Hi TIE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , NOVEMBER 27 , IBOU-TWENTY PAGES , ME WEEK'S ' SPORriHC CRIST Breezy Gceeip Ancnt the Diamond and the Hoped Arena , WHISPERINGS OF THE WHIRLING WHEEL trite Hnniicr line "f Quiill NolirnOm nml the Trotter Dnnn In IllxlrVlutre tu c Minuting , uiul IntrrmtlMS * Mcllrnry Win All Right. OMAHA , Nov. I'J. ' To the Spotting Editor ot TIIK HKI- : Knowing that you nro always anxious to stata facts I wish to rofu'.o n statement that liai noon going the rounds of the press regarding tbo last rsco that I-obwco trotted nt St. Joe , Mo. Mcllonry , Ills driver , has boon accused by sotno of the turf paper * of milling htm iti that race to the dlsRUstof tils owner , James Ladd. I wns nt Mr. build's plnco on tbo Ttb Instant , nd In conversation with li'ra about said race ho told tno that ho had novnr accused McHonry of pulling the horse previous to his llr t race nt St , Joe QLobasco had picked up a gravel ami It had not \\orkod out nt the tlmo of that race , utit the trade being stft , and ho being a gnmo hor'o , bo won the race und took the world's stallion record In a race during tbo tlmo that Intervened bo- tnoen his first nnd second race at stud placo. Lobnsco did not huvo the harness on but twlco on account of tlio gravel having worked through , which loft him In no con dition for n brushing race , being short of work and vnrv nero on his foot. Mr. Kauri tolls tno that nt thu tlmo of the race it wns blowing n perfect gale , that thu track WBJ as a brick pavement , und having ono nf the hardest horses on earth to bent In Wnltcr K. , Inking nil things Into consideration. Mr. t.nad says It was no disgrace to have Lo- butco boutcn that day. Ho further says Hint ho thinks had Me- Henry bad the horse oarllor in the soasnn , o that ho would have had tlmo to properly condition him , his mark would now bo 2:07 : or bettor , Instead of'J : 107 . Should nothing happen to the horse \\intorhowlllbo put In condition next season to tuko a shy at tbo world's rocotd. Now I am not writing this for tno benefit of McIIenry nor to boom Lolmico , but am imply trying to right u wrong that must have originated ID the brain of some ono who h d a dislike lor Mack. When Undo Jim- mlo openly accuses Mack of nulling the horse and BIVCS him to some ono else 10 handle , than will be the time for some of these croakers to shout. BILI.V HUSTOK. Nelmuun Trotting ( tight Alone. It wns but rt few years ago when the stnto of Nebraska took no rank whatever as n homo for tholtrottor , but today aho is In the Tory front and apt to stay there. During 1803 , six yearlings throughout the United States hnvo acquired standard , records , nnd none nro credited to California , the land that first unro us a 2:30 Hotter at the " - . , " lot , thnn EllftVoodlino , then Nelly A. 2:29Jf : by WIlUos Uor , nnattio h t Is com- Dlotod by the filly Mill Lady 2SO : bv Count Wllkos. Belle Acton and Ella Woodllno were sired Nebraska stallions , and both are owned hero. Leone was sired by a Massa chusetts stallion , and she Is ' uwnoa tu Illinois. Mill Lady is owned In Pennsyl vania Nelly A. In Kentucky ' , nna Violta in flow York. . Chicken anil Oiuill Plentiful. OMAHA , Nov. 23. To the Sporting Editor of Tun QBE : It's not known among * sports men that the southeastern portion of Ne braska Is u flno game section. If vou In quire from the public jou nro informed that there is'no gamn to be round , but for my owfiTnforinntlon I took n hunt out from Beatrice and found prnirio chicken plentiful , killing in half n day's hunt , over two good dogs , eighteen birds. The hunfwas one to be remembered us ono of my most pleasant experiences. I found the Holds all open , the farmers very kind and obliging. Several told me whore chlcicons were soon last. It's not a country for the market hunter or gnmo hog , but is ns line u section as a sportsman could wish for , and during October I know of no finer cllmato. Quail 1 found abundant. _ Ai.no. luck Doing IHflr'n Land. Jack Prince , the well known local blcy- ollstJi touring the south racing against liorsoa or men , It makes Httlo dllloronco with Jack. If the borso has the most money ho gels the race ; samn with the man. On Thanksgiving day Jauu iuporintended a big racing tournament at Macon , Ga. . the load ing foatura of which was a ten-mile race be tween the redoubtable Jaclc and two ol Macon'a fastest troueis. Uucss ho won. TJin Ititnnnr II IK of Quail. The largest bag of quail brought to Omaha In the last trn years was brought last woeli by George L. Loomis , Fred Montgomery and Charley Johannes , who wore out lor six Uays in Decatur rounty , Kansas. Tbo shontlu ; was magnificent , and the turds unusunlh plentiful. The docs were in excellent condi tlon ana it was an ideal shooting trip. Among thu 1'lntlo ( lliidlutors. Dee O'Uonnolt ana George D.iwsou meol before the California club on tha night ol Decembers. At a mooting of the ( Jallfornln Athlotii club last Monday nicht , Jack U'ilkoR * of .St Louis nnd Jim Puttcll of Sun Jose won matched for n $ .100 purse , which is plant' ' money lor the Wllltos ulas . "Tho Kentucky Hosooud" tnaJo tulncs do cidcdly lively for Gcorgo Di\on. und nov Billy Kosa. a featherweight , has stood bofori the llttlo coon thiough font * waiu : rounds a Harry Minors Eighth Avenue theater Ho took n lot of chopul > ig but hold nn ir.ul carried oil $30 for bis ntirvo. Manager Harrison of the Pncillo Atbloti club of Ban FruncUco announces thai ho ha , [ arranged for n light between Joe Ohnvnsli and 1'otor Miihor. Thu latter Is noxv tnatcho to do buttle with Jou ( Jodd.ird befero tb Coney Island Athletic cluO next month , bu will light Choynskl win or loso. "Macon"suggests thut Pete Jackson wnul innltou hltns u slave in u war drama. Tn Idea Is not half a bad nno. The llcor.so o the stage would permit n scene whcro tb slave llclioJ the ovorscor and that would b ono that \\ould Iho tbopallory to say notbln of Its off' . > ct upon the habitues of the pj Tinios-Slar. It U now settled tlmt the llmsli contest bi tweeu Danny Noodham of San Frar.cisc nnd Hilly Sinltti will take place before tli Puclllo Atllotlo ) club instead of the Call .forma club , which bid too lato. The unit ! Is billed to come nit next month , A purse i K.OOO and n wager of $3,000 bingo on the r suit of the mill , Dick Moore went down botoro Hour Baker nt Chicago n week ugo after a turrit battle of flfteon rounds. Monru was tl favorlto 10 to b and should luvo wou haudi with altttla hcndwork. lie prcfern-U. Uo > over , to mix tulncs from Ibo sturt and tl consequence wns ho was ovcntually throw against ono of the smites and stuuned , thi Knocked out by a smash undrr thu chin , Tbo coming battle between JohnjyVi Iloosl nnu Solly Smith out in California expootod to bo a great one. Mvtlp Is Vi Hceil for a winner. lioth men * are rushc und hard hitters. There will not bo any a tempt nt scientific lighting. . A'nu Hueit unOoubtoiily tbo most forrnldablo man th Smith bas jet tucklod. George Slddons h been up against both , meu. His draw wi Solly Smith ii ( till fresh in tbo minds of I toreitecl parties. Van Hoest put SldJo out tbo first tlmd tbov over mot. The latt ; tvus dusatlsfled with the result and n socoi n battle was arranged. This roiullcd in draw. . Jim Corbett has learned , ao uo aaya , tb his backer , Mike Dwyer , does not want b ! to give UD bis theatrical engagement u light before 1804. Mr. Dwyer , bo adds , I litres bo U en tit led to n rest. Now would ; thai nmko you sloUt What does Ml Dwynrc ro for Corbett's weighty tboatri engaeotnonOi , and why does be think C b u needs a reill What has made him tire ten top of nil tnls Owycr ropndlnto * the , nlk. Ho comet out With the declaration thut , ho Is not Corbott's backer , never wns nnd never will bo. Ho Isn't following prlzo tabling Jnit jot ntvbllo , In conclusion bo ntlmittcd tbnt ho mleht itnlto Jim if ho pees noko and that it nil there Is In their cahoots Next thing you Know Jim will miy his lack of blooilthlrstincsnis nit on acrount of pap.i's objections. Why don't ho stand up nmnfu'ly ' nnd say that ho will light when ho gets good nnd roiidv nnd not before , Instead of Irving o foist the CAU'SO off on to souo prominent mnn to whom ba U so dc.irl CriirKs Ulth Ihu Tint Stilt. IjQUiivitlo Is said to have proiorvoJ nil ict players for nextyear. ; Unnny Slrnrns Is still plunging on long shot * In" the HufT.ilo pool rooms. Uoger Connor says ho Intends to tcttro trom the diamond for the wlntor , ho moa ns of course. Catcher .lark llreiirjau nnd Thltd Biue- " mnn , ino Wcmclc nro now narmntiontly io- cntod in Butte , Mont , Worrtck U n policeman - man thcro. About the only thins done nt the late an- : iual mcotlnc of the National league was to abolish the double season. It was the unani mous idea that ona dose was sufficient. Pitcher Park Swirtzol u < oj to worK In n print shop but hnrdly tloos that now , ns hols reputed to ba tlu owner of minv u broad aero bought with his base bill savings. Mnnneer and Umplro Charley Cusliman has charge ol the bllliar.l room ot the I'Unk- Inton house in Mllw.tUKOo , nnd they do sny that ha hasn't a bsttcr customer than bllnsnlf. This wns an oil season In batting for Jncit O'Connor. If'i'oboiuts In shiitio to-play third lor Clovoliind next season'Davis will go back to the oillllcld uud O'Connor will catch only. Now that Iho base ball season Is over nnd Captain Alison has plcntv nf IcUuro on his hands , ho should consult some good horse doctor nnd llnd out what nils his Colts. Chicago Ttibiino. "Frank Ktllon'Is n eoad imn , " said I'om FulUvood nfli'f U iishiMRtoii had offoted him to Cincinnati. "His only fault Is that ho Is too largo nrouud hcio. " nnd ho waved his hand nbout his cranlnrn. Manager Uus Schtnolz Is superstitious to the extent that ho is n confident believer In sameness that la to say , If his club Is doing welt ho will permit no chnngo of nlav , uolng arbitrary to the most mlnuto pirticular. Of the Western league players but few have gouo In tao National league. Hoovnr and Duugun furmorlv plavod with Kansas City , Victory and Burke with Mllwauitoo. Shugart went to Plttsburg from Minneapo lis by purchase during the playing soahou. Glim was a now ronn to lou uo diamonds this season , but fast enough for the com pany. The Loulavlllos were handicapped when ho wns disabled. Merrill , who nail previously been with Ibo Chlcagos , caucht in nlmoat nil of the games nftor ho was hurt nnd illlad the bill most successfully. Hddlo Burlto is credited with recently Helling Mike Sullivan , the Hods' big pitcher. Now York will drop Burke I lit a a hot potato. It looKs us if Captain Comlskoy know what bo wns nbout , when ho dropped "Sir Ed ward , " after all. Ho his proved thiHh" ) rumors that ho was a malcrmput.arl | UQ H ' .y't.arlo1 after resolving not toco to Cuba , has changed his mind and ho left for the West Indium today. Whnu bo arrived at Mobllo bo found that the team had gone on nhcnd of htm , but ho " 'ill join them at Havana. Ho has signed to mauagc the Bir- inlngbums next season and will have full control of tbo Magic Cltv team. Uon Mul- ford. ford.Tbo Tbo best indoor exercise for base ball players Is band ball , which develops these qualities most essential to the Ball player alertness , agility and even ilovolopment of musclo. The fact that both Sullivan and Corbott , when getting In condition for tholr famous fight , played band ball is n 11 no testimonial to Its worth as a moans of train- Ing. Sporting Life. Indoor exorcise for a ball player nothing ran beat Is sitting on an empty beer keg bemud tlio steve and work Ing over old chestnuts for the drinks. Hogor Connor , Hfco Harrv Stovey , began Ills provisional career at $59 a month , and has slnco climoud to the top rung of hlgh- salniicj nlavers. Mirtlv j'oung plajcrs of today should look upon these ns examples , for honest and temperate tuthlts have on- nnled them to romam at the head of their profession , while the path is sttcwn with a multitude of o'hots woo might have been wboro they arc if they nad not thouebt this cvorld was n continuous round of guycty and fun and discovered then * inlstako wbon it was too late. The Plttsburg club was the very first of the twalve-luaeuo flubs to set up a bnlary incnsuro for next season. It signed all of Its best men of ibis year's team at a regular salary of $3.400 for next yo ir. Tals is u cut I of from 'M to 10 pur cunt. The second and J third class plnvors will receive from Sl.bOO $3,000. Those figures niav DO taken as nbout the regular rates to be paid next year. U is pretty hard for n star who drew ? l 000 or $ . ° > ,000 this t ear to bring himself down to $ .J 400 next year. Yet there will bo nbout " 500,000 men" In the United States next Mai eh struggling for 50,000 federal appointments , averaging salaries much less in size nnd cov ering twlco the amount of tlmo nt actual work. \MilKpprliiKH < it the \Vhccl , There nro151 league clubs in the L. A. W. The Tourists pedalled down to Belloyuo last Sunday. The Omaha Wheel chiD kept opan house Thanksgiving d [ y. What was the matter with the uaro and bounds chase Tbunksgivlni : dnyj According to English law a hotel or Innkeeper - keeper is bold responsible for thu wheels of bis bicyclist guests. Several of the eastern states have "good roads associations , " the majority of the mom- Ic being wheelmen. A. N. Davis of the Tourist Whaslraon loft lor Now Oilcans Thanksgiving dtiy , where bo ulll spend ttio winter. It Is claimed nn gnod authority ilmtEngllsh 0- wheels und 'Knulish blcyclo suntliu'.s will 0W ( loon the Ameilcan markets next season. Q.iHo n number of tbo wheelmen attended at the Younc Men's Christian association to- . cuptlon eivou Thanksgiving afternoon. Several of tbo old tlmo professionals aio trying to mnko a go of n 111 hour race In " Madison ( juaro garden , Now Yyrlt , this winter. Itl Denver Is boon to have u * ft,0. ) ) club house od to bo built bv Ihu combined ulToi'.s of thu as bout sociated o > clliiir clubs of the city and to bo thorn. ut occupied by As u result of last Thursday's special meeting , several of tno Touiists have Joined ild the Young Mon' * ChrUtlan Association nnd ho will put In their spuro tlmu tiaiuing at the of -gym. " bo Tim Lcs ) Molnos , la. , Cvclng ) club opened bo its now rlnb looms on November S. The on- ng tlio club and n hundred of Us frlendn made nt. mcriy at the opening. The rooms are said to no models of mm fort. Club smokers , clnb dances mid hops , In JC- door buso bull , howling nnd high live tourna < ICO mon Is and "donkey" socials uro all tbo rngc ho now , having takun tlio plnco of road races 11tlo century lours nnd club run" , tlo of Manufacturers of bicycles tinvo bosun t < use the now metal , ulunilnuni. In me con re- structlon of wheels and hubs. Several 11 mr will put a wheel oq the market next soasot tbo rnlna bolng uutlroly composed of almm ry num. ilia .bo num.Harry Huttonhaiios nnd Billy Carutbors , two ot Council Bluff's ' hardy wheelmen U.V broKe all previous records from Couucl iwv Bluffs to Glonu'ood last Sunday nftornoon Tbo wind wvs yory flnrca durluc the after "It has been found thnt bicyclists ulu iklo to oiicuss nro ulllicfd with a catarrhu lurynxgltls. Mouth breathing and thi 'an rapldltr and pressure with which largi ils quantities of air uro forced Into tbo larvu : run are said to bo the cause. Moral Close you crs face.Bulletin. . at- tls Question * Hint AimuorH. hat LINCOLN , Nov. 21 , To tbo bpoitltig Edltn ) has of TIIK llEEs A iufitlon | of dlcu we want ut 'lib th'il. Nnjou mil I ro nlmltliu pauur illci I0 lo I hliului llrst nml ilmKo three net's und | iil : ons fours. Uan you. when on the Ural thru 1 : tcr Bhnko ttirt'n Hcct and pair fount , end ix tie o tliouuiuo vltlmut my ouiuunlt * > K. K. ICemii l il Tuulfth stivot. Neb , a ' ' * An's. 1 can , OiiAiu. NovS3 To the Hnortlni Hdltor c hat Tin ; HUE ; lUndly mention the muito cJ toin Urst o as weuklj ur inontblr Irlnx direct ul ilm teiillon toclws [ n yuurbnuduy odltlun. U , it.1. und Kaiifniiinn. bo- There Is no belter Journal than tbo Fore : in't and Stream , ills Broadway , Now forlc , like OMAHA , Nnv , 20. To the Buortln : Editor < leal THE I'.EK : I'leimu answer In tjunduy'ii HKK tL or- following : A und 11 play sU-curil crlbb\- rcdl A pluyi n duuct and umL.i tbu count xu * -\V/a" A pliM another ilouco nlnVln23l fur four liolpa. " I an A count Ilia pulr pinynd bjr Mini ? K hn o in , duos ho not count thn < > imn pnlr rlcn. once ns nbo\o nnd when ho count * tilKlmnd. uriiooibooniinl tba pilr no- ctiso lie suecccde 1 In plnylng them tosolhor ? -J. Iltnwn , Ans. Of course ho counts the pair nnd ill on the piny , nnd a pair in summing up bis hand. OMAtis. ? * ov. 21 To the Sportlni I'.dllor of TIIK | ! KK : 1'loiso docldu thn followin } U > settle - tlo n tt loudly wiger ! A gntnoot dnilliln hlith live. A has < O nnd II Ins 41 points. 11 hl.li 8 and niiUcs liUh. RIIIIIU nnd bulb fives -111(1 cliilms the pumo won before the J vc' ( h i been nliiyiMl , A h id ul re "idy plnyod deuce nnd u fnlr cliiinoo IDSIIVO JICK. Dois II win hefuio ho Cliches the J.ii- If A snvus Jnok and Itluys the ilouco. wlio wlns-MO Noith blx- icontli ) > truut. Ans. ( I ) B docs not win , but if A saves Jack ho does. OMMU. Nov | 9 To tlio Snnrtlns Hdltor of Tin * UP.K : Iniuniorinw inornliiK's HUB ulll vou uiiiiltv il\otbn ; torrent nronnitnclntlon of the naino of thu famous trotter , Sunol , and ' oblige ? Sub. , An . I'bo llrst syllable has the same pro nunciation as the word "soon ; " I'mt.i.io.v , N'm R To tlio Snnrlln ; I < lltor of Tun Hr.ii : Tnilajldn n wiser will you answer In Hominy's IlRK. who In a tbreo- h null ml imp of seven tin gets the gnmo ulicrn tluTclsu tlu between two of the players , A buii ciiuinit , Ans. The nrm farthoU from the dealer. OMAHA. Nov.'V To tbo Sporting Editor of Tun HRK : A huts Uroilnsa receives the niii- Inrllv ovc-r VnnWyok In last uluctlon.lio wins ? KKAUUII Ans.- . PlMiiNOKlv.i.D , Nov. 51. To the Hriirttns Kdltorof TTI : llui : : Please cntlchton tnu In Siinil iy's ( sine on Ihu fulUinliu point In poki-r. Innunini ) with the "JoUur" unit lilny- In "sir iluhu"vhlcli h-in.l wins "live ucos" or a "si r iMht llusnV" S\vu vsS Ans. There is no hiich thing ns ilvo UCPI or five * ) of nny uonouilnntlon , oven ulth Ibo loiter In use. The Joker simply muUcs tbo fourth of a kind , and four noesith the Joker count no moic than four ncos alone. A straight Hush beats fours , wuotbcr mauu up with or xvltbout.tho jotter. llfAlli. Neb , Nov 2l-To the Sportliu Edi tor of run Hun : i'loaso ilucldu HiU : I hot fcinlth In , i iraino of old pm > ' , I ) ills iininboreil. that \\hoa I call the I'J ball and hit it. my cue b ill caroms and Knocks the I'J ball Into thu hole , tlio 1.'Dull also pncUolInx on the shot , tb it 1 get both. Am I rlnht-M. T. T. Ans. Yes. Ovmn , Nov. 2" , To the Huortliu editor nf TIIK llun : To settle u llttlu lontroversy pluaso st lie In Siinitny's lU'K wluithnr I'rlncn- ton oxordi-foatod Vak > ut football , If silllitn the p ist ten years ? I'oile-Bo. Ans. Yes , several timus. The record In cluding Thursday's game , U Yale , 10 ; Princeton , 6. AMO.\ 2JIK bKCKUr IsUCIKTILS. \VooiliniHi of the Wortil. The Woodmen of the World nnd particu larly those of Alpha camp No. 1 have every c rnson to bo nroud of their entertainment of Tuosday""nlght , when at least J > OO.jiUr2l1Crs ! of the order nnd their o.ffinos { nsseinbltd ! nt Washington haljto i"tQe39 tno picsentntion of ujillk ban J. ln boilof of Alpha's passing Jno > 5bo murk und making It the banner ledge in the world. An interesting program occu pied the early hours of the even ing uud tutor Ibo young pcoplo were permitted to danco. n pioerum of twenty-four numbers giving the dancers u surfeit ot that kind of amuse ment. The Alpha male quartet sang "Welcome Tonight" in a very pleasing manner and vocal solos oy Mrs. Cook and W. F. Lon- bardt followed. Then Sovoroicn Consul Commander J. C. Hoot presented the banner with appropriate remarks. The banner U n very h ndsoiuo one nnd bears th : name of Alnhucamp with tbo emblems or the ordar and the inscription : "Woodmen of tbo World. " Tbo upper portion is while , repre senting the morning or life. The rod center Is emblematic of the noon or middle llfo , and Ibo bottom is black , a reminder of the dark pall of death that crowns the o.-iJ. Tno speech tn nccoptanco wns made bv Soveroleu W. L. Seism nnd was an eloquent effort which was warmly applauded. The remainder of the program consisted of singing by tbo quartet , n vocal solo bv Mr. Cole and a piano duet by Prof. Uoo nnd Mr. Thompson. At tbo eloss of the program Deputy Sovereign eign Consul \V. W. Mosolov was presented a handsome silk ( umbrella as a tokeq of appreciation of his efforts in raising Alpha camp to ils ptnsent prosuorous condi tion. tion.Tho The camp was organized in December , 1893 , with about soventy-fivo charter mombois , nnd in less than two years has grovn into u membership of C > - > . Mr. Frank A. Brown was master of cere monies and was ussUtod by the following committees : Arrangements W. N. DorwardV. . W. Moscloy. UcorgoTbomnson , Wilt L. Seism , George Colt , Frame A. Brown. Reception W. W. Mo < cloy , G. P. Kimball - ball , S.'F. Mills. Adam Morrell , D. B. Stout , Fred Youngs , George J. Fox , Grant Will lams , W. C. Webber , F. J. Sackott. Floor George Cott , C. M. Ilawit/er , Phil Miller , ,1. Seymour. IloyHl Arcanum. It seems remarkable that tn a city of 150- 000 Dcoplo there only two lodges of the Itoval Arcanum. Eastein cities , whore the order is particularly strong , not half so largo as Omaha , supnoit Uvlco ns uianv lodges us hero nnd all have larger niomourshlns. What the Omaha lodges need Is njoro push and hustle. Union Pacific council , which Is tha leading ledge in the state , should have : < 00 members instead of 150 nnd the now boiid of ofllcoi'4 to uo elected shortly should bo elected with n view of booming tlio order In Nebraska. Arcanumism is vital and should not no allowed to "lug superfluous. " Elect coed mon men who will studv the rituals and work It accordingly. Laggards shoald bo relegated to the roar. Pioneer council continues to plod along in the even tenor of Its wnv , amassing 1011- sicleiMblo money bv Ibo reu1 or its ball on Douglas streot. Very often the lodge is com pelled to adjourn for want of a quorum , but thiiv peg alon ? with the hope that the unex pected will hapnen. Tl.e truth of the nut ter Is Nebraska should bo given n tiiMiict deputy supreme regent to boom the order and establish n ! ; iaud ledge In ro. Until this is dona only the- few will Join and not the mnnv. Tbo entcrtuinmonts being given by Union P.iclllu council arj dolnc much in help popularuo ono of the best fraternal organisa tions in the country. A mi } anil > uvy Union. Garrison No , fi4 of the Regular Auny nnd Navy union , entertained Abraham Lincoln cnriison No. Ill , ut their hull , on Fifteenth strnet , between Dodge nnd Davenport stieots , on Saturday evening. Afior the rojiilur business of the nicotine had been dispensed with a neat uddross was mnao by the captain of the garrison , extending u hearty welcome to tbo visiting garrison. Shot t addresses on ttio advantages of tbo union were made by Past Captain George J. Stonoy nnd LIuutonnnt Finnic Thorn Ion of garrison No. M , which were responded to by Cantuln Wrlgnt und Past Captain Drhcoll of gnrnson No. lit. Refreshments wcro served and a pleasant time enjoyed , the vis iting gurrisnn being entertained by songH , recitations , etc. , tlio "Arniv Shoo. " "Arm > BeanR" nnd the "Old Army Mule , " bringing tn the minds of the comrades days spent on the "tentoo Hold. " A. K , ami A. Al. The Lodge is the narnoof anew Mnsonio monthly published at Nevada , la , which has made Us appearance in TUB BFE olllco. It u ably edited by John Scott , who is the avowed exponent of the United States Juris diction Scottish Rite Masons In the liawkoyc state , St. John's lodge , No. L'5 , raised two candi dates to the master mason degree Thanks giving nl lit. Notwithstanding the vuiy dis nsreeablo night a very Inigo iiioiuborshli wns present to witness tht conferring of ttu dogioos and oujny thu luncheon which /ol lov > cd. Brother Sudborough has Jknado St ir I- John's n ponor la Omaha , uau by uctlvi 0 work leads all the lodges In the state as fui as membership 1s concerned. wm hcotlUh Itllo . 'M.'UOIIH. The Scottish Ulto bodies of Omaba so'nt i big delegation of it3 to Hastings on Thurs ot day , where convocation was held , and quit no a number of postulunts raised to the degro it- of master of the royal secret. Three day .1. went devoted to the work , terminating las , evening with u big banquet. Nuble * uf the .MjMlo hlfrlnr. of The regular monthly mcetifig of Tangle ho temple , .Nobles of tbo Myitto Shrine , wa postponed a month ou account of tbo ul dftnco of many t > f 4h shrlnors ftt HOB tings nnd away from homo on ThanKsglvlng. llottic * iijfjU/nnha L'nopln. A very prottv Uenslneton was glvon by MM. 11. B. Hoove's 1n'"honor of Miss Marie Rcovos of BuffAlo/N. Y. , Tuosdnv of tbo past week. Thq''pflrlorr were tastefully decorated with chrysanthemums nnd smilux The guests were : Mrs. Frank Crane , Mrs. Dr. Wilson. Mr * . J. 'IX Andrews ; Mrs. F. Stillnrd , Mrs F. W.Mlllls. Mrs. .1. O. Phil- llppl , Mrs. T. F. fMtfroy. Alr . .1. H. Me- Connell , Mrs. a. Mff.-kVl , Mts. U. W. Brock- en rid co , Miss Ll2 9 .nreckcnrldRo and Miss Mlnnta Routzon ? . , ; Mr. nud Mrs. John A. McStmno will hold their post-nuptial roabnUou on 'Ihuradny , December 1 , from until 10 o'cloci ; , Tbo mnrrin o of l . John B. C. Smalo to Miss Alice Mnudo Mono took plnco on Wrdncidny eveninglastnt MIS Dodgn stieot , Rnv William J. PIUKO officiating. A num ber of Invited guests snt down to n sumptu ous meal , after which tno happy couulu tooic the evening train for Chlrogo , followed by I ho good wishes of a host of friends. Mr. and Mrs William S. Holler hnvo re moved to 10J7 ICyncr street. Tbo drift In Philadelphia is toward fewer associations and concentration , nnd reduced interest rate * . Are ( omotlmcs brought homo to us In n forcible manner , when we are suddenly made to real bo that health is de stroyed , nnd that wo uro victims of somu Nervous , Chronic. ' Private Disease , or some form of dlstroaSlnu and din- Kermis sexual miiladius. Hut mid joy take the plum of dosp ilr when we learn th.it wu o.-itl bo lv phiclnc ourwIVvs inidur the skill ful trentnientot tlioso Klnssof fapoclnl- Ibts , the alilo nnil hiiccossful With wlioni CDiisttltitlnn -ihynv- - ? free to all iiDpllcniils III ] ) fT--oii orthosu who enclose a stamp ftr ifep J. Ser.u 4 cent1 ? niul n > cptvo frco n copy of their v.iluuuloifniiw 111 list fatoil boolc of 1'JO pa ns. ( til Dr8Beff6&Bett8 119 South I4tli Street , " " OMAHA , - - . NBB. f FOR FAT FOLKS. Dr. Ed lion's FAMOUS PILLS AND BANDS and QBE-ITV FRUIT SALT reduce your ws ght without dlotlns ; euros the causoo of obesity , such as dyapopsia , rboumit sn , nervous- nosscatarrhkidnoy troubles ; keeps you ho ltoy , and boautifles the com plexion. Cnu\fio IloAitt ) I iculn wno you 10 say I have lost 13 POIHIUK , inaUliii4 ? piiumlaloit III \veulS by usItiK 4 lottlcof r. nUlson'H ' Obesity I'llls anil woiirltu' lilsOboilty linml. Very truly youia. CIIAUI.US II. K n. Prof. HALT , Clili-iiKc University , writes to the Chicago lluralO. upt. 18 , 18'IJ ; Corpulent inun should uuy some attention to rciliiam ? tholr woUht Whun a man IH troubled with ihutimiulsm , dyspupsla. Ulilney iron bio. or no/vouaiie-ss thitruiliiulni ; of Height Is slonui , until tlm ( Jbcslty I'llN have citicil the dlsenso th.it eausi-il oboslty. 1 ho pills boftou anil beautify Ihu skui of the fuci- . 1 am : it Il > > oi ty to clln a ciiho In point , I'mlnr my n Ivlco Mr Annum usoil nn r.dlson Obosltv Hand anil II buttles of 1'llls anil lost. 'JJ pounils in 0 weeks. Othoi patients have boon eiiirilly luuccsaful. fjlctu G. A. SCOTT. Itcvcnuo Ciillnr lluinlln , writes to the t'orrosponiloiicn Department of the Nuw Voik Sunilav Wothl : Three > oir : ace \\olKlinil 1 iCS pounds , but after uslnc Dr. KillsonV populiu Obesity I'llls anil balls 1 rcilnuml to ICA ) iionnils niul easily t this we mnt. I saw how miioh other ciimispoiiilents of yom vulmihlo papers worn 1,1'iiolltlo.il nud wlhho "tfcotho Ur.'s treat ment u tilal. ( ? aw , DIKdlbon H Obesity Fruit Suit la tlio best and blmplort ijonf/jily / for regulating the action of the Hvwituiit IHIB boon dis covered The printed formula on the Inbol of the Fruit jlfji shown thoirvuluo to hulTorors from oxceaslvo fut or llcali. Bund monfiuro lU'Noa. ' K 2 , it. Prlco $2.60 to ! ! ll Inchon , jjudj 10 controxtni for ouuh uddillonal inulu PillH $1.60 u botUti.'lir ' tliroo bottles for $ -1.00 , oiiouch for objcm'ontmont. Obesity Fruit Bull W.OO par bottlo. You fiin buy the Pills , Hands nnd Stilt direct from our stoi/ J , or by mull or ex press ilufti < QrCorro8poiiiloilvSd'iinil { goods forwnr- dcd in plnln , soulod uUiifro. Noild' Dr. KtUaun'fl Elect do Bolts nnd Finfjor Hinffs nilPsold lit our stores. Send for our Bpociul Electric Bolt CirJU- lur , scnlod , Eloctrlo Bolts $1,00 ' d up. Insoles 50 cents nor pair. For Sale by IJU-ncjrjlsLs. Wbolo-.nlodriifgi8Uot } Now York City who curry our goods in stoclc : Ciiurlos N. Urittontoii & Co. , McKosbon fi. Hobbins. W. II. SuhiolTolln & Co. And oihor loading liousoa LORING & CO. , Propriolora niifl Gou'l Agents , 42 F West 22nd St. , Now Yorlt City 10 F Hiunilton ljluco , Hoston , Mnsa. alPEnst Wushlnpton St , Chlogo 111. Cut thltt out nnd keep it , nnd send for our full ( night column ) urtlclo on Oboslty. THEN A. THEY ARK CHEAPER , THAN A CLOAK OR OVERCOAT AT m 1520 PARNAM STREET , CORKTEB 16TH STREET. Lady clerks in attendance. Bring this ad. for special prices. Nebraska Shirt Co. , An Omaha industry ; Started a year ago with a hands ; Now employs 19 hands. Turns out nothing but Perfect fitting Shirts or money refunded Give Them a Sample Order. Latest styles in fancy and colored goods. CID Uptown show room , 181S Farnam Street , Telephone SO9. Factory : 211 South llth Street. ' * Which can only be obtained by caring for the teeth and stomach. Teeth Filled Without Pain by a New Process , the Latest and. Best , Used Only by Leading Dentist , , Office , Third Floor Paxtoii Block , IGth and Fariiam Streets. ENTRANCE ON Six'ii INTH STREET , . . . . TII PI-HONE No. 1085. , Head a few of the miuy tcstimoui wo linvo received from those who hnvo hud their tooth fillcil by this now method : OMAHA , ' rpt.Z , 16U' 'llili Is to ccitlfy tint. Dr. Italic ) HllcilclKlit vcrynt-nsltlvo tenth for 1110 , four nlth BOlii , tliooporntlon nns without the slightest pain , unit 1 mi lieurtll ) JDCComuioiitl It to nil who dcilro tcutli Hllecl .1 II. \cusoff. . OMAHA , Svpt. .Mil , 1'B evornl lootli cro fllleil for me In Dr. liUIejulll ] re , tlio llllInK * wcro inastlr K hliny teeth Imvo uiiliilly hurt mo BII much In Rot- tlni ? Illllni ! clniip. hut Ili0 i' Illlcil li ) the lion procoai iiFOJbylir llnllt'y ilht nutrniuu mo the lt'n t pilii. J It Ciuiicinil Iti-ulilincu Council llluirs. l.isfiil.s , Neli. Frpt 15 ISW-Dr U. \ \ ' llallojr , . Omnhn Nub licur Mr I ul ullr ncM uiy tosllinon. tnl to the ot'u'iH jou lm\o , n iirilliiK your imlii IcMiiictlioiloflllllnj teeth It Isuirrnnd niuccss. ] . i.n isr.Mov , Weir mill print other' , but It noulil nnl ) Iu rein-tltlon of tliu eviitliueiilH above , t'omo.inil trr foi > uu olf. 'Ji-ptli mlrnrtc'il without pitln. niul without tha HUD of nnuithctleH Wonrcrllll making lliiwt line art * nf te-lli for f.'iW , n lit niirrnntod Also lh Dili ) I Initlo lion Is rinlonnil the Icotli without plilu' , I on ml only nt this ollioo Mtroi ( nl.lii liiinjhlnii k'i : * , i Itnllzoit air , vie. , kept coiiBlniuly on linml Uon t fnrtiut location. ' 1'ntnii Illoci , " 10th unit I'ainiiui Cut tlila Hilil nut foi RECEIVED NEW. First Import-lion of Anircasbcrg Singers Itollcr Ciiinirlos W , sclei-to 7eacli. IinportLil nerinan Canaries & ! nnu * inuiiauh. Whlln .livva Uanmles < j Ink bill ) M a tin I r. Iteil htiauuiirry I'liiclirs Jl , .Mexican Hod UoaOoil I'm rots (10 cauh , All lilnls warranted. I ) 100 North Kith St. Omuuliu , Neb , - The Latest CHICAGO STATIONERY Nothing Better. Our Writing paper and Envelopes ; Wedding Invitations ; Reception Cards are sent , nt reasonable prices , anywhere in the United States. Send for samples. UETOAXJ ? STATIONERY COMPANY , ( Ut * Cokb' > Library Co ) 136 YVabath Ave. , Chicago. DIDCD Ne rlr H'OlKlIm ami etali rArtn wint < > rrw | jiijfnli Jmu. Prepare For Oolcl Wo Lithe ] ? . Weather Strip , Door Bottoms , Door Checks AND Springs. Jas. Morton A Son Go , 1511 Dodge Street. ARE TROUBLING YOU ! Well. ' ome unil Imvu them nxmiilno I liy our optician truant churt'i' . Hud If n" f iry.tlttn 1 Mltli iiiMlroI ; . . . , . . 1.1 111 , ti'i uiv Ki'Kc-i'Aci.i'Sur r.i i ; II < ASS HK-tlioln- In tlui Hurlil U ) vii < luu < il nen . wo will loll yim o uml l l u / " " wli } I01' , ' ; { 'Jl' , ' , ' . ' til' MTOTAll'l.S < ir IJVB fJI.A-s K'j HIOM IIJ I I'lulii. iiiuku , bluu or hllt > | ilu C3 , for | iiotuctlnif ttio tyi , , fronijoiiiulrui : ( ) . Max Meyer & Bro , Go. Jewelers and Opticians. Knnnuii and riftooothStrootn nRAPBAHKS _ _ * iirij.i i Fili nrtfrYuM rwlf U b l > u li"rurd. . ki nil ( iluln > i iru < l.tri4 lumin-d t ' ttlul.B Tur luluul.ln InruriMNllon r < * inrrflneillri. b I HUHII I < MI > * . rrt p4.li.lfHi < H. ni1vitlluU b , I < ox 1 tlllCAUU , IU- DR. C GEE WO ] The onlr Infill T Kriln tul rhlnoia ph/ilrlnn , ' rlplitrenri uilr lea jriurt prwHiuit oiiurl- once wltli nil Hi" * " illicnui 'IrcuU iu ci mliilly i allhrn iloniui iflvnn np botl > ar ilucton Utll mid BUI ) lilcn or wrlti for nuuttlrin lilnnlc Da riot Ihliikrour ciu Him il'ju luui MI jrii ir .lootorHIM . 7 on no huttrf I'm Clilnuno iloelur ltli lili niimt Honilurfnlru ueilli mi Irjsiho IID * Ijaiulu : ri I i imriuaiiuntuura-wlintolliar iloo'uri uitinui jr [ > llcrlii ltnot < nnl I'lnnt * r.nturj'i u.imiri lili iniMllilnii * 'flis worlil lilwivltiiDti Ons tlu mil lestlmonlalilntlirju > otri > priutluj UiTiictlniK no imroutlo , na trualinunt ' "it pur'niuiunt curj. Followingcnoi fiiccoiifallr trcatol aril cureil. J ( ihen up liy iitlioriloctorii Tlioi rouKlilln. lili llurnnjr ( treat , n'ironlorlioj. inntl mCruar < . klilnoruntl lltnr trojblei. Thoi Culvert , UlU unl rnrnim * lreli. \ . itonarU fleUIIUr.lnJUJitloii , lo < ( ot olrjnjlli mil rllillt/ J'uult muUh.lna for xoiri but nut nu rMul , M. K Aiiclurion , UJI Cunilru utroot. mlurrli , tuU lirjnuliltUot HflOJU ) f .irj uvulilHU IUi for la tha following iiropamt roiugJIai ftt llJXInLottlu. tUbottloi for jUJ , fur Uia euro f Asthma , Catarrh , Hick lloailichu , IndUuitlo n , Illoodl'oltonliu. Ithuumatltiu. roiuilu VV'oikiieni. Kldner unit Urer Complaint No nvont * Hut il Onlr Lf Culuoiu JloUlfliloCo , Cnpltnl , ' Ofito , tClh aod Cdliforili SU Oarii , > 'eb