Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Btrango Experiences of People Who Low
Cognlzitca of Themtclves ,
rccullnrStorj-nf n I'liymrtnii AVhoio Syinp-
tomi Wrronnlne < iii4 to Tlimo
ofllio .InclRc-How \Vonmu
r < irc t HIT lliuli.kiiil.
It Is a fact known only to n sco'fl of people
Vn Omaha that iho myiterious Judge Clark-
son case has bccu liitmshcd to the medical
world In dupllcalo form wltulutno past two
yearn rlKlit In this city.
A llooit of light tmi bcon thrown on this
nceullnr drama In nutunl lifo within the last
tliroo day * . It li noco iry to aonl some
what with ino personal History mill yrlvnto
lifo of a Dromlticnt and succ'jsiful nliyslcliw
of Omaha In order to set forth the facts In
this cuso xvhlch deems to bo In . irmtiy re-
ipoctn an oxaot ilupllcatu of thu p.ilnfiit ox-
pcricnco of tno much respected Juilgo Clark-
ton.IA > ur years ngo thin physician , who then
had n romuni-ratlvo ntut Brewing practice
and was Inplily icspecicd with refiard to both
his medical and ponnnnl worth , found It
necessary to undergo n very severe treat-
inontof his oyos. Ills nflllctlon was exactly
similar to that which overtook Judge Clark-
on , und ho consented , taihpr than to run
the trotnonilous HSK of total blindness
for the remainder of his days , to
BUbmtt to the same severe treatment that
brought about the mysterious and remarkable -
able episode In the lifo of .luiltie Clarkson.
The physician wus obltcccl to remain In a
dark room for nearly two weeks utittprgoliiK
torture that would huvo driven the average
man Insane , but ho cuino out with oycslsht
rostotoJ. It WHS the last hone anil the
rcsutofthat which partoolc of the nature
of n dreadful nut unavoidable experi
ment was In his f&vor so far us
the effects upon his optics were concerned.
Hut ho cutto out of the dark room and from
under the Influence of the treatment niliuin-
islored utterly devoid of will power , as help
less und aimless us a babe. Ho had not only
losl hN will puwor but ho bnil lost all FCIISI
of Ri-alltudo nnd natural affection for his
friends and loved 01101 who hud done every
thing in their powsr to restore him tc
health and hupplness. llo hud been en-
cnecd to a very cstimablo VOUIIR lady foi
some time urlor to this misfortune und , In *
deed , his ollllctlon had been the only hindrance
ranco in the way of their marriage for soV'
cral monUis previous. 1'dor to his entcrliif
the dark room ho had been the personlllcu
tmn of devotion nnd faithfulness to his love
But what u chaiico marked Ills reanpearanci
into the broad light of day. llo bo
can to tro.xt , his liancco will
Ibo im > st bhauieful disregard for hi :
former pledges. llo seemed to despise hi ;
formnr friends and they , not reallzlu ? hi :
poculmr condition , naturally turned from bin
in dismay end disgust * They hud oxncctoi
dlffoicnt things from him unn blue :
disappointment soon aroused \\iiiiliilbcini
tooling ot liatrcd niul tno most ininnso ro
Bcutment of Ills InsuUiuc conduct towun
Ills nffcotlonato anil faithful flnncco win
hnd been overjoyed with the results of th
treu'mcnt so fur as It pertuined to the resto
ration of hU oycslRht , was completely pros
tratcd by tno unexpected and iuoxpllcnbl
trealmoiit she received at his bands. Will
toar-wasliod fnco she pleaded with him t
coiuo baclc and bo his former self , so true
no loving nnd manly , but her pleadings wor
nil In vaui. llo spurned her as ho migh
Uavo Oono his Uittorest , enemy. All th
efforts of their mutual f rlunds were alik
unavailing and after a Jew wpelw of th
most Intense agony ttio young lady tbrtn
nsldo nil liopo and left thu city. She ontero
a hospital In the city of Chicago \vhero Bh
Is today employed as a professional muse.
The uiilottuimto man's friends saw tha
Bomcthinp must bo done for him or ha woul
in nil piouubillty talta his life. Ito wn
furniibed vvitli u travelini : companion un
sent to Kurope. Whllo abroad bo was sin
ply led around from place to place bv his con
panion. llo scorned to have no object In life
All ambition , nil RcU-conlrol bad vanished
( Jrudunllv his former disposition ucL-a
to i s crt itself , however , and within Uvelv
months from Iho time he departed fo
Kuropo this man. whoso will power and nat
ural nfj'cction hud upparcntly been v/ipeil ou
\\-ai ncutn restored to Iho full enjoyment c
Ids faculties nnd enino homo a xvcll man. 11
is today u resident of Omaha and enjoys
largo and successful practice.
Hut many of his old-timu friends still n
Tuso to associate or oven spcnk to hltu. The
fctlll troastiru up against him his pccullu
nnd in their eyes dosMca | blo , conductfollowlii
tbo recovery of his sisht. Tnu case wus i
mysterious and unusual that he , although
physician , could not explain It to the sail
faction of those who hud suffeiiu nv lease
of his peculiar condition or even I
his own satisfaction. Ho hn-i proforrc
to remain ( [ ulot , hoping that snino du
his former friunds would see thai ho was m
uccountnblo for his conduct during tt
months of silent suffering that ho endure
after his sight was restored.
The mists are uhout to rise , the day of h
iclnstutcincnt appears to be ncur at han
"Wnon the f'larkson case bocamu it matter i
local history this Omaha im.vnician saw h
opportunity. He wont to Postmaster ( Jlarl
son the otltcr day with n very full heart ni
with the feeling of n mnn who huil foui
BOKO ono who could sympathl/o with him.
" 1 can icll you exactly how Joe ( JlarliM
bas suffered nnd how his peculiar condu
lias been misunderstood , " the man Bald as I
Btiook Major ( Jlarksoti's band. "I tin'
passed through precisely the satno kind of t
experience , -loo Claruson li not an ln ai
man , neither was 1 insane , but there Is EOIII
thing uboiit that paitlcular troatmui
ol iho eyes that deprives u mnn of his w
power andUU natural nffcctlon.
ibould not huvu bcun huld responsible f
ray conduct during the fmv months subs
quonl to the recovery of my sight , a < id
would clvo nil 1 huvo In the world to ha
my lonncr friends iindoratand my aotu
condition at that time and rcnll/o the oxti
ordinary and distressing cloud that tout
down over mo and did not rlto for nearly
year. "
Speaking of tha Jmlco Clarkson case I'o1
master ( 'larliRon said ; "Joo ( Jluikson Is
BUIIU man today , 1 Know ho Is because
has talked with mu upon it number of su
Jccts Just ns sanely as ho cvor did , It Is pi
Mblo that ha has not recovered c
tlrely from the ertscts of that i
vcro irciittnont , but wo liopo that
will return In thu spring fully restored
every faculty. Ho has talked to mo vc
candldlv about his condition , and althou
ttio case Is n most romarkubio one 1 bolla
that medical exports will yet discover t
exact ciilbo of that sort of derangement ,
received n latter the ottiar day from a ptiy
clun in lialojoiuv , HI. , who Bald bo w
mailing a special etudv of cnse.s o [ tins lilt
Ilo was deeply interested In t
case ana will doubtlcsi rind In It son
thlug that will throw light upon that class
mental iifillctluni. If wo had realized the ti
condition under which Judge Clurlison u
laboring prior to his mysterious depart !
both ho nnd his family < md all his frloi
might hnvo been spared from Iho retulta
this painful incident. "
As the facts in this extraordinary ci
coma mora and more into the light neo
who were mclliioil to sneer at tha oxpla
lon llrnt given bv Judge Cl.trkiou throu
lUp columns or Tin : lir. & uru oopinniuc
Uldo tticlr heads nrd bUDyboJIo * who seen
anxious to got tuolr hands into the
family wound nnd lacerate it ufrcbh i
becoming ashamed or tuelr inhumauuy t
their ultur want of coin mo i > sympathy foi
fellow bolng lit distress.
Dr. Tllileu llelli'vi'i tlio Story.
Dr. George Tlldcn. who has boon ono
tbo oommlbhloaorc of Insanity of DOUK
county for the pastolghtOBii year * , bald t
lie nccopled the story of Judge Clark :
in lU entirety , and taut the only thlug t
wuuli'l make him think that the judge \
wanonttno time of hit dUnppoaranuo wo
bo the discover v of u motive that would hoe
ficleut to show the willingness of a mac
brlnu months of srM mid sulTorlni ? upon
nuillr und friends ami to IOJQ a colon
rcun' Uop ai a man , a citlion and a lawj
* > 'tt M wu saue. " ho sold , " vhai mot
roxild ho navel \Vhat warftnore for HMD
gulul A aua uiau does sothlni : u'Uhoir
motlvo , nnd there seems to have been no
tnotlvo In this case save an Insnno mind ,
"I nnvo bad n great many cases of insanity
to ( Jcal witn , and havo.Tot to find any two
exactly alike. I do not now recall one that
\vn of ] Ust this type , though thcro are any
number of cases on record ot lost Identity.
Tno humnn mind sometime ? takes queer
froiiK , ana individuals imagine that thov
nro Jesus Christ , or the dovll , or members
ot the brute creation , Men think that
they are kings , and woman bccomo Im
bued with the Idea that they are
titled queens , Plthor of Iho present or past
generations. I do not pretend to bo nblo to
tell by ti oaring of a cite Just whut the
tpcntal stature of the Individual may be , nnd
can not say what thu condition of .hidao
ClacUson is or was wlfnout talking to him.
Hn may still bo somewhat Deranged ,
which might explain some thine * ho
would say that could not otherwise bo
explained , Hh action at the liiko docs not
not provo that ho was snno because II was
the action of a snuo man , for insane men will
net both as sane men and as victims ot in
sanity. Their sanity or insanity cannot bo
established by nn individual act. Insane
persons frequently net with surprising
shrewdness nnd cunning , nnd exhibit those
traits without other rcuson than the prompt
ing of nn uniound mind. The repu'atlon of
Judi'o ClavKson for umitiostlonnd Integrity
nnd honor during many years ot resi
dence tr > this city induced many who
knew him to wade that lake day after day ,
searching for his body when II wns not there ,
and It will convince them as It does mo that
his action wus only the result of Insanity ,
If he wont away voluntarily as a sanu man ,
It could have been only because of a motlvo
that would show hlni to bo an extremely
bad man , und that It something that the pub
lic Is not willing to believe and has no reason
to believe. "
Mr. Mooru Toll * nl H P.trullol CHIP.
IJr. U. C. Moore said that ho was disposed
to accept the story of Judge Olarkson as
true , llo found the history of many cases of
lost Identity In the medical worlts , nnd
readily recalled n case that bo had treated
hlnuelf , H was that of n lady who wus then
and Is now a resident of this city. "Stio
completely lost her identity , " said the
doctor , "and all nor surroundings bo-
caruo now to her. Shu not only had
u now name for herself out for everyone of
those with whom shn had neen associated
for years. She itnow her husb.ind iu someone
ono else , and ha WHS no longer bur husband.
She did not know mo as the doctor , but as n
altogether different Individual. Kvery thing
was changed , nnd her conception of things
was as different from Iho actual oxistlup
state of affairs as anything that coulu bo
Imagined. The trouble was brought on tiy a
suppuration of thu middle oar that caused
her Intense suffering , nnu by prolonged lac
tation , for shu was nursing a largo , healthy
infant. It bccamo so thai 1 had to nurse the
woman myself , for i was about the only
ono who could do anything with her. She
tool : n decided nntipathv to her husband , and
ho could not get along with bar at all. Bh
made it mighty interesting for us some
times , for she would take spells of slashing
everything right nnd left , throw books or
nnythlng that bhu could got tier hands on at
tha iiimos.who wcro tried ono after another ,
and net HUe a person violently insane.
Hut moit of Iho time it was slmoly
a cuso ot lost identity , and then
she would not manifest any of
these symptoms. I took bar out driving in
my buggy , and everything was r.ow to her.
Tno motor trains uxcited her curiosity , und
she luughad at them like u child. She could
not understand what made them cru. and she
called attention to the fact wo had hor.-ea to
pull the carriage , nnd asked how Iho others
mummed to pot along. She did not know
what they were , and uskod what thosu
things WCTO doing. In driving past the
dry ecoils stores , she was attracted
by tha bright colors displayed In
the wlnaowt ) und outside , nnd pointed In
them nnd talked about them , but had no
idea what the tbincs were. She did not
know what the simplest objects wcro , ami
uscd more questions than n child. We
Dually decided to toke her to nn asylum , and
1 tool : her away myself. When wo went
Into the asylum she seemed to partially raid-
i/o what it was , nnd bccamo frightened and
begged to be taken away. That was the
first thing that she hud .seemed to under
stand In several months , and I
told her that if she would behave herself 1
.would take horawny. Wo went from there tc
n hotel , and as wo passed tbroutrh the ladles'
cist ranco she noticed somu hangings la t
doorway , and asked whcro wo were , remark'
ing that she had been there before. Wo got
a carriage nnd drove around the place , unc
shu recognized a number of thing * , umont
ether things the sign over n wholesale bouct
whcro her husband had boucht goods.
1 biought her back homo , and it was bardl.v
twenty-four hours from the time that then
was thtj slightest evidence of returning
reason until .she was practically restored U
her senses.
Dri"Aml so It frcquontlv happens that , some
, neklent or littlu shock is the thing thu
starts iho change that will restore the un
settled equilibrium of the mind. There mai
have boon something of that kind In till
Olurkhon case. You can readily face hov
similar these cases would huvu beeu if tnj
patleiit hail not bcon closely watched , an <
had gonn awav and hired out as a domestic
I know about that cuso from the bcglnuini
for I watched u all the way through , an <
that woman is n warm friend of mine toduv
t nnd frequently thanks mo fornavinir brough
a her away from the asylum instead o
her thcro. Her mental uubalancln
was brought about by physical suffering an
exhaustion just us It U clulmod ClarKson'
was. Tha only thing that I can see tha
tends to throw discredit on the story o
Judge Ularkson is the fact that bo flxei
everything ! the lakn tu clvo to tha worli
tbo impression that ho was drowned.Vh
iihould bo practice that deceit IVhcn I h Brail Uoollttlo , why was ho still it
torcstcd in pur-suing Judge Clurksnn out c
the world. If It was not for that fact ,
u should not question tt'.o storjr , but woul
ui un tuna It as absolutely true ; In fact , I belluv
i It , anyway. "
Another Sliultr | : < 'ii < r.
t Mr. l'H. . Kennurd of the ICennard Ol
I Paint company , lolls of a case In the stale i
I Michigan In which a lady disappeared on
r did not return to her family for three year
I She was engaged in cooking dinner at IK
e homo , when the suddenly stopped her wor'
ili put on her wraps , wont to the railroad nl
i- tlon half n inilu from iho tiouso und took tl
d train. She wu ° utterly lost to her farail
a nnd friends lor three years and at Iho end i
that iluio she suddenly cumo to her senses I
ta a small town in ICunsas , where she was 01
a gaged us a cook , Snont once romembarc
, n Ilko a lluhh that she hud a husband In Miel
j- gun and she wrolo htm. tie went atoned
s- Iho town where she recovered her mcmoi
i- and took her homo. ' 1 ho lady could not r
3' member a solitary thing that had happcni
IO to her from the time she left homo until si
n suddenly ivaiomberoil her Identity. The
v was u complete hiatus of three yearn In h
h life but otherwise she bos never iimnifesti
o buy symptoais of nionUl derangement.
10J J HiMii.isnTON , i a. April , J,1331 ,
1IS Dr. J. H , Moore Dear Sir ! Have be <
IS troubled with cat a ITU In my boat ] nnd fu
il. for three years at times < . \ai unublo to he
10 hud a constant ringing In my eari and f
0- two years wia almost deaf. Have tried se
0of cral so-callod romodlo-i nnd been treated
JO regular physicians and noted specialists , b
us fulled to gotanv rolief. I tried ono bottle
ro Mooro's Tree nl Llfo'Gutairh Cure. It gu
la immediate relief anil elleetnJ a pormano
of euro. I licarllly recommend It lo all bulTi
era ot this disouso nnd will cUoorlully gl
so any furthur Information on baing address
llOa at my homo , Xo. 'JJ.l Swotmay nvo. , Hurlin
a- on , laFoi salt ) by all druggUi * .
3U Forcalo by all druggist } .
P/oparatlpJs for the World's ' Fftir Are Well
in Hand ,
Mr * , llrlgcs * Iteppiit Visit" In
Ciiininlstluiier .AlobU-y Hovlo the
Mnilo In ( leltniB To-
> clr.isk '
Mrs. .Inhn B. Urlgps , Nebraska's rcpro-
sotitRtlvo on tbo board of Indy managers for
the World's fnlr , bns returned from Chicago ,
whcro she attended n mooting of tbo board ,
and she Is enthusiastic Iu tier reports of
"Ono of the new things decided upon , "
nald Airs. BrlgffS to a reporter , "la a scrlos
of semi-monthly concerts in Iho women's
butldlup , nt which only amateur fomolo
singcrsvwho have boon residents of America
at locst leu yoari will bo allowed to nppenr.
Candidates for places will Do tested bv n
committed end must ho satisfactory to Mr.
TheoJoro Thomas. Permission to ap
pear at thcso concerts will bo n
mark of hlch honor , and I sincerely
hope Nebraska will bo well represented ,
for J know wo huvo many slngcrsabundantly
nolo. Iu thnt event I would also line to see
Noomslta honor each of hot'representatives
with u suitable medal , nnd If any private
poisons wish to offer rewards for snch ser
vice our board will bo glad to hoar from
"Tho project of a family dormitory has
been abandoned , but the plan for women's
dormitories 13 considered practical nna excel
lent. 1 ho time for maninc application for
shares hi this enterprise expires the last of
Deoambcr , and I can endorse the scheme os
perfectly reliable. Work on the construction
of the children's homo began Novembur t ,
when Mrs. Palmer turned the llrst soil with
a bllvor ypado. Nebraska bus abolitfCOof its
quota of SlUOyct to r.ilso.
"Right bcro I would Ilko to nnvvcr the
many inquiries with re card to our stnto
building , as the ttrprossion hero at homo
so ? ms wid'j'proad Unit It Is very Inferior.
How this has come about 1 am not able to
suy. us usually the critics have not scon It
und some disclaim nil knowledge ot It ex
eunt , that It in very tad. The day wo vis
ited It wo found it loeited. Therefore , lean
only Judgii of its exterior , but 1 must cou-
Bcionllously stiy wo were favorably impressed
with its appsnrauco. Il has a line location ,
nn'U 1 expect to see it made by the daft tin-
con of our Nebraska ladles and the state
board ono of Iho huntlbomest on the fair
ground , both within and without.
Commissioner Seth P. Mooley of Grand
Island reports steady and subst-intial pro
gress In the preparation lor the Nebraska
exhibit. Several carloads of tbo choicest
cereals and imperishable products of the
state hnvo boon collected and stored , repre
senting the cropi of ib'Jl and IbOJ , selected
.from every quarter ot Nebraska , and properly
credited to the locality producing them. The
collection Includes all iho grains und cereals ,
both thrashed and in the straw , all the
crasscn , specimens of timber , ots.
Mr. Motley is confluent thcro has already
been collected no amount unit qualitr of ma
terial sufficient lo make ono ot tuu very best
agricultural displays at the greiu exposition.
In the horticultural department , "loo. ar
rangements bavo been made to have as flno a
showing as can bo presented by any now
In the educational department ho says
moat thoronch and painstaking work has
been done with the view of couvincinjr all
comers tbat Nebraska stands well a * , the
bead in educational advancement , which con
stitutes her chief pride. Thu women of Nu-
braslra , too , have been very active and have
plans well mat u reel for a splendid showing
i.f the tvork donp by women" to ad-
vsnco both the material and ed
ucational Interests ot the state.
Tlio zani of tbo women having this branch of
the ivorlt in charge ho declared riost com
mendable and praiseworthy , their eirorts
being highly appreciated by the commission.
The apiary ann dairy departments nave been
given special nttontlou by the most compe
tent boo , butter mm oheeso exports in Nc-
braslco , and Mr. Mobloy fouls warranted in
sayltiE that no state in the union will uiauo
abettor showing in those dt-partmonts.
The Nobras.Ua Building hai been com
pleted. It is largo nnd rather plain , moro
substantial than ornami ntal , but withal ac-
knowloditcd by all to bo ono of the best , build
ings on thu ground for the monev invested ,
ns well as ouo of tbo most conveniently ur-
ringed for the purpose intended. It is the
policy of the Columbian commission to at
tract the attention of the ponplo bv the excel
lent exhibit of thu products of tho.stato rather
than by exponslvo.irchitoctiiral display. Tha
builillnc occupies a most conspicuous place
and will bo used cblelly as a btuto headquar
ters buildm ? nnd u resting place for Ne
braska people nnd their friends and for con-
duotlng the business affairs of the commis
sion. It will also contain the tpeciul county
case exhibits und decorative cereal panel ex
hibits ot the vailous counties of the fctato ,
taking advantage of that opportunity offered
tbo-n for Individualizing the snld countins In
a manner impossible in the concral exhibit ,
where Nebraska as , u state will seek to shim
as n ( In/zling slur.
Mr. Mobley says arrancaments are nl (
being made to distribute in ono room of th (
Nebraska building , dainty delicacies in tbt
food line In the form of souvenirs , showliif
the possibilities ol the various food product !
of Nebraska.
O/i / the second floor of the building , spasi
has boon sot apart lor a general rendlnt
room , In which Ulos of nil Nebraska news
papers will DO liopt , and whcro will ho uiadi
also the stuto newspapsr exhibit , tbo worl
of which Is now well advancod. Coratnls
sionor Cionoral Uarnanu had tbo good fortuni
tOECCuio thoborvlcos of John C. Donrioll a
special designer for the arrangement of th
agricultural exhibit. That gentleman hu
uoen ut work for rniny wocks propanng dc
Tuo scopu of the exhibit will un covorno
to u great extent by the action of the coir
ing legislature iu the mutter of un apprt
prlatlon , llo says that to muko and main
tniu a lit representation will ri'qulre the ai
pr.oprmtton of at least $100,000 in aildltio
to iho amount previously appropriated ,
I. < luc.Uli > iml
Superintendent FiUpitricK has received
letter from U. N. Ilallnmn of the World' '
fair education1. ; ! commitloo urging the noco :
slty of calling a meeting of all prcimnunt ec
ucutors in the state to take action upon 111
question of a uulldlng f ir iho tiducalloni
uopariinont at the fair. Mr. Hullmn
says thfat-o is nroat daiiBor thnt tl
bo.ird of' managers will not eompl
with the requests of the educational us oci
tlon for u separate- building unless thcro Is
special effort mode all along the lino. I !
suggests the advisability of getting tbo leai
ing newspapers to take the mutter up anu i
this wav bring the hoard ot managers to
sense of its duly In this particular.
The llrst agreement was tbat tbo oduc
tioual department should have 200,000 squa
'V ' feet ofupaeu , The monacora have shuvt
itf thin allowance down to ( ! ( ) ,000 und that In
> f callerv In machinery hall. The leaifii
' 0 educators uro Indignant and very much al
't ' couruged over the proipcct.
"Chris and Lena" has stood lots of wo
and tear , but Puior F. Bauer still ilnils In
tbo vehicle for bis German character wor
Tbo Eocrot of its long career probably lies
i to
Ivo The only 1'urc Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum.
L i lo a Ded iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
the ulnglng ot M * . linker. v hch ! scorns to
please the masse. * ! Ills present company Is
an imlKToront ol v but ttio audiences at the
Fiirimm stiont tirrrttor nppoar to ilnd In Mr.
Halter's char.ict ritaUon and tinging on
abundant amusenujht.
A XSMlfi C'K.11 KA TS.
The dialect comhllnn , 1 eto Hnkor. In the
comodv success " 'Ohrls und Lena , " at thu
Faniam Street tbortlor tonight.
" 15oo-Hur" at Wrt New Uoyd tonight ,
Thomas \V. ICoano , the omlnont tragedian ,
at the Now lIoydTThutsday.
"Tho Convict's , Daughter" at the BIJou
theater this \vrclt.
The KOVornrneiitc.VDcdltlon which \vns
miulu lust winter into Death valley In
Noviuln ( or the purpose of exploring
that coinparitllvcly unlnown roRion tins
resulted In the dovolopinont of t-oino
vnluablo inltiin < r litnils which were then
illsoovorctl. 1'rospoctora were inter-
cstod in the report of the explorers , anil
Immediately mailo nrrnngornonls to RO
Into the rcccB < c.s of * thnt terrible
"DoiUh' ' valloy. Some rcmnrUnbly
larpo deposits of noitl niul silver quart/
have been discovered , nnd covcrnl com
panies have bconincofornled to develop
Will euro Veil ) la a true statement- tlio
action of AYKIVS Sarsuparllla , when
taken for diseases originating in impure
blooil ; hut , whtlo this assertion is true ol
AYKU'S Snrsapaiilln , ns thousands can
attest , it cannot be truthfully applied to
other preparations , which unprincipled
dealers will recommend , mid try to im
pose upon you , as "just us good as
Ayer'ji. " Take Ayer's Sarsaparllln and
Aycr's only , if you need a lilood-pniilier
and wouhl lie bcnvlltcd perniaiiently.
This iiicdictnn , for nearly llfly yoiun ,
1ms enjoyed n reputation , and made a
record for cures , that has never been
equaled by other preparations , AYEll'S
Sar.sipurila : ! cintlicates the tnlnt of he
reditary sciofula and other blood dis
eases from the sy.sti'niand it bus , deser
vedly , the confidence of the people.
"I cannot forbear to express my joy nl
the relief I have obtained from the nso
of A YEU'S Sarsaparilln. I was alllictcd
with kidney troubles for about six
months , suffering jieatlyith pains in
the small of my back. In addition to
this , my body was covered with pimply
eruptions. The remedies prescribed
failed to help me. I then began to take
AYEll'S Sarsaparilla , nnd , in a slioit
time , the pains ceased and the pimples
disappeared. I ndvlic every > oiingmaii
In of .sickness ru--nlt-
or woman , case - - -
iiif ; from impure blood , no matter how
lon < ; standing the case may bo , to take
A YEU'S ' Sarsaparllln. " ILL. Jarumun ,
S3 William St. , New York City.
Prepared by Dr. J.C. Aycr&Co. , Lowell , Mats.
Weakness ,
L Catarrh or
% * -i Rhcumitism ,
Consultation Free
Tor lliuTre.ilinant of
Chronic , Private anil Nervous Diseases ,
Cured without the uss oj Ituifu , llc-iture or
All maladies of a private or delicate
nature , of oitbor sex , positively eurod.
Call on or addii'ss wltb " .tamp . for
raia : i ouic AM > UK' ' KIITH.
Dr. Seailcss seines , " 'Wui
Nuxc iluiir in 1'nslollli'B.
is stamped in tlie best watch
cases made. It is the trade
mark of the Keystone Watch
Case Company , of Philadelphia ,
the oldest , largest and best-
known factory in the \yorld
1500 emplpyeescapacity2OOO
cases daily ; Its products are
sold by all jewelers. It makes
the celebrated Jas. Boss Filled
Watch Cases , now fitted with
the only bow ( ring ) which can
not be pulled off the case the
Ask your jeweler for pamphlet.
This ipnniler/ul , tjr < mtitte , Uf
Specific Oxyp
Wu IUTU nrt'pnrcd IMIIIII.I..S
U , nut liurfii llio iiuxt .UilHj
_ tlru ( lrn ! nttn ro tu M
DltlO ( ' . fill
A Homo Iri'nlmrnt couKli. , fJTh'nil mtiirrl. , I .ilU . llrou.-i
tl * . Aidmin. Conmtinillun , Nt < rvuuM lr Mrutlo
-OXVI.VA rouit fiivit. cullor write , Thu bl'Kflf
OiVOf.S CO. Bull * WU Slietljr lilock , Oai U , % uli ,
livrrjtlilnc Imllentcs Its jipepdy Approach
\\lmttlicliiillr.Ttloii * Arc Conccrnlnc It
Ileporls from Europe which nro uppoirlnu In the
pnpprs ) IOIT tlmt tlio Brlpli broken nut lnntmi l
Tlolent form In linsltirul.nnil ttielmliratlflns nro lint
ltd commencing Its to.irtti anmn I lour of llio world
Thp phyalclnni hero In Amcrlcn report ninny people
surTerlnx from syaipt-mis nld h In'I'ills the coining
nnof Ilils terrible scourge , Wlillo tlicro may nut ns
7et tie on r-pMcmlr , tiipro nro rnouuli r c < nnd
cnnuitli srrlou * cn o toilumnml tlio crontcit corn niul
rnut.on , Tha p-ovcrb , "In tl-iio of pi'ieo | ircpnro for
wnr , " Is "no uf the mii < t Tnhi.ibto nln i pvor ut-
tcrcd. ThoKrlpnlth nil lt tniplpi niitnp ! , wllli nl ,
Its 95ilon no , with nil Us ilmcorr ran be prcfcntcil ;
If InHrn In llnio.ftittl If people promptly prop.iro tnr It'
'I hero Is but OIPI wnj to prcpiro for tlio romlnz on
of llio urlp niut thnt I * to tune up tlio j-stcni , tiul'i ! up
tlio pncrKle , Irpimtlipn tliollfo , n-ultliiis HTOI | | ll < >
ntlnrk b > IH-IIIIS thouniuliljT propiireJ fnrlhetii. Thl
cnnnot , liorpTvr , lipdonnotrppIninunny "Hint
wi'5 l bj tlicii'euf tdiiip pure Mlimilnnt. vhldi wil
Imlp Iho vllKl fono , Incri-iuo Ihp ilrriilullon nml
Mrenullien the llfo Koneriilly. 'Ilioris l , limrcvcr. but
ono ptlio niinllrnl kluiflrn lo tlio tnoJIn' '
itorlil or tlioAmerlr.ii pcoplo. Thnt MlmuZirtt liis
bcon liefnrn the public for ycnrs nnd Is pTicodlniitr
popular wllh luifi men nml women. It Is ItiilT/'s I'nro
Mult WhNkoy. It l not 11.1 orlln irwlilster. . but n
pmu mpillrliml one. Hi impulnrlly h woiulerfiil , unit
U Is rtuo onllrel ) to the fn ! ihil It Is supurlnr In
pvery wny. Tor iirpvpntlnii the coming of llio ( trip It
Isum-tiiin'o I , for It lortlllt-s the CJKIOIII tonlthstnml
Itn ntltiek' . O.iro uliumil bo taken thnt iu > ilruuiilst or
Kroeor soils joii ! < oaio other lil kt'y whleb ho mny
clnlm to bo Jint at jtood. ' 1 ln-ro 1 nothing which cnn
.Rko IU plnee.
rittuie nun : . ,
& P.
Tlioabovo brands of < rlo\cs lot-salo by
The Boston-Store
N.V. . ( . 'or. lJth ( and Douglas ,
STon can rertnco your -weight from ten
to tivcnty jioumlK a raontl ] , at home , with
out starving , ut reasonable cost by tlio use oi
Dr. Clarke's Home Treatment ,
perfected in many years practice , causes no
Hlckni-Ks or injury tn the lirnltii , Ishljjlily
Indorsed. Send for proofs nnd testimonials.
P. Q > . Drawer 133. Chicago , 111 ,
The Only 1'orfcct Vnclnnl
nnd llgutul SyrlnKO In tlio
Is tlio only cyrlnzo over
Inxon'ci ' ! Ity which vnKlnal
Injections c.m In ) HilinlnN.
tcriMl without It'a'tltu ; lid J
Mjllliu ; tlu I'luthintf or nt ! <
cuHMtatlnu thu 110 ol n vt3'
tul , anil wlikli ( .an uUn bo
u e < l lor ricta ! liiJeL'tluns or
MMT Ul'IIIJlJIt Iiri < ll
Price S3.OO.
AIill ; orders tml tclteil.
IBth Street ,
I'liyilctuin1 pri-sorlptlons
arotully i > * * dlif3Ll ut lovr
ll ( il ( I'otiUltrl.r Cured
> ! 'lfl < > .
It oan bo ci jcn la a cunot collcoor tea. or tn food.
without tlie tnomlpdcn oclho patient. It In abnolntf ly
harmleci * , and will oirect a pcrmaucnt and speed ?
cure , wtiother the patient U n moilcrato drlohcr or
uu alcoholic wreck. It lias been clvcn In thoumnds
of caicr. and in cvnry instance n perfect euro hue fol-
lowod. It nt\er litll . Tlioityatein once Impregnated
nlth til n Cprclflc. u becomes an utter Impnctlblllty
for thd lluuor appetite to exist.
Ulll.HRN M'r.ClFlO CO. , ITop'n. rinelnimll. O.
* H-nan luiofc nf t > rtl'"Ur free , To btf had of
Kuliii & fo. nth niid DoiislnsPls. , ISlli nnd
Ciiiuni-sU. Wliolo-J'ilo. ItiaUo. Itr it'o ti to. !
und Itli'li IIMSOII iiriiztin.Oni ilri N'ol )
llio htuniiih , liter and bowrl" , purl-
fy Hie Wood , nio i lo und cllif tunl | J
llio li.8tincimlni > knn nrorblllyufc- :
ncftf , foitfliimlifiii. d > ! upila. f ( > nlQ
In r/illi. IwMUru Inhe nrlliiirn , ! " . of
npfH'lltc , n > nlnl di'pii w.l < > n , | > olnfulft
dU'i'KtlDii. plniplri , mllow cmnnVi ;
1oiiniidpiiTydlM' M > rcbUltliiKir iii
hy is it that „
Pure White Lead
is the best paint ?
Because it will outlast all
other Paints , make a hand
somer finish , give better pro
tection to the wood , and the
first cost of painting will be
If a color other than white
is wanted , tint the Lead with
the National Lead Co.'s
Pure White Lead
Tinting Colors
These colors are sold in
small cans , one pound being
sufficient to tint twenty-five
pounds of pure White Lead
the desired shade ,
Be Careful
to use only old and well-
known brands of white lead.
The market is flooded with
adulterated Paints , and "so-
called" white leads. The fol
lowing are strictly pure "Old
Dutch" process brands , and are
established by a lifetime of use :
Tor cale by ( II t.iit class dalcr Jn Palnti.
If you re t'Ointf to iialn * . , ft will p l
vou to ccnd to us ( or a book conUlning li
formation thct may save you mpny a dollar ,
will only cost you a postal card to do * o ,
St. Louis Branch ,
Clark Avenue and Tenth Street.
St. Loutsf Mo. r
Our sales in the overcoat department Tor the
past few weeks have been a sort of a surprise
party even t purselves. Lot after lot of great
thick storm coats heavy ulsters business
overcoats dress overcoats heat producers of
every conceivable kind and description have
been piled out on our overcoat tables only to
disappear like republicans "when the returns
came in. " Great big stacks of garments rame
and were gone before our salesmen had time
to become fully acquainted with their merits.
We have tUread.y sold more overcoats so far
this season than * we ever before sold up to
Christmas and still the good work goes merrily -
rily on. Letter after letter telegram after tel
egram has been sent to our New York reore- '
and buy he has. 'For the past week we've been
receiving case ofter case load after load of
overcoats bought under value of manufac-
facturers who'd rat her "have money and room
than winter goods. Today they go on sale at
the verytime _ you need them most at Febru
ary prices m November. Six hundred magni-
cent genuine chinchilla overcoats lined with
heavy double warp serge with full velvet col
lar the same quality of garment which sold
two weeks ago at nine dollars go out in the
cold world at
apiece. Twelve hundred beautiful overcoats for business or
for dress cut in this season's length -in fine kerseys , cassi-
meres and chinchillas in blacks , blues , browns , tans , modes ,
grays and mixtures-some double and some single breasted- !
some lined with phid cassimerc , others with serge , Italian or !
Farmer satin some with velvet and some with self collars all
with full satin sleeve linings some of the same identical quail-
ties which sold for fourteen and fifteen dollars a month ago :
today any and every one at the uniform price of
Don't forget we sell Fi r Overcoats.
Corner Douglas and 14th Streets.
GvRr-wfijT r v *
Ask your shoe dealer for the
lew Jersey
equal. Price lists and discounts sent to dealers only. Big stock1. .
on hand.
' ' "
. T TTJ'HQTP'V" J. ,
Is romnrhablo among whiskies for Its
Purity , Rich Quality , Smoothnons and
Delicious Oouquot.
Sold only at High-class Drinlcing
Places and Driifi Stores , li your
Dealer docs not keep it ID stock.
Write to
Financial lld'wnec : Nat'l ' Bank oT Commerce , Omaha.
No IKTINTION : from btiBlnnss. No Oponitlon , '
InvcsllL'iiio ciur Mntliod.Vrlttiiu uuitrunteu to abao-j
lutuiv Curuiill kinds uf Ulll'TDItnof bolh Kixe.s.wl'
ma 1)10 ) iibu u ! Kiillo or Byrln u , no mattur of Liow lu
Tlie 0. E. P/1ILLER /
307-30Q II , Y. LIFE BLDO. , OMAHA , HEB.
rJond for fJirculur.
Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
- -