Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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rcllvcrcd by carrier to an ? partof th ? cltr
. f i.-tiur.vt-iJ HuVnf Office. J5" ° Ji ?
I . .U'HOM.h
} NlKllt jjdito , . . . .Noia
fV. . Plumbing Co.
Council lllnffn Lumber Co. . Uoal.
All hills nefnliidt "lion tlur , " nil tickets nnd
money outstanding must bo presented to Mrs.
J. U. 'Atkins by 8 o'clock thli afternoon.
The children of tno Oraco . .plocopal Sun-
dny school nro preparing n Christinas can-
tnta which will 00 presented during the pres
ent tnonlb.
1.4 IJrown nnd J. A. Anderson were given
thlrtv days in the county jail yosterdny for
Btcallns some rubber boots at nn upper
Uroadwnv store.
Ktcbetoh council No. n , Dopren of 1'oco-
hoiitus , will hold Its rozulnr mooting tnis
cvenliiK nt Red Men's ball , corner of Broad
way nnd Main streets.
Thu annual meeting of the First Presby
terian church will bo hold on Thursday
evening , December IS. Ofllcors for the com-
iny ycnr will bo selected ,
'J ( injury In the dnmaco suit of Spoonor
ngttlnst the city brought in n scaled verdict ,
which was opened in the district court
ycsteruny nnd found to bo for the city.
Articles of Incorporation were Hied with
tbo county recorder yesterday by the 1'er-
potual Maturity Bonding company , with n
capital stock of fyd.0. ( . The oiacors nro as
follows : President , John Fi-ocno ; vlco piosi-
itcnt nnd trnasurur , Ocorgo 11. Gabl ; ero-
tury , Jnmos B. Allen ,
Pottawattnmlo camp No. SI , Improved
Order ol Hod Men , has elected ttio following
ofllccrs : Prophet , Jnmes Uradloy : acliom ,
A. 1) . Vnn Horn ; Eonlor sagnmoro , M. W.
Van Woriner ; Junior sncnmoro. 11. A. Bolt ;
kooperof records , M. D < J Great : keeper of
wampum , N Swanson ; trustco. A. Hultcr.
A loiter tins been received hero nnnouno-
Inc the mnrnairo of Harry .Inclc to a young
lady of Onkliiml , Cal. , the ceiomony tnklnu
place nt the homo of the bride. The groom
wns formerly a conductor on Oio Council
Bluffs motor line , und had n great many
friends who will ba pleased to hear of his
matrimonial succors.
practiced by people who buy inferior aril-
cloi of fonil Localise cheaper tliun standiird
KOOJS. Infants nro entllleil tu the best food
obtalnalilo. It is a fact that tlio Gail Ior-
( ion "EiiBlo" 15rand Condensed Milk U the
bent infant food. Your grocer und druggist
keep It. _
, , ISiiston Store.
A liilnl wave of iirospcrily has struck
us nml the surplus slock is rapidly dis
appearing to inako room for tlio im
mense display of holiday goods. A few
of tlio specials in our shooting and wash
poods department. Bargains in ovoiy
Ten-cunt half blenched mualin , 7o.
Best 10-ccnt bloauhod ccitton , So and
Sco our now brand of 5c unbleached
A good 7-cent tmblcnchcd muslin , Oc.
Yard wide line cambric , lOc. Boston
Store , Council BlulTa
0-4 unblcuohed shcotiny , worth 20c ,
for 1tjc.
4--iiii'h blenched and unbleached pil
low case muslin lUc.
! ) - . heavy i-5c sheeting , 20c.
Other widths and qualities loss than
manufacturers' list.
Aslc for soft Imperial hrnnd sheeting ,
fine and soft , 9-4 width , only 2oe. Bos
ton Store , Council UlulTs.
30-inch printed sheeting , sold for IU.C ,
to close , ( iic.
Ono case seersucker , good quality ,
worth Sc , to close , 6c.
100 pieces homosiiun _ ouling flannel ,
worth lOo , to close , SJc.
T\yo cases heavy Tycoon reps , regu
larly sold for Ific , to cloao at lOc.
Printed Bedford cords , sold for lOc , to
tro with other bargains nt 5c. . Boston ,
Store. Council BlulT * .
Fothcringham , Whilolaw & Co.
N. B. Store onen every evening until
0 p. in. Saturdays , 10 p. m. , until
L I''JIS ,
E. K , Alnyno has gouo to Gallatln , Mo. ,
on a short business trip.
Mr. nnd MM. K. S. Hart loft yesterday
morning for u visit with relatives in Kansas
J. J. Fonron. formerly n well known mer
chant of tbls city , now of Jacksonville , 111. ,
la n Bluffs visitor.
Mrs 1 \ A. Sackott U confined to her home ,
1110 Third ftvonup , with n very sovoru nttocu
of typhoid pneqmonln.
Mr. ntul Mrs. IN. M , Pusey hnvo moved
from their country residence to the Grand
hotel , nnd Mr. Pusoy will resunip tno prac
tice oflnw.
Colonel D. B. Dally hns tendered his resig .
nation as captain of ihu Doilun Light Rys
nnd n mooting is to bn called la u low days
to eclcct his successor.
L. B. Cousins has received a notice of his
appointment us nulo on the btntt or A. G.
Wulsort , conimandcr-ln-chiof of the Grand
Army of the Kupubllo.
II. L. Slicpnril left last evening for Dulutu ,
Minn , , wtioro ho will cncngu In the real
cstiito business. Hn family Joft for tnnt
plncoThuridny ovonlng.
0. W.At wood , who has been connected
with the Wulmsli for several years past , has
resigned his position und accepted another
with the Union Pjcltlo , ns revising clurk in
the general ofllco In this city.
An honest pill is the noblest work of iho
apothecary. DoWltt's Llttlo Knrly Ktsors
curjcoua Ion b lllousucss and ulcknond
Davis for drugs and paints
L. P. Judson , civil engineer,32SB'wny.
. Ten shares capital stock Citizens State
. batik for sale. K. II. Shoafe.
I'lrniK OiiiiKiilldiitlng.
Ktcps have been tniccn townrd the consol
idation of three largo tlrms of this city Into i
oca mammoth concern , which will cany on
the Implement business on n large scale.
The thrca tlrnis arc iho Kmpkto Hanlwaro
company , thn Wolr-Klm 'urt company , und
the Shugarl Seed romnuny. Tno unino ot
the new company is the ICnipldo-Siiui-'iiti
company , and It was Incorporated yesterday
with n capital block of f lOU.OOO. Tuo board
of directors for the llrst yor.r Ucompcaod of
K. iv. Bhugart , L. C. iOmpklo. F. H. Hill ,
Lyinan SUugsrt nnd George t > \ Wright.
Kiituriiiiiu 1'laci'i
Ueing frequently urged to soil small
portions of my farm , 1 have at lust de
cided to pint 100 ! acres of Enterprise
Place , familiarly known as the Scott
farm , and to begin the bale nt once in
llvo and ten nero lots. I huvo placed the
name in the hands of Grccnsliields . ,
Nicholson & Co , , who will net in the
matter us my exclusive agents. Fruit
growers , gardeners nnd tlioso who want
iho conveniences of u city combined
with nil the advantages of the richest
farminir land are now glvon n rare op
portunity to do so. M. ToiT.
KpiH'llll . .Mllllllnry Slllc.
For tills wool : Miea Ragndalo will hnvo
a Bale of trimmed hats nt 82 nnd $5.
Now IB the limo to got a bargain.
Day & Ilesi. have a force of men work
Inu on the roads through the Klein
tract. Buy flvo or ton acres there while
it Is cheap. _
T. D. King & Co.'a ' Purtngas oigat
helped to elect Cleveland. It's the too
ord breaker tor the year.
Splendid Chflt.03 for Smooth Mr. Smith
to Qo to Fort Madison !
TlinrciiiRlily Settled TlintVhcn lluVnt
Arrmtcil n Much Nccileil C < inlllciico
Mnn Un Tnkcn-Wlll llo I'licnl
Hy tilt Victim * .
Yesterday's developments show that noth
ing but an oxtraordjnary streak of good Itfck
can save J , W. bml'tb , who was nrrestod nt
the transfer Thursday night whllo nttempt-
Intr to work n confldtinco parao , from Inking
n trip to l-'ort MnUl.on nt the expense of the
stalooflown. O. O. Llttlojotin , a bruKO-
man on the HurlltiKtoti road , callott nt the
city jail yesterday morniui ; nnd itnmoaintoly
pointed him out as n man \vtio swlnilloJ an-
otbor whllo rliltnR on n passenger train lust ,
Tuesdny. Frank Mason , n farmer living
near Vllllsci , was the victim , and by Iho nid
of an accomplice , a Height bill nnd a boeus
chccK ho was done up for ? 1UO in cold cash.
As 90011 as UUIpJohn saw hint ho declared
that Smith was the rntin. Mason tins been
tolepraohcd for , and will * bo brought , to
Council lilutls nt the cjtnonso of tbe railroad
company to Identify him. Tlio deed was
Uono near Kcil O.ilt.
Smith is also found to nnswcr the descrip
tion to a dot of the man who conlldenced
IJullor , the Idaho man. out of uol-
Inn. A telegram was bent by the Union
1'aoincnutliorltlos yesterday mithorlzlnir the
oniclnls of the mad to stop blm in his home
ward Journey nnd glvo him transportation
back to the 1Jluffs so Hint ho too may Iden
tify the bowhlsliercd scalawap. Tuoro sroitis
to bo not the smallest doubt that Smith Is
otio ol the willlcst cotilidenco men that over
over turned a trick In this vicinity , ana his
conviction will till a long-foil wnnl at the
Iowa state pcnituntliiry.
siions cni\riir : THAN nvi.u.
l.imllit Siiinn nf KV.IIIS * I'rlcrs mill llicn
i\amliin ; ' .lie ( .onil * .
January 1st I will move to Main street
and 1 will need nil the room in the now
store for the lartro stock I huvo bought
1 have a line stock of fall and win tor
Roods that will bo sold Una month at
] > ricutt that will please you. Remem
ber this is no old "tag ond" of u poor
stock , but now goods and now styles ,
and everything in the house will bo sold
I have never advertised a special dis
count sale or annual clearance "fake1' of
any kind , and when I show you the
shoos and quote you vho prices you can
satisfy yourself" you tire securing bar
Hero are a few of them :
Men's hand sowed French calf shoes
$7.110 , reduced to S5.00.
Men's hand sowed cork sole calf shoes
reduced to So.CO.
Men's U. U. box too shoo $ .3.00 , re
duced to S3 50.
Men's calf well shoes S J.OO , reduced to
$2 oO.
Moil's cnlf and donpola shoos So.CO , re
duced to $2.00.
Cheaper ones in proportion.
L'.dies' shoes and slips.
Laird's hand turned and welts but
ton and lace that sold for $0,00 , $7.00
nnd $8.00 , for $4.00 and $1.50.
A line lot of cloth top lace and buttons
in extension solo , for $1.00. These goods
have not boon out . .of the factory a
Ladies'party slipper * in bronze pope
calf , patent leather and satinstho finest
line over carried in the city , nnd all this
fall styles , 83.00 , S4.00 , sKi.UO , reduced to ,
$ ; ! .0l ) , $ .00and$1.00.
A hirtro lot "of $100 , $3.00 and $ -1 00
shoes that will bo sold at bed rock
Every imii ho sells , and you will find
everything exactly as represented.
Don't overlook the bargains for SI.00.
Coal and Wood. Sackett & Preston ,
C28 Broadway. Telephone .
HOYS IN IlI.Ui : .
What the IK'partmoiit Comimtmlcr Thinks
rtli Autl-ii. A. It. Suclnty.
Tiio organisation at Topelca , Kan. , of n
society known ni ' 'Tho Boys m Blue , " has
caused quite n stir in Grand Army circles 1
the avowed intention of thoio starting the
now society being to run the Grand Army
out of the country. J , J. Btcadman , depart
ment commander of the Grand Army of the
Republic , wus naked voaterd.iy . for hla opin
ion of tbo now organization and what ollect
Im thiuRLt it would uo ant to Uavo upon tno
Grnnii Army.
"It will not last lonp , " was nil reply. "A
number or societies of tlie nature of the
Uoys lu Blue have bojn started ut different
tinics b'y dispruntleil members ol the
Army of the Republic , but alt ot th in have
nourished a brinf time nnd oxnlreu. The
Grand Army of the Kepuolin is the [ rranilcst
and best soldier order over created. It.
embraces the best inon of the old
army anil its nrlnclploa iiro not excelled
by any secroi orgniiiciilon nor nny cuurch
toJy extnnt. It uill llvo as lonp as
the members of the army of the union llvo
ntul oxnlrn with tbo lust soldier. H iniKos
no dlfToronco how many onti-Grand Army
associations spring up they will not clTect
the Urand Army , which 1 * the only ro-
sponslblo , und recognized soldier body in the
country. Ttio Uovs In Hluo will bo bluoboys
boforp many months , so far as cffeclinir nny-
g of pernmnent Injury lo tlio ( irand
Army of the Kopubliu is concornoil. Tlio
I'lalin made by the Kansas populists that Iho
Grand Arinr Is u republican institution Is
not truo. No politics is permitted in hoer
organization. " _
Couchs nnd Uolua. Tnoso wboarosnffer
Ini ; frutu coushc. cnlda , hnr.i thtniit , etc. ,
should try ilrowu's ] 3ronchlil . 'rociics. Sold
only iu boxes ,
Gentlemen , Iho finest ilno of tall goods
in the city , juat receivoJ. lioitor , Iho
tailor , 310 ilroudw.iy.
About Chi' . ii Shorn.
I want to sny to the pee plo of Council
Dlull'H anil Omalui , unil my uiibtomors in
] ) nrtieulir : , Unit whenever there is a
cheap Milo of Bhncs thin Sargent is in
Homomhor , thut nowHiiaiioiptill'd are ,
l > aid for. When the papers bay that '
Hurfjont , or any ono olso. is tl'o
limn in town , uol to have inoro room '
et _ , , Sargent or homo ono else hits to pay
for it. Got the ohoap bhoo jiricos , then
coino to ino. I huvo room enough , am
not golni ; to inoyo , can wait on moio
trade than I am having , and WILL
1'eonlo know that when I toll thom
J nhoos nro teed ; nnd cheap that tlioy are
iuut as I suy. Ko htintinr ( or red ni igs
in front of my store , but shoes cheap ou
tlio iii-iilo , Como and put prices.
SA RG EN T'S , 418 Urond way.
Sco these oil hoalora ut Swuino's , 737
Drill * . Ing lor I'lurc.
The ofllco ot the county auditor was trans
forinej yoaterday into lha licaaqunrters of t
lottery which was manipulated ID accord
ODCO with the statutes of Iowa. Tlio cuoita >
stoctt was a minus quantity , anil the para
phernalia consisted ot two hats ana sever : ;
slips of paper unou which wera lion
the unmet of thn tbrco present s elaine
the COBCO and lurco men who assumi
the duties of llieso olllcos alto ( :
January ] . Tbls aottiod is the ono
- is provided by luiv for determiuiai ; ta
cestioa ot lie Justices , but it hai uovc
been ( observed until tbls year , tntUtnctory
nrranpomonM hixvlng hcroto.'oro been mitdo
botwcen ( each otitROlnir Justice and ono of
thn lucomlncr. But this year n rumor crept
out that ono ot the Incoming. ofllclnU was
altogether too eager to got. hold of Jus
tice Harocr's Judicial shoe * . fin
account ot the fact that ho had
nin Inreo number of salt , pendlne uo-
fore Hammer in which ho rolsht have a
chance lo renaer Judgement In his own bo-
hnlf. 'Che other Ju-tlcoi thereupon ral.ed a
quiet 1 ronr , nnd it wa decldod that In order
tili 1ti liofp peace on the wool snoks they would
have to proceed strictly according to the Inw.
The drawlne took place , nnd It resulted In
KlvlnRSwearlnecn's ooolis to VI u , Cono's
to Fox , and HnmmcM lo Field ,
for 1O lnA ) Only.
2,600 cases of canned goods to bo sold
regardless of cost for ten days only at
Brown's C. O. D. , commonclnu Monday ,
Nov. 28.
California peaches 1-1J , lOc nnd COc.
porcnn ; California apricots , IGe par can ;
California egg1 plums , loc per can ; Cali
fornia grcon gaie ( plums , Ifio per can ;
California grnpes. loc per cnnj < "nH-
fornia whlto cherries , 2ic ; porctu.f'Jtih-
fornlii blaclt cherries , lOc par can ; Cnli-
fornia raspberries , 23c per can ; Califor
nia pears , 20c per can ; eastern peaches ,
lOc per can ; eastern pear. * , lOc per can ;
1Mb. can b'.ackberric , Rio per can ; .Mb.
can raspberries lOe per ran ; 2-lb. can
strawberries , lOo nor can ; 2-lb. can
standard corn , Sic per can ; .Mb. can
standard tomatoes SJo per can ; 2-lb.
can pens , 7o per can ; 2-lb. can hiring1
beans , 7.c iier can ; 2-1 h. can wax bo'ins ,
iu per ; 8-Jb. can baked beans , lOc
3-can : ; French potts , lee per can ; sal-
111011 , , lOc per can ; gallon can apples , 2Ju ! ;
oil ; i Btirdincs , 4c ; mustard sardines , "ie.
Komombor this snlo la for ten days
only at Brown's C. O. D. , Cjt.ncll BlulTs ,
Scott lions' * ; good board ; low rates.
Spend * tils Tlmo Coillrsslni ; .
Sheriff Ocoriio H. Uilnbow ot llarlan ,
Shelby county , wns In the city yostcruay nc-
companicd by u feelinc of sadness thut was
not akin to pain. Ilo is to ba lord hiKh o.\o-
cutionernta hangmij next Friday , unless
fate intervenes and takes away from him his
prosnectlvo victim , .lack Cumberland , who
was convicted of murdering two mon two
ye.irs ago. Cutnborland has already made a
rouulo of last confessions in which tie im
plicated some of his friends in iho imiruor ,
in tbo hopa of saving his own
neck. But all his attempts to
shift tlio responsibility have so fnr been
failure" , nnd ho realizes that something
must be done. So ho has announcoJ that m
the near future ho expects to pivo out an
other deathbed cotifo-sion , iu which some
startlipK statements may bo looked for.
Too rfuthoritles of blielby county feel some
curiosity as to the contents of this confes
sion , and it is possible that they mav con
sider thom of sufllclcnt Importance to Justify
a reprieve in order that an investigation
may bo made. _ _
hl'I.ClAI. GI.OV1 : AXIJ SsOAP ! > ALI2
Huston Store
Will put on sale today 00 dozen ladies' '
undressed niosquotairc kid gloves worth
$1.23 for 7fn ) a pair , in all the latest
shades of tans , modes , slates , pearl ,
grays and creams.
Also 100 gross genuine Cincinnati cas-
tilc soap at the nominal figure ol 1 cent
a cake.
FotberinghamVhitulav & Co. ,
Council BlulTs , la.
N. B Store open evenings until U p.
in. Saturday's 10 p. m.
Ionl < Inc lor llorso Thlfltcs.
James F. B'achor of Oregon , Holt county.
Mo. , was in the city yesterday afternoon
following up n hot trail , bomo thieves
visited his placa la t Tuesday niplit und
stole a team ot horses , after which they
went to nn adjoining faraicr and stele a
wagon , sot of harness and an ovornoat. They
wcro traced la a norlborlv direction , and
finally turned up at the Kiel livery barn in
this city , wharo they stopped Thursday noon
and had their horses fed. Mr. Bucber has
offered a reward of $ "iO for the capture of the
stolen property or the thloves , and ho is now
trying to earn a part of tno reward uimsolf.
"Ben Tlur" at Dohany's opera house ,
December 1 , 2 and H/witli Saturday
matinee. Tickets now on sale at box
.Coal and wood ; best and cheapest
Missouri hard wood in the city ; prompt
delivery. II. A. Cox , No. 4 Muin.
"Ben Hur" at Dohuny's opera house ,
December 1 , 2 and ! ! , "with Saturday
matinee. Seats ' now en bale at box
TnltPii Sli-lc on tlio Stronc ,
Justice C. A. flamrocr was taken ill yes
terday inorniuc : ns tie was coining down town
to his ofllco , A sudden rush of blood to the
head caused vertico , which compelled him to
sink down on the siaowalk at iho corner of
Broadway and Pearl directs until n carriage
could bo called to tnkc him back homo. Last
ovGiilntr ho was tepcrlcd to bo improving
iomowuat , aud no terlous results are loolsod
The A. D. T. Co. has added two now
lacks to its force and will answer calls
it all hours , day or night. Telephone.
. 17'J ; oilico , 8 Main street.
Don't make any arrangements for your
loiiilay gooils until you have seen the
iniiny new and useful articles at Lund
13ros. _
Holiday photos , cut prices , 81:50 for
'abinotP ' , for aO days. Collage gallery ,
iiiloy'b old stand.
I went lo KxcdFlor Fprlnpi" , JIo. , In
Marcli , lBf.1 , fullerlnsj witli n Lhrmilc cneo
of dyeiicpcla. 1 liml been tienud by nuino
of the lpBt physicians lu ( ho country ( ut
knnxaa City ) Oliidinmtl and Ilnlllinure ) ,
luit without relief. I was \cry inucli dis
couraged but wan Induced to try the "
iclslnr Springs \Vntern. I experienced
ulnmst immciliiito relief after commcw Ins
thulr n-c , und K'dued ' In tin , ' llret tlilrty iluya
MS pound * lu uc'lfjlil , nnd from tlmt tune to
Ilia prcfcnt , rv period of ovi r eight year ? , I
uuM ) liHil iu more Iroublo from dyspepsia.
My weight wlien 1 lACHtto llxceluor
PprhigxMIH 110 pounds. I now \\cigb
nbnnt 190 pound ? .
I fully licllno thcpe WBlcrs properly
Ufcd will cure any case iif dyspepsia. Thin
Id iicrliupsa Murphy ttatcment , hut Iliey
ciirrd mo and I Know of .lores of otlieru
vliDlmvc been permunently cured of llio
EUIUU complaint by the Ube of tlie.a waters.
( Slfucd ) \V. E. FOWLEH ,
Juilyo of 1'iolule Court.
, , Liberty , Mo. , Oct. ! , IbUI ,
The waters are tottleit only l j the Exctl-
tlor Spring ! Company at
Excelsior Springs
Write for J'amjiUet , Missouri
Ricliardson Drug Co , , Agents , Omalia , Xcb
National Bank.
Surplus ? 0"j,0 ; ) J
ODIeeriandnirectori llenrr W , Vntei , pruil'ljnt
R. Cuililnit , Tluu uroilUuni , li A. Mnurlco W V
Uurie. Joint i , Cullla * J..M. IL I'atrloK , Utlt 4
Uevd. caihler.
" 11
> '
on one counter.
We have placed all the clothing in any
way damaged by smoke from the late fire , on
one counter , -where are some of the
Most Astonishing
gains. ;
Especially is this true of the
Full cheviot sack overcoats , with
and without velvet collar , in
gray and brown. Before the
fire we sold them for $4.78 ;
Now . _ _ _ _
Fine chinchilla overcoats , in blue
and black ; yoke and sleeves
lined with silk , with an elegant
cashmere lining on the balance ,
Before the were smoked We got
$12.8O , now
All our kerseys , meltons , Irish
frieze , all sizes and imaginable
shapes , some worth $15 , any of
them worth $1O to $12 ; on ac
count of smoke
Beautiful Shetland frieze ulsters ,
| in three different shades , long
shapes , big collars and double
Our Oxford gray ulster.jjwithout
lining , double faced , S4 inches
long , full length , is very desir
able at $7.5O , but the smoke
makes it. '
In no length of time these snap bargains
will be gone , so if you want one you mustcome
Columbia Clothing Co. ,
Cor. 13th and Farnam.
the Oiitcii Process
Ho Alkalies
Otter Chemicals
are -used in iha
preparation of
ff. Baler k M
ivhich is ( ibsolutcly pure '
and soluble ,
It bas more ilimi three times the strength
of Cocoa mixeil with Starch. Arrowroot
or Sngnr , anil ia far more economical ,
costing less than one cent a cup. It
is delicious , nourishing , a'.iii EASILT
niOESTEI > .
Sold by Crocoro ovorywhore.
W. Baker & Co. . Dorchester. Ute
The Mercer.
Omaha's Newest Hotel.
40 Hoonin at f-V/J per iliijr.
to Itooiu nt J100 per rtajr.
CO ItruniB nitli lialli ntJS.OO pcrilny.
-0 Uoonis nltli Until ntJJ.V ) to ft 03 per
AUGUST 1st. .
Aloilrrn la Kvi > ry Itrsprrt.
Nrul.y Knrnliitiiiil
C. S. ER3 , Prop.
us v i vw _ Prostration.
Valuable 'OiYlil.N BOOK" Free.
Cnilorwrlto '
tllK til'HCH'JC OXVOKK CO , ,
SullaMhj yuc I 11 i i'l .
rhlchc.t r' I !
Ortjliiulimit D.ily U.nnlnc.
ar- . alw.T rflUble. LADICB , tik
l > ; ( t r r fittliltliri AnoK.A flit i
mend Jlnnattt Vvd BaJ UolJ lurulllc\
loiri. ittlfrl wlih blue rlh-oa
"itriiei lur I.UQIOC , i . . .
Moll 111 OO T tli-0-l l >
chrNlrr I'bemlc
I\ \ Prurs'iu.fbtlaiia. ' . . fa.
Mnnr of our AOKNTH nru SKI.IJNIi from 1300 to
per tuumli Don't ri'iuatn lillu , ur uorn lor email
WUKV9 nlion you iLl hl bo niaklni. moro mono
hau In Hiiiuni'jr , Apply for lorujn , AHNOLI )
" " " " " " . . .
.Urt S. JJltidt. , Omaha.
Rind 1O cantofurour IM T >
'llectro-tlcdcal Theory and
II. U. 1II.1KS , lena Fall ) , Ion * .
. . ,
Tito Good Samaritan. 20 Years' Expericate.
/treat the following Diseases :
Cutarrli of the Head , Throat , and I.-JDRS ; K _ .
cases of the Eye ana liar , Fits nnd Apoplux > , Heurt
Risense , I.lvur ( Joinplalnt. Kidney Complaint ,
Worvouo Dobllity , Mental Depres
sion , ' Lees of Manhood , Somlnal
Weakness , Dlabete , BriGhfs icafoet ; Vitus'
fmiice , Hhcumatlsm , I'araljBls , White Swelling ,
6crofula , Fuver Eorcs , Cancers , tumors
and Fistula In nno removed without
the Icnlfo or drawlne a drop of
blood. Woman with her delicate re-
Ctored to health. Drojcy cured without turpiuff-
Special Attention given to private
and Venereal Diseases of all kinds.
65 O to stJCO forfeit for any Venereal Dis
ease i cannot euro without mercury.
Tope Worms removed In twn or three hours , orua
pay. Hi raorrholiis or Piles cured ,
Will cave life and hundreds of dollars by calling
on or using
The only Physician xvlio can toll -ivhnt nlll
a iiorson i\ltlmut asliliih' n quostlon.
AH cnircspondenco Btrlctly confidential. Medlcla' '
eent by express. Address all letters to
Broadway ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
To tlio owners of all lots and parts of lots on
alley lab ock.'il from L'lst to'-'ml streets.
Vou uro hereby notllled the minor-
signed , three dlslntoruitu i freeholders of. tliu
city of Uinalri , n.ivu been dulv appointed hy
the mayor , with tlio approval of the city coun
cil ut said olty , to absiHtliu dania-jcs to tliu
owners tespeetlvcly of the properly aft'entiid
by the grading of hiid alley , iluolarwl noen--
sary by ordinance No. ; illJ , passed November
1st J8UJ , aplirovud November Hh , IM ) . ' ,
Vou ate further notllled tlmt h.ivliii no-
ceptod hall appointment nnd dulyqiialllled
as rcniilied by law. wo will nil the l.lth dny of
December , A. I ) . luW. at thu hour of . .o'clock
In llio forenoon , at llio cillleo of Shrivor &
O'Oonohoe. HU.1 K.iriiain U , within tliu voi por-
ate limit ! , of said ulty. meet for the mirpobo of
conildi'rliu and inuklir tliu ussosninni of
dumauo to tlio owners respoethely of said
property alloetod by su li trradlm ? , taking
Into connlduratlon special bunullts , If any.
Vou are nutllluil to bo nresont at llio tlino
and pla < o aforesaid mid make any oblootlon
to or aalomunts concernlni ; > > alil a.iossmcnt
gf dni'iaae ' * as you may consider proper.
OKO. .1. I'AUU
It. W , ( jIllQUN.
Committee of Appraisers.
Oimihn. Neb , . Nov.iHb. . IbilJ.n ! 0d IQt
I'roiiojul lor I.uiiilMir anil Cement tor tlio
Ulty or Dmaliu.
Sealed bills will bo received at tiir > ollloo of
tliu city comptroller i D to 4 p. in. Decomiier
0. lbC ! , for tliu furnlslilir ; o ( lumber and co-
jiii'nt forthu vourlbull for tliu city. The comp
troller will furnish lilanks for the bids im
lumber , and only hldsII1 bo connhlored
made on siieh blanks. All cements furnished
will Inn o to si nnd thu lust of llio city engi
neer. Knoli bidder Is rrmiirud to eneioso a
certified eheck of HOO. Thorlilht rebcrvcd
to riijcetany or all bids.
Omaha , Nov. SO , Ib'Ji ' T11EO. 01-8KN.
N bdot Couipli oiler.
S , A , PIERCE & CO , Wo have nn immonV
cloth top button
lips and backs ,
100 Main'Street. Plain opera and common sense lasts nt
bud rock prices.
Our stock of inon's nnd boys' , misses'
Out- motto : A better boot or shoo for and children's shoos is the largest and
the price paid than any hou.o in Council best wo over carried and will bo sold
HlulTa or Omnhn. at our well known low prices.
Todny wo place in our corner window : The only place for real , genuine bar
' gains in boots and shoos in Council
200 pair's Indies' kid
button shoes , former
urlco $2 to $ . , your choice for $1. iUulVs or Omaha is
00 pairs ladles' Indies'Imml turn'but S. A. IMliRCli & CO.'s
ton boots , all now floods , opera and
common sense lasts , widths A to E , Great Bargain Shoe Store ,
former prloo $8.60 to $1 , all go at
100 Main St. , Council Bluffs.
To come to the point at once , let us Infer- that you wnn
new clothing. We It now how you feel mid what you want
Whether you hnvo little , or n snug sum to spara , you desire
to-get for the amount you spsnd the best possible return for-
ybur money. In this you are rigtit , and ME rc/VUF'S is the
plnce where you will get it. The pretty styles of suits and
overcoats at $3.OO , $3.OO , SlO.OO , $12.OO , are something
mush superior to suits and overcoats usually olfered at
those pricas , being made bettor than ever , and the fit , style
and finisti are extraordinarily good.
Winter days fast approaching , will remind mother to tnlco
an inventory ofthe young hopeful's apparel. Wo
are ready to supply his neods. if it's a suit , trousers , over
coat or a shirt wnlst.
Our prices are noted for their modesty.
Complete stock of hats , caps and furnshing noods.
Mail Orders solicited.
508 Broadway , Eisman building Council Bluffs
13iG Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
\\fA.NTii-A : impll niifHH lit thn W. r. A. lioi-
IT plt'il , cor. titli in t'lino ituil ' .Uli Rtroot , inuat bo
Lct i'enyu mil li > tiars oIU ; of oed inunil ctinrao.
Icr. Apply "t oiico.
ly'Oll lIXCllANI.r A nlto lunnoonH "til ftrect ,
' m'nri'th r.vannc , oli'iir of cnu-iinibriincc , for lioinu
In Om.tlin. llainc'Oin I'luai ! or Ivuiint/u I'lnro pru-
ferri'il. Will pill In SJ.1JJ Ulirurunuj UruuiuliliMa ,
Mcliohon \ Co
C > 0 APIIU fruit nnil piirJcn f rin. near cltf. f.V ) pnr
vJiuiL' , line lij alro farm , if 12 per IIITO , i.UJ ) aero
tract , mljolnliii : n Nobr Bka town , 115 per ncru ;
IIITKC llht ol Hum unil city pruiorty | for ealu. Julm-
.on A. Vnti 1'attun
\\r A. WOOD . ' . CO IIIITO BOIIIO of the llncst fnrnis
* > .In NotitltiM' tiTii luivu lorn > ilu. < 'utl untl suj
im. 1JU Jliiln strct't.
17(1 UK \MiK-Cnod I loom house on South
1 bt h strcc't for linn ) ( ir < > eiiBlilul < l , Mcnolvon .V Co
AlibTllAC'J"1 * niiil lonns Farm nnil city property
iMjuflit anil Bold. I'lisoy & 'Iboin s , Council
IJ AUM ami city IOIIIIH. Jtonoy IOAIICI ) on xtnck
nnil Ernln. llenl citiito for nnln. Dwelling : unl
linplnoKH rvntnlH. Mnnuy liruiuJ lnvi'stura.
J.oiiKi'O .VI OHlo , 215 I'i'iirl utri'ot.
In Contrnl null.
,7)l l In .Mnliun'H mil ,
3'ilols In llnyllta , V I'al iur3'
WlotB In Miiynu'ii Int.
8'J ' lotn In Timor , V Co-b'a.
21 lolkln HUIT'H H ih.
K ) lotH III Hi'i'r H nil.l. .
-.MnUIn HlKlilnuil mlil.
IH loin In IliitclilnKoiri 'till.
( SliilH liiTurloy'a nilil ,
lllliilsln lUilillo'B nil I.
I'.O liitn In Wrlxlit'HHill.
HI loin In l'irci' ! ) ' Mil'l
l.otiln uvuryaiMUlon to the cltyHicnp forms * ! ,
or on p'lynuinti. lull nnl oii in. Nu trunlilu to
show propurty. ( ireonaliluliH , NU'liolBon .it Co
7JH ACIIKS uppar llronilway ! ' | > li'nillil jilcoo for
upitttlliiBt chuap for fiiih , or "HI mehiinju fur
Inniruruit ruslilcnct ) prouorty In Council Hlnlf- .
liiuvnuhlulilt. Mcholson \ Co ,
ANI > rilUIT land ; richest nnil nioet
Jliiciiullliil irnet In rollovmtninlu couuty. co
Kiitnnirlio 1'liipoi llvo nr I mi ncro lots , lirc'on-
Kliluldt , Mcliolton & Co , WI llrundHiiy.
I/DII SAl.K-4'J cro 3 in lies from city ; pnrt Mm
1 ipr , hpluiulM lor israpuj. Adilrutu VUI bUiU
btri'i't. city.
MONDAVn In 11. A. iinrlorg. ihlldrun. 4 p. m.i
uiliiltH , 7 3 ! ) p. in. toplnla KUCiiHd ami fourth
.MoiuliiyK. Up. in .Muslo furillHlii'il imrlk'B and club ) ,
Aililren II. A , rarlor .t'oiiiiill lllutf-.orlii'jj 1'amain
tt. . Oiniilm W. R. I Imtnliurlimlruclor. .
; tt'inovuil , cumpoolD , van Its and
GAHIIAIJi . K. 1) . lliirKe. clly LlJ.f.
FOIt SAliK. chuap. or In rxchaiuu lor Htnd , an !
tiilillihi'd biltllios ) . Adilrusj 1' . U. bux OJU , Coun
cil Illulln , U.
U3T-MOO lj.NcKlOll. ( IIV A 1'KUSO.V
ivlio fulled tu tinip nt tliu cpcclnl liur iln olluioil
Inn ci'k by lirci-n-hlulilH , Mcholiton .1 Co , No. til
llruurtuiiy. Uhu tlr.itur U known hu lu'lui-'a ( jli-u-
wood man nbo ii wUa uuoiu'h to pIcK up the
propurty. _
iJOU HA US--A binnll dairy , i5 conn. Cash or jmrt
pajriiu'nt. J3W A > t niiy 11.
LOST I < ady' KOld wutch with cont'n cliuln , Uv
turn tu llvo olllto for r ( wnnl.
Tin pou niloil on thf-llli dny of Xovoiiilicr. ono
( lurli buy pony , Intvln nliltu spot on furuhuuil
unil two uhllu hln 1 fotit. If not ruilcuiued salil
will bueulil on HID r > tli of Ducoiubur , nt
10 u in. , on l.euvimwortli , lii'twion'st nnil V.'il
atrcolu , lu tUuulluy , ut uubiluiiiiuilon.
JUlln M UKUl' ,
Dl-d.t I'oiuiduia.tcr.
F OJL-i Ti-iEl
Uuitrar-llltlaiiippirn' ! ! ! < \ \ \ \ n mini tu i uiiiij
tru.itinunt i > l ovury lurni of ill < e isi ro iiilr-
In. muillcil ur.urnMc < il Iruitna- , .
\\oineii Kill ! 15. WoImvii hit.ljr inldolu lyliu-ln - . _
piirtinent f r ivunioii iliirliu on iilnu'iiunt , strictly
. . Only Itulliiulu . '
Pr.vnto. MiMlcal l.utnuio iuv' lii 4
All Illooil Dhciucv H'loo 11 ifnlly inn tot. fiyplillltlj
I'dbnns rciiniiVi',1 frnin lli'i syu.nn irltliuul luur.nrr ,
New Ito toratlvo TiDit'iiitnt ' fur I.OHI nt VIl'.VIi
I'OWKII , IVr-oinim.ililo in vhll iiiiuiy uo tru.itol
ut IIIMIIO by ciirrusiniiii | | < iico. All cn-iiinnnlo.itloii
( oiillilontliii. Mo tlc.'lnL' < nr limm noiiU soalli/ ill or
cxprij . , Beenri'ly pii-icol , no in.iriit to Inllentu uov
ti'nl or 8Cinlor. Duo pcr-'innl Iniiirvlo.r prolurrol.
( alliunl ponsnlt in or suml lili'nry of your case , aij
wowlll.einl In I'liiln wrtiipur , uiir
RnnU Tn MPN . " HUKupoa rrirnto
uuun iu , lll , -
( or NU-VOII
Iinpotiinoy , SypliiIlM , ( Hoot iina Vurtcujdlu , . . . .
llraies'Appllnneet for Uofnrinltlai anl Tru.soi
Only miiniifuutor/ tlio won of
m'.rOHMITV , AI'I'l.lAS'CI'.x , TUUiS ) 4 , KMStrr.
Omaha Medical anil Surgical Institute
2Oth nnd Broadway , Ojunoll Bluffj.
Tonmlntuoirlila frO'ii co'itornfO itiliioa Omj
un4 couull lllulln oloclrio uiutnr llu J.
Q me 9.D ninlipi'lrrn-Attonioys-at-lnw. I'rno-
0 HIS &i ) dlllDllJgU tleu In tnu btinu and
federal conns. Itooiun i.'UC-7-H-C1 ,
block , Council lilulf. , Iu ,
'Funeral ' Director , Embalmer ,
114 Main Street ,
Council HlulTfl.
noriiiuno llublt Curvti lu I
. ft.
\V. J I.nnit ) , GcorKO Ailnmi. Alfred W. Bcott.
I'rcn. l.uncMtor Co llnnk Notary I'uLllc.
Laml ) , Adams
Attorneys-at-Law ,
I.nncn-bT County llnnk llnlilhiK.