Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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rcllvcrtrl I y currier to anr part of Ihp etty
nf * Office , . . . -
Eiuor . No 23
t ) Y. Plumbing Cc.
Vr-oUU. , N. &Co.l
I'ounrll HliifH Lumber Co. .
The Unity Uuild will meet l-'rlday evening
at the residence of Mli9 Htancu llrown.
Mnrrlago licenses were Issued vcstcrdav to
ttio following : Ambrose Htntlor and AIM
Kelly or Lincoln. Not.- .lnmc L. MMtcr-
man nml Sarah K. Cote of Council Bluffs.
The Council HliilTs Mntinerctior will cntcr-
tnin H tmrtv Thursday evening ut their linn
on South Mnln direct. A musical nrid lllcr-
i.rv prncratn will bo followed by a turitoy
nnd coo&c&aluaml dancing.
Hppclal communication of Hluff Citv lodpo
Nil. 71 uiiil Kxcelaiorloilco Nn. S.V.I , Aiicltjiit
Frr-oand Accepter1. Masons , thlh iiftoinoon ut
1 o'clock sharp to attend ttio funeral nt our
Into hrotliur , William Hunt. By order of
tbo wor-htpful mnsibr
I.ars Mlchaolnon commenced suit In th r
( Ititrlcl court.\uatcnUy for tiMllvorco from
lilti wife , Mary Ann Mlutmol-on. Ttio INJU-
linn iilloirp-v tlml they xveru mnrrlod 'In llnr-
lan In 1NJ1 ntitl lived tnj-Ptnir until a jcur
nt-i ) 1-u.t Auqiwt , when Mrs. MivtiaoUnn ran
uT ( wllb another man. I In wants u divorce
nm ! thu custody of bin Hirer minor children.
Thn n-cular monlhlv mt'otiiiK of the
Women's ObrUtlnn Temperance union \vll !
be hulilVcil nrgdb.v lift wioon nt it o'clock in
UK- mom fr.rmcrlv turd lor Klndcrciirtun In
the hloclt MIM .lonnlo Smlili nml
Alls * iilicrtnnn , tlio rallroml uvunpelist- , will
bo I'rpient and speak. I'.vory t'linsiian
trmpernnoi woman Is Ir.vlicd to bo tumtnit.
Mrs. S. K. ilovi'r , | uc ldcnt.
Sundav afternoon Captain \V. D. ( J.irroth-
PI-S mid Harry llnttuntriiier of tlio Cuum-il
Ulufts Wheel cluh teen : i spin to ( ilcnunnd ,
In. Hoth riders broke the previous record
of ono hour unil twenty iniuuiri. Tno Hist
four miles wrm cnvi-r.-u in tivi-lvo mlnuto- .
Hiittenhuiicr rode the last live miliH Into
( Jlnnwood In fnurlcoti minutes , milking the
full dlstiiiico of twciitv-nnu nu.m in ui.c nonr
nnd twelve minute ! .
A Rntncof foot Inill wan [ .hived Sattlldnv
by tno llrst nml sccoml ti'iuiit ; uf Uui IliRti
nctionl , iiniier the Icr.derjhlp of ( _ ' ll. Spoont'i
nnd It. II. Hnwver. resulting' In u victory for
Kpoonor's eleven by n scoirof 18 loll I/1.
TCmnUlo ncioil as umrilio mill Mitssri Uriish
nnd Tiiintor us doiiclmis. A riinlluiiKO bus
boon piven tlio Yonnp Men's Christian nsio-
cintIon cloven of Omaha for A came , which
will coiut ! off at the driving 1'Jrk ' Thursday
Joe Iurlo was the nam < : of - a man \vhc
\vnt brouht up In rolico court vcstorday on
u ctiari'o of vau.unoy. Ho hud been arrested
by a poltrouian on lower Mum street whc
was unusr the Inlluencn of liquor , niut when
lie stoou before Judu'O Mcjeu ho had sovora !
yniptoms of having hern tbero himself ,
Ills lips xvero swollen from thi-'r conlaci
with the ofllcor's first. nnd ho claimed U
linvo several loobii tooth. Ofllcer Cluar Is
tufforlng Irom n sornlnod hand.
A Snr i C'nif lor Crimp ,
( 'armors come lit teen milo < to my store t (
pot ChmnberlnlnN couch romeilv. Many n :
them , like myself , urn novcr without it. h
tlicir homo * . It curoii mv Uov of--a sovnr <
atliiclt of croup and , 1 b-llnvr , saved hisliln
K. Ualton , Lumv , Kussoll county. ICati
This remedy is n een.iln otiro for croup and
i If used as soon as the hrat symptoms nnpcnr ,
i will prevent the attack. For sale bv drug
\Vor U
Our full order of winter underwear i
I now on Rule , Wo invite inspection 01
this line of merchandise ; it always ha
I/con the pridp of the store , and wo in
I T > ml unking it more so than ever tlii ;
Bci9in. ) Having11 placed our orders earl ;
in thu year wlion Iho mills were ruiiriin ;
light , it enabled us to nialce bettor con
trnctB with the manufacturers , \vhicl
represent some of Iho most reliable it
the past.
Our Now York buyer placed on
orders along with our eastern connou
Unas , making an order of over 501
cases of underwear , and for this roasot
wo think our advantage better than an ;
merchant in Iowa.
Grnj i-ibbod vet-Is , extra long , als
will to at 2oc. Pants at Iltto.
Tlirco cnscb ladies1 pltiin anil ritibei
vests anil pants , nicely finished goods
nt " ! lc ami UDc , is worth comparison.
Our 60o line of ladioa' underwear I
composed of llvo cases , all dilVe.or
makes , white , ecru , gr.iy , natural , hot
plain and ribbed.
Liirties' line ribbed vests and pants i
white , ecru and iiatiifiil is a bargain i
7oc.Plain knit vests and pants $1.00 , Sl.ii
and $1.60 , very line wool.
Saxony wool ribbed vests in high col
or * at $1.2-5 are worth seeing.
Ladles' all wool black vests and panl
, reduced from * ! . : ) anil 81.7 , ' to S1.1H.
Kqnesti inn tight * in blank all woo
extra weight , $1.95 and $2.50.
Gents' gray shirts and drawers , al
well made , 25c , 'Me , .We.
At 6'c ( wo show a line soft grey , rni
dum-mixod and catnol'H hair mixture
the best line of r 0o goods in the markoi
Our 7.rc , $1.00 shirts and drawers i
natural wool are better this BOIIEOII tlia
ever , our $1.00 garment being made froi
] iuro Austi-aliiui wool.
Sou other bargains marked f 1.60 an
( In ull tlio popular grades. )
Wo onrry six different lines and a fu
llUO of Hi/.L H.
While and grey veslri and pants lllc
Red all wool underwear 26o up.
Kino grey all wool underwear fro
Z ! > o up.
Infant's shirts in merino , all wool at
Folluirlnu'linm , Whilolaw & Co. , Uou
oil lilittrri , In.
N. B. Mnil orders ] ) romptly allondi
to. All orders sent either pur oxpro
or mnil free of charge.
A letter add reeled to G. , N. & C
uwaitB a elaininnt nt the Hii : ; olllco
Coal and Wood. Suokott & Prodto
U2H Hroadwtiy. Toluplionu-tt.
J'f.'K.S ( I.V.I / < I'.llt. I < ) ' . ( I'/IS ,
Born to Mr. and Mrs. ICrncsi 10. hart
Mr. ami Mw. H. 0. Kraucla have rot urn
from a two wooiu' custom trip.
Miss Klla H. Freelund of Sprinslla
Miihs. , is HI i ho city on her way homo fri
UbUiumer oullnc In Dunvcr , and is visltl
for -a few ilii ) with ttio family of her uuc
O. E. Taylor , Wl South Slitu stroju
( illillt Clllllltni ;
Is onn of the chlol'blesslnpi of ovcrv lion
Toiilways Insure I'coil custards , puddlni
ouce , ctiu o Unit Ilcmion "Kiulo" lira
l indoiiBCd Milk. Diri-o'jous ou tlio tub
Bold by your grocer or
Don't , makoany armnguniontsforyo
holiuay goods until you Juivu seen t
many now and us-oful articles at Lu
Bros. _ _
Coal and wood : and choupc
Missouri hard wood in the oily ; prom
roll vary , H. A. Cox , No. 4 Main.
A. D. T. Co. has added two ni
ncko to us force and will answer OH
It ull hour ? , day or night. Tolophoi
ITU ; ullluo , H Main bit-cut.
Councilmcn ConcluJo to Rcccniidor Their
Action ot Uflicm Depot Taxes.
Altcgril Itemarki or Mr. I'nca Sniil to
He Hiti CIUHII uf the Vlinnee or
Otlii.r hnrprlioi
for the Coiiiiniiy. |
An adjourned inoollnR of tbo olty council
was held last ovenlnp , at which a number of
blphly indignant counollmoti nil of thorn ,
excepting Vun lirtint wora proiont. The
cause of the Indignation wa * n remark
allowed to have neon niado by W. II. M ,
I'usey In the cunaeily of lord hlRb exccil-
loner of the Union Uonot company. It will bo
remembered that seventeen of 'ho directors
of tlui union donot , with Mr. 1'uscy nt the
bend , me ontcd thcnnolvc'i bolorothocouncll
ono duy not loiij ( UKO und requested with
cats In their tiyoa that the bacic taxes ou the
depot property bu romltted. A tiuinoer of
orKumonts In favor of ttio plan were brought
forward , amonp them tba principal one being
the financial embarrassment of the company.
Tno n-Mltloa win c itfd , and thu committee
, Ml the oouncll chamber In hlRh Rlro.
Last ovonlni ; the scnno Just icferrcd to
wat rucnllnd to the minds of tbo alderniflii
by Mr. I'aro , who went on to sInto that out
of the members of the council bud nttvndoa
n mpotlntrof tlio Ualnn Oopnt company
bo.trd ii porch by Mr. I'usoy in which lit
udvl < i'd lliu membori of tue company to dls >
po o ot their grounds } ust us soon us , > ossbtc ! ,
U8 It inl ht ho a loti llinu b.tforo lucre wa ;
another elty council Krecn onouuh to remit
their bni'l { t.ixu * .
I he ulU'-iinon al once decided U the ;
had boon erect. cnouiti to remit the Union
'I'Ot company's "HXOS tbey were now snurl
oiiKh to [ liuncu thi'ir minds. The notion
of the council in reuniting thu taxei win re-
eoiibld''rcd forllnvlih , nfter which the potl
tion wn vi'Ji'ctoil wltn n , f nap that , if Mr ,
[ u-sev nun Oien present , would have con
vinccil him of ilia iittor futility of whistling
buforo he cot out of the wooJs.
Tiie eonunmlueo of tbe xvholo rooortcd fav
ornbly on llio question of ijradinR \ \ ashing
ton avenue , ui.d rocommenilua thn trtblinir ol
ttio pulf.inn fur .1 irudu on liarmmiy street ,
Conourri'J In.
An ordlniinco wns passed provldini ; for the
| ) iivliij ( of the alloy running irom Seventh U
KtL'htti street between Willow and Fourth
John Plugeollo was given an extension o
tlmo until Uecomber 1 for tlie completion o
the Front street puvlnjr.
A petition was read from the Courtlanil
Itcncn nsociulion , a UniK lor a ilKtit of wni
for u street cur ami motor line to connect tin
beach with Omaha by way of u bnd o eve ;
Cut Off luue. Koforrod to the juuiciar >
Petitions for romlsMon of taxes of O. Hon
sol und .1. A. Mttssclwallo were prantoU.
W. t. . Putton potiuonoil for the Appoint
uientof u competent man to Inspect water
motors , uti.l llnd out why they went 01
rinninn up lures wlion the doors , wen
lockeit. His piitltlon w.u referred to tin
committee on water. Aliteiman Grlii
Mtuted llmt ho hud noticed seine irresttl.xill ;
hiiiKOlf , tlio bill for xvitop ut tils placu fo'
two rent > ecutivu mouths wlion ihc sain
niniuiiit of wuter uus used being fJl uui
On motion of Alderman Smith the stree
ci'inmhsioner ' was in-structod to step al
work on the mieels from now uinil sHrlnc
exct'ptsuoh as was absolutely necessary.
Contractor DnnnliMo was awarded the ] o
of paving Pirat , Eleventh uiiu Thirty-'lrs
Several other Improvement ordinance
wrro passed , nnu the council adjourned unt
next Monuay.
A r < iiir Nunii > i'lrn. '
Wlionyou find n four nama linn you at
prottv euro of an institution represontin
considerable rospo'isibililv. Thu tlrm (
lluss , Harris , iirim & MeLaln.near U.iwsoi
Georgia , is not an exception. It is , in fuu
ono of the mo t substantial business bouse
in Terrell county. Thn following Is an ej
tract from u recent letter from 'hem : "Ou
customers suv Ch.iinborluin Moilleln
Co. of Uoi Molncs , Iowa , manufacture thrc
of the best medicines on oarlh. viz. , Ulian
Dcrlum's colic , choler.i and ( iliirrtiuii ron
cdy , for bowel complaints ; Chamberlain1
cough rcmcdv , tor colds , croup nnu whooi
int ? couuli ; unit Chamborlalii's'puln b.ilm fc
rlioumutism. " , " > ! i tent bottles of each (
thcso medicines for aulo by rirupglsta.
All the llxturohof the Burhcrn jewolr
htore , to 'uthor with lha lixluios ( if til
bnildiny , have been kohl to Curl Bui
lorn , and the uiiHiness will bo continue
iy him. The store will he op > n fd
usiiiPKH fiom His dale , hut after Ui
ceinbor 1 thu hirtjeat and heit te'ectc '
lock of ( the city will ho put i
Davis fordrujfs and paints
Ton hhares capital stock Citizens Sta
jank for bale. H. 11. Bhuufo.
S. H Pro voll , watohinaUor , 713 13'wa ;
Tliat brlioul lioiinn I'otitulatli n ,
The article In TUB SUMHY L5m : wl
rnforcnco to the foundation of the scha
iRO on Madison street , lias caused u izre
deal of comment uuiou ttio architects in
builders of the city. Architect \V. Woo
warn pave the Information on which. It w
based , niul the stutomcnls It contained
supposed to bo true , us corning from lib
Architect C. 1C. Hell , who is superintend ! )
the worlt of conjunction , yesterday nfu
noon imulo a llat-foolcd denial of tbo whc
ng. An Investigution shows there Is on
ono twelvo-lnch wall In the structure , ai
that i uu Inslilo wall. All the othn
are sixteen Inches In tniclinoss. Mr.oo
ward stuck to bU Urst ussertion , that
twelve-Inch wall , inside or outside , wn-i n
strong enough , Ho was unod to show be
ho urrivod at sucti an opinion from ai
1 mathematical reasoning , Mr. lioll uu'recli
1o to Klvo htm J1UU if ho could do so. Mr. 11
U naturally somewhat warm under thu cell
o ut what ho considers attempts ID a do bvotn
men In the nanio llnu of business to destr
his prolchbional BtuiuUiifc' ,
n - -
I'orfect action and pirloct health rosi
. . from the n e of lj Witt's Llttlo 12rly U
ers. A perfect llltto pill.
i- lli'ii Ilur In tint IllulK
This cliannin .spuctactiliu- to
Hlvoti in Council lllulls , thrui ] uvonin
and a matinee , the 1st of December , wi
ull the seonury , ncccsaorios , etc. , wi
which 'it is presumed in Omaha. T
Coundl lilnlls homo t ilonl U busy t
hoarding and posing "with dnoonthi
inwm. _
Hay A : Hess have a force of men woi
intf on the roads through the K'c '
tract. Buy llvo or ton aoros there wh :
a it In cheat ) . _
A late invoice ot oi.on cilo. curtn
and Smyrna rugs at low p.'icj
Blu ltd ( 'ui-pot company.
\ \ lit toil U I 'I OH.
\ \ illlam Wutton , the boy who shot Jei
ICnu last week , was brought before Just
Hummer yojterday for a hearing on 1
of murder. Almost the entlro t
won occupied In hearing wltimsses , hut th
testimony did not illffor to ui < y grual oxli
from that of the witnesses who toititlcd
for the coroner's Jury , It was evident ll
Walton's falsa alary wlilob ha toldlbaji
was ) p.tlchod . up on account of a notion tl
ho bad that If hu told the truth , he wo
surely do hunp , There waa not the Blifht
evidence in show taut any motive for u ra
acr uiUtrd und hova * dljchurfied.
Ifyouhavo pum DjWlu'i VVIt-.i llu
. bulvo w'lll surely euro voj.
An alarm of IIru was sent In yoster <
mornlug MC 'Jl0 : ! o'clock from box Ut ,
lower Muin * troot. It was nocaslonoa b
blnza ul lljo building ut 11)17 Muin ntreet.
cuplua byV , J. Wnltu u a vuloou , ' .
ro itArtcd In the wall between the
nd thn bijlldlng mljolnlng It , outside of ttio
ulldinp , ana was undoubtedly lighted by an
nrondUry , The building wns almost en-
Iroly demolished before the lire wan ox-
Ingulihnd. It was owtod by IIj. \ . Tlnlny ,
who estimates his loss at tl.noo , there bclnc
1,000 Insurance on It , Whlto's lost will also
Iguro up sovornl hundred dollfiH as all his
lock and fixtures were destroyed.
When In want of good liniment , buy Sal *
atlon Oil , which costs only 25 cents.
Don't forgot to attend the third tn-
lual ball and supper jjlvon by the ( irand
lotol boll boys at Mtuonlo tcinnlo , Nov-
cmbof 22.
Srluiol Itnnril .Mrcllnc.
The regular monthly meeting of the school
board was hold last evening with ull the
mcmberi except Wells present ,
Several petitions for tbo remission of
ultlon In the pubho schools wore presented ,
and all but two were grunted , excepting thnt
of K. II. hhoafo nnd Lee I'lninor , which
vere referred , tlioro being no written peti
tions Hied
Member Hrldonstoln raported thit the
( Oiler nml hoatinc app.irntus had beeu put In
tbo now I'lurco street school nnd were In
good working order.
Moinber Stacy reported that Miss Mnry
1'lnloy had resigned her position us teacher
n the Uioomer school and that Miss Mur-
caret Whistler had been encuiied to tuko her
| ilacc , nt u salary of f.V ) per inonin.
The rcslcnatlon of Miss Ivato Holdon was
ilso rnpnrtud and the ongageinont of Miss
Lilho Mlllard to take her place.
Member Hhubcrt reported thnt thorn was
n balmicoduo of { ' 'MO on school furniture and
the socrotury was lustructcd to sund a draft
for the amount.
Attention was called by I'rnsli'ent W.ilto
lo the fact ihnt Chairman Wells of the
flnanco committee bud absented hlmielf
from the meetings and had failed to malic
anv report upon the annual reports of the
sccrotarv and treasurer , which had boon
referred to him. "Ilo must come himself or
obo send In the papersnid : I don't care which
ho dnoi , " sold Wulte. Mr. Fields , Wells'
collonguo on the flnnnca committee , volun
teered to noa Mr. Wells and llnd out wh.i
lie Inlentlcd to do.
'J'ho report of Superintendent Siivyor for
the past inontti showed the enrollment of
pupils to have boon ns lollows : Hoys , 1000 ;
nrls , 11)1 ; uver.iKO niimbur in nttondauco ,
! ! . ! 3I. On roqtiest of the superintendent the
Janitor of the 'Uloomor builuing was in-
sti tided to heat the olllco on Saturday mora
It was ordered thnt school bo dismissed
\Vedne dnv afternoon until next Monday ,
on account to Thanksgiving. It was
also decided to have a two weokt
vacation In the holidays commenclup
December 'Jt : .ud ending January II. The
usual sprine vacation wilt bo dona away
with altogether , it being the opinion of the
superintendent that many Dupili who woulil
otherwise leave school at the opening of the
spring vacatloa will bo led to remain until
the close of the year.
Ignorance of llio merits of : OoWltt's Little
ISnrly Ulsors Is a misfortune. Thojo little
pllnregnlatethnllvor.cureheadacho. dvspop
sin , bad Oroitti , coiistipalion and billousnass ,
llolidtiy photos , cut prices , 81.50 foi
eahincts , for o ( ) days. Cottajjo gallery
liiloy'b old stand.
1'Opeoplo in this city iuo ffia stovoa
The Gas Co. puts 'em HI at cuat.
Milne < > i > lbo U < intrartK.
For some tirao past , whcnevoi the unioi
depot question lias bean agitated , some oni
has been sure to bob up with the inquiry
"What has become of tbo contracts whicl
were sicncd by the oftlcials of tbe variou
railways In which they agreed to erect am
maintain a union depott" Ita.s \ \ beei
tbounht by many that tbo contracts co'ili
be enforced , but as sugar Is cenerall ;
thought to be more attractive than "vinopai
the olllcluls have ioon buried almost , up t
their cars in the fweet stuff. They nav
oenied ttio binding force of the contracts
however , on the ground that their signature
bad not been ratified by the directors of the !
rcspeetlvo companies. Now the members o
the company propose to tiud out whether tti
raiUvays are to bo allowed a monopoly of th
bluffing business. A suit bus been coir
monccd In the district court bv Churcbll
Moore , Evans and other-i of the Union Dene
com pan v to enforce tlio contract , and th
local ropresentatlvns of tno companies ba ;
ucon served with notices ihct the suits wi
como uti for trial at tbo .lanuarv term c
court. The Burlington , .Milwaukee , Uoc
Island , Union Kiel Ho and Wabash compauic
are made defendants ,
Indigestion , dizzineTuko Bjaohaisl
Cole & Co'.o SKIA , Tin : Hound Oalc an
Radiant Homo r-lovcn. Ovo" 1,00(1 ( in us
in the eitv. Uownro of imitations.
See those oil heaters at Swuine'-i , 71 !
Broad vay.
Gentlemen , the finest line ofn.U < ; oorJ
in the city , just received. Uoitcr , th
tailor , 310 Broadway.
.1.111 A/IJ/A .
"Hun iliir"ut lliu llnytl.
At the Boyd theater last evening cover
hundred Omaha peoples were subjected
one ot the most rcmarknolo psychological o
porlmouts within the range of their varii
experience. Few , If any , arc- believers
Nirvana or the maaatmas , b
stranger tights and Mentations hcfi
them than were ever dreamed
by Aladnmo Blavalsky or her disciple *
their wildest ecstatic moods. Not only wo
their astral bodies projected over wldo so
and into far lauds without tholr own volltli
but , more wonderful than anything ovi
hinted at in the transcendental philosophy
American theosoptiUt or Indian "brother
Iho veil of tno iiiuty past was r.itsed , nt
their othoroall/.od uves behola the p.inoran
of the plowing oriental lilu of nearly twen
centuries ao.
Under lilts inaelc spoil they visited l'n
oslltiu nud behold the rotnnr.ilo unfolding
the career o ! Hen Hur. Thny went into t
desert , hov'jix'il ever thuCean ] .sou , wn
dercd tnrouph Jorns.dom and peepsd In up
the chariot races at Antiocn. All wasijuai
and strange , uui Klorilled In color ui
oenuiy. Wllhorsover they went tb.9 air w
111U-d with ttio quaver of music , now pin )
lira and anon murry , but inu molortlos ov
Their tint consciousness in this peculi
Htnto wi b , i view of the Syrian desert ui
the meeting of lUtihuiar. Mclchoir n
Uuspsr , the thrco wlsu men who went to s
the mar in the o.nt. Next in tholr siu
comes tno Jopp.i tulouli Jutopu ana Ma
and ttio rabo ! Samuel uooul lo enter the cl
bovond the trowiiinc walls , Tbe see
stuflH to ihe Damascus palo , where ttio wl
nu'ii of the desert seek entr.uice in tin
search lor Uno who is greater than Hare
Thucarded men from siindv solitudes u
than scon beloro tbo cruel monarch , whc
paluco is exposed in tbo inucuillconco of
inarblo and Unrnlbtiod gold.
More tbun twenty yaars pass as In t
twlnklliiK of an eye , mid thu visitors II
tticmseivca In thu limit-rial gardens , t
pulaeo In the dlstaaco and Hon Hur a
Mssala sealed on t > inarulu bench eugui ;
in iho dl > cusslon which niikos them enem
and Is fraught with t > o much of late for br
of tbonj. Next upon the houbo top i
mot Beu Hur und his inottior In cnnvor
lieu , and the view sweep : ever Jo
ry balera lo iho distant mountains. 1
CO ibo blrcet come the marchiug leclons
lie linmo. who perlorm an intricate drill , u
Valerius UriUus , alas ! is stricken in I
crouud by a ttio cast oy an outraged Jc
The soldiers tush to the house lopi , and II
Ilur U belied for food for Kouian nair
" * The scene shifts to Iho loyal trardeus ugu
. , and the queen of Iho bulturtlics , a nro
' . lllllo fairy In a short , Illiuv dross striking
like u modern ballet costume , bnnl.lio * i
pleasant luouiorius wit Ii a dainty dance ,
. * , whlun slio is soon joined by a troop o ( bii
lr" lar snuz.v ollliis ,
Three ye-rs lly by witn the lloetnesn
thought uud Hun Ilur. the slave , is been
Iho act , ol winning bis ( roodom bv rescu
his ma tnr , Arrius , from thu hungry wu'
of tue jK tuna. Tlio vvniorv waste elves w
lo Iho irrveu groves of U urn no , amor.i : wu
sparUlini ; founluins uud tronlo foliu u
onn priestesses and itia nuUJs dUnort the
n itelvoi in gav revelry , with dancing n
> c- m'.irchii.p. Hon Hur1 a ri'coptmn by i
cbo KliolU Ilderiai wuh dunuiut ; Arab
To cOn-teWtha point at once , lot us InftM * thnt you svont
now clothlitfj. Wo know how you feel nnd whnt you A'nnt.
Whothot- you hnvo little , or n snug sum f > spuv , you deslro
to got Tci' the amount yo.t spn'l the b3st in iblo return Tor
youtmoney. . In this you ni-o rifliit , nnd ivlE FCALF'S Is the
place wh * ra you will get It. The prolty styioa of suits nnd
ovoi-ooEit ? at $ .00 , $ S OO , SlO.OO , $1:2 : OO , nt-a something
inujh supefitii- suits nnd overco its usually olfat'orl nt
those pt'icj , b.-sing maMe bettor t inn over , and the fit , style
nnH finl n r\ro cxtr.nordltiarily qoad.
VVint"r dnys f tat nporoachlnq. will remind mother to toke
an inventory of iho yo'una hopeful's wet\rncj nppnrcl.vAo
nre ready to supply his ne ds. if it's u suit , trousers , over-
cent or n shirt wnlst.
Our prices are not d for their modesty.
Complete stock ofhnt * , cups nnl rurnshinq gools.
Mall Orders solicited.
SOS Broadway , Eisman building Council Bluffs.
The autumn is the time to paint , and onn coat brightens and pr- serves houses
buildings and adds ni'tch to the value an 1 boaut.01 . \ jour property.
Wo want lo soil you paint * ) and ovi-r.v IhiiiL' used in painting at , wholesale and
r > ss. The li'st boiled oil you boughtyou -obiibly paid 7i ( ) : a gallon for itVo will
sell you 0110 gallon or 100,0011 gallons of anv brands at 4lc. Now wo have cauirht
your attention , road the rest of this and compare these straight cash prices.
St. Louis lead , 7o per Ib. Berry Bros. , hard oil , o gal can ,
Omaha lead , OJc per Ib. $1.00 per gal.
.loplin lead , C } e per Ib. . . .
Herry liros. , hard oil. 1 can , S1.7G
Cheap lead 6c U ) .
per Other hard oils , from $1.00 to Sl.o'J
Linseed oil , boiled , 4c ! ) per gal.
Linseed ol1. i awIllc per gal. per gal.
Paint oil , II5c per gal. Mineral paints , dry , from l.Je to ; ! e.
Barrel price , 2c per gal. less. Mininil paints , ground in oil-lc to ( ic.
\Vo puiiranleo to boas good as any mixed paint.Ve will soil you at § 1.2
per gallon. Has never been sold for lenb than ? ! . 50 pur gallon.
As good a paint as other deilcrs sett yo > t for $1.)0.Ve \vnl tell you at SI.00
er gallon.
Our Barn and Roof Paint
i Wo will soil you at 7oc per gallon.
On nil other goods our prices are equally low.
1 and 3 , 4th St. MasonicTemple.
maideiiB is auiekly followed by a view nf |
the l.ilto py nioonlli tit wltb the youni ; man
under thn spell of tbo siren Iras' sootf. But
lien Ilnr nt last comes to ttio bouse ot j
Simonlilos who renders n faithful ncctmnlof
the IcKacy loft by tbo jnuni ? man's fataer-
Ileroaie also present lliluriin and ICntbor , |
nnU the old steward , is uivon tils Irocdom. I
The Iniorior ot a palace is exposed nnd Mos- !
EHla and Snnballut are caught in thu net ot ,
making tholr WHKOL * on the chariot race.
Then oomeb iho story of tbut tUrlllinn contest - I
test , and them is a glimpse of its j
suprrme inomont. just nt the in
stant thnt tbo .luu'a Htratou'y has
sent the Roman pluucini ; to defeat i disaster uud bbamo. Uolicf fiom the Intensity -
tensity o | this scene Is found in H dance oy
tbo blackbirds and in viowini ; bctiutiful
Hen Hur. now rich nnd famous , returns to
. the homo of his father to lliiil It aesorted. If
rapid succession follow tbo gconos in and
about Jorasulom , showing the sad fate of his
mother and nUtcr in ttioir aftliction wllb
leprosv , and eloMiiK with the hnupy reunion
of the young Jew aud his deal1 ones , cleansed
and made whole.
This Is aii outline of what the Oranhn
peopln tbought thov did and .saw , but it wns
only an Illusion. They really witnessed the
story of Hen Hur , told In pantomime
and tableaux with ooauttful spectac
ular effects , which accounts for tlm
strange npoll which fell upon them.
Tbo entertainment consltttod of twenty
odd scones interspersed with dunces ,
marches and statuesque Kroupiues. The
characters , none of whom hud any lines to
sneak , were attired In appropriate oriental
costumes and enacted their simple panto-
niimo uinia niiinltlcont stniro envlroinnunu.
U U doubtful if nnv amateur performance
over plvon In this cltv had such n wealth of
beautiful scenery nnd the entertainment was
a line artistic suicess.
\Villlniiis' Cotvliity ISniiil ,
Theodore Thomas nnd Wagner are out
rivaled , and what may bo named the music
of Iho further future has Us exponents , nnd
their corporate name Is the Doilgo City Cow
boy band. A croat organisation , uud ono
coriainlv bound to waken up tbo somnolent
east within the next cciupio nf months. The
band made Us dotmt in Omaha at tbo Kxpo-
sltitou hull laH availing und did not have
within ' . ) . ' > per cantol tm | audlcnco UK per
formance moritoJ , Tuore are llfty pieces in
the band , thn "littlo tin shoo" Ueini : pur-
tioularlv well fnniiahod. Tbo "Homiramldii"
overture nf Honlnl Occupied a prominent
pjrl In iho ten iiiimber program , i < rosumablv
as n sop lo iho olasblcistd , | but iho grcator
part of the enlertalnraoiit wus as It should
bo , racy nf the lift ! nail H > uboatico uf iho
cowboy , The inolbod of thcso bochapcrejocJ
noul musiciiius U liupirlnc , not to tav oyiIoinu : ,
ul and In lonalilon of tno "Cowboys' Tiuin-
ud phalo" and tbo "prinll descrlptlvo
es "Klfa nf Croedo , or a Minor's Luck. " tboy are
th simply bnyond rrltlc)3in ) , And Conductor
rj ( Sinclair has un air as I'mprntblvo In its way
as tbut of ih ] late Patric-k Sarstieid hlmsjlf ,
They como n train on tlmStli of January next.
, and thnv' will dnubllo bring wltn thaui Iho
of ecjlps of tbe easu r i ctlcs | > .
ho At U "ni < | e.rVuiii | ,
Vf , A ropresontattvo crowd of nmuiomont
I3U goers creeled tbo uo'.v bill ut Wonderland
nnd tbo Bijou last night , which is voted ono
of tbo very best of tbo season. All the
specialties up ) on the order brilliant , Sun-
n ( loon , tbo intellectual phenomenon and mind
In roailor , ueinf premier In ull tbu bright con-
31 sielltfihu.
Of ( liurtnr Aini'iHliiuMit Ciniiiiilttun ,
In Tno public mi-etln ? called for last nlcbt to
n r ; consider ninnndmuiiis to the city cliurtur
'us failed to materialize. Three councihncii , u
uy couple of city onicUU and the ( lame number
i o
bo of citizens were the onlv Dorious who put in
in- an appearance at the city hull , for an hour
nj these persons warmer ! themselves over ono
In ) ot ibo radiators and ttion adjourned.
an At thu council itcoilutj toulstil u uow plan
will bo inaugurated hyvhlch tlio mcmuor
of ttiu council hope tout tno clesnca rosut
will be attulnod.
Mr. Steel Uas a iCiolution which ho wll
Introduce. This resolution will provide fo
the appointment of a commiltco consihtin
of live councilman , tbo city attorney , th
city engineer , tbo cbalriiian of , uo Huurd o
I'ul.lic Works , Mr. 1C. Uobiswnter of 'I'n
Jinu nnd Mr. ( J. M. llttclicoclt of Hi
\Voiia-rioralu. This cointnitttjo will 1) )
given authority to appoint llvo rcsldont ta >
mvors of the eity , after which tbo cominl
too of fifteen will bu authori/.od and pivo
full power lo draft and submit to ttio Icirislr
ture sncb ainoiuiiiiciits us may bo ductile
necery , j
_ >
1'itli-uliiKMi Want tliu I'l.irn Slionp Iluil-
( irand Island OMU'erft * < ? lalin.
I'ipeman I'carsou ot lloso Company No.
was granted n ton days' lenvo Dy the
of.Flro nnd 1'olico Commisblonura nt tbo :
incottiK ; last niglit. Dotectlvo John Savup
and Utllccr Poole were also given tbo ueui
annual leavo.
Mounted Oflicor Sboup was coullrmcd t
D sergeant , his appointment to ( into from tn
llrst of next month. A half-dozen olilcoi
who now walk bants sent in applications ft
tbo position of mounted ofllcor , to bo mad
vacant by Kboup's promotion. Nu not o
WHS taken re ardinc : the applications.
Uhliit of 1'olico Dean ol CranU I land seta
a U > ttur lo iho mayor coiiiplainini ; about
reward that he tuoiiifhl was duo onn of n !
ofllcer.s for the of W. ( J. Hutchli
son , who wns wanted hero lor robblnp K
John's cbnrch. Hutublnson was arru-iteil I
lirand Island fora potty crlnio auu boun
ever to the dlslrlet court. As tlio ofllcci
hero Wfiitoil him for liurslnrv thn Gran
Island uulhnntlcH turnou him over to ll
Ouiahn pollco anJ tboy In turn sent him c
to Uoi'bcster , wboro ho was wanted it
burplary and J ul broakliiR. ThoHochuitc
authorities pau f'tlO reward for tlicir mn
nnd now Uhief Dean tbmka his inunvl
made tbo original iirrost , ought to como In u
the divide. Huforiod to a cumialtlco to it
vcsllgaionml report ,
John McUrcul , plp man on No.I lie
company , sent in ins resignation aim itv :
Tim mayor appointed , ) o < nph SchulU a ftp
cinl policeman on South Tlnrtoenlli btreot.
The commute on tinnnceiwho ronsiuerc
the matter uf purchasing Chief So.ivoy
typewriter , recommended the nurclmsnof ll
itmuliliie , as oim is ncnded ut pollco hen
quarter * ,
A request from the committee nn proporl
was rent In asklni ; the iniiyoi nnd council i
roniMV the lease on tlu < pioicnt city jail f <
two years. Tno pro&ciil lo.iso deus not o
piro until May 1.
Andy NcUon wai granted a transfer of h
llqnur HI'DHRO from -1'J North iSutueni
btrcet to Dili on the suino streot.
Chief SL'IIVI'V prcsentfil tnfonnntli
necuon ( o uiilst th > uianl in consider ) ! ) ! ; aj
piiualioui for new liquor licenses ,
1'lles of people h vo piles , but la\Vll'
Witch Hu/ol Salve will rnru Iboin.
fortbe Prompt ojjdop
Sunday Night's ' Fire
did'nt touch us but the
smoke filled the store ,
The insurance people are
now adjusting the dam-
aoes , We'll ' have a
smoke sale as soon as
they get through , in a
few days.
Wait for it ,
. .
Cor. 13th and Farnam.
' "
6. f. PAH8LB , ft'D.
Tlio Good Siunaritan. 20 Years' Eiftrknco.
I treat the following Diseases ;
Cnliu-r'i ' of the Head. Throat , and T.-JIIRS : Drt-
cnBcsot the Kjcaiulir Mtsnad AjiopU-xv. llc-irt
Dieonss , l.ivcr Coiinilahit. l.iilney Coinpliiltit ,
Nervous Dobiiity , Mental Depres
sion , Loss of Manhood , Somlnal
Weakness. l > l"bcte .nrifbt B DiseaseSt Vltus'
Dance. KhcuAatlsm , I'arnl > sl5 , Wblto Swclllnff ,
Bcrofula , Fever Sorea , Cancers , Tumors
and Flntula in a no removed without
the knlfo or cirnwlrm a drop of
blood. Woman wltli ln-r dellcnto orpiuia re
stored to liealtb. Drojy cured wiihout tapiiiug.
Special Attention elvon to Rfivnto
and Venereal Disoaocs of all kinds.
tSOO to SbOO forfeit for nny Venereal DIs-
OBSO I cunnot euro without mcroui'y.
Tivpo Worms renmvc < l In twn or tbreo hours , or no
pay. JKiunrrholilH or riles ciin-d.
Will rave life and huudreda of dollars by civlllna
on 01 uslna
TlioonlyVhjnlulan who cnn tell -\vlmt alll
u i > cim > ii without : Ulni ; O'qiiuilliiiu
All onrriHi ! > inilcncc ) wripth1 confidential , lledlcln1
sent by uxpress , Addicrsuli letters leI
I " I
SSS Broadway ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
at Low Prices.
Stock and Design
The Latest and Best ,
fiend us WI.'JO and c'll semi > ou joe cngravea
Cji < U fiom a new u-jipcr plale.
Send us { ) ( ) > our present plate ( lo lie held
and ifislrrcJ ) and we'll tend you iu > rn-
Cr.i\cd cartK
We j > ay express charges ,
( Utv CMiti'i Ul.rnry Co )
l.ioVabofh Avc. Chicago.
S -Attornays at Imv. I'rac
tleo In thu stiilo un
fedunl courts. Koonm . 4 uud d Hlui'ar
lienru h.ic. < , t'ounull Illulli. 1 v.
\\r.\NTKIi A pupil nur 0 nt tinV. . C A. lioi
'I iillul. tur. IHh ntvinui uml . ' 'til ' Hi reel , mu l Ii
brlwec'ii .11 ami .Vi yean old ; nf _ uoit murul clmrai
U-r A | > | il > nloiifu.
Glllli Wanteil for tencrul houiunork , Cullnto
mlilrc .No. ll > l Kuinlli nlrrvl ( iiioil wnxen.
\ \ MJItKnntisil.liy ailliu buy uf 10 , who u | |
it inakK liliniiK niuful lii uliupor uluru. Aililrt'i
M ON Ii A VS In U. A iiarlurt , cldlilrvn. 4 p. in.
Bilultl , T..iU p. m Miclnli rcvonil anil four !
.Yiiniln ) * . Up m Mii lofnrnl heil purtli > > anil itlulu
Aililrri" II , A I'irlur'.i oniivll lllnll .url j I'uruai
t. , uuisliu , \ \ ' , i. , sl-ttJibvrii , Im. rumor.
1p\H l iind city IIIIIIIH. .Munuy loancil on ilook
nnd crnlii. Hull i-slutu for s lo. Dnollliiicitiiil
bniiiii | > ii nMiti > ti. Mniii'j lunnoi ! fur local Investor * ,
l.oniii'u . .V'lowliSi. . ' > t'oiirl street.
V > ll r\'ll ( \\I1IC-A
J < - nleu liuinn on S. Ttli street ,
nunri Hi int'iim * . I'livir nrrncumbrnnio , for liuini )
In ( innilnt. Iliinnuni I'lnou or ICouni7u I'laco i > re-
JiTrocl will p r. In f..SJJ illituroncu. ( Ircomliludu ,
NlulioHiinv | _ lo.
\\r A.VIH1I ) , V CO Inivn aonu uf lliu llnust fnrini
" > ln nutillini > nti > rn nnvii for auto , ( 'ull am ] uu
IIH. a.V .Main Hlrri't.
] , ' ( ) ll II.Vi ItAMii : linnil 4 room IIOHHO on boulU
Mil preel | forliuM ( ireensblc'lili , Nlcnol on s Co.
1'olt II ' . .NT'lliu roCnwInx ilniilllni !
l III riHini ducllliix , IHI I'lirK IITU.IU ,
b riuini il ulllni,7JI fo i-ili it. 815.
S room dwi'lllin' , lijy'inil mo. , $ t"j.
7 room ilncllliiK. Bill litli nvc1. . JJ5.
Urouniiluollliu , loth HI. anil AVOIIIIO 1) , IJi
, mo u iln.llnu | , H.-J llrouilwny , tlj.
II ) loiiiiiilHt'llIni : . ! > > lleinon HI. , ? JII.
b rooii ilui'l IIIK , , | | . ' Aronnu ( i , $ liliVi.
I. MJOIII iloiilllni : . Ill ) N. IMIi ft. , fill05.
( romn ilKL'Uliij : , fit ) Avmiuo It. 114.
7 ri'i-iii 'Inullliii ! HI ) I Incoln avii. . tlll.OJ.
7 nioiii ilni'llli'i ; ' . 'UJ tliirinoiij- . . SIS.
' . rtiimnlnrllliiit lliibliltl I'lnciJl'i. .
. ' > ( lui'lllni : 5.1 Mtimtur t. , Jll.
0 MMMII iluellln/ > S liril avo. . ( l.'t.
4 tiiiMii ilMiMIni : . 'i.-l MyiiHiur t. . fl'.W.
1 njuri iltTi'llIni ; . lir.iliuiu iivit. . M'J.
I. iiiom ilncliliiK rmi'.itli iivc. , tl't.
h ruom ilvM'lllnK. llablilll 1'lncc. ? I2.50.
7 riMinnlnellliK , Moniliiit < lili > , JIS.50.
< niinr ilivclMiiK. IM Piirk nvc. , fl..W.
! room ilw < > ! lln ( ! ilLiil AVUIHIO A.ilU.
.VIIMIMI dnolllna. 401 N. nli t. , uu.
.Vrooiu ilni-lllMK , , aj | N. 7lh it. , flu.
4 rooniilwiilllnt ; , HWbth nvn. . HU.
ii-roiuu ilwiillliiK. f'S Uh nt. , flu.
4 mom ilwollint : , IIH Vliu-st. , flO.
I. room ilvntllliuMl ITlli uru. , till.
ri-rooiuilntillliiK li-'i Arcnuu 11,110.
K ionm ilwclllnir , ivn Fih nvo. , $10.
I'I-TIII.III . I\M.IU. | | | | ITUU ATUnun A , 110.
.i ' loom ilwiillliu. l.nilmn nvo , Hour IIlK'll , Jl
( -roinn hoiKr , 1711.1 "o , liih'nl. , f IU.
ri-roi > m ilniillluu , liU'J. ) Aruiiun A , ! 'J.
4 room dui'llliu'VOI AVHIIUO I ) , H.
fi-rooin il < < lllni. . yei ( AVLMIIIO II , H.
4 room ilwi-lllnir , VUIU Avciiuu C , r .
Ii mom ilwulllnir , ilm nl. nml Aveniiu M , ti
A room ilMelllnx , 71)1 Mi. .3d ui. . M.
! > mom itui'lllnv : . , 'JJH ) Avenue A , ti.
4 room ilwttlMnu , Ilir > .V. 1 1 H | . , 7.
4 room ilni-lllni ; , lill So. Intnl. , M.
r-room ilniilllni : . : iiu Avenue A. M.
I room ilni-lllnj , ' 'I' ) I.Hli uvo , M.
fi-romiiilwcllliiir 2.oa Avcnnn l > . W.
i room ilwulUnit , Nllj A venue I ) , ( S.
4-riiomilwnlllm ; , 23111 Avenno II , fl.
: i-riHiiu iltvrlllm : . 2.S.Mo. . Dili it. , f5.
{ room ilntillliiiMl 1'nrk uvj. , II ? .
7-rooiiiii i.lhiK | , i4 ! Myniitur m. f.'i.
ivrouin ilwollliiir , i > \Vaililn toii nvu. . Ill
7-room lEnnlllm. , .V.'Tlli uvu , , l.'rt.
n room iHii'lllii ) . ' . Hl.iimiiu A , JI3.
< roonnlnclllm. . ! . ! ' Mill at. , f ID.
,1-room ilwillnu | , ilJJI Kil IITK. . 97.
'I ruom ilwitlllim uyn ! ternt. , f-i01.
Ii roiim iliTflliim , 17.11 M th nvu. , f 10 UJ.
I' . II. Hhu.ife , rujtui uttv'nt , ilronlirajr and Main
IK VOI ! IIIIMI nnyllilni : for Halo or trailu neu K. II ,
llpufL llro.uliruy nn.l Muin atrnol.
lolH In ( iMitrnl Biih
'ijlotn In .Mullen' * mill.
U i loin In lli > > lli , V I'.ilmuiB'
b'J lotit In .Muynn'fi IHI
M loin In I'oilnr .V l'/lJu'n.
21 lulu In llui'r'ii n ill
15 lutM In l ! > . r H mill
r liitiiln Illxlilnmlnilil
IbloUIn Ililtrlillnoirn ; nll.
45 lulu In Turlut'x ndil
l.llotNln Illilillu'wudit ,
IMIuin In WrlKlil'H ml I.
Hi loin 111 I'lleo'n ! ) mill
l.ou In oriiry ml Illlon lo lliu clly clicup for nas'i ,
or on inyim-iiii. Cull un I UK. Nu troublu lo
flinvv | iroiorly | ( iruunililelilK , Nli'liolnou \ Co.
A IIA IK ! A I S , 10 aero fruit null tf union tract Tt
iulie mini iiustonicu ; 'J'4 iu > rca In Briipo , inherit
In liUctlxirrl 25)iiiil | | Ireou. 75 plum trcvi't , \
clipri ) Iri'CH. ilnHlhiKi ulablo , ula. I'rloo fi.OUO. No
Iruilu i : II Mien fit .
f'k , Al'UICH upper Ilroniltrnir ; niileuillil pliifu for
' /pi illliiK. iie.ip ! for rah , or will u&ulianuu fur
Improve. I runl lenru property In Council Hlult * .
( ironnhhlolili. Mtuulsun.V Co
'IfiO AC UK" ofrlnnr 1 mil In itunlurn Milirmka to
I uxrlmiiKo forcooil ru Munoj In Council Illulli.
\Vnnl liinuro nnit lolt fur .Subraiki laml. Joliniton
\ Van I'ultun
AliM'ltACI' . > nml Ioun Knrm nnil olty proporlr
liiniKlil anil tola. I'unoy & 'I'liomun , Counrll
I nall .
i. _ _ _ _ _
417)IUAIWAV for nalo Will pir M l > ar cint
on Invi-ilmunl , fjl/jjvatU. J , J. ( ! lb onai/7 Urst
Nullunal linnOmaha. .
I OU.S'D Arollof money , wlilcli cun bu lunl lijr
Miiy tiui luirclianliiK lliu lot In nlilcli U It novr In-
> > li < il. Apply to < ; r n hl UU , Sltlioln nA ; Co. ,
G AIIItAlir' leniovt'il. ec i | > oul , vuulti anil
llillnnoji clUJiiuil 12. II. llurku , city blilg ,
L OU SAI.K cliuap. or In exclianKB tor laml , nil
lubllilieil biitlnuK Aililrom I * . U. Uo * li/J , connell -
ell llliill. . U.
HlllrirB anil caltlu w Inler il on ( iuorvu K.
Wrlxlil'4 fiirm , upptjilliV.tbn > li rouml bounu.
l-or lurms uppijr lo Juinet Kulpli , at fnriu , or t I' ,
Wrliilil , ililli Hour , llulilnlii block.
I OS rA rnl I buuiflo with word " /ullu'r" on , nn < t
J.-i nrni't lire. ml pin. I iinlur can nut Hburul rt > -
viurU blu.vlut ; t4uiuut 121 UrOkJnuy ,