Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY JBElfi : SAllAtlJAY , NUYI2RIHI2K 2(5 ( , 3
Pcllvcrcrtl-ycarrlor tounr part of the cltr
imnvrxJ " > ' * ncwOfllce 3 ? °
' I10NKhlMclit Kdltor No 2
.iff. > u/t .u
K V. Plumbing Cc.
Yvbols O. . N. .UCo.l
t'outicll Blnfti Lumber Co. . Coal.
The Sons of Vetcruni will hold n regular
mooting this evening in llio hall on 1'cnrl
utreet ,
Tho-Council UlufT * Uillo club lina Its
nnnunl mooting tlii > evening nt Colonel ,1 , U
Kefiiilur nicotine of Ciilnnlho assembly
No. 1. I'ythlnn SMcrliooUvlll bo held tola
nf tcrnoou nt : t o'clock sharp.
Kldchly council No. IM , Knyrd Arcanum ,
will holil Its annual mooting ttoxt t'Mday
evening and elect ofllccrs for llio onsulnc
tII. . Kvrtiis has leased the bulltllna
formerly otuuplcil by I'crefoy < fc Moore anu
\vlll move Into It about the. llrst of the ycnr.
H will bo-lmndsomoly Iltyd up.
The Christian Kmlcav or society of the Sec
ond. Presbyterian church nave a social lust
evening ut the residence of the Missus \Val
lace , corner ol 1'lurco anit Grace slicsti.
Marriage licenses \\cro Issued yesterday to
the followlnc parties : llonryV. . 1'uls ana
lora I'etursbn of Blair. Nob. ; UeorKOV. .
Urooks and Ida H. Klnlion of I'latsmnuth ,
Net ) , b'oth were mnrrlcd by .Histlco Ilam- will ho a special Epworth league
nervlco in Trinity Mothodlst Kplscopal
cnurrh hupilny cvctilnp. A vaticd urorrain
will bo Blven. In which Allsa l.llllan Ilutt
will BIIIU n solo. All are cordially Invited ,
especially the young poonlc.
Isaac ICImball and Ira Jones wcro arrested
jcslcrduy on an ttiformulion charging thorn
wltii the larceny of S10 worth of lumber
from a house owned by U. M. Oodno In Iho
western part of the city. They will have a
hearing thU moinlng before Justice Ham
The November term of the snroriorcourt
will coinmcnro next Monday. The followinp
Jurors have been drawn for the term : An-
Kust Larson , .Tohn WaltH. . .1.V. . Uioisland.
Jotry Kelly. K. Ii Mavnc , H. II. Ober-
liolugrV. . M. MrCrnrv , O 11. Lucas , W.
II. Koolnson.
A man named O'Kcofo attended n dance In
the Masonic tcmplu Thursday evening , und
1 laid his ovorcout on a chair whllo ho stepped
out dn the floor to uiiKiigc In the giddy wnirl.
iiwhllo. When lie cnniu bad : thu coal Hud
disappeared , and he has been unable to run
across cither It or the man who m.ido off
with It.
Will Mack of Ol'iahu was driving from
Orr.ntm to Council HluffH Thursday evening
In company with Miss May Senley nnrl Miss
Kva Mason , when ono of Iho buiBy ; wheels
wont to pieces and the trio was dumpud un
ceremoniously on the ground. The only
tlatuoKO was to the buggy unu the tempers of
the three young people , who had to foot it
from Sixteenth strcot to their homes.
John Hholdon , n young man hailing from
Cnlcapo and wearing n soldier's uniform
presented hi in self at the police station last
ovoninir Tor lodging. Ho told a pitiful story
ot.hotv ho timl been Induced to leavu ( Jhlcugo
for Fort Omaha , some of liU supposed
friends at thu fort havinir told Him that ho
cvuld get an enlistment as a bugler in too
urmy. l''or several days ho stayed ut the
fort nwaitinc-hls appointment , but it failed
to come. Now ho Jindi himself without
friends and without money. Ho spent two
or llireu days looking for worlc , but lias bcon
Unable to Jlml It. _
It Is not necessary to call ft doctor for n
cut ov bruise ; pet Salvation OH. Only 25cts.
Coal and wood : best and cheapest
ISlissouri hard wood In the eily ; prompt
delivery. H. A. C'ox , No.1 Main.
Mile Market AUVrlcd.
Any ono not ncquaintoil with the silk
market would naturally think that silKs
of nil kinds nro udviincinir rauhlly in
Such is the ciso : witli raw material ,
and inufrt certainly affect the price on
all silk goods. As usual , we're looking
nftor theinarkctt ) , and bought in time to
fwvo the 25 per cent udviuico on
all kinds ot silks. Wo intend giving'
our nations the udvantngo of this pur
chase , ilnd place on sale for your in-
Bpcclion over 2,700 pieces of all silk rib.
boilH at less than manufacturer's price
todny in gros frraiu , eiitins , featin eilco
and nioric , all widths , all colors and
beautiful rnngq of light shades ( or ftincy
Nolo following prices :
No. 1 ribbons from lOc to 19u a piece.
All bilk inorioxfibbon , plqttot edge ,
No. I ) at lie , No. 7 at 80 , No. ! ) nt K'c ' , No.
llintlUjc ! . .
One of Iho best values wo offer out ol
our largo purnhaso is the bargains we
show in satin ribbons , in pure silk ,
heavyweight poods. No. fiat 7c , No. 7
at Do. No. 0 ut li.'je , No. 12 at loc , No. 1 ( !
at Ib'e , No. 22 at 22c.
In addition to the two above lines we
luivo u full range of shades and colon
in gros grain with satin edge at same
Council UliUVa , la.
Miss Mny Watts of Neola is visiting Misi
Georgia Honnotl on J31ulT street.
H. O. I' . Oblli.gorand Mr * . A. B. Melvunt
ere homo from a visit with relatives in lnv-
ton , O.
.T. M. Murphy has gene toMarysvlllo , Mo. (
hi rusponsu to a telapram nnnounelng thi
Eorious illness of Ins tnotucr.
T. II. Knotts ot DCS Molnos and Mr. uni
Mrs. A. H. Knotts of Plallsinouth , Nob. , an
In the city visiting relative ! ,
Mr. and Mrs" . N. O'Brlen loft yestorda ;
for Ncola , having recalvod news oC thi
curious illncas of the former's mother.
Ignornnco of tno tnonu of DoWltt's ' Llttli
ICurly ItUuM Is u misfortunu. Thojo ilttli
! > lluragulatothnlivorcura ueadncho , avspoii
biu , bjil Uroatti , constipation and bllloiunosi
Goal nnd Wood. Snukotl St 1'roston
028 nrondvyuy. Telephone 1 ,
for drills and paints
Tor llio I
The Sons of Veterans of Iowa will hoi
tbolr annual encampment in Council I ) luff ,
coiiunciifini ; .JiniJ''U , IS'.M. Plans nro nlrcad.
being inudo for the orunt , Tbo local ledge u
tuoordt-rU In a nourishing condition , bu
thcro nro n croat many young mua * who i\r
cllslblo to incinbcrslil | ) that have not ye
Joined , J , II. IJrcisbncu and W , F. Bapp ar
making n canvais of the city for the purpos
of fisrcrlalnlnp the names of any such , an
getting ihoni to apply for membership I
posslhlu. ti U the deslro of the members t
iiialio a big Increase In the roll aotweun no\
and Juno. A largo number of visitors wll
lie attracted ty the city bv the oncanipiuen *
and the citizens should foal a personal re
sponslbillty In soring that the local cam
maUes us good a bhowlng as possible.
If you have plies OoWltt's Witch Hazel
salyo will surely curuyou.
S , 13. t'rotvell , wntchinakcr. 740U'\vaj
Dieil In u Hotel ,
Ucorco A. Hitchcock , who has boeu travc
ing In the Interests of a Now York tiurJ win
llrui , registered at tbo Urand hotel lai
Tuesday and was given a room , llo never lethe
the hotel , bciufc tauen ill very soon after h
urrlvul. Ho died stiortly after inlanlct
yesterday. - Ills Ulicuso was erysipelas. II
was G7 voars of ago. His relatives In No
York were uotltled ana bis daughter Is c :
uocted to arrive today to take charge of tl
re rani in. _
A letter addressed to 0. , N. & Ci
awaits a claimant at iho UIH : olllco
Boo these oil houtor * at Swuiuo's , 7c
Abe njder Terribly Injured in an EltvAtor
\VliyMicrllV Union Thinks lln llni n Lnrge
nnil Constuntly OrciMlng Otlptnnce
. \cauikt liirnlml Tcniitrtoii ]
Oilier Local News.
Abe Snydov , who commonly goes by tha
tiRtno of JJd Snyder , met with n horrlblo ac
cident yesterday morning , llo waotnployed _
at the Deer-\Vells Implement warahouso on
lower Muln strcot , Shortly after the place
was opened yesterday morning he was work-
in ? with a number of other employes about
the freight elevator , which had boon caught
in someday white on tbo third ( lour ot the
bulluln ? , and could not bo loosened. The
steel cable which passes over n "drum'1
placed ] llst beneath the celllim of
the Hour , and from which Iho car-
fluco of the elevator Is suspended , became
slack by the rnvolving of the "aram" utter
the clovalor hud censed to move , ana bung
down within a foot of the door. Just as the
clovalor was disengaged Irom the ptaco
where It had been held Snyder stepped up
o tlio slilo of the shuft and xvcnt to pull tbo
ord. so as to start the elevator if possible.
iVlillo doing this his right arm hung over
ho loose cable. The heavy can lags In-
tantly fell with a crash to the bottom of
he shaft , the cable lightened ana In a sec-
ind Snyder was Jerked lo the colltnir. The
rum ixvulvcd , ttia cable broke and the body
f the unfortunate man dioppcd to thu floor
The patrol wajton was soon culled and the
njuroa man was tukon lo the Women's
Christian association hnstiltal , where he wa )
ivcn surgical uttcnlku . It was found that
Is right arm han been literally torn Irom its
ocltet , and was hold to thu body only by a
h red .of llcsh. 'J ho member was horribly
militated , and the sufferings of the Injured
nan were indescribable. In addition to thu
ess of his arm ho had received n fearful
.ash four Indies long on tbo left .side of the
load. After nn examination his physician
tatod that his chances for recovery were
nry small.
Shortly after .T o'cloci : In the afternoon ,
liter seven hours of terrible suffering , the
nil came. The remains were talton to
.step's undottaking rooms. The coroner
A'ns nollllud of thu death nnd ho empaneled
t jury and will hold an Inquest thk morning
u'0 ) : ; ! o'clock at the undertaking rooms.
The funeral will probably bo held tomorrow
afternoon at tbo Broadway Methodist
church , although arranccmonts havu not
yet beet" completed , The deceased wr.s ! ! 0
years of ace and was a favorllo among his
'ellow workmen. Ho was of sober habits ,
.md no ono thnks ! the tragedy tbo result of
anything out an accident which could not
possibly have been foreseen , llo was a
brother of Mrs. Piunln , wife of n grocer at
1U1 West Uroailway , and bis father Is also u
resident of Council Bluffs. Ho wf.s unmar
ried. The funeral will bo held under the
auspices of Council Bluffs lodge , No.10 ,
Independent Order of Odd Fellows , of which
"ic was n member.
M rather Iti3i < irt .
The indications arc for western Iowa
colder weather. This statement is vcri-
ied by the rush of patrons at the Uoston
Store underwear doDurtinent in the past
Since the early trade wo have hail our
stock loplenished with everything nec
essary to complete an underwear de
Wo have a few broken lines that we
tire closing out and call your attention
to the following bargains on our coun
ter :
Laoies' natural nnd white vests. 25o
Ladies' tibbedand plain vests and panK
sold for fiOc , at , ' ! 9c each. Ladies' ined'
ium weight while vests and pants , n
bargain at 3Dc each.
Gent's heavy gray shirts nnd drawers
sold for ! ! ic ) , to close at 25c each.
Examine other bargains in Gent's utv
dorwcur , 50c , 75c , SI.(10 ( nnd 81.60 each.
Children's white underwear from lOc tc
! ! oc , according to si/.o.
Children's gmy underwear Ific up'
ward. Other qualities in natural wool
camels hair and reds.
Ask to see ladies' blacu equestriar
tights at $1.00 , $1.95 , $2.50. Ladies' ant
misses' union suits from bc ! ) to $3.00 i
suit , in white , natural and black.
F. W. & CO.
Boston Store , Council Bluffs , la.
Gentlcunen , the ( iticstllne of tall goods
in the city , ju-st received. Roller , the
tailor , 810 Broadway.
A Into invoice 01 ci.cneilo. curtain
and Smyrna rugs allow prices Counci
UlulTs Carpel company.
Itrc.iklng Up Huii'ii'a Family.
Sheriff Ilaznn lias n largo and constant ! ;
growing grlovnnco against Marshal Temple
ton because of n suspicion that Tomplcton o
somebody else has entered bis domestic en
elo and robbed him of the society of certalt
pcoplo who , if It was not for their latcrfer
cnccwould have been monibars of bis funnl ;
for u brief season. As stated in ycstqrday'
UKU , three small hoys were found guilty ( i
police court of breaking Into u fruit store 01
lower Broadway Mid stealing a quantity o
Irult and were sentenced lo a term of sovei
days In Iho city jutl. Huzen does not knov
but ho proposes to muko on objection in :
vary decided manner , and lot any ono boa
tlio'blntne that deserves it. Ho claims thane
no Judge iias the right to snntonco a criimuu
lo a term in the city Jatl foran offence nzalns
tbo laws of thostato. Ho gets Ufly conls i
day lor cacti prisoner ho fcods , so lhat whoi
ho losoi two or ihrca of his family for a wocl
It makes something of a dlfferenco in thosiz
ot hU income. Moreover , ttio clti/ens o
Council BlulTs liavo lo stand the cxponso o
boarding tbo prisoners In tbo city Jail , whil
If they wore soul to the county Jail the ox
pcnso would bo divided up nniong nil UK , res
[ dents ot ibb county. It inusi uo confessed
bowuvor , that this feature of tbo case doe
not cause the sheriff so many heart p .gs a
the Ifrsi.
A good many ronmrus have occn mndn ate
to Iho propriety of lolling t > mal ! boys ol
with so sllicht punlshmont as tlia three Jus
referred to received. Thcro is n gang o
ktnnll boys In Council Bluffs that has bcoi
utility of all Boris of depredations lately
ind ttio three who arc now In tbo clly jal
are mcmtcrs of the gong. They or
brought up In police court repeatedly , give
light punishments nnd discharged until th
next thno. The present wits as cloa
a rasa of burglary as could have been tmid (
and yet they were found guilty of potlt lai
cuny and given a few days' shelter from th
cold at the expense of the city , as u rowar
for committing a crlmo that would bnva t > or
mon tlvo years older to iho penitentiary.
Don't makoany arrangements for you
holiday goods until you have EOOII ti
many new and useful articles at Lun
P ; Ten shares capital stock Citizens Stal
bank for salo. K II. Sheaf o.
DUImiulcil tlui Troop ,
llavorly's minstrels were advertised I
appear at the opera bouso last evening , hi
they fulled to show up when the thno can
for tbo opening of the house. An mvostlg
tion brought to light the fact that tliocompai
disbanded ut Murshalltown Thursday nigh
It Is stated by parlies who claim 40 kno
that thcro was i great deal of dluatlsfuuili
among the meralwrj of the company on a
count of Haverly's failure to pay lUc
wages , and they kept dropping out so fi
tjuontly unit lu such , nuuibor * that It was
last decided to dUuund entirely ,
1'orfoct action and perfect health ro\u
from the me of Do Witt's LUtlo Karly I { |
eri. A perfect lltllo pill.
Curil I'url- ,
The MUses Lllllo and Nelllo DavU cnt <
tulucd parly of their friendi WcUnesd
evening t their residence on Avenue U ,
High five was the principal amusement. The
following wcro present ! The Ml so Slater ,
Henry , Aten , Davidson , Mudco , Hlnk , Kirk *
land , I'crrott of Perry. Mesdiimos Good ,
Dfiwson and Utricle * , Messrs. Ulnlr , Goad ,
Ilarcf , Mudp-c , Session < i , Dawson , Ualrd ,
Hanthorn , Fields , Uucrr , Baker , OttVlut -
man and .fohu Muilgo , First prizes were
awarded to Miss Davidson und Mr. Baiter ,
gtfeond to Mr. Kirlilnnd nnd Mr. Whitman.
lny i < : IIoss have a force ot men work
ing on the roads through the Klein
tract. Buy five or Ion acres there whllo
U is cheap. _ '
The A. D. T. Co. has added two now
hacks to its force and will answer calls
nt nil hours , day or night. Telephone ,
170 ; ofllce , 8 Main street ,
Holiday photos , xcut prices , Sl.oO for
Cabinets , for ! t ( ) days. Cottage gallery ,
Alley's old stand.
Genuine Hound Oak , Radiant Homo
. ' . P. Stewart stoves and ranges , sold
exclusively by Cole & ColoJ-U Main.
iTS. . *
The two performances nt Boyd's ' theater
hU afternoon and evening of Mr. Thomas
Keene and bis excellent company will
lose the present Omaha engagement. At
hu muiuco Bultver's Imtnorlal historical
ilny , "Hlcbclleu , " will bathe bill , Mr. Keene
ppearlng ns the cardinal. In iho oveninir
ho spectacular production ot "Richard III. "
will bo glvou.
Miss Katlo Kmraatt has secured n play in
'Kilhirnoy" tbat will doubtl&ss bo as suc-
essful as "Kerry Gow" and Iho ' 'Shaugh-
.inn. " She has hnd the admirable tact to
urround limself with a thoroughly first :
: lass company and probablv tbo tlucst
conery over accorded an Irish play , and
kvithnl n drnma of Interest nndof _ novelty
which will bo presented hero nt Bovd's
Lho.iler for Ihreo nlchts , commencing Sun
day ovoniug next. The Now Vork Times
says of it : "Tho season of the fasbtonablo
Star opened hut night with an Immense
iidlence. 'Klllarnoy' In handsomely staged ,
.tut . the costumes slnkinp. The plot is un
derstandable and not absurd. " tbo sale of
Brats for the entire engagement will open at
J otlock at the box oflicc of the Boyd.
the " " Gus Thomas'
In "BiiiTlar , comedy
drama , there Is on excellent opportunity to
.vltnoss . the burglar's methods , from his
tcallhy entrance wilh the oullsoyo lump
and Jimmy in 'hand , lo hf.i departure uflor
discovery. Tuo nltiy is sot In an environment
of nrotty homo nlcluras ntul presented by a
good company. Tno ladles' dressing Is a
conspicuous feature of the comedy drama.
At the Kara mil street theater four nlghti.
commencing Sunday matinee , November 'J7.
Mallneo Wednesday.
.11 it ( I c by Three Man Who U'cre I linking ; the
lludy ul n l''ourtli.
Gold was di&covered in California in
1848 and in Colorado in I o8. The dis
covery wua accidental in both cases ,
and the fact created the impression that
mines were "lying around " Ad
venturers drifted about in hope
of "stumbling upon u mine. " Mr.
Thayer in his "Marvels of the Now
West , " mentions hovcral instances of
lucky "stumbling.1 Three men , while
looking for gold in California , discov
ered the dead body of a man who evi
dently had been "pvospcctincr. " "Poor
fellow ! ' ' said one of the trio , "ho has
pasfcca in .his checks ! " "Let t > give him
a decent burial , " baid another. "Some
wife or mother will bo glad if ever she
knows it. " They began to dig a grave.
Three feet-below the surfa'co they dis
covered signs of gold. The stranger buried in another place and whore
they had located a grave they ououcd a
gold mine.
An adventurer who had drifted into
Leadvillo awoke ono morning without
food or money. Ho went out and shot a
deer , which , in its dying agonicskicked
up the dirt and disclosed the signs of
_ gold. The poor man slaked out a
' ' 'claim" and opened ono of the most
profitable mines over worked in Lead
villo. " Man Claim , " the name
given to another rich mine in
Lendvillo , was discovered by a
broken down miner while diggintr a
grave. A minor died when there were
several foot of snow on the ground. His
comrades laid his body in a snowbank
and hired a umn for $20 to dig a grave.
The yravediggor. after three days' ab-
hence , was found digging a mine instead
of a grave. While excavating ho had
struck gold. Forgetting the corpse
and his bargain , ho thought only of the
fact that ho had "struck it rich. "
But these "stumblings" are excep
tions to the rnlo tbat mines are found
by painstaking , intelligent prospectors.
They spend wearisome months in ex
ploring mountains and gulches. They
are mineralogists , geologists and , above
all , practical explorers , who can toll
from a ' 'twist" in the grain of the rocl <
or from the color of a spar scam whethoi
"paying gold" can be mined in the
Reason ! Bcecham Pills act like maple.
A Comprehensive I'riijuct Outlined liy thr
It is now predicted that the Tildon
library will yet bo founded upon a
grander ccalo than the late Htumiel .1.
Tildeu projected when ho bequeathed
the bulk of his 88,000.000 eslato for thai
Tno trustees of the Tilden trust , saya
the NowYork Herald , have under con
sideration a plan for the consolidation
of nearly nil the largo libraries in the
city with the Tildon library. The
$2,000,000 or $2,500,000 obtained by com
promise with the contesting relatives
would not establish such a library at
Mr. Tildon contemplated , but under the
plan of consolidation the trustees hope
to provide ono of the greatest and most
jontploto libraries in the world.
In the plans IB embraced a system ol
distribution which will enable persons
in all parts of thu city to got the books
they want by slmply'lawhig to branches J
ot the main institution.
Kxlsting libraries which are likely to
consolidate with the Tildon library are
the Vandorblll.LondS.'Oooper ' Institute , ,
Hruce. American InsJUjtto , Merchants' , i
Ottondorfor , Society , Columbia. Unlj j
vorsity of the City of Now York and .
the Now York Siitfety. The Astor I
library will probnbly iwt go Into the
scheme , although Its truslcoa have not
declared thomsolvcsj.positively against
it. ' „ . .
President John Uigcow | of the Tildon
trust yesterday sent a communication
to the board of estimate and apportion
ment stating that the court At appeals
decision would reduce the fund available
or the library to about JL',000,000 or
$2,600,000which will glvo a not rovcnuo
of $ SOCOO per annum , Ho points oc.
that this sum , while sulliclcnt to equip
nnd maintain a library such as would bo
a credit to the city , would bo Insulllclcnt
to provide the necessary building. The
board Is therefore requested to erect a
suitable homo for the I'lldon library.
The matter was rnlorrod to Comptroller
The trustees of the Tilden estate have
reached a final settlement with the rel
atives of the dead statesman , and most
ttf the money bus been paid ever to the
holrc. Mrs. Hnxard , only daughter of
Mrs. Pollen , the sister of Mr. Tildon ,
was awarded one-half of the estate ,
the remainder going to the children of
her brother , Moses .1. Tildon. Mrs.
Hazard , under au agreement tiiudo with
the trustees before her uncle's will was
broken , sun enders ono-thlrd of the entire -
tire estate from her portion to found the
Trustee Andrew II. Green informed
mo that the project to consolidate other
libraries in the Tilden library had boon
discussed at tnootings of the trustees ,
who thought so well of It that ho drew
up a permissive bill , which was passed
at the last session of the jcgislaturo.
"Wo need a great library in this
city , " said Mr. Green , "and I hope wo
will have ono. Most of the trustees ot
the largo libraries of this city , except
ing these of the Astor , have as indi-
idiials expressed themselves in favor
f consolidation. It it is done wo will
erect ono largo central building and
establish branches in different portions
of the city. As at present planned 1
think eight branches would bo sulliclcnt ,
Wo could cither build these branches or
nt them. x
"A rapid moans of distributing the
books from the main library to the
branches will probably bo adopted.
They could bo sent by pneumatic tube
or electric tuup service or by distribut
ing wagons , whichever the trustocs may
consider best. Of course all the books
would not bo put in circulation. There
would bo a library for costly books"
which are to bo used merely for refer
ence. A person could enter a branch
library at the Battery and file his appli
cation for a book. The librarian could
telephone to the coutral library and the
book wanted could bo sent to the branch
bytubo or by othen means. "
Mr. Green added that all the promi
nent scientists in the city and many
professors favorect , "tho consolidation
plan. It would gjiv.o . this city , ho tmid ,
what it had long Deeded , a library for
the people , and also ono whore all sorts
of dolve'rs after knowledge could consult
the books cceded Without going abroad
to the libraries in "Europe for informa
Thewlibrary would need , ho said , an
entire city b'.ock , 200 foot square. Ho
favo'red building it-at a cost of $1,000,000
or more. It would probably bo six
stories high , bo composed of brick and
stone , on afouf.dat'fdn'capable of sustain
ing additional storied should the growth
of the libi'ary'warrant it.
-3ho "No. 9" Wheeler & Wilson will Tnol
break the thread nor Impair tbo stitching 01
run In the wroni : direction. Sold by Ueo.
W. Lancaster & Co. . 514 S. lOlb St.
KMicrlunco < > f Tu clvo Men Who Salleil S.OOt
Miles In un Open Itout.
On August 2 the Campbell , which wai
laden with lumber , left Port Townsend
Wash. , for Queonstown. Three weeks
after her departure she mot a northWOB'
gale , in which , after laboring heavilj
for twelve hpursj-sho sprang a leak ,
The water increased so much fnstoi
than the pumps could clear it that in i
short time the captain , Havener b.\
numo , gave orders to got out the life
boats and abandon her. The two larg <
lifeboats were liiled with stores , and Hit
lirst carried Captain Havener , his wifi
and child , the fust mate , boatswain
carpenter , cook and eight of the crow ,
The second mnto tcok charge of tin
other boat , which contained cabin bn.i
and the rest of the crow. When dai
broke the bark had disappeared anc
the two boats were out of sight of eacl
other. It had boon agreed that the ;
should make for Ililo. in the Hawaiiai
islands , which was the nearest land
This news , with its sequel , has jus
arrived in England from Honolulu ant
is recounted by the PalUMall Budget.
On September 20 a native fishermai
of Namuvalla , Hawaii , saw out at BOI
what ho supposed to bo a drifting log
but , on approaching it , found it to bo i
ship's lifeboat. Lying in the botton
wcro twelve mon M weak astobounabli
to speak , witli their tongues swollen an <
black protruding from their mouths
Their eyes were sunken and glassy ant
they all , though conscious , heomod as i
demented. ThoJ were unable to movi
or give any account of themselves unti
brought to where by the natives. Tin
story of their voyage , as told by tin
mate , is ono of horrible sulTorlng. Hi
said that when they loft the hcono o
the wreck ho calculated that Hllova
about 2'i'JU , ' miles away and tlmt will
care and short rations they could mak <
the land safely. All went well for i
tlmo , the lifeboat making , accorJing t <
his estimate , about 100 miles for cacl
twcntyjfour hours. The water gave out
Do You Wish tfie
o Finest Bread and Cake ?
ir It is conceded that the Royal Baking Powder is the
iOd puresf and strongest of all the baking powders.
o The purest baking powder makes the finest , sweetest ,
most delicious food.
Lo /The strongest baking powder makes the lightest food.
at That which is both and
10 baking powder purest strongest
a- est makes the most digestible and wholesome food.
Why should not every housekeeper avail herself of
1C- the baking powder which will give her the best food
8at with the least trouble ? H
Dr. Haines , of Rush Medical College , Consulting
Chemist of the Chicago Board of Health , says : "Royal
is not only the purest , but the strongest baking powder
sray with which I am acquainted. " "
however , sotno days before Ihoy WOP o
found nnd the soono bocnmo a terrlbto
onfc. ilo nnd ono of the sailors "Slono
rotitlnod tholr sonpos. The rest bocnnio
in ad in on nnd ut the last \vero lighting ,
shrieking , toarlnjr tliulf hair nnd
clothes nnd raving cenornlly. Ho nnd
the sailor managed , hovvcvor , to Ucon
thorn from olthor jumping overboard or
drlnlilng the alt wntur until they ho *
cnmo too weak lo do so. Finally ho nnd
the sailor nlso gave out and for two
dnys nnd nights the boat drjftud In a
calm son without nny effort to guide OP
propel her. A friendly current carried
them Inshore or they would hnvo a I
died in the boat. Nothing has been
hoard of Cnptiln : Ihvvoner's boat part
it is hoped and boliovcd thnt the nnd
were rescued by n passing vessel.
A ( Irrut Mind ,
Mr. Gushing , on bolng appointed to
Iho bench , propircd himself by reading
In nineteen days the llfty-soveu volumes
of Massachusetts report's. When Web
ster's unabrldired dictionary appeared
ho reiiJ it through , word for word , and
cot reeled tome mistakes. Mr. Cush *
Ing excelled ns a linguist nnd wab said
to bo nblo lo converse with nil Iho for
eign ministers at Washington In their
own tongue. It is nlso stated that aa
our commissioner In China ho nego *
tlatod the ( list treaty without the aid
of un interpreter.
A l.iltlni ; Slid ; .
Seme ingenious contrivances nro used
by thiovcu. The latest looks like nn
ordinary wnlKlng stlcu , but is so nio
ranged that by pressing n spring nt the
handle the foriulo will spre'iul apart and
form" sort of spring olip thnt will take
hold of nnything that is within reach.
The thing ia called "tho continental
llftlnc stick , " and Is used to take things
from behind counters when the shop
man's back IB turned.
Cnp.itiln ol Mlncoimtriirtlon.
Soinorvlllo Journal : "Whoro is there
n craven so low , so base , ho utterly un
worthy of the name of man as not lo
support his party's candidate in Ibis ,
llio hour of the nation' : ) iinrliy" nskcd
the stump orator in the" middle of a
glowing speech , nnd an enthusiastic
little man away back in the rear of Iho
hall made everybody howl by standing
up excitedly and snouting :
"Hear ! ll.mrl"
Jos. D.VAUD , Kewuik , N. .T.
Sugwa Cured When All Hope
Hart Fled. /
xcwAiiiti x.I. . , An ! ? , ir. , is .
I owe a debt of gratitude for the gieut ben
efit deilved fioin the ui ot'tliut noljlo lem-
edy , "KleUapoo Indian "nirwii. " I FUffeicft
untold tortures from ( Ja tvltl" , orvatHrili of
the stoniurh , In Its wort foini , nml fiequi'iit-
Iy would luivo to ahstulii fioiu entlngiilto-
nether for days at a tlmo , und at nil time * my
dipt required the limit rat etui selection , und
1 was foiced to deprive myself of all tlio lux
uries of the table. I cpent hundreds of do ] ,
lars Jn consulting the hp t phy > lel m with
out receiving uny help , whatever , und life
hud lost all dim ins for me.
In this condition und when I was In de
spair I licniil Ibont "Kickupoo Indian
SIIRWU , " nml wus iidtiecd by n f i lend to try
it. I confoiK that I had no fulth and Ilttlo
hone. In three ilai/s lifter rettiiiitliii rtMtily
1 frit relief , innlfler \ mlny the jirnt liotltt irni
letter tlian f littil betii for i/itin. I eonllnutil il *
UK , anil i\fler taHitig sir battles /inn n well mua.
It not only cuied ine of the KtittiltK but It
Kitvo mo new lift ? ; now hope , new coinage ,
and I felt like my old self.
TO Til V I r.
JOS.I'll ! I ) . WAIII ) .
Physicians and Specifies
Kickapoo Iniliiin Sugivii Completely CHITS.
HIGHLAND , Ji.i. . , .Innull , I L' .
For over nine- years I Milfcted untold
nil ery from Inllaminatoiy Hlicnnmtlaiii ,
from willed physicians us well af vittloiu
bpccillcs afforded mo no relief.
At last I concluded to > 'i\ e Kk'Kapno Indian
8aiwn n trial.Vlth lr s than tluou liuHIrK
i IIHVC bfcn coniitlrti'livitrftl tttiii him' itttyf't
eiirtit. 1 life I ) Ka tYii In the IKIIHI ! nil
thu time , and nnd It a crcat lielp to me ut
variom times when I feel inn doun , unil
eonalder II one of the best tonics In llio
Sold by all
$1 per bottle. 6 bottles for $5.
BTDCrp T Send three i.r. * l mp lu pay poll.
ITCK tge , and ue will mall jun treu a
Ilirllllni ; nnil Inli'iuflv Inlrrestlnir book nf 1 7. 'I
pavei , entitled ' MI'K tM ) St'K.M'.S ( MOMi
tllK KIUKAI'OO IMIU.NS. " TrlU all klioul tin
Indians. AdilrrM , IIDAJ.V * llltiiOW',6-Jlllraiu ) :
Aieuue , Aew Haven , Conn
r ( \innilnr < ; Attor"er > ' "t
C OdlllUlLlb
nco in iIQ | HUIO nn
federal courts. HUUIIIH ' ! . 4 null 5 hiliiiii ( ;
Uonro blouU , Council HIiilVs. 11.
Notice ol tlio Nittiux nl" llui City Council i
u Hoard nt ICijn ill/nllon , ,
To the Dillon 1'aoUlc Hallway Coinpuiiy , tl
Omaha A : HcpiiliHcan Valley lUllroad ( 'on
pay. tliu lliirlliiKtoii .V .Missouil UUur 1UI
roud Company , the Oinah.i & Honthwi'Moi
Itiillroad Company , the Missouri 1'aell
Hiillway Company , the Omaha Unit , Kallwn
Company , iho Chicago. Hi. I'util , Mlnneapi
lU&Oiiuh.T. Hallway Company , llio l < 'iomoi
iililioin : it .Missouri Valliy Itallway Oon
iiany , the Omaha and Nnrlh I'tattu Hallwii
Company , Iho BionUlly & I'aclllo Kallw.i
Comiiiiny , the Omaha and Noithwebtei
Hallway Comp.ftiy , and Ihu SljiiUlly in ;
Northern Huilnny Company : Omaha an
Northern Nebraska Hallroad Company :
Von and each of you are hereby nollfU
that In Hccordanco with faction VJ 1
of the compiled statute * of Nobr.inku for Ikl
ontlllud "Ulllea of thu iiii.'tropolltiiii ulnt-s
Iho city clerk of the elty of Oinalia has ixdtii
to the assessment lolib ot sulil elty of Ib'.il. ' n
BtorehotlbuK , warehouses , siiopi nnd otln
buildlnvs within the rUht-of-\\ ir aloir/ i
adjaeent to nntddotr.iek of each of HII
raflwava.iibed lortho pin poses of rent liy yoi
respective companies or purprit-cs oilier th :
tlio ordinary operailont of snld companlc
und not iinueaiiiiK on bald iibsessmcnt toll
and albo nil lots nnd lanils oiitsldu your r
bpcotho rzlits-of-way. ! wlilcli siild riht-o )
way only Includes .V ) feel ot liuiils and lo
umittliu on each aide of tlui main tracks
uny rullroid ; which uald addition an I utn-ob
inent thoieon are on llio In the ollleo of ll
eity clerk subject to your and naeh of yo
InspiicUoii , And you and each of yon are fu
llier notltlod thnt the city council will Mt ut
board of eiuall/.atlon | at tlio olllco of the el
iderk in thu city lullon I'll luy. the 2nd day
Doeoml er , ibitt , from U o'clock a.m. to .5 o'o o
p. in. , for tha purpose of oqiiullzlntf thu pr
posed levy of tuxes on said property and ca i
reeling any errors therein , and of heailir. i
conipbilnlB tnvt the owners of proper
M ) to bo taxed and Ubsessad may make ; * a
taxes und assessments bolnj ; levied accord ) ;
to law for taxation.
Omiiba , r\ub. , Nov.VJiJ. Ibiri
- JOHN OUOVES. City Cleric ,
To como'to the point nt once , lot us Infer thnt you wnn
now clothing. Wo know how you foal nnd what you wnnU
Whether you hnvo little , or n snug sum to sp-irj , you cloalro
to get for the amount you spancl the bast poWblo return for
your money. In this you nro rlgnt , and MET/CALF'S Is the
plnco where you will get it. The pretty styles of suits nnd
ovorconts nt $5.OO , $ d OO , $ IO.OO , $13.OO , nro somethlno
mush superior to suits nnd overcoats usually olforotl nt
those prices , baltig mode bolter than ever , nnl tha fit. style
nnd finish nro extraordinarily gosd.
Winter days tout approaching , will remind mother to tnlto
un Inventory oftho young hopeful's wearing apparel. Wo
nro rondy to supply his neods. If it's n suit , trousers , ovor-
cent or1 n sh irt 'vnist. .
Our prices nrc notocl for their modesty.
Complete stoclt of lint * , caps and furnshino nools.
Mall Orders solicited.
SOS Broadway , Eisman building Council BluffsS.
The ( lood Samaritan. 20 Years' liptriciicc.
/treat the following Diseases :
Catarrh of the Head , Throat , nnd I/.ings ; DtJ.
caecsof Ihc Eye nnd Ear. Ills aid Apoplexy , Heart
Disease , l.ivcr Complaint , l.'ldncy Complaint ,
Narvous Debility , Montnl Depres
sion , Loss of Monhood , Seminal
Weakness. Diabetes Brnrhfs Dl-cuso , St.Vitus"
banco , Kliemiiatlam , I'araljRls , White Swelling ,
Scrofula , Fever Sorra , Cancers , Tumors
and Fistula In ano removed without
the Knife or drawina a drop of
blood. Woman with hro rtelicnto orpr.ns re
stored to health. Dropsy cured without tapping.
Special Attention given to private
and Venereal Diseases of all kinds.
S5O to 9CJOO forfeit for any Venereal DIsease -
ease I cannot euro without mercury.
Tape Worms removed In two or three hours , or no
pay. llorjorrholcla or Plica cured ,
WllUavo Hfoand hundreds of dollars by calling
on or u.'itiK
Tlioonlyl'liyslclnn who c.iu toll vrhnt all !
a jicrsoii without asking : a ijucstlon.
All correspondence strictly confidential. Mcdlcln'
sent by exprces. Addrc all letters to
BSS Broadway ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Omaha ifafaiiil Snrgiei
FOli Tl-llil
. . .
lion fiii'DUlixnn.uritiMiri I rn u i lei f i- 111 nil. '
troitim-ntot iivcrI ona nfill oiio nil ilr-
liuniCMtluil uriiiirxlL'al tntu M , ; it.
Ulieils fnriMlltMiK , l nrl mil utlcilruj ,
conin lattunw In tlm c "
tiiio nn i m-'i- . . .
Wniiicii I'lllII ) . rt'n Irivo lut jly I it lylii-lii da
luiilini'iH tor v/iiiui , i durliu " iiillnjinoiittricil /
pr.VMlc. Onl ) Uolhiblo .Mcllc.U linl.tiitu in I : ln ( t
t > | icclnltyut
All llloml
. , i
rxprjss.M'curely tuo'iul. no in irU to In Ha. it i coi-
U'ntnor pt'ii'lur. Ono por-i'innl ' liitm-pur | i rjro-fj | .
wowlllsenl Inplnlii wripimr ,
. , , , , , ) r NurOM DH
InipotPiioy.Sjl'liilli , ( iloutii.i I Vurl : jjlo , win | iji
Uraia , ' .tpillinco4 | for l ) > 'for..iltioi nt I Tr .11,01
only muiiiiliit-tury In tlio not , ) C
Omaha Meilical and Surgical Instltuto
2Oth and Broadway , O.uuoll BluSTj ,
Tonnilnuicjrlclo from c'untr nfO mil i J I O.uui
UN J UrinU lllutfi t'loctrtii luavtf II. 1 1.
Tu tlio owners of all lots , imrls of Ion und rn i
csliito alnnx HID lillur In l > lK'c ! I , Koitnt/ti'
4th nililltlon , fi-rini UllitluiCt ! to IHIi Ktruo
Voti mo ln'i'L'hy notlllo I Hint tlio und ir
HiKiioil. tlircoilUlntuiostud froulioHlerj of tli
oily of Omitliu , liiv ; < ] licou duly ) ii > olntoi
liy tlio'iniiyor , with tlio iiiiprnval of tlio elf
foiincil of Maid oliv. tn ossusi llio ilunmgu t
llio iiwners icspoctlvcly of Iliu property af
fcutud by tlio rudln or tliti alloy In block I
Koiint/o'Mtli om 101 list reel lo lit ;
Hiroct , ilculnrnl noccssurv liy oraliiiini'o Nt
; i'8.1. iiiissod October 1st , IS'.IJ ' , uiinrovoj Octo
bcrltli , IW .
Von uio furtliur notllioil tlmt h'lvliu ac
I'L'iitod H.ild Kppoliitinunt. uiiil duly iiiiullflui
UA loriulrt'd liy law. wo will , on tlio lutu duy o
A. I ) , isir.1 , ut lliu liouruf llo'cloo
In tin ; forenoon , ut tlio olllfo of John I' . I'lucV
rot ( /'liitiiibur of Uoinnicrco , within tlio cor
jiointt ) llnilH of mild city , inuot for Iho jitir
juso of cniiilderliiK nnd nrililn thu IIMOSS
nietit of daniUKo to Uio ownoru rcspoutlvuly o
B.ilil pioiiorly itlfuctuil by said cliiinxuof unul
Inking Into uontiUlcruiIuii spculul buiiefiu , I
any.Von nru notified to bo prcsnnl ut the llin
und plat-'o aforusalil and iiniUo niiV objection
to or stiiU'niunts'coiii'uriiliii salil
us } oil may consider iirupor.
It. W. U1IKON.
ef - - JAMiBl' : > < > UKl > MIX
fts OniHlin , Neb. , Niv.iid ; , ib'Ji
b10 To the stoi'ldiolikrH of tlio Ozullulu Ian
ii r und Oitttlo Cu : Notlcu la bcruby given to tli
r- klouUboldoiii of the Otfullnla Innd und Uattl
IH coniitny | that the nenoral annual inoutliiii t
IHof buld conipiiny will Lo hold ut tliu olllco of
of company. In tlio city of Uniitliii , htuto of Ni
PU liruhkn , onViidnotd y , llnucinbui Hovuut !
PUo ibtB. nt two o'clock 11. in. , for tliu piirposo <
I' ulcctltii ; directors of Uio uoinpauy to nerve fi
I'll ! thuuiisuliiK yoir , ttnd for Iho truimuctliiK <
iy any und till other inibliu.'ba of every kind tin
Id Chr.ructer that , muy ho prt'seiilod | o HUC
as niectlni ; by Ihu nn.iinhlod ( Moultliolders.
KiuvAitii l < ' LAWIIENCK , rrcs'.dcnt ,
JONATHAN AIIKI. . See rotary.
UuiuliuJNcb. , Nov. 1'J ' Ib'J , ' . u''Jdtf
THIsiioitTflsr ; lisa TO ciicr. )
is via tlic Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Paul Railway , as repre
sented on this map.
. \oUXCiYY CH VfiftQc
Electric Lighted- Steam Heat
ed Vestibuled trains leave
Omaha daily at105 p. m , , ar
riving at Chicago at 9 130 a. m.
City Ticket Office , 1501 Far-
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A. NASTi" , Geti'l Agent.
\\r.\NTKII A pupil iiuisi ! nt llioV. . 0. A. lios-
' iillal. cor. Bill nvuntm nnil s'th Mrpet , iiiimt liu'
livtnei'n''Unmlil'j years old ; ufKouil mornl clmruc-
tcr , Appb iilunco.
Glltl. WunlCMl for ii'ncir l linncM\ork , Cnll ntor
nildicn * No. 10 ! Fourth stli'Ct. ( iuu.l' .
\Vnntpil , liynclUo lioy u li ( , who will
mnki ! lilniieir iiHoful In Hliup or sturc. Address
1 , 21. HoeullJco ,
lure. ! Iitt North 7tb htrct't.
, ' , UIM anil city lounn. .Minic'y losucil on rtoclc
nnd L'rKlii. Uenl cntntn for i-ilo. Dnclllntt ntul
tiiiliioRt ! rcntalH. Mbnuy il for loca
I/DUKCU \ ' 1 owlc , 2l >
I OIl KXCUAMilC A nice liomn on S. "th ttrcEt ,
X nour bill tivonuc. clear < il onutiiubrnncc , for hotua
In Uiunlin. llnimrum I'l.ici ) or Koum/o rlni'o pro-
fcrrvd. Will i > ul In f.f > UJ ilinqrenee. Urcunalilcdn ,
Mcliol-uiii't t'o. _
WA. WOOD \ CO. linro BOIIIO of the llncst fnnim
In RoiiUiwestoni town for H.ilu. ( 'ull untl HUU
uft'.ll Mnln ntroct.
"jj'Olt 1JXC1 ! ANOIJ-Hooil l-rooin on i-oiltU
-L Sth street for hind , tjrepnnlileldi , Nlcnolton , V Co.t
IflM HK.NT-Tlio follovvlnit duelling :
1 lUroomiluollliiK , IU ! I'urk nTe.U.
T-room duelling , IIIO litli nvo. . ( . ' . " > .
7-rnoai ilni'lllmt , 182S llnmchvnj , fa.
1U room dwelling , &Ti lliMiton il. , I > .
5 loom dwelling , HI2 AVUIIUO t ! , SKJ.tri.
( i nioni dwelling , lit ) N. l.'itli nt. , SIIIIJ5.
i ; room ( I neil I nn , bW Aveimo 11 , (18.
7-rootn dwolllm. , JIU Lincoln inc. . Jill 65.
T-room dnollliiK , SW llnrinony St. . $15.
T room ilHolllnir , Uiilililtt I'lnce , (15.
ft room dnollbiu. AM .Mynitor ft. , f II. '
! > room dHtMIIng , lO.'iltnl nvi- . . ) : t.
rooni ilnollInK , ' > ' 'I Myaslcr r , ' . . . f I'J.jJ.
li-room ilwvlllnx , ( irnliuin nvu. . (12.
fi-rnoui dni'llhiK , l.W , I'lh nve. , f la.
I ! room ( Inciting , llnbMU L'lucc , (12.5) . .
T-room ilnclllnx , MornliiKKlilu , ? I'.W.
4 room ilwclllmr , 4B5 Turk n\H. , fl'.M.
6-room iIaollliiK"iil ( ! Avi'inuiIU. .
'i room ilncllliiK , < UI N. 1,1)1 ) hi. fill.
I room clnnllliik' , 'M N. itli nt. . flu.
4-room ilnollbiK , UU' > Sli ( nvn. . flU.
li room ilnttlllni : , fo.'illli nt. , tU. [
( room ( lirulllmr. US Vine it. , (10.
b room ( Imilllnj , 2ii ITIli IITC.IU.
G-rooni ilwcllbiK IMS Avcnuu II , > I3.
II room divcllIiiK , I'.i'H Bth nvc. , flu. * "
li-room dwvllliiK , 17UU Avcmui A , (10.
6 loom ilivollln , ( iralMin avo. . nour Illgli , I * .
l-room IIOUHIITU.I Sn. ' . 'Ill it. , f IU.
4 < room dwelllnt : . Mil Avonnu n. ? 3.
6-room ilwc'lllm. , 2C.'V Avennu 11 , $4.
II room ( Ini-lllnv , VInl t. nnil Avi'nno .MIJ.
.r > room ilMolllnu , TU'j ' Ho , l tt ht. ( H.
& room dwelling. : iJ10 ( AvnniiG A , ? j.
l-room ilwclllnt ; , : xri .V. Ut nt. , ir ,
4 ronm ilivuIlliiK , i > 'l bo , Ut , , ? ( . - - -
C-room < ln llliiK. .1IOJ A veiittu A , fO.
f. room cH rlllm/ , nil uth nvo , ( > l.
'i-roini ilwvlllim.KM AM'ime I ) , $ J.
' . ' loom ilwulli/ , KIM A\IMIIIU I ) , f i.
4-room thTOltlni : , . ' lu At mmu I ) , f I.
il-rooniiluollliiK. J-J o , litli t. , S3.
4-room dwclltni ; , 2J11'nrlt inv. , fl' . ' .
T-rooiiiil pinr | | | , 711 M > inter ht , ( . ' 5.
r.-room ilniillliiK , n'.F > WimliliiKlon nvo. , I ) ' . ' .
T-room Oucllliit ; , .V.'JTtli ave , , I H.
li room ilncllliiK , 8) ) " Avenuu A , ( II.
ll-room ilwiillliiK , ' . ' 0 1 : iil avc , . ? * .
li-room ilHulllmil U Myn tt > ri > lf800.
4-1 oiini ilwoi'lUK ' , 15-S 2d ave , "plnno , " ( IX
& -ICOIH ilMi'llInu' . K.IH live. A , ! ln.
H-room ( i ollluir , 'ijl litli uvn , (25
i : room ilnclllnu , Mi : Oakland uvi > , (12.
: i-room iliTulllni. . Ill .N. slh "t. , ( IU.
Iv. H. Miuila ,'ll .ik'Jnl , llra.i.lway and Main
utrcct. *
JF VOt ; luivo iniytlilni ; for u.ilo or trudo too 12. II.
f'lK'affl , llroadwuy nn4 .Main atrout ,
) loti In Cent ml mill.
SU lotoln Miilluiru nil'l. '
ll'i loin In llnyllHs \ I'almurV
k'i lots In MiiyiKi'B Int.
m loin In I'ottor A OI.1/ . * ,
VI loin In lluor'a n ill.
13 lotH In lloor'H add ,
' . " . ' IclMln lllxlilnutladil.
18 Iota In IIiitclilnnon'H nd I.
i't lotH In Turlny'H ndd ,
lllit ; ln itiiiiilo'uud'l. '
I 'JO Ints In WrlKlit'n mid ,
HI lota In I'loivn'n a.1,1. In ovnry ifl Illlon to tliu rlly clionp for cns'i ,
or nn iiayiiuuiti. t nil und hou IIH. No troutilo to
nhow property , liri'i'iinliluldt , Nkliolxnn & Co.
AllAHi ; A1N , 10 nuru frull ana tiHrdun tract 2
miles f i oia pontolHcu ; m ncroi In Krnpvn , Huctu
In hl.itUliorrli's. V.l ) aiilu | | trees. H plimi Iroi-s , ; i.1
chiirry truuu , dwcllltiKi "t.ililo , etc. 1'rloa tOW. Ka
Iriulo. K. II. clicafu.
Oh , AOHHH upper Iliuuiltrnj ) npli'iidlrt pluoe for
platting ; cliuajt for c'awli , or will nxclmiitfu for
Improvml roolduiu'fl ( iropiirly 111 Council Illuffii ,
( irt'OMBliluldi. .Mchulxin X Co ,
' 0-ACIli ; fruit nnd unrdun Ijrni , iirnr illy. 150 | > ci
' 'MCI t'l II no HXJuuu fiirm. ( . per ncro ; IftJO ncr
trnul , mlJolnliiK u Nc'ru Uu tonn , 111 pur acre )
lari ! lint or farm nnd city property formic ; , Jnbn-
eon & Van ratten ,
AIib'I'HAC'J'H nnd lunn . Knrni nnd city properly
bouKlit mill nold. 1'uicy ti 'Jhoinaii , Conut-II
Illultii. _ [ _
M ONIvln It. A. pn
ndulu , 1 ; . ii. m , rioclalu bceond-niid fourtli
JUimlnyn. Up. m. Mn > lu fiirnl lu > d partlci and olubi.
AUdrcmi U , A. 1'urlori , Council lllufl > , nrl ( > 2J l-'arnuia
tt. , Onmlm. W , 1' . I lininbern , Innlinrtur.
IWUND-A roll of money , which cnn ho luid by
any ona purclmilni ; tlio lot In which U l lion In *
yi'ntud. Ajiply to Urfunihlfldi , MclioUsn fi. Co. ,
(21 llroailviay ,
G AltllAfiK roiuovi'il. iTiopuoln. mult *
cMujiiC ! > clcuned. K. I ) , llnrkc , cltj bldir.
FOKSAI.K. cliuni , or In I'xdinuife lor land , uncs-
Ulillilieil tiuilnem. Adilrt > iJ 1 * . O. bux UW , Coun-
til lliatl , l .
HOHHH.B uuil cattle v l tiTjl ou ( ioorgo K.
WrUlit' * furin , upponltoVaUasi ! ruunil liuiito.
Kur turiun upulr to Jamen llalpb , nt furin , or I" , 1' ,
WrlKht , l th Boor , llaldv-ln Mock.
1/KVH LOHT-ltfturn tullEUonicuuiHl cotTvwardi
W iUT for vonti , furniture , liouefholil guudi ,
cnrin'tn , for u tlirco or four room lioutu. Ad-
drcni 26. lito ulllca.
I.MI.I.IM1 WANTKII- nont to let oontmct fol
ttlllnv bjr lotou Hroadwr ) ana e ientu ulU tt
to I.eouarU KTtretU