THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 26 , 1892. DUN'S ' REVIEW OF THE WEEK I Business Throughout the Oounlry Rc- mains Excellent. ACTIVITY IN THE GREAT INDUSFRIES frills Vrnr > Valinna of Trndo Has I ecn Ori-ntrr Tlmu Any Previous \ t r' Clearing Ilinmo Stateninnlv-Wnll 81 mot for nVrclr. . NMV YonK , Nov. 23.-U. O. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Itovlaw of Trade says : Tbo an- iiouuccoiont tbnt gold would uo exported today , tboueh'not In a largo amount , has not necessarily as much meaning ai many sup posed. Foreign oxcbango dooi not yet justify exports , and movements not war ranted oy the state of exchange may be duo to temporary and trilling Inlluenccs. The condition ot business throughout the country appears excellent , with the volume of trad'o greater than In any previous yoar. Itnporl * Irinii Cities. At Boston the trade is peed , prospects are considered oxcolttmt and mouoy Is easy at rates. At Philadelphia traUo In general Is fairly nnttvc , money Is castor from lack of aomand , nnd if exported lo bo o.uler than usual for the coming month. At Ualttmoro a blight Increase is soon In the loonl domano. for goods , the supply of money Is ample and the caution shown lu floulhorn dealing has boon Justified by ox- colloiit collections this season. At Cincinnati cigar manufacturing does well. well.Trade Is good at Cleveland , though not ciiatigcd In Iron. Money Is close , with notlvo dumanil. At Dotrolt money Is In strong domancl , hut Iron U lower. The volume of trade at Chicago is satisfac tory nnd collodions nro stood , with money in strong ( loinand. Receipts ot broom corn are inoro tbun douolo last year's , of buttorSO percent larger , with a slight increase In Hour , bnrloy , cattle nnd Bheop , whllo in limes find cats the decrease U 11) ) per cent , In com , dressed boot nnd wool 20 per cen . in eggs , laru and rye 50 per cent , nnd In wheat and fcocds 40 per cent" Trndo at Mllwaukoo Is stlrmilntcd in all Hues nnd money in good demand. At Minneapolis and St. I'aul there 11 a good trade , with collections improving. The Minneiipolls Hour output Is 170,000 barrels , iiKnlnst 1GOO.K , ) bartcls f6r the same week last your , nnd the lumber mnritot is strong , the cut bomg 500,000,001) ) foot , the largest on record. I'rniporaut Oiu.ilm. ( f rndo in Omaha Is very active , with col lodions good and money easy. At Denver trade Is coed , with fair colloc- tlons. AtUaltLnko buslnoss is better than u year sgo. sgo.At Kansas City , llvo stock receipts are heavy , but grain receipts light. At St. Louis retail trade ta Improved by moro favorable weather. Business at Memphis has silently Im proved , as Hlso at Little Koclr. Trade is Improving at New Orleans , with money much castor and cotton ana t > ugar very active. in tbo iipcculatlva markets cotton has ab- ( orbed Interest because of tbo enormous transactions , amounting to about ( i.000,000 bates , or nearly tbo entire crop , in two broken and ODD full weoii. Tbo' sates this week hn.vo been 1,800,000 bales , and the prlca has odvancod flvo-slxtcouths of a coat , , with small signs of tbo rnaction which suuh n movement generally brings. Low crop cstluiutos now prevail at the louth , on the ground tbut frost has dona much damngo. Wheat Is comuaratlvclv inactive active- , with threo-olghihs of I cant decline , and corn nnd oats nro unchanged with small transaction ! ) . Pork products nro higher , porit , $1.25 par barrel and Ur.l three-fourths bf 1 cont. ColToo Is also stronger by half a i cent. In the ( .rent Industries. The condition of tbo great industries is dc- cidodly favc/rablo. in general the 'manu facturer promises to Imva no "between peasana. " Woolen mills nro still busy and Btdos of wool greater than a year wo , with manlier siocits. Thb cotton Industry is thriving everywhere. In iron the market re mains Hrm , with largo orders for structural products. Money hnsjicon steady at 4 per coat , the treasury haViug ad-Jed slightly to circula tion by issuing $300,000 moro notos. Kx- ports hero for three weeks fall 17 per cent below last year's , and imports are much larger , but last year's oxcots of exports In November Was. so vast that some excess is probable this yoar. Stocks have boon weaker , declining naif a dollar per sharebut tbcro is no sign of csnacial disturbance. Tbo business failures occurring throueout the country during the past seven days num ber 200 , as compared with the totals of 240 last woolc. For the corresponding week last year tbo lleuros were 805. CMCA1IINO STA1KMKNTS. Omnlin AKIUII Hhowmt 1'rrcontiigo of In- nroaso Reports from Oilier Cities. Nr.w Yoitir , Nov. 2r . Tbo following table complied by Bradstrcot's gives the clearing house returns for the wouk cndmgiNovcmbor 80 , 1893 , uud the percontngoi of Increase or dooroaso as compared with tbo corra- pending wcelc last your ; llrudltrrol'n lluvietv of Trado. YOIIK , Nor. 25 , rad trcet' weekly fovlQW of irada vs : Features ot the buil- net * wcoK , ftstdn from a cnrtnlicd total ot transsatlons , duo to the holiday , nro tha Im provement lit dl trlnullon of seasonable fab rics , owing to colder weather la the west nnd northwest and , notably , Iho oncournpo- mcnlnlven Interior mercnunts at the south bv lha of threo-fourths nt a cunt In cotton. Klghtot Iho larger southern cltio\ with a possible exception at Charleston , find nn improved clcmnnu in lending lines , ovlvcd Interest In Christmas specialties , nd mcrcarjtllo collodions very favorable. At Hlchmond and Atlanta this Is true , as at flirmlnirhnm and Clalvcston. At Now Or cans , whllo sugar nnd rlco nro moving trcely , the former Is higher nnU the latter ovvor in prlco. Not the loau Important ionildoration respecting the outlook south is hat while the cotton output Is considerably imaltor this year the QCM.ICO planted with corn and other grains , tobacco and "truck" IIHS moro than correspondingly Incrca.iod. . WAI.I. STIIIIT : rou A WKHK. r.irt ( llvo Ilia Mnrknt nil Un- ncttlcil Tiinr. Nnw YOIIK , Nov. U5. UrAdstrootM Woolsly Walt Street Ksvlaw snys : Untottlinir nnd osomooxtent ilaproslng 1 actors have in fluenced the share market for the past woclc , Tha advance of exchange rates and the ' hrnatcncd ronownl ot pold exports has naturally occasioned hoiltnllon nnd tends to restrict the already limited and irofosslomil speculations to still narrower Imlts. The lutnrruption of buslnosi caused by the Tbanksglvlng holiday dla not count for much In the general result , tnough it would seem to have aided in curialltnt ; out side participation still further and thus render the market moro profes sional In chaructor. At. the opening ot the week Huropo showed a con- Hummed of tbo tendency to buv out Bloctti which has already been noted. Favor able expressions in regard to the prospects of American railroad properties nro common in London speculative clrc.los , the liifluonco of .World's . fair tralllo nu tbo revenues of tiio trunk lines and granger lines bolng duly apnroclatcd. It would scorn , moreover , that u largo short interest In the American murltot bus existed In the London Stock oxcbanco nnd that covering for the account was the reason for the renewed foreign buying which nppoarod last week. This process , however , has bcon intcrru cited by the advance of exchange- and the Incroaslni ; possibility of the withdrawal of cold from this country to Europe , ai well as by the entire absence ot any succu's latlvo response on this sldo ot the ocean , to the renewed foroicn participation in our market. At tha closoof the week , In fuot , London nppoaroa more ns a seller than a buyer of stouki , thereby occasioning fears of a further hardening of oxctmngo and of larger withdrawals of cold for exnort , in addition to the 5000.000 sent Irom the sub- treasury on Wednesday for shipment today. Under such circumstances thu silverconfer - unco nnd the renewal of speculative Interests In the ino'nl In Europe hud no chance to pro duce any chimgo on the stock markot. ii 1'crinltx. The following permits were issued by the superintendent of buildings yesterday : Motz Brothers , two story brick store nnd ihita , Twentieth nnd I-'OFCUR streets . 15,000 Inkoy Ac Allen , ono and ono-hnlf story fiitino collage. I'orty-nftli .ind luli > Btrouts . i . 1,503 A. 1' . TuUuy , ono nuil . .onehalfilory frame coHmo , I'orty-Uftli and Krs- klno streets . I.50J N. II. IIiiDbard , two story and nttlo frumo roilUciice.Tlilrty-nlntli and l''ar- nuni streets . 8,000 Thomas l/'iiminlug , two story frame store , iSU bhcrninn avcune . 1.000 tour minor iiormlts . 375 " Total . ' . . | 17,3T5 I.ynclicd an Atl cu < l Inponillarj. UOI.UMIIIA , S. O. , Nov , 25. The particulars of n lynchlnc at Tinkers Creek , uoar Uock Hill , last Tuesday , nave just beou received. Nathan White , a colored tenant on the farm of Thomas Cornell , was auspoctcd of having burned the tatter's barn and contents , occa sioning a l"as ot $1,000. Cornell and IJr. O. Hill arrested him and started to town to vlmvo nim put. in jail. Hill reports that when 'about ulght miles from Keck Hill a mob rushed on them , seized the prlsonor and eliot him to death. White- confessed that ho burned the barn. Kattces of f < v : lintf or lc , imclrr tliti heatl , jltty ecu'ncuch mtilltlonttl line , ten centt. SOllEIHKIj Leonard , ago KI .years. Ktinornl Montliiy. November ' > , nt 8iJ : ; u. in. from residence , MIS California .street to St. Mary , MuRdaliinn church. Interment ( Jeirnan Uttthnllo cemetery. Mr. Schnlbot was an | ncllvo mumbor of thu Uathollu Knights of. Amorlcii. UA11T Mrs. DomnlcV , n oHl years , at family residence , " 711 South Twenty-Unit tivoiitiu. Funeral Mimlay. November ITT , nc 1:30 : p. m. from retiiiencu to St. 1'atrluk church , lu- mout St. Mary's cemetery. SAVED THE LIFE OF A CHILD Good Result of Hotormsn Qla s' Presence of Mind. WHY BALL PLAYERS SHOULD NOT RECOVER Novel Orouncl Tnkon for I ho Uliml il of .Suit * llrouelit Ajjnlinl n Member ot the Defunct Western I.eneuo Mt Lincoln. LINCOLNNob. . , Nov. 25. [ Special to Toe Bnn.j Motorman Glass , an employe of the Lincoln Electric Street Uutlway company , had the good fortune to save the llto of a j llttlo H-yoar-old nlrl this forenoon in a slnguJ J lar manner. Ho runs from the city to Uothany Heights on car No. 103 , nnd It was whllo maltlni. ' a regular run to that suburb that the Incident described below occurred. Two children named Betts , whoso parents tlvo at the corner ot Twenty-eight and Y streets , haa been raking together a quantity ot dead grass nnd loavoi nnd when they had accumulated n.ulto a largo pllo they sot fire to It. The t llttlo girl approached too close to the flames , and as a result of her carelessness her drois was Ignited. She stnrtod to run for homo just as Motorman Glass observed her predicament. Ho was bait a block away , but ho Instantly shut oft tha currant , put cm the brakes and jumped from the platform. The ( lames wcro by this lima burning furiously nnd the entire lower part of the llttlo girl's body was being horribly ourned. After a pursuit of n block Glass caught the child and with his cloved hands quickly bo it out the (1-tinos ( , but not until the littfo one's logs nnd body bad bcon badly burned. Ho carried her to her homo , whoto medical aid was summoned , and to * night the child Is resting easily , but suffer- lug not a llttlo. The timely notion ot Motor- innti Glass undoubtedly savoct her llfo. for lu nnoihor moment or two she would hnvo bcon so badly burned that icoovory would have boon impossible. I'awnril IIU Urotlii'f * Coat. Seth Doton , n young colored man , was ar- roitcd at Omaha this morntnc for obtaining mouoy under false pretenses and Chief of Police Otto started for that city on tuo lirst train after his prlsonor. The crime dates ' buck a year who'n Seth pawned a coat which belonged to his brother Thomas. The other dav the coat was roplovmcd from the pawn broker who at once swore out n warrant for Soth's ' arrest , Seth Bolon has llgurcd qulto prominently In the criminal annuls of the stato. A few years ago ho wns tried lor murder at Beatrice , but alter being sen tenced to bo 1mneed ho scoured nnoihor trial and was acquitted. Last winter ho was stabbed in the neck by Mattto Woods , his whilom wife , and for. several weeks his llto hung In the balance. lie was present at Ivlson's saloon when Green Gafl'noy shot nnd killed Cnnrllo Thomas last May , and was a witness of the attempt of Burke to shoot \V. N. Corneal at the same saloon last July. Agitlu In Court. Lincoln has yet to see tlm end of the base ball war. It will Uo remembered that two years ago , aflor the ill-fated Western league bad conomto , bankruptcy , a number of the members of the Lincoln team suott the local association for salary duo thorn. Among these players were Dave Rowe , CJlmo and O'Day. Tboir suit was against Frank N. Llttlo and has bean pending in the district court ever since. This morning Mr. Little came" Into court with a petition to have the ctiso dismissed on a very novel ground. Two weeks ago the supreme court of the state do- ctdcd that ball playing on Sunday was illegal. Mr. Llttlo claims that inasmuch as Sunday ball playiuc Is illegal , and as the contracts with' the players all provided for Sunday ball , the contracts were therefore against public policy und null and void. Lincoln in lirl f. The craud jury has adjourned until Mon day.Tho The larao , safety iratos across O street on each aide of tbo Uock Island tracks are bo ms placed In position. They nro operated by compressed air. The fire department wns called to 1300 E street this morning by n hlazo In n small gro cery store. The damage wns trlfllnc. Mrs. Mary O. White ot Uud Oak , la. , Is in the city In search of her 4-yoar-ola daughter whom stio claims was stolen by her nusband two years ago. She rocontlv learned that White bad abandouod the child iu this city and came hero In search of It. ( ] oskli > ut the Stuto lluimo. Governor Boyd this afternoon commuted Every Smoker's Nose knows when it is pleased. It Is always pleased with the fragrant and peculiar aroma of Smoking Tobacco Which lias been for more than a quarter of a century the desire and delight of comfort lovers everywhere. It strikes the taste of many fastidious smokers. Try it. Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co. , DURHAM , a. c. RUB ! AND A TAHNOOTH YOU m BE OMAHA RUBB 152O FARNAM STREET , CORN Lady clerks in attendance. tha sentence of Wllltitm ) Pttlson , nont to the state penitentiary f/pm Koarnoj county for arson on * year jro.Ha , Is the on of worthy D rent , nnd the pMHlon for his pardon was signed by nearly or pry man , woman nnd child In Kearney county. The governor com mu ted the sontanco'to ono year's Im prisonment , which gives the young man his liberty tomorrow. i < The nrcuments In the caio ot the people of Laurel against the Chicago , St. Paul , Min neapolis & Omaha rallrbna will bo hoard by the secretaries of the SlMo Board of Trans- portion Monday. W. O , Walton of Laurel will appear for the pcoVilo of Liurel , whllo tho'company will bo represented by M. M. Hubbara of Umnha. Thp , people if the llt tlo village bringing the complaint are anx ious to secure n Uopot , ribtl the case Is bclnp hotly contested. . Tor Htrcct. Yostordtvy John I. Hcdiok Qlcd lu the United States court nn nmondod petition in his suit to enforce the payment ot n judgment of rrtXK ( ) ho holds against iho city. In 1870 Mr. Hcdlck donated ground for the cxtonilon or Hnrnoy street fromTxvonty-sccond to Tivcnty-fourtli Atrccat. on the terms that the city should 1m- urovo the donation. This improvomcnt in- cludail n great deal of grading and llllln ? . and the city proceeded very leisurely to do tt , the wont being completed In 1SSO. In tbo moantlmo Mr. Hedlck disposed or iho lots along the Ituo of the street. Ho has since brought putt and was awarded $0,000 for thu land , setting up that the Improve ments did not amount to an acceptance ot the terms of the donation. Tno city has in.-ulo nn"hppanranco to the case und will sot up that If Mr. Kodlokls cntitlnd to recover tbo cltv should bo exempt - empt nnd any judgment rendered should bo taxed tin 4.0 abutting property holders. 1'alcl Durtrly lor IIU run. Nick nautnan came over from AVOOJ , la. , with $123 in his pocket and proceeded to celebrate Thanksgiving in til ? own peculiar style. In a few very brief hours ho disposed ot MO at the bagnio presided over by Grace. Walton. When Ills leaving tlino came , how ever , ho wns $120 abort and he Invoked the nid of the police to discover who had robbed him. The police could do nothing for hlni , and ho will return to the prohibition state poorer and wlsor. Iliirnril tlio Cottage. A small cottaco owned by Jens Peterson and located west ot the city Itmtts on Far nam street wns burned to the ground Thurs day night. Loss , $1GOO. There is no lire pro lection in tliunolphboraoodanu the neighbors could only watch the llamos. Ever A good appetite and improved digestion result frp'm a morning drink of SULPHO-SALINE. Its cpti- tlnucd use cures biliousness and all 35B * > diseases caused by , , . * torpid liver. 'Tis a inlltl , sure laxative , a natural mineral water , and is only bottled by the EicthioT Spring ) Company , ' at Excelsior Springs jorfamphlet. Ricbardson Drug Co. , Agents , Omilia , onnliTo tlio dyspeptic to \vlintover ho wishes. Tlicy i-niiso tlio foiMl tons- sliiillnloHiKl nonrWi tlm boily , tH < i : ipclUounl | < l < ! velo ] > ( lc li. 1'rlct' , 5 cents. Kxiict sl/o nlinwii In bonier. Unlike the Dutch Process No Alkalies Oil Otter Chemicals arc used in the preparation of which is absolutely pure and soluble , It liai more than three times the strength ot Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrqwroot or Sugar , and is far more economical , toiling leu than one cent a eufi. It IB delicious n.ui , nourishing , KASILT- DIGESTED. Sold by Crooura everywhere. W. Baker & Co , , Dorchester , Mass BERS 6PLEASED ER CO 16TH. Bring this ad. A Friend to speak through the Register i > \ the beneficial results lie tins recoiled front a regular use of Ayor's I'llls , Ho says : "I wns feeling sick and tired nnd my stomach seemed all out ot order. I tried a number ot remedies , but none seemed tc glvo me relict until I wns In duced to try the old reliable Aycr's 1M1U. I have taken only one box , but I ( eel llko a new man. I think they are the most pleasant and easy to takeot anything I overused , liolug so finely sugar-coated that oven a child will talta them. I urge upon all who nro of n laxative to try Ayer's Pills. " ttoothlmy ( Me. ) , ttegtstcr. "Between the npo.s of five and fifteen , I was troubled with u kind of salt- rheum , or eruption , chlelly con lined to the legs , and ( 'specially to the betid ot the Unco above thocnlf. Hero , running gores formed which would scab over , but would break Immediately on mov ing the leg. My mother tiled every thing she could think of , but all was without avail. Although a child , I read in the papers about thu beneficial effects of Ayer's I'llls , and periuiuletl my moth er to let mo try them. With no great faith iu tliu result , she piocurcd Ayer's ' Pills nnd I began to itso them , and soon noticed an impiovcmi'iit. Encouraged by this , I kept on till 1 took two boxes , when the sores disappeared nnd have never troubled mosiiiro. " H.Ohlpman , Heal Estate Agent , Koanoko , Va. "I suffered for years fiom stomach and kidney troubles , causing very scvero pains in various parts of the body. Nouo of the remedies I tried afforded mo any reVef until I began taking Ayrr'e Pills , and was cured.Win. . Ooddavd , Notary Public , Klvo Lakes , Mich. 1'reiiared by Dr. , T. 0. Ayc\ \ & ( 'o.T.owcllMa s. So'U ' by Druggists Everywhere. Every Dose Effective AMUSEMENTS. LAST THEATRE. This ( Saturday ) Nov. 26. Last Two I'urfonnnnce ? uf the l.'mlni'tll Trnxcdlun , mnn\nn iu unit IV. . I iiUUL\U > Matfnee this Aft. at 2:3O : , Mullnco l'rlras-lrat ) floor M : bnloony 7f > c. : ccnornl nilinlision tu llrst Hoar , Tie ; nunorul HJlnUsloii to balcony SOe. Evening Performance at 8 , HIGHAR.D III. Night rrlcuFlr < t floor { I anil II.U ) ; lulcon T 75o nml SI ; cononil ailmloloii to llrrt Hour .Oc ; general luliiilsjliin lu li lcuiiyf < lc ; Kiillery ic. BOYD'S NEW THEATRE. Sunuaj , Mundnr unil Tuwln ) , Nov. V , M nuil 23. The sweetest or Irish Colluons. K A' ! ' I ] : IS M M K T 'i' , In thp rftmaiitlc Irlih ilniinn K 1 I. 1. A It M 10 Y . IJy CON. T. Mtllll'lIV , r : q. A CAItlt. Iiloslro Inntnlc to the imtillc Hint Mlsi IGUlo Km * met' new | > lny , KlIlHniojr , " which will bo given In thlacltjr null tunilay nlula IH without doubt the best roprt'ipiitntlonor nn IrUti drmim tint Imi oror bcuu Blvcnln lliliclty. It is lntoriiretpiltitliolliic-st com pany of nrtl ts tunt cirer prnilnccit a pluca or ttits kind In thNcouiiirjnntl iHinountuil In tliu most nu nipt nous nmniuT with ti wealth of niHKnllli'ent tccncrpalntu < l from ph < itor | | ihi and pkotchca of thu Illinois Irish Iskej. Nona of the stock fccni'rr of HIB thcutro n 111 bo used , tliocompany cnrrvlnz ovi-rythlni ; ncceisiiry. even tla < front dniporyof thentn c. Tliocostuiiu * nro superb nml wore lunilu from Kii'Cl | l dcslicns. "Klllnrncy''wlll ho Klvon heio on tliu MIMIII ncr.lo of inaKiilllconco that clmmrterUoil Its , nrodticllon Ir. New Vork and witli'tho sanin Identical cant. Money hns Itcdn la\l hod on tlic prciducllon.uhleh Is nmtch * lo < In thohiiitory of Hip Irlsli ilrnnin. Til. F. UOVD. lloxiihot1 ! * * open Saturday morning at UMunl prices. FARNAM STREE11 THEATER TONIGHT. Crowded Houses Nightly. Tlio Hlg New Voik Success. KLID N A.1PRD The only real novelty In town. S \TimnjVY MATINEE. Farnam Street Theater , l-'uur nights commencing Bnndny inntlno ; , Nor. 2TT Usual Wednesday Matlncu. MR. QUS THOMAS' SUCCEbHKlHCOMEDV DKAMA. The greatest of AMERICAN PLiAYS ! THE BURGLAR. WONDERLAND and BIJOU THEATRE , All This Woolc , The CONVICT'S DAUGHTER AND TI1H All-Stnr Sjioi'Ialiy At-irroitntlon. A pilr of rubbers for every lady next Trlday. HATINIIKS : lil'KNIMIBi Wo all ptirts of I Hoscrvcd I'nmuot ecatu , 30o thu iiouso. I llniarved llnlcony soata , SOo EiasticStoikinji , Trusses , Crutches , Batteries , Syringes , Aiomizsn , Medical Stnpfisi. ALOE & TENFOLD ' 114 S. 15th St. , Next toPost oHlce. I'roponiil for Mil ill l''olir C tl | ; > > . Boated proposils will Im rccolvcil nt the cnmptrollnr'B olllco up to 4 p. m , November mih , IW ( : ' . for tlio snloof four cotta-ioaon kits 7 , S. Oiind 10 In Jooston's aiibillvlslnn at lots ! und ' . ' , lilouk HIilim'H addition. , Illds may lie ninilo on ono rouneo nmll. Knch liiddor to onoloso ccrtlllcd chuck for J.M.CO. Tlio city re serve * tlio right to rojoot itnv or all bids. TllKUDUItr. OI.SK.V , Uomptrollur. Novninhor ; . | ! ' ' 0 V llMV iilfMrto iMuutc o . , . , * x & Hbir.v Ihublixiil ! rewifu amlilltctuuli ? u AV"'iS" > ) llio I * " niitlli IHO kno n fur Uliou * J i/t > y / rnw , coiDtltuiilon , dr/H-p | > * foul A O Uflfr9ll\V' ) brcatli. lu-iiJifl.c. iiwu ilium , / 3f o * W 'gSr . | - , Ii rnlHl Ui-imt iiii. I nlnful J * * & & ? llinfinS"V''rr'i1lJ"A'S'rMVV--11'11 ' ' * * Impure liUiwI , or a f Allure I'yOiu frlonmt Ii 5earn iiiuai , j niii nv inuii , I tf't t-l i ' " ' ! > u i < _ Ull'Af1CllKUfCAlit ; < ) . , iri'pnioebt.l.'vwYui1c J V p ' > c cit ) o 'jo * oocej PHOl'OSALS iVORT'AVING foaled propo .il > will , ho rocolvod by the nnclerslK'neU until 1:11) : ) o'clock u , in , , Ilocunibur 0th. IHiU. fur the fallowing kinds of uavliiif ma- terlnl. vl/.s Hlieet nsphalttim , riloiiK I'.ilU or otln > r zi Colorado g luJstonr * , Woodrntf. KnnsaH , btono. and Vltr.llt-d liriok , All uccorilliiK to iipculflcuUoiis. 1'or pavlnx the alloy butwooii tllst and 3Jnd nvcnuua. from I'urniim streul to Doilso Btreot , comprised In street linprovciuont illulrlct No. 4J ) , in the city of Omaha , ordered Improved bv ordlnuncu No. 73I1. Kuch bid toupscKy a price per 6Ttiar yard for the puvln i coniplolo In tlio ullor. Work lo lie-Jono In aocordnnco with plans nnd snu'-llluHtlons ' on ( lie In tlio olllvo of the bosra of public works- Kuoli pronosiil ta bo made on printed blnnka fnrnlslioJ liy iho boarJ and to bo nreompan- led by uoertlllcd eliuok In tha tutu of SXXl. pay ublu to thu city of Uinaho , its au ovldouou o good fnltli. The board reserves the rlthtto reject any or a > l bids and to wnlvo dofecti. I' . W. IllltKUAUjRK. Chairman of the I lour.I of 1'ubllc Worki. Omuba , November U , 1KU n'-'J--UJi-U Smoke Sunday night's fire did not reach us but the store was full of smoke , and as the insurance adjusters have settled the loss to us promptly we'are enabled to open our Smoke Beyond the smoke there is'no damage , but you get the benefit of a Great Big Cut In Prices See them in our window , OVERCOATS , ULSTERS' AND SUITS. Columbia Clothing Co. , Cor. 13tli and Farnam. . BL.BI EI m mm REMOVAL SALE. VAN COTT JEWELRY COMPANY , Tor . Thirty Rays only we will offer onr entire .stock of Diamonds anil Clirlstmns j .Io\\elry und Slvcnvir.c ut loss than miinufacluror'H cost No trouble to tdi Roods. Fifteenth and Farnam Streets- win move Jnn. 1 , to N. W. Cor. IGth and Katnain. SATES - 1'OR SALIC. i ff ahsr ww l OWNS 13l6 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Tlio eminent < pcclullt In norvou , , chronic. prtYiitn. blooJ , skin anil iirlnarr tllscucs. A regular amlra- Rlstorcd gniduntu In muillclni' n > diploma * unit curtlflcatvi ulioiv. In Mill treittlnK wllli thu Kriiitcst imcceai , , rntnrrli , lout raunliooil Homlnnl nonknc-i-i . nlnlit l f ea und nil forma at prlvntu ill cnaon. No morourr usoil. Now , trettmunt fur lots nt vllul power. I'urtlea unnlilo to visit mu mnjr lu troutpil nt liomo liy corruspond * cnco . McdlclnuurlnstriiinKiiU'ont bynmll nr . express recnroly plicked . , no mnrkn to Indicate content * or Builder. Unu perform ! Ititerrlew . prnlorrcil. Uonaultullon frco. Co ruoponduncu nlrlctly prlvntu. UooK Mysierloa of Lllo ) aunt freu. Ulllco hours 'Ju. in , to Up , m. tiuniluys 10 . m. to iJ ni. bcn'l atitmp for ruuljr. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE , OF RED OAK , IOWA. Opqn this woclc for recaption of pitlcnts. S ippllod with remedies and . phyhloUns tiv the Losllu K. Koulny Uompiny , The Arlington Hotel loaiud and . equipped. Troatuiont , board , room In Maine building. Addrusa , I.lti-rntnrtMnnllcd Till , ' irvifww . . Ivc'i'i'i . ' . ifiM. . tipunappllctttlon. J llrj IVUI.Ijl.L li > r > 1II U 11. , KIM ! Oak , la. NEBRASKA National Bank. U , S. DEPOSITORY - OMAHA , NEB Capital. , . $100,093 Surplus. , . . $05,001) oneariandnirootori Henry W. V toi , proildonl R. C. Cuihlnir , rice iiroildonl , < : . S. .Maurloa W , r ilorio.Jolin 1 , Collins J. N. IL I'atrlctc , l.oirli 4 Uecd. eaililer. THB. IRON BANK. We will lend ) ou the m rtilom French i'riparalion CALTHOO frvr. and a Irzal cuaranUr dial IAITIIOS will ltrr.Ii.ri > your airnllli , Ntn-iiBll. uud vigor. t'sf it anil fay iftalls/ieit. AddrosiVON MOHUCO. . 8 > lt laiiri'U i t U , ftucluilll. Ubla. 3,000 BEAUTIFUL BRIGHT GIRLS ! Then , I'OMH.u. Mint I.WM. by incillcal ntiitUtlcn. Dili III CONaUMI'l'lO.V. Tliu HEHIS of thin III.IIIIIT nro Inld at til" period between Ullii.iioon imd WOMANHOOD. 'J'liUfnirvatoilByatwii noi'ilt KXIIIA I.1KK. OX VI ! UN , Inhaled , I * mu I , l.ll-UnmlHIUMiril , bl'Kt'lKlO UXYIiKM la ( O.M'KMIUTKII OXYOUN vlliillly. It Klven * cit and npputlto , nnikoK iiuro.rlcli nr.non , Bootliua nml licol tlm rtliciiHccI liuitU. tliront , ftlld ulcCrutOd | UIIKTIIOI. " . < A.NIIS TKifll V 'JO Illi : Trials FHEIi TO ALL. Call or Wrltufor "OXVIilSN llOOK"-rilKl IBUIIDIHD , eb. Hoinulienerulor. DR ft W , BAILEY Teeth Pilled With oat i * i t c . ID Ijitojt lavo.i- tlont TEETI1 EXTHAOTEfi WITHOUT PAIN Oil DANOKIt A FULL SET 0V TKRl'H O.V ItUUUEB IVOIt a.oo. I'orfoot ( It guarantool. Tooth extracted In the morning. Mow ouei InsjrtoJ lu uvuuluf ot s imo duy. , Boo peolmoiuof Honiovuhte llrldzo. Bueipccliaetiiot Kleilulu Illiistlo I'luti , AU work wurntnted us ruprcionted. OHlce. ihlrd I'.oor , I'axtaa IllUJf. Tclephouo 1085 , KUIiaitJ Fanum Sti Take Klovato- Hn rvny fran 1H * titrco teiiiranca DOCTOR. In Iho trcntinriitj of ii'lfciins ' of PRIVATE DISEASES. and all WUIIUIIOM and Dsordurof with lo > > , of con ratio , nmliltlon. und vitality , KlRhtuen years of tlio moil ruiimrUiihlofHiepaHf In thotroatmont of tliiH clnsi of dlsoiuus. which U provo'i liy the univomil tustlniony of tlimi * mindb who liiivu heoii eured , Wrltn forulroti- liM : unil | iiostloii Hut , 4tn uud J'.iriiini ht > , , Oiu.iuii , finli it flablt < ; u - < i In i t | mrllllfuiva. etiaiioii. t/ . S PERFECT SVHINGR. Tlio Only \'urtoHY \ * Ini mm lluctal byrlniiD In tuj Wui Id. Ii tlio onlf > yrlii a ort lurtin oil 1 > T vfliloU Vtt ln > In lout hii can uu adjifluli .ItTl'll WltllOUt loiklUK UUll 'iolllii ' ! ( tlio clutUI'u ' or iu coMiAtlnjtlia uieof n vu > . ol , und w lilcli vai nit I bu u ed Kir rtttnl Injcctloat or Irrlmtlou , KUKT UUUISKll HUI.'I AND IIAItll IIUUDltflt Blil'.I.U Price $3.OD. llallordcr ollcltjJ. 1 lie Aloe tenfold Co. IBth Stroat , NKXTTO I'oyroveiKoa , "sJ I'pliytloiat' proiorlptlou * couratcly prepurcil ut luw prison *