Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1892, Image 1

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Crisp h Pisploasaa With the Appropriations
Ociriraitteo Ohairman.
Wliy llto HpcillPr U N it Sallillnil With tlm
Mniiiinrlii IVhlfh III" Alf.ilri . oftliu
I'lilltlnn llmo Itocii A l-
W.\ini\-OTos TtuitKin or TUB BRT , |
511 l-tJitrrr.N-ri ) ! Sntnwr , V
WA-jMisrirox , 1) . C. . Nov. as. I
The Washington correspondence to the
fHltltnoro Sun , an onicial dutnocMllo organ ,
nnnounees tod.iy tint bpoakor Urup will
dMplaco Ho'-nmn a * chairman of the house
committee on appropriations. The Sun says
Jlolman h not m-ovcn satisfactory to
Ills party nnd has umdo many ono-
mlo within his own party In the
house. It is saltl that S.WOM of Texas is to
nuecood llolman ns chairman of the appro
priations committee. If thovo should bo an
extra session of the t-'ltty-thlrd congress
Spoalter Unsp will not have any opposition
I fo'r rc-sloctlon , It Is baitoveJ , and llolman
! will therefore luvo r.o opportunity to JooKoy
J for acomintltco chalrnunshli ) . When Hoi-
man leave * his pro qnt commlttoo position ho
will drop out of slglit n qulclcly as did Mr.
Today's Washington Post has this , which
will Im'of lutoraftl to Tun HUB readers In the
old First district : "In a recent Isiuo of the
Peat appeared a telegram from Lincoln ,
Neb. , dving CoiiKiossnun Bryan u greater
and his i-opubllcHii opponent a lessor moas-
ro of pulltlcAl popularity than they respect
ively possessed in the recent contest. It wus
suggested that Mr. Bryan's popularity waste
to bo tested by the fact of his ro-otoctloa
in H district that WAS l.r.tU republican , luo
facts are qulto the rovorso. Two years ago
the seven counties gave a domooratlu major-
itv ot 8l'J. Ho Is now ro elected by the re
duced majority of about 140 bv the com
bined votes of his democratic fiio.ids and of
1,070 ot lho2UI : Independents in Lancaster
county who were ho badlv knoclted out
olsowhcro in the state. Mr. Uryan's oppo-
nort , Judge Hold , stood squurelv oppowd
to coining n 155 cent * silver dollar and for
protection , Mr. Brvan favoring the former
and for substantlaffrao tradu and because ol
his free silver heresy , Mr. llryan ohtalneii
I the 'ealiunily' voto. Thcro Is now no real
[ clement or popularity surrounding Mr ,
t Bryan's ro-aUation , nor none found In the
I llum-os , especially when the run made b >
I JudKO l lold In the six counties oatsldo el
I l incasloris lully undoratood.Vo imy a'
I well Hoop thorocord straight as wogoaloiiR. "
I Will not Trntitlco l.-iw liiiinr II itnly.
II Anent the statement toloyraphed froff
I Seattle. Wash. , and published this morning or
I the authority of Judge. I. N. Scott , that whet
I Prosluent Harrison leaves the wnito housi
I nnd rn-o t-ibllslioi hlmsolt at Jiidlunapolla hi
§ will probably re-enter the pr.iotieo ol law
with Attorney General Miller , his oil
I partner , It Is stated that the pros I
I dent does not intend to resume th
V jiractlco of lavnctholyito the extent o
I doinr an odlcj business anA does not oxpec
I to have a partner. Ho will irlvo attention ti
u certain cluss of cases and will not onto
I Into thu general praotico. Attorney Genera
ft Miller will , ills understood , enter the linn o
r Elm * ; Winters nt Indianapolis. I'rosidon
| II irrison will not attempt to take charge o
I uuy law business under six or eight month
F from this time , while ( } ororal Miller intend
f to bo actlvoly in Iho practice by the midill
of March.
Uliiliin'H Dc'lro lor lc l.
I Mr. Hlalno , who has boun quiloill for semI
I days , but whoso condition was th'ls rvonin
I repotted conslilorably .improved , announce
I to some of his friends who cnllod today , Mi
I Murat Halstcad nt Cincinnati among th
I number , that no thought of spent
I ing the winter with his lamlly I
I southern California. It appears thi
Mr. Bluuin's doslro to eicapo It
rigors of u Washington winter has hoc
W Ituown to certain fiieiids for sonto time nti
I that it was no sooner known than there can
u dclugo of Invitations from every section i
I thofionth. Mnny ot them were Inspired I
1 u desire of honllh resorts , as It wus Know
I that Mr. Ululnu's presence would not on ;
W tlrnw a crowil but would cause his stoppli :
plnco to oo much tnlkoil about In the now
f papers.
f The Uorrauda people felt that they wo :
I almost euro to secure Mr. Blatno , as tht
I offered him exceptional privileges. Th <
I made a proposition to place at nU dispoml
I private steam yacht owned by a wenltl
I Englishman , which would convov him at
I Ills family to the IJormudus , and there i
I mala at his dUposat for suoh si
I tnpi as ho might ricslro. While
| the islands ho was to have a suacloi
cottage thoroughly and hnndsoincly cqulnp
and all of this as well us the sea yacht w
I iiotlo cost Mr. lllalno a penny. Floiidaat
I offered Htroim Induceuienin to secure M
I lilalno , The prlvato apartments ot M
I Flngler , the Standard Oil magnate , wo
I placed at the disposal of Mr. tfhuno and 1 :
I quarters nt the Pence do Loon which
I owned by Plagioi- were placed at the dl
I posal of Mr. llluluo and his family.
I s Oiler of u I'lilliiilrlplilii rrlmul ,
I Ilnmllton Ultston , the Philadelphia m
m llounlro , also extended to the lilnlnos tl
I courtesy of Ins unique establishment
K Florida. lie has taken up an oasis
thoovorglado , nnd has established moiibtro
m Hawmills and a sugar plantation. Un is ci
ting out the palmetto tree * nnd plantli
sugar en no. and he claims that iho buln
odor of the palmetto logs U peculiarly hoalt
giving. Mr. DUston's ' plantation house Ube
bo a marvel of inagnillcciico , being titled i
K in a way to rival the most palatial rcsldenc
of northern cities.
' A llttlo further north the JeKylo la'.a
club , which hat its preserver of 0,1)00 act
nil the coast from nrunswlck , Ga. , woi
have been glad to entertain Mr. IHali
The Island was once thu site of a Catho
inoimstcry , Latent was transformed ti
ono of thn IU < est.plantutlons In tbo south , a
m recently It has passed into thn hands
Mosr.i. PuUiuat * , Fairbanks , Doano a
K other wealthy ( jhlcagoauit and thoir-nsi
elates In Now York.
California also olTcred iiiimy induocmon
Iho Hotel Moularoy atSttnUlrgo and I
Autclcf and Pasadena being among t
places brought to his attention , Thu qu
tlon resolved Itself largely Into n quostl
between iho JJoriuudas and ( 'attfointa , u
It is probable that the Ilermudas would un
won if it had not boon for a stro
clrrtimstnncn , Ono of Mr. Ulalno'a warm
nuisonal friends , William K. Traverse of N
York , wliuwntt well known cm stuttering u
liumurous man who used to furnish Clmtiui
Joiow ) | with his stories , wont to Uenuuilii
tits health , nnd there died. That settled I
HcrmudUH for Mr , Illalne , and nothing t-oi
hava induced him to take a route which I
terminated in his old friend's ' death. II
lug thus cancelled 0:10ici : \ after nuotl
ironi iho list , California remained , and It
thcro that Mr. llliilno and his family will
within the next six wooUt U his health v
penult tK Journey.
( Jrcnvlli ol Iu ii ludinlrlm.
This evening the census onico Isstiod a s
t-lul bulletin showing the statistic * of mat
facturos In the city of Davenport , la. ,
thu census year IS'JJ , compared with those
the year IbSO. Following are Uavenpoi
M imtuttitoslti 1.SOO : Numberof oxtahllshme
ropprled.10 ; capital invested. $511 , & .VJ ; nt
: -J her of hands employed , JOc ) ; wages pi
f | ? JtT0 : ! ; cost of materials used , $ t > 7tO : : ; n
,1 , wllauouus exponses. f 5.1KH1 ; value of prod
.1 at wortt * .'JJl. PorcontaKos or Inrro
\ , over 1SVJ ; Numlor of cstuhlUhtucnts
; } ported , 1S5 ; capital Invented , I'.U ; uunuci
; hands iuuplo > ed , IS3 ; wages paid , < : o8 ; cos
nmterlala us d , M ; value of product at wet
1 1S ; population of citj , 23 ; usiefsed vul
of ' ' . ' 3 iloere-iso of
tion I'lty , ; muiilclpal d (
lusi sinking fund , 7,11 per cent. A atrlb
fcaturo ol' these returns U tbo mere
In the number of establishments
vorted , Still mot * ( | r tll luK U
Increase during the ilocado in the num
ber of hands employed and the amount
of wnpos paid. The wages have Increased
not only actually but relatively , Iho avcrago
wntos per hand incraaslng from f 10. ! in ISs' ' )
to f 135 In IS'JD , cr 8.21 per cent. Althouch
tbo percentage of Increase in nveraeo wacs
IB below that reported for many other cltloj ,
yet it Is a fact , which will appear In the
lliial reports showing the data for
each Industry , that the lci.rc.-no
ot wnca } in alt elssscs of Industry
commoii to both census reports has been
equal to that shown elsewhere for the sama
classes The nverngoot 153) for all classes
appears to bo roducoJ by the development
during ttio decode of IndtislrlQs wnlcn em-
plov a greater proportion of women and
children. The porosntugo ot iucronso fur
ISSO In the nutnoor of women employed is
SSI , whlla the Incrcajo In the number of men
employed Is but 1150 per cent.
Miss AtinaUurskot Nohraska City , Miss
( lonot Ulngor of Soutn Omaha nnd Miss
Hose Lind.itrom ot Htromitborg were today
appointed mlcroscoplsts at the South Omaha
packing houses by Secretary Husk on the
recommendation of Senators Paddock and
Mnndonon ,
Mr. Wlllmm TTAnnln ha returned from
Omaha. H. T. Wctmoro of Viuton , la. , is
at the Howard.
Kx-Govornor CJcar of Iowa , who was re
cently appointed assistant secretary of the
treasury , tins not reached Washington yet ,
but there U no spaclnl occasion for his hur
rying to the capital , as ho Is In a notillou to
araw his salary anyhow. His commission
wus forwarded to him and ho was sworn nt
his homo by an Iowa Juuioo of the peaoj ,
whornby ho became a rull-tloJjod assistant
secretary and ontltlod to the attendant emol
uments uiiu perquisites ol the oHlce
P. S. H.
Sncci'slloni of lutiirott Ironi tlio Comp-
tioltur ol llio Oiii-ruiit-y.
WtMitxinox , D. C. , Nov. S3 The forth
coming i-dDort of Mr , A. P. Ilepourn , the
comptroller of the currency , shows tlmt 10'J
banks , with an aggregate cipltal of $ I5,2S"- ,
000 , were organized during the year , llfi.v-
Ihreo wont Into voluntary liquidation , and
seventeen boc.tmu Insolvent , leaving n net
Increase for llio year of uinoiy-tbrco banks.
Nearly 5' ' ) per cent of the now banks are
located west of the Mississippi river , aud U5
per cent lu the southern slates.
Tbo comptroller roco.iimend-t that the min
imum deposit ot government bonds required
of national oanks bj fl.OJJ in case of banks
of $50,000 , and $5,000 In case of banks whoso
capital exceeds $50,000 ; that the banks bo
allowed to isuto circulation note ; cnual to
Iho par vnlua of Iho bonds held lo secure
circulallon ; that llio monthly withdrawals
of bonds pledged to secure circula
tion Mull not exceed $1,500,000 , In
the aggregate : that tlio tax on
the national bank circulation bo repealed.
The banks have already paid Into the treas
ury $7 : ) , 1TO , 1)1 ! In taxes upon circulation.
Thu banns should only uj jtsscsted In
amount Mifllcient to defray the actual cost
of the Government of providing circulation ;
that thu limit , of Iho amount which may bo
loaned to unv person , company or corpora
tion or tirin 10 per centof the capital
stock of the haul : bo so amended as to road
"capital mid surplus , " and also that an ex
ception ba made in favor of temporary loans ,
secured by collateral , in our largest business
ccnUu-b ; that the government issun bonds ,
having twenty , thirty and forty years to
run , at n low rate of Interest , with which lo
retire the present bonded iadebtedncbs of
the United States , which bonds inav bo is
sued us n bijsis lo secure national bank circu
lation. ( Tha comptroller shows that by ex
changing 'i per cent bonds having the same
length of time to run , for the 4 per cent oonds
outstanding , nt the mnikot vnluo of each on
October 1 , 1S9J , the government could
have saved $ < i7 , Id 1,551. In addition lo
furnishing a permanent uasis for circula
llon , it would provo a great ( living to
taxpayers of Iho counlry. ) Thai the comp
troller of the currency , with the approval of
the secretary of the treasury , bn empowered
to remove ulllcero and directors of banks for
violations of luw , leaving tho'vacancy so
caubcd lo bo filled In the usual way , 11 rat
giving sucn ofUcors nnd directors an oppor-
lu'nlly lo bo heard. That the law bo so
amended at to prohibit oillcors or employes
of a bank borrowing its funds in any manner ,
except upon application lo and approval by
Iho board of directors.
Section ! ISO , revised statutes , roads : All
suits and proceedings arising outot tbo pro
visions ol the law governing natinna.1 banks
In which the United States or buy of its
onlcois orugonls shall be parties shall bo
conducted by the Untied Stales attorneys ol
Iho several districts , under Ihc supervision
of Iho solicitor ofjllio treasury. The section
to be so nmondeilTis to leuvo the employment
of other than United Slates attorneys in the
discretion of the comptroller.
> In a chapter in regard to circulation tha
comptroller nays : Soiled paper money is
popularly believed to bo a potent means ol
disseminating contagious diseases. A note ,
with its accumulated tilth of circulation , Is
unlit for circulation and should bo redeemed.
National bank notoi constitute llttlo ovet
IU per cent of iho money In circulation.
Currency furnished by the government will
not commend Itself lo tbo taxpayers upon
tbo score of economy. The government can
not Issue money gratuitously ; it must bo on
exchange for borne vuluo. It cannot posses :
elasticity. . The practical working's has been
to arbitrarily increase or diminish the cur
rency to the detriment of business interests
I- National banks have furnished n currency
Io adequate to the wants of the public , sound
u elastic and boyoiid criticism. This farm ol
n currency should bo continued iw the mono\
3 of tlm fiituio.
t- 1-ioslili'iu'K ruiliur-lii-iuw Very 111.
O WASUIXI.TOV , 1) . C. , Nov. 25. Hov. John
i- W. Scott , falbor-lit-luw of President Harri
iu son , aged B1 ! , Is Ijitig bcnously ill ut the
whlto houso.
It was staled nt the whlto house this after
noon that Dr. ScoU was nut BO well. Hi !
tempo rat uro was higher and ho was per
coptiblv weaker than ho was in iho mon.inp
Dr. ( Junlner bald , however , lhat Ihoro wouh
be nothing lit nil sorloua In llio case wcro I
not for tha advanced ago or the patient.
Thora was ft Ktoaily decline In the condition
of UoV. Dr. Scott , the president's father-In
law , during the day and tonight ho is con
sidorably-jivc'uker than ho was this mumlng
'Micro ims'Miiion no abatement of tl\o fever
u lilch remarks about iho sumo. The nation
U In a very critical condition and It Is ei
tromely doubtful whether ho will DO able t
rally , us his greataao makes It diftlcult fo
him to withstand any acute Illness.
Will llurniiiiiirnil \Suilmml OirmintliK
i.v , J ) . U , , Nov. 25. Iu view o
ig iho common expectation tnut President Hut
st rlson will iiicludo In his upxt message t
stw congress n rec-ommoiidullon looking to ih
1(1 establishment of a national ijuurantln
jy Joseph Nlinmo , late chief of the oureau c
jyor stalUtici , has submitted to tha prostuoc
Iio certain oUaorvatlons upon tha subject ,
Id Mr , Nlmmo , in brief , holds that as th
idv government has assumed entire charge c
v- Immigration , one of the principal t > ourcc * i
voi Infection from tlio otiolora uml Hue disease :
oils It iiuut Itkotwso tauo lull charge of the sei
( TO board itiurat.llue ] ,
NKUKiiilil'liu | | film.
WASIIIM.TON , D. C. , Nov. 25.-Tho tt't
department t * negotiating with the Are
10u of England for the
u- strong company ucquls
uor tton of designs for a new rapid-lira gui
ot which Is said to bo 20 per cent moro rapid I
L'S action lhau any other gun , It also conien
its plnlcs securing Ibo right to manufacture
m- gnus in Iho I'nltod States.
: Said lu ll Insiuic.
let CIIK < ! > , Ill , Nov. 25.'Iho ox-lloard (
ISO Trade man , W. Lincoln , who , as ; . Juror , 4t
oof been sentenced to a year's imprisonment f <
of touching bribes , is said In bo insane. Effor
< * wcm made toauy to have thu sentences r
a- kclndcd on the K round mat , the oiorphli
habit has unsettled him. The > your after tl
panic hit firm , Lyman , Puga & Lineal
LSQ failed for $320,000. Ha has had Ill-luck ovi
resince , and for years ho bai dissipated hea
he I ily ud U now pcpnlluit ,
[ t is Mush Mora Seiiotn Thin Was nt Firat
XMilln the r.tpcrotary Is In Nn lin-nedlnto
DiUiiT | , < lrcit : t/'uro Wilt llnioto
lie ivcrrlii-il : N.Uuro of
III ! ) Ailment.
WASIIIVOTOX , U. C. . Nov.a. " ) . Mr. Ulalno's
candltion was again the subject ot universal
interest today , made so by ttis publication of
sUtcmcntH that hts ullmont had taken a
turn for tha worse and lhat his life was in
imminent danger. It Mr. Ulatno's physician
and the mom tiers of bis family ara to bo be-
llovcd , such statemunts are misleading and
nro not warranted oy tha fuels. List
summer a year ago Mr , lilalna loft
the city to sea his daughter before
she . ' .ailed for H'jropj. ' It win on that
occasion that no fell ill and wai ramovod
to his cottage at Uar Harbor , where
ho passed too summer and early tall in
convalescent The catiio of his Illness was
then not an organic complaint , unless a pe
culiar sensitive stomach can be bO rcganlod.
In plain Kngltsh , ho ata what was not good
for htm vlr. : rich food , and ate very much
of It. Heine run down In health and mentally
fatipuod from the labors of his oftlco , the
affairs ot which were Ihon In a crlllcal slate ,
with the Chilian nna Italian ombrogllos
threatening lo assume a serious form , Mr.
lilnlue , who Is by no moans In Iho vigor of
youth , was made very III , nnu required sev
eral months time to rocupiralc.
Last summer ho had another attack , but
sttico liu return lo Washington ho has
bnen la a state of hsatth that nwy fairly uo
described as his normal condition and capa
ble ot earnest work , open nir rides , wnllts
and cheerful , but , withal , very sonslvtlvo lo
irregularities of diet and to sudden chances
of weather. It is said by persons familiar
with hts habits lhat for years ho has been
subject to slight lllnoss from these causes ,
nnd having a wtiolosomo belief In tbo olllcacy
of doctors and physicians , ho Is quick to note
Iho slIghlHst unfavorable symptoms , to take
to tils bed and to send for his physician.
CIIIIHO for Alimn.
As near as can bo learned , the lllnesi from
which Mr. Blnlno is now suffering Is moro
serious than these wnlch have preceded It.
He caucht cold and ho was imprudent in his
dlot. Some congestion followed and there
was fever in Its train. The stomach was
made torpid and Ihoro was dlniculty in dl-
gosllon. Notwithstanding reports to Iho
contrary , it can be said that Mr. Hlaino has
shown uo sign'of menial abbcratlou or de
lirium. There has bocn much difilculty
encounlcrcd lu the effort to got reliable
news as to Ins condition , and this
has fostered .tho oriKln and spread ot
exaggerated stories of Mr. Elaine's condi-
Uon. The reason for Ibis is two-fold. In the
first place James U. Hlnine , jr. , Is absent
from Washington , loading none of the family
t the house except Mrs. lilaino and Miss
larrlot IJlnlno. who do not lool rqual to the
ask of answering the numerous culls for In-
ormation. In Iho second place , tno attend-
.nt physician Is oppressed by a fooling thitt
. public statement of a patient's condition
vould bo u violation of professional etiquette
> y Iho physician.
In Iho morning it was slated bv iho at-
ondants who answered the boll lhat Mr.
Blalne hud passed u comfortable night and
vas reslini ; very easily. Tno attend-lot
.dded : "Tholamtly were much nurprised
o sec the highly cxngcera-od accounts of
lr. Blalue's sickness in the papers this
uornlng. Thay cannot understand hoyv
ucb reports could have obtained circulation
nd wish it stated tboy are without tounda-
1011. "
Ills Doctor's Story.
Later In Iho day Dr. W. W. Johnson , who
s In charge of the case , called at the bouse
md had a short consultation ' "ilh Dr.
lyatt , who has boon treating Mr. Blame
.poclallv . for a stubborn brpnlchaUjiffcclion.
Subsequently Dr. Johnson informed a ropre-
icutuliveof the Associated press that the
[ inblithcd reports that Mr. Blalno is scri-
msly ill are entirely without foundation.
-The fact is , " ho said , "tnero is nothing
eally serious the matter with him. The
.light . cold , with bccompanyliig fever , from
ivhicn lie suffered last week , has entirely
pas-sod away and he Is so much iiupiovocl
today that bo is u bio to bo dressed nnd tc
ir.ove freelv about his room. "
Dr. Johnson said ho did uot cure to talli
about the case , but in rcsnonse lo porslstoni
inquiries ho said ho felt sure Mr. Blaim
would bo able to go out of doors in a foil
Jays , and that ho Is well able even now K
H ami a Journey in case such u course u
deemed necessary for tno better troatincn
of his caso. It Is learned from another sourci
bat Mr. Blalnp will.soon bo removed lo semi
point in the couth with the hope that i
warmer climate will have a beneficial offoc
on his bronchial troubles , whichsoom lo bavi
been aggravated since tbo cold spoil sot it
M\VS : r < u THI : AK.MY.
Complete I.lit oT < ! lniuie.4 in tlio
WASIIIXOTO.V , D. C. , Nov. 25. ( Spscla
Telegram to Tin : Bun. | Tbo following arm ;
orders were Issued totluy : Captain Jullui
M. Caboll , assistant surgeon , U detailed as
member and First Ltouteaaul Charles St. J
Chubb , Sovonteimlli Infantry , as recorder o
llio examining board convened at Fort D. A
Uussoll , Wyo. , April 5 , vice Captain Free
man V. Wolltor , assistant surgeon , utd Firs
Lieutenant James T. Kerr , adjutant Seven
tcenlh Infantry , rsspsctlvely relieved. Firs
Lleutonnut Arthur C. Ducat , Jr. , Twenty
fourth Infantry is detailed as recorder of th
examining board convened at Fort Bnyurcl
N. M. , September 5 , vice First Linuteuan
Charles Dodge , Jr. , adjutant , Twsnty-fourt !
Infantry , relieved. First Lieutenant Churlo.
Dndce , Jr.adjutant , Twenty-fourth Infantry
will report In porsun to Lieutenant Colonc
David D. Van Vnlzan. Twcnty-fourih In
funtrv. president of the examining beard u
Fort Bavant , for examination as lo limes
for promotion. Second Lieutenant Wulto
C. Short , Sixth cavalry , is transferred free
troop M to iroop A ot lhat regiment.
Tlio following tratiHfers In iho Klevent
Infantry ara made : First Lioutenan
Klcliurd M. Ulaichford from company E ti
comnany F ; First Llciitunant Lorenzo A !
Davidson from company F to company I-
Tbo appointments In the army of thu fo'llo\\
Ing named tecond lieutenants ( promote
from noncommissioned olllcer. ) to runic froi
November 10 , and third assignments to rog
incuts are announced , m the cavalry army-
Second Lieutenant Cornelius c. Smith froi
first scrccant , troop K , Sixth cavaln
to the Second cavalry , troop I
( Fort Wingato ) ; Second Llaiitonar
Joseph A , Cusack , from corporal troop C
Fifth cavulrv , to the Fifth cavalry , troop \
Fort Keno , OUL In the Infantry arm Sncou
Lieutenant Juinbi Konayno , from sergear
major Tenth Infantry to the Nlnoioonth li
fantry , coinpinv 1 , Fort Wayne ; Seoou
Lieutenant William J , Lut/ , from sorgeai
buttery F , First artillery , to thu Second ii
fantry , company H , Fort Omaha ; Socon
Lieutenant Henry .L. KfnnUon , froi
turgcatit company A , Twentieth li
fantry , to the Twenty-Hub Infai
try , pompany 1C , Fort Mlssout
Second Lieutenant Warrou 1) ) . Fox from BO
no n nt company A Twentieth Infantry to tl
Tenth Infantry , compauy F. Fort Loavei
worth. Second Lieutenant ( iuy ( K Palme
from sorxcant company II Kighth infanli
lo iho Sixteenth infantry company K , Fo :
Douglas , Second Lieutenant WillUmsc
Markland from corporal company il Nlnl
Infantry to tue Twelfth Infantry company I
Fort Loavenworth.
The onicer.i named will be discharged i
enlisted men as of the data picccding that
tluir acceptance of appolutinout and wlllpr
ceea Irom Fort LcavouwortU to Join their t
spoctlve troops und iranpAnlns not later than
January 1. , _
: jt.tOi'tr
Hon. .tnmrft'lT. lt < j ttrock of town In.
tcrcstril In Itprnst Hnhtirr.
la. , NJV. 25. fSpeciol Tele
gram to TIHJ , Br.E.JJ-Bagloy. the express
robticr , will po arraigned for pleading Mon
day , Ha is rostlng . .quietly In Jail , but has
been taken td , his homo under guard to sco
his family a few minute ? . A letter rcoclvod
by t.'otinty Attorney Fred Heinz from Hon.
Jimcs H. Kolhrock ot Cedar Hiplds , ono of
the Judges of the supreme court of lown. has
aroused great Interest born. A similar loiter
has been rocctvol by iho foreman of tno
grand Jury that Indicted Battler , In those
letters Judge Kothroclc staled his boliot lhat
Bagtcy could not have been sane when ho
committed the robbery aim otherwise ex
pressed himself tn behalf ol the prisoner
very strongly.
At noon today bo arrived In tbo city. Ho
said that Bagloy's father had ntirsoJ htm
through a Borious lllnoss tn the army , and
that he naturally felt warmly toward Iho
son on that account. Ho admitted , however ,
that he bahovod ho had acted too hastily In
writing as ho did , but said ho felt , and his
wlfo told him when hoi-cad the account of
Bngloy's arrest , that ho must do something.
This action would bsr Judge Ilolhrock fiom
sluing on the case should It eo to the supreme
premo court , and has usurped Baglov's place
as the prevailing toolo hero. A3 the case
slatuls , Iho state of Iowa is prosecuting iiud
iho express company Is merely iho proseeul-
ing witness , lo appear only when called In
evidence. The company has offered , how
ever , to furnish dnj evidence that may bo
needed , in addition to that brought before
the grand Jury , In order to secure convic
tion. U is thought that Barley will uot de
fend , but plead guilty.
Miiylior Under ArroHl.
DES Mois-is-Ia : , Nov. 25. The people of
Ulverlon ore still Vn a state of "great excite
ment over tbo alleged wlfo poisoning case.
William Mayhor , wbo has had live wives in
the past yours , all ot whom have died under
mysterious circumstances , as related in
former dispatches , bus boon placed under
nrrost to await thu ncllou of the grand Jury.
May her Is worth § 75,00J.
Wmits I'ny lor n f.linb.
Cenui K\riii3 , la. , Nov. 25. . [ Special Tel
egram to Tin : BHH.J D. W. Yaogor has
oroiiEht suit 10 tlio superior court against
thu Burlington , Cedar Rapids and Northern
railroad for $20,003damuges for the loss of a
limb while in the qmnloy of Iho company as
u brakemnn. _
I'OSTl'OXiatTIlK C.t IE. *
Lawyer Trtjtsurt orciiBj-onne .H.111:15:01 : : to
Si-chi-ou Uontinimni-e.
CuiVRvxr : Wyn.'Wov. 25. ( Special Telegram -
gram lo Tin : 3EE.J--Tno oiso or Iho state
against Frank D. Taggart has bocn continued
to Ihonoxtlorm of the district court. Tag-
gart was a prouilneiUJyouni : lawyer of this
city who had boon , i-ctulno.1 as counsel
for KincU McKmnqy. a notorious cuttle
thtnf. . After McICIfinov's trial , when ho
was sentenced to 'a ioigp"torm ! in Iho
penitentiary , lie moved heaven and earth to
gain nls freedom. Fmally , all otnor schemes
falling , uo gave Taicurt , $5 to got him a
revolver and a box til cartridges. Tagcart
did so. MeKlanojr [ chose a wrong time to
attempt his escapn. iD'orovor elsht hours ho
held tbo jail ojllclals'dt bay , shooting several
limes at iho a'crlff | and his deputies. Ha
was finally Inducad ti give up the gun when
us saw escape ( -faiposslblo. . Tapgurt's
n'tomey managed to'sccuvo tno coatmiinnco
on tho'ground'of thi'absence of u material
witness Who hOjnukes oatn will swear lhat
McKlnnoy was only given Iho gun after
swcarinc not lu use U In Iho Jail.
George Srhlabach , "who has made an un
enviable record as a Jail breaker , was yosler-
day son to need iu the United Stains court to
ono year In t'n'e Albany county jail for rob
bing the Keystone postollice In lhat county.
Ocorco Hrom , convicted of sulllnc liquor to
an Arupahoo Indian , was lined ? . " > and sen
tenced to ono year's imprison men t in the
state penitentiary by the same court.
Important Matter * Discussed anil
Aotnil on Ity Tlmt Itocly.
Cosconi ) , N. H , , NOVT 25 , At the after
noon session ot the National Uraugo yastor-
day reports were submttlod from nearly nil
Iho states showing that women were engaged
In pushing the Grange work among Juveniles
J'lio executive comifllttee was directed to
ctiooso the next paeo | of meeting. At the
evening session Ibo resolution from tbo trans
po nation committee on roads was
agreed to. The resolution endorsing
the right of women to vote was vigorously
debated and finally referred to the slate
granges by a vote fit - . " > to 1. The committee
on co-operation recpmmcndod tno buying foi
cash nnd the establishment of small local co
operative .stores. Among the resolutions
disposed of was and demanding that cortdir
federal ofllces bo tilled by farmers ; lhat
United States senators bo elected by the
people ; that state granges discuss improved
roads. _ _ _
Strllto of I'lroinru Vnt * olT Steam to Km
J'rcsKen anil Illeuttor * .
Niw : YOHK , No ' . 25. Nearly all the morn
Ing newspapers and wast ol the big tlowi
town onico buildings gut their heat am
power from tuo Now Yorl
Steam company's Croat plant lr
pipes running beneath the Rtrocti
At midnight ) lust night all Its firemen struct
against a reduction la wages , opan
ing tbo cold air ' dampers and allow
ing the stcnni to run rnpldly down
There was u great scurrying around nmoni
the newt pauers as the time oamo to go ti
press and no siontn to run the presses , A !
managed , however , to print editions , bu
today hundreds of ofilco ouidng ! ! ; > uro with
out elevator service.
The company claims to have Illlea half o
tlio strikers' placei if nd to have application !
for all and more. \ _ .
IIHItTJI.t H.ittfti lJ'lli : JUIl.H.
Tin ) Daring Adtv'iiltrrfflft Cnptiuuil liy III
Niw : YORK , Npv1. -Uorlhft Lows , tb
aavontiires4 , who , < vi s-tha. catisp of the down
fall of Consul C riu | Kuiz of Ecuador , ha
fallen lain the hnn of tho. police. Yostei
day bbo passcdja ' jrorthless check fur $2
in payment of/com cloves sue had bauuh
at Illndlo's store , io. 1-07 Broadway , re
Tclving $12.50 In , cU . Today she made
purchase in an arf 'store ' and tendered
check for Ml ] n payment. Wbllo ilia clerk'
back was luru'fd Hue stole n porcelain paint
lug worth VI5 , Tbo painting was mtsso
nnd when Mr * . Lntvfc was aricsiodit ws
found upon her.VAI the AVe t Thirtiot
street station Klin kvo her address as in
Hotel Bartholdl. She is under $ . ' 00 ball fo
swindling Consul Ruli.
Colvstlul .Miiiiiir.iotnrers In San I'niiicUc
lit it Jliitl U'-iy.
Stx Fiuxeibqo , Cal. , NJV. 25. The Mori :
Ing Call says : TboAvhlto merchants of th
city have boooipo alaruioj at the conditloo c
Chinese finance ) and will hereafter rofus
credit to Ctunwa manufacturers whom the
supply with goods. Interviews with Cb
iiosu manufacturers Indicate that busl
ness with them is in a bud wa ;
Thor have raduced their forces largely. The !
workmen , tbov think , will refuse lo rogUu
under Iho Geary ut and will eo back 1
China. The Cell ' says that probably wilbl
a year tha muu'iifucturo of shoes , cfirara an
clothing by Chinese will almost ceuso lu Sa
I.lzrlo lloulciiVtll Nut Ho Inillctml.
BOSTONMaju , , Nov. -Tuunton sp
clals to the Herald ana Journal decluro th
the grand Jury will Und "no bill" nguin
Lluio Uordcu.
Panama Commission of Itqnirjr Takes Uo
Its Work of Investigation ,
> lxty-rivo Allrccil to llo Itrru Corritptnl
h- the tlm ) of Corpointlon I'ttncU
Uiiptislnoss r.tutril hy tlio Uu-
iniinilsot tlio
ICopyrlKhtcJ \ br Jnmns Oontitn Itonnctt , )
P.utu , Nov. 25. [ Now Yorit lljrald Ui-
bio Special to Tin : BKR.J The Panama
scandal becomes dally moro grave. The
commission of Inquiry was organized today
and begun Its work Djputy do la Hayo
was oxainlnn.1 , and declared that slxty-llvo
deputies wcro conipronilsod bv lili chargoj.
Ho gave the commlttoo directions whore
proof could bo found. The commission de
cided to ask for the release of M. Dumo'it ' , m
crdcr that un can testify freely. It also de
mands lhat nti autopsy bo performed on tlio
body of the 1 ito Bsrou do Kolnach , and that
It 1)3 given access to papers and documents
before the courts to other lawsuits. This
encroachment on thn p-arliamonlary power
and the Judiciary' power is causing uneasi
ness to many , recalling , us It does , the ac
tions of the committee of public safety iu
IT'.U. , Jjktxjur.s ST. Ccuc.
Kngtaml Milking Very I'rli-iiilly Overtures
to tlio New YtMicriiditii tlmt'rinnpiil.
IConyrlgtiteil Is'.U by Jumna Onr.tiri lljiinoU.I
ConvexVoncucla ( via Ualveston. Tex. ) ,
Nov. 25 , iBy Mexican Cable to the Now
York Herald Special to Tun.lJni : . ] There
is a possibility of an nmicablo adjustment of
the boundary dispute between Great Britain
and Venezuela. Urged by the British Board
of Trade , it Is said G.ndstono'-s covorn-
mont Intimates a willingness to open
direct noeollations in regard to the adjust
ment of that trouble. Lord Uosobory has
named thu German minister ut Caracas as
British charge d'affairs ud interim , and as
surances have been given that a Yoncraolan
minister would bo welcomed at thu court of
St. James. Knglnua Is said to bo willing to
return the lands encroached upon und will
try and secure as an offs * to her claims spc-
dal navigation privileges on tno Orinoco and
Us irtbtiiarics.
Ono of tao charges against Mlgart Is made
by the Caracas branch of the llaJ Cross
society. In complicity with Mendoza , it Is
charged , he seized the fund which Iho
society had gathered to civo aid to the
wounded. It is prooablo that the Palla-
dolputa will be heavily lined for proceeding
lo sea without her clearance papers.
Tbo courts are bringing criminal charges
against the principal men in tno late Govern
ment , nnd it is probable that General Crespo
will endeavor to have tholu indlclod.
Hoc tor Alilwiirilc
[ CopjrlKhtud 1SV2 by James CI onion Itanuutt.t
BF.UI.IX , Nov. 25. | Now York Herald
Caolo Special to TUG Bnn.J The unit-
semites are In great glee Ibis evening over
Iho victory of UcoCor Ahlwardt , v/ho , ac
cording to the latest news , scores 4,7i0 ! votes ,
against 1,720 votes divided among the other
parties' . Ahlwardt is in prison for libel.
The anti-soinltos allribulo Iho victory to the
logical outcome of what they consider Iho
Arbitrary verdict against Ilerr Obcrwendor.
The latter has Just sent mo a message asking
If the Herald will correct an error by which
ho is ssld to ba sentenced for two years' in- _
sload of two months' imprisonment.
m.evriox 7f/rr-.VA.
Ohio Voters Miiilu ,11 Intakes lu
'Ilu-Ir Tlc-Jsnts.
Ci.nvci.VNi > , O. , Nov. 25. It now appears
as though Ohio may have intended to hnvo
gone for Cleveland oy a slight margin.
Tonight tlio stnto statisticians in Columbus
completed their election count upon indivi
dual presidential electors. It shows that
Lorenzo D. Vlckcrs , the republican elector
of tno Eleventh district , U defeated by James
Sovvard , whoso name appears first on the
list ot democratic electors. Setvard re
ceived -104,115 votes and Ylcuou lO'.llOO.
Il is thought tno reason why S&wttrd
obtained BO many more votes than
his follow electors lies in the Australian plan
of balloting. To vote a straight democratic
ticuot under this plan formerly it was neccs-
ossary only to place across opposite thn
name "democratic ticKCt" at the head of the
list of candidates. This year , owing to the
tendency nf voters lo drop down one line in
their marking and designate the naiao of the
lirst candidate , thus erroneously voting for
him , thn law was amended providing that
iho crosses for straight tickeus must
bo placed iu circles printed for that
purpose ut the tops of Iho ballotn. l
was feared from the ilm that many
would neglect to comply with the new regu-
Intlou and place their marks at tbo side of
the ticket ut thu lop , thinking lo vale It
slialghl. Seward's election is laVen as ovl-
denco that this 'error was mndo by many
votes. It Is argued thai Iho cross wus placed
beside his name by many who buoposod uini
tlieroby thov were voting the democratic
ticket , where they only votedforhun.
The abstracts of 11 vo counties hava been
sent back for coirection. and it is possible
that they may imperil two other republican
electors M. Stark of the Twentieth district
nnd Luther Allen of the Twenty-first-
whoso margin of plurality is slight.
Jiulliiiiii t.'ompli'trd HIT Count ,
IsniANAi'OMH , Ind. , Nov. 25. Tbo ofllcml
rnturns from iho last county in Indiana were
received at the slain house today , The foot
ings show that Bracken , the llrat elector on
( lie democratic ticket , received 'ifi..TOO votes ,
Pierce , the fit-it elector on the republican
tu-kot , received 25515 , ( ! votes. Hr.icKcn's
plurality , which Is in pffcct Cleveland' ?
plurality , is 7.605 , None of the electors on
either ticket receive as many voles us the
tlll t'ouiitliii ; hi .North D.ikntit.
Hif.Muu'ir , N. D. , Nov. 25.The Harnsor
electors in North UaUou are probablj
chosen , Cornp'.oto ' returns from twenty
eight oul. of thlrtv-niuu counties glvi
Weaver electors 2 0 majority , but sevoi
counties yut to hoar from are surely for liar
risen , The oillclal count may bo required t <
ECttlo the mutter.
iUK win : ittciii > .
Cori'.nlliu V.iiHlerliilt'n KcHlilunro at > un
pcirt HuriKMl with lin C'oiilonlN.
' .SBWIIIKT , H. I. , Nov. 25. Theelesaut nni
costly summer residence of Coruollus Van
dorullt , known as "Tho Breaker * , " wa1
totally destroyed by tire this u Her noon , to
Bother with all tbo valuable contents of in
villa. The lire was discovered by Mr , Van
dorbllt himself about 4:30. : A telephone incs
sago was boat to Ibo llro department , bu
tbo tire tuul made great headway un
before the apparatus reached the sjenc
which was nearly two miles from Iho station
the lire was beyond control. Kven when tb
department arrived it was lundlcappea b
the insufficient number of hydrants.
Mr , Yandorbilt binitelf stated noihiu
could have been done to save the property , u
the wholti bulldm ? , cave the bervantt
quarters , was a roarlntr furnuco when tbo dc
partinont arrived ,
t A portion ot tbo furniture was saved , bu
( | It ii. Insignificant , either in quantity or valu <
whou compared with that lout. All tbo rlc
tancstrlej , rare palnttngn , valttnblo tirlc-n-
brnc. elceant furnUhlngs , wearing apparel
nnd rare and costly articles of every descrip
tion were destroyed. The vnluo of iho article. *
of furniture may ba Judged from the fnct
that In ona hall wcro hung tnpcstrlcs worth
150.1HK ) or moro.
Mr. Yandorbilt nnd family found tempo
rary rufugo In the cardnor's'cottngo on iho
premises. Mr. Vaiidcrbllt could qlvo no
iicctu-ilo oitlmalfljif his loss , which ho stated
was largely covered by Insurance. Thu
silver , Jewels and ether valuables of Hlio
tmtura were placed lu ttio safes bv the
servants and ho thought would probably ba
all right , A rough estimate places the toss
at SiOO.OOO.
Wr. rcitKsTnit. Pa. , Nov 25.--Tho paper
mills of CUrrotl & Sons nt Beaver Dam ,
Cnostcr county , have boon destroyed by llro
anil the lois ts c.tllmiiiod at noarlv ? J3OJJ.
SlNfout ) , Mo. . Nov. 25. The carding nnd
weavlnir null of the bla'i'tot department ot
the tianford mills has been liiirneil. Other
building * wcro saved. Lnss unknown , but Is
very heavy nnd covered by insurance. Ono
hundred and fifty hands are thrown out of
employment. Cau o ot the llro un over
heated bearlnc.
DI-TIIOIT. Mich. , f\ov. 25. The Peulusula
Car company's wotks nt West Detroit
burned this afternoon. The loss will proba
bly reach $500iOJ. ;
Pitiv : , Minn. , Nov. 25 , The building * ot
the Indian Industrial school at Cloniarff ,
eight miles west of hero , burned UiU morn-
oxi.v rjiini'-vL.-iss i'.tn i\iitn.
Northern 1'nrlllr Triiln ttotiliur * routine
Thrlr Kltorls to tlm Slfcplni ; Cur.
PoiiTtANi ) , Oro. , Nov. 25.Tho Northern
Pacific train held up at Hot Springs , Wash. ,
last night , nrrlvo.1 hero toiilcht. 12. H. Mil
ler , one of the passengers , said ho was
sitting alone lu iho smoking room of
iho sleeper , when throe masked men
entered , two armed with Winchesters ,
and the third with n revolver. Thov request
quest oil him In hold up lls | , hands , which ho
did wltn celerily , and llio men relieved him
of bU money aud ViiluafiTot.
Then nt the request of iho robbers Miller
walked up inio the body of iho car
und took n seat near Iho front , oiul
while tlio robbers look up n collection
from the other passe.igors the Indies
not being molested. The booty amounted to
about $1,100 In cn < n , besides lx gold watches
and considerable Jowolry.
When the worn was completed the n bbors ,
who conllnctl thumsnlvoi lo the slecpor. rang
Iho boll for Iho train lo slop. Whan it canto
: ilmost to a standstill ihoy signalled for It lo
go ahead and Jumped from the platform In
the darkness.
Thujipocti < il Train Itolilirrn.
DII.MS , Tos. , Nov. 2' . Wnon tno houth-
bound Missouri , Kansas & Texas passenger
train reached hero yesterday It was learned
that the train men had discovered a plot to
ob the train near Adalr , in the Indian torn-
.ory. Passengers began hiding their cash
nd valuables and preparitu ; for the altnclc
ylilch was soon expected. 'Ihera was a rusher
or hldlnu places In every conceivable crovlco
, nd corner. Bofoio leaving Ylnlta a posse
f thirty men was collected and each was
nncd with n rifle. They were distributed
hrougnout the train from the cxpross care
o the tour sleep r , and everything was In
lerfect order lo moot the highwaymen. How-
jver , It happened that the train was half uu
hour late and a frelzht was running on the
lassonget'.s time , Hovural stations ahoad.
ust after leaving Adult- several shots wora
Irod from ambush at the freight train. Tlio
obbors , probibly considering that tills
break had disclosed their intentions , aban
doned their projaet and the pasiungot-train
lasscd on without bolng molested.
\Votlc iil'a Daring ISolibor.
DCNVRII , Colo. . Nny ? L'5.A special to. iho
Icpubllcan from San Marolnl , N. M. , says :
Last evening n masked man drowsed In cow
boy fashion entered the troncrul store and
banking house of Jasper Brolle' , and , with
leveled revolver , forced four customers and
Brollcs to stand in line with their hands up.
The robbar then started to rob tbo safe , but
, vas interrupted by the entrance of another
customer , who was at once put iu line with
the rest of the victims.
The daring i-obbnr tnen returned to the
sate and securing in. the neighborhood of
$1,000 backed out of the store , sprang on hts
horse , winch was waiting tor him ouuldo ,
and mndo his escape.
The robber did not attempt to take the
personal effects of the customer * . The people
.n thu atoro were so surprised that they can-
lot give a description of the man , but tlio
sheriff und a posse nro endeavoring to find
' : il m.
( Sunk Kohlim-it fiiiilurcil.
PouriAMi , Ore , Nov. ,25. Two men , who
ebbed the bank ni Koslvn , Wash. , Septem
ber 21 last and scoured $10,000 , wcro cnp-
'urod at Arlington , Ore , , this afternoon.
/.s ix 'j-Jii'i . \oiti'Jiirisi :
Minnesota : incl thu Tuo Dakiitus llnrlcil Ilc-
nciilli Iti-iipn ot Anoxv.
ST. Pvtr. , Minn. , Nov. 25. Today's snow-
itorm was general In Minnesota and the Da-
kolas , oclngesnoelnlly tevoro In Souih Da
kota. The snow was accompanied in many
sections by sleet , which froze'as fust as
t fell , aud the whole country Is a glurn of
Sioux FalN roporls tolegranh and telephone -
phone lines pi-oatralod by loads of Ice and
communication with ttio outiidc world 15 al
most wholly supply suspended.
Huron reports tho'snow drifting badly , nnd
iho snow is very heavy north of Ihoro , "ivhilo
funl Is scarce.
Miller , S. D. , fears stock may sufTor ,
farmer * nol being prepared for winter.
Points lu Minnesota gtva similar reports.
The snow and iilcot In this city stopped at
dark , but at midnight h blurting up nsuin.
Only a litllo has fallen hero. The morcur.v
Is duo lo bo very low by morning.
\Vreckcil on 1.1 lid Mli-liltfan , : , WIs. , Nov. 25.--Tho schoonoi
Lena Hull , with n carcro of apples , loft Lud
ington , Mluh. , yesterday In low ot a Btoan
barge , The line parted last night during i
scvero storm uuti the schooner was buffeto.
about by heavy Ecas Until this ovcnlug , whei
she ran ashore in a heavy iileot utonn at UK
foot of Buffalo Btrcot. Captain III.ill anc
iwo sailors , constituting the crew , wen
rojcued by Hlo savew after hard work
They were taken tothO hospital , having bcoi
badly fro/on. '
DiH.iatroiiH At'ornin In Ilm Orlnnl ,
SAX Fiuxcif o" Cal. , Nov. -AdvJcf"
per steaiuslilp'from China say that In Sop
tombcr a gain and waterspout from Ibi
mountains Mvnmped iho country nroum
Chang Chow. A tuinplo collapsed , , burylni
eighty soldiers , In a gale off thoJapancsi
coast on October iJ'J a number of vessels or
wrecked nnd nineteen Hsliennoii arowncd ,
'I'lio BrilUh alilp iiapld shelled ai d do
strayed seven native villages in tno Solomoi
islands for tbo killing cftwo whlto traders
Sliu't ill M , l.onlx ,
Sr. Louis , Mo. , Nov. 25 , The aovoro lee
Biorm of today eevcrely humpcrod telesrup
nnd telephone ctuumunitiaiioii , and als
caused grcut trouble to Iho electric street ca
lines in this city , 'llio Market Mreet am
LaCleda uvcnuo lines were romplo'cl ;
Btoppod ut certain times today , iho wire
bohiir covered with ln and the motors boln
unable 10 gel sulllclent power.
i : tliniili-s on lliii-l'iiituii Crop.
NKW Yoinr , Nov. 25 , On Saturday lug
Lutbam , Alexander. Co. , bankers , of thl
city , jent out a largo nuinoer of telegram
asking intimates us lo the reduction of th
cotton ciop. These telxgrains wcro sent t
the moil responsible merchants and iiull
vlduals througbout thosotitn , aud on Monda
aid Tuesday thov received replies to ncuri
every message vent , giving estimates of th
crop. The replies show a itccreaso of Sf > . \
per cent over last year's crop.
Now Vorlt i\rli.ingii : < | uulutlon > .
NEW Yoitic , Nov. 25--Spoclal | Tclegrai
to TUB Br.B.I ICxcliangovns quoted in fo
lows : Cbluagn , uOo to liOo premium ; Bostoi
lOo dticount to par ; St. Louis , 70o pruralun
Conductor A. 0 , Bentley Ground to Pieced
Bouoath Hjs Train.
Toll Under tlio WlirrlsVlilln Kmlcuvorliitf
to Use din llnikiM rilj-Iitlully Milt I-
lutoil llMimtrotii riro nt Ito.itrlco
Other Nrlmiski Noun.
SIIKI.TOV , Nob. , Nov. 25 ( Special Tclo.
gram to Tin : liRi : . ] Mat nlnht aoottt l >
o'clock Conductor A. O. Bentley ol freight
train No. 20 , foil under iili train anilvns lu
Bluntly Killed. The wus criuhait nnd
mangled in a horrible manner. Tuo suppo
sition Is that , ho climbed between the oars
to s--t the nlr brakes anil as It was stealing
niul ovary thing covered with Jioo iio slipped
nnil foil midor the wheels. The corotiar was
auitiinonod nnil the verdict , was "urcldontally
lilllod whllo performing his duty. " Tno remains -
mains were talton charge of'by friends anil
taken to Uratid Island , where ho leave * *
wltoand 0110 child.
Bentley loft Grand Island nt 0:30 : p. m.
yesterday with a special westbound freight.
Ilia engineer was UootiY.Vhlto. . The
train had orders lo meet an extra
onslbouml at Gibbon. On ranching
Aliln the dispatcher gave orders tliat the
two trains were to inout here , six miles
oust of Gibbon , aim not at the tailor point.
Uontloy nnd hli crow nulled in hero and.
round the signal out for orders. Engineer
\Vutto stopped Into the ofilco and recelvod
instructions tlmt the orders wore for
another train. Ho remounted his casino
aim pullrd out , notwithstanding the order to
moot hciv , Bcntloy guvo the slijnul to stop.
Evidently no ono saw U. Uontloy then
stopped between the cars to * ot the air
brake. lie wus not again scan nllvu. Whim
found his body was tonl asunder and his remains -
mains wore scattered over 1,01)0 ) loot nloiitf
the track.
Tuo UVll Known Ni-lir.iskn City Vnunc
reojilo Aleut DuitliMillo hkiitlnir.
Xr.nuici ! CITY , Neb. , Nov. 25. Miss
Lolu Hurnolt nnd young Mr. Ivonnocult , to
whom she was engaged to bo married , wcro
skating on a pond of Ice yesterday near Miss
Burnett's homo , three miles south of Ne
braska ( Jity , when the ice gave way ami
both wcro drowned. No ono wituosod
the frightful nocident , but their long nbsoiica
: auscd a scai-nn which revealed the truth.
loth uodtos were recovered.Miss Burnot *
as i gradtuuo of the High school here.
lie has ttilccm prominent parts In many cu
ertalnmeuts and was universally loved. Mr.
vonnccuu was n most promising son of n
veil-to-do nuti promlnont farmer , living near
he-5cem oC the accident. Miss Burualt
vas also well known In Oinnha. Only rr-
icittly she attended the wedding thcro of
ilr. Charles Dunham and Miss Poarmau
ud at that time formed many now acquaint-
HcitHio I'lra.
Hnmiti : : , Nob. , Nov. 25. | Special Tele-
ram to Tin : Bnc.JTho incubating and
roodlug rooms of the Beatrice Poultry auil
Loniiol company , halt a mile cast or the city ,
ivcro destroyed by llro yesterday noon. The
ntirc pet and show stock of the company
ivns burned , includinc 1100 of the finest bred
ml show paullrv in the .state , which bad
boon housed in an upper story of the
ijulldlng ( or the winter. Thoao had received
H-it premiums ut the Kansas and Nebraska
"airs lor two or three years past. The lost
itso Includes a largoliumber of pat rabbits ,
guinea nips nnd sixteen vultiablo dogs of the
.orrinr nnd Hunting breeds that were pommel
n the building. A heavy wind was provull-
ng at iho time nnd a largo barn adjoining
.ho poultry pens was also destroyed ,
ivith it Us contents , hav. grain , vegetables.
Ho. About 1,000 bond ot chickens , all valu
able stock , wcro burned. It is the intention
of the company lo rebuild nt once. The loss
's 82,500 ; insurance. $1,000.
D\vn > CITV. Neb. , Nov. 2. > . [ Special to
I'm : HKI : . I iVbout4 o'clock this morning Uio
llro depart men. was called to a llro in the
southwest , purt of town at Iho dwelling house
of Ilellen Tracy. Owing to the tierce gate
pro\alllnir Iho llamas had trained such l-ond-
ivav tmforo the arrival ot the hose teams
hat ilia-building was a total loss and but-
very llttlo of the contents were saved. The
building , und contents wora Insured In the
Spring Garden of Philadelphia for the aura
of $1,100 , which will fully cover the loss.
Coiilil Not Ajrrep.
Nob. , Nov. 25. [ Special Tclo-
gram to TUB BKK.J The jury in the (5,000
.lamtijo case of the heiw of John Blair , do-
ccaeoa , against certain JJoatrico saloonlsts
. , ave a verdict this morning , after bolug out
sltica.lO30 : Wednesday night , for ono of Iho
defendants , Byt-in Brudt. and dlsagruod on.
the others. The cabu consequently will have
to BO to trial a second timo. The case is ono
wheivln Blair was killed by the cars in the
J. .t M. yards while returning homo U runic
ono night , the plaintiff * claiming that the
lijuor wits bought of the saloonists In ques
Ouptllrixl it Thief.
Nob. , Nov. 25. [ Special Tele-
ram loTin : BUB. | A man giving Charles
Johiibon as Ms name was discovered sneak
ing nroutid In a boarding owned by
Mrs , Auni-j Qarvor last night and alter a
long pursuit was captured , llo bad ran
sacked the room of ono of the Doardarx ,
taken a gold watcti and chain from tbo trunlt
of n servant girl and was preparing to take
In the next room when discovered. lie will
hnvo his licnrlng Monday ,
OlMly llljllKlll lit < ) Cm > lll.
OacroM , Nob. , Nov. 25. [ Special to Tim
Buii.lWednesday Sam Youmau mot with
a very severe accident. Ho was assisting to
move a three-ton safe in the Oaccola banic
when It veered n round and caught him be
tween u post and the uife , squeezing him
hard uuout the bowels and groin. The ( looter -
tor * cannot toll yet whether ho will inrvivo
or i.ot , _ _
Illnlr OHd Kullouij Mrot ,
Bi.viit , Nob. , frrngglpfP' SivSclal to TUB
HHK.J At thaMpP * aiootlng of Balr |
loiK'ojaliliSp . .dent Order ot Odd
FellmBBPHktK. jg named ofllcors wora
oleWW Mfend ; , Ed U , Smith ; vlco
grand , . . . 'lihv'iy ; iccratary , B , F , Ful
ler ; trouMiru. . flli Parish ; trusloes , A. J.
Tuv'lof , I , C. KlloTand J. W. Nowcll.
Not ; enIp U'lin Tiikuii ,
O'NKil.t Nob. , Nov. 25. ( Special to TJIB
BRI : . ] On Thanksgiving a iHrge party of
gcnllomnn , nccompuiiicd by a fuw laulcs , in
dulged In un oid-fnbhlonod wolf hunt. There
wcro thirty or forty In the pirtjr nnd they
Fcoured the country sbutn ol the river all thu
afternoon , 1 hey had a glorious lime , but
' no gain' * .
I'iilliirn t lirniiil iKluuil.
ISI.AVD , Nob. Nov. 25. [ Spaclal to
TUB riucj The llrm of Won & Nun , har
ness and saddlery , was closed by creditors.
The JIlrdman-Henvloo S.iddlor.v company
ban a claim of * IS5 ; .1. M. Bubutt , a claim ot
fCJJ ; J. W. llainoy , 8D..VJ ; Uank nf ( join-
mcrro , $ JT3. Creditors will rei-olvo UO ceuta
on the dollars.
Mivero llll/.Airil at O' nlll.
O'Nisiu , Neb.'Nov. S.5.-Hp9ci [ l Telegram -
gram toTiiB UEK J i'rotn 9 until 2 today a
tovero bll/zard raged hero. The sky It clear
tonight but the weather u very cold , School
L-losc-d because of the storm but no casualties
uro reported so far. Pnoplo K m r lly kr
well prepuroa for winter.