Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1892, Image 1

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. , . .
S , Jonasin's Show Oasa PlnuueraJ bj an
Unusually Bold Thief.
Blircxv.l Itnsrnl AVnlltcil tjiilrtly In , Coolly
Helped Illinicir mid I.nft-Xo Cur-
tnlu ClP r t the Wonderfully
JScrrj Tiller.
Onootlho neatest , qu'.oteat and most suc
cessful Jewelry robberies m the history of
thievery tn Omaha was accomplished yes
terday forenoon.
The victim was S. Jonasen und the thieves
no ono knows , for they have disappeared as
effectually as If swallowed up by the earth ,
Wednesday afternoon a strangdr called ni
Mr. Jonason's store on Parnam street DO
twcon Thirteenth and Fourteenth and se
lected n mantel clock , paid * l down nnil
left , saying that' lie would bo back In th <
Sclrrtnln Good Tlinr.
About 10 o'clock yesterday forenoon whlli
most people were at homo hiding from thi
gloominess of the day and the streets were at
most descried bo returned and asked for hi1
clock. There was no ono In the store cxcou
the watchmnkor , and the stranger on tin
proioxvof looking over the Btoclc led him ti
the roar end of Iho store behind a disusei
elevator shaft and enirncod him in conversa
tlon. While ttioy wcro there a confcJoratoen
turnl the store and wont through Iho sbov
llmr It Wn Worknl.
The toro is nearly 100 feet Ion * , nnd 01
Iho left Man of the door Is n largo enow CIBI
containing neatly all the most valuabli
There Is a nairow cassugo v next Ih
door through which , a nun can squeeze t
tbo rear of tbo caso.
In the center of this ciso Is a serat-clr
cular plush cushion on which was a row every
very valuable diamond rings nnu studs an
olds. Outside ot this was a row of soil
gold watches. The door to the case In tin
roar was not locked , nnd secured oaly wit
n bolt ,
The thief worked very quickly and ver
ofTcotlvoly. A do/on or moro plush cases cot
talnlnc vntuablo jewelry lay next his nan
as ho opened the iloor of the case , but the
woio not. touched , probably on account c
tbolr bulk.
TonU tinlliainoinla rirst.
The row oC diamond rings was tnkon , enl
ono ol the twenty-seven being left , Filteo
gold watches In the rojiv outsulo the iln ?
wcro gathered up ami three wera'iakan fioi
nnotbcr [ lorllon of the caso. Two dlamon
pins and live diamond studs are also mis
ins. Tno aggregate value of tha stolen proi
crty will i.ot fall far short of $10,000.
.Saw Iho Culilier Orptrt.
Mr. Hunks , of the llrm of Carson & Bank
mwfufaoturlnB Jewelers , was entering 11
store as tbo lobber loft , but ho onlv ga\
him o casual glnnco and cnn give no doscrl )
tlon of the man , who walkol out coolly an
quietly as any ordinary customer.
Mr. Hunks noticed that u lot of Jewolr
had boon tauen train the o.iso , but there wj
no confusion and bo supposed that M
Jonuscn had put It away in tl
cnfu .In a few minutes attar Hants' cntrani
the watchmaker and the man with the clo <
came to the front of the store and Iho lxtt ;
waliod away with the clock undnr hU arr
< ! .i > o tlin KoliliorH A in pi o Tlmr.
The Jeweler also noticed tbo vacant plac
in the show cas * but had no Idea that l
Etoro bad been robbed until Mr. Jonas
cumotlown , when the pollen were notill
and im ill arm boat to all the ofllceri in t
A watch has been put on all depots c
otnor approaches lo the city , but the thiov
had at lonsUnn hour's start , and they ha
prob.ibly rnado good use of their tmio if th
intoudcil to loavu the citv at all. Mr. Jonas
has furnished u complete dcsctlption of t
Bjolon properly , with all private warns a
numlcr.s { , and an attempt to dispose of n
of it will lead to tba apprehension of t
'llin Wnrl. of Kvpiirt * .
A prominent Omaha Jeweler who was
the atoro yesterday U of the opinion ll
too work wus done by old tirao jowo ]
thieves , probably members oT the same gn
a * Iho robber of 1'olaclt on tbo Sioux Cl
traul a few weeks ago. The Jeweler1 j.
llonco nbcut a month ago notified tbo Onid
houses that u Riuit ; was woiking weslwai
nnd warning thorn to bo on their guard.
This makes the fourth or fifth ttmo tl
Mr. Jonusen has sutTercd from tha deprei
tlons of tlilovm. They ruldoJ him two
thrca tlmns when ho was at Thirteenth n
Fliruoy nud about t-vo wcous ago ho w
taltcn in with a bogus check.
An nttompt was in tut o to do the job aeon
of WPOHS ago by thruo parties who rauia li
tha store-tuo or thri'o times on a pratei
of purchuMng a music box. The music bo-
were kept In the disused olovntor a nil two
tha mon not thu proprietor behind the di
vbllo H third made nn utlompt on the sh
caso. A click oLlUo bolt uluimed-Jona' '
und the woulil'bo robo'jr was frlghlci
* wny.
.Mi'iiui KuliiaUon.
Mr. Jonasou says that ho can not afford
Hand the loia , anil that U will ruin him ,
thoio wus no itisuranco on the props )
Mr. Jonason scorns to bo completely i
couragod by the robbsry. llo has alwi
be n a hard worker and has madn a br.
tnigglo \ provide for himself and Jam !
llo hai bicit seriously crippled by provli
rob ben 01 and misfortunes , and only u t
week * nco ll Is said bo was compelled to l
tl.OJO on a iiutn ho had endorsed for a frle
Tcls lots winus away the accumulation
ycni-5 of haw work , aud ho fears that it \
provo liu flnaiclal ruin.
JO/IA / , ltll.1 *
b rr larjr I'nttrr SI > H It Will lie Allnv
i nlri' . Tlii'ie U u l'-iitrti. |
\Viiuv.roN , 1) . C. , Nov. 2l.-Sfeicl
Cl-ailfS Kostor has teat a letter to li
rejouUMvu t'ucH of the RoiiprctMoual c >
mlltto l.i\oilltatliic the election tnetbodi
rcjar.J to the accounts of Mr. John I , Day
Vort , cli'el sujorvlior ot elections In J >
Yor.k , in which tiutbys :
"In reply m your communluMlon of
21st tint , 1 have the honor to say that .
John 1 Dmeiipoit , culof supcrviior ot c
tioin In the southern district of Now Y <
) ] < not prcsoated to the ctepatlmcnt hu I
for 6or\ Ices Blle Cil to huvi ; been rcnd roi
thd recent olcctlcu , Btuountlug ( o W,00
luiy other t > uu > That bo tins aeuik
BRBUISI Iho Kovcruu-.cut for 6er\lee i
ilev-id at iuch electlou , aud that hu coul
platci preioiillnr tucu duiuand * \ > libn
roasoaablu tlir.c , 1 have bo doubt. Keqi
tint , whta 4uch billi art ) { resented payn
be suspended until such tlmo as Iho co-n-
mittco ol congress , of which you ara chair
man , can havn an opportunltv to verify nna
examine such nccounU , I fear cannot bo
crintctl wltnln the law "
The ssoretury concludes : lTho act of
February 'J'J. 1B75 , contemplated a JioariDg
In open oiurt on the question of iho accounts
of chief Runorvlsors when t'aay mo pro-
seined for allowance , and If you sro proper
and drMro to bo heard o i that question , you
should bo present ut the hearing. Any cour
tesy consilient with my duty under the law
will booxtcndeJ. "
un COUI.UXT sr.i : TO VOTK.
A lltlnil Ainu Testing Die AiKtr.ttlnn
( oiiKtitutliiiinlltr.
SW flUNCHCO , Cll. , NOV. 24 JudRO
Lavvlor last tunht gr.tntod a In-
junctlou rcslralnlci ; the election commis
sioners Irom proceeding with the oftlclal can
vass of the vote c.iit In this city it tha
recent election. Ths complainant , James
\Vclsh , allots that the Australian ballot
law is lltog&l , as bciu ? partly
.blind anil being comnalloit to c-ill In outiulc
assUtatico tn mnke up his ballot the luv ;
prevented him from onjoylns Iho soorooy ol
ballot KUnrantcod under it. NV'eUh's attorney <
tornoy suvs the rosulu of the national elcc
tlon will not bo affocto.1 by tha suit , but that
the success of tha suit would Invalidate the
legislative and munlclpil elections ,
lit 111 * Dpitlimtlnn ,
Va. , Nov. 14. ! Grover Cleveland
has arrived at Eimoro. Ills spzcial car was
run on n sidetrack , whore itvai soon nur-
roumlcd by men , women nnd ohiloron , who
stood tboro in thu cold waiting for his np
pcaranco , which occnrrod ibout 7 o'clock ,
tlo breakfasted on the train. Ho took the
steamer Hanshlnn for Hog Island as tn <
KU.SSl.of Mr. Jofloph Farrell. Tha pirty wll
spcud the tlmo in duo.c shooting.
nulne t < > tlio linucuratlo't.
Ili.ooMtvrnov , III. , Nov. OJ Tha demo
crr.ts ot this city are making arrangement !
for escorting Adlal E. Stevenson toV < sh-
lnton on llio Decision of his inauguration
A special train of parlor rarj has uasn sa
cured , and will go via Chicago over tbi
Alton and Pennsylvania linoIt tins beoi
secured for six days , and will thus give th
travcleis three days In Washington.
Domncrats Ciiiituru MuntniiiiM l.ogl liitnrc
HIIKXMont. : . , Nov. Ji.I'ho oHlcl-x
canvass ot the vote ot Chotcju conuty wa :
maJo yesterday nnd res u Hod In Rivinp th
certiflcnta to ana democratlu mauibjrof th
legislature , uuKlng that domocrallo 01
Joint ballot and insuring ihc election of
straight democrat as United Slates senator
'H r.luclorul Vote Splits.
SVIKM , Ore. , Nov. 24. Nearly complct
oftlulnl election raturns nhow that the elc <
toral vote of Oiegon will sl nd Harrison , 3
Weaver , 1.
ntt is u.trin t.
Story iif a \ VuiiiinVhii llolpotl Her IIin
li Hid Into liusliinss. .
Lixroi.v , Nob. , Nov. 21. [ Special to Tn
IJi p.J Nouh A Sampson didn't eomo int
court today when the OallHt moro forcibl
than politely called him. I.ucy H. Sampson ,
rather pretty uomnn of 33 or 40 , was then
however , nnd she told Judce Hall tint sh
married .Nnah tn Sowartl , Ftibruary 27 , ISO ,
a fact which was ollcito.l after "sho ha
twtco son ) u was In Ib'JJ. Soon after tnu
wcra iHairlol tboy moved lo Omuliu , whet
Noan Inducott her to plvo over sono ? 2,5C
she had in the bank to his keeping. Sh
did so and It was lnva sod in a giocory stoi
In Noah's nil'no August 7 she bid hliri KOOC
bye nnd went to visit in Seu-ard. Tvs
weeks later she returned to OmaLa , only l
lied that Noah bad sold out avorvthitif
pnckotod iho proceeds nnd skipoed for tb
Eotithland. She was given her decrco.
I'romunt Nu\vrt No
Fnr.MONT , Neb , Nov. 24. [ Spocnl to TH
BEE. ] Thanksgiving day was appropriate
obsorted in this city. The schools , banl
and most of iho business houses and oftlci
were closed. Union services were held !
the Presbytorianichurch , Rev. W. ll. I3u
preaching n verv able thank'givlcig di
In district court in tbo oasa of Monday v
O'Neill , the court instructed tno jury to tit
for the defendant and entered judgment f
costs ( uraliibt tno plaintiff. In the ciso
Ovorton vs. Iho Fremont Manufacture
company , the court found for Iho defcnaa
ana charged Iho coststvlo plniiuitT. Nc
dlvnrco proceciliDgs nave been coinniouc
by Heaiy Watson vs. Ellznbotn Watson , t
old case being dismissed. Judge Sulllv
adjourned court unlll lomorrow unit wo
home. Jtidgo William Marshall will proai
during the lomalnilor of the term. The fit
cuso lomorrow will bo \ \ . II. Hawley \
bioux Utty \ Pacllio railway , asult for da
ages by high water ov reason of the dnfon
ant not constructing a proper outlet under :
Sou aril I'ninity Court.
SuwMID , Nob. . Nov. 21. [ Special to Ti
UEK.I Jiidgo Hobert Wtiector opened a t\
woclis' Rossion ot the district court Mond.i
There is u lurgo docket , but only ono cri
Inul cnsc , that of I'jrry Palmar , who h
been In jail nil summer on the charge of i
temp'ud a < snult. Ho was taken into con
jesierday nnd pleaded cuiity to assault n
battery , when Judge Wheeler Bontcncod hi
lothirr > days In Jill and lo piy Iho cosls.
Daniel Millbpaugb , an old solcllur , m
with n serious accident whllo shelling co
near Coohnor yosterdav. By some mea
his right arm got ouught In tbo machine !
mantling it so badl ) thsl it hud to bj ump
tated below the olbow.
lo 1'iiyinu mi I'lcitlloti llct.
to OVK , NOD. . Nov. 24. ISpsclal Telegram
so Tin : HKK.I UvRomibllcan Shorift Ward
OS was In town todav to complete nrrangemet :
of with S , A. Weaver , doniocralio Candida
sr for reprcscutatUo of this countv at iho U
srw elccllon , lo nay u hot. Warden but Wpav
lhat McK lcbnn would not have S.OOJ n
jorltj i'i the Filth dlitnet and ttio wac
was n walk from Nelson to Oak , idistan
of twelve and one-half mlli-i. The ox-shot
will mak'o tha walk on Chrhtiras .lav iu
to a , m. nnd will bo ejcortoa by tbo Oak corn
ISis band anil H democratic-delognllon. A
ISy Warden will bo lendorad a roceptlon in t
> y oyening on his arrival at OUK.
is- Dcllil ITiulnr IIU XV.icnn ,
V8 s-i : . Neb. , Nov. 4 [ Special Tc
VO gram to TUB Hr.iJohn : | Fitzgerald ,
VOy. young farmer living north of ( 'rooksti
was found a short distance south of to1
this morning lying deml uiuieiv his wngi
An Invoilliriilion dnvelopcd that his if
hud run uwny with htm In the nlshi , cell
d.ut . Ing with a wlra Unco nnd Uirowlnir him
ut of hu wagon , breaking his neck , I'ho co
111 nor' * verdict was accordingly ,
THUVHLM llUl.irt.i.
l'rf lilriit K.iptUta fiiiiipflleil to Arr
oil hroral of III * Ciifiinlcii.
[ Copy tlslite < l 1 = \ lf J.i aoilK.rlan llmnalt. )
ry Uhlll , ( via Ualvoiton , To
ip- Nov. ' 31. ( By Mexican cable to Now Y <
ipm - lo THE BEK. ! News con
min from -HollyUi that Kufrascn Vlscario o
in- Oeuuty Jennro Q'jlnllta have been arras
sw for publishing n maultcito directed to
deputies against President DuptUta.
heIr Catholic pud re was also .trro&tcd at La P
Ir , Tbroo thouK&ml Indians have roroltcd agal
iho auihi/nllC ! ) of the province of C'hlqul
tck - nnd are mirchlnp on ihu town ot Parapt
; k , Theli nunibors are uaustantly Increasing.
Us Tha Herald co < poi.dont at Moniuvli
in hn that , Pituldcat Herierra fav
inf Mintcro ns bis succosaur. Ml
opposition iii bit olovmlonito , . . .
Is expecled. Governor Hoas ] has cor.o ft
Bucnoi Ayro to Bantu | o Jol ICstcio for
purposu of confeiringvitli the i-ndic
a 1'hc Arcontlr.o yovornment hts oruo
Mt rixhtceo aiuiored tower * , \vblch will bo \
ml Tided witu hrary puct for COM : Oofcnso.
Leo Continues to Take Great Intjrest in
United States Affaire.
C.iTimnjnnil , \ii irin urn ll pcnscd ! ut the
llriMiirnttlc lilcM nf Hie Vntlc'.tn They
liulr Inllupitro on .Mon-
nrclilitl Ihinipr.
tCopyrlalitoi ! 1892 tit New York Anoclslo.1 Prosi. ]
KuMn , Nov. 'Jt.An important , teller from
Iho Vatican , dealing with American matters ,
has been disu-uched to Mgr. S atoll I , the
in pal nblogato now tn the Untied Stales.
The consistory has ugaln been delayed , the
pjpo desiring baforo It Is hold to conuludo
iho nepoll'Hlons wlih France , nnd perhaps
also finish n work on lha general situation.
Mgr. Farloy , vicar general of Now York ,
dining his recant visit to Rim ) saw the popa
and several cardinals aud-vvas told that his
holiness Keenly desires that nil disputes in
t'io church In America shall cease , and that
Mgr. Satolll's misstun to this end may sue <
ceca. Mgr. Farley sailed from Liverpool for
New York yesterday.
Tbo Vatican has been much impressed by
the fact that thu now Faribault commission
has maintained Iho contract with Arch
bishop Ireland ,
The German and Austrian ambassadors
have roadebtrongropnssoniiUloGs lo Cardinal
Rampolla , papal serroiary of state , on
the language of the Vatucliin'journals. .
When commenting on the Chicago tales ,
thov dilaied on Ihe democratic policy of the
popo. The ambassadors explained that the
chinch hud papara which so strongly favored
republican idous aud that there was danger
lhat their advocacy of these ideas would
tend to foster In Europa the democratic
propaganda. Dos pi to tboio representations
lo tbo viiticun , these papers buvo uovoted Ic
Iho election of Cleveland nrllclca highly sym-
pilholtc wuh the United States.
Lee XIII. rests Immovable in his designs.
The MonHour do Rome malcos emphatic
declarations to that ollect.
Further oommunirations have boon ro-
celveUattho vntloin from the German one
Austrian governments , aiming at obtaining
the iniluenco of Iho holy sea in lutorDositif
between Franco and Russia. It is rumored
that Iho popa will by called upon lo decide
the question of disarmament uud Iho subse
quent rapprochement between Franco ant
Germany. It Is said lhat England will plaj
an ituporlnnt roloas medmlor , with a view
of bringing about the isolation of Russia , ll
is certain thai Grana Uuko Sorcius has at
rlvcd in Rouse loseo the pope , and there t <
induce him to hunport , a combination in tin
Interest of Russia nnd panslavism. Ilii
holiness u pleased with iho dcforenco am
delicacy of sonlimenl Displayed by his nobli
vlsilor , and , speaking ot him. has eaid
"What a pity that a man like hioi should bi
schismatic. ' '
It is evioent that ere long events o
the crcatest intornalional importance wll
transpire * .
Cluiiicolloi-vnn Caprlsl'M Speech Mrrtp Will
u Cold llpc-cpuon Priini the Prss.
BEIU.INNov. . 21 Thu North Gorma
Gazette , referring to Chancellor Caprlvl1
speech in the Rgichitag yesterday , ej
presses tno hopj that iho authentic Inforina
tlon furnished by the chancellor In regard t
Ihe Urns Dispatch ivill silence the critic
who are basing their uttncks on false coi
Continuing , the Gnzctla nays Ibat tli
chancellor gave his statement with hi
sword in its sheath and his hand on its nil
typifying the attitude imposed upon Ih
nat'ion by the historv of the Prussian an
German people , who stuid in armor wll
self-sacrllicing perseveranceThev had t
win their position among Iho civilize
nalious , und they will certalnlv guaid wit
Dilrioliczenl what Umperor William's gram
father and father obia'nod.
With Ibo exception of the semt-ofllcii
press , the ncivspnp3n of Bsrlin cental
chilling criticism's upon tbo chancellor' '
speech. Kvon the Kroutz Xeitung dtsmissc
it with a few woids of colorless common
The radical Journals are dead ngulast tli
LONKOV. Fov. 24Tho Times Uarlin co :
respondent , commenling on Count , vo
Cnnrlvi's speech , savs tbo audience
cold nnil Impassive. 'Ihnro xvcre few i-neei
excont at tbo close , nnd tbi'y were tcndere
rnibcrusn personal tribute than as on e ;
dorsoment. Considering tbo occasion , tt
attendance was suiprlslncly small. Tt
publlo callerlch wcro bv no means full , whi
scarcely more than half the deputies bcncht
were occupied. Ono could not liolp bein
impressed that the diet , if not actually ho
tile , was skeptical nnd that tbo covernnie :
wl'l have a hard task lo ovorcoma" man
fcstprojudicoa. It looks as though tbo h
of inn bill will ba decided less inside tt
house thin bprcisuro of publlo oplnin
is - ouUlilo. It Is not toomuih lo sav ibat nevi
it s since Germany bscame an ctup'ra has si
tt been confronted with such u question.
d JU.ST .tu sni ) TIII : KOOK.
Narrow Kic ipn of the North Ocrmn
' htt-.iuiKr Tr.ivo frum Destruction ,
n [ CopyrlKliteJ I8 > ! by jH-ii3 ( ! orlon Bja ,
LONDOV , Xov. --Now [ York Hera
Cable Soecial to TUB Ilm-l Passenge
of tbo Ti-ava who wora Undo J nt Southam ]
ton today repjrt , that the ship hid a narro
escape from being dushed on the rocks la
night. Tbayhal passed the LUird ac
\voro proceeding through n thluk fog undi
, whioh caused the strong cu
rents to carry lee ship out of nor cours
Shorily after 5 o'clock the passonce
were startled by the sudden stoppa
of the engines , and on reach 11
the * do-jk saw the great ro
known as Start Polut loomine up beta
thorn , scarcely a hundred yards away , Mai
passengers , espcc'.ully women , bacamo hj and n panto would have onsuud b
for the admirable bshaviorot the ofllcors at
nraiv , who soon suojoedod In restoring nun
deni-Q. The prompt response ot tbo o
clues to tbo cull to reverse was the on
taing that saved the .snip fro si going on t
rocks , The passengers oxpresi themsclv
highly graillled wuh the able discipline d
played by tbnsj responsible for tha ship
, . safotv. The ofllcials of the North Germ
ft Lloyd at Southampton say they hava had i
oreport of iho incident from the pilot. T
Travo proceeded to liremon as usual.
NAMKl ) Till : MVV.
t .Mlnlntnr .M , H.irlio Mtlil to lluve HvcoU
.Money from ( ho Ounul Company ,
PAULS , Nov. ' , ' ! . H is stated that the ml
: < ) later referred to by M. do la Hayo In t
rl { on Mondav In the Chambsr of Dei
tlbs ns having taken u brltn
lj 1,000 francs from the Panama Cat
company was lha late M. Bnrbe. J
110 coriMnp to "ho reports in circulation ;
" Barb-j threatened to oppoeo the Panai
v < Echomo oorausc tno company had transfer !
Its nui chases 01 dynamite from M. Uarb
; n < fartory to rhcaperJirms in England.
The committee nppjinied by the Cbiunl
eo of Deputloi to InvmtUuto the Cuunmn cai
scaiuliil will begin Its nor * tomorrow , ' 1
commutes nas cloctcd M liriison preside
unn bos decided Ibat each raouii ) r shall
mi permitted locommunlcalo with newspapi
ho regarding the deliberations of tlie comimtt
Is.ed provldod he decs ss on bis own perioi
edo rejponsibllHy.
: o The procecJIncs will open tomorrow \ > l
the hearlof of M. de la Ila > e and Prem
Loubet. M , do la lltiyo Is the dsnuly who
caused the violent oornmcttlon In the ohnm-
her the other day bf cnkrgln ? that a former
minister , a few scnktors nnd IM deputies
were Implicated In the canal scandal. The
ruvalatlons that'lio hn promised to make are
nwoltcd wltu Inionso anxiety
After M. do la Hayo And Promlor Loubot
have been heard the committee will examine
M. Proust nnd a reporter ot the Journal L
Llbro Parolo. whlon accused M. Proust of
wronirdolnfr. *
M. Paul do llotilodo has resigned hts mem
bership ot the investigating committee , llo
was the only Boulangist mambcr on tbo com
lln\r Ainoric.tns HILTO Otiscrtcil tlio D.ij
.Mr. I'hrlpN I'alrliitlmn.
BEHMV , Nov. 24. A brilliant Thanksgiv
ing reception was given todav bv Mr. Walter
Phelps , Iho American minister to Germany.
Almost every member of tbo American
colony was present , as were also a Inrco
number of distinguished Germans.
The Society of American Physicians gave
n dinner at tbo 1C ilsor I loft n relcbratlon of
Thanksgiving day. Two hundred guests
were nresont. Among tham was Minister
Pbelps , who responded to the toast : "Tho
President of the Unllod States. "
Mr.U'holpj said : "President Harrison has
given the country the cleanest and most suc
cessful administration in Amorcan ! nnnals.
When history makes up its record , upon
every p.igo will ba written the name of Uen-
jamln Harrison. "
Mr. PhclDs gave n toast to "Tho Repub
lican Purtv , " which ho said was temporarily
withdrawing for ropalrs. "America , " Mr.
Pnclps added , "Is itio only land In which
God bis pouted fojtb such a rivecof good
Ihlncs Ibat it taUcs a Thnnkselving day to
dispose of them. America Is the only nation
that could have a national thnnlcsglving.
Other nations try it , and iho day instead of
becoming n day ot thanks bacomos ono of
Drnyer. When'oilier nations prav they pray
just for what tno United States bus pot. The
jew and Gentile are ihosnmo in America. A
man's faith , or lack of faith , do not hurt him
there. "
Mr. Edward' , the American consul gen
eral , replied for the Unlled Stiles.
General Martindalc responded lo the toast
"American Students Abroad , " and Dr.
Queen to "Tno Lidies. "
A ball followed the dinner.
Orlcf Irnvo Hint to suiclite.
rroDjrisiitsa I3)j bj-JniM uor-n-i USTTJ'.I 1
PVUH , Nov. 24. [ Now York Harald
Cable -Special to THE BBC. ! Fornand
Blayn , the well known French pilntur , com-
mitten suicide at the residence of his parents
on the boulevard Ilausmann lust night. His
frlenils say the not' was the result of grlel
over his sooaratlon Jfrom his wife , with
whom ho has a suit Ioi ? divorce ponding. He
shot himselQhrougb , ! ] ) heart. DInyn was
a caiuter of rocognlzod talent. to received
n third-class mcd-al iu the salon of 1SSS and t
bronze mudal at the 'last Universal cxposi-
-tion. * \
Uiilioiuny'.s ICUIH | Wniiilrrcr.
PAUIS. Nov. 21. /L'dlspatcn from Porto
Novo states that lining Bonhanzin , whose
capital , Abomay , recently fell Into the handset
ot the French expedition , ha * lied , in com.
pany with a small body of his followers , lul (
au unexplored country , , where It would bi
impossible , oven w ro it deemed essential
fOr the French forces to follow him. Ill :
expected lhat tuo , king will attempt ultl
mutely lo socle safety in a German settle
menl. > ' \
uinl rruiictiV1I1 Itesc in : y.
ST. Pp.TEHiiiuito , Nov. 24. The Novost
declares that nntwithstanding the fro Ml un
certninlics raised 'by Emperor Willlam'i
speech in opening the Reichslag and th
alarm his remarks muse have excited amen
the ndhorents of tdolriplo ullianco , Russi
nnd Franco will rsnialn cilni , resting , a
thov do , upon the Arm ground ot respect fo
IniornRlloual law and faaring no coalition.
relln Victim to tlio Itll7/iril.
WIVVIIT.O , Man. , Nov. 21. Charles F
Church , traveling repioseutalivo of Saufor
& Co. , n dry goods house hero , was foun
dead on the prairie near McLsod this morn
inc. Ho otnrtad to drlvo acrois the prnlri
yosterJay and was cnuijht In n bliz/.irr
losing Iho trail , llo was frozen lo deatl
Church was ono of the oldest and most popi
lar couimcrulal travelers in this country
Ho leaves nwlio nnJ three children.
finnim-iirci ! U
frcpyrlslitoil laWbjr'jamjs Oor.ton Diniott 1
LONIIOV , Nov. 2"4. [ Now York Horal
Cable Special to Tin : UEK.J Tbo court Us
todav states that E. II. Vaningon of Noi
York has began action libel against tbo Da
ziel News agency for sending out a ropoi
of his alleged connection with a British cor
rujition fund , tuo , particulars of which
cabled you Sunday /
Killed llefoni the Duel Commenced ,
LoN'no.v , Nov. iJ4. Tbo Standard's ' S
' Petersburg correspondent reports a const
5 tion in upper circles , Two young ofllcei
having quarreled , it duel was arranged. C
the evening of the combat ono , Ilovlsk ;
taunted bis adversary , Gerovkoff , ny teiliu
him that ho mighfconsider blm elf noa
Gorovkoff cot red by passion , drew hh r
volvcr aud shot Ilovlsky , instantly uillit
him. %
h.iMi tlic Huron Commlttei ! hiilclila.
Loxnnv , Nov. 24. The Chronicle's Par
1 correspondent stales lhat Dr. Flassich
* claiming to bo Darin Remach's family pn ,
slcian , declares that he will not bo nllowc
' In tbo chamber and ho Ihlnk * the bare
t. committed suicide. .It is alleged that tl
baton's fortune wa $ reduced from 6JUUOOI
to inOJJOUJ , franci by sjuculatloii ,
United Stales. ; favjjr granting the Unlt <
States iho exclusive'right to Pearl barbs
declared iis policy'lo ' ba to maintain t
autonomy and Iqilopbjdonco of tbo kiugdoi
and declared it 091 11 ] not support any met
, . ur& > tending to localize lotteries or camblln
. Advices from Samoa state that the troul
' which has been brewing : over tno right
4lh ublefs at Fo otago and Upolu to I
jf title of manga came to a head October * .
Tno chief of Lcito , who bad u good deal
„ da with givlnp the natna to iho Page Pu
, chief , allnckod IIo , who , wllh Fosola
' has b.oii supporting the rival manga. Fein
in natives weru killed end ono wounded. (
> d October 29 Ftjgo'.aga and another cnl
went lo Page Page to cndeuv
to Rettlo the matter peacefully , but nn t
boils approaching iho beach they wcro llr
on by ino FogAssal people ivho had join
al Paso Pago. Two mon were killed and thr
10 wounded. Fogotago nnd lioa were driv
t , ontot tbo bay , and both their villages d
jo stroyed , They bavo proceeded lo the ewlo
rs end of iho island of Lclto. It is report
e. other tou-ns ai a about to uecomo involved
al the trouble , iu which event the whole
TutuiU will bo aroused. Three men-of-w
n front ibo HrilUh-Auiirallan touadrou are
er the harbor.
Yale Makoa it a Clean Sooro for the Toot
Ball Season.
lloinan * ' Tuntlng , King' * IliumlnR null
lUlliot's Illdcldn ; All ( l.i Mr Naught
bceucj In and Ar.iiiinl .Manhat
tan riotil Vcstcril > ) - .
NBW Yomc , Nor. 21 A battle ot bill dogs
nnd tigers. Qdlcl : flashes of yellow , tierce
gleams ot blue , ma grlpo ot sharp tackling
claws , the glint of sot tujtb , and over all iho
bosrso thundering of nn arroy of nnnlaos.
A level gray strotuh ot turf , sot in n
black , soothing frame of humanity , bJOwu
by passlonnto storm ) and overhung with
waving blotches of barbaric color , nnd In the
center of this were fixed the sorted ilnos of
foot ball battle , thu sharp shock of desperate
charges nnd the shrill cry ot rival captains.
Foot by foot , and jard by vard the Tigers
were driven back from Yule's 10-yarJ line
and down boy nnd the while chalk equator
Into the jungles , borne by the Impatuous
rushes of the bluo. And hero , In their last
ditch , with the wild Yulu Tar law surging In
mobs around tbem , the Tleors dlod , There
was no weakening In tbo yellow and blncic
lino. With every llorco onset the big striped
fellows would spring to their feat , shako the
long shock hair back from their eyas und
limp lo their places for the ucxt charge , 1'lutiRoof t he Contest.
S the two teams fought In a death lock
down to the last minute of the baltto. Then ,
with the baltlo on Princeton's 20-yard line ,
llttlo McCorimclt eave his last signal. Uack
Hashed the ball from iho ham like bands of
Stlllmau aud into the nvtns of McCormick.
Then nn a swift , cat-like pass , It went to
Buitorwoith who dived headlong for the
line. la an Instant the ground wiv > a thunder
ivlth the furious thump ot living heels ami
the air flashed with the quick desperate
heave of yellow against bluo. Then there
came ibo harsh Impact ol canvass jackals ,
the grind of muscular limbs and down wont
the whole mob , In a chorus of throaty grunts.
"Two yards moro to gain , " sang out the
referee , and every man sprang like lightening
to his place , fahouldar to shoulder thev
stood Stillman against Balliot ; Hallngamsl
McCrca and so on down the entire line. Before
fore McCormick could clvo tbo signal , above
the tremendous roar of voices rose the bird
llko whistle of Iho raloroo , and the batllt
was over. Yale bud won by a score of 12 toO ,
Cheering i-icli : Other > ou ,
Witn a swift tidal wave of 10,000 peopli
rolllncr in u yon Ihem the bruisco. and bal
torod Tigers massed themselves in a jollov
and black bunch and lifted up their voice :
m n hoawo yall for Yalo. Ten feet away thi
victors , caually bruUod aid bleeding , piped
up in a series ot sharp and shrill barks tor
Mulual admiration. And why noli Fo
two hours muscle against mu.clo and bone
against bone , every boy among tbem hud moi
o focmau worthy ofbts steel. Then aguiii ,
every ntbloto among thorn WAS a frrcborn
American college boy and ailghtorfrom'wav
( letting Into thn Grounds.
At 12 o'cloclc tba crowd began to dilf
around the gates. The speculators hai
diiflod around long before. They howlci
around Iho onlranctjs in a seedy ramble
Like the loan and hungry dogs of Constant !
nople , thrusllng their ill-gotten wares unoe
everybody's nose , or charging lllmalayiai
prices for tickets in places that nobody 01
earth could find. Denser and moro comnac
grow the cowd , until tbo elevated stairway ;
were streaming with cataracU of color , nni
n great mob surged about the cute ; , wuitlni
for n chauca lo pass lurouuh Ibo lurn-sliles
In Iho moanlimo the bis tnllvhos hai
begun to rumble un the lone driveways fron
the soulb , glaring with banners and blarln ;
with Dulles. They all gathered around lit' '
ourriugo gates In a rocking , clattering jum
bio that rivalled Iho crush within. At 12 3
tlio elovateo trains were blocked down as fa
as Ono Hundred and Sixteenth street am
tlio impatient , crowds were surging up th
nvonuo in a steady stream. Inaido th
grounds there weio whistle pools of paopl
and Blrat ds of blue and ycllowoxteiidlui
from the Old Dutch club house to Iho Bll
Hill on Ihe wcsl.
There was no grand division of color as 11
Iho Springfield pamo. Yellow Princoto
flags fluttered invitli blue Yale flags am
banners fluttered denauily in the heart o
orange groves. The tumult was terrliic
Duglo called to buclo across the Hold. Horns
lee , wcro unplessanlly t'onsiiicuou * . Th
variety of cheers was wonderful. Uverybod ,
seemed lo go it on his own hook.
Of conrso everybody looiced for the Yal
dog. Handsome Dan , but be was not font
coming. He arrived all right but bei-amo Ir
disposed shortly before the e tno and r <
mauled in his apartments. Coach aftc
coach and brcalc after break rolled into th
northern carriage stand , until tbo fence vva
banked with horses and wheels and men i
wblto lops und girls in collage frill
and furbelows. Upon Ihe Ing
rocky hill lo the west a tin
of deadheads nndo Iho long boundary frnc
look llko a linger wide strip of blacic riobor
A pile blue und while Columbia unac
croaied n son aiiun by wheeling up in froti
of siand J3 nnd cheoilng lusilly for Yah
For Ihnt matter , all ttio colors cheered fc
Yalo. Tbo owl cry of Dartmouth , th
broken svllablllc yell of Pennsylvania an
the ihooloslo yawn of Wesloyau were all fo
the New Haven men.
1'rliu'etou Won the Tom.
All the hubbub preceding was dwarfe
Into Insienitlcinco as the blue sweater (
ibo first Vain player raadoits llrst appourutu
nt the llttlo gate in one c'jrnor of the ova
YaloM eleven was iho first on the Hold un
was quickly joined by Pilnccton. The col
was toised. Captain King culled iho fa
rorrccl. Ho chose the norihwest goa
thereby securing the advantage of : i sti
The teams lined up ns follows :
Ynlo. I'Oiltlon. I'rlnceto
Illnckoy I.i'ft flnil lt.iiidol |
Wlntur I.oft tavklo l.c
McUrua I.eff-iurd WhuoU
Stlllmnn . . . . . . . . .Canter . . . llullli
1 lie link UUht Bitarrt ll-i
WullU UU-ht laclJlo llarro !
( iroenway. , . . . . UUht end . . Trcnrlmi
On irtcr b'tolc ' , . . Kit
L 111 1.9 Left half buck . , , . l' <
C. lllbs . . . . lilitlit hulfbuuU Mar
Ilntiofworlli , .I'nllhuik lluniai
Then the came bocnn and It was shai
nnd decisive. On an ouon play the line bcu
> pr < jad out and then wheeling Into Intorfc
cuce , Liuuu Bliss made nlno ynrd $ , runnlr
to the loft. Ho xvus brnueht down I
Tronchurd. " 1'op" Bliss made live throup
loft taiklo , belnc thrown by King. Tlu
Luurln Bliss made Iho run of the day. 1
started for right pnd , nnd aided by tbo into
fcrenco of Greonway , McCormick und PC
Bliss , pissed all thn Princeton pliycrs at
Ecorud u touch down , Tha run was foil
yards In length , Ilutteruortn klrucd II
coil. Score : ti to d. Time : Two minutes.
\Vori.liis liotiiV.i } .
Morse made tf\elvo yards on thfc V. 7h <
Pee failed lo gain ground. A fumble in ll
center lurward , und Hoinaiif Ulcitoil tu Yak
lei.-yurd lino. Laurie Bllts muffed , but w
given a free catuh , owing to Intorferonc
"Pop" HlUs made llfteor through left tack
being thrown by Harrold. Another fumb
In tno Princeton center , nnd then Poe uo
tbrougn left tRckto for three yards , bcu
followed by Loa tbrouk'n rJgnt tackle f
thite tnorThu Tiger * wore plu > litKa bin
and a snappy gamo. Moise rumna fo
yardt throujfb the center , ana Homaus Irli
to drop-kirk a gaM from the twonty-Uve-ynrd
line , ( { o failed.
MoOorralck gnlnoil seven on the wedge
from Yalo'd tweniy-tlvo yard line and "Pen"
Bliss went around right nnd for three yards ,
belne thrown bjr Trenchant , Buttorworlh
klckud lo PrinodtotiM forty-llvo-rnrd line ,
Morse caught the bull and lltnckoy throw
Morse made two yard ! through the center.
Tbon Pee tried the center , but failed to nd-
vance the lull. The fight was still being
waged iu Vale's territory , llomans was
called on for a kick and Grocnwav got
throdph like a ( lash and throw htm , the ball
balng Ytilo's on Iho fourth down. Princeton
lost ten yards through Homanl1 slouuioss.
Butlorworth wont tnroiiirh ricblttcklo for
live vnids and Laurie Bliss titud iho cantor ,
but lost the ball.
Miiui ) A\vluanl riunlilm.
Pee jtimiud for but missed tha wild pats
from Klnp nnd Grcouwny fell on the ball
clovorly. "Pop" Bliss1 slennl was clvon but
Tronchurd broke Ihrouch nnd downed him
for n loss of tlvo yards. Thou Lea Jiroko
through nnd throw L. Bliss for u loss ot
tlvo moro Yule wia nwardod live vnrds for
holding by the Princeton forward. Butter-
worth undo tvvojnriU thi'oURh right tacklo.
The Tiger's for'vurd were breaking ihrough
nnd tackling hard. Buttcrworih made llirco
yards through right tackle and L. Bliss fol-
lotvod in the same direction for live yards ,
I'rlncetoii I'utiiliiK.
The ball was hovering nrouml uildlleld.
Buttorv\orlh kicked to Princeton's twenty-
live-yard line , whuro llonnnscadght the ball
In the face of Hlnckoy's charge ,
Morse ilovo through left tackle
for a tnroo-yard gain. Than Pee , Loa
and \ 1.30 falluJ to gain ground
lirouph Yalo'5 lino. Homaus puntud up
the Hold to Princeton's llftv-ynrd line where
Buttcrworth caught the ball L. Bliss went
around the rlgut end for fltteen yard gain
nnd Bultorworth went through right tHcklo
for live yards , bolnu followed by Pop Bllsi
for two yards moro In the sauio diruciton ,
King bringing him o ctuth. The ball was
now on Princelon's Ihlrty-.vard lino. L ,
Bliss went mound right end for four yards
and Randolph throw him.
BuUerworth plucg rt nwar ot the center
and palnod two yards. Pop BlUs tried the
loft tncklo , but Harrold nulled him before ho
gained. Balllot was bothering Sllllninn nnd
n f inn bio in Iho i'nlo cenlor occuired. but
Pop Bliss saved the bill by dropping on It.
Then Pop made n plunge ut Princeton's
center , but Wheeler brought him down
buforo ho could gain a yard nnd the ball was
Princeton's on Iho fourth down.
iioth rinrinxa i.utio nrr.
King passed to Poe , who passed to tlomans ,
Hlnukoy tackling tbo laller for a loss of llvo
yards. Ynlo at this period waspltiyinga
trillo slrongcr and forcing the play. Hainan's
klcUnd lomidlioldaudL Bllsa tnulH'd llio ball ,
but saved it by falling on it. He roado n gain
around the right one ) , wbtcb. was terminated
by Pos's tncklo. Butterworlh pluggcil the
center again for two yards. L. Bliss
wont ihroucn right taculo for two yards.
Princeton was awarded thu ball for holding.
Morse mada a good gain of eight yards
throtlijh the center , uud Y.ilo was clvou
the ball for holding , Ulntcr advanced
it three yards through light tnjklo.
Butterworlh .found nn opening in Ihc left ,
guard nnd advanced Iho ball llvo yards
through it. Then ho wont to the center nnd
gained two. Then Bdtierworlh Irletl Ihc
center again butr failed to Kiiin uronnd , but
Yale was awarded llvo yards : is n penally for
Balliot'f ) monkeying wilh ttio balll
Tailing ViuIs Hack nnil Torlli.
Pop Bliss gained eight yards througb lofl
tackle and might bo running .ret if ha had
not fallen , as'ho had passed all the Prince
ton forwarders. On the novt line-up Prince-
Ion was civen iho ball for holding by Yule
forwarders. Homans kicked lo Yule's flftv-
vard line , v/bcro L B' 3 _ cauutU.tbo bull.
Lnurlo Bliss' signal was given ana King
broke llirouch nnd dashed lilm do\vn , cans
itiB u loss ot llvo ynrds. The pluckv
liltlo Yule half-back took the ball
from the nest line-up and made four yaiut
around left end , being brought
Randolph. Butlcr > voitb made a short ulcK ,
in fact only ion yards , mid King mida a fruo
calch in midllcld. Pee \vcnt Ihrough lh <
cooler for liyo yards ; McCormick bringing
him down. Morse muJe I wo yards throupli
comer. Pee made four yards Ihrough right
lackle , Wallls stopplug his further advance ,
Yale was awarded the ball for Holding in tbi
Princeton's center.
indlllL' the rirst Iliitr.
' Pop" Bliss lost two ynrds througti King1 !
irrcat tackle. Butterwnrth puutrd lo mid
Held , where Grecnwav brougbt Ilomnns
down. Morne started for right end , bui
gained only a ynrd. Hinckov grabbed him
Then Morse wont nt left tackle , am
gained three yards. Homans made t
good punt and liiittcrworth caught tin
ball within ten yards of Ynle'a goal line ,
'J'ho ball was , however , brought back to thf
spot of the lasl bcrlmmago und given lo Yah
for holding it to the Princaton line. Laurli
Bliss made llvo vurds around right end bo
fora Lea aim Randolph nabbed him , am
"Pop'1 Bliss uud Uutterivorlh fuiind lo gali
ground. Buttcrworth punted lo Princeton"
thirtv-yard line , where Pee mudo a frci
catch just as tuna was called. The scon
was ( Ho 0 in Yule's favor , nnd ibo platlnj
bad ( Juen ( airly oven.
The Tigers had broken through quickly
and they Kicked bnrd , whilu Yale's woru hai
been of the usual form.
The teams stayed In their dressing room
for the lull llftoen tninutos of the Intertills
blon aud both Iho Ynlo and Princclon coach
era talked to ' .ho pin ) era.
At 8:20 : the ball WHsucuiu put into plav b ;
Princeton. Stubborn lighting on both side'
opened thu game and neither team was no !
lo gain much advantage until h ilf tha tlin
had expired. Then it was that Yulu was en
nblcd to score ncuin. Hull came about t ) ,
un unlortuimto kick by llotnans.
Iliim.iim'Cohtly Kick.
Prlncelon had failed 10 gain on ihro
downs nnd luon Homans wai forced ilopunl
It proved lo bo the mou dlsustrous it I c It o
his'career. . SUHmnu wont through Ih
Princeton line llko a 11 ish and McCormlol
was tight with him. Tno ball struck BI
Stillman will , the boom of n bass drum un
bounded away down the Held and across th
white line of the Piinceton coil. Sullma
run as his duarost irlends never thought h
could. Dnuliid the coal King dove for th
bull , missed it ana the Y.ilo center was on Ih
pigskin for a touchdown und glory found fc
iho rest of his Ufa. Butlarworth kicked Ih
goal jusi tivonty-two minutes nfior the ha !
was called : Yule , 12 ; Prlnodtoti , 0.
During Iho remainder of iho half nolhin
was undo , although the Princotou mo
fought like Users. They forced the ball i
Yule's yard terribly ana made her act In Ih
dofenslvo for a gooJ part of iho tlmo. Kin
worked llko a Trojan and was nbly su [
porled by hU mon. Tronchar.l was sllghll
hurt but he would not glvo up.
Trii'il Ono lioin tlio I'lflil.
llomans made an unsuccessful attempt I
kick a goal from the Hold. Bliss brothoi
made cooil cams for Yule und pushed th
ball down lowunli I'rlncoton's goul. Tin :
was getting close and every Inch of groun
was itubboinly contoslod. Pnncoion coi
fined her efforts lo keeping Yule fro'm scorlti
again , and kuccocded.
When time wus called tbo ball was lofl :
Princelon's len-vard lino. A mighty shoi
wont up at , Iho teutni lined off iho fluid. Tt :
plucky work of Liurlo Bliss and Caplal
i < ! ng , who had only two good leg * bctwcc
them , cannot bo lee highly xpokon of. Kin
especially plaved throughout with lockc
j.iws and evidently suffering oxcrtitlutln
pain. Tuo Yule r minors who had safe !
pasted ibo line , ana who 1mj iho goal ulmo
within reach , found Klnc in tnclr nalh uu
stopped. At least two touch downs wci
saved b , ' King's florco luckllng nnd ono i
them , on Pnnuiitui' ' * tun-yard line , w :
of ibo finest order , but Ihu poor follow cc
lapsed from thu pain in nil lug as socn as u
last "down" was called.
One ol the llrliflit .Spots ,
After the game McCorniick , tbo Yale oa
tuln , was sprintiris ; ulong toward the clt
house , while King was dracginc his suite
ing lorm to .vard tbo guto , supported
either stdo by a fileudly hhnuider , A uu
wearing Yale ro'crs pushed his way Uirou'
luo throng and Ihrovving his arms aroui
MLCoriuick's nccu whispered Houiatliing
| >'iii ox sccoxu IMOE.J
Nebraska and lowa ailsd to Reach a Defl-
/ nito Coao'us'ton. '
riipplu Sccurit * n l.nrco Miaro of OorjC.lnrj
for HIiiMoir , aiilMa j-or < lt < ta n
llrokcn Note Dctalli of
tlio Uumo.
Ton to ton , A Uo. That was the score nl
the lormlnatlon of the great Interstate foot
bail gnmo ycslordnv afternoon between tha
-'vnrsllv elevens of Nebraska anil Iowa.
The old tlmo rivals m.ulo It a draw tter A
osperato but royal stmirgle. Owing to Iho
xtrcmo cold weather nol moro than llvo
uiidrod people assomnlcd at Sportsman's
ark to witness the co'iiou ol skill , brute
orco and cndurnnro , but what iho crowd
nckcd in numerical force It made up In on-
husiasm , lor foot ball , llku pugilism , Is al.
vnys moro thrllllnt ; than ennobling , and It It
frliftd soul Indeed that will not warm up
urine , tbo progress of a battle for blood line
ntothAtof jostordnv.
'Ihero wcro n number of tally ho coaches
n tbo srbunds , flllod with fomlnino cdmlrera
f the brawny cultured nthlelos , wrhilo the
ahiuco ot the throng lined along the ronos
nclosing iho flold , nearly every ono dUplny-
nz the coloi-s of Ihoir fuvorllo loam , rod and
vbtto for Nebraska aud old cold for the boys
ver the uvcr.
Wlicu ttio Y H dime.
The teams made lliclr appearance on the
rounds nt the same ilmcrnnd , of course , ro-
icived nn ovation. Thu precocious student
ivns ttiofo in his moil robust form , and their
pposlng slogans , mingling togathor * In an
ncomprehonslblo Jir on , made iho wintry
, lr quaver llko some mythical monster in
mm. For outlandish sound commend mo to
be rural collegiate picbo ; ho can glvo a
bollor factory foriv j ards in 100 , ihon go by
Ins If It wcro tloJ lo a post ,
Thev all earned Ihelr salaries yostiraay.
They were profusely bedecked with the
colors of their ropcctlvo uiuvorslilos , armed
with the execrable tin bom , nnd In recount-
ion of any brilliant play , whether they un
derstood it or not , they made iho park fairly
ihrick. Thuadmirer ot iho Nebraska team
, veio considerably in the majority , and rest
assured they lost but few opportunities to
cheer any irood plnv tnndo by the locnl men.
But in any light , all that woat to tbo park
veslcrday htlerucon oxpocliug loseo a great
irume of foot ball did not go homo disap
Afler n very brief delay. Lieu tenant 1'rinca
of Port Omaha wus" selected as um
pire , nnd ChnrJlo Wll on of Ihls
city roloreo. 'J ho two gentlemen are
bolh collcgo crndual' ! ? , alhletes and
adepts in iho peerless game of foot ball , yet
ncitucr distinguished himself as an adjudicator
cater of the giaccfui nnd dolicalo points tu
tno gumo. In fact they were bolh a trillo
severe on the Nebraska bovs. Tlielr roll nod
efforts to he thorotiehlj Impartial led to ono
or two decisions tlial were considurnbly off.
However , u is doubtful if Iheeti two onerous
jositlons could have been moro adcqu alely
-or acceptably lilted , alien you.coms to cotir
sidoi-.tlio . -
luiock-dov.-n , rough-and-tumble
battle lhat had to bo adjudicated.
Xelira kaVon the TOSA.
Erorythln ? In readiness the referee flipped
a big John dollar Into the air , Contain John
son said Headn and heads she came. So
rs'obrasliu took iho bull and thu rofcroo' *
whtstlo signalled the start.
Tuo subjoined diagram shows the position !
of Iho plavcrs as Inoy lined up :
Mosuer * Klppln
* I'aco
Olher Yont Junes Churoh
* Huuo IIououoll Sinclair
Hull /.illinui : Hlzg Johnson
4 *
Sanford Alilrlch Ostcrhoiit
Uiwson * Elliott
* *
I'llpuln ' Marled for Forty Viinls.
Tbo muscular Nebrsskuns started
in at what looked lilu n wlnmnur pace.
The ball was pnssi'd bacKJo Fllppln , xvho ,
by the way , is a foot ball plaver of the tlrsi
cla-s , and bit made a brilliant , run of fully
forty yurJs , when tackled by Larraboe.
Johnson ibon madn a successful udvunco
through tbo center for ton yards more , Flip-
pin bv sheer force cainine live moro on Iba
ihird down. On Iho fourth ( Ho back Yont
got Iho ball , but was downed before ho could
make tiny boadivay , but. in the llfth Jonas ,
after Flippln had carried the pigsKlu within
a foot of the line , ruttdo a touch down nod
the Nebraska adherents went wild. Their
cbeors were deafening.
Oliver essayed to kick a goal , but
made a miserable failure of it ,
Jii\r.i Did Sumo lliistltni ; , '
At the sound of the rofcroo's whistle the
two teams again lined up trldway between
their coals and Iho Prohibitionists nt once
begun to crowd their antagonists. They bad
a magnificent' rush line , and with nil of Ne
braska's vuuntod muscle and brawn it looked
ns if hlU' wus going lo full Ignomlnloualy.
Kvon blc , bkillful Vilptiln failed to got in his
characteristic stone wull work.
Bui Ihcy nil fought llko-Trojans und the
crowd looked on in fovcrish anxiety ,
bawycr made the lln.t material caln by a
dash 'round the left and , for which he ro-
ccilved u crushed proboscis. But a real foot
bill player doasn't notice a llttlo lliing like a
fraclurod ir o ; it tukos an ax to make him
even think . ' .J's hurt.
Folloivlng Bawyoi'a success Larrabco on
two coiisecutl vo turns added n dozen yards to
lha gond , und Nubrnska begun to grow a
tort ot cerulean luio about the BUI" .
On top of this BDO lost ton yards
more on two ' 'oifsido playi. " Bv n
mlsarablo fumble Killott lost the ball ,
Yont oiDturing it. H was lost again , how-
nvor , to the loxvans on thu fourth down , and
iu n few moments mnro tnuy wore in danger
ous nroxlmlly to thu Nebraska lino. U was
an unxloas moment for the admirers of Iho
red nnd wnlio , and rolittf came only when
Lwabee bioko Ihrough a weak snot in tha
center nnd scored a touch down ,
Tlio Prohibitionists then took a turn at the
tin horn , end wunn Larrabeo kicked a goal
liioy fntily howled In ecstasy , Tnls left
the Bcoro standing lowu , 0 ; Nobrasku , i.
loua'n SiMioml Touch Dotrn.
On a resumption of hostllltloi , accordlngto
the porBplcuily of Umnlrti Prince , Nobruska
lost thu ball on a foul at the very ilart , and
by a porsUtcnt ruaorting to tbo push wedge
Dawtion , Hull , Lnrrabso r.nd Johnson did
some tremendous work , Johnson finally
inuitlr.c a br.-al : through the canter , und by
a float sprint of iwoniy yunls , snored Iowa' *
second loucb down uir/ldil Iho most Intonee
excitement ,
Klutod at hi * previous success , Governor
Larrubco endeavored lo propel the plfjikln
from the too of his cutter over Nebraska's
coal , but hu wus doomed to dltcoinfllure.
lla didn't come within a uillo of it , more or
loss , purllcularly losti.
But this mada ihu score 10 to 4 , and mayba
Jowu wasn't feolinu proity good.
In what romalnnd of tno 11 nil half nothing
moro was nccompluhud than a whole lot of
rudhot scrimmnt'lnf , in which bolh Bawyer
and I.arrabeo of ihu loiva team were to badly
It.jortnl as to ba compelled to ratlro , Blulr
and Mcyets lauln ; . ' their places. .
The ipuclntort ran and jumped and danced
about nn thn froz > > n tuil In a vain effort to
keep from fro-iiui , boforn tbo whistle
snundej for tbe tccond half , but \vbeu U did