Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Fnlrn'mtion of Cotnpelilora Doosa't ' Move
the Uiion FaiCo Passenger Pepirtmont
Minn of thn Western IU\nls of the
"Oirrliiml" Aluy Drclilp
Nlnii nf .Sownrk A Nnw l'-ag-
liinil StucUltiililor * .
The notion of the AUhlson , Durllncton ,
Hock Iilntid , Colorado Midland. Uio OranJo
Wc torn anil Denver t Uio Orando roads In
Issuliiff a Joint circular callliiR upon connect
ing llnoi to roraoTu from solo all lound-trip
ttckcla or order ltor sumo reading over tha
Ilnc5 above tncntionnJ , nny nortlon of wnlch
road ever the Uulrm Pacltlc , n.s thu
saino will not Im aucuptod by the i-oadi
nfier NovemberW ! , lias oimuil tlttlo oxcllo-
mant In Union I'auillo clrclov neiilntt wtilun
road ttio rotuilatory meusurcs huvo hoon In-
Mr. Loinnx , who is still In Uhioieo , work-
Ini ; ttiu iniittors In tuli connoclion from ttial
end , lias not as vet bliown his tmni ! , nnd U l
thought will follow ttio wnitliiK nrincipiu ol
Mr. Mic.iwbcr and Rlt still until somullilnp
clso turm ui ) . The ofhclnls In the p.mntiRCi
acpnrttuont , when sien us to the prounbli
ucllon Mr. Lo.nnx would take to incut the
boycott , oouid Rlvu no Information litho
the prcmlam , not having been nppriseil ol
the Kunural D.iiaciiRer oRont's no ltlon ; li
was ( junerally thoucnt , however , that tin
circular would have a contrary effect fron
thai Intended. The relusul of the roads In
cnnttovcrsy to accept excursion llclmt'i wll
not scrlousli afreet tlic uuMnoss of the Unioi
1'no.fli1 , but may help It to secure Iran-icon
tinentul businuai that would otherwise seol
rival trunlc lines cither ( joins or rcturnuig.
The return oml notifylnj ; the cotntnlttei
that the I'lrcular has been received U iid
dru iod to O. H. Bennett , poneral iinisoiiRui
nnd ticket aicnt of the Uio Uraiulo Western
und shows conclusively whoso ox is eorcd.
In Itself the clicular can work no harm ti
the Union I'acillc. oxcont that It places tin
cenoral ptiBsonpor agents of the roads patf
to the circular on record ncainst the pas
Bonpofdepartinont of the Union I'aclllc. SIM
this mriy have boon the only thing desired
but should this only bo a llyor and thu road
mean to follow It up with a second clrcula
refusing to honor onu-wity tickets then tti
fur would liv sure ciiouuti , for thnt wouli
practically nhico an onibario upon the Unloi
Viiuiflc's 'doliiR business in trausmissour
iATinii ( : ) TIII : i.icA r.s.
lntcrcBtliif ; 'Mrntllii ; nf Hit-StocltUoIiters o
I hi ] Nu\r Yorlc & Now Knulikiiil.
BO TOX. Mass , , Nov. 21 At a specui
mcoinn ? oC the Now Yorif & Now Enplan
stocl.holdera it was voted to reconsider th
nctton tnkcn kit March , providing for th
DOSSbit ! ) uvchaiiKO of shines ot the profcrrc
Block for cotiEolidatoU bonds.
A inoilon was put to open the neil :
but Lawyer I'randels , In behalf c
Stockholder Goldsmith , objected , an
risked why the stockholders wuro callc
now to ratify the lenso of the Providence .
Springfield , which was executed In 1691
No ono answered. Hc < then asked If a su
" < > 'U3 not in progress to sot nstdo this loasi
i It was tnado Urfiely for the bsncilt of tli
flirectors , and not for the bonollt of tb
compnny , and stated that there was $5JOU (
of the 1'rcviuonee & bpringileld bonds eve
due , and ttio mayor ol Pioviilcnce had tanc
possession of Uio roAd.
Piesidont Pardons said It was for the ii
terestof tno New York & Now KnRland I
ratify this Icnsc , but Mr. Urandels saia thi
did liot answer the question.
Mr. 0. A. Prlnco said thcro hiid been
technical default on the Providence
tSprlnpflold bonds.
rt Mr. Coollduc , representing PolneVobbi
& Co. , moved thai a committee of stoo
Ijoldors not cmiiloyes of tlio Now Knglai
Voad bu appointed , to reuort Doforo .lianiai
1 , lbll.1 , on the circumstances of the Icasui
of ttio Moridan , Waleruury & cjonnectlui
HIur rallioatl , which , ho declared , \vusn
lor the iniciests of Iho Now Yorli & No
KiiL-Und , but this was objected to
Sir. IlrnnilciB also objected to that Icac
"You withheld the New England report
the coramlssionors intenliomil
until after this moctinjr , as It will maku
disastrous hhowirp , und you li.'ivo purncd
clotlcli of (410,000 In n year.a nsk th
this rallrouu bo operated according to l
Inw. It is not for tlio Interest of the Nc
York & New Knulam ! loau to have the pro1
deal or dltcctois buy up roads and sell tht
at a piolit.1
Mr. Lnmmh , roprosentlng W. H. Prim
cald to thu objector uo was trying to t
feat the lesolutlon to ratify Its lease in t
interest of the consolidated road.
Mr. ( Joollilgo'.s ( notion to nostnono the Mo
dnn lease was voted down.
Mr. Coo'.idgo ' iloublud , the decision ni
1'residcnt Parsons suid no truthtul purse
would doubt it.
Mr. Uollldi-o said it was the Urst time
hnd boon called a liar.
'Iho meuilni ; then ptocceded to vole on t
lease of the Providence As biirliiKllold a
the Morldaq ronds. There were lO'.l , "
bhnrcs voted , of which UiS.'JJ * wore in fu\
f tl.o leases.
I'nalliouml MnpiiiciilH riilllni ; Muir
( , liirti" : < AculiMt tint * > O ( > .
Ciucvno , 111. , Nov. -Kiistbound BI !
mvnts continue unsatisfactory irom a n
roud point of vtuw. Last week tli
amounted to71UI ) tons , namst lS,50t !
the ( irccrdlng week , ana iiRiilnit 7,8I9 ( !
thu corresnondhiK wcois last year. At ' ,
laino time the bhlpmonts by lulto amouni
* o 8J.IWI tons , asfulnst 7U.017 for the proc
< ii > ; week.
The conference hotween PassotiRor Agi
Illbbaril of thoSoolIno nnd the rcprcscn
tlvoi of the ChteaRO-St. Paul ro.ids , v
barren of icaults. It uas called to hear I
Hlbbard'ti complaint that cettaln llnm
rnanlpulatiiiR Urn ni'irliot ' at St , Paul ;
Minneapolis In a manner to cut the rate
\i\oon the Twin cities and eastern points
way of Chicago. Tlio See ofllcluU produ' '
40 ] ll Oof.
Keprescntatives of the Chicago roads i
thut tlio See is up to its old trick of mu
fucturing excuses to cut rules , iid it aim
Invariablu does at this scnson ot tbo year.
No lariror mcotlni : of conural nasbcn
ngonts was ever bcun in Cliicapo than t
\\hich croivdod the Moling rooms at
Auditorium hotel to consider rates for
\Vorlu's fair. Ono tiundrodnra pius (
rcprcscntini. tbu roads of the United Sta
Canada und Mexico , No business i
tiansactud at thu inunimn hesbion boy
the election of C. P. Attmoro as prosld
nnd C uorgo Uovtn as suurotury.
In tbu uUcrnoou'tho visitors wont to
expobltioti i ; roll nil a as thu Ruoit's ol the'Ilili
Central lUilioad company and the Wor
fair oDIciaU. At tomorrow' session
propoattlon In ro.-nrd to rates for tbo t
submitted byV , li. UusonlitiiU , tranio n
agoroftho Chifago , Urrat Western n
will probably ba considered. Mr. Ilu
buck suRROsts that durlni ; thu ilrat
wccki ot the exposition a half ruto
chaiucd from all points. It is expected i
the tinvcl will bo comparatively ll ht dm
thiit pcrird , and that itlio ( and of tnat tl
If the Increased business should wurr
the rates can bu advanced to a fate a
third torthoround trip.
IViirh on i ho > > llrlileo. t
Ice runniajr ou the river yostorduy mori
temporarily put a slop to the work of
trcsslne the Missouri above the alto of
Omaha I ! rid go & Terminal cornpa
structure now in process of coimt-uoiio in
Kast Onraha. Tbu doluy was not long , 1
over , uttluuRU the river wus runnlnt ; fu
ilush Ice , due to tbo cold woatbcr In i
uorlli , N
Contractor Ncftr , who bus charsa oj f
raaltrois work mi tbo bridge , bui
plptua the wont on uler 5 , and.
mattress on pier 4 i > now b
put iu and that on pier No. 0 common
All the material for the river work B
considerable portion of the dlkluc work :
ou baud ready for iho contractor * to b
ou their several contracts.
Hhould iho weather continue good foi r
next two wouks Mr. Nubr fcuvs the mall
works will bo comparatively dona , at I
all of too channel work will bo JluliDec a
that time.
A great ditl ot piling UM
rocolvoil on the Iowa sldo nnd con-
mdernblo Umber for the superstructure
Is arriving dally , waiting for SoojsmUh Ac
Co , ' force to boeln the work of construc
tion. Tnc boats belonging to the superstruc
ture contractors have left Sioux city , towed
by n cannl boat , but nothing has been hoard
from Iho licet since "nuttlnR out to § ea. "
However , within tbo"nixt ton days KnM
Omaha will ho a hlvo of Industry , for the
contractors are anxlo'ia ' to get as much
work done as possible bofoco cold woftthot
sots In , while the plor pcoplo bone for Ice to
hclo them along In their building operations ,
Apropos of tno nlor * In thli bridge , which
will bo enormous. It will triko 3JO carloads ol
rock to niiiko the ooncrcto alotio lor the
pivotnl pier , whluh Is to support 3,5'JO,000
pounds of stocl nnd Iron.
Complaints l.'lriri o tlio Hlitfinrl I'licllU
Ultli rntnrini ; Cnrtnlu Mnpper ,
Mr. Frank O. ICrotchmer , sucnjtnry ot the
IntcrsUto cominorco commission , is tn the
cltv nnd this morning tt-.ero will bn t
largo IntcrsUto hen on tn tlio fedoril grand
JurV room in the pouofllccJ bulldinc.
'i'horo Is n fr-ssh case ol discrimination on
tap oiul all the packer * of South O.niba will
bo called M witnesses. The sunucnai
wcro Issued yostordiiv and tuoro t ;
liuulv lo Im a "hurry of hoofs in the
Vlitnfjo strout" boToro the case U dlspoiod of ,
Mi1 Krotchiiu-r wns vorv rotlconl , bui
It wan tisccilnlnud nn Ibo outsldn that sov-
cral complaints had been IlloU by small shiO'
pors In which II Inn been alleged tnat the
Mmnnrl I'ai'Uiclms bcon guilty of the bold ,
oat ana inoft unjust disciltnlnntion upor
rntus to mul from South Om Urn.
It has already bcjn dUoivored that an
ollior road has boon mixoaup In Iho aual HIH
that the two uociipuiles have m.iuo an cffor
nlioailv to InlimUato sovr-nil witnesses whi
buvo been occupying nlucc * where they won
onabic-il to llnil out about iho discrimination !
charged In tha eomphilnis.
Hill llnitiiii Knii'lic * Mirililan.
It ii expected tint ou Saturday the Bur
llngton will bo tunning trains into ahcrlrtan
\Vyo. , a dlstauoj of uoarlv n thousand mlle
from Omahi. lloivy work on H c'H thre
miles this dilo of iho Biirltncton'.s objecttv
point , for the proiont , has sorlousl' '
Intorferred with ( -riding , but the grader
liavo llnnlly Bucccednd in setting through th
ohitructlon utid will now have pluiti saillni
into tlio hi ; o.utlo comiry of tha north
Wednesday was iho dav sot for tbo tn
umphal culroo of the Burlington Into It
furthermost northern town , but Dad wcatho
nnd huavv piMdos huvo deluved Iho bit ; fore
wlilch tsliiylng narly 7,000 foot of Iron a dav
Urdurs bnvo bt'ori Issued by the Hurltnc
ton closing Lariat station on Ibo I'oxvdo
river and opening Arvada , which Is but i
mllu or so uoith.
J\ot Via c'niiih iniMl.
The report tclugranbod from Doadwoo
Saturday night tinvt the Burlington had pui
chased the entire Uoadwood Central systorc
lucks colirmntion , nlthoui'li the closest trani
arranirotueiits have existed butwcon the Uv
.systems for some timo. It Is well known itu
the Burlington Is Desirous of owning .1 roa
into Lead CU.whcro . nro ulluatad tno gret
llomobtako minas and plants and then read
Ing out toward tbo t3ollo Fourcho river , ta (
pini ; the country north of Lead nnd tb
counties of Buttc , Uolano and Scoboy 1
South Dakota and Oroolt tn Wyouiinif.
At Burllnuton bi3udju4rtors nothltiRvr
known of tbo rumored tiansfer as the ma
wno buys railroads , Mr. Oeorgo Holdrog
is not in the city , although expected toda ;
Toinurinvv In Our Ilimy Uny In tlio I.lnc
Tomorrow will bo thoilny to buy yet
TluinUs iviii ) ! linons.
Hoiiutlful hemstitched tray cloths.r)0i
7oc and $1.00 each.
Pine bleached damask , 40c , 50c , Coi
75c , 81.00 and $1.2-5 yard. Nnpkins t
match a croat many of those- damask
Tuekey rod and groan diumisk , a5 <
50o , 58a , und 75c yard.
Cream d'lin.iak : it 25c , 33c , 40c , GO
COu , G5c and 75e yard.
Special bargain in rod-bordered an
silver blo.iohed damask , SOcyatd.
Largest line of napkins"in Omtihi
5-8 , 6Uc , 7uc , $1.)0 ( ) , 41.Ii5 , SI.3.5 , 41.S
Sl.Oo , $1.7o und $2 00 do/.pn.
Full bloachud 3-1 dinner napkin
SI.00 , 81.50 , $1.7 < 5 , S2.00 , Si50 , $3.00
do/on and up.
Great variety of lunch cloths ; 8
fringed cloths , fancy borders , wit
dozen nnpkiiiB to match , all linen , $12. (
a sot ; the satno in 10-1 clotha , napkii
to match , at iioO , the bust bet for U
money in the inarKot ; they will go live
al iho-o prices.
Ilembtitchod dro ser scarfsplain whl
nnd double damask. 50c , 7oc , SI.00 , S1.2
$1.50 and 81.75 each.
lO ctra help has been added to this d
piirtmcnt in oidoito holn wait on 01
increasing tiado in linens.
Special bitrgain in white bed spread
GJC , 7oc , Sbc , $1.00 and SI.50 each.
The lai-gc&t stock of towelb over di
pltiyud iu this city. Over 2.0JO dozi
of towels to bo told at once.
1H.\18 ; all linen hemmed towels at 1
each. You can't lind these bat-ir.iiua c
copt at Hnyduns' .
Look nt our stock ol lee , 19c and 2
towels- . They exceed nil previous i
forts made by us.
Look nt our line line o ( plain wh !
buck anddamnsic hemstitched and fan
fringed holiday towels at 5Uc , 7f5c , a
SI.Oil each.
Fancy colored round doylies oc oac
Plnin white damtuk round cake dt
llo-j at lOc o.ich ,
FfiiK'y hquaro doyllos , nice r.ingo
colorn , lOo and 15c each.
Our dlsnlay of fancy linens surpasi
nil our previous efforts. Kxninino t
ciualiticB and compare prices.
A Sniltroiilint. .
A girl in Chicago while sitting on t
bank of the li.ko hung hoi- foot over t
wntor and booing the rollcclion of I
same thought it a bout , slopped
nnd was drowned , llnu she had aVi
mnii piano she xvould iiave staid at ho
and saved her life. ( Jnll at tlio H
Store anil oxiuiiino iho Wegman plai
they litivo the greatest Diirgalns )
pianos and organs ever ottered
$000.00 piano , oak case , uprlg
iJJOU.OO piutio. UOriKWOOD , uprig
d \Vogman pianos from $3r > 0.00 ur
it $000.00
Ono organ for $20.00. One organ
10 $35 00.
Is Ona organ for S.iO.Ol. Elog.inl n
' 8a oi' Klugtint now pi.uioj at :
a incuse dlafotintd.
r ,
iid. - A N l.iiKlaiul lhuiil iIUnK IHiino
d.n . Is worth traveling a long diatanco
nIx obtain. All Now England points cun
JO reached in the shortest time nnd n
at coinfortnbloinniinor by the Latco Slio
'Chicago itnd Doston Snoclal" loav
Chicago dully at 10:30 : a , m. , roach
Boston next afternoon at 3:40 : nnd ml
incdlnto puints at a correspondingly c
vunlont hour. Close cnnnoctinn is t
inudo with all diverging lines. R
Humphrey , T. P. A , 727 Muln St. , K
at gas City. C. K.V1 bar , West. 1' ,
atha Agu , Chicago.
Examiner Mcrris Thinks the Ectourcei
Equal the Liabilities.
II. I ) . llntli.i ny llrforo tlio Or.ttul .Jury nl
Lincoln Itrcltrs bmnn liit ro llne
I'nctn CunccrnliiK the l'n
inuus .Isjluni Oat Dcnl ,
UINCOI.V , Neb , Nov -Jl. ( Sneclal to Tin
UnB.J Uank ICxnmlnor Morris \vho was
sent to the town of Johnson In Ncmahi
county , Saturday tuiooK Into the cundltlot
ot the State Uank of .lohuson which hai
closed Its doors thn dny before , Hied bis report
port with the attorney general this after
noon. Thu ban it Is olllcurrd as follous
President , .1 1) H'issull ' ; vlco president ; .1
H. Pohlintin ; cashier , . I. U. Uroer ; dimctois
J. U. Husscll , ,1. C. Grjor , H. L. lluttor am
U. C. Vandemark ; stoukboldors , J. II. 1'otil
man , 15. H. Houton , Q. C. Viuidetnark , H. U
liutlcr. J. C. tireor nud J. D. Hussell. Tin
bank duclarod a dividend on April 7 , Ib92 , o
tC'jJ flO. of \ \ bluh amount $1(53 ( r > 0 u-ns carrln
to tbo credit of the stockholders nnd tbi
balance carl led to the surnlus fund. The re
sources nnd liabilities ol the bauk are as fol
lows :
Notes and bills discounted . $17.2011
DUD fniin TueiiinsMi N'.itional b ink . li"il..l
Duo friini ou bank at Auburn. . . IU
Hanking lioiisu und IKlurus . S.Sfrf 0
Cuiiont exp 'iisos . l.UXd
Ousli short to biilulico . 1'J.V.Ml
Total . .ViLUS.1.1
I.IAlllllTlE- < .
O.iplul stock p ild la . J < V > 000
buro us . SCUD
Discounts and Interest . 1.4IU.4
Duo to natloiril bun , s . fi.H'-ii.'J
I'oiluotloiid . l.-SJ.'J
Duo todi'jiosltors . 7i ° frS. . i
Hills payuulo . D,7.'itH
Totil . IAI.1I8.V
The examiner states that iho personal an
firm liability of the stockholders us payer
amounts to ja.-'oS. In regard to the bill
receivable do bays ; "The books shos
$17'JOJ.10 , but I only find $7,013.08 , leavin
an apparent shortngo of $ 'J,5'll.ll ' , suppose
to bo hold b } thu First National bank of Lin
coin and Iho Farmers und Merchants of Au
burn us collateral to bills payable "
Iu closing bis repo't Mr. Morris says
"Legal proceedings buvo been commenced b
tbu creditors und attachments have Due
placed ou the building and tixtures. Then
fore , for the piotoctlon of. all concerned ,
would recommend the appointment of a rt
I Will Appoint u 1'rnn'lp it.
The State Normal board will hold a moo
Ing at Peru tomoriuw for the purposi
among other things , of appointing a sui
ccssor to Prof. F rnUam , who resigned 111
uriaciDalshlp to luo stutu normal bchoi
some time ngj. The board U constituted r.
follows : Superintendent of Public Instrui
tloa Goudy , Stuto Treasurer Hill , Ghurc
Ilowo of Howe. B. 13 B. Kennedy of Omahi
C. W. Kuloy of Ued Uloud , W. E. Majors c
Peru mid T. J. Spencer of Uxuoia Cit'
There Is a lively contest , for the apooln
mont. Among the contestants already o
the ground mav be mentioned Prof. Ebrigl
of Beatrice , J. V. Wilkinson of Empon :
Kan. , U. P. Hoard of Shippetisburrr , Pa
and Prof , llurio N. Hoark of Lexington , Kj
( .04 Ip nt tlio Stnto House.
Secretary of State Allen is in CInoinna
on private business.
Land Commissioner Humphrey Is tran
acting personal Dullness at his homo I
Broken Bow.
Stnto Superintendent Goudy Is at Kc
Cloud on school Dullness.
AU the returns have been received at tl
nfiica ot tba secretary of htato , with the ei
ceptiou of those from Scotts Bluff count
Superintendent Mulvelvv of the Girl
Industrial school at Geneva was at tl
state house th's ' afternoon.
School bonds from Nomaha , Dawsou nr
Cass couutiuscro roclsterrd at the oflii
or the stain auditor this forenoon in tl
amounts of $ o'JJ , $ iy,000 und $ ISOO i
sppc.lvelv. }
Cou ressman-oloct llnlncroftbe Four
district called nt tbo stuto bouso this alto
Congressman McKeighan was a visit
Prof. Ebrivrht of Beatrice wat discussii
his chances of being appointed principal
the btato Normal school , with several of t !
state ofilcors this mtornoon.
Lincoln lit Itrltif.
J. Ij. Douglas , ono of Lincoln's be
known oowsiftuir men and city editor of t :
IJaily Call , slutted for Cameron , Mo. , tti
afternoorherehoviilbemimiou U'udiK
day evenliiir to ono of the fair daughters
thnt , cltv.
The grand council of the Imfioved Ord
) f Hd Men of Nebraska will convene
hls city tomorrow. Tlio local tribes 11
nalilnir preparations to entertain the vis
ing ilelrgutes In true Lincoln stylo.
H U. Iluthuway is telling the grand Ju
ibout , his lamous oats dtal In connccti
, \Kh the iisylum manugcmonttblH afttsrnoc
rj. F. Bolts , who also hold the coal co
, ructs during thn period when tlio nsylu
burned the phenomena ! amounts of coa1 ,
ilso \vitnoss this afternoon.
John Coilms , the railroad man arrest
Saturday night while attempting to siua
cloak fiom a dummy flguro in front of l
Bazar , was sentenced to pay a line of $100
Judge Waters this morntne.
Ttio nrcuuierits upon the application foi
receiver for tbo Lansing theater block wt
submitted to Jndgo Tuttle this forenoc
Air ljan lng wn-j glvoa until tomorrow
amend hU answor.
Tbo case m which Kalnmaker Swlsl
sued J. II. McMtmry for fTiOU caino up t
luotnlng. but was again continued.
Judge Tulilo Is today bearing the soi :
what complicated cafio of Jerome Shn
against Auirust Mayor. The two mon wi
fnrmorly uartnora nnd Sh.unp claims ll
Majer owes him something llko tl.OOC
parlnership dotili , that Mayor assumed I
never paid.
Fiesi-olng and interior decorating ; i
bigns and ostunntes furnished. lion
Lohinunn , 150S DouL'las street.
Ronl oHtate.
Hargains only.
My woi d is good.
W. G. Albright ,
621.2N. : ! . Y. Life bid' . r.vitK i\tiUKiiox
. To tint City of Mutlri ) HIM ! lleturn.
For the meeting of the Amerlc
Public Iloiiltli Association and Intori
tional Medical Ooncrcss , to bo hold
the City of Mexico November 20 to I
comber ii , 1S92 , tlio Sintti Fo route v
sell tickets at ono lowest flrst-tilass fi
for Iho round trip.
Tliis is an excellent opportunity
visit Mexico , ono of the most dolighl
trips imaginable , at very little cost.
A special party will leave Omi
Saturday , November 19 , nnd join a lai
party from Boston nnd other oasti
cities at Kans-is City.
Tlio faro for the round trip fr
Omaha is only $111.1)0. )
For further , information and rosor
tloa of Pullnvin accommodations c
on or address , E. L , PAI.MKU ,
Passenger Agent Santa Fo Houto , 1
Fariuun St. , Oiniha , Neb.
ind uro a aking
by The only 1'uie Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammouia ; No Alum.
been Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard *
lt < ? Worx'lai'rul Results Attested
by nn Iixvnlld Lady Whom
Both Doctors and Col-
oradd Mountain Alp
Failed to Curo.
Drs. Copclnnd nnil She pan ! "have i
now luti } * treatment.
It Is ' "now" in respect to Us nuturo , tl
thoroughness , its nioilo of appllcntioi
nnd the roinurktiblo results nttoiicllnp Hi
uso.Out of a vast experience In lung nw
kindred ailments , lrs. Copclanil am
Shopn.-d . 1mvoporfottodntreatment thix
is notonly sclontillcnllv corroptbut prac
ttcally valuublo hi an unusual degree.
In advanced caso-i of consumption
wlion tlio hums are full of pus and uicor
- DIM. and Shepard di
ons socs , Copclnnd
not profess to euro. It Is in Iho bnjin
iniififyr. / / . before the lungs aio decayed
that their treatment has its bpoela
Hundred' ? of people sufforinp fron
lung t"oub o are buhiE tro ited by HM
Copolaml and ShoparJ with the now
Every ono of theio la boinfj boneflttci
and Is on the road to a euro.
There uro two things to romembo
about tins subject The&o are :
1. The now Copel.uid and Slicpiri
discovery is the only treatment that ha
over done thesu sullerors any gooti.
II The pition Is who are taking it won
oltlior given up by other physicians o
fulled to got relief.
The treatment applies to nil lung Iron
blcs , but works wonderful results h
those cases whoso marked symptom
nro :
Tightness of the chest witlx hoav ;
weight and oppression.
Labored breathing.
Night sweats.
Spitting of blood.
The following case is given to sho\
the success of this treatment. It IH tha
of Mis. Kmn.a Hunt , wife of Mr. .T. F
Hunt , the well known dairyman o
Council Blutls , la , residing at U511 aye
nuo G. Doth husband and wife invit
searching inquiry by any sincere doubt
or into the facts given herewith. Mn
Hunt says :
"Tho publicity attending H printed Mntcmrntot ir
ca'clsnoto'itlrely u-reciljo : | to me , itlll 1 foci It
bo rather In the line of ray duty to spent. When
npplleil tollrs Copelnml nnil Miopiirel I felt that U
worst would conic uu'oss 1 coulil tlnil ome on nl
thoroughly timlonunnd lung coiup iiliitu anlcuu
Klve mo lonil nmlcoiitltutlonil trnutincnt. Icon
icarcclr walk around Uio bouso or up tha tcp wit
outhclp. .My brnatlMTas shortaiU ray lungs wcr
and sure. I could not go Into church or crmtili
room vlt'lout a smothering fcellnp. My lunu fc
slopped up nnd It was hard to cet air Into them ,
poor hppatltrrente's n'xuti , constant Imvt lneHi
optttlni ; , wltli n hold ichcthalirus porlectly awful
benr , ncaJlly uoniunii ) I m > tlesli nud brought ma
n d nsprou utnto < if nervous iirid pliyilcil uxnnti
tlon. A racking oouali worried IUQ day and hit :
and named wo of n lowy ] developing toniumptlo
'IhU WHB in ) < ondlton for three > u r < , durli
which time 1 HIH tniitc I by various doctors In Om
hunnd Conniil DlnlT * . hpl nlt'i no benefit to ipei
of. 1 nni .un l t'int my Iuni.1 werovorj bid in
that n HllKlir co d , oven , w mid brlii on ittlk | en
biicnptloM. In Aiunit , 1S')1. ) upon thoadUcoof u pi :
alrlun , I wunl to Coloruilo. lioplna thu mountain :
would curu me , but 1 cinio homo with n i1'nproi
inunt. Almost iiudy to Kivu up , 1 wni led to leal t
apodal IUIIR treiiline.nt ot lr . Cupcliind and bliep i
nn1 found It a ( omplotc tu.'cc ' . It ha * miulo t
butter und ptronpcr thtn 1 bare been for your * . 1 1
I eve It hu perfectly cared me an I will be of lii tl
Lonelit It has already too 1 the tO"t of niout )
\VhentthcrductoriHida ibani.0 of cilnmle fall
mo Drs Copelund und licpard restored tue to p <
feet health 1 ttpprtclatc it und auieenUlu the n
the patlenli lean. "
The new limp ; treatment is being aci
duily to patientb all through the wes
Drs. Copehi'id and Shepard invite ii
quiry by mail or at the office as to i
natuio and mode of duplication.
Cntirrh treato I at the unlfo'm ratu
$5.00 a month meiliomes lurnlshed Ire
Kor all other UHea es the rates will bo 1C
and uniform. P.itlents a a. distanoa f > u
oes iuhy treitod- Send for symptom blai :
UOOMSnil AND 318 , NlJW VOKK LIl'13
O. S. fellKPAHD , M. D.
Specialties -Ciitnrrh Antlimn , llronchllli\crvi
rtl50n l' , III'MKl IIKOIH 04 , HlKMllUlltlBIII , CulWU
tlonnnil nil clironlc airecunns ol tlio 'lllriml , lun
btoniHCli.skln , l.lvi'ninrt KUIni'yf.
Olllto lliciiri Utolln iu. . i to 'j l > in , 7 to Up.
Bundnjr , IU n. in tol.'m.
irioriiiiuui flublK'ureu in
' ' "
* y 11114-inv
, Leltnnnii.
of cod-liver oil presents a
perfect food palatable ,
easy of assimilation , and
an appetizer ; these are
everything to those who
are losing flesh and
strength. The combina
tion of pure cod-liver oil ,
the greatest of all fat pro
ducing foods , with Hypo-
phosphites , provides a re
markable agent for Quick
Flesh Building in all ail
ments that are associated
with loss-of flesh.
J'repar , l by Seolt A Itawne.Chemlitl ,
how York. Hold by All druvtfiiu.
Trusses ,
Crutche3 ,
Batter/33 ,
Water3 Jill n
Syringes ,
Atomiza ? ) ,
Medical Suijfisi
114 S. 15th St. ,
Ken loPost oi ( ! ce.
Thrco NlRlits and WodncsJay Matlnoo.
hciliinln <
MONDAY , NOV. 21st.
Clarli anil Cox's Superb Spectacular
Im1or the auspice * oft IIP A s > I'lalod riuil lei
16O People I th Oaat - - ISO
Stately Drill of the Nn'nds ' , t'liarinliiL' PHiirn
of iliu Hiitlcrlllo * . hurl aii > Ilindno Scarf
Uuncp. ( iiiv Itinplsnf Iho i r I'ttcssos
StTl'I'.KII HI l.Nl'.KY rlKO\M
Ohasto , Hist rlcnl ,
Fo.its on > alf > ut 1 ox ofllrp I su il l
3 N.U ITS a n
a Ma luoiM a V/
Sitnr.iay I'll 11 DkM v \ . , , / /
M itlnccs I I 11 L l\'l'\ ' 1 , \ ( ) \ . _
Annum KnuniHMiicnt ofllio rmliiriit Trngcillnn ,
And Ills cuci'lti'nt romp HIT "f nlnM-rjIn tliofullon
IIIK ni'li'il rt'iioiliiiru
'J linnksclvltic M Minrii
'flnirxliy S'm < c'ii'nr3 | s I'riBmly.
rrlilar nml $ filtiiilnr.vinliiijs , .Mnsnlll < nt fiiec-
Uculnr I'ruilutllnnof
nicHAHD in.
Saturday Mntlnop , llnlnor'n ( iroit Illiturlinl I'lnv ,
llojc ilicnlH op-'n at 0 o'cliiokp liui dny ninrnln
nl tliu'fitllonlnii prli-m I Ir'l llnnr f I "mil ( i U ,
hnloony.T.ip-uiil fl Heiii.'nliiilniN-iloti lo llr t Hour ,
"So , Knncral nilnil Klon lo Im i-onj , aK.illi > ry. ' "ie
Tonliihi. Sov 'J
ThiiCprninn Dlnleit ( uinntlan.
In hli now varstun
Suiipurtoil liy
nil.l.V KHNNM.m IholrMi rutiipdlnn.
MUI1TI1A ( .IMIKli : Ihoi.urinnn Mulilln
l.UTl.n IAMNO , The Child \\omlur
Tlireo nlKlit * , Nor SI. Si Rtul si , lieiilnnmi : with n
llnllilny Mntiiirc ,
Tlio HlR New Vor ) ; Success
The only real novoltv In tonn.
s \ it'HUAY M \ i INII : : .
All This \\i-eK. Tlio
AND P'ti :
All-Star Spun a 1 } Ak'ttra atlon
A pit rnf rubbci-j foi OUT } I ul > ml 1 rlilar
M\TINHS I \ I \l\ils
! 0o nil parld of llp rrrcil I'nniiu * ! eut . TOn
tlio lmu c llvjur ; oil lul < iin > KL"it < ' "Ji :
, R , W ,
'Jictli rilledlili
out ! ' iln hy 1 10
l.UoIn ! von-
LxiTtAcrnn wtmouc i'Ai on
A FULL SHT OV TIUU'U OX UUlliinil roil
* n.ou.
Perfect Qt cuir.intool T-ot'i cxtrictoil In
the inornlng Now ones Iiisjrtol in
of suno d.ty.
See apeclrnons of Uo > iox' iblo Hrldtco
Scospuolmcnsof Kloxlulo Kustlo I't-xta '
All wotU warr inted 113 ruproiontcil.
Olllee , ilnrd li1 iKir , I' t\tJ't Illojc.
Tclfiiione ] UKS5. KKII.I 1 1
'luko Klov.Uo-or Sti r\r ly fro n tiit
I bog to call the attention of the pub
lic to tlio above popular brand of pure
rye whisky and respectfully nsli a conv
paripon with any other brand of pure
rye olTeiod in this market. It is f.n
superior to any anil J
guarantee its'ab-olulo o.M'ollcnco ii :
flavor as well as it * j > urlly and itwhole -
oomo elTeots. The public is invitou tc
call and vry it.
Hon'-y Ilillcr , 010 N IGth "St. , f.imil.v
wino and liquor house. Esmond hotel
nnrs r\
This 11 imicifiil , r.rjiilsic ! , lift-
Specific l Oxyp
W" 11IIVO l'r1l' ' lrCl1
nUu 4 trllll - MM I HI Ml sp ,
A liomo trtiitiiifnt I'lll" , OXVlIUII III Ml \ C I IU
, „ „ _ , , , , t llllirr | , . ( . ,1,1s , , llr.uu n
Us. Aillimi. ( ons-'implNm , MTMIHS I'liisimtliu
" ( i\M.i % llo IK Illtr c nil or urilu , Ilii'tMCIH
O.\U.L'N CO S-ulli'SUlMli'H ) llik | , O llllllll .Nib.
Coiincll ClmnilH'i , Oniali l. Nub . ISM
Ilu It ruboiod ny tbu cltv connII of Uio clt ;
of Oniiilia iliumtyoi LtiiK'inrliu :
Thnt woollen Hid own Us bo constructed I
tlio olty of Om.iliu .is ( losl n ilo 1 li'Mow , with
Inllvod.iys iiftoi tlic iniblli-atliiiinf Kits rose
liillon , 01 llui person il iM'ivIco Hiproof , us b.
orllnaiicu Is aiilliori..c I and rniiiiuod : Hiu'l
slilowilUs tn lie nnd to tlio gr.ulo o
Iho strnols sparlllcil herein , anil < o bu con
sliiiilod o ( iiliio i > luni ; of nuuli ul'ltli itn
tbluKnes anil bu laid upon Johls of sun
nliiiciiblonb anil In suuh inaiinoi m Is pru
scribed hy tin1 apueillrallons on ( ilo In th
olllcoof tbo bu tutf public wuil < > and iinUu
ItRsiinurvlsinn , tnnit :
\V 4thlilu of tli HCPt , lots I > iml 4 block I
WPRIIIIII.III ) | , punimiiBntnuloO fruinlo
ortll hUlo of DodRii sllKol , lots I ; 1.1-14 hloo
H West I-nil. urosontrade. . dfett witlo
WiBtsIdoof 'Sih ini'iiue. l-it I hlork I lioizs
i Hill's 1st idil. present Si llfoanldu
hotilhs di'of r.ini lots I tor. ImliislM- block
Dioxoi'hsuli , | iii < "iii 1'riili1. 4 fi-ct wlili > .
Nurib sldo of riinriri Hlrci-i lot li block
hhlnn'b nlil , cstalillshcilrfiaiU1 , hfeol wldo.
Norlh sldo of Llurlni Etii'ot , lots H and
blo.U 4 sbliiu's add , OHtabllblied ptaile , b tut
fcoiilh l1o of Charles Sstrcol. lot ' 1 liloeK
Shlnii'n ii'ld. estiiiillshiid fi mu. iifiutvl iu.
West h no of 17th tirci't. iota I lo it Ineltuh
blocUO KiiUuuoil , lirosoni itr , d , rt fed wliln
KUSIH ( loot biintli .will MI cut lols ItoTIi
oluclvobloeU U I. 1. UfillvK'j Hub , in-imnnui
crndii , 0 fot't wide.
Norlh sldo of Hamilton slrcnt IT feet inoi
or less lot IU hlojl. a OrUiiid Illll. prosoi
radf. d foul wlili ) .
Wusl sldo of 17th street , tax lot Ji sec Jl-l
prcsonl rado. 4 feel ttldo
iuit H.Ufof iTttifctiuut , lots Ti nnilfl block
Oroxnl's sub. prjsent. Kr idr , U fcut n Ido.
Cust nidoof 17th blioot. loul and ll lilock
lro.\ni'sMil > , nriisuni rfrudo. nfonl wide
Last side of 17th Mtretit. lots 5 and 6 block
Drcxel'h null , present t'ruilo , il foot whio.
Hoiith slilo of SprliiK slrcol , lots 1 iinil
block 11 Door I'ntk , piesunt gt idoil feet wide.
Wo t b Uu of 17th atrcot. loll block. ! Dui
J'ark , prosnnt ifi.ule , 0 fout lilc. '
West mrto of 17th btreot. lols 1 to I'l Inclnsl ;
block 0 Huor I'arlc , present isr.i'lo. 4 foot will
\Sestslduof mil Htrunl , lots I leO liiclusl ;
block 11 Ucur I'urk piosent rado. 4 foot will
West sldo of I'lbhtreot , lots I to lOlnvluili
b'ook ' 8 llarcl Turraee , presonl griulc , I fei
And be It fiirtbor resolved :
Thai Iho ooard of puUllo worlis bo turn bur
by la uutliorlriMl and Olroctod to oaiino ui-oi
of this rusolutinn to bo putilUhnJ In the oil
olal paper of the ellv for ono weulc , or I
turieU on Uio owners of silil lots and unlu
such owners shall within ( Uo days iifior tl
puhllciition orbervl'oof hiudi ropy coiistrn
Binrt sidowalka aa hiiroln luiinlruil. Hut t
board of public works caiibo the saino to
done , iho coat of constniut 111 : bald bldowall
rospoullvoly to bo ubsessud u/alnst tlo ro
cstuto. lot nr purl of lot Iu fiontof anil abu
llngsuoh sidewalks
I'assod Oct. SHIi. NovjBt nnd lUli , 1WJ.
* I'rc&'uunt ' City Council.
Acting I'ri'sldont of thn Council ,
Attest ! JOHN HUOVIX ,
Ultj OlerU ,
Approved : GEo. I' . HKMIb.
To the awnori of the lots , parts of lots an
real eaut dcicrltaud In the above rosoli
You and each of you rtrn hereby notified
construct w ooden sidewalk * a reiiulrud by
resolutlou of the olty ccuucll and mayor
il'O city of Omaha , ot which the above U
C0py < I' . W. IlIllKllAUSElv ,
lT'ubUo Worki.
Our sales in the overcoat department for the
past few weeks have been a sort of a surprise
party e y o .n > . _ t o p u rse ves. Lot after lot of great-
thick storm coats Heavy ulsters business
overcoats dress overcoats heat producers of
every conceivable kind and description have
been piled out on our overcoat tables only to
disappear like republicans "when the returns
came in. " Great big stacks of garments came
and were gone before our salesmen had time
Zr become ( > ully acquainted with their merits.
Wo have ajreadyr sold more overcoats so far
this season ihan we ever before sold up to
Christmas and still the good work goes ei
rily on. Letter after letter telegram after tel
egram has been sent to our New York renre-1
and buy ho has. For the past week we've been
receiving case alter case load after load of
overcoats bought unde of manufac-
facturers who'd rather have muncy and room
than winter goods. Today they go on sale-nt
ary prices in November. 'sTx'TiuncTred magni-
ce n t g e n u j n ej li m c h ij la overcoats--linecl With
heavy double warp serge with full velvet col
lar the same quality of garment \vhichsold
two weeks ago at nine dollars go out in the
cold world at
apiece. Twelve hundred beautiful overcoats for business or
for dress cut in this seaso.i's length -in line kerseys , cassi-
mcrcs and chinchillas in blacks , blues , browns , tans , modes
grays and mixtures--some double and some single breasted- ,
some lined with phid cassimere , others with ser e , Italian or
Farmer satin some with velvet and some with self collars-- < ill
with full satin sleeve linings-some of the'same identical quali
ties which sold for fourteen and fifteen dollars a month ago
today any and every one at the uniform price of
Don't forget we sell Fur Overcoats.
Corner Douglas and 14th Streets.
13i6 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Tlie eminent pt'iliili t niii'noin dironli1. private bloo I i'ilinn'1 ' iirniry ih oi rs A rtuullr nil , ' , ro i
Bitti-HMi j.n Iciiit In iiuulilui' nuliplo niKHml rurtltli'ill's slum. Is Mill tr , alum irilli 1'iu Krcmunt mectn
iinurrii.liis nuinli.i nl n'l.iluiil iM.'iiieH | | , iiiulil ID Ht-s inilull nl pi MiUMllM'im M Vi inuiuiiry u i'il. i
> ! trinlni'nl tin Ins nttia pimi'i I'u tl H un'i 11 > lo > ltll mu niiiy lo tiunli-il ul Ininm li > corruniioiiil-1
eni'iVoilt InuuriiMiiuiiii'iiKsoniny until ni OXIUPM securely i < uilul. no iinrka t ) nullcnlu roiiluntp or ]
. ' iMMoiial InUrtcuv ' - . , li * ' ' * llojkl
iiiilpr. Oi r\iuv pri'li-rrul. Uoniiilt.ttlnii M Co ri'simnili'ino tnilu privalL
M > sinks of ! IH'J-Liil Itoi ! Oillco tioun'Ja m. lo'Jp , m. buntluys 1U m lo IV in. t-oiul dump lor roj'Ij '
Open this WPPU for reception of pttlenls . , ] m , reine lies anil
plnsiel ins bv the I.oslln i : , u > lny fninii my The Vtlliiirioii , ntnl luasud
and oiiilpM'd | I'lo ttinont , bo ml loom In s uno build n. . Addnss ,
1 Iteiature in.illeil ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' * ! > , , , ! / * . . ! I. .
upon iippiiui l n. Till' lll.l.ljl.l I Art vc'i'i'i'lT I'l , , Iti'll ( li'lH , lit.
< W5
K , * ' M
f / > > ' m \ iK J * w i
fWW"1' ' sitfl EARTH.
u k
' '
HAYER. STROUSE 6 & M'FR'S 417. BV/nV. / H.Y.
Ui' t < > mii < .li livi-nuTl-
f. ( hi bin , , > im . Ii 1.1ill II , I ml ij
Ilu lf l limn HI. fciiuuiii. rl li HI , *
IIIM < lulirllpiiluill , iluln | ln , fniil
lrcilli li , lull , In hi iu Ilium furnif
nil"1' ! " iHt liliinnl' | li | nllirul
llMesliiMl I IIP , l slllr w roinl ix 0
lei nnillviivill < n .rinilllmiliiM i *
Theonlf lajil'i ' Clilmi piyil' > i
Khl yairi' ( tilr ! ' tain priitiul otiiif'
ucowllli.111 KIJVI rtliaiui I'raiti mnuifa r
' ulljlironloot93i uif3u tii oy fitt > ur iluctiri i ill
nnil leu liltuor Hrltcior qiiuilloi blink Da ill.
tUlnkrourciiu li'iinUii lidinn yuar ,1-j torti i
8iliutjr wlt'j till IDT ail
you so buttry t is i lilQd
o ' nonilurfulrnjiullci iimlrjoilvu n v li'J intlu .ii I i
. . , wUatol'ur ilun'ori oilmen Klri
„ „
ll rbi llaoti u d I'lJntt naturj'i ruaiuJU * lilt
mcillcliio ! TUo world lil ltno i On tluuiiia
luillmontitl * In thrdo ya ir * pruutluj Nolnuriri4i |
decoctloiu no iiari'uUci no puloi lUtljnil
truatinc'iil und pernmaunl curd
trji-.M ill
veu up by otlioc ilo turi.
Thof Couiililln , IM1 ll rn y . o'ironlor'jji
ni llBintlrBur . klclnoy nd liver
I'lioi Culnert , mil nnd Fnrnnii trj li. eensril
nubility. Inillicaitlon , loai of ilrjrutli ail TlUIHr
Took inudlclna far yoam but ii t ii'J relief ,
Al. 1 * Amlorion , HU Uuulat ntr t. aitir.'i
Btliiuii nod tirojchltli of Bflesa y r Btaa lla/
H i for ute the following preparot re'nBlloi at
11.00ft l > otllo. .Irbotllet forliW. for Ihi cure of
Aiibmii , Caltrrli , Hick llcajactio. liiill/oitloi
lIloodl'olBOnlnu.'llhBiimathrB. KutmlB \ > uiknoii
Kidney und UTT Complaint. No nijotiu UoU
onlr by CUluu u MedUluutu , CaplUl , t\J \ ) JJ1
Office , 16th aQ'iCatiforiii ' SU Oai'n , Neb
III the tro.itiiiont of n 1 for n > ) '
nnd all Wmunnss and I ) Border of
A/TIJ'NI 'tli ' loitnf inuiiuo iimtiitioiil vitality I iBhtoeii years o9
Hid most i > MI ii ii'lomiiiUL-M In !
iho Irottinonl of Ihls OIHS ! of u so.nen whlflj
H uimi 'i by tlio uiiu , 'i mi I IHI n my of tli'in- ' '
ami iBwIiu li ivii DOOM iniioil WntH forolruii-
Ian * und iiinistjn list. I Uu uml I-.11111111
Slh. , Dili Illll , > ' >
TlioUn y re-fot ( Va
iiml Hen nil Hyrluiio In tli
\ \ orlil
IB Inn only fcyrlii.ii > oral
in vci > ul lijr nlilcli vn uu '
Injecli < iu tun ho nlmUili
crel wllhdiu limklim anJ
ollliiu HID I'lntuiiu ii r ID
ltM > illllll4 lilt ) IliO Of 11 VU1 I
ml , an I wliltli mu iilulij
UMMl Mr rettHl Injoctloui of
IrrUntlnii ,
hOIT llurillHH Hill , '
Price S3.OO.
Mnll orJi.'rs lullcltul
IhcAloc&l'cnfolilCd '
IBth Street ,
l'liy > i.litai procrlptluii
tarufully pruptruil at 1
National Bank.
U , 8. . OMAHA , N |
Capital . . . $103,1
irt-llsnry W V u .
It. I * . I UlllIlU , TlCtl lirullllUIII , I' , B. M lll
lore.Jolin t , Culllut J. .i. II. I' trlui ,
' 1. cunlilor.