Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1892, Part One, Image 1

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Dcppito Oppositicn Capiivi's ' Pet Mcasura
Will PP.BJ the Boiohstag ,
Efforts of tbo Opposition Gorman Frets to
Make Light of the Ohnncellor's ' Work.
Members of tha Centrist Part ; Resent the
Vatican's ' Pro-Fonch Policy.
Ho nillft In I.utolth it Mullet ( llrl HiKl
Miid ( UU ( iraiiillntlicr Ailxic.ttliik
Jtcclproclty nltli tlio Unltril
htiitrs ( icrinnn ( iosslp.
( Copyrighted 189J by New York A * oclntcil Press 1
Iiitui.iv , Dec. I ) . Invents In the Huichstng
and patty movements which are less scon by
the public all tend to consolidate Chancellor
von Caprlvi's position und assure the passage -
ago of the nrmy bill. The Frulsslnnleo and
Blsmarcitlan papers pretend to bcjlovo that
thochancclloi's position is untenable. Every
day the opposition produces a fresh rumor us
to who his successor will bo. The latest
nominee of the ant ! Caprlvi faction was
ex-Minister von Putkamor. who was
named becausg iho opposition ooulil
nssoclalcd Him with a current rumor that
Emperor William Intended to return to a
strong reactionist policy if the nrmy bil
should bo dcfcutod. The Emporoi felt the
report to bo offensive nnd caused an ofllcla
denial of it to ba made In the Uoichsnnzigcr.
It stated that Ilcrr von Putknmcr has not
for seine tlmo oven been received by his
majesty. The fact Is that the chancellor's
position has become strengthened by iho
open r.dhcimon of some of the party leaders ,
and the private adhcnsion of others.
Dr. Buhl , a national liberal , has won tbo
' chancclloi's thanks by promising that his
party will support ell the military demands
I necessary for the safety of Iho empire. Tbo
t Uolcbsanzigcr took Dr. Buhl's statement as
committing the national liberals to the support -
[ port of the army bill. Next Herr Ifosficlski ,
[ in the name of the Polish group , announced
[ that Ihov would vote to grant anything that
[ would contribute to unllo and strengthen
[ Germany.
With regard to the center party , It Is no
llonger a secret that a majority of the mem-
Ibors of tbo group , resenting thu Vatican's
Ipro-Frcncb policy , nro treating the clerical
[ attempts to influeuco the party to defeat the
Ipovornmont's scheme of nrmy rcorcanlzation
las a hostile Intrigue against German unity.
[ So marked is the feeling of many centrists
Ingalnst Iho interference o ( the vutlcnn , which
FIs attributed to the popo's hostility to
'tho ' tripls alllanco , that ccrtfln Cath
olic bishops ndvlsed Cardinal Kampollu ,
papal secretary of stnte , that n revolt of
the party against the clerical leaders was im
minent if the interference was persisted in.
The Vatican hus , consequently , assented to
leaving the center party to follow whatever
[ 7ours > o it pleases. This implies n tcmpoinry
- in the party. Thirty-four of Iho south-
I cm members of the center will vote with the
[ opposition , and the seventy-six others with
llho government. Thus reinforced , the do-
If cat , of tbo bill scorns impossiolo. The
fir.cjsuro is expected to p.iss its first rending
! December U. As the Christmas recess bo-
i gins on the 10th , the bill will not go to tbo
[ comnilltco stngo until after Now Yuat's day.
\V1III un'ri .Morality Kill.
The emperor's bill ngainst immorality und
the emigration measure will bo taken up by
the Keichstng when the discussion of tha
budget Is ended. When hcrutlnlzod , the re
strictive clauses of the proposed emigration
law do not seem likely to operate so favor
ably as expected in sending a good class ot
cmicr.ints to America , Well-to-do , orderly
people will object to the preliminary policy
of mpci islon and thn disclosure of private
uffum demanded under the bill , while
criminals , frauds unit impoverished persons
can 1:0 ccroas ibo frontier and Hall from u
foreign'port without any 'interference from
the noilco. i ,
Dr. Mlquol , Prussian minister of finance ,
Issuffeilug from Influnniaiton of tlio throat ,
Ho hus a slight fever und Is confined to his
The trial of Hector Ahlwardt , tno notorious
ontl-Somlto.who n charged with slandering
Heir Iawe , the small arms iranufaSturur ,
draw nlong In the Moabit criminal court ,
Tin. ) evidence ugninst him Is copious , but this
fact , will not mllitata against Ma election tc
thuUolchstag. While Ahlwardt was In prlsoi
awaiting trial , ho was elected to Iho Koichs
tbg fiom Iho Armswnldt-Frulburg district
Prior-to his election only a fuw nnll-Semlti
votes had bcon cast In the district and Ahl
wnrdl'tt return by mi enormous majority wai
a great surpriso. Today Ahlwiirdt sub
muted to tha court as evidence In his fuvo
six documents , The public prosecutor nd
milled that the documents wcro gonulnn , bu
declared lhat tney could only have en mo inl
Ahtwurdt's possession by a ci'ois abuse o
confidence on iho part of some olllclul. Th '
ublle prosecutor obtained the aauctnn o
1 the court to exclude thu public during th
reading of the pupora referred 5o.
I'rliicu ICurl'a lNu.ii.ulu. |
The cscapado of Prlncn ICarl of Bavaria
whoso mysterious disappearance from Munlcl
oxcltfd nottco , Is now known to ba duo to
liuson svlth u prolty ballot girl , who Is tw .
years his senior. The a Hair was proving a
expensive ono for the prlnco und ins grand
futh'ir. the regent of Bavaria , disapproved o
it. The regent wanted -Prince Karl t
travel. Thereupon uio pnuro applied I
the ragout for his pormlsslou to contract
morganatic marriage with the ballet glr rl.e
'The rocontn'ofusod nnd was making nrrang <
menu to compuUorlly send the pruico on >
Journey abroid In the euro nf two oftlcor
when Karl mid the dantouso secretly loft Ih
city. The pair were traced to a secluded n
treat in the KIKorhal Alps nnd brought bac
to Munich. 'I ho police court , announce
that Prlnco Karl was taken ill whilu on
hooting expedition hut that ho had now n
Kmpcror William returned from his hum
Inp trln on the estate of iho prlnco of Pie :
In Silesia , In order to bo prasent at tli
swearing lu of the recruits of the guan
Ills majesty gavu the recruits the jisui
Bolem'h ndvico to uo faithful servants to hi
and to Clod.
The. Vossischo Zoltung , ntforring In tl
election of Mr. Cleveland , urges tno Uonnn
eororpmont to touo time by the forelock an
uecotlato a reciprocity treaty udmiuh
Amarican product ! svch as wheat , oottc
| > ork meats and leather Into Gorowujr frco i
duty In return for a reduction ot the Ameri
can tariff en German manufactured goods.
The Thomas theater hero will DO sold at
auction In February to satisfy 11 mortgage.
Herr Thomas and his company are now in
the United States. Public nympathy Is with
him , ns ho Is lighting bravely against ad
verse circumstance : ) .
Thu actress Eleanor Duke , who is engaged
to appear In America In February , has made
n grcal bit horo. Sbo Is held to bo a rival of
Sarah Hcrnhardt In the Dumas-Sardou
school of plays.
Herr von Wuriuuth , Gorman Imperial CiSra-
inlss pnor of.tho Chicago Cotumtihn exhibi
tion , with some of his staff , will sail for New
York on the steamer Columbia on Decem
ber 11.
[ ) AT IA. :
Improved Nutiil Atchltrcturo Prrvouls n
Calamity to MII Atlnntlr l.tnnr.
Livnupoou Doc. ! ) . A dispatch from Kin-
Bale , on tbo south coast of Ireland , says tbo
British steamer Lake Huron from
passed there Jjuliday morning having In tow
tbo North tier in an Lloyd steamer Spree ,
which sailed from Bremen for Now York
November i'J nnd which Is some davs over
due ut her destination. The Spree has her
shaft broken.
The representative of the Associated
press In this city has received a dispatch
from Bremen from the Xqrlh Ccnnau ? l-.lo.vd
Steamship company , stating that the steamer
Havel will sail to-norrow from Bremen for
Queenstown , whcro she will take on board
the Spree's passengers nnd malls nnd convey
them to Now York.
The Spree's main shaft broke down No
vember 2(5. ( Part of the machinery went
through her bottom under the second cabin
which Immediately Hllod with water. The
p.isscngois thought the vessel was going to
the bottom and ru hod on dock. For a tlmo
n veritable p.unc prevailed and the ofllcors
were helpless to calm the fears prevailing.
The water could hu heard rushlni ; through
thn hole In Iho bottom nnd in a short time the
vessel bcg.iu to sottlc. The passengers ran
hlthcrund thitbcrln tbo wildest confusion and
when they saw that thn vessel was not
immediately going to the bottom the coun
scls or the oniccrs nnd the moro cool-headed
among their own number prcvuiled nud a
semblance of order was restored. Life pre
servers were in treat rrqucst and many of
the passengers kept them close at hand even
when it became known- that thcrd was no
immediate dancer.
I'rop.ireit for Any Pini-i-cciicy.
As soon as the accident occurred the boat's
crov\s wcro placed at their stations nnd
everything wns put. in readiness for the
abandonment of the vessel should such a
course bo deemed ti c& > saay. The stewards
uusled themselves in getting provisions to
the boats , and overvthing that prudent
seamanship would dictate was done. It
wns shortly soon , however , that tha water
tight bulkhead * wore answering the purpose
for which they were constructed , und
that , though iho water wns pouring Into the
compartment beneath the second cubln , very
llttlo was gottlng into the other compart
ments. With oulv ono compartment filled ,
the steamer loH little of her iiuoyuhcy , and
when it was stated by the ofllcors that all
danger of smklne was past the passengers
became calm and joked with each other
about the fears they had so shortly enter
Whan the accident occurred the Sproa
was about 100 miles from Queenstown. Tno
Lake Huron towed her this distance back.
The Spree leaked BO badly that it was im
possible lor the pumpi to gain on the water ,
which is still thirty fo.'t deep In the after
Tno Sprao has on board 283 pas
sengers , among whom are General
O. O. Howard , United States
nrmy ; ftlra. Adelaide Howard and child ;
Mrs. Marie A. brosius.of of Cleveland , O. ;
Henry Borgstod of IC.insa's City , Mo. f Louis
Branch nnd family of Mlhvaukeo ; J. Blu-
incnthM of El Paso , Tex. ; C. P. Davidson ,
Mrs. Mary Davidson nnd children of San
Antonio , Tax. ; E. A. b'idler , Dr. SldnavKub
of Chicago ; Curl Klelmschmidt and Mrs. E.
1C. Klolmschmldt of Cleveland. 9. ; Mrs
Marie Mangels and cnildren of San Fran
cisco ; U. f. Taylor ot Cincinnati , O. ; Count
Koysertling ot Vienna , Countess Cuelbocic
of 1'nrU.
I'opo Leo Milken an Appointment \Vhlcli
Clinics Milrit Comment.
[ Copyrlstitccl 1S9J by Iho Noiv York Associated 1'reas. i
lioMi : , Dec. ! ( . Diplomatio and eccleslusti-
cal circles variously comment on the appoint-
meet of Cardinal Seratlno Yunnutclll as
archbishop of Bolngna. The appointment
u as u surprise to everybody. It Is under
stood that tbo pope took ibis unexpected de
cision because Cardinal Sorailno was con.
sldcrcd as chief of the opposition Homan ,
French , Austrian and German against the
republican policy cf the holy futner ; was the
Intorprolor of the Austrian policy as records
Italy , and even as tbu candidate favored Dy
thu emperor of Austria for the succession tc
the tiara.
[ The pope has wished by n decisive act lc
bhow that ho will never be turned aside from
the path ho has selected to pursue. Tin
event is a triumph for Cardinal Kurapolti
nnd Cardinal Lodochcnvskl , and also foi
* Franco and Uusslu. The nomination ha1
peculiar importance In relation to the coralnt
conclave , as through It the candidate o
Kmppror Francis Joseph nnd of the European
poan courts finus himself placed at semi
distance f rum Rome. Ills brolher , tbo Cardl
° mil Binonsco Vunnutelll , formerly nuncio a
Lisbon , will oo appointed prefect of the con
grcgallon of too council , a technical post foi
nn old diplomatist. It seems that tbo popi
has thus desired to complete the significance
of Cardinal Sorallno's promotion ,
h it is Euld on good authority that the popi
a has not responded to I he approaches of cor
'o lain powers , who desired to submit to his ar
in bltration international questions and whi
1of have asked bun to try and bring about ai
of understanding between Franco and Germany
tote many , wilh a view to an European allianc
tou against Russia ,
u Concessions autt compensation for Ih
rl. pope In Homo and for Franco on bur frontio
ea were suggested , It is also said that Kngluni
a was no stranger to these advances , but th
rs pope has renounced dealing with suoh ques
uu lions , chiefly because ho found that In deal
ing with strongly rival interests , It wouli
bo impossible to got them to reslgi
Qda themselves to his vtralct. O
a tuo other hand the holy father has just take
o- steps toward rendering closer the Uussi
French alllanco. There has uot only been a
it- exchange of views , but a protocol has boo
prepared on the subjncl , It U understooi
lie that thoUrund DukoSerglus and tbo Fronc
d. ambassador hare have not boon strangers t
ittl this on account of the Intimacy botwoo
im Frauco and Russia.
Climiluml M t with I'oor Suecrm.
be lOxMOitE , V . , Deo. 3. The ducking part
an today reported but meagu results. Tli
nd waves were too calm and iho b , ds settled o
the water , thus reducing iho chances fc
on sport. Cleveland will leave tomorrow i
of heretofore announced.
Germany's Troopa Armed With Riflis That
Are Worse Than Worthless.
Stolen Government Documents Produced
and Read in Coutt in Sacret Session ,
Berlin Greatly Shocked by the Scandal
and the Populncj is Ixciteil -
AlmintUio Kntlru Army Supplied With the
Dulcctlvo AruiH Ucpurts ot Colonels
on tlio I.uouo Itllles Support
the Opposition.
tCopKlKhteillSSSby JnmoJ Ooriloa Honaatl 1
Bim.i.v : , Dec. a. ( Now York Herald
Cable-Special to THE BCD , | Prussia
today found Its Panama scandal in the
.Moablt criminal court , when , after having
bcon taunted for lack of veracity. Hector
Ahlwarut produced live olllcial documents ,
which proved to ba reports made by colonels
to their gcnoraUndvorso to the LOMVO puns.
Those must hnvo boon stolen , probably by
some officer , who , If found out , Is llaulo lo
ton years pannl servitude.
A greater scandal , a more sensational
episode , cannot luivo occurred. I
have never seen groalor consternation
than that which struck the rdrgo gathering
of deeply interested persons. The army
ofllcers , who ucro present In largo numbers ,
munv of high rank , were simply aghaat.
They first looked Incredulous , but when tbo
} udio ; had examined the documents and pro
nounccd them authentic their dismay kno\v
no bounds.
In a mlnuto or two the news roachoJ the
crowd In the corridor , and thence spread to
the street and all ever the city. People of
nil ranks rushed lo Iho court lo llnd out if
such a serious scandal could possibly bo
true. Telegraphic messages were ut once
sent to the emperor , who is shooting in Sax
ony , to apprise him of Ibo siarlling develop
ments and the blow which had fallen on the
Dramatic lu a lllgli Icireo.
The scene in court wns highly dramatic
Ahlwardt had just expressed his r.'grot that
the army officers on their oaths should have
boon mistaken in saying no official reports
ndvciso to Iho LOJWO guns had been made.
" \Vho are you , " Ihundered tbo judge ,
"who dara to talk thus of the officers who
hnve taken Ibo oath lo tell the truth I' '
"Here uro my proofs , " replied Ahlwardt.
taking the papers from his pockets and hold
ing them up.
The public prosecutor suggested they
should bo read at once.
Ahlwardt in a low clear voice said : ' 'I
have been accused of being unpatriotic with
out reason. The documents I hold , if road
publicly , would bo damaging to uiy couniry.
Therefore I ask tbo court to bo cleared and
the rending to be private. If tbo president
will fiance over thorn , I am confident ho will
agree with mo. "
Amid dead silence the pnporsvoro.handea
to the president. As ho read thorn his face
became very serious , finally ho said :
Too Important lur tuo 1'ublic.
"Tho papers laid before mo ore very im
portant to the state and should net bo read
In open court. "
Tno room was then cleared and tbo court
remained in camera two hours.
The documents show thnt out of 900 Loowo
gun ? used at Wossel 59J wcro unserviceable ,
twenty of Ibo chambers burst and ten broke
Tbefa were thrio general oniccrs In the
court , representing tto minister of war , wheat
at once sent news to War Minister Kalten-
born. Cbiof of Staff SehlifTen and Count von
Tbo revelations hit Loowo hard and his
director , Colonel ICuehno , really seemed l
quite overcome at the unexpected blow.
I'nvato Conniimnm Condemn the ( inns.
Another witness , a Hamburg merchant ,
said the minister of foreign ntlairs had sent
a consignment of Loowo guns to Kast Africa.
The witness had just received n letter from
tbo loader ot the expedition , saying :
"Send at ones moro guns , but not the
Loewo , They break like glass. "
Loowo protested the case was not proved ,
( Jun Mechanic Kiamer , who hud worked in
the Locwo fartory , said ho could if the
court wished , point out the defects ir
the inoacl gun , lying on the table , and salt :
1,080 out ot 5,000 of the guns were defective ,
nnd that Colonel ICuehno technically hnev
U. The Dresden Edllor Glees testified thai
AUiwardt made no money out of the Loewc
brochure. Also that 110 witnesses , officer ;
and soldiers from Saxony , would coma tc
testify to iho worthlcssncss of the guns.
It must bo remembered there nio 43riOOI
Loowo In the German array. This i :
terribly awkward for iho government , whlcl
is bound by necessity to do everything li
bush up tha scandal. Caprivi certainly ha :
had no luck at the trial during the last tbrci
days. Moro witnesses are coming in li
testify to the worthlcssnoss of tbo guns.
Men \Vlio Are filling tlio ( ionium I'.yo r\
the DUunut ot CuprUI.
[ Copyrlishtoil 183. ! br Jnuius tiurJun llannett 1
liuiu.ix , Doc. ! i. [ New York Horali
Cable Sncclal to Tim Hm : . I The brlch
weather has loft us and the week ends will
snow , slush and dump. Politically the weel
has boon hiubly eventful. Dor Heichsbotc
the Cunnvlan organ , has an altacic on Bis
mnrck for Imaginary tvords put In his mouth
. This show of the blitornoss of Capriv
Q against his predecessor has caused great dls
gust , nnd baa shown tbo chancellor's mean
uess of spirit , in attacking hu nd
vcrsary for what ho had not spoken
morel on tbo authority of th
imaclnallon of nn Irresponsible journaltsl
This malicious attack has done more t
strengthen Bismarck's plurality than nnj
thing else that has happened for a Ion
time , People recall that Bismarck neve
made such blunders ,
It has boon slated that Bismarck Is atlltu
Having "just returned from Varzln , I ca
say on good authority that lor bla ago thcr
Is no more robust man , mentally or physu
ally , than tbo prlnco to bo found. H
spends his day * reading papjrs , Gorman au
ty foreign. Ho walks about bis estate dull
10 three hours In wet or tine weather , strollln
in through the pine forests surrounding tt
or schloss , as the country people cull the ran
blltig low red bricu quadrangular bouse I
the contro of the tumble down village <
Vnrzln , where the ox'phnncellor Is now re
siding , i
HU XH\lly XVorlc ,
Schwcnlcrcr trie ! at [ much as possible to
restrain the prlnco from 'overwork , but the
latter Is not easily controlled and manages to
got In three or fodr houYs dally , dictating to
his secretary , ' Crvsandor , his memoirs ,
which will not bo published unill nf tor his
death , llo nlso receives the editor of the
Hamburger JJachrlehlon pcrodlcally nnd
sends him back ) lafidod with now Ideas for
conducting his press campaign , which wages
so fiercely and which the "monarch of
Frlcderichsrttho" watches with considerable
interest. Then there Is his voluminous cor-
repondcuc" , lately largely Increased by
newspaper correspondents asking for Inter
views. The prmco'3 correspondence coinos
from every part and corner of the earth , and
ha dictates oil replies.
At thu dinner ttiblo ho Is bright and
animated , tulks cheerfully and oats well.
Afterwards ho often takes n nap. That a
man at his ago who works as bo docs should
go to sleep In nn arm chair utter dinner , can
scarcely bo twlStod into evidence of falling
health. In health ho can certainly elvo
points to Caprlvi , who suffers acutely from
diabetes , and constantly falls asleep in his
carriage when outriding.
Tbo Ahlwardt trial ' "ill raise doubts In the
mind of a lareo.sectlon of the German na
tion , not particularly as regards the Loowo
guns , but about all guns manufactured the
nrmy. Ahlwardt himself Is nobody. Indeed ,
ho is nn unsympathetic character , but the
enormous machinery of the law has boon
brought to bear against him , The fact that
the electors bcllcvo In htm and his cause , and
will undoubtcdlv return him by an enormous
majority tomorrow makes everybody thought
rultkamcr'H 1'nll.
The kaiser and the governor of Pomeranla ,
Bnron Von Puttknmcr , have had uu inter
view , a fact which has given rlso to all sorts
of reports. There is no political significance
in It , however , nor does it moan iho Immedi
ate'overthrow of Caprlvi. Puttkamor is u
possible candidate at any moment for a
Inch ministerial .position. . Ho is much
liked by the emperor , who owes him much
lor past service which the knlser has not lor-
gotten. 1 refer to the services rendered dur
ing tl.o brio ! and cjriticul reign of Emperor
Fredeilck , Tbo Kaiser has several times
said to his most intimate followers : "Putt-
kamer bin yob noch o was schuldig. " Cer
tainly the emperor jshfcws every uesiro to ex
press his appraclatlon'of so devoted a frlond ,
who stands ns bright in the conserv
ative party as at court. Putt-
kamor's audience 'lasted ' r.o less than
three hours , a fact that cast dismay into the
Caprlvinn camp. What transpired during
these three hours is merely a matter of
rumor. Ono Ihing is certain. It was ouo of
tbo cmperoi-'s honest efforts to arrive at the
truth or the political situation from nn un
biased , independent mind.
"Shall I ever fet at the truth" Is the con
stant remark of the kaiser. Her tries very
hard , hut tbo truth is bard to Una with the
men who surround'him. '
The Cologne VolKszeitung , in the course
of a ridiculous , article , and you may know
that the press of tUm > country seems enor
mously interested lj.tho ; Herald just now ,
says that in the dayr'of yore Blolcbrocdor
used to nppointjthcf'Horald correspondents
at Berlin. The absurdity of tbo idea would
seem to need no comment , but the Hep-
zcigcr Neuo Deutsche Zsltuug courteously
takes UD the cudgel in behalf of the Herald ,
and gives the Cologne paper and others of
its kind such a slashing and cutting article
as has rarely been seen in any newspaper.
Discussing Drolhuiut Alliurrf.
In my previous letter I mentioned the
anxiety felt in the highest circles here at the
lack of enthusiasm shown by Austria and
Italy toward excessive military prepara
tions. Now a Hamburg paper takes up the
subject , and says that the chancellor Is in
different to the support of Italy , and that ho
will soon make a communication to that
effect in the Reichstag.
I have been giving the question some nt
tantion , and the result of my inquiry is that
this way of putting it Is false. Caprlvi will
In all probability defend the financial condi.
tiou of Italy and explain the military position ,
which does not satisfy him in the
least. In the meantime thu Rclchan-
zolgor , to begin with , will reproduce all
articles of the foreign press , above all those
of Austria und England , which praise the
military bill , but it will not notice , nt the
same time , Iho fact that Austria herself If
not spending the million * she is praising
Germn-iy for doing , nor the proverbial love
which England has of looking on and np
plauding when she sees another country
llnancially coming to destruction.
viiu.i I'Aroiis pitKts sweat.
rrotldont Mnntt Declare * tlnit IliilinnccillHti
jMnit > to Trci toil Leniently.
U CAI.I.IS in : PJIAT , YAI.PAHAISO , Chili ( vii
Oalvoston , Tex. ) , Dec. it.By | Mexico !
Cable to the Now York Herald Special ti
Tin : BEK. I President Montt has said In ai t
interview in reference to the public fooling
that the government should bo lenient to tin
Bnlmacedlsts. "Our Ideas nro not to stop o
in any war hinder public meetings or to cur
tall tbo freedom of speech. Wo desire t <
show to the world that full liberty in every
thing is given , so long as there is no uctuo
violence uud no attempt to Initiate treason
Chill accords free speech to all sensible per
ton ; , nnd has DO fcar'bf another revolution.1
The English legal commission , which Is ti
Investigate the shipment of silver by
ccda on the British , war ship Espiogle , ha
arrived at Santiago und has beau nffordoi
every facility byjho | government. The PC
ruvlan charge ot affair * bus , in thu nsmo o
the government , withdrawn the prates
made to the people , and It will now go to th
Chilian congress. ! Special Envoy Wlasiuhu
returned to Litria. Tbo Herald correspond on
at Montevideo tojo ninha ut I o'clock tin
afternoon ; I justheuijfrom Santo Tome , HI
Ciraiuly do Sul. that n revolution has broke
out tnora andttbut tu | authorities havoagul
been deposed , It U said that men are lloc-l
_ Ing to the Bceno of the disturbanc
fiom all parts nf the province und froi
' Uruguay. The authorities say tbo revolt
tion is ioca\ \ and boa no political signit
canco. The ex-minister to Bolivia in tbl
city gave a reception to General Comadls o
his arrival bore. Senator Borda has a ;
' sumed the ministry of linanca for Bollvli
The Herald correspondent at Beunos Avrc
tolegrajih that word has been received fro :
San Borja that tbo Third cavalry regimer
bns revolted , ono cajitulii has been klllui
Ex-president Perlllzrlul has assumed tl !
leadership of tha national paVly.
I.Ucrpool Well-omen OliuUtone.
Livciti'ooiDeo. . U , Mr. Gladstone ai
rived hero toduyard was mot at tbo 'static
ro _
by the moat prominent men of the city an
conducted to St. Uoorgo's ball amid U
io enthusiastic plaudits of iho multitude , an
id tboro , In the pretence of tba city father
was given tha trecdotn of the city. In h
'B speech of acceptance Mr. Gladstone made :
tie reference to politics ,
nIn MmemoutKuf Oceiiu htfiimern.
In At Gibraltar Passed Fuerst Illsmnrc'
ol from Mediterranean pjris for Now York ,
Extremely Protoatioui Sigai of the Ujois't-
ness of the Poasint Olawos ,
Shorn of its Rsllgioin Toaturoi , but
Ohingod to n Social
Rabid Dopu'ies and Reckless Oounssllors
Busy Stirring Up lh ) Strife.
( Iravn AiMirclioiisian llxlsts llocnuao of tlio
rociillarly Unspttlcil Uonilltlnii of At-
liilrs t'ooplu lliixo l.oat CiinlUluncn lu
the Uuvcrnmciit nt I.nst.
( ropyrlglitpil 1S92 by Jnaioi ( lor.lon Ilnnott 1
PAIIIS , Deo. 11. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to Tun Due. ! Tuo dally
dispatches keep you posted on the Increasing
scandals In the Panama canal affair , but
there Is ono ignored which Is of equal Im
portance. This Is the Increase of antl-
Scmltism In Europe.
Wo have three facts this week proulng that
Panama canal scandal Is the work of Mr.
Urumont , the author of "L-i Fr.mej Julvo , "
the managing editor of Li Llbru Parole , and
the Inventor of nntl-Sjinitism in franco. Ho
is aided by thu Marquis do Mores , llo Itosps
up his work , striking furiously everywhere
It is possible. He holds that the 13 ink of
Franco is a Hebrew institution , and that is
why ho is so bitter against M. do Lesson *
brlnginc lu tbo Hebrew banker to do busi
ness with him.
Tbo opinion of tbo mijority of psoplo Is
that enough scandalous fortunes have been
raised upon the ruins of the savings of the
It is certain that the nnti-semito cause is
making progress in Franco.
Agitation III Germany and Austria.
In Germany the samophonomonon is seen.
In a rural district the peasants have elootod
this week as deputy Hector Ahlwordt , an
anti-somite of so violent a typo that ho has
boon many times convicted for defamation.
Hector Ahlwordt is the uuthor of the
"Brochux Fusils Jaifs , " in which ho accused
the Prussian ministry of war of furnishing
the army with detcctlvo rilles. The peasants
elected him bcc.iuss they saw In him a pro
tector against the way in which Jews ex
ploit the country.
In Austria , the anti-Semite deputies pro
voke violent scones in Parliament. They
speak without any right to do so of the Pan
ama uffalr , bringing about ministerial intervention
vontion and causing almost a crisis. The
same scenes are witnessed In the jnuniclpal.
council of Vienna , where the numoToiis anti-
Semites protest against the "scandalous
Jewish fortunes" and the veritable oppres
sion by ihe Joulsh banks of commerce and
industry , Austria will bo the lirst country
whore the anti-Semitism crisis will become a
matter of fact.
When the chief laws of a country produce
the same phenomena , there ought to bo the
tame causes. Llko causes produce like
effects. It is curious * to know which is
Rrcourso ol Thosu AVIio Full.
Anti-Semitism is losing the exclusively re
ligious character it bad at first. It is be
coming a social protest against wealth and
speculation. It has not yet pervaded the
bulk of the deputation , but it is the appcn-
nca of these who have failed in life ,
who suffer inspltoof what they have been
taught , and who are aware ot the real char
acter of the social fabric. People who have
. no prejudices demand the application of ex
treme measures. The go back to history for
extreme measures to bo made applicable to
modern times , iloio you have everywhere
the same desire for vongonnco.
The .situation In Franco above all is very
serious , for greater liboriy permits of greater
license , and tbo French temperament renders
possible all kinds of crimes. The ministerial
crisis will come to an end and a presidential
crisis will bo avoided , but a social crisis is
Dnrlccjt Days In Trillion.
Wo are already in open revolution , not
with the rifle , as In 1371 , because nobody has
been guillotined , as in former times : for
executions are repugnant to our civilization ,
but still we are in tbo throes of a revolution.
For we are at iho mercy of the denunciations
of the llrst comer , because tbo deputies who
o innKo tbo laws are the llrst to break thorn ;
| because tbo judges have lost tbo confidence
of tbo public , und because all present signs
point to a tearing up of society.
Every thoughtful person who looks ahead
sees a black cloud hanging ever Europe , anil
blackest of all ever Franco.
ChrukH Unit \\uro Drllics.
The Panama commission has found twenty-
six checks In the course of us researches ,
onlv three of which , however , boar well
known names. Two checks , ono for 20,000
francs and one for 5,000 francs , boar the
name of Loon Heimult , the former prefect of
police and senator. One for " 0,0'JO ' francs
boars the name of Albert Urovy , senator and
brother of iho former president of the
Two chocks for 1,000,000 francs each boar
the name of Cornelius Horse , tbo electrician.
Ho is mixed up in all sorts of enterprises ,
lie is an Amorlcan citizen , and a great
friend of ibo politicians , tn some of whom it
U believed ha tout his nama ,
Another check f or fi'J.OOO francs Is indorsed
by a uoy In one of the government bureaux ,
who dlod eight days ago. It is said very
openly In the lobbies of iho Chhinbcr of Dep.
utles that ho lent , his name to a member ol
the present cabinet.
Five chocks , representing a total of r > 50-
000 francs , were admitted to have boon re
ceived by M. Baroo , a former minister wbc
has since died. The otner names are unKnown -
Known , and aroovldontly signatures a&sumod
for others. Tbo commission Is In continuous
session , and hopes to arrive at tbo truth.
Tuo ministerial crisis continues.
Clmrlrs ilu ep Denies tlio Truth o !
homo of thu I'.ildruco Ulttin.
m PAIIIJ , Dao.U. Ono deputy hus announcoc
1U his intention to submit lu iho Chamber oc
ID Monday next a proposition to suspoud thi
Panama canal directors ,
U Charles do Lssscps wtltoi to Le Journa
30 denying the truth ot certain statement !
made by M. Cuutagrol at yesterday's exam <
[ nation. M. Can tug rol testified that an am
ploye of the Panama Canal company had of
fered him first 100,003 francs , thed 300,001
H'wilhfr for Omaha nn I rielnttii
J'nfr , SlIoMlu Cooltr.
1. CnprUl MnyYct 1'nsft HU 11111.
( Irriniin Troop * ll \o Worthless Itltles.
tlm > iinlin > Aiiinni ; MinM's In r.uropp.
IZiigliiiul Sticks In thn Hold Miimlurd.
\ \\ynn\\ng \ Qiili-tlni ; lii li I'olltlc.lllj- .
How It ruytto llolil Pnlillr Oilier.
I'rNou oclH.t * * M'Mlon Itftgiin *
Ni-w York C.'cntnil l.iiuinrrr .tiny SlrlUr.
H. vriiAntloii In Aruiiicont Trlul.
HrillllN tViDililucton l.rttor.
t , Kdltnrliit nnd ( 'otiiiiuMil ,
n. Trouble Tlnit C.IIIIK tun Swell.
hiintii Oniniiii u rir t rinsH oily.
Lincoln HIIRI Lively riru. .
0 , Council HtiillH l.iiril Ncni ,
ii y ( loulil In DiMiiti ,
T. Clara Allen Stints to Her Story.
Liiniloii Tliuntrlr il Onsilp.
lloii'-his roiinty I'nir Mutters.
11) . Ni'vitol the Sreict Societies.
II , Oiiinhu's Lociil Trniln Uuvlcurili
Oniln , rro\Mloiii mill l.lto .Stuck.
I'rJ. Lmt Ucitli In the .Smart tVurlil.
ID. .Hi * . AunlK ItoHunt'n rcrioinillty.
Loc'il Muslcul 'Mutters
1ft. 1'oor rooplu ill ( irrnm.iy'it Uapltiil.
Alanxinun nnilTliclr Inland.
IS. How NulirusUn Tonns ( troxv.
lloillko anil UU tilirri Cliuao ,
11) . Sj'iniosliiui | of MHcii'lnn Thought.
llok'H Lltcrnry Notcn ,
4(1. Trlliuto Tiild to Olil Kins Conl.
I'lnins Tor tlu > tVnltlng Patriots.
' M. l > nly Clinnca Tor tin ; llllll'illo.
Chollj'H I'inMoo lur Itcd Uones.
UU , Niibrniikii I'arilliTs' rrolltn.
Vlclmiltiiilc * ot tVur.
4i. ; ( li-oat Dcrilt of ( Scntlu U'oincn. for tlio Lullti .
2ciMi lor Iho Sports ,
francs and finally r > OU,00 ! ) francs If ho would
vote for tno Panama canal lottery bill.
The names of the payees of the Thlorro
checks leaked out through M. Cornelius
Horse , n well known Parisian now in Lon
don , who received two chocks oicn for
'J.000,000 francs , llo has telegraphed to the
committee of inquiry tlnit his chocks wcro
received from Baron do Koinnch in payment
of a debt. M. Chabert received checks for
S.SM.OOO francs. Senator Henault received
10,000 francs and Albert Urovy , son of the
fx-nrasident , received 25,000. The rest arc
unknown , thu names given like Jbnnk porter
D.ivls , who Is credited with giving a checker
or 8)0OJO ) fr.uics , bo'.ng ' , it , Is supposed ,
: ieroly cloaks to covur the Idcnllty of the
ctual recipients.
Senator Henault , In testifying before the
ominittco this afternoon , explained that the
ihccks bearing his name wcro received in
taymcnt of a debt.
oirrii. ! .
rent Constitutional Questions lit Stulcu lu
tlio I'luKiMit Coatro\eisy.
, Dec. 3 , The present crisis is not
merely political , but It is ono in which n
great constitutional question Is at stake.
The Panama canal investigating committee
has shown a disposition to overstep its con
titulional rights. Its demand that the doc
uments lojjo used in the judicial proceedings
be handed over to it , Is recorded as u direct
attack upon tha most conservative and in
violable inbtitution of the judicial power.
M. do Beauropsire's refusal to glvo tbatn m
s approved by all who have not lost their
heads over Iho Panama canal affair.
Had M. Busson , as Lead of the committee
of investigation , been successful in forming
a cabinet , his success would have bcon Inter
preted as an acceptance by the deputies of
: ho conimitlics illegal policy , the result of
which It would have been impossible to fore-
eo. The general apprehension has oven
magnillcd iho pretcn'.ion of the committf
into nn attempt of establishing itself into n
sort of comnntlco of public safety with des
potic powers. Whether these fears are jus
tifiable or not , certain it is that M. Brisson's
success would have been followed by a strug
gle between the cabinet and the judicial au
M. do Boaureapiro is resolute in his deter
mination not to yield up the documents. Ilu
is prepared to resign his position as public
prosecutor if the surrender of the documents
Is insisted upon.
M. Brisson's ouonly nvcwed intention of
dif placing M. do Froyclcot and M. Burdeau ,
in the face of popular opposition , also
greatly contributed to his failure , -.vtiicb was
hailed with general satisfaction.
M. Cassimlro I'erior's fuiluro to form a
cabinet was duo to his inability to obtain
Iho support of the advanced republicans ,
\\hiohwusiiccossary , as ho aimed to form
u ministry of Iho best men of all parties ,
and further , to the insuperable difficulty of
Unding a suitable man to take tbo portfolio
of ministry of justice. Ills proposed cabi
net , It was circulated this morning , was
comprised of man possessing public confidence
fidencebovoral from M , Loubot's ministry ,
\vliom M. Brisson had Ignored.
M. Hloot refused , however , to accept the
ministry of Jubtico which M. 1'erlor bad In
tended for him. Several other proposed
member * also proved unwilling to accept the
positions assigned to them.
M , Ponor iccognlzlng the hopelessness of
his task in view of these refusals , saw Presi
dent Carnet this afternoon and announced
his Inability to form a cabinet.
The news of M. Porlor's failure was received -
coivod with genetul rorci. Even his oppon
ents admitted his integrity , while conserva
tives had proceeded to support his adminis
tration , his policy on economic ( juestlonn
baing identical with theirs and favoring the
Molin tariff.
\Vhon M. Uasslmlro Porler's withdrawal
become known the opinion was general that
M. do I'Voyclnot would bo asked to form a
dissolution ministry , which , it is expected ,
would bo iho present cabinet remodclod with
M. Const.ins In tbo homo ofllco nud M ,
Loubatand Hlcard. President Carnet , however -
over , at , 7 o'clock tonight sent for AI. Bour
geois and usued bun to make an effort to
Hirm u ministry , M. Bourgeois' decision
has nat yet bcon announoad. If ho refuses
the task , or fails In the attempt , MM. de
Fruyciuot and Tirard nro the next favorites.
ratal A'.tacl ; on llypolito.
[ ( 'opirlulitc'l 18W liy Juiuca ( iorilon llcnnctt. ]
KI.NOSTON , Jamaica , Doc. ! JNuw [ York
tlcrald Cable Special to TUB Bui : J A das-
parato attempt was made to uutnsslnatc :
President llypolito of llayti yesterday morn
ing , The president was taking an early
morning walk In iho palace grounds when
the attack was made on him. Aid came bo-
fora the assassin could inlllut any damage ,
and ho , with the accomplices , was over
powered and captured , They were shot
within a short tlmo uftor the failure of theii
attempt , and quiet now prevails in iho
black republic.
\M1I Lyncli Mini IfTliuy Cutoli Him.
C A ii or. Mo , , Due. a. Asa Miss Hey , living
near here , was returning from school las' '
evening a young man threatened her with t
pistol and assaulted her , The girl dU
not koow her assailant , but gave a partla
description of him. A great crowd U nov
searching for htm and will lynch him If tboj
find him.
England's Bminess Intorosti Stand Firm
on the Single Monetary Standard
Proceedings nt 13rus3ols O.ily Exoito n
Moderate Dcgroo of Fussing Interest.
People Fond of Roaring of His Rise from
Povjrty to Powjr.
Kiulienl MemlHiM of tlio ( ltd Mnn'ii I'nrtjf
Anxious to Communed Iho tVork of
licform and ( IriimliUtie ut
the Delay.
( CopyrlRliteil 1S92 by Jnmos ( Jonlon Itonnolt. !
LONDON. Doc. 3. | Now York Haniiit
Cable Special to THE Bnn.l Only a mod
erate degree of Interest is felt here In tha
proceedings of the monetary conference at
Brussels. The gold standard Is so firmly oj-
lablishod that nobody baliovos for n moment
itcAn bo dlsturbnd , ojnsoquo.itly thu dis
cussions at Brussels uru 'regarded ns par
taking of n doctrinaire rnlhor thtin n prac
tical business character , and vary few par
sons in the city appear to even have fol
lowed thorn. Bertram Currio undoubtedly
gavu expression to the opinions of tha gov
ernment Iho Bank of E -
, iglnnd n-id com
mercial men generally when bo roundly do *
clured that thn gold standard would event
ually triumph , oven in the United States.
At any rate England cannot ii'id will uot
Changs it. ' i
This bolng the opinion of almost nil who
have real Influence in city atfahs , the ooa "
fcrcnco can only end ono way , so far as this
country U concerned , and thn majority of tha
other delegates nro ovlduutly prepared to4
take the sumo ground.
DeeplV Ititurcstcd In < ! oul < l ,
Far greater Interest was oxcltod by tbo
death of Jay Giuld , wboia fame as a sort , of
Napoleon of stock m irkats has spread among
all classes ot E iglish pooplo. They never
tired hearing narratives of man who have )
tlsen from poverty and obscuilty to power
and wealth , and stories of this kind are onca
morosuurailted to them by the entire Eng
lish ptoss. What eltoct Gould's death will
have upon the unco of stocks must dopondl
entirely upau the course of ovunts In the *
United Stares. Here , taken alone , it woulcj
bo comparatively slight.
Tbo Daily News makes the surprising as
sertion that a poor farmer , such as was Jay
Gould's father , is looked upon In America as
tno meanest of whites. The Tltnos has &
biography of Gould lu typo , evidently writ
ten In Now York" .
\\lmt this 1'olitlcliiim Are Doing.
Great complaints are being mndo bv th ,
radical section of Gladstone's party on aol
count of the delay In calling parliament to
gether. It is now known that , the earliest
day llxod is In the last weak of Janurv. This
is lulling things easy with a vengeance. Thi
ministry generally shows no impatlonca to
face the House of Commons.Lot well
onouch alone" is its motto.
Mean while Hosobcry and Asquith hava'
again boon the queen's cuests nt Windsor ,
Asqulth will soon bo denounced by his old
associates among tha extreme men as an
aristocrat in disguise , and his progress as ft
courtier affords an Interesting study forf
Abouchcro & Co. The queens dinner * ami
entertainments are gradually including Q
larger circle of persons than formerly
though It remains to bo scan wholhcr this
will bo a triumph for democracy or the ro
verso. A MLMiir.u m PAUI.IMCNT. .
.Viiicriciiilliillrovl : , Srciintloi Show u ( leu.
cml Ailvaiicc In I'riur.
ICopyrIslito.1 I3'J3 by .III noi ( lir.lun Il3in3tt. ]
Losnov , Doc. ! ) . [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to Tan Bri.l ( Jenoral bust *
ness has been quiet on the Stock exchange )
today , though In some directions rntbcr moni
has boon dona than is usual on Saturday.
Funds wcro well maintained , while Indian
rupee paper nas given way ouo-cigbth of 1
per cent. Forolan eovornmeni securities
close rather irregular. The pilnclpnl move *
inont Is a fall of Rovon-clgnths of 1 per coni
n I'orlugoso , duo chiolly to contlnonlal soil *
ing. American railways do not. cloi9
quite so Rtrong as they oponod. Prices
have rolopsod only to ' Might oxton
so that compared with yesterday nearly a
conceal iidvanco has boon established , lu
clii'ling 1 on Denver proferanco , sovoni
eighths on Aiclil-iOM , three-fourths on Wa
bash debentures nnd one-fourth to one-hall
on the others. Thora appears to ba a groak
feeling of relief that the innrUot Is relieved )
fiom Jny Gould's maiiipiilntions. Canadian
lines 'have boon vary qiilut. Urand Trunlt
preferences linprovud one-fourth , Among
foreign railways Buenos Ayres ft Great
Southern has plvon way 'J , nnd Mexican ,
lint preference one-fourth. Miscellaneous
securities have been very q'Jlet. 1'hera has ,
neon very llttlo Inquiry for money. Short'
loans have uaon uutalnod ut 1 to 1) )
cant. The ulsoount market has boon
and uusy , two and three months' bills
quoted at ! i il-10 to 3 " per cent.
llrlUHli llr.tvi-H riKlitlii ) ;
ViCTOitiA , II. C ! , , Deo. ! ! . buparlntondoni
Ilussoy of ilia provincial police has booi
notllled of what Is feared U a nerioim aUt
turbanco iinionu the Urltlsh Columbian In *
dians. Information from the llghtbousa
keeper nt Capa lloalo says that tha
N III nut luulunn hftvo been freely sup.
plied with whisky and are armed
with revolvers und knives and havd
begun war , on ono trlba upon another , U
is not known how many have been killed or
wouudod. Olu Chlof Niunut sought refuse
lu the lighthouse and Is afraid to go out , OB ha
has lobtcontrol'of the braves and feurs tliojJ
would raurdor him , A number of special
constables have buen sworn I.- , who , undqt-
the charge of Sergeant Langley nnd Pro *
vlncial Onicors McNulll and Huiitor , loft to.
day for the west coast to telzo the wlmfcj
and urrost the Indluiis.
IlrlL'iiiuHf" 1 Aloxiro.
ViOTOHfA , Mox. , Doc. 8. The first outrage
by brigands in this bcction ot Mexico wai
committed last night , when Kranlt W. Brad *
sbavv , u wealthy resident nnd extensive
orange grower near bore , was attaoiiml ba j ,
tweon this pluca und his homo end , proasoiy
fatally wounded , and llieu robbed ol lovorafc
hundred dollun , 4