Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1892, Page 4, Image 4

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R KmTOn.
Trims 01 srii-rmi'i IO.N .
> mlTrrp < HuiulSiini1 ri' ' > n Vr f.S
I'UO ' 10K1
Jhur MomlK <
Mir.ilnr HCP. line pnr . . . .
fnliirclar Kta , On. ' Vpsr . . . . I CO
\\dtl ) I ( C'.i ncmr . . , 1 W
UFMCK& P Vvf Iliillrtlrit.
( ciiith rimnlm , cnrnrr N nnrt VHi Stre.3t ( .
i nnnell lllunn , 151'onrl Street
rhl < iipo onicc. 317 ( lininl'fr nf romninrpT.
New otk , llootcnl.1 , U nnrt I. , Tribune llnllilln
\ \ tihlrctun. tl.'i t-oiittrfnlli Mi-oot.
COHHKHl'ONIiK..Nii' : .
All tnmmimlcnllotn trintlnB to news Mil
micrlMmnttiT ( houlJ Im lulilrosnoj lo Ino l. l-
llcilnl Dciioitmtnt
irM IdlPtfi nml ronilttnncn * aliontii tip
pi ! < lrr > ml toT tin llco I'tilill'liltiRi'ompnny. Omnlin.
llrnfl" clicrks nml po'lnnicn orders lo bo made
( yil > lcto tbiordiu of Ihn oompanr-
Mnlpof N'plirnnkn I
County uf Poimlns. (
drown TMilnirk pcrpnrv nf TllR tlr.c Tub-
lulling coniiMtir. i"ei ! Milomnlr awpnr Hint HID
nclnnl rlrcnlntlnn of 'I III1 I > AII v Hi.r. for tlio nook
r-iicllnR NoTt'inlicr M. 1 'C wus us fullowv.
Hiuidny , NorPinliprW . W,0A !
Monilnr , Novi'Hitier 21 . 21.MI
Tiirfilny. November 2J . 1tm\ \
Mliurvlnr Vmmbi'rSI . , . SI.ROI
Vrliliir. M'VPinbrr 2-i . 2I.BSQ
Bntiinlor ,
AicriiitP 41,1(17
Sworn to li.iforo inn nnd nubitrrlheil In tny pros-
Cnro Ihl.iMlh ilny uf .VuTi'nilipr.Ki \
[ Seal ) N. 1' . niU : Nolnrr Public
AYrriiRO Circulation for Orlohrr , IM , ! ! ! !
Lr/t' us hixvo that oxtrn session by all
inonns. Wo mint n good s\vlpo nt that
big eoupfressioiml majority in 1891.
TUB question ns to who will bo prcs-
Idont of tlio now council is bojrinnlng to
loom up on ttio political Btoreopticon.
IltitiuATiON' is coming moro and moro
into favor In tlio arid lands of the west.
It has boon u favorite molhod with arid
democrats for years.
Now Hint winter is upon ua wo shall
again liavo a grout many plans for
mammoth structures which are destined
to bo built on paper.
Sl'Jir.-.ON" may not bo elected
senator from Kansas. Out ho ought to
bo. Kansas needs a big , allopathic
dose of tomfool cranlvisin to open its oycs.
TIIIJ ordinances granting the right-of-
way to telegraph companies through
our streets must bo repealed. The polo
nnd wire nuisance is becoming unhoar-
No O.VK expects any moro paving to
bo done this year , but let the authorities
keep their eyes on the opening of springer
or the people will spring an opening of
eves on them.
THK republican party in Nebraska has
Just won a sign il victory , and yet it can
throw away all the fruits of that victory
l y a few unwise ucta precipitated by the
boodle clement in the party.
PuitHAi'3 the presence ol so many
majors oa tlio of I'ubltc Wortis is
ibo cause of the ( front friction and litilo
business manifested in that body. Wo
move they bo reduced to tlio ranks.
GKIIMATS Y is having a lot of fuss over
the now army bill and Franco is net-
vaded by scandal. And so for once
those two countries have temporarily
ceased making faces at one another.
Tin : total vote of Now York shows an
actual loss of 23,000 votes as compared
with 18SS. where a gain of loO.OUO was
expected. Either there wore mauv vot-
crs who remained at home or that state
is rapluly losing population.
TIIU planting of sky-piercing telo-
irraph polch blill continues on upper
Furnurn and the buildings in that sec
tion of the city will soon resemble a
btoclcudo , with just room enough bo-
twcon poles to pass in irul out
Tltosic iron poles which the street
railway-company was to place on the
principal thoroughfares are still miss-
Ing. The question is whotnor any frun-
chlscd corporation in Omaha is subject
to law or municipal regulation1 !
( jAimjit UAiutibON is going to nave
a cabinet position , or ho will run for
mayor of CMiicago. And either horn of
the dilemma is what is causing hard
headaches to democratic lo.iders in Chicago
cage just now. Carter Is apparently on
top. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IT 18 Bald that 10,000 young moti nml
woman altoiul the collotrcs of Kansas.
It is to bo hoped that their education
will bo loavnod with common sense BO
that the result may bo a regeneration ol
the people of that state by their influ
Tin : astonishing fact concerning the
wheat crop of Minnesota and the Da-
kolas IB that it will exceed all estimates ,
The figures have been placed al
af,000,0)0 ( ) to 103,000,000 uusholH , but the
Incruuho is so rapid In every section
that it now suams prob.iUlo that It will
roach lo thu enormous amount of 185-
000,000 bushels. This is certainly ai :
ugrooablo biirpriso.
Till ! AU'hUon , Topeka ft Santa I-\
railroad lias at last bought a right o
\vnxJiiloSnn I'Yanolsco , and will proha
lily occupy it an noon us its lease of tlu
Southern 1'itclllo expires , thruo yean
linnco. The ground was acquirud by i
uubtorfugo , the Heller not knowing wlir
was behind the purchase , and so it ii
probable that it did not cost $1,000,000
which it id Hidd that road jiaid to go
into Chicago.
IT UUMAINH anoponquobtlon whotho
thUclty shall take stops to buy out tin
gau works when the gas comp my charter
tor expires next year , or whether 1
shall take stops toward erecting ono o
moro power houses for supply uf oluctri
light both for strcot lighting and doiuot
tic use. Gas illumination will soon b
as much out of date IIB thu use of tnllo\
dips and gas muins , pan lamps and gab
omutora will ho dead property excuptin
for healing purposos. Ills quustioaabl
whnthor this city should at this tim
undertake to go into the gas-hoatln ;
The flrit victory in the senatorial light
will bu won nnd the flr t do font Hill bo stit-
trrcd whun n apoikor nnd other ofllcors ot
the homo nnd sonn o are choicn. The inon
ho want Ncbrm'ta to send republican to
thu senate will old iho ropiibllc..uii In Iho or-
cnniz.Ulon , but no man can do this without
bolnjr marked forllfopolitically it-lhr-
This Is n terrible Coming
from n political bantling who is still
wet boiilntl the ottrs slnro hU baptism
to Nomocracy it Is doddedly amusing.
What bearing will the iiuoluo of n
speaker nml selection of dorks untl
doiirkeoncrs Inivo upon tliu outcome of
the soiinlorial fight ? In 1S71 tlio ro-
piihlluana elected the npoaker alul prcsi-
dun I of iho senate lu well us'the clones ,
sorrolarioa and ( niporiiinnoriirloa of both
hon ? . Hut Iho republican candidates
for sonntor were iJufoatotl b.v an Andy
. 3'JiH)0 ! ( )
Johnson--republican--.vho paid ,
for a iloxun democratic votes ami bartered -
torod surveyor generalships , inarshal-
ships nn'l land olllous to ctiotinh eon-tint
republican ronojjiulos to nviko up the
ncutlod mtijority. In KS7" ) Iho republi
cans tifjnin urpani/ed both housL'3 of llio
loRislnturo. They hail llio spo.ilsor and
clerk ; they Imd the prosltloiit of llio
senate nnd the sooroliiry. 15ul the
ropiiblican caucus ciuuli'ltilo , who was n
( .Irani stalwart , was dofoal'-d and nn
Andy .lolinsonito was oloct.o'1 hy the
combined vote of democrats nnd ropubll
can bolters. In 1881 the anli-ntoiiops
ortjani/.ed the sanatu , but after tliirty
days' balloting tjenoral Mnmlcrdon was
chosen United ytatas sonnlor. Six
iotirs atfo Van Wyck's followers organ
ized the house and captured mot of the
clerkships nnd coininiltoo ohnlrnrati-
Shlpn. Van Wyck had a in tjorlty of
the loj'islaliiro and yet was defeated by
the combine ) organi/.ul a tiinsl him.
Tliiri is N'cbrnska history. The liistorv
of Bonatoriiil contests in Knnsiva , Min
nesota , Wisconsin , Illinois ntm ether
wcslorn states tcachos n like lesson.
The niirly or faction Uiat orcanir.os
the logislnttiro is about as often do-
fetiled as it is successful in sanalo.'ial
contests. Tlio distribution ot lojjisin-
tivo spoils is not always an advantage
any more than the control of federal
patronage" .
Tlio thing Unit most concerns tlio people
ple of Nebraska in the organization of
the coining legislature is the selection
of upright , unpurcliaaablo ollicials who
cannot bo swerved from the honest and
fearle.-s discharge of thouduty. . It
matters very little to the ttixiurors nnd
people generally what w > litk"il crcod
these olll 'ors tirofcss. The all import
ant question is , are they' honest ? A
speaker can only cast ono vote for
United States senator and his vote car
ries no more weight than the vote of the
most obscure member. But a speaker
has n tremendous Influence in molding
legislation. A dishonest speaker can
retard or strangle a good bill just as it
dishonest clerk can pigeonhole , muti
late or lose one.
If llio boodlersand oil-room mercenar
ies orgniii/.o tlio next legislature tno
taxcators will have another carnival
The political parasites will fatten at the
public crib and the contractors and cor
porations will dominate the state for the
next two yours.
In every legislature birds of a feather
lloclc together. The boodle olomontanil
brtf-s-rolltif gang of all pit-ties always
friitcrni/.o ulien it comes to voting for a
job or a jobber. They will show their
hand plainly enough when it conies to
orgatii/o the legislature. The people
will not bo deceived by fnlso prolonsos
or by any side issue , oven if it is as
prominent as a senatorial election.
( IIAXUl.Ult O.Y
Senator Chandler of New Hampshire ,
chairman of the senate committee on
immigration , has iriveil most thorough
and p'lliont study to that subject , and
is unquestionably as good authority as
to wliat further legislation is desirable '
for regulating immigration ns anyone in
ttio country.
Tlio committee of which S-jnalo.-
Chandler is chairman is holding a
meeting in Now York to consider the
question of restricting immigration.
In tin interview the senator said that
in his judgment the time has coino to
test tlio fiouso of the American con
gress and the American people. Ho
thought the people demand increased
limit UioiiH. and congress should find
out how strong tlio ilom mil Is and to
what extent Immigration should bs
restricted. The spirit of the legisla
tion pissed by congress , slid tin son-
ntor , has boon to keep out bid people
only , and it is tlio souse o ( our citizen
ship that congress Hhall go further.
lie had throe propositions to make in
response to this demand. One was to
provide that all persons a'lmlttjd to
this country hereafter shall bu able to
road and write , if they are of Htiittblo
age. Tlu ; hucond point is thu question
of moans the properly nullification.
An individual coming alone might he
required lo have at least $100 , a largoi
sum if lie have a wife with him , and in
case ho has children a stated sum foi
each child. The third and most im
portant proposition of all relates to tin
suspension of all immigration for a term
ofyonr.s , perhaps live. With regard t < j
this Sanator Chandler expresses tin
opinion "that in no other way than i
com [ dote suspension of immigration cat
wages be maintained nt their proson
standard. "
Tlio importance which the immlirra
tion question Is assuming and ttio gen
cral discussion it ib receiving make UK
views of so careful and conscientious n
Btuuont of tlio Btibject as Senator Clmnd
lor of great value. When ho
the hulicf that it is the sense of tin
American people that there should hi
further restrict on of Immigration , tin
statement will command roapoct-ns Ilia
of a public man wiio is earnestly seek
ing the wisest and most practical solu
tlnn of a perplexing problem , rathe
than a politician anxious to pander t
popular prejudice , With regard to th
bonatur's propositions , there will pin
haps ha ro serious discussion uf any except
cept that for the suspension of all I nun I
gration , Su uxirotne a departure as till
from the policy of the country blnce th
foundation uf the government wil
lo doubtless encounter vigorous opposition
10 und the reason given for proposing I
will not silence opposition , if 'that b
accepted ns valid now It may rousotmbl
bi asked if Iho time would over ( Mine
when u dti1 ! of the people would doom
It not to be so. and a suspension of im
migration having hoononcB adopted the
development of tlio crmntrv in popula
tion might ha led lo natural growth for
a generation or longer. Indeed , clamor
agalnst'a rctu'-n to the present policy
would always bo so loud as to command
great Inlluor.oJ with political parties.
It Is appi.-etit that the Inlluunccs
which favor the further restriction of
inmitrratlon intend lo make an aggres
sive campaign and it Is equally plain
that the picDondoratlng sontimctit
among them is favo-ablo to tlio suspen
sion ol' all Immigration. It must not bo
supposed , however , that these comprise
anything like a majority of the Ameri
can people.
.i T/O.V. /
Judging by whnt has thus far been
acco'.nplishinl bv Iho iiivostigallon of
the operations of the Rending' coil com
bine by the s ibi'omniiUoo of the Inter
state Commerce coin miss I on in Now
York , no results of consoiuonco are
likely to ba achieved by it. The ofll-
rials of the various railroads interested
in the deal , who ti"o ca'lod as wil'ionos ,
are not compelled lo testify to ntti thing
that duos not suit their pu rpose , and
consequently they give no information
that is of great value. They simply
a-lhero to the policy th'il ' lias boon
iviopto'l ' by I'rc'ldcnt MoLio ! of the
Haading in discussing this subject , and
try to justify all of the doings of the
combine by assuming tint the proltuiors
are perfectly al Ilbo-ty to use their own
judgment as to the wisdom of in cretis-
ing or decreasing their output of c > al.
It is well known that there have boon
numerous conferences of the coal barons ,
which have baon called "lido water"
meetings , the object being to determine
the amount of coal to bo do'lvuroil ' at
tide w.iloor : , in other words , to limit
the amount lo bo marketed in the vicin
ity of Now York.
In answer lo a question by Congressman -
man Patterson the vice president of
the Lickawann system , Mr. IlolJeti ,
said that the coal producers wore like
summer hotel proprietors , they could
not kcor open all the yuar 'round. In
reply to another question the sinia
witness said that ho could only spaak
for his own company , thousrh lie
acknowledged that tlio various com
panies in the deal know what the
others wore doing. lie could not ba
compelled to disclose his knowledge
because lie foil back upon his constitu
tional right to refrain from saying any
thing thai would urimiiidlu himself. It
was the same with tlio other witnesses.
Not o 10 of thorn said anything that was
of any practical value in establishing
the criminality of the combine. Tlio
idea of collusion between the different
railroad companies was scouted by the
witncases , though nothing could be
ila'n-jr than that such collusion lias
x'oied. The president of the Ponn-
lylvnnia Railroad company objected _ to
miking a statement of tlio number of
ull days worked by the minors om-
iloyod by the company since 1890.
Congressman Patterson sai'l that the
object of the committee was to get at
the fact that the companies acted ac-
; ording to aPTOomont in respect to
uniting p-odudion , but it does not ap-
> our that this object was attained. No
iseful information whatever was
elicited , and there is no probability
, hat the future sessions will bo moro
The Interstate Commerce commission
is handicapped in its work , because wit-
losses are not compelled to testify to
anything that would criminate Idem-
solves. In feovoral recent cases that
liavo been tried before the commission
this obstacle has boon mot with and all
efforts to got at the facts have proven
nbortivo. Witne.-ses toll as much as
they please and no moro. Under such
conditions the commission is of no practical -
tical use. Witnesses who take advan
tage of their constitutional right to
avoid criminating Ihomsolvoj must
thereby virtually acknowledge their
guile , but that dona not cut any figure
in the result. The people gain nothing
by it. Nobody do.ibts th-it - the coil
combine is one of the greatest .systems
of orgnni/.od public robbery th it was
ovnr ostihllshoJ in this country , b-il it
Booms to 1)3 very dKHcuU to fix li3 ! re
sponsibility upon those who should boar
it. It is nrinv months sinca the author-
ilios ot New Jersey and Pennsylvania
began prosojdinir.s against the niilh-a-
cite robbr's , but thin f'ir nothing ha ?
boon accomplished that prjiuisoj relief
to the burdened public. It is to bo
hoped that before the present investi
gation by the IntoivstatoCominoreo com
mission is conc'udod sunn results of
practical value may bo achieved.
Tlio prococdingd of the international
monetary conference thus far do not
furnish a great upon which to base
a judgment as to what may ba the final
results. The resolution of the Amori-
cin dolognljs , declaring tint in the
opinion oi the conference it is doilrahlo
that moans bu found for nti incrjising
use of silver in the ourroriev systems of
the nations , did not moil with an nllj-
got her oucouraglng iMceplion Tlio
all tudo uf the Hrlllsh , Onlch , Suanish
and Mexican dologaloj was favorable ,
hul Iho roprcsentaltve-i of nil Iho oilier
countries were prevented by their In
structions from giving their adhesion to
thu resolution , and HUH a majority wore
practically in oppjsitlon to it. Action
on tlie Amuriiiin p/oposals was
pmiod to a later stage of Iho proceed
ings , and in Iho moainvhilo it is quite
poijihlo thai llie instructions nf HO mo of
the delegations may bo modi fled by tlicli
governments , bill a fair inference is thai
most of the countries represented in the
conference nro not urupirod to mike
any departure from their present mone
tary systems.
The conference appointed today foi
the consideration of a plan proposed by
Alfred do Rothschild of the Urillsli delegation
ogation , only the merest outlines ol
which have been made public , but 1
appears thai Rothschild has delormlnod
not to ollioially submit his plan , but
simply to communicate It lo the dele
gates for tueir leisurely consideration
hi the event of its mooting general favor
it will ho given ollluinl presontallon U
Iho conference. A full and uulhonlli
report pf the nature of this sohome wil
jo a wall oil wltlt ( inlvoraal interest. A
significant fonWrprof the reports Is that
the British dolognles gonortilly are con
vinced that the riionot'iry question Inn
roaohod u state \vhloh \ demands a gen
eral remedy In , .order to avert n crisis
that will proiluuo , fut-rcnclilng financial
ntul economical changes , hut It has also
hien made evident th it many mombara
of Iho conference tire sa entirely "under
the Inlluonoo of lirojudlco against any
depirturo that thiro Is not very strong
probiblllty of anything practical being
accomplished toward n solution of the
problem for the eoasldor.Uion ofvh ich
the conference was called. It would not
be wlsi to conclude , however , from what
has taken place , that this conference ,
like those which proceled it , will prove
a failure. There is manifestly among
some of Us niumbors a verv S'lriom ' con
victiou thul the monetary sllii'itio'icallH
for dci'isivo action on the p irt of the
great llnnncial nnd eomnioivial conn trios
o ( the wor'.tl and tltil there is danger in
delay. It is possible that such delegates
mny ba able to so impress their views
upon others liiat the coaforonce will not
end without proposing a practical
remedy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A .SK.VS.I noA.u ,
It seems lo bo dcimnstrato.l that
Hiola's comol , so ni.ioh talked of by
astronomers nnd so much feared by
certain superstitious and ignorant people
plo , is not of any account after all.
According lo predictions it should have
produced at leasti great motoric
shower yostordav if not something
woiso , lint if ii. manifested itself at all
it w is only in u very insignificant way.
MotaoiM fro'n this comet were soon on
WoJnonlay night in snma portions of
th's ' country but the showj.- was not
Important enough to com mind general
attention. AstronomoiM siy lhat'tho.y
are distributed over an area -5,001,000
miles in a cylinlrical form , and the fact
thai they bagnn to bo SQJII moro than a
week ago and Irivosinco greatly varied
in numbers indicates that they are
scattered irregularly over a wide space.
There are miuy people who liavo act
ually expected thai tlio sun would bo ox
lingnibhcd by this comet and that the
world would come to an end in consequence
quence of its flight across the orbit of
this wild wanderer in space. If Iho cal
culations of tlioso who have made a
special study of Hala's comet tire of any
value there is now no danger ot such
o itustrophos. A few itiotoors have de
scended toward the eai th but have done
no damage.
IT is natural that comparisons should
bo made between South Omaha and
Kansas City in regard to the live slock
buslncb ? . Kansas City lias long hold
next place lo Chicago , with South
Omaha steadily gaining. For some
time past the Io2il : m tricot has shown
great gains over HS competitor and for
two weeks past it has paid shippers from
10 to lo cents moro for hogs than could
bo paid by Iho clly on the Knw. Corn
catt'.o are also invariably higher in
South Omaha than in'Kunsis ' City. If
local packers can contrive to piy : more
for e itllo and h'ogs than packers in
other markets the gain will continue ,
I'lie popularity of tlio South Omaha
narkot is constantly increasing among
iveslcrn producers and shippers on account -
count of the good prices paid for slock.
Otru amiable contemporary has dis
covered another deep-laid plot against
the pcop'.o by "tho little editor on the
top of the hill.1 The fact is lhal llie
ntollojtual giant at Ihu foot ot Iho hill
loesn'l know a hawk from a handsaw.
In Ibis , however , lie is a counterpart of
ill tno olho" big editors who have for
vonis made exhibitions of their medi
ocrity by running wrecking trains in
stead of newspapers' ' . Il is chiefly lo
such stupidity and malignity the success
of Tin : Biu : is to bo atli ibutod.
JJJS 0 I nirib" .
Thera Isn't tuo luaU danger that Mr.
lovulnnd's so tub era trip win even cracit
the solid bomb.
Who C rot I ir lllul.i Nmv ?
\V lint's the good of bonip nlrala bccruuo
comet is c'cpjcloa to pass within
l.UDJ.OOU inilo of tlio .earth ? If wo ciui
aland democratic victory uau't wo Bland
nnytnlng (
ttij JIHII nut.
Mr , Cleveland's esthetic tastes are shown
la the names of the pli > cone suluuts 10 abiilo
in. After [ ioiiliui ( ; thu autninor .it Uu//.ard's
) liv ho has now Hod for rust ntid privacy to
Hup Island. _
A'nc Vint * Il-r.ilil.
Tne ( ? rinil Jury at lYuicastor , PH. , has
li'jan instructed to indict ull parsons who are
known to huva undo tula on the olonlion.
Tno ijMicaiturlanj who huvo boon wheollnc
ono an o Hi or about tuo btreotf to tlie music of
rural brass bands will jioiv see the atrocious
Inlqiilty of their wayn ,
ft 111'i < iMcfCf > / .
An Iinlian in Chovonno , convicted nf nonii-
cldu. DoU a pluco of broken glass unit thuro-
wlth jibboil fatul loaU in bis Jugular. 'J'iua
ahowtt Iho disadvantage of boiuj , ' nn IniUun.
A whl to ; n a n undur the nlruumstunue ; would
have tnovod for n now trial and Iwod uhoar-
fuliy on , forKfltfulof iiotlilng moro disastrous
limn the npnroactiqf [ olu ago.
I'lnetijt fiat * /fin/ { / .
Nearly "O.OOU imliots havu boon thrown out
in iliu count of Ma sauhusotU' vote becuiibo
the voter : murUcd their ballots wront' . Ann
nn ostiinalo of wluVinoit of Iho voters meant
lo do but didn't shown that ono of the candi
dates ouctit to haValmil a bi plurality which
tie ilid not KOI. Tali oucurronuoln an onlmtit >
uiioj cuminonwonltli filiou's tlio ponls of KOt
tliij , ' too liigbly uultjitvd to oxorcUu common
Du.lth to
( lilrfftii 7/criiM.
Ooncrnl Uyronl'artn bus not brought down
any tula us yet upon the thirdly soil of
Texas , but an oxjionmouUl oxploslun of u
u.ip ol roisellliu pruduccJ otbor ulTcuts al
most as siuiif.iutoryt Oalv tea pounUs were
touchud off , but the imrtu was torrihly
stiaken , uiul sovorai ( load rattlosnuiicj were
picked up on the surioiindlni ; plain , if the
uoncral does not succeed In Ills original in
tention , bo can ? o to KUllni , ' rattlcinakos.
< VMlliy'n | lii'ddlyVorlc. .
A party whoso victory la duo to the fact
that itio opposing party simply rufueU lo KO
to the noils holas power on a fruil tenure ,
Tula U the caco with llio dcinocratlo party.
la proportion to population there are no moro
damooruts In thu country now than there
were in IbSS , whllo there are Jiut us many
rupubllcunb as tboro uere than. No republi
cans have KUIIO ever to the democracy . Their
purty was beatun becanso tons of thousands
of Its members In every important stutu de
clined to vo c , ana lliev dccllnou to vote because -
cause ttie pirty's potltlon on some of the
Icattlni ; Issuoi dltl not suit thorn. The party's
petition will bo lixod so that it will suit every
republican la IBM.
Divergent Views of Nebraska Editors on
the fonatoridl Situation.
rnroriMt of n lilt tor O < > : itn t ' 111 it Will Un
1'oiiXtit Hurly In IMP
l\i ! > ry Jtitu Illi
llwn I'
HowcllJotiraal ( ilcin. ) : It h not at all
Illtulr thni any tlo'iioji-al or tmlnnoiulant will
vote for the M'Cteoiijn of Sjnator 1'addooK.
\Vhllo the ( tcmur.iti have by far the im.ill-
oil number of inombor * , vet they have the
balance of uawor nnit miv ba the means of
aivninpllililm ; doal.Vo a'-j par-
sonallv acipinlntoa vvltlt n nuiubsr nf tlio
tlomocrutli : nuiiibTJ , nn 1 wo tcol conlldont
In proJicliiii ; they will do their full
dutv. Stransrcr tlungj hive occurroil than
that tlio iiiKt , sonalor from Nebraska .should
bo a demomit.
hlbortv ( irid. ) : Hilly nryun's friends are
Ri'oomln him lor the senatorial race tins
winter. Thuy expect to oloi-t him by Iho aid
of nnlop.milont votes. Whenever the iiulc-
ptituicnt pirty In the k'pismlnro unites on
llryan lorsouutor Iti aravo will ba ilu ; ; wldu
ixiul deep in Nobraska. and It wilt bo laid
uway In an ciuimtl stccti.
\Vcit Point ProjjrtHs ( tlem.1) ) : Tbo Pro-
pro-ts nua tlio llrat paper iu tnu statu tu ud-
vocatu tbii election of Hoi.'llliiin.1. . Hryan ,
.ho brillliuit young coniroisniiUi from tno
l u t Ulslnct , lo the United Hlatos soniilo ,
: md wo tire pleased to t.oti that the dusiru lo
Ciul In in there B crowinc daily. The Indcj.
oiHlonts ar.d democrats have n snlo majority
n tno next loclsliituro , und tiioro is 1,0 man
n Ncbtasktt toduy whoso fullvund uhlo rcp-
esonta the Hontlniuntb of Iho Kconl nmjotllv
if the bcoplo nt Nebraska than Mr. Hryan.
They can uomblno uu him wilhout sacrallu-
ntr anv prlnciplo. Stand up for IScbrasku ,
Rcntlomen , nnd onrn the Bratltiulo uf the
ui'ws in thia JOUIIR and K'OIIOUS ' stnto bv
ildntt mm our next UAiti'il Sl'ilo * scnntor.
Uaiciand JndoDutidonl : riuUehuyluvt nlll
iilSL'3 Iho iinma of lionV. . A. Poyntur lor
Umteil StutO't bmiator. Mr. Povntur is an
nblo nnd worthy man and the Indnpandcnt
would uo plea-ion to see him honored with ttia
poMllon.Vo \ fuel that Ihu interests of Iho
abortus cl iss would bu carefully miardcd to
bo full extent o [ tils opportunity.
Ivonrnoy Hub' To uo rinht to th > j hoartof
thu senatorial question , there is some uiu'or-
tuuuy as to whether the republicans will
elout a senator at .ill , und that being the cnso
t looks like coed pulley and senslblo politics
: o glvo every topubliuan a fair deal. Senator
Pnddock , lirst , Is cerlal.ily ontltlcd to it , uy
reason of his splendid record and hU present
point of vantage In thu race among thobc who
would bo his successor.
There will bo no snccoaa In schism. There
s a possibility of success In pursuing a pol-
cy conduolvo to ronublican harmonv and
fr.uernit.1' .
This U not a matter for the politicians to
lny foot ball with nt a moment when the
prize Is liiiblo lobo kicked ever thu fence nnd
out of sight.
Kirmui's Alliance : The indopondonti In
the coming NeorasKa logislatttro can either
elect n senator or ferro tlio two old parties
to combine for the election of a republican
or u democrat. All thnt is necessary is for
them lo stand solidly and persistently
The scheme of Iho democrats will bo to
; ; ot the independents to insist them in elect-
In u democrat. They will bo able to ofl'or a
most alluring bait to the independents.
Tuey have ibo federal patronage uf ttio
stato. They would doubtless bs willing to
barter half the federal patronage of Ne
braska for a senator. Hut they , too , wilt
fall. To men who are in the reform move
ment for ollleo ruthor than prlnciplo , a nosV
oftico or u land olllco will bo n big to inn La
tion. But if wo understand the temper of
the honest independents of this state , there
isn't federal patronage enough ia the
Unitud States to hrloo thorn into betraying
their cause ; and the man who would propose -
pose such a thinff will bo spotted by the
people us a weak stick , it not a traitor.
Suuti a move as that would moan death to
the independent party.
This reform movement was not born to
die. It limy rocelvp defeats ami--utbacus ,
it may lose somij of its members who Joined
its ranks for olllco or because tho/ thought
it was popular. Hut ttio croat ratut and
lilu of the people's party consists of honest ,
intelligent men who are in this fight for
prluolDlo and for justice.
Columbus Journal ( rep ) : \Vo don't know
of any mini of cither three parties and who
is now prominently spoken of for senator
who would Und lass antagonism outside his
own party than Senator Pad
dock , and while ho has been a repub
lican. bUuueh und true , ho ha- > broil faith
ful lo his personal convictions when not
exactly in line with many of his party adher
ents and ho has been viuilunt for Nebraska
interests all til's time , mum moro so , or moro
strenuous or effectual in their defense mid
Wo belluvo Senator Paddock's chances are
excellent for succeeding himself and tbcru is
no irood reason why ho should not liavo tno
support , at least , of the requisite number of
tuo "people's party.
Niobrara Pioneer : There is now considerable
orablo talk about Paddock's successor , and
thoofllcolioiders aivuo that Paddock would
"stand In" with Clovelind , Paddouk as n
trimmer heats Van Wyck , for ho certainly
docs stand somewhere und is not afraid to
say so.
Paplllion Times ( dcm ) : Damocrats hold
Ihu balance of power in the Nebraska bcnato
and hnusu of representatives. Nebraska's
now United btato senator will ou a demo
crat if only the doiiiocr.illc legislators remain
linn , Itopnblloaus nor Indopcndunt.s can
olecl without Ucimociatlc aid. Utiuublicans
boldly claim that they Will oix'iiniyo llio
house und soniito , nnd ro elect Paddouk ,
this claim must ha taken with consider
ation , just us wo look rupubllcan claims foi
oarrvuiB Now Voile and Indiana. There is
absolutely no snow for the ro-oleotlon 01
Paddock. Possible ItU , bul not prob.ibl > - ,
that in case of a deadlock some low tuult ro-
puolloun liltu General ( Jowni , for inslunco ,
may bo chosen , but the sato prudiclioi
points to nil Independent oca. democratic suc
cessor to Senator Paddock.
O'Neill Frontier : A uroat many repub
licans in this scetloti would Ilk' ) to sco
Morton elected to thu donoto. Wo don'l
know hut tliat it. would bo a ( rood Idea. Let
thu democrats run thlncj for tbo next four
yours. If tliov uan moro ably liantllo the
reins of govurnmont than the republican *
ovurybodv will ho K\IM \ of It.
Lincoln News ; If thu republican momliors
of thu legislature can unlto on a candidate ha
can bo elected , and although there may DO i
number uf candidates within the parti
there is no doubt that ull republicans will at
the proper time couio to otuor on un aralln-
blo man.
It is reasonably certain that u republican
senator can b ulocted.
Who will bu the candidate )
Tuts is un important question that the republicans
publicans will havu to smtla uofoiM Iho 1
gmniML' ot ( hu L-reat contest.
Thu olllco of senator uf tlio United Status
is a most important ono , onu of thu liiijlics
Htatlons in inu countrv , and it is un houui
which should not ba lightly hesto veil.
In thu IIrat placu llio senator from No
In-is un uhould bo it thorouuh ropubllcan
Tiioro uru troublous times aucad for thu republican
publican parly and Iho sonutor who will joli
Senator Maudcraon in thu rupresentatlou u
Nourusltii should bo u man who can hu dc
pended upon to protect republican interests
llu should bo a tnalwurl ropuoilcan.
Hu sliould bo on ahlo man , with capacity
for tuu'K , and diUiconi in the interest of his
state , honorable und true.
The republicans u'lllllud Bucli a man ana
ho will bo elected.
Nebraska C'ity News : If the republicans
succeed In winning some ot their contests In
the It'xUluturu tins winter tberu will bu oao
of thu prettiest lights liotwuun Churcl
llowouud 'J'o'ii Mojori as to who will bn
senator over witnesbed Iu NourasUu. Muoi3 ]
Is handicapped by not having his county
delegation , Ncniutia having Instructed fui
Howe , bul ho htisu largu following , ana they
will do all ttiey can to aid Iho bluo-siiirted
stutustuan. lir > un'b butcher Uuivva will bu
smalt compared with Ihu ones tlieso tuo
"atatesinon" will nso In carving ouch other
Lincoln Herald : Tlio Independents are
talking uboul ulccilnt : u man of their cnvi
paity to the United btulos senate bv the an
of democratio votes. Wo observe that tho.
also nunt to niiuio Iho man. It would to - ito
to bo fair that , if they are to havu the uoua
or whllo wo furnUb A largo ihnro of Ilia
votes to cluot him , wo mteht be pormlttod to
nv which man. .NIcK lKhan Ii probnblv the
nlv Itulepcndcnt who could got pnouob dom-
crnlla votes to elect him.
Uoiitrlco Dainocruti The repuMlciui pa.
icr * nnnll.vniii'ilt thnt thfl republicans will
nlv have (13 ( votes In the no < l loRlslaturo.
vhllo 0 * are nci'C'flury to elect n son ntor.
'hey nro open 1 tie up every sere nnd otnos-
IIR o\ory povtiblo nntutoiilsm ; , with the
iop < 3 of provcntlns a fashion botwocn Iho
lomocrnts and Independents , The demo
crats niTord to conccilo a ureat , in
order to prevent Ihoulcction of n republican
0 tno Pnddiiou upcnHslnn. They can very
cptisitontlv support McKclghnn , Dri-nn ,
Iroady , HastliiKs or even Vnn Wyck , r.itbor
han permit thu roturil of Paddock or nny
olher lilgh-tiix nun. The Intlapnniloits
honld select a peed clean , capable man.
Indgo llroatly wouul till the bill , who is In
Ino wiili both pirllus , and the ilcmocrnu
honld 100 that ho is olcrtoJ.
Fro man t Flail irop.l : A L'nilcd Slalom
onnlorshlp will bo for snlo In Lincoln tlil-t
vlnlor , nnd thu usplrnnt with the fattast
) ursu will llkoly got thoro. It is Ititolv to hu
1 republican , for the tnuopemlcnlH cannot
uniish HID "scads.1' It bcizins lolnolt in if
addock were out of the raco. llu cannot
onsolulntc thn republicans , mul it hu could
ic wiultl nut put up the money to purchase
uilf ! do/on IndcpondcnU. Van\\yclt could
ikolv iMiiclmse enough rcpuliilcans or dom-
ocratH If ho could l > o uro of Ills own iirt ) ' ,
viuch ho Is not. Hut who will conic to Itio
rout witu his nllo ! A scnntorshlp us forsulo
mil the sign u r.lroiutv liiinit unt. Who'll
buy ! A few thousand dollar * will do It.
Admit thnt It is u sad commentary on our
reo Institutions nnd our mlvumvd civilizi-
ion , but it will bu no better until u cbnn o
s nmdu in our method ot electing our scna-
ors.Kromont Tribune : It Is lliriii-eil out thnt
10 republican who has been mentioned to
lulu will bo ulilu tn hold all the republicans
solidly In line und at the same time attract
stionuth from the members of nn onpoiini :
tarty. After llio situation is ull oanvussod
mil all avo\\oil cnmlldatos discovered to bo
mpoaiibillties. then .liidiro Siimuel Max.-
veil's iiamo is to bo presented and pushed ,
on thu theory that bo will meet with favor
unoni : some democrat ; bceauMiof his cour-
ik'cous inslsloncu ttmt Cuvurnor Ho.vil was u
citizen whuu ttie rest of Iho court neld lethe
Possibly JudRO Maxwell Is Iho coming
nan , Ccrtnin It Is that In Iho silver tialrod
iiitl npitght jndgu ttie stalu would hnvo u
noniliur of thu United States ecnnto for
vliom nnni ) would need lo blush ; Indeed u
erin or two In thu upper branch uf eon iess
would llttlngly rounil out n useful tina hon
orable cm oor of a most worthy puhliu man.
Thuro would ho nothing strung' ) If tlio ICR-
slutnio should turn tu Maxwell as Iho man
or thoumergoncy , Uemocrats promised to
oniombcr Moiiclojohn und they kept their
iromisu ; purliaps they niav nut have forgot-
cn that Alnxwcll was right ( us tbu cnsu now
stands ) about Hoyd's citi/unship. Wo can
only wait und ree.
Hoalnco Kxpress ( rop. ) : As the next
logislaluro Is to cheese a United States suu.i-
tor , the paramount question is of course ,
"Who will it bo1'Vithu ! majority in the
legislature the republicans would liavo hail
plain sailing and some good republican , sucti
ns Senator Paddock , would havu without
opposition been cbosun. As It Is there is a
possibility of a throe-cornered Ilitht , and yet
jtir independent friends , being in the minor
ity and nnablo lo elect oncnt their own num
ber , und remembering the loyalty of Sena
tor Paddock to the iiincullural interusls of
tno state , could with consistency support
that pontlonmn for thu position. Ono thing
should bo borne in mind , however , whatever
the combination , und thnt is that a triad and
ovoerioncod man can bo of vast I v moro
service to the people uf the state und can
accomnllsh moro in thu way of practical
legislation affecting the interests of Iho
state than can a now nnd untried man. Com
manding influence In thu Uuitoil States
senate is acquired in various ways ; some
got it throuen great personal popularity ,
othcis through their wealth , other * througli
their resplendent abilities and still others by
reason of their faithful , afllciotit and long
continued service. Now influence- the
desideratum in tbo senator or congressman ,
it is what ho must have If ho accomplishes
anything for his constituents or Iho country
at large , and it is therefore the part of wis
dom to continue that mainbor in his seat who
has proven bis usefulness und fidelity to tbo
interests of his constituents , who his : demon
strated that ho lias the influence needed to
draw his fellow members to his support.
Nobraskn mny learn u lesson in this regard
from her sister states in tliu east.
Vork Times ( rop. ) : It Is almost boy on d n
doubt tbat the republicans wilt ulcct the
Unitun States senator from Nebraska. The
leading unu host posted democrats admit
this. Thu question is , what lopublican shall
it bo' No onu lnsi walk-away , but the man
who is elected must uu ono who will com
mand the united and heartv support of the
republican partv. Whtlu Senator Paddock
bus done considerable for llio state and hui
been u hardworking member , it is very doubt
ful if hu can do this. There is naturally some
dissatisfaction with him , and conslclurublo
criticism of his votes on the turlff and silver
questions. Tiioro is also complaint that ho
has catered moro or loss to tiio opposition ,
for tiis personal advantagn. It is not to his
crcuitlhat his friends u rue that his course
lias been such as to attach Indepondmitt to
him. Ry doinii so lie has certainly lost prcs-
tigo witn his own u.ii'ty. Our next senator
must bo elected us a republican , und must
stand on the ropubllcan platform , Hquurely
and unroservudfv. A peed man for this posi
tion can work out u victory r.t Lincoln on
thcso lines nnd no othur klud of a man cau
noun lor success.
Piatlsinmilh .lo'irnal There is tome tuilc
of making Judiro Chapman uf this cilv the
republican caucus nomine' ) for United Status
senator , and tlio .louinal would like to know
why not' Hu is on'1 of ths urainlust man in
that partv , ia popular with till chissos in the
pirty , and In uvory elnctlon has shown that
hn has moro slrong'h than his party ticket.
J'hts city would bu honored by his soleo.tion
nnd the representation from the tnt wonlil
bo strengthened by hU election.
Wnyno Democrat ! As fully ono half of
iho dmnocrnilL' momborsof
the legislature-
cloct nro from the Third congressional dli-
trlct , which hits never been honored with iv
Lnoild States senator , wo uiulerslnnil tnftti
taoro U n move on foot to iioetiro the solid
Mipport of the democratic minority for Hon.
( leorgo R Kuliwr , who made such n Kiillanl
race ngnlnsl oilds , and was defcutrd by vlr-
tuo of the poi\cr ot the rnllronds , bauks nml
Ibo Norfolk Hoot Sugar company. Dr.
Kolpor is ono on whom the Ir.depeml-
onls nnd uoiocram could loadtly
unnos ( ho is tin tniooiutuoniiMiK anti-mon
opolist nnd n fee to special legislation ot nil
Hindi. Heretofore Urn sctmtnrslnp has UOPII
Iho tu Irani cither tltu F.rst oc tiocontl ills *
ttlcts , nnd It Is time that tlio roslol the stnto
hnaiiAhow ; and It is but lilting tlmtthn
gallant standard bearer of ttio democracy of
the Tiilnl district should bo thus honored.
Wo sincerely hope that ho may bo the lucky
umn to succeed A. S. Paddock
Paplllion Times : Paddock Is mremiv do-
fvalcd , nml ho ought Iu be. Piulilock Is tin
ponrost slick uvor sr > nt from Nebraska lo Ihn
national senate. .lust now ho Is making n
lilay for democratic votes by inserting his in-
tlmacy with Ctovoiiiml. No sensible demo.
cintlc loplsiatdr ulll bile such bait. Ha'lici- '
lot straight out rcpiibilcnns rotnln control ot
thu M'liato Uiiin thnt Nebraska doinocrnti
should bo rcsponslblu for the election of such
a iilncoinpiop. Paddock's promisus to vnto
with the domocratlo sonutors would bo as
wcuk as his slu'eMinunshlp. If nt the Icgis-
Ir.llvu session democrats n.ust bo such fools
us to vote for n ropubllcan for sonnlor , Ihoa
lot them go in search of iv decent , brainy nu u
line Molklejnlin , Cowln or luslabrook.
n. IMS or ti.i.r.uun n ir.
nilc.icn Tribune : Tao rrllsl , ns romlinc of
thodomorratic only HUM vi-m wlllliucon-
llno < l i'li ii.lly to thi ) Aof thu Apostles of
Acini ,
Washlncton Star : "I'l.i'ro'N nnthhiK but bark
to Unit iliot yoills , " s ilil Mliniiiun
"I Unou It , " roplled S-lnmmins I'm Ililnk -
Ing loiy ser.onsly of it irlln , i litnnory "
I'.otul M ill : The bm > r glasses of sumo ban
nro M > small thuy aiUKpokeu of iislumpuninor
mu L
lloston Coiirlnr : Onr "hopeful" calls his
schoolinlMtiiiss "i\untleucu : , ' becuiiHO stio's
such u1 . | ir toucher. "
Dotiolt 1'iou 1'iuss : Tno nursery IK thu
liouso's he. ill , tlio library Its iiru ns , th-i
K lichen its stomneh , und tint Manor its cued
Chlcaao N'uv > s llocoul : The snnulur from
NebnisUa ( with uinplmilui Mi I'rusldunt , 1
move out hit lint scroll nt-ut-urins lie sent
out tolulim linn poislou thu membiT fiom
ICansax and lior colic. icuu from ArliuiiHiix ,
The mornlni ; papers coni. lined full rupm Is of
a hU bariAuIn sale opiMiud todav , and iheia
lamulif laaro not In thu t
TUP. HUM ) , \\OM\V.
Ktir Yin I , I'UKK ,
Hho's s oi < tcr than the now blown rose |
Shu ni.iUcs mon's hn u is io pit-a put
Whimu'ei u - ! uu'o at thmii slio throns.
sho's ulvMiysdn-ssed In tasteful i-lothcs ,
And SHII O nddtiMilt ) sh" shows ,
I 'orNlmn to si'u u piuv she LMICS
bhu wears , i lon-cni\\ned hat.
( Ihleiuo Inter Oei'nn : When a nirui uinliir1
taUesn pli-t-e of lieKllsh business hu nuver
fouls l
ti irotlo : , lu sun R.iys thnt "ncvur
Unit u man 'Ull you Know him" is uooil ud-
\Ice.butyiinue\er Un.iw sumu mun 'till you
trust them.
lllir.'lmnton Leader : The medical men say
that kleptomania Is a disease , \Vu liavo oli-
hei veil that Its victims are ulwuys tailing ,
something for It.
Now Orleans I'leayiinu : lly soring ox-tnll <
KOIIII at the lie lnnliiof dinner nnd providing
cult's head jelly for dessett u Imiol keeper J
cun nianitgo tu maUo both uudx
TcMisfclftliiKs : riscatoilaU'rofiiiilty- I
sny that tin ) trout uul.'hud ton poundsV'J
vc . sir : It WI\B tlio hlggost trout I over siw."l :
"Ami ho Kotawar from you ! " "Yes. " "Wllll
you ti ; Ho mi o ith on that t" "I'll take no morel
oiths ; I swuiu emniKh about it when hu gut |
uwiiv. "
Now YorSim : Mrs , Trolley. "Do toll i
Mr. Knnviiss. which Is thu greatest work o
Hit'/ " Mr. K'uiivass. "Suiting the
madnm. "
_ _
run nncKu
llnclitxlrr l'mt-1 rjiifjis.' ' " I must own
U'hen I lake Ihu ti'lepliuiio
l > 'ioin tin' hooil thoie , that I am
111 .it uisu :
As a low. HiMiet voice T lurir ,
I'ailln on my ravished i-ui ,
"Niltnliiir , iiluaiuV"
Onn.'onld fancy fioin thutnna
Of the vuleo I huio lit thu 'pliouu
That llio gill could bu lliuldul
( JT hrslmart :
Sweet und sinlllirx , soul-hugnlllni : .
.lust Iho onu to set a-llytn , ;
UophlS ( tart.
l reason , cently clildlutr.
Tu Is inn I should Keep In hiilin ? ,
Ami not seulv to llnd thuounor
Of thu voleo.
1'orHhu's piuh.iblv iiillo | homely.
Or If reason ilil V comely
rsol so choleo.
sin : rif nu / / / : < ; titi , ,
ItCIUllI ,
"What do you know , oh innlilun fair ? "
"Oh , I know mnoh , " she madu reply ;
"I Know of llcMii'irund Molleiu ;
I can miiKitpouiiy If I try :
Orhund him'it.iH with u crash ;
Out of niv thicu-iuKi.v.1 nirlor grand :
I'luyHgnur wllh lei rlli" diish , ,
An.l 'Home. Sweol Homo' with mvluft hauilj I
Also < "io I , wliuuHVcr I pluiHU ,
V.iiUuatn iliu uonurai dm ,
Itemoving ulih desp iti-li und uiisu
Concurtus fio.n . my violin :
I Know l ill.lng , dancliiir. Kunt
/oology und how to hov ,
And tin- mime of nvuiy plant ;
ThuhOtstl es ami cfiilnov. |
Tin1 on v luin-'s I do not know ,
Aic hu\v lo cook and how to sow. "
St BO.
t Muiiiifitctiirun nnd Hot illon
of Olothliisln ttiu World ,
3 tales
One of tlK'iii is about oiirovercoats _ for men , We
don't intend to tell
you here , but come to
the store or write * and
we'll tell it and at the
s.imc lime tell you
tile No. 2 about our
men's suits from $10
up. The last tale is
about our latest style
boys' overcoats. We
have wool ones for
$2.50 and $3.50. As to rcelcrs we have the
Hnest line in the country. Hoys' suits $2.50 on up
as high as you want. Hut Lear this in mind : No mat-
W what the price our unequalled quality Is in c\cry
suit. It's the elaborateness of finish and style that
makes the price go up. Come and sec us , we'll show
you something nice.
Browning , King&Co
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