THE DATTAr u noar.WATMt , KVKUY MOHNING OFFICIAL PAPER O ? THE Umlr nco iwllnoul nn1w ) Ono Vnr . r J tn in.lnr . leur . IU W Fix. Month * Ihrto Montli * . 2 HI Hmrtfir Year ton 1 M I'no I W OKKICKA ipnn.iii . Fotilh fimnliii. rorr.rr N nmVlti Street j. ( onnell Illiui ? . U 1'i-nrl f\ti \ > ft. Chlcneo orucc. 317 rimnilipr ot rominorc" New > ofk. llonn.D 19,11 unit r..TH ! > uno llalMlns t'OllUKSroNOUNOK.1 All rommiinlrnllopi. tPUtlnir to ncw tdllnrlHinMtrt dlioulrt tu nittlrcssad to Iho Ill IXKSS J.KTTT.Il' . rM Irttcri nn < 1 romllUncc * fhoiihl IIP rd U ) T li" Too I'nMlnhliiirl'onipiinr. Omnlin. clirnml imitnfflru onlers lo t insilo II conliir or Uio TIIK HUM HWOKN STATr.MBST OP CUICU.ATION. Hlnln uf Nl'lir.iskn. ( , Counlr lit l"i Kln . OtorKo It. 1 r-rhui-k. scrrclnrr " r Tl1 ; ' "I1,1 , "hi ; lltlilnir company. 'I'1" loli'innly HWPIT Hint Ihp "c mf clrc IMI..II . "f 'I in : I'-- * "VB r"r lll ° Wl''lk ! I" . ISW. follow. Hiuiilnr , NorciiilirrH < , r'-\\y \ \ Monilny , .NiiTuiiilicr 14 ' " Tiirmlar. Niivpiiilipr tl. . . \Vfi1nC9iln7. Nn > PinlicrlO 'lluiMilny. Nn pmtcrl7 Trlimy , Miti-inliiT H Bulnnlny , NotrmliirlU ' ' " GKoilUK II. T/.M III" K. Sworn lo l.ffiirn rai nml milncrllieil In my lircs- cnco Mils I'Jtli rt y of Sovpintinr. IK' . ' . - " .V. I' . KKIIi. Notury i'libllc. Olrriiliilliin lor ( lumber , 31 Wr. AIM : n'oasrcl to observe Unit tlioro is no squatter doniinr.tion in this town. Tim Panama tiinal : fcooins to bo u BUCC083 in crippling Us promoters nnd rn/.lng French cabinots. WHAT this country is panting for is a good , liberal iloso of frco tratio. Let us liavo it right in the ncclc. TIIK lot of the republican foiloral ofllco holtlar will not bo a happy ono during tlio next throe or four months. A roruu.ST paper lia-5 boon started nt Oswopo. Kan. , called 7//c / / Crunk. Thut piper oii'lit } , to succocd in ATTENTION h called to tbo fact that Ignatius Donnolly'n ciuhcr lias networked worked out liisoloc-lion from the figures HO far submitted. winter gnrbtigo cart is an excel lent institution. It really Booms that there is such a tiling in Omaha as mu nicipal good sense. IOWA und Nobr.ii.ka kick foot ball at this plauo on Thanksgiving day. Last year Iowa won , but this year the No- braskn foot will Vnvo its inning. THE perfect hnrmony and undying affection which proverbially exists be- twcon nil musicians is having a vivid manifestation in this village just now. TIIK Iowa Unitarians in session ut Kcokuk last wcelc pissed resolutions i favoring the opening of the World's i f < iir on Sunday. The Iowa Unitarians nro ft sensible band of Christians. TIIK ftrifo among leading demo crats for the position of head spoilsman i waxes warmer from day to day. It is very dilllcult to say who will succocd in winning the favor of the president-elect. AN UNi'iMNC'H'Mm wag lias sent to this ollico a prediction made by Tin : BIB last May. Wo submit that this is unfair. In May wo had no adc'quato conception of the virility of democratic lies. GKOIIOK I. BAGLKY'S method of securing - curing n fortune was scarcely loss reprehensivo than means employed by others , but ho lacked thu nerve tlmt oharaotorii'cd tlio operations of the miccessful ones. A MOII of democrats ut Lexington , Ivy. , howled down Senator Ulnckburn nt n rallllca'tion mooting last week and would not allow him to spoalc because lie opposed Clovoland'ri nomination. Tlio senator will got in his howl when the appointment of any Lexington dem ocrat is sent to the floimto for confirma tion. TIIK lad who lost a log while playing on the railway tractcs tit Twentieth Btrcol has learned tv lesson , but soino- liow thcso accidents iiovor scorn to have nny effect as object lessons to other boys who jump about d of moving trains. Nothing f > ho"t uf force can prevent them from risking life and limb in that fascinating amusement. Tnu lurgo number of now streets now Doing graded in the western purl of the oily indicates tliut there is u growing belief in the future of Omaha. It is ox- l sotod that there will bo nn unusual number of dwellings oroctcd during the coming year and u demand for building lots on thcso now thoroughfares is nn- ticiputod. Tun appointment of ox-CJovornor Wil liam M. Stone of lowu to bo commis- hionor of the laud olllcc , vice Carter , resigned , awards to the old low.'ui an honor which he has tiirlco sought. ' Ho has bcon assistant commissioner during Harrison's administration tuid iv candidate for ihu place whun Carter was appointed las yo'ir. Ilu was gov ernor of low i in the' early seventies iind bus bcon in politics for forty years. THOSU who urge that boo.iuio the ( lomoorat'c ' pii'-ty was successful in the 1'ito election it In not the business of the republican party to correct the mis. ttikea of the democrats do not take the proper vlow of the duty of u great p'irty which forti third of u century Ins done moat patriotic aj-vico to the nation. The suggestion that the p irty should novvliold olT its hands and allow the democracy to commit unchallenged all torts of tallied and blunuor * ia prompted l > y chagrin and dosjrvos no sort of on * couragutnont. The ronublican party will contlnuo to w.itchfuliy guard the inturcsU of the paonto , nnd iui dumo- cratlo polloy whlcli tin-catena to Injure tlio country will ha pa-inlttcd to pass imchullpiigcd. Thu party in opposition hiis.u grout work to do and will faith-V /ully perform it. OA7V1' A TKMt'OHAlirJWTOHSK. . Secretary Poster undoubtedly voiced the fcellti. ; of republicans very gener ally whun ho said Hint the policy of Ainori'-an protection hits rocr'vod n ro Hint is but lorapornvy thai the people really ucliovo In It mid will en dorse it in the next content. In n sim ilar vein was the declnrnlion of tlin Homo Market clu'i of Hoitnn a fe-v daya ago that iirolcclion is Iho icpumican walchwor'l for the futnro. It is manIfnstly nn orro'ieott * ussuinp- lion , tw wo pointed out Immeilintoly after Iho oleullon , that the solo signlll- canco of republican defeat win the dis missal of tlitnrotoclivo princlplo from our system of ntitionnl economy. Un- ( liiestionnhly there was di * alisfiK'tion with tlio tarilf , but strangely onotigh this was chielly manifested In sections where the proplu nrc siipposcil to durlvo Iho grcittc.-t 'ocncills from the tarilT. The workingtncn of iho uianiifacturlng dif-lrii'ts in largo nuiulicrs cnst tlfc'lr vole ? iig'iinst Iho ] > arty of protection , not bcC'iuso t'ify ' dc'lrod lliodc-triietlon of that principle , lint for the reason that Ihoy full thny were not receiving iln-ir share of the benefits of tlio oxNling tarilT. It it not worth v.-hilo to consider whether they .voro mistaken or not in tills view , bul it SB cntirolv safe to hay that not \vorkingmnn cmp'oycd in ti mill or fuctivy who voted with Iho tlem- ocrany inlundod to cndnr o Iho pltitform declaration of that ptrly agatiii't pro- lection. The light for the tclontion of the pro tective principle will go on. The re publican puriy will not abandon to its onuimos this bulwark of American progress mid mojperily , and there is strong reason to bo'.iovc ' that long be fore the Umo of electing another run- grcss is reached the pooplc will be most tully convini'cd of the mi-aauo that wan made in giving the democratic party the power lo revise the UrilT in the direc tion ot fn-o I radc. The democracy ox- pucU ti iciiuwal of the conies' ' , on the issue of p-otectlon This U Miown by the fart that in splto of t.m braggart declarations of their plutform and their leaders thuy do not dare to iiaatiil the principle of potcrtou : ; by any net look ing to its viol.ition. They do not oven venture lo outline their plan for reduc ing wlrit thcv huvo denonnrcd as a war tarilT. In this they confu i Iho improg- nubility of iho republican position on this vital quostion. The friends nf protection do not propose - pose to ubandfin il Hopnblicnns evcry- wlioro will heartily respond tn the decision of the Home M-u-kct club of Boston to loaintaln a persistent fight for the retention of tlio protective principle , uad within two years that policy will have n larger body of followers than it lias over had. u/ > iv'.rr.IT / ( > TIIK The Columbian oxpo.-ution without an adequate exhibit of the educational organization nnd development of the United States wou'd bo defective in ono of its most important objects , us these are understood by the people ut largo. Let it bo ail milled that the chief pur- pose of the enterprise is to illustrate what the nation has accomplished in material development and it still re mains trtto that to omit to show the world what has been accomplished for intellectual growth , or lo make such a showing inadequate , would bo to greatly impair the usefulness of the exposition and to seriously detract fiom its char acter. The American people are jually proud of their educational system and no effort should be spared to inuko the world butter acquainted \vith it. It is as much to the honor and glory of the country as any otlior achievement of the American people , and it would bo a ro- proneh lo the n ttion to neglect it at u lime when wo are inviting till peoples to como nnd see what wo have attained in all the lines of human progress. ll appears that there is great dan- gor of the educational interests of the country being unprovided for at the ox- position. After having issueu invita tions to all the stales to prepare educa tional exhibits , whicti were very gen erally accepted , and given that ample space would bo provided for &ucli exhibits , , it ia now said that the Chicago authorities of the exposition have practically withdrawn tlio promise of space. If such n decision has boon reached it ia most unfortunate , what ever tlio ro'tsons for it may ho , and it should bo reconsidered at once. If there arc , as alleged , any interests in connec tion with the exposition which believe they would bo bonulllod by having the education il interests ignored , they must bo told that the American people value nothing above tlmt great system of pop ular education which is the bulwark of the republic and tlio safeguard of free institutions. No consideration for any ether or for all other iniurodtri would justify us in not giving education a con- spicious place in connection with the ex position. The friends of. education everywhere should urouso themselves nnd take prompt action to secure at the World'a fair a piopor and itTloqunta exhibit of tlio C'hicatioiml organisation and duvol- opmont of the United StatcH. Tlio oxp- bltion will not 1)3 complclo williont this and there is no lime to bo lost if cdtio.i- tlon is going to bo given its just show of consideration. .1 FIHI.VISI O The increase in the capital block of the I'mlahv Packing comp'iny from $750,000 to S.'ViOUjOJ : ) means u great deal to South Omaha , where the principal plant ol the great company is estab lished , Many hundreds of thousands of dollars huvo bjen expondoJ by the Cudahy concern in Q mtli Omaha , and this largo lucroas'j in tlio capital utock indicates that the end is not yet There is good ground for the belief that the loading men ongu oa in the moat busi ness rog.ird South Omaha as the coming cantor of that business In tha United Stutoi Tlio great growth of all the packing concerns there aurlng the past few months gives color to this view , and the fact that thu South Omaha meat companies nro now doing n far greater business than they did last year at this tune , while In nil other packing centers the business is falling elf , goes 10 show that the mcut business iu tlio Magic City is making rapid giutu over that in other places v Perhaps it is not a matter of much \ I consequence ( uhcther South Onlnlia ; take * toeon 1 or < > von llrnt rank a a meat centi'i1. The magnitude of t'lo ' . UH | IIPH done i of llr t ttiuiortntici * , atui I the ( | UGsliuii of fiuproait'i-y is vomparnj j lively hulgnillcnnt. The free invest ment of fipitnl and tlio rapid growth of hu.'ini-ss in our local pno'dug ' concerns is the. people liK'o to sco. i.ttrA'riuis \ or Tiiu wide dllTuronco in the laws of thu various slsitos in roj-inl to rates of In- nnil poimltiiM for usury forniH tin tiinl lUirtous stuily. The low- c t loyal rate proviiloJ by tiny slnto or Icrrilory is o pur < : oiit , uiitl tills is oon- Jluctl to the Htitc3 of fllluols anil Louis- hum. The 0 pur oont r.Uo is thi most couunoii and prevails In Arlcansus , Con- iiDCtii'tit , Dcltiwttro , District of C'oliuu- bin , Iiiiliann , hiilliin Torrltory , Iowa , Kotititoky , Mtine , Mlnnusotu , Missouri , New llaiupjliirc. Mow . New MO.VICO , Now Yorl ; , N'ortli litia , Ohio , IVniKsylvanla , Ulioilo Tutitios eo , 'iV\-H ! , Vorinonl , Virginia anil Wo t Virtriniii. Tlio 7 per oonl r.itu id foiiml in Ari/.oita , C'liUfornhi , luor ! ji.t , Xobrnalcn , NoMtJii , North Dulcol-t , Oklahoma , South Carolina , Dakota , and Wisconsin. In Alabama , Coloita'o , Florida and Oregon S per rout is the rule. It is rather odd that no lito in Iho union has selected ' . ) or II percent , though 10 per cent Is the law in Montana , Utah ami Washing ton , while in Wyoming 1" per cent is the lawful rate. No laws exist in the following named htalcs as lo the limit which parties may tig'eo ' to respecting the rate to bo paid : Ari/.ona , California , Colorado , Con necticut. Delaware , Maryland , Mtissa- I'huselts , Maine , Montana , Nevada , Knoilc Island , Utah , Washington and Ari/.ona. In Idaho , Now Mexico , North Dakota , Okluhonri and South Dakota not more than 11 ! per conttmiy be agreed lo. Not more than 10 per cent may bo ngrocutoin Arkansas , District of Colum bia , Florida , Indian Territory , ICansns , Minnesota , Mississippi , Nebraska , Oregon gen , Soulh C'arolinti and Wisconsin. The S per cent limit is fixed in Ala bama , Georgia , Indiana , Iowa , Louisi ana , Michigan , Missouri , North Caro- inn and Ohio , while in Illinois the imit is 7 per cent. Not lo exceed 0 per cent may bo agreed to in Kentucky , Now York , Now Jersey. New Hamp shire. I'eiinsylv.inia , Tennessee , Ver mont , Virginia and West Virginia. In Connecticut not more than ( i per cent is allowed by the terms of the law , Uid yet no penalty is attached for its violation. In a number ot states there .s no law prohibiting usury. In twelve slates the penalty is the forfeiture of all iho interest , and in three , namely , Now York Arkansas and . - iho , O.-ogon , pun- illy is the forfeiture of both principal und intotost. In li vest-lies the contract is forfeited , and in tou the interest above the legal rate is null and void. In thrco states , Nebraska , Iowa and Now .loraoy , the interest and costs are forfeited for u.Miry , and in Kansas and Now Hampshire respectively the for- loiturc is double and thrice the excess of interest. In Idaho niono is a usurer lia ble to arrest for misdemeanor. These- examples n fiord evidence that the paop'o ' of the dilTorent states enter tain widely different views concerning Lhcaltio of money and the relations of the borrower and lender. While U is perhaps natural that rates of interest should bo higher iu the west than in the east it is Iiard to account for the differ ences tnat exist in st.ites in which the value of money cannot be supposed to dilTor much if at all. The great varia tion in rc.ipsct to usury is especially curious nnd interesting. inn Kinur SCHOOLS. The sunarintendcut ot the public schools of Omaha will recommend to the Hoard of Kduu.itioti ut its next meeting the opening of a numourof night schools for the benefit of these who for various roasuns are unable to attend tlio day schools , hast winter a number of nignt schools were opened and mot witii great success , the attendance being greatly inexco-ihof the anticipations of these who were responsible for the enterprise , It is now p-oposoJ , very properly , to limit the attendance to children not under the ago of 1.3 years. All under that age should bo pupils in the day schools , for it is neither neccsi'iry ' nor expedient that children below that ago should bo so occupied tiiat they cannot tnko advantage of the opportunilios olTored by the regular public hchools. There appears to bo a tendency among children who nro able and willing to work to neglect tha day schools and attend thosevhich are only open In tlio evening. This ni'iybo duo in eomedogreo to tlio wishes of parents and guardians who are uncommonly thrifty , and who bollovo that children should be inudo to Day their own way ns soon us they nro strong enough. The advantages of Iho night school have b'cn ( amply demonstrated by ox- poriunco , not only in Omah.i but in every city where they have boon ostab- lUhoil. Tnoy are chiolly useful to these who for various reasons huvo boon pro- vonlcd from attending tlio common schools in thuir childhood and Imvo grown up in ignoranco. To tills class they should bo confined , and every effort Hhotild bo made to induce adults who need education to attend these schools which nro opened lo tliom during tlio leisure hours of ovoning. nonit citunir is i > nuriTAnr-R , In the wcoUly report of the local man ager of ] 5. G. Dim .S : Co. , it is seated that u loading insurance company will BOOH reinovo its ollli-o from one of the largest cities in Kansas to Oinuha , thus trans ferring its loan business to Nebraska , Oocauso of the good credit which thia Btulu has sustained during the lust few yearn. Without rellcetlngatall upon Kansas , which is really a prosperous state iu wplto of all that has been buid lo tlio contrary by political dcoififroguea , it is pleasant to bu ublo to say that Nebraska is inking rank IIH ono of tlio best stutos in the union for tin. safe Investment of money. Tlio prophets of calamity have proclaimed Onunclul dlmistor in this btsito for many months paul , but it does not appear that they huvo boon able to destroy iu reputation. Never In the history of Nebraska has there been such r- . - . i Hi demand for farming land ns now , and Iu every city i } . " settlement in the slnlo n marked niUvuicn has bcon shown In nil ontorprlstijifdcpondant upon the general ( growth' ' ' 'in population und wealth. This cAif have but ono moan ing. It means 3i\nply \ that Nebraska Is prospering and 'that nil legitimate investments in liila'eluto are good. Nonopv over iioars of a Chinaman wishing to establish himself in Canada or Mexico , and ydt thousands of the celestials are cim/lug into the United Slates through tfio'jo conn trios. Mexico is willing to keep thorn , nnd so is Can ada if they will pay a tax. They will not go to Hra7.ll , though that country is willing to receive them. They want lo como to the United States , and It is very diflieult to kopp thorn out. Not a few but millions of Chinese are de sirous of finding homes in this country. It has been decided that thuy ahull not bo received here upon equal lorms with ether immigrants , bill they will always llnd some way to ovjulo and defeat out laws. Il is very easy to declare that they shall not bo purmittoil to como hero , but lo kojp tiiorn'out appears to bo another matter. Tuost : who do business with banks will ho interested to learn that the Hunkers' Association of Illinois has pissed n resolution in favor of the abolition lition of the customary three days of grace. The iimondmmit of the present law in accordance with this resolution is demanded by the association. There will naturally bo much opposition to this aclioinimong these who nro bo'rowers of money. \YII1 Tliry lilnuIn Viiln ? ir < t fiii/im ( ( / ( I'fitt. Mr. Cleveland's door boll is holne pitron- irod hy certain gentlemen who raaUo very uurelmblo predictions at Chicago. Anil Unlit On. It U unt eunuch for a man to know n peed tiling when liosetM it. He must also seize a good thing when ho tcnows it. All I.ICIIIUlIt I > \Vl-llklU-4X. . Atbl li J iinidl. Too raouhlicans won without oftlcos in IbSs. The democrats won without the foiJeral onii-cs Iu 18U. ! Federal onice ? nro a source of weauncss rather than slrimglh. ArtllieUl Tliumlur. , M I'M icttcti Kruntner. The govurnment has sout a now ovpcultion into Toxni with tons of dynamite wherewith to batter the tlmo loeu of the reservoirs ot hoavun. Wnolhor of not u cloud CAII oe fooled by lov thuudoj. ' into iiprliiQini ; n leak is a problem Hint. is'fadiHriK to tbo riches of the man wtio ma'.tes explosives , anil in iiiUil- ilon urtorns 'Jcxas u pyrotucbnical u is piny of superior merit. , lUlts in tun UloniH. At a meetlnp of Mothodlst minister In Now York n day or two ago , one of the rov- cruuil speakers said' that "Iho vast majority nf mankind are In Ueatbcndom now , and many bavo notovbn > heara ot the gospel. " Any statement nf tbU kind mndo SIQCO the 8th inst. lias oar aincora out sorrowful en- dorsoiuent. In fact , wo t ouRht for a few days that tbn whole country had loft hoavnn in the rear nml porfb bcotnliiR down. Out thiiiL-s bavu changed for tbo belter , although ovidcni'o of com plcto reformation may ba de ferred four y cut's. " i Tlio Cry for .Uoru SUiUu. New I'mk iTiiu. The ilay u last approaching when tha District of UoluinbU will oo the last of the territories , and wlion the United States will he u union of IHtv sovoruiKa common wealths , c'jvorliiff cvory inch of American boll bo'wcuu ' tno waters ot the Atlantic and of the 1'aciflu. Tnat day couuot IOUK ho postponed , and it certainly shoulu not bo dtlajoU by the sloth ot n democratic couuress in aealiiig witU n qupstiou whict concerns moro nearly the national domain than it dooi any small matter of potty par tisan inajoiity. Open tha doors for the torrilorius ontltlea tj statehood I Falrnois to all and no dlicriiulnatkm. An A conauctnr on a , New York railroad pro- poses that the 100.000 omployes in that state subscribe n dollar a tnontb , or $1,200,000 per year , for the purchase of railroad stocks , to bo managed by a committee , wilb a view of employes obtaining n voice in tbo manage ment ot the coinpunias. and BO securing bet ter wnses nnd pravun'.lni ; strikes. The idea sounds'slinplc , but many acburcli-fiuor will romcmber how Borne zealous younn uastor nus endeavored , to ndont the same plan. K.ic'u member was to lvo n small sum per iliiy for the church erection fund , out some- now the theory mid practice of this plan are at vnrmnco , nml it will bo found that the 100.00J railroad men of New Yoris will not unanimously agrco to HUbscrlLo $1 nor month out of their wanes for such a purpose uuU consent to It * management by "a committed. " Human nature is the dotcrrlutr factor in these "iriuescont droams. " lErtui'114 ' . to I'luxim Tliiiin. \ \ ' < nhlnijtnn blur. Uomorrals * who laughed loudly nud long when 1'rosidont Glovolaiid pucod the rail way mull scrvico under the protecting wing of civil scrvico legislation , nro most In- dlcimnt now because there seems to ba a probability of uu extension of the civil sor- vlco'rule ? lo iho government printing olJIco. That , a movement which promises to nro- inota Hupiilnesi and prosperity should tui'i-t ' with opposition' is unnaturally natural. Man's ' Inhunmuliv to man Is no less marked nml no lev ) cruel than it \ \ at whoa Burns put hit recrots on that score into verse. Democrats toll hoHrtronaln.'f stories of inlscrv caused by dismissals consoqiicnt upon iho incoming of tlio Harrison adminis tration , and yet tbov Insist that others ahull stillar slmllarlv , or worse , because Mr. Cleveland comes Into power nr-xt Murcu , From n purely business Biumlpoint tlio sys- tum nf quadrennial pmnvo | is 'Vitho'U ' reason - son ; vimved through tiu'uamtariaa ' eyas It Is abominable. > ' ' The manuscript of General Loncstreot'a new booli is nlinoU r'eJuy to go into tlio hunds of the printer. The into dulce of Marlborouch was insured for about $ lf > lJCMO ) , und , iillowlni ; for tbo policies la iho liunds'pf ilia mnnoy londi'ra , it li supposed thnt ttiero wilt bo a million erse so reserved for ttio dUclii ss. Jnsoph Mcdill oLjJio Chlcjco Tribune , bavin ? tot tliroiiu-li with nU campaign work , will seel : rest and reiuiooration in hU winter liaine , near LOJ Angelti ? , Mr.BluIno will bo the Ruest of Mr.'iiaa MM. Modill iu their charming homo. J < / Tlio tlireo dontlew'of Berlin , Dresden ana Leiiiski who have tlfo largest nnd moi.t ve- muneratlvo oraetlru3vio ; rospoctlvoly Messrs. Sylvester , JeuKins und Youncr , nil natives of Maine. The two lust mentioned were formerly residents ot Banpor. Sylvester and Jenkins ure court dentists , Four years ago , It is e&ld , Ham- bon wont to bad on tha nielii , of election ue- fore no knew the result. Tbo wife of ( jeii- ural liaueock aeclaroii tlut tbo latter xvont to bed BtT.o'clocU In the evening on election day , ISS'J , bcinfr too tired to itwait news. Nnxt ntornliiiT ho awoke at iiawa und asued if thorn wore any uellnlto tidings. Upon lior reply , "Voj , .vou are beaten , " Uo turued over and went to kleep acnln. Nathaniel K. Barry of Bristol , N. Ii , , is tbo oldest HvliiLT ox.L-ovenior of a state iu the United State ? . If ho survives until September 1 , IbM. bo will bo a contonurlan. Hu was a bov of vurv buinblo pare 111111:0 , Dccaroo a tuunpr , as General Grant aid , and In 1SUI was elected governor of Now Hamn- shiri' . Ho is Rtlll a mno of considerublo pliVBlcal nml of unusual mental vicor , partly , bo tblnks , for tb.o reason that bo lias not touched tob.icoo for thirty years , nor spirit uous llqulrs for mom thtm sixty. uowl Wllllnni.T. llnjncs , n.St , LouU engineer , who will bo lot year * old on Christmas day , tins lind n career of remarkable Interest. Ho Is n soldier of three wars witn n record for bravery In onch of thorn , nni < ho was Iliu engineer of the first Mcnmbcut up Iho Mis sissippi , nnd of tbo pioneer looomntlvo on the Missouri Pnclflc railway. Until two years IIRO Ilnynes followed his trade ree- ularly , nnd 'ho Is still an active ami hourly centenarian , who says tlmt lie "Ims used tobacco ( or olnhty .Tears nnd lias never been sick n day , " _ Till : tVIH/.V/.T .lU/fi/fS. Washington Posit The cabinet game lias opened , nml , so far ns Indiana's ox-governor Is concerned , 1'usey wants n corner. Now Yoric World : ( Jcnoral P. A. Collins of Massachusetts lias tlio honor of bclntr the llrst man called to the next cabinet , The honor Is not nt all lessened by the lad that tbo call comes only from a vor.v general ex pression ol nubile opinion. New York Advertiser : Major Charles II. .fonos. the editor of tbo St. Louis U-jpttblici not likely to ba overlooked by Mr. Cleveland when his selection of ti cabinet Is made. Mr. . ( ones ha * lena boon a pronounced advocate of Mr. Cleveland , mid is onn ot his warm per sonal friends. Ho i thoiiRht to bo the most likely person to whom the portfolio of the Interior will bo offered. St. Louis Globe-Democrat : Governor Hus- Roll Is sugcestcd fern cntlnot post , but II is reasonably rcitaln that ho will not accept anything of the sort If It bo offered him. As n democratic governor of a republican stale wno ciii curry tlmt , state even in a presi dential year , bo Is n far blRci-rtigtiro than ho could bo if tu the cabinet. Ho can keep bltn- self botoro the ueoplo bailer In bis picscnt post , nnd uill bo a much moro formidable ti - piratic for Iho presidency. PhllHdclphln Press : Pennsylvania has r.o claim j for u cabinet oulcer , ami only Rpeoliil IndlvMual | merit could commnnd'such mi honor for our stuto. ViowliiB It from tlmt standpoint , there Is only ono natro tnat could tie considered for such honors that of Wil liam F. Harrity. TT T.s. _ .rnhn Jensen of Klllmoro and Charles II. Ivcckloy of York are the latest aspirants for the siioaUcrslnp of the lower hoiuo of tbo next legislature. Thu latter Is rcculvoC with particular j , ; favor b > many republicans. Judco J. II. Uroady of Lincoln , who wns the dmnourntlc nomlnco for the supreme Ucnch u year ago nnd who withdrew from Lho rncu early iu the campaign , is now being Sroouud and boomed for the United States ! > euati > , subject to the expressed wishes or the next legislature. Congressman Itryun Is busily engaged In declaring to tun Independents" ho is the only man witnln the borders of tbo state of Nebraska who stands the ghost of n show of being elccloil Uiiitcd states senator bv the democrats anil Indopamlonts , and thu't ho alone ! of all the aspirants can proparly I > o considered ucompromlsucandidnlo. bevoral of tbo democratic leaders nrahustllnearourid witb equal activity , insisting that he has compromised himself and the party so much alioady that be need not count on their sup port or the united nssHtuiico of tbo parly under whose banner ho has lloitud into ofliico a couple of times. .W/f.S. r.K.H > K'A .I.1//UT/O.V. Chicago Times : Mrs. Lease wants to bo a United .States senator , but tbaro are cnouqh old women in the senate already. Indianapolis News : Mrs. Lease moans to creak into the ( Tnitod States sunato via Kan sas. It ii neoaiess to say that that body Is thorou bly alarmed. Chicago 'Irlbuno : II Mrs. Loasa were a man sbo might stand a irood ihance : of bcinc the next ' senator from Kansas , Yet If she wero' man abc wouldn't bo Mr * . Lease Philadelphia Ledger : Mrs Lsaso is poinp to bo a candidate for the United States senate - ate from Kansas "if the constitution doesn't bar her , " There have boon a few nice old ladled in that body , but they xvore not of Airs. Leaso's sox. New York Commercial : SInce the demo crat * in Kansas voted with the farmers alli ance or populist party , it la onlv ncht that tooy should go the full length of their policv anil support Mrs. Leasts for the senate. If the harangues maJo by that person nro sam ples of the bert of oratory that she would tuvor'he senate rlinmb rwltb , she would bo u great acquisition to the domocrattu imijor- itv. Her style is what ono might call demo cratic , too. That it to say , it is batter calcu lated to entu iso an audience at the Hoffman house than a congregation in Trinity church. St. Paul Gljbo : Whatlu the world , or , at leust , Iu the United .States , would wu do without Kansas i Where- would the fun como j' ' in politics U Kansas weren't here to fur nish It i The Sunllower state is the clown of Ibis all-star aggregation of common wealths , and don't you forgot it. You couldn't forget it if you would tharo isn't time enough between Joucs for that. More over , the jokes ara not of the btercotvpod circus pattern ; they ore cloligntfully unique and diverting and brue/y. V/hero else , for Instance , than in the humnribtio fecundity of Kansas could the droll idea of sending "Whiskers" J'effcr to the snriato have orig inated ( What state but Kansas could have conceived thu Jerry Simpson joico and stuck to llbo nersNtontly I And whoncoolso , wu should like to unow , could corno this u-o- sUiibly fetching suggestion that Mis. Mary Lease , the whoopluirama/on of the boundless prairies , bo driped In the classic folds of u Benatoriol logat WA J i > i Y nut rim St , l.onU Mi'iulinrffiil ( Im < lril r Aililresxeil ! > ) tlie f.f.iilurK. ST. LOLMS Mo. , Nov. 20. Though Sunday Is usually n dav of rest for ivorklngmon , today was , for many of the ofliccri and dele gates attending the sixteenth general con vention of the Knights nf Labor , a very busy ono , Messrs. Powder ! } ' , faovoricu , Cavannunh , Alright , Devlin ami othor.s in I lie afternoon addressed assemblies of workingmen - ingmon at Hast St. Louis anil other nuar-uy cities as well as several local organizations. Such committees as are not yet through tholr work put in the day arranging it so t at It ir.ny bo most r.peodiU disposed of. 1V ut Into tlin Oltcli. Momi.r , Ala. , Nov. 'J3. Ton mlloj souih of Jackson , the Houlh-bound train on the Mobile & nirniinguum railway Jumped the track this inoriiiniT and wont aown an em bankinontInto u ditch. Of the thirty pis seniors in the cars all escaped with slizht Injuries except JCdwnrd Adams , n traveling salesman for Sto.irns ft Co. of Cincinnati. Ho received serious internal Injuries. ICrinl ) for III" , Nr.w Out KAN * , La. , Nov. 20. V. A , Oaon- liall , president , of the Board of Tr.iue , states tlmt arrancrmonth are completed * for the muionut canal COIIBIV S of bus- ! nois men organisations lo assemble hereon on November ! ! U. Clifcheil the frightful Inronds of Kuofula mid nil Mood-taints. Or. 1'iui fp' Golden - en JUxlii'al Dis covery jiu rill en ' nnd enriches the lilood , the hystcni of ( ill Impurities , njjil icstnrea health und t > trciiglh , It cnrc nil diseases arUlng from imjiuio lilood. Conminiition h oiio of them. It's [ ily lung-wmniln. In nil its isarlier stages , Iho "Discovery " clfi'Cta n cuiv. It's < -osy to woliy. . The inedlcliio that mn-slt-ra ucrolulii in ono port , U the Ix&t remedy for it iu an other , It ii the Uoht. It's wiu-j-untal. It's Iho only liUxxl nml lung itanoily tlmt's gwtr- anteeit to lx > ; itQt or cure , or the money will lx > refunded. No other inodlcino of Its rlusx does it. How ninny would Ito left If thuy Uid J It's the f/ir ; > r ( lilooil-iiurlfler , told ( Iiroiigh dniggistu , ( no matter how many doses are affcml for u dollar , ) liecauso you wily [ ay for the ijuoil you utt. Tliut's the kind of mcdldiio to try. Your money is ictunicU it It dotn't bou - fit or euro you. Oou you ask more I HOW TO AVOID A DEFICIT Democratic rinnnolora Now EugAgatl iu Discu's'.iig the Subject. IAY IMPOSE A DIRECT INCOME TAX MIMIC. Mrml.eri of ho I'nrty TliInK 1111 In. ItriMiiio Could Ho Secured ( runt tlin million. nt the Country. vnuamuorTiir. Her , > ' t'otmTCENlll SrilKRT , > \\ASII1M1TO.V , D. 13. , NOV. ' . ' 0. I III vlow of the ronmtod nnnouticcinont U.v Iho democrats during the cAtnpalc.n nnd blnco that , a uollclt Iu tlio treasury 1 * in- vitablo , mid In vlow of tno coiicoMl'ons of ronit'rjr ' oftlclals tbat tUls clollcit will occur , bout thu onU of tlic Ilrst year of tlio omocratlo administration , the iroblcin tliut Is now voslat tlio Humidors of Uo democratic party is how to rnlio sufil- clcnl revenues for tlio overtime-it without lomtlnc ami dlsrcRnrilliiQ tlio sole-inn itcilRoi of luo partv plutform U re poll tlio MclCinloy tarllT. When Iho MclClnlnv illl wns uoforo congress the domorrnU icltt t&at It woula lunno.Kurubiy iicro.tso the revenues , but nftor olKhteoii noutbs of trlnt it is foiinil thiit It uirns in oss thnii expected. Free sugar anil hlnh uutieu upon certain articles which prolix1- ion has caused to bo manufactured in thli country , Imvo cut down Iho import * of ilutj- laylnu sooils to the inlnlmutn. Siimntlitii ) ; of tlui 1(040111 rri. To bourn with , the democrats nro plcugcil o nlnco wool on the Jreo list und to inatorl- ally rcduco the duty upon cerium wonlun j ; oods , which must reduce the revenues nt cast $10,000,000 a year. Other reduction * ire expected to further reduce tlio IOVOIIUPS au ; KiO.UOO.CMO or { fiD.OOO.OOJ a. vcar. The aemocrntlo pirly will Iho MIRIH ? loiinty , however , and tills \\I11 save irom UOUO,000 ( o 510,000,000 aummlly. Tills will recliicd the total loss of ravnnuu o between WO.UOO.OOO and $1DI)00,000 ) year. U'lio uoliclt under thu wesent is estimated at from flU.OOJ.UUO to ? < li ) . KKlK)0 ) ) , should notl'lni : bo done in the iv.iv of DKlsluilon raUlnc or reduoins Iho rovenuni. 11 will DO soon thai If the democrats make ; ooil tholr promises in repealing tlio McKtu- oy law tho.v must at the sumo tlmumako pro visions for raising at loan 100.000,000 moro revenue aniuiallv. It is conceded bv demo- craw that there are are onlv two mo'ilioii't of mediae this contingency. On'j is bv adopt ing n direct income tux , which wlU'coinnol everyone who has an Income , from whatever bourco , to nnv u certain tax to the govornmoiit. The nilninviui In come v/hich shall pay a tax is liuured ut any where between f'J.OOO anil fct.OJ.I annually * . The other plan Is to adopt KiiKlunu'd direct tax law , which compels all persons oayinc a bill or ivlnuu chock or draft or order for ? 10 and upward to use an Internal revenue stamp ropreacnllntr 1 per cent of the transac tion. Both of those methods are s > o unpopu lar that Ihoy will moot with a storm of publlo iniilgmUlon when proposed bv the predomination party in con cross. IiicriMHlnj ; llui U'liUlcy Tar. It has been su epos ted that thu tax of ! ) . ) cants pur pal Ion on whisky can Do raised to 91 or fl. 5 , but since the distillers control tbo politics of certain ntnlns they will tiso in a oody and force their representation in con cress to make rebellious opposition. It U being Intimated by controlling democratic spirits here that aomo Important pension legislation mnv bo a result of the threat ened shorlneo In the revenues. The demo crats frankly confess that I hey have not over 13 per cunt of the soldiers' vote- and lit soaio localities not over 'I per cjnt , and it is their Delict that they cat ) , by imikinp heavy reductions iutho pensicii pav- monts , gain moro voters than they would lose , by reducing tno pension list , ns it is Held by thorn that tUero is strong opnoslliori in tbo republican partv to the present heavy pension payments. It has been estimated that the pension payments lor the lic.d yiur ending Juno ; iO , IS',14 , will acgrufirntuiho onor- raous amount of 185,0011,000. The democrats say they can codify the pension laws , , that is , repeal all of these on the statutes und p'iss a single nnd simple one so as to savn at least $100,003UJO a year nnd not do an injustice to any nensloncr would bo accomnllshed by paying a pension of $12 a month to tuoso who were dls iblcd in aclion or the wiaows nf these who lost their lives upon the Held , or of those who were disabled in action and Unvo subsequently died. After nil tnero is a nropondor.inco of opinion that Iho great "saving" will bo from the pensioner's Hit. Claims of tlio South. It is very evident now that there is no use to ticuro on general results ns regards the cabinet , of President , Cleveland. It has boon learned that tba south will onus ? out a man to talie the nlaco which has been , on paner , { Ivcti to Mr ! Ilarntyof Pennsylvania. That mrvn Is Colonel , T. S. Carr. president of Dur ham Blachwell Tobncoo company of Durham N. C. Colouolarr brought Steven son through North Caiollna mid was presi dent of the Cleveland duo iu that state. It is said that ho impended over $ . 'V > ,00 in his ontortainmcnt of ( Jun&ral Stevenson nnd it is known that for several years Colonel Carr bus always Riven liberally to the state and national campaign committees. . North Carolina oolioves that she should Imvo some recognition and the gontlomcn who furnished this Information suy Unit , blio must Imvo It. They also suy that Colonel Ore wsw nppolnlcu by n Mr. Illftck , ft member - bor of the tmt Ion nl committed of the Vouna Men's I ) moi'nUle club If lie U not roeo- Hired by Mr. Cleveland Tin ; 1UT rorro pond out Is Informed there \\lll DO A wall of woi RO up from over nil llm totith. Mr. K. Hosonntor pont tcdav \\nshinc- - ton I ) . U. with friends and ictitinod tonight lo ow tirlt wlioro bo has neon for some ilavs and where he will bo most of thN wceic Colonel All' ' lrbrothcr.forincrh of Omaha , now editor of the Daily Uiobo , Iunmm , N. U , has bean here several d > s iiutii'itlng P H < U < _ _ - - .S I I.I.IKS < > ! ' ( I IT OlilcnsoTrlliiiiio : "Aye ! Tlioro's tlin rub" ' nl'J the rnn o spoi to t,0 ) , i-ilo nf soup. "Awl ron.oolT ! " responded tlin stin- . o Now i Air York * llnr.tldi She You fm-i , t your- jirusonco ? could 1 tiilnK of myi-clf Inyoilf Inillntinno Is .loiiinnl : Wntts Siyou duu't lii'lli'Mi .ill mi'ii mo li.irn unnijy I ollt'ert.ilnly not Sonmiuo born l\\Ins Alrlilsuii niniio : Anyboily Is lir'ivo nlieii ho Kiuins thu people urc I > t > : < uic \\iiNliliwtoii Htir : : Nolsli , tiiilih. I'.iullnn. iiii' > iiH- \ rk hoisu show is not cunIIni'd to tliu i' < | ultu ! 4 u riilni1i ! < lililn | I.i'dKor : Ilin Kluniit Milvn. wini II.IM iii'voi lii > foru bouii west t Mosi'iiw , li to visit l.oniinn , unit Is on thu Klilvu eve of UflKllllllP. Lni I'llrU , . , _ : lii.vtiui Isn't tlmtcldi'k n ! ittln . . . . . . i iiiouiiln't bu surpiUod , It's ,1 Kronen. , OIVK TIUMi * . III ! llltl'lt ) ! > ( II , Tlin ' rholiT.i RITIII h is pn-oil ui hy , 1 hi' gup hm nut tippnnrrili I hu iiiiaietiUtUtli u > iminlto II ns fiiini tlio SOIMIO been r oared. So. whlln arranging thnnhs f irglfl < Thiil fall uu oimr lot , l.nt us iMi'Itlilo minio itraliliiili ) 1 or thliuM tlinl we litiMi mil Indlaiinpntls Jimriul ! lloan-\u fwr do yu/.oalltir unit liirnnleiil fruit * " liuisan lli < oiius slio't ix li ly .N'aniili' . Boo ? I'hl luli'lphlaTltnoi ; As thooystor N on Iho llekPt fnrtoiip. wlnit moro mitnrnl limn thai almost ovi'iylMdy Is Inclined to l.nlfo him ? Nuiv Vorl , llprnld : Tiini Poor uul she U rich and beautiful , but she hat bt Vims' ilaiuv. Jm'Is ! tiiat all nils her ? fcomcb'iily said she hud got the Dolsartii. I'hllndclphi'i I.eiUi'rVliv : hhould I spend my iiuinev fii'i-lvV" iisl.s durlii'tt. Kiglit vou mo. JniniH ; Iho tiiullKt who Is upun liuirdoil o m't do timd worl. . Si just .MIII keep close- listed and yuu'li hold your own I.VV or Till ! M Vltlll MinAIII.K MVIDKN. Ario \ i lit ItfC'inl i. llnrlc , nil yii youths who lo\o us glrU Ami MIIIIU duviiuld iiiini'x us , Thi' Hunt In w hlcli tiuo liivu llrst. whirl * Is. oh ! tin- solar pluvus' ' 1 his liiilplliUliiz gan.-lioii's found In OVPI v human sysiom , \inl llii'ii ) thu whuuls nf I eve go 'round If h idy | you h m > mlssuil 'out' The sol r pit-Mis lies 'jolinv Thu brn istliiiiio of a n.uty : II iioml lobo tlin heart , you Kninv , ( If old. when Minns ni'io heiirty , A I'OSl ( lllAIIlIATKlL'OlllISi : IN ( IKOIIIIIt. .ttil'itt ( o uMllfuii. He's done lieon throujh college an' he's got hlsJ ( j.lilleatlon. I An1 It's snorn to with u blue and yallorsonlil An' now he's glttlu' ready tu enjoy hlK l vueitlon An' thu oio inulo'Mvatln * for him In thu flol'.l With : i 'KCO ! " an' a "whim' ' " An' ; i "git up thai' ! an' ol" He'll ho Jerkin' of the jilow-llnei An' a KWtmtln' In thu roiv ; An' the l.atln ho will spoalc To tlmt die innlr Will he ( ireok. While ho Diirses with I hi ) plnuftookt An' niaKcri hynlat with thuhool TUB MOIHiltX lletunt , The liln il hrnt of old days Wits he who In thu loiiinainoiit Acriilnst u Nhluld Ills llghi lunco sent Anil tousht fur Idlu pruisu. 'J'ho hrro of tin1 prudent diiy Wuars canvas elulhliii ; oicr nil And bravely bouts n liolhnv hall Until his legs nnd luugsglto uny. The''lit had far tlio easier Ills woiiniU woioulinosl always fu\r , The foot ball hero , liliicK ami Dim- , Comes out a much disheveled fright. llul ho who lonrnoyoil got few bnys. IV w lauielHOii his bnnvoro shud Tlui I ) . ill pmyrr fur Ills hiokun huail hoinaui ) great anil vats of pralso. NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. Vanilla Of perfect purity- Lemon Of great strength- Oranfio Economy In their uso. Rosoetc , , Flavor as delicately and deliciously as the fresh fruit. l KCr \ fir sl Mniiur.ictururs anil lEutillerj of Ulottiliij : In tlio World. Suckers Are about the only kind of fish worth while trying ; to catch at this time of the year ; at least flic or-linaiy ; observer would think so ( o sec the many Him flam games resorted to by the average seller of clothing. Our hook is baited with quality ; price takes care of itself. If there is any virtue in quality i , e. garments that will wear as long , look as well and are as goo I as tailored goods -the price cuts but mighty little figure. Our qualities are guaranteed to be the best. You get nothing inferior from us , Overcoats , ulsters , suits , lowest $10 and dif ferent prices up to $35 and $10 , depending on the fabric , finish and style. But the price is for the best on earth. BrowningKing&Co IS.W.Cor 15ti& ! Dougldi S > r