Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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loo'S Lenuinga Toward RspubHcaniam
Disliked in Many Quarters.
\Vomlrrliil Vltnllty of MilCloml Olil Sin"
it nil 111 * < ! runt Oipnelly for \VnrK
Ills Hnlltim * ' lull-rest In Our
I.nit rlcrtlun >
lPil IBM IJT New York AmorlMoil Prosi. ]
HOMII , Nov. 'Jl Thu pope followed with
the liveliest attention the recent proilden-
lint struggle In the United Stales. Ho Una
pocinl reports concerning tlio progress of
the campaign , d the result ot the oloetlon
Rout to him. ills holiness tun no snoclnl
sympathy with either of the cront American
twrtica , but his sympathy with n"u bis nj-
miration for the United Stales manes him
desirous of knowing nil the developments of
'ttio republic's spirit und nil shades of ourront
pnblio opinion on both political nnd social
La UaMognn Nnlionnle , the croat political
review of Florence , hns an article attacking
the dcmocratlo policy of the pope , Lu
Hassoenn assorts nna pels angrv over Its belief -
lief Unit till * change In the Utiilud Slates ,
policy will und in the election of an Ameri
can popo.
The Vatican U well satlillod with Iho ro-
RUlts of Italian elections , because In the
groal towns , out of the total of the po slblo
voters only a ffftu era fourin have gone to
the polls. Tills indifference of the electoral
body Is the best Justification of the pope'a
tacltci , and proves that without peace b-
miUo with the Vatican , the political life of
Italy has become atonic.
The periodic reports ourront about the
Dopobolr.g 111 seem to arise from two causes ,
llrst , ho is wont , to seclude himself In
order to work muro at his case , mid next'
that his death is desired by all those to whom
his democratic nnd republican tomtcjiclos
uro obnoxious. , A'I ' rumors that ho Is nillnp
should bo hold as doubtful. At preset ho
01 Jo.vs peed health , with a freshness of spirit
and power for worn which arc slmnly aston-
Uhlng. Ihsdoctors , his domestic attendants
nnd nthoi-.s with whom he is In dally contact ,
marvel over his vitality , his alertness of
mini ) and body. "Ho will livi ) many voaro
.vet , " salil one who dally sees h.m. For n
number of weeks past , KIIICC thi < intense
beats of the minimer have passed iiway , 110
has worked particularly hard. Uno is
nsionishcd to learn that , tills old man , alter
sleeping only three hours in the day , devotes
the rest of the day to business or Intellectual
Wll.l. i : 10 IV. V HUM' .
1/itritt rail nt ilio Cm-limit .Soelnl-licmocriits
I'nipiiMuil Kngllitli Turin nil ( iraln.
LONDON , Nov. 21. The socialist-demo
cratic federation , through Us committee on
unemployed woruingmen , begins todav anew
now rent campaign.Viilte , the socialist
who organizes the Ucmnnsiratioas of the un
employed , addressed a meeting yesterday.
In the course of his snoech ho said that it
nft'jr today any man paid a farthing in rent
while his familv did not have stiDlcient fooJ
lie would bo a \Vaitedoelared mat bo
did cot believe In paying font. lie had not
paid any in seven yean and meant never to
pavany. This statement was greeted wit U
cheers. Ho called unon his hearers to Imi
tate the Irish and pay their landlords with
Emergency cntnmlttoes , ho added , bad
b en funned In overv district to aiu tenants
who oppose their landlords. If property
ownnrs succeeded In distraining their"ten -
tints it would cost brukon holds Then the
\vivcj und ih'ldron ' wlllgotoSt.Stephetisnnd
camp out before the houses of parliament.
This plan of campaign , the .speaker stioutod ,
would pain thousands of dirty landlords.
Throughout tbo speech he was greeted
with hcarlv applause , which snowed that
the sympathies of the audience wore with
him. Wnlte's threat that orgnnueu bands
will resist every eviction is nat an empty
menace ,
Mr. James Lowthcr , who will be chairman
ot thii coming agricultural conference , nas
written n letter to the larmors iti Kent in
lecard to the advocacy by the fair traders of
u duty on grain. Ho suggests the adoption
of a sliding scale tariff , that shall cea'.o ' in bo
lovled on thi > necessaries of llle , dlioctly the
home production yields a protlt , anh the
giving of a preferential tariff to grain from
the British colonies.
The Telegraph calls the proposals moo.-i-
The D.ulv News says : "Wo are not going
to make Mr. Lowthor out1 McKinley , but ho
is verr useful in stripping the disg uis > c from
Lord Salisbury's Insidious suggestions. "
The Morning ( conservative ) says that Mr.
Lowthor'a iugsestloiH are utterly Impossi
It Is stated that the govern man t will favor-
aoly consider a bill , prepared l > v the Loniton
county council , abolishing the i-ity corpora
tions anil placing uuild funds undnr the con
trol of tne council , A prominent member ot
the cnuuiy council stulud toJay lhat such a t
bill hao been prepared . He added that the
posts of lord mavor , aldermen and slu-rifl'i i
would bo continued honorary dignities ,
but their administrative powers would bo
A I'liustVNnortlnu tnr Uliicli it IVoiimn
liiiiMX : , Nov. : ! ! . A rather sensational
nnd unusual case has just been sottted by
. the courts In Ulehstadt , Havana. A rro-
I tcstunt wounm named Hurt began an act ion
" "j * fnr slander against a Catholic prliist , Father
Aurelmn , whom i > hn accused of asserting
that shu hail by the areiiey of witchcraft
imbued her boy with tlio devil. In bis dn-
lnn i ) Father Anrolian called Catho-
lie i-IciMunen. liu tostuled thul Ho hml ex
orcised iho devil in the bov ami supported
till * ovidoucii by ijuolutloiis ( roni I hu writ
ings , ot thu fathers. Tlio l > oy himself d -
nnncd Ihutho Uumv notnlng of the nllognd
exorcism. The woman was awarded .small
s < , , \NI1.U. < , .UNiil : illi III'.ITII.
Ililiui , iliillnlntirli . -
I.ltlii'i-Ciiniiinllcil Miic'idn
iif Illnil Ifiiiu Kvrlliuiliiiit ,
iMnis , Nov. 21 , Tno doalli of Uaron dii
liulimcli , who was one of thu man compro
mised In tin ) Panama scandal , has milord
cmiMdmable dlfi-usslon und storms are ulloiit
tlmt r > ) tlu < r ihun stand pro-.eL'utlon hn
Uiuniittnd sulcUti * . This m. > rning it
Vf'is Raul hU death was caused by
I * cerebral axmiLMiivni draught , ou ov the dis'
coyi-ry thai pipcis shDwuig that ho was
roir.nrnmlsed in Uiu caual .srandal had b o\ \
klolcu from him. Ills family rdfuio to allow
un uut.ipty to h held 'uiid this is laliou 119
confiriu.illon of the sniui'lo ' theory , though
Ihn faintly g.tviuu thclicuason In foftibinu
to allow nj autopiv that It is contrary to the
Jwwiah rellirioi. Tlio uaron loavoi a fortuui D
"f " OOO.f.'UU francs.
Italy U'lll Muy In tin * I iilini ,
IJIMIKIS , Nov , L'l The statement In a dls.-
I'Htrh to thn Ohroulcln that liuly was nhuul
\\Ubdtniv irum tbu Latin union was un
founded. The di' i of thu nations belonging
longing to the 1111)011 ) Kuliiy on tbu inlllutlvt
> f ttio Italian dulegulim huyo ugroud to volt
: ulluotlvclv , on nil nutters ailix-Uny ; tin
inlun ,
Kurrr nt
l'.un , Nov. 'J | . A dlsnatoh received hon
' 'roiu I'orto Jfovo states that ilia V'ronol
troops have onturca AbuiiK-y , the capital o
) .ihonitiv. without tnrollut. any opposition
< t vUir'J ; ' ) i ri/lii tun vanished mid tbu J-VuncI
ire u. m. * WjVtSty _ o [ Ih oaiutaU
M. l' t r l urBClmliTu Vlctlni > ,
HT. I'BrEitsui'iia , N'ov , St-Kluvon iii'v
iiiHiw of olnlor4 mid Ibrco deaths wt-ru ro
.v , Nov. ai.-It Ua boon denlded tha
( lie iiiixt socialist congrois will be held n
C'plogno. _
LO.VJON , Nov. ai.-Tbo AiHoncatx deli
pates to the International monetary confer
ence , whlh opens tomorrow In Hrtinols , lelt
the Victoria .station nt II o'clock thin morn-
ItiB. Senator Alllt on * nld Ihcro WAS no loll
ing how IOIIK the conference will last , tie
exported It would bo n WCCK before they
fmrlv co , down to bmlnoss. Adjourn mont
o\er the Christmas holiday * Is Inevitable.
U'ooiliiirn of tlinVnrlil. .
Alpha Citinp No. 1 Imvlnp nttixlnotl ft
momuorshlpot 001) ) will bonrosuntotl with
no oloRnnt bitnnor by the sovorolen olll-
flno tnuslciil program will bo rontlorod
nnd the ontortnlnmont will concltulo
with n'Krnntl ball. Tlckots. 50 cents , ad
mitting L'otitloinnii nnd Indies , limy bo
obtained of inombors of the u.xmp or nt
the door , All U oocltnon In thiH vicinity
nnd their friends nro Invited to nttond.
j.ii i ir.vio.v.
Jlnrli llnoiir < in Tniiisiiplc'it i t tlin Annual
Mriillng In > 'n\v Viirk ,
New YORK , Nov. 21.The annual mooting
of the Amateur Athletic Union of the United
States was bold today at tbo Aster house.
Previous to the mooting theokl board of BOV-
omors mot mid transacted a considerable
amount of Important business.
The ooard referred the appeal to the com
mittee on trials and reinstatements. The re
ports of the base ball aud the amateur cham
pionship committee wore occupied. Other
reports were referred to the now board for
action. "
At the conclusion of the governors moot
ing the general m.nual meeting of the union
was convened.
The disputed claim of A. T. Kenney fora
swimming record was presented by Mr.
Kelly , president of the Atlantic association ,
and referred to the record committee.
Informal discussion on the resumption of
banners and prizes for Joint competitions en
sued , resulting I'.i tbo adoption ot the follow
ing resolution :
That It Is the sense ot this meeting that the
governorsof the Athletic union ouirht not to
authorial ) for tnt'mssc. buso ball and foot ball
rlmmulunshlp prl/es other thun banners nur
any allonanee of expense fur traveling of the
The following mombon wore then elected
to fern , the board of governors for the ensu
ing year : .Atlantic association Howard
IVrry , Columbia Athletic club , and Ilurvoy
McMillan of the Athletic club ot the
Sehuylklll Now , Central association T.
K dtuarns , Detroit Athletic club , and A. I * .
Wight man , Cluc'igo Athletic club. New
Uaglind association--/ . Heals , Hoston
Athletic club , and A. \ \ ' . .Simpson , Now
Swimming association. Metropolitan iiiso-
clation ' .v. H. Curtis , Now orn Athletic
eluD , and .1. K. Sullivan , Now Jersey Ath- club. North American Turnorbund ,
.1. Uardor ; League of American \Vhoctmen ,
U. II. Lascomb.
The general meeting then adjourned and
the 'lonrd of governors held nn executive ses
sion which was kept up until late In the nlcht.
At it the following resolutions were adopted :
Itusohi'il , That ibe Amateur Athletic union
annual championship and Word's fal r i-iiin-
inltu-u hu Instructed to mal > o urnm'omunts to
hold In I'hlcauoa Irindieap inectln ; open to
thu world and avoild \ championship eompo
ItesiiUcd , That the coniinlttca he Instructed
to eorrc poml with foit'lgn athlotlo nssoola-
tlonw in re I itlon to tlio world's cli'iinplonshlp
nieclliig with fid authority at the said inect-
lr- , .
Kcsolvcd , Thul Mr. llarncrbo Instructed to three d itiH licUvuun Aujjusl ) mid
HiMituniDor ; . ' . prcfurably tin1 latter part of
eltulllbel | , : md report to the onuuilteu.
The report or the committee on the polo
vaulting record ofV. . S. Kodcnbaugh of 11
fcelo1 inches , at 1'hlladelphia , was allowed.
The application for reinstatement from \V.
II. Ilass of iSow York and J. MuVarlane and
Ma' . Kwan , which were presented , were re-
( inoil l orliiiio ot u .JnrKL.y.
Four UOIH.Lla , Nov. 'Jl. Henry James
a man nootitIII years old , who formerly lived
In Red OIIK , O. , Is wauled nt that place , as
no has fallen holr to a Uf.'O estate. Ho loft
home in IhT.I , coming west , roaming aoout
from nlaco to place , and iu the summer of
IS ! ID was in tuls city. Ho is a joouoy by
fuller Mill King.
The hhooi betiveou Fred Fuller and \V. J.
Latigdon nt Husor's park Sunday was won
by Fuller with room to spjro. The twenty-
live ring target was used and the following
scores resulted :
Fuller 10S , Is ! , lO.'l. 177 , 1SS ; total. ' 042.
Langdon K'17IJ , 150 , 177 , 173 ; total , SOS.
Tommy Wiiirpn nt l.llicrlv.
Wico , Tex. , Nov. 21. Tomrnv Wnrron ,
fe.itliorwelglit pugilist , charged with the
murder of Gle u Stovall ( colored ) , was ro-
lou.eJ , the jury failing to ugroo.
Kuihts ; ol l.silior Milccit OlllctTN lor till )
l.iiMiliig Vir. .
Sr. LOIIMo. . , Nov. 21. The slxteonlh
annual session of the Knights of Labor will
soou bo nlacod on the record of tno "has
boons. " Today's work embraced practloally
all thai remained to no accomplished.
Al Iho session lodny n proposition lo strike
out of the Knights of Labor platform the de
mand fur n graduated Income tax led to n
lively debate. It was finally decided lo
change the plank so as to make II rend as
followsThat n uradualed tax on incomes
and liihoritnneris bo levied. "
Upon this question being dlsnosod of the
following resolution was presented bv Mr.
Schonerfarcor and inmnlmbuMy adopted :
Iteiolvud , That It Is the sense of the general
iiBBombty of the Kiilnbts of Labor that the
liiiti-oiiii' of tlin ri-euni Rlriuelo at Homestead
H deplor iblc , but It has beim Of far-reiichln"
r . ' = ult-i In M'tlllnjr. teninoriirily at luast. great
Iteholveii , Th it in the declaring oil' of thu
htrlke at llonii'sload and thu dlsL'tisslon f ol
io i Ing wi HIIOII d nut lose s'Rlit ' ot the thnii-
s.iinii ofoiK iitf nooplo loft penniless und on
tbo virtt' -if.-iryalUin. . Thi'it'foio , he it ,
ordered. 'I but the general e\eeutlvc. hoani
of ilio Kn ghls of 1-ibor bo Instruct ! ) i to
ISHIIII an for .till for thusa unfortunate
peiiu'e. anil dislitlMito II ID iliu lirst ad-
\iinluKcuf these who m-iid linln.
Al I o'clock n motion to proceed to elect
olllccrs for the ensuing ycaiprevailed. . Mr.
I'ovvdorly tiddrossud thu delegates , saving
ho did not desire n Hi-election , nnuhoggoJ
them to select some one else , In order to
leave Die delegates free to speak their
minds , lie left the hull while the vote was
being taljcn. A number of delegates bpoito ,
the almost unanimous sonllmonl being Ihul
the order al largo dVmunilcd , and tlio cause
) . ut labor rciinircd his re-election , A secret
ballot \vas tillten. and Mr. 1'owdorly was
chosen bv a vote of lOi to sKseatlerlng. .
Other oftlcors wore oleclad as follows :
tJoneral worthy foreman , IluL'h ( 'avnnaugh ,
general secretary nnd treasurer , John W.
Haves ; ceiural uxecilllvo bo-ird , T. V.
Powderly. ox-ollicio chairman , A. A. Wright ,
John Devlin. John Jhivls and T. 1) . Mcliuiro.
All of the fprofe'Olnp , except MrCJuliu , are
re-uloctod , 'J hu tilter was a meinbei of thi )
board up to l.i S , who < i he was dofcatea ut
Indianapolis , Klnco IhSS hD-has-boDn acting
as Konorul orgaul/.3V for the oxoculiyo board
nnd will nrobably c-onllnue to net In that
o.i parity.
Adjournmimt lor the day followed lha
u oli'clion of cillcers.
Iliti .Nullilng in Ilittrnrt. YDIIK , Nov. 'Jl. l-'alher Corrigau of
llobnkou sent 11 lengthy hitter to UUhop
\ \ igger of Jsowark todav. Hu refused lo re-
tructlhustatements mailo by him In relation
to Ibo ( .Ionium JatholU ) i-oiuvntlon rcconllv
held lu Newark ,
" 1 bavo lookocl over my letters , " s > aln
leather ( jorrigJii , "vory carefully ami can
Jlnd no mlsstutoment , and therefore I have
nothing to Hill-act.
"My wholu am m tlon n opposition t (
Cahciiblylsin. I am not opposed lo tin
Corman C'alhnlici , That u , usldo from thi
mutter In ( , ontroviray. ; I , do not boliuvo it
buying iho oliurch autafonUu Auicrlcan In ;
hiltutlons , "
\\unl llnliu fur Her lnjur < > il IVollngt ,
Chrlillna U'asbnmn lm& invoked thn aid
w thu district court in compelling Josept
Kuilcu to pay her to towinneiiha no
for tbu great bodily pulu and lueiual unguisl
I but bho lias btitlon'j. In her petition bl )
that last winter she was thn OWHC
alat uuu was In tlu ) solo paiscsslon of u dwcillini
at of three rooms , that ono culd bluzurdy au <
the dolcndata hupponud thai way. H
nnnovod the wnidown from the humbl
cottune , i-uusinj ; her to contract a coli
wtleh CHUIO un&r i > roviiv , ' fatal ,
Soma Peculiar Political Complications Ono
May Ilavo to
At t.iMint It U Sal il Tlu-j- Will tmtile tlin Fat
Olllccnol the liORlnlitturo ARltiillntr
the UiioMlon of Dlxld-
Ing ttio btntei
TOI-EKA , Kan. , Nov. 21. The prosnoct of a
democrat In tbo speaker's chair of the Kan
sas loglslniuro is nol Improbable. There will
bo three democrats in iho body nnd ihoy will
hold iho balance of power. It Issoml-ofllcinlly
announced lhat n dumocrnllo candidate
will open headquarters in a uay or two and
make iho race tor Iho speakorshlp. His
name Is Joseph Koonthnl and hu Is n banker
of S.inln FO , llr.sliell county. A dicker with
Iho republican forces is reported for terms
by which Uoonthnl propose * lo help ihem
orgnulzo iho hous.0. lie thinks thai Ihn ton-
lesl i-iui bo made Btiocessfully. This would
menu n republican .successor to Senator
Parkins. Uocnlhnl was opposed lo fusion.
The rosull of Iho vole on Iho proposition
lo call n constitution convention will orob-
nbly have to bo determined by the supreme
coifrt. With lour counties to hoar from ,
115,000 votes were cast for iho convonllon ,
and 114,000 against. It is not ex
pected 'hat thu four counties will
materially change Iho majority which
ou Ihe face of Iho returns shows thai Iho
proposition has carried , but Ihoro were
thousands who neglected lo vole cither for
or against it , A strlcl inlorprclatlon of the
constitution menus that tbo people who
neglected to vote ellher for or against the
convention practically voted against It.
To Divide tlinStatu ,
The ngltalton of a now question Is now
stirring pollllcal circles. It ! the division
of the ( Unto Into equal halves. The discus
sion of Iho nucsUoa has bcon going on over
slnco olectto'n m n quid sorlof way. bul now
Iho newspapers have Inkeii tt up mid are
arcuing It with inoro or less vehemence. The
republicans of the west half of the stnlo
favor the proposition for lhal section of tbo
stale Is slrongly republican , while Ihoso of
Ihn cast oppose it , because the division would
make lhat half anti-republican. The demo
crats generally favor the division for the
reason thai In tlio ovcnl of iho death of the
people's party they would bo In control of
the eastern half where ull the large cities are
located and where their majorities aro.
Aside from political reasons , Ibero are
many good grounds for Iho division. Tlio
Iwo halves of Ibo slalo have entirely dissim
ilar Interests. Tbo eastern half is metro
politan and largely interested in munujactiir-
Ing industries , while the western half Is
wholly given up to agriculture. Thocllmnto
of the two regions Is different and their
people arc separate classes.
Finally , each half Is dlssatlsllod with the
otbor on political and business grounds , and
can never live In harmony with ono nnolher.
Ills probable lhal stops may bo taken this
whiter to secure tbo division of Ihe state.
Tlio Now York Trilinno filvcs Its Views an
Itnpiihlican Duloiit.
Nnw YoitK , Nov. 21. The Tribune says
Ihib morning : The politician who nttompls
lo explain Ihe defeat , Is crying over spilled
uiilK. The nowspaoor which tolls "how il
was done" is "whining. " The writer of a
political obiMiary has hardly nn enviable
task. * * * To him that looks beneath
the surface there Is ample evidence that do-
teat of iho foiinbliuan parly is not mainly
duo to "unpopularity" of its candidates , nor
to thu love which the people ore said to bear
( Jrover Cleveland : nor to the McICuilcy bill ,
i.ot to any "desire on thu part of iho people
for free trade , " nor is free silver the origin.
Not ihroueu the "superb generalship" of the
democratic national committee was tbo vic
tory gair.ed.norwas the battlelostthrba'fti the
lamentable Incomnetency of the republican
lenders. The chief cause of the republican
defeat and democratic victory is the modern
tendency toward socialism.
This statomuflt by no means implies lhat
Iho socialistic prouagand.i has taken a firm
bold upon the citizens of iho United States
or lhal us tenets have but lo bo sown In
American soil to bcir nn abundanl harvest.
They have not the slightest , desire to over
turn Iho oxisling government ; Iho ravings
of Iho anarchists they repudiate altogether.
Hul since 1873 , on btiick Friday , Dolitlcal
and social conditions of the United Hiatos
have been those of unquiet and discontent
among certain classes. Thu greenback parly
then had Its origin. It , is within the last dd-
cade. however , that social discontent has
manifested itself more markedly In the for
mation of political parties , all of which , ac
cording to tha loaders of them , wcro des
tined to gloriouj future * when thu demo
cratic and republican parties shoald bo
wiped out of existence. This unsettled stnto
of affairs sho\ved itself in the formation of
the greenback party , the labor party , the
socialistic party , the farmers alliance and
finally the people's party.
I'rrd Dongluss tilvos Ills Ylmvi.
WASIHNOTOX , D. C. , Nov. 21. Hon. Fred
Douglass has received so many inquiries
slnco oloetlon from members of the colored
race who are anxious to loam his views as
to the prooablo effect of democratic
accession lo power thai ho ho.s
put his answer Iu Iho fcrm of a primed
circular. In this circular ho expresses tLo
opinion thai tlio.-te persons who approuendcd
a violent change for iho worse both In Iho
general condition of the country nnd thai of
Ibc colored ucoplo north and soulb will Hud
themselves uuret-ubiy surprised by thu lltllo
difference which the' change of administra
tion will luako. There will , hu thinks ,
be m.iilo by the now administration
no disastrous assault upon the enterprise ,
Industry and welfare of the country. The
democrats will endeavor to overhaul the
tarllT ana in borne I-.ISIH rhanges will bo
made , bill Iho principle of protection will
nol bo Ignored or abandoned. As lo Ibo
elTocl of the election of Cleveland upon tbo
condition of the colored people of
the bouth Mr. Douglass says ho
Is free to BRV Ihul hu has
Ills fears us well as his hopes , "Uno tning I
may with solely bay , and It Is this : It will
bo very hard to make thn condition In the
.south much limn It now Is und has
been during the present administration. "
CJovuland unit Murphy ut Outx.
Nnv YOIIK , Nov. 'Jl. The Tribune says :
While Edward Murphy was In Now York
Inbt week Mr. Cleveland sent for htm nnd
requested him to withdraw n n candidate
jor United Stales senator. It may not
astonish anybody conversant with Ihe hltuii-
lion lo Inarn that Mr. Murphy declined to
grant Mr. Cleveland's request , nnd that Iho
nlmosphero of Uiu room In which 1)107 ) con
versed wont down several degrees , Mr.
Clavoland'R positive cholco for Mr. Hill's
colleague In the United Staw-t stmato U not
knoun hut to few parsons , but a prominent
New YorK democrat who Is believed to have
especially good means of getting his
Information said yesterday that among
hia sole-c.t circle of intlmato friendx
the president-elect made no secret of his
uoslra to have William 0. Whilnoy luore.
llnyikril i ; < ml ra ultli Olovi'luiiil.
NEW YOIIK , Nov , SI. Secretary llaynrd
remained an hour or more wilt ) Mr , Cleveland -
land yesterday.
Mot rim-lit * ol Ocean ntuaniuru ,
Al London Arrived La Uourgogno from
At Southampton Arrived NoUor from
At Lizard Passed-Suovla from Now
. At Ilrow Huron Arrived Aller from New
. Vorit.
Al Humourg Arrived Columbia from
Ninv York. _ ,
At Liverpool Arrived Montraoro from
At Ulbraltar Arrived ICuUer Wllbnm II.
Tliu Death Kill ) .
no rn.v , Mass. , Nov. 2J.-rCharloy Kood ,
tha actor , diuii last night of heart'alseaso at
Mho ! In this clly. Ho opened "IIoss
nnd Hoss" at the liollls ihoator Monuav
ie niuht , but he was only able lo appear iwo
lo nlghu.
Id Al.uuo.irBiiqi-K , N. M. , Nov. 31-Aftor at
f ii'ueis of ouo mouth with Inflammation o
Iho bowels bronpht * on from flux , Hon.
Tranquillno Luna died ftl his homo In
Pornltn. Valencia county , Tuesday morning ,
Ills Illness came on when ho wns In
Washington , D. C . . nnd Now York
on business nt 3 thji lima of thn
cholera quarantlnR i5id * f < M rmpr that tie
might be detained fti tfto supposition that ha
bad cholera ho aid not ntto'mpt lo cbnok the
disease unlll ho ranched homo. The deceased
wns n member of the wealthy nnd Inllunn-
Hal Luna family of Now Mexico nud WAI
born February 23 , 1349 , Ho wns n republican
nnd ton vcat-A ngo loprosentod Now Mexico
In congress. Ho came un for rc-olectlon the
next two yours against Frank Manzunaros ,
but owing lo frauds perpetrated M the ballot
box In bis county the oloetlon wns contested
nnd the democratic representative * gave the
scat lo Manzanarqs. Slnco then Mr , Luna
has boon sheriff and tnx collector of Valencia
counlv nnd was ono ot Iho six delocatos from
Now Mnxlco to the Minneapolis national con
it i i't-1.t I.U.Hi.u7i / < i.vr.
Many llomcitimil .Striker * I'liul Themselves
llurrcd Iroin Sociirlnir Work.
HoMKsTKAti , Pa. , Nov. 'Jl. The strike hav
ing been officially declared off a great rush
wns made this morning by the strikers
to got back to work. As early as
0 o'clock the rush oognn nud It
kept the police btisv handling the crowd.
By ! i o'clock the rush wns over , but they
continued lo go lu twos nnd threes nnd this
will doubtless bo'kept up for davs to como.
A largo number were turned away , some
with peed prospects of securing Ibelr
old positions lu the near future ,
wbllo many were Informed that they
would bo glvon no work under any circum
stances. II Is now plainly evident lhal the
black lUt Is quito long and Ihoso whoso
names appear on Iho list , will bs forced lo
seek worlc olsowhPM.
Dili > "t l-'tivor tlu > Strlltn.
PITTSIIUIIO , Pn. , Nov. 'Jl. The wreck of
the great Carncgto Btrlko was slowly being
cleared nwny today and hopes are onlorinitiRd
thai Iho mon will generally secure work In a
short limo , an J Iho trcmomlnns struggle will
bo bul n morjory. Honoris from Homestead
are that iho old mon generally hope to bo
back in their former places by January. The
Beaver Falls men are nil reinstated except ,
about six , and In Lawreucovlllo the mon are
still out , but it is believed many can el
Interest today gen orally centered nt Law-
rcncovillo , whore the men are making a last
desperate or rather hopeless stand. They
individually acknowledge thai Ihoy are de
feated , their leaders Imvo thrown up the
light , yet thev nro lighting. Today , at n
largo meeting of the "sympathy strikers , " In
Ei.itrncht hail , it wns noticeable that none
of the former loaders of the strilto were
prcsonu The meeting continued In session
for several hours and was very likely an exciting -
citing one , judging from the sounds of
voices , raised in excited argument , \\tuch
reached the slreet below.
On adjourning a number of slrlkors said
lhat nothing bad been decided ou , but that
a meeting of all Iho Amalgamated Irdccs
will bo hold on Wodiiasday morning to take
final action. The strlkorn now sny Ihnl they
were generally opposed to the sympathy
strike and only wont out because all Ihn rosl
did so and they were ordcrod by the national
lodge to do so.
VluwH of tlin Nutioiml Sncrotnry.
PiTTsnuiio , Pa-.S oVi 21. Spoakmg of the
action of the Amalgamated lodges In declar
ing Iho Homoslo.Al > ltiko'off. ) . National Sec-
rolarv Kilgnllon said today : "Tho associa
tion is wull satisllod with tbo conduct of tbo
mon during the struggle. While some fea
tures of Iho conical were painful , Ihe loyally
of Iho mon lo Iho association ucd Iho conti
nence llicy reposeff1 nilqach olher is without
a parallel In labor&tltsputqs. From the atari
the mon were masters of their own destiny
nd the association has confined Itself
o assisting In every possible way
o bring about u successful lorminnlion
f the struggle. I tH-Uts not boon nblo to do
hat It does not jre'ffuH upon Iho power and
ulluouco of Iho organization. The case was
no whera a vast accumulation of woaltb in
ho bands of Iho Carnegie company swayed
ho line nf batltu iu their favor. Tlio associ-
lion will contimlb its do'hsorvativo ways ,
nil wo have very good reasons to hellovo
hat the success which has heretofore ut-
ouded Us efforts will' folio"it lu the
uture. "
The report to the effect that Iho funds of
ho association had boon misappropriated is
ndignnnlly denied by President Garland ,
vho said , if necessary , it could bo shown
how every cent of money received bad boon
expended ,
Itmlly Hurt by n rail.
Lflror Strykcr , a M yoar-old boy who lives
vith his parents at ICigbtccnlh and Vinton
troets , was severely Injured at the corner of
Slxtoonlh slrcot ami Capitol avenue nl1:30 :
yesterday afternoon. Ho was riding n horse ,
vhlch slipped and foil , striking heavily on
ho boys lolt leg. Both bones were broken
ust nbovo the unklo. A seclton of iho bono
lad to bo removed , but the boy bore the
ordeal lilio a soldier.
Atibonost pill Is the noblon work nf tha
apothecary. DoWitt's Litllo Early Klsers
euro co uslipalion , biliousness and sickhond-
ATJii.s OF i-jnrEnn.i\ :
Cold weather IN now prevailing throughout
the entire northwest.
I'U. . W. Mnount ) denounces the farmers al-
liuico a.-i simply u third ii.irty niuohlne.
SeratirH Qnlllnxcr and I'ofTur have con
cluded thnlr Investigation of the I'lnkerton
system In Chicago.
Tbo prutildent has pardoned .1. A Hlmmons
if New Vork , who hua been sorvln ; : out a sun-
U'lu-o for complicity ; n wrecking a hank.
Tlio b'ink of Ashland , III. , was wrecked by
: lvnainlti ! by burglar.- , who bluw open the sifu.
The lobhuri seeurod a big booty and escaped.
In the National Oranse iho MvN * system of
nltlatho and referendum has been ruforruil
lown to the subordinate granges tor discus
sion , >
Owluii to the irinpss of one of the Juiors In
tin ) cnso of 31. II. C'nrlls , Ilio act or , on u t-h
if in u nl erl 11 ? nftin ( ' 'ranelsco. , po.leeinan
bus been eoiillnnuil until I'rlday next.
The MiissachusuUi grand Jury which hai
been consiilerfni the llorden i-aso bus been
! . iinlsii'd until Thursday , December , I , prob
ably to iflvu the police u ehanco to look uu
now evidence.
In thu haiioas eorpus hearing at Dallas
Tux , , of Or. Jininsfiir Ulllliii ( Japtaln W. .M.
Voul , Jiiflgo Tiu'kersald lhat lu his mlirl thu
Kill ng was minder In the llrst ilegieo and
tlieinfotu not < i ballnblo case.
HDimnil ( Mrinlolinnl has bcon pinioned by
tJovernor l-'lower ofNnwVoilf , Hi ) WHKson-
tenced two yoais ago for sevnn yuum for
furgerlus. ( . 'armluhuol was a papurmalior and
hu for.'ed bank paper to tbu amount of a\ei
J , Fisher , nplll/en of Han Anlonlo , Tex.who
arrived al l.os AugRle'i two weeks , ii ! < j on his
way to ivm I'Titnofsi-o , to visit nilatjvi's , h.i
been discovered ildad If ; bed. Tbu cause H
not ICIHMUI. TlioidueitiiBud had milch minipy
and jewelry on hli person , lie wab about M
yonis of n e. T . , o
The devustalloiiiiy/tho | ) recent cyelono of
Itudhuu , III. , has u\Vt.Jlutod ' ( u call for aid
from that town. Tn.jT.o uomo to n telegram
friim Mayor J , II. Mi'.qr.Ineetln / will be held
on'chaiu-o In Bt , I.ohls today lo listen to the
Btntomontsof iv coliltnlltiio from Jtoduud and
liiku notion tberioal 1" t
The pollen of Uolthlien iavomipturod aana (
of four KrceuxooJsiuiirind iwo Intt-iuled out-
of-town vietlmv. 'jC.lii nri-iiioodH | men went
Ueoriro Wood * . , IohijJjirjihy ; , Uoor o Kdwardfl
and Ueor c llariUJUJ/l / tholr vlcilmn worn
Kn.ll.l. llaal of UbjMlpt ' 111 , , and John Tut-
bill of Kulrtown ,
I.nit Week's cholnr .n/eord for the wholool
Hollanil hhu\tafoii FeeliHloatha.
A mothur In a toKHTif "Alsauo , rather than
see bur children btarve. killed them ,
1'ftther Illondel , iSfWost at Han 1'anuia lo
hi < ylstur and u luboilnz man without
HlY new cases of cholera mid two death !
from tliu llseann haVe occurred ut llnibuel
binco Saturday.
Thu papers at Hpracno thai reproduced thi
rocunt in tlelo from u.New York inipuron ovnr
taxation In lloheiulu have buen fcuUud by tin
During thii prevalence of u gnlo on the Irlsl
coast the \\ruuk of thu lunian muumur City o
Chicago broku In pieces and compluKil.v dU
Thu licrmiin police show un untiring vigil
unco aicalnst uii-irclilhts , They ura uoiiitantl ]
dvacundlns upon anur'-hist ' ( Joinljllt-s am
dally ancbl * ru buliu niAdu.
blnc-oKuliirday KilUftoun cakci of choler
and thirteen dent's fioni tbu dlteusu havi
bi-cn reiihtercd II l.'ir.'L-si. ' 1'ho oulbroak I
attrlbutou to thu u u of putrid llbh ub food ,
Thonovlallst coir-'rc > s at Uurlln hus unanl
nuin ly pabsod u lo-iolutlnn cuiuleinnliii ; mill
bemlllo uuDCcutlons. - llerrlblnger tliou re
viewed thu work of tliu touyrua , Hhluh tburu
upon adJoumoJ
Tlionns Breunnn Snccoods Beckett na Obiof
of Police.
Other OlUclnl llfniln Ktprclcil to full tic-
fore .Many DHJ-S Unto I'mmcd
\Vork ot tlio City Council
l.nM Might.
The council chamber was crowded last
night and the Interest in the deliberations
ot the council was Intense. It wa expected
thai Mayor \Valtors would roinovo some of
iho late Mayor Miller's nppolntoos nnd rein
stnto some of these lemovod last May.
Chief of Police Ucckotl was down on the
llsl and II was known thai cx-Uuiof Thomas
Brcnnnn was to bo reinstated. 'Micro was
disappointment to" the crowd of spectators
as Iho council concluded routine business
nna went Into cxusnllvo session , nnd nothing
was said by iho mayor regarding bis Inten
After iho council had completed Its ox-
ccullvo soislon a motion was made by Mr
Wyniiin to Hdjourn , which was ctrriod , al-
Ihough Mayor Wallers stated ho had a mat -
tor to bring to Iho attention of the council *
As soon as adjournment was made the mayor
stepped up to Ohlof Bcckolt nnd Informed
that ofllcor lhal hu need nol po ou duty to
morrow. Later the mayor appointed ux-
Uhlef ilronuan , who assumes his duties this
All members of the council were present
nt the mooting.
Mr. Ilnloy reported that Bwlft & Co.
would not insist In defraying the expense of
removing the dirt from iha pavement on
Uailroad avenue. The Union Pacific ofllcmls
had not boon scon. Mr , Schulz moved that
the contract for cleaning the sttoet DO al
lowed to Cash Bros. , who Informed Engi
neer King thai they would net form the work
for $ .11)0. )
Mr , Schulz moved that , the city attorney
bu allowed JIO per month for olllce rent , pro
viding no charge for typewriting in bis de
partment bo mado. The motion prevailed.
An otdlnanco was Introduced ordering n
sidewalk laid ou Thirty-second street , from J
to L streets. Koforrcd.
An ordinance was Introduced and referred
ordering w&lor hydrants placed nt Twontj-
llrl and Q slrools. Twentieth mid Q snoots
nnd Twentieth and It streets.
IAurlh ward properly owners asked fern
n stdowall : on the east side of Thirty-third
street , from J to L struols ; also wosl side of
Thirty-third street , from J to 1C strools. Ko-
Dr. .1. .1. Solomon wants a record of births
/ nnd deaths uopl by Iho clly , and In n long
petition asked the council to take action.
On motion of Mr. Wymau Iho council went
Into executive session.
The general opinion was snared that the
executive session was for the purnoso of dis
cussing what the mayor contemplated doing
nnd In this there was a mistake. All was
lovely In executive session and white
winged peace lluttured about the council
chamber. The occupation tax on saloons
was the first mailer discussed. It was the
sentiment thai Ihn few remaining delin
quents should bo forced to bottle. The ease
of John bwanson was dlscussod nnd n motion
wont , throueb that the saloon be ordered
closed until the application for a now license
is considered and granted.
Mr. Haley called up the gambling question
and made a lengthy talk in favor of licensing
gambling houses. He said in part : "It 's
n&xt to Impossible to close these places and
the ctt.y is too young to make n Sunday
school town of U. If wo clobo them thous
ands of dollars will go to Omaha which
should remain hero. Each house will expend
for help and other expenses ? 300 per mouth.
I favor licensing the places at so much per
month und regulating them by ordinance.
The police should have free access lo Iho
rooms and bo al llberlv to enter to make
arrests. No minors should bo permitted to
enter. I favor licensing them nt $50 per
month nnd offer a resolution to that effect. "
The other members wore not prepared for
Mr. Haley's outbreak and Insisted that ho
should have glvou them notice of his inten
tion to bring the matter up. The matter was
laid over one week without further dis
( 'iiy Altornov Van Duson was allowed ? 00
lor oxpouses to go lo Cboboygan , Mich. , to
secure evidence in a case for damages ngalnsl
Iho cilv.
The council adjourned without date.
Ilco-Uc'd u Sii > rr Shook.
Merl Weaver , a lineman employed by the
South Omaha Electric Light company , re
ceived an electrical shook last evening , and
which but for fortunate circumstaucos would
certainly have resulted In his death.
Weaver was standing upon n table in Iho
feodmustcr's oflleo at Ibo Union sleek yards
wllh ono hand upon an electric wire and the
other upon the top of an are light. The cur
rent was suddenly turned on and Weaver
iccelveU the full bonotit of It. Ho was not
injured , thanks to bis standing upon the
lablu inslead of Iho ground. The loblo fur
nished Insulation and tna ourrenl lofl
Weaver little worse for tbo shock.
Notes anil I'orsomiN.
Paul Slovens Is vlsiling friends In Iowa.
J. W. Edgorton Is being visited by his
brother from ICoarnoy.
J. O. Cross of Pueblo , Colo. , Is visiting
Chief of Police IlocUctt.
Mr , and Mrs. Joseph Strnnad of Rrcston.
la , who have boon the guests of Mr. and
iMr.s. Frank I.eo , have relumed home.
Mrs Jcjslo Hoadloy und Miss Slolla Uoh-
inson , who have been vibitlng Mrs. J. C ,
Carloy , bavo gene lo Colorado Siirlngs ,
A gold walch nnd chain belonging to
Charles Johnson was stolen yesterday from
, the boiler rooms at the Cudahy panning
H. A. Barrows of Tekamah nnd John A.
Wheeler of this cily have purchased Ed N.
Brown's grocery sloro nl Twenty-fourth nnd
M streets.
Sumue ! Masters , a driver for / , Cudtilng-
ton stopped off a sidewalk ( it Al origin .Sal-
urdav night and Is laid up wllh a badly
bprnlncd ankle.
All members of Clover Loaf camp , No , 8 ,
Hoyol Neighbors of America , are roquobloa
lo meet nt Mrs. Frank Loo's Wednesday
nf tornooii at U o'clock.
Some time slnco a camp of tbo Woodmen
of tha World was organized here , which ,
through lack of intoiost , was allowed to re.
lapse. S. S. Bmlloy , sovereign deputy of
the order , came hero nnd will rnot-ganl/.o the
Inspector Mavflold Is serving notices upon
the owners of buildings to plncoupon all Iron
railitiRb iron combs. The iron combs must
ho placed upon the railings within thirty
days , iu accordance with tbo provisions of
tbo ordinatico recently passed.
Thn twenty-fifth anniversary of the death
of the Manchester mortyra will bo celebrated 1
at Blum's hall this evening by the patnoiio
Irish-Americans of Souih Omahit. An ad
mission of ii3 cents for gentleman nnd ladies
will bo charged to defray expoiiBoii.
Consltmillon cuted by Do Witt's Rarly
Oun , Nub. . Nov. 21. ( Special Telegram to
THIS HUB. I Mr. Thomas L. Hull of Burwoll
, nnu MUB ICatlo MoMahan wore married lo.
night. The ivodumg occurred at the resl.
donee of Judge R M. ( Joftln which WAS
handtomaly decorated with nil the produc
tions of the green house. Ono bund rod poo-
nlo witnessed the ceremonies. Mr Hall hns
for .several years boon the lending atlornov
of Burwoll nnd the bride U the favorite
among Ord'.s many handsome young ladles.
They will bo at homo at Hurwoll.
V.l I.I.Kit M.V I'llll Ji.YI'/.I.V.I 7'JO.V.
Action of thn .Siiporliitnndnnt nf tlin t'hllii-
ilrlpliln .Mini C'nti r Di iitlil ctluii.
WASHINGTON- ) . O. , Nov. 31. The action
ot Superintendent Bosbysholl of the mint at
Philadelphia In disirtbutlni ? several World's
fair souvonlor half dollar places Is said to
Imvo boon In violation of the plain provisions
of the act of congress authorizing their Issue
Under lhat law the delivery of the coins In
question is contingent on certain conditions ,
chief of which Is that the secretary of the
treasury shall bo furnished wltb satisfactory
evidence that iho stun of nl loasl $ H'HHHK ' ( ) ( )
has been collected ordlsburscd as reuulred by
Iho aclof April' ' * , IMld. ' 1 holuwnlso provides
lhat the secretary of the Ircasiiry slm'l ' Imvo
charge of Iho delivery of coins to thu
World's fancommission. . It U said at the
Treasury department lhal the requited
vouchers have not been received and that
Iho secretary has never authorized the do-
llvory of any of the coins , Secretary Itosby-
shell will bn called upon lo explain his m ; .
tlon In delivering coins No. 1 , UK ) , H',12 ' nnd
1MU to Mr. Jaines T. Ellsworth of tbo art
commission of Iho World's fair without llrsl
having locolvod authority from the depart
ment. Thousands ot applications for these
souvenir coins hnvo been received nt the
Treasury deportment , nnd thu oftlclub doslio
tn Imvo 11 undoritood that II Is n matter en
tirely In the hands of Iho World's fair com
mission. After Ike rciiulroiiiOiiU of the law
have bcon compiled wllh the coins , as fast as
turned out by the mint , will ba delivered to
the World's fair commission for use in tbu
purposes of Ibo fair ,
Drilled by thn .Snporliilolldont ,
Pnit.UF.t.iMiiA , Pa. , Nor. 21. The atten
tion of Superintendent Bos bysholl of thn
Unitun Slates mint was today called to the
statement that ho hud delivered several of
the World's fair souvenir half dodnrs to n
member of the World's fair commission , and
thai tills act was In violation of the act pro
viding for Iholr coinage. Colonel Boshy-
shell denied emphatically mat any of the
coins had ocen delivered.
"Every ono of Iho souvenir pieces nro in
this building , " ho declared. "None of them
have left mv possession , nnd thev will not bo
turned over until I nm so instruclod by 4ho
Treasury aopirtmout. "
iiiglnri'r : Danlortli's Onsn.
WvsniNdiox , U. C. , Nov. 21. The record
of the court martini In the enso of Assistant ,
Engineer Danlorth of the Philadelphia has
been received at the Navy department nnd
is now iu the hands of .ludgo Advocate
Lomloy. It Is supposed that the court hits
found Mr. Dan forth guilty of Iho charge and
has imposed n sentence of suspension with
loss of number.
I'KlltiOXAIi J'.tll Hilt tl'll-i.
Dell Akin of Atkinson is at the Millard.
W. H. McCue of Crete is at Iho Morcor.
H. A. Allen of Atkinson Is nt thu Arcade.
John S. OInay of Norfolk Is ut the Paxton ,
D. B. Howard of Lincoln Is nt tbo Paxton.
O. I ) . Harford of Ashland Is al Iho Millard.
W. H. Conger of Loup Cily Is ut ItioJjMil-
F , A. Huston of Scribncr is at Iho Dol-
H. C. Pcrshing of Hebron Is a guesl al Ibo
Paxlon. '
Johu B. Cunningham of Lincoln is at the
C. E. Adams ot Superior U a guest at the
A read o.
E. D. Jndd of Fairbury is registered al Iho
G. C. TorwilliKor of Wayne Is a guest at
the Mcror.
John Brett of North Plalto Is n guosl at
Iho Murray.
Albert Whipple of Crawford is n guest at
Iho Dsllonc.
J. M. Sewoll of Hastings was at the Mur
ray yesterday.
George W. Frank of Kearney Is registered
at Iho 1'axtoii.
George 13. Uartlctl of Gordon is registered
at the Arcado.
H. W. 1'arker of Beatrice was at the Paxton -
ton yesterday.
T. U. Kail of Norfolk Is among the puesls
al the Millard.
F. F. Hummel of Fremont was nt the Dal-
lone yesterday.
.In'rvis Ulchurds of Chadron 1s registered
ut tbo Murray.
C. A. McDonald of North Platle was al Iho
Arcade yesterday.
J. M. Lamborlson ot Lincoln was nt Iho
Millard ycblurduy.
George E. Dorrington of Falls Ctly isa |
( juest at thd Millard.
L. C. Wushburn of Norfolk is among Iho
guests at thn Arcade.
Mr , and Mrs. W. H. Smith ot Chadron are
registered at the Millard.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Moore of Diinlap , la , ,
are among the guests nt the Mercer.
Mrs. Lola Brown of Glen wood , lu. , Is visit
ing Mrs.T. B. MoCulloch , IIKM Ohio strcol
Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Truosdell of Lincoln
were among Iho arrivals at thu Mercer
Mrs. Frank L. Ilayward , Mrs. Mary B
Loavut.Miss M. Huloii Loavitt nnd W , J. M
Loavitt loft yesterday afternoon for Los
Angeles , Cal. , whore Ihoy will spend Iho
ui liter.
Colonel E. 0. Wobitor of Stralton came In
yesterday and IH al the I'axton. Ho
mingled tears with some of the federal olll-
chits for a while , but dried his ( jln-ous wliun
ho tlioughl of how some things didn't hap
pen in Nebraska.
Mr. ' 1. ( i. Wing , a prominent buslnins imn
of Sioux Citv , was in Omaha yesterday , the
guest of K. W. Baker , siinorintundent of I'm :
lieu ouilding. Mr. Wing is on his way to
Sioux Cllv alter n visit to his old homo at
Isow Itodford , Mais.
Mr. II. J. Smith and Airs. Palmer Hender
son of Minnenpols called upon Tin : Bii'
yesterday. Mr , Smith will uo remembered
us iho manager of the Omaha Art Kxhlbil
company thai suffered hv the nttumptoi
destruction of the famous Uonguureau
picture by Warblneton nearly two years
hiro. Ho is now arranging for a cllfl
dweller's exhibit at 'ho World's fair. Mrs.
Henderson is a well known no.vspapoi
writer of the Twin Cities nnd is one of an
exploring paitv under Mr. Smith lhal is on
route to Iho region of cllfl dweller's relics
In New Mexico to gallior umlurlnl for the
cxntblt nnd photograph HCOIICS of Interest in
that connection ,
Cmt'Mio , I ) ) , , Nov. 'il--Spoo ' | al Telegram
to Tin ; IKI ! : | Nobrasmi arrivals : Oraud
Paeillc Mrs , J. W. Brown und children.
Nr.w YOIIK , Nov. 21. ( Special Telegram to
Tin : Hi.ii.J Omahu-H. C. Oushlng , Hoff
man house Lincoln-A. 11. Buckstaff ,
Hotel Savoy.
You don't want a torpid liver ; you don't
want a bad complexion ; you dyu't want a
bad breath ; you don't , wnn' < a hoadacbn ,
Then n DaWill's Little IZarly Hisori , the
famous little pills.
" X7ii ( " < < n ) livrttiMt fir lent u i if < r III ( c lie'M. llftj
mitittuli ; Hilittiionuntitf.Jtit < " 'j ' _ _ _
" ' ' ! auud 7U . I'n-
' ( 'INNOIt--thnrlo ) , yearn.
- lesideni'i' of
imral will lakupmc-e froin the
Mrs , I1' . J. MeShaiiu , Honlli TMimly-nli'th '
' 1'AIM. ONKnth l-ilr.ubutli ; , nuuil 5 years , fl
months , liohived duuahloriif .Mr. and Mis.
MU I unison , Nov. si , tsy ; , of eionp. 1 iinural
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Repm t.
Desperate Doetl of a Milwaukee Eoakkespor
Who had Become Dospojdcnt ,
In l-Ynrml Tlml lln Would In o III * l' , , l-
tlon or Tnko n Siiliorilhintn I'lnrn Ho-
CIUMO Hu iniil | < ijrr Hml Con-
olldiltrdVltli Aiidlhpr rirm ,
Mu.vsfKi.K , WK , Nov. ai.-Wl'lum U.
Jlndor , bookiieeper fur the Lloderdorf
1'obacco company , this morning shot nnd
qllod his wife , hl 7-ycar old diiuehtor and
iinuclf. Tlui affair occuriod nt the home of
ho family , STil Cambridge iivuuuo.
When found Mrs. Homier and the llttloi
slrl Wore still nllvn , but the former ulcd be-
otu a physician arrived. The little gin hi
itill nlivo but she has n bullet wound IhrouirUl
bo base of the brain and dmlh Is Innvllablo. I
All the victims were shol behind their loftj
- , Mowing their brants out , Uon <
'i who was a steady nndl
osiicotnhlo man , was a booktcooDnrl
or B. tjohlordorf . < : lo. ! , tobaceonlstsvhosol
works burned dining tbo recent big tire , AJ
consolidation with the Morchauts Tobacco !
WO.MS was effected a few days ugo nnd the 1
bought that hu would h ivo to accept n Mib-l
ordlnatn posltlou lu the oftleo nffoctodl
Bonder's mind. Hondor was nbaut ! I3 v oars I
of ago nnd his wlfi ) ! ! . ' , " '
IT TO rill ! M If'J.I.
\tloniitMl Murder in llroulilyuVhlcili U
Mirroiitidoil by Jljstory.
Niw Yomc , Nov. 'Jl. An atlempl to mur
der which look * like the work of the mania
VBS made In Brooklyn yesterday. Like most
Italian crimes 11 was surrounded by nn air of
uyslery and oven the victim himself refused
to say n word about the attempt upon h'.i '
Ifo. Joseph Lombiu-flo , a y uug Italian mechanic -
chanic , staggered Into his apartments Ills
voting wife , who had bcon waiting for him ,
thought nt llrst. that ho was drunk , but on
omovlng his coat who noticed that his clothes
were stained wllh blood. A surgeon found ,
nn ugly Lullot wound In Lomb.u-dos back. '
Ho was romovud to Iho hospital. Hrtorls '
voro made lo Und out how ho received iho I
voui.d , and although admonished tuat ho I
vas soiiously hurl ho refused to sny nj
word , Detectives went lo Lombardo'aj
louse nnd iiuestloned the tenants us to their 1
tnowlodga of iho crime. None of them ]
could speak ICngllsh
From other sources Uyns learned thatl
several n.on were hearu iiuiH-rollug In Ihoi
vard nnd a shol was fired. Three men woroj
irrestod on suspicion. Thov llvo In the I
aouse In the roar of thai occupied bv Lom-1
l > ardo , When taken to Lombardo's bivisldo !
Iho latter refused to any who his n sntlnnt ; |
was , nna said further ho did not know Ihul
Senator Koiiiia'n ( 'onilllliin.
W \ sniNtiTo.sD. . C. , Nov. 21.-Senator ]
ICenn.i had a good refreshing sleep last night j
nnd is much improved today. Ho Is , however
over , not yet out of danger.
Jos. I ) . H'Aiin , Xcwaik , N. J.
Sagwn Ciiroil Wltt'ii All
jritl : Fled.
Nl.WAUK , N. .1. . Atlg 1. ' . . ,
I owe a debt of KtatUnde for tin /lent / him.
Silt deilved fioni tin1 u e of Unit noble loin. .
City " - " I Miffeiertl
, "Kleliiipno Iiiilhiniiguu"
imtold toil ill us fioni Cn4tiltl4. in enliiirliof 1
thu Htomnt-h , In Its uni t foini , anil fioqiH-nt-
) \ wonhl limo to ith.tnln fiom i-iillngnlto.
irc'lhcr fiinhns nt a lime , mul nt alt timot my ]
dii't ' | ' tin' nniHt eiiiefuldrctlon , anil
1 was foic-i'd loili > | nl\i. nijM-lf of nil tin * lut.J
nrles of the tnhle. I spent limi > lrud of dol-
IJH-M In ( oii'-iillliig Ihn h it phjjklnns with ,
out iccxlvliig any help , whatever , and Ufa
hml Jn-it nil < < lnii nis foi mi1.
In this i-ondlllon ami whi-n I wnt In do.
spalr I hennl Hiont " ICh-Kapoo Indian
Siigwn , " ami was inliiued by a f i lend to try '
It. I uonfi-ss Hint I bad no faith und llttln
hope. In thrtf ilai/a iiilfr ncttiiin lhl itmtily
I tell relief iitnl ifltr ( ntimi the Jlrit I'nttlc inn
fuller limn I lintl liren far t/nirt. I roiitiiinttl III
nir.iiiulnflrrtatlng fix bottle * Tim * n irrlt mint.
H not only cninl me of tint gasliltls , lint It
gave inn nmv life , now hope , now e '
and I felt lllfn my nlil si-lf.
Kll KAI'lll ) I Mil A V SUi\VUS VdlCAMI Ml'.lllC- '
INT. , AMI M | MTITiitiU ; : I'llOM ( lAHIIIlrlM 1)11
io nn ir.
josu'll 1) .
Pliysicicins and Specifics ]
Failed ,
Kickiiiofi | Iniliiin Snguu CoMipldcIj I'nm.j '
Hllllll.ANII , ll.l , . , ,111111 ! U , liTK ! ,
Tor over nlnu yi-nrt I niiffiued unlolill
niUi-i-y fiom Inlhiniimiton UliunmntUni.i
from whlt-li pb.vnlcliiiis in well as vailunsl
Hiu-vlllesiilfoidi'il mi' norullcf
At InM I eoiu'liiili-d loglyuMfKiipooIadlnn
Rnipvii a Illal. Wllh li'Hi llniil tlnei' liottlim
/ burr liieii imnilirmint / mul huff ilni/fil
eitreil. I Keep MIKWU In the IIOIIHO all !
the tlinr , iiml lint ) il u ginil help t" mu nti
vin-loiin tiini'x win-it I feel inn iloun , ami )
! -ou-hil ! it om of Ihi' litht Ioiue4 In thiH
" " " ' '
Sold by a\\\ \ \ \
$1 per bottle. 6 bottles for $6J
T Sfinl tliri-i-'J.r. Ui.i | > tii I'ax ' pint- ,
ojf , mill-ill' nlll null } ou frfi > a
IhrlllliiK anil Inli-iiki-li liitirikllnu linflk nt 17.1 ,
imrm. "nlltli-it "I.IKI. t.M > hl'KM'S AMOXIJ
'IIIK KII'KU'M ( ) IMUtSS. " lilUall Dlnnil ( tin ,
. AiMni. , HlltM
c , > i' llaicn , I unit.
'In HID Dwnnr.i nl all IIIM or uannof
Trtenly-rlxlh HI reel , from n ixilnt li.i fi'i-
south of I'oppliilon iivenuK lo Itluki ry tlrccil
and lnli'i > i'i--tln filriH-lH. 1
Vnn aie heriiby iintltlfMl that iho niiilrrj
sU'iiuil. thriHi ill lnliiri-.ti'il frri-lnmlcr i ol tli
clly of Oinaliii. Inno lieim duly appi nu-U I
Ihe mayor , wllh tliuapini.Viilof llioc-lly conij
c'll of i : ild city , to imi > i-i , the ilam-itri I" IIJ
inMu-ni respectively of tint piopiTty nlfi'elnl
by tliuuliaiivoof xradoof 'rwnnly-slxth Hiiit'l
from a point onn luiuuiiid and HCVI ni
Oif fi-iilMJUth of I'opplnlou avenue 1 1
my itrmil und Inlnrsei-llni ; htrunls ,
necessary by oidliiancu IW. iiakhi'd
Jiih. Ih'J iiiiproyt-il Oolol.eraili. ii > U- ' .
Viiuiuu fiiitlmr iidllUel , iliat hu
ceplud said aiipoluliiioiit , and duly
n rciiulri'll liy law , we will , on Iho iwiintl
llflh day nf November , A. l , 1" . Jt thu linj
of linen o'clock In the iifturnoon at thu
tif ( jonr iiJ. 1'iiul , lee I'lirnntn ntn-nt , >
tlui coniorntu llm u of euld t-liy. nn-itt for <
puijiosuof eoiikldi-rlng and iiialvlnu tha _
M'ssmeiit of damage to the OUIUM ii' ll l > '
lvilyof Hftld properly , ulTvelod l-y sal'l < h uj
ofuradu , tiikliig Into toiisuiiinitl'jii miuin
beiiolltt , If uny. , ,4
Vou uienotlllud to be | iu'M > iit at the III
and jilacu uforevald , and mulai any objootlff
lo or Vili'inentscincurnlnk" nld a > i > esiii |
of duiaui | ! : , UK you mil ) lomnlur | iroiier I
ijiimoi : J. I'Ai'ul
Ouiuha , Nuy. lltb. 161 ; . ' .