides cumo lo give i form. form.Whon When Soabrook wont lo Phlladolpbia wit ' "Tho Isle of Chnmpngno" Iho Ihoa'lor mnn ngors , who controlled tbo bill boards and wet lighting the newspapers , refused toadverlis the show , nnd the business was very unsnti factory. Senbrook made a second vlsi hived a socond-ulnss theater and put flarin nus. in the paper * . The result was an ono inous business. Moral hut that is obviou Sims Uoevos , tlio great l'nglish sinpo thinks the quality of the human voice hi dotodoralcd. Ilo says : " \\hattnkosnov adavs is the hlirn no'to. Every sincer nln at that. It pleases , and ho given it Irr spectivo of art. Tno mellow medium note which nro the voice after nil , nro loagre extent , nogloclod. This accounts for tl popularity of 'ho 'whito tenor,1 as wo ct the singer whoso register Is abnormal high. " Algernon Chnrlos Swinburno , the Eulh noel who may bo chosen to succeed Lo Tennyson to the lauron'toship ot Englun has teen ) In n theater , it is said , only twice the last fourteen yuars. The last tiruo 1 honored the play house with his presence w ' weeks when ho wituoss ed Uii'oo upo , > i nltcrnoon porfornuuico ofThe Duchuss Malll" in London. Thn other occasion w the production of "Tho Morrv Wives Windsor" at the Ilaymarkot in London so oral years aco. KoboriDowniiiR has n now piny , "Klcha the Lion Hearted , " based on the roionni career of King Richard I. of England. T inteic'st begins in iho first act , when Hu : Mavvbray is lorccd by Hicham to do right a eirl ho hus wronged , nnd continue ? throu nil the vicissitudes of civil war and t crusade in Iho Holy Land ur.lll Mowbr fulh in hand-io-hnnn encounlcr with t liing. There li : n special scene whc Klchnrd. lusllgaiod ny Hie bouulltul J'r : cess Uurengarln , jtardoiis ul the prisoners the civil war , nnd lakes from each an oath follow him in Ihu ullumpi lo rasuuo Iho lot of Iho Savior from llio png.mj. A London corroanoudont savs : Ger dlno Ulmar , now ftlrs. Ivan Unrvll , has li her voice complutrly. nnd Is only oharini when she u not singing. She n to DO sci loouiiig very lovely as to her face , and vci very plump ns to her figure , dressed as "vlvandleroo" In the dnluly little opera "Clgnrulle. " "Clgaroito" U the pr Host thing Hinto "Clover. " 'J inuaio 's ' delightful and thu story of ronl inrest ( such ft wonderful thitif , ' in lit opera 1) ) , Putnla ? , people are not Uironglng the Stuiftesbury to boult. 1'orliups ttiub o boc.iuso Iho Shuflcsbury hua the nuiuo being an unlucky theater und , then , it ru.illy ns much ns one's life I * worth lo ihcro in evening Dross. All Iho Lain ! Ihcainrs are hud enough in that way in w ter. Oh , how otiu does mlas th'o nlc wnrmod theniers In America. Uut 1 Slmftcsbury is the worsl. Onn might just well put on a low body nnd go sit on the di of an ocean ttennifcr. Them would hardly n moro simnklni : breqze. llullcrliiK one's r ban , toying with onu's hair und making b old gcnilomeu long to wrap tholr pate * silk ImndkurchlefB. Tno Chlcn'go Inter Ocean has these poi nf nt rouuncntH on Uuiulm's opera sousi Opinions as to the result of the rccoat of festival In Omaha appear to bo tnoru fuv able to the idea than the performance. I uoubtedly great credit is due lo Miss Ola who urbanized Ibo movement , and it U die lul to nolo the conimoriiiauon her pei o olTorti received , Conditions arc , howov not favorahlo to got a grand opera pcrfoi nn en from a company engaged for a scasoi n singlewee U , und it Is not to oo wonde at that there were some voices raised drscaiit upon thn fallibilities of the nil priee. This pioneer movement in Omuhi n uood ono und deserves encouragem n lor Us po3slDilltle3. It sister cities co arid bo Induced to co-oparato In sustain arg : such a movcniont thuvost might eno.\ ] id prolonged ceubon of grand op ra worthy ida name , The aucluus of nn oruaiilzailon/st ar as director , stueo inaungcr and princlp r , might bo oncagea in the east : while tid orcncslia nnd choral forces might bo id local contribution. All such beginning ido art may fall abort of Iho muru , ns judged ibo highest standards , but the Clary idci inaterlalliod in Oinaoa Is n good ono , belie next seuRon icltihl bo expanded and lie corporate ibo forces that will give n li 3t prlao and responsibility to thu untorot The west , young us she U , has furnished few grout lyric arlhts to tbo world ; tt Wehave started the'greatest sale of Boys' Suits ever inaugurated in this city. Every Knee Pant Suit in the store must be sold SEXOOND FLOOR , within the next three TAKE ! EiLEXVATOR. weeks. LA This is no catch sale of a few suits. Every suit will go , and there are about 700 in the stock. To simplify the selling of the goods , we have placed all the suits in two lots : fill Suits on one side of the hoilse at the Uniform price of ; Among these are . suits that have sold all' season at prices up to $4 and $4.50 : There are sev eral hundred suits and every cloth , color , make and sixe is to be found. fill tlie balance of suits 1 in r attlie surprising price of only There are several hundred of these also. Here are the suits that have sold for $5 , $6 , $7 and up to $8. There are line , all wool , well made , durable and stylish suits in this lot that you will pay as high as $10 for in many houses. COME WHILE THESELECTION _ IS FULL. AlgooSlisrcpresented or money refunded. ] 3 no reason why she should not have open l > roporllonalo to her tnsto. ruis Jijjtunuit ir.uf. OMAHA , Deo. .T To the Editor of Tin lic : : 1 propose for ono ns n J'rotcstant , the , ou of o Piotcslnnl minister , married to th ( ilnughlcr of n I'rotostnnt minister , nnd i member of a Protestant flonomination , t ( cntor publicly my nrotust against the reck ess , relentless and unreasonable warfan which is now belntr waged In this city my Catholic follow citizens. No Catholli lias r.nnculed to mo for sympathy or sue Bested that I should say a word in his be half ; in fuct outside of my own family no oni has had n hint of my puruoso to nntngonix. tbo PGutiinont which I roRret lo see si largely prevalent in this community. I nn simply moved by my American sense of fai play to revolt against what appears to mo the ho unwarranted persecution of n , respectable law-abiding ana numerous boay of our oil izoui. Nothing Is quito so unreasonable , so bif otcd , so virulent and so dangerous as relic lous hatred. No cruelties hivvo over os cccdea Ihoso pornotralad in ttio name c religion. Nothing is moro un-American tha political partisanship based upon rcliglou dlflcrcnccs. No antagonism in a communil can so completely estrange neighbors , an overturn good order , as mat which arise from contentions over church relations. ] 1 therefore always a source of roxrat to fait minded Americans who do not mix their dt nouiinatlonal predilections with their poll leal preferences , lo find a religious or som ! religious Usuo at sulio in olccllons. In Oinunn the anli-Unthollc society has a grown in numbers Ibat It is in control of Iti city. Amonc Its members are many person entitled to cnntldonco and respect , althnug tluiy hivvo Joined nn un-American seen political organisation. Uut there aio mem bcrs and loaders in that nrdor nnd Uindro sociotlos who nro lucre for orto or both c two reasons. Elinor ihoy nro fnnallcaljinl Cilholics , o'r they liopu for polilioal ni vantages from thuir mumbor.slnp. His ui fortunately this class which makes the inos noisci nnd gives trend to llio puhliu ultot aliens and private persecutions of iho orcai izalion. They and their sympathizers , nmon whom I iii sorry to see some clergymen c llio I'rotostnnt churches , hnvo created sentiment against Catholics In Omaha \vhlc not only causes worthy people in that di nomination personal pain , hut affects the ! business , Injures ihoir rephtation In the con munlty and KUUIH oil avenues of. nmnlnymcr unit udvancument from thuir children I which , ns American cliUens , they nro oi titloU. This U unfair. Omaha has never sulToro nn ; evil from Catholics. Ilur best , clllznr are mombcirs of that church. Her lurgc : taxpayers are uJliorcnts of that full ! Thcro has never been uny attempt , or hui pcstion of an allompt on the part of tin church , or nny of Us members , lo control tl schools , tlin cltv government or Iho count ulTairs. U'tialovcr nmv bo true in otlii localities , as far ns Omaha Is concovnoi Catholicism hoi never been a force In pol lies which nllomptod to untngonUo an public improvement , iho public schools , i uny wL-ll-dellncd public policy. Thorn la i my mind no moro reason in Omalia for c anll-Calliolio socloty , limn for an mil Moihodlsi , or nntl-lnlldel society. Thoi can never in America bo nny oxciist for biioret political icligious organization , und I this city there u leu excuse it possible the anywhere else. 1 am in favor of an amendment to the n tlonal constitution , which shall t > o stror enough to malto it impossible for rollgloi Issues to have political consequence or li portuncb. I am uUo in favor ot taxing sue properly belonging to rullciou * boJlosas not used by tucm for rolipioiiH , ctiarltablo < educational purposes , uut 1 do prote most solemnly against this uii-Amerlct Idea of asking whether a man .believes u consubit' ntlatlon or trunsubstanllallon , n rforo determining to vote for or against hi Is I ni a candidate for political oftlco. Not ll it religious belief , or iho nativity of the cane id date's parents , but the merits of hiiim ig should bo thu test of his illness or untltno n | fnr public trust. 10 I hope the people ot Omaha will see tb ih J this antagonism has ( .trendy gene too ft 9 , { uptl that the tlmo has como to frown upi 10 those fanatics who would fan smolaeri 10 ' embers of religious hatred Into ilauics ot d m cord. It Is high ilinu that ho tt iv . were turued , If tbo ill will whl ts hus been stirred up between u id classes ot our citizenship Is pi ii' I nulled to grow In Intensity , It will bo ycj al bo lore the good feeling of former times c o. I be restored. U'o should bo manly OIIOUR ot i lA'cry one ofH , to accord to all our ncighbc 10 I liberty of conscience , honesty of purpose a personal patriotism. , and treat with thorn as friends and not as enemies of the common- wcoith , „ „ ; T.V. . BLM-KIU-US. . o There are .104 priqH4 nnd SOO.OM Catholics n Archbishop Corri'gaiv's diocese. Ur. J. C. Henbat'ri'.mid ' wife are in ban nincisco , after thlrly-tbrod years of mis- sioaary workinJupan. Mrs. lii-puurn was the llrst white woman to cuter that country. Kov.V. . p. Ribos , who has for some nine years been pastor of tno Wcstfiold , N. Y. , 1'resbyterlaii church , has resigned , und is a candidate for the Episcopal minlstiy lie is ono of the Dr. Uriegs school , and leaves the Presbyterian church on thnt account. Thu general missionary committee of the iMothodist , Episcopal church has appropri ated the imiKnitlcent sum of 51,200,000 for mission xvork this yoar. The Mothodisls as a oonomlnatiou nio not rich , but from such a showint ; us this they must bo deeply In earnest. Cardinal Lavigode , who died in Algiers a wecungo , hus been called the "Apostle of the Africans. " After having succeeded in cstablihliiiig ralssipnary slnlions in iho heart of the dark continent , ho sot himself to Iho task of suppressing llio slave trade in cen tral Africa , and by his efforts and those of the devoted band of unst-lllsh men who la bored with him , Iho horrors of thnt trafllo have largely mitigated. Hev. Dr Duncan , the founder7of imT'Me7 lakutla Indian settlement in sontnnrn Alaska , is in fcjan Francisco. Ho was com pelled recently to transfer the village from the liritlsh dominion to iho United States , because no was persecuted bv religious big otry few ho has 800 people , who have builtXsubstantlal houses. The colony has turned out about $ .10,000 worth of canned salmon this year. No liquor is sold in the solilouiont , which is a model for sobrioiynnd order. At a dii.nnr of the Episcopalian club of Boston ! | | | Biooks criticised the holding of secret sessions by the Episcopal house of bishops. "It is , " ho said , "absolutely uti- Amerlcnn in its pracllco of silling with" closed doora , and it is u practice thai is sure to bo amended eomo day or olhor. This is ono Ihlng that certainly needs change the breaking open of its concealment so that the people can hear not merely what , has been done in the 'house , ' but why it wasciono. To do as they do now Is not only un-Atnorlcnn , but it is not in accord with the open and free spirit of Christianity. " Stalisllcs of the Salvation army road at the general convention held in Now Yorn city recently show that the indoor congregation's for the past twelve months nninbnrod iiHi : ) ! . 8SS persons ; thnt10 j citloi and towns were "occupied ; " that 553 corps and outposts were established , and that 'M. ! ! ! . ' ) converts were mndi > . It was aUo shown that tbo continen tal regiments include 1,500 ofllcers nnfl 111,100 soldiers and recruits ; and vM7 local otllcor * nntl bandsmen. The amount of slum work accomplished by twenly-ono ofllcori during Iho past yoif''was romarltaDlo. in Now Voru , Bosiontnl'hllndolphla and Chi- cnKOilS.nai families wtrd visltqd , 10,18 J saloon visits were mndo , 5IJ.JW persons were doult with on the slrc-ota * ntul In saloons , 5 , ! > 07 meals were given away , ' 0,384 chlldron were cared for , 718 sick 'c.rt'es ' nursed , 2JS roon.s scrubbed , OO'J hours.we o spent in mending. The Sheller brigade , fpuml employment for C.H parsons , provldqd .clothing . for 4' 8 per sons , provided hods .f6r 14.090 persons nnd distributed food to' persons. During the past your nn auxiliary brigade has been established , with filllpijhmbor.s , Including ton doctors of divinity , , Vwjiuty-tbroo ministers and ten physicians , i u , All Invnliiiililo Jtiwiuily lor ColilH , ShorllT Hardman Y > f'i'Tylor ' counlv , A'ost Virginia , wns nltnost"tlrcmratod with a coin when hu pcgan using1 Chamberlain's Cough Heniady , In ppenkiniftnf it * ho suysi "It gavu mo almost limnnlirelief , 1 Hnd it to bean an invaluublo remedy for colds. " For sulo ty druggists. 1'ho Gugo Hotel company has secured con- tro'l of the restaurant1 privilege , and Is ob ligated to provide chowng | facilities for 100,000 parsons a day. Charges are a part of iho contract , being of two classes mainly u matter of dollars and cents , A local paper says the prices are of an Auditorium atti tude , whllo tbo grup hus a .State street chop uousa Hnvnr . Nut trout a I'limiic "I do not recommend Chamberlain's Cough Cemudy from a financial standpoint for we have others in stock on which wo make u larger profit , " savs Al Magglnl , a prominent druggist of DraddocU , 1'a . "but because matiT of our customers have spoken ot it in the highest pralso.Vo sell more of it Ihnn any similar preparation wo have In the more. " For sulo by druggi uf My Goods Will Not Suit You If you want 'cheap stuff" merely be cause it is cheap , regardless of qual ; ity , design , finish or beauty. " But if you want goods whose qual ity and intrinsic value is guaran teed , at lower prices , than elsewhere My Goods Will Suit You. The Most Exquisite Patterns. JL Are shown in everything in the way of jswelry , Pearls , Rubies , ] " " Cameos , Turquoise , Garnets , DIAMONDS , WATCHES , Rings , Bracelets , Scarf Pins in endless variety. I offer you a better article for the same price ancl sometimes lessj than is generally charged for inferior designs , quality und finsih. C. S. RAYMOND , CHRISTMAS PRESENTS , ] S. E. COR. 1BTH AND DOUGUAS , OIvtAMA. DR , R , W , BAILEY Teeth mioi Wti OUt i' i I ' . ! Lutust Iiivun * tlont KXTIIAOTHD wimoui1 ii.\u DANOEU AVUU.SETOI. ' TliKPII ON IlU ! HiU : S.-.OII. I'orfoct nt sunrantooil. Tooth extracted In thoiiiDrnlni : . Now ones IniortoJ In ovuuluz ° ' of Homovablo Hrldm Beubpecliiiuiuof 1'lovlDlu Klabtlu IMaVi All worlc wiirmntod aa roproKQiited. Ulllce , 'llilrd I'loor. t'axton Illoji. Tck'ilioiic | lUS.'i. Kitlniul I'ar.nnSt Take ulovator O'r stairway from 10th utr tit entrance. Prepare For Oolcl Wofcvfcl Weather Strip , Door Bottoms , Door Checks AND Springs. Jas. Morton Son Co , 1811 Dodge Street. Xmas Presents , Vuuntr TnUIni ; I'nrrvlt 110.W. 1 I nl purl cil liiTiiiun I'miiitU'i 1100 j niui M.WJ. | mi > urlcil Amlruusljoru UnllcrCuiiurleiiUUUIulTUV. Kn- ullili Clmllllichu. , ( ( Jlrlllliclica , ' llullllnclioi ) , ItbLIni , MnlillMKUlut oto. atrery rousoimblo | irku > . ( iolilllili Mc.onil ovc uucli. KI Ii illobi'n Wo mi Jllr'l CiiKO Tionp. 1'ue lei ) { > tl.OW. Hi. llcrimnl ,1'uiipluifli.UJ , to JiUCI. HIM ! ullicr Watch , Hporlln uinl 'Ivy IIUK * | Ordtiri for A man ili'llrvrr Inkon now 4 Geisler'sBlrdS ' 100 N. 10th Bt.Oiniihu.